. . , ,! • ! i the rich wife was inexorable; lientust,altd VOlartsC , tin artai . ' that ful.ly•inOsseti with the' b - - lief in her supernatural power of compelling 1 treading more than. VIE tar.GEst cntoutdatom ruarrrnEns itself:the etT4cfs of the Unlitckel disclosure •on the feroptir ofhisleir England helpmate,•he Made tt virtue attic, necessity of 1 the case, bade farewell tp the latter amidst n 'perfect hurricape of repttianhes, a nd .th on nt e d the white horse, with his old.wifo, qu:theol- , lion behind hiin. Of that ride Burger might I have writteit a! counterPartto his Lallad : " Tramp, tramp„ along, the shore they ride; .Splash, spinsh,inleng the sea.' ; • • :Two or three years bad passAl asap, b ring ',lug no tidings: of the' unfottunate . husband when•lie'one - e more made his • appearance its his native'cillage. ,Ile was not 'disposed to be 'very co mmunientive; but for one thing:, nt I least, ,fie seemed willing. to express his grafi ! tmle.. • Ins Ohio "wifetio spell. against intermittent fever, !lad p•aid the debt of na ture•and h•ft him- free;- . in !View which, his surviving Wife,• after manifesting a due degree of resentment; ! consented to .tale him back to her hed and board', and I could never learn that hail cause to 'regret her clemency. -• ! - - . E. B. CMASB & ALVIN D. 4 Montrsse Feb. ft, 1855. " Ttre thrersisters iwrit: burled side by tide; white roses lay wpm their breasts, an •f tt..e colin% were crowned with Aowers." 0! bear them to their rest! • Whitii roses on their b'reast's and in their hands ; Through slumber deep and bleu! They pass in beauty to the eternal kinds. • Theirs was ito outworn life Of failing hopea and ufireinember - d rows; ' The miorld's'sad care andstrife Had traced no aT.rows on- their marble brows. 0, call them no too young ! '' God's peace was on their lips—their life was love: Long was theii stay—too long , For angels whoi-had left their .homes ab.)te. .- The weeping Sprinz shall come. And spread the , paths ihey loved with glisteniaLT • green: 1 ' ;', '-' , The jay shall*iild her home In arbors where theit favorite seatalu.vc been.- They shalt- 'comeback no More Morning shlll miss their glad, swect-smiles, and • deep, The pipes perpetual roar Break o'er the Spot where side by side they sleep. And will . ye still complain, - Whose cluiehal with unavailing tetra are wet They shall bo yours again ! . Beyond this prison-house of dark regret. 7 • If perfect sight were -ours. - Ye could n mourn them lost, but .11;161111y say "The ather gave these flowers, And the Father taketh them away." • 0 ! bear tCtem to their rest ; White roses on their breasts and ►a their hands . Through slember deep and blest They pass in beauty to the eternal lands. Ifif' • ; ' i - • 1 ; Fresh meats.of all kinds, at the' pries at which which butchers retail . it,. is nut economical food. In eeoni - nnizing foot ,l' meat: should never he firiekor boile4. l - If you tv4uld gLit the most substance Out - of fresh -Meat, -Make it into soup, or stew, or pot-pie.. In? inakiiig '$ at Join' G. wort - ruin •, soup, soak your 'went - Some hours iii - eal wa- . ,i ' ter - and boilit in: the t same. .ThiCk:Oll with When a boy, I occasionally Met at the : ,house of a relative in the adjoining town, I be:ius, peas, iiee,,leirlL'tv, Iletniny 'th ,broken brend. The best Intadis the inost eeonoini 'Stout, red-nosed old farmer of the neighbora- I cal foic soup. . . • , hood.. A fine tableau he made fa - winter 1 i It eir boil meat to never 'pill it in evening; in the red light of -a birch log fire; ;cold "water. Let it be' ht fling ) ili e w h en y ou put as he fdt• hours watching ins pregresa, with , i , , NO meat in the'pot. :PO not buy• fresh meat half shut eyes, changing his position only to ' , a pound or at tkinie. . • Buy a quarter or reach the cider mug on the shelf near mm. halt: You *tit at half price. Although be seldomopened his lips. save to lbaked. It assent to some remark of of his_ host,' or to is si i x ° ; ,t r o . t b u y , J ucea 'rot"' bkead ready. , poiind. , )ry. flour is the same.. answer a direct question, yet at times, . when Mimemade bread. is: far more mitritions. the cider mug got the better of hisAaciturnity, t 'Make usc or corn meal, oat' meal, ,Oraluint he would amuse us with interesting details Of I flour, hominy and ertiCke,l wheat !'or bread,• his early experience in the "Ohio Coun- i •in preDqenceto find :Wheat' flour, both for r5'.11 ,. ... . • health.nd economy. : Here, are the ! ,relative There. - waS, however, one chapter in these retail prices per - peund of •theie 'nrticies t e , - experiences which ho. usually held in reserve, wheat flow, Ce ; cracked vvhciat Cc: corn and with whiCh "The stranger intermeddled meal ole; hominy 3c; pat meal 41e. .The not." - Ho was:not willing .tO ,run the• risk of latteris the most nutritious breadstuff known. hearing which was a frightful reality turned Hominy is an 4iiticli., that no.- fiiinily, de into ridicule ; by scoffers! and unbelievers., sirous' of practicing eConoilly, can do. witli- The substance of it as I received it from one I • out. It is.a Very - cheep, • health, rditiitions of his .neighhors forms as clever a tale of 1 food. , It costs only h i alt• the \ mica per pOund witchcraft as modern ties have produced. 1 ef.tiour....Cracked . wheat is exee)lent for sed -' It seems that when - quite a young man be 4 entary 4, - _-rsonz.' That .and; .11raharn . flour left the :homilead; and 'strolling - ivestvrnrd, I i should be, used - in . preferenCe, at ti 4 same worked his way•frem place to place' until he ; price per and, to white floar, beean ietiters i he found himself in one of the French settlements althy . nnd po More nutritious.' One ;hundred on the Ohio •rive,r. Here •he procured ein- i pounds•Of Graham flour is:wortli'ps..Mirob in ployment on the farm of a widow; and being• a family as ''one hundred and thirty-three a smart, active '• fellow, and proving .highly I e p o m s •zi l s es e s f i s i i i i n i ii ei h .fi la n l e r i t i l ici e d i t , e ric ti:l o ir f . fi .:t o e l l r r . ri l ii - : , et i il s . serviceable in his department, be, rapidly ' ' •his employer: , gained favor . in the eyes of 1 ;1 .. t worth twiee as muehtt It is not 0 econoini- i 1-7- Cii E.IP HOOKS. Ere lon g ,ocontrary to the .adviceof the neigh- i t ell in m:ante r,,becauelit.. takes-sO.enueli tire 'I ! .• bora, and in Spite of somewhat discourag,in ' ' gI to cook it: Toe first ,grnat erior!, ills ~i . n . i• Extraord;rary inducements tt, the reading' Publie. hints touching certain • Matrimonial infelici- 't meal is'in giinding iti t too riuch, and leAt in 1- g c: on receipt; or the piice I' ther.of the following fire %pork,. •aill be sent free of p op ,_ annexed. - . ties experienced by the late husband, he res t not cooking. it enough. ; Corn 'm •al intisli . t ;I's r ,,tbd ee tiee, trigs and A (-1,-cnir,i.es el Arline( olutelv stepped into the de all Man's slioLs ; IshOuld boil two hour s.; it. i's better ';if 'boiled , ! 3fanderiGe, the mistress became the nife, and the servant 1 fear, and. not fit to . etit, i e , b • oike le , i - t h an . one t . 1 -wire of seeaFies ti• siseasran..orl . lanimcre, .rho was . was legally proutoted_ to the.head of the touse- , hOur.—Buckwhent I flour. 'should never be '. . . -it olen from her buLliarni• at Bo g ota, New Granad by a band or Sp.;,l,lsh Robbers, and 1 7 thi,m th•taineil in th-ir • t hold. 't hesed by 1, fllD'ill* . 1.'"110 er 'oblioed to i Pl°.nr•t,a•in• . „ - i t pure .. . ~ , ..- , . ,L, fftstuetises for thirt mouth=, there It r o s , -; g one through the most terrible s l ew., that the imagination . . For a time matters went on cosily and i eConorilize . fLod. Ii is dear at fin'y.pri - ce, It ran Picture: the whole, forming the meet tru ly , t7e ee..prr t t , ii ' comfortably!. enough. He was now lord of I must be floated in clear butter. In .ty, Pr tli 'be eatea,l'i'e ar a :?..n t' c 'v re(' of cn a 6 t:u u t 2 ty i o . " i7rft e r ; ever r yet l u pl aced ad. . er'il r :i t iel the soil:t'and he had in his crop' of corn ! and then is not' f , ' , 11, alibi. Oat meal* is as I eseo. i ' ; ~ . ; and petatcies, salted down his pork, and - no. and Stfirtlinalll'ork! the authentic r iled . I good in enkes as lateltwheat, and far more ;7' l r ' rill , ? . . . .