The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, April 12, 1855, Image 4

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    jtoutrost giemorrat\
E. B. CHASE & J. B: MuCOLLUNI, Ennou.s
ALT ill 1) . 41V, Publisher..
Montrose, Teursday; Apr. 21, 1555.
No God,
folloai verses by that'. sweetest of
AR-Orient p oetesses, Mrs. Lydia. Huntley
oOley, su,og,4ted by the: words in the 14th
Psalm-of D.tvid. "The fool bath said in-his heart
there is no Ged," ie one of the finest things in the
-language : `• ;- . • • •
No God ! No God r The simplest flower
./ That oni the wild is. found, . - • *-
:'shrinks, - a i iit drinks Its cup of ew,
And trebles at the sound :
,u-ho Go 1 1 -7,astomshed Echo 'cries
From out her cavern •hour,
And every :w4ndering, bird that flies • •
. Reproves the Atheist-lord.' • •
The solemn forest lifts its head,.
The Althighty to proalim, -
'The brooklet, on its crystal urn,
-Toth leap to grave his name.'
Ho* swells the deep and vengeful saa,
- Alonghis billowy track,
• The red 11!sovius apes his mouth • -
' To hurl the falsehood back.
The palra-tree, with its princely crest,
The coeOa's leafy shade, •
The - bread:;fruit bending to its lord,.
jn you far island glade.; \
The winged seeds, that, borne. by winds,
The roving sparrowsfeed, \
The melon, on the desert sands •
Codex' the seorner's .e reed. • . .
" ro God r .With indignation high
. The fervent Sun is stirr'd,
And the Pale Won turns p.sler. still, - •
At such nn impions - word :
Mid from their burning thrones, the Stan
Look diocn with an'ry, eye, ;
That thus worm of dust sho \ i!ld `mock
Eternal majesty..
Youbg meU,la word. We want to tell you
when you - should take your hat and - be\ off.—
And mind What . we offer. lt. is when you are
• asked out to take a drink— Who% you find
out you are Oourti ng a n extravagantior sloven
ly girl.
When you find yourself in doubtful company.
When yOu discover that - ;•our expenses run
ahead of your income.
• When you are abusing': the confidence of
your friends. `
When you:think you are aireat deal wiser
than older nd more experienced people 'than
.- When y u feet like netting trusted fora new
• Suit of clothes becauie you have no rnotierto
pay for thein, -•
, When•y4u wait upon a lady just for the fun
of it. .
When y,ck aroimaking a noise in a priXting•
office.- I
When y,U 'don't do your duty. -
• —These ar l e' the three great levers that govern
the world. Without thein..thebottora would
fall out, and society would become a. 'chaos
again. The Press makes pcople•patriotie i .the.
- 1 pulpit religious, but- women sway all things.
• • • There would be no going to -church if there
were no g ills there,. neither would there •be
any goin g war were - the soldiers to • meet
• - with •tto applause tart from the' ntasculincs.—
Without the. sunshine shed by women, the
rose of atiection would never grow, nor the
'flowers of i!logitence germinate. • In short,-she
is -ihe - engilne of life, the great motive 'power
' of love, . valor and civillizatiou. In proof of
• this; truth' in all Lisfory speak-s.trernpet-lotid.
It understood that the scarlet degree
binds the 1 snow-Nothing who take it, to
note. the.tiavery question—North and South
—and vote fir every .cmididate.put in nomi
nation by the regular secrq machinery.
ritor Wils. l on has proved that: he has taken
this red degree. What a . poor soul a citizen
.;; j ibrthis free country must have, to .shaekel
-.himself with such Jesuit oaths! flow intense
ly that old parts hack must love. officer, and
distinction,,who swallows all his previous dee
larations, acknowledges himself a political
knave, and 'rivals the clown of the tinjp the
agility with' which he can- turn somersets to
obtain votes ! Certainly some of the members
of the seeret.order must dispise some of the
political traders whom they help to elevate.
—.Boston Poet.
rir Gentlemen of the medical profevion
in some parts of the country, are now
Early called "Snipes;" fsom the uneortsciona
ble-len\rth of their bills.
itgr r*inc Fern has, realized $15,000 as
her portion of the profits on the sale of. Ruth
jt -- 0" Mother, this bool. tells about tile' an
gry wav sof the.Foueau: Now, what males
the ocea get ro:gry " Because it has been
crossed often, my son."
hatis wolvan's sutest guardian an- ,
1 . •
difference. ' - 1. Tavern Stand for 14nt. •
TIII; subscribers are enzagedliri,the erection
of ..tNew,•Large and Commodious Tavern-.
tiodse M Wavely, Wayne County Penn'a: in'be ready for a-tenant bf - about the first
day of June next, and LOcated lit a thriving vil
lage, and in the ;midst c:f a large• agri'cullural
district—on the principal roads or travel—and
connecting with thi.Abington Station of the
Del:, 1..• W. Railroad,. ten miles North of
Seranton - ; the QlN:up:l4mq rely upon a safe, in
creasing and-valuis.e busine , ,N. The house gill
be under - license and kept sirictly upon Temper
ance PriMiples. We invite responsible prop-.
sals from persons who would take the stand for
one or more veers, .as shall . be agreed. Term '
reasonable-4M a
_first-class hotel its expect( o
be kept by' the proprietor. Apply 'pCrsona y or
by. letter, io .Andre,v Bedford and :fehn . Fell,
Committee. -;‘, • - , ,
March 'l3, 18155.1;.. -13-4 w.
g el? I
Dry oods mid Carpets at- Cost.
111-IAM &BENNETT have on hand a
arge and well selected stock of Foreign
and Do edtic Dry Goods and Carpets, embra
ding al Loot every article in the Dry Good's line •
ever bm ght into the market in view of the short
crop Of ugh- on hard, we have concluded, to
offer then for sixty days from this date at VOL
Those Persons to whom we have formerly sold
Goods-Will at once see that this is a rare oppor
tunity and . one which should be embraced im
'- mediatelv. To those who have never faveredus
with a call we would day try as once and you
will-be Fonvinced that this bt the place to pur
chase Dry Goods and,Carpets. Our Stock is al
ways replete with faalonable and season: Ale
Goidds and are deterntinedi ) keep as good asva
- viety aslcun be found in this section of the -coun
try, and sell at prices which- cannot fail to
please. i
Bing‘tamton, Jan 30,1855. •
ANE'W supply of valnable Books just re
ceived this day at the " Post Office, , Web
ster's Royal Octavo Dictionary, Unabridged and
rerised:do., Dr. Adam - Clark's Coranientary non
the New Testament, Albert — Barne's Notes on
do.. lifelof Jamie T. Hopper, by L. - Mariah Chil
Ida May, a capita' book ; Rath Hall, the st
book 7r written by Fanny Fern; "My ourt
ship an its consequences., a new book stout,
by fiery"! Wikott; Tee Spirit Wrappings exam
inectrui-expluined, Stoddard's ready/reckoner, a
valuable Book; Miner's Dameiti, Poultry Book;
Scrap Books. Receipt Books, Note Books, &c.,
all of *bleb will be sold at'the lowest cash
price; =" ' A. N. BULLARD.
Montrose, Feb. 6; 1855. - - _
GMAINS—A ktold Fob awl
%Jr =••,t Chains, now patterns this day reeeir.
ed, by . - ' . A. !. EVAN'S.
Bi .amttit4 Xamb 15., • -•
ii A .
s el ' PERCIL4, PENS—A. new .artiele,
w 7 .
1 s .orrode in ink, the - . et pest Pie'
in use, or sale, , A. /. EVAN,S.
Bing ratan, Mare ''.. . ~ • .
.. • ,
. .. . ,
Sheriff. aF. ao. ,
- t -
r -
By ;lancet -a writ .of Ft. Fa. ififtliid out of the Court, of
Conanon Pleas on? asanebannis:t;ounty.and to me - 41-
!erred, I will expose to public , sale;at the Coda House
inJiontrese, on- Suturally She Ifttl, day of April vent,
at 1 o'clock P. Nt.«.;
All that certain pee pleee OftiarCel of land,sitw4d
in the township of Ilatilird in 'said county., boun
ded and described ns . follows, to "wit: On the
north by lands of Collies I'eck, on the cas.t hy
lands of E. - C, &J. C.llarding, south by -..
