The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, February 08, 1855, Image 3

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    and our easy 8181 cheap ,facilities
i arket. Such is a mere. sylabus of Mr.
i v i rsior'S arguments when lie went b e fore, our
re. , 1 ,1,. f o r
. 811 en dtese'flien,t. of his..tarill 'vote
46; and on which groutitl 4 , in entire
salon to the lirtitertivf principle of the Whig
„or at. that onte, did unr re„se, and pet,.
him. ' A tariff for rt•ernue," was
; I; ,l.3ttle.cry in that disttict. and t h e -.f ree .
of the markets of the w o rld tits emir.
7-,nd enterpri-e of American industry, wits
tirtt which wr fought the con
r interests Were exclusively agridul
tnral m
. o nr p e ople industrious, and we. wattied
~,..,:iroreCtion such .as Mr. Wt:tato? talks of in
lever, nor did I e veti suspect that he en
tertained any such sentiments. They tire
.the sentiments of his I►istrlet, 1174 gross upon
hiek was sm.taitted iti the tariff strmggle.
In,l iilis,:he now deems it necessary lo e x.
T ,l 3 in nwsy the principle upon whisk fie based
- vote, and which, mOl e - than 81/ else, gave
Dn prestige of political bit egvity" ritid sa
-gvity our people, I cannot apprehend.
More -recently I have understood Mr.' Wm.
.ster to ibe the friend of free trade, and di rect
t axation for the support of goventnent. • I
have often, very often heard him remark upon
t his ipts . .tion, that the public treasury of this
go „ rm i l ebt would inever be eitonomise&—ex.
travigant expenditure never cease, and schemes
o f cor raptspeculation never be stopped, till
the Tre.a-ary should be supplied front direct
tov i i , l i.t.that then 'only would the people
„ wir d w ith'vigilaace the purity of the public
, -
enients I have . understood him to
• i ntc..a full.f.'•with: hat ably conthittel
:..• •
I,:trer rite : ` ew l ork ot i t hi s
and so ample Las boeirtny meansof--
.-, ;; ;, s l e dge th that l - -carimit be mistaken. Ihare
I ,k e s stall' ground in.: the press of Mt• own
caitrpaigns in which Mr. WiLami
n asp interest, have imbibed' mant( f
Tatilf notions - from his duct ri new, ner )
e: dreatired that Ile was quietly in favor of gOv.."
ernme protection to any b ranch of en t er '.
.prise nt the expensit'of another. 'Vs vi ew s
the hitter are tTrtnittiy new to ine ill be}lie people of his district, andthink
the eountry at large, -
Senator SminEttso.s_atitl other gerdl e r o th.
re ,idettiof o r District, are ip town, who will
c arroberate 111 V Si tetnents, if you have kr.:
:her cariosity for
l'As truly, 4.7. e.,
E. .B. CHASE."
AND4I:w Ilof!yN§,
CONtr,DIPTION BAFFLED.—Since the days
E Nc litapins, inedi4::al 'Melt have striven in
‘a i n 0 conquer that arch enemy of - mankind,
c oivii4lption. Dr. Ayer, of Ns „,,
l,ac we have every reason to believe, succeed
t, this object, nearer than • any
or contemporary. H e c a lk hi:
Aser's Cherry . Pectoral, by which
I:a rk:it: has been favorably known for many
•vB:ailt2" . all - parts . of the world. It is recoth
iNtrleity numerous emminent persons as
. :ITe. ber4t 'remedy for diseases of the throat and
;;Dzs extant, Dr. Ayer recently received
letter from Ilon. Daniel Webster, in which
:hat-statesman Teaks of the l'ectormi in the
i,i211e.41. terms, aiid ,mentions that he is- pep ,
s(aiaili• knowing to the usefultiess of:1111:arti
ele i!1 both America and Earulxl.- . --4.Vvx
Serid4y Times.
Notice to Teacher .
I eipect to lie at Great Bend
t on Friday,
Feb...1"6:11, and shonld like to mee the Teach
cn in the evening;
and on Saturday evening
,tneet the. teachers .
• llairony . & e., at lAlleAKtro;. NI. permliis
who f6.4...1 xti interest are rest ectft Ily solicited
:o attiqid. thave also received :ft gnatitity of
blank; Reports fur teachers. Theis- pore fnr
idshed Inc at twu cents apec T• cachet-,
cite h'ave them at the &tine prieei.
County .54tpeTitendent. •
.11u: A. 0: ren will pre:ieli in New
Nfilfoid the. thin! Fell. (I Bth) in
f•tea(l. of the fuumh.
.41.44.14180,4. 1
In, Bridgewater; on the 3tl in/4, - by Rey.
F. Ik.,:itoOlr. CHARLES T. of
,Ilir¢ock,uud iii EsraF.a At.r.E3.; of the for
tner place. ,
The. Flag of Our •
i• -,--- • 1 •
.1k Elegant, Moral .ard Refritrillfiscellan,e
i• , ons i'arnily 14 - ourna4 . .
. Vernted to polite literature, wit. and humor,
proOnd poetic :reins, 3itici oriuintil *tales. writ
tot tpressly for the paper. In pitlities, and on
svrtrian questoinii. it is 'strictly neutral; there
. tiiremattiv it emph:iticatly a papi4r for the mitt
ion, and a welcome cisiter in the horse circle.
It:contains the foreign and _ trieWs of
. the . dor, so condensed :o •to preseto the or. noes
ramble aponnt of intelligent.... i i No advertise
tneniS* are adinitte to the paper,l thus . offering lp
the otire sheet, w ich is of the inanntioti size,
to lt.e instruitiun 4ind...autusAttneuo.l . the ernerat
maid r. An unrivalled clips of cUntributors are
engaged, and every tlep3rttnent 'lip; tinder the
niostilinished and perfect system that experience
ran suggest.; forming an origin .1 I.k.per. the pres
entvrculation of I% hieh „f.-i r exeee;ls that of any.
taller wee-kl paper in the Uniotl with the ex
•cfPli'otle of dleavuo'st Pici. , rial. • . •
4 . enttseriber one year, . 1
4 !subscribers , 4 - 4-
1 7
16 ..,., . 14 44 . i
• One ropy of the Flag of our Uriian. and 4*r
copy, of Gie.ason's l'ictorial, 134:00 per annum,
ihyariahiy in advance.
4 `,i.*Tue Flad- can be • oluain.d!. a I any. -,of . the
toespaper depots in the Unitrd.ll.•;tales, and -,id
newniaper carriers, at five ernes per sing-W copy..
. • . • M. XL 8A1.1.013.
Pab4.her and proO,rit4 or. corner nf Troiniiin mold
growfield sgtrert-n. Boston. 1 . . . •
Wholesale Agentir 1# i
-•• i "
S:. erENCiI: 161. Ni4l4.:u„ . eoloter of S.rrsee
tilreet,New York .;. A. 116Wi.lccet. Chest nut greet.
PhltAclphia ; W. b. H. TATtom; IJI gialthowe
Ist:lßOrmil,r6; A. C. BAGLEY, ruttier 4th ..6.1
.B__ydarnorc street:, Cirieirinatti: .I 'A Roys, 43-
1 1.:CUidward Aceine, Detroit; :E. K. ‘Vtit 1 D WiltP .
eorner 4th 43:, riodstaut streets, St. Louis ; THOM -
/LS ):CICII, .10 Ecchatioe Piave. New Orleirts.-6
.4 3.
