by judicious training and proper cultum,' &testa au, en viable position among the most ineeligent and virtuous of her sex.: ' • There could not be a more appropriate' incr, movie' of the gratitude of those where abe has benefited, than byplacing herin an, insti tution where she could enjoy the advantages' of a through education; where her heart would 'be improved and her intellect cultiva ted, and where she would be taught tbiit in • dispensing happiness-and doing good tci l otb '' ma, is woman's holiest duty and her higheit p r ivilege. It would be a reward infinitely tradscending a pecuniary lenumenitioni: and which would reflect as much honor npob the donor as it would prove of incalcuable bene fit bathe recipient. , EurclTS rnitli.4lNo.—Raise the mind , t o a higher standard, and to a certain extent, the features are compelled to go with itrir Pow . different are tie. feces of even the most stupid Under the influence of pleasnreable excitement or a just 'or generous inditnation . of Wrong. Elevation of the mind Imparts grace and • dignity to form and features., but of all sent iments, benevolence to our fellow men, and, pure, disiotersted love, are the most valuable Ingredients, We defy any womail to relieve a starving family in person, or adMinister i sympathy and consolation in a ffl iction, and look altogether ugly. Observe enthusi tic people in their moments of inspiration— oven ardent lovers ofseience in their descriptions 41 new discovery, orconjeetures.regardii i ig a system and then turn to some inaniMate regular beauty, who listens to them as uortiov. •ed as a statue, mid ask you rselfcandidly witich Ss the real emcence of beauty, the form oftthe .expression. . . . , 1110WRIBLL PlLizricx—A St. Louis editor 'complains that the married men sit in Chirch with their arms wound lovingly around ;their wives, a practice that confuses bachelors; and takes their minds from the contemplation of • • - serious thing . TRANSIENT lons° Man.--Girls beware of transient young men; neverauffer the adtiress. es of a stranger, recollect that a good sttiady farmer boy or mechanic is worth ail the trash in the world ; the allurements of a dan dy.jaik, with a gold chain about his neck, a walking-stick in his paw, some honest- tai lor's coat on his back, and a brainless skull, can never Make up the loss of a kind father's home, good mother's counsel, and the soci ety of brothers and sisters ; their affections' last; while that of such a young man is lost at the wane of the honey moon. - true." Deana of a Political Priest, The Rev. )ohn Moore, pastqr of the Univer salist Society at Concord, New Hamrishire,ara the late know-nothing nominee for Governor, dropped derokin the street on Monday mot ningi supposed to'be from affection of the hear& We hope his recent attempUo serve a.sei ond 'router, will not lose him - the redemption of the first. StNDAT LAW IN BOSTON-THE ALIEN LAW. I , Bosun:.Wednesday, April 18,1855. An order from , ;he Chief of j'olice directs the deicing. on Sunday, of all bar-rooms, barber's shops, newsrtunna, within the limits of the city. _ The resolution in the House, relative to he Alien law, was so amended as to allow t em i to vote and bold o ffi ces after a residenc • of twenty-one years. The Saviour ; Jesus is described by Lentulus. as a tfalsl .weliproportioned man strait in stature,of ly siz feet in height; his hair was the chlor of new wine from the roots to the earr and from thence to the shoulders it curled,and fell down to the lowest part of them; upon the crown of his head it parted in two, after the ,Nazarenes; his forehead was flat and fair &is face was nethet round nor sharp, resem- Ning his mother's, and was adorned with a very g raceful vermillion; his beard was thick and fo rked, and of the colorof his hair, which he wore long, the scizzora having never been used upon his head, nor had the hand of any one touched him exceq that of* his mother, when he was a child ihts neck was not stiff, nor was his carriao4woud, hestooped a little with hie head; his hands were large and spread ing-Auld his arms were very - beautiful; there was an air of- serenity in his countenance, - which attracted at once the love and reverence of ail beholders; in his reproofs he was terrible, and his etortations amiable and courteontr, he was never seen to laugh, but often observ ed to weep, gravity, prudence; meektum, and clemency, were strongly depicted in his coun tenance, and he was considered the handsome est man in' existence. Taiwebees Examines Moan. Lenox, - May Bth, 2P. M. 'Milord; " 9tb, 2 P.ll. Fovea Lake," " 10th, Evening. Middletown, " 11th, 9P. M. Apolscon, " " BP. M. Chocomit, " 12th, OA. M._ Silver Lake, " 3 P. M. WILLARD RICHARDSON, Co. Stsp't Svesquelitaaania Comauty dipricallturati Society. The Society met on Tuesday evening, April 17th, 1835.., Henry Drinker, Esq., President in the chair: The minutes of the last - meet.: ing were read and approved. The resolution; relative - to a citation of the Constitution as respects the election of the Executive Coot - mittee, was 'adopted, as proposed at the last meeting. On motion,Tim s Nicholson was elected a "member of t he Executive Commit .tee for three 'years, Alfred Baldwin for two -yell; and The's Johnson for one year. The meeting. then adjourned. SANUEZA F. CARMALT, Sec'ry. Notice. • A Quartedy Meeti:E ) of the Methodist ,: episcopal Church w il l -bald in Montrose 'on Saturday astd Su y next, (April 28th sad 28th. Services to commence on Sattuday at 2 PM. On Sunday at 101 A. 14- The Bev. Dr. Paddmh, of Binghamton, '4l otrxiate on the occasion. . Modgcsa. April 23, 1855. IIi%MARS. At Rub, April loch , Rev. H. H. Gray, Mr. Vass: Trt.pica; of Forest Lake, Bmq'a cov sad . Xis 111.. tars. IL CLARK, of Le- Brdford Co., Pa.. Last Notice. u. perms" indebted to Nei/ sate or Wok secee4, for loildousetblug, ore betel) , 'Mi lk-41 that they nail call 44 me at Montrose and settle up without 4141 q. Zion - who eegleet tD 'heed Oh soli* and 4404 604 to be swie. !