The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, January 18, 1855, Image 3

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arge families were too poor to purChase land
in the old States. All this class of men, t4i
gather with tbocisands otyoung , Ape4 of the
NorticA6 are obliged:to make. their owtl
farttufe in * the werhi, could rush to . ibe
Levies- the moment the' Homestesefiln 1 1 1)431,4 '
I rma, where they - could obtain land, tree, or at
a mere nominal price. Against iuGh a tide.,l
the'South would stand a poor (theta* affil .
her niggers, hence her, opposition' to 'Abe -
Homestead: Had the 1301 passed, them.
could be no chaute for Nebraska .or Kansas
'to become stare States, for theirsettlernent by
the free emigration Of the North -you'd I,e
immediate.' . The Know-Nothings are toroth
to go Against 'the Homestead, because they.
say_its_ passage will encourage ;foreign emi
”gmtion. Thus it will be seen-that there is it
bond of Union between the' south and t h e
Know-Nothings,-r-a union both' natural r and
when the Xnew-NothiVs hear
complete ;aild
the - crack of the Southern whip, they; are as
docile. at; spaniels; - nod it fe 't.efreshing indeed
to see them walk up to the - tnttrk at the word
of their southern masters " _
Many cannot understand_ why tho South .
should embrace Knew-Nothiugisni, the south
ern States haring no: foreign population of
atij,amount.The.R4 4 ,lla_
she can succeed in +lacing . disabilities upon
-the adopted 'iotert of the Nerd; she
I.lreaken our political-Strength by disfranchis
mg a largesslaas uf,oureitizens. • •This is why .
1 the South embrace Know-Xothingistn, so gen;
orally, for she sees that the rapidly increasing
strength-44-ore :North and the West„ bids fair'
to entirely overshadow her power in the goy
!trnment. Thus with . the - South, this Know-
INOthing4m,like eVery 'other question about t
twhich shitiakte :any -interest; can be - traced.; ji
directly to - the question of human SOS-kn.:ie. I, 8;
'This governs all her actions,L—directs.all her t,
knorements in polities. And she now feels., t
that she has a - faithful ally in the North,—an - i
bound to her - by oaths as prinei I.
jees. _ • a
. . . .„
I . ' From aff indidations . thii - Order in thei m
NOrth has seen-its brightest day.: As soon ns I a
, ~
the people come to understand its doctrines, ; b
it s aims, and . its allies ? , as. they. are now un- 1 d
aerstanding them, it will sink to a dishonor-1
'w grave, and bwome more - odinns than its-I
Counterpart of the Hartford ConVention,.and .d'
Alien and Sedition Laws.. The people Will ki
ierer permit thia'fre4gOvettim'ent to fall in- Si '
- . .
to the hands of a Society, c to be ruled and to .
l ioi• - enied be oaths of secrecy. The develOp- 11l
'gums to give '
, 124ubliain is on; yes 1 I !am mire of it, I
;lne's at t achment to the eternal print-irks Lase • • •
, seen it, and a very respectable appear
.ght, were the qualifications
{ 1 anee it too,inakes' yes I and it 114- got Edit
such en atmosphere and under such tpe- i • .
Ora too; for I saw their names, yes! Chas.
Ali r notion: was the brittle fouolit. ' Thb
F. Itead and IL IL Frazier stands at the head
resii t was suLdi as might have been ' expected,
• 1
and `clearly prov, l n that, however earnest and 1 1 , .• 2 •-, - -
low does it look . Chas. F. Read, an
sincere- a large portion of those who [acted 1 _
i 1
champion of Democracy associated with H.
with the victors, imight hare been; the anti- '
H. i Frazier as co-,FAitors in a political paper ?
slavery feeling I4d.little.or nothing to do with
infruehre The. senior Editor in his_ introduction says
it. There was ar secret controlling
it it is well known that he has always
of another , nett:tit at 'work, sanctioned and 1 ctid with the Democratic party o thisconn
appror'ed-bv the 'propagandists of the peculiar
.y, having for several years publish d a Dem-.
institution; if not the direct offspring of their
4 . eratie paper," whit:lel suppose is not dispu
fertile brains. : : Quite a portion of the honest
ted • and it is equally well known that his
party'of freedont pas Merged in a.combine- i ' ' I ' -
present as:-ociate. has edited a paper called
lion of elements, itetually hostile to the pur-
, in direct opposition to the Dem
poses and designs of anti-slavery men. Thus the • • • -
°critic party and principles. And it strikes
[COMMUNICATED4 they were I to nepndiate by their tkites 1
I 1 r_P s l"°n of I ' 4 ' t rues* l prieeiples 10 g-eherishea- and 'dear to 'them ' ze ' -°n ' t ' if3ri t b"-4-13"1,ciPiel "at
tecent Operation of a political character' lf such is_no t e filet, the signs of the pres
• I heart that he has advocated from time to
is his comity have served to tanol the pur- ent ! are false an deceptivi. timeer there is a strong probability Of his leay
p+s•and plans of the party to whose ritAget e •du is natural suppfese in the light tffor- ing that kind of company as stein as the
ie., iiisintereeted Attibits the Detaoe*jie,W such fe. that Pis unnatural combi- I "chten foot" is clear to his vision, which,
flatted for its late defeat, It , itisteeskipinteg to nation, is withO ' permanence, or the weans I heel n not been for the woolly poi that
the quiet, observing members =a cceunictue of retaining its tolen pOwer.. True, itis ma obstructs that important organ, he Might ere
ty, in times of great national peril and hen-' kii,g a baseird'.ofort th perpetuate its an- thee:hare seen a portion,of the "hrtee-phant."
ted controversies, to know something of the and affects tq l ehave completed its . , ! .l tivill admit that it is well-known that Mr.
Tatum and principles of an orgiiizatiOn that' organizatiori and eetablifthed its organ. The I: ad. has acted with the Democraticparty,
1 •
assumes to be the, best expoeitet . ef the eater- public have already teen etrored trite.. Aid et is.well remembered too, that! previous
eats of freedom, and ie, is their liiie e llege fo '
,first,nunther ofeaid -omen and are doub t'' , -tem. JaCkson's victorY, the U. :S i . Bank
examine the elements of which 'etre' csinThposed r enlightened by - its g "
of - t- ild She - removal of the deposits by that illus.
that their action may be deliberate and in - rieemi to i'' ''''
~erite a spies.' teems. Chic& there were hundreds that had
lelligent. It is'ihe peculiar:re:Je t ofserr goy- of hostllitylounrd "ealai ! ee s e . *mid "relig. acited:' with the Democratic path. But
'eminent that it derives its power -from- the ions' teleiatieue end tealeei, - ea:p i th y openly thou' h the excitement got up by the ene
" Ow : eat of the governed;" but 'in tersest , neon . Kilter- O
Nothing iound, That order, roles iif democracy on that, °ea:ion, were
Kitty t • °I r,
i •
ef 'recce of opinion will lieeestutilleeexise, up-, admitted by 'its organe to be the e ffi cient ally drawn in and went over to the enemy "body
un/uestietts of public policy, 'la& aecousid- of the South and its interests, controls, be, and hreeches," and a great , many reMnin and
eratile portion of the governed; hoe'ecterifielled yOnd doubt the new organitztti4rw , in this have ?might aide by aide with the enemy up
to submit the donaluatien iifirrinciphee‘rith county. How is this little . •."-' of the to Lis time, and they were stron ,in their
feeth they have little or no sympathy. The :great ffiztipnal par` ty, whose: 1 "; - , ` omission proteeerrioe thiei ! Pe; die not leave t he party,
4 umnqueuee of this differenke'of opinion is' it is to probeet southern ritehti, enabling the i butt hat the party had le ft them! • Butewho
!Alt qrganization of.parties upon distinct and South to carry "out, its projected jiliiiiii,lyop. is there now that stands up and cOnderuns
7Cil defined gripe:lilts - 16r the piiiiose of es- posing a barrier to 04 tapid.nettlement of Gen..lackson or the'party that sustained him
eblls hiegia4arteedar.: ! elinte of" "policy, or the Territories anl denying to the natural- ',in tbi t t important crisis. 'ri
to o f. lt was herraled through all par of the
Peelotitleatartiktear interest. Such ore- ized citizen his Conatitptional rights,
United States that the country was r ruined,
nizati l ?tla are ealtin E. as the representatives feet anything in ).pehalf tif freedom and herin-
' ' fid ", s ; 1 0.j'aliing" :# 1 some favorite measure - terests ? A c l otribination in alliance with a ; that the Democratic
party was dead and I
like the sante hue and cree r 'tvas on 1 $l,OO Reward. ,
:latsiigport,,which united effort alone can pro-sla%ery pv'ti, its*eontrolled by a semi- i sr imelt, 2 ing
the stiti-Treasury excitement, secret} the - Tar- {el - OST on Stem-Any Jaley 13, between the
::i; . tirfi: They cannot exist 'without a purpose I went hostile to..the constitution, and seeking t
movement of N o , 1 rill' question. The DeMocratic- ,arty. deny !J 1 - 1 .1-4 ,4ze
o pi i sc orl op o i .. l C . Nl ia ir , l i i es ie v S . p t r i i . nevill f e n V I II e
f , it.
whateverniay, ;}jam ;the cher eater
eilf the 1 to frustrate any combined
~t r t by which they are anituritedili e. publi c them freemen will fail to• retain the confide-nee , and 3•Ct, all those Detuocratie measurto stauil ! der will receive Ile abovo i m e w r ar i til ( );Tes.r . ing le it i a n i
uld be faindiar srith:andindersTand-it " Of thee. whom it :'lass won' by fraud and 1,
las ruoritiments to De•aocratic ineasur •-• turd • Wm. D. Copes in Diunick or the R . egister rint.:
31outruse. 1 !