Execitiorits Notice;
. ALi. p,r),...n, indebted tll.lirtiy
dreft...d, lat. iir -thrup t.twn,hip. are n•ttifi..-11 e4ll and utkeJ r isn.n,ed'utte p tv
me'pt. And nll perm, cl.tinin up , .n the
prewtt thew duly nits•Ntrd f.yr
At h"T• F•4l. . I M.-6u 6 •
The Latestliews by the Steamers
AR r • .
'THAT the Spanish Court has derided, riot to
sell Cie jlattd rd Cast t. hut: Joseph Witten r
'berg ilk,' fk;ather tuate recently deettied to open
-,:a new store. In the huilditor :i.eatnard Searlt i ,
re few *loots, *Wit ofSiore,
Wittton's divellittr.'ltintk , e; corner of u m!
ntid Owetro *insets, ober/. th.y. will keep on
hand usplendidastutrttuent of Ra...dy Sltade ctotti
inr. :also to this. :a Ig.tod lassortma•nt
of Broad Cloth, Cssitneee. Kesittleky Jeans. &c.„
in, abort. a general assurtalelit of Gentlentrit's
furni.biog Goods. Also. - a pplendid shp4,lrttaritt
of Ladies' dress Goods. Silks. Alerinns. Del 'lnc..
Aln.aerot, Etnitroiderius. Sltalt i ls; Laces. Dress
"l i tintinings. tee.. ake. An of whitth they are de.
termined tat latre r t o , th e pttldici at very pri.
C. All Goods warranted to give satitd . 4vtion.'
as wr - I1 in qoality .tat; in price. I •
Please eiye as a trial before paihnsing else.
wbere: •
Montrose.,ratt. 26, 1855.-51
. .
. , t
---- 7 . i , ,• , i ; . .i : l• .
a enlitt • 'of , ictetois anb dtftitlltturts
. .
i - .1 d.-,- fi 1 ,,,,,- '
Ff irkt h . camiTY -
it :.,,vu .. 2 : , :-.
i . 1 ,, .. I 1
(Mode do Li published in pursoande c), i n lid of Assenibli V 15th of April, A. D. 1834.)
11110ancea colleir,to ~'
Almnant:4,ter 1543—•1663 and 1515.1. . ~
,if . 1 i ~.i ,:, . I - i ~1 .
~ ,i, ~ „
obtluetvrti Ik.,antesk. .11)vt • itsguir. .! i Lykilie .1(..14 ams. l i atU i X:sfllyr . I LICtger.III due Ve . S.
1 , f ,ations. - .• ,
11. Avery. 1! {1• . 1 AllbU . Il i i * 1, 1323 , 1 , ! 11 132 37 1843
N . 11„1,., q ,d, : 1 1, jdo - , I 1; ) 1 26 59\ .1), 12:1 67317 74 ` 1853
1..:1. to,w4end„ •
.1 hrooklyn l . 1 , ' i 33 39 \l5 541' 17 85 ,
B. L. C811114 1 1(1, i 'Middletown 1 119 04 , 2 861 5 31. 10* 88 I '44
N. EL Itobeftti, I !Auburn, :' I 553 08 541 2 ,3' 17 0 1 26 80 1354
Win. Buitufii, 1' Apolaeon, ; 273 78 252 •; 797 13 29 1
Samuel iWi.lliainS,' Ararat, I 156 09 140 W 3 15 709 _ '
D. IL Coon; '. Britlg::witter 1111 05 1040 24, 58355 58 "
A. E. Tewksbury, Brooklin, 1 . 536 43 506 841 992 20 67 "
A. Burnes, ~ ' Clifford, 1 " 685 04 300 001 19 G 33 31 332 13 "
B. Cbirk, ,1: r Clioeonut, 1 " 1 302 58 342 23 1 2 e l7 48
C. M. Tingley, • Dirnock., i - I * 1561 51 521 88' *'5B5X7 78 14
I. 13. .Sl4;ettr, , . . Dundaii, i. . 1 175 82 np 00 - \.05 82
re " -
11. Sher,l l. - Fon* Lakd,! • ) 396 10 372 30 15 4 21 1 19 30 "
JamesLeiglito, , Franklin, •
1 1 382 89 358 90 ll 1.8 88 "
D. 0. Minkler, 1 ,Friendsvilleil 1 11 1109 16 102 95 1 ' I
80 541 is
Wm. Greeo,l l
~ i Ghent Bend,! 657 43 014 641: 10 45 32 34 "
Jas. kylitney, I 4 1 611)50p, : 1 - 082 04 697 16 11 411 33 53 \ "
E. T. Titi4v, ' , alsrford, .; 1582 81 55'0 93 27429 14 - '` "
E: D. Dintt;ek, Illerriek, •! • . 306 64 2..,, , i 1 82 3 68' 15 14 .
Eli P. ( . ;,TllOl/heil e i harmony, '.: 1389 63 • 1 300 81 9.78 10 04 1
Jiis. Y. P4ter, !Jackson,
,; 'I ;416 28 305 42 • 05 - 20 81 '
J. A. 11UWe11, i Jessup, ' 11 • - 1.381 17 3 5 8 22 41018 85 "
Win.' liallny ' m,Lathrop, 1 .1 - j 1. 147 88 138 17 244 727 .u.
Ira CoinS(Ock, , ; Liberty, ;'. 1 ' 330 66. 308 88 55316 25 . "
1 .
W. M. MiitiieY • ILenox, J 1 1423.091 396 00 6 25! 20 84 I "
1 ~ 1
E. Potter,s -:
I .llidilletown„ ;351 39; 331 56 .• 2 381 17 45 44
S. 3liteliell, ; - Monttcr, 1 1470 921 1390 88 6 78, 73 20 44
A. S. Miiker, New Milford, 1780 211 740 30 - 5 10 1 as 75 . "
. 2
N. D. Snyder, ;. !Rush, -1 1, 427 58i - 401 'O6 5 461 21100 • "
0. LatliroP, • - 1 1Springville,1 .• ! 504 72 j 550 41 15 35i 28 06 •u
L. S. NO, ' - ; ;Susquelianija, , 1 1 408 23; 357 58 31 841 1 18 81 u
M. Meeliati, 'Silver Dike . 'li 1525 67i 492 43 7 331 25 91 , "
, 4 • 1 !
I. 11. Grob:is, ; iTlionison; 1 I -188 09! P 172 04, -.7 OM 1 005 u
it 445,9171 130,70 01 235 97745 41.530 32 i
. . , . .
' "). 'r 1 . 11 1 , " " 1 " "
PL ECIt ±- ,t i 9,3 .L A. 5. .t 0 T\l . .
_ Ani , 2 unt.o f Thoi,tate„ - , $ 14,581 71 .
PAW by Cl•lltictor.• ' ..*13,U70 01
" EsonerationstolCollecturs, ' 23597 . ,
" Percentage " 4 .11. ' 745 41 ,
Unpaid by "'- " • 530 32414,581 71
.i • I
Itgaf•LitEßlS OFFICE, l ALltitros.e,
Deambir '3l; 1854.
I '
I . oltlllll i
91‘t it alill COt:bc I $936 Ot) Wil•if!‘s 4O Of
Rwidi D'attif, ,, e , io n 51;
cute it,;*l Damnz"..l I '.. q;te 5( i
-s `` 1 Vetivers.. - • 207 Au
.1. ll:mefork, I:kte Commissioner, ' , • , *ll. 5,
A. Willllini i 269 50
A. (.atil'eliter, ' " 26:1 50
.1; W. striith, ; f ,
.., 1
Astse!..-sflint.. , . '6261 Or,
Tr:,vei-At. Jurors , , - 1640 51
Grand 1 - do •
l'fivenz4ip ElectioYmi
G6nprai - do ;!
