The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, April 12, 1855, Image 3

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    genet, I will extend my review thiough one,
or two communications beyond - the present.
In my= nest I will endeavor to shim up his,
want of fidelity to the great Free-Soil cause.
-.-2 17 9 6 Eagle.
Wlthellrehtrat irons a OhWOO Losige.r
The Rev. J. A. Tackitt, a clergyman of
Methodist Episcopal Church of Forestville,
Chantaistipe Co. haspublicly withdrawn from
e Koos , Nothing Order, in a card, which
appears in the Fronia Censor . , and which/
wears so markedly the stalls)) of good faith
and uprightness - of purpose, that we give it a
place.—Adas ,
To the
President and Council at Forestville,
. Chautauqua N . Y..
- joined
When I joined this Council, I in
good faith, arid have acted according to . -the
obligations of the order since, as I understood
them. That,is that we are to -vote for second
degree members for office, if we judge it best
for the American cause. And as I judged it
root for the best interests of the American cause
to vote for Mr. Ullman for Govenor of the
State of New York, under the circurnsum
c es upon which he was noMinated, I therefore
voted for Myron H. Clark for Govenor, and
for second degree members of the Order for. ,
other offices, as I. deemed them proper persons'
to fill such offices, and have acted upon this
principlerer since I belonged. .
But recent/y learning from some of the
soimbers of the Council, that the obligations
of the Order are construediy .this Council
s o as to bind us to vote for second degree
Members,.and those only, and that if we voted
for any others, and not such as nominated by
the Council, we must be expelled, and I have i
seen documents from the Supreme Council of,'
the Order, construing the obligations :the; .
same way, and as I, with many . othdrs, joined.
before such construction was given, of which;
-we hid no knowledge, by our Supreme Coun-1;,
, cil ; and as such construction operates uponl
fovea ex Os facto law, making an act a crime.;
and punishable which was committed before
inch a law- or construction of law existed ;
-as in a this government no person can be
subjected to punishmer.t by an es poet facto
:law, which is making an act iseinshable in
a manner ip which it was not punishable at ,
the time it was committed, and as sech a law
is,contriny to the Constitution of the United
-States, and of every Staie ,in the Union, I';
therefore do hereby, most respectfully, with
draw from ,this Order, that I may exercise my s !
e lective franchise constitutionally, and. accor
ding.tO the dictates of my own conscience
and Judgement, untrameled by the dictation
,of anyernan or set of men.
J. H- TAcsrrr.
Forestville, N. Y. March 1855.
- lasosir Nothinglsm Pro4lavery.
That Know-Nothingism is pro-slavery can
no longer be denied. In proof of this,.we have
only to refer -to the followina e extract from
Thomas S. Flournoy ' s letter of aceeptanc as '
thelnOw Nothing candidate for Govenor in
~ Vireinia. On refering to the subject of for
sign immigration he says: -
"The South is especially and . deeplyinter>
ested in this question. , This immense and an
ual addition to our- population settle in th e
non-slaveholding Statt, and the extensive
territories of the West and Northwest, out 'of
which free states will,, in consequence, be
more speedily formed, increasing_ with fear
fnl the balance of power against us."
- Such is the language used by the Know-
Nothing candidate for' Govenor in the State
of Virginia, and it foreshadows the .faet, that
' the South adopts Know Nothsngism is a
means of advacin,g and perpetuating the cause
of ilavery. Last week we published an extract
from the speech of Gov. Smith, who is a can
didate 'in Virginia for Congress on the Know
Nothing platform, and it was bat ccrobora
tive of the extract which we now take from
• the letter of Flournoy. , The democracy of
' the North have on all occasions stood along
side9f the Southernvlemocracy, and it can-,
not be said they ever faltered, but now when
it is plain that the South Is willing to frater-
I mize with our enemies, and on the selfish prin
eiple of extending and perpetuating slavery,
at the expense of every manly and noble sea
- tiuent i we, for one, will say to them, farewell !
• We have long enough. endured the coati:tine
, ly and abuse of Northern people for Southern.
' abstnictionists, and "if we are to be paid for
our fealty in Know-Nothing coin, the time
has come wbenithe North will show sk power
through the democracy which the South lit
tle dreams 44--Ilairisburg Union.
Euteosi lassreas.—Govener Clark bas sent
to the Senate his nbminations of harbor mas
ters for this' city. Among the list is the name
of Mr. James J. Bevins, of the 19th ward.—
We would like to know if the Governor's rea
sonsfor this nomination were equally siipotent
ss those given by a - friend of Mr. K's who
;voted for him for the Assembly last fall.—
liood morning. Frank; vote for Jinx, to-day r
.(meaning Mr. Bevins.)sins.) ,
‘! Why not r
Don't like him. He is Got the Tight sort
of s. man."
"D—n it„didn't he whip Bill Poole r
Mr—Betviim may have whipped Bill Boole,
or Tom Byer, or any other pugilistic cham
pion, or he may have won five hundred or a
thousand dollar? on Tacony,Lady, Suffolk, or
any other favorite nag ; but we submit that
these are not the requisite qualifications for a
harbor master of 'this port. Was the re no
other timber, Mr. 'Governor !—N. Y. Sun.
Vie •cadet.
'The lecnsd,_terne-of the current year of the
4-ademy hint just closed. • The examination
of the several classes . was highly gratifying to
those who attended it; reflecting, very gener
nkr, lunch credit on the pupils for their dili
gence is matt, Ind upon the Teachers for
tbe tkerenghneea of •their -instruction. The
silt term will , commence on Wednesday, the
/ttli init. The Trustees are DOW preparing
erase for a chemical and Philosophical Lab
oratory which will be in readiness st the com
arencement of the coming term. The ap.
Wattle, with which it will be supplied,
trill famish facilities for- a very extended
Dome ("instruction to pupils in these im
portant branches --of Natural science, - and
an opportunity to the Principal to give coca
sigma! 'public lectures, illustrated by experi 7
meats. There will also be an important ad
dition tathe Library, for which any contri
bution of suitable books from the friends and
'strolls of the -Institution will be gratefully
Convenient rooms win soon be in readi
ness for wish pupils as softy wish 'to board
thenuelves. 41.4 s the desire and design of
the Trustees to furnish everyimictimblelacil.
eiT \
ity far the pi t sol profitable prosecution
4 '
sfstudy to ail sF m ay with to speed.
• - .IL A. RILEY.
'On behalf of t he tutees. - -
1 1 11 1 1 1111111.*
in Briagerittei, on the sth just, by iiev-A.
\/a O. Warren, Tiru.toßD A. Timms to Kin
n Duns= ,
At th m 11068, 91 itA Lodereviite,
nutty 4111056 lust, by the Rev. I. B. Me
-I;rea47, Mr—az:tar thusg, of Cooperstown,
Otsego Co., N.Y., awl MIS. LADISKT 'AMON,
oftodersville, '
i .
in Forest Lake on the 25th ult., by Rev.
nevem' atiatz„ Mr. aoIiNATUAN AVAtITON, of
JOsekt, to Mies ELIZABI I iTiI S. ParrtasoN, - of
the Same plaee.
',At his residence in Buttsburg, Liberty,
Atirq 10th, Mr. Patio .BuTrts in the 80th
year -,cif his , age.
