Cljase pag,, tireprittors FOR THE DEMOCRAT. A Dentb-bed Reminiscence.. Some years since, I stood by the bedside ot a dying brother, upon whose cheek the rose of four i• summers had bloomed in beauty and loveliness, - and•although then quite young, I have still a viv. . id recollection of what transpired on that mol. aneholy occasion• In sorrow and tears, we were silently awaiting the dissolution of that brittle • thread which binds the spirit to its earthly .tone. meet, when suddenly, the little sufferer opened his eyes - of " Heavenly blue," and fixing them upon my mother's face, with a look I shalt net-. ' ;‘fr forges,, faintly lisped, in childish accents, "I die mamma, kiss_me mamma." Upon a bed of death; ' A eherlibed brother Jay; His low lad fevered breath Was ebbing fast away. Kind friends were standing near, Their spirits bowed wit grief, While Bowed the burning tear As sorrow found relief. • - The bitter hour has come, The sufferer must rest, Must leave his earthly home, To.sleep in Jesus' breast. He breaths \ a gentle sigh,/ Then seeks his mother's face; nauyne," he lisps, "I die, Giro me one more embrace." My mother heari the voice, A fomfc.aress she gave: Thelast ? ah no , , rejoice ! Tholl meet beyond the grave. * * LathriT, Jan. 5, 1855. Pisrettantoits. From the Household Words den's t#ristmas torn. • !..• The - SererPoor Trarektepr. " : rue &IXTII POOR TRAVELLER Was the little wijlow, Silo „had been sit ting by herself in the darkest corner of the room all the time; her pale face often turned anxionsly toward the door, and her hollow • eyes watching restlessly,- as if she expected ve el Me ronae ton .RfTi r p en*. Sha I~l°i very quiet, nas; the midst of her wildness. .T here seas a strained expression in her eyes, and a certain excited air about her altogether, that was very near insanity . ; it seemed as if she had oucheenAlkosotnesuddensliock, to tti , When her turn came to speak; she began in a low voice—her eyes still glancing to' l the . deer—and spoke as if to herself rather - than do the rest of us; speakinglow . - Somewhat like a somnambule.opeating son: , They advised me not , to marry him--(she began.) They told me he was wild—Unprin ; but 1 did not care for what they Si raid. I loved him, and. disbelieved them. never thought about his gooduess--4,,,,nn1y knew that he was beautifulAndtifted beYinid all ; that I ever met with in. bur narrow-• socie- ty. I loved him, with no passing school !orl fancy, but with my whole heart' my --hole soul. I had no life, r.o joy, xi° hope ,without him, and •Uaven wonhtstave been no ; heaven to me if Vei had not been there.. I ray all this,-simply to show what a madness • Of devotion mine was. - • My dear mother was very kind to .me thrOugbout. She had loved 'my father, I be. liece, almost to , the same extent; so that she could sympathise 'with me even while bouraging. She told me that I was wrong and foolish, and that I should repent; but I • kissed away the painful Hues between her eves ;and made her smile when I tried to prove to he/ that, love was bOrter , than produce. So we.married : not so much without the con cent as against the wish of my family; and even that. wish withheld in sorrow and in love. I • remember all this now, and see the true pro -' portions.of everything ; then I was blinded by my passions, and understood nothing. We went away to ourf_pratty, bright home ifi one of the neighborhoods of London, near a park. We lived there for many mouths— in s state, of intoxication ratherthan of earth ly happiness, and he was happy, too, then, for lam sure he was innocent, and I know be loved me. Oh, dreams=dreams I i I did not know my husband's profession. Ile was busy anti often absent; ,but he never .told tae' :what he did. - There gad been np • settlettliki either, -When I married_ Ile 'said he had a conscientious scruple against them; dutfthei Were insulting to a man's honor and de,grading to' any husband. This was one of the reasons . why; at home, they Aia not wish' me .-to` marry lam. But I` .was only glad to . ,be able to show him/how I trusted him, - by "meeting hii - ,wishes and refusing, - an my own account to accept the legal protection 'of set tlements. 'lt was such a pride to me to sac- - tsifiee all to him. Thin I knent nothing of `his real life—his pursuits or his *fortunes. I never • - liltedliin inyintittions, as much from indifferolia :to everything but` his love as from a wifely blindness of-trust. When be came 1,,0me at night, sometimes very gay, singing opera songs and callang- me his little Medora, Jo' he used when itt good Itumpr, I was gay too, and grateful. And when he came home moody end , itratibl-witieb he used to do, !after' s - after hactbeen married about thiee Inman), puce ever threatening to strike me, - Witbihat'fesiful glare in his eyes I remem ber so',well, and 'used to see so often after i4rdB_77rodik.l was patient and silent, and neyer atteitipted - even to take his hand or kiss' his forehead when 'he bade me be still and not inteirupt him. - - He was my law, anti his /approbation the sunshilii3 of my life; so that my very obedience was selfishness; for my onlf joy was to tee him happy, , and my only +duty to obey tim. My sister,came to visit tis. My husband had seen very little of herbefoye our mar riage; for she had often been frOinhome when be was with us; down-at - Hurst - Tarmr=that was the name of my , dear mother's. 'place— and I had al waykfattered that they had not liked even the little they bad „seen of each other. Ellen was nirer baud or importunate in her opposition. I knew that she did lot like the . •• • . ' . . . . . , • . . .. - •• . . - .. ... . .. , • •;. . . • . '.! - . , • ••• • - . , , • - ` 2 / 4 7m,nt'9'73 - . - • i ;- . - • ~.., . [ I 2 - ,.., . . . ' ' . . ;.. . . • • , • t , 1 ,-, -, " . ' ' -': • - ' _ . , ~,, . . , . ~. 7 . . i : . - .r . , . I ' 4 l • N 'l ' t ,,, iy , ' . '. f a ''t• r'" . • <:?'s ;s9 'W .., • 4 -‘• r ---". 19 : !c4 . 