The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, January 18, 1855, Image 4

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    (contimuccl from : - illit, Page.)'. 1, New Jersey 'NO llampshirel' TtliCele Island
being's, the lloust.l ef - Ileftigtit .p 0... ssesto.the ail- I COulte.etleatrekleOrgia . and P‘lltisYlvaitia hate
! signified the& willingness to accept the prop . -
vantaps of..lesttaint - and correction--with
moral and intelleCtual training, as well as of i" terms indicated by the. come :
(. 1,; a : usual pursuits o r_ne e,
.w i t h...l ells, and. to perticipmein th"St patriotic work.
instructioo in
out the - disgrace.,,and .chilling italuence ot ' Pelmvare7 Maryland. Virginitt,- and the. two
- prison confinement; . :The results, therefore, I. o trehni 4 ,,,hae - titken noaciio . n" on the sub:
often. are,• - that iti r innintes go leiektesociety,liect• -' .' ... , ' ..' - I - • i -
cured of alll eannotTetrainlrout evil' ex resin my .
to, lit the Place of cermet; and' useful 6 -4 - no - r:il.-defection, an competent' 1
meni .. , \tinabated Solicititdo . for tin! success! of
bemof eointittanity: .-. . * • , I (roretnent. ft Atnerican . lrjitory furnishes - a
Durbin...the paksurnmer, the Inagnitleent, I Allf.r o le erellt, worthy of count monition 14 t
• structure erectedlunder thelluPerv6ieti'ofeer- ! monument; the l i teelaration , f ludepOr4etwe
• Lain benevolenegentlernen ofPhiladelphia,.as i is that event. -- In moral •gratideur it_ is a% hit
'out a,parallel,•ntd . stands. above n.l.4thers
a new House of It‘litge, - was completed and
thrown Open forte td i elic; ' inspection. The -: ea- i for the mighty iiithrenee whielt it Elsa exprted
.pacity, order, and a rangetnents, in e'Verypar- ; upon the political, religions and sochil cOndi
ticular, of this, admirable Mill - ding, are fully ; tiob oftaaukind. • It has been justlv%isal sail, it
equal tethe :design of - its', fotinders4 It is an . , ushered in a new member into the fain .y- t7t .
bonor,to thernandan ornament" to. the beau- ' i tiatioel and electrified all Europe. it o
r. emel
tifttl city in •which it is situated ; and its . good ! newrevelatious.Or liberty, Mid changel the
-effects uffntureintider, the . .same s'ystematic 1 rehtth els of people and governme.nt, by tr.aelt
and Wise diseiPlitie Which so eminently dis- , theini One 'IOW!' tO Tesnit.nlnl conquer a e .
tinguished its pii4,lnttnagement, N Oil not b o ! preS , ioD i and the, other the
• readily' over:rated, ,• • • - I ty to its own continuance, of recogniZlng and
• The Western i lhaise of Refuge, Situate - on ; rei'Peeting the rights of lturnanitY. Prom
the banks of the Ohio river, a short distanee ! that time turtle-ea new, vital Mid . quiCkening
i s a 1... spirit has pen-aired the world: ! Throuesa t tave
below.Pitb.bnrg, ; am gratitied to say,
!'hough i been. shaken, empires have been overturned,
so completed andlreztdy for inmate ,. .
less imposing, has 'been, convulsed, blood ntull, ,care
as o size and capacity, than loci t'tY
its stately compeer of the east, it .posez-.:ses idl n:tge have desolated the earth but still the
the order, econonly ofspaee, and pertectadap- I intelligence and 1 slitis. of -the: peopl of all
Christendom have been t•o NiVitled, :elevated.
tation. to the.purpeses designed, that charge- , 1
teriie the more cestly structure at Philadel- ! intl expanded, to a comprehension :Of 'their
phis; atul it is ado believed to be 'quite ad- ; tights. as-will never be oblit,e_ratedor[ forgot
.equate, as to size, to. present wants, while it i tell; It will adVanee; ciliate and i'ncrease,
is built with expri!ss reference to futureaddi- ! until that moral' andisoeial preparation for
Lions, should theyrbecome neeessary. -.- • i the aPpreeiation and enjoyinent of - liberty
Neither of the: buildings have, I presume,
.1 shall+e effected,' which; in the divine econo-_
been erected with o involving their projec- ,' my i 4.40 indispensabl e to t 6 permaucn e of
tors in pecnniary.
~ '
lliabilitv, and perhaps loss. ', free institutions. .. • „ :
The entire State bas a deep interest in such' ; '- As tlue third generation of that posterity,
truly•meritorions 4
mstitutions van,' whatever j fir whom the men, of the rei•olution chic&
relief Ean be given to - them by the Leoisla- ; htbored and s e tiered,. and died, it is peculiar
lure, ctinsl7.:tentl with the condition of the !1y fitting that we should erect such represen-
Treasury or our Public engage/Pc:its; should i tations of thei? great and controlling; acts. as
be cheerfully extended: . . i shall .speak 'to onr °WU hearts; to our chil
The interests Of Agriculture are ardently : dren's hearts; and shall testify to God and.the '
c ofinnended to your care. Extensive and ell- I world, that we appreciate - and reverencp, and
ervetic etforts haVe 'been recently, made tot would cultivate and, digceiniaate the ',Mighty 1
b, J i . I 7 .. . .1 . . •J: •,• • '
disseminate correct information concerning 1 truths anti twrtncipt et :wine. u b roug ht 1 onr 11:1-
ibis great pursuiti and iti this way to 1 tion into existence; Whichl, coligitUfe its
.upon the farmer the advantages of a # s c ii ! n.- i very life, andlof which it seems - deignated
tific as well as a greatly refined, practical un- i, by providence to be---;the .17ecial
. ' t
derstanding, of th'll.! noble pursuit in which he ! and protector'..
is engaged. ', :' . • -'..., i I believe W i e should have a' mohuinent to
. •
•". 'Tha,utility of a : College, devoted to . ' the , perpetuate tic remembrance of i the great.
science of Agriculture, with i a Model farm I event, from which such manifold 'and inesti-
attached--wherein the pritreiples of a • • scien , - -!-enable blessino . b 'aye ',.prutrg ; some imper
.tific cultivatiou of the soil, and manual lab - or ! ishable memorial of our gratntele to the at
in that.pursuit, would be joined to;the, usual ! thors,of the Declaration of Itidependertce-; '
academical studies --hag been ,strongly pressed ! the heroes 'who! particiPated .:in the th .i
i g
:upon my atiention. It-is believed that such I struggle; .an enduring Witter' sof the ,
.an iestitution;canibe suecessfullY organized, . things done amongst us, and F..for us; 'an tt., 41 "
under the - auspices of the State and County I bodinient of the origin and principles of 7 r
agricultural societies. : .. .• i government; some dislingtits . hiug • mark
The practiee adopted and maintained by I the place of the nation7a. bl?•tit ;-a consecra
the last General' 'iAssembly, in reference to , tel temple pf liberty, l!clieut a Melt : Unborn
:omnibus bills .. atl,h :special legislation, is an I generations of America;ayitneet andtrenew
improvement of stick value. as .;to : commend I their assurances of fideli Y r
to: the principles of
itself as a settled rule; and I confidently trust [the Declaration and thetr natural-offSpring—
this salutarfprecedent may not be .disremar- I -the Constitution and -tli t e I Union. •II am for
ded...",• i .7, /
-. i this work most earnestly; find trust-that •
, Obscurity, confusion and inacuracy in theTrentisylyania will.not pertnii it. to fail; gut
coustruction . of . our laws,intoails upon priVate I that it may be pressed iuporil the attention of
rights, and ungarcled • corporate ;privileges, I the original thirteen States,'lluntil. each and
litigation and confiision in the •interpretation I all shall evince a willingnesSand determina
and administration of our statntes,...have been 1 tion to participate in the,erecti4n of this glo- . i
the freits•of . a loose and . thigarded ystein .of.l rions strecture. * To this' end I respectfully
.The evil has been one of. the ! suggest to the General Assetithly, the propri- ;
'greatest magnitude, and the remedy should I ett - of again calling theatteaticin of the orig
-be cherished with unyielding tenacity. Spec- ! Taal States to the subject, by ;resolution or
-.; . ,
dal' legislation has se-little to recommend' or otherwise.t i•
sustain it in principle, it is surprising. it has - In closing my last ce Inttni, r atiott . to the
been so long etel4e.d. Although much was 1 General -Assembly, and! t . , laminating ins- offi- ,
done bY . the . two i preceding legislatures by I vial' relations- with the T bople I •of my natiVe i
generallaws, to obviate any supposed neee,ssi- I C7onunonWealth,'l may , indulged
"ii c a brief '
ty for special act4there still is much :to be and General reference to heti present proud
performed in avoiding a return to r this unsafe position as a member of he great
. family of
practice. It-is believed that-general laws can , States, and to the patrio ism, -integriti-; and
beso framed as to avoid in most cases the' gert'etal prosperity of her citizens. The 'ad_ 1
necessity for special acts, and the proposition I va.ntageous geographica pOsition of Penn
is most earllestly;eouimended to your favor- i sylvania, withal flue barber open to', the At
able considetatica.'. .. . . 1 pantie; and- another conneeting her 'centrally
The omnibus-syitem-"a Penile' olus 'mode of i with the inagilfitand. chara of 'western- lake
legislation,' by which the most opposite i;„onvigatior-lier long branching river* spread
measurese,..good Tid bad; are throW.n together Ling their arms • and, arteries through. every
in one bill and Wider one .title 7 ,' was, I r.- i portion of her territory '-all added tO !wrier- '
joice to say ; entirely broken down and dis- 1 tt soil and eihanstdess! deposits of ;',Sailuable
carded by the las't. General Assenablv. The minerals—present a cor i nbivationiof the' nat
'volume of laws for .1854
. centains 'no- nets o fitral elements of 'greatutss, si....trcejy equalled
this 'character. • tich law embraces' but . a I in our own or any .other quartet of the globe.
