The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 22, 1855, Image 4

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    biost gitmorrat.
E. 13. CUAS
J. B. McCOLUMI, Eptrotii3
N DAY, Ptiblpillter.
harviday, Mar. 22,1855.
P.' on to the Dawn
The dos y skies fade into blue,
- And b 1
ter surges bind us; • •
tThi) s tars aro glimmering faint and few .
• The night is left; behind ' us! -
TOrn not where sinks the - sullen dark -'
Before . the signs of warning,
' But-crowid the CatIVIRS on our barque,
And sail to meet the morning,
Rejoice! [rejoice ! the hues that fill
The oritent, flush and lighten ;
And over, the blue Ilnian hill
,The Diwn begins to brighten!
We lea .the Night, thaLieighed so long
Upon he soul's endeavor,
For Mo ing, on these hills of song,
Has m de her home forever, .
Hark to the sound °film trump and lyre,
In the olive groves before us,
And the rythmic beat, the pulse of fire,
. Throb in the full-voiced chorus!
More thah Memonian grandeur speiks,
In triuMph to the - pman,
And all the
- glory of the Greeks
Breathes o'er the old Sgean.
Here shell the ancient dawn return,
That lit the earliest poet;
Whose Very ashes in his .urn, •
Would radiate glory through IL - •
The dawin of life. when life was song,
And sbng the Life of Nature .
And the isingers.stood along the throng.=
A , every feature!
When ore was free, and free as air
The utterance of passion;
And the lieut in every fold lay bare,
Nor shaped its true expression:
The perfect limb and perfect face
Surpassed our best ideal ;
Unconsciotis Nature's law was graced- - -
The beautiful was real. . ,
For men acknowledge true desires,
And light as knowledge wore them;
They were begot by vigorous sires,
And noble mothers bore them, •
0, wben; the shapes of Art they planned
Were,living forms of patsion,
Impulse and deed went hand to hand,
And life was more than fashion.
The seed's of song they scattered first,
Flower in all later ages;
`Their forms have woke the artist's thirst,
Thiotigh the succeeding ages; •
But I will seek the fountain-head
Whence flowed their inspiration,
And lead the unshackled life they Jed,
Accordant withcreation.
The world's false rife, that follows" still,
Has ceased its chain to. tighten,
And over the blue, lonian la
I sea the sunrise brighten. •
An', Example for Boys;
Every apprentice can bear testimony to the
.tricks and. impositions which the elder asso
ciates use in•order to try his temper and met
al, in his first daysof apprenticeship; but ey
ery one is not philosopher enough to know
how to receive, them. We find in the biog
raphy of Horace Greeley, a paragraph on this
point, which 'we commend to the attention of
"The new. _apprentice took his place at the
• tout, and received, from the foreman " his
copy,'''comßosing , stick, and a few words of
instruction,-;and then he addressed himself to
his task. He needed no further assistance.
The mvsteries of the craft he seemed to com
prehend intuitively. He had thought of his
chosen vocation for :many years. He bad
formed a notion how the type must be ar
ranged, in order Co produce the desired im
pression, and therefore all he had to do was
to acquire manual dexterity. In perfect si
lence„ without looking to the right or the
left, heedWs of the sayings of the other ap
prentices, though they were bent on mischief
and tried td attract his attention. Horace
worked on; hour 'after hour, all day • and -
when he left .the office at night, couid set
type better; and faster than many an appren
tice who had a month's Practice. The next
day woliked' with , the same silence and in
tensity. The ritiro were sore puzzled. They
thought itabsolufeTv incumbent on them to
- perform an! initiating rite of some kind ; but
the 'new gave them no handle, no excuse,
no openin. Ile committed no greenness, he
spoke torn i) one, looked at no one, seemed ut
terly .obWous,to everything save his copy
and type.'; They threw type at him but lie
never lookii around. They tilked saucily
at him, but he threw back' no retort. This
would never do. Towards the close of the
third clay.., - one of the ;-)ldest apprenticeshook
out the lhste black ball with which• the prin
ters used to dab the ink upon the type, and
remarking! that in his opinion Horace's hair
. was of to light a hue for so black an art,
whieh be ;had undertaken to learn, applied
the ball ipked to Horace's head, making
• four distina - dabs.,
The boys, the journeyman, the pressman,
and editor, all paused in their 'work ob-
serve the result of the experiment. Horace
neither spike nor moved. Ile went on with
9 his work as though . nothing had happened,
and; soon after went to the tavern where he
- boarded, and spent an hour it' purifying his
dishonored locks, • And that was all the fun
the boys got out of their new companion on
that occasion.: They : were conquered. In a
few days the.vietor,,a4d,tbe vanquished were
excellent c:riends."
ote of Mr. Jefferson.
Mr. Se' erson's . great height and slender
. figure ex; used him to much ridicule from his
opponent ; his soubtiquet with them was
"Long Tim," and when his famous project
of the substitution of Gun Boats in - place of
a Navy, Was adopted by Congress, and the.,
attempt made to put it into practice, thecou
pon disproportionally large, with which 'each
craft 'was! burdened, obtained,. in contempt,
the name l of " Long Tom". Nothiiig could
present amore singular contrast than the fig
ures of Mir. Jefferson and Gett Knox ; the one
very shortand as thick an he ties long—the
other lank, lean, and unusually „tall. - -
- They haPPeued to meet one morning on the
steps of (..-en. Washington's lodgings in Phil
adelphia. The -two gentlemen approached
fremopposite directions, and arriving at the
same monent,. a contest of etiquette took.
plebe, between - them. - The _General at the
bead of trteartny, and full of its chivalrous
politeness, could not think of passing - in be
fore the coequal head of the State Depart
meat, wi le the civil o ffi cer of governtneot
was equa IY. adverse to take precedence of the
loi .
military .iaid they stood for , some -Yrioments
each drawing back and waxing the other for
ward. In the midst ofthis somewhat enter
taining scieue, cattle up directly in front one
the greatest Grits of his day. • Perceiving "how
`matters stood; and casting a sly-glance from
one\to 41e-oilier, he boldly between
thorn, exclaiming niee =pasi d,"*: . Pardo"o me
46451100: - .1f ,' In- tny- haste I dab' through.'
th.ick aidt - Min" - •
- - ' •
- •
•" •
'1- ji peps.. true DI-
D GlESTlVEFurtn,Or.lAasri JUICE. still holds
the first place. iitionk all the ( - various remedies
for these painful 'and•destrutive complaints! It
is Nature's oWn specific for. an unhealthy- stom
ach. No an of men , ean &Ina) its -curative pow.
ers; and no sufferer from Indigstion and Dys
pepsia should'fail to 'try it. I
Eir Sold by Abel Turreiontrose. Byl.
Has just received from New York, a full as
sortment of • .
comprising a first rate variety of,= -
Drugs, Medicines Chem icals , Paints.
Oils,; Dye-Stuffs ;Glass-ware,
Family Groceries, ' Materials
foi Lights, l Mducalln-
truntents, ranks' i .
Notions, Tel:014, '
andall - sorts of
9 c l
• Fancy ' •
4* s
which will be sold .extremely low for cas h .
Having, recently stultainest a kill by fire of at
least five thoirsand — dbliars, i nbove insurance and
goods saved, I fay T have strong claims l'or the
patronage of my friends and the: public. g ' e n ra I -
ly. I ask no man to gi'velito roe,
;neither do I
ask or expect additionil ptrifits ciiiisequence.of
said loss. I will sell griockas; fowlf not lower
than they can be bought eliewhere n thirt Town
or county. All I ask is thSt patrorl ge the
public whi'cli will enable rbe hit industry to
slowly and gradually replace the Ides sustained,
—said loss being the hard earnings of a life! of
anxious toil. ' ; ' • . ,•
Store at the loWer end of. the burned district,
oil Main Street, a few rods below the corners, •
Montrose, Dec. 14, 1334
. .Bentley & Bead
ARE now receivirig,iin their new Building on
the west side elf Public Avenue, two doors
above Searle's Hotel, &large and desitabil as
sortment of
. .
Their sleek is alnlost entirely :NEW, having
saved but a trifle, •e4mparaiively speakinz, from
the late destruistip Bre, and comprises their us
ual variety of Dr.l l Gi)o groceries, Crockery,
Hardware, 'Drugs, Med' Ines, • Paints, Oils, Dy
stuffs, Boots, Shoes, Cloc 'Ai yankee notions &c.,
&c. We trust that 13ur,old customers, and the
public. generally, will rive Us a call at our new
tocalion, as we are Aeteilnined to supply their
wants on as favorable tern* as any of our neigh
bors.: . e .r i. ; 1 . . , •. 1
Montrose. Nov. 30,' 1145.4
Win. ow lash. •
Q ..,H. & D.ISAYRE having been appointed
Os agents fur an 'istensOe Sash, Blind and
Door Manuele,tory. are 'prepitred to -furnish any
articles, in thlsi line ai less- rates - thin they have
usually been -sold. , I
Dec.' 14. ' . i 1 l '
SHAYING CREAM. , --an artiele*hich- ever)
man should tryilfer sale by
61 H. & D. SAYRE '
Dec. 4. •
Iteady-Nade ;Clothing,
rabl, stock . at very low price'
• _ S; IL & D. SAYRE.