40* - :•• . fp,. - ' - <>-, • - ....:-, , 1 ; •,;:i. ,-, , ~,,,,, . Il i •:-..., ~• •••, - 0 1 ~ • .. I.° ' - I-•,• ~., :•:/f 111 . . . -;::....., • . - '..: i 'l - .. "': , l, °- ''''. 1 :. ' . '; • /' - .4, 2 ' - I'' ,I ', ? ' ~., , •.,......._. r•-•:, - -a y 4 . . ." ). .. . . • ~ . . 1. ~.' •. .1. I : . [,•',' of ‘ ' -' i ... I/ 4 1 . l'' 't : I e ' .• .. /. ~ . .,..i.., ,,, - •:, ,1 , . .. ' . ~ / • - 1. 11: Ir .. .' .10 , : -. '(--11,1?;'' . --.. I ...,-- . -,... i,,• 1 . i . f?•. . • , .. 5-f , 4 . ~() ---- - ~,, , ,22,.„ i .• ~, . , ~.., , ~,,,,,„... P.. • ft.. • ;. 111 4.N., c '7'7* . • • ‘ ... - ~ f.. , 1 i ~ , ..4 . . .).;:. i<4...... • 'IX • w '''' 6 ? '." ' ..... " ... • , . , \ i.,.... 4 , ••••,.. ; • .. .„T- „...,:„... ! ~-, - ""••••..;.,,,*,. i . - . c .:• .. - •••'•,, . • ',/,!, --.-P • \ • !'. • 4:4:- ' —.;' •- • i• ' ' ' . . • . i• . ~ • i . ; • . . .t, . • . . . - . . ! . 1 - • ~ • . , - , . - . , ••. ; S -' ' ' ... .i ' . - -; -•- • I,• . .- . - , . ',. . • - . , 1 , . , 1 marriage; but..she did not interfere. • I it -il may he=than live on, longer, in ' this kind of member 'quite well tile only time the spoke) suspense and anguish! It; is too much for 'openlyrti.i . me! on the !subject how ;she dung me to bear, Ellen." ! • . . i herself i lit, my knees; With a passion' very .rge , She took nsy bands. "Have 'ou strength I" in •her,lbeseechiag _me to pause '• and reflect s ', she said 'earnestly. "Could you really bear as if I had sold myself to my ruin When' ki the truth ?" -Then seeing my IdistresS; for I !to be HarrYesnife. HoW she 'pray- had fallen into:a kind of hystericalfit--I was . ed! ITixir Ellen ! lilcan see her :now, with very delicate then—she shook her heal in her lieavY uncurled l n tir falling ,on her neck despair, and letting m y bands fall heavily on as she ;.'qlt half undressed, her large eyes full my•lap, said in an undertone, "No, no lahe of agony - and !supplication, like 1 a! - martyred is too weak, too childish I" Then she went saint . prilY,ing. ' Poor Olen! I thought her up stairs abruptly ; and.l heard her walking prejudi'reoll then ; and!!thia unspoken injustice about her moth for nearly an Itiour after, in has tai like aheavy crime on my heart-ever long, steady steps. .. i I since; corl know that I judged her wrong- , I have often thought that had she told - me fully, . 414 . - th l at I was ungrateful ' for her i then, and, taken me to her heart, her strong,. love,lt, carne , ' • ' i brave, noble heart, I could have, derived cour- She (* td mise r see ns. This' about a Age from it ; and could bare borne the dread: year - and 4 half after I was tOrrfed. She ' i lia truth I was forced to knolv afterwards. was trie beautiful than ever, but somewhat IBut the strong - ere so impatint with us! Sterner, !;a4 well as sadder. •Sb ',was tall, They leave! us too Soon; their b wn strength i strong p Person, and dignified in Tanner.— *revolts at our weakness; so we are 'often left, There, wrisa. certain manly er in her broken in this weal - ness, nt of a little fur wa beauty, las !Weill:it in her mind, thiit made one , Patience and sympathy. 1 • I respeet find leg her. too, a little.; - I _do net !i! Harry carne ima short time :tiler Ellen had I moan that. she was 'Masculine, 4r . bard, or I left me.• 't What ha 4 she been, saying?" he I 1 coarse ;she Witi. braver than woinen in gen. I pried, passionately. His eyes were wild and eral. - , She,hadirage self-reliance,! was morel bloodshot; his beautiful blacklittir flung all resolute steadfast, and 'infinitely less re- lin disorder about his face. •. I- -!. • pulsiye, ,and ,was More Retire and iiowerful in I- "Pear Harry, she has said body ' ' 'r l c,- i i • •. . Yon," I answered, trembling. I.i'y husband i l ivas.. very kind to :her. He risked what was your professi, paid! ber great:attention; and sinetimi.„l Much we had a year.: That war half perceilled that he -loved. her ~ alinost •as " Why did she ask this 'I- Ni well As me--lensed to look at her So often ; WAS it of hers ?" cried'llarry, fiei but with a -) stratige. expression in his eyes! . I' Me ;" and he. shook me roughly, - never could, quite make it.out, whetherit was yon'answer her, little fool ?" , love or bate., Certainly,. after she eaine his •' "(h, nothing;" and I began ti mariner chatimed towar;ls inc. I was notjeal- 1, because he frightened: me. "I 1 * ouse I did•not suspect this change .from any ! Lille, that I knew nothing of you small feeline of wounded selfleve,„ or from I indeed what concern is that of ni - any - envy oi[ni 37 - sister; but t saw it—l felt it 1 sfiy nothing more, Hairy." . •-, in my heart4yet, without. connecting it with " Better than too' much," hem Ellen in -aq way. I knew that heno longer then he flung me harshly back '1 loved me aiilie used to, do, but I, did- not .saying, "'Tears and folly and we: think he. loved ber; at-least not, with the .same round -= always the same! same kind of love. - I Lilted to be surprised at inarry a pretty doll, a plaything, Ellen's conihiat to him. , She was More than ' ; And then lie seemed to think. ' cold; she Was passionat4ly rutleand unkind . ; too Much :.for he came to me am not so. much. ivhen I'w9 there as when 1 was p and said that he loved me. But away. For.,liused to hear her voiee speaking titne in our married life his ki's in those deep indignanqtont.ts that :ere worse sqothe me, nor did I believe Lisa , to bear tbani the harslielt . scream. of passion; . lAll th at-night I heard Ellen . n and sometimes I used. 10 hear hard:worde— andsunresting through her room, he-speakingatthe first ?.soft! and 'pleadingly, slackened her. Nee . . she never 6 often to einfin a terribl e burst of anger and Over hurried ; but the same slow itnprecatiiiii..', . I could not uniTerstand why' tread went on; the firth hot, yet 1 they qnarrelled. - There was a myStery ' be- as -if to music, her.very step thesa tween them I did not know of, and I did'not of manliness and womanhood as . . , like toask th em; for I !was Afraid - lof them ter. -. . . . . both--,fts'intieli -afraid of . Ellen- as . my. bus-, • .After this burst of passion Ha, .band-andifelt like a .iieed between them-..... ne:ss to the became unbounded ; a.,., as if I Should have teen Crushed heneatii any edt() make up to ine for some] stflrm.l.miz..h.t chance to,wake up. .o I was . need not Sai' how s oon I f orga v 1. ful face so fat its I CoUld; --- -.-, -- _-- 1 - ftama t ,,f o ,l4hTl.,44 zt ip : A . • Ellen 'wanted Soon after she, caMei fine to return home and soon , !alto; I heard 1 I thin, ashis mere fanett, to dstr . 71111 ' ller i- as ;before. If he had asked use 4 the first dispute between,the,m she urge d. . to g o back to - litirst Farm ; at once, and. 7 . : nurse given it to term. I wour a long time. ! Weak .as I am . by - , nature, it down a nd died, if he bad wish( • . has always been a mar el to me since, My husband and Ellen gr e w too ,c , flowers grow over my grave. ,c estranged . strew , I Ais affeetio scented to return to me. ...His , .n * was Where my loVe for my !husband - . hers o him con was concerned. . .. ' hini I .1)e- itanner to her was defying; . .. !It. seeined impossible for me :1s 1 to yield to •itny pressnre against . lieve now that a ;very angel ' could pot have in the garden below the window t t ; at which . 'el:liptuQu...A. I heard hercall hire • illaul, once _ , turned me frOin him! . , At last she sair-10'.Me in a lotv, voice :--- "Mary, this is . madness'--it is alMost sin . ful l• Can ydu not See---can , you not hear?' and then she stoPped, and would say nomere, though - I urged her 'to tell me . ab et she tneant: For this terrible mystery begun to.. weigh on me painfully, arid, for.„4o4bat I trembled so much to fathom N.l..tigd . :,:-beitin to feel that any truth wettld 4 bert44lll4ban such a life of , dread s : . `-lieemea tiii-W.Evin# among shad, ows; my 'verylias s band and Sister not real, for their .real lives wem bidden from me. But I *as too timid to! insist on ea ex planati on,and Ao things went'on in their old way. • In one respect only, changing s ill more painfully, still more marke6r•,in in hus. and's conduct to me at al - lied- e never poke kindh. All that-I 414 atineyed him, all thatl said irritated him; and once (the little widow covered• bet face 'With ber hands and shuddered) be titirned rue with - his foot find cursed me,- Otte.night i* our oWn room, ivLen I knelt weeping before him ' supplica ting him for pity's sake to tell me hiiiw I had Offended Lim. But I said to myself that be Was tired, annoyed, and that it was irritating i Ito see a loving woman's teais. ;, and; so I ex eusedititn, as often times before:and went on loving Lim all the sanie--Gedforgiie me for iny idolatry ! • i . , I Things had been very bad of late between Ellen and my husband. But the Character Of their discord was - changed. Inktead of re- Proaching, they watched each other limes eantly. They put me in 'mind of fencers-- 1 .ri . y husband on the defensive. I ." Afary," said my: sister to me suddenly, coming to the sofa *hem I was sitting em broidering my pooi• baby's cap. 1 " What does your Harry do in life? What is his 1 profession ri- 1 I .She fixed her eyes on me earnestly. "1 • do.l not know, darlin4., ll I answered, vaguely.':"he has no profession diet I know of." • if . . But what fortune has he, then? ! I Did be not tell You 'what hiS ine?me was, and. how obtainWwhen•he atarried. I . To nsi, he '!said only that he-had so Much - a year--a thous and a yes: ;'land he would ray no mere. !But, hits he iiOt iken mere explicit with you .!," • "Nor 1 I r answsred,' considering ;for, indeed I . had never thought of this. ' 1 had•trusted So blindly to WM in everything thatit would have.seeinecl to Me.* profound insult to have • even 'asked ofhii; affairs.. m No, lie never told me,anything shoat his fortune, Blleu. lie Money! when .I went it„ .and is al- : ways 'generous. 1 - Ito scout to here Plenty ; whenever it is asked for, he Ms it, by him, and.givesitne.ev'enmore than I require." . fitill• het eyes kept looking At wile in that 'straw -re trianner4 ";Anil this isiall you know ?" ." fes, a 11,,. Nyllit more should I. wish to 'know I ls he.not !the 'husband, and has he not absolute:right over every:thine I have no busines,s to iiiterfere The. words sound harsher now ; they'did then, fOr . I spoke lovingly. , i . ' ' !! ' Elhu.. touchedtlielittle capl held. ' "Does . not this make Y g oti anxious?" she said . . "Can you not fear as is mother, even While you love as a -wife ?" . 1 .: ' - 1 ', ~ ".Fear, darling ,I, "Why ? ..,What should I i fear; or whin*? What •is there, Ellen, on ytmr. heartr*l then addedTpassiluatelv.-- . " ,TelkMe at Onpe; fOri know': that you have ;;some :terrible secret ccinceisled . froissi.rne -,' and- I. would tather'kuow anything-!---whaterer • it . ' 1! , . 1: . . , . . 1 . alontrost,_SutittOanna Vrnn'ad ir,#ttr.sban Boning, trbruarg 1, 1855. he laughed, his wicked laugh, and said, "tell het, and see if she will believe yon .Y' I was sitting in the window, working. It was a cold, damp day late in autumn, when thOse chill - fogs of November are - just begin mit fr • 0 , those fogs with frost in them, that steal- . < into one's very heart. ' It was a day when a visible blight is .in the air, and when death is abroad. every where. I ,waS alonon the draw ing-room.. 'Ellen was up stairs,. and my - bus-. band, as I believed, in the. city.' But I have remembered since, that-I heard i e ball door { eisoftly opened and - it footstep st - 4 quietly by the drawing-room up stairs.. The evening was. just beginaing .tti close in• dull, gray and gboatlike; • the - dying rtitsyli •.ht melting into the. lon shadows that,.stalk- ' tiaTiagigtiattaabout the fresh-ma ' like watt e grave of ... nature. - , rtaxii' working still, at me of those small .garments about - whiCh I d 'timed such i fond dreams, and wove such lar e hopes of happiness;•-aad as I sat, While he evening fell heavy about me, a myeteriout, shadow of evil passed over me, a. dread prosenttnent, a. • -1- consciousness of ill, that made me tremble, as iflinague. It was, no hysterical] sinking of the spirits - that-I felt; no mere nervousnessor' - i cowardice; it was something - 1 . , kiown before ;'.o.* knowledge, a; pqwer, a warning word, a spirit swept 11 me as the fearful. evil - to i its - conelusion. • I heard. a faint, 'scream up staff sd faint I could scarcely distingtr a i,udden rush of Wind through ' door, or the chirp 'of a mouse , itinseot. Presently I heard the again . ; and then a dull muffl bead; as of some One walking h . ' ging a heavy weight across . the pittrifted by fear. 'A nameless. oa me that deptiVed Me of all JO I thought of Harry. and • I tlrdu I in an inextricable . cypher of mi. • -I •, ny ; but I could 'Opt - have defin Inv own mind; .I could not . hi What it was I fee'rd. I only Ire° i serrOw that was to come, and si bin all Was still again ; once ip 1 heard a low moan, and once voice., which - I know now to hitsbandis, speaking passionatel. And then his 'voice swept sto ' the house, crying - wildly, 4 Quick, hen ! Your sister ! Ellen • I I ran up stairs; it seems-to almost flew. I found Ellen l . fli)or of her room, just inside; ftie,t towards the door of my bus --Whieb was • imMediately opposi She was fainting; at least I . th We raised her up --between us; t(eMbling more than I; and I :ti • ghWc, and threw • water ou her eel back her;bair; brut she did - tell Harry to go for a docto thoUght was stealing over me; eitias I fanCied, unaccountably. tough I twice asked him to thoUght, that perhaps he was . &brae ; so.twent to him 'and kid said; ".She will soon be - better Ti (ally, to-cheer him. But - 1 felt that she was'no Tore: -i At last, after mans argent e . 'after the servantsluid;cotne. tip, - 11;; frightened way round the bee theiTi away. again, immediately,. ~- latti,„!and -went out,. pc.rciii • rettr strange man. not our own di was rude and coarse, and. O as I stood bathing my fiister her arm and hand roughly,l they fell, and stooped down) I thought he touched them olent and'insolent way that and bewildered me; My I the shadotv, ghastly pate, .ing. . • -. I the strange . .- I • It was too true, what the strange inaniluid said's° coarsely. She !was I dead. " Yes, i the creature - that an bOur ago bad been so full of life, so beautiful, so resditite and young; ryas now a stiffening corpse,linaniniate and dead, 'without, life and withdut hope.. Oh 1 that word hd set my brain on Ere • Dead r here, in my rouse, tinder my! roof—dead,. so Mys- • teriously, so•Strangely-1--Why I Howl -1' It • was a fearful dream, it was no truth thatllay there. I was in a tiighimare; I was not sine, and thinking how gliastlyliti all was, I fainted softly on tilt bed, no one knOwing, till snine . 'time after, that I had fallen, and was not pray ii4. • When I recovered I Was •in my OWn room, alone. Craw lingifeebly to my sister's door; I.found that she'll:id been washed and i dressed, and was newldid oat on her bed.— 1t struck me- that all had been done in strange haste ; harry telling me the Servants had dbue. it while 1 fainted. I kneW i afterwards that be had \told them that it Wes I, and that I would have no help: . The' niystety of iti all was soon to be unravelled. ,'. 1 One thing I , was decidedtin—to watch by my sister this night. Itiwas l iu 'vain that My husband opposed Inc; inivaiii• that he coa'Ned I me by his caresses, or tried- t 4 terrify - me With r angry threats. • Something of my sister's na-. turo seemed to have passel into me; and 'lin less he had positively pretvented me' by foice, no other means would linved had . any effect. He gave way tome at Last angrily, and the night 'came on and found 'me sitting . by the bedside watching my dearisiSter. •• N . ' HOtV beautiful she looked ii Her face, Still with-the gentle mark oforr i r on it that it had-in life, looked. so e ran ! She was', so great, so pure ;she. was like a goddess sleep ing; she was-not like 'a mere woman of this earth. She did not seem; to be dead ; there was life about her yet, for th re was still the look of power and. of bureau sympathy that she used to hare ashen alive. The soul there still,- and Jove and lalowlOge." . • i By degrees a strange (tiding 'of 'her - living presence in the rOom• came oVer nne. • •AlOne in the still inidnight, , with fm sound; no Per , son near me, it seemed as lit Vied leisure and 1 power to - rw into the-world beyond the gr#e. I felt my sister near me; r felt the - passing; of her life about me, as "%Olen . ne sleeps, lint still is conscious that another ife is weaviilg, 1 lin with ours. It seemed :is if er breath fell 1 . 3 „,,......,.... -si. 1 iiraartLiaaf , 7 3. a on tt g er l i i.T ( r ) - 1 `that she was really dead; I . lpoked again and {held s il l 6 ia a k te e ld'e e 'r ff r(l3 tE ds e . i lstnt • l a iic 4il i n eiF b :t e i nad' ' e qii vin ce myself main at her lying there ;I .a, marble Corp4e, 1, death band beneatl. her chin. There sheaves, • ice-cold, with the lips set‘ i ..'%nd (rigid, and the stiff in her white shroud, the snwy linen press ingl so lightly : on her; no life within, .tio ci 1 warmth about her,and all my fancies were Vain dreams: Theirl buried my face in my bands, and wept as if my beim was breaking. And when I turned away - My eyes frOm her, the-presence came around me hain.l So long as I watched her it was net tberei E saw' Ole •thing abOut "She 'only and how AV' hat 'business eely. " Tell 4 what did b cry it was ,aid what iv r Affairs, as .ine 1 I ecaild ttered ; and on the sofa, ikness! The .Why did I no wife!" • e had.said kissed me; for:the first :ses did not .aSilrances. rail; steadily She never topped, she , measured fight; falling me mixture i er eliarac- , i rJr' •y's tender if he wish- . wrong.. I him, nor ILmticive. pr my life I went(' have lain to See • 06' corpse ouly ; but when.l Out me, then it seemed as if a tar removed, and that my 'sist'er fl, again. I had .been prayiug, sit ing thui in these alternate feelings of her srliritall presence t and her bodily death, when, raising _my head and looking towards the further cor:ier of the room I saw standing at someilittle distance, My sister Ellen. ' I saw her, distinctly, as distinCt ly as you may see the redi fire blaze. Sadly and lovingly her dark ey;s looked at me,sad ly her gentle lips - smiled; and by look and gesture, too, she showed me that she wished to speak to me. Strange; ; I wris not frighten ed. It was so natural to see her there, that for the moment I forgot that she was dead.! Ellen," I. said," whit is it i" • • 1 Thetgure smiled. It prate nearer. ,Oh! do not say it was fancy ! I saw it advane; it cane glidingly : I remembered afterwards -that it did not walk—but it came forward;— to the light and stood not ten paces from e. It looked at' th me the Barrio sad gentle way, and somehow-4 do not know' whether with the hand or by the Ijurning. of the beau —it showed me the throat, where were the distinct marks of two polerful, hands. And pointed to its heart; and looking; I saw the broad stain of blood above it. And then. I heard her voice--ISwear I was not mad—l heard it, I . say .tolyeu distinetlY— whisper softly, "Mary !" and then it said, still more audibly, "murdered • And then the figure vanitibed, and sudden ly tide whole room was vacant. That one dread- word had sounded t,ts If forced out by the, pressure of some•streng* agony—like a man' rritealing his life's secret when And when it had been spoken,or rather wail ed forth, there was a sudden sweep and chil ly rush through the air;.and the life, the soul, the presence fled. I was alone again with Death.. The mission ri had been fulfilled; the warning had been giVen; land then my sister passed away—for her work with earth done. 1 - • - 1 Brave and 'calm RII the strongest man. that exeffought on a battle-field, I' stood up ;be side my sister's body." I unfastened her last - dress, and threw it back riponi her chest ii;tal shoulders; I raised ber head and took oft } the bandage from round her face; and then I saw deephirick bruises on her throat ;the marks of hands that had grappled her from behind, and that had strangled her. And then I looked further, and I saw a small - . wawa(' below the left , lireast about' winch hung two or thiee,clots Of brood, that Iliad oozed up despiteA ' ll carw.and knowledge! in her manner of itfurder. I knew 'then she bad first been suffocated,. to Prevent her sereains, and then stabbed ,where; thel wound worild bleed, inwardly, rzind shon , no i.ign to the t4re bystander. 41 1 I covered her up carefully] again. I laid the pillow smooth' and straight, and laid Or. heavy head gently downs I drew the shrriud elose ozer the,dreadful nark ic)f murder. Arid then—still as calm and, resolute as I lad been ever since the revelation had Comet to me--I left the room sodium.. into my hui hand's study. It was on me to discover ;all the truth. • had never presence, a s cry, that •arched on vs. It was th it from an opening behind the. same sound noise over ily,or. drag !floor. • I sat ny was up ; •er of action. ht of Ellen, fry'and • ago % a line In 1, explained L was . • I listened, ly I thought a muttering re been my to ..himself. }ally through IlarYl M 47! now that I ring on . the ,e, door; her band's study, 1 . her room.' ght so then. my husband I fastened her ee, *aid push • eu re live . I , . A horrid ut he linger aud cruelly, o. Then, I [ much over- him, and arty," cheer ! in my heart °treaties, and clustering in but he sent Ini . ent, on hia ining with a MIMI octor. This inan rdered me aside, ''sfaee,and pulled Ito see how dead close to her Pps; ereo:--all in a vi- shocked me land usbaial stood in but ri ot thisjout frcirtr ier had te . en ated near me .His - writing table was 141:4 Where iny' strength came from, I knoiv not; but,'witli chisel that, was lying on • (lie tane, I pried the dmiver - and.l;rolte the lock.. I opentd it. There was a long and sletider • dagger tying there, red with Idood; a bandful of 'Woman s bait rudely severed from - the head, lay near It was my sister's hairil—that wavy, sil ken, uncurled auburn hair4utt I had alwaya loved and admired so 'much I . And near to these again, were itampti,. and dies, and moulds, and plates „ and handwritings with faesiMileS beneath; and tattlers' cheques, andi a .heap of leaden coin, and Piles of incomplete bank-notes; and all the evidences of to coin er's and a forger's ,tra . de4the suspicion of . Which had caused. those ' hitter quarrellings between poor 'Ellen and husband—the ' knowledge of which had caused her death. With there things I Raw a.lso a letter ad dressed to Ellett, in.. my huiband's 'handwrit ing. It was an - unfinished - letter i as if . it had displeased him, aid be. luid, made.- another copy. It began With these words- 7 -no fear that I should forget them; they are .. burnt into niy brain—".l never teally loved her, Ellen; she pleased; nn, otq as a doll would please a child; and - I married her,frutn pity, not from love. You, Elleniyou alone could fill my. heart; 'rott?alotioar my fit helpinato., Fly with me Here' the • letter was left unfinished; . but it!grite me enough, to explain all the Meaning Of the first Weeks of my sister's stay here, ,and why she _bad called him villain, ,end whyilie had told her that she might tell me, andithut.." would not believe. f I saw'it all now. - 1 turned my head, to see my husband standing a few paces behind \me. Good heaven 1 I have often thought, was that man the same 'mini I had loved so -lons and fondly ? The strength of horror, lot courage,--tip held me. knew he meanCto kill me, bet that did not alarm me; I oily dreaded ' : lest his hand -should touch me. llt was not death, it was he I shrank from. .:believe if he had. toadied 'me then; I should have fallen dead at his feet. Istretehea out )liy arms in hor ror; to thrust him'back, utterine, a piereir.g" :shriek; and while he made,,tin effort to . seize' me;overrenching himself in ithe madness of 'his fury, I rushed by him, shrieking still, and so ticd.away into the darkti4s; where I lived, I oh for many, many months!! s lqen I awoke again, I 'found that: my I poor baby had died, and that my husband had gone none "knew.wheie, I .But the fehr of ; his return haunted me. .1 1 could get no rest - i day or night for dread of liirn • and I felt go ing-inad with the one lard thought for _ever pitilessly pursuing ,me—thai I should: fall -again into his hands. I .4. 1 —•;"""1"T ..-Atiit4eifafeniiin ace to !face ;7 wander- ing about, so that .Imay eacape the more ea sily when the moment does came. - , From Clannibor's Si nbargh Journal. An old. Woman's Reniiniscence. . • . 1 " Do you re in ent ber, - dear Aunt Ruth," I at . . length said "that you once promised to tell me a story connected with 0 . 14 grand house and your own little - cottage?! Suppose you jell it me an my birthday :. itJf• will be doubly , pleasant to. sit here and. listentio you." . The calm, Tiappy expression} of aunt Ruth's face, which I bad never befoniseen.disturbed, suddenly. changed to-otre.of rtense sorrow ; or rather, a quick thrill or Alin seemed_seemed_to follow my few words. . Tbis„. however, '.was Only momentary ; inianother ritittate the Plac id tenderness so natural to 14 face resumed it. sway, and . 1 discdyered no other sign of emotion as.she answered.. . ; - . "lon shall have your wish ;" and then added in a low voice ; is' right that she should have the promised history, 'and that I should tell it." The latter part of her speech the venerable lady rather murmured to herself than addrd to M e; then 'draw ing her fine figure.tO its utst height, and folding her thin white hand upon her lap, she commenced her ' narrati4--which, how ever, I prefer putting into tnyi own language, believing. Aunt Ruth's natural modesty pre rented her from doing justied to the heroine. of the story. • " Walter is late this evening, Mildred;"and yet I am almost certain that ;I saw him pass on the river an hour, ago. r,may be mistak en, but I wish you would run down 'to the old summer house, 'and see; if the boat is moored. We ought to haref, got through :a good portiOn of busins'to-night." The speaker, a fine old man of sorneileven ty winters, turned as he spoke.towards a deep window, where a youngundistrikingly hand some woman "sat resting her cheek upon .her hand, and gazing with a look of abstraction .upon the•twilight shadows ai they deepened over the broad river fiewingiat the bottom of a long terrace;walk yin front of the house.-- Iler father's voice soddenly recalledher drea my thoughts,-and raising shesaid " Yes, dear father r I shall enjoy a stroll . to night ; and if the truant has! not. yet arrivd, I can watch for hint -a little longer freut th summer house: 'W "do not know What May have detained Walter," she [added, tenderly - raising. the old man's hand ;to her lips; he IcnoWs your love , of punctuality, and_ I am Certain he would not wilfully - keep you in I I suspense." . Mildred Vernon was the only child Of it widowed parent. A beauty and an heiress, she' was as might be stipptised, not without a goodly string of adMirers; of these her fath er's choice and her Own-affeCtiou fell upon relative of her own,l' whom flier father • had brought up .to his-own callitig,--that of an East India merchant.:. Accustomed .frOm boyhood to regtird her cou.sql 'with affeetion ate admiration, Walter Vernon deertiedA air ow task, at Mr, Vernon's affectionate sug gestion, to yield np a free heart- to her )teep ing : and he agreed i gratefully -to the . propo sals made to him hiS Uncle, whif.h ended in - his being at twenty-one the manse() hus band of the I•eautifttlMildre, and the expec tint heir to her father's immense fortune. To Mildred,. however, Iwhoso.iknorance of Mr. Vernon's previous •influence.l with her: Cousin led her to believe thatahe declaratiOn of las es earnest and independent of etkaneoustir cutitstances as her oWn affection- h eir engage ment.was-verydifferent, and for seine time the happiness of hei:young)ife - Oeeined 'with out a elotnf.' . . Situated in a remote ginner of the grounds which stirrounded.lo. Vernidninausion, was, &dew dintc4ed cottage,eovered _With Monthly roas- and honeysuckles up tc lowly eaves,, and surroulided,hy a galaxy. of iblotisoniti . This; k=l=l . . •-- 1. . , . snug and roomy dwelling had for years c• n - the abode•of.ROger Lee, - Mr. *Vernon's. g rd t • ..1 I net. Here, too, his 'only child Alice . as' 1 I bore; and:here, some years after,' the str rig \man and his young daughter_ wept. toget ter] over the lifeless form of a *beloved. Wife - nd oother; and the sympathy which - luid - alw ys existed, between. Mr: Vernon and .hisi. fait ful servant seemed more firmly cemented by . he. melancholy sameness of - their relative ..i . : . tions.• The little - Aliee,Trom her mother sa* Childhood, had been an object of 'interest to 1 the worthy merchant. .Born in the emu n .of the same year .which made hitti• tr•Wisi - ed - father, Mr.' , Vernon looked upon her m re . 1 in the light , of a pretty playfellow to his. o -a f beautiful- child, than . as the daughter' of is servant • and .this kindly feeling was display ' ed in the liberality with: which he'.provided 1 an education for Alice Lee, better suitedlto I i herfaveliness andnataral • elegance of - tnind, I 1 than to her mere conventional poSition.• 1 Half an hour .before the conversationx , -.i tween Mr. Vernon an his daughter, which ,we have, already related, Mice Lee .mighf•lire: been 'seen gazing: as anxiously on - the broad. river as the young heiress herself. - Pohl.1; back the dutinottd-patted Casement until it rested upon . a ledge pfloseaarid green leaCO - , she.' ; 'bent - over the low Window sill iill,:herlgpl la den curia touched the- flowers which - cluster - , ed around. Suddenly she as Oleg/a -t tle sound of bars-niet her ear; and raising a 1 face glowin„,c , with love-and - hope, Alice ptii.s -1 ed l •tu kl from her cottage parlor into the q -Y 1 box-b Ordered walk wide!' led to' the river; . -- 4 Sweet Alice, tun I riot punctual ?" - ex- I:chained a clear, melanchbly reit*, as a young mitn,i elegantly. dressed in thefashionable•COs -Itume of the day, bounded up tbe.broad oaken 1 steps which led 'from the', river, and 'Stood be side the gardener's daughter. • "17es; dear Walter; ; , very punctual; and 1 yet I thought you long, and have been %yak king so anxiously for We soutid of the oars. 7-- But you look, sad and anxious,- Walter. 