Mf Butts was one of the first settlers in
Susquehanna county. He moved' here in
1810, and trtideraient all the privations of
settling a new county. He was at the rais
ing of the first Court House in ttis county,'
and intitnatelv_ciititiected with its early his
tory: He lived and died a firm believer in
the salvation of all mankind. }Cox.
iy At his residenoe,lin Bridgewater,' on the
2d inst., Mr. ABRAHAM CHAMBERLIN, age sixty
one years: Became in this section of country
when but twenty-ozie years g age. When
twenty-six years.:,of rage he was united in
marriage with lfliss-Rifellitosh, and settled
urn the farm whits he cleared up mostly
with his-own hands, qnd where he spent the
remainder of his ',days. His wife proved a
companidn indeed, a sharer of his toils and
,privationS, as well as his joys and successes.
Thati.lonipanion be Naves a bereaved widow,
lyeith a large family of children, happily how
ever raised, to respeclahle Young men and
womanhood._ The fqmily circle was an af
fectionatt and happy= one, ;as many, beside
thase who composed it, have been made to
feel. In baking him 'death , has made its first
inroad upon _that happy circle, and as a con-
sequence the afflictiorr may the more deeply
be felt. That widowed companion, and be
reared children, howeter, mourn-not as those
who have : no hope for; their departed friends.
ITheir father and friend died in the Christian's
faith, with the Christian's hope. For many
_years prerions to his;ideath he had been a.
respectable member of the Bri,Awaler Bap
tist church. His death, although a long
time -feared, was iather sudden. and unex
pected ; and yet not so sudden as to prevent
'his giving special pqrting advice. to the
youngest of the children, and pronouncing a
parting benediction upon the family gather
ed around hint. Ile lived respected and died
lamented by numerous relatives and- _friends.
Peace to-his remains, end Gospel consolations
to his afflicted famity.4 Their loss is his gain.
English Patent Lever Watches
r.rirtfiv. subscriber has this
. • 30::: "JL -Any received, per elem
• • -14- er Aganiici two dozen more
/ ' ifhistratel ENGLISH.
EvE it idananur
' - i. T . - ed extra • heavy Silver Dont
-1)1‘.. ' " . ing Cases, three different ya
rieties. As the reputation of these watchei hi so
well established, it, is needless to ,stay more Ilion
to notice their arrival." • E
No. 2Xodil FelJows.Halli 1
Binghainten, April 4,4855. . . 1.
TE ELRY—More :new Jewelry Oust reeeiv
0 ed direct from the manufacturers, and c la
sistkng of a first rate assortment of Ladies nd
Gent en's Gold:fing+r Rings, Breast Pins, sr
Drops an loops, Fob and Vest Chains,-Sliites,
Keys, Studs, is, etc:( Persons wishing t.Cii4ir
chase Jewelry she Certainly call at the Store
of - : s, • A. TURRELLI
Montrose, April 12, 18
Deiaware, Lackiwanua 4 1 ' R. 7
. , .
ON and after ` Mo n day ; Ap ri l 9, 185 , the
Mail Fasseriu•Cr Train will leave Se. nten
at 11.50 A. M; -1 ,- i
Due at Great Berd at 3.40,'x. ,Nl.
Connecting, whir the Day Express Trains on
the N. Y. & E. R. ,R., both east and west.—
Passengers taking this train will arrive in .New
York at 9.30 xi. u. and in Dunkirk at 11.
Return, - wili leave Great Bend• on the arrival
of the, Buffalo Express, bound West, (3..20 F. ki.)
which-departs from; ''ew York at 7, a.. n.,4-and
arrives at Scranton t'9.45, P. SI. • ' -
The Freight Arc unodution Train. with pass.
eareaer attached, -ill depart Vona Scranton et
/4 . 0, - .r. u., due at Great Bend at 6. P. u.,connert--
lug with the Mail T'rain bound West, and the .
Night Express Trainbound both East :aid WeAt.
opßeturning, • will epart from Great Bend-at
6.00. Ltd . and arriv at Scranton, 11.60, A. lii.
• . Stag,es will be in ailing on the arrival of Pas.
e ttal
Banger Trains at Sc ' ton, to convey passengers
to Carbondale , Pitts on, Wilirea-Barre, Philadel.
phla via the Reading R. R., Easton, and all other
intermediate places. '
r ' •• .D. H. DOTTERER, Sup't.
Sip% Office, Scranton, . - •
Nov. 18, 1854. flrstf ! . •
Satearassrazati SAFES.
mqvANS & WATSON, No. 26 :South TUC gTH
St., Philadelphia. . ;I'
'Friday morning, December 15th, 1854. Evans
de Wataun's Salamander Safes triumphant, as
'theyaiways are when pot to the test
PHIZAIDVLIIIIA. Dec. 15, 1854.
':Aleintra Evans & Wat urn, No. 26 South Fourth
St., Philadelphia. . .
\-- iOcrerLartan,:—We take much pleasure in rec
. crtinteriding your Salamander Safes to Merchants
•and ptheraltn want of aeseure means of preserving
.theiri, hooka, papers. dt:c4frorn fire, as the one,'we
pure aced from you about seven months since has
preoirved our books, and ;cash in as good a condi. -
tion ts they were when: putt into it, before- the
great fire this morning, which, deetroyed , the en•
tire block of buildings corner-of Chestnut and Fifth
streeis.; The above was in ale in our office; on
the sketind floor olour building. Trim Which . place
it felfintO the cellar and remained' there until -the
• fire eas out. •Ttie. Safe was. then removed and
open 4 i
' lit the presence of at least -1000 persons,
who'.itneseed the good condition of the contents 4
Wig{ in please have the Welland Looks repaired
as * intend to pit it in use again, having perfect .
ccmlitietice in its fire-proof qualities. 1 . .
1' 1 • • Yours. Respectfully,
, -,. •
- 1 -! .. .; . LACEY & PHILLIPS.
! • E nit and Watson take pleasure in rferring to
! 4he!folloWing, among the many hundre d. who have
theiriafea in use:--U. S. Mint, Philid4; 'Firme
sad! Mechanic? 'Bank, Philada.; Satitlel- Allen,
Eon:,igh . .liberiff Phila.; John N. ' Henderson,
i City Controller; Caleb Cope 4. Co., NO. 183 Mat.
i ket St; Richard'Horris and Son,
_Locomotive hull
dere, Philada • Bincroffind Sellers, Machinists,
corner. 16th a nd JAMS *Sic; PrankEs, Fore hien.
ranee CO., Phile.f- Peua ' a RailrOad Co.. Philada.;
Lacey iti Phillips; col ner sth and , Minor Streets ;
'Sharpie* BM., Nb. 32 south 2d St.; James, . gent
'and Oaniii,. No. 147 -North Thitd street ; W. H.
ifortuntettnd Sons, No. 51 North 3d St; Smith,
Williams`,i-Co., No. 87 Market St.; J.& B. Orne,
No: 185 hestnut St. . '1 •
A large assortment of the•abo4e'Ssfes Always on
band (entriooted to stand 10 pek cent. - mire fire
I than anyllerriog s e Safe now in isa.) EVANS &
WATSON, also manufacture and - keep for sale,
boa Shatter, Iron Doers and ken Sash, for leak
ing fire-Proof Yanks for Bank., Stores, public and
• private tetildiugai . Seal and Letter Copyin Press
-4"; Patent Slate. Used Refrigerators. s&c. - Pieces
give se a .aall, at-No. 26Songla Fourth St., Phil*-
, elelphia - .415y1 .
sabieriber having rental, teilierpose to
T public/mile on the premises in Bridgewater
on I!ondity the 23d hurt., the following proper
ty, viz: 4 ,
One 4 *ears old itcoSe , 1 span Matched Hors
es, 2 two yew* old colts, 1 yearling c01t,6 7aar-
Jingo, t'sett liamosa, and various other artieles
too numeekis to t mention.
