m util w it e i r to w at Reaper , a F pe ann r„ g is r. eff T ec h t e e ' d c b h y an a l m e p fro ly m i a . lag the main wheel by circular sections 'bol. , . tett . to the .rim , of the wheel ; and - bolting the } platform, which has a wheel underneath to sup. port it to the cutter bar. Some of the advantages - obtained by this arrangement; are: First—Rain. _ lug the cutteris.suthciently high for cutting rrain ; iSecond- 7 ,-Lessening the, motion of the knives. wi t h ou t any c h. m ge of gearing, which is very desirable ie cutting grain, as much _ less' motion is required; Third—Reducing: the draft of the machine at least one third ; Four th—Raising the e,ogs of the Zriving_ wheel, thereby , preventing, them being filled with. dirt,' as they ,otherwise ' would be, on-stubble land; Fifth-;.nttlining the. above namd.objects without the leto&thange of any part of the power. The two horse mower is warranted capable of cutting and . spreading from ten to fifteen acres of any kind of gr a ss . ‘ , rs standing or lodged, per day. The . combined _ •Machine is 'warranted capable -of cutting the same. amount of grain per day. ~ . The one-horse mower is warranted capable of cutting two-thirds as much as the two.borse.--,- Athen's Gazette. The Miss Case. Bosrox,, Monday, May 14, 1855. -- Some confusion was caused in• the Hduse this 'afternoon by the expelled Joseph i llfss, of nunnery and Mrs;; Patterson notoriety. He entered the hall and resumed his vacated .sent twice, and' each- time was removed by the Sergeant-at-Arms by orders which passed the House nearly . unanithously. .It is .I:ire -mined hiss acted in this singular manner ender the advice of his counsel. ' • MesSrs.. B. F. 'Butler and Portj. Dean; ,counsel for Hiss in the late investigation, hate published an address denouncing his expulsion fOra the House as arbitrary and done on frivolous pretexts, and intimating that the members of the House feared an im partial development oral! the facts in the THE ALLEGED POST-OFFICE ESEFIS.ZZLEMENT . 'NEtOII.LEA.NS.7..-.The U. S. Court-room, .M r. Com 'ssioner Lusher presiding., was crow ,.ded lief evening with citizens eager to hear the investigation .of the charge preferred against Mr. Postmaster Kendall by Mr. Blair, the Special Agent of the Post-Office Depart : ment. The Attornev-General of the State, Mr. Morse, appeared on' behalf of the Govern and asked for . a continuance of the Ist Monday in May, id order secure the attend ance of two import:tot witnesses, one at, Car rolton. Miss:, and the other, at Memphis, Tenn: Mr. W. -W . :King, for the defendant; ,argued strongly. fora dismissal of the casteor iin mAiate trial, on the ground that the affidavit was too flimsy to justify a detention. Mr. Morse, on replying, was asked by Mr. King. eplehat authority lie superseded the •U. S. District Attorney in re.prefiting the Govern ment. Mr. Morse, replied by reading a letter . ; which, was addressed to .. him by Attorney-Gen eral Caleb Cushing, instructing him to act as counsel for Mr. Blair, the Special - Agent in the prosecution, which letter he permitted to, ..befiled.in evidence, and proceeded to defend' his position vigorously. • Mr. King then insist ed that a - no longer delay than three days be granted, unless .the prosecution would write down their chitges in such form that in "act ion fordamagesor perjury could be iaken. in case of faihkre to convict. The discussion lasted nearly'two hours; which the Commiss ioner ended .by granting the continuants ask ed for, namely, to the Ist Monday in May, .at fiYeo'cloe*in the evening. The . affidav,it . of Mr. Blair, which the Commissioner thought proper to suppress on Monday, sets forth- that the.atliant, Blair ; is.a Special Agent employed by the Post-Office Department • thagtfenn in formation received, he has good reason to . be-: lieve,.aud does verily believe and aver that at some time subsequent to the 14th of June, 1854 a tatter containing. $6OO, which was Mailed by a house in Memphis to the house of Wills, Rawlins dr Co. in this city, .was em bezzled in the Post:office:of thiS city, . by, as he has good reason to believe, the Postmaster' William .G. Kendall, whom he, therefore, charges with the said eiribezzlement. Hon John Slidell is Mr. , Kendall's security, in the sum of s lo , ooo .—New . .Orledni . Delta' April 1 25. , 41, NOTCCE.. . 'he Sus+ co. Teacher's Association will meet at the Methodist. Church, - 'on Gibson Friday,'May - 2,5 th, at 10 A. M. . The public are invited to attend. 10111114 s In Brooklyn, Pa., March 31st, Amos G. BAILEY, Esq., aged 49 years. • By the death of M. Bailey, tho.Univer rabic Society has been deprived of one of its most valuable and efficient members,, and the town of one of its' best citizens. He ,was a man of sound mind, strict Integrity, correct deportment, and possessing the confidence and esteem of a large circle of relatives and friends in all the relations of life. As a hus band, he' was faithful and true—as a father, he was prtident in counsel, affectionate and rind;—as a , iqtristiati, be was Charitable and unpretending in his piety, cherishing for many years a firm faith in the doctrine if universal re'coneiliation: by this faith he lived, and by it he calmly and peacefully died. The sympathies of the large congrega nbn who attended on the funeral services, evinced in what high estithation the deceased was held, and that -a good man had gone from. their Midst. A_ worthy companion and fire children are severely afflicted by i this bereavement, but they are comforted encl.-sus tained by the.hope of a joyful reunion with the spirit of the departed, in fadeless climes of happy - immortality-. Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be conrfdrted.". . - [Poetry °tufted for want of room.j• " ihrfont'Ap . HI 410th, Mr. JAMES ADAMS, aged 76 years. . Nearly thirtv‘yeati since Mr. Adams came from Ashburulam; Ma-s., into this. county fled took' up his abode in Harfcird: Here had gathered the .comforts of arborne, and Aved to see his children settled in life. Mr. Udams was one of our most worthy citizens . ;. niversally beloved and, respected by all classes of soelety. believed he. had, not one enemy, nor is there' one to say he had in Aby way injured them. ,On the mo r n of his . dt cease' he was in usual health and spirits, and 7eut to a san-in-laWa Louse, where. be died inddenif about SundOwn. H e h a d been con tinous for some time. that his stay. could; not belong, mid the summons might come.sad lealy,. yet be 'fait piepared, for he was ,at ilcee in his -0;11i mind, - with the world . and God. His retonins- now rests with -thee v l enerable . and indented in .the l_Tuiversalises4. burying ground , in .Broolavn The Lord comfort and bless the lowly ,mourners who ar leftto weep. ' _ • I, (By request) L --. lin Middletown, Mav 13th, MARY ELMIRA ja tams- I .4_dangliter of Barry Bfrdsetk by his marriage, aged yeirs. = - A.