Allen and A. 31. Harding, and . West by Elias
tianiirlg, containing 80'nercs, more or less, - with
the appurtenances and improvettients, 1 tirade&
house and barn and 3 orchards and about ',/R)
acres improved. . ' •
Taken in execution at thti snit of Zerah•VOy
vs. Wheaton C. Barnet. 1
~ , •
ALSO—By virtue of a Writ of Yen. .Ex.. All,
that certain piece or . pareellof 'land situated .a,ndi
being, in the township of Auburn- in s:fid county,'
bounded and described as fellOws, to wit : On
the north by lands of Daniel 'Swackluntner, !nu
the east by land of James Hotel and the, ..public
highway, on the:south by land of Janes Ritten:
burg, and on the west by lied now occupied by
E. A. Seely. containing /00 acres more or leas,
together ' with the. appurtepanceo one .trained
house,-1 corn house, 1.19,g sable, and about SO
acres imprgwed. i . •
Taken in execution-at fhb suit. of - Azar-I,a
threp, eOsigned .to Geo,-Fuller vs. Philip Sweet
•haut nier.
liontrose, March .21, 120.-12w3
•• - .
--•- Register ' s JOIN).
Pl.lB.ncerned in the folio ing estates, to Wit:
LIC notice iS hereb} given to all peons
Estate of Jahez Gardner, deed, l4te of Jack,
son township. Elects, Garbler and, Enos Gard
ner. Ex&nitors. • ' .?
Estate of Stephen 'BrccdPlte'd. - late of Brook.
10 township. S. W.Breed aild. IL F.Breed,Ex'rs.
Estate of John Melliainn, deed.:latO of Cho
connt township, Jacob Kimble, Aders, i
Estate of John Cita tnberlsn. dec'd, late Of New
Milford township, Win. J. i Turrell and D. D.
Warner, - AlioNs. j
' ".Estate ofCarol& .G. Btlk9,- deed, litte of
Harford township, Daoiel tlakii4y, Ex . r. • "-
That the‘Ticeountants have Willed their accounts
in the Re',gisttir's o'dice in and for ; the county of
SuSquehahna, and That the satiiewill'he present
ed to the Sfadges of`theOrph4s' Court of said
county, onN:ednesdnyHthe 16th day . of April
next for confirmation pd :MOW:ince. - ,
. . JAS. N)( . 'C'. LlABMAN,Register.
' - -
Montrose, March ti, nn. i •
N©*: The Latest No*: . by the Steamers
A IR E ••-
• :
rr HAT the Spanish Court his decided, not to
I sell the Island of Cub.4but Joiiopli Witten
berg &- Brother lintel recently !decided to open
a new store, in the building of ;Leonard Searle,
a few doors east, of c'ost's Store, opposite of
Wilson's dwelling h use, corner of Cli-taut
and Owego streets, where .they Will keep on
hand a splendid - assortment of Ready lade cloth
inf,, also in addition tee this, a !good assortment
of Broad Cloth, Casimere, Kentucky,' Jeans, &e.,
.in short, a • general assortment 1 of Gentleman's
furnishing_Googs. Also, a.s.plendid assortment
of Ladies dress Goods Silks, Merinos, Delaines.
Alpacas, Embroideries, :Shawls, Laecs, Dress
Trimmings, &e., &c. -All of Which they are de
termined to offer to the publics at very low pa
ces: All Goode warranted to give satisfaction,
as well in quality as in price.
• Pleas. T' lye. us a trial before purchasing, else
liontrose, jan. .1565.-stf
I L.-. •
jt_........57..—;-.7t.........--,_ ,
Grcat. 1 aturZll Ren. , .. - G• 7 71 fo7!`.t:dia•csiion
. • ond'.l)7mprfislai• '.
DTI. J. S.' notoni - oN - S l'cpsln, the itrfae Di-
OESilvr. Ft.t:in,or G Asa:K:lJ un...r. E...i111h011, -
the tin-t - plilce r.r.lon.g . 'ail the Vprionc: rerli k •dies
for these painful end dCstruelh 4. compteinis; It
is .Natures own q),.eifht for en tintiCaltity Istoni
;lett. No art of m: ,a can equal curative pow
ers; and no su*ri:r front Indigtiori and -Dys
pepsia r,hould laii to try it, . •,', '
Fyn SOld Ivy' Itild ttirre!l,llontrose. s'.yl. '
FT" just receiv:cd from`New.York,iil full is
• sortmcnt of o . . .
4 . NEW G00D5,....
comprising a fitit F f ate variety of . - ii
. , .
Drugs, .3fedi.iiincs, Chericals, Pai n ts, .
• • Oils, Dip-stuffs; Glass, - trariri, ' .
. - Fundlq - IGioccries, - Materials
for . .Lfghts, Musical la- ; ,
- - . itritmen,ts, Yankee ..
.2V - rion.s, tretccli.y, , 1
-'-, ._ - Ilet:funier'y, .-. ,• .
a 14 all sortsof 1 1 ,1
, .
- (they, --Goods. . 1.! . ,
whieh will be sot extremely.tow for' cash. - I
. Having rocentlw sustained.O loss by fire of at!
least five - thousand dollars, above insurance and!
g,oods.saved,l.fah?y - I hate 'strong clirims for the
patronage of my Ifriendk and the public rzeneralz
ly. I ask no .inaln. to . .-Ive- to irie, neither do I',
ask- or expect additiona• pr.ofits in conquence - of
said loss.' I willrsell goods as low, if not lower
than they can - be 4),11121 - 1t-elsewhere illi this Town
or county. All I ask is that. potromtge from - the
public. which will enable me . : with.ilndustry to
slowly and gradually replace the los sustained,
—said loss- being , the 11,0 earning;c of a life of
anxious toil. •- 1 • • • t • -
1 . Store at the lower end of the buined district,
I on Main Street; a few rods below thO corners. .
-Montrose. Dee. 14, 18.54. -
• - • Pro cla atiott•
sus Q 7E.rfmci,i , com • : . .• ;
Hunnar. Nnwrox, In the C!,...trCof Common
vs. • - Pleas of said'county, Nor,
M . :.P..71.4. NEWT , Term, ' .
To Martin etvton,. Whereas a Sieoprena in
Divorce- w • issued to November .Term 1854 . ,
which w• s duly returned non ert inrent os , and
thereo • an alias Subpa•na'.was issued in said cause
reL 'able to January Term 105, upon the re
' t nof which proof was .tuadC'to the said Court
hat. the said 11.irtin. NeWton could not be found
in trip Bailiwick.;
. notice is itherefore-lo require you to ap
pear before the Judges oftle said Court on the
third Monday Of April next, to answer said corn
. phintok.e.:- :• F., P. 11OLLISTER,Sh'ff.
• Sheriff's thrice, ; Mpg rose,•March 5,1855. 6W
W. B. Deins--Baguerreotrpist,
AC Odd _Fellotaa'
rimy AXES
• Pictures of everything that will kiep
stin. •
Cliildrii rail! nut be taken unless bro't
between the hiurs of 10 and 2 o'clock, on'a clear
day...Ao ,
Of Cases, Frafnes, Theltets„ fte4iust purchased.
Montrose,lnr. 23/1854. I • . e
I CI . LOVER sindTIMOTHY SEED fin. sale 133
. =
1 Nov Milfc=rd. Mardi S. 1056.
Great rush Ar Fuss/a—lron, Stoves, Tin
;rare, etc.
\TOO DEITFF Sf. ELDRED haxin p i rr assain
ted them selves top. ther for the purpose
of carrying on the. Stove unit Tin-o•are business
in all its various tram hes, would r&peetfully
call the attention of tiro trading pnbii4 to their
‘ T hitli may easily be found—it being in dose
proximity to the new Court blouse—=the South
wpst corner thereof. Our buildingfis not i
comtuoluus-as wtn
e intend having in e
If our patrons fi ill bear with us utitti, that tu)ie,
we flatter ourst hes th At our Establalunt nt will
not be surpassed by any in tho coutitx.
have the most approx ed patterns of ;SFRVES
ever brought into this markt.t, among which
way be found
Star of the West (Else ate .1 Oven) Cedilla
tor (Elerateq Oven.) Paragon, Nets
IVorld,' Globe, Atlas, arid
Three Stateg
All Ail-Tight, and various other ppterns too
numerous to mention.
TINWARE of all kinds kept constantly on
hand for household, use. Jubiring dope to or It r
and in the best manner. All Tin-ware carefully,
prottd before IZlx ing the shop.
They respeitfullx solait the pattouvre of all
who w.- 1 1 to purellasu anything in line, ar
suring th‘m tint mere can be ,d b . x, examin
ing their stock In row putt]] ising (Ism% here
Itontrose, Dee 1851
More o tict Mor© New Goods.