-.; i ., , .up his wood for winters use, he natural!l! !nutritious, But it isttmoit.untr . itions and is . C.‘,,ite , ssi(.n of Witham 31a..er. on, The cruel 21-furierer if his Fait.er and Mother! 1-o g ee,. enongh congratulated himself upon his. good I particularly healtits 4 : fur elaildren, in ihe form I [er with a econ,plete account of his ration, Robberies a n d fortune, and laughed at the sinister forebo- of porridge.. 71 i l i • , .1 . ilMnrdersinclit;lin g that of Mr. Mannin g , of Ituffitio„ N. y„ and the beautiful 'Miss Emma ?I rein. -A,l,led to which to .- • ain g i of hi , neighbor But with the long The cheapest} of food is white: ht-rii '...15.-- Ilthe his t ory 0; th,. Ino.it h fl .i endit t lilarlere a r,a o nd7Ler o t i. V . r ; 'lviilter months came a change over his" love's 1 T . tc , t y nre, worth from $1 •50 t Ee2 per bushel, voting Area.. pzi" .An evil and mysterious • n- I .i \II fs' a r r ;:e- a Ve . e.k ..-.ll! , l`"r T v;-... a. ; s . I , l' e' t he " mP and retail for eigh cents a 'quart. Prof. 11 '-; rm. .IYetiu tried Jeries. Rachel 3fenduza. ' \ iluence seethed to be at work in his -affairs. I I Liebig has stated the t perk anitt beans • form ti Iler lamentable cwirteztion wiih •he dark and eren Ifu It Whatever he did after consulting his wife, or ' a compound of sabst nee . peculiorly- adapted i .;-''''''',":_icepti,t;'„Y.....rtair,`l„l'Vlpertw„LY.',ltl;•,"l•;,4P,:i:, :b e n. c• e s a z - a : v s :T .: . at her suggestions, resulted faVorably enough ; I I tofurnisli all that .1-. necessaryi to support !lk, Y .rre,; in Madrid. neat t h.:Pr:Mod of the ghee°. hs. created but all his , 'schernes and projects were unric...- !life, and give bone;'inusele and fat, in proper t s e o vi m p u r c , %cons.;ramat, a n d such intrust. Int efe,r. 1 9 the Amerl cotintably marred arid defeated. If be boright t proportious, tOt,inamt 'This food will enable - Thousaroloi throu g hout th e I:nitfit si t ...s. ! .c. a 4 e b ta T i t i l ia l: a horse, it ;neas sure to prove spavined and : one to perform more labor at less co...st, th an w nar ltl ra' P tfr r e l 's ° e n t's ° o r tt t t h i e .'n a l r al e ri r r o oinrl'il'i n p c :•,'rt . ?.ernr:c . r, especial -' wind broken... His cows either refused to I any'other substance. t- A quart of beans, 8 it his etnntieliou with the rirh ind t..eautifill Jewess, Rs- givedown:their milk, or, giving it perversely I cents, half a pound, oil pork, 6 eents will feed s c h fr e:::l .7. , , l : z il , o7k. b . s o A n 1 (14 y r e e g zo x I n sg l ;i l v i e n n t r u h r e ,,, fir i; 7 - e M i, , . . kicked it gYer. A fine • sow which be had l ' alarge . family. for (li - ii•-, with strengthening Vn it e t ,' f . , tntep , tlt ! ' .N'o s rpg..i z, c l o i fi n d , u t r e s s u e o cr to c: 7 aodtl the tt Lifeie hat:gained for, repaid his partiality by devour- I I food. And who flint Can raise ti reminiscence (Ifi i l`t% S t rain. ..•;',:isfLiis. ri ee I s c4tp... . ing, like Saturn, her own children. By de" l of geed old times it i New Eneltind, but will . Starainff Disclosure! : Mysteries Sared ! or the gree-, a dark thouilit forced its way . into his,' I remember flat glori4u - s old tfashioned dish ' - ° Elston, of Esthet Litingstnue._ •-• mind.. ; • ..., .. I called " bean ,porridger .11 Li should Call it •!,1' 1. Itenril Baid r in. ily fteor g e Loppard.- sol d o :Tur k a c t a i k ee' r n o 4 only - picture, the sin g ula r 'career of _Comparing his repeated mischances natii i bean . soup now. tour quarts of . beans - and _riae - se,nivie e mos end the e rimir of-henry p ttl- r in, but t e ante-nuptial warnings of •• his neighbors, t two - pounds; of certied beef ' w ould 'give a good h last came tothe_melanisholy conclusion lt oil ju t meal to fifty men--1- , CH --One cent a menl. '4k m :s et.. . n e e : r l %`t'...T`' e h e l t e h e e :: „ w t e e r a. l a 17a7d r e win n ,in a bold,t mtb- AO, hut aboothing style. Anil he murder of Mies Annte Marria g e. IF le that is wife was it; wittb. The victim Another ye ekeellenf, 'nutritious :Ma " 217- Inc4ri7°ll ' 9 isi be .i v ''V=°:..lrseies i there pacer terribly viir..... nt , . t r. ~ . 'Motherwell's halted - Of the Demon - Lady, or ; econemieal, anti of 'food. is dried Peas. -- ' - The RiraTs Rcreizgrft -or l ithe Loi.ely -Quakeress, the poor fellow in the Arabian talc who dis -1 Ths , v are enerar ‘, 'zi Huh.' inure :Costly titan ' . r.,'aiiiirine 3 ithllet•o-h. covered that he had married - a ghoul in the I ben- ns, but some thitik thev.. will :" . go further. Th ;i s tt "&' ui ? A rTgs ter de la e p r "e zn 'e s t -el- i- H iTii s iT•; ul ; r ifo l e . - guise ofa..Young and blooming princess, was I At aP.V• rate they are. goo 4 for ti ehanze.— s re e e e r e's3seieine• The Mani.;e. Prie,t." J 'Pr iv; 1.,:i centl. scarcely in a • more sorrowful predicament. t It would be mood fuia change to those: whoci m e e. nit i T t - t. :: ,, u eti s t b t o o s a a ny es ii e d r4eas fh s . t t e n :, , , , t d : l te ,e, lo n i a . Ile grew; .!nervous and fretful. Old. dismal • t are put to. their xv . ifi end to knoW how te g , tJ 'Canada.. fr.-•ot Postste. on the receipt ;of 1:0 cents. : Poste . nursery stories and all the witch loreof•boyn. ; food enough to feed' their families, if anythinol l Tio r eTs rs wi'iri;e tb :s s t,'L T o7l? , "; Are 7.ze tla sti t Pe e „ u s w e s'e e erZ ::- . .5 . d . hood canie back te .his memory, and he I 1 ilintlive have sah."l , *hall put theni ia a way . 0 11 the receipt of ftrn doi l lars h theylaill be s4n to 'fifteen Pe.- crept to his b t o like a criminal to the gallows, ! chang . ng. _ i someloff - their uld habits, half afraid to fall asleep - lest his mysterious :bop such articles :is will satisfy Hunger while" . • so as tj I "."" s Alt I I:elt ''o r t s e l n u b ol tt l e t a Stl7ere t 1 propor ti on. 1 BAR6LAY 11 CO , companion Should take a fancy to transform ! . ..- itiO Anti gt reyt . Ned York . ! (Ming theta healtli,:and strength ; for less than , -au the abtre 11044 sresplendid l ly Mart raled.-Im3 -him intota horse, get him shod at the sinitnet r nalf the money thi are now expending and and fidetlani to a Witch meeting. And, living..only half i ce _iillirtablV . ..__:,_ .. c' . , . • .if to mike the matter worse, his wife's , tiffe a c- s I , , I ---""- I • tion seemed to-increase just In proportion. as i . •- • 71akiiIng Etridim. • I - 1 his iv:llll4s' thickened uthak him. :She ag , ',.... A trnveller• in fAkinany :...ays:— .- The Gerj grivated , hini with all manner of caresses and .• .- t mans, by the waY.iliave a !queer Why of artj -• endearments. This was the drop too much.. king' ,‘ • - ,_ i brides " au ~ o o f g, trungs, ' The poor husband recoiled from.her as from in the courtin•O; akid marrvino. way which . a waking nighttnnre.\ His thoughts turned . t , mar intere,..t you f t erhaps. When a maiden . • . to New England; he longed to see once more '+ is I;etrothed; . she ig called_ "bride"! and se • the.old homestead; with' its tall Wellsweep i continues. till 4.11 e 4e'comes :‘wife." .- All'the' and butternut trees by.the roadside; mid lie t while she. is egadd,'she is a ''wide." The ' • sighed amidst the rich bottom lands of his tiovers„imineeititertr,. upon the betrothal, ex . - ne* hoe for, his,father's rocky pasture. with I ; Change plaio•iol-„Ctings, which are,<evi:r vs-ern its crop! of stinted mulleins. So one cold No- afterwards Oh dea i iii parts them: The woman vettabertday,finding himself-out of eight, and t weirs hers on itlie:ltliiril finger (tiler left hand,. hearing of his wife, hesummotied courage to i i an d . „.b en. ,b,!:,. I.,4boines "wifi,".. her ring 4.... attempt stn escape, and resolutely turning his ', transferred to . !the i i third finger of' the' right , • back on the 'West, planged into the _wilder- Iliand, and A 11445 •it reitiains.. The huspand ness toWards_the sunrise. After a hard and - t . ai , tays wets ti , ,.. - i , int , just, as the wtife wears long journey be reached his- birthplace. and !hers, so if Ye , .104 upou a Man's-hand. von was- kindly 'Welcomed by 'l.lii -.old friends. t •can tell whether Jill is inertgaged or • not•-es, Keeping a close -mouth with respect .to his , •fliere is ne.elleating for Mtn ever- after—no unlucky adienture in Ohio, he soon after- ceiquetting I 'With l'tthe girls, as if he were, an . 