•42 lot tossit, 110 look oat. D. a LIICKOK. **mei Aped 345 L Mgt MISSO tatTll,olli 'FlßEo4l,linershifeheretatoes existing itader the Acme sad of Hawley 4 Hatt is this day Assolred maul 4aassnl . This antei and accounts way be found . laths bawls of C. W. Slott. Thos. indebted to . said ftrin will Please cap inusedistely And setUe the sswe GHQ. IL HAWLEY, (. W. WM: J. Wittenberg" as, Brither UAW just received and are/daily receiving a apiendid saw:Staten% of Spring and Sum. mei`Dress Goods' metres BM". plain and satin, st and Plaid Lawns, Organdie, Bayne Deliinss, pagans% its of all eolors salt figures and at New Yor prices. • ` • ' Our stocitiof shawls is well selected, among w hi li a, can 1,4 found Crape Shavrls, Ikoche Silk, Th u i ge . Thtbet,-Cashmere, sad Prindet Shawls. splendid stock' of Mantillas of the latest styles and at very - low Our stock of Embroideries is selected With the -treaded care and Cannot fail to give satiafaction. In addithni we have a good assortment of Needle work, Window Curtains, at various prices. We also offer; to the public at bargains, Calicoes, bleached and brown Muslin, a via assortment of Calkoes, Bedticking, Flannel, &e. - • Hosiery at very low prices, such as Stockings bleached and brows, slate color, black and mix ed stockings, a superior article ,of raw silk Hose, also a splendid article Crank Mita, Gloves, Rog. er's Rid Gloves. We have also a s plendid assort ment of Boa. nets, Ribbonii, also litigate,' lionnetit,' Children's Fancy Straw Caps and Flats, a good assortment of Parasols, all at a small advance above cost. In addition to all this ire offer the public the lamest and cheapest stock of Ready.rnade Cloth. ing ever offered in Northern Pennsylvania. Al. so a general assortment of Gentlemen's Furnish: ing Goods, such' as Shirts, Colsra,Cravata, stocks, saapenderne Drawers and nnder Garments, &e. Please try ne--diespnrove if you' can. I. WITTENBERG & BRO'VIIER. Montrose, April2s, 1855. ' 2 ComPANtso MENAciatt &C*.crs. B.'llowett, Prtfr. . .. . PtITZ33 Gt. MMHG/a 3 Celebrated EQUESTRIAN r t FRIXPE. Without extra,. chafe, forte , big, two exhibitions in one; For One , 'Dsy Only—After. noon and Evening. I. M. NIXON, Director of. ti ro Combined Exhibitions, At MONTROSE on Satin day, May 19th, 1855., In this exhibition will be found the two gicatest 4 LI; - big Curiositlei in the beim kingdoni, vie:--a Living GI RAFFE, and a Living Rill NOCEROS. besides a full col leetion of other Wild Beasts, all in the most perfect health and condition The areas Troupe consie of the follow hog acknewled*talent, . i Clown; Jim Myers ; Miss Rose. Madigs the' fearless, freil ginceful and brilliant Amen can Artist, in l ier . Matchir Scenes of Equi.atiou. Moisi T . King, Leline,' W. An strong, H. P. Madigan, 11 / ter Madigan, Thompson 1 Profr Nixon-with his tales ed Pupils, in all their :ebb menus upon horseback, and Gymnastics, The &Bowl rare pod- beautiful. Anima are among the collection I longing to this exhibition, 'AL Brazillien Tiger, or soi America° Seguar, two Al can Leopards, 4 N. Amerb i Beari., a pair of English lb ~ a basetifully marked Zebu ;Peruvian Laina,a'WhitoCt `el, a Kao_friiroo,—besider. variety of t ie Monkey Drs Parrots; Pelicans, . Snra ißirds. of Par - Wise, &e., die. Admissioii to see the C( ined Exhibitions, 0 eel •,,, hildren under 9 years of: half price. ',Doors open i and at 7. Performance commence_ at half past ' and quarter, to 8, . l iar The equipment and gi eral outfit of both the Mer Ailk I ' e ar , i erie & Owns -troupes, h ~ '" been got up this season in a • IL style t of elegance and a pro. * -- - II fusion of costly decorations '. ~.. N hithetto unpreeedented. S. . !•,................ The Riders and Gym:mime Artiste, a full de scription of whom will be-found in the Sells, aro all belonging to : the first class of their profession. of both sexes, and,are known and distinguished everywhere as the "Star Troupe" of the United Statec,i, A full • Military Bra.sis Band, wont Oa rilea7the Exhibitions, and will piny during the performences.a variety of new and fashionable mule. 'ffrThe Companies will enter town in grand Procession ! ! about 10 A. "M., and afte r passing through the principal streets, proceed to their P i aviilion of Exhibition. - . Ourpbiases Court ItmSm. PURSUANT an order of the said Coirt, will be 'mid i at public sale, to the highest and best bidder ; upon the premised,.—alt that certain lot 'of land, situate in the Borough of Montrose, if Susquehanna 'county, and bounded on the north by Turnpike street ; on the west bra public street; on the south by Seth Mitch ell'a lot; and on the cast by Cormach Cushman's - lot; containing about 27 perches. - of land, late the estate of Win. flettatock. dec'd, with the ap pu?tenances, three framed building,. ate., on Sat. Imlay the 19th day of May next, at 11 o'clock A, M. ANN MAILIAVENSTOCK, Adm'rx lof W. H. Benstock, dec'd. Montrose, April 25, 1855-17w41 • TIME CHANGED. Oelawaie, Lackawanna Jcliir. , - SPRING ARRANGEMENT N and *after Thursday, April 10, 1855, the O Passenger Train will leave Scranton at 11.50 A. ! Due at Great Bend st 2.40, le. sr. Connecting With the Dunkirk Expels Train west'on the N. Y. &E. R. R., 1 leas Great. Bend on MO arrival of the Dunkirk Express bound West, (320 p.m.) and arrives at Scranton at 6.00, P.' N. The Freight Accommodation Train; w th pas& eager car attached, will depart from Sc nton at 1.00, p. IL, due at Great Bend at 6, P. x.,connect ing with the Mail Train bona West, and the Night Express Trains i*laridtboth East and West. Retundng, *lll depart from Great Bend at 1.00 a. pt. and arrive at Scranton, - .12.20, A. x. Stages will be in waiting on the arrival of Pas senger Thins at Fieranton; to convey passengers to Critto?ndale; Pitotoo, Wilkes-Barre, Philadel. phis via the Reading R. R., Easton, andall other intermediate daces. ' • • - 1). IL DOTTER.ER, Sup't. Sop% Office, Scranton, - April 19;1655. f 25tf DISSOLUTION.. • rrHE firm of B. F. & 8. H. ; Eaton is this day. 1 by mutual consent, dissohred.' AU persons haring book samants snsetded wickaid ftrm are requestsni to Luke immediate payment,* NOM or otherwise, before the ezpitaboa of two months from this date.; The books and accounts will re main in the lutods of B. F. Eaton, Oho may be found at their former place of business, sod se au thorised to bettisthe same. "A word , to the wise." .. BENZ?. EATON. RALPH B. EAT9I4. Harrod, Aprll Stoves! Stormll BURRITT iesiow fame** new assort meet of Moires ineJadingthe meatiopm ter sad improved kinds of Premium, and Elevated Ovsa Cooking Moves, with Parks, Masi and Shop.,stoves, for wood or east, in sm. 