Offs... Fire Proi.l,
Suoilpri e r y ,
' I . 1
Cmirt /loose,
, . .
Jostieei. ef Ille , Penttc . • ' ! : 511
Coron4r..lnqodat, ' 43.59
S. C44 , 4..t0nn. Cliet.! • . 6f; 51:
G. B. 'Eldred, Sheriff! and Jailor, ' '555.87
F. naier. District li,trorney,'' • '79 50
, .
C..oreid. . . ! t - 1 ..• 15 Dti
Win: A. l'i,..sshinn: Clerk,. ,; ! 3OO 'OO
F: A. :Var , q, Prothonotary arid Clerk, 249 6:
J. 'l'.ll4 . Lngdan.,Register, .: • 13 Qv
Neil Court 11;tuse; '; „ 6 29 00
Wild Catp , , , 1 , • . • 4. 06
Aurietiltoml iSoclielY, - : , 10 , 0 04 :,
Eat .I..iti Peni I eto in;ry, -- - ' 1 4 7 88
E. K. l',Briee. (.1: :11 . 1! • 392 3.5
Jail :end OfEr• - • 'Fii}l. . .
il 47
Vin. K I lateli.lati Trea , nrer. an per I F 1
taxtj A sidit4irie 114,porti, ' • 2.339 85
Uti.i.a:yild Lind,' i 1 I• , - 25 00
J.• E. p,,wa, 'i 1 ' , r 1.
Ni,i•iiiiiii Feint,, - 818 00
J. W.lCargill, 'II
• ,
rrea..ii tern Peri-eiliag,e, • r 42 I'7
6 Itellmidini Orders,. 1 - 34 34
Collectors' Names
. . .
M. •11.‘ Benedict, ; i elifforil,
N. IL Itf,l-,:erts, .lAtilmin, .
Santilel Witlianas, .1 Irarat,
I). 11. 0 i(iii, 1 lirith.rewater,
A. E. ; Ti.,wklstirs.. IBrooklyn, '.
A. Nimes, • • 'iCliffoni,• t
11-Clark, . • ,itS,'llovonut. -I
B. Sheol., I - . iFores) Lake,
Jas. J.A•igli: ml i , ; • ''Franklin, 1
D. O ': Nlinkle.', ; - a l ,Frietalsville;
in.' Gretii, (.•;
.- - reat Bend, -
J. E. Widine,l, :' .. .flii , s4in, •
E. T. Tiffany. . • ,Ifa,rfoi,j,. •
E. D. itintock, ; . i 11.1t-rrirk,
Eli I',. CatnitlAell,. :Harmony,
Jas. V. Itottvr, '• ijackson,
J. A. 11,;Av F 11, ' si,lesxtip,
fra Coin;tack, 1 ; ; iLiberty,
t\' u. I:,,binsOn . ~Lathrop,
E. 'utter, i . -. Fllidtdletown,
S. Virc6l 4 • ' Iot.!1 ro4.e.
A. . Wallit.4, tiNiov Milford,
Levi. S. Pa'ge, .. ' tStisiinelninna,
0. Lai larop, . ~ ) iii fig ii lie, •
I. IL Cross, •..; • ITlnonsoti,
; • '
' •; ,w,.. i -
1 t
4 1 i
Arnooot of Ttorlietttp44l ,
i •••••••••.! , ••••••:i•••• . . .
eel*/ 50
! i "'. - ';'/li . fl by Otllectorg . • •• • , •?•360 12
" . O f Eiconenttiott . s. - ..r ' • 194,00
of tetveittaizit to Colicetots i . J . 'l9 38
troll:lid of 1850 V • 4. • 39 004617 50
Staieuseurol Treasti
Dr. • R. LATIIRO)' . , Tresularer.
pinnant , m..eivt4 (rot, GoilectonL
• 1854; , ,
Statement nt treasurerNiAcc
Dr. D. Li, LATIIROP. TreusrireL,
agl, , r.gate ain't 4,t Stole 1%.x fur the!
yeur 1854, t
.To ain't ri 4 reic - 44 . 1 from unseated , lands? '
. 185 i andi:Bs3, •
Torigurei.t e amount 4,1 outstanding
Taxi previous years Asper Est
Auditor' Report, -
478 95
285 80
4o 55
45 42
179 31
83 67
96 53
42 9;
tatement of Mipitary . Fl
Townshipi. 11131:tplictei.
tl • 39 00
d al so
H 14 00
1 - 1 20 . 50
18 50
. 26 00
1 11 50
• 17 00
15 59
26 50
14 50
8 5
84 501
18 001
8 00 1
19 00
16 00
18 50
25 00
27 00
80 00
24 00
els Accosts"! with Military Fund.
365 12 as pm. his breuunt fcr 1854,
By . it:till ;mid J. J. K.eper.CApt. of Un.
toil Hilt Artillery Company. 1853, 50 00
• .1 1:1u. du. 1854. 50 10
By ain't paid. Assetionnt, 1854, • , 39 93
" " " Pririting, 29 01
fie Telegraphing. 1 301
Buquehutina Guards, 50 00
1/uptir.itch&Stationery, 15 00
31 60
M " N. Y. & Erie R. R: co, /3 13
" ,Treasurer a Percentage, 3 65
4 Uttount in Treasury, • 45 17
,899: 93
418 '77
.10080 19
11) Ciuoq R. de. tut d, fr,utt -
No. 1 n. 659, ifirlusive, . $12,632 28
By ain't {paid C.uuts: Auditors,' 18 00
611,4nding Orders, - 34 34
Treisu rs'Porcentago, • 45:1 17
. °
' \ •
nei for Yea rol 850 and 1141.
Aunt Paid Es;nrier,:Pcm.tge . Am due.Yeani,
19 48 11 00, 1 02
905 450 0 ,455
14 25 - 5 50 75
13 30 4 50' 70,
17 58 750 92
665 450 351
12 83 3 - 50 1671
10 05' 4 00' 1 55
3 78 2 50' -22,
21 18 4 00! • 1 32'
905 400 j 55
7 13 1 00, 37,
27.08 7 00, 1,42
57 48 24 001 1 3, 02,
15 20 200 80 1
5 23 . 2 50 27 1
00. 50:
00, , 00,
50 80 1
001 85
50 . 97
50 981
00 ' 80:
50t 501
II 40
15 20 2
Ixls 8
18 53 7
18 52 60
15:20 8
050 2
.00$19 38 1 439 Ot
$6l? 5' 1 $365 12
By ain't p *id Aga Spirrr. Br. Inspector,
Jib the Commtnonweellls of Peen'el.
Contra. Cr.
By 5 per et. allowed Collectors on final .
settlement. $5O? 19
By allowance to Colleetors sot per eer.
tifiesite of County Commissi meta.: -151 55
By ain't paid Stall Treasurer, . 6,856 78
By Treasurer's pereents2e.• 85 96
By iutp'd duplicates of '44lc. previous y's 2,478 64
---I— i - ------'------7-1-- ____ t _ r _________ . ______ --:--•
Statement of 'treasurer's Accoun T-7 t with to County . of Susquehanna.
-- -I •
- 1 [.. .
. . ,
Cr..Dr, •D. R. LATHROP, Treasurer. .l '' CONTR.:. 7 - • r
To uneurrent !minty, . i 548 Otlßy am'tirlicl County Amiitrtirs, . .9kB 00
To naplid Dnplirates 0f,1843-snd 1853: 201 39;Ely unr4sl DoplicaWs.of 1843. H 132 37
To arimnnt of 18 .. , i 14,370 32111 y percl' ; ..fc , to coffee:ors of 1853-4 '745 46
I troutiet nyeired from retAirntit 404'14;1 20 :1 - 5:11y tixoq•rations to colf;ctors of '53-4, 2t5 97
:To na l ,: p-^ .. i.- h. B - fired, l I- • Ile mild Miptientes of 1854, 397. 93
S.riff. Pines and itiri . Frt'S. , ' 1 I'lo 0041% 6re andinu Orders "! . 34 34
To :.m 't to eriVed.on J1,1'1.'111011.1-4. l( '2i Re. Contkty Ord, rs redeemed 1854. 12.8.32 28
To amount of monies L..emed.. .3 q(111 0101yunetirrent - money reer'd from late I •
To ani*.t retiv'd on Unseated Land 4, 416 771 • Ti..a4urcr,. . . - 1 trtB OG
. • , -
1 . 11.‘• inirrirrt;ll- money (•f led 4,
' i l3v Trer!-itrt•r's nereelotage,!" • 452 17
By amonnt in Treasury, -. - 4.324 43
172 97 - ; ..
14tatemeat of Treastarer l .; Atc't
I'o net of Warrants for Road Taxes,.l illy nni't paid Town,hiptz.
:or the to>to year ut 1854, SP2O, 1214 Trehsurer's Percentage,
I 113 y tunclunt due Townships,
1020 12 1 - • : '
L .
- •
Dr. . ,
TII am% of SehnorWarrants for the i
sule year of 1854. • i
_ •
. - Statenienti of SherifPs Account.
1 - .
Dr. \G. 11...E1,TMED. Sheriff { I, i ! Corrnw. •
To runt of •11.-s nod Jury Ft-es as per J , - i lly p:l4 Treasurer and charged to his
.c. •.rtifierste 4. Cletk of the C urt i . of 1 ' I At (intim, ‘ . ..112 90
Quarter Se ! oti , s. 1 sillB 00 By 3, per et. retained on $l7O foeeol-
To nuit as per tat Auditors Ityporl, 10 00 lectioni
1 1 By Ci:sii,
. \ t
, ___ '
To available Fund's, in Cott. i
~. . .
-P4,344 43
To Fut.queltatuct County fa) Treasurer,.. .... t 30 0 .00 I . 1.
" State 11;tuk Morris? . 21 00
" -Other uneurrent - funt - 1 , ... 1 227 00 - l
" I..lneurrent fundi: of 18.5.' r- Contra t
• 52 00
. t.
" First. issue . of COty W olt-e ‘...ontractors, due . .i ...
1. •
Septemiter 15th. A. fl ;43 500 00 .
Second is.ue due Septen 14 -
.. 3.500 00
" Third ,". " - " i 1 5T - , . - .3,5p0 00
" Amount due front Collector of 184:', \,, . .
192 37
.4 4 . " ,< a "
' ' " 1 1854 LX
307 05
" Several amounts of N o t e , ... i - ionois, Judultient!, i.t:\<,
- - I • .i -., \,,,
. ...
I \
IL•pOtt. ; .
" Ainumit, receivLiii on Judgititmti. 17654 '
We certify the foregoing to b 4 a tine stnteinen
Attest—Wm. A.'CnossmiN, Clerk.
CommisstoNEns' OFFICE, ...montrose , ,
January 22, 1855.
. .
P 3blic Venduel. ,i
, ILL be ex •H.
} srli ti. public rateon! the farm r , r of the sobs•riber in llartl.r4 (near Ira
Clritenter's) on Tiat”sday the 201 N day! of Feb.
ruary next the following provierty,i to % it:
One pair of ftearr Oxen, 10 Ct?wt.i,j 0 Year..
ling. 15 Sheol , . 1 i:.over, d Carl 1:4,2e, &e.. &e.
Snle to commence - at 10 o'cloeki A. M. _
TERMS —Eight months credit Will ;be given
upon notes with itherest Ind Ipt..v. d oveurity.
- . TINGI,LY I'IIEtANY. - • '
ll.irfor.i. Jan, 19 1855!-3%3 1, 1 - i
StOV6S StON eBl l . '
BURItIT note reeeivirta a new aY.‘ort..
IA • went .4 . St.rie.vinehirling itn•
tar and improved kind 4 4.1* Premit i pn. Xr-Tigitt, t .
and ElevatettOyeall:o.diing with Parlor,
°dive and Shnp sti}ves. 6,r W.,fid"li;i• ci, ri, in Sll
twinr variety and style whirl, he at. tlir
int.. 4 reduced pricer- Elkuta d Oren' MIIIVt...t rrf I,
nett' and aplitlived it Items. will 4.... SI .r.i at $2O
tc, 825: .rid (kilter, kinds in prosutrti , n.
strive Pipe. Zine.-;Atmet tron. At; t'a! &e. si
iqcw Jtilf.rrd, 00. 4. 1854. " •
Courts of Appe', ° aL
TIIE Cr' ntv Commissioner- , fLave
the following, days and , re
for hearing npiii.:ll4 . from the
thr year 1855, at the CotainiNsioners
NlontrOme, to wit:
31ontr4e,- Monday, :Feb, Chr , nntit, - •
• Forest lake. Friends. .
rills and _
• !
.. town, , Marelt
Franktin. Liberty and
Silver Dike, Tnet , day, ;
Auburn, Jessup and - "
Rtntlis NVetine44,
Diniork. I,!,tlirop and
§prinuydle, •
Great Rend and New
Friday: "
113rnittliv. 0 ,eland
813,136 79
39 00 1850
. 1854
Ar;grat, Jarkmilti nnii -
Clifford Dund .ff and
[Willa'. •
Harford and
i3ridget% at er and
' Brooklyn, Fridr.y,
By order toi Ike Crononk
C f mnii4:;innerA" Office. Jan. 22. 18!
, . , . •
Dry Goods and Carpets at Cost
WICKIiANI & ItENNET f' hale „n Land a
lar ,, e and Well si!leet,-11stne lit Flifeig:l
gi a Dontesiic Dry Goods liiniC C:q ads mbra.
einlmost every article in the . Dry Gon i e d's 'line
ever brilllght intothe lllArket in view A' the shint
ernit of •ti I: le. ii,•• 1 the t t claCti to
ofrOr them fin. .1. i.rty //ay,/ loon this d fte -in cart.
Thioo. 1,4.1.4,114 to whom we 1i,,e 4 , form, ci s wild
Goods-will_ a t owe see ihot till.. is : rare oppor
tunity and u ! ne N hit+ should ;lw eidirneeti itn.
nwiliately. To llsom. oho have nev .r . farnred us
with a call we would
. .w.v iry its - czce and 'pot
will he eonvince4 twit this is Me p ,e' to por-
etia-i• Dry Good. and Carnets. Ou stock is al.
oats Pypiett , With f Isi•hari.liahi and ;:! ; wort 1 , 11 ;
GirDli , :Ind.rart • th.lermined t I ke*.p is ti ,, ft ,l a V -
rich; as ran he found in this twetion..f the emit).
try, and xell ut priers. which cahnnt fail to
ni ll 2 l l l mlnpNin. 3i) 1855.
I .