'married one of his schoolmates, and. by - dint_ aninat . rit _ d • tutti .1(011 IQ.: the! . Whole store is •of persevering industry and economy,in a-few I told by his fing - Fr4ing: A monied,. Vienne,c y ears Rim e d himself ie. posaession of a' cora - ' lady .was much aiiiused when.L tola her that I-, - :.. fortable home. , ' - , rE ' I inyour-conntry we only "ring" the women, -. • . But: is evil star . still lingered in 'the hori- 1_ but let the hnsbafids run, at large. unmarked! - I • zon. 'One "suminer 'evening on returning' Oh I thatis dreadftil, said she, more than half r , .. , • • .frOm.tt4 hayfield, who-should meet him but - sliecked. 'lliinKthereis Frederick, my has, -±ll, • -A New lot- of Gift Books Air N ew y ears , •.. his witch . wife from' Ohio l She came riding , band--onlyltweuty-four—so youtig so band- The life of P. T. Ilarneratind H. - Greeley, I also Teri Nights in a Bar-Roam and what I saw ... - u p thei;:vad on her old white horse, with a I some—and. II thl girls:would 6 taking ' lain i there," by T: S. Arthur,-a fUat'rate Book for ev. - .- pillion On hehind tbeeaddle. Accosting him for an nninarr t ieditmae, and be: making lave I erybody - Enquire at the Alentrose Post office. . , 312a'kiidly tone, yet not without something,, to him'. Oh" it- h,Odreadful. is it. not -I • Th r ey 1 'Montrose, Dec'. 27,1854. • 1 . of a gentle reproach'for hia unhandsome tie- 1 would:ney . - er know 'he'. was, married. Flow 1 -. • ration of her, Ave informed bica she had I -can yen do• ko it f ft. •yonr country'? . 1 woUld'i 1 PORK FOR SALE. ... ~ , i 710041 C. F - OR'SALE by the nacre), by .come all the way . froth Ohio •t 0 take him I not live there with Frederick (Or the world. IJE back again. .- \ . . 'AP NIP 110. .- • • M• 8 . WILSON or A. BALDWIN. ; • _ I M o n t rose , May r, 1851. - 'lt was in vain that be . pleaded his latter 1- .14r A girl of teri dispiac courage, amount- I •- I . . . - • • Sha.wls. i. ' en . garn • ents' tt was in yam that his new wife ; ing to rashness, lit her'firs engagement ; but``: - - 1- ' . raise her expressions remonstrances; not unmin- lis usually deficieii, !in 8' iuess. 1 - I I 1 T ONO and Square, Wool, Brache • and Silk, gled with expressions of vehement indignation 1 • • ~ to , - i 1 I.,LJ very handsome styles, and at extremely low • • ' gt. the tlevelati6n tir Fier husband's real position i pirA kit- I , prices.] nyitls mare thin A kick. I , ' - Co. 1 „ . . i . . I .: . . 1 .. . -- - "Tile-Witch Wife. DITO US • VillatShail we Ealt;. "Under this dead, ri date thunlier - of the. Tribune contains' ome interesting ti,uggestions in reference' to substitutes for qesik meac. flour, &c., the. prer , ent high prices i of which, connected with . the scarcity of I:tbr, place them almost if not.r iitc beyon , l the ieach of many who lave to : rely" upoh du) labor of their hands for their I ;l..upport. 'PM Writer enumerates various . hrti.tles of far lugs expensive than the necust oneec] , diet, and some of which he asserts, while equally palatable, are more healthy and- nutritious. We a'vail ourselve . s - ot this rtrtiel to present the follow- 'Abt trtistment,s. AWNS CHERRY PECTORAL, Fcnithe ertpii cure t j Onighs,Cidds, llttatseness, • Brossehit4i, Whooping-leinqh, Crimp • Asifitna and Consumption ZING the r, urnerouit diaroveriea ZI A Erienee leas male hi genera l ,lino to faciiitate the bukinesa bflife --inereaae it enjoyinetit, and even pinking the term of hum'atrexiilence, I N . none eau beinatned of niore real-val ue to tuauldtid, than tbia contribu tion of Chemistry to the Healing Art. A vast trial of its rirt nes throughout ! ... , 7-.:! ' . ! . =.-.- 1---- i I _-_... . ..... if....:______,li,. this broad country. has', proven be. yondra doubt, that no medicine or combination of medi cines yet knovra', ran so mutely control .and cute the nu merOus varieties hf pulmonary disease which hare hith-' 1 erterywept from due midst thousands and thousands ev , cry , *(..str. Indeed, thin. is abundant SC3Frn to helieye a ReJniedy has at length been found which can be relied on. to more the most dangerous t flee& DP oft htilungs Our s pan. here wilt ndt penult us to publish airy proportion of the cures ellectil by Its nse, but re would, nreseot the following:—and ti4er further enquiry to My American Almanac which the agent below named, will always be pleased to furnish free. wherein are full particulars 4 and ind!sputdbleproOf of these statetuent.c.- ' : 1 - Orlce of Tr:aro:portion. T.aut ens Tt . r.... s . C Aug. 4.'63. 4. C. Assn Dyer sir,—M - little so , . four years old hair just recovered from a severe attaak or mni4rtnint Scarlet FeYer, hie throat Was rotten. and ofery person that rlsit • ed h im. pronounced him a dead child. Haring used your Cu inay pr(7.la,mkt fn Cal fl-nin, In the winter of IMO. for J a severe rata 'lO of Bronchitis, with entire suecess. 1 was inaueed to try it on my little boy. I gave him a Ica spoonful every thr..e hours. c,mmencing_in the morning, . mid be ten o'clock at night. I found 0 flevidmi change for i- the better. and n'ter three days use. he was able to eat or I drink without pale. - - . llts use in the tih)re named disease will' Save many a , child from a prentaturegrave, and relieve the anxiety -of mane a - fond pardnt. For.al I affections of the throat and i.l.nngs. I believe lt the beet medicine extant. A f e elinx I al t ite deenctd gratitude, prompts Inv in addres.ing these 1 lines:—hut for 5 -nur important discovery, my little bOy : 1 voila new hare , been in another world., i ' ". I am Vaunt. will, rut r., spect. , • J. n PIiVELT,. Supt . . Tran S.., L. It; R. ! ;" . . Rock pill, (Somer , et Co..),N.d.,dui y2l.*:t2. i. C Arcs your Mel(eine' lt , s become known herr.it ha.c a :treater 4.l , rrtnnithrill any (01A:iron:zit reme ly we Ivire:eyrr Fold. : I. spoken of in term• of nranealured praise tboFe who here it.ed T.J. and I know of some.ea.es where the hest they can say. nt Ity ix hot torinittrh for thC r•Knl it has done. i tak:e plea , ttre In seltin It. breauie I know that lam cirin2,ry customers the worth of their money. and I feel cratitled in'serinr t bre hettrtit it confer!. Phase s,emi me a further supply. and believe me . Youis, with re.pret JOIIN t ,` IhIIITLOCIi.' Alma 4 anY number of eet tifieates. can he sent yoti, If on RIPII . I‘.• , • AT,-u,d,oi.x. W.. JIITIP 2n. 1 252 C. AyEn-5,4;1'1ft. may certify that) t have-used pitir Cherry Pe.itoralfor upwards a mic year: and It Is my sincere belief that T 5h , 11.1 hive been irf my gtareere thht time if I . hw4 not. D has cured me of a,lllmerous af fection (+l' the •nd I do not overoate my con.ie dons when I tell von it is a prieete.o. remcdk. f . Yours very re‘pectf oily. : ' .. ' D. A. McCtiLI.IN, A It'y at Law. Wl' leeslut tr a. Ta.. - Sept ember 22. 15.50. , Tir.,.l. C Ayer. My dear Sir, —Yonr medicine la much apj,oved.of by (hope who have hard R her,: and it:, c,,m. pt , ,ition is such; as to ins eve and maintain ita reputation. I invariably reebrnmeml h for pulmonary affection P,35 do many of otrr principat phy4einna lam Toni, friend. CH C.F.'. Tit.E ' TER. M. D.. . Prepared by JAMES C. AT Ea, Practical and . Analytical CherniFt. Lowell: MaF? • . • ;. , :fII.D DT A. Turreil; Montrone; MP. et R. TI . Eaton, horror!. Church k.Vidienri. Dundnil; 1.. •S•m!t, Great Ilimel. gy 101 Dru:..-7.1.ta and Dealers hi Nt,: &wine every. sicro. . i -Sept 1:7-417mie - Stoves; Staves! 14 1 11. W. mntei,!riberA bez leave to inform the eit izens of Brooklyn and vicinity that they hive jn4t.recCived a tot of STovEs of the carious modern pattern , ' and styles, they offer for sole as low as they can b pnrchaSeJ elsewhere in the e•innte. 