Montrose, Dec. 14, 18,54. -1
. 'Agents Wanted. l
rrio sell the best ttrork or T. S. Arthur, " Ten
1 nights in a har-robni, and what I saw
there. 7 ' This is a largo ilimo. of 00 pages - , 4.
lustrated with a beautifill 'Mezzotint Engraving,
b y Sititain bound in 4 kept manner, hill gift
bekr.• , - i .' ' •
Specimen copies sent to any part of tj,
the En :j.
tt &States ' on receipt o•• the prit.e. price 75 ct.s
Same Agents now selling this Book, are Ma
ki 5.50 per month. 1 1•
Apply to ,‘ 1 J. W.IBRADLEY,
, ; ' Pahlisher, ti
8-48 North Fourth street, PliiladelPhia, Pa.
Railßoad Crossing, ,
Look out for the Cars)
HE firm of Warren &Thayer pt dl;Solved
TA. but the Farmers' Store is'nt.- •We gii.d
public notice that we are selling G4ods nearlit
afcost. Good Tea at 25 cts., Ceffeh at and
other Greceries at the same rate. ifteay-Made
Clothing cheaper than you can buy elsewhere thiS
side of Neer York. "Shilling Calicoes at 9 cth.
Cloths of every description so lie you will-1)
perfectly astonished. Good nice: Broadcloth
two dollars per Yard. Theme is . a Market alto*
ed io the our Storewhere the Farmers can sell
theit: prodtme of eYery kind for rash, and tI I L
good people of Montrose. ran findeverything
the line of eatables to their advai?tage. Gentle::
men and Ladies, one and all, call and see us. 4
Our . terms are pdsitively ready spay (and hi,
trust), • R. TIMIER
Montrose,Dee. 20, 1854. 1
AgentsiVir'ante i d.-
I'Fall parts of the United Stateti to-eanyass fair
'a new book, entitlM "Panorama Of the Old,
World.ind New;" cdpaprising •n'.yie.AY of pal
present st4te. of the nations•of the World, the r
mitiners',e.ustonA and Ipeculitkritii.k and their :p -
Mica i, social and' industrial condition, intersper,
ed with hi4torieul sketches and' anecdotes, liy
Wm. Pinnock,;siztho'r of the histtiry of Englmd,
Greece snd ROthe,„yrdirged, rev+ed and embel- -
lished with several hundred 'engravings, inclft
ding. 24 beautifully 4rilored plat4S„ from desigr
by Croome. Devereu'ix ,
.'and other; artists..
- This w'ork is beaUtitully boniii in embossed
morocco, gilt back, a:nd contains over 600 Pages
octavo: Pr+e, 8!,75. - ,i
A specimen cony Of Ott book! will be sent i :.o
r .
any part of-the United states ; op the receipt pf
the price, and as it iS sohtexclusively by Agents,
it offers great induce:n(o to capvaws. ,
' The largtst commission will helaid.
• Apply. to 4. W. BRADLEY.
i li% i Publisher,,
8.-48 North Fourth street, Philadelphia, Pa.
• !,
Brocb.e i ghawie.
HEAPER. than 4v,r before known, Beauti.
ful patterns, anl fine quality of 0-4 Broch(
Shawls, Lupen's ntanufacture, $7. ,{.
Oct. 11. .
_ .l l . • #, 4k. Co
Bay State Shalsi
THE lamest size; finest quility, mid new p
err, ,87,50 each. [ U. 0. & co
Oct. n. I
carpets. r.. : ;
AGOQD :iltrirttrient. and handsoke p•te
at 'very low prirea r U r & CoC
Oct. 11. i • •
New .Goods:
L w hic h
FRESH arrirat „f. New. Goods, w
A offer very ch44l IWe have a large s I
of Staple and ,Fanyll3-v Goods; which we i I
- E
sell to CHEAP . , ; Calrand examine. - -
We are now preparOd to cluthe ally lie cr•rdnal
to the latest silt,' We have a large stnek whici,
we will sell very lojari Cull and examine before
p . nrchasing. Also, II ).*ge Motif of el4ths, Tio
stmeres, !mini, SafMetts, Twe4ds , , .in act
our stock in this line lis eotniilete. q W e i n vit e
I t
the attention of C.otSfirtutattastaas l o o arst k.
All kinds of It•rodnee 'taken In
. _eitehange for
Goods at cash prices. 1 - •
HAWLEY Ik. 1107 r
Montrose. N0v.21,1854. "..... . 1
READ the Advertisement .A. LATIFIRS:O
di CPCk,' iu another 0918100 endgo wiser*
" °l4llll GP(4.14 bargain. ! I.
FRE natorqy ind'CL
l rush for R if .... —lron, Stoves, Tin
tr. e, d-e..
OODRUFF ,ifit.: LDRED having associa
ted themselves together for tht purpose
o carr ying pn the 3. ye ant Tin - awry business
in ill its cartons bra cites, would reimectfully
i I the att4ition oft , e trading pablici, to their
%%thieh,may !easily bo found—it being in close
ii i
p i- ximity to the new 'ourt Housethe South.
w" t iorner thereof. Our building lis not as
co modious as we in •nd having in the Spring.
If Our patrons will be. r with us untillthat time,
WO flatter ourselves-t at our es'ablishnletit will
not be surpassed by .ny in the coulity. .We
hilie the most approv • . patterns of ISTOVES
eer brought into il is market, awing which
mity be found
Star of the West (I
- for (Elevated 0
World, Gli
All Air-Tight, and %
numerous to mention
TIN WARE of all
It lid for household u
rind in the best mann(
ril•oved before leaving
~i They respectfully s
' ho wish to purchas(
string them that mot
ing their stock
1 1 'Montrose, Dec..l
It More and
. - BURRITT is
' .. • supplies of Gt
including a new and e
Marintles„ Merino nn
Fancy and Plain De .t
Square and L'ontr•Sh
stiles. and will
l i tist years prices.
Rich Ribbons-and. Bt
t !r Cloaks and Manti
Dress Trimmings, M
lefts Etc.,•&c.. with a
r . staple and fancy G
" . g
.. been bought un
i 4 p.
e cash market, will
educed prices.
New • il ford, Nov.
GRE,....1T E.lN't
e most valuable Spring
erorid ! DR. HALSR
ecteonis ert by the Nehilit ,
std e.teeme.t the mei et ist
lliedicin es containing
tooted Saisaparillae, re
Ure the elightest change
Together a different arts
glee it consistency, but at
Powerful medicinelatrope
orwhieh it is composed.
virtue'. of the Ind Cheer!
Sarsonorel/a,'with 'Whirl
are still more effective. i
lte high concentration r dere i t one of th,ltmort efficient
medicines now in nee. S metimes has think a sinale bottle
e*torics the lingering pat cot firm a eaarete,d'hilit) . tit
eV:knells; to etrong and vi,toroua health] F.verr done
bows he good effervs on he conptit talon. ihnd improves
he state of the health. he Forest Wine is recommenii•
, d', In the strongest term , for all the cepiplaintp of •the
ilf•Stoetach. Liver. Ridn ye, Nervous Di.cders. Ilillious
' Affections. Dropsy, Dy wpsia. hoes of ApPetit ....Tann-
,• ,! dice, Female Comp'ai is, Scrofula. and' all di•or.. '
tiers arising from B d Blood and sitipitte habit
1, oft e syptern.
• '
-Saved - ont Death' li i • • • '
estimony of Mr. Math Mathews, a highly reePectabie
1. 1
and' wealthy citizen of Ne rk. N. J. i' -
;.• Dr. G. W. lIALSEY.: believe your Privest Wine and
Putt have' been the me ns .. f eating env Dr,- When r
cointheneed taking them all at the point. of dealh.iwith
'biopsy, Piles and Asthm . My phvsleiani had given me
over an past cure. and in famly had.loet all hopes of nip
recovery. While in this ceadful situation. your. Fereat
Wine and Pills were prey red for me, and before Thad Elu
-1 ished the first bottle of the Wine and box ,Ir Pula. I .. xr ,,i,..