PURRITT it. now reeeivincr, flew and full
.1.1• SuppliesGlods for- the .. ‘Nrinter trade,
including a new and elitautat,sortinetit of French
Mnridocs; Merino land Gist:mere Phti4ls. Plaid
Fancy and Plain De Lanes, Paremett4s, Brc•cite
Square and Long Shawls, all of ni4 and bust
styles, and will be scud at '2s'per cent. less final
last years prices. Also, a new .a.4.-ortment of
Itichltibbenk -nd Bonnets, Wide silk 'Velvet,
for Cloaks a:l'M:milli:ls, Welt Silk and :Velvet
Dress Trimming=, .Deeisses,
,letts.&e., fie., with a general assOrtfuent of oth.
_staple and fncy Goods, as usiis4 which hav-.
ing bcqvi under the present pressure of
the cash market; will be sold at cdtrespondin7
reduced prices.
- New l'ilford,.NOv. `27,.'1854.
ne rna4 rOludde Snr:lv.... '24l:Summer lie thine i:t t.'e
trod. 11 1111. 11- I L.VEY'S ' . .
pd.:rani:id by Chi 1a53i4:1,11,1.114.1iful Falco ty or .L:a ;?a 7.1
s and ectecmel Mr ;nog e.rtrttn , liirrie:, 777Cji: 7 :15C I:. the worbf.
Medici:lei' containing morasses or liquorice like the
boasted Earisparillas,,rcqulre many large betties to pro
em:a. the slightest Change in health, The etarest 'trine is
altogether ti different-Art.l;le It eon'ain no syrups to
give It 4 . 171/ 40;13(7, Riut aegnires its exert Piot 'flavor. and
powerful medicinal knp'etties from the v. itetable plants
of which it if compoSed. Tie. Fore.: Winer,combines the
•Irtues onthe trill ;c.', rrry; Thnietion, Vidon-'O.-tet:, and
'Surscapqrilfv. "vith4lililr
,valuable plants wltosepropyrties ,
ore still r.iore'effeethc. .
Its hien eioac , writ ton render:it one of lid' mo-t efficient
medicines now ta..ul e. Sh2U,tanes lec•ithati a sinrle bottle I
restores the lingeting 1 - Mit nt l'..nt at ea t.tals,d,l,fl.ty . ,t, 1
sickness, to .strot4 da,l t i.... , i.;_m5• hvaithi tve , y -.1.,” 1
thesis it!, jinn 1 ea,•1:: eu the e,. 4 :titut:,,n,r , ae 1 Improve.:
the state of the 114 tit. The Fo l rest Wine ts a e ,,,,m,,, 1.
'ed,...n the stron;es.. terms. for all the aoutelain..., of the
"Ste each, Liver. Kidneys, Nervous Di , otcler‘ • Willow ;
Atiet tions. Dropq, It yspepsia. 1.1,4 t-. of Ake t I t 1.. Jana-
dire, Female Comp'ainls.: ,, roliala, and all di,cr- „l
• . ders aridug from Had Blood and imput e hallt.
. . of the sy.stetn. i . I
.Saved (emu. Death !I. - '-
Testimony Of 'dr. Nathan Mathews, a highly respectable 1
• and wealthy citizen of Neivarki N . -J• - ,:::
- Dr. (it W. It ALSEV :—I believe your FOrc,t Wine and
Pills have jicoll the insane of sa'. - ing my Ll;fe, When I
ennitnr-ra4 , l tatiaz the in I lablait the peint....r dea• h. with
Drip-y, Pib-sund Ast'a:aa.. Nly plovaciani ti.. I ,7:ron me i
ever as vast cure. and :ay rawly bad 1-i-t all' 1,-pec 11 my I
recoa ery. V. 1 .01, :, la tilt drea•lful sit it'lt' „-otfr F..1 - t.' t i
Wine and T.1...ii. were procure-I fa me, and Cef - ore I had lin, I
L,„1„.,+, t i,..r irs i, b o it:e o f the V. lac and box /if Nils. I es; .•• t
r i en c,.,l gr, at r;.:ief; ray body :ill.l limp-. 'W 1.i4 li wore I
grep.tly, wollen..bee"• : , 1•11‘ibly reduced :5 'Lope, of my 1
rec .r.-r 3 began note to stirrtve..and aftrr , ; cm:tinning the t
us.;. et yaur tue,li , iu e: , for about a -tuna:hi th•• I'll: s and, i
'Asthma '.rile m
ide eop',•te!y on:e.l. The Dr:.l ! •y, .::11.1 .wit:-'t
my lif e wac placed in such ;;rent danger, afar , ..a'sc , nearly ,
unn , , I - 1,,.... - e• C•a:tin ai'd.the use of y..ur faeli -it. , , titVil
the pre,mt 110, , 1 I now eri..y :t..7 1 er4at health as ev:
or I- did i:t my l': - .....altli u;h I am mire th,, , tn' GO re ire. o r
age.. To , ir , . r,arectfolly, Nf...MATIIEWS.
Ner•ark, N.J. h.c. 1: 1 ;1647. - • l„ ..'
, .• ~ ~
G rr it Gn re 1,1" Cr, p:r - (...7w777 , ::21711 tj :t7ll ':ears- sialt-
.: ' •
• . • • , ding.
• • , sew Yard tan. 1. 1c 1.. i
Dr. lIALSF.T.D , ar Sit :-!I tring taln.rt fear Forest Wive . 1
and Pills to remove a Olseft_se of th.•..W1..,i, fro:n Whigh-1. I
hare roffc:'e I sev..rely for Onwards oi•telfyiars; an,l.liavirt:
adhered ern-sly to th , d';rertis•iii.. that arellinprio - the Lae.:i.• 1
duce. I lam- reeorerel ivy health not Withipadillg ail who !
knew the thou:oh t ray 'lace inearatile. Pro - tour to takinz j
the wine and Pilk. I - hal rccoursv to the he.: an , dicai
treatment. ho': con ti nued - to grow .worse go an alarruln:
deuce. Some of myrrtz‘nds spoke despairtn:Ty of my ea-r
and tried to persuade me Irvin making use r.f anyit Irert is. •
ed rernodies; and I dblibt not, but what l•t ha , are bun
,lx-le dis mad,'" train taking' your ex7-clicipt medicines, in
eonF•ecraCnek• or the derepthm and 11l ci oh cy of many ad
reit ired re.ardie , . put fartlyhy unprincipled moo, in II .to
4,gadrortp.emtr to. But what a pity itii:. that the de
ocotillo n.ed by others should he tbe MATO , of , li—unding
many laboring under di-ease. from making t.ri al 'and being
cured by. your .excellent meld-ire" licinanly sneaking. I '
they have saved my life; w'len I co:tame:iced ralking use 1 -
of t lie:n. I was in a wratchad condition, Tint bezatatii ex• .. o
- et,oc a
r t.. A. of Stove,
pnience their good etrects.4l less than Give day. ;- and in ii , • • •
..`t nOW cum Dlcled— :rut we - would take this op
six-weeks Treat the time T purchased the intslicincs. to the
great surprise of all my friends, I was entirely eared. and -... p.,rtunity. to say that we can show the most
hall tnercased fifteen pnunds•in weight . haring taken to . e
1 Leanlitl7l and Spltlidid patterns of - .Parlor and
bas of the Pills, qpiltara bottles or the Mine. Would to 1 -
God that every pat,: FaCerer would avail himself or t h e i Cooking Stoves to be. found in. the/. county.--
sar.i . e remedies; • ' Yours. tir.c., 4. tt , . WIL: , _ON• Amon' , " them seen the Itk - olYin2 Front,
• NERVOUS DISrITIDEnct';• -- ; .
and Gothic Parlor, for -wood or coal, entirelynew
Are' disease sof. tie mind it well rI Of the b••!dy, are c
patti , rns, and decidedly pretty stoves. Prices
usually brougl.t., en by. troubles nna affliction. and I . - ~ - ,
are most- common "to persons. of delicate con , tit ut ions I trout hie to ten &Liam." , . -
and t , nsi Give minds. how spirits, yaelincholy...frightful 1 1 . Or,our Cookino - stoves,. we think it ti,t,P.,,, to
foil dreams. mad Tearful anticipations of (-tit from thi / ~, , i,„: m ne t,. on i v . ti, t. ~.. ,
.re mark that W( • s Nina
-slightest aanall.,e.V.lterany accompany nrrrons disirdet-s. / - , • • •
Tle Forest Wine and fills are an en&gatic remedy' in t them ot. our former judgina from the
tliesesorriptainut- - It - 1 rtqldity of our - sales, we I , clicve the , public are
- ,
Extract art letter from:Ur-Jos. C. Pa Ibting. dated i entirely satis - lied with the prices and (parity or
Dr - HALSEY— l'hilnda, Sept. 7. 1tt44'...--.- I ~ .rare..'. - .