Zimpt..-4dl sums ever $5, six months era
it, with Aster* and approvedsdewity.
' B. KERB.
pageirater, April 10.16.7r16w2,
? CM*.
it no receiving ids Bpeiog
'eft still be sold low for cash.
h 98, 1855 i
Xi... WO%
'Aton*lnt, Arc
"P . 270. 333 ;Broadway. New York. "
onopoly-LMeisic al Greatly
Oppositio'n to
reduced RatO.
Notwithstanding the combination of music deal
ers to keep up the prices of nen-copyright mu
sic, against the interest of native composers, and
their reffsal to extend to Mr. Waters the,courte
ides of the trade,`, he is making immense sales—`.
havingitbundant evidence, that he has public
countenance and'support, in his opposition to the
GREAT MosoeoLT, and in his efforts to aid NA.
TUVE TALENT, aril to adopt the NATIONAL CUR
RENCY. Ills stoi,k of American and. European
music is imutenie, and the catalogue of his own
publications is ode of the largest and best select.
ed in the United States. lie has also made a
Great 'Reduction ; in the prices of Pianoe. Melode
ons and Musicallnstruments of all kinds. Su
perk». toned 6 1-2 octave pianos for $175, $2OO
and $225, interier of us good quality..and instru
ments as strong lind as durable as those which
cost $5OO. Pianos of every variety of style and
"'price up to $lOOl comprising those of TaN
ent manufactoriel: among them the celebrated
'modem (mirrored •DORACE WATERS' PIANOS and
thefirs/ prernions-/EoLum PIANOS of T. Gilbert
& Co.'s make, (oWners of the zEolian patent.)—
Segond-hand Pim:lola at great bargains. , Prices
from $4O to. $lO. Melodeons from five differ.
"ent manufactories, including the well known S.
D. & IL W. Smith's melodeons, (tuned the equal
temperament,)thebest make in the United States.
Prices $45, $75, ,4100, 8115. $125, $135, and
$l6O. Smith's Double Bank Melodeons, $200.'
- Edth piano and melodeon guaranteed. • The best
terms to the trash sehUols, 4-c.: 12 I•2' per cent
diScount to elergyinark and churches. All orders
promptly attended to: Music sent to - all parts
of the country, post-paid, at the redueed rates.
General and select catalogues sufd schedule of
prices of Pianos forwarded to any a: Tess free
of charge.
Extracts. from :testimonials o musk Proles.
sore and. Editorial*, tonic
nottAcs. WaTanl4 4 , Mamas: Ixt PROVED PIANOS.
..EW Your, Dec. 12,'54.
HoltaCE IVATF.RS4ESQ.,.333-Brondwar:
Dear Sir—Having examined your Piano Fortes
from scientific and appropriate tests; I am ena
bled to form a safisfactory judgment of their
merits, and it is with pleasure that I can speak
of them as among the most celebrated and im
proved makes of the day.
For power, brilliancy and richness of tone
elasticity of touch,i, and beauty=of finish, they will .
not .sufferin comparison with those of any other
manufacturer , and IttiOse desirous of obtaining
a really good Pianio Forte—one that will prove
an equivalent for teir means, will find such a
one in your beautiful instruments.
R. A. k. Leader Of Jellien's Band and musical
Director and Conductor at Niblo's Garden.
For power, tirilfiancy - and richness of tone
elasticity of touch, elegance and durability of
mak-% they are in advance of any other pianos in
the United Stateicibeing, the result of long expe
rience and a serksioi.experinienta.—N. Y. Dis
patch. - i
• The treble is clCar,,pure, beautiful, and very
melodeons ; the baps is deep. rolling and sono
rous; the middle 'part is rich and sympathetic,
and posses the power of singing; i. e. of uniting
the sound of each lone, in ado gree but rarely .
achieved--HaNnv IC. WATSON. '
Your instruments are a sensible improvement
upon American pianos, and an honor to the
skillful manufaefuter. • There is no doubt but
they will be 'appreliated by the public, and all
admirers of true merit.--Oscan CONIETTANT.
I • For power of tote, depth of bass, affd brillian
' cy of treble, together with accuracy , of touch,
they are equal to any make I am acquainted with
and I cordislly recommed - theta to those 'wishing
to pnrchase.—V. (1. TAYLOR.'
Our friends will!find at Mr. 'Waters' store the
very.: best aiisortmeitt of music and of .pianos to
be found in the Uqited States, and we urge our
southern and wes4rn friends to give him a call
.henever they go, to New York.—Graham's
.1 (trine. !
I to T.,
tench.-- : ,AnUos
We consider the' ,
from the; resonant and
which 3tr. Waters; has suet
N. Y. Musical IVir/d 4. Tim
The I - lonice Waters pianos are • superior
tone and elegant finish.--N. Y. Christi ,
Nothing at the Slate Fair disylnyed greater cx.
cellence io any depitrtment than the Piano Forte
manufactured by }brace 'Waters, of this city.—
Horace Waters' Piano Fortes aro of full, rich;
and even tone, anit.powe'rful.—N. T. Musical i
Reriete. : -
Your DOSE Square Pianos, sir, are of such a
Clearness and equality of tone throughout. that
they very suceessfilly compete with the volumi
nous and expressiveGr.ancr Vagderteeyde.
The Editor of thie.Sarannah Repuhlican, Sa
vannah, Ga., apeakibg of the Piano Fortes kept
by Messrs. J. W. Morrell & Co. of that city,
zreat pleaiure in pronouncing them in,
superior quality,"botltAn tone and
worthy of_apecial attention,
leedingly . musical touo
'ded miattaining.7
• f a 1t will be seen that their stock comprises in-
strurneets of every grade of excellence, from the I
well known manufacturing establishments of 1
Chickering & Son, Monica Waters. H. Worms- :
ter, Manna and Clark, and Bacon and Raven. It
Might well be suppOsed, that iii so large a col- 1
lection, there would be some very fine instra. !.
Meats. But there ig one which, for beauty of I
finish and richness and brilliancy of tone, equals,
if it does not excel - anything of the kind we
have ever seen.. ' lr is from the establjahment of
Horace Waters. Being constructed/of the best 1
and most thoroughl y seasoned material, and up. I
on improved princip es, it is capable of resisting 1
1 -he "li° l3 of every ;climatal And of standing e
long time in tune. ',The keys are of pearl, and 1
the recess for the finger-board is inlaid\ with
pearl, the legs are moat elaborately carved, and I
the whole instrumerit finiahed up in a style of
great excellence and;beauty. And yet its chief
merit lies in the potter brilliancy. and richness
of its tOno, and the elasticity of its touch." -
.Extraets from Ed it6rials concerning C. Guam.