.1 3 w l*
he , creation a a new party is- 'certainly a,,, ‘e•ption, and bring upon itself obloquy and.' principles- And DOW the DeinocratfrParty • Ing ciffice
iinnei of. some Teter:e s t i e t e , - '.full knowled ge I rein. Its posited,: when lunderstood irill be; is dead. agiiin. Away with such a . " li}ber 4 as - '
I TI - TILL be exposed
P eblie Vele tie.
to pule • sale on the farm
i lit
vf its I prineipi t m 4'14 nreedjLiviiiTenat,te the' l despised . ; and the indignant i well tnigle you set the present enlightened .
reetnen who i
of the subscriber in arford 1 (nar Ira
I--•)ple to• Judge otitztliterits , and-claims to I have been beirayed by it into the support of !. age back to barbarism as to, stratigle Detnoc- 4 t ' ) T uesdaytho oo h d f F-k
-. i s pen er .. on t ay c• e ..,_
' ufidtace, end hiltt,4 - silo rejcT..t r tir ernbisceA dangerous doettioes; Hill return - to the "old I "ICY- i
..,,„ 1 ruary next the following properti, to Wit:
Iti Ix:trines iliiit . .. . think ,, ~ b att l e ;the i r ~ . -- t The democratic party dead I Democracy 1
, Ita /neon invstigation, e ranee to
deny ' • •
: , o_, 3e Whigs , ye kno l iv - Nothings, ye .1 $ lb.
One pair of heavy Oxen, Hi cows, 9 Year
, . lines, 15 Sheep, I covered Carrage, lee. tke.•
Fui+eri it teinetniereertietritte the progres.s . The history of parties never- afforded such Ito commenbe at 10 u'elin;lt A.,.1,1.-
I fusionists, don't you wish it was so. Itis not t -Eight months credit, ;will 'be given
o, l :wee:tent, thait iesitits:in,the, formation , an exhibition of daplicitv, such an entire
: to be wandered at •; in fact it is nomoro than'; uPqn nuns w all iniere4l4nadeterlF.4l security.
c c a eel, Fart; e ff ee jts* g in — j og . 'Th e oe - •.waiver of lionestiand principle, for purposes
. -
we expected that the actual " defunct P: arty, " I ' liarferd,Jan - . 16, 1855--MkP,
411401 1 a its origin, the inofiVehy which it is, of power,' and ambition as is pre..ented bv the [
j aVinid, , and the path it has Cho.en tO pur- 1 movements andiiiiil ' ' 1 1 ' li• ''
position o t is mongrel• ....______
resort to stratagem, it is a wis• 04 ; . ,- ----- • -- ,
' FOR SiLLE. ;' • ,
,use are ' f it • - jests' of . - t I have and this it not the fee a tie , after ih '• 11 1
.el cut jects.of inquiry and worthy the hart}.. : ..;. .- _ ~_ •, .- :.,.,.:__ ~ 1 • .t. me s e er -os i THE sufripriber offers for sale eiS 'eteece i n
iite• upon the mountain and iu the wildernes s 1 West llarford, about 4 inile4 fling the vil
eu riQeration of every citizen - who is anxious • The . tempest,,Of passion and excitement,
14 let eetuderstateeagi,eiteeei tr _freedom, 4 pissed - without deitroying the ornanizationof 1
to Aide, among the sheep with theeps 'flog'. I t h i l e g:: e fi l b ` e lll .l ) Trt i ,.. ' , ( g ' ' l rel k fre s t d lik p ' le s r:
c S u. t a .
Tile 1 1 3 111111 c tieing! 6" tiall'pact year hal been I the Democrat?'; it Iv" overbWi+ed thrbilli' i,ing undterying we are all sheep mere But 1 tains about 4 acres of land with toriuse, tetra and
the call eI wouideay to unsuspecting, few :T ee l e . !shop. On same plate is a
. watei map WI"-
: "tn,t 4. of excitement 'aetly eomperee to a frauds, ibut 'again' Stands ' erect, in
two tAthes w i th other litachinory
'" , l - 1 .h.Y• jt*rnpesf.: , The violation of a strenetli oeitc# mei ! t '' ; '
1 e . L en pereep,er„ gat en g i
h • ' 1 ware! 'You are iu . danger when you eatlrtairel 'e„r3t to earrY.
r turteng. ,Saidettopietesins niachltiery ep
.7: ulo•hunored compact r'.-
lithe chosen Repre- l'new energy -from itelempora e ry defeat, rep 1 - i such conipsay.
~, The cry of slavery het beetei lite for Willing Cheese. Bedsteadu fere'„ all of
.z•-.. , , a • '
th e o pp onent! , o f D ame _ , which will be sold upett reaSedabhe tone's.% For
-1 t '" l4 er th e 1 5,3 0.p1e and the evantina dime:- seating Pe intenerfitfof the eft, . _as of old, I the tlitol.l we t .3 *e t '
eel pild - to past kw ~... 1 '--- 1-- • -4 .1 "
.:- y.A LOU ga_portiLni I,:tno g tinting itaelf,;by- the; tiuustit
. .l 4 , . . _ I
__ _ , ,_ ~
~ , -_,
~ is ,__, .r, I I further ieformation apply to Crawford Titus, '
talon, to i la°3 ain(le Ine reth°7i of i '." l .? nn - - '° 1 : 1 / - i near Ilte iiretniscs or of the subscriber. 1
. , .
, ;tie li m mtnent lkoliti.qians of the country tclippl the 'wet ;that iieeitiu to deprive it of 1 Prtnei'e :line they bare howled Mail '1 they I . ' .f. I. ROPER.
't eroyed'f or - t titne public. confidence in di; ffts witle provisione,and thwart tbe purposes 1 have sucieedellin part to carry iii eloction ! ' jiefferd ' pee. 11, 1854.-.50w8. ' '
:`" r ess .l 9 ll of then, and in the res o l ut i ons , th I-. ' - - ' • 3 ' - - 1 with the!aisistsnee of Know Nothitiieni and
dof its f athers . The history of the Democracy ' t. . • .e. 1
i' •tvernia of the old' "
, earties. In the passion lis a history of the ! governineet- Each Iwo- some other "isms." ', i
:le tilement
.diicrc6on was thrown ove r . e.essie e p er i o d oe its e ii e .i i 'i ts i ll ustrated the _ Hurrah l Hurrah ! now both the 0141Palr-
.:1,:, wand lang.ebos4,4 . p r!n o p i ei negiet ,„ I, u , isdoin of. its :
ras ' ,e has been the
able ties are done away and we must have a new
1 . or forgotteu. to ~-.-. - ~ I defender'of the - ' ' mat :!
eeepte aga "monopolies" ~ - i b -
. . party we(Wisit;rs behind the curtain) 1 will
, . ,
Ilfere: was a fixede determination to strike ''and legiel ''f ' ' • • 1 c°tcc it Ow, welare a portion of Om dCelo-
Aeon oe eapital; it. has reeisted t i ll .
d 'eliee blow at "old or i --- tio --" t efforts ' ', 1 -- • -
„gut, za u••, lo , e orts to price power umettlionzed by the I oats melon to protect slavery (ire' don't
. ,
i care anything,shout it, you kneitc..)' and we
': 2 "it pdiiticians and-parties that the " tuass 1 Conatitation in thal.llatels of the fete and h
rt- disenthrnikkl,"- and nein:tate - id with a I its c oitilitent - auciiii/devie '-
ti e l . . this I will hate;an easy conquest noweeetre will
.it Iw - d ame.