Dear Siri tour Forest Wini' and Pills hare cured any 1 o'r "-- • ' - .. ,
vireo!' a dreadful nervons disorder. with which she had ' Wri, hove a " feW left" of the " - Clinton - Mr
Vett, affected for many years. Iler body was almostwast , I b
Tight Elevated Oven Store," ,.. aclinOwiedo*. 7. d by
ed away. She waS fiequently disturbed lln her ' , deep by /
6nto lit: Ills•
f,i'lltftil dreams, tivalmilnglAnite eXhalaFted and covered I " hest cookin g . stove now 11l nse.÷-
with perspiration, and at tittles ,lab.rir4 . under, the deict- I Ru.,:la and Eierlich - pipe at old 'prie;s,•incl Trim-
Eton that something *dreadful was abou eto happen to her. 1
minus and Tin ,Ware of ail - desciptionet, at the
By the ace of four hot ti , S Of the Wine, flet,l a box of the I
Pills, she is new in ptrfeet health. Sh4,.bris regained her I very lowest rates.
tietit and cOlor,aul er.loys society as weft az Byer. '
.--- . J! C. P A 111.1) G.
. •
Dr„Darid Marvin, a ach•brated practitioner cf ... York, ,
declared Onbliely, that one bottle of Dais .'s Forest I -
Wine contained more v,irt••es than tiftyof t e large loot-
-ties of Sarsaparilla. Messrs. S. S. Lamp .n & Co., one
of tbe iames.t and most re , spectatleDtal artsg in Syracuse.
in a letter. says : " From what they la e JoardZriud+t__ae_r
or ttrov-y- t g Forest Wine. it is an ex , aent and r.oret i lned
pin.•,terol wilt undoubtedly become lief ezttlin meth' ne
-the itny." • •,/ -. •. "_
TIM Forest Wine Is put not aMTeFillare 1•Ottle4; with
Dr. llalsey'S name blown in t glass. one Dollar per bot
tle, t.six bottles for Fire D au. G urn-coated Foresit Pill.
25 ants per Doi. F0r r . , 74 by the aapnliate+l AO A
ar, a
Wh lc:,sside and Retail. leneral Dep .t. 1161 Duane Stree'
one daor from triads° . New York. ti
' -
' Appointed Agent .n3loutrose,,Abelturrellt Greatller
Lucien Sprott.-. . 3
241 chang. quarterly.
hr.; :and Pocket Poo
tlcl' . ..%l(lnarandura Bcp.l:s.Brk B(')._01
,00ks)i.r.d Ledgers, a , Tooti assortment fur
qt the, t).o,t
VAI,ENTINES'.! Vit.r.NTisis!! , Valentine
day ; Is eomi:ttz. s o can -at the Poit Oak an
° get
k .
you a. Pretty Valentine—ebesp+-from Is to 873.
Frs.!: LEAvEs, from Fanny',.s..Pnrt Fo'tia,l see
und Ser:esto r gale at the Post ptliee.
Prof. J. F. Stoddard's Series (4 Nos.) - of 2rith
trtetis, for gale at the Post Oflide, bt
. A: N. BULLARD.. -
Montios6 Jun.:9th, 1853
Doct. Thayor. ,
TAKES this method of saying to . his, fOenr,is
and uustomers tbat he hale again resumed
the praclice,'of Medicine at his Old stAndiinMon
trose, where ho may be found at all fluids unless
•profehsionaily employed. 1I Wptild tiny Ito those
.owing (dirt in old accounts thathe will qclUct 25
-per cent. on all'acconfas paid b'tfore the, - first of
April next, (or if any poor like! myself,) - I will
deduct fifty. •
• Montrosl,, Feb. 20,1855-9 tr"
Wagon ; Making, Blaeksmithing
and Carriage Ironing.. il
rilliE sulyieriber having estOlished himsel
n few rods south of Ditnock four CUrners;
iv prepared to do all
.kinds of work in' the 'above
brnoeheS of business on shore notice and the
lutist reasonable terms. lie flatters himself th
with the help now in his employ, he will he a
to iirive entire satisfaction to all who maifav
- him with their custom. • _
- I C. C. MILLS.
Dimock, Nov. 23, 1/353.--48If. ,
IJ N. B. Most kinds of luMber and al Ida
of Country produce taken hi patment. " •
lI )LATED -WARE.—Anotb4 lot •of ';plated-, Forks and Spoon', of the ,very best (polity,
ihi day received by A.J.! - EVANS.
,-• , .
ANEW _stock of Winter bitawls, just reeeLv- i ----
ed and for sale low, by 1 - --. ' TILTRE TIMOTHY and CLOVER seed at
' fnIITII & HE3IPSTE A. i 1 -
. . D TuRRF I LL'S.
- . .
FOr the ra pid cure Of Ntir,hS,CrildS, Lima t;eness,
Bronchitis, I) 7 la:Repnie, - -Coazh,-Crottp
Asthma and :'onsuotption.
Am()>'. the niumoroue di:coteries
Seicnee liasmade la this genera.
- C,"/ tiondo facilitate the bnisiness oflife
• _ —lncrease its enjoyittut, and even
rrol:ifheermo humanexirtenee!"
nonut : rame l omoretaaivm
to m ard s ind, than contrihn
t ion of Chemistry to the lielding Art.
1 . 10. A vast trial of itsvirt net. throughout
this broad country. has proven be.
'yond a doubt,, that no medicine or combination of tncdi-
sine. yet known, can so Purely control and cure the nu
merous varieties of rialmonant disease which have hith
erto swedittrarn.otir midst thoneands and thousnnds ev..
ery year. Indeed, there IN abundant reason to belley.a
Remedy hap-at lengtlivbern friund which can be'relled on,
to cure the most ttangerons affect'. lie °libelling* Our
' , pace here will not permit us to publish any proportion
of the cures effected by its use. hot we' ould -present the
following:—and refer furthe r enquiry to my American
Almanac which - the ascent below named, wilf.always be
pitUtsed to furnish free, wherein are full particulate, and
ludisputableProof of these statement..
Office nf Trensimrtion., taut ensil C
• . .1. C. Aran. Dear sir.—My little so.i four years old has
just recovered front a severe attack of malignant Scarlet.
Fetee, his throat wait rotten. awl every person that elsit•
tal him. pronounced him a dead child. Hawing used your •
Pacroust. In Cal f rads: In the winter. of IMO.
Inc a Severe attack of Bronchitis, with entire suecess,
was Induced to try it on my little boy. I Rare him a tea-
F poonful every three }nines, rommencintt, in . the moraine,
And be ten o'clock at night:l found.; decided change for
t liebetter.and arter three day. nse. be wasailedo eat. or
drink without pain.
Its use In'the abate named .liceeee will 'Pate , many',
"Child (rote a premature gra% 1., and reiieve the atialety ni
=rev a fond parent. For all att.•ctions of the throat and
Lungs. 1 liellerelt the bert nteiticioe extent. A feeling
of the deepest grat It ude..protatits tae in addrem-ing these
lines.—but for your important di.teorery, my little boy'
would ucw have been in another world:
I am to ours, greaf•respect.
J.l) P.)WELL.,t.ipt. Trans., Ti . R. it.
Itriek s ilille Co..)(Somerst t N..I ..Jul cl2l. '52.
Dr.. .1. C y.tur Medicine loti become
known here. It ha.• a gveater ilimanl than any citherrough
reme ty we have ever void : It is mmiten of 'ln term• of
unmeasured praise by those who hare need uu, and, I know
o r, o r o e e i. e g where the hest they ran ele of It, Is not
too mach for the.daral It hay done. T take plea.ure in
selling it.lieran.e 1 kn . ,. that I ant Avis_ my
tlie worth of their money. an 1 I reel In geeing the
'benefit it confers. Please' send me a further supply. and
believe me Your , , re.neet
P. St: Almost any numbek of ctltificates call
h e sera
you, If yen wish: it. •
J. C. trsu—fir;Thi• rale certify that I hare u.el
your rhrrry Perrot al f.r nrkwr.rll4 of one yertr and it fa
my altfeere belief that I 51.0u1d have benign my grave ere
thin time if I had not. It lia,,..ettred me eta .11re_ roue fif- .
feetien of the Wog , . and I do not orer , ate my con,le
tibias when I tell von it trr rii , e' , .•? remedy.
Your: rely re-pertftoy.