&Co's ?REM lux &o ,Isla Puxos. ~
The itolian Piano Forte is undoubtedly the
most perfect musical instrument human ingenui
ty has constructed. /Two instruments are bleu- i
d in one; The igirlian is both attached and I
detached ; so that thil Piano may be played .with
er without it ; or, with one hand the performer
may elicit. the "melodlous strains •of. the Mohan,
and with the other invoke the harmonies of the
Piano. The instrument which, in the evening,
,ncited to the dance'or aided Ike festive song,
g s forth, in the Morning, the pealing tones
which preiudepd stei•ornpany the solemn hymn
Mr. Waters' new rooms are - very inviting to the
lovers of music. Bet he has nothing in his
roomsequal in. beaut i. and
,comfleteness to Gil
bert's L ilian Piano urtee.—Aforeis & Willie
ROM Juurnal.
• '
The variety and be a uty of the effects can nely '
be appree"l ted by thole) who hear these magnifi
tent instru etas It Mr. Waters' establishment.
—N. Y. T t
'buns . 1
The ..golls-Piano Fortes 'sent to the Crystal
Place from the great music rooms of Monaca
WiSters, have been 004 to be unsurpassed by 1
.all !others in those dualities which the greatest
performers most prize'—Eceniarg Post:
The Pianos sold by, Mr. Waters are - very pop
ular. The frameworli is mettillie and the ins.
transept is warranted ;to stand any climate with
searisely any need - of toning.--N. Y. Daily
nines ,
The invention of the new voices hss divested
that instrument of its harsher tones, site given us
all the pprity and riehaess of a parlor organ.—
Eveping Attar, Albany, N. Y.
'This admirable illstruseent is everywhere
pr ailed. --Christian Billector, Boston.
The ..E.olian Piano lii now the chief attraction
in al cosiesl sirslei in the South.—Aisesnia
freer testittionia/s eoncerningfi. D. &
H. W. idnitea's CELtiltATili MELODIANat. -
• 111 an article in the sPebrasty number of the
Review, onsworiog mate **kw in regard to ,
tom ant msde by 4 0 William W. jr.; Brook.
Yt.," I isotieed a staterneet that Prinse's
Melodeons are tuned in the equal temperament.
Since that time I have examined a number of
Niece & Ce's Nelodeitts, with special reference
to the temperament, and hare not found" one
tuned Wequal temperament. The temperament
in the melodeons of PA* & Co.'s.attnufacture
that I have examined, approsehes nearer the .
Equal, than in thcse of Carbon & Needham, but
it is far from equal, as any one u troubled with a
niece ear," I. think will decide, if they will try the
chords-of F and F Sharp in succession. '
A Vasa, Poultney, Vt.
We are very happy to stand corrected on this
point. We made the statement alluded to above
on the authority of a professor of music in jhis
city, without having observed in reference to. it
ourselves—a thing we, very seldom do. We
have-since examined. ; Prince & Co.'s Melodeons
and find " A Tuner" sight. Tho' however, that
S. D. & id. W. Smith!' Melodeon*, sold by Hor.
ace Waters, No. 333 Broadway, are tuned in the
equal teraporsebnt. Y. Musical Reriew.
Diessrs. S. D. & 11. W. Smith rank as the first
monufiaeturefs of the ,Meiodeon in this country.
Their instruments are reeommended by the beat
judges pm superior in every rlatpeet,-_ B oston c om .
• . -
.11Art There is constantly • in store at this es
tablishment ton different mikes of Pianos, an d
five different makes of MetodeeNns. •
r' Each instrument is guaranteed to give
entire sativElstion, or the purchase money refun
Persons at a dsstatiee wishing topurchase will,
by for Warding their orders, have their wants as
icell and as cheaply Supplied asthough personal
ly present. 1 - 14y1
1 % DWI GOOllOll4.
• w. N. wa.sON, ft CO.
I)I:TURN their 'warmest 'acknowledgements
It to their'custimOs in Susquehanna County
for past favors, and invite attention to their stock
, .
. .
Now Spring Goods, .
just opened, whiCh they propose ' to •replentsb
weekly from AUCTION, and the cheapest cash
Houses in the City. , -
The stock embraces evet'y variety of Staple
'suck Fancy Dry Goods, Yankee Notion, Trunks,
Traveling Bags, tte All of whit + they Will sell
extremely CHEAP r CAM - I.
.Pedlar. and othe wholesale buyers will find
it greatly:to their; ad •antage to give them acall.
The Ladies will fin an excellent assay ent
' of Dress Goods, Embroideries, Thread Lac s, and
f t
Trimmings. of all kinds, from AUCTION t very
low rates. ' • i '
Corner •of Couit.arid Hater Sts.
' Binghamton, N.Y., April 5, 1855. i -•
Blitiaty Lauds...
CONGRESS has recently passed _ an addition
al Pension law, which extends muck wider
than the former laws. No one should despOir of
nyeiving, a land ,Wartant who. has done service
of any kind either in the Revolutionary war ,or
since, or has had 4 listiami, or father who 'would'
be entitled to a pension if now lasing. The un:
dersigned has tim Law and all the legal forms for
obtaining Penyinns under the said act, and will
promptly. .nbtain any applicants Pension who is
entitled thereto fOr reasonable- compensation.-
Inur Warrants will bring ready money if you
prefer not to locate the laud. •
Montroac, 510,re1t 21, 1855-12tf.
Wlo.ll4llollEittli* ItIGIITS.
To All WhOm It May Concern.
BYa recent . Act of ti gress . the Bounty
Lind Lawhas been extended; to embrace,
ahnoit every case of Military aervice.
Ali persons what have been engaged in the
Military service of the United States, for a peri
od offourleen days, or, upwards, are entitled to
have not already received it, and ilthey have re
ceived a less quantity, they are entitled to suf6-
cient to make up 160 acres. -
Reioluthanary Soldiers, and soldiers of ',all
the wars in which h e U. Mates- have been en
-1 gaged since, and if' deceased, their widows, or
' Minor children are .
Wagon masters 'and teamsters and chaplains
in thg, army are, in liketuanner-entilled. -
i :I am still engagdd irp• the business of obtaining
Bounty.Larid WarrirOcw.and •ani willing to do
' the business for a reaSe.nable and fair compensa
tion; but I confewilhat. I cannot afford to Spend
I my time and labor :without charge, yet I will do
the 'business at the' loWest price, that I can do it
honestly and live. •
.• Those having elalms, I believe will find it ma
terially to their advantage, to call upon me be
fore going elsewhere.
After the Warrants are obtained, if any of the
Tarrevitees desire la Sell them,'l am 'prepared to.
,he highest cash market price.
Isa_t.mgagtatin the prosecution of other
ist the Unit edStates, such as for Pen
xtra pay,lie. • •
" FRASER, Atty at Law.
s—t tw4
I a iii
claitun ag's
si o nyz, bad;
Montro, , e, Mar, 1"2-;
pll YFE dz KNOOILTON r . drolly call
the attention of the citizens of squehan
na county, to their new and extensive • ssort
meat c f -
Comprising almost every article usually kept in
similar cttablishments, which they will sell at
such pritt:s as must satisfy all who Easy favor
them with their patronage. Their goods were
purchased at the lowest market prices, and aro
warranted to be of the best quality. Call and
examine for-yourselves, it will cost you nothing.
