Voutrose : Pentoi.tit, I- THE LAp4SIE4T CI&CULATION'III trOrTHERS re.tss'A. lIASE ik J. 13. Afec9LLUM, Ecorrons ALVIN DA 1, Publisher. - outrpse, Thursday', A tor..-26, 1 r ISM. swelling House to Rent. ening house that will. neotnmodate a roily, with a garden and barn attach be rented on' very , reasonable terms. her information inquire at this office. ed, wil WANTED - - • is office any and all kinds of proris ch as Apples," Potatoes. limns, Eggs. Maple Sugar:: Corn, &C., tte4 for which hest market , Wee . will be paid. • willsupply ;Our wants immediately. 1011 S, s Butter the bi ?iOTICE. I • rsons-who may be entitleato 13outity uder the late act of Congresa,•fean get plieatiOn to this ofliee.• Our charge the bruit - less will be trifling. - Wood: Wood': I AU I Land ti it by a for doi Will not some of our subseribers bring us some: more wood Wore they go about their spring'. work f- Do let us have it! In an article last week on the Boi -1 ection, the word "subscription" in rty-sizth line from the bottom, should ough e the thi akalion:" ". T. B. Peterson; No. 102 Chestnut at. .Iphia has in Press and will pnhlish . on /v, May sth, " Tle . c Alissing -Bride" lA . , T.): E. N. Southwortb, author of " The ress,"" The wife's Victory," &c. Mrs. oth has, won an, variable reputation . pen, and is justly recnrded as "one Lost original and talented cf living female Writers." ' Thework will bilssued in neat style, and .will doubtless meet with:an extensive sale.— It. will b i e furnished "complete in cae large volume,seatly round in cloth, for'One Dollar and Tioenig Fie cents; or in tz.:::: volumes, paper: - cO l vcr, for One Jiellar.7 From Europe.; • The steamer Nashville hal arrived since our last, but the news is not ve,:y . important Some however are sanguine that' Peace 'will soon foldhts white wings over Europe. The . . leadingflesh Journals arc endeavoring -to. satisfy the people that the Allies would.suf .l fer nothing in their military prowess and 1 pride, in . e opinion of the world,: should ill 1 they con nt to a peace without the down fall . of Seastopol. This .is much like Whist . .. , ; ill fr , to keep their. courage up. . _ Some .ard which both sides claimed the victory. , It is fighting bad taken place; in: is very evident that " the'old Russian Bear" is not soon to be humbled. The peace confer ence at Vienna . has adjourned : for a short time, ailei. having agreed to two points of the. , negotiation. The third point is the must dif ficult, but we FilOtilid . not be surprised to learn et its icceptan i ce by the Allies when the' con -fere:ice shall again meet. .: _ _ _ Philadti Satutd2l Mrs. E. Lost J 1 Sonthw i with he of the n IMr: Riss Resigned. ,;:712e. Tribune of the 24th inst. says: • "TheiotoriOus Hiss yesterday resigned his Seat in this Massachusetts House of Reprewn tatives." , , It is well that Mr'. Hiss has sense enough to volnntarilS , resign a position he has disgraced. -Probably there are some things connected with that *unery-investigation that he would "k• prefer sho ee illd remain secrete. The poiition of, the ma? in the Legislature must have be. come very unpleasant. He had excited a feelibg of disgust toirards himself,' by his re puted lawless conduct at the Seminary, and is doubtl happy to creep out of his public . 7 position. His resignation is an act of corn ; nion sense. - /Urje. have received the continuation of Ned Lopeks Journal, and* will appear next week. Ned did ; not receive the Democrat for the reason that be either did not send us his real name. or - else we lost it, and we the4ore did not how to whom to scud it. We kept back theiiiiblication thinking we should hear from him: bout it, and finally we published it., and learned a day dr two afterwards that he was at home. Is not Ned satisfied now Forest Lake, April 21,185.5\ . . . - Messrs. Editors,: ‘ . t. . • _ When the Know-Nothings put their hands on theliooci , .old moral . Law to take the . big oatla,44rould advise them to open'tbat holy - volume - and read the law of olden time. . • • . , "LevitiCns 70th chap. 3d and 4t h verses. And if a strover sojourn with theeein your land ye shall not vex him. Bet th*stranger that dwelleth with you . - Abell he natO you as one born among you,, and tkim shalt love him as thyself; for ye - , were strangers in the land of Egypt. Exodus 23d chap. 9th. verse. Also ' th ou. _ . i ' . shalt nl oppr ess a stranger, for ye knOw the heart of a Stranger, seeing ye were . strangers . 