I rlenced great relief; my body-and limit, which were
greatly swollen, became sensibly reduced. ;, Lopes. of me
recovery began now to survive. and after' continuing the
use of your medicines for about a montl4 the PL.ep and
Atithma were completely mired. The Dropsy . witVarldrili
my life WU placed in eueb great 'Linger. eras alto nearly
gone. I have continued the use ofyour Medieinea mot
t lie present time. and I n•iw enjoy as perfder health as et.
er Idid in my life, although T am more than 60 year'. of
age. . Yours, respectfully, N'l. MATHEWS.'
Newark, N.J., Dec. 19,1817. -
Great Cure of Lifer Compla i nt oftin years stan
• ding. i.-
. ,
'Few York; Jan. 9. Tete.'
Dr. Hats CT. Dear Sir:lfiving taken your Fdrept Wine
and Pillt to remove a di•ease,of the Liver, from which I
have euffered severely for upstarts of ten years: and having
adhered closely to the 'breakup that arenfirinany the mesh.
cipee. I have recovered my health not a ithStatoliny all who
knew me thought my ease incurable. Previone to taking.
the Wine and Pills, I. has' reeouree to the best m•alical
treatment. bu' continued to crow WOl4B to on al.erMing
degree., Some army friends spoke despairforly of my; cane
and tried to persuade me Gum making utoliof any advertis.
ediemedlee; and T doubt not, bin what !the-e are bun
' dreds dissuaded from raking your excellent ancilicin es, in
crineequence et the deeeption and in-fileieeey of many ad..
vertieed remedies put firth' by nerprincipled men, in ill 'm
ing rolvertisetnerte. lint what a pity it jlt, that the . de:
erption used by others should be the meant of iiinnultdine
many • leboring under disease. frnm talking trial awl h e ieg
cured by •your excellent .medicine.". Ilairiardy ',Deanne,
they two saved my life; when T commented making one
of them, I was in a wr.,-tlted condition, but bierin to ex
perience their good effects in less than throe days; and in
Isa weeks from the time I pinchasetthe Me:Urines. tO the
creat . snrimise of all my friend!, T wan entirely enred. and
had increased fifteen pounds in weicht. baring taker, 4 .e
box of the Pills. and twn bottlea or the \Fine. Would to
'God that every poor enl7erer would avail - hiln.elf ,it the
same remedies. Tony!. &c., .? IS.. WILSON'
• 'NERYOPS iss3rm DEng:, I
Are disease nor the taindas well as of the body!, are
usually brought on by trouble. and .offlirtion.l WO
ire most common to persenp of delicate eonstitnt ions
imds•rati five minds. - Low spiritef. mehtihehrilf. frightfnl -
Dal dreams, and fearfulenticipationte or evil from the
slightest eaunc.. generally acenmp any ndevou. di,nniers...
The, Forest Wine and Pula are- an energetic remedy in
three complaint.. ' I
'Extract of a letter from Mr. Joe. C. PS Wing. dated
Dr HALSEY— . Phil'. d'a. Sept. 7_ 184 S. .
Dear ''ir, Your Forest Wine and Pill. have cured my
wife ofa dreadfril nervona disorder. with which she he'd
town affected for many yeare. Tree botly,,war almnit ara.t
ed away. Showati frequently disturbed in her •leep by
frightful dreams, awakening quite exhalistevl and rovered
with p-repiration. and at 'time' laboring!. under the delu
sion that eomething dreadful wee ahem tTo happen' tn her.
By the use of four bottles of the Wine. and e hex of the
Pills, she is new in perfect health. Sho,has regained her
flesh and color, and enjoys 'Society a it well as ..ver.
.... J.ill. PAULDING
ru. David Marvin; a aeleinated Practitioner nf 'N. York.,
dreier , d publicly, that one bottle oft lialiteri Forest
Wine contained more virt••en then fifty br the . tame bot
tle, of Sarsaparilla. Meters. S.S T.atelpmen & Co.. one
of the largest and mn't re.peetahle Dr' gists in vyrarnse,
in a letter. saps : ''', From what they have heard and seen
of llalsey'a Forest Wine. it is an excellent and Cool med
him-, and will Undoubtedly become the leading medicine of
the day.". . c!
. The Forest Wine IF Vat UP In large rwthare bottles, with
Dr' t Deltic?' IF name blown in the glass. One Dollar per liot
tle t . or sit bottleiforfrive Dnitara. Gum;-coateri yoreerpins
26ents per Bolt. For Sale by the appointed Agente, at,
iW oleeale and Retell: General Dep t,;161 Duane !treed,
on door Dann llneloon. New York. E. .
Aptininted,AgenrsittMont roee, Abel Tili . rrell; Great Bend,
Lnrien Scott'. 1 . .
31y1 change quarterly.. •
. .
• • • Stoves,.StoveS!
rinHE subscribers bey, leave t 4 inform the eit,
.1-1 - izentS of Brooklyn and vicinity that they
hive just received a lot of STOVES of the 'various
modern patterns and styles, whigh they offer for
gale as low as they can be purchased blsewheth
in , the county... ..
, .
ALSO—A lot of STOVE PtrE nd Elbows of
the different mixes, At inanufactuiers Prices.
'WAFTED—OId, Iron, Copper And Brass in ex
change for Stoves or other Goods.
Nov. 28..1854.
Watches, Jewelry, Sil*er Spoons.
GOLD and Silver Patent Lever . Anchor - and
Lepine Watches, just rec4ved and for sale
by ' • BENTIiEX & READ.
HJ. WEBB if/ now rt+iving his Fall
• Goods. : They having Ileen bought ex
tremely low, will bo sold at the lowest price for
ready pay... •
Montrose; Sept. 12. 1854.
Everything works tO a Charm.
SCOTT, JOHNSON & Co. are now receiving
0 a now stock of Fall Goods.Yand are ready to
wait upon the people to anything they wish in
the line of Dry, Goods, Clothing, Groceries,
Hardware, Crockery. Fish. Salti Iron, Boots arid
Shoes. &c.. &c. We will surtlY suit all that
call and We us at our Store in Springville.
Springville, Sept. 27 1854. t: .
A Now lot of Gift Books for New Years..=--
The life of P. T. Barnum and 11. Greelev.
also Ten Nish in Bar-RAO* and what I saw
there," by I'. R. Arthur, a ftrsttato Book &)ritv..
ery m bod ontr y. o2. .E . p notre .
si sit .s th l e m !on
i rout Post offma._
fI_OLD,CHAJNEt.-400 awls.
.Goid Chains,
kir eonsisting of Chatelaine,' GOird, Vest and
Fob, of 141 weights sod patter*, by'
, ' r A. J. EVANS.
rEtt.seed at .
evated Oren,). Cultira
,ven,y Paragan,,llritv
, Atlas, and
e States ,
, arious other pittterns too
inds kept constantly on
i .e. Jobbing doile to order
Ir. Ail Tin.waiO carefully
the. shop.
1; licit the patrohage of' all
anything in their line; as.
can be saved exaniin.
purchasing elsmiliere.
2, 1854.
ore New Goods
now reeeivin;y, new and
min for the Winter trade,
egant assortmeht of French
Cashmere Plaid
.. nes, Paretnett:ts, Broche
Wls, all of new and boit•
d at 25 per cent. less th:,n
'so, a• new asikortment of
nnets, Wide Velvet,
Rich Silk, and Velvet
hair Ileid Driisses,
general assortment of (yth
mds, as usu.& which hay- -
r the present i pressure of
be sold. at corresponding;
and Summer ifedirine i7i the
^S is
and Illedical Famelty of England
Itor•dinary medicile in the world.
i i• °hisser or lipirikiee, like the
luire many large bottles to pro-
In health. The Forest {Pine 1s
.. It ron - ainal!no syrups to
.ulrea its
excellit flavor, and
iril from the etahle plat ts .
hr Forest Wine . combines the
, Dandelion, Yelkow Dockoual
ialnable plants •ahose properties
New Good
Foi• the rapid curt of Coughs,Coas,lloarieness,
Bronchitis, IVhooping,-Cost,gh, Crip
' Asthma and Consumption•
. A MOW the numerous discoveries
er •
' •`... Xl.Seence has made 1 , ,, thialgenere
; r-.:- Hon to facilitate the business/ tel lite
, ' IF- ^lames. its enjoyment, had even
. es ki
picng thoterm of human existenee,
' none can be named of more real val
ue to mankind. than this contribu.
pis i er Hon of Chemistry toth f C fleeting Art..