117littt. has troubled you ? - * , . The young Man's - brow .grew darker, and then flushed to a deep crimson,. as. he gazed with passionate earnestness upon the sweet upturned face which rested against- his shoul der, and then exclaimed : "Dear one would you desire to hearihe cause of mrsorrow, if you know that such knowledge mast make you npartaker of it ? Can your love",.bear, this test, my Alice ?" • .. • -- ..- ‘o,' Waiter r murmured' Alice ,reproach fully, as she hid •her tearful face on his boSoni.; A`Dear, dear Walter, can you not - trust my love r .- ' • '. ' • , * • ' ' . , " Ido trust yotir love; my own s , ice, ante f1.L......1...:—.1.-I+4ar.i...* . . .11,1ft=7iii ;• for unconscious till I too late of the nature-of my- feeling', 'towards 1 you, I have promised' to marry my cousin.:' , f . Alit* Lee raised'her•head, and gazing .foi.i . a moment into her lover's fade, as if to • read• - there a contradiction to, the_ words lie had' spoken. sprang from the still circling arm which had supported her and. as 'pile as the white roses which 'clustered round the arbor where they had seated; she - appeared to . wait in stupid silence for an explanation.:: ? Another 'moment; and the rustle of a lady's dress caused the beivildered girl • to 'turn her-.. eyes from the stern' look of sorrow. which was so plainly portrayed in her companions' fitce;' to encounter an expression equally. fearful on I the beautiful features - of the intruder. -• Like some fair statue on *hose lineaments the in- - •teasity of hopelesi dekpair was traced. by a master chisel, stood Mildred Vernon. . Her large dark eyes were fixed upon the young pair begre her withan . expresSion of agony, which seemed to overpower theirsorrow in sympathy with hers. The cluick _percepaott of Alice: , seemed at once to understand the, mystery ; j. and gliding from . the scat' where she bad crouched crouched in. her sudden grief, she took - the passive hand. which -hung by Mildred's side i and •rnisitig it to her lips, exclaiined Wildly: - 1 " Forgive -, him; dearest lady; 'Only. forgive ' Walter—he Will lore you. oi:he does love yew already, as you deserve. a See, he . is weeping'! , He does - -not love - me now; t . at is past, lady; and ion will . forgive in, It and be his ;ire l'' ' •- • . •' - .' - - j .Patieand lifeless, the unhappy .speaker satik . at the feet of her rival; who appeared suddin- ' ly recalled to her :uStial self-possession. Li a calm voice, she bade Walth curry the fattit: j ing Alice - te. an • Adjoining suthiper-honse, - where she watched !with intense tiOliciludeifor I the first sign. of reeeVery.; Then beekoiong her cousin to her side, she placed7Alice.teek 1, hand in his, ankwithout trusting, herself to .look into his face, 'aid slowly:, "You MuSt tell Alice, Walter, that you are ..not going to• marry your cousin ; that yen 'may - love 'her', withOuf sin;and that to-morrow 1., will tell I her so myself. * You may not like . to. see - lny . ffather tonight itontorrow T will prepare him ' for ittt interview.. There; now see .this ,poor 1 girrtO her home." 1 - ... - ' - • I - .Passing rapidly' Ort to the - house, Mildred. 1 Vernon sought in - the solitude 'of her own chawber, upon hell bended knees, that comm- i lation which her crushed heart ,so sorely i 'needed ; and She arose at length, strengthen-1 1 \ ed. and confirmed in the generous . self-titteri.. lfielier noble impulsive nature. had - at once. I st4g‘ted. - . The nap, indeed, - contained *a I bitter draught; but she resolved. to -drain - it I to the Very dream believing that in. .the . one it' would' prove a wholesome niedieine, which in tuna might ' bring back some 'degree: of peace to her troubled spirit. . " Your engagement with Walter at animal What on earth do you mean, child 'I al ways gave you credit for knowing your Own mind a little better than .most women.":': Give me your reason for this behavior, Mildiketi." . Mildred was silent for a_ moment; as if atruggling with some inward einetion, the signs of, which were painfully_ visible ptl her fine features, a', , with a sudden - effoit, she said firmly : _"even at the' risk of losing what' I prize so dearly, your good 'opinion, My dear father,l 'can assign no other rearm : thin the one aready given—namely, that lau. mar-. riage, if • persisted 'would be -a . source of misery to both of us. :Pray believe tliat this is not grounded uper. mere - caprice4 , deep searching into my own heart; :and a clear knowledge of-Walter's- feelings, have; alobe led-me to decide thus. Only let me, aSk favor, dearest father, and 'the beautiful," girl clasped the old _man tenderly' round thistle:di, and bent fondly over hito-'-" that you_ will not alter your pecuniary ainuigementa with Walter in. consequence of thkohoogein my v i ews . l o st is, much yourheii be •:Psj i I ti - !t_i . '...12:;, ::*:llliati-:' . . -. _ . . would hate been bad he . married - :yew' - 9n l Y -- daughter." • • ~ .:- - - \ - >->- ...: . And what becomes of my d at t'ibtet F. it ' she, is satisfied to be a poitionlial7:betiuty. for. her cousin's sake,- might not-her.; futu r e- bus- , hand reasonably regard' ibis preferenee of si .onee fatored lover with- something nearly akin 7 .. . - . to jealousy r' . -.. , , , .' - "Dear father, do not pain me hr . speaking thus. In giving up Waltei; I' give - up all thought's of marriage. - My deat mother's for tune is an ample one for a spinsteris it not, sir I' . Nay, you alintist promised not: to visit . the sin of my fickleness,'us you term it, urn Walter; so.make toe happy. new-by ratify- . jaw that promise." ' ,; . ~. -.