1 ALSO—LA:IO of S'irovi: Pim.: and Eitilws of the different :isizeg, at manpl:iet 111e6i : prices. , cLWANTED-101 d Iron. Connor and: Brass in eX rgo for Stoves or oilier Goods. ; SMITH' & HEMPSTEAD. t Nov. 28. 15.5-1. - .• ! . . *:-H• NT atehes; Jewelry,.Silver Spoons. OLD and Silver Pptent I.e4r,Abehor and LepinulWateites, just- received and for sule BENTLEY.& , • New - Goods , tT. J. WEBB IQ now feeewint! Ills nil' 1.-1.• . Gor)(1,.• -They ha vino been bonzbt. ex freroely will he sold :t the lowest Flee fot rjeativ pit. • . . • Montrose,Srr,t. IriVEADTA Drovght Home to the Door AT the Million. A WONDERFUL Discovery bas recrntly been made by 1 Dr. cnrtis,ot thi. el ty. trea meat of Colitump tion, itt.thMa and ail diseases Cf the I.nts7, We 'Pier to " Dr. Curtit" Ilygeana eel llygeon Vapor and S) - rup." With this new method Dr. C; bat rest orl many attli:ted ones to perfret health ; at an ceideure of.which he bat innumerable eertificatea. : S;•eo.king of the gremment; a phydriatirernartt: ft it evident thatinhaling—eonsunt ly breathing an agreeable, Ni'atiog iapor, „ the medicinal prtpertletmust come In direct contact with the whole of the aria! errity of the lungs, and thus ✓ se.spe the many and varied ehaligee preduetd.upon them when introduced Info the-stomach, and subjected to the prOcest of digestion.— The ifygeina is fOrtale at all the druggists throughout the Country. New York Dutchman af:lan.l4. The inhaler is worn nu the brea.t under the linen with out the least ineonvenienee—the beat of the, body be.ng Ilafficient to evaporate the fluid. • ' Hundreds; of CAFES of CURES like the following' might lie named; Oue l'acimee of flygea^a hat cured me of,the ASTHMA of rlx year:: standing. , Jas. F. Eir.berry, P. M. Du nnun nail, Pa. !! I am anted of the ASTHMA of lOyears ttandiug by Dr. - 9urtit' Ilygeana., Margaret Eepton. Brooklyn, N. Y. Mrs. Paul of N 0..; MillTllllo6 , lSt N. T., mai cured of a irevege'eafe of Itronehetit by the TlTOsua • 'My sister hog:been eared of a DIST Fi ESPINO COCO Vf of several years standing. and derided to he incurable by her phyrieiant. &he was cured fu ONE biONTR by the Ily geana. Mt:Abe:it, P. ..11.,7Richmond. Me. Trice th•ee Dollars a Paekage.—Sold by CURTIS &YEA INI4As BOYD As PAVL No. ;49 Chambers Et.. N. Y.-4 Package! Sent freed• express to any part of the Rafted State'' , for Ten NI ll—Curtis' Ilygrana is the OIiIGTNAL and - ONLY ENUINt ARTICLE, all miter's are hate Munitatlons or. wile and INaritiors cotinvereits.. : Shun them' me you would POISON. ll7yl—Yiiroher* C.,Aelers. THE FOREST WINE! . . This excellent 'Medical Wine and the FeresS Pills, are Dirt gaining the peed will, and becoming the favorite m ca. Witte of the pisople,and kunwn aft& most effect uaf l remedy lathe cure of - . . , DYsTePsleralbitollal Costiveness, Liver Cnittplalti4, :A nth maj Piles, Obstinate fteadache, Billions Disordete, Pim pies Utotehen and unhealthy Colt rof the Skin ;Jelin dice, Ude and. Fever, Salt Rhein'''. Nryeinellit,: COM plaints incident to Few ties„ languishing Weaknrqrs. Night Sweets...Yervons Dieoriers, General ill; Health . a n4ies.„taired state-of the Constitution. ' lint a Abort timelitselapsed since these great and good Medicine! have been made known to the public. yrt thou sande have -experienced their good offecte. Invalids given over by their physicians art incuraltle.have been restored to Fount! ant vigorous Itealth-hy their/use. Them, : medi. eines arteUntike any other. Their two-fold properties act diroctly on these organs of the stomarh.liver uti kidneys, which secrete the Buhl., and separate the inipuritief from thr blood. This Wine awl Pills Hever weaken , but give strength and animation to both holy stud mini. ' i Theatre , amount of wood these medicines have done for the pick and :Billeted have induced thousands t o Ornmeed them to thole friends and the public. Intl ivitinal tv 'of the htgheot integrity have voluntarily testified to the krt . :mid in favor of their ex trtortlinat y virtue.. sk, . • De. I. A. Blinn Is.v. a eelebrated'lritysicien, In- a letter from Princeton; New Jersey, dated Nor. 16 1619, 'declares that In all his exporienne he had Lever se en.any thingt o compare with the Forest Wine and PHIS. rit the, tame time relating' serStal caret of eonstitutionei Debility and Scrolulons affectionawbleli it eared In an Itte!edlbl short lime. Among the members Of the medical iiacnlty, of Now York , who have witnessed the great resulte'nf the Forest Wine. and recommended it 13 numernuecomplainte will be found the names attic , eelebreted Dr.111.T.'0 ,, 04j man. Dr. Ir•Cheerman. Dr. Chilton. pr. Wm. Brawn, Dr.: Mareln, Pr. J. 51. alnreauo and others. i TE , •:TIMONY of Mr. Johnson unrke.ahlrblyre4pletabbl c iti z en of Waverly Pace, New York : t Dn. G. W haters.—Dear sir. I esterna the Force .mine a . the King of Meillc'nee it has . tione for tnein five weeks what three physicians failed to Join as mane' years,.. In 1515. I became the victim of the heart Disearie , :erfil Nerr Tout Affect' insterhichlreve 11UPTI r:rnalrie on Kw ff.f.r since 1 until 1 procured your Forest:Wine and rub,. although I I had wasted eevert:l hundred dollars for In...heal attend -Itruce. During the hest two years I was oltliae-E, to keep Imy hot-e nearly all the time, and :gave Up bUOirldßiinr ,Orc i• sequence of tny 111.11.10 th. I had Inst nearly all, hopes of rectoyersony complaint wats of that "class Undt.r . which "nature sinks and ihe heennaes a burthen." Seeing your Forest Wino advertised I concluded to glee it a irinl, end ,before finishing the third bottle. I felt like a different pee. eon, and era. able to resume 1111411,4 again. entirely eurejl ,by t akintt five bottles . Foe the t te nelt at" .1,4..4 "Met e d with tinnier eeniplainte you are at liberty to publish ibiti. I . Yours., kc. J. 111.13 RF., Way , rly Place. NY. General De',ility,l7,inaciation,Traning aflHidy.etc., :deep are of with some ale of the.ahove ermrolaints without hAtia able to trace it to any partieuler cause., and t it erelore delay the use of the irroner remedy waif the dis ease becomes eanstitution tl. The disorders are "often rhareetetietal by a sense of Fin ow:, or entire ethan;tion , afteraxereise. Some expettenqe +lti:r:ltLnets.3lottsitride I and at times paleness or tittsltina if the counteuance pal ,P ation of the heart, or like tylartents. : .. The excellent effe.,:tt wlireil lt.tve ever attended the time; 1 of th,. Forest Wide and Pills. In every spe c ies of debility. Is Conelurire evidence of its h tepy results in this -class or di•tnelert lkittnv It ore resorted In these medieines at in 1 ylihnnt u tn. en.l bet 'a speedily cur' ti. For Nervitirs dip or- I tiers and Debility the Wine :aid rill, ate taken, uesording t to -the directions on the label.l • : • Ta.the 1.110 44 , ..—Tru« beauty and. to . velinees tr t cempany the highest perfe airn of health. which W gla I n in varinbli (of lows the Pt: BEST STATE OF TUE It.lOD H What artificial ippendtieee esinal thatvivid expression !of countenance which ens metes front health? What paints . can et - m*llrue with the orints , ned colored blood Castilla Its 1100i:int rote its hue throtteh the transparent text nre lof the skin? What charms are more eaptivating than thlse olnatnre, in her ugliest perfection? Let Dr Hanoi •rt Wine supply the ;dare of all enrinet irks. The lase of Mi. eaeon e nt, Wine in a ehort time -creates Pere. deli 1 . 1 ^4 4 . teltiett clurtirt; therurtt the veins. penetrates the minut est fibres that verge towards the surface of the Skin: er Us log all nnlwalthy pimptee and Morellos to diterepenr.lni _parting a vivid. row color to the akin.'and brilliant, ex- I resell° to the eyes, ' t - . . ,; In corroboration of these Me tr, Dr. Bills 'y; has many i I es:timonials. Tito following is front a huly -fir the muF co- 1 !timetable st.tn.ling in so•lety, -rot to us by her brollier, 1 i re+ ilitl2 in It Mg; r" ,.. .g treet . i - I ; Dit 0 W.ll ‘1..; ET— i . New York 4July 7.1)340 , I I t) My sister, from her youth. hal n- hero i very Arlie - to ; health, complaining frequt-rt IY of weakness 00 the 'ln- I Ott, Marti with a rough. about the age of r.ighieen she e— ;an to get much worse. For pi* months pie:gnus to etfin- ; ntonring with your meclirinss she hall not Ittieniable to get I out of . ..the house. Ifsr conntellanre was greiti• emariate•l i yellow and sieldy lier fece'rintl neck was, roveredl hi dinu:Teen.hle Pustules., eyes veer much stmitsn, .in --r cone& inerea.ing •In fine. i , h4.hore every ni4learanre of soon becomin.2 an no - happy victim In ron•nropthin. lAt 1 this time .1 proeurml for her some of your Forest Wine OW ; Pills,whirh she commented Oiling according In the Ate- tionr. She era ;natty improve' as she follovretVup the , e ofthem. ifer flirt symptoms (if reeovery wadi an unenta. moat y good appetite. her face finally become shin.