'Perim varleq god style which he will sell at the mod reduced pi,ices. Elevated Orel* stoves of new and approved pittems will be sold Ili SIP 1‘ $25, mai other kinds In proportion. Vie stove Pi p UK sheet Iron, stove Tubes, &a. ' New Kord, Opt. 4, l 8 4. " NEW GOOD& 110111" J. WE BS is now receivieg SPrinfl 41 4 GOODS. which will be eoU low for cash - Iliontnew. Ikea 18M. ; - CILIATES pad - 1 °TOY SE ' for ado H. BURRITT. IL/ Now Milford, March 8,1853. i. igth to . *3l , will take piste few moments previous to the open ing of the Circus perforroance. `Levi J. ifortkls • COLOSSAL CIRCUS,' comprising three corn. panics in one;,,Equestrian, Gymnastic and Juven ile. The largest Compahy lathe world. This imuwase Triple Concern will upon enter. ing the tows; make a georgeous procession,in. Producing the splendid Band Chariot drawn 'by eight agsnt caparisoned steeds, and containing Wtn. BLITHE:B National Brass Band. Imme diately in the 'rear will fellow the whole troupe ofchildren on'Lilliputian ponies. WILL EXHIBIT AT MONTROSE, FRIDAY 'APRIL 27TH. - Doors open at 2 and 17, performance half an hour after. ; The Equeetelanlroupeleo_ 'minis** the. follow ng distinguished performers: BIAD'AMOISELLE LOUISE, IA premiere Eipostrienne; et Danseuse De Lun• dre, Paris, Bertha et Vienna. NORTH, The, unequalled and unpproachable principal and Seenie Rider. - " 'HORACE SMITH, The celebmtelftwo Hoyle rrider and 100 Sourer. set thrower. i Mr. A. PaStor, Mr. " Win. Naylor, ," N. Rokers, - "G. Archer. •The Gymnaitic corps embraces Sig. Antonio, the Groat Bunlpoise Artiste, Mons. Isadore, the Pantominamic performer. - MR. JAMES MerARLAND, . The wonderful eight rope Artiste. Mr. T. Mil ler, 31r. A. J. iPerry. The Juvenile concentra tion of Twenty ~ Little Children, in Arenio Nov elties of ineffable magnificence entitled. THE SPANISH BULL FIGHT, Ciudesella, the !forty thierm,, • Aladdin or the WonderfultLamp, cfc.,l in all of which VICTORIA NORTH, - The youthful Equestrienne;• Miss Jennings, El la Mayberry, Master Willie, Master Jennings, and others will ippeat. Mr.ORTTI W,lll-3130 introduce at each perfor aumee h is colt:biota !)anon! Horse.. TAMMAY. The unapproichable tri ck Horse SPOT BEAD. TY, MAO the saziciotts Lilliputian Ponies, Too and Jartair. • thirty Stebbin's Fashion; UnCle Ned, &c. BEN JEIettNINGSTIIE CLONVii, whose wit is infinite, will open his budget of Comiesfities, hit's at popular follies, 'Vagaries,. and Waggaries, Humorous Epenuicities otterry kind. • Montrose, April 19, 1855. 1‘ The . Store. "ETAVING recently voluntarily relinquished 11-tee sale oflLiquors, excepting strictly for medicinal purposes, as a -I(7l3iggiftti— the people , without distinction of party. society, sect or re: ligion, are respectully invited as usual, to call and examine the quality and prices of goods, sad to thereby avail them! elves of any advantage of the market they May thus acquire. ABEL TURRELL l'ontrese, April 19;,1855. . . . - , PielSOllligitilk THE co-partnership - heretnforo existing be tween the inbecribers under the firm tof Johnson &Very be this day diisolced by mutual consent. > C.'B. JOHNSON; ZERAH VERY.: N. B. Personslwishing to settle their acc'ts, can do so calling Upon either of the subscribers, when it is convenlrnt for thetn.l. .1 Harford, April tl, 1855-16 w; 1- SALAMANDER - SATES. E , ‘VANS & W ATSON, - No. 26 South Fvtrin St.,, Philadelphia. . GREAT FIREi CHESTNUT &FIFTH Ste, Friday mornieg, Llecemoer 15th, 1854. Evans & Watson's Salainander &tree triumphant, is they always ere when put to the test - . • ' ''eatiLACIaLPOIA.Dec. 15, 1854. , Messrs Evans dt..! Watson, No. 26 South Fourth Si, Philadelphia. t. Grert.ence : We take winch pleasure in rite °menet/ding your Salamander Safes to Merchants and others In went o f a secure means of prererving their book., papers , ti., from fire, as the one we purchamed from yoniabout seven onths since has, preserved our boob/ and cash in as good a condi tion as they were when put into it, before the great Ere this mon:quit. whith destroyed the en tire block of buildings corner of Chestnut and Fifth streets.. The ',hoee was in use in our office, on the second floor of rear building. from-which place it tell into the cellii'and remained there until the fire Was oat. The i Safe was then removed sad opened in the presence of at !emit 1000 persons, who witnessed the good conditionlot - the contents. .Will you please base the Sofa and Locks repaired as we intend to pat ii in use again. having perfect confidence in its fire;proof qoalities. . ;Yours, Ilea fully, LAC.EY &PHILLIPS. Evans and Watson take pleasure in referring to the following, among, the many niiii,dreds wholutve their safes in use:--17. S. Mint, Philat.; Farmers and Mechanics' Bank. Philada Samuel Allen , Ban.; High Sheriff Phila.; Joh;',N. Esuderson, City Controller; Caleb Cope CO., No. 183 Mar. ket St ; Ricbard.Noiris and Son, Locomotive bail. dem, Ptsilada .; Bancroft and Sellers, Machinists, corner 16th and Jamiw Sm.; Franklin Fire hen rank Co., Phil‘.; PeOn'a Railroad Co., Philada.; Lacy & Phillips, co(ner sth and Minor Streets; ShayVess Bro.. No. 32 south 2d /hi; James, Kent an Santee, No. 147 Korth Third, ~Street ; W. H. Rodman and Sons, No. 51 North 3d St-; Smith„ Williams & Co., No. fl 7 Market SC; J. & B. Orne, No. 185'Cliwitnot , 1 A large assortment of the above Safes always on hand (warranted to stand 10 per, neat: more fire than any Herring's gigs now in tiseL) EVANS & WATSON, also rnanhfacture and (keep for gals, Iron Shatters, boss IDbors and Iron 'Sam, for mak. ing fire-proof Vaults fir Banks, Stores, public and private buildings. Real and LetteriCopyin ' Press. es; Patent Slate Lined Refrigerators, cc. Please give as a call, at No. 26 South Fourth St., delphia.-15y1 . • English Patent Leper. Wittehell. - t"•yrs subscriber has this IP-:- day received, per steam * , C" • 1111 et litactutic,..twiti dozen more of celeb ra ted ENGLISH VERB in plain sod figur .. ' xtra heavy S ilver. Hunt . t Oink Ala 'diffinvat, va rieties. Aislite repototatut of Own macho* is so well established, it is needless to . say- more than to, notice their arrival. t ' I ALFRED J. EVANS., - . No. e l, Odd Fellows Hall, Binghamton, April 4. 1145. 1 , 1 -TEWELAY.—Ifore ;new 'Jewelry, just weir. d'a direst from the rasnefsetarem, ssA -eon. Meting of s fret Me Assortment of bodies sad Gentlemen's Gold finger,ltimm, *Meet Piss, Bar Mops sot floolis, Pat-end Vest Chshar i leides, Keys, Eked*, Pens, etc. -Persons _Persons wiehlng to pr elim* hit / Idterhl *Mel* arli *ore of A. TURRELL. liontrose, April 13, M. I _ , Otruitrtc.. ta tor; for solely -•A. LI EVOir Binshauntos; Nara L - Tea, Tea, Tes; J DiCNERMAN, Jr:, - selling th e b est a Toe to New. Milford. 