. .rei s t u te or ft. e ei ne •-• -I i • 6 - ' ng P° icy ''°' have a chance to rule again. If this; eras .. J •
:, ~ , b ufe , 1 espect as won t h e confidence of the peo- • e
14 enve of
_much luiety, inewericire'‘rate - its- Pie, - ! ' ' ' ' , first time pat the opponents of .14rnoctacy
'e, aipj a - . n i c e . 1. ,
had played such games, I don't know but I
~r, ln al.:nib artfully empleyed a t -el he P riStOeratiP! t ipirit it dictated the
eeete their own purposes, regardless of I measures and ' f the i •
eouefe o o 0 Whi might think that the democretie piney was
e pabli(• good. • . .
-• atutuates the iv t 4i of it , , 40 ., beri .... in danger.? But sire know them. I wonlenay
mow •
r ' %Ain . ' ' -. • - • f.. , • , E. , . 1 . - •t - .. =
i 4 2' 'to .shivvy and its - 11 ,, g . gres ,i ow l, eines, Reef e b il eo 4, i pe e tc . ipic rs. -, 11 - T. ' to t brotheii Democrats, don't go so far that
4 l' 'Velar setitilment, - ..aitit serve.i tO tOti-'; ! Tife ' Den 3o:o i - a . cri - /In . ' k '.
.•a we toile, teetand yea _can't I:e saved without the assistan of
' ', ",' I '''' ' ;- • . - i iirl • - SALT r•ZIP .
-,- .
1 g
t I
- _ ..
inents in the. Pennsylvania, Legislatuye also
show the dangerqrs tendencies of this'Order.
There it is seen do not hesitate to
.. come before the people and seek an eleeti , ;in
b r vthe most solemn protestations that they
ap not belong to it,,and -after their . election
din tarn and , betray their constituent. The
people must see that ;ley have no safety from
tliose who acknowledge the .hinding efficacy
•elithe oaths of.Know-NothiniNwhen its nim
bus do not hesitate to betray their most sol
emn pledges. If ,they will de it in 'One in
stance they witl_do_ it_te orerturn the gor
erntnent. More anon. -
!ocal) !ot cleformhit*. But this :
ftlone was trot sufficient ; the aspirant for placa
Inust . n4 .only l abanud iu .profess . ions.of at 4
taehme - iit to•"tree soil" - doctrines, but must
; -
loin, the inets faith, based upon the idea ':that
'told issues" mere extinct, -old parties corrupt . ,
ted and aselesayand the principled - to Which,
the conatry . Was indebted for its :growth and
derelioPment "obsolete.' 4 ' • - . . :
:The leaders - Of the! . affiiir, for some patrotic:
,iturpose, of course, t ight: all.their
,energies to
the task of breaking down '
partie, permitting
to question'of "hoir can freedom de-;
f titled . ," to rentainas an after • eonsideiation4
ence . . they etiabni c eed :every elemen t that' ,
c •Ald.itupart temporary life and strength,and '•-.
a d them lin bringing -about :their darling ' ob-
$ . t. ,-. With an eye. single- to Pouter, they •
rued consisteney;.nor looked beyond the'
.t. entre of their ownambitiotis projects to see
the effect Of their action' apOn freedom rind
lit. dittne4 interests. -- : • i i
t. . ' • . . . 1-
!,1 Tale for. example this coutty. i The.Dem-'
static party
,hed been and vas thoroughly
et tomittecl to the principles 4, free soil, an d .
ii - •
a the time was acting upon !theta ` as a unit,
i' 1 ;
snaking the. issue in : the -Iright quarter and .
figh;"g the battle at' th right point. Its
were unexceptionable . upon the .
slebraska ,quastion, and 'men of undoubted
Ntegrity- and merit. !;.. They did nor, it .is true,
fOsake thit principles of their.-party; there
P i llitielples that guarantee to labOi its reward,
p, tooting iit front the, insolent!, and oppress
it dein:tads of capitat, nor did, they declare
th to - obsofhte ; for conscious of their justice,
tli yk-niAt• be iterna' 1. They could not
Woiind Cent!cientat!br !declaring - what theY knew .
, - •
to be _ial , e;:and giving ihe'lle to an impartial
1 • , -
itidgment. . Such men in the opinion of "fu
r.ip4d.Tis,"... Were not reliable,- and could ' not: be
tr! 844. Tlitre was something daverousitt
I:,' idea; that the Repnbli4n doctrines of the
ocratiCiparty Possksed •vitaliiv; and th e
.1 •
a a who'could. not perciet•e the necessity l
ib ntioning the! party, of .whose - history lie
vii 'justly prom!, and!to whose creed lie was
vrt my attached; iris' said ; to • be influenebd
by mini:Ter . motives and controlfed by party
litipline,' '.. • .
l i
. i
/in the articles of this; new faith there - wits
on etit . ing, - inagnanininui and patriotic; - in
i: rthig ones - old frienas and - Principles, la
.. t . — , , . :
:in • of , self7Cacrificin.o . spirit that indicitt4d
in ay. The capacity:to suit one's: vier-s
i popnlar feeeling,--awillin,r--- -
by its old policy, cortept the errors introduced
by this' ( !untratuial ftision," and frown upon
secret political orgnnizations, doing their
work at midnight and thrusting into !dime
by the force of oaths, -Men whose prieeiples
the people are not permitted tti . know, or di
cuss. mt.
Ahura. Editor:. preitent at, the meeting in
your Court house on :DiondaY evening, at
_the organization ! of thel" Republican
Party," so called, was as I suppose perfected,
I heard the address of the Hop.' Gentleman
who, on this as on - other occasiona, has deem
edit to be proper 'to descend film the Judi-.
dial:beneh i and occupy the pol itical. rostrum.
Among many other remarkable' affirmations,
that gentlentan.declared, in a brief review of
his political course, in :which he indulged
• - •
very freely with charges of corruption upon
t the democratic party, that. he ihimseif , tho'
. 7 .fortnerly acting with that party, had never
F r pltanfied.. That he had ever been. 0 now, the
!advocate of Freedom.' 4 1 liatAhe democratic
party, 'or its, leaders, had alwaya pandered to
Slave.poWer, I. could not but be .
struck, Messrs, Editors, ,with' the fact, that
this same tentletnau, while - sitting in Con-.
pr,gres..s the fostered object of qlvd honest De
-1 i incdracy. of this county, Practically denied,by .
his vote on the motion to restore the obnox
ious 21st Rule of the Hoag; the right of his
Constituency to petition - don . gre-4, ou the sub
ject of Freedom ! And 14:e . has not changed
But the DemocraCy has changedleven though
Lit al4s held to thi right to reOectfully pe
lin any subject, as ono of its dearest
and most cherished right.4---a cardinal article'
of the Democratic creed—Land still Adheres
to it. ,lAnd h.e'llas not 'changed; his princi
ples, he stands up' : before the public
- coolly affirming that the. Democriatic party is
corrupt ! If lie has not changed, that party
Ana th e consistent straight forwao villa. a 3
are yet at issue on that very. qUestlol3. Let
the reader mark it.
Of the!proprietv of a Judge . eaten ng, to a
party..which by its peculiar structure is pus- .
sibly liable to indictment Under the laws-of
our land, it may not be proper for an tin
leiirnel and humble citizen to speak.
Yours, RUFE.
New lfilford , Jan. -16.
jfes.qrs. Editors of the r Deer'
att 4
- The Cat* 0 be Bag. _
lite conrui/ trot the horn antacid of a single
Whig tenet, but , only Ur a a course which
will, first, effectually eff . pl e Goths and Van
I VlErati POLICY It: Tab ASCE . A:CT. We there
fore, respectfully ani : lcindl suggest to stich
of our firiends as entertain n wish for a - can
intion, to abandon- it at otice--rit least for present. if at orseeU
should hereafter arise to ren d er one necessary,
Mareh - or April will bet eßrlv enough to Clu
j sider the matter.--Reeknoricl Whig.
1 ,. We long supposed that the ultimate objct
i r -131* the leaders of Itinicv-Nothingism - was to
place Whig principles; in the ascendant lin'
thisco',intry, and the.ahovelextraut from, the
Richmond IV*, is pretty' conclusive that
we are!right. Anti-Masonry, thouoli- a. mis
erable humbug, done its share of work in d'ri
ving many from the aerri'ociatic party, and
rnakini.them Whigs, and the secret order lof
Know-Nothing.; is dSsigned fur the same pur
pose. But it is a fflAi whiel the politital
history of this country prOves, beyond 11
doubt, that though a party may gain poWer
by, a union dal! oliques and frictions, yet lit .
is short!-lived. No part.}-. Can ever expect o
coalminc lone, the respect and esteem of the
people,lwhich is not bated upon the constitit
tional Principles.' Dem o cracy may be beaten
to-dav r but it will triumph oa the thorrow.