° th. find hercheeks retry. [lir cough left. her 'altogether. Sh'e is now strong and vitrormg•. antl.firesentv tip florist •iartir;te of health I ever witnessed i . Jolts F. I..kXIVF.T.t. Dr. a. IV. //alvPo's (;,;:4-(Fnited 1 7 nrest Pills! 7t1%-turirtare.l on the same orintiplea4 the Forest 'floe. to which it is an important a•ljOnet . They are,t.ol'el With ourefinm trahle. an import Ant invention. fot whichl Dr. flalsey has re,•eive.l the only patent ever granted on l'ills; by the 'lovernmrot." of the Unite/ Sates. - • ..- De. llnlsity's Forest Wine and Ii um-coated Forest Isllls, unite in neampllshing the annul gr. at .-vl 111}1Puritle-ition ~f the floral. the 1:e:to-ration and Resturatton of ?the Stroparh and Dowels. i , I ' • t • The life prlne.inle of man il the W0e.1., nn it...oner are tl.o•o mgans of the stomach which f cry-ft. - the brer.i, elearse.lof mortiti.mat ter on;htestoret - i to healthy ~ I ti.Sll ~ by the use nf the Fore t Pilts:lnnl pure rich: blood - lade rto-flow in the vein.. hv the 'tasiof the Fnfesti Hine, than i also:ocher:ins tor - knish and . an 4 rengtli and erifts.:y of hotly • return This is the prinelple, on whirl; is Onn,lei t,!ife.e great medicines, and hr whichinently al; ;ii-‘ea•es err tinre.l ~ ... • IM=ll - . Thn Pnrent Winn IA imt UT' in Lirzeslirtro ihnttle.,'*th . Tr. ilniser'y name I.ln‘rn in;the On'. one Dilllar per;l. , ,t- I tie. or ic• bittlel ter Fire Dol'aia 0 urri..en , t , o ForrPtrillg i 2.7irent4 Der Ttox. For 'c *lc% by the nnnninte,±l I..r.nt',s. n' Whole,..ale nrilTietnil. ilener4l Pep t. lel tinane A ere..t, ', one ..I , or - fr..ni 1jn,1,,,,,,. N.., yi . . 4 .k . , . i ...,--,-. A TIIIIII nte.,l - kgenis in Muni ros'e, Abel Tnrrell': Greatllenu , i tutlen - Senit.l, . .. atyl ehnuge quarterly. t i ... I .1' . . , .• \ " NEW GOODS. C MILLAN•& PARK return their g•tt eful. I acknowledgments to the pulAcifor pait fa vor*, and invite attention to the very .:larges;tock of Spring and Summer Goods they art? nowt . re ceiving., and offer fur sale at very imti s riresi k addition to their usual mssortment of; staple:Dry GoOds, Groceries, Hardware, Crocko'ry, l':4int., and Oils &e., they are prepared to exhibit a large I . assortment of . , .; LADIES DRESS.GOODg , , of every description, Figured, Pla4and .Plain, Silks. Bobnets,Sha.wls, RibbUns. Gloves, Hosiery Ladles and Misses shoes of all kinds—also a large - stoi?k 'of READY MADE, CLOTHING,- 1 . • Cloths, 'eassimeres.; Tweeds, Jeans, Summer Cloths, .frestings, Hats and CapS - ;BoutS and Shoes &C. &c.. : , _ l - - They ,i•espectfolly solicit -an early call from those kltio wish to purchase. Goon Gooni; AT Low PRICES. . . I .1 . I‘IC - MILLAN i§i PARK. Luc. ,liny 2, 1854. Farrasrs' Union Insurance Co. - Office,l :Athens, Bradford Coaniy, Pev i n'a. CAPITAL .200,000, - .• SECURER 111 BONDS. AND MtiIITGAGX.S . ON . REAL 1 . ESTATE. hNsuitEs against ill SS by Fir. Ur . inses, Stores and Other buildings, G.Mds, Wares, and 3ler chandise on as favorable terms ai any similar Institutii.M. Losses R romptiy adjusted a l l paid.. I IllikIpCTOlFtS. - • Porace Williston, Francis Tyler, Geo. A. Perkins.; J. T. D. WET.. C. N. Shipman, C: F. Welles, E. Canfield, Athens; • Hon. ;. John Lriportoj Toarida; Gen. - Bradley wz,lionan, La ceyville . Geo. 31:-. EMI lenbacit , AVi I k eabarre ; chael Mylert, Laporie, Pa.l . orricEits. Hun. Horace Willibton. Pres.: C. F. NVelles, jr. Vice Pres. and Trelik;'.l. E. Canfield, Se.e . Y. Address, 0. S. Bekbe, Montrose, Susquelmnna - county, d'a.--‘2By l *1 • Our StOck of Stoves.• T§ now, completed!—:ind we would take this op portimity to s:ly !that we can _show the' most 1 beautifni and splendid patterns of Parlor and CoOlting Stoves to; be found in the -county-- I Among ; them can be seen the Rueolving front, and Gothic Parlor, for. wood or-coai,entire)y new patterns,' and decidedly • pretty stoves. 'Prices from lire to ten dollars. 1 • Of oOr Cooking stoves, we think it needle. 4,4 to say meet), only to reined: that We are Belling them at our former, prices, .ind judging fri - im the rapidity of our salt*, we . believe the public are.. entirely satisfied with the prices :ind qtu of • our wares. We have 'a " few left" of, thel" Clinton Air Tight, EleVated Oven stove," acknowledged by all to be the best cooking stove ilow in • lussia, and English pipe at old priees,and Trim mings and Tin Ware -of all deseiptions, at. the very lost rates. J. DICKER.MAN Jr. - New Slilfot 3, eel. 24, '54. . • Everything works to a Ch. SCOTT, JOHNSON & Co..arti now . r a new stock of Fall Goods, and are . wait upon the people to anyth'n they the line of Dry, Goods, Al( thing, G Hardware, Crockery, Fish. Sal , Iron, 8 Shoes, &e. &e. \ We WM surer suit r ail and see -us nt our iitors in SPrin.qvii SCOTT, .1011NrTON Springville, Sept. ,27'1854. . . . _ 5000 bushels of Oats, 2000 bushels 1000 bushels of Rye, 1000 bushels t,i Di plea. 1000 bushqts or fluckwpfati 500 bit Bennis, and any quantity of ; Partridoei, highest market prices. In exchantte for C SMITH & lIF:MPS" adv to wish in =RI otss and all that Wanted. of Com, tied Ap. lifiela of . at tho oodo,by TAP. . . ~, CC zu , •. . vt — aii . Kno .Thysplf." I Anlnrulttablr Rork fur 25. rent I—"Lcery flintily th , ! hare copy t' : } ofd lir 3,G00 ll (IMES SOLD iIN ~ ~ 4 , e , • lA ' % • t :.... 4 1,, 1 „ ~ • LEs•ST,ItAN A, 11:411.: A n e ,w . s,iii4l,,llts it .1/4•,,..,' , .- edition, revised and improied,' ...i., ....•.• I .it s . 7 .C's 74 , .., ~ , J l' 5. , ,e just issued. • I . -...,'"•• • - ~,...- e -Vitert„.• r•-?:' Dr. tinater's Sfedleal Manned -••••" .....'AT - 41w,a10.. e' and hand nook foilheattlictrikl -. ,• - ..<. ' ' -, • Containing an 011tlin(L91 thit!OSII• ' ~ ....... • , ',;;4: - .62 - z; .. ~N's gin, mogress,treat mem inde i nre ';''',/,, II : ; ,-.. ~,N s' of ,every form of tilaeare_ cows ''' /".' i i i'l' i s:s s • • tracted by proiniscuoustsetual r Intercounne,hy self abuse or by sexual excess, with adidee for their prevention, vn fit ten in a foraltiar sty:e, avoi4ing alt medical techneatties. and everything that would offend the ear of dr:remit ...with/in outline of comPlaiutsibeldrnt to Females, from the result of some treaty years* snore %, ful practice exci sively devoted to the cure ofrliaesses,ot a delicate rr privet nature. • • To which is added receipts fur the cure of the.above,dits easits, anal a treatise on the causes, symptoms and curvet' the /Fever and Ague. Tetimon . y l of Me Prnfreso7 nroh , leiric 1 in Penn ,Coliqe, Philrytelph:n T --• I'l It . I (.1 STE It 'st MEDICAL MANUAL," —Theanthor o• this work. unlike the majority of those who advertise to rare the discs:4.a of which It trcals4l a graduate of One of toe best tiollegesiu the UnitenOtitteS. It affords mei pleasure to recommend hint to the unfertai nate, or to the vletint of malpractic , . a F a successful And exrwrienced ipratitioner. in whose honor nod integrity they may place t h e greatest confidence. * 1 ' l 'l ' S. 1 OYG:41100.E, NI b From .4 Woo itrarri. M. I). ...rPern • Unit cr.sity,, Phihr delplot,—lt glees inepleasute it- add my testimony tit the profeFsionalithiliyty of the Author ot the!" Mt olciit.ll/0 1 - 1.9.4 L." , Nntlerons ewes of Disease ofthe Genital Organs, seine of them of long standing, have come under my no tice.in which hislskill has been ea/tallest In restoring to perfec • health, irt some fores where. the patient has. ))een eon rbleretl bryintV medical aid. rotht..treatmcat Of Sinn- Innl weakness. o disorratigetarut attnr functions pro (laced by sOrahnise or Excess t{f venery. 