single subject, and that indicated by its prop; I ' These - have made her an attractire . :field for
er title. , . , - • ' the science, induStry and enterprise 'of man ;
The 55th seetiOn Of the act , prbviding 'for 1 , and . all the _natural -advantages have been
the expenses of G4vernment for 1853, author. ; :, cherished and. cultivated ; until - she has reach
izedand req - Mr4 the Governor to• sell the i . 0 a condition of varied wealth and positive
State Arsenal at Philadelphia, and apply the ! prosperity. Iler'Systnit of inter! al improve
proceeds of such sale towards the purchase ! merits, will safely compare With those of ant- .
of another site and the erection of it new. itil- 1 sister State, whether in regard to complete
ding; and restricting the expenditure to the i ness in construction or 'the e Y stent . or country
snin received for the old property., The buil• i aitii4t they traVerse. Nor have. the 'higher
ding and lot were readily, sold fot ~ . 30,000, ! hopes of humanity been, disregarded by our .
- The selection of a' new location, and'the erec, 1 statesmen,,and tie the' .people "at . large ; as
lion of another Inildinm; presented a far more,! the; liberal proYisions: of common,' schools,
difficult task. I readily diSeovered . that the Academies and1 . ......011ege5, and our numerous
sum thus 'appropriated was entirely i li „ae, ; crowded churches attest : while at ;the; same
quate Ito accomplish the end in Yiew.. The I, tiniek the t ariolis .ASayluma'for the insane,
price of a similar location would , leave but a land fr the unfortunate of all clas.sea and con-
meagre sum with which to ereet the building. I editions, and House of Ite_ftti* for the I refor, !
. Under.all the' circumstance I have not felt' matron of the wayiard and ls i
erring,! . silently,
authorized 1.6 attempt to carry out the law, vet surely bear wit ess ;heti the cause of
and avorqd re-spectively suggest the propriety) nevelenee has :tlw> ya . found who
of increasing the appropriation fer this per- I dates withilther torders.i '.
pose.- ' . .. ,:6 ... . I In physical 'improvement; and population
ferss„, has ; been sttady, and' rapid.
" . The report of thePresent . able and enerjetic I her pre
Adjutant General will inforin you; of the con-1 In the klaYs.of•GOveroor Sti4d . er the erection
of a bridge over the 'Susquehanna river, and
.dition of the military. affairs of the 'State.— .
I the cons\ ruction !of a turnilze road - was the
This department of public affairs, I regret. to
say, has been in' a confused 'And: declining !, executive exultu s 49 ll , and it :matter of -eon- .
- . .
igratulation among the. peiple.. .
condition for several years. ' _". : - N,ow her
whole surface is! checkerg over with rail.'
The pablic Librarian has called inn sieve= ;
roads,*Canals and other highirays. The whole
Lion to the fact,Atrat - the law reports of twee-
ttes of the State amountial to but $450,-
ti two other States has - been, regulary re- ! reYeu
ceived by this, and that no,provision has ever 1 000. 'sow they exceed #ve millions. Of.
the four-large States her pile` -ventage •centatre of in-: .
been made, on our part, to reciprocate thil
courtesy and generosity.; I' respectively sug ... crease in population, since
~840.- ;stile great
zest. the propilety . o •oll thorizin' some officers i est ;• and she- Las besides excelled the best. of
I her sisters in the produetion -of ,whea t," iron
'Of the G . overnnient to procure . `"tlA neeecsar)-
supl a y 1 atni Coal. Her Population 'ainntheia not less
copies ofise'Venusylvania reportS to
those S ;ta* - . • who' have so generously . a dd 6 di than two and a balrfoillion; nearly as large
- - .! as all the:Slates at the "tit* of the Itevelu
- to oar Miry. : - .
• The registration act, I respectively suggest tion. ni. , .. present vane of ter real and per- ,
has essentials to in'ecomplish • the Tend ! aortal. estates excei,X15.859,6 . 00,900 . .! Her an
production of edal is Worth ire' the Mar
designed, and should b , r-tied or amended. -m t u4 i
And' ket user twenty titilli'Ons..` ilter eereat hater
'A record so incomplete nmerfect caado I
. . 0
no good; but may really do harm. It 'Lase!, I gists. of agriculture,: titanufactur, and cern
ready cost the State about t. 25,000, to' which 'll'e l 'ec-are '"PidlY- extending. t •
there must' be annually additions- The o hi ect i She has,. in addition, -a history, of; which
is a desirable one, but I :an centidentit ewer i we . may well be. rend. ''V. thin her rituits is
can be attained
. by the mode contemptatea i found the birthidacet of Indepeedence—that
'in this lair . ; • 'lt is.a.subject of constant corn- I sacred spot where Was alit declared- those
pliiin . t, b y i . egisteis.rifid phy5it,14.131,,, and only Lg,reat truths which lie at ..the found: tion of
such 4istratiott is - made as is compulserY, in i A ir eri"a° ilatioualitY- ' ' Ili; the maintenance
order-41egalize 'letters of administration... --. lof those trothS she bore a glorious Ipitrt....
" By.the 87th section of the ,appropriation I Her Contribution of i eir, -- to. the field, and 1 '
law of last session the Secretarr - of the Corn-1 money to-the ti'easurt ..i` talent. and wisdom i ... ' . • - Stoves ; Stoves r :
monwealth was,'authorized to continue . the ito the - Cott , ' ' ' ' • • •
~ressl of th 0 I
--9-ornes were notsur 2 - -11 E subscribers' be 1 • •
T •
g eme to i nform the city
itzens of. Brooklyn and vicinity that they
'pnblieition of the Archieves to the year. 17 9 .0, I passed:by those of any . - 'rither'State. It was '.h.vl e Ju s t receivedia It.fS • - •
Under.thia authority the 'selection - .. , '0f docu- I her semi . who. crosser the I Delatvire in the ,I Modern atteras and I; s:t m t
which. Sin of the varmus
mints from . 1783 to. I;00 Las been inatle,attd [ dead of.wioter,•under'the read of ,Wsthing- I sale as loss as they can Y h e e g " t'eY
offer for
purchased elsewhere
the tenth volume, captain' ti 4, AU matter, will I ton, and for a time turned' the titleof 44-ar.- - -- lin ti 4 county. ' i - . - 0 •
be ready for,,distribation before' the close of Again, in the,struggle of 1812, for! theiriglits I :A lriSO-A tot or STOVE Pere" and Elbows of
the sestleini;',,Tio'. additional volumes . trial of Atneeican citizenship, -and in that of 1840 , I the (.I . tZferant sizes,at manufacturers price*.
complete 'Abe. wokk...tworiginally . designed. 1 for American honor and Pr
.e pe;re-se; she con- I '
: W i ,AICTED . --o . ld !Iron, Copper and Brass in . ..._
The cow:tells Of Philodelphin, by .an .ordi- I tribute& with A profuse generosity., !' ' . 1 ehant,e for Stovetnor ether Goods. •
.. . . . _ , pY.ITR & HEMPSTEAD.
nance pastu3d•in'Petober, 1851 i, didiomnd tint I . The context„_,e,tnha te the I, ; not to stay , at i•--',.---4-.-___.:__ ..._...._,_j . .”• - .'
to 114 irettion 4 oucul a usent - e u mmetuum !, home, but silo should- lutVe,the 'privilege of 1 gots° Poweis and Steam Engine.
- •
tine of thelhelaiirtiOn'af Indep'endence . ; and I going nteethe field.' tearing this honorable 1 (AN -
E and two ' Horse Powers for threshing
_tendere&the - Pteietim
- ifit athe.preinis t o the i part id . matters of ferkn war-- . --she has
.had I sk-r rand 'other • - A
... .
......... PtirPoses. an a sixteen 11nrse
' .
. .... ct
represent - MIS - 6 of tune or inoreof sthe original ia no
less enviable fti •• • . •
i .'
allaying. Power ' m r . . '
f4l elpidloll ' ..11- 1
Staten. „ - --- .1, • ' - - - . '-- - 1 dotnestte• strifes. lYbene'Ver :the! - eisinene •
, , Foundry.. Also, Stoves Plows , and all Wads of
to re ta6 • • e' . 7 ' Castings foiMachine ' ;
Since that tim e .; the States:.-of ,New York, !,mi me d . . ( I . it, she his firmly- b yAttotac1 ..
.y an of
, ~. . ` - (Conclt4e , ,l on . SEeiJnil l Peg e.) - i." - ' , SATRE, BENLT & PEREE4.
.... . .
I .
• - . i.•• • - I .• • I . . .l 1 i .3tOn t rose ; Dee.' I . 1854.
.4 btleOistnicul.
'This excellent liledicalftrine awl the ?meet Pills, tee
fast gaining the good•eiii, and becoming the favorite toot
loins of the people,and !Mown as a Most effectual rtimedr .
"lathe cure of • • - •
1/ . sspershs, Habitual Costiveness, Liver Complaint, Asti.•
ma, pl:es, Obstinate treadache,Billtona Disorders, Pim,
pies !botches and nnltealtby Colt rof the Skin. Janti-.
. dicerague and Fevet,l Salt Rheum., krysipelar,
plain to incident to females, Langnishinz Weakiaoss,
Night tawrats, !tersest* Illsonlers, General ill 'Loath
en d imps:red state of the Conant:moat
Bat ashort time kasikapsed Sine* [brie great and good
utadici' nes have been made known to the public . , yet thou
sands have egrwrieneed their good elfeets. Invalids given
over by.thlir physkians as incurable. have been restored
to round and vitrorous health by that( use. These inejl•
tines are unlike any other. Their two-fold properties act
dirertly on those organs Of the stomach,liver -nd kidneys,
which secrete the fluids, 'Mid separate tbe fin puritieTS frnin
the Weil.% This Wine and Pills never weaken, but give
strength and animation to both body and min/.
The grew amodut of good these medicines have done for
the siekand afillete I have induced thousands to commend
them tc their friends anti: the public. individnals of the intetrit* hare voluntarily testier(' to the World in
favor of their esti &ordinary virt uef.- -
Dr. 11. A. Stags Ir*., a celebrated physician, In a
letter from Princrtnn. Now Jersey, dated Nor. le, 1819,
declares that In all his eaporienre he had Lever seen any
thlngto compare with the Forest Wine and Nils. at the
same time relating severe! cases of constitutional Debility
arid 4 crofulons affections which It cured lu an incredible
short time. Anton; the Members of the medical Vacuity
of New ynrk, wbn hareetitnersed the great results of the
Forest Wine. and recommended it In numerous complaints
will be found the smells of the celebrated Pr. 81. T. Good
man, Dr. L. Cheeisman, Dr. Chilton. Dr. Win. Drown, Dl.
Mervin. Dr. J. M. 81nreatio and others.
TEe.TIMONY of Mr..l4neon Barke r s highly respectable
citizen of %%overly rlacei New Tort : • t
Dai G. W Hazlet .—Dear Sir. I esteem the Fared
Wines,. the King of M edieloes It his dune for me in eve
weeki what three physicians failed to dohs as many years.
In IS 5. 1 beOame the victim of the Heart Disease end Nev. j
Tons Affect! ins which loose been crewing en me ever since 1
until ',I procured your rarest Wine and M i lls, although I
had wasted oeveral hundred dollera for medical attend-
ante., Duthie the last tiro yeareli was ohliged to keep ,
my helve nearly all the time end gale up briefness , [neon- '
requenee of inyollip-alth. I had trot nearly all hopes of I
recorkry, my complaint tree of that • class Under Which
" nattier einke and li:ebeeames a hurthen." Seeing your I
Forest Wine advertised jeoncluded to tire it a trial, and I
before finishing thethird bottle I felt like a different per
eon. and was able to et:sonar bu dness nealn.entirele cured
by taking eve bottles. Tor the benefit of MoOrte afflicted
with eimilarcomplainte you ern at liberty to publish Ode.
'Tours, fr.e. J. !MIME, Waverly Thtee, N. Y.
General ENbility,Ethaciation,wasting,. IV body,ete.
Many arc afflitted with. ,
some one of the abore eomplaints'
without being able to tears it to any part,ieular eau:Pe, and
therefore deity the nee of the proper remedy radii the die.
ease Ikeeemes eanstitutionol. The disorders are often
rharidtelized by a eense,lof slaking. or entire exhaustion
after exeretre. Some eXperienee sluggieltures, lassitude
and at tintepepaleness nr:flturhing of the countenance palr•
pitetien of the heart, or like symptoms.
The excellent effects which hove ever attended I!,. use
of the Forest flrlne and hille, in every, epecies of debility,
is cone-lir-fee evidence orits happy respite in tide class of
di..Priers - Manv 11 tee ;resorted to these medicines at an
ultimatum, and been speedily cured. For Nervous .dir or
ders and Debility the Wine and Tills are taken ate.lieding
to the direction* on the label.
• To She Latlina,l-e•True beauty and !archness ac
company the highest peefe.aion of health. which nenin in
rariairly follows the PUREST STATE 1W THY It L' SOD
What artificial appen,lares equal that: vivid expression of
countenance which emartary from heelth ? What paints
flan compare with the erinisrmed eolored blood carting its
brilliant roseate hue through the traespment texture of
„the skin? What charm: are mere captivating than those
°Ndule, in her highest perfection ?i Let Dr. Halsey's,
Vine etipply the place of ail eoemetleks. - The use of this
•extellent Wine in a phort time create , s pure, rich hie:A.-
- which eaurring through veins, pe6etrates the minut
est fibres that yew+ towards the surfers of the skin, cane-
ing all unhealthy pimples and biota+ to ldieappear, im
parting erivid, easy color to the skis, and brilliant - ex.
i resslon to the 1
eyes, 1 , 1
. 1
• THIS. IS N kurv.
In corroboraticit of these facts, Dr. lialsyy 'has many
testimonials.- The felloleicit is from ti lady of the roostre
erectable standiri4. in eariety,,sent te,'us b y her brother,
reealini in Ruler ro Streit. I
,4111 . 0 ivc: u ‘13.F.F..• i Nen Tork . July 7, Ifite.
IMY raster, from her youth . had been in very delicate
health; eomplainingfrequently of rveekneee of the chest,
attended with a cough: ; About the age of eighteen she be
canto yet much worse .f" . ", Foe six months preeioue to corn
meneing with your medicines elle hadinot been able to get
not of the house. Her ciourrtenanee lea* greatly emaciated
yellow rind sickly. • Lick face snit neritt was coveted with
1 disagreeable pustules, eyes very much sunken, and her
cough IncreaLiug In nee, she bore every appearance nf
F.,olol.l.6eominr. an unhappy ricHut Hi consumption. At
' this time I procured for her some of your Forest Wine and
Fills,which she rommenced using aceerding to the nirec
tione.. Shear-air:mile improved as she, rendered up the use
of thenal Tler first pyinntome of recorery was an uneeni
manly ,geod appetite. her face finally become anion th. and'
her cheeke seer. Tier etfugh left .heel altogether, She is
now strong ant viroronti. and present. the finest example
lof health Cr I ever witnessed, JOIN S.3IAXWE'LL
I Dr. '. Sir ilalseVl (.non-Coa l ed Forest Pills!
1 1 .
Manufactured en the same D rinlipl 1 as the Forcer winp,
to which It is-an inraort an t adjunct. i They.are coated with
put. fium treble, an important investion, for which Di.
I llelerly has rya-elecd the•ypuly patent e, Ter granted on Pills
I by the tria•erenacnt of tbe United S t ater .
Dr..Halecy's Forret. Wine and GuruPeeeted Forest Fills,
j unite in acamplishinc the MM. grew j-nd Ti E.Puriliratien
of the !Wood. the ltetiovation and 1 Restoratien of the
Storporeh and Bowels . • ; I .
The life grin-iply of nom is the Vona, ,no sooner hie
ttm‘A. ti mins of the ytousach wide* * e yryt t • the . m o ot,
y`eapie.l of morbid mat and restore' , to healthy - Artliin
by the use ofth• Fore t Pills. and pttre riett bloNl
to flow in the veins. by the It sea thG-Ftwest Wine. thin
disease begins to yanish4:and .tnentttls and etierry• of body
eetnyn'.! Thls is the prinelple on which is founded theae
great medicines. and bv : whieh net.lynli,dixeaxes are ettrexl
The Forest Wine It tittt ui in largesvate bottles, with
Dr. 'lilies's name blown in the glass. One Dollar per tilt.
tie. orate betties forTiy. Danis. attra.eirated FcrtestPilla
25 rents per Box. For sale by the ippointed .Agents, at
‘Fholesal• and Betgil. Deneral Dep 1, 161 Dunne street,
one door from Tienixon. drew Yqrk.
Appointed Ihnit Toile, Abel Mu rrell; Great Bend.
Lucien Feint.
ttlyi change waiter:ly..
At the " trp'sonville -Exchange!! _
rriqp inbabitantl of Upson t ville arid. vicinity
1 arengain favored with, and exhibition of an
other Choice selection of Fall and Winter Goods
at The [old stand of lac stibicriber. (Doors open
daily, Sundays excepted, from o'clock A. M.,
untill'9 o'clock P. M,) where May be seen, sold
and bfluglit,, a g 044 -assortment of Dry Goods.
Groceries, Crockery, 11a rti 4ra re, Stoneware,
Woodenware, FiA Pdlnts, Oils, Fluid,
Biota & Shoest,! Clothing', School Books,
Trunks, Carpet Big:4, Yankee I Notions &e. &c.
.All who can and; win Fly for what they
buy either down, or within -4 reasonable, time
thereafter, are invited to call. j Those belonging
to that other clami may as well go where they
can 46 - better. Allikinds of farmers Produce,
Butter' , ,, Lard, Eggs.l.Pork, Poultry, and Cash re
ceived] in exchange 'for Goods,!
UpionVille, Oct. 7, 1.854.
Australia, California,
any place on Ai ! GLo& e,cannol , present greater
• • indlicezzents than •
nowl4 AND
with a new and exten-
V L sixe assortment of articles in their . line,
embracing algenera, variety of new and elegaht
styles Of. Ladies and Gentlemen's. , wear, among
which Ladies Fiench, Silk Lasting and Pre
nille Gaiters, Kid and Enameled Polkas. Kid Pat
ent leather and hiouzed Jenny Linda, Buskins
and Ties; geutlemeitei French and Philadelphia
oak-tanned calf skin and kip Boots. Congress and
button' Gaiters, Mohterey and Washington Boots,
toilet 'Slips, Moror, calf. and Cowhide Bro
game, Arc. Boys ki , calf and cowhide Boots and
Brogans; all kindsdf Misses .and Children's wear.
Also. a general ass/Oilmen t of Findings, which con - -
Big .in part of lasti, pegs, sparables. Hungarian
nails, iacks, threadl wax Bristies, shoe binding,
awls, rope, sandsiones; shoe knives, &c. Also.
oak and hemlock tanned calf upper and soleleath
er. Morocco skins ;and linings.
Work made to oraer and repairing neatly dime.
Mentrose,inue 4.1853.
Notice :to Passengers:
DSSENGERS t'rfivelling . North on the Dela.
Ware,,Lneka%4.anna dr.. Western Rail Road
to Great Ben 4. entt hare. is enty.six minutes foi
Dinner at the "Dvalre Muse" before the New
York Express' goes East; and one hours time
before the Dunkirk Express train goes West on
the N. Y. di Erie Railroad until further notice.
N. B. The • Cificinnati Express train going
East, 'itopcit Greit, Bend. Leaving time is 7.40
A. 51. A. BRYANT,
. Proprietor 0f.4 Bryant Ifonse."
Groat Bond Depot, Sept. 260.854.
"VirC *ILAN &. PARK return theirgratetul
.1.71 aeknowledgt:uents to thei public for past fa
vors, and invite attention to thh very large stoek
of Spring and. Sutnnter Goods Alley are now re
ceiving, and offer for sale at very forepTiers: Jn
addition to their.usuid assorttnpnt of atapin Dry
Gouda, Gmeeries, IlArdwere, Citirketi, Paints,
and Oils &e.,-they are prepared to exhibit a hate
assortment it - • - - • t
. LADIES ;;DRESS qoons . • •i •
of every description ;.. Fignred,' Plaid sand Plain,
Silks. llonneta,Shasils, Ribbons, GIOVIN, llosieyy
-Ladies .and Misses. ;shoes of '#ll kinds—also' a
large stock of • [. •
Cloths, • Cassimereil . Jeans; Snint*r
Cloths; Veatings, ' Hats and: Caps, Boots' and
Shoes &e. &e. • • .
They respeetfally solicit an early eall' from
tho-si Mho wish to purehasel GOOD Goons .4T
MatiLl..kN az I'ARK.
S'k)ringyille, May 2, 1854. .
GrCat Excitement in. New York!
- Pianos and Melodeons for Cash.
J'ORACE WATERS, the great Music anJ Piano Ynar
dealer, 333 Rsoadway, New York, preterit': to share a
large per cent. with his customers, rather thaapay it to the
sharpen of Willtt teed, to raise available means to enable
him to stem the present tight times. offers his Immense as
sortment ofelegant awl warranted Pianos and M e l °4lKini
at a lurgediseount from factory padres, for cash. Ills as
sorpnentcomPriaes Nancy from three of the largest skid
most CelebratedEaston Manufactories; also those of sev
eral of the best New York mskors, including the beautiful
and much admired Rorie« Hat rs Ptanos from bison fac-
tory. and Melodeons of the best Boston, New York, and
Buffalo marks; affording an opportunitY for selections not
to !Wald eNowlwer. , . Each instrwnest wainnted.. Second
hand Pianos at 0 coat Bargains--P.aic ga saow 60 to 5100.
Music and Musical - instruments of alt kinds. Denten,
Teachers and heads of Seho4psupplisd on the terio 9.
MUM(' sent by mail post pall. t; en ,, rat and Select Cats
loitues of Miple and Schedule or factory prices of - Nunes,
Melodeons and inu•Jeal Instruments; forwarded no any ids
dress, free of postage.-33 3mos
Farmers' Union Indurance Co..
O f fice; Aliens, Bradford County, Penn'a.
CAPITAL 200,000,
TNSIMES against loss it's flir. , .llouses,Stotes
-and other buildings,•Goodi‘, Wares, and 51(4.. 1
ehandime, un ns . favorable terms as . nny simitar
Institution. Losows protnptly! adjusted and paid.
lion. lionee Williston. Franei4 Tyler;Gen.
Perkins, J. T. D. Myer. C: Shipman, C. F.
Welles, Jr., J. E. Canfield. Athens: lion. John 3;
Laporte, Towanda : Gen. Bract li.v...Wak man, L. i t
eeyville; Geo. M. liollenbacki Wilkesbarre;
cline, slylert, Laporte. Pa. .
Univ. Horace Pre'S;.; C P. lirefi e s,jr.
Witte Pres. and Treas.; J. E. Canfield; See'v.
Addrems ; 0. S. Beebe, Monirose,.Susque . h:ainzf
county, Pa-28yl* • • .
~ . ,
1000 Book Agents . Wanted, O ; • '
Tcawass, for the best" and.. most saleable i
Books published.,
_Theyl, are written by the!
Most popular Authors of the day, inejuding
;wiling others, T. S. Arthur, ofwhose last great;
, ,
.work,. • i
•. . Ten 21'7;71113'in a Par Room,
-I 000 P copies have been sold ',within a month; of
pfildication, - .• I 1
These Books are beautifully illnstrated, (Ms.l
ny of them with 'finely colored plates) and are
printild and bound in the hest manner. .
• Agents wilt find a pleasant -and 'profitable ,chtb
plOyment in their circulation. Fur particulars
adress (postpaid) . . - . . iJ. W. BRADLEY, Publisher,
No. 48 North Fourth Street, Philadelphi4
41m3 I . I ..
ORK / FOR SALE by the barrel,"by
/ M. S. Wtt.soN or A. BALDWI:c:
Montrose, May 17, MI.
. . .
New Goods.
A Conti assortment-4o :;rrive. this week, A - 1.
.4.71_ low price A- Call and examine: - - ;
!Montro4l.., Sept. 12, 1854.
Stlwo& Stoves:: Stores:
subse'riber wishes to calf the attentiohlf
AL - his friends and the Public to his very !liege
assortment of -
at his new Store Room in Lodersville, next to I
L. S. Lenhcim's Store, and near the Great Bind
Depot.• He has in addition, to his former i large
variety of Cookingand Parlor Stoves, limey dew
Patterns, some el:which are— 1
Peach nranik, I lire Ply
lack i 1
Modern Tra. Mohawk, Medal
1 ack Warrior, Orient, - • Oak,
. V E,g, , / Stove, ;
Which together with his former stock ¶lll be
perhaps the Most dxtensive and varied assortnient
oil well RPlecti.d. Stores in the Gonntr.l'
pft Clintoni Stoves well furnished at low pries.
Fes" All articles in his 'line kept on . hand rind
made tri order as usual, and orders received at his
old s stand in Great s Bend.
iLodersville & (treat Bend Nov., 1853.—tf,'
_.l s'•
‘• I'm with yOu once again my friends
No Iniwo , ria . y fiwtsteps roan -• i
•VOLT Me at my residence-on 3lniitn
cue, two doors south froth . Seth Miteljers
Eisq., happy at any time to wait on 'you, soetally ,
or prollassiunally, the latter especially. Tose
vello prefer to have their work done at their iesi.,
Bence whether . living in town or out, will notice accordingly, and I . am at Four
Sqvire. Persons at a distance desiring Plate
Teeth, can be accommodated at any house, free
etexpense, While the work is being done.• As I
telsh to be busy I shall still adhere to toy; old
plan of charging according :o the Circumstances
of my patrastis.. There • is much complain of
I the high prices of Dentistry end of my price.sitoe,
athough I have been in the habit of &duelling,
from 15 to. 2.5 per cent. from the first.. Now,
friends I will Make you this offer,—if you ivlio
tined work will come right - along and harlii it
dbne and so keep me bosy, I will work for you
Oar half price and do it well too. ` The reason
We have to •charge so high is because, either
erom.dread of the pain or the pay, you hold back
sad force us tol lose much . time fur: want of
work. Come oh then and you will find thete is
at chance for bargains at MOntrivue:
- C. D. VIRGIL, Surgeon Dentist.
Montrose, April 19;-1854. -
iOur Stock of Stoves. 1 -
S now completed—and we would take tliiis op
portunity to sly that we can show the Most
heautifel and splendid, patterns of Parlor i and
Cooking Stoves to "be found in the county.-
4mon g them can be seen the Res•olring Front,
and Gothic' Parlor, for wood or coal, entirely new
Patterns, - and decidedly pretty stoves. Pekes
from five to ten .dollars. 1 '
Of our Cooking stoves, we 'think it needleils to
illarmuch, only to remark that. we are selling
them at oft fortm4 prices, rod judoinofrord the
e. E.
rapidity of our sales, we believe the publiel are
entirely satisfied with the prices and quality of
Our wares. !
I We have a "Tew left" of the l " Clinton'. Air
Tight Vet - ate& Oven stove," nekpowledged by
All to be the best cooking stove now in cc.—
Russia and English piPo at old pricca,and Trim.
things and Tin Ware of all desciptions, at! the
Very lowest rates. •
'1 New Milford Oct 24, 54 .
• 1
- .Evorything works to a Oharni.
COTT, JOHNSON &•Co. are now . rbeeking
p a neW stock of Fall Goods, and are fen
t y to
wait - upon the people to anything they lworh in
the line of Dry, Good*, Clothing, Gfoceries,
Hardware, Crockery, Fish. Salt, Iron, Ilnoti4 and
Shoes, &e. &e. - We will surely suit 411 that
Mill And see us at our Store in Springville.
pine, Sept. 27 1854.
, •
Watches, JeVielry, Spocpt.
-orOLD and Sliver Patent blink Anchor. and
Lepine Watches, just:wok-A and Pit? sale
by . 1 BENTLEY &REAb.-
• 'I
INew Goods 1 I ' -
MJ. WR:Bfl IA now reeciOtng ; his I Fall
, • Goods.' They having been bnuabt ex
' ' ely low, will bo sold At the lowed price for
ready pay. , i
Montrose, Sept. lit, 185-1. , • 1
"Man, .Know Thyself." • • . I
a- laraluablf Birk for .23 cent t--" Bier!, family s h o uld I
• '
pure a ropy" • .
..." - .100,0 C0P114.4 SOUS
'.....\‘:`,: ti t 1 / 4 ! i r tit r,7 ~ Lltil. 8 T GAS A YEAR: _A new i
st. • Tv: pro,„:.•• .edition, revised and improved, di • , ' 7 % illiq. iF.OUCIi•
.., 1 otri ..1. Or. Ifunterra Mandl StanUal 1
17- - = - . 4fEr44 ~;" .. and hand 1104 for tbe iftlicted—
• ..-- .e,' zoo :., :TR:Wan:lto* argot:Mit - at Iho ittrt:
- - ~-;• --. '' •`• Os, progrosA t riairneni, rade ors I
".."//„ i ~ :\ , N . , ...• of every, ft.) I of Ait.rati eon.
' t // ''!f!' l ';‘"` . traced by pionalscuons sexual 1
. i .
I tetcourd, by sidf abuse td by resold excess, with advice
f r their prevention, mitten in a famit;lar style, avoiding
a I medical t echnica titles , and everything that would offend I
the ear of deceudy; with an outline.of stomplaints incident
$0 Fernald, Trod the result uf some t,welt ty yeas StleoCM.
fai practice exclusively itcvored to the l tire of diseases pl'a
elleate-cr private-eat use: - .
To which is added receipts for the cure of the above die
eases, and a treatise on the causes, symptoms and care of
the - Fer sr and Ague.
~ •
Testimony at the Prlfees or* fOlittiWlcs in Penn. College,
,hiladelphas—“ort.TWNTElt's SIXDICA.I. 14ANUAL,".
+The author 0... this:Work. unlike the majority of those
who advertise fitcu re the discs sett of which it treats is a
graduate of one of tae btst Colleges in the CnitedStates.
Italifords rue pleasure to recomniebil him lathe unfortu
nate, or to the victim of inalpractie-. its a successful and
esporleticed praititioner. in whose honor and Integrity
they may place the greatest Con Barnet. •
JOs. 8. L0NG311.011,11, XI D
. ,
IFrom A Woo Ivrarri, M. 1.1.,nj Pend .I,r n ir e rsity,Phila. ,
/pho.—lt gives 'me pleasure to add my testimony to the
professional abiirty of-the Author ut the"' Mit DMA i. 2AN
UAL:" Numerous rases of Disease a f the Genital Organs,
score of them of Jong standing, have come under my no
tiee,ln which MS skill has been manifest in restoring to
perfect health, in come eaies wher• the patient has been
rsintiderod beyond medical aid. In the treatment of Sem-
Mal weakness. or disarrangement of the functions pro:.
duced by at Unitise or E5(4.1.51 .gorYPTICrY. I . do not know
lila svperier in the profession. I have been acquainted.
with the Author •oute thirty years. and decal it - no more
than justice to, hitn as well as k oldness to the nnliTirtunate
iiclimuf early indiscretion, to recommend him at one in
3 9 011 te ProfesNional skill and Integrity they - may safely,
confide themimiv'es. - ALFRED Wo &SIMARD, SI. D.
.. .. . . . . . .
" This is, sellout. axe...piton, the most comprehensive
rind intelligible work published on the.clasS of disease of
which it treats. [Avoiding all technical teruts,ifaitiress•
es itself to the reason of Ita readers -It is free ri4.ln all
objectionable matter; arid no parent however fastidious,
r n object to uterine It In the hands of tile cone. 'the 11.11!
tb:yr has devoted many years to the ' treatment of the Vila
tlA complaints treated of, and. with too ilttlehreath to
WT. and to little presutnption to impose, he has offered
M. the World, a. th• merely nominal price 0f:.15 cent , , the
Pettit of some talent} years' mord succeSsf u I practice."—
I -" No teacher 0. par , nt should 1 - ... wif hodt the knowledge
irpattedlr thisihavaluable work. It-would save year s of
in,mo r tifleatiOn en.l. , orrow to the youth. under their
eha'ge. "—Peopl's AdroenlP. . ,
1 A Presbyterian clergyman In Ohio, waiting_ of " II un•
t,r'sAle-fical %faunal" say? :—.•Thonsand,l orally thous•
ands of our youth,by evil example and of the
pa ....loni. have heen 1 , 1 into - the habit of . self NOW' imr,
without realizing th.. ~in.ariti fearful causequene.....y. upon
themselvcs and their posterity. The eon ytit utiOns ofthous..
ands who arc rating farellba have born enfeebled, if not
lyrni. en 4own.sinil they .lo notknow the eating or the cure - .
Anythima thiit /an Le'done so to enlighten and influence
the publietnind is to check.and ultimately to remove this
aride-sprrad sorter of human wretchedness. would confer
he greatM.chtesing next to the religion , of Jesus Christ,
n the present rind roning 2.!neration. Intemperance (or
he use ofintositaling drinks) though it has slain thoni
oda unon.thmktan , ll, is tint ft greater scourge tot he hu
man rare Accept my thanks on to.irilf of the Jafilieted,;
end. believe me I , yottr rr in the good word, you ar.
en actively enga Yed it.,:" .
1 One^oPY Csaedrelv'ensclonedi will he forwarded, feel. of
Postage. I , ant r art a-the Coiled States for 25 rents.. or
Six envies forctil A ddrey s. (no s t*Paid) COSDEN .3, CO.,
1 'obli-hers.or Its 1:. 3 . - PhiladelPhia-
in D v .
o n t sce itegs, ans:Lasers and Book Agents sapplictl
n the most libfrel 'terms.. ' - 24,1
. .
Invalids of Pennsylvania, i
‘Tour argeuily invited to a . eareful l i
J. Mid'estudid perusal of something that hue just fi
been introduced into your rich ond time honored
. 1 •
Th'tate. 1
'I Milreinaehers !lido) Electric Voltaic Chains. ii
1 A Mu. and novel modu of sppiying a powerful/
rethedial agent, so constructed us to be worn under
the gartnentr,inest to the skin producing a . constaut.
Uninterruptedicurrent of Electro 11aguetiSM,effect-±
ing immediate relief from the most acute pain, and i
also'n permanent cure of all Nervous Diseases. - 11 l
Seldom bus failed to furnish almost instant relief,:
and a final, mirmatie.nt cure. by being used accord-i
ing to directiols, to the following diseases.-111w1-1
marism, Goal, Sciatica, „ Paralysis, Fulani mid;
Swelled Joint's, IS euNlgta.of the face. Diseases 'oft'
the Spine. D,itifners and Flintiness, Uterine Pains;
Palpitation of the Heart. F i eriodioallleadache; St.!
Vitgo Danco,lGeueral Debility, Pains of the Chest, •
Hysterias, DYspepsia,all diseases that ore caused :
- by a deficient am7unt of Nervous Fluid are greatly,
i•elieved, if not permanently cured hy i•implywear-,
tag t l i c hainlya few hours each day.
In[Wit itudiistood that it is
. not claimed that it
urea all-diseases. but only those foi which it is rev•
otnmeuded; itttil moreover-ye boldly claim and de
fy that no medicinal:Agent of any kind hnsperform-',
_ftl so MAN II cures during the last year, of those;
diseasesjust named as , .
Pu4rerazacher's Electric Chain.
!.9 provelthis assertion, we defy any,
'produce so many well anthenlicated Certificates ~of
scientific Phl - siciuns-and intelligent putienisas may
found in A! pamphlet-of 36 pages, to be had (grai
P i tts) 01 the ant in this town. - .The Electric Chains
;were first introdtFed in, France in 1850, and aftei .1
• being svldectrti t the most_thorough and rigid trial;
by the first medical menin Paris, they were found
'!o posses's st rangy. and marvellouifpower for reliev4
fug pain, wherever applied; and by their influenza
I ;wet e introd need into the hospitals of that city. and
also secured letters . patent by. the French Govern;.'
meut. They are now introduced into almost every
England. Gerinany, Austria, Belgium;
Fund patented in.those- co untries, where they have
become the Most •
Poputei,r Curaare Agent in the frorld. •t'
They wer l efirst introduced into the States'at
bout one year since, aud *nut through 'the same'
trial as iif Europe, anewere at once in l
to every tiotpital in N. leork, whzre:they are now
in daily use,effeclitig even more wonderful enrep
;than had ever before bees awarded them. Thai_
are highly recommended •hyprof. Valentine Mott' ' ' .
llran Buren,Post and others, who have published
!their views cif their power and value in several of
'the medical journals in that city, and are also in the
daily practide 'af recommending their nod Jo' pa,i•
tients.- A flol l icoPut oftheir,opinioti may also be
'found in every pamphlet. and sent to the address of
levers person in tht , State by applying (post paid)
to A BEL TV R E ,L. Agent, Afontrose;Pa. The
Ghaiiis can he sentiby mail, with full descriptione
[for use. Price of chains, 83 and • •
Physicians are-politely invited to , exam'
T ine their- conetrnet;on, and pronoundeupon their
merits. Ofcc worta TO INVALID!, no 'person need
fear that they will not accomplish just what it in
. • I
claimed they can do.
N. 8: 04. Chain will last for years and lose none
[of its electric powe, by use, and can be applied-63
;either adult or child,
ABRI.TUiRELI: Agent, Montrose, Pa. -
Jos. STRIi:F.ItT, tleneral Agent, 568, Broadwai,
New York . I pt • 6y I.
• ;Doctor Yourself :
Or, ' 'eery 'lnv his own Physician.. • 1
; I HE ETD Edition, CODilliii a M
Onia hundred Engravings. showhit
•-0 iscaseti and Nalformatioup of the flat...
' Man.syStent an every shape-and form.
To which is added a Treaties on the .
Diseases of i Females, being of the highest impot.
'lance-to married people, or those cotemplatingmar
riage. Ilyi - • • •
„Fallon:. Yount, M.D.
Let no 4her be ashamed to present at copy .11
the Aesculapius to his child. It may - wive hint
from an early grave. Let" no young man or wo
man enter into.the secret obligations of marriedli(e
without rending the Por.ket Aeiculapins. Let 40
one sufrari p g fromo hacknied cough, Pain in the
Side, restless nights, nervous. feelings, and the
whole traits of Dyspeptic sensations", and given tip
by their physician, be another moment without cot'.
suiting the IA ES:CULAPIVS.. Have the married;
or those - ab Out to be married nay impediment, read
this truly useful book, as it has been he means of
saving thoPsentis of au fort unatt• creaturesfromtli / e
very jaws of death. •
Any' person sending twenty five cents et
closed in alletter, will receivo one copy of th,s
work by mail, or five copies will be sent for One
Dollar: ;Address (post paid;? -:•
I ' - DR. W 14. YOUNG..i
' • No. 15. T Spruce St. Philadelphia.
March 80,-1854-=.ltly I. • a
i Pumps! Pumps .. ti
greatest improvement of the ago.
II; Williams' Patent Double
Arabic, Foie and Lift Pump. An - improvetherit
above all tither pumps or machines. for liftidg
and throwing writer, combining both'a pernpati ‘ d
Fiie Eng*. This Pump, patented in February,
1854, is of itmetalic, no bolts.rir
screws abript• It to rust, tionsequenntly -it will
list a manlislife Vine.- it can be used in'eve . ii,
variety of,ram, can draw water from 'any situa
tion and cam it to any part of- a house, it k
superior iii' all other pumps- for-distilleries. PA.
per Mills. Tanneries, - Brick Yards, Iron Works
and Manufacturing estaldishmenticof all kinds.l
• All orders,mnst be achlroud to Addisnn Dien
!nick; Loriersvill4T'a., who has bOught• the'itole
•right for Sinsquelbenna•County. - •
Arsg. -- 29 1854, _
351 f. - •
JAVENT MEDICINER.—A small and judi
clonal)? Weetid assortment, including Or.
Swayne's, Jayne's, and Throop's preparations,
Wright's acid Phinney's Pills, Davis' and Mayes
Pain Killer, &e.;&e. SMITH & HoIPITEAD.
Dro , /klya, Aug. 2t, 18.51.
yiMrs ago by Dr. KIN KELlN,eorner of Third & Union
'ass. between Spruce and Pine, Philadelphia, pa.
I Invalids ere apprised that Dr. KIN KELIN confine,
his practice to , a: pat 'neither branch oftneillelne, which - ea..
gotta his unditiled attention: lie cautlensthe unfortunate
against • the abuse of Mercury; thoiskande are annuallY
,inereiriallsidontorldfe - its cent ulfictioneare promptly
,estinguisheit • -
Twenty 'test Ts Experienee in thetteritiiint
of a clean of diseases hitherto neglected and i imperfectly un
.derstoodi has tinabledD r. KINKEIAN,(Aer ilea or Swots
PREtvov Aviow,) to prove that nine tenths of the
' causes of nervous debility. local and eonstit ethical Weak,
•nese,wentersnd physi cal suffering, are traceable. to eer
hebits, forming the most Secret yet deadly su fatal.
spring/ Of Omni:stir misetty and premature mortality. •
rake orn eti whir Notice—There
ternetimesindolged in by,boys.itt solitude, often growing
up With thein to manhood-04nd ethich,lf not reformed in
• due time, not f-nly begets sera one obstacles to nuariniunial .
happiness bat gives the to Aeries tif protracted.insidlous,
and animate ting atfeetlone. Few of there who giromuY to
- this pernicious practice are aware' of -the conseqUelleof,
nittlithey Sal the nervous *yetent shattited,
and u naccountable feelings. and envie fears In theinind.
The unfortunate thus effected beeom es freble„fe unable
-Itolabor with occostoceed vixor, or to apply hiemlnd to
i; study his itcp is tardy and weak, he Is dull, irresolute,
and engages In his sport with less energy than usual.
Tfhn eirtencipate himself before the practice h as + me lt e .
I: worst. e nd enter matrimony. his ma:flare le nahmitfistand
I himiume tells him that this Is caused by' hie early follies.
Th(me eire-onsi•terotions 'Mick should raserakex tkeettentien
thole similarly situated
titarrititre rcrtuires the fulfilment of several condi
tines. in order that It .may he really the cause of mutual
hoppluent. CoUI.I the veil which . covers the-origin of deb
ntestle wretchedness ho reised,and its true soutee In every
Instance Us-lolled- 7 1u how-many eualdit he traced to pity..
cali dim willtication sand their attendant disappointment/if
Apply them while it is yet order to have your tin.•
s t r ung mid relaxed atomisation rebraced.revlvided and
, strengthened.
et R —He who plaees "himself unifier Dr.
KIN.KELIN'S treatment may religiously confide to his hon.
or AS a gentlemen and rely upon the assurance, that the
' secrets of Dr. IC's. patients will never he diverosed...
Young man—let-no falsemiodesty deter you from mak
ing your case Ica . .wisto one who.froin education and respre
t IA lit y .con certainly befriend you. ,
Too many think - they will conceal the secret in their
own hearts. and cure themielYer. Also! hou'otteu ti
this a fetal delusion,and how many' promising young
man.oho might have been in ornament to society has
faded from the earth.
Strietitres of the urethra nre rapidly removed by the
application of n new therapeutical agitnt, used •roly by
Dr. K. Weakness and eadstitutional debility promptly
cured, and lull viedr restored.
Conn WY fnvnllds. Can have '(by stating their.
cape I` pllritlys together with all heir symptoms, per let
ter melamine a remittance) Dr Vs. medicine, approptia•
ted accordingly.
For.wnrded to any part at tits/roiled States, and packed
sreure tram DA3I. I IOe: or CURIOSITY.
MAD !!---Yolith and - . Manhood.
A risoro'u i Li e or a PremieltieeDefah, Siokelin on Self-
Pr eserration—Only 25 Cents
It Is a work «mineral, relnVtel, as a means of roform
ing, the vicesof the age in wha4t - we live. Aldo,'
11 rulesfur the ProtonpitimpofLifejuslfromthe Press
A letter with a remittance of 25 cents„ or the mine in
post stam:rs; addressed to—Dr KlNKF.LlN.Philatelphis,
Pa. will secure a copy cf either of the above bOolcs by ,
return of mail; or 12 copies will he sent free of postage
for sl* Booksellers. rlauvassers. Travelling Agents, flco
supplied wholesale at the pithlisher's prices', which Admit
of a large profit.
03 - -.4/1 Letters malt bapog.paa. • 13y1• •
A NEW and singularly successful
remedy for the cure" of till Bill
• p. ions diseases—Center-nes*, Indiges ,
lion, Jaundice, Dropsy, itheumatintn,
liouiguurT Nerv o usness, '
Pales I u the Breast, Side, Beek, and
AL L -- qr . ! L . Limbs, Female Complaints, Ate„ tits.
a -- • _Llof very fees. are the dielees in -
which a Puig !Alec Siediein is .not
more or less required, end much sickness and s ffering
Might be prevented, if a harmless but effectual C thartie
were more.freely used. NO person can feel well Iwhile a
co.tiVe habit ni body prevails; besides it noon g4neeatee
serious end often fatal dire:tees, „which might have been
avoided by the timely anditidicious use of a gpod purge
tive. This it , alike true of Coldn.'Peverish symptoms, and
Billions derangements. They.all tend to become 'or pro
duce the deep ..aced and formidable distempers which - load
the hearses all over the land. Renee a reihrbie runny ekes
lc in ,if the first Importance to the "'public health, ant this .
Pill has been nerfeeted with corona:wait, skill to meet that
ilemand. An extensive trial of its virtues by Phyeicians,
Professors, and- Patients, hes shown retrulta surpassing
any thing hitherto known of any medicine. Cures have
1,-;:beeti effected beyond belief, ware they not substantiated
he persons of curb exalted podtion and character as to
forbid the euepleion of ri” truth
Among the man- eminent gentlemen who have testified
in favor of these Pills ; we nine mention :
Dr. A. Hayes, Analytical Chemist, of B o ston, and State
Ae.srer of itlassaelinsette whose high professional charae•
tee h' endorsed by the Bon. Edward Everei t.Senattir of the
- V. 5 . .; Robert C. - Winthrop, Ex-Speaker of the house of
Represent:l6 l 'Pß: Abbott Lawrence. :ilia:lister Plan. to Rag
land; John B. Fitzpatrick, Ceth Bishop of Boston• Also,
Dr. J Practical Chemist, -of New York City,
endornedhy lion. W. L. 3larey, Secretary of State; Wm. l
B. Astor. the richest man in Ameriert ;.-LS Leland Co.,
Proprietors of the Metropolitan llotel,and others.
Did space permit we could give many hundred certifieat es,
trim all parte where the Pins have been used but evidence
even more convincing than the experience of eminent onb.
lie menisfound in-their effects upon trial. -
Tbeie P ills, the result of long investigation and study,
are offered to the public as the best. and -moat complete
Which the present staie of medical seienee can afford.—
' They are compounded not of the drugs thetnselves,.Mat of
the medicinal virtues only of Vegetable remedies , eel meted •
by chemieal proeesein a - state rif purity. end combined to
gether in ‘rich a manner as to insnrethe best results This
evotern of composition for medicines has been fouridiiithe
Cherry Pectoral and Pills both, to produce a moreefacient
eeinedy than hid hitherto been obtained by any process
The reason is perfectly obvious. While, by -the old mode
oftoroposi Ben. every medicine Is burdened with more or
lees ofacrimnniene and injurione quailtiee, by `this each
Individual Art ne only thetls desired for the eurativiveffeet
la present. All the inert and" obnoxioue qualities of each
substance embtoye'd pre left behind, the -curative virtues
only being - retained.- Bence- it Is self-eS Heat the effects
should peeve as they have proved mere -Purely remedial..
cud the Pills a Sum', more posterfist antideite to diseater
than Soy oth-rmedicine ,
As it Is frequently expedient inatanymediciur Should be
takenvm der the counsel of an attending Physician,and as
he cofild not properly judge of a remedy without knowing
I it. cnickposi!ion. I have mappilid tlle.aceurete porinnhe by.
tit my Pectoral and Pills are made to the whole
,Practitionera in the United States andliteltish.:
Provinces.' I f
. however thertistotibt. be any one
''not received them, int, will be nroniptlyfCirward
by mall t n his addreseic_ • ' • • -
'Broil-the Patent, ' ';thalt, sip Offered, 4 bow few
would hi' taken M. Bea 'yes knownd.
life consists in theirs* :linivP De mysteries,,.:' ,- •
The c nnilosit lots ontnir ; la laid, open iti.sll-
men.and ell who arecans~' to 'lodge on: the 'enbject
freely ecknowiedwetheir coniictions of their intrinste mer
it. The-Cheery Pectoral Was pronounc..d.hy seletitific Men'
to be - a wonderful medicine before its effects were known.
'Many eminent Phyildana Isaac deelaitidthe tame thing • of
and even reore,:conlldontly, and - tire wittiest to'
certify that their anticipations were morethen realised by
their.effecti upoe t , - • . - _
- They operate. b t jetr_pnwerfal influence on theinternal
viscera to • ..• andethnntate It into healty as
thin—eimege: ' ; anent the stomach, bowel*, liv
er. and otheta bf tbebody. restoring' their liregater
sed.4l to health, eadlY”.erirrectins, wherever they exist,
sueltderangeutente as are:the first origin of disease.
Being sttgerwrapp e d they arepleasant to take. end
.ng purely vegetable, mil/arra ,ean arirofrom .:heir use in
any quentity:- i• .
Vormi note iffrielticosinte , 'implies. nit the Box.
Prepared by,TAIM C. AVER. Practical and Analytical
Chemist. Masi: ?dee 24 cents per tior. ' five Box-.
es for Al. • •
FOLD BY A. Tarn%Montrose; B. V. & R. D. Baton,
Myron! Cliareh & PhWary. Dondaff; L. Suitt, Great
Tl , n4. By, all Drusrglsts and Dealers is M. dleine every
where. Sept 13-37 ate
Importers and Jobbers of .koreign and Do
tnestie Dry Goods.
yi,T.OULD invite the attention of merchants in
I . l` *Susquehanna and - ndjoining . Counties to
their Mod& which will be found large and desira
ble at nil seasons of the year, consisting in part
of Cloths,Cassintereti and "Vesting:,Jeans and
Tweeds; with all She :best and well know styles
of fast colored prints.
Also, Dress Goods; White and Linen Goods,
&e. &c:
, .
. .
Also, Broehe lon4 and sqUire shawls; Cash:
mere and Silk Shawitr,togettier.with Hosiery and
Fancy Goods. - • ; .
Prompt attention paid to orders.. .
- : . . 4yl—l change.
Delaware, Lackawanna & We. H. R.