-- - - •• ~.. '"Mildred's so ft , clear reice - faltered - percept- ibly, in spite of her efforts to appear , calm; . :and when Mr. Vernon' raised ,his head, and looked up into her face, her saw that she - had been weeping.- . 1 - ~ ." Come, my Mildred, I no team. iWe will say no more about your marrying, my sweet child ; and as to this:othermatter it shall:. be arranged nearly is you would ' have•it---. only my Mildred must be mistress , of this old: houie; that cannot he Walter'" ~ .. • • ii, -• .. .a ,- . a ilt... a. -: ,.: . . Mr. Vernon kept -his- word . --- and *ten, t 7 yearafte'r the event just related,-his nephew ;. followed him to the grave, he returned", to find himself raasterof the piineelyfortuntil.:her _believed to have forfeited by his inconstriiiey, Sonia months later-Walter-led hiagentli*l.-"- • ice le a. handsome home in .06-..aity, wbere. • his happiness might have been complete leiv .: for the.painful kuoadedge that hit happiitasz was built upon the'; blighted; of heti,- t ? _whon he-owed all his prosperity..l.::2`-'.i':•. , In accordance" with hpr father"s7- irLsit.and , -- the provisions - of his - :will, Miltlietr,Vtitui still kept - upter establishment . at lita ttersek living A life of qUiet u.sefulness-i*Vbelieva.; lence until all traces ..of S her serrow seemed-to bare been chated away,: „Mildred,had-seitti- lously avoided.meeting - fier couain. after the; death of bet father; and she:had not , seen • Alice since the fatal ecene. whieh opened 7 her eyes, to her lover's real feeling towards:ben:elf, The sudden news of the entirefailUre...of one 1, of Walter's•business speculatiotitv_ato, ength roused her to more active efforts. .Det rmin- ed akany.sacrifice,:io secure- the Comfi • of her beloved consin-;',Mildred decided urts pon motgaging her estate to. its full yalue, and thus, in some diealiare, relieving- binc‘ ftom . his einbarrassruents. I-This generous idea 1 1 '114 no"sooner vonceived• than eiecuted.; and a second time in his life Walter fo • t st. saved fro ' • once Wealthy mistress retired in the-cottage of old Roger Lee, which with a larkv portion of garden,- she had Managed - to retain and here, with'one faithful attendant,-her days flitted by as peacefully ‘ as when she was suri. rounded by the:luxuries of fortune Not tilt Alice. sorrowed: over the - -lifeleii form of her husband did Mildred conquer hit feelings sufficiently to visit .bar. She'did then for' e ,ret and' conquer them ; and - to earnest sympathy and .active diligence, that the widow of Walter__VernOn, and her daugit ter Mildred, were indebted - for amore motn4 fm-table Maintenance than 'the - embarrassed state of the merchant's affairsivoulti allow.; Mildred lives,to see This orphaned DIM& sake the-wife of a rich an 4 worthy . citizen, and to find her own reward in the:- pente.of a good conscience mid the affection and , rev erence of the grandchildren of het early;` and . only lore—Walter Vernon; - - , Such was Aunt Ruth's itoiy of her owh checkered life ; ! for my -readers will have lotg since guessed that she was the beautiful :add generous Mildred. Vernon of my tale. tale, however, that_ not a. fiction *man tic as is the love-dev'otion of our heroine; and 'unnatural as is the *fifty which= 'the father yields to her Wishes; there are - many • who ,will be able to strip the harmtive ;64 its thin disguises, and detect in it an episode 'of • real life. • ;s' On; Mipolean's return to Paris froth Vieu. na surrounded by Lis fainiffi - at Sf. Cloud, he, one evening as the moon ibenelie.autiful-- ly, went into the: grounds Of ithetpalace , enjoy the fineness ,of the weather; when-:the whole of the company sat down on the gteen t* if, with the exeeptien of 'Nip:Aeon, who streehed himself at full! length - On the grass, and said that his 'whole life hitherto, had been fortunate; and . after some . ,further , marki on the same anbjeet; he said:- "No one imagines that, lita!se a da:sire for a coun try Life; but I assure you Iwould give all my power for the staff Of the shepherd." At this .the entire enmpany.'broke loud laughter, to which theEmperorrejomed in the most earnest manner: ' - . , "Indeed I arn not jesting. rkid - mr Ste-, tion allow me to entire freedom_ of choice, my desire for the shepherd's life""would soon be realiied." "And I " saidtbd i Grand Admiral of France and of". Naples, "- woUld-ibe clan gondolier,- and - lin my, 'haat on, tbeseiri t sing daily the undying songs Of Taao."- "And I," Said- the King ,of Holland,:."! would simply be a wacbman A;msterdam; where I - should at _least semis :the - intesestkof the country ;: at resent:myditty is perfornie4; in another direction." - • ' Atl, this ; reniark,.' his illustrious' bretber shrugged his shOtildeni and gnae4 fixedly on. the moon. ‘ • •,` ; I, "And I," .said the King,of_.spaini I note citizen Seplis,_ with an income of : fifty ! thousand francs, and A, good ::hunting ground. - rather hays:, vader-4, COUPIO - of llMlnde than lb° .11 ritIct,-(Tals i ß ties of court." . -•-;;; • - " And , the Il i rincess,Of flo_igtese, ".Why ani I - not a flower ! girl.-of Vin4iiines; Then I could wreathe crowns oelfewirin for the ' , "MY Cahill! said: NiPnielA lie4lll;‘latt aro correct. One must confetia:iiiit government is wi* ; .the, great Sifiliktilky is ,in,don troling the hu ma n ; mind; we e - ofien go_ far out of the_ way in-a!glio4loitiliil; Arbo4#rws for obtainingit is ieisr.lia,! - -„,' L _ _-- - - • *. • „ t er Them'are certaid °ie. tmc,s , A A a' weinaiN life thet;arenereff9 - * taiiiiitta . as, for iditani:43, the fite . t; . 0011:, "ales a pttrasol; the firsttimishireoer 1014illiiteV the Srst time she toikto askitielaiittlisisty,f the pst time a propokitie - rod. tirlia.;4o, fist time she wears * eiik , 4lr sO s ilkifilret 414 time puts o**4*44lh4Cl4±- • ": , •;:/ • J . .