„ ;--
Denwo 4 atie Union.
Greet rash for Russia --lroti Stara,- Z'n
• , . g';are, (i.e. -.:.. ~. • .
WOODRUFF & .VLDRED h ating *Simla
ted themselves 'together for the roirpose
of carrying on the StoYe anq Tin-ware business
in all its various branehes,-iwould respectfully
call the attention of the tradlng public to their
Which may easily be totind—, it being in close
proximity to the new Court liouge—the South:
„west corner thereof.. Oar ,Ibnilding is not as
conmmiliona a 9 we intend haying in the Spring.
If our patrons will bear with us until that time,
ne flatter ourselves that oui' es'ablishment will
nut be surpassed by'any in ;the county. We
have the moat approved pattt.rr.s or - STOVES
ever brought into , this
.warkK among -which
may be found • r . . - 1 - - • . •‘:,
Star of Me ii r e.rt-(Elevated, : Oren,) C!ultiva
tor (Elevated been;) /*gray* New
World, .Globe, ..41 1 141, and •
I i .
iTeacherk A I OOOEO.IOE6 . ' . Three State.; -- . -
1 rAll Air-Tight, and various' .'other . patterns, too
The usquehanna Co.!Teac l ber4 Association numerous toinuntion. I -• •
met at he free School ; Hous e i n montroi• TINWARE of all kinds Wept constantly on
Jan 13th 1.855.. The comMittee . apporint‘d hand for household use. Jubhing done to order
at the -previous meeting reported that the I and in the best manner. Ail Tin-ware carefully
Edi tors 1,-,f b ot h county pats were w iiti n i g 1. proved before fearing the. sit* • •
They respectfully solicit thti patronage of-all
to devote a,column . or More weekly to edvii-.1 -
1 - who . wish to purchase anything itf their line, a.s
cationallmatter, which PriYilet,re was thank- i
saving them that more can b.saved by examtn
fiilly accepted by the AssociOion and furthi t ir 1 ing their stoa before purchaslng elsewhere:
arrangotnenta deferred 'till the next inee- I S. A. WOODRUFF. G. B. ELDRED.
inc.. 1 - .. . . . 'Montrose, Dee:l2. 1854.1 - , \
Soul& diseUssion 'on Selibot G . overinnet l t
- then - foltowed and a committee Comisting . f
S. T. Se4t, W. W. ilayliotidiand A.B. Kent
i ;
was app'pinted to draft resolutions upon:the
subject for discussion at the nh .., t meetinn.. I
On inn i tion of Prof W .:Richardson a corn
rnittee consisting of A. COI., f / I: F. Tewkslitq,
and A. J. Gerritson was appointed to prepare
a report Ifor discussion itt. thej,next meeting
upon dui practical operation dad benefits .to
be derived from - the office of !County Supei
intendeuit. '
The Association then adjourned to meet:ill
Jackson bn Saturday Jani 27th at ten o'clock
A. N. wl}ich will be the dnnu 1, mmeeting for the eleettpi of Officers ittnil th i i
refore a gen+
tal attendance of the tnethhe • and. citizens
generallji is solicited.
i , A: J. GEM
Tat :—The
Btv' ns
Burk 1!
Ben net •
Tjler v.
Mead v
St , raguL
Milli ;t
S~ciilli v
1 Colaian
,rnith L.
i Fa.
- Adams
Sci. Fa.
, Bryant , --Tn -Debt.
the Se,hoo{ Diret.tors
Appeal. ..
locuin- 7 Appeal;
ownship vs. ErtiOs
Gaige v_
Pope vs.
41 , 441110%
yo, on the .I,4th
In Brook
N. Doolittle
IN" At G:eat Vend, on 16th in 4., by . the Rev.
J. B. McCreary, Mr. Isaaollyszaat i as of Len-
I olr, to Miss — Euza•Fciaos of Hari° •
V In Dundaft on Thursday, Dec. Bth, at the
residence of the brides' Mother, by the Rev.
A. Bartly of Carbondale, Mr. &taus C.
Cncacu to MisiEuzaasinC.PnlN:hr . , Daugh
ter of the late Henry S. Phinny. I
Stoves . Sto ves!!
:BIIR4ITT is now receiving a new assort.
Jnent.of Stoves including the moist popu-
Jar and.linproved kinds of Preminch, Air-Tight,
and - El6raled Oven Cooking stoves; with! Parlor,
offire and Sh - op 'stoves, for wood ok cos`` to
perinr variety _ and style, which he tall selliat the
•most reduced prices. Olen stlo(ves of t
uew and approved patterns will be lat 820
to 8,25, and other kinds in proportion. Also
AtotePlpe."Zinc, sheet Iron. stov - e-TubcA&c- -
New Milford, OCL 4, r
4. - I
• '
.., . • Black. Silk- 1 . - :: - -
rd: GOO.tiquantity for dresses. at. 81 4 its. per
Ya - ' - : Ui B. Co.
Oct, 11.1E54.
f . : Shawls. ' ;-
LONG -and Bqiisre, - Wool, id ruche as BM:,
- • -' " '—
very handsome - slyly% ant
CM. 11.. - I
1 i
•vs: Loomis et a;
vs. Lord et al4.
n ruse) vs. qay-''.!-- r t.
. 1%.. y. cc: E. R.. .:n Case.
•t ll vs. Aldlich4--Ejetruent...
s, Levris—:Appeal •
et al Is. Seavill4-laDebt. ..
ead rs. Titrany—gres' i paSs. . -
vs. Searle et al-i—Tri - spass.
,- Co. vs.'Scovil- 7 4n ase. . '
vs. Roberts—Eje , rtin nt. ' . - -
-et .al vs. Lenbeirp- 7 1, Debt.
11 vs. Conistork-+Treks.pas.:l. .
. Fowler-1n CO - enant.
's. Gage—RepleVill.
. Cook-1n case:
vs. Granger—Trespais.
r et al ts.Seovilli—lniDebt.
vs: Smith' et al-÷-Treipass. . i 1.
vs. Ilatiraway -et ialHlteplev a.
s. Adur . :r c's. 400t! . ?yrtcovenant.
'. tiYtor ot . ..11:::-In .ease. '-' .
Mullet .*,:;111' Debt;
.. McKenzie-Ejectinhipt.
Caider-; ,, Ejetnientl
et sii vs., llenrv--'•Ejedi
i-s.. A VerdenjEjtic. t ra vs. Biyalli--;-.lfi
s. Beardslee—ni , -plev,
s. Dayton—Appeal.
the use of Scott is.
Van - Vorst'4 Anui
at extremOly low
LT ,n rn
. 1 -- - •
. . I Ea s t •
, sido of Public. Avehue,
Ttcq doors froill 1-"costi aarner,
gi p d pi p) i l:43:lhtitzt
WHERE euer e a ' a tt li n a c i t I bbee
hose who will give us a call, teellag confident
that froceour large stock abd etteaslre'tomeet.-
ment of goods we can suit all those yho will
e;:11 and examine them: 1 1
-.....- .with A. LATITROP. - -
Montrose, Dee. 12,1859.1 - •
Straw and .11i3aVer , Bonnets,. Rib
ions, Flowers Land -Feathers
HE extreme pressuie in the - Monevi Market 1 i
1 ' I t mni o n n -liln v a il l able - 4/Lac tin PF OOOI.
g fret from daroPie eOld, and Seethes it pro.
J 1... the preeent season, has yielded to us in. vtn•anse t from many Lime dleesuMlS , swirl:4ow
cre 2 ocd feeilities in the purchase of a superb stock i•e rt w/ ..4 .alever. t Th u. . Ltraf i. fontsien 1 1-/B. nutlet a rate'
OfElltAW n ti.IDEAVEREONNETS. FRENCH. 14.0W,cP.5, ""t a f - i s .-- , p lit w itia ngtantega t-- -- r a t er gis ft racto : " . . l ; t2
.'' ' 1••,- ...____" cillitl • - 114.- . 7
• _j - ,
RIBEONN :Inn FEATBEr.s, UnArinti ll ati 1.2 this: City, For gentlemen re will be !bond' egreoftele s . warm. eau
and 'Malt We awe' enabled to o ff er at i,japtecF-thhT;ti.Lt7-I:,,u'reet,biraemith,,a„aalditicau,...l"s47,l,,,meikral4cst 11155 1s, ther -tasizt a 81 -
dently low price% for CAiilf.