-0. 'W4.IIRF,N. NEW GOODS. R L WEBB in loaw receiving hin Spring. whicli will bo Aiwa low for rash, 7umwe, Milreb 28, 1855 GREAT ATTRACT/614a : . till TIIE UPSON VIL LE X CHA NG*. • TE Stscriber is now receiving a well se. ected r *Himont of Dry Goods, Groceries, T Fish ) ,T artlware, Cr.lekery, Ready-Made Clothing, Hate,l , Bonnets, (a . - FNendid assortment,) NHL% Pithiti, Oils, Dve-Srullir, Yankee Iguanas, in fiat, almost .everything usually called for at a cows. try Sior; including Flour, Salt and 3leal, ill of whict!!,he is desirous of selling for Cash, or any find rir Farmer's . Merchantable Produce,-or on toot! ppinvved Short Credit.- His , friends are most respectfully invited to give him A call and ire Will asatisfY them that the Exchange is Me Place for farajers to trade. The highest price paid, in Cash for latti:i • •J. Upsn-nrillp.. nay I 5; 185. L. MERRIMAN.* • - ' - . To Daffy-Men and Cheese-Makers. undersignMintwerib e t is now prepared X to furnish cheese makers with a• new and improved patent, aeltricting press, which will do up business right; -This press being• self. acting; is - I'4' more Convenient than the old fash ionAJong lever pree's; with weiLThts. For refrer ence, inquire of P.i!Lootnis, C. Loomis, and others who h:eve tt;sed this-new press and tested. its tne..rits. 1 Those ..tro . en will toll you .it is. no humbug. • do pleat4e. call and get one, while you have an opi)ortunitj'. • Montrasci May 14, 185.5 AGIN ITURAL MACHINES J 1 14 • ~. , -EELER'S aw P Tcylebrated fl '' - oecerk• ' nrcslieri rind Sciwtralars, Cca.hin , l ed 'Oreshtrii. and • Cleant, Clore* !fullers, Par. taolel Circufar Crass-,C a i Sart , Mills, recd. Cut. Mrs, Corn ..t hellers, Emery's - new Po rtuble Grat ing Circler' Afills,•Clowl i and Kelsey'l Grain Cradlei, 4-c., &c. ; Peters improved Rice's Fan. fling ,31 1 / 1 , prie6 $2O. All at wholesale " and retail, on very -favorable 'term,. .7- i . • .. . Cheriemachitiq.a had other finfirovements are warranted to be fit' the beSt material and wOrk-. manship, and to op orate as represented. by my. 1 Circulars; or sullject to ho rtAurried within three . motithq; and-the purchase money refunded. I - ^ - I ..r''l take partici/I:tile:ire In making my con t tructs fur canal •fieight and tr:insportation on al: ,:tur.ehines; sio that can:Aland pater charges will rbe unusually light. Itla,•liines for Susqueha is . I county - ma v :; be delivered t..t km. convenient .. - ta- I - • - i Ilion on Er:e.nr Lackawanna Railroad. i i Desitriptivo circulars, and all nt;e6ssary r t information vorieerniiig.all - articl e s sold by Ole. with prices, nril other.imporiant virtivulars, can be had orraPplication to tort by mail, . • 1 . 'To-save' in?frcight, &e., all orders should be .1 forwarded early. '". I i • • R.. X tvELLEs. Aili,sns,.or'Arirt,ra co., Pa., Ma"y 14. 's.s—mourn 4.• Keichuti's illowing - alid Reaping ing Penn'a.— verY few of harmer t i are aware Of thegreat ad.'itnta!re. using a good niowing ma. chine, and as a general tflin,v-; a good inowe. cart Ibe used on - ron:zhir land ;than usually. suppos. 1 ed. • The one Hotie 510.4.cr will work on land somewhat more uneven than the tiro horse mow -ler ih, . from the, fi,et that the cutter bar is shor ter. The two home mailer cuts a swath 4 ft... 8 inches, and the one horse:three feet wide. The. frame's and"cutter bars toallese machines are all • tnadp of Wrought Iron, and every part is made very 4rong and di rattle, and little likely to get. out of-repair. One extra scythe, extra sections and fidget-it, and one wre4b, aio furnished with each machine. • • Price.of Two.-Horse Milker, with extras, $llO - Combined " and The Aper •• 1:25 with 4ransportathin froth Ruffilo. - • Price of-One Horse Mow& wi h . extras, $95 . with transportation from Worester, Mass. The two horse mower ts wa6.nted capable of. cuttitig,, with one good teitn, kom 10 1615 acres of any kind of grass, whetherstanding or lodged, per day ; and the ~ o mbineil Imichiffe capable of cutthig the same number of acres of grain per day. The'one horse mower, with a good horse i -is capable of doing atFout two thirds as much as th 4 two horse mower. .1 ar ' All orders for. the ortibitted Mowers and Reapers should be forwarded tnime by the first of June, and for the mowtirs altime, by. the 15th ; of Jun . e next. .-a!scriptive Clircularstarid all needed ilifrt l rma- 1 tion will be-promptly fdrnished on application by . mail. . Orden. machines early in the suason.l . ;1; . •z it. M. WELLES. Athens, Wadford co., P4T,May 12, '55-20ru2. .1 . Shoriff's;::Sale. ,-, 1' virtue of a-writ of Fi. Fi1.: , i5:6 . 1ed out of the Court of C01201:00fil Netts of:Susquehn - P . tor County. antlytf - me di eeted, I will expose to puhlir ' ' toirrt Mouse i i . Montroe, oni-S.irurday alert tune , at 1 o'clock P. at , . All thateerti in Piece ol situated and being in he town , said County, bounded a. to wit:— , . ~ • 13 , ginning . at a post .stanilinriin the road -lead -ingfrom Montrose to the Pochreton and Great• Bent turnpike ; thence norlh stiventeen degrees, west nineteen•Perclies, to tEpo,:t in the centre of • the road lending: to Lawsvitle ; thence along said road south sfi degrees, we 4 5 perches to a stake and stone in the centre of !laid 'road; thence fif teen perches to the centre or the first mentioned road ;.thenee along said road eieverti' perches to the plhee of beginning, fontiinimi one-third, of an dere more or less, with aPpurtehances, one reamerl!hous e , and all itnnritved • Taken in execution at thit shit of John Wil liams .vs. F. M.- Williams administrator of O. I. Williams, deceased. s .• • - . . F. P. 1104 LISTER, Sheriff. Skerlfr 's nffiet;, 31reirorrke, , May. 15'. 1855. • , , • . • •• Li tt . of ILtiters '. - • RENIA INING in the .:Attantroso Post "O ffi ce, Mav, 16th, 1855. 1 1 Avery E. 8., . • .1 1 0 1 mM.agter, Akin Armstron2, E. S. f r ani-on, William Ailing.. .104 n B. 114411, Miss Margaret Allen, Mrs E: J. , ' , .11e4te, Klntee .. Allen Mrs. Rachel A. Milt,i , r. W. C. Bowman, George ', - 1 1 41:14in, Laurence • . - Bryant. Aaron. - M.alimeF James .. . "I Bissell,. Augustus '.. Mathews, J. 2 - - • Baker, N: • .1 -, O t i sil Geor , ,e W. Brown; MlCtiel • • . Picittriiig. '- Willard Borrows,..Willisto Pro4or, Mrs. Lucy A. Barton. Miss Mary Jane Raynsford. F. ~,,. 