We think all will be onvineeti that this is the
place to buy GOODS CHEAP—not Cheap
Grinds. _
ar Remember the place; No. 10 LaFayette
Block, 3 doors east of the ChenangO Bridge,
Court Street„Binghamlon, N. Y.
March 1, 1855.
Phyfo /it 'Knowlton
INTEND to keep constantly on hand a variety
1. of Nails, iron, steel, springs, noels, table and
pocket cutlery, butcher; bread, and shoe knivei,
razors, shears, scissors,, snuffers arid trays, coal
hods, shovels and tongs, stair rods, coffee mills,
wheel heads, enameled sauce pans , and kettles,
vices,anvils, raiiiths' bellriws, screw platesoledg
es, hammers shovels, Spades, scoops, chains,tead
pipe, sheet lead, pump chain and fixtures, Straw
cutters, corn-shelters, siutage-cutters. metal and
wood faucets, horse brushes, combs, cards, rope,
cordage, files, rasps,
,heils, tacks, brads, cards,{
rivets and burs, sand-paper, braces, bitta, augers,
gimblets screws, hinges, gate hanging*, curtain
fixtures, hooka, staples, bolts, hasps, wood, min
eral and while knobs, mincing -knives, dew*•
springs, thermometers, wire, malleable castings,
mill, X cut, wotirrint hand saws,.firmer, mortice
and framing/ chisels, gouges, wrenches, bench
screws, levels, saw frames , _ anger,"saw, plane and
chisel handles, axes , hatihets, axe-helves brush
es, oil stc ness. whipot, pad, till, chest and door
locks, castors, sad ironi, eancile-sticks, trays, hay
knives, glti&glue...keitles, spoons, saddler's silk,
tassels, olze. - ,Sze., and a stock of builders' Hard
w".ire• and Carpenters' Tools, unsurpassed for
cheapness in this section of country.' Call and
see. Don't forget the place, No. 10, Lafayette
Block, 3 doors east of the Chenango Bridge,
Court street.
Binghamton, March 1,"1855.
ATILL SAWS, warranted. at -
111. PHYFE . de. KNt2WLTON'S.
Binghamton, Nitta 1, 1855.
Administrator's Notice. •
xrcrncE Is hereby given, that letters of mi
ll ministration on the estate of Dan'l S. Davi.
son decd, late of Springville township. have been
duly granted to the subscriber. who resides in
said township. All persona hailog • claims or
demands against the estate of 'the said 'deceased,
are hereby requested topresent them, duly at.
tested, to the subscriber without delay. .
Springville, Marsh 26, 14155-13w6
The Know Nothing Expose.
A NY person patronising me, at the front
11. tipper mom of the Store !lardy steepled by
M. C. Tykr, can be ascotamodatid- accoutring to
to the Latest Fashions, in the twat and 'most.ap
proied manner.
ItY work Is warrated to fit If properly made, .
Cutting, mending and in fact every branch of
Tailoring done on tbd 'shortest notice, and that.
to the satisfactiOn of those concenica.
• *l' ek, STIII I lint y ` OF .
cmetrs ABM OIL 13
Nw in Sties a large stock of \ tle74. tern.
of CARPETS from the recent heavy gnus.
Lion a great reduction In priced. Ban,
gains for purchasers. And such elegant styles
that all Must be suited. Remember our Carpet
rooms are on the second floor of our Crockery
and House Furnishing Store now being !extend:
ed one hundred et in depth, making It ihe must
extensive in tb6 Village. 3. H. DE BED.
Binghamton. March 15, 1855. • 1
Crockery, Gloss• Ware, and Sionse.
Filen*skint Goods. !.
T 11. DE PEG would call Atte attention of
tJ • .purchasers to his extensive and] varied
.stock of GOODS for the Spring trade, consist
ing of every article desired by honsekeepers and
would especially solicit 'a call from Vase fur
cashing anew. As our attention is particularly
.devoted to the 'cants of this class, we are, able to
furnish them with a complete 'eutfit—iind we
would advise all to look through the assCorttnent
before purchasing elsewhere. Remember DE
'FEU keeph Crockery, Looking•Glasaes, Carpet
ing, Oil• Cloths, Wooden and Willow ; Ware,
Spoons, Cutlery, Window. - -Shade% Long*. Cur
tain Trimmings, Chinn ware, Fancy 13askilts,Itird
Cages, Toys, lap:owed and Tint Ware, Feather
Dusters, Geese Feathers, Mum at the
Binghain ton, March "15.1855. ;
THE Books, Notes, Leases, Contracts,' fte.,of
the subscriber, will be left for the present
with J. T. Langdon Esq., to whom all payments
thereon may be made, - during hiwabsence,innless
a "Greeting" ie sew, before payment is otrerect.
' Si. C. TV SEE.
3fontrose, March 15,1855-11w4 '
AFINE ass°, trnent of New Gouda just orris..
ingot the Farmers' Store. Call end see
for yourselves—coat you nothing to look and
but little - to buy. •R. TRAYER ¢ co..
Montrose, March 10, '65.
To Wholesale Dealers and Dealers in Merchan
• dize within the County Of Susquehangq.
Ipnrsuance of the Act of Assembly of this
Commonwealth, viz : the Act of the 4th day
of Nay, 1841, entitled "an Act to provide reve
nue to • meet the demands upon ,the Treasury,
and for other purposes," an Act of the 16th of
April, 1845, entitled "an Act to increase the rev
enue and diminish the Legislative expenaes of
the'Cinmonwealth," an Act passed the 22d day'
of April, 1846, entitled "an Act to provide for
the reduction of the State debt,' and an Act
passed the 10th _day of April, 1849, entitled" an
Act to create a sinking fund, and to provid e for
the gradual and certain extinguishment of the
State debt," the undersigned, Appraiier of
Mercantile Taxes of Sinoinehanna county, has
prepared a list of all Merdiants tradizig within
Said county, and placed each of the said Mer
chants in that class which to him seems right
and just aecordingtii the provisions of said Act
or Assembly, as follows, viz :
" • • . Patent
Residence. Proprietors. , Clale. M 471.