4. DICK ERLI!AN, JR. April I, Iso. CASS 31V11e 'AND PIANO STORE HORACE WATERS. No. 833 Broadway. New York. Oppotitionto Monopoly—Music at ..Greatty reduced littler., - • Notwithstanding &Combinational' music deal ers to keepip the prices of nomeoPYright um` sic, against the interest of native composers, and their refusal to_ extend to Mr: Waters the comic* aka or the trade, he is making, izstruisse sales— having abundant evidence, that he has public countenance and support, in his opposition to the GENAT Mosoromr, and in his efforts to aid NA. VIZ TALEirp and to adopt the NATIONAL CVO itEncY. His stock of American and European music is iroinew, and thOcatalogue of his own publications is one of Ole Urges( and best select. ed in the United States. He has also made a' Great Reduction in the prides of Pianos, Melode ems and Musical Instruments of all kinds, - Su perior toned 6 1.2 octave pianos for $ll5, $2OO and $225; interior of as good quality, and hods*. wants as strong and as durable as those which cost $5OO. Pianos of every variety of style and price up to $lOO, comprising those of TEX differ: eat manufactories: among them the • relebrated, modern improved floaace Ws.rees' Ptszos an., the first premium /Emus PIANOS of T. Gilbert, & Co.'s make, (owners of the 21.1;)lian patent.)-- Second-hand Pianos at greed bargains. Prices from $4O to $l5O. 'Melodeons from five differ s c at manufacterielt, including_the well-known S. D. & H. W. Smith's melodeons, (tuned the equal temperarnent,)the beet make in the United States. Prices $45, $75,%5100, $ll5, $125, $135, and $l5O. Smith's Double 'Sank Melodeons, $2OO. Eeah piano and melodeon guaranteed. The best terms to the trade, schools, 4v.: 12 1.2 per cent discount to clergyman and. churches. All orders promptly attended to. Music sent to all parts of th e c o untry, post-paid, at the reduced rates. General and select catalogues and schedule of prices of Pianos forwarded to any address free of charge. - . • Extracts . from testimonials of music Profes sors and Editorials, concerning lIORACE WATERS ' MODERN IMPROVED PIANOS. NEW Yong, Dec. 12,'54. HORACE WATER:s; ESQ., 343 Broadway : Dear Sir—Having examined . 'your Piano Fortes from scientific and appropriate tests, I am. ena bled to form a satisfactory judgment of. their Waits, and it is with pleasure that I can speak of them as among the most celebrated and im proved makes of the day. For power, - brilliancy and richness of tone elasticity of touch, and beauty of finial', they will not suffer in comparisOn with those of any other Manufacturer and 'these desirous of obtaining a really good Piano Forte—one' that will prove an equivalent for their means, will find such a . one in your beautiful instruments. ?noses BAKER, IL A. M. Leader of Jnllien 4 s Band and musical Director and. Conductor at Nibto's Garden. 1 For power, brilliancy sad richness of tone, elasticity of touch, elegance and durability of make, they are in advance of any tithe? pianos in the United States, being the result of long expe rience and a series oi experituents.=—N. Y. Dis patch. The treble is clear, pure, beautiful, and very ixieledeoun; the bass is deep, rolling and .Sono. Tons; the middle part is rich and sympathetic, and posses the power of singing; i, e. of uniting the sound of each tone, in ade gree but rarely achieved—llzsav C. iirsrsos. Your instruments area sensible improvement upon American planes, and an honor to the skillful manufacturer. There is no doubt but they will be appreciated by the public, and all admirers of true merit. —OSCAR COMETTANT. For power of tone, depth of bass, and treble. tog,ether with accuracy of touch, , they are equal to any make I am acquainted with and I cordially recommed them to those wishing to purchase.—V. C. Taytoa. -Our friends will find at Mr ..Waters' stoto the very hest assortment of' m Lisle/aid of pianos-to be found in the United State's, and we urge our southern and western friends to give him a crow whenever they go 'to New York.—Graham's Magazine. I .takelreat pleasure in pronouncing them in. atruments of superior quality, both in tone .and toecti..—AttGess Gomm.. We consider theni worthy of special attention, from the resonant and exceedingly musical tone which ktr. Waters hits succeeded in attaining.-- N.- Y. Musical World 4. Timer. The Horace Waters pianos are of superior tone and elegant finisb.--N. Y. Christian Inqui. Kennedy, Vincent, , Carlisle, Wheeler. Nothing at the State Fair displayed greater ex. cellence in any department than the Piano Forte manufactured by Horace Waters, of this city.— CHTMCIIMAN. Horace Waters' Piano Fortes are of full, rich, and even tone, and powerful.—N. Y. Alusicat Review. •Your new Squire Pianos, sir, are of such a clearness and equality of tone throughout; th:it they very auceessfully compete with the volumi nous and expressive Grand Piano.— Vandertreyde. •The Editor of the Savannah Republican; Sa vannah, Ga., speaking of the Piano Fortes kept by Messrs. . I. W. Morrell & _Co. of that . city, . says: "It will be seen that their stitch Comprises aliments of every grade of excellence, from the well known manufactories e&tablishments of Chiekering & Son, Horace Waters. H. Worces. ter, Nnnns and Clark, and Baton and Raven. It might Well be supposed, that in so large a col lection there would be some very fine instru jnents. But there is one which, for beauty of - finish and richness and brilliancy of tone. equals, if it does not excel, anything of the -kind we have ever seen. It is from the establishment of Ilorace Waters. Being constructed of 'the best and most thoroughly seasoned material, and up. on improved principles, it is capable of resisting ' the action of every climate,- and of standing a . long time in tune. The keys are of pearl, and the reiless for the finger-hoard is inlaid with pearl, the legs are most. elaborately caned, and the whole Instrument finished up in a style of great excellence and beauty. And yet its chief merit lies in the power brilliancy, and_ richness of its torso; and the elasticity.of its touch." Extracts from Editorials concerning C. Git.siwr dr.Co's ressutri 2EoLust Mums. The Zolista Piano Forte is undoubtedly the most perfect musical instrument human ingenui ty has constructed. TWo instruments are blen ded in one. The Lollan is both attached sod detzwbed ; so that the Piano may with or without it ; or, with one hand the performer may elicit the melodioris strains, of the .lEolitut, and with the other invoke the harm:Mies of the Piano. The instrument which, in the evening, incited to the dance or, aided the festive song, gives forth, in the morning, the pealing tones which- prelude arid accompany the solemn hymn Mr. Waters' new rooms are very inviting to the lovers of music. But he has nothing in._ his rooms equal in beauty and completeness to Gil. berg's dEolian Piano Fortes.