U. A. Me..71:014.\ - ..ctry:at Law..
. . I
Lesba try , . S . epten,ber Pg. 1.55 0 -.
C Aver, My dear Medicine- hi rrineh
apptoved of by thoa e who bare nee hit here, anal Itn coin.
po.itinn is rneh ar tohOnre and m•tititnin ri.entat ion.
1 I nrariably feeommee .1 it for 1.1,:ra onary - affect., do
many of Our rrineimu physielan , .
. lam your friend, STRIS • TT:It.
Prepared by JAMES, C. .VVET.:,
f'hetnkt . Lowell. Ma , s •
7.-01.11 DV A. Tuned, Moilrere; R. F. k n ill. Paton,
Ilarford. Charel. a Phinney, flundatl; L. i4eptt, tireitt
Bend. By all Dra..;:b4t - ; ail Doalerec dieine every
where . SelL 11--,37tato ,
IT MILLAN &. PARK return; theft. ..rateful
acknowledgments to the puitlic ficr pas,t fa
vors, and invite atienti , m to the v• hirge stock
of :Spring *Sommer Goods thry fire! now re
ceiving. and oti'r for sale at rery 'f.w I).rie: In
addition to theirdi:sual assortment ;of 4.1p1e Dry
Co,!.s: Cioceries. Crk•ker:y,
and I >ds &c., they are prepared to!exhibit - :ilarze
as , ortmelit f
of eyer(:.L.,:er:;:tion, Fit;i:lred, Plaid :in,' nain,
Ladies and 511sztes shots of all binds—also a
large stork of . ;
Cotl2s, Cassime?es; Tweed., J.eans,, Summer
Cloth,Vo-ting4, llatA and COps . , Doots and
S!:oes &e. - 4Sce. .
Thvy re-peetfi:lly nrl ently renil from
.those mho to Vureh , is.e • Goat) Ooons ST
Mr.y 2, 1F3.1
Farnnrs' 'Union Ilisufano Co.
13.LP1T41., 200,000',
130Nns AND oN 1-11:AL
. E TATS. , - •
n , .:inst hS by Fir:. I Toti..“. , :i.S:•res
otl'cr (1; 1 :14, ‘Vare#, and
fi:sorrj.ole - i - t•rm :inc similar
I ns ti tu ti; A . atid
111111:C . E.O . RS.
IL•r.lee WitrtA.on. Francis Tyre r, Geo. A.
J. T. I). Meer. C. N. Shipman, C. F.
‘Ve!!eq, Jr.: J. E. CH'e.lti. Athens. llon. Jahn
r ! rie, : Gen.l3radley. Wakeman,- Li.
eervine• : Geo. M. Irollenitaek, Wilkes.harre ;
chncl vlert., I.aporie". Pa.
orincims. •
P.: jr:
Viet , Pre s s. ancl Tre:l4.: J. E. Carifi,l(l, Setoy..
Addre , s. 0. S. Beeb:., nontrosc , . Stis , ipelr,nna
ecantv, Pa., cr S. B. Ch.c:o., Great Tlohtl.—.2.Byl*
New 'Mllfot,i, (frt. 24, '54.
Agents \ antod: •
TO sell the best work of T. S. Arthur," Ten
II nights in a bar-room, and What I saw,
— there." This is a large 1-..!m0. - of
f lustrated with a beautiful Mezzotint Engravinz.
by Sartain, bound in the best manner; lull gilt
hack., •
Specimen copies sent to any'Part of the
ted States, on receipt. of the price, price 75 ctn.
Some Agents now selling this Book. are ma
nu 850 per month
Apply to
8-4 S Norlb Fourth street, Philadelphia, Pa
New Goods.
All,RllSll.arrival of New Goods wilich we
after reel/ cheap. We have t lIIr ae stock
of Staple.andFanm Dry Clemas. Which - lwe will
sell VEI;Ir 'Call nrl examine.
We are now prepared to cl )the all al:cording
to the latest style. We have a larg,estok which
we will sell verylow. Call and examitie before
purchasinz. Also, a largo: chick of Clo hs, Cas
situeres, leans, Satmetts, Tweeds, .&ei.", in fact
o.ur stock in this lino k complete. We invite
the attention of c.tsu rIT.CIIASERS to our stock.'
-• All kinds of produce .taken in ;exchitnge for
Goods at cash prices. . • .
- Montrose. Nov. 22., 1854,
Stoves, Stoves°
rpirE subseribers bely, leave to inform the ca
-1 izens of Brooklyn and vicinity that they
have just.received a•lot of STovEs of the various
modern patterns and .styles, which they offer for
sale as low as they can be purchased elsewhere
in the county. . .
ALSO=A tot of STOVE PirE and Elbows of
the different sizes, at manufacturers prices. -
‘YANTED—OId Iron, Cppppr" and
change for &oyes or idlie.r Goodt.
N'ov. 28,1854
Everything works to a Charm.
QCOTT, JOHNSON & Co. are now receiving
a new stock of Fall Goods, and are ready to
wait upon the people to anything' they wish in
the line of Dry, Goods '
- Clothing; Groceriee,
Hardware, Crockery, Fish, Salt, Iron, Boots_ :and
Shoes, &c. &c. - We will surely suit all that
call and see us-et our Store in Springville.
Springville, Sept. 27 1854.
.`,` Man, Know Thyself." -
An Inyalouble'liook for 1.5 cen.l3— , . Ectry jaygly ihosld
h arc a espy
• 100,000 cOrrEs SOLD IS
, LE , B ' A A new -
Vig:F * .srie ',,`•
revised Eta improved,
:'!,'• just issued.
Y..' • Ituntt.r's Medical Manual
aka? ti hnu a 'Po for theettllctol--
au Centa:lsh.g an outline of the mi.
.`4lll,2respregress,trestment ande are
%.`,N.` or every form of difikase con
. tracre4 by prorniscitouisesual
intercourse, by.sclf rib uso or by sexual.racees, witiLmivice
for their prevention . wiltt eu In is 4ty e,
all medics, trehnictrittre. and et crythinc thatrwould offend
the ear of de- eney •,' with an outline of cosuplaintathcident
-to Females, from the remit at seine twenty years - success-
NI practice eicl usively ; act oted to the cure of diseases of a
delicate cr prirrte nature.
To which is added receipts for the cure of - the above dis-.
eases, and a treatise on the causes,aYmptolass and cure of
the Fever and Agnes -
Tesfimosyorthe Prqice•sorVoh.sletrirs in . Pran.Co/kre,
Phi lade:ph ia —` • . Nl' ER'S - MEDICAL MANUAL,"
—The nut hot n this work unlike the tnal..rity of thotte
who advertise tb cure the - di Ftry pee ~I which it treats is a
traduate of nue of tee le st.Colle.;es in the lloitedStates.
It affords me pleasure to ceotllll.l end hint to the unfortu-,
nate. or to the 'Victim of inalpractice, as a suecc•oKul and
experienced whitse honor and integrity
they may place the greatest confidence.
/'flint A irno kra rd. M. Penn Unireriity. Phifa
.cielpha.-11 glee me pleasnreae add my testimony to the
rroCessiontiPaiiiiity of the. Author of the" Nia Lucal. IfAti-
VAL." Stiletto& eases of Disease °fill- Genital Organs,*
scrim of them of leng,.tandlng. hat's conic ar.der my no--
tier,ln which hi. -till has been manifest in Teetering to
perfec health. in imme eases wher the patient has been
eimsldered beyond medical aid. In the treatment of F,em
inal weakness. or disairangenrent of the functions pro
dUCed'hy If abuse or Excess. of venery. I do net, knew
his septrior in the prOn.siou.cni hare been acquainted
with the t h or.som e thirty yeArs . . and deem t' no more
that, justice tw.hint ac well h. k ttadnesF tOlie titls.) , t anate
' victim of erirly indiserction, to recommend hint as one in
%hese lirofessirnal skill and int.arity they may safely
rontlile tin teselies. ALFRED tVt.ODW A ItD,M. D.
•`. This la,without exception. the mold. eontpreheu.sive
and int elligiLle work t.uhlialied on the dais of disettee of
altich it dreat4 ; Art 0 ,1417,111 tt•chnleal t,rnia:it addreits- -
te , itrelf to the re:mkt or 104 reader! , It is free from all
ohj,crlotiable !mutt:l.. and 'no paront however fastidrous,
can objeet to niacin:: it'lln the 11.Inda.of hi, van,. The:au
thor haadeente,l manyvearr trythe treatment of the vier
ous complaint. treated of. and, with too little breath to
ow ~,,d E on MEd.. presunieti.dt-t., Int polo:, he haa ,•ir,srcA
to the world. A , th• merely nominal mire of 25 tent •, tht
fruit nf rnme twent3. yearemot , .t aUceeaat ul practice."—..