a•- ...... 'A vast trial of Iss•irt uesthr.inithout
Ibis broad eonotry.• has protect' be
yond a doubt, that no medicice or combination ,if medis
clove yet known , can so .purely control and ruse t beta
'tenons variaties of pulmonary disease which here hith
erto swept from our tnidss thonaande and thousand's-ev
ery Year- Indeed. thsreja shundept reason to believe . n
Remedy has at length been found which can be relied on,
to cute the meet dangerou is r ffeetl , lir pith., lone.* Our
wive here will not permit us to publish eon proportion
(lithe cure* elleetedi by Its nse, but we would nreSeut the
feihneteg:—en.l refer further euqu'ry to my America n
Almanac which the eirenttel..w -named, will aliSays be
pleased to larulah free. wherein are full perticulisks, and
indisputable proof of these statement.. , i
omre of Transportion.Llll:ll en: , II . R..S. C Ang.4.'S3. . '
yi C. Avis - Dear. ele„--Ily little so.. four Yenta nld has •
jitst recovered From a Revere attsgrk of malignant, Scarlet
Fever. bit. throsst was rotten, and every person that visit •
ed him:pronounet,l him it dead child. Ilavioc used vnur
Crigger PKOTOR4I, lu Cal f vide. in the 'tinier !of 1650.
fora fPvere•ttack,of Rronehitis, with eutire success, I
was Induced to try it on my little hey. I give him
,e, "pm
spo'onful every three hours.: eontmencimr iu the moraine,
end be ten u'eturk at night. I found.: decided eiMeilte for
t 10. better. end after three days UV'. he leasable to eat or.
drink without pain.
its use in the atmve utmed disease will save ; mealy a
child from a premeturegrave;Mtd relieve the anxiety of •
man.. a fond parent . . Focall affections of the throat and
hopes. I forriPTP It the hert medicine extant.: A feeling
of the deepest eratlttide. prompt ame in mil , ltesdnst these
linSs.—but for your important diseovery, my little boy
would new have been in another world.
lam •ours. woh - ereat respect. 1,
, • .1. Ti P "Wrtl.t.:FuOi• Trans.,. Te.,•lt. R. -
: . Rock Ili 11. (SomerseCito.,) N• 3 •• , :luly,":1. '.12.
De- 1. ii Avite,-- , ,Sinee , your medleirm h Hi, become
kne . .wn here. it has a che ater d.mand than any otbertough
remedy we ha•e ever ht. it
,isspoken of in Iterms of
utmesisured praise hyl those who have used 9, 'mill f know
of .innigi ea s e • where the hest they, can say of it.. if tint
too much for the good it ha. done. , .' T take pleasure in
sellincit. because. I know that I am airier my customers of their money. and I feed tratitielin ',rein c the
heeetWit confers. Please send Inc a further suPply, and
believe Inc- Yours, MO- respect ,
1 • JOllsi C WHITLOCK.
I' P. SI, Almost my number of cm tificstea can be sibt
I.yon.ifyon wish it
*indoor, 41.. W.. June iti.1852,
Arttn—Sir ; this may certify that I base us ed
yen'. cherry Perlotal for nrnmrds. et nne yenri and it is
my rinrere belief that I .Iwitild ha%e s been In grave ere
this time if! had not I , 'tans cured me nt n dsmz routs nf
feetinn of the lung*. and I do not oyer.ate my eon tie
ttonF when I tell eon it is it remedy. I .
Your ver y ve.rwrtfnUY.
ne'7llLLlN.,.Att'*lt Law
ke.bri; T e Spotenilwr 49. IMO
C Ayer. !liydo.ySir.—fourmrdirinh I. mtvh
anprnicA of by thot partici hair., n•ti it hero, and it. coin
position is surh as to Inaore. and maintain it. rhput
nrariably recommeNl It for pulmonary affections. as do
many of nor prinripa. physicians '
- I Tam your tritmi, STIt ' TER. M. D.
prepared - by JAMES C. AYER ; PracticaVan..l Analytical
Chemist, T,nrrril. Ntass '
: 4 0L11 RC A. Turn. Ninntro*P: F. h. R Eaton,
liarfor.l . Church t Plann , y..Dunilatf; L. Sci,tt, Great
Rend. By all Druglist4, Dealers in NtediOneevery
. ' Sept 11--:l7m.k
Ai IrC MIL:LAN & PARK return. tbeii grateful
ill acknowiedgmepti4 to the public qr past fa
vors, and invite attention to the very large stock
ofiSpring;and Summer Goods they areinow re
evivi4r, and offer for kale at very ;snip ices . • In
addition to their usual assortment of s .Iple Dry
fLiorls, Groceries. ILirdware, Crocked, l'Aint..,
abd (1k &c:. they are prepared to exhibit a late
asrrtment of. -:
ofi every description, I;'i,gared, Plaid and Plain,
Silks. Bonnets Shawl's, Ribbons.Giiive l i. Hosiery
Ladies and Misses slow of all kinds--‘also a
la'rge.stnek of - ' '
Cloths, Cassimeres, !Tweeds, Jeans,' Summer
Cloths, Neutings, • Hats and Caps, Boots and
Shoes &e. &e. • -; . - 1
':They respectfully 'solicit 'an early call from
tbbse u.ho - la ish to purchase GOOD 600 D -s AT
Nab• 2: )853
. • Farmors'. Union Insnranao -Co.
flicr, Athens, I:liar/ford Corin ty,Pal it'a.
. CAPITiII, 200,000
• -
TNSURES against :loss by
JL anti other buildinvS, Goods. AVare., and Me
rchandise, on as favorable icrllis as Any sjilijjar
Lt)S.t.s pr.inipt iv and paid.
• i DIRJECTORS.• • :
Don. Murree Williston. Frit veis Tvlf - r, Gen. A.
Perkins. J. T. D. MVer. C. - N. SititMan, C. F.
lVelles, jr., J. E. Canfield, Athens Don John
Towanda :•Gen.l3radlev Wakeman, Lt.
Oyville: Geo. M.llolltinback, Wilke4barre• ;
ehael Mylert, Lupo,
Hon. Horace Willb4on. Pres.FC F.lWelles, Jr.
Vice Pres. and Treas.: J. E. Canfold.iSee'r.
Address, 0. S. Beeb,„ e s S'risque - b;Mna
doti n t or S. R' Chase. Gnat Reivi.—tlSyl*
Onr Stock of Stovei.
Ts now compigted- s —and we would tyke this op
port unify to'say that we can show tbe most
beautiful and 'splendid patterns of Parlor! and
Cookin!! St r, :ves to be fount - 1 in the county.--
Amon ..
the can be seen the Revo4 - inn• Front.
and Gothie•Partor. for woad or coal, entirely new
Patterns, and decidedly pretty sto‘ 4 ,es. Prices
from fire to ten d i iltue,i, .
Of our Cookin4 stores, we think it:needless to
say much, onty to remark that we 'ire
Ihom at our former prices, and judgiiig.from the
rvidity flf our sales, we believe the! public. are
ntiiely satisfied v%ith the prices and quality of
btir wares. C linton
We have " feW left" of the' "Clinton Air
Tight Elevated Ottn stove," avknokvledged by
all to be the best choking stove or* in use:—
Ftuf•sia El'iliAipipo st old priizeiS,and Trim.
Mings and Tin WalJ.e of 411 desciptions, at the
very loWest rates. s •
• . j J. DIcKEIt3IAN Jr.
New 31 - Ilford, Oet, 2.3.'5.3.
iErtraOrdinary indUcements . lo the readin , r
i. Either of the following five works will be atrit free of post
ag.e, on receipt of the price annexed.
Abduction, Iridis and AdrenturOs of Payneta
. j
Wife of Augustus ,; Mandeville , of italtimore., who Wll.ll
' , boleti from her huehaio at nogota, New - ranada, by a
. of Siktaiah Robbers. and by th..rn de!tained in th•dr
mountain fastneeaea fOr' thirteen motith-t. there having
gone through the moat terrible scenes that the imagination
:can picture; the whole: forming the moat truly wonderful
'narrative of aes nal ever yet placed before the
reLdlng cotorntinity. Written by her Ilu.shand. Price 12,4
A Thriainz and Startling ll'o'rlif !the authentic
Con fexeinn of William Maxi.erwm, - •
,:- The cruet 21,farderer of his Fathet and 34flier! Togeth•
' er,with . a complete account of his various; ' obberies and
al urdemincluding that . of Mr. Manning, ffslo, N. Y..
and the beautiful Miss Emma Martin. A dto which Is
' the history or the rand, fiendish Marl:ere i and expert Rut
' filar and Pickpocket, Thomas Little, the totomptico of Mas
, terPota• Price,l23i cent=., I
:' • The Beaulifizl Jeiresx, Rachel Arendostr.
ller la.mentable connection with 'he dar and eventfn
• career °UN as2ll-rnard,otherwisi-called` s i .
rime Charles;
by George Lmpard: the late termination of whose adren_
lures in Madrid, tieil ch.- Patsiee of the:Queen. has created
i so much comment, andsuchl ntense interest in the Amami.
can press. • , I
Thousiands throughout the United litatea . are familiar
with portions or-the career of" Prince Charles." but this,
'rterratire sets out in plain colors his whole j 'rarer.r. especial-
Iv his erioneetion with the rich and beaut,tful Jewess. Ra
chel Mendoza, who only it year Imo mlngl-d in the first cir
cles of New York. After relatint his adventures in the
United Statea.thls Narrativro'cooducts u• toll:Odd . to the
Royal c:ourt ef.gpain. Revealing' the secrete of the I.lfe
of Queen Isabella. Price 15 cents.