—Morris dt Willis Home Juurnel. The variety and beauty of the effects can only be appreciated by those who hear these magnifi cent instruments at Ur. Waters' establishment. —N. Y. 'Prawn& . The Jgolian Piano Fortes seat to the Crystal Pelees from the great music rooms of Iforace Waters, have been proved to be unsurpassed by -all others in those qualities which the greatest performers most prize —Eresgeg Post. The Pianos sold by Mr. Waters are very pop ular., The framework is mettallic and tho ins trument is warranted to stand any climate 'with scarcely any need of trining.......N. Y. Daily Times The invention of the new voiees has divested that instrument ofite barsher , tones. ane . given'tis all the purity and riehnesa• of a parlor .kibexy, - - _ This admirable. Ingrained is -everywhere pmised.--Ckriatiaa R,ftretos, Spam The &Alan nano is now the chief attraction in all musket eircha in the South.—Alabeute BVigt, Me:lm ' Extraets Bum testimonials OimeerningS. A. . & R. W. Ellerrill CEIABBATim 1111ADIANII. In 'an artiele in tka ?Anoint number of the -Review' #, answering some inquiries in reiptrd to temPerament tnie by . William W. jr., Brook. Vt.,* I noticed a _statement that Prince's Melodeonsare tuned in the equal taniperament. Since that time I have examined a number of Pearce & Co's 3lelode.ops,,Vi itb tpeciel vermin* to the tereperatirent, and have not; round one tuned in:equal.temperatnent.l • The temperament in th e inetedoona of Prince & CO:a , erinufactare that I have examined, approaches :.nearer th e &teal than in these of Carbsrt & Needham, but it Is far from equal, as any one " troubled with 'a niece ear," I think will decide, if theyi will try the chords of F and F Sharp in succession. A Tus Ea, Ponitney, Vt. We are very happy to stand corrected on this point. 'We, made the statement alluded to above on the authority of a professor of muSie in this `city, without having observed in reference to it ourselveti--4 thing . we very seldom do, We hrve since examined Prince & Co.'s lyelodeons and find "A Tuner" right. Tho' . however, that S. D. & 11. W. Smith's Melodeons, sold by Hor. are Widen, No. 333 Broadwav, are !tined in the equal temperament—N. - Y. Musical "?.eriess. Messrs. S. D. & 11. W. Smith rank; as the first mettufacturers,of the -Melodeon in this cOnntry. Their instruments are recommended by the best judges as superior in every respect.--11sstim Corn. mowers/ch. W . There is constantly in store 'at • This es , tablishment ton different makes of Pisaos, and fire different makes •of Melodeons. Or" Each instrument is guaranteed to giie entire satisftwtion, or the purchase money refun ded. • / 1 Persons et a dsstanee wishing to purchase will, by forwarding their orders, have their wants as well and as cheaply supplied as though person:4- ly present. , 1114y1 NEW HARDWARE STORE. • Plillt & KNOWLTON- respectfully call the attention of the citizens of Sesquehan as county, to their new and extensive assort. went of H AR D.W AR E. ; Comprising almost every article usually kept in similar establishments, which they will sell at such prices as must satisfy all wlto may favor them with their patronage. Their gitoils were purchased at thelowest - market Mies", and are ;warranted to be of the best quality. Call and examine for yourseives,lt will cost . yoti - nothing. We think all will bo ecovinced tfillt this is the place to boy GOODS CIL EA k—tqA, Cheap Goods: Remethber the place, No. 10 LaPayette Block, 3 doors east of the Chentingio Bridge, Court Street, Binghamton, N. Y. • March 1, 1855. • •3` Phyfe i o Knowlton I' of to keep constantly on hand's variety of Nails,iron, stoel,,sprin„olt, strels, table and pocket cutlery; butcher, bread, and shoe knives, razors,' shears, scissors, snuffers and trays, coal bads, shOyels and tongs, stair rods, coffee mills, wheel heads, enameled sauce pans and kettles, vices, anvils, smiths' bellows, screw platesodedg_ es, hammers shovels, spades, scoops, chnins,lead pipe, sheet lead, pump chain and fixtuics, straw cutters, corn-shelters, sausage-cutters. metal and weed faucets, horse brushes. Combs; cards, rope, cordage, files, rasps, hells, tacks , brad*, copper rivets and burs, sand-paper, brseem t bitti, angers, gitublets screws, hinges, gate hangingi, curtain fixtures, hooks, staples, bolts, hasps, wood, min. eral and white knobs, mincing -knives,: door. springs, thermometer*, wire, malleable castings, mill, X cut, wood and hand saws, firmei ? Mortise and framing chisels, gouges, wrenches, ; botch screws, levels, saw frames, auger, saw, pl ane eiud chisel' handles, axes, hatchets, axe-helveis brcuih. es, oil stoness. whips, pad, till. chest and door locks, c,astors, sad irons, candle-sticks. trues, hay. knives, glue. glue kettles, l spoons, siddl V r's silk, tassels, &c. &c., and a stock of builders' Hard ware and Carpenters' Tools, unsurpaased for chenpne fp in this section of country. tall and see. Dab% forg et the place, •No. 10, I.4fayette -Block, 3 doors e 'East of the Chenango I Bridge, .Court street. Binghamtcin, March 1, 1855. - SAWS, warranted; at .11 : 1; & IMOWLTON'S. • Binghamton, March 1, 1855.` Administrator'iNoticE4 NOTICE is hereby_ given, that letters; of ad. ministration on the estate . of-Dau'l S. Davi -4son dec'd, late of Spring,vitto tewnship - ,11A% been duly gra,d to _the sub.tcriber,. who re4ides in said township. All persons having claims or demands against the estate of the said deceased, arc hereby requested to present them, duty at tested, to the subscribo without delay. THOS DAVISON, Adm'r. Springville, Hatch 26, 185.5-12w6 sPRING STYLES OF CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. %TOW in Store a large stock of new phtterns .I.ll' of CARPETS from the recent heavy auc. tin,: sales at a great reduction in prices:, Bar gains fuf purchasers. And such elegant stiles that all must be suited. Remember, our .Carpet rooms are on. the second floor of our Crbekery and House Furnishing Store now beinr , extend id. one hundred feet in depth, making it the most extensive in the Village. 