"No leather or parent aliouldbe without the knowle‘tre
Imparted it t.d.lural,nahle work It would tare years of
Pain,..mortitleation an.l. , ,inia , to the youth- under their
rim. Z e " Prop le '.l ilrochle, • ,
A Pre‘h , elerg)man in oiii , ,, writing. of "'lntl . .,
ter'sge hi,yl Ilanual" 3aya ,--‘* Illiott4a lA, neon :hues'
and 4 of our r.uth. hr evil example met intruenee of the
pa a‘lcnr, hare been 1.. I int_o_th2_llAlitt , f self poillt" ion,
i t n _
mith , e,ol r •allzingl . lf. ,, irt and fo.trfut e. a.e Ito' irra - it4 l
tlientserveA an I theirno.teritY. Thee, titntionat.fthr•lla
a. n't` IFin,rtrw,ai-inifantilie‘ have been enfeebled, if not
Proi , en 4.411..:111 I I Itei , 40 11OG:floe' the elnFt: or the rune.
.Anytbinif that can be lone ,i, to en'irliterraud'lnfltionee .
OP ilttblit'rlltl as t n cheek.and ultim itely t o . ..remov'e, Oda
wide-rpreadcrouree of hutnan arretrhedni , a... would etitifer
the createqt tde.o , ing neat to th , relie,ion of Je•or: , Cliriat,
un the pre , ent and ^ , t.flint generation, Intemperance: or
thr1.1.... or int nKierttsl7..lrink , ) !hooch it liar; glaiii thong-
I ands upon th,..1-andi.i, -, not a cue:tier c-0ur.;... to t baba
: man ranAerept tut thank., en 101 l ilf of the Militated,
I o n& belleve me . yon r eo"..worker In the good wprk you are
Pnertirely ..41117,need tr,."
fine,av •,,, lotted) nrely eite.oet) w il l h-• forwarded, fiecof
I 'newt:tee. to a at li<r.. ITnite4 t.' , Cate.? fir 27. rents. or
C e f x ~r , t,., rilr , AI. A li-t... (po4r paid)paid)cosnEN St. Ca.,
PUbli , Err.r.f.r tint Ili. Phrtn.lelplila.
1.1 , -r no,',-.. , -:!.r.., i'lntia., , ers and Book „I,lelita
On the nio-t 1i1,r.:1 tent ,
i -X----
Pumps! Pumps 1!-
rpm,: frrc•attst i•iwtovement of the atir.,e. C.
1 It 'Wl!Hain,' Patent. DlPuble Acting B.tll,
Valve, Foree.aMl :Lin. Pump. • An improvement
above nll 44.111. i tnak•lline, for lifting
and throwing, evater. enmbining both a tiumpand
Fire I;attine. - TM; Pamp, p :tented in Pebr.aary,
is:, t, the
serer, :11):)T2t it to .
lice 4%!
v.:;*riet‘i of rain. eft!,
Lion and carry it t any part of a houe, it is
superior to all oth ‘r ptinaps for distilleries. Pa
pe•r Mills, Tanneri ts, Drink Vards, 'lron Work t ii
and Mfa
annrtnrin! establishment, {Mall kind. 4
Al l orders inn.t P adares•t4ed tn AddiNnn Dim
mid:, LodersMlle, 'a., who liar bought the sole
right for.SOSTlella Ina County.
Ang.2.9, 1851.. 3310
- 1-31'1 , 7.7:1' •*.tFrAiTCENES.—A smell and judi,
1 eionslesoleeted a.sortan-nt, including- D r .
Swayne's,-Jayne, and Throop's preparations,
Wrioht'A and Phinnoy's Pill., Davis' and Thayes
Pain Eirer. fir, ,S.-e. SMITH & lInalTsTRAn. •
• Brooklyn. Aug. 22, 1854
I , t ow Lino of Mail Stages
....--- -- N -
' '.l.•.'''' . ...... i.l , '-: ,:, -; _- - • ...„; ---____. •
---- -2 - . ;;" - !;: ,44
:-,, , .'•: , 4,- -,; -.:.: ',-:./ ' _:•:., 5.. r ..;."._::!;;r - 4- 7 y-'l,
A .- ::-
', 17. *.- : I'S' • - 1 I 'l ri .;) f
,',., t,. .. , . j:t ...r. . li:.1 ~ . •
411,..14,..nat..r.4.- F." -..,.....,...5..... .......................,.. . .
- --
will I Kirtv4o64l. gthroncl Cot'
t I rt y e.4every morni-mr.l.lterthearri
val . art.,bot.b. East,reach
iligNiolltrOF t qt. I I'. M.
I...avc- Montrosedailv,(Sundays exert• tett at 2 P
rearton;Kitkv..,c , in ttme to take the'Maiiirain9 •)f East and. trea t. ( n•ing the nearest and mo4t
tea,ll , l( routetor..aeh the Nelv Ypri. and Erie ttailrond: •
•• Thizi e at,r-eCt,a tri-weektylin4 for 41moch.ipring
vine, l'ttut,ban.lock , Wyoming'. and Wilkesbarre hvidela
I,ave,lontro., at 7 A M every Monday. Wednesdriy and
F-rilay. Alen:a ine'o tiend+•ille,bcrays~ill.
Tenors and comfort:111101 trr iageb are provided , avid the
Proprictortn•llirpare nopaitv!tolecomlnv.datothe Prib
lie. • W K. lIATCII,
5ep.12,1351. MORGAN AWEST.
Watches and Jewelry. !
, •
fAse ' rtlar. subscriber has rifturn
.W- 11.. ed from New Fork] with
7 - , e - ii ---- ;i. 44 the largest variety of Watch
-4 '4l es, Jewelry; Plated WarC, and
4 )
!'4. L 'l. t .• other articles in his limi that
•"4- I •'z' .' -..-- haseverbeen • fit . d '
...„•v•„,,,:•5 ... 0!,z- , . . q o !re to the
.:2-5?..• '...- =AP. -- i citizens of nngbamton•and i
vicinity. • Consistin' of a 'very heavy st(ick• of
Gold f-funting Doplex• Skeleton Lever, English
Patent Lever, Enameled and .Anchor IVatcbes,
Silver Lever, Anelror and Lt.:pine !do., ini plain
and . Mullin.. cases, Gold Vest fob and Guard'
chains, Silver do!: do., Gold Seals, Keys, Slides,
llooks. Swivels, pencils, Thimbles, Locket;, Ear-
ringy , . Finger Rihg,s, Breastpins,'CrOssesoS, 4 pecta.
cies, 5:..el • Silve.r. Cake. Pie, Fruit and
Knives, Silver I.otiles -- ,Forks. Spoon '
s CupS,Card
Ca" , es„and Napkin Rings, Coral. Beads,l Shell
Comb:, Knives and &issors, Plated Chstors,
Cake acrd Card ttasketS",. Candlesticks, SitutTers
and Trays, Spodns,• Knives - and Forks, ClOcks of
every description. a very large stock or Gold
pens,-11dir and Tooth brushes, • Butrilloe I Back,
dress;ng, side mid pocket Combs, fine - tooth and
'nal:Robber t14.-,•porte Mortis, &c. &e.l&e.—•
The - above goods having been Pnrchasedlat the
present tirvrestid.state of the market, cinables
th undersilned to offer them to hia customers
at unusnally lor prices,,and to which he would
respectfully invite the attention of all persons
wishing, to obtain any article in his line. I
, 1 No. LT, Odd Fellows 1 - 1:ill, .
Binghamton, Nov. 26, 1854. . . I.
dour & Salt -
ALT by 0 0 1..0 or aiogle.bbl. for ssle at t4o
Itopbottoixt Station.
Attie dour inAuarter bbl. sacks at 82,75 per
sack. 1 BELL &.TINGLEY:
llopbottotn,loef. 12,1854. " • i
j; EEI.ER STODDARD since the lute fire.
lA,. may he fund in the BASr.3IENT
'NotWithstanding the unpri.cedehted ra
pidity with which our stock of 'Boots, Shoe,&r,
‘• went off" on the inorning, of the fire, Wo still
hare sonic on hand. and shall soon he supplied
main. ; • ; KEELER R!., STODDARD:
Slotitrds'e,Novembq, :13, 1854. .
• At A. Lathiop :&
4 S WE are anzions to Jose out our Stick of
clothing-to make room for our Spring-pur
chase, we aye selling it at greatly reduced prices.