1 donut now his sn,prrior in the . profession. I have been acnua rated with the Author t.otne thirty years. and deem It no Moro than jostler to-bitit as well as. kindness to ihe unro.,tilnate victim of earlyiniliscretion, to recommend him as ono in wlinAt. professional skill and integrity they -May ' , lately confide them,elvi•s., ALFRED Wu ODWAItD.NI4 D. •` This is. wqll tut exception. the ' , lost comprehetisive and intelligible mirii pulitished on the class-ot diSirt.se of wide): it treats . . IA roiding iii technical l'ermS.lt adairei,S viitr+elf to :he reason of its herders It Itt free frit). all ...a objectionable matternd no parent however fatitb long, can object to tnts}frig it hi the h.trols of Iris sena. The An tbor has deroteillmany years to the treatment of thd rUni. our CODlVl , tillto , rieateil of. and. with non little bre:4ll to puff alt.! too little presumption to napes°. he Mug olTert4f. to the world. 'l' tit- merely nominal price of 25. cent 4, the trait of 21 , 111 e tW,t,lit3-years' most I.l(Tetattl pl'Aqti l tl. " — //tr , M. i . . . ,' No tete-11pr or parent shouldhe without the.kroviledge imparted ir f'd.;inroluat.le work II writibl save. yriars or pain.mortificatii r n and , orro.v to the' youth under their cha.ge "—p,„,,r, Adrocate. . . .4 Presln.terian e'eryam - 1' in Ohio. writing of ' i llnn• tee , ' Mi- - liral It.lanol" oat's':•-"Thou•uid ,, ,npon thous -ands of our Youth. by erit exmiple avet influence tai the Pa‘sions.ligv'e lti, , \ in let into' tire habit of self Twilit 'Ott, without realisinetit , sin anal tearful conser:encesi upon tliemselv es and their nins:..rity. The ronstitut tone oftlions ands who ire 7ftiiin:: families have been e nfee l drd. [ lf not ',rot. rn densmand 71 they do n0:flow - the cow,. or (tart cure. Arty tinio.7 (hat can be done so to 'enlighten anal initoeucc the ',Odic mind its to check .and ultimately to ream, e I i.hi w w,..,..5p-rend s ou r e r . cinnamon wretchedness. woultlfeonfer the greatest. l,4.4sl67..nex Ito the relbrion of Je , tlt , Christ. on the pre-rut aUll comfit.: toneration. lote.uporm - r,er (or tine use oriatoxit'ating drink-I, I bough i t lass slain Dm us antis noon nri d is ' not. it greeter 5....11,7re to tlt e hts ' roan el,. A cc -1, t Inv thanks on behalf of the afflicted. or i.f.lodicre !an t. l roar c , ..worlier 11141ot Foot work y4u are aostetively engaged it., " f 1,,,. serial i . .... • ~ .ely.cnrelotliel) 4411 he forwarded Jfrer of prmtnce, to ,TIV !pit t attlie ITititel State., for 2'a eel 1 1. or six rotse. , frir .4,11. A I,lre•s. (post. rlitl`, COSDEN CO., patoi hers. or bins 103. philrilelphia. 1 . r.--r- rt,,,t,,,eirt, 1:Am.:V..41.S j ot Cook A,,,rents carpi:led on the moot lilt .r , i terms. - ..' 243 - 1 Inval i lds of Ponnsylvanial N . , T oar oti ttettlion is ardently ; invited to a; larei ,. tu and eeMi id Perusal of sin:nettling thnth is,jirst • her - II tilt rofinded 11110: our rid. -anti . &line honored stale. • • l - Pitlrritc:-.'tits !Alt - ft Elt.cfric Voltaic ('Mains. — A new awl ilava.l tzto.i.....nr ipplying a 19•Nerftil remedial :12 , 111. 51i comotsiteted tis to be woru under . .•it. . tho , rartn-ri next to the wilier producing a ittinstuot unittl, tritrieti ettrr. , :tt of Eleetro ‘i agitetisM4elf,cl ing itortiedurni r,ll. f froth t h e itiO.rt uncle int it. and also,. permat l neut cure of ail Nervous Direares•l It getdOTA has flirt (Cr ftirpiSil Itillio , t . illSiailt • relief, land a fits 1. p l erriminent cure. Lt' being' taped aiteord in,: tar direr: t it!ol.s. to the fa ollow lug di seases.• 2 - Mien matistn. GoOt. seiattett:/Pttruiysis; l i aiOt;o1. and Steelled Joink i ~. Neuralgia of the -face. Diriala,ver. of the Spina.. Deafness -and Ittinliress, Utorilut Nina. Pail/It:it i1:-11 af Op- Ile art . P , tiallifitll (h.:Id:1( 6 01p. St. Vitus llatioe,.(:eriorill Ibilrilily, Pain• of thafi'lle.t. , f . Up-ter:es:if:, sper , ia. , ll' diseas.•,- mar grelenos e d by a &eiirieht amount of Neryou l s Fluid arelwreall i rolieve-at, if turviperttranentl) cured by -, ittip4. wear in_ th e eh:oils a few - bows each day: f • ... . fie it iturb i srstomi that it is not chtimetilthat it cures : di di,-,.. 41 ,, s. bat only those ro t which kriß xec pinion-ivied.: find moreover W e baldly ,taitil'atol de fy that l oin-edit:int/I .:+r-bt of way hind ImStierfOrtn et!s FO M kNV ...arcs during" the ° lost Ve'ar i.i . those 11;eat , , , jo. o.tnteti A'S. \' • ' - . it ; t r ,.,,,,, lr i,r' s El- dries (.'llatit. i ' I . - , tl.• this .I,nsertioa, we defy any Rerson to Itotty well atilltezo tooted Vertia,etttet , of iii!rieiatns :ind i lite Ilitzmit pa:llmq , as array la p rritlvitet of 11; p ~*l-5,-to be hurl i'ara ir,•-nt i l ia 1.1., trryn. The Elertrii! Chains ittoduced'in France in Isso, tasad after , rite,. to the MOSt Ilintoll.;11 and riirid trial, ki-dical men' in: Path., they V:14.! 10111 Id t r , ina r. and marve lion , power fiir reliev irerever applied, and by their i-i l lflarinee lacedinto the ho:piitik of that oi ly ,t natal II totters patent by the•Froneh (7ro..erit - . it 4... ; are hate ace dintroti tato itliniLst. ererY l'.m.r.l.tild. Germany. Austria. Pelgium, bd in those countries. where (hey have i• too: t - ' . • Tar f;uratire A:zeta it: the iqrld. ea to prey prorlnee's-e scietii'.fin PE. he found 111 I 0! Ow n I (4 1).11:1,•7: also q..r. 11 11,1F r ita1,11 .„11,1 ht•Conv. th , They wt.reflrst introduced intis the U. States ,a bout one, year bitice,- and went through (he same .triul as in. Europe, mid were at once introduced in- to every hospital in N. York, where they; are now in daily use, effecting even more -wonderful enres than h a d over before been,,awarded theiri.• They are Itighlykeeommentled by Prof. Valetitloe tTott, Van Buren, Post and others, who tiste . )aublished their viewti of their newer and value in ieverul of the medical journals in that city, and are also in the daily practice of recommending their eto pa tients. A!fall account - of their opinion thlty also be found in every pamphlet. end tribnt to the hddressof every person in the State by applying (post paid) to A i'•LT R E LL, Agent, Mout rose,pa. The Chains call he sent by mail: with: full descriptions for use. priee Chains. $3 and $6. ! 'Physicians arc politely invited to call rind-ertnt itre their iconstract;On e and -pronounce upon their merits. ONE. worm t o INVA LI DIN tan son need fear that they :will not accomplish just 'what it is claimed they eo n do. ; • N. B. ()tie Chain will last for yeare andlosenone of its electric power by use, and can be Applied to either adUlt nn child. ArtstAinanet.t„ Agent. Montrose. Pa;; Joe. S - o , :txrar, General Agent, 568, Broadway, "New York- 1 - 6yl. Yourself -7-- Lirin_o 9 r_ : • THE . POCKET • 2EESULAPIIIS: Eniry on his own .PhysiOion: • I MDR FIF rtE - rit F.dition,i,onfainin f y, • - _L otie hundred Etigravin,gi. showing ‘7• 7 Disauses and-Malformations elf the HAl man systeni in every shapetud form. To i‘vhieli is added Treaties on the Diseasesiof FOnales, being of the llighestitnpor tanco to inarrikl people, or those cotemplatingmar-' riage. By I . . ,• inlliall4 . 1 .