'in the land' of Egypt._ . . ='' By reference to the 20th chapter of so .. ' Ana, preceding the above quotations, it - w'l ki be seen that they . ate the commandments C God to ..hi people, for . his people were once " strattget i in the-land Of Egypt. Wens - not our lathers lance gravers in this land. Let se reflect: ' •-, . . Weise beta Association. The Sus+ CO. Teachers AtecCiationmet the•Metnedst Church in New Milford ,tit urdity 'March 7th. . Association was called to order by rProf. w. R.ichardson and Rer. H. O, bun g was chosen Chlirmsn pro. teat. ' Rev. M. Thompson - opened the exercises 'wi th prayer. H - 'The folloiwing resolution was then dis Cus sed by Prof:Richards& W. Walker Wm. . H. Bedell: Rev.- Mr. Thompson and 8.. F. Tewksbury, Res.. That webelieve more benefit might be derired.froin tie use of the Intellectual than the Pieties! arithmetic, in common sehoolts,--adopted. The subje4t of ,corporeal renniihment was iliscassed byll. W. Walker P4..Riehardiou B. F. Teat , ry. STANLEY TURRELL ~ It was then unanimously Resolved. That we deem it highly important, that examina tions be held atzthe close of wheels, and that Parents - should he presenk - The time and place of holding the nst meet ing was then cottidered, and it was decided that-when we *lleum, we atjonrkto meet' at the MethoclistiChurch in. Renick on This day May third, at: ten o'clock A. M. ' A, vote of thanks was given to the Trus tees.. of the Chuvidt for "the' use of the build. I, ing during the session of the ;Association.— ]On motioti. adjottrned. • 1. A. J.Gstaimos,Seciy. The Work oh. the 'Capitol at• Wash. • lusteu....The sew 11.1britrp...A True Fresco- Piatnt/uii. • WiL'Atunroiog,.MAitc4., 1855. Strolling along Pennsylvania .Avenue, Are perceived, , during the occasiiimal intervals, of dust clouds the Capitolusually the first object'of attraction to the, stranger, which, under the masterly direction Of. Thomas LT: Walter(the*A . .rebitect bf the Clirard College,) is designed to be.tt lasting monument as well to his talent as t::411e handiwotk• . of American mechanics: • Seated upon an eminence-s-vieing in this respect with' the Eternal City,-,this structure, even in its unfinished condition, cannot fail, .from its.cominanding and imposing appear ance, to create in the minds of all-,aye,eyen of fanatics of theS"Orth and South—thoughts of the vastness and beauty of that galaxy of stars whose noble institutions, for selfish in terests, have so been tampered with, thAt the ball long since vomited forth,, having accu- L ululated in its course the most deadly as-• phasis, at no distant day, threatens at its ex ; plosion, to stifle the dignified and deliberate , but. sluggish will of true Americanism.-- I 'The Union one and inseperable, now and Iforever," are' the . imperishable svords of a great mind—may the Union last as long as the Capita, shall •be my prayer to a nierci- I ful Grel, the '' Author and giver of every good and perfeet i g .2' t: l' ~,I • .1' The' haimony of the terraced grounds, ornamented I with sarts,and beautiful shrub bery, is harshly broken by a miserable wood en, - would-be Gothic 'box, used as a .gate keeper's lodge, ferturiately nearly concealed from vie's. until witliii , i the enclosure, then impudently confronting the loverof the beau tiful S the aforesaid boi being at the entrance most commonly' Used, ias it is an additional distance of one htindred yards to the Princi= pal gate Way, having