Startling Diseinsures?
: Mysteries Solred ! or the
fli.V~rrj of Esther . Liring*nne.
And dark of Ihnry Baldwin. fly George Llppard
Thin Narrative not only pteturre the eingular career of
Eether Lleingeton end the erfinee of Minty Baldwin. but
the eeieles in Which they .were arum. lt •be 314,nnioth
Core,"arereate.l by trettehed Baldwlrian a hot J.trntb •
'fut. hut abembinetetyle. An.' the =melee of Mica Annie.
Healy. in Chneleabin. no 'he bright of heti M arriage, ie In
these pages terribly wxplained. Prier 15 teals.
The /4iraCs Rerenge ! or 'hi! Lortly •Quakerese,
Catherine Middlrtnn .
The 3klltfnlO.tmester in Diornise t net' nitMtiliir ea'
reel' with the Idavlllor developments In !the life of Don
£lenorJvittlVA.,! - The A/nein , Priest." . Prim- IRN cents.
TERMS—The above aye Thrillhoir.nn4 Int. reelinte Vol
ume, will be vent to any admirer* in the United States and
Canada, free ef Postste. on thereeelptofsnrents. Pon.t.
muter* others. ieenlttlux two dollars; the above 11 "
Books sent to Fie- Persons. free of Postage ne-ntt
ihereeelprfit five dollars they will be Plot to fifteen Pe..
none. T.artwer Cinbs lo the same proportion
AilLetterstnttst be addreieed ' •
Itioter,Ay k c o,
.... 60 Ann Otrer.4. Nest York
27. All the above Books are splendidly Intik rat ed.-Im3
5000 bnahellinf Oaf.. 2006 lnisheia of Cam
1000.4ahela of Rye,. 1000-hughela of,Dried AP
pies. 1000 buidoe!a of Rack whpat. fin() baahola of
&lona, and any quantity of Partridepa. at the
1110E44 market prices. in etehnnee fnr Goodaiby
an, Know Thyself.'
An Inratnafaillook for 25 crlits—.. zotry Jamas skald
hove a•ropy "
. ,
hto6oo COP 1F.3 . 501..,D TN
..• •,', i it.•r., •
„ • •,%. ..` h hz! i ~' •,, LEt‘n.' ULAN A ;If t: %It. A new
. • „_ , ....k.W. , t.r . r.. 1 :14 , , t ;,•. editt;; . u. rev:sed stud Improved,
. 4 r , , , ,,,. ..: , ~ 0...i..3 , 0, issued.
\iti g,
.....` ~ . ?.' - Dr. ltuoter's %ladies' Mittual
•' ...' ' d hand ileolt. or t iseadlieted-e
- . e*.- '''• ,/ 4' 11°
• -..... . .',. „....- Containlog an outline pi the or,. .
.„,...,„..,:, . ..,,,..; gin, progemst,treattnett andcure
.. :"• ,. .d..." 1 ~, :, %:.',.. of every furor ot diary'' , con.
• r '-'" ",' ` ..' . trac , ed .by promiscuous - seat:Ml
. .
intercout se. by self abuse sexual ,xcesr, with advice
fur their prevention. wsitien in a fumbler .ty•ej avrdding
all medical tech:Mee Wee. and everything that would offend
the ewe of dr.%•eney; with an outline of computints incident
to Females. from the result of sontr:tienty scars rUrrrs , •
fu I practice exclusively devoted to the Cure at tilseaee• of a
delleate f r private uai ure. .
To which is added rictipts for the cure oft ire above die
'Clara, and I% tfratire on the- causes, syniptorne and cote of
the Fever and Ague.
Tethmony of the PrgfeeAoro'o.s%tetrir4 in Peno Colege,
Philatlephiu--... •DK • HUN 'FM'S lit:flit:Al. II %NUM....
--Th, author o I his wore.. unlike rite insiority of t hose
who advertise to cure Med iFC4,t, 111 aim h it tr. sts Is a
eraduate of one ot toe b•.. 1 Code.zes in the rni tetlS totes..
It affords me pleasure to recommend hint tot he unforto.
nate. nr to the victim of molpractie ,w• a succe. , •ful and
ezp,rienced prnet itinntr. in wit...e honor and integrity
they may place the .grra t e‘t confidenee. .
J , II• S. I,I)S:RAIMP..g. M I)
Porn A IVnaltrard .M. D • ,of Pen r, trairersity, PA ifts.
(100: 0.-- It ghee ine I.IPPPOIP tP add my tr. ticwory to the,
prnfe . ..itotal ability of the A Utb(lr CO lire.' Nu rout. MAIO4.
rat..'*- Numet rus ra,en of In b•ra ,:e ot the fl en .tal ttrgans.
;clue PI them of long *tan di in,t. have rime under My no,
tic... In which iii's i.ktti has been manifest in restormg to
petfer health, In "Anne rarer wire, r the patient hal'bern,
conlo4le . rril beyond nirdlnal aid. in tha treatment ot Seen.
final weakness. or don, il anzeir rnt ot the funet:one wro-.
tinced by a- if aim P Or tares. of YPOP;y. I 110 not know
hie superior in the pro`to-ion." I bare been Rego:tinted
with the tutirnt stone thitt v year.. and drew it no more
0310 o s t Ice to Id' on well eel: mine.s to •he unto. tuivite
t imim of early et on,.rti reeorito end him as one in
wittwe profrOdonal skill anti 'ntectity they may safely
confide them .. .elves. " A isitEn wvolytvAtcl).3l. 1)..-
•• Thha i voiliout 'iove4f,thio a coat • comprehensive
and intelligilve work published on the rill lig of disestati of
which it treat s. A , Oidillfr ill I technical term! .1 t addretio
eo itmel fto the reaAntr or its re:elers It to free fri-an
objectionable matter. anitoo parent however faothfrous,
can otjrct to pis. -1110 It In the Lando of 010 cone. The au
:hor lia• devoted many revs to the treatment of the earl
oua complaint:- treated of. and. with ~ • o o littta to
pnff and ton little pre.nmption to iinno•c. he has offered
to the world. a. th• merely nominal price of _5. cent., the
: . riliff‘t %KEW [weir) year*' moat aucceaof ut p cacti:v.7—
/fcris74. . ,
"No lettel;.r or par-tit Thouhlhe without tile ktiorrlotize - t i fir eushtework_ Tt . would save print or
rnin.ttiortifir rril-1r,.0u. to the youth und"r thrir
c ha. Cr 99 -- P,,,p7t , • A,i r ecou.
A Pre.h•Jerilr e`erzrtn:m in flitin. w...iting of ,',` flun•
toesAle.tiesi it art .4:ly. :—..1 9. •10114 , 1171+ 110nr0 thOtPl
:01.1s - , !f nu r I.r. I .iofloeoco ofthe
hero to`n or
withntil rrnliz , n7. l t.• ,, n•and in" upon
them.elv., v . ti•u-coo,uttlyour,
Ad. who n#e Uwe 1,...;11 en - voht,,l. if not
tlvwn.ntvl then Ao norovtw-atr t"ttt..t . ne :he earn.
nyllle thnl ran br .Innn 1.0 t . n •n • i zhton and inllnetwe
ttn pnbllngnintl 01. inrit sty to I eITIOVe OOP
xvttrnn of ho man a etch••••lnevi. ,rou enninr
the Wecenq nett t ill,. r.• ,, z , ,,n f e.n. Intr ; .t,
on the vntvent Dud et , n i n stnonratinn. ti:titinnrtiture Or
tv,'nk:). t hetrzit it fin. x: , ,tia tin;ll
- upon thntinnotl4, I. oat a Treater ~..t11. .. tP to t
men rare. At•nnot rnv bell .11 of..the
and. heliec.e Me. voor e,, worker in the gaol woa, you are
.onetirely errrnzeil in."
rt'll be rortrnrtleCfreeof
pn:rnle. In man pArt rattle (Tnite , lStatnft for 21 rents. or
far 3h . A 4.1 re... tenet Oak!) COSDEIST dc CO.,
Puliii•h•r..or ltnn •
and • Book .kgentv.upolieil
on Ile moat liberal term.. "2.41
Pumps! Pimps !! .
Tr. g •rente-4t, unprriyetnent of the ace. Q.
11. Williams' Patent Double :Acting . Ba.II,
Valve, Force and Lift Pump. -Art improvement
andye all other pumps or machines. forifiing
and throwing water. eornliminj both a put panel
Fire Enrrine. TM.; Pump. fatented in Fe ritarv.
1854. is the whole of it metalie, no I obs or
screws nhout it . .tn rust. efinsequenntiv tt... will
last a man's life throe. It can be' used in every
variele of Firm, can draw tV:t!er remit any situa
tion and carry it to any part of a house,. it i s
supertor to all other pomp , for iii• , ,tilleries. I a.
per Mills. Tanneries, Brick Varirls. Ir.rt Works
:ilia 'Alannfaeturmg.esintilistiment of All kinds.
•MI order. lanyt. addre.sed,tri Addi Non Dim
mick. Pa.. who has bought the bole,
right for Si!.(inohanna County. . -
An ,, `. 29. 1854.-3:itf.
ATENT MEDICINES.—A small' and judi
1. ei4 ! 9 , lv a..nrtment . , in , ludino Dr.
SWarne's, Javnes.. and Thrt,rvii. pr paritions
Wri ,, ho. and Phinney's Pi 11... Davis' and Thayr . .‘
Pain Killer, &e. SMITH & IJEMPSTFA-1).
Brook !VILA 2:1. 1854
New Lino of Mail Stages
,"— m orm.
- -
A s r 14lkirr Kirkwood. pkrsinytliri.oi.l eor.
Lil,l ty e..every
val .rt tvt I rrAtti. f 47.3.r..1$ or East awl ‘Ve.tireacif..
lug %loot roar at 1 P. 1.
Leasellontrorednily.;:iundayr except t d et 2 P 31.
rearlotkr ttrn, to take the Maillratne
Carr bath East and:Wert.4-inc the nearert tind att..t
f1.70 , q , 14 mutt to reach the Vew York and Et te .Ivlroad.
l!ne -'ater , ect , etri-vreekl3 lina for iiimochiprin4-
vMe....ankttari lock. ‘Yyotnintr. .nd , Vlll.t- , barte which
1./VeF‘loutrore at 31 every Monday IPe.luerda3 and
Frtlay. Al,'. a ine7 o :cc.#3.04
Tennis and comtortable•:trriaget. are proclded.aud the
Prt.prietertwill4pare no pains t o aecomtnudnt. the Pub.:
tC - K.
310 IL & tV EST .
sep 1.2.185-8
Watches and . Jewelry.
.. T HE subscriber -has return
. . i- • ed front New York with .
).\ - lithe larges rmiety of Watch,
\ li\
.• . I s) •• t, • I es, Jewelry. Pirated Ware, anti
. sa '
C oilier articles in - his line, that
1 . .c., •,' ''''t has ever' been offered to the
W• •' . . - citizens of Bi tigham ton. mid '
t icinity. . Consisting of a very heavy stock o f
Gold Otnitino Duplex .Skeleton User, •EngliSli _
Patent Lever, Enameled and. Anchor Watelids,
Silver Lever, Anchor and Lepine do., in 'pi*
and Hunting ewes. Gold Ve.t fob and Goni-ti
Chains, Silver do. do., Gold Se:ils. Keys. Slides,
Honks. Swivels.Peneils, Thinibles. Lockets. }lir
rin gs. •Fi nge r Ring , . Breastpins. Crosses, Specta
cles. &e. Silver C.lke. Pie,. Fruit and Batter
Knives; Silver Ladles. Forks. Spoons. Cups, Ca:rd
Cases, and Natikin . Rings, Coral Beads, Shell
Cutilbs, Knives and St'!Fssors, Plated Castok
Cake a4)33 Card Baskets, Candlesticks, Smitriirs
and Trays. Simons, Knives and Forks, Cloaks 'of
every .deserimion. a very large stock of Gild
pens, Hair and Tooth brushes, Buffaloe BaiA.
dress:ma. side nod pocket' Comb+, fine tooth and
Ihdiali'ohher do.; porte Monais. &c. &c. &e.—
The above f. , ,Oodshaving been purchased at the
present depressed: state •of the market; .enables
tli. undersigned to offer them 'to his customers
at tinustially.lo• prices, and, to which he wont('
respectfully,invite the attention of all persOns
wishing. e 'obtain any article in his line. ' '
No. 2, Odd Fellow* Hall; '
Binghamton, Nov. 26, 1854. - . • .
_ • • Flour & Salt, •,,
ALT by the load or sin le bbl. for sale at the
).3 lloPhottom Station.
Also•tibur in quarter bbl. sacks nt -$2.75 per
sack.'_ B LL & TINPLEY:
Hopbottotn, Ort: 12,185 .
KEEI.EIt & STODDARD xinep the latefiro,
HOTEL. Notwithstanding the unprecedented ra
pidity withwhich our stock of Boots, Shries.&e,
" went off" on the morning of the fire, we still
have some onitand..anti s h
Montrose, November, 13, 1354.
, •
At A. : Lathrop & C6's.
AS WE aie.anXiolll4 to close 001 onr !dna of
clothine to make room loroUr SP‘ring - por.:
chase, we hr,. Kellina it. :it ure tip reduced prices.
C a l) as now is.,the time to her cheap coats, from
$3,00 to $lB,OO. •Dress, FrOck and Suck coats,
good patterns and new shies.
Pants fi-om $1.50 VI $B.OO. Vests- of every
style.- Gents Fornishind,Goods of every kind.
fifteen percent. cheaper than over offered in
Montrose. . -
Good quality and neat patterns, selling at coat
for cash.
• , A. LATIIROP - &-CO.
Montrose. Feb. 1. 1855. • • •
10,000 Firkin Staves Wanted. .
BY the subscribers inunedistely.. Also
ing timber .nnd ijnoppoles—for which , we
wilt pay the highest market pries, Soltilimed
Staves preferred.- Sail J.* IiSMPSTEAD.
Brooklyn, Feb. 13, 1:1 , , . - •
DutuotbELNllA icoutie,—
years ago by Ut. Et :in KE‘lN i eoruer arriar4
between .pruct• and Plue: ° PlDitinteiphla. Pa. .
Ise Val id. ate aihrriseil t hat -Dr. KiIn:ELL:4 confines
hhiprisetice 1,0 pal tteular 1.1(300 of inedieitte, • whneli en;
gag e s hien attrutioa. ilisimotistut the dirriirtutiate
against the.,atinse of mercUt:s.`; ., thounauds are annually
tneretitialistmonns . of ars Iteren‘ affetConniiire promptly
I -
Tts.•,.ty na - ra Po Slif ng Oen e site ;it the t 'calm-cot.
of a elate ofdtinci•es hither:oils - glee% eni vent tope. un
derstood. hiss e ns - 0 Led it; KlNlitiliiN.i - Atr HOC "F AROI4K
ON SgLP CS s TU.!: ).to proye that nine tenths of. he
cause. of nervous lure : an,: run.:FUti out% i steak;
Bean• mental an. iinynniciLlnillferlaig.:..te I: - .Ce4 i4l* . eer
tainitiabitatt-oitutou :he wort •e et nfe 'Vey and f.ttal
eptings ofileinnsrzre,finery awl ,n. - ein.r it re ,nerlnariiy.
'lss ken ens it I.i r ice erilhabit.
eomrtintra.nlul'Lr .11 1),. 1.114 V, ,oi.t often giniatat;
up stills hetnrto inantiuott. ;
dn.. time, net . ..nly n ,, nou • 4 1 1- , a,...ern '0 tuatritnnnia
intniiities•.buti:give.•i.e to P. "r 'tier& in.i.tiona:
prat ,i,aratu.i ing affeetiwn•. pew th.,..• wise nin,IVPNYII{S jr t
'thin pernieioui prettier or ,•,.,
nnn i thslL 4 find the net too.its [sin . t...t reel ntrenste
:and anacentuistahie:ieOurund canto e On'in nd.
The it nrorta oaf e On- nnahie
tritshnewith° • et( ritor. or to apelir hi. mi n d' to
. stmly hnn step in tardy and weak •he 'toil, rreetil ate,
anti entuagi a in hi. :pot t ie.. enerity than u.ual.
iflio rat nri r
Iroeni ...nil el! rmtrrinlnov it sin .7. r; „,„r,,c,i n ! And
tiln.enne tulle Wirt r hat ;hi nl•el I ,r his s %Or ,raltiol.
Thgte air . aotii/eruijue. •'roula. , 4al eti the•slientiod
; siluote , l .
1 1 vri no en-- r-ounre- the fulfilment of ...sepal condi-
tiensAn order that it Ins vile re .lie the willow ofrnutual
happineso. Could thfi veil nriglii of do
in. nil. wrei theitne•nt be , aiiiiett soili t• trite soot ee in every.
i lit4w mans Cot:011ie In' ten...a to
i es lilisitnalitietition•innil their attetalaut went sl
Apply them elide it in ye,: I.;me in fled, '
stean^- and rein:red rebraced revivified and
ttri-ntrtfientiti - ' -
I. • y" ISE lie who n i aeen blupteif under Dr.,
IKINI,II.Iki'S: rent tuinoin runt ennaile I n Ilia licin
eir .5 3 g• reit' 0 ono the anon ran re. that _he
ferrets of Dr. K • • patients .!lo's'er irnelOnea.
Young matt—let no taut uteilii.l a (leer stiu from mak.
O ration anil
~tnhillty.cao certainty ii.e`l 3 end you
Ton man y ti.,r w !I ei'ineeal tile reeret in their
then hearts. and urr thrinnenten. A'an! how oaten
thin a fetal nielit;lennnoni how m Air neomisine young;
Irian .who have been an orn , mrn t to society ha
tatieti fturit She ea r "11 .
Sctriet ;lien of the li...sibs - a a^. - ao''lny removed bd t .
application et a nrpat tit. its avant. tkeil •nly
Dr K. i:.:'11 . :(). , 1.1.1)4!ilY promptlf
Curet!, a nil null vigor rent..
on• tea a - it i 11. in have' (ity qtat:lng their
4!lne inarrher h nil tfieirgyinntritun, per let
- tereuelenincu remit; anec) Dr K's. tut dicine,sppropria
I Forwarded to :Inv parrot the I' tates, anti packed
frente frini DAM AD ei or tl1.11:10.9
READ P.—Youth and Manhood.
V.gcrou c Lire 'or a Preatat”te Dean. Kinketin on Self
1 • Pre<eranticia—.o.sly::; , Curt,. '
It is a work eatinenriv ye th;.ed. AA a mean, of reform
log the aieenorthe airnt wh ~L-yre ii•e.. AIRo, ,
ru . let rar-tke P o:angel qf Lie,just from the Pres.s
{erter with a re.eittaitee'of2- I cee:.4. or the value
post -tamp , .31 , 1,1,... , ed1n—qv
Pa. will e 'PM,' a en,iir et either, .of the alv.r,e booi.e by
rel urn ..f ni , il; or 12 , :101eA lvill . e qt free o r postage
for Sq• Cadr:vgers.,,Traielling trents,./ke
leupplied whel..ale at the pa t flllslier's rciemt t which admit
et a lartm . Prorlf • •
,t3.f.r. , 111 Letters 71iL1 ,- / be patt-raid
Australia,' California, '
Os.any place on./he Glope,ennnot - Present greater
iiotto•enleni Man i•
I'lCUisnow tilled - With atiew and extio-
V - sivr." assortinent lor articles ttt tbeirline,
embracing. a zeneral, var:iet.v or ti-w and ..legant
sivle's of. -Ladies and (; 4 :lllernfo'r , wear, among
which are', Ladies Preoci,i. I..:u.lj u zziod Pre.
nille - Gaiterk, [{id 'anal Eimtmelerl.Polkas. Pat
ent, !pottier and . brooze,rl Jenny Litis. iluslans
and - Ties; !2;entlemen's French and Plilladelphia
oak-tanned •roll nod kip front!. Coo2r.?ss , anti
hotlonGoiter.9. llooterey and \Vo.. - . o otno Donut,
toilet Slips. Nfortieco. nalr. and .('rawhide Bro.
&c, Boys kip. calf Onri rawhide Ilooii n od
proonws; all 37isses _ainf Children's wear.
-Also. a zeneral 4... art men t or Fii,oin z .. which con.
40 . in hart of twits, flonzorlao
o . rils.tocko. thread. was, Brtv.deri. MI OP biudioz,
awls ras i .s.• sallf141(111PS. Shot. , ,
oakloil'toollook tanned calf upper and sotelalh
e:r."%fororieo and liuioao. -
WorU made to order nofirepairior oenilydr..
• .1/nntrripe..lnno 1.155 n. -
• - _ ' NEW GOODS .
At the " Upsonville - Eiehange."
Upsonvilte and vicinity
11_ :tn.! na.ain 'favored writ an evltibitnm of nu 7
otber choice selection of Fit!' and Winter Gorid - s
:al the old stand of tae subscriber. (Doors ()Pen .
Sun,iay.4exeented. front 7 ti clock, A. M..
o'clock P. M.,) where may he seen. sold
rind bought, a .g•ood as , :ortment •of Dry 'Goods.
GCoceries, Crockery. Hardware, gioneware;
Wor‘denware. Pklt,i Nails: Paints, 'ON. Fluid,
& Sho e , Ciothirg, Fo,•horit Bboks,
Trunks. Carpet Bigs.- Yankee. Notions &e. &e.
&e. All wit., can and will pay for_witat: they
buy .either down, or.
_within La - Ceti:ion:o'de time
ihereiller.are invited to call.': Those belonging
to that I class may as well •go whore they
can do better. All kinds of 'Farmer's' Prot - Nee,
Butter, Pork. Paull4, and Cash re
eeived in egehan , re for Good.,
Upgnnale, 00. 7. 1854...
. .
,• Stoves ! Stoves !! Stoves:::
r HE Nuhicriber wislic , 4 to call the a ttenti o n . ); f f
!.1 . hi:“riendh and the Public to his very Large
'assortment of '
. .
nt, his new Store Room 4n. Lodeticille. next to
S. Lenheim's Store, and near the Great Bend
Uepot. He has in addition to iris former large
tirariety of Cooking and Parlor Stoves, maey new
Patterns, some of which are— <
1 St Nicholas, I. PeachlAraneh, I Fire Fig,
r,. Molern Troy, Mohawk, Meditllion,
' Black iVarrior, Orient, Oak, - •
W , hich together with his fortney stock • will be
perhaps the most extensive and varied assortment
of well . seleeted Stoves in the Cotinty. - '
*** Clinton Stoves well forni,shed at low prites.
J ra r All articles inAtit4 , line kept on hand and
_'made to order as nstial,,,and orders received at his
!old stand in Gret Bend.
1 Lndersville & Great Be.nd Nov., 1853.—tf.'
I t i • --- P "- tz.:'''''Pa-; .- 17 - 'rlN ' . - -* I I 9 ' 7
! - -• . . -- -
Delaware, Lackawanna & W. IL a,
• .
fif - 1N and after 'Thursday, • Nov: •23. I
lik j Mail Passenger Traiftwill leave 't
kat 12 31: . -• .
at 2 . 30.
Due at Great Bend at 2.30, r. 5I:
Connecting with thel,Da!,•• Exp ss trains on
the.N.-Y. & E. R. R. bah eAst and west.-:
Paitsengers taking this train will arrive in New
ll'ork at 9.30 P. m. an( '(kirk at 11.
. Return. will leave •nd on the arrival
of the Buffalo Exprey West, (3.20 P. 111.)
• which departs from ' •It at 7, A. tn.,—,-antl
arrives at Branton I. :-r
The Freight Pieiim,,, it "tra i n. with pass
enger..‘ ,
ear . attanhe . wiß depart from Seranton,at
4:50, P. M., tlue,et Great Bend at 6, P. At., connect
ing, with' the Mail- Train bound West,, and the
Nialit Expr .:s Trains bound both Eastand West;
RetOrni ig, will de art from. Great Bend at
. 6.30 .A. Si< and arrive at Scranton, 11.00, A. M. -,
Singi.g. will be in waiting.on the arrival of pas
senwcr.Trains nt. Serantonon convey passengers,
to,E'arbondale, Pittstoni, Wilkes-Barre, Philadel.,
phis - tin the Reading R. It, Easton, andall other
/intermediate places. -• ' ' • i
D. H. DQTTERER,I Sup'!..
Supt Oftiee. Scranton, i 1
~ - - Nl . lll/:18. 1834. (425tf
. .
• • Drugs & Mpdicines..
4 FRESH stock' of Genninn Dru , ;a and INTI;d 7
II ;eine:4, l'atont Medicines, Dye
Stoff4, &e. &a. for sale by •• .