1. H. DE PPU. Binghamton, March - 15, 1853, Crockery, Glass-Ware, and 1111Ouse. Furnishing Goods. • 'T M. DE PEU mould call" tho attention of 0 • purchasers to his extensive and varied stock of GOODS for the Spring trade, craist ing of every article desired by housekecpets and would especially'emlicit a call from those fur- A nishin t ,er anew. s our attention is particularly devoted to the UK ti of this Oita, we are able to furnish them wi a complete- outfit—and we would advise all to look through the assortment before purchasing elsewhere. Reniember DE PEU keeps Crockery, Looking-Glasses, Ctirpet. ing, Oil-Cloths, Wooden And. Willow • Wnre, Spoons, Cutlery, Window-Shades, Latnps,,.lCur. tain Trimmings, China ware, Fancy Basketli,Dird Cages, Toys, Japinned and Tin • Ware, Felther Dusters, Geese Feathers,. Mats, &c., dz.c., ni. the 'LOWEST PRICES! • J. H. DE NW. , Binghamton, March 15, 1855 • GREAT BARGAINS :1011 DRY GOODS. xv.'N. WILSON, &:CO. RgTURN their _warmest ocknowledgeMents to their customers in Su uehanna Count for past favors, and invite often on to their stock of New Spring oda, just opened, which they propose' to replCnish weekly froiri AUCTION, and the 'cheapeat 'cash . Houses in the City. , The stock embraces every variety or St i aple end Fancy Dry.. Goods, Yankee Notion, Trunks, Traveling Elm+, 4e. All of which they will sell extremely CHEAP for CASH. Pedlara:and other wholesale buyers will ,find it greatly to their advantage to give thefts a ti t•all. The Ladies will ' fi nd en excellent assort eat of Dress Goods, Embroideries, Thread Laces, and Trimmings of all kinds, from AUCTION at' ,cry low rates. W. N. WILSON, & CO. Coriter of Court and Water Sts. Binghan3ton, N. Y., A pril 5, 1855. - • Bounty Lands. CONGRESS has recently paand an addition al Pension law, which extends much widsr than the former laws. No one should despair of receiving a land - Warrant who hue done service of any kind either in the Revolutionary warier since, or has had a husband, or father who would be entitled to pension if now living. The int. designed has the Law and all the legal henna for Mining Pensicrus under the 'said set, and will ptiv obtain any applicants Pension who. is entitled - thereto for reasonable compensation.— Ybor - Wairante will bring ready money ilyou prefOr not to locate the land. . N. NEWTON. Bloairose, March SI. 1555:4211. PVliidC. Ilium. • THE subscriber harin44ented , will expose to public sale on the prIMILSei in Bridgewator on Monday the 93d inst.; the followlag propor - Oat 4 years old horse, 1 spun Ilfate'bed Mors es, 2 two years old=oolts..l yearling coltoti 'ear lings.-1_ sett Haines', and various ather. articles too nurrieroui to mention. - stuns over $5, six months cif+ it, with interest and approved' satiety. Sate to commence, at ten o'clock A. tlt. S. H. KERR, Ttridiewater, April STAPLE AND FANCY tiOODSI NELSON & PRIEST, BY VERY recent ordeals, are now` prepared to exhibit-a iarge and complete assortment of ' F.ILL cf. WEVTER DRY GOODS,: kw:biding almotst every variety both Foreign and Duturatie, %nimbi for the session. LADIE'S DRESS GOODS. Moriboa, Para:paw. Cuhmeres. Widnes, Prints Ginghams, Merges, Poplins, Silks, Laces, Gloves, Ho m iery, Etc. EMBROIDERIES & WHITE GOODS.. Collars, Lace .Capes, ILmdkercbids, Sleeves, Edgings, Insertings, Flouncing, Dande, henna, Nansook, Cambric, Lawn, tee. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. Blankets, Quilts, Co unterPanes, Toweling, Nap. kin s, Table Cloths, Shirting, Sheeting, Flannel, Ste. &e. &e. These havcall been purt.hased withip the Past few weeks, at the present low prices of imported' fabrics, and it is our Wish to dispose of then at, the same low r.ttes, continuing invariably 4fur ad herenee to the • One Price- System, • Alin, we have'eonsuintly on hand a large stuck of Cloths, Cassicnerea, Sheepagray. .Satinet; Tweeds, Jeahs, ete. SHAWLS, MANTILLAS, ANT) CLOAKS. .Of these first we hive now every variety,lfrom the printed Cashmere or the low priced *etch Plaids to the Super Chainlainh Cashmere Bi,oche. And of the last we intend mall times to bjnble to show a line of either Mantillas, Talmns or Cloaks, at a variety of prices', and as the season ' advances, to keep up with the) change of faihion, making np to , order anything in this way Of the desired coior of Cloth-or Velvet, at a reasonable price ; this wenre the better enabled t 4 do, cis we are about opening the front rooms on the second, I floor, with an exknsive stock of PAMS MHIINERY. Bonnets, Bonnet Trimmings of all kinds, mid. ding Flowers,' Feathers, etc.; Dress and Cloak Trimmings, Ribbons ohillkinds, Velvets, Plush, Embroideries; Laces, Lace Caps, Merino end Silk under garments for ladies—in short all the et cot= eras of an establishment of this kind„.including Dress Making in all its branches. We believe we have been perfectly aucCeastul in procuring persona of experience, ability and taste, to take charge of this department, and In conclusion we can only add, that both they ,and ourselves will endeavor in . all particulars to please our NELSON & PRIEST. Binghamton, Matfit 4,,1855. GREAT BARGAINS! ' NELSON & PRIEST are selling out their entire stoek et IVinter Dry - Guudi regard: less of cost! - Binghamton, Mardi 8, 1855. New Arrangement' at Gregory's HARD WARE STORE? GW. GREGORY & MASON' SMITH, , having formed a co : partnership !or the purpose of conducting the Hardware - business in all ii various branches, would respectfully In : . fornt the. people of Suagnehanis county - that they are now opening .at Gregory's Old Stand, opposite, the Exchange Hotel, 2 doors front the Canal, Binghamton, N. Y., the largest, cheapest, and best stock of Hardware ever uttered in Bbig hamton. • . Having made arrangements to import 'their. English Goods and purchase thei American di rect from manufacturers, they can and will sell CHEAPER than any other es ablishment in town! I Their - sleek is now very ..itensiee, and those wish to purchase are Melted 'to The follovriT,., , are a portion of th4ir leading ar ticles, viz:—Table knives . and forks, Tea do., carvers, forks and steels, pen and Pocket knives, bread and butcher do., liar and siraw do., scis sors, Shears, and razors, Britannia ten : and coffee pots, silver and britannia tea and ! fable spoons, silver plated, brass, and iron candlesticks,_ snuf fers and trays, solar lamps, lard, and suspended lamps, mantle-piece ornaments bass And iron andirons,shovels and tonqs, ' Looking Glasses, and looking glass plates, to gether with a general assortment of housekeep ing artiats. • HOUSE - . eoniisting of rocks, lat Ches, butts, screws, brad nails, bolts, patent window springs, blind fasten ing*, shutter screws, pad' fastenings, &c.„ . _ A leneral assortment of toots -for Carpeeters and Joiners, Cabinet and. Wagon Makers, 3lnsdns. and blacksmiths, censisting of planes, saws, ham mers, hatchets, axes, adzes, chisel 3, augers, anger hitt* and hollow angers, STlVili i Bellows, vices, patent drill machines. sledges.. stone, hammers, 'brick and plastering trowels, cross-cut, mill and Circular saws. _ A splendid assortment of Saddle and Harness' makers' tools and trimmings. • . FARMING TOOLS, consisting of shovels, spades, forks,rskes,seythes, grain cradles, hoes, pick axes, iron bars, grind, stones, &e: Also, Agents for the sale of Whittemore, SquireS & Cos Agricultural tools, - such.wsplowll„ 'hay and straw cutters, corn shelters, &c. • Sole and upper leather, morocco and shoe trimmings, with a general assortment of findings, Wooden ware, willow cradles,\ wagons, 'chairs' and baskets of all desiriptions. . Bar iron and steel, iron axles and steel springs. malleable castings, coach lace and trimmings ckf ill kinds, paints, oils, sash, glass, putty, &c., all of which will be sold at the lowest rates. Plea e call and examine the stock for yourselves. - Binghamt?a,..slareft 1, 1855. Tie Know Nothing Expose. ANY person patronising ;the, at the front upper room of the Store lately occupied by M: C. Tyler; can be 'accoMmodated according to to the Latest fashions, in the best and4ost sp liteyed manner. • My work, is warrated to ft if 'prowl,' .made, Cutting, mending, and in fact every branch of Tailoring done. on the ehortpst notice, and Alta to the Satisfaction of those concerned. l4tf. • J. SAVTTEIL. Glad Idlns% to Old Solaier.s. - BY n late law of Congress, a/lSoldiers.TeaM sterx, and their widows - or minor :children, are entitled to 160 acres Bonet)! Land. Those who have received Warrlntli for - less than 160 acres, are entitled to have an additional 80- or lA , acres Watinat. Those who have been aim. ply mustered into service and paid. get 160 acres of land. I am still engaged in tho 'Bounty Land and Pension agency, at rontrosci, and will 'obtain new warrants for all 'lineal° claimants, free cost or ch4rge of any kind. All other cases mere ly for fees. And I will pay the.• highest market prices in cash for all,Warrantk • lam at Searle's Hotel. and in case of my ala sense at any time, .I).ft. Lathrop, it Esci. County Treasurer, wiii attend ; to my• business. JOHN 'IL DIMOCK. Montrose, 3ferch, 15', 18,55. Wick - AG'3°D laantity fpr dresses, at 81 ett. per Md. t- & Cm- Oet, P. 1854. New and Cheap Goods. , 11010 OUGHT at low pressure prisms and wti be ..1.3 sold sioeordingly . hv • U. BURROWS & Go . Gibson, Get. /1, 3854. • • GASAMERS and testing - a large oissort. meat and st,prieeis lower than ive have 'over been enabled to offei: them heretofore. - Oet. 11. & Co. Ba►p State Shawls. THE Ingrid nizoilisest soa now jai. onus, $7,50 rags. .11. B.& Co.. Ode 11. - Carpets. 4A GOOD italorynOt And - bitilisome very low price.s. a .4t, • A 83 - Day Brass -Cloak, rrIIE inkserlbar ..01*rs for sale a very*npiribr, , J. Cl,t CIC. nev el:instruction, suitable Ifni. Banks, Halls, Churches, &c. Theie elockeneed winding but Once a *nth, and Aro perftv try curate time keepers. -A a.11V1441.. Ain Aamtrin. narck 11!q labei • ° • ' Ifravghl Nome to Dobr of the hliUiotv<: . WOND:Ertlnnt hheoeety has recently been atadVII,T , XL Dr. cart% Ot this' elf 7, in the writ:sent outoortror hoe, Asthma' and all Women of the. Lung. ' We OM " Dr. Curtin" flygosna or Inhaling 'Digests Vivo!, find '- dyrup."' With this new method Dr.. hue Factored many &Meted one to perfect health as an evidence of eighth he has Innumerable eauttlicates. Speaking of the treatment, a phyelciatiremaritst It isevideut that Inhallng--euristaßt ly breathing an serecabie, Stealing vapor,- the medicinal properties must come In dtreet contait with the: whola'ad the Arial cavity ef the lungs, and thus escape the minty as varied changasproduced upon these when Introduced . hate the stomach, and subjected to the process or digestlan„:. The Unease la forests at all the druggists thsotighattf the eel:tatty. Neu York Date/twin NIA The Inhaler is-notts on the breast sander the lin _ not the Nrastinconvenirosco—the heat of the_ body sufficient to rvapmute thelatd. . - • 11 untheds of CASPA of CUaliffilike the fOlloultm benato ed. One Package of Ilyosi.ra bus Oared ste ASTIIMA of shtyears standing. • ' ' • . Jos. F. /Le' stberry, P. M. of Dinteasstots. Pe.. ' I ens cured ache 4111111ffist of IC/years standing , by D:. Curtis' Ilygrana. • • •":••• Marian,' tallest, lirearyit, if. T.. Mrs. Pant or No. 5 IbuconondSs., If; Y., web extol* isf • /mese ease of Bronebetis by the Ityaesna. It • My Aster boo been eased of a DISTTIYSSINO COCOMOIK - ~• several yeas* standing. and decided to be Inoessibletry'rri physicians. She was cured in ONN -MONTI" Isy-• tbit • grans.. . ' • • • 1: Cialitert, P. M.. 'fireweed. Xt. • Pelee three Dollars a Package .— Sold by °rms.& _ K INB. 0011 D PAVL O. Itil ebausberaffit: N. Packages sent free b . express to any put . of, t he tithed States for Ten ['altars. te. R —Castile Weans. is Ole 0111.6INAL and ONLY • . • CIP.NVI4E AtITICf.E.all ottrrei- are base Immitatlons or - vita and INMlRlOUSsealltuterfelts; Shun thane ite - your ' would POISON. • yl—rlsscher & S., Ades,. , D'P' For Sale by Abel Turrell, Druggist, Moutrore, P a NEW YORK AriVERTISEIKENI'S hiON Visscliza &Pcift,z,L'S General,Adurtisirs /louse, Ai:plates Building, 346 : and 348 Broadway,.: . Cash Mlisie and Piano Store OF HOBS.CE _WATERS, . _. , xo. $33 Brooduay,'Nezo York. , Opposition to Monopoly.- ' .1V 24 AT ie at G , reatt,p Reduced Rater: _ ". - • • '.. -.t ITOTWITiISTANDING the combination of 1. 1 1 mnsie dealers t, keep up . the prices of twit . copyright musk, akainet the laterals of retire • composers, and ' their refinial to. extend to , 31r. %%Titters the courtesies of the trade, be is milting ---. intense saliel—htving abundant evidtpee, that hip . • has publie'countenance and support, in his oppo- . sition to great monopoly, and his efforts, to aid - Native Talent, midi°. adopt the National Curren-- ' cy. • Ills stock of Americaeind European mi. - sie is immense, and the catalogue of his own • publications is one or the largest al:latest select- , csi in the .United States. He bas also made a • " - great Reduction in the prices, of Pianos, lifelode. gee and Musicel Instruments,ctfall kinds Str perior toned 6 1.2 octave planes for 4175, $2OO .: - and $325, interior of as good quiality, and dura ble es those that cost 8500; Piainek or every va- ' riety of style - and prices up to $lOOO, comprising ! '... theme of °Ten different manufactories: among them the celebrated "modern improved -Horace Waters' Pianos and the first preuilum: sEeliatt Pianos of T.,Gilbert &Co.'s make. (owners of, , the /Ronan patent;) Second-hand PirrniA et • groat bargains- Prieci froin sto to $l5O. Me- - . todeons from five. different man - ufactories, indu cting the well known - S. I). en. W. Smith's • I melodeons, (tuned the-equal; temperament,) the best made in the: United States. Prices. $45,- $60,15. 8100, 8115, $125, 8135, and $150, .„. Smith's Ruble Bank Melodeons ft2oo. Each • Piano and ' Meiedeon guarantied. The best terms to the intik, sehoole,&e. ; 13'14 per cent. discount to clergymen and c)urehes. All orders..! promptly attended to. • llus sent to rill parts of ! the country, post paid,at the ieduced rates. Gen- • . 1 ern_t and select catelognesand scheduld of prices . o f Pianos forwarded to - any' address free of ' 1 charg.;.-7rr.3., • • '. Straw Goods, Preach Flowers, lte.. (`'l ASH 'purchasers itre•seieited to examine% ki our stock of 1 . ... 5T.R...41r - GO9DS, - French Flowers, &c., which will be found sups. _ rior to that of any - other sitar bowie in this. ,: . City. -. We sall receive the'rerningseason, per steams ens, and of our own tnanutecturer, the iiiteet,-..,.. - 2 , styli* of Bonnets, French Flon ens, &c. - ,44e...i'r.: which we offer to easit purchasers atgntati - 'dueed prices: - • 1 *: ' • , - HOMER & -,ltritiltThis . 6-1 and 66 John* street, cor. William, -8 ' 3 mos. • . saw teak. • J. & C kischer, Piano-Forte Man- ' clattery; '• . -.- _ . 4ND Vare Room, Nos. 243, 245, 247 i and ' !V ;NA. \ West Twenty-eight street,..between - 9th andllOth.Averiaer, New York.' Pianos wittr - the X.r.i i ian, and all the best - medern impriie-. meats, lade. of the best _materials, under our own supervision ; swritten guarantie.given with , ' every P ano. J. &. C. F. being practical mer 4. 1:fil and net Oat:taring, very largely, can-furnish'the . best Pia na, on tower terms than cao be Bullish-. •- ed any *here, and it is decidedty the-best platter. 'to buy for cash; Those desiringa go 4 Piano, - and one :that will stand and wear, welt, can't do botter.than toren On J. &C. Fierier: 43m9 .. 1- Ernlebizrakat Plastfres;as and Cogauler &crates. -;- . . VAIRDANKS,4: Co. - have recently opened .e , l: spacious %Vert:house aklS9 Broadway,..NeW York, where they - offer, at whole Sale and, retail. the nicest complete assortment of-Weighing Ap ,paratns to tie found in the United States. Among the articles 'offerred will be fosad upwards of Severity different modifications of FAIRBANKS' SCALE& Also a great variety of Bassets', Je W. . - eters', Druggist's Grocers', and other' Scales.- - S prin tr.Balaneeri, Patent Vezina, Teister's Weights and Measures, &e:, &c... HAY and COAL- SCALESset in ivy part - of the- country by experienced Workmen: Orders by_mail or otherwise di illieceive atten tton. FAIRBANKS .& C 0.,, 199 , Broadway . N. York. , 12m6 • 1e le Store anti Xeie Goods.' 1 . Carpets Cheaper-than 'ever! ripliE subscribergives reMiee that he has talc ._ en the premises; x'o, 3.94 Hudson Street.- Now York, where he offefor sale an elegant - .• and eheice tot Of Thred.P Y, Ing . rahr, Venetiari t il and Hall Carpeting, Oil Pio me stair rods, Rugs, Dromeis t - etc:. Most of thise goods have beets -..! bought at auction for Caah (only. And now al; - low me to say—let, Carpets were unpreeedently high laet. year ; 2d, - They aro about 35 per tent. lower this year, and never. during the - , thirteen yeara.that f have been, in business, bevel known them so !Ow ; 3d, Most of the old dealers,' per; - haps all, have large stocks _ bought at last fetter) prices; 4th, I shall start with it,eleen new stock bought at this year's prices; sth, „lily' ExPatiace are very liAv, see my Prtees for eituriple. ingrain . Carpets, all w001,.3.a. 6d. per yard ; Double 'Nev. • pit, ditto, 4s,Superfine, 2 ilis, Dttra. 65.; Thro.ply, , ditto, $l, and-all other* at equatty low rates. J. EUGGLES LANDON, 394 Hudson St.; ' (Illetween Manner:4y and Clarkson .Streets.: NewiYork,)--t 5m3 1 ' • . .._...--..._....... • . 2,000 Milk 'Pans. j • • .rINIr ettbseriker Is. now Itlauufaetunng and prepared .to furniit Dairymen with . Illilk Pans or all Size', and a better Quality than ever . before offered in Susquchatut County. • Our Papa- , Papa are 'Made from the best. Double Cross Tittial* ' we can, and Will sea them at prices malt - Amy . ' than you have been in the habit of paying coi",thrt :corn:non article. Yon have only , to examillit_tir.' be convinced. Every . Pan 'Warranted perfect lei - no rale. Terms, cash or short eredit. 1 1, 3. DICK ERHAN,rIII.: New ItitflYrd, April 1, 1'855. ' • -' : - TveryONG and Squaro * .Wool, - broths and Silk. 4 handsome style's, and at extventeli iovf . price:e. Oct* n. NW BOOKS. ANEW . . .4,IEW suppy of Books j ust_ re- = celved this day 14. the " Poet (MeV Web- sier's RoysliDetavo Dietionary, Unabridged sod rafisod'do. i lDr. Adoisn'ClorrsVonlai o o4 l 3 the NOW Tiatammt." Albert Banles NOtes4i n do.. life ot lose lifter. bY t;bilislit4P; l4 o4 Ida' May, a bapital boo ;Ituth Hill. , th e , b e " book ever written by rium i Peitl 'M' court ship and its coneelreArs , 7 ritlv IfOok by penry Wiltolt; ThirlEltiltit.Wiappi ne k e p lab ,. fined and explained, Stisddatillii'ready vira tmer.4 salual:kle Book !diner's' Domestic Polity* Book, Scrap Books, Rccoip ooks, Note Books, fte..? all of which 'wilt be Sold at the lowest, cosi,- Prkult N. BULLARD. - Molt - Ose - 4 reb , 6; lan fr