- 011310- M. D.i • , Let no fatlitr be ashamed to preeeni a copy of .the .Aes'eulainus to his child. It mar save him from an early grave. Let no young Mau or wo man enter tutu the secret obligations itifnarriedlife without readi Bre, Pocket A esen la pi Us. Let no one suffiring from tiliackuied cough, Pain in the Side, teStless; nights: nervous 'feeling's, - and the whole train or Dyipeptin sensations; imp given up by the WO ysicia n, he another roomentlt Burnt con. suiting the A I;St7 U A S Itavellte married or thoseaboul.lobe married any impedirrient,Tead this truly useful book, as it has been d e means of saving thousands of unfortunate cry utt4esfront the very jaws of death. '• ' liT Any pi.rson sending twenty fir! watt en closed in a le4ter, wlit receive one copy,. of this wotk mac! or fide copies will be slut for One Dollar. .'Akidress (pmst paid.) - DR. W tit. tOUNIO, -. No. 152 Spines St. Philadelphia. Alareh 'St 1854 t , limps! Pumrtg.!! T "' i y,re a tost,,improm n C veent of the e, C. Patent Doubli3 4eting B.tll, Valve, Ford and Lift; Pump.. .An iMproveinent above ill other pumps or niachines:i for liftina and throWink: water. .eomi•inino bottl..a tnimp - and Fire Enfzine; This Pump, patented ijt Februirv, 1854, is thel of it tuetalie, .no •bottS-or serews,about it to rust. eonseiptenritiV it Will last n'tnan'tli life dine. .It can be used in every varretY of Orin, can draw water front - any situd lion and earn , it to any - part' of ay house, it is i.ilperitki to all other: pumps for distilleries: Pa per 11B1s, Tanneries, Brick . Vards,lron Works and Matinfa'ettiring establishments oflatl kinds. All nrdero. must be addrewsed. to 'Addison Ditn wick, I,fielprscillit'n.. who ha 4 bought .the sole right for Sulquelinnna County. . 185.1.H.351f. - P ATENT MEDIC6IES.-4 savitl . eion - sly molecti4l an.sortnicrt, including D r . Swayrie s , .Jaynit's, and Throop't4 l'ri•parationa, Wripbt'A 4flii.Plkinney's Pills, Davia'and T.hnyr's Pain litrer, sze., dr.c.• SMITH &. IIt3IPSTE An. 11r . okl!.11, V. 22. 1851: . . AFFLIeTED READ: ..- 11IIILADRIXIIIA MEDIUM, I.l.ol3SE—Establabed 20 years iign by Dr. KIN KELM ,corner of Third. & Unlon are i apprboillhai De.-111:51iEbiS confines' its. between Spruce and Piur,Thiladelphis , pa. •Isstrattleda hispraetice to a pat ticular branch of medicine, which en gages hlsurnlivi:led attention. 110 eautionstho.unthrtnuat e t bouseedit are anunally 'Wart 'the Aim , of mercury; merenrialized out all fa- .Itec en t affectlonsare-promptly sixtiaguishod:•. ' - TWenty if en no of 3;x'prflrience in tnetfeatment of a dui of disnosilliitherto neegleet ed and' mperfeetly on deratood,tutaarfabled I{lNEELlN.citertion. or wwoast umNilit,lr Pas -flay a vinti,ltn prove that nine tenths of the causes Dram - Vous debility : local and, constitution", weak; Dias. mental anti physical sorb:zing, see traceable to cer tain habits, fromilng the mutt secret yet deadly and.fatel springs of demeatiz misery and premature mortality. Take ,•ss rime titter Netice—Therein an evilhabit sornetimraindulge 1 in by bays.ln solitude, often growing Op with them to manhoori,ond witinit.if not reformed in due nine, not t.nly begets various obstacles to matrttnenial happiness:btu gives rise to aierieaof plotracted.inaidioaa, and devastatingaffections. Few cif thnee who xtve way to -this pernicious practice are aware of the rionsequenees, unti I they find the nervous .ystem shattered, feel strange and unaccountable feelings. and vague fears In thrilled. Time unfortunate thus effectedhscoineaferhie.ls unable to . inhor with occustnioed vigor, or to apply his mind to study : lilt step is tardy and weak .he Is ihitt, irre „ o i ate, . and engages in his sport with lea); energy than usual. Iflic emancipate himself before the practire his done Ite: worst. andenter matrimony: his In:I:Hale Is it tifenitlnhand hlesen.e tell. htm that this le:caused by his early follies. Thes are -ons i-lerations which ahould a Waken the attention of rho ve gin - Warty sitwattel • irgarri , l.To requires the fulfilment of several condi- . order that it may hr really the cause of matnal happiness. Could the veil which covers the origin of dee• mertieiretchedness be taisCd.andits true sonnet in every . inetence Now many could i 6 IA traced - le pliyc i end their attendant..lleappolotments! Apply them while it is yet time. in order to have your eh strong and relaxed organization rebrared. revivified end rvngthen ed. ...!yrnicit—He who places himself under 'Dr. KINKELIN'S qeatment may relit:lonely confide in his hon. or as a lerrtan. and rely upon the assurance, that the • secrets of Dr. WS patients will never be disclosed. • • ' Young min—let no false modesty deter you from. mak lug your caseum men to ono who.fromeducatinnand respece. tability.can certainly befriend you. Ton many think they wilt conceal the secret In their own hearts. and cure themselves. Alas! how often is this a fatal deluslou,and how Many promising young me n.who might bare been an ornament • to , societF hat faded from the earth. • Strictures of the urethra are rapidly removed by the application of (anew therm> entica agent, 'wed out', by Dr. K. Weal: mwvtand rpm-titutiimal debility promptly anted ond t ull Vigor ravtorrd Cows, erov -Can hove (by stating their case explieltly.tfitrether with all tbeirsymptorits, per:let ter epelosine iemittntfee) !Vs. medicine, approprin• ted aceordtngly• Forwarded to tiny part of the rotted Staten, and peeked sreurefr , D 1 DAMAO r: or CURIOSITY. RE ADI!--,-Yonth . and, Manhood.; rigorou Life. or a Pr'eni4f Kinkelin on Self „ „ Preserriaion--:0n1y:45 Cie111:1. It is n work , tminently re lui reit , ns a means of rnform i up; the rifles of the nein wn , ell we live. "Also, • 3 NATUR'E'.-. GUIDE. With ruie.if.)r thi Prolongation of Life,lust fromthe Press • A lekter With a remittance of 25 tient*. nr the value In pnAgtarnpa, to 7 -Tir. KINKEL:IN-Philadelphia, Pa-will secure a copy of either of the above books by return of mail; or 12 ratites will tie sent free. of postage for ;R t• Booksellers, Canvassers. Travelling Agents, ate, supplied wholesale at the publisher's priers,whish adniit of a lame profit. trf..lll Letter s' mutt be po,t,poil Australia, California, Or any place on the Globe,e4anot pr(4e7d greater • - • Mukreraents 111411 • .KEEIER 4. STODDSRD'S • .BOOT :tern SHOE STORE.: filled with a- new and-exten- V V sive assortment of articles in their line, embracing a general variety' of new and elegant . styles of • Ladies and Gentlemen's wear, among - which are Ladies French, Silk. Lasting and . Pre nill.."Gaiters, Kid and Enameled Polkas, KidlPat... - ent leather and Itionzed Jenny Linds, ' Btiskini and Ties ; gentlemsn's French and Philadelphia oak•tanned calf skin and . kip B.mts, Congress and button Gaiters.: Monterey and. Washington Boats, toilet. Slips. Morocco, calf. and Cowhide. Bro. gnats. Sc. Bays kip, calf and cowhide Beets, and B r ogans; all kindsof Miss,-s and Children's Also, a 2ent.r.ll:t.isortment of Findings; 'which con-, sist iu -.part of hots, pegs, +=parables. Hungarian nails.tackl. thread, wax, Rrrstrea, shoe bindiv, aw ls • rasps. sandstones. shoe 'hikes, ' 'MA; oak 'Aft , reamk trglinPii (tall upper and soleleatti. er,"Merocca 'skins and linings. . Work- made to order and ienairingnerttl.re..ne. 1 KEELER & STODLIARD. Wont rose, .Ttfne 1.185:Li • • • • NEW GOODS • • At the "fCipsonyille Exchange.." rCISi E inhabitants of li.psonville, and vicinity a! , 3in favored with an exhibition Of an- (ititer choice soleetion :end Wir.fiT. Goods at the 41d stand of Cie sahlieribcr. (Doors open daily; gumlays excepted, from 7 o'clock. A. N., until) 9 o!Plock P. M.,) where may be seen. sold and n gooey :t ortment of Dry ponds. Groceries, Croeliery. Hardware, Stont,warP, Woodenwasv, Fish, Nails. Paints, Oils, Fluid, Baotg. & Shoes, Clothing, SOtonl. Books,. Trunk 4. Carpet B i s f7,4, lankee NotiTiii &e. &c. All who can and will pay for, what 'they . buy either down,' or within' a reasonable, time thereafter, are in , iited to call.: Those belonging to that other class may as well go .where they can do better. All kinds of Farmer's' Produce, Bolter. Lard._ Gars. Pork, .Po Ityy, and Cash re ceived in exChanac ftir Goiidg ',. . . .. . JOSEPH . MERRI3IANI I.lpsonville, Oct. 7, 1854. . . '. . . • . ,Ntoves: - Stoves:: Stoves:;! - . • 'snbseriber wishes to cal( the attentiiiii)f his friends and the Public . to his very large assortment of , , ' at.his new Store ROorti in Lodersville, next to, L: S. Lenheim's Storis, and near-the Great Bend 'Depot. .He has in addition to his former, large variety of Cooking and Parlor StoYes, many new Patterns, some of which are--. -, • St Nwholas, Makin Troy, Mohawk, Medallion, \- Mack Warrior, ' Orient, ' Oak, , Eita Stove, Which together with his former' stock will be perhaps the most extensive and varied assortment of well selected Stoves in the County. *** Clinton Strives well furnished al IoW prices. fr 4.77 All articles in his lino kept nn hand•and made to order as usual, and orders received at his old stand in Great Bend. . • JOHN COLSTEN. Lndprstrille & Great Bend Nor., 1853.