Auburn, John P. Lambert; 14 4
du Watteiman & Swisher,l4
Brooklyn. • Nelsnn Tiffany, • 14
do P. W. Allen, 34
do < .1 C. Lee, - 14
do Win. McMillan, 1$ •
do R. T. Ashley, 14
do Smith & Eletbpste2d, 12 • ,
E. S. Kent & Co, 14
Clfford, D. C. Brundsge 14
do J. & Hnlstet4, 14
,Whocnnut, Francis Quinn-, 14 -
•Dgndatr, ' Church & Phinney, 13 1 -
do, ' E. l'hinney, 4
do Thomas Arnold, 13
Dimoek, • L N.‘Voodruff
do E. N. Bacon,
Friendsville, ‘Viekhem & Milford, 13 -' - -
" -do Benjamin Glidden, 14 i
Forest Lake - D. L Meeker, - 1.1 Lig
Franklin, . J. L, Merriman, 14-
Gibson, Taylor & Walker, * 14 .Lig.. ; -,,
do John Smiler' 13 - ,
do N. E. Kentiedy, • 1-4 -
;do , U. Burrows & Co.' 13 \... -' 4
Great Bend, L. S. Lenheitu, - 12 - I.;.ig. '
do Thomas & Whiting, 12
do - John McKinney, - 13 '
. do Henry McKinney, 14_ ;
do M. IL C. Vail, - - 14 Lig. 4
do Evens Griggs, l4
• do Taylor & June, 14
do J. .&
N. Da Bois, 14
do - Win. Dayton, . • 11 '
do James Clark, " -14
Herrick, John Miller, r, 14 " *
I larford, S. Seymour,- . 14
• do. Johnston & Very, , .13 -
do ' Crireenter & Sibley,. 14
do - B. t. &R. IL Eaton, 12
Harmony, S. A. Lyons, •14
do B. R. Lyons; - . 12 .
do Brant & Clager, - 14 .
• do - D. A. Lyons & Bro. 14
Jackson, J. J. Turner, 14
Jessup; . Deptie& Cooper, -14
ip e.,. 13
do Bondi) , & Read, 11 Litt. 3
do J. Ethridge. H Lig. 4
do R. Thayer & Co., - 14 . 4
do A Turret], 14 Lig.- 3
do 1. L. Post & Co., , 10
do. S. H. & D. Sayre, .14
do R. Ro*einbaum, 14
do J. Wittenburg 4.'8r0. 14
Middletown, C. C. Wright, 14 -
do Charles Campbell, .14
New -Milford, Hayden & Bro., 14 ;
do 1. 11, Sutphin. 12
do Wm. C. Ward, 13
do ' J. Diekermanjr. 13
do IL -Barritt, c •-13 Liqi
. do L Morse ar, Bro., 'l4
Rush, 11. J. Champion, 14
do N. Granger, - 14
do James Tupper, 14
Susg's Depot,A. J. Whitney, 14
do Edmond Stark, -43 Lig:
d'o A. J. &S. Seythour, 14
do Gayliird Curtis, - 14
do Thome* Ingstrarn, 14
, do J. Asher . & Co., . 13
do James Bell, 13
do D. L Kimber, 13
• do E. Carlisle, 13
do - S. B. West, 14 Lig.; 4
do Ilirsehfeld, 14
do W. 11: & J.-F. Hubbard,l3
do • - & Shona, .14 - Llq:
,do • Lewis Conrad, 14
do H. Cohen. 14 ;
Silver Lake,' 8.. Chiekester at. Co.,
.13 i 4
Springville, Dean & White • 13 .
do . 11. 5. Lewis, 14 -
do Scott, Johnson & Co., 13
do McMillan & _Park. 12 ,
List o f, Groceries', Beer Houses, he.
Apolacon, Harry Barney, - 8
do Wrn. Buren), 8 Lig.;
Daudet:l', Enoch Chambers, S
FriendaTille, • Edwin Bliss,
Great Bend, Lucien Scott, • 7 '
I , do H. Crane & Co., 8
I do Addl*on Diutock,
I do , John, Comstock, , 8'
ilannocy, • J. N. Skipper, "
do B. Ayleiworth,
knntrose, A. Merriman, 7
do 1. N.Pnllard, - 8 Llq.l
do! ' F. B Fordham, 7
New Milfopl, J. Miller, • •
do 1,Z.. - Cobb, -
Snag's Depot, James °atelier s 7
- W. W. Clark. 8
-do - Petrie. & Soo, - 7
do F. D.. Case.•
do N. C. & D. W. Norton, '1 '`.
do Ww. Skinner, - a. - .P. R. Drake, - 8.. ' '
do . B. Smith, _ : , 8
do Joseph Wlrittherr, 8 -
,•• ..,
do • . ' Win. Wirral,. .8 Liq.
do ' D.. A. Benson, -•• .8 Lig.
• i do . Miles Creegan, 8 Lii.
Thomson, • H. P. liathway, - ' 8
Frieudeville, James Mead. " 8 - •
• And the judges of the Courtof Commtm Pleas
of said County, will hold a Court - of Appeal et
the Court House in Montrose, in and for said
County. on Thursday the until ay of Al next,
it one o'clock P. M., at which time and' place
any of the &Umlauts defined, desoribed, and
classed as aforesaid, or their agent or attorney,
may sp appeal from said assessment if
they tin k proper. • • •
W. Al. TINGLEY, Mei. Appraiser._
Ifopbottorn, March 6, 1855-11 .
B -
Y VERY recent arrivals, are now prepared
to exhibit a large and complete aseortmentt
Incl riding simost every variety' both Foreign and
Dignestle,suivible for the season:
Morita:A, Paramettax.Cashmeres,Dolaines,Priats
Girghams, D'Berges. Poplins. '
Laces, Gloves, Hosiery,,&c.
Collars, Lace Capes, Handkerchiefs, Sleeves,
Edgings, Inserting*, Flouncing, Bands,
Jaconet, Nansook, Cambric, Lawn, &e.
Blankets, Qui] ta, Counterpanes, Toweling; Nap.
kins, Tabte Cloths, Shirting, Sheeting,
Flannel, &e ate. &e.
These bareall been purchased within the past
few weeks, at the present, low prices, of imported
fabric's, and it is our wish to dispose of them at
the name low rates, continuing invariably our ad
herence to the
• One Price System.
Also, we'have constantly on handa large stock
of Cloths, Cassimeres, Sheepsgray, Satinet..
Tweeds. Jeans, etc. .
Of these 'first we have now every variety,. from
the priralcd-Cashmere or the low priced Scotch
Pluids to the Super Chainlainn Cashmere Broche.
And of the last we intend at all times to be able
to show a line of either Mantillas, Tulmaa or
Cloaks, at a variety of prices, and as the season
advances, to keep up, with the change of fashion,
making up to order anything in this way of the'
desired color of Cloth or Velvet, at a reasonable
price • this we are the better enabled to do, as we
are about opening the front rooms on the second
Boor, with an extensivestock of
linnets; Bonnet_,Trimmings of all kinds, inclu
ding Flowers, Feathers, etc.; Dress and Cloak -
Trimmings, Ribbons of all kinds, Velvets, Plush,
Embroideries, Laces, Lace Caps, Merino and Silk
under, garments.for ladies—in short all the et cet
eras of an establishment of this kind; including
Dress Makin(' in all its branches. We believe
we have been " perfectly successful in' proeurincr
,persons of experience, ability and Vote, to tak e p
charge of this department. and in conclusion we
can only add, that both they and ourselves wilt
endeavor in all particulars to please our custo
mers. • NELSON & PRIEST:
Binghamton, March 4, 1855.
XTELSON & PRI&ST are seliing out their
entire stock of Winter Dry 'Goods regard•
less of cost !
Binghamton, March'B, 1855.
New Arra;ng = ment at Gregory's
• having formed a co-partnership tor the
purpose of conducting the Hardware business in
all its , various branches, would respectfully in.
-forut the, people of Susquehanna county that
they are now opening at Gregory's... Old Stand,
opposite the Exchange Hotel, 2 doorirfrom tht
Canal, Binghamton, lki: Y., the largest, cheapest,
tud best stock of Hardware ever offered in Ring
• , .liaving made .4e..Nigements, to - import their
English Goods and purchase their American di-
rect from manufatturers, they can and will sell
CHEAPER. -than any
. other establishment in
town ! Their stock is now' very. extensive, and
those wishing purchase; are invited to call.=
wishing purchase ;
followin are a portion of their leading , ar
ticles, viz:— able knives; end forks, Tea do.,
carvers, forksland steels, pen and pocket knives,
bread and buteher do., hay and straw do., soils.
sors, shears, and razors, b titannia tea and coffee
pots, silver and britannia tea and table spoons,
silver plated, brass, and iron candlesticks, snuf
fers and trays, solar lamps, bird, and suspended
latnpsymaantle.piece ornaments, brass and iron
andirons, shovels and tongs, c.
Looking GlasseS, and looking glass plates,„to,
gether with a general, assortment of housekeep
ing articles. . . : . .
consisting of locks.' latches, butts, screws,..brad
nails, bolts, patent window springs; blind fasten.
ings, shutter screws, and fastenings, &c.
4general assortment of tools for Carpenters
and loiners. Cabinet and Wagon Makers, Masons
and blacksmiths, censisting of planes, saws, ham
mers, hatchets, axes, adzes, chisels, augers, auger
Nitta and,.hollow angers, anvils,., Bellows, vices,
patent drill machine* sledges; stone hammers;
brick and plastering trowel.4,tross-cut, mill, and
circular saws.
.. , .
' A splendid assortment, of Saddle and Harness'
an ; akers' tools and/trimmings. . / . z
consisting of shovels, spades, forks,rakes,scythes,
grain cradles, hoes, pick axes, iron. bans, grind
stones, &c.• _
Also, Agents for the sale of Whittemore.'
8g ires &CO's Agricultural tools,such as plows,
bay and straw tatters, corn libellers, &c. •
Sole an4l upper leather, morocco and shoe
trimmingS, With a general assortment of findings,
Wooden ware, willow cradles, wagons, chairs
and basket of all descriptions. .
Bar iron and steel, iron axles and steel springs
malleable castings, coach lace and trimmings of
all kinds, paints, oils, sash, glass, putty, &s., all
of Which will be sold at the lowest rates. Please
call and examine the stock for yourselveS.
Binghamtoa, March- 1, 1855.
('REAPER than ever , before known, Beauti•
ful patterns, and fine quality of 84 Brock*
Shawls, Lupen'a manufacture. at $7.
Oct. 11• .. _ U, B. & Co.
, • •
1 , ' -*Doctor Yourself : ;
Or, Every one his own Physfefan. -
litrrHE FIF T IETH Edition,eontaining
1 One hundred Engrarings,shossing
Diseases and Malformations of the flu.
Man system in every shapa and form.
To which is added a Treatise on the
Diseases of • Females, being of the highest impel , .
tince lamented people, or thrive ootemptating raw
riage.. By • ;
Williatn Young, Al: D. ,
Let do faiher be ashamed to present a copy of
the Ammolapios to'his child. It may save him ,
from an early grave. Let no young man or wu..
man eater is tb.e secret obligstionsof marriedliAt
,without readincthe Pocket Aeseulapins. Let no
Sarcring from a backnied cough, Pain in the
Side, restless nights, nervous ftelinge, and the
whole train of gyepeptie sensations,and given' op
by their ph another moment without eon
salting the ANSCIILAPIIIB. Have the married.
or those shreat tri- be married any impediment,read
this truly omfol hook, as it has been the meaosof
easing thousauoeof unfortunate eresturesfroin the
very /awe of death.
:17' Any person sending issealg fire cease as
eloped in a letter, will receive _One copy of- this
• work by trail - or five copier will be gentler on:
Dollar. Address (post paid,) •
N 0.152 SpmeeSt. Philadelphia.
April sth. 1855-1471. ; • '
_ traipse • ,
T DO hereby notify and tt. , d pornOt
persona harboring or triating nty.,w16131.14‘
Inds Button, on ray - amount. SO /- adt v i pay no
debts of her contracting' after tblidittprrsbe hay.
log loft my bed and board Without 'oat can or
provocation. HENRY L.' Lit
NPrinrillo, April 4, 1855-Ftw3. _
Broche. Shawls.
Brought Home to - th' ff Door of Mr ft". I
WClNDffilltiLDlscown, bu reMratly, hem Ilia it' br, I,
Curds, of Ws the treatment Of COturaillk
dos, Aetntia and all domes* of the ;Legg.: We tsars Mt I
" Dr. Cartll7 Sron* or lobelia,' Ifypan - ToPer sad"
ilyrupy With ibi s new method Dr. o.hut restored matalf;
"united ours, to peifeet health; limit of lan&
baa lutounowahlo outfielder- t* oats/
a lobylician mom Ica It Iserldstat thatiovix
iy breathing aomiverablai hailing INSOfi.tdossiediellsol
pro:pert-lei must cease In ;HMI enstatt, rd the
_wittdo ed
the artat cavit”f the looks. and thuSolOollotht Many Sad
Varied changes producat opal than vibes Innodnipail Into
the stagnant', and 01*dr:I to the process ot.digestiesti.... -
4.Ntatnala fbr eat all the druislatithrusitlOnt thu.
New York Duliodovan 111. -
The Inhaler Is wore on the brsa4 under stortlame leftist
out-the team incoureolosefe-fft• *at Of 1ttq1., 101 4! 14 " 1 1 1
sufficient to evaporate the decd., -
Ilundreds of Cafiltrt 0 CURlffillko the lowing Ids=
be named.. • One Paebige of Ibleansi has me ; , • of.tha
AVOW& ofetx pox. , tkatilaff- ' •
• . r. Keenka+,y, P.• t ;/ OA. P . ' •
l is cured of _the ASSIIIIn of lirlenws sunuthis,
Carta' Ilygestou. "
Margaret 1411014 brOftie 4•• 5.. _ V ;-
Mrs. Paul of No: inammoodetv_ IC. T.„.waa odribaofik
revere eases! Bronebetht by the Byrom._ _
toy italPbll4M cured of a DISTRESSING 4101111 F
toverni years staadhurvaud deeldeattibi hicttrablO Uri
phyvidass. She vat CUM Is 0191 . mop% b, 'tour
J. ff, Gaubert, &M., Rikkoimat .1116 . -
Price three Dollar , a Package.-ffold by OffiltfflS
RING k DOYD & PAUL It 0..141) Chamber" sc.. St; ff.:4 l
Packages seat free h express to say past,. of tancllaltatt 1 c
State* (or Teu Itnilare.. • •
T. W-Curtis' Owens is the OhIoTNSL aid' OILY
OSSIIINK ARTICI.II, all otherame base tremktdiosia, or
vile and- IN.IIIRIOUS cormternats.-Shoo them as you
would POISON. . 37y1.-fflureher &Wm
irr.For Sale by Abel Turfy'', Dfullitot. Mauna tit , Pc
Fox Vasa= &Wastes Gencial atolls:big
• Rouse, Appleton's Building; Mel -
• and 34E; Bmadway, '
Cash Muds ant,rbitio:Atiiiic , ,-,... i •
' , OP . -110RACETWATX1pN ':-.::::;:l
No. 333 Broadviay, Nero' York. (itsposi=-1-. • -
to ifonopoli. Music at Citroxt/i Rat
, .