Sheriff's ale. , • i
- , i
By 'len:m*l'a writ of sen , l ex. ifefirti ou ottbq Court of
t;n111111011 Ple.a ut :;ou•queh..noa Conn ty. and to tu., dl:
rented. 1 will expnae to yubtle.fate at ttl r
e Cnurt Ilnupi
to Su 9
an:we on 6.aurdaythe Vdai ay - of Febuary next'
at - 1 tielnetaY. ht.—
I ' I
All that tertain pieeo or par,eel 11 :and nituai
tide lying ' and being in the toirrodt pof liarnioi ,
ny in th e County of Sosquel.anna,, hounded and
deueribedina folio% Pi to. wit: :On ilk. north by
land ! t of Amos :.rid Simgron Barnes, mi.the e. ss.
by ttn• Itiltronnt and °gulp' . Turnpike. rind on
the soatb and watt by land ofSimeon and Amna
T. Dame?, eont..ining one arra ofland, more or
lea& with the appurtenanee4, into framed Imua¢ .
and b.rn;und all improved. • 1 . 1
Taken in ex.-eotion at the snit of D. A . ..Lyonit
& Ilrtditer, VA. Ira WilfilmA.
. , - . _F: P. 110L1.4STER., Sheriff: 1
slnntroae; lan. tn. 1835. : •
$36 43
$365 12
: • Estray.':
CAME into the enclosure. 4f th
&Tientli , t•r Isst. two Cies.. g ..
red "isith some w:ote about her, ar
ofa ellowy c.olor whits tine
leg. The owner is reqiiestod to p
paytharges and taliothem ntiar.
Clifford. hin. 24. 1855.-swp
:A NEW stuck of . Winter Sha
od 11;14 for Bah, by
SMITH 4 1 4 liE ,
$l2OBO 13
I - I By'ampunt !mid townships;
3. 54 ” By l'O M
dstaer's Puteeage, I
By atiipunt dde Tewnships,
327 541
1 ,
1 _l.i . . .
Statement at Caul ty Treasur I
y, January Ist, 1555.
Thursday; "
16th "
ium N.
id the other jM
Ate net+ hind
eve propertft
i s, j us t r „ c ii n R EAD the adverti , oment. of
& CO., in another column
ps T go . I. you e= bay Goals at it bargain.
. . 1 - •
Relative do Road and School TaxCs on
•ated Lands. I'
228 00
, rwr la-1 Auditors'
gl6 24
A. W ILIA A MS, ,- 1 .
A. CA lII ) I' . .NTER,. cum , r,... .!
J. W. SNI IT I, 1 .
. 1
, .
. . .
. ;
- .
, .
ABEL TrEnz •im
AS just rceeivyd from New a full as
sortment of •
• Ni
mp r i-s in g a first ntie varlets of 1 . \
Drugs, Medicines i • CheUzicUls, .Puin\te
Oils, Dye sttsf ,
Fa.ntily C - ioceries, Material's
for Liylas, Afasieal In- 'i
3trYinezit3, Yankee
fewelry t
• Perfamery,
and all sorts of.
Fancy, Goode, .
.11 7 .4. - will be sol I extremely low filrle: - .sh.
Ila Vino recently sui..tained a lost; by fireof at
ya 44 five flinty-at:ft anthill., Any.. ini.itratlee and
'clods -axed. I lawn. I II Nee strong elitittts for thi•
: .trntiage of toy friends and the. tot tilie !: - eneral.
kv. I :IA; mt nt .n to
.give to mt., tieither d.. I
i.4k or expect additittn:d prlifits itt entuoluenee of
.ittidlnss. I wiil sell ir o stdA ss low,
jhau they trait he boli2ltt . iti this ToWil
I.r-e.uttY. All I ;IA; is that pafrntin'ge.frion tint
tlli en i dde me with ;industry in
slowly and gradually reiihWe thr tusk sustained,
said ins. 4- being tint hard earttingi of a lifu of
1 .
tht the lower en 4 -14 the biti ; ned
Main Stryet, a few district,
rudehelowllut corners. •
lis.pri two!)
sim.n.p; for
alive in
Montrose, Der. 14,1834. "
sth, 18.55
, - ,
Gnat rnsli fur Rassia—lrma, Stovcs,' Tin
1 • Ware, c(x,
i •
iIITOODRUFF & ELDRtD haying asspeld
-1 I V ted themselves together for sthe purimse
lot' carrying on the Stove and Titi-Wpre Lusiness
kin all its various bra/tidies, would ; .re.,Mectftilly
Icalt the attention of the trading, p4lie to their :
1 .
1 Which may easily in'4 fund—it belng, in close.
proximity Iv the new CI mrt Ilmt4o—the-South-
I we - st corner thereof. .oiir- building is not, as
commodious as we intend having in the
If our patrons will- bear with us until that time, -
.ue flitter ourselves that our es•ablishment- will
not be surpassed by atty. in the eininty. W e
have the Mora approved patterES of STOVES
ever brought into .this market, which
Inas be found . •. •
SO, "
12th, “
13th, u
Stur of the , IViNt (Rem toff Ove;io - Cultiva - -
tor (Elevated Oveu) Pararin,New •
Glabe,....Atlas, pond /
. .
• , Three States, -
All Air-Tight, and various other patterns - tol,
TINWARE anti kinds kept tonstantly on
hand for household use, Jobbing done do,order
and in the hest manlier. -All Tin -Ware carefully
roved. before leaving the- shop.
They ruspveiffilly solicit ,the pitironnge oral!
who Wish-to purchase anything in'peir line, (61:-
igiring thrift Ili 4t. more can he saved by examin
ing their stoek her"re purchasin g elsewhere.
Montrose, Dee. 12, 1654. •
Public Sale.
WILL h exposod at Pol)!lei Sale, on
preollm.s of flu. rubsetilwq in Netii
fo r d, on . the 15th day of Febrtiar,'y ntxt,
o' e loek A. M., the folowingpropetty;4o %O.:-
.18 Cows,a number of head of:koung rattle, a
lot ~Isht,p, 3 .lot
...t. lio;:ts, a lot (if Poultry one
Colt (canting .3'year4 o 14.) one first rate milking
Mule. quantity of flay, one Chnrhin , Mae line,.
11 tyro horse . Wagon, one Slei4h lend - Bob one
Csitt44, 1 t1 . .c0-horse ll..roess,.Dairy Fixture tind
Farming Ute(o.ils ton ntlttordtus- In .mentinn,
A1, , 0, the FARM: which is ndapitia to grain or
grass, , Terms will be made knriWn on the slay
of sale. • G. I' COR.WIN.
New Milfor4l, 23,1855-7-4iv3*
Bentley & Rea,d •
their new on
A RE now receiving, ia
Lll. the west side, of Pitblie. Avenue, two doors
above fiearle's Hotel, a large .:and. desirable ;as
sortment of
: Their stork i. sltnost entirely( !SEW, havinry
• iowea but .a trifle, comp tyatively rpeakine:, from
the late destritetive fire, and comprises their us,
• nil yartetyinf Dry Goods. Drocelies, Crockery,
Hardwire, Drugs, • Medieitre... ilitints, Dy•
stuffs, miot,,, stows, Cireks, Yankee notions .&e.,
dte. We:t rust that our old ; customers, and . the.
publie aeraerally, will _rive us a 411 at our new
mention, as u o 'Oro determined to supply their
wants on as favorable terms - as any of our neigh
bora. .
.;' • , '
Montrose. Nov. 3D, 1854. 1 1 -
s.' 9.572 97
i ;
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • XOO 00
and go- where
. . , . . . .
Ftto..o VicSOr.B4
lE',ScriELL's Gcnerat Atitetti, ' The. Hydrcithergen,, or, Watervron c f, A nt i -
- 11, 4 5 e, Appietun's Buildisig, 346 iri I Gralsuzitisiive Co - r - k Soles inaszvfactust - ci .•
• • 6i 4 313 Br-ladu:ay, 1 . ?-:.-. i 'it ifarcourt, Prate!' SCO 44'
.. .
Market St., Jfaiichester. • • , '
p r „ 0 0, 1 `Warehouse; ' 1-02 .troOd Sticet, -Cheirefde
1.,;nd0 , Itnglinti - . Ativ-ricun E4abliihmente,.' SS Anti
s'rcet -utt 102 Nassau :-•treet _New Teri, U. S. '. ; - •
11".11E 1. “Irotuazen is n tal ,
tlable;• dltsetetely 114 preteet'
.1 ing the fet frem i.larop Or Cold, eta Mt:refine a pre-
col-vise frock many Lung tilaraerr. te , Usef up?" . donor -•
t i
ir g ehotarer. _Thu Hydnanagett 1 in the ram of It roles
ate worn la,O, e the Loototrt shoe. Ita.urdiectiett charac
ter ix a potrerf itl an tido' eto tilseas ti, • . - '
Po' I , ,,ent#trien .it wilt be rountl• ai-eeehte, team. and
healthy. to -71.,ar in the 'COldeßt. or ran st
lest eatntr,.sa
the root Ver• Ot' lA:Comte wet If - Abell In snagtn la . insert -
e‘i. - Ladiee tatty weer the lißtaiCia fulled boots of ilk eel it
the tit Inetement weather w•thinitut.ity t , s Li e' Cott
s utapth , a ~.,- Hevetknt among • the youth .of iottr;ronntry;
may he tinsarted by theirgener.tiatini•tite. Tfric,letitite
ly - x-up.raer.'e !Ortr•shoe,-, ma the latter cause,et ,to
is.ef,i-11-I.::itx al :very ,ar.heakthy 'noun* I.:- tit d, besides, nro.
:tot tholp.•; re ga V tirir to yetterttiana ;in ley ft t ett: - .0r., nue
fri.lia ruhber?. While the :at tel citae the feet Lo * t rots:
-3r. teioely lat'7,e, 140 llystfontazen. Leing a mere- thin
life* of corktpritOied, r eettaariy plietd ilaorldrc• det...-nel
3tittctoo,.lhe Ift re of the hoot. in cause the Toot to aPPtllir
untidy.;' ; l'orChil , Ltert they areegtrernely Tallish e, us
they =se: cli y *:tgr. - In qX.ercitte 'alai enutfott mad hapitity• Of^
fee's. Yhttiri el.i;C:3 , e , 1..0 .light Fesrie Reed ;ann.
Coo ; be,o;tel.., those'who
,riteentrei them *ill flnfl tkeir
s,early (hrlorls till rnuehditnisti,sieti ii.i.sietfq, .
As the ity4roinsr.en Is 'tom tt woo kaolin' Litt Patel!
Enema sit 4 to an alntoet intredlit'e efrerat. Latt L init in
tOtt,lOrti, ThitiltiNtter,' Ilirioltlgptra,_ Ltrerpool- 9-taegoWs
Latins, 'Dublin J 'Paris. Auttterp,ltsunittirtr;taudllesilstnltt
sales tea-null 1.7t2,462 pair* of Ccirr Eolea. ' Thiii j , nir
the ototatreruill fat surperethnt. ' f n- `: - - 1 , • 1
Ask the Fdeutt'y filmic poinie. of be valeta lc a pie,
veototiee- fer Coughs, pow , . urow4ll2, .I.olrra airs .
'o:menu* nen.• - ' • I . • -: i .
, nett'aSrtt, p .. 1 r.; pair, i •U tenn i .-
s, a • c ' ' . Ladlea'Aio.; ; do. soL do ., - -
.. ,
~. .. 1
. . A o y s t oo d utfa c a, 126 lido. I
Notice :4r= the:Retail Price we iziokea.eii'y Inlet.,.
al allowatiee ,to -Jobbers sad Whttleealeta, so llailt in) .
storekeeper Intay itottte a f 111!) .profit on their tale, shit*
they are an artielo that May bet kepkln any atore,accoos
ally elan oi#ootric. _ .. . i •
For tcrw 5, apply to -
1- - U AB- °CUT, BRADLEY aCo .
SS ant Street:Neer Yoe ..
.and: Beave r 1
r Bonnets,
bons,'FioWors and Feathers'
'4 ,
- ' - V ili.-‘;.: C .f a-- R. ' e:' -
THE extrente pressure in ihe INfoney afarket
. the ItreAent . ; be,lso n t . has 'yielded to tts in
creased faciliti CS to t,lte ptireltice of a superb stink
of &raw an J nF.Avr:s notiN lira, iftENCIt.t:I.OWERS,
RIBBONS, and, FEATILF.C.S, nneflualied in this city,
and whit are enabl¢d to Oirtir .at .I.loprece..
.dently low pricei Fir (I,lSit.
To our stock of PAr.e.; FtArnEns and Bomar
ittnnoss; v‘e tvl,l3evially e!,11. the 'al retain])
of CAslf n i)0( (..
ui - Eso o as w 4:t.: as!,nred th:it a more .
desirable assmtinent was never before t.trered . in
• titi-i city. • lIONI ER 4 ICETCIILIM.
N 0.4. Gland GC .Tohn-at.; cor. Williatmst., N. V.
43:r:3 ii- - -.
, .. • .
50' . Wedding Cards, With' Plate,
iI) Visitin r , o- t;-ads and Piate, c.2.. , ..-, l §itcer Door
Plates. from s al,) $lO. . %Vetiligg Envelopes..
Note Paper, Business Card,,- 'Notary, Society,
Coo tnervial and -Private Stedsi,. engraved, and
promptly forwarded to parties iwrling• a remit
. tanee to i .A. DESIAREST,' Gemara En
graver, 182 Broadway, N. V.-43m3 - -
T. & C. Fischer, Piano-;Forte Mau
l- ' - . ufactory l• 4., - ..
N' WARE rt9oNf, Nos. c0..245,247,and
jt249 West TWenty.eilrlat !street. between
00 anO, 10th Aventies. New York. Pianos . %Vitt)
.the lEiilim, •and all the bestinodern• imprOve
tnent.i. made. of the brst tit:act...4os, under our
own supervision ; a written ouarantee given with
e'ver'y Piano. J. &. C.' F. Ceing:pr'aetical men,
anti manufaettiting very largely; can furnish tho ,
hest Pianos, on hover teroot than. can be furnish
cid any •wherq. and it Is decidedly the best - plaee
0) buy, for eas-h. The desiring a . good Piano,'
_and 'one that will . stand andwear yell, - can't do
better than to Call on J. it. Ci - Fischer. 43m3.
i ; '
Stoves and Ranges.. • ,
WIIOLESALt 4!ik 'RETAIL. , • :
111 /IE SUBSCRIBERS liTtve:' on hand the fin.
: iAL ea assortment of Air-tight Cook and . Par
tor Stoves that earl he fourTio- the City. Stkes
t t‘t".slll deser',H,.ns, Ntyl oi nod de inns, for burn
ing Wood or Q. 1741, which we Will ..arrant
,in ev
ery way. - Persons in %%Ia: of ,a flue. Stove, for
li. , :ultv and dttrability. will ,to will to call at :the
1101 1 1%..INS&, BUFF, proprietors. No. 235 Wii
;ter-street, Nett,- l'otk. . 43.1113 .
.9,444 11
2$ 63
247 38
$B2O 12
8152 27
8 of
167 26
8;i21 5s
1 10 00
$228 00
GOIJPIL & CO. •• •.
;Print Salers & Artists' Colornien,
No. 3G13 !Broadway, tick litirlc•:
- T
SELLERS publish-
Wrr s LE ;in ‘ t t L •r E t4 i t: R nt l l N Nlantirteturi . n; Artists,
:Colornittn, l'art;s. London, littrfin; ai14.1 No. .366
Broadway, 1%,1,,w York. t CAtalognes s ent 1,,y inaii.
:Tilt , l istiai dihvotint t., the tradu / ; Ina Institutions.
P;,ttortt Froints forni.ltri. 't t 431113.
W. B. .T.iaan,s---DagucrreotypiBt, -,
:at Old Fell9lcs'
.tiall, ~ I
TAKES Pictures of ever, thin, that t; ill ktvp •
. j *4/t. : • " •
S' Children will nnt be takt.» unless - britic i
between . thd hours of 10 and 2 o'clock, on a dear il
till.Y."l i . - - - • 1 1
Of Cases, Frames, Loekets, &v., just purchased.:
Montrose, Ne.v. 23, 1851.
1 f • 1 . • .
Rail, Road Crossiiig,
Lolk out for' the Cars.
UE firin of WarreiL& Thayer is dissolved,
T. but the Farmers Store is - nt. We givit ,
p u bli c notice that We aro Setlimr Goods nearly
at eos.f. Good Tea . at 25 els.. Coffee at Ts., and
other Groel.ties at the s;one rate, Reny-Made
Ct ol n ! • elier.per than von can buy elsewhere this
mide of :sle*. York: !ling Calicoes at. 9 . e t s , .,
'Cloths of every ile:Cription so low •otz be
llroadet et h at
11,vo clollarl per yard. ,:There is a 31:10itA attach..
ed In the 1111.11 ; • Styq4 uliere the rarniers can reli
their preduce of every', kind' fer rash, c and - tho
u; ~ )(1 people. of Montr6se can find everytldng,iti
the rme efleatattles to their ad .Gentle.
men and laaies, one and aIL call anti see
Our terms are po,4tively ready pat'. (and no
trust) - R. TiLkycit-&
Montrose, Dee: 1.20, 1854
- -
FFICE awl Pocket EmilloKers' time Book,
Pas.'and ,Ntrator.ntiuni 800k5.,.111 . 1t Hooks,
13.,0kis LetlgerS,.a good-assortment for
osa l. l at tlo , . • -
I VALENTINES!: - -Valeatitw
'day *let cor ning. so call at the Post: Offico and, get
you-a Pretty. Valentinc—cheap—from
FE11: L£AVEs:, frMo Port sec
ond Snit! at the.. Post Office. '! •
Prof: J. IF. Stt)thiar4',l Set 4;4: (4 Nis.) of . Aritli. -
inctic , 3, for sale at tIM Post Office, lw
Arnntr,,4:t? . . 185.5.
IT. t i D. SAYRP h.lving been appointed
t;4 fur MI extent;iive . Sash, :rind :Ind ,
D.tir Marlaractory are "prepared In furni,:h.:inv
art 1,71,.: - in! this line at lesi .rates they have
n,nnilv Wen 301..
Dee. 14. • • . : •
Q RAVING CREAM—hn ,article which- every
manishould try, fur sale by " •
Dec. 4.1
Ateady-lblado Clothing,•
VERY dt:tratitt.....st9el: :tt yen- low prieeß
I .s. 11 . &b. SAYRE.
3tontrose, Pee. 14, 18114.
. • •
Wagon Making, .. BiacksmithincP
and Zarriage Ironing. • ' P
rill lIE jilt bsuiberi Slavin established hi
. a few rods"south of Diuno,:k four . , Co .11ers,.
is prepariA to do all kinds of ofwork in the l boVe
braneheq: of basinesq on shoif nntiec and thin
most reasonable termq. Ile. flatters himself that
with the:h e lp. now in his employ, he will by able.
tO vice entiresitisractinn to all who maffaroi
him with-their custom. -: • . .
• • C. C,
nimne.k,;Nnv. 23, 1854.-48 tr.
B. Most kinds of !utWer and all Rinds
of e.•untry product, taken ip payment.'
Black. Silk:
A ~GQ9I? quantity for dresses. at 8I uts. per
. yak!. - " • •U. RAT.. Co.
Out; . • •
At A., Lathrop & Co'ii. •
AS wEaro ariNioos to close out our Stock' of
cl,;tliiiii! ti. In:ike riolm for our' Spring. pur. •
chase, see ar soiling it. at fire ;037 retluccd prices.
Call :Is cheap moats, from
43,00 tmi 818,90. Dross; Frock and Sack coats,
good pattvrns and new sirics. .
Pants from $1,59 t.v.•_sB,oo. Vests- of every
style. Gc•nts Furnishing GuMl .of every kind.
fifteen per rent. ehetiper than ever offered in
1 . DE LANES. - • - •
Gobi quality and neat patterns, selling . at:enst
for , ,
• • • A.. LATHROP & CO.
lionrose, Feb. 10855.; • • • •
Ml.reditors pient'irl take notice that nll
ril L ntters not Retiltql by the first of April
Roo, t 1,411 be le:t, ih the ImndA Of the proper an.
cer for',collection. EDWIN TIFFANY. .
Brooklyn, Jan. 33, 155-414.3*
Broche Shawls.
CIIEAPER ever before known, Ile:mil
patterns, and fine quality/ ef 8.4 Broehe
ShawlS, Luperes manufacture, at $7. -
Oct:: I l IL B. & Co.
41.7 State Shawla,
HE tar size finest qw.lity, new pat !
erns, $31,50 eac:h. • U. B. & Co.
Oetl, 11.
A GOOD asse4rneet ,An 4 handsome ptteetts
XX, 4t very lost prices. • U. B. & Co,
Window Sash-
Last Notice.
t THE CHEST..O::,:
• ,
Sir. As*, CoOper,filart. ; M. D., the'tri . tit
Practitioner, loos left .a. rotua b le
Legacy to tht; world in his Circat - Prevent-:
alive of Consumjitfon Old unfailing. cuts ,
for Pt lmortary Pistoes, lout the: USI,
(4Yetlicinr. -
Eir A. C r , itart,ln•ealed sod adrired the use of the
3fedieated -Air Chest Preitectcor,
. . .. - .
To all .persons oral' th;e* rind enadtritarf 4 as a ear r a la ca d
lat. Ail .11 a•TairaC throat reseal illaease: , r, ConsumPtlob , .
Itim,thitis; -Asthma, Coughs., Colds; end other: sfltetiobs
of tlic Liiirs, aliirl; art from the _capered state of the
elneit, accor.ling t.rfushion, and the - continual Changes or
oar climate. • • , . - .
.• The protector" Is . rdniply, a chemical"' prepsred fie
lined ;with' silk, and ;Madill. =lath. suspended from the
orbit, cocrrs the chest:in so a:reeshte a mantes that,,
puce Korn. - it becomes a ricer:- sity and a corafost. -
: •' The Proteeter," sit liocult lint recently ihtrotlikeed 2
into . Atrinsle3 IR' Ttnklitg,r rtpid progress 1111.611;11 the ttiltl'll
S MUNI; abe C 111 - Is?, Sopth%ttntlica, and the West Indies . ,
It ha , ' for, a ion; tiim. treeir a ft MAO 'a - rad e I a England 90
on th .• chntitient of Cititone, while It has groin, in -is,snry
countries to the prOticro of an article of dress.: 1
' TP demontt rate these facts orignite it any ttriglish rid- .