13abtioei4 Mrs. Sarah ReiSolds, Nelson 2 . Carter, Thonms *. •• 13"/11'0i, .1 lenrj • COnway,!. Richard Ityad, Mr. ' • Cron, huine ßibs4nerailee, Cati.'nelt. Don:Lida-On, J 1 hn F. Sthith,•ll'aniel .' • - , flrake, Davict i B. ' Stepljens liaryey D. -`. Depue, Tinoihy 2' Sh.do , n, joseph Dotson, S : Mi ' -' • SehVVeitzer, thelxlore. 2 Edsell. Svireoter•i ; Statiii.-20liti. - . --• . ' Eaton • Mitec3tary . Stadtnn, Gurdatt:' 'Flanigan. Mi 112 , 0.018 N. ' on. Mr. Pox. tfra: E. Rtoe n, Conrad' Giffin. Bela 1 - •Shi 1., Catharine 'Goodrich . . M. i IS II items J. A.: k .. . • Grinwoolii, 1.11088! Almira Will aunt. Mrs..Etniley G ls Gavett,:Miss S. ilank'ull Wade, Miss Lydia 2 .- Holley,. Rev.,ll4lr. -• . . Weisinann, Michel 2 Jefferson James N. . WzN 0. Gustav H. Kenny, Jainall . •: ~- WON, - Andrew -- - • KeAllfis - lt, David - Wrighter, Mn. arieita • Kititt, Mini :ffebeeea ': .. , ~. Persons . eating for ;any of -above ters - willpiertstiaar advertjiied. • •• 4 • ':. .i .' .. - A. N BULLARD, 14, IL j )f Montivie, y lit 1055. •- - i ;• - 1 . 0. f..FAR-GO. 20-If. ater, in ful lows, '.NEW STOREIN HARFORD G.• W. SEYMOUR. &CO. - • ESIRE to :all the ettention of the public .I.J to their iiock of NEW VrOtaislS / • - Now irriiing at.' the•old statiJ of S. Srainocn, In the village - of findr.rd. • • OUR GOODS • ARE NEW, hhie - been bought for cash, care-. fully selected, nini will be sold cheap. Give us a call before pnrchssing. Oar stock consists of DRY GOO PS, GROCZRIES. • . • . HARDWARE, • •' • • = . CROCKERY, i -IRON, NAILS', • , &c., &c., A variety as felt as is %tally found in country Stores. G. NV. SIcIIOUR & Co.' HarfoO, May .10, 1855. Now Spring Goods. ET BURRITIT would announce to his friends L• and the public that he is now opening an unusually large Sfoek- of `ram and Smu. atm GOODS, including a great variety of Prints from -lets to Ist per yard: Plain and Printitd Lawns, Barege.iDelaines, Gioghams, Brocade,. Blaelt and Farley, Dress Silks, Silk Dress Tissues . and Bareges, Poplins. &v., &c.: with a superior assortment of Silk, Broehe, CAlintere and lx t Shawls, Matitithis, Parasols, French Lace and Straw and Silk Amulets, Rich Ribbons and How. ers, with a large h•ariety of other staple and 'fun: cy _ _ , .. DRY GOODS 1 Groceries, Cr ., 9cliky. Hardware, Iron and . Nails, Boots and Shoe"K, Ilats and Caps, Carpetinv, Vali. paper, Paitited Wiedow Sht.tles, Floor Oil Cloths, C!ocks. Stoves, Oils and Pints. Ploughs &c.. &c.; in spur",the largest kind of - piles •of rich and cheap Grods, too numerous to mention, but just the thin ; , to purchase, all of which will, he sold at the must reduced- prices and on the mostlfavorable terms for cash, exchine, or ap, proveid credit. i N.B. Salt an Ph - I'lr constantly on hand. New Milford, !tt, ay 5, 1855. , . Great Exhibition in Springville. el-REAT AND RARE' EXIIIIII FIGN OF ‘3l -. FOItEIGNI AND DOMESTIC - : GOODS, of almost every style and quality, such as trill be sure to - pease ana accommodate all classes of, people-=f om the child in the criidle to the old and decrepit; Tllcse goods are bonght on the ,' 1 moist favorkkle tel - ms, and et ill be sold according-) Ir. -- 'I Please give us i n call and. we wilt try to sup- ply all, your wancs in the line of GOODS ev ii , F ! 1 he Riders and Gymnastic Artists. a full!de. kept in a countev «tore. You need no.t. In' t? ; seription of whom will he found in the Ails, tire . New Vork for ank thinz, you want, l)ecansc wit i all belithging. to -the Ili st class of their profession. have them fresh from the cite. I I of both sexes, and nic. known and distinguished . • $l2O PT, JOONS'ON, & CO. ' I .everywhere ss the,- Star q'ronue" of the MI I :C!li S pr; n cvi 1I e. Pa 4 May.B, 185.5.. 1 Stat,;.s. A full Milieiry Brass Kind. nevornprl. __+_-___ _ -------- nits the Exhibitions, and will play durin7 the Small Profiti and Quick . Returns..-1 performanves a varlets of new and fashionable -:- ti SPRING GO * ODS ;....sk. z... 0 Iho ( , imparties will enter town •in ; ~r atia Proiresi.ion! aLoot 10 A. M., and after PRIG r • i ...th - : 1 rou the prineipal streets, proceed to NELSON & 0111 E-C1", ' passim: ta- their Paviition of Exhibition. .. . 1 ....._—. • fIORNEtt Store; Laf,yette Block. Rinelomtno, N. Y., are now: receiving daily their SPRING kinds of - Dry Goods consisting in part.of .' • j Prints,',gerrimatik, Cosheco, Et:dimes Dunnell's and Sprague's; fro4l t3l to -31 a yard. • Shit flg•ti,!caviled and Unbleached, all styles and widths. from skents•to 20 cents. Sheetings and Pillow Case Cotton, all widths • anti prices. Gingham,, Ltheitster, Glasgow, French; &c., from 12 1-2 to 25ut.G3. • .I.kpin's from 10 Xn 13 1-2 cents.. Tit ks from 9to 40 - cents. • . Apron Cherks,• 1 to 20 cents. Silks, Fancy and Plain, a tine as,Aortment of Spring Styles at all prices from 56-1-4 cents to $2,50. 31ouilin de Lane 4, Plain and Figured all wool, and wool and cott n, all prices from 10 to '75 cow yard. --. „ Linnens, the het malCe, cheap Embroideries, I.4ces, Damasks, Curtain 31uslins, &c. &e. , • ShawlS,a splendiassortment of Spring Styles, all prices , also. 31a ti Mins, Dress Trimming, and every 'other. article m their line. Also. Goods fo r '3len't and Boy's Wear, a fine as. sortinent of Kentucky Jeans, Cassiberes, Cloths, DOeskins, &libel ts t i, iSespenders, - &c., &c. Table Linens, Napkins, &c., &c. ' - w - As our goods O have been bought at the late' large sales .al Auction, in New York, we can and .Will sell t lent at very low prices, and we only ask you to give us a call and judge for youaselves ,Bingh4mton, 3tm T AWNS—Prints 1../ molt jubt recci BAREGES,.new Illesiins, all colors;& Printed—Fery low at • C HALICE—PIai VMBROIDERIE.4--Some elrgnnt Setts- of _La Sleeves ilnd colars, very' Oen) at.. - P. , H .. • osiEltx....,3l et i, Boys. Lad(es and Cl;d. dren's HosS add Collars., at N. &P. J)_ , ._ ARASOLS —A Pie asSortment—all prires. Banrge De 1..:i Iris, netk• and elegant designs. ts. some new' inid find patterns at: 4ets.- 31antill3s,*n eletninV assortment, nil prices and •very 1,,w. Dress Tnjl in inzs, sploodid new styles Moire., Antiquc; &ctj, NELSON & PRIEST. flinghanitin sk i, May 16, 1855. =.. . • GENEP6A.' L 'MOTEL . ! • ATuric'E is heielioy given to the Union Hill .1:1 C4mpatiy, an the Suiquelianna Guards, to meet 'at tie Howe of F. F. Badger,- in New Milford, npo r Tuerda the" inli day of 3F. - y, inst., at 9 o'clock, A. M., fpr the purpose .1 . 1)611 and. ImPection, Armed and in Uniform according to' N. B.—The Gene)ial Field and Stair Officers aro requested to attend on 4 tliat day. • . ,- •. i AIA SPICER, Br. In. • . 1 st Brig. Mk Divis. . . • 1 , 'enn'a Militia. '.