XTOTWITHSTANDEgG : the *ambit:Woo of -if - -
.1.1 music dealers to keep uP thp prides of 00134-
copyright music, against theinterestri of nattier'? -
composers, and their refusal to extend to
Waters the courtesies of the trade, he is Milking
.imense sales=-having`abundant evidence, that be 1
has public countenance and support in his oppe -- . 1
citron .to great monopole and, his effortri to aid -
Native Talent, and to dept. the NitionaiCurrei.
ey. His stock of American and European tatt.. ,-1 •
Sic ix immense, and the catalogue Of hirt,ptin
publications is one of the largest and best selent,l'
td in the United States, He has Also made at 1
great Reduction ip the prices of Pianos. Melodis•
ons and Musical lestrumenta of all kinds. Su-
-perioLtotted 6 1-2, octave pianos for $115,8200 ;
..and $225, interior of as good quality, and those that coat $5OO. Pisinoa of every ye. ,
riety of style and prima up to $lOOO, comprising !
those of Ten different "manufactories ' : among
them the celebrated modern improved Hories
Waters' Pianos and. the first, premium 4 01 4, -
Pianos of T. gillfert 3a Co.'s -make. ( own ers of ; :..
the tEolilui patents) Second.hand Planne
great)xtrgains. Prices from SSI3 to $l5O. Me- -
hideous from five.different nuinufactories,
ding the well known
. 5. D. dr. IL W.-Smith's
melodeons, (tuned the equal temper:lnas:o44M
best. made in the United States. Pikes: *45;
$6O; 75,51100, $ll5. $125: $135, arid, $150:--
Smith's Double Bank Melodeons $2OO. Each • ''
Piano" ?delodeon gusrintied. • The best
terms to the trade, schools, &c. 1-2 . per dent.'
discount to clergymen and churches. All order*.
prompt/y attended to; bjesie sent tn all Porte of
the country, post paid,at the reduced- rates. Gen- _
~eral and select catalogues and schedule of prices '
of Pianos forwarded to any address free of_
charge.,-Im3. - , -
Straw Goods, Everson rimers, - are.
CA" pirchasers are solicited to exam ine
our- stock of
French Flowers, &c., which will be found Gu l p,
riot to that of - any other similar house in Otis
We shall receive the coming season, Per steSta. ,
ers; and of our own manufacturer, JIM latest ,
styles of -Bonnets, French •Flowers,., &c.laic, -
which we offer to caste purchasers at greatly rev
duced prices. -
- 64 and 6630hn street, coy.
' 8 3 00 E 4 • NEW ,
0. Fischer, Piano 7 Forte a*
sfactory, -, _ ?l-
ND Ware Romn, - Nos. 243,.245, 247, end
CI 249 West Twerity.eight i street, betweeli
9th and 10th Avenue*, New Vols. Pianos with
the B.olian, and ill the beat Modern imprpve.
ments, made . of the beat_ materials. under our
own supervision; a written guarantee given With -
every Piatm: 3. &. C. F. , tieing practical
and manufacturing very largely, can furnish The
best Pianos, on lower terms than. can be furnish.
ed any where, and it is decidedly the best plaie
to buy for cub. Those desiring a good Piarto,, •
end one that will stand and wear well, can't do
botter than to call on 3.4 C. Peeler. 43m9 - •
Plaktiorna and Coipjer
• • •
44. Co. have recently opene d a
spacious Warehouse at 12.9 - Broadway, New
York, where they offer, at wholesale and retail,
the most complete assortment Of Weighing Ap
paratus to be found in the United States.. Among
the articles offense' will be -found upWards of
seventy different modifications of FAIRBANKS'; Also a great variety of Bastsus", Jew. •
eters', Druggist's Grocers' and other Stales.,. - -a.
Spring Balances, Patent Beams, Tester'a IVOghts
and Measures, &e., &c. _ ' , -
HAY and COAL SCALES set iu any _
,part pt . .
the country 1# experienced warktaep. •
Orders by melt or otherwise wilt recetve
lien.. -
FAIRBANKS& 189 - Brc•adwiy - N. York,
Yew Stow and Tea Goods.
- Carpets Cheaper than ever!
grim sub'scriber givbrnotitc that he lie bk . *
en the premises`, N0.'394 nude.* Street,
Now York, whore he offerslor sale art elegant ,-
and choke lot of ThreeXiy, Ingrain, 'Venetian
and Hall Carpeting, Oil Clutha, stair rods, It ngs,
Druggets, ete. Most of these goods have been •
bought at- suction for Cash :only. 'And now al.. _
low me to say—list„ Carpets were unpreeedestjy
high last year ;- 24, They ate sheet 25 per cent "
lower this year, and never during the thirteen
years that I lave_ been in business, have . ' tucetwa
them solo"; 3d, Most Of the old dealers, per.
haps all, have large stocks bought at last yeses
prices; 4th, I shall start' ith a.c)ean A0114140*
bought at this year's : faces: 5t14 eetellitelt -;
.are very ..low,see my Prtres for exasnyln. In `p
Carpets, all wool, 3s. yazd :Mouth
elt, ditto,4s.,Superfine, si.,Eatra. 654
ditto,4l, and all others at equally-low mks.
3. ItI3 . 9OLES LANDON, 894 Madison St.,.
(Between tiimmeraley and,Clarlison . &malt
New YOrk.)-15m3 _ - , ,
• .DISSOLUVaii • .
THE fine heretofore eliding nailer thc name
of Carpenter ihr, Sibley* le this day &wired=
by motual tensent. Tho Books aiut Aftennta
are ii the hands'of Dexter Sibley tor eettietnent.
Those indebted to the inn are /quested to call
and settle ;About further notice.
•• Buford, 3tarch 1855.
2,009 link Pans. '- - , P , -
T HE subscriber is AIN, gpittaiSitliiCiiiiik::
prepared to fitrabih Dairymen With .1di11e::, .
Pans or all Sites, and a betterQtislity than aver.;
Iyeforiolrered in Susquehans County. Our p as
are- roads froni the best DoubletCrosa Tin e matt
we ran, and will sell thew aVprices mad le*.
eft we
that you have en In the-habit of paying for the
common artiel You lave only to ezatainey 10. -_
bo convinced. Every _ Pan WAntd,44 period .01, :-
no rale. T s, cldt'ar sbort aredlt., ,
- ; ! .--- I. DICILEUXANdite .:
/ New *lron), ApTil 1., UM. , -- :- -,
• •
' " ShaWIL ' • -
a siure. WOO 4 Wieihe at 4 -40114:
T iert.oo, ll4olo StY!* sked at iwireastit
prim. - U.7lkaitiVoi.; ,
Geti -
- -
2 -Vtitti Wel
kitiNaiiiiel,obeik , To'!"
I Ap NOW 3111.11* iv+
• , • J. DICEITAtAN,
April 1, 11110,