4.1.0:t In your elciulty.ofhisitnnaledire ritlthe bCnefirial of
feet s • of sr earhin the prot eet or. nittiont t f court to doctor=
log et any kind.' The post of weartna'these articles is a
mere tritle, and inn. wilt last some fears. f , \o on« *be
roitivs• tib healrhof himself or lily family "Sill be •ithutit
them. The".lf ospitals: in this conintry. *roil:10 • atone roe!
omm.naing them. lint 'rapidly IntrNlucing thrm net.
cnurt . Bradlee hCo.. of London, and Mancliester. )(milord . ,
%A..; r original"! entrusted inch the inc t . iiicture',of:tbe
• Prot , e'ror... t , . The laiuented Dr, for per:_ nd continue to
t r,,,,,i i ff o
ictro .ccordil t;' to bii otigintil In fractions.•ind
therefore recommend those - ally militia wear;
the "Pro.
terrors," to see to tit Or bqn c ;relit:tine. ' . ,
'remember that Otis ii a staple article, and- no Patent
1 Mcci;cine. . - ,
. i'I.T.TAIL PRICE 3. z' : " • • --
. . . .
ovari. , :ise,. - 1 . • . i. • •-- $ 1,50 etch. :
' ladies' d o. • -
'lays' 11.11tscs do . ,
7:1 do. • -
• . - -.! . lIARCOLItT,IIII.ArittY.;iir Co.=
--- ' 12 - Ana St.' and 102 Nareso4/31..
• . Noe-Tnrk. V. 8. -
rrincipat Warcliiin se' 102 Wood St:, Cheapfide.Lolidiat
Manufactory, 44 'Market st.. 31aricliesti4,F.tigland. -- - .
n, it. t Co. are est;Misking . Depots for the sate or the
Prottetrq oil n orAmeen. PhyrieNto. Surgrotts.
Clothif-n. Pry Goods Aterehtintt - -,: 14iteiai and.
3llliinorw. -also Gtntlemett's Porta - 4130z Store7Weepsiss are
truiti.tfq ,1.110. wholesale . and ri tail distrihullim' tit
and to whom most liberal raring ure saered.for their
enterpri.o, aria a ap3enriid opportuniti opens tothem' foe
rafe and prMitatie bu , istesp. -
II AIICOUItT. laiAttt.ltiY. vir CO.
' • ZS u t .;'New-..Tork . 11. II:
More n nd. More New Goods..
BURRITT 4; ; :: ( 1% , :„.
r e
int-rutitri(7 N new and iAeg . ant assortmentof French
Marinurs, .llerino :ind cashint-re. Plaids. Plaid
I.:'atl6- and Plain IN Laues,Paretrieltas, Broi.7he
Square and.Lon„cr Shawls; all of nCW and best
strles, and will be sold at'f.. l s per tent. less than•
inst rears prices. Al's, a new, asliortmeat of
Rich Ribbons and Bonnets.: Wide!.§lll>. Velvet;
Cloaks tto . l._Mantillas, Rich Siiiiiinnd Velvet
Dres4 Tri flead Drvssea,: Rigo
lett+ &e.,4c.. with a gederal. Osoitiaent of oth
er and laocy - t..441 - 2*,as, lisuat l i which hay-.-
ina been bought minrc..r.the present ; pressure of
the cash market,-will ha sold . at - ekirospoading
requeed prices. - -; • . .;
NOv. 27,1854: - Ill.!. •
New .GoOds.
'fRESEI arrival of Nvl; Goods Nbich
otter verti•chepp. .le"o'hayo" a' large.
of Starde - :;nd" Dry .G00d3.,
mai 'ilxamizr
We are now prepared to erithe: . #ll According
'to the lateststyle. We have a larzesteek'whicle .
sell very lOw.- .0311 ;old exarniffitlwfoic.
pnrelmsinz. ANo; n large ;st‘ietz'of Clohvt,
iineres, Jeans, 84.metts in ..fnet,
Our 0t,e17, in this lino • is 'complete, invitci
the 'a tention c4sn - kunctiAr.rts to,our stock, : .
• At kinds or. taken in exchange for,
Goo ant cash prices. '
ntrose. r 854. • •
, . 1:Now taitiZheap Goods.
- r) 011611V:a luw pressure pritlca and will be
I •:.inid accordingly by .' • -
U. 13t;11.ROWS & Co.
• Gibson, Oct. 11;1854.1
ASAMERES and vestingA,, large as!seq f
Mont and ot!prlevs lower. ihnOve have eve r
been enablit4 to Offer tbein heretelOre.:
Oet.-11. • &
Dress Geed& .
A GREAT VOkely tcliutaul.stycs dud
ii t o4 chop us could be.04.4n4 1
• Oct. 11. • -U. 1. & Co. •
: • ICY GOODS.i- . .
TllE . subser Iler:r..speetrully invites the atten
t idri .nt' ter so wishing tn iniiekise, CHEAP
h,r ClV`ill, to liS I: E' , X," IN j N Tra. Alia SPRING*
STOCK,whie ):for:exteitt, variety and cheapness
. ho thly safely . lir ii.unsiur .s any in the
Empire State. j Among ..viireh may be found
TID . O Hundird ',Climb . / . - -
. .
nloverr wialili• and i 4 21e, prices ranging.. from
50e . tp $l4. ' ,'
100 pieces Ilttratnetta and . 41partea; from is to
5s per raid ; it reneh Merinfbes of every - grade
a nd er.lor, remarkably cheap; 10,000 Tanis:De-.
Lani and 1 3 .4sianCloths t•orn Sle'te 41s1; Prints
and Giagimml:io i;ndless qttantit.t . ;: 15,900 yards
W e i) ariii•upleh Sheet ings and Shirting4f,./3 4 ;l 0
IGe ; 1000 yd ' While, ited,and Yelltivir flannel
from, Is 6I iarps) Wooleri-GonNof every kind
A r t f ri er' :nd,tys.;;J 060 yds Silk.; OrneSde.Plaid..
and Pl4in IWO:, Trent the lowesr:grade\to- - the
infistsnperior,gßality;,DrealiTrisnniings Of. es..
cry description:. , .- '
Pedilisrs" Goods A
. •".
lnrite stock from Auction,. ;wolf 'ehruP.—
Truilksnn.d Truvellingl3ng,m, an c.Ntenive assort,.
moot COritunity. on hnrid, o f
•No effort will be sptwetton the part thesub:-
acriber merit n continnunce Lot ;the I"pltiontige
whie:h the public hen hitherto Maid tiererounly
neeorde(thim. nod for whivh he returna-ttiocere
end •lieurty tlinukte. W. N. %VASCO . , •
Nr - Curner of C _tort & Witter re Cts,'l l omp,
Block,':riently••stpposito - Atutpicgt. .H0el;•
Binghamton, .
Etiglish Lever Wateliesi , ,
mllE<libseribor has Alms -day irtel.iieft per
. stoarnship ivacifte, It large - lot of his
vaned English Paceat! ilovqr Ilk : , - Plain
Floating hip.tivia Annie engoi . id on, in addition - to his panat vailtilV.:ll2ol4lli fling
reeeivol, sniti
meats, tali jewslcd with Rubies, pilheYttf beat
quality, also_ Pcni:roAett i orikund sheleiOti'Maie
rnhils jowelrd.' Thtt ahare_Watches
all impprte4 bp i ttho '
lianarnetory, and will htt 1101 4 t 6 : O° SO
wishing n, article at theLltywreci,',,.
York papa. , ALFRED . .
N0.;10d4 Pplibiwe
Bingintlter, Jan. 1 6 1 1050,