ON and after. Tinirinlay; Nov. 23. OK the
Nail. Passenger Train will leave Scranton
.0.12 31..• ' . -
.Due at Great 2.30. P. M. • .
- connecting With the . D:►y -,Express Trains-on
the N. Y. & E. It. 11.„ both tita ,4bd.
Risgengers taking this , train will. arriye in New
York. tt 9.30 in Dun)tirk at 11.
Return. will leave Great Bend on the arrival
of the Butralo ,Expre'a4 bound West,. (3.20 r, at.)-
which depart, from New - York at 7,:A. 14.,— r and
arrives at Scranton at 5,60,'P.:A1.'" •
The Freight Accoinmodation Train. with psi.
nager ear. attachrd, will depart froin Scranton 4
1.50, r. m., due at.Grent Bend at 0, P. te.,i.lonnee.t.
ing, with.the nail Vain 'bound Weal, 'and - the
_Nioltt Express Trains hound bothtast and West..
Returning, will depart from FOreat.Bend at
;6.30' a: M. and arrive:at Scranton,: 11.00, at:
. Stai l reit will be in Waiting on the arrival of Pas.
'nencrer Trains at Scranton,. to convey : paasengert
itia . l.%rtmndale, Pittston, Wilkesialarre, Philadel,
phia tie the Reading R.'R.; Bastin), and all other
intermediate-places. . ,
Sup't Office; RerantOn, 1
Nov. 18, 1854. ;z 25tf •
. , - . .
.. .
._ Dr4gis 4 Me4ipi,los.
A FRESH stock tir Genuine Dru4e and Ifeil.
ilk leines, Pntant'nedieinee, - Paiiite;Oite, Dye
Stnft'e, &e. dr.e7for male by ,
Dee. 14, 18,51. - BENTLEY kREAD,
TERRIS".4I,6O, cob inadvaneel2,oo,if
not paid within air. months ;and.lll,so.aithe end '
of the year . .
„Dlo paper disiontinued until aireank.
gels are piid, except at die . 'option Ist the' Ptib
lithe Alt en inlnUntatiODS connected wilts the
office, to insure attention, innate directed (post
paidY to Clusr. & DAY, Montrosi;Eikisquehanna
Counti, Pa. ' • • • • •
Rates et Advertising. •
One square (12 lines orless) 3 insertions, *1,06 •
Each subsequent insertion,
One agave three mouths, •
.„ ~ ,-*5O
One square *l'S' months, ; • . .
Business Cards, four lines or, less; ..... 'ago
Yearly advertisements, tot over 4 square*, 1.00-
One column one year, . .. . . .-„ go o°
Yearly advertisers , will be restricted to the
btiainess in which they are engaged; and ire fop.
isidged as- swishing to continue advertising tiniest
-they shall give special directions for it discontin.
nanee of the same.
; -
.300 WORK:- : := ~. ;
Fir. Tho pnbiishers having added 10 their Job
Printing materials a large and superior. eri/uri
ment of Job Type, are now prepared to execute
Job Work it am:lnner unsurpassed In thtaiee
tion of country,and on the most reasonable terns.
BluttekSiof every description kept etiturtrattly
on hand 'or printed to order.
(I flo)li,4 . s:_gliFtitOt:.
Great Bead Depot, Pa. ADDISON
ART, Proprietor.
Manstfariturers orate orrr'e Conan - inn CA , •
uoi,Snasos, Hughesville, 4+oming CO. e t's.
- Spring'may be- had of BLS. Willson, Montrose.
• Wm. W. SMITH Ca. -
Cabinet and Chair Manufactaters, foot-4101'
StreTt, Noiftrone,Pa. 1
Dr. H
Surgeon pentist, Montrose. Pa., will be it
Senrle•s Haul Mondays and.Tuesdaysof eseb
I , IOIIIILILAN,dk PA.ith t 1
Dealers k Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware,.
Crockery, Boots and Shoes, ate., Springrille„.
Pa. . • • 113 yr
Attoraies at Law--9119ce fortnetly:oeen,
pied by Little & Streeter, Montrose, Bustinir
hanna County, Pa. .
At.rn B, I4TTLE.] ' [EZRA B ERAS
hanna Depot, Pa. Office over A; B. Wiai• a ,
Store. • •
• -
Dealers in Marble Monntnents,Tables,Tom4.
Stones, &e. Corner of Court :and TaebsnOe'
Streets, opposite Broome County Bank, Pim.-
hatuton,-N.. Y. .
Dealer in Drags, Medicines, Chemieals , Pain s.
Oily Dve.stufE4, Groceriei, Dry Goods, ILO
ware, Yankee Notions, &e. Physician,s PO).
striptiods. Carefully compounded. -
Path tenable - Tallor---811op tinder Bear es
' Hotel, Main Street, Montrose, Pa. "
• .
,DEALIIR IN Stoves, Tin, Copper an - d Sheet Iran
Ware, Lodersrille, near Great Bend Depot.—ftf
Woodruff , tit Eldred,
DEALERS IN STOVES and • Mantifactutera of Cdp
per, Tin, and Sheot..lron °Ware: Shop near
the Nov Court House, Montrose, Pa.,
S. A. Wooturr.): . [G. B. gLDRiD:
DEA ..*,. - Resdpnidp Clothing, Hata and,
Capa. naafi. s islShoes, Dry Goods, &e.
F ir Store oripnititelSratle's Hotel. Montruie.
C. D. LanzEor, and t w ith • .
J. P. W. RILEY, ""
il e.
.. Dr. Merit- W Arte
C. • 1-
TNRUGGIST and CIIE1111ST; an 4 al r,l in
I ~1 Duiros,_lii edicines, Chemicals, ye klieg,
Painti 3 Oihi, MAty; Window'Glass, •Caniphice
Fluid,. Verfiliety,lrankes Noionsqllis., 44.
`LodersyilleiMu.-41011: _-:
ArrtiantT Awn. CotutsEu,ott AT. Law,lifontrese,
Pa., will attend, faithfully, to , all business en
trusted. to him_ in the•county of Busquehinna:
Cenveyanclag'and writing of all kiwis wilt be
done neatly, and charge moderate.
_ also attend to the , prosecution tbr claiMsof
diers, their widows and heirs, against the U.S.
government. for Bounty 4tikPensions„ &c.
May be found at ell hours et the office formerly
occupied by J. T. Richard, Esq., north' of the
C. TYLER,. - = •
Interestedi with L . 16 , Stanti
IMPORTER AND DEALER in HardwitiedipOnt'
- No. 1,11 - ±5 Pearl Street, Ih. Y.
Where his Mercantile friends, in this aridAther
Counties,are kindlyinifited, and earnestly !mlielt
ed to cull And purchase"."" .tt6tf.
- - .OF 1110inIXISE, PA.
With , Rowe, Watiraff,Ao4ter f
AiruoixsALE Gionsto nokproninscroir .
VT Mgacnerrs, No. 113. WilifilittnuStreet,
between Cortlnad - nna fley StieetiVgir:Y4L,
March 8,
TARS. E. Patrielc; - Jii - VtiVt-l•iiiiock hava
/ this day funned a .44*iiSishipilnr a more
efficient and suciessful'inmeatatinitTgett differ'
ent branches of their profesii* -- .7 -- :,
AU business entrustedio* theft); wllt_belatiejf•
ded to with promptness and- fiaeliff, - .-1_
Their office may be found over lisUtrep's
Store, East side Public Avenue.
. - -r E. PATRICK7-I.F.
Montrose, 3fareh 220854 , • -
. W. t
SiOgletoi —
Can founrlat his new stand :ott'OrtP4-
go street, V door S,srleia Hotekittrent
hoe/jeoauotlyrectal - is Watibea,
Clocks, Gins, JewelrjcitildiVery AeSeription of
machinery.: , Wheel ,euttittgi - Gun, And .Watetc ,
Ina teria Is_supplied to :the. trede.-1111 - •
A. & ,Baldwin
l is Al be Found io Woman 'of Searieli No.
3.c ore weld front the corner._ Notes
and necoontel that riec,dno tue !kill be very -gle•
ceptable if p Id tooil. -
Mon troe, t 1
22,.1 854.-471 t
14. H. -Parsozw;
viirnoLEsALEli ND RETAIL DeaLER , in Cabinet
%tiro. S) as, B e dsteads, Takla; Stands.
C aits..&a.l - - , ''l ; ' - .
i, ;No. 9 Washington street; -
• - Binghamton, N. Y,
ligr CcilAn Waro.Rooni up statrLwnssl
Silver Spooris. • -
TEA Table. Deseit; Sugir and Suit SpooPs,
warrasted mum, for sale by '
Boots and Shoes. . '
A N unusually, good assortment of th e best
21. make, all nab abd perfect. tot sale by
114:4/TLXV ore RV.AP.,
[A. Lour