• - Brig. In.'s Office, Hui - ford, t • M . • - :ty 5, 1855. ! ta..., 19w3. . . . , J. Wittentierg 4: Brother ; . • . H s AY° just reeeiv i ed and are daily receiving a pleudid.as,iOrtipent of Spring and Sum. I liter Dress Goods; sitcli as .Baraz. , S, plain and I satin, striped and plaid Lawns, Organdts,Ba.rage 1 Delaines,.Sillts of-ull l:oiors and figures and at :"..Cew York prices. • ! . ! . • Our st,eck uf sh•dli is well selected, among l which can be fOniel Crape ! Shawl:4, Broche Silk, l'Barame. F ibet, Casiuhere, and Prindet Stmwls. -.A i‘plendid stuck 4- Mantillus of the latest!! styks and at-very lowiprices. - -.• • Our stock of Embroideries iti ticlected with the greatest care and eant(ot fail to give satisfaction. In addition we li:tve a good assortment of Needle work. Window Curtains, at! various prices. ‘Ve also offer t o ! the public at .bargains, Calicoes , bleached and brown 31ustin, a . good asgortinent of Calicoes, Berltickini, Flannel, &c. •• • - Hosiery at very lost ; trices,- such as Stockings I bleached and brown, s ate Color, black and tm.x. ed stockings, a superit r article of raw silk Hoge, also a.Splendid.article if silk Mita, Gloves, Rog er's Kid Gloves...• • .. . We hive also a aplendid assortment of - Bon . . ,stets, Ribbon' , alsqll ases Bonnets, Children's! Fancy Straw Caps an Flats, aEood assortment _ of PariSols. all at a sajall advance above cost. • In addition to all Alit.. wo offer the public ,th e largest add •cheapestatlick of Ready -made Cloth. ing ever offered in Northern Pennsylvania. AL; so a Eenem: assortmee. of Gentlemen's Furnish: ing Goods, sock as Shils, Colarn,Cravats, stOcks,! suspenders, IDr4wers, -and under Garments,,&c. Please try us.—ifisippi ! .ve if you can. i .J. WITTEN RG & BROTHER. . . ,Montrose, April 25, 1 855. - CIUTTA PERPHA PENS—A new article, XJF wißnot corriode ink, .the cheapest in use; forsinde 117 EVAW .pft. Binsima IWO 15: , NELSON & P.RIE 10, 1855. t and Plain, a fine elleap at NELSON & 'PRIESTS. and Printed, light 'colors at & P. - 2 COISPANiF9 ! MEikONECIR &CIACV& 8. B. yowet, PrW r. MYERS & MADIGAN'S Celebrated EQUESTRIAN TROUPE: %Vithout extra Chnrge, lona ing,, two exhibitions in ono. For, One Day Only—After ' noon end Evening. J. M. NIXON, Director olthe • Cmilbined Exhibitions, At MONTROSE.I QT) Sntar dar, May 19th, 18 . 5.5. -• In this exhibitiOn will be found the two greatest Vv. ing Curiosities in the unbind kinzion4 viz :—a Living Gl• RAFFE, And a Living 'RIM NOC4ROS, besides atu I 1 col lection of Other Wild lieastQ, all in the tnostterfeet health and 'condition. The Circthi Troupe consists of the folio% lug acknowledged talent, Clown, ;int :11):crs: Miss Rose Madioan, the fearless. graceful and brilliant can Artist, in. her Matchless Scenes of Equitation. Messrs. T. King. Leltne, W,. Arm strong, 11. P. Madigan; alas. ter noligan, Thompson and Prorr Nixon with his talent. ed Pupils,. in all their nehiev. molts upon horseback, i.. Gymnastics. . The follnwirpr _ rare and beautiful At ituars , .3". l or s e . ! are among the collection be. • `, ''zi-S";'4V ' .', • - ••_.-<•;•.i.•:- • Ion; to tbiti exhibition, 'A .tArtNil/ii . W . ! A Braziilida Tiger, or south ,2,... , ,,,:i„.f t - ... A America() Jaguar, LAY() Afri- ..:;..':•••''''''''''..-'"'-'•-• can - I..ei.p ants, 2 'ti.,American r' .----- 7 ,—; "" - -, Be:!rs, a pair of Engiish deer, ' 1-•%-q_, • -, - .- I n benutifully marked Zebin, a -6 - 4: -- kLO ' 1 PerusTan Lima a White Cam. N . ,%,> I et; .a Kangaroo,—besides a-, :,.. :ll* 1 variety. of the Monkey Tribe, e-- '•, - l 'i • i Parrots, Pelicans, . Bwars. -;•- z--'•c-'''=-- • I Birds of Paradise, S:„c.,S:e. ' . _ i Atlini,sion to seethe Com bined F.:xhibitions,. 26 . cents. ,Chikirtn - nildcr9 years of ag 'ha If inice. Duos open at :2 an,' at 7. Performance to commence at half )ast two anti.quarter to 8. . - ...al - The cliNipment and gen- I - oral outfit of both the Mena;,;. 1 : .. a. erir &'. C;r:•ul troApes, hart., , v f---' .- •-", . t-....., ,,,,. been got tip this season in a y . 5 1,.. style Of elegance arid a pro- s . .„.• fusion of costly tic orations -;:::', . •?.= --. hitherto • *-- -.,_.....-., f' uopreeetiente - 4. , L 7 " . ' - , . Orphan's Coati Sale. PURSUANT .to :in order: of the ti.dd Court, ' will G sold at public sale, .to the .hilrhest andibest bidder: upon the premisem,--all that ci:rtain.lot of htnd. situate is the Borow . b ot. Montrose, in Sistinvhanna county, and lb.unded on the north by . Tnrapilie street : on - the west kr a public strCet.:on the mouth by ;Seth Mitch ell', . S lot. Int/ on tilt. east by Cortnaelf Cusittrfitlt's ipt:- coptainin u about 27 ••perehe l t of hind, late • the estate of Win. Ilenstoek. dec'tl, with the ap ! pkttennnees, three framed building, &e., on Sat_ uiday the 19th day . or maw .next, :it 11 o'clock A. M. AN MAMA lIENSTOCK., Atinerx-of W. 11. Ilenstock, deed. I Montrose, April 25. 18:55 7 17.w1 . • TINE CHANGED. Delaware, Lackass-anna ak W.. R. U. SPRING ARIL ANGULNT ON :and after Thursday, April 19, 1855,the Jail PaSsenger Train Will leave Scranton at 11.50 A. 51. - Due 'at Great , Bend at 2-40, P. Cuntsecting, with the-Dunkirk Express Train west on the N. V. & E. R. R., Retti'rty. will. leave Great Bend on, the arrival of the Dunkirk-Express bound West, (3.20 r.si.) and arrives st Scranton at 6.00. r. The Freight, Accommodation Train, with pass enger car attached, will depart from St'•ranton at 1.00, r. st. , due at Great Bend at 6, connect ing, with the Mail Train bound West, and the Niolt Express Trains bound both East and. West. Returning, will depart from Great Bend at 7.00 a. M. and arrive at Scranton, 1.1:10, A. it. Stages will he in Waiting on. the arrival of Pas senger Trains at Scranton, to convey passengers to Carbondale, Pittston, Wilkes-Barre, Philadel. phia via the Reading- R. R., Easton, and all other intermediate p!Lees._ D. H. DOTTERER, Sup't. Sup't Office, Scranton, • April 19, 185.5: c f.'stf H DISSOLUTION. . THE firm of B.: F. & R ji. Eaton is flaw day; by ointuali consent, dissiolved. -111 prrsms hating book accounts unsetael loak said firth n 4 requosted- to- make immediate payment, by - Note or oiherwise, before the expiration of two monthS from this ,tiate.i The hooks and accounts will re 'main in the hands of B. F. Eaton, who may be round at their former place of business, a na.i; au thorized to settle the - same. "" A- vord to the wise." BEND. P. EATON, . RALPH Harford, April 10 , i855-16u).4 11. EATON. NOTICE. T HE Notes and accounts of the firm of Thay er & Crandal'and IL P. Vrandal are left with Dr. R. Thayer•for''settlementi . Those in debted are requested to make _ immediate pay merit and 'mare aost. • k. P. CHANDAL Montrose, April 2S, 185.1-18tf • . . ' i lies:lov al. .. C. D. Virgil, Dentist, hay removed to a room (A - err. B. Chandler's .store, where it will hips pleasure to see. his friends "as quick as nossible." . C. D. VIRGIL, Residuat Dentist. Montrose, I‘l4 2. 1855. • - ' • • A PANE. LOT or LONDON Twist Double parrrel Guns,Slute do., and extra Fine Rifles, for sale by • . -A. LATIIROP & Co. May 1. , ' • SPRING GOODS. A S.uperior lot jolt . received, and only-offering nt the !wrest cosh prices for approved cred it or Ready pay, by 1• May 1. • ' New Store .- Now Goods. rr HE subscriber. takes- this method of adi-er- - fising te his friends and tint public general ly, that he hay fitted up a store, just across the street from his old quarters; in Brooklyn,- where he iss prepared to • receive eustomers, • and sell them. Goods, at as kip rates p Illy other estah lishment in Susquehanna eounty. sly- mom - wt. tuent is vt•ry large indeed, embracing nearly ev ery article usuallycalled _for in a 4ountry store. As I ntn determined to - do bowiness so as to avoid " bad debts,". whiglirioTonvilite purchasers ari taxed to piy: I can offer superior induee meats to eash.and otherwise prompt paying pat. robs. April 30,-1855 New York Prices!, A RE now being paid hy. A. Lathrop & Co;; to all those who consign their butter and produoi*.te them. They having made arrange.. anent,' are now enabled to send .all kinds of pro. duce to New York and to sell the same at the highest market prices. All those who wish good prices and (puck returns we invite to call upon - • A. LATHit(iP ¢i Co. Montrose, Msy 1, 1858. #‘• e . . • _ . A. LATHROP & Co O.G.- HEMPSTEAD. CASII music AND PIANO ST HORACE WATER, No. 333 Broadway. New York.ll Opposition to Afonopoly—Music - at Ova ay 'reduced Rates. - , .. " - Notwitlistanding the combination of music deal ers to..keep up the prices of non-copyright !Mu sic, against the interest of natirceinaposers,and their team! to extend to Mr. Waters the cottrte sies of the trade, he is making intrni . nse sales— luiiing abundant evidence, that - ho • has pUblic countenance and support, in his opposition to the GREAT Mosoew-E, nod in his efforts to aid !NA. TIVE TALENT, 3411:1 to adopt. the NATIONAL CDR. RENCV. 4 His stock of America - it and EuroPean music is itntuen..-, and the 'catalogue-of his.'own publications i:r one of the largest and kit :Aw ed in.the United States.' . Ile lts . alsei•maide a Oreat Reduction in the prices of PianoS,l.MelOde ons and Musical Instruments of all. kinds. Su. '. pet - if/eloped 6 1-2 octave piarios.for .sqs, $2OO and $225, interior of as good (funlity, anti insttu- ' meats as strong and as durable as thosil - which cost $5OO. Pianos of every 'variety oftyle.'and price up to $lOO, comprising -those ofT s di ff er-1 ent imuntfactories : among them .the cc ebrated 1 modern imprered HoRAcE WATT.Rs' PIA os :and 1 the fi rst premium 2CoLIAN PIANOS of T. Gilbert ! &'Co.'.s Make, (owners of the ..i..;olian p tento--=-1 1 / ,. Second-hand Pianos at great bargains. Prices from $3O to $l5O. 31eloth.sms from Eve differ- i ent manufactories„ including the well known $. i D. & 11. W.. Smith's melodeons, (tuned the e4ual temperament i )the bestrmike in the United States. Prices $45, $75, 8100,-8115, 8125, 8135, !and $l5O. Smith's Double Bank Meliideons, 8200.1 Ecali piani, and melodeon guaranteed. The hest terms to. the trade, schools, 4-c.: 12 1.2 per l ent discount to clergyman and churches. All 'Oiders i promptly attended.to. Music sent to 411 parts l of the country, post-paid,. at. the. - minced rates.l General and seleet catalogues and eichtsiuld of i prices of Pianos forwarded to any address free of charge. _ . ‘: - 1 i_ . Extracts from . testimonials of music Profs sors and Editorials,. concerning,: - . - : I r.- , i • HottAcr. WATERS' MODERN IMPROVED 1 - rANps. • . - NEw YORK, Dec., 12., '54, IIoRAcE WATERS, ESQ., 333 Broaciwail..: ? Dear Sir—Having exatnined.yoor Kane-Fortes from scientifie and appropriate tetits,-..ram ena bled t o forth It s.itistactory judginetit of their merits, and is is with pleasure that I ,ciiti, speak of Them as abtOng the most eclebrafe43-and 'ze. , im proved makes'tof the day. -Pr.? For power, •brilliancy and richness 'Of tone elasticity of touch, and beauty ttf tiiiish,shey will not suffer in comparison with those pf ani:.other manufacturer and those desirous if olitaining a really good PiAno Ferte—one that will prove to equivalent fur their means, will . find , suck a one in sour beautiful instruments. - ' TROMAS.BAKF.II,- IL A..M. Leader of Jullien's- Band and musical Director and Conductor at Niblo's Garden. I For power, brilliancy and rig Mess of kone, Oasticity of 'touch; elegani.e. and •durability of mak”, theV are in advance of any other pianos in the United State., being the result of Jong extli ritmee and a series oi - exp..riments.—.N. Y, ; k etch. Dti- S I The treble, is clear, pure, beautiful, and very melodeons; the bass is deep, rolling and sone rolls; the middle part is itch and r sympathetic, ! and Posses the p,:wer e. of unitinl , the sonnd of each tone, in ade gree but rarely achieviid —HEN R v (7,- WA TioN. • • Yotir instruments'-are a sensible infprovement I.upon !Auterie,m pianos, and- an honor to the ' manufactitrer. There is no!douht bait they mill btx:ippreciated by the public, and nN admir L irs of true merit.—Oscan ComETTAN-r. . For power of tone, depth of baits, and brillian t ey of treble, thgether with accuracy of touch, 'they are equat to any make I am acquainted with anti I cordially rec , onmed them to tilos , / wishing to purclia-:e.—V. C. TAYLOR. Our . friemls will find at Mr. Waters' store the vcry best assortment of music and of pianos to; be found in the United Slates, and we - woe our southern and western friends to give hitd.o call whenever they gO' to New. York.—Graham's Megazine. • • I take,great pleasure in pronouncing them in. .Struments of superior quality, both in tone and touch.—AUGUST Gi.CKEL. We consider thet a worthy of special attention; from the resonant ad exceedingly nuisical tone which .Mr. Waters has succeeded in attaining._ N. Y. Musii.di Times. . . ,• The Horace IV:dere pianos are of- superior tone and elegant Enish.-,-N. Y christian /aqui. rer. ! - Nothing nt.the state Fair disylayed grenter'ex. cellence in any department than the Piano Porte manufactured by-llurace Waters, of this ,city.— CnunctimAN. - • • llbrace Waters' Piano .Fortes are of full, rich, and eves tone, and powerful.--N. Y. alusieal Reririr. • Your new. - Square Pianos, -Sir, are of such a elcarnoki and equality of tone throughout, thait they very. Successfully compete with thevolumi -nous.and expressive Grand Piano.— Vazulertreyde, • The Folitor. of the - Saran nah Sa. vannah, Ga., speaking, of the Piano Fortes ke p t . by Messrs. J. W. Morrell & Co. of that city, says : r . • • "It will be seen that their stook comprises in struments or every grarie - of c•;.cellenre, from the well known manufacturing establishments of Chickering & Son,- Horace Waters. H. 'Worces ter, Nunes C:ark, and Bacon and. Raven. It might will be V. uppasi.d, that in so large a•-c'ol: lectiun there would be sonic very fine instru ments. But there is . one which, for beauty of finish and richness and brillhincy of tone, equals, I if it dots' not excel, anything of the kind, we I have ever s.ern. It is from the establishnient Of Horace Waters. Betitg, constructed of the :best! and most thoronoltly seasoned Material, and bp-, on improYed principles, it is capable of resisting the action - of-every climate, and of standing a long time in t ane. • The keys are of pearl, and the recess- for the finger-board is ialaid with I pearl, the legs are most elaborately .carved, arid the whole instrument finished up in a style of t grent_excellence and beauty:. And yet its chief I !Ara lies in the power brilliancy, and richness of its tone; and the elasticity of its touch." Extraets from Editorials cont : erninge.GLinEnT _COs PREMIUM .2%)LIAN PIANOS. • The ...-Eolian Piano Forte .ia.undoubtedly the most perfect musical instrument human-ingenui ty. has constructed.- Two .instrunients are Bien. dtdin one.. The iEolian is b(ith attached and detached'; so that the Piano may be•played nit!' or without it; or, with one hand the performer: may eiicit the. melodious strains of the 2Eolian, and with the other invoke the harmonies of -the I Piano. The instrument which; in' the evening, incited to the- dance or aided the ;festive song, gives forth, •in the morning, the pealing tunes • which prelude and accompany the solemn hymn Mr. Waters' new rooms are very iniiting.to the lovers of music. But he has nothing in his rooms equal in beauty and completeness to Gil. bert's rEolian . Piano Perte4.—.lf6rrii & 11 illis' Borne Ju drna The variety and beauty of the elleits can only ,be Appreehited by-those who hear these magnifi• cent instruments at Mr. -Wattti's' establishment, —AT. Y. Tribune.; . . . • i I' -The Piano Fortes sent to the Crystal I'Palace from the grtiat music. rooms of Htirace Waters, have been,.proved to be utsuipassed by all others in those qualities which the greatest perforMers most prize —Erening Post: . . The Pianos sold by Mr. Waters are-very pop. ular. The framework is •mettallic and ins. trument• is warranted to standany climate with scarcely Any' need of - Y. Daily l .- tuning.—.'Y . The invention of the netirvoiceos has divested that instrument of its harsher tortes„ sue givenus all the purity and richness of A parlor organ:— Evening Atlas, Albany, • - - ' This admirable instrument is everywhere, praised..Christien RPfiector; Boslon. • The' Xolian Piano - is:now the ebierattraetioti . in all. musical • Circles -- in the Sotitli.Alaborria . • • 'Baptist, Marion. - • ... • Extracts from testirniiiiia/s euneernina; D. rir, IL W. SUITLeN CeLEIMATED - AtatntuAns. In in - article in tltti .Febritari nntaber q> the Reriew, answering . Seine inquiries in - tri:lto temperament crildn' by U g jr., aook-. field, Vt." noticed. a _statement that ,Prince's Melodeons are Wiled in'the equal teniperament. Since that time I have exemineit • nnatber-141 Piffles do Co's l ifele4enitiottth irPselo ' _ . to Out: , temperament have not 2 fotstul One tuned In eqtud teri3peinient. • • The' temperament in the Melodeons of Vance& Co.'ir, manufacture that hare .examinedf-approaehes .nearei±Abn Equal ,thau in th Carhart'&NeedhaMAut it is fir : frem (lust, as any Onotroubled withrit r.ieee ear," T.thint will decide, if they will try the chords of aLd F Sinop in succession..: •-, • A TVNE.iii‘fioul4telrOit : :- . We are very happyto stand corrected on _this point. We made rho statement al hided. Id above on the authority of a profeSsor of masin,-int :Aids city, without having observed in reference to ,it onrSetres—a :thing We very sehdciin. dog .I•Ve hbresinee examined Prince & Co.'s lidi4Odeorui and find "A Tuner" right. Tho'. however, that Si D. & U. W, Smith's AleludeOns, sold'hy she 'Waters, No: 333 Broadway, are tined in the, equal temperament.—..y. ',Messrs. S. D..& W. Smith : rink the first manufacturers - of-the Melodeon in thiVyonai i i7. Their instrnr_nr fi ts are recommended by. the best judg!sits superior in-every respect.-7-PostonC4ii .momitaltit.. ilar There is constantly in 'store wt; this 'es tablishment ten •difi•irent wakes of Piatiria,' arid five different wakes of Melode•.ns..,'' instruthent js gunkrinteed t to give entire satistitetivo, or the purehnse mpney'refun ded. . Persons at i dsstanee Wishing, to puie, base by'forwarding' their. orders, have thel4a wants as well and as cheaply supplied ds though personal ly present. :140 NEW HARDWARE , STORE. PifyFE & _KNOWLTON respectfully eat) the attention of the citizens of Susquehan na comity, to- their _now and extensive 'assort ment of I. • • Hl\-.R.DIN ARE - 1 , Coinpri , k ,, almost every while.tisually kept. in simildr :ta isNments, 'filch they will sell .at such p es as as mita satisfy all who n3:ty: favor them with their patronage:- Their goods Were purchased, at tho lowest inarketi prices - ,- and "ire warranted to be of the best 'quality. Call 'aild examine for Yourselves, it will cost you nothing. We thing all / Will be ecnvineed . that this is the place to buy GOODS CLIEAP—not Cheap Goads. I. - • 1• NI" Itemetaer the place. No.• 10 Lafayette Block, 3 doors east of the Chenangv•Bridiie, Court .Street. Bin,gharnton, N. r.. 3larch 1, 1855. . . RING W YLE%of CARPZTS AND OILCLOTHS • -v . 0W in Store a large stock of new patterns .1.11 of CARPETS from tire recent heavy auc tion sales at algreat reduction" in prices. Bar gains fot purchasers. And such elegant styles that all must be suited. Remember our Carpet: rooms arc on the second fluor'-of our. Crockery and House Furnishing More now being extend. ed -one. hundred feet in depth, making it the must extensive in the Village. ' J. 11. DE PEU. ,Binghinnton, March 15, 1855. Crockery,.Glass-Ware, and House . .r• Furnishing Goods:, • T IL DE FED would call the_ attention.- of efi • purchasers to Ids extensive and Varied stock ofiGOODS for the . spring, trade, consist ' ing ore Very article desired : by housekeepers and I would especially solicit a call from - . those. fur nishing ;mew., As our _attention; is particularly devoted 'to the iciws oc this ela.ss, wr. are, able to furnish !tow. with a complete outfit—and we would advise all to look -through the assortment before purchasing eisewhere. Item - ember DE' PEG keeps Crockery, Looking-Glasses, Carpet- . ing,- Oil• Cloths, Wooden . and Willow' - .:Ware, Spoons, Cutlery,. WindoW-Shades,. Lamps.- Cur. tain Trimmings; China ware, Faney Baskets,Bird Cages, Toys, Japanned and Tin Ware, Feather , Dusters. Geese Feathers,. Mats. Sc:, &c., at the LOWEST PRICES! J. IL. DE FED.' Binghamton, March'ls',.l 855. • .• GREAT BARGAINS DAV Gr 0011 M. W. N. WILSON, CO. R . ETURN their warmest aCknowledgements to their . customers in Susquehanna County for past favor-4, and invite attention to theirstoek . ~ --. Now SprjngGooqi , , , just opened, whiCh they propose : 'to replenish weekly from AUCTION, and the • cheapest - cash Houses in the City.- , „ The stork embraces every variety of .Staple load : Fancy Dry Goods, Yankee . Notion. 'Pr'Pranks,rook :Traveling Bags, .ot which they will bell 'extremely CHEAP for CASH. • . ; • Pedlar* Wand other wholesale buyees will 4iid it greatly to their advantage to give Olen/ a.eell. The Ladies will Fuld an excellent astzortinent. of Dress Goods,Embreideries;Thread Lares, and Triutuiings of all kinds, from AIICTION at very low rates - • " W. N. WILSON, dz.. CO-: Onner of Court and WatprSts.) 4inglronton, N. Y,April 5,1855. C - • Bounty Lauds..; , C ONGRESS haerecently passed an addition .MM Pension law, which extends much wider than the former laws. No one.shoald despair of ,itceivieg a land Warrant who has done :service of any kind either in the. Revolutionary • war ltr since, or has had a husband,. or 'father whO would tie entitled a p_ension if now living,- .TL dersigned has the Law and'alt the kgal t4 , rmsifii obtaining Pensions Under the said wt, lend will promptty obtain any 'applicants Pcusiou who entitled thereto for reasonable -conipensation,,.;.- Your Warrants will bring ready money if rub prefer not to.loaate the land. •° • Now Airanginu .- istl.lt Gr ' e . g . ory' 'sl ' .'. HARD TV.illiE . STORE! - '': -*, •:' ... . i . . W. GitEOPRY 4:. _ iUDSONI, S3irrif,,: - p, ll rp : s6 ha o li ..e n t f r, . , t I *, 1 7 t rr.. ti ( ll l l a ti o ic n t a rd rt i n v e itie rb b ip o il i n e . s se rrptii io :::::,. a I l i - its - various branches, woidd .reipeetfully ii) - -:- / y r ; fortn tiro' poopio : : of Susquehanna Itounty - - thoi:::::. 1 , 411(1 are ;tow- o'pening at Gregorv7ls Old Stand.-:. • 1 opposito the Exehange•llotel, tit doors front : The. ; ICanal, Binghamton. N. '.,.the largest, chea pest;, .v.r..1 best stock of .I•lardWar.o eYer of red in Bing. " ' ll.t‘in7, rnade - art..nteinenti to import - thili".: i -"n.-liMt Got;dssins purchas e t .. h ' -A ri an - di. • I rect-fforn mannfacttrers,(Feyean inl'.wiltSelV . . ' - I etlEAl'Elt than any. other • catablishment. ie... .1 town! Their stock_ ix nods very e*tensive,-.and=, 1. those wishing to pereltase!,are MvitCd t0..Ca11. , - : , —,..._,..... - 1 The follovViint are a poitioe of theit leading sr,. ~.: • New Goods. -. • . , - ' ti,ks, viz :—Tublo• kiiiyes , and , " fors, Tea do.;- -"„ . • , I , I I IIE .91r:bers er ) - itow - reeeit;in,r , . their u 4. , ear% ers, forks and Cteels„ . pen and pectief knives;. . nal supply of Sre.rat; A ABU SnrliE It GCA)ZIS... ii bread and butch , do., hay. and xtrnw dd., %chi: C67lSistill,2 of Dry t;oods. Groeeries, CrocketY. ; ""Q' shears, and razors, britannia, .tea and coffee : - - Ilardware, Paints, 011 s, Dvestiik IDi-6.4 r a i d , tiPts,ailver and kirttannia tea and . table 4spoons, _ wilvee.pfaied, brass;and iron eandleetiOrs,' „ilkiieint.s, Bouts unci Shoe's, Leather; Fish, silver S•ioonS,.Wlalifh4es,"l.ll'elne-oll,;.1 furs and frays, solar lamp s ; lard and -anspended• ' .e,,,4 „ a.,, , all of which . awl , offer .00. ate most 1 . lamps, mmitie.iviri-e ornament -brastrand,..„-irotti..:- - faioraNe terms for cash, • l'roduev . , or air appr v.. 1 n P ili-r() P s ' shovels. and ' ton g s ' ' • ;' ''' -- ' -::-. •' :- Y - ' ed credit. ' . ... , `1 I . Look ihg*G l asseP, and looking glass.:plates, toe ; ..,,.... RENTI.r.y . & RE.ID.. tt,!ot.o.r with a general . assortment off' hottaniteep-_„ . : - -1! •• - - Bforitfose;‘ May 1.1855.-18%4'3. ;- * ' I lo g ' rticks-- - ' • , i -- ; •• Tiousr; TRISIMI.Ndgi' .. . , • .. , ~. .. . ~eon, i stin_ of,lockTa,„ latehes, bolts ; ifiewa, bred !!. nails, butts, patont windoW Spring'; blind - fasten. , it ingi, shatter i-i•rews, and fastening's,' 4:i. - . : ' . - ..^`, !! ._ A zoneral assortmvrit cif . totils'fiirCairietiteriiii ' 2. . hand Joiner& Cabinet and Wagon Makers; Masbnir .: and blacksmiths; consisting" of planes; saw:9 s llam%. rner4,Tttittdiets,-axesod;eis, ehiself;Augers,Auge7 4 :l.-- liitN and• hollow angerscranvittr; Bellewa t Fyiims; .1 ~paretlt drill ntadtine.s,. sied4e - s; stOnn- hamtner4, • • . `brie!: and f , lasteririfr trowels. c-osX.cat,- Mill and .. . . - circulat'saws. .. - - ' - - • ./. - A splendid assortment orStittade and Ilariteits!- s !Maker toOIS and trtrarrdnga. '''. ' --:- '-' * -PA RN11N01'001.9... -;' :' ''• =" • ' -- '-' . consisting -or shove IN ipad,e,.friiks,raltelyteythw ~g rzlq, cradle - 4i hoes,.pielt - tfxes, iron.. bars, grind .z...- I Storolyl&e.: - , . _. - . .; • ... . „,;. , .:,..,, l' ' Also, A ge nts' for \ tho. sale of AVliittemorti . ,.., I Nquii , s & Cm's Afiricitlt oral tools,suuktia Oli,iiiva, - .. ! I hay and straw cutters,ieorn Shellertc 454... :.. --;-. . sole aHd .uPper leather, .. rriorOccii - and ' - :alioe' . -'- 'trimmings, With a geneialnisoitnient or titidyitre. 1 . Wooden ware, - willow. cradles, 'WagOnits 1 and 'baskets of all deseriptions.- . ,',. - -";: - :::-..:'i....... , 1. , .:: -• .;.. Bar iron.anci iiteel, iron - axlearindatei d opting* ... malleablo mstings, 'coach law - tend: tritniniriga ; of ...„; !alt•kinda, paints, oils, sash, 4 1 *petty;lte.i_tril , 4a, f which will le..sold at the lowe st retee.'Plestuti''' ball - and*,exatnitio the stock tor.onrselvee.' 1 Binglianatod,'Sfareh- 1 ,'1855:•' • ' ' - N. NEWTON. 3lontrose, nareh 21, 1855-121 f. 10,000 FEET w lumber lu f u o li t t quire of • - • • 0. G. HE3Int,ITEAD I Bronklyn, . •rll .30, 1855.-18w3. - Disiofution.. • THETMercantile Firm of 'Smith liernpstoad. l has been dissolved by mutual eonsrl4. The notes and accounts- ortiE! same aro in the hands of 01 G. -1 - lompstead for collection. An early Settlement of all lu - re:wages is "positliely required. J. F. SMII`II. 0. G. lIEMPSTEAD, Brooklyn, April .I 6, 1 865.-1 Bw3. 2,000 Milk Pans. subscriber is now Manufacturing ;and prepared to ftirniSh . Dairymen with Milk Pans or!all Sizes, and a better QUality than - ever before-offered in Susqophana County: Our Pais are made from the Donbie Cross we can, nnd will sell them at prices much lewi than you have teen in - the habit of paying for the common: article. You.bave 'only to exatnine "to be convinced. Every Pan Warranted. petted or. no vale: - 1 Terms,. ea4h or.short credit; • • • . J. DICRERNAN, JR. New Milford;. April. 1; 1855. . . New and Cheap Goods- • Tito OUPIIT a!, le* pressure prices my.' will be I) soh' aceoidingly by - U. BURROWS Gibson,. Oct. 11, 1854. Cloths, • CIASAMERES end vestings, a large assort • tnent and at prices lower than we bate stet been enabled to offer them heretofore: - Bay State Sha*ls,-. - - Inglargest . 4* finest, quaity. siid new pat". en* 1/7450 each. U. 11.41 r, Co, A NOTHER-lokot Gold sad Silver Spectacles foy all ages. by - A.J.— EVANS. RTGEANA. Mought.Hume te the Depot-tof 4he M AIVONDZILFUL Dlicovery has recent:: brim .msd• tr. Dr. Clitrtieorthis thy; in the mitt:mut at Conelatair'• Don, Asthma andwil diseases ot the Lung, Irc Wye itDr. • Curtii".Dygeens or ilystan . Vapor . apd SYruP l Wtitti tbisemwmethod Dr. C. - Ims sedatildiing atdkred ones to perfect* liesittb as an evidence ogsrnessiDS* - him knunierable certificates. Speaking of this istairsoant., a physimanredisrter . las evident thatlnbaling—gonstant -17 breathing sa.. itgieetblie,-Aeialag virpdr;that s a , properties wort come la • direct eontact with t ,hrriwbols at the Arial cavitgot the 1 owes, end *has emit wimp , awl Tailed changes proditemistpoilibesnliliett ~ the stomach, and subJecteti to the process of digestiost,... The itygeatraistir latest adttlie drisggietelOie country. • '''''Weth'lterk`Dviteliettes /Cram. 24. - The lobaterfx worts, oti the Wean ureter tbefirea lift*. out the least !neouirentesee•- . ..the best -ttt! the Daly bits% *talkie id to ceaporateibe Aoki. - - II tiudrecte of CASE!, of =RED like- thie ftileirbtotiollf¢t• br named. Otte titekattiztlimeittis - hattetteld nue,..it the ASTLISI.N.of elx pats Oeudinit.: . . Jas. F. Keesberiy.P.ht*ovristaiiiiii, Pa.' I em euted of Hie A511131A o (10 years itgagiamrll Conte' • .. Markarsf—railea ilioogysL.sle. Y. - Mrs. Paat of rte. 3 Marnatend 3r ..:' M. Las tug*l , **, 1 1 l revere ease- of aronelietls 3y this firtssaPk , •-•'-'' ' 4 . My sister has beta eared of A DISTRESSING, COTIGIT sr lievt'i" ) ,7 4 . 4ll Sfandfria. sn3 decided to-ba locatable by byre physicians. She was'eass4 fa 03..31931111 -by 'ability.. IPAI g•S. _ - . J. 1.1. JOltithift,P. - M4Riehrsoiseti i Et. Priee three &Hare a Paearatro.—Rolif, by CURTIN k PRP.. i it INg - k UOYD & PAriAlio- / 4 3 Olisnikels St-t.1.- - Y , '" l 1 Psekages teat feseb e *spier* to toy tort .:ortatt . palroi 1 States for Ten inhere . - - . • _ g• ; . 1 - 1 .B. --Clittin i Bygrans' ' is -the °alai/4'4l4nd :OMIT 1 GMUINE ARTICLE, oil otorror aro 1 ) .14 . i t ai n i tat bs po l m vitt. and- 1N.M711101.18 .eountettefte. - e tai them is los would polstlN - 37y1—Vi' er it 8 ~Adblir. I. f:Cr For We ty Abet Pirroll, Pruitt' • tioOrzoto, Pa...- NEW XORIE ADVERT:ISM:NTS FROM VISICHER 6L SCIIELLA Gentri44dtrrintftg Muse, Appletbp's Buildirtg, - 346 and 338 BrqadwayV _ • . CHARLES g. FOGG, . C ". SIBER FUIiNITURE, Ilisititeade,lifat - tresses, Washstand, Enameled Sets, I.9taa t gas, Chairs, Counterpanes, _ 448 Pearl st.,N. Y. , betweent - • - • l9rn6 51;:dison and Chatting' at„ etre* Gocds, Prench Floweret, ac. CASH - purchasers aro aolicita to: e=amina our stock of ~ - . . , ,STRATVGOODS, French Flowers; &c., ivhiclrwilt befonnd sup"; I; rior to. that of any others imilar City. - hods*? iallabsH We Shall reeeive the - coming sensor, ilex steam- =i . et-5 , 1, and of oor own manufacturer, the-latest, • styles. of Bonnets, French Flowers, j,,.dte..Atte, Which wo offer to case pmchase:ft at poatly re; duped .pricos.•' . . .• i . •-• ICETC,HUM. • • , 64 and 66 ,lohn_street..,-coi. William, 8 : mos. ' J. It C. - Tisefier ; Piane-Poitetlifin - nfactor3r, - tND Ware - Rooth, Nos. 24.3, ,and-_, at. :149 West TWenty-eight street. between 9th and 10th Avenues ' New York. :' Pianos the mid all the best mOdein imprpve4 F ments, made of the best, materials, under tour; own supervision; a written guarantee given watt, every Piano. 3. &. C. F. being practinallaelat::: and manufacturing very largely, can furnish , the • best Pianos, on,lower terms•than cap be furnish ed any, where, and it is decidedly :the-best to buy for cash. Those ;desiring a . good • Piano, - and ore that will stand and wear- well, can't do7.'• botterl than to call on J. &C. Fischttr. 4131139 1 Fairbanks' Platform and Counter ; • Scales. Vi e. , - IRBANKS & Co.- have recently opened' a •spacious Warehouse at 189 Broadway, Near.. 'York, where they . offer, at wholesale and retail. the most complete assortment of Weighing Ap;.; pnratus to be found in the United States. Among the articles otTerred Will • bet found upwards of,: 'seventy different modifications of FAIRBANKS' - SCALES. Also a great variety of Bass - ins, Jwir." .elers', Druggist's GroCers', and other Scales.— Sp rim; Balances, Patent Beams, Tester's Weights and Measares, , HAY and COAL SCA.LES set.ini , ny part *V the country by experienced workmen.' Orders by mail or otherwise will receive atten. • tion. - -` - • • 's • FAIRBANKS. & C0., 1 150-11readway N. York.::: ,12M6 • . Stoie tind-.Yeto Goode; - Carpets Cheaper than ever! . HE t4absiTiber givSs.notice that he has talc::' en the •premiS*', ,No. 394 Hudson- Street, New Yory, where hooll'ers for sale an- elegant.. and choice lot of,oThree-Ply, Ingrain, Veneti. an ' iiiid,Hall Carpctink, Oil Cloths, sta ir rods, Rugs, . Drnegets, etc. - Moat of these goods'have heel ; .' bought auction Tor Cas,h only., And now al,. lout me to,say—ls-Carp'ets were"nnpreeetlentry: high last year; They are about 95' pet cent lower'this year, liner never during, the - thirteen years that I have ,been in business,.havel,known• them selow; '3d, Jost of the old dealera, per.' hapi all, have largi stocks, bought. at last -year's prices; 4th, I Shill ;start with a clean new stock bought at this year's prices .:nth, , expenaer • are very low, see - my Prices for example. 'lngrain; . Carpets, all wool, 3s. 6cLipei yard ;,Double elt, ditto.4s.,Superfine, fis.,Extra;'es.;' Titreplyi, - ditto, 81, and all others at equally !MY - inlet • - -- J. RUGGLES LANDON,' 39 , 1 Hudson St., I (Between Hammersley and Clarkson Streets,. Nt.w,Yd.rk.)—t6m3 , • - . - • • •Noirtet. = , . , .illillOall,Whots this may concern. n o No t a . stsi took accounts of .-Edwi• Tiffany, of .--- ProOktysiihisquehtuino Co., li4vo:heeitiett with the niideriiined for'elkction And 0 011.410,1411114. ilao unsettio.lticcountir TifrAnY 4t , , Stalth; , is - oran such ait_tuvincletiteClit the' either by Note:or hoeletiriobititt,that they will call en the suiseritwar wittionV: A i nti Arrang° the same. ItEUMBN MILES Brookliv; APIV4II