Ti? our steek a PARIS FrAiREES StniL I BONNE I T i td,
I m Ltdi ost l ei tabent atra7 er ar t •Witetthpilditellsr sr 1111111°44 4. 0 1 1"M r111 " bl_._ 1114*111 . *Al in '
i ' l ' . I tunenti
R/StIONS, ne would especially call the :Ater:flan 1 - Ini " Drevelset tuanutt Al,. i e02 41 46 .,.___ar l i • t . e " .
• , ay, be thwarted 'by tostrigenentadde ~ raven
of Casu BUYERS, as we nreltsaured that a more ; iy stpsrsortfe over:sholtS, alt'ilint - WWI' tiletnEllitet Meet to
desirable assortment wns never before offered in , P'rsPite is a very nan'slll7tll3lArri-nn4elol4l6le-ar:
~1- 1 011 ER & KETCIIIJ - 31, If„°,ll,dlis"rnue sear t o Pedestesec In telfAltatbser lig
, .
rubbers. While dm lathes' moue OM illik tie entaKr“
nafee. (4 and CO ..ruhn-cet., eOr.;•Wl ll ititti- ,N.Y. °X tamely inn., the tlydrotnagen e tense_ AZ-Alters ;BM
.o_3 - ~ . rseo' or cork pripared, renege:l Vaud .oie deter - not
-; insane tbo site of , - the boot, or owe • throfdarbit 1 41 1 1 11 r
** I II'
~,, maid- TO Childrett they' are ottrentelf Widaltbill is
50 , Weduing C ar d s ; With P wt.., 1 , !.b.7 .0 , .„,„„,,,„ ~....,„,..„,„,„4-,0,„„gb0i,„46,„„1uwe.
I B EAUTIFULLY ENGRAVED for $• . Fifty Pere. Their ernetue Is so ell •Atal t i ts tours Osirt EWA' •
I non; beade chore whe 'potronit "skeet WM =id tbdr
Vieiiing Curds and Plate; $2. Sik r Door ; via? ty doeter's List itzuehdqvuhlishel ikorriaryt" .
1 _'
1 p ifiitrien ilk• rrest .more otaar t a,
; pa seleta
!antis. min - 6'3 to $lO. Wedding -Eti - elopea L l. As the Z ISr tr
. fici . l4y, ; Tereisizg to an alenortLiperterfib'etittrstr. 'Lam retie in
Note! P./per, Business Carils,lNotary,
nometea, Witnetusiter, , tlittnitighedn, • estorpool,Gtaregair.
Com:nett-lel ani 'Prirate Seale engraved, and ‘Leer!}, Dublin Pnrie. Antwessellembiugarter Berlin Our
promptly fortvarded to p.irties eending a remit. '1"1"1 " .10144'1.732.46a-I .7, lr i s bi l .. C . br.„k - l'° 2 *. 'llll . V s "
the number wi l l fu s nap
I taneo to A. DEMAREST, Gencirnl En. , A 3 / 1 i the Faculty their coottalor ;ethers' rata. as a pre.
l i graver, 182 Broadway, N. Y.-43m3 1 1 teniatere for Cough, Voids, Bronchially,' getbiar,•aal
t ,:oteromption.
i l
J. & L . Fisoher, Piano - Forte an
- :tiered Sire, ay. pale, 11,1 i Coati.
1 Ledies• du. do, Se , do. -
i ufactory i ;Boys' nun mimes, 'ea do. • -
• NP WARE ROOM', Nes. ' 1 43. 245, - . 47 I and - x GT/C;.-srCCMIbe Retell Pricot," so make& etre Ulmer-
I i ..- 249 !Steyr Twetay.eig,fit street, etween ,11,/,),,,,a/itt7p,,ara may j , a „ b a b r u t, gattoed. p‘rtniihrigalltilitia,4l,l44,.l47:Y..
•91 aril 10 th Avenues , New York. Mae s with , they ere air article that mayblekept in any Aare, emote
i the iE o linn, end alt the best modern iMprove. I "I class (42°6ds
, kotturtoe, apply to
ments, made of the beat materiale, tin es' our i IfitECOCHT;BRADLET It. - Cts . • ~.•
I own Inner% ieion ; a written in:tn.:flier git n Yith I i. - J - '. . asa , pesteitetattele , Toite:- -
!every Piano. J. &. C. F. being prectiell mein) ----,-- , THE ..sinviifteenn
land manufacturing, very largdy, can _furnish the 1 - 1, ;^llr ting.'":•:""'
best 4- MEWS, on lower terms than can be furnish- I Sir Jelled Cooper, Bart., M. .P.,,,. the. eminent
led an where, :.nd it is decidedly the best place i Jetedical Practitioner, hag left a tall:at:1
Ito Int • for cneh. Those desiring a tiodd i Pianos I Legacy -to the world in his Great Prevent
1 and one thet will stand and'wear well, e . in't do I- olive Of Consurnptio - A and , unfai li ng errs. ! bettei than to call on J. &. C. Fisther. - '43m3: I re' r • rt• ' I.
.for r - aunonary I.xterases E w ith out t he "pc
, 1 Stoves and Ranges.. 1 _ cylifiptidrie. _ • - , •
i I 'WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 1 i ' ,c.rit e } Dart invented and advise.l the use of the
- ~. t. H E SUBSCRIBERS have on hand the fi n-1 I Medicated Far Chest Protector, - •
est asiOrtrnont of Air-tight Cook arid' Par. iTo alt petlems of ell ages and condltione,ss a sloths toed
lot Stoves that eau be found in the City , iStoves i ;,f'yeltl`l,i som e one,a ls a t i ;i l te st ent° o l ,7 4 l7. l. V4Z e " eg t, th tS r ir4 1 o n f g all sor ( ip t l e inne, Myleit and designs , for burn- I.o l r , nieleneepit., eht o en ti a , rife , fro n m od ,thit e irstie t t li et a ttsts af, tr.... ; -
; i S yno d
Reasons I n
we r will varra , tti in ev. r I
on e: t i l t o l : ne ti hl lh . , 4. " !
ory .y. n nant.o a fine S 1 .•C or! /fti oi" f , A mply s e h ein i tli ti y , prepared ft ;
1 beauty and dumbility, will do well to call at the lined With7allk and added,. which; napeended trout M
I METROPOLITAN STOVE lIVAREH9USE, i nech. o . '"i 3 Ilia cb , -,t, In PI sirreestile ' a.- manner that ' •
I 110Plei NS & DUFF, proprietors. No. on .Wu-1 pufe,e't,:,arAl,,L.t!'t"agieLlti,nt,Thlitt,/ andt a • ca tr y llt ra g ;
nes ••
ter-street, - New York. ' . - '43103 . into Am.-rte.:tit u m r iaking rapid 9
progr u eSt ee .th ee roug - h the Enke 4
? 1
• States; she, Can.vias, ',oath America. and the West Didier
- GOUPIL it CO. ' 1 llt hate for 4 long time been a maple artlettinltegload at. 4
' on di i contitient of Europe, while It ham grown .to mu,
Print Sellers & Artists ' Coloriaen. , countries to the position of an a etitle ofdress. _ '
• ,yo Onlonttrate thole fates enquire -of any English seri - -
o. 306 Ittrottil watt y, New tor R: I detain yoer ricinity,of his knowledge team beneficial re ; „
,„ reds of 'wearing the protector, without t tenure to duet* r
I . , „ - „,.
~ . .' •
."- 7 1 ing of I any kind. The sot of wessiog thee* vont lee hi - '
era, printers , and atanutacturing _trusts, I Morn. ttitle, and one will last , same years. Se one who
;Coleman, Paris, London, Berlin, and Nit. 366 1 711 " 11 r it e le g , t h .l i h s i ri n s t t gr is Pi h u is u farn t 1 / 4 1,..1 1 3 1 0 , 14 ; 11441164.4
Broadway, New York. Cataleguessent bY mail. I o t t7„:,,di r ux " rF l h 'l ; 3 hat rapidl e y * lnte r rdtacing them. - aw
-1 The tienai discount to the trade and Institutions. 1 vnt, Bradley & elii..ofLondorband,ibinebesteratigiirol
Pietitre Prames furnished 2g ' ' west originally entreated _ with -the uwentacture of. 11 as... •
. '
4 --,---• Proteetere, ; by the lanientst Dr. Cooper. and emotions t..
i Gold Watches for the i •
t to re afr o act are accord!' g_ ea , his oalt o n: l l ..instme t r e nt. p litl .
f T : it:e pse mnin t " gel:trite tt 4' en u tone a'
~- -
__ ' --,.....
z ilss El L ‘ d ri n tl i i i a i.
i r n ie d l s i as i erif i t n m e en! of D I , A. I I 5_ •
!l' ir. t e ° m ni embe t : terse r :hie Is a staple article, an d : se, Pitient.
Jewelry .. t - , tettleine. i.. _
. „
(ei,ta IVntehno, from $2O to $3OO. • • arrs'il, P4lcza. -. • ' '
l'itttid CakßaSketti, from $5 to $2. ' °sari Sirs, I,SO each.
It Dbuble Plated Ten-Sete. from $l2 to $5O. 1 ' 11 ,1,1"I„,„, 1 „ . r /1): do.
Silver and SilYer-Plated Ware, and other arti- ;' -
eles in'th. line at equal)) . low prices. : 3§ Ann St - : and 102 Varian St.
; ; • New-York. U.S.
I Filvor 44 with a call before putt i Psinspal Wareboure, 102 Wood St ;Chtsprialtasondott.
elsewhere. WIL3IA RTII & BENT(IN, 1 Maisoftatory;, 44 Market St., Menehritt . er;England.
; sow6 343 Broadway, New Ye; k. 11. 11.1.1- Co. are eptabliehing Depot* for the cute' of the ,
, ,Protector to ;an portent Amens*. -Physicians. Enrgeone !
I Druggirts, Clothiers, Dry_ Goode Merchants, Ratters and. ';
W. B. Deans--.DaguE rrentypißti.
_ 0 r Illlnuerr, atm Gentlemen's Fontirhlng Store-Meeeem as
' - ---- i
At o dd F ellows , H a i ti ? i en'rustel with the wholesale and' sten dirtribution e . e
. . I .hem , and to whom meet liberal terms are offered ror the•r
Window Sash. .
of everythiee' th a t t ., in k,,, , ,, I euterprhis, end. a aplendid opportunity opens to them it:
ci H. &D. SAYRE having, been :IP
min p d oinV id 1 T- vill . • ,' •'' . , I safe sad 'perjßae_te hua rr i l e n ee c s o .
mr,unj,Dss. &
k.... 7• agents fur an extensive Sash,
have I
day ur ..4l ‘l 7c S hi I m ii r c e t n 'ir r P e s i// net be taken unless bra% f, 4 . 51161 1 -88 A.en St., New- To g
U. 8.
Door lantifactery are prepared , to furnish env 1 •
between the hours of 10 and 2 o'clork;on a dear' - - ' . -
, /
articles in this line at less rates than they
- More and More . New Good&
u. i, been sold. , la
NEW STOCK . 1.1 7- BITRRITT is now receiving new - and_full
i i
. FAT. 14. - ' •
. .' of Cases, Frames, I.nekete, &t. just Purchased. ' -I-• • ellpplieS of Goods for the Winter trad, .
0 . HAVING CREAII-an artitile which every 1 3lont'rose, Nov. 23, 1854.
. " I including :I new and elegant assortment offreach
t., man should try, for sate by - • '
. . ,_......___
IL ' S. 11. &D. SAYRE. . cintE,ip BOOK& - - i Fancy and Plain De Lanes, Paremettas; Brach .
`Dee.. 4.
nd Lin ' ll E
- Extroortlinary indu , -mnents to the'ivadinz, PoLlic.l S4aa r e a --ag Shawls , elf of 14awanikbeS
I , eie , ii
,„,„, - -1 I
t stylek. nod Will be sold . pert ent.. let* the i
; i
__Borty-blade Clothins, r.iaLer iif . fhe following tiVe work, will be sent free of part:
A . %%Rt ., uiriibi e , s l, o „k ~,,,,#.4 . „. l ow p r i c e „ . ster .,.... i . ope
, f ~..p 0. ..........„. . . . .. , - • - - , - H.last years-, prices. Also, a new, 'nssortmeins
S. IL &:, b•SAYRE. 1 The 4.sducti;jr la Sala an,/ Adernures of P a stela 1 Rich Ribbon's and. Bonnets, Wide Silk Veice -
lifontrose, Die. 14:1864. - , - I .
. ; . , .
• ;Wander ills, I for Chiiiks aud Stantilla.4, kith Silk "and Velvet.
------------;---- 1 Wire of A uguctue 11. atandetille.of Railthoore, who was :•• Dress Trimmings, Mehair ILitta- DreOes, Rign
Wagon - Making, . Blacksinithino.fr9lin her at Magas' New Granule, by 11 / - leltzt &e'„ &e.. with a general - assortment'of oth
• ' '
b , baud of Spanish Robbers, and 4v dm= detained in their •
. * and Carriage . Ironing. - ! mountain faernesses for thirtetn mouths. there haring ICr Eta •piC Silt in ney G00d..., e . s . lupin!, - it:bleb-MC
TILE subscriber hating' established him se lf - i gone thgtni;th the most terrible oeistieri that thalinaginatfort I in , been do 8111. 104°1 ' 4 .1 "' .rrengll' pressure °
a few roes south of Ditneek' four Corriere, ; "I ',.,t i t ,T,.`s,: f ;- : c a ,, e ,,,ltZ te • nu ': I , n g„ tna ~,r n; "tr u ir •
1 7 . 7. 4,1 eri t i: e l i the ea ,Lif;to,te,t , cet, will be sold at eorreependinte
i' prepare d . to do all kind e. - of irork in the above I i n cadingeeinmanity. 'c iaten c liy ;er r I.lti:fiat e L. px:l ° :l2l4 retina:Oil Pri c ers 1 ',
; 1
I -
f , New l Arna, hi, Nov. tri,J 1654., -
branches of buminems on short notice and the . e . . en ,,t e '„ . .
i 1 Most•ronsse•thle tea fret. He flatters himself that '. l "enrilf-".4' an d -cStart li ni`4. Ti'oF:k.' the authentic : -:..\-- ' ' •
.... ' ' -----
with the help now in ids employ, he will be able •
• 1 C,ortressien - of If ilfian Neetereen, le
.. ,' New Goods. : •
i The cruel' Munlerer Of his Pallier anl Mother! Terrill- I - +' •
10 iy, ire ontife satisfite!ion to AU who ma laser T' w i b • • • ~k_ PRESHlorrival of New Goods which Sit
ter th a c mplete 'recount of his, various Robberies aud ,- • . , .
,' hint with thCir custom , . j .1 Murders. includiug theeof Mr. Manning, or puma., N. Y.. _,., tatier reef/ ekerfp.- Wo kayo a tate 'stack
' Cr. 3IILLS. ; And the belintiful lines Emma Martin. • Added tO which hi t I
- 1 the hietorY et the most tlendeda Muster's, and expert lane- I 01 Staple , nriffratlot Dry Goods, whieb Wi wi r ) l
I, c o e y m u . 1 sell vr.rtv ClitAr. l,
li Dimock, Noy. 23, 1354.-48 a; l', - giar and riekpookee, Thomas Little; th e eosin* Call and examine. e - -, ...
I a N. II Most kind . !. of ;umbel' and all kinds , icefere pries 1.21 &lA'. ' -1
_ ~
,41 of eosntry, produce Liken in paynte'ni. I. , Theißeaneifill Jetees.r, Rachel Mendoza.
1 • • • NN' :tee not prepared to elrthe 'all necordinr, „,
- i Thee Isnitable co.neetion with h e dark. and eventfat,), t 6. th e t a t e , t ,t y t e;
11 HYGEAN. , career of el its; Ili rnard,otnereese canes "Prince chartose ,
Brovght ifome to the Door.,ilf ike ..41illif;n. 1 , ~, by teems Pu'4l the late termination of whore maven -' ' We will' %
icivad' I rli 'it in tit•• Nine• of the Q _ a ha. treater t ' sell ecy low , Call and ems' mine heroic. 1 '
i 1; ,i woxnee.rue Discovery has rcLisnilj Lein made hy I att r u e : i tieb Commt:nt7 and tacit it:Zeilee 11 . 3tti ° 051 let . the -knobl " I"Cl ' a4i. "' AlSo ' al"-rg i' 1464:15 °M I S " CaB.
-1.1. Dr. Cords, ol tbi• eby, in t the treatment cil Constant,- can press. 1 ' I simere.s, Scans, Sat:netts; Tweede, &P,. lii fact
1 ,: 0 1 ; 1 1 : . A . t. u hro rti :,Itta g il e , tti .n as . a o s r es in ef ia tt IL i l y s 4 g
n iS T 'e
p refer st l i
.it Thousands
rsi, : , I f ir t tr e t.,:t . lio r n er t ti f ? , U nited g i s a te rt s p. 2.4e b ta t ni t i: ; •; .. r i our stobk in tnis line is 'conr.plete; We invite.' I
, Syrup." With this new method Dr. r C.bstr e e 2 estor a ed nr .::, 1 ")
narrative.t.p,, out in Ola e lm colors hi 2 s whole career, especial': rho atte-ati " arc4Sii 11;11 ' 04 ' st BS.° °Lir ataak*-
iI ettli ned ones - to perfect health ;as an esidenee of which he llv his eonnection With the rich and beautiful Jewess, its, All kinds or i prod tlei: taken in exchange far -
,kats innumerable certificates. Speaking of the testament, I chel Mendota. who oaten year ago-iniirgt , d to the Snit dr. Goode at , a , -It nrices I 1 • - .
a physicians:market Itiserident thatinhaling-conetant- , elm ef New York. After relating hie adventures In the 1.. . • t- -• , ' niter gtv
,g, Iftypir
i?r breathing an aareeable, healing vapor, the medicinal j risked Ntatipi.this &email , , Conducts a. to 31sdkict,to the I - ' ' • .-•"•`' ...-‘ - a '''.. ' 7 ' . "'"l ..
, prepernestoest come in direct contact with the whole of I Royal Cowl of Spain? Revealing the "secrets of the Life I
„Montrose', Nov. 22., 1864. - .• - • '. i t
I the areal eerily of the lungs.and thus escape the many and' of Queen Isabella. Price 18 cents . , - • : r
t the
ehatagreprodueed upon them when lutrodueed Into '
I sh„ toma ,, h, end eti hi eete , d to the oreee „ , ,, g • ,Th r , tion. ... 1 Startli?lgnisclosures ! Mysteries Solrecl ! or the! 77 -----
The Hy i reana Is for sale at all the dreggistetbroughout the I _ nisiory.rf Earlier Living.stone. NOW and Cheari Goo -. de._ .-
,i B OUGEIT at'. few pressure prices and will . be
Sountry. _ , And dark carnet of Henry Ttaldwil. fly George Lippard.- I
Vote Narrative not only picintee the singular carder of i . old a •cto airted by • -- '-' ''.
Esther Livingston end the climes of_ Henry Baldwin. but. a _ '1- L. PURROWS &Co..
the scenes in 1 which they were actors in 'he ..Memesett ',
Care, are related by the wretched Baldwinjzi alselditrutta- ; .e. _ • -, . , . , .. '' , ;-..--. •
Gibrson, Oct. 11, 1854. 1 -
ft:entitle:woof:us style. And the murder of Mies Antde 1
- . 1 - C/Oth ' S - ' - i
- •• -, '..
- •
Gerdy, In Charleston ; ea the Meet of her Marriag e , le In I - I II
,; ; •••i . ;) - t .
these pages terribly explained. elee is cents, . , I 0 ASANERES and ' ceslinge, a large -assert, _,--
•The-Ricars Reretrge .0 or /he I,oetely Quaker...4s t I J 1 'tient and at prick rower than we hayeLev ,
I, Catherine Middleton'. I been enabled to lifer them heretofore:,_- • • • -••
The Skillful Gameeter in .Dissilpe I 11er sin aro . Oct - 11. -. ! -E. t if.'ise., co.
peer with, ttie eteetnoe neyekaroa.ota in the life of Don ' . e ... _ . a 5 1. •... 2 . )
SitierJaeinto,'• The Maniac Pree't." Prit:ol23‘ Mini. - ~ Amos ‘TuOuIS- '
TERMS-The 'above five -Thrilling and interesting Vol- ,- A. nryci v .A.p , % . ar i e • y , $ ,
_ 4
nmes will be sent to any address in the United States and I - ""` 1' 1 b int'lill tle intl. al. .
Carisilatifrereof Postaae , on, tie receipt orsp rents. Yost- I ...... most us cheep AO could ' be iresirred:
masters ne ether?, remitting two dollars, the above rive i Oct. 11. - ' U. B"Sf:CQ'
Books will br r t o.r, to Fie* Persons, free of tritagis; or on 1 . t ' • '
the receipt of Cr.- dollars they will be sent to Stites ye:- , -
sons. Lauer Clubs In the Fame proportion. . I,
, .
DRY GOODS.' . ---
All Lettess most be addrested 'rt. - , i. yti
' - • nioni.ef l c ( (),. ,‘; HE subscriber respectfully Invitee the atten- -
SO hem Street:New York •I lion of purchase:CHEAP
=. ill the above Rook.; are splendidly Illnstrated.-1413 I
rt 1 • SEW wiNTER. and SPRING .. -..
Neli Line of . Mail Stages • ~.
. I STOCK; which for extent; variety and cheapness _ •
. '
, he may safely say , is unsurpassed by any in the
Pit Obi . i Empire State. Among which' Inhe beiound •, ''
. 7 ,. 14 , 4,
........ ' , ... N.T .......... . : ' Two Handred Shawls' - ,
• ...,
<7l et' .. -
_,.., .
..., ' '' of ecery quality an d tityle,,prieca ranging fl'Olil , .
.:. ••.;t -- •e r . -- - ttip/P -7- -- --- - •":" - f
. 310
1, : i l ea
- wet- . , 0 . 0t.14. I.° .i'-.• . ' , • . "•-'
r•: . I : i - 4 - lt• -1 k - 11 I 2 0 piece% I l ar.tnietta and , Alpaecs . ,,irriiit' ilt.oi
7 4a11iac . 4 . )._. I Alillrallf. ' ' 1 ~. .
- •----' -. . .
___. -; S r per yard ; French Slerinoes 01%041 'grade
' and color, remarkable cheap; 1000' lards-De
- KIRKWOOD. TO BIONTRO3E. I Lanes and Persian,Cloths from de is 4$ ; Prints - ,
. -
A sr.taswin weave Kirkwood; pasting througl.Cos - and Ginghams in einfiess_qttantits); 15,0 yards
.Cll. bet ts villa, LI berty A 0-every nineningafterthe seri. ' ge a 1 . •
brch and un til Stettin nd 81a - rtin tie to -
volatile Mail Trains of ears,hoch beet and St eat / ;.- - -
inglontroseat 1 P.M. I IN.; 1000 yds White, and and Yellonr leaflet /
.R ET U,R NIN a • . from Is 6d to 64,- AV"l,en Goods of eve • kin 4
Leave Montrose daft
1 . i fur men and, buy s ; 100ilyds Silk; BrOgad Field,
reachltr ..
,(S a aslaysrtct'Ptea . ) Ot 2 r It. I and Plain Black, front', the - lowest - de to the
cit trketoed la Wile to sake the 3tellTrabas of •
Cers.hoth Cast and WtSt, 'Winn the ne*Telit Ann MGM I most supertax cell( y; tem( ncrinimps o or, ~ .
restimeruntetore4th the New York and Erielitlika 4l - , Cs'} description. - "'
' - : - 1' -• • '..
Thislineintersecteatri-weektyline forDtmockSpelar; , . 1 . " ' ~ ' ~. • . , ..•- ' -
411.1e,it'ankbannock, wyoratps. oriutviikeskaire, which I;• - . . Pedlars Goadli • • : -
icires.trotterohe at TA M every Afonday,lceduesdae'und , I l i ir ge 'i;to c i . ::f rou ., Au c tii„,n,' eirytcheert.....;... T. ;,....
Fridley, Also, aline
•o erfendevillieLerayrellle.&e.n o on i ' A '
Team:ear:4 roottortableCiirrieges are provided ., and ••the 1- tunkm and Travelling Bags, an e-terraqatunilt/ft‘-;
ereprietorewitupare nep-ainrthaeenmenodeftthoPuli. i 1 ent Constantly on hand_ _ ... , • ..., - -'i - -•
W . K. RASCAL-. . •
Ile. • .
b,.7: „:.
ep. ix, tss L • M.ORGAN & WEST. '
. 4 1 No effort will be spared on the part of thew!
' l• .. - will
to merit a ountinpance of the - • : -
hit+ the pablie. hap :hitherto must POITIII .".. q,.....
I is:lorde d him. end for which he .returns Illia*OTta- .
!. Ind hearti thank*, ".
_W. N. w4x,.
,so-,.- k--' . ...
, Conteeof Court ife.'‘iraltor Stir;7l`eitnii.: - -.
1.10 Block, nearly opposite Am Oletti': l: l 4 A4 -
sbemton, N. .y... ~- • v : 1 --.,:- --:, ,
..1..., - : e,
-- ETAS just received from N4sv . York, a flip us
11 surUpent of
• .
comprising, a first .rate variety of • .
.Druys, Medicines,. OheMicals, Afire;
! - Oils,' Dye-stuff's, Glass-mare,. -
I Family WrOceries,Waterials ' '•
• . ~- for Lights, MusFc4l lu- -• ' •
I , strumenti, .1 7 if' A kee
. Yot
. •
• ,
; -
1. . . .ions,. Jewelry,
- Perfumery,!'
I - ' c. , ,
and. .all sorts! of
Funcy Good.,
, t o w. for
which will be sold extremely tow.for eash.
• (laving recently sustained a toss by fire of at
least five thousand dollars, abo vo i insurance trnd
goods saved, I fan?y I have strong dolma for the
patronage of my friends and t 4 public general
ly. I ask no man to give to toe,. neither do I
ask or expect additional profits in co - ni4equence - of
said loss. I will sell goods as lowiifnot lower
than they can'be bought elsewh6re in this Town
or county. All I ask is that- patronage from the
public which will enable 'roe With industry to
slowly and gradually replace th;3 loss sustained,
—said loss being the hard earnin g s of a life of
anxious toil. .
'I .
'Store at the lower ,cad of the' burned district ,
on Main Street, a few rods bolo* the corners.
- Mnntrose,.Dec. 14, 1851 ABEL TURILELL.
nistrators . ---
of Apt;won
xecutor, et
by Rey.
o ELI-
- NVIO 'reek fittiehezitn qf .fan. .
The Inhaler it nom on the beta , ' nrolee_the Him with.
out the le.ut Inconvenience— the heat of the body being
itieteie hi to evaporate the
Hundred,. of CaBtl4 of CUltnithe the felloatne trOpht
be aimed- One raetane of Elegea's tide ettred me of the
4STILNA. of Fin year. peandlar• _ _
LI v Pusican ,on, pa.
I era coredoftl2e yeare stimdlue by 'Dr.
gents' Dygeane. • . ' •
I - M a rgaret Easton ,13r4oklyti,
I Mrs. Pallier 5 ItammoodBl,. K. Tr, is cured of a
severe ease of BronehetiebY the riyeraoa.., •
4TMryv' sli s y t eearr hs
a s s t an e n at, aw eta
hDtIeSI TtR b Z ei A u o r a C b O le OG h o
physi , lans. Phe was ettreil tn . OR r MONIII 'by the Ify.
•J. 11. Gatiber4 iiiihosotact.
Price three. Dollars a Paekage...4old by Qualls it PER.
g r. 4 ie # Ito YD . & ntri, lit Citamie ra pt..
Paciarres seatcfreeb; express 10 &VT part sof the Mitred
Pierre for. Tea Omura.
R- .Cart Is' trygettoo. is the 0 1 , 1 t1G•1..4. and ON.I.
GENurrr A RTTOL.E. , an otarmart bute - lrozoltatons or
rile and IltattßlOUtreemettetreira. • ilhort-Itheta ae you
would POISO3I. - . •,1471r-Vieeeher*O..A"iir'rs.
- -----------177------
NE . W steek . of Winter Shaw.4,4list reoie t
..i.A....ed and for sale low. tir .
t • .. : NEW :GOODS i . .
A RRIVING every week at .
• A.:LATHROP & Co.'s . -
iian .3, 1855, • -- • 1
Winter Shawls and ])planes.'
i Sellin g (:fr at great bargains.. Call'at
. • - A. - LATHROP & Co'e• •
5000 Dozen Socks wanted at ,'
• . A. LATHROI? & Cu'l ,
1 -
'' ! Grain, Grain,hGrain: .--
•OF all-kinds and et the big Lest priees, benghi
4 •
To the Hon. the Judgesq the Cur of Quar
:ter Se.asionit of the Peace is. and for ! Sus
richqicily Cu
onty :
T HE petition of I. N. Bullard of thc. Borough
of .Montrose in said counts, •
rep;e,!ent4, that he idednitb
..w;table eon.
"'sentence to keep Grocery in the! Borough
l'afeiresaiii,; and that it is his intention fp apply to
! the next Court of,Qnarter Sessions to ibe holden,
in and for said county- on the fourth ?Monday of
Januarr• next, fora license to keep a Grocery,
tebell strong beer, ale or nther malt liquors,
aceonding to the Act of Assembly of. 14th April
A. . 1851. J. N. BULLARD.'
Montrose, Dec. 1834-52w4 ' I
O FFICE and Pocket Employors' time Book, Passau& Memomidum Bouks. Brk Books,
Day-Books and Ledgers, 'a good assortinent (Pr
attle tit the Post Office,. - . .
V ALENTINM:\VALetcrtnaII. - - yalentt i
day is coming, so" Cali at tho Post Offiottend g t
you a Pretty Valentine—cheap—frolii Pi to 811 1 ..
• no - - & - ,salt. -
Prof.F.CEN LEAVES.' from Fanny's Port FU:ia, see..
__ lir -,
owl' Series, for sale at the Post Office: . 1: j Q-ALT ky the load, iiinie-A 3 . l °r " 16 et!the
J. P .- Stoddard's Set ies (4 Nos.) Of Aritli- 0 Hopbottom Station . .. ' . 7 ; .
metps, for sale at the P.ost Office, by i -1. i Also tour to Mistier MA. sacks at .62,75 per
• i A. N. BULLARD. 1 ' 1.1.8 1 4. '- • . • BELL ez. TINCILF.Y.
.4 ,, ntros,, Jin. Pth, liqc.Lc. • IFTFc:ttc-133, Oct. 12,1e54. . .
I ,
1 .
,• •
FEthti VISSCIIER & SClitLeS Getierdl
1 Appletres , ltuilding, 348
t.nt1341 ZirftcrOcsay, • • •
_ ,
To the lion. the JudyesCf the'Courl of Quct . r
ligr Sessions of the Peace in and for Sus
. quehonna County : •
T" petition of Francis R.Drake'of the Bor
ough of Susquehanna Depot in finiti County
respectfully represents', that , he is provided with
suitable convenience to keep . a Grocery in thO'
Borough aforesaid; and that it is his intention ti ,
apply to the next. Court of Quarter Sessionst to
be holden - in and for said "county on the fourth
Monday orJanuary next, for a license to keep .14
Grocery, and to sell strong !leer,' ale' or other
malt liquors, according to the sift of Assenibly '
of 14th Aprl:A, D. 185.1, . - •
Ritsquehanne DePot, De_ 1644---52w4
i PAS .
; e
t )
iffroftegen or IVateroroof Anh-I
—1 ' '- ' a l " 1 -f t it
Con Inp_ireo Cork oet man% ex urt
bit Haravert, Bhmitesi - I'6 l , 4'4 -•-
i ' 1 Mirka( St. ‘ ifctitehiiter' ' '..
Pn.cll4l , Warshightfi- iO2 litet.l Nrsd • thoopil4.
t Lepkt. jitrigosi,. .11.12131451 k itgarmsnaik: u . sr As&
s•mit ..ntlo2 . ltaiiins Ot4tet,rtior Fin!, V; ii,
i 1 - English Toiliet - Nar — atehiTh' i:,', ..
Mg tiF - aub'sriber.: t141,: . 04,* .. 11; r,t - ici9lViat ilki':
1 , ii. • stramOlip Paaltle: tr- large "tat 'of 'his 'nod,
vallect an 'Patent * Leytkr;;Watehii; iu, . Ptak -
Hunting 'Cises, , witti blifown pima- 6ngritved:Ott -'-`•
each; in additiatt,tittliis,uslial vnriellY•ilechilllrelt ,;': :•'
received. mama seat% fingkEt*liiiit:Duplex,iivbvskwY,, , .. , . -_ -
manta, 404 „ -te.ivale4 wittt•Rnhiva,,A4 the:%*7.1 1 44*.;77;i :
quidilar. 41 b I t F C 4 itAlt ,4 0w 1 4;";fia..Adieliston..wvir. I.i
meaty itiitik'ie.".sl4:,m*-40sy ' ii. %ache. Aiii; ... -,
:all' irtiFuirtett by iii , :aith*Thar:Afti t i . . i....1EV-4,,g?Jhis :-
Il.lanikfactnry, an Irate aolfito'llatia :,petiol; =
i l l
'wishing .it sups toi article at the 10‘Vvat Iliew-- -
York pang. - -.:• 4 LMED 1 EVANI2L—t - - :
- No. 2 Odd &Bowe fit&
(an. 10, - 18tb. --