Din:. 14, 1854. BENTLEY & READ:
Horse Pciwers and Steam Engine:
ONE and Iwo Horse Powers for - threshing
. andother purposes, and sikteen Horse
Power Steam Engine, for Sale low nt the Eanle
Foundrv. Alsh, StOves, Plows, and all kinds of
Castings for Maehin'ery and other purposes.
Montrone; Dee. 1. 1854.
. .
Now . .Goods:
dn„d astaortment—te -arrive this week,' at
Fow prices. Cali end examine.
Mnntroa.., SPO., 1 1854:
'Buffalo Robes. .
A LARGE kit of hindsome RnhPs, a part 'of
them-who)e, leidtan a raised, 'lna very cope.
rkr eakra lad quality. , U. B. &
-Gibson, Oct. 11, 1854. -
.14, the
• •
Oa&SU 4 UiIT. 1
, -
*E4115....41,50., cash in advance ;44.00,,if
not paha:within six 810111118;:ind , 82,50,ntocend
or. theyear. No paperdircout need unti I arrears
ges are aid 'except at, the option of: the; Pub
lishers. ! All e mein n iestuons etinnected w th the
office, td insure attention, Most he directed (post
rid) to'Cl4sE & DAY, Piloutrose,Susquelantia"
County, Ps. 1• •
. . ,
. :- Rules of. Adverts( g. ' 1 '
I .
. ,
One sqa'are (12. - line - or le.s) .3 inbet4 iims, 41,00
t ties t i\ l s ol.o.rgitent ftist-t Ilion, .'. •,; „ 1 , 0,25
(Yoe ,sqcfvre tbreti months, ~ .„ ; „ ,,, 1..4 40
0 0( ..Istitivre six. monfits, , „ i, „, „ . 1 .;,.. . L 4w°
flo&.tnesti Cards, lour tine's i tr-le' b ,. i ! 3.00
Vratitv klvv.t-iisentents, not over 4 tiquareti; 7,00
.1 • '
OIIP mulpritin fine Ye: , r, ..... • •I• • • •1 tlO,OO advettiscr7i wilt - 1e rest rivtrd to th e
bit•ihesh in which they ore engo,..'ped ;and lii , .e i•on,
.4itivied ; , s wishing to t'fottintwidviartisiny tit ,l„ i i
theyisinil: give speciardircetipns fora ditnontin.
tionqe'of the. tutme. . ' _ ir..... : , !.. .
• ' ; The 'publishers having added to their job
Printing miliPrinls a large and superioe'aSsort..
meat of Job Tyke. are now prepared to.eXerule-
Job . lWork in a manner unsurpassed-in see_
Lion of eountry;and on the most-rearmnatiltjternis:
Blinks of every description . kept constantly
on Band orprinted kr! order. •
oos.: opi*
N itt tott
Great Bend Depot, Pit: AzniiOit Bay,
ANT, Proprietor.
Manufacturers cd"SPROUVA CoMSlitEb CAR
• r.LAGs SPKINGS, Hughesville. Ly coroiic g co.ilYa
i.Spri(lp may be had of M. S.Wilsint. Montrose
-Wm. 1 1111%;.'SMITII do Co:
Cabiiiet and Chair Manufactssrers, fOck. Main
Strek, Montiose; l'a, 1 ! •
Dr.'ll. SMITH,.
Surgeon. Dentigt, Montroso. Pa:,will be . nt
Searle's Hotel, 'Mondays and TuesaysOf each
week. . 150 •
3101ILLAI11 & PARK, L -
Deallers in Dry: Goods, - Gnieories, Hl rdii•are
CroOery, BobtS and Shoes, &C., Springvilte
Pa. • 18,11
. s LITTLE & -:. ;
Attoirnies Law . ---offiee- formerly "ores
pie4 by Little St,' Streeter, Montrose, Snnque.
hoops County. Pu.
RALPH B. larn.E.)
. [Ezna B. CHASE
A. J. DAVIS, _
Itan6 Depot, Pa. Office over S. B. West's
Stott.. • ; 141,
Dealers in 'Marble Mon u ments.Tables,Vomb.
Stopes, &e. Cern er of Coil rt - emi Exchange
Streets, opposite Broome County Bank, Blom.
haniton, N. Y.
Bealr in DruzsNedicines.-Chernicats,Paints
sfuffm,'Groceries, Dry Goods, Kurd.
• waif.; Yankee Notiong, &c. Physicians Pre.
scrip!tions carefully compounded. r
Fashionable Tailor—Shnp uruler Searles
Hotel, Main Street•, Montrose, 0 1 a.
,„ _
.- JOHN coisTEN
, -,
4 - •
Dext:En nq Stoves, Tin;
C-pper and Sheet Iron
Wnre, I.,odyrvi Ile, ne4 r Greatilend Depot.4t(- ;
1 .\ .
Woodrufflit Eldred;
DEAL,rts-IN STorEs anal Mona;ienirers cif- Cop.
pO t Tin, and Slieet,linn. Waiv. Shop :near
- thei New C,,urt HOll4, Montrosp,'Pa. •
S. A;;VV6npnurr ; ;:) . [G. B. ET.OtEr.
A. Lathrop,
DEALIER.' in Ready.M.ide Clothing, Hata . and
~. C 11.,. Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods, &e.
Store opposite Bt.arlt;'sl.l 9 ta. Montrwe
C. D.lLATtinor, and
MeritrE C.. Vail.'
RUGGIST -and; CHEMIST; and'Deale , in
1/1 •DE tics. 31 rdivi nes. Cliemienls,,,Dve t n frs-
Paint 44, Oi!s,'Eitty, Window Glutot,...e. phine
Perfumery ; Yu diee. Npions,dte
. - . . 1
1 F
/El " lit . '.
. {-i
n ir i tlipiontroS4 t i f
l- • .
P.,Al;ilt attilid II ' . ' -
.trti.sted to liim!in the Con ty of. gusgurhanna. I
Ctinteyrincing :and. writi g Of airkinda Will be
dine neatly, and ehar ii - moderaiey lio . will •
also attend. to the p (menu ion of claitrn.tof i‘01..1 .
diers, their widoW7 and heirs, againitt,the U.S.
giivornment... for otintY Land, Pensions,t.o.
Malilbe; found at .111 hours :'t the'offtec'forinery
, occupied by ,T. Richard, Esq., north- of the
COurt-Lio ~--1853—n0
I terested with 1.. L. Hunt,
Ism; TF.R AND 'DEALER naraware and Cet
i ry, Carriage; Tritontirias. &c. • '
- Nn. 215 'Pearl Street, N. Y.
here his Mercantile friends, lin 'this nnd.othr
CouPties,ttre kindly invitcdonui - iarnestly solicit=
ed to call an purchase. !.. n6tf.
With - Rowe, Woodruff, &. Carter,
SALE GitoEnsi- and Commrsalos
V .NlEnciuk.nrs, No. 1,73 Wnshinjum Street
between .Cortland and DO Streets; New York.
March 8, 1854-10tf. I
I.lltedical'Ca d.
, _ -
TARS. E, Patrick, Jr. Az. G. Z. Dimo - ck have
1 ..k! this day flirmed a mi,..part ership.for a more
efficient and sneees.sful prosechtion 'of the differ - 1
'eat branches of their pruffessiOn.
. All business entrusterlto. them. 1;011 - he:Mee.
ded to w ith; proMptness - and fidelity:
Their office may he hiund over Lathrop's.l
Store, EastXdn Public Ai l enue.
• • I'D. PATRICK, Jr. '
• • ' DDIOCK.
Montrose, March .22,
C;in now be found at his new stnild, on Owe.
gostreet; 2 doors west of Searle's - Hetet. where
he :effectually repairS With .dispatch. Watches,
cio . ..k.,Guns, - lewelry„(and every description of
niaehirery; Wheel eutino, Gun and Watch
rnateruds supplied to thOtrade..7-51
1:, 1 • A. di E; Baldwin . •
- ivy A? be fonnd in Inrietnent. of•Searle'sF llo•
1 3 .- 1 .- 0 4 , 3 down west fl•om the corner. ' Notes
tend aceounts that are dye - 'us will be very AC'
ceptubi if paid soon. 1 •. .
Mon rose Ik/eif % 2"" '
1854 —.41t1
i• .. '' ~
I i S. H:Parions,
Ware,. Sofas, Bedstead s, - Tables, . Statsit'e
Chairs, &c. -
No. 9 Waspinnion street
- • 1
' ' - • I Bing hamton, N. Y.
Pr Coffin Ware.Ronitn,nt) stairs.—ns2
• SiFilet Spoons:, -
ryi EA i'44hlr, Desert, Sugar arid -Snit Speen°,
1 warranted ennE.
Boots' and Shops: •
volasortment - of the 'ho t
11- InsoiN4ll *sib ah' 'perfect. for Sile by