Call as nowis the time to buy cheaNdodis; from
$3,00 to $18,00: 'Dress, Frock and - Sack coats,
good patterns amid new stylvi.,_
Pants from $1,50 to. $8,00; Vestim : of every
style. Gents Furnishing Goods , of every kind.
fifteen per tent., cheaper than ever offered in
Good quality and neat patterns, selling at cost
for cash. ,
Montroie, Feb. 1, 1855. '
• -
10,000 Firkin Staves Wanted. .
- DY:th6 aubseriberi immediately... Al o
.1.) • ink timber..and . Hoop-poles—for '% filch Ire.
will pay the: highest. market price. ermine&
Staves preferred. SMITS! & HEMPS' -EAD.
Brooklyn, Feb. 13, 1855.
'24)1 .
of it root•tlit.,
rust, c.op:,•(luenntiv it wilt
e. It can be used in every
drat.' tvitter from any sittt:i
IF:I w ee 7 el - 1M
•has mo.
Dr any lilac! on the Citobe,cannut presentggre a ter:
• inducments than
WHIG' Ais now tilted with a . -new •and exten
sive jassortnteut- of articles in their line,
embracing it general variety .of new and elegant
styles of and' Gentlemen's wear, among
which are Ladies- French, Silk Lasting and Pre
Gaiterif, Kid and Enameled Pollens. Kid Pat.
ent -leather! and bronzed Jehtly Linda. Buskins
and Ties ;If maim-lieu's French and . Philadelphia \
oak-tanned calf skin and kip • /loots, Congress and
button Gaititis, Monterey and Washington Boots,
toilet Slipd. Morocco, nal e. and :Cowhide Bro
gansolic. illoys kip, calf Mid Cowhide Boots and
B rogans; all kinds of. Misses -and Children's wear.
Also, a geOritlaasortrnent of Findings, which con-,
silt in pait of lasts, pegs, sparnbles. thingarian
nails; tacks, thread; war, Bristles, shoe binding,
awls vie* sandstones, shoe knives, AzA-.
oak and he,intock tanned calf upper and soleleath
er,ntoroccb skins and linings. . •
Work made to order and repairing neatly dune.
-Montrose, June 1.1853.
• •
• 1 •• •
At thO"Upsonvilla.Eidhange."..
- .
THE inhabitants of Upsonville and
are rain favored with an - exhibition of 0 - -
other choit:ts selection of Fall - and Winter Goods :
at the4d;stand of the subscriber. (Doors open
daily, Suridays excepted, from 7 o'clock A. M..
until) 9 cMock P. M.,) where may bo 'seen:, sold
and bought, a good assortment - of Dry Goods.
Groceries; 'Crockery, Ilaialware, Stonew,,
Wooden ware. Fish, Nails, Paints, Oils, Fluid,
Boots-.& Shoes, ' Clothirg,, SchoOl Books,
TruriltS, bliirput B igs. Yankee Notion's &c.. &c.
&c. All:who can and trill pay for what they
buy eithe; down, or within a reasonable time
thereaft4 are.invited •to Call. Those belonzing
to that other elass may as ,well
. go where they
can do' better. All kinds of Tanner's Produce,
Butter, Liird, 134 , 1,5. Pork, Poultry; and Cush, re
ceived in ! 'exchanze for Goods,.
, . .„, ..
u psonyme, Oct... ~ 1854: • - - , .
Stoves: Stoves:: Stoves:
ripITE fii/b.- ? eriber wishes, tn nail the attAmtion3 f
..L his triends and ti,lo.l3ublic to. his very large
assol tmetit of.
at his net:. Store Room in Lodersville, next to
L. S. LetTheitn's Store, and near the Great Bend
Depot.. De has imldition, to his former • large
variety of Cooking and 'Parlor Stoves, Miley new
Patterns, some ofwhigh ate—
Nahiltas,l Peich ironch, 1 Fire Ply;
, Atoliipek
. 11 &lcri. Tray„ Medallion,
Mack Warrior, 'Orii,iit, '. • Oak,
I • . F.:I,T Stove,. . . ' . •
.. .- , 1
‘‘llien tc.)trether with hi , : former stock will he
perhaps itt, most.extensivri ands:tried assortment
of w,ii.g.etea,-.41 stores-i. the County:
* * *Clinton Stoves well frirnished at low prices.
Fir All articles in his line kept on: hand a nd
matte to :order aslisnal, and orders received at his
old stand in Great Bend.
Loder4ville & Great Ilittol Nov., 185-3.—tr.
De Last are; Lac.i:an ; .l - anrsa & W.
fAN and after Thursdtty,iNov.. .23, 1854, the
Mail•Passeng,er 'Frain will leave Scranton.
at 12.:%1i
Due 4t Great Bend at t?..30Y, r. 3f.
Connecting with the Day Ekpress Trains on
,the N. &E. R. R.," both_ east and west..—
Passeoers taking. this train will arrive in New.
York itt9.3o P.:31. and in punkirk at 11.
Retut . n, will leave Great Bend •on the arrival
of The Boffalo F, bound .West, 420 r.
which &Tarts froailew York at 7, A. :u.,—and
arrives ht S N :ranton at 5.50, F.
The Prei:ht AccoMmodation Tr4in, with pasS.
eager - car attached, will depart from Scranton . a
1.50, P.. 31.. dap at Great 6, r. connect.
in, With the Mail Train bound_ West, and the
Ni , ht press - Trains bottnd both East and West.
Returning, will depart front Great Bend at
6.3( i .at. and arrive at Scranton; 11.00, A. at.
Sta!4sNvill be in waiting on the arrival of Pas
-serrrer 1_7r::::1-; at Scranton, to convey pas , setr , ers
to Carbondale. Pittston, Wilkes-Barre, Phil: de!.
phia rin the Readiag.R..R., Easton, and all ether
D. 11. DOTTERER, Sun t.
Sup't 011iee. Scranton, , .
Nov. 18, 1854. 25tf
Horde Powers and Steam Engine.
fANP, and . two Horse Powdrs for .threshing
and'oth?r purposes, and liiirse •
PoWer;lStearn Engine, for sale low at the .Eagle
Pcutrll.r. Also, Staves, Plows,' and all kinds a
Castinti.4 for Machinery and other pUrposes. •
Montrose, Dee-1,18.54.
,New Goods. •
A Good assortment—to arrive this-syek, at
low prices. . Call and .examine.
W LEY. & MOTt. .
llotitrow, Sept. 12. 1854. • •
Buffalo Rob o . s. :
• LARGE lot of hindsorno Rolies, a part
11 them whole, Indian dressed, and l very supe
-"rim . colors and quality.
Gibson. Oct. 11. 1354
• •
- Agents - Wanted. -
TN ell parts of the United States to canvass for
IL a:new book, entitled "Panorama of the Old.
Worbfand Nev ;",. comprising a view of the
present state of the nations of the World,, their
twinners - „customs and.peculiarities, and their po.
liticai, - social and industrial condition,.interspers.
ed*ith historical sketches • and anecdotes, by
Win:Tinnock, author of the history oitrEngland,
Greece and Route. enlarged, revised and embel..
'fished with several hundred engravings, inclu
ding 24 beautifully colored .plates, from. design's
bif-,Croome„-Deveremv. and ether artists., '
This work is beautifully bound in embossed
. morocco, gilt hank, and contains over 600 'pages
octav:o : Price, $2,15.
A specimen copy of the book will be sent to
snT heat of the United Stites, on the receipt. of
the , price, and as it is Soltlexclusively by Agents,
it idlers great inducements to canvassers.
The larg,tat commission.will be pail . , -
Apply to - S. W: BRADLEY,
8.-18 North Foarfit stroet, Philati ilphia, Pa
Railßoad Crosiing
Look out for The . Cars.
rtiHE firm of %%Tanen. & Thayer , is
but the Farmers' Store is'ut. •
'puldic.notice that we are selling .Go ,
at cost:: Good Tea at . 25 ets., CoWee
other Groceries at the' same rate.
Cfothing cheaper than von can.boels.fiwherethia
side of New fork. Slitting Calicoet . 9 ets.,"
Cloths of every deseription•so low yon will be
perfeellv astonished. Good nice Brladeloth at
two: dollars per yard. There is a Market attach,
ed to the'our Store where the Farm 43. can sell
their prodneeof every kind . for. cash, and the
good people of Montrose can find everything in
the line of eatables fo their • advantage. Gentle
men and LadieS, one.and- all, call and.see .
Our. .terms are positively ready pa y (and no
trust.): '. R. THAYER & Co.
- Montrose, Dee. 20, 1854.. . I-.
• - Window Sash. • I
S: II: &D. SAYRE having been' nppointed
: agents for an eatensivo - Sash, Blind and
Dom- Mannfactory lire prepared to tarnish any
articles in this line at less rates than; they have.
usually bedn sold. . ! • .
Dec. W.
Q HAVING CREAM—an article which every
to n should try, for sale by
' - ' " S. H, &D. SAYRE;
- • Boady-Madtt
A VERY destrable A stuck, at very low OriCes.
- S. H. &D. RAYR—
itiontrosi, Dec. 14, 1854.
A Now lot of Gift Books. ibr Now Years.-7.
XX. The life of.P..T. Bernunkand H. Greeley,
elan Ten Nights - init Ear.Roons and what I saw
there," by T, S. Arthiir, a first rate Book for..ev; ,
erybodY. Enquire nt.the Montrose Post Wilde.
Montrose, De 27,1854.
MOrt"Ev 7 i Emocp, AT
1..h.k.2 .••••••••••
-611408.4§ 1 0441::
ICER.Ms—sl,pcvash in adVance;,s.2,oo' ,If
, not.paid within pix tdontifif; and $2,50, at tht
ofihejear: tied' nfititirtreini
,ges are paid, ext*pt at the optio'dof -the Ptib-
Ushers. gonitnunications connected with the
offii?e, tot attention, mustla di reetedlpoat
paid) to CI an Dalr,gontrOle,Snaanifirigift
Counts, Pa.
Rate cgt -
One square (12,lines or less)"3 insertion's, $l,OO -
Each subsequent insertion,. 0;25 - .
One square three npplbs, . . • .. : • .•
One square six . months, . a..... . 4,00 -
Basiness Canis; four lines or leis; . . ;3,00 -
Yearlydrid - reitisenients, riot/over 4 squargin, 7,00 .
,One column .one year, . . . . . :10,00
Yently advertisers be restricted to the
business in which-they are engaged; and are eon•
sidered as wishing ru continua advertising. tinlas
theyzediall give special directions fefa'diseootin
• • • ..• •
uanee of the sable..
The pu - blisficrs baving added its; their Job,
Printing materials:a large and superior *assort.
ment of Job Type, aro now priparid ekteute •
Job• Work in a - manner unsurpassed in; ibis sec
tion of coup try s and .onthe most reasonabic tesaisi,
Blanks of every description kept constantly:7
on linad or printed to order. , • -
ERWiT _HOWSE, . • •
Great, Bend pot,- Pa'. ADD/SON Bur-
ANT, Proprietor. - .
RultitOWS, SPROUT de, CO.,
31anufactniersof SPROUT'fi COMBINED-CAI.
111/GE Srarms, Hughesville, Lynoming
Spring may be had of 31. B:Wilson Montrose.
. - ;
Win. W. SMITH' ilk Cii.
. •
Cannel and Chair Manufactorera,:foo,t Mau
Street, Montrose'; Pa, - ~
Dr. It. SMITH - •• • A
Surgeon Dentist;. footroso: Pa. , will. be at.
.SenrWs Hotel, Mend4fs land Tue sdays of e a ch •
week. . • • . • -15y1.
bealeks in Efry.Goods,.Groeeties ' hardware,
Crockery, - Boots. and Shoes,. 4e.,SpringTille,
. Pa. . : 180 t
.& CHASE, .
Attornies formerly
• pied by Little & Stroetr, gont,tote,-Suiqne
hanna County, Pa
Itit. pit .8..1.1111.11
• - •
ATTORNEY ANIS COUNSELLOR AT . LaW:-...01:11141111 1 •
hann4 Depot, PI iolfiee: over , a B. West's
Store. 16yt
- ,
Dealer in Drugs,Metficines, Chertileals,Paint
Oils, Dye. stuffs, Groceries, Dry Goodti, Hayd.
'ware, Yanitee Notions; &c. 'Physicians Pre.
seri ptions carefully compouriiied.
Tailor—Shop under Searles
11. , ,te1, Main Street, :Montrose; Pa.
DEALER itCS.toves, Tin, ‘Ctliper and Siiiet Iron
Ware; Loderaville,near Great Bend Depot:—ttf
:: IN STOrEs 40 31anufveturera.• of COp
per, Tin; and. Sheat 7 lrim 'Ware. . Shnp near
the New Court flonse,.Montiost„Pa.
S. A. Woonnyir.] • ~`. ~ • t[G. B. :ELDRED.
Dr.ALEa. Ready-Mock Clothing,. Hats'. ond
Cops. Boots :dui Shoes, Diy 'Goods;
Store . Opposite Searle s Hotel, MOntroE6.
C. 1). LATRaor, and /
P. W. Itlity, wi
= ' Dr. Merit "IL C Vail. \ •
11 - 1, RUGGIST and. Cfmnsr, and Dealer in
. Dtmos,lfedicines, - Clionie - als, Dye Stuffs • •
_Paints, Oils, PAty, Window ..Glass, Carn - phine
Pe - rfa.mery, Yankee Noiets,&e.,6t.e.
LOderSOKPA.-Antf. • . *-
Pa., will. Attend faithfully to all business en
trusted to him in the county of Susquehanna. -
Conveynneing.and writing of all -kinds will be
done neatly, and charge moderatio He -
also attend to the prosecution of clairns - et sot- -
diers, their widows and heirs, against the
..government, for Bonnty.Land, PenSions, 4e..
May be found at nit hours it the Office forMerly
• occupied by J. T. Richard, Esq.
,north ofl the
Court-House.--485-n49 I: .
N. 0. - TYLER, .
Interested with I. Lj *Hunt„ •
lery, Carriage Trimmings: Springs, &C. I -
No. •215 Pearl Street, IC
Where his "Mercantile friends, in this and other
Counties, are kindly invited; and earaistlyso)ieit
ed to call and purchase.. = ufig.
U. B. & Co.
With Rowo, Woodruff, -Br,-.Carter,_
yx7IIOI.ESALE Gnocinn • and comsisios
r MEncaiiri, No: 173 Washington Street
betw,Al Co:inland and Dey'Steeets, NO/ 'Vnt.
'March S, 1854—IOtt:. - •
_Medical Card. ;
fRs. E. Patrick, Jr. &,G.. Z. ttituockihars
this day formed a coltrtnership,for aintore
efficient and successful prosecution of the differ.
oil branches' of their - profession. -
'All business entruStedto - them, will be iAten•
ded to with protaptnese and fidelity. - •
'!'heir (Zee may. be. found .over I.athrop's
Store, East side Puhlic "Avenne. I
E. PATRIa,'Jr.
• - G. Z. DISIGC.
Montrose, March 22, 1854. -,--
We give
de nearly
t is., and
. .
W. Singleton,.
eon now bo found at his new stand on Orie
go street; 2 - doota west of
. SearWer.Hotaili ' 'hers
he 'elrectually ,repairs '.with.;dispateh, Writaies,
Clocks, Guns, Jewelry, and, every_ description of
machinery; _ Wheel rutting, Gifu - and, 'Vaten
materials supplied to the trade.=,-5I - -1
A. &E. Baldwin - •
- NTAY be found in bilsetn . ent Searle i s 110-
.01. tel; 3 doors wesi (rein thereornert Notes
and aveounta that are duo us will be ‘ 4, 4y
ceptable if paid. soon. • •
ilfoutror, Nov. 2`3,11854.=-47tf
•-J. H. • aniofisi , . „
wnbLEsoiLE AND REgilL DEALER in Cabinet
Ware, 'Sofas; Be teitds, Tables, : Stabs
Chairs, &e:-
. - . No; a astungton street.-
. - .. . Binghamton, Pi.:Y;
- W - Coffin Ware. oom up stairs...—nssl
-'5OOO bneliels aits, 2000 boAfeit- of Con),
1000,bnihela of.ftyp, 1000 - Inishelicon)eieddip•
100 bushels of Buckwhent,lsoo hnehels of
Beans, Ifind any quantity ..Of TvaitridiA! at the
biatieot, angliet. prfokiftwohangeacti-Giod 4l .
• ' ijuskrer*AD.
• Lp the aiircetiteenenv of,A, ; _lut OR
&CO., rn -another column' and
youlean buy Goody at a bargain.:'
dwta, Gold Maas ,
• convoking of Chatelaine, Gututi,-Yest and
Fob, 441 weights and pagans, by•
A. 3.EvANs.
Woodruff &
A. 4ithrop
[A. 11A7HROP