—tf. TIME CHANGED. \ • .g.-4---..3,747:7a5 Delaware, Leekawau an & W. 8. B. FA LL AR NG DinNT ON and after Thursday, Nov. '23, 1854, the Mail , Passenger Train will leave Scranton at - I2 M. Daly at Great. Bend at 2.30. r. .w . ith the Day Express Trains on the N. Y. & E. R. R., both . eat and west.— Passengers taking this i train will arrive :in New York at 9.30 F. M. and-in . Dunkirk at H. • Return, will leave Great Bcnd on the arrival of the Buffalo Express bound West, (3.2.0 F. M.) Whieh'departs'from New York at '7, A. at.,..--and arrives at Scranton at 5.50, r. 51. The Freight Accommodation Train. with pass , enaer ear attached. will depart from Scranton at 1.84, st.„due at Great Bend at ft, r. 51., connect irig with the Mail 'Train bound West, and th'e Nivht Express Traitis-b4und both Eastand West. Returning, will: depart from Great Bend at 6.30 A. M. and :irrive at Scranton, 11.00, A. M. Stages will lie in waiting on the arrival ofPas senoer.Train*atScranton, to convey passengers to Carbondale, l'ittiatim,_Wilkes.Barre, phia via the' Reading. R. R., Elston, and all other intermediate places. • • 1). 11. DOTTERER; Supt. Sulk Office, Scranton, • Nov.', 18, 1854. c 25tf Drugs & Medicines. . 4 • EftESII stork of flenniqe Dew's and,3lmi . I 16w...4; Patont , Paints, oils, Dye Stuff+, &e. &c, for sale to , Pet. 14, 1854. BENTLEY & READ: toorso Poiyars and Steam Eng i n e. NE and two Horse Poweils for threshing and other purposes, and a sixteen - tiormp Power Stearn!Engine, for sale low at-the &t ate Frourirv. Ai O. Stoves, Plows, and all kind - 1i of Castings for g,arldnery and other purposes. : • !' SAN' RE. BEiVTLEY K. PERKINS. Montrose, Wk.: 1.1854. '.' New Goods: . ' . 9..4 nsgortment=4n nrrhT week, A 14W priepi. -Call and examine. 11AWLEY & MOTT. `lllt - rnlroNk., sPpt. 13, 1854. - , .") . . . . . ItuffalciZobizt. i: - • -.' :- 1 . .. ..,. .... . , . ,: .., ALARGE lot or itrintisorOo RolA.s, apart a -them whole, Indian dressed, and very supe rior colors and quality.' . LLB. &IGO. qibson, Oa. 11, • 1851 .• •-. . • . STOVES, TEE MONTRpSE DEMOCRAT. I'VIILIfiLIED EVERY Tin.RSDAY MORNItia BY guasu 04 • - EDITOIIS AND PROPRIETORS. TERM5...81,60, cash in stdvanck;s2,oo,it notpaid within six months; and 82,50, at the end ofthe year. No papei discantinued until arrears; ges are paid,. except at the. option :of the Puhc.l Ushers. All communications connected a h the, office, to insure attention. must be directed (post paid) to CHASE & DAY; Monttose,Stisquehanna County, Pa. . - • - . Hate% 41 Advertising. • One square (12 tines or less) 3 insertions, $l,OO . Each subsetprent insertion, 0,25 One square three Montlts,. ...... . . 2,60 One square six mOnths„ . . 4.00 • Business Cards; four lines or lesi, . Yearly advertisements, net over 4 squares, 7,00' One column one yenr,- . .... . 80,00 Yearly -advertisers - will •be restricted to the business in Which theyare engaged ;and are Con.. sidered•as wishing to continue advertising unless they sball.give special directions for a - discontia. I wince of the. same. .100 WORK. igr The publishers having - added to their Job Printing materials a large and superior assort. mint of Job Type, are now prepared to execute Job Work•in a manner unsurpassed in this sec tion of country,and nit the most reasonabliterths. Blanks of every description kept constantly on hand or printed to order.. . 1115iness pirtcterg. BRYANT I.IOICSE, - Great Bend Depot, Pa. , Ammar Proprietor. I • • BUILROWS., SPROUT; & Co., ' 31Iannfact timers of SPROUT'S COMBINED tA R. ataus.Spi4us, Hughesville, Lycon3ing CO.,PL Springs may be had of M. S.Wilson, Montrose. • IVin. 11V. SMITH*, Co. . 7 • - I Cabin.et and.Chair,Nanafaciarers, foot Main Street, Montrose, r ft. . Dr. 11. SMITH, Surgeon . Dentist, Montrose: . Pa.,will be nt. • Seanle's hotel, Mondays and Tetedays ench week. _• • • . • .16yt_ . 31cMILLAN dc PARK, • • Dealers in - pry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, CroCkery, Boots and §hoes,--81e.,Suingville, ,LiTTLE 'At CHASE, Attornic at Law—Office formerly occu pied by Little & Streeter, Montrose, &aqua. hanna County, Pa. . ~ ' RS,LPII B. LITTLE." • ILZRA B. CHASE. s, . ~ • A. J. DAVIS,- • • - ATTORNEY AND COUNSF:LiOn. .hanna . Depot, Pa.: -Office over S. BL; West's Store. - • 16y1.2 CONGDON & Dealeirs in Marble Motiumenta,Tables,Tomt. Stones, Zee. Corner or Court and Exchange Streets, opposite Brooine . County Buh l Bing. ilaruton, N. Y. ' ' • ABEL TILT,RRELL, N10NT.13.0.3E, 1 4 A. Dealer in Drues,Medicines, Chemicals,Paints. Oils; Dye stuffs, Groceries, Dry GoMis; Hnid. ware, Yankee Notions, &e. Physicians Pre ' scriptions carefully compounded. • ' ' ^ JOHN GROVES, - Fashionable Tailor—Shop unc)er. Searles Hotel, Mnin Street, Montrose, JOAN COLS . ZEN, i?EALET: is Stoves, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron, tiodersville,near Great Bend Dep'pt.-:6tf Woodruff & Eldred 0 DEALERS IN Srovufacturers 4 Cop. per, Tin, and Sh il e li e li MPWare. Shop pear the New Court Bowie, Montrose, Pa. I S. A. Wooorarr.) IG. 13. EFDRED, - hici - '• - . 4' 4 , •' ' ''A: L . a t p' : I DEALEtt-in Ready-31;de.. Clothing,: Ils And ''. Calm Boots and Shoes, Dry:Goods, & . . • rar-Store tlpposite SeerlesHotel, Siontrore. C. D. LATIIROP, end - . 4 ~i h. . • ; r• 4 J.P.. W. Itn.r.v; . • ::. ' . ( A- Le.nl2o°. • • . Dr. Merit H. C. T'iRUGGIST and CHEMIST, and be ler in L./ Bs tros, Medicines, Chemicals, DyeiStrtii, • Paints, Oils,Patty ; Window Glass, Catarbite Fluid, Perfumery, Yanl:ee Noions,dte., ate. Lodersville, Pa.-10tf. .ERANKLIN,.FRASER, ATTORNE V ,AND Cotr.ssr LLOR .AT LAW, M4SLI tr(se, Pa.„ will attend faithfully to all busin'ess en• trusted 'him in the -county of Sitsquihanta. Conveyancing and writing of all kinds ;Will It done neatly, and charge modcrate:' • - aka attead to the prosecution of clainAof sol. . dieri,)their widows-and heirs, against t 6 government, for Bounty Land, Pensions, it May- be, found at all hours at the office TOrmerlr occupied by. J. T. Richard, nadir of the Court-House.-18.53--n49 ' ir • N. C. TYLER , . 4 liiterested.witkl..L. Hot, I . SIItORTER ' - AND DEALER in Hardware and Got• lery, Carriage Trimmings, Springs, &e. •115. Pearl Street 4. V. Where his Mercantile friends; iri this and other Counties, are kindly invited, and-earnestli solicit. edt.o call and Pnrclnise. _ •t nett. - HENRY S, KNAPP,. OF . lITONTBOSE 3 • - It With Rovie,'Woo4ulf, .&I Carter, Nl[7-10L,ESALE_ GnocEns and COiMISSIOS V MERCHANTS, N0.'113 Washing,ton Street, -between Cortland and lib y Stk.' etis,Noi York. larch 8, 1854-1-10tf. ' • •'edictal:ilea:id. RS. E. Patrielt, Jr, & Z. Dimeek bar' Dthis day, formed a ektartnersilip e foy a mdrt efficient - land sneeertsful pr osecution = of the differ ent branches of their pro fession. All business entrnstedto them, will be Wei ded to with promptness and fidelity. Their office may , be found itver Latlirep's Store, - Sist side Public - Avenue. t • - • ' E. PATRICE, Jr.. ••'G. Z. Z DIMOCK.' Nontrose, Bfareh 22, 1854. , . • . • -W. Singleton, . alp now be roped at his new stand on ° Wt. street, 2 doors west ot'Seitrle's - Hotrli shot' hit zeffifctuany%repatis with divalc4, Yatch.es , Cori ks; Vons,leweliy; and every description of machinery.. White! and Watti' ma t the Ingle: 7 4l H Baldwln ATAt - he fkiiind in ni of "lorlo's' no. .1.11 tel, 3 doors west front the corner. Notes and Sceottnpl : that-nto ,duo us will be.,vPY' ?.!-- eePtable itpaid soon., • •" • -3 c • .• BAPW.O. •.,15.1entrose, Sorvt.22;, 1.854.-471 f 'J. H. Parsons, . 1 . 1 Dtgn 'Wpm, Sofas, Bedsteads, Tatt les; Stand! , • •-• • • - No. 9 Whishington•strpet, Binghamton; Pl.'t • , g r Coffin Ware-Rpoßi. .. . Silver Spoons. ril EA Table, Desert, Sugar Dad-Salt, Spools ' warranted wits, for'sale by BENTLEY : k READ. ' . _ .- • - - •Boots and Shoos. - - N min:molly - good dosortment<of the bes _4l Alioke, nil freshnhd perfect. for sale by' BENTLEY
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers