The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, January 18, 1855, Image 2

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    the Constitlition and the union, and ever con-' 1
tended . for rights all. sections. of 0431, 1
etinntry, and all lasses and denothinations
the people," Such is our State.. To lire and!!
Elie within her limits, and to hav&horne.erenii
a humble part in her... cis.% andli
in her- history , I shall,ecet , esteem its prdad
privilege—ne that draws neat to its;
close, swells Inf heart with-gratit4e' to her
people at, 41ie 'recollection-A?f unmerotis i
proofs of - Onfidence I hilik eiperienced -:*
their handh. • •
, .
The fullness of my exultation in the chnrac , !,
ter and happy condition of cur beloved - Com-II
monwealtk and of the gratitude .I have ex-I
pressed, leases no - room in my bosom foreveni
a liage.rirOgret at adeeision of,my - felloiv-ii
• • citlzeas, Which is soon to relieve ine• from It
cares and labors of a \public life. Its
lent estitenteeta have ' already , been ' forgotten, 1!
• 'rind its - alieMitionk if ruff; forgiven. • I shad;
resume my.; plaCeringtejart4 . . of,. the people,i
with a calm consciousness of .having. alwavat t
eonght to ridvance. their hestiinterests to ; tiAl I
eitent of no,..abilicr ; - .anti of
.neYer. kaingli
yielde4My,le - onvietions of right, eitherin Sub-41
servrerree td any . Selfiskpurpose, or any. nar-1!
i i
row and unworthy prejudice. - a
• '-- nevi 4 idyerted - to' various subj ..ts of con-I'
r 1
.gratulation,in regard to the. public, affa iis of"!
1 1 1 3' owu StAte I:tasty - to indulged. in a brief
reference; also, - to• - the happy aspect of ours
common cOuntry, 'mud the elevation it. bas k '
reached anlo'lig the nations of the earth, -in 3
the light of liberty, and through the workiugs
Ofits,henigiiinstitutions. Who amongst
. - us; 1
and throu,ghout this broad_ sand, does not ex- i l
. perienceat 'this moment, and at every 11101
.iwnt, in hid • own condition- and the condition:.
• -of tlio_se whip - Surround him, the influence end it
benefit.Of grir happy Union, and the Well con
sidered compact by which it is Sustained. . A
basis of CakMlation, exhibited by past. experi- : I
'ence, will give our country - a- populatiou of 1
:hirty millions in less than ten. years from the' . ; Clia.ngingl Frou ,
present • tinte• , --of eighty millions in. thirty - The Democrat and
years to come--and of one hundred millions bra Ska ppers printed - at 1 DetrOi•
at the •closelof the present century rßut inere_ have'
'fin recee 'ir e d e e g iM4 the
with - members are of no. moment, compared wi. .
.‘rnoral elements, in a nation's greatness. •. The ' ln g - . Pt.` ler _ ,- 'lll4 advocates- its
vital strength' and 'stability of the United 1
.Thef - nOw iren . ie• out anCldenOun
States, as a 'people, consists in the substantial P. / jug that they do se - . be:lenge thi
interest whieh each individual has in the per-. l 'come satisfied that it is only a
manency of those glorious institutions, which Isimtli- to break! dewn the S et!
were baptise - I in of our, revolution- ;! - - ' . • ,
1 I
;I-North on the questiim of Sla cry
ary struggle, and - handed down to us as the
t I a •it't
sacred legacy of ou r fathers. Peril, or destroy tapers are honest.' - Wha I [p y 1 ,
__ ..
these, and we peril or destroy the share oti r not inor'e such'.' ! .. I I
'sovereignty incl., equality which they were 4 ' .._
designed to. iecure, alike to the 'richest mad !I . • The Coiniention.
i i •
poorest, to tie highest and humblest in the II We hazard nothing ilsaying that one of the
land. The experience of morn' than three- 1 1 . most., genuine' Democratic 'Convention ever
fourths of a century proves, lam • persuaded, in this county wits held in the Cenci.
that the ..ktnerican people, in the main, trip. :, 1., • i
. .. , ,'illiouse last Tuesday evening, the proceedings
ly appreciatei the beneficent stritctures army, • . 1 -
Beautiful operation. of our republican systerit.-.Lipf which we publish to4try.
We bare been'aiSailed by- an insidiouyaial II It was a ineetingof the genuine and deter
open- .1 • •t! . i ..
hostility-from abroad, and have.4t, times !mined Detnocrary of the county, - *of all see
before the proem, been encounteyed by both ttions of the co tity and : the gel Oil feeling
the concealed and.palpable, spiiit of :faction ';- - - ' •• • I
at home ; yet the Constitution still stands •-as which pervaded was a ern ' ng to our oppo
widely and firmly riveted in the affections of :nests that,if th y hold the field in future,they
the lioriesuria-%es of. American freemen, as at ;will have to am ll the ,ppirder. Welnive no
any former period of our history'.
.=roam for comnitnts, butjarci• certain that •we
The more fruitful sources of our national 'shall hear. no to ore about thl; democratic par
prosperity; undoubtedly consist in the freer - I
t being d end i' 1 this county: Read the pro
dam, industry and intelligence of our peOple; ; Y , ' ,l l" .'
• and in the riehnatural resources,of our coun- 'retediu9s -r • I
try, united to au advantageous commercial
'intercourse meth a warring world. But there
is one elemeet which we should cherish as
more potent thareall these: it is • the protec
tion and enentiragement afforded by the un
, ion:of the Start* under an adequate and sta
ble gorerniqnt. , To - this and the . virtue- of
our citizens, minder the smiles of Heaven, we
are more indebted as a people, then - to any I
other eireuni i tance or relation. No one who
has stddied onrldstory, and Marked the Spir- l
it- in which eta: Union was formed, can avoid I
the convi,oinn - .that c. 0.., g ee erntneut so - tart - a - 11 . 1
concerns thei.stability of this confederacy,
must be one - Icif opinion rather than" force. I.
Born in compromise - and conciliation, it i,
must .be cherished in the some spirit; it must I ,
present itself icrevery member of ',this repub- II
tic in the 'welcome e guise of. fripuiship unit,
protection -=t ot in overbearing pride, or as+
weitding the strong arm of power. •- • 1
We have hefore us-the plain, Written_ . corn -•i
pact of onrfathers - , to which they . - reileetint- t
Iy - consented 'and imbstribed, and itibound u's.l
who have succeeded thein. Its blessings and i
its benefits hare been.felt throughout long years I
.of ups-xampled .prosperity.l• If we would .
change ,any,r cif_ 'its prcarisione‘let ns with at ,
least cornrnoti.hOnesty and mantilla:VA, pursue I
the mode of aniendruent which is pointed - out-i
milli admirable 'precision, in the noble instru- :,
anent itself. IBut - until ibis is done. those 1
amongst us syho, from whatever motive, or
under whatetter pretext, either openif repudi
any,of it - a plain provisions, or, covertly
retreating under the cloak of a secret (wpm,- ,-
iation, seek,to violate its spirit, or avoid con iz I
pliance, withlts 'clear iiehests, dishonor the!,
faith of theirleathets and deny their - own pal- 1
. pable - and. solemn obligations. - Entertaining
these views, bow can, any American - patriot I
'regard, with the least degree of complacency,
the continued - and embittering excitement of t
cute section 4 - the country against - the dorites 1
.tie. - institutions of another.; or - the more recent '
organization: of iei:ret, societies throughout
-the Unit:tn.:based upon cloctrinesef exclusions'
and proscription, utterly at - war with 'mar'
National and State constitutions, and obnox
ious to the liberal spirit of
,American repub. -
licanistn i What admirer of - the - venerated 1
father of his'eo:ntry, - blit must feel, wirli re-1
'.siStic. , .sc force! . his solemn warniugg against I
secret societi for political ends," rm.. placing
'a powerful engine in shehands of 'the -selftili l
and designing, and enabling them . not only 1
'to riequireflower unworthily bat aleo • to - sap I
aid destroy- the most :leered principleS of aunt
• ..- I
government f" . . . •- . - ,
In these rdflections upon certain 'political 1
- organizations, if I rightly -- ; comprehend myi
6wn motives,! I am actuated •by YIO mere par-
tizan ho - itiliti Or resenttneut; - Were I to say'
less at the present moment,:„ I should. stifle
my Clearest Convietioni - cif - .right, and shrink
- froin ta.el - tity I owe to the of Pernisyl--1
onnia, who lik.Ve se generously Sustairied -Me
in various pliblic relation s in the past.: N i
mom: I should, by silence in this • regard,
fail praorterlytO reflect that •coespincy atid i
unswerving f rith which. our noble Cemiron- 1 - es-hided .toward the - princi-
eles Of - oitinitional cornpaet, in reference - to i
the freecicini- Or - coico . and -.universal ix , - i
ligiouS toleration; . and ;ol e o to; the - wise doe- i
triues of popular acid .gtate ':#4 - i'Vereipty, and
the inherent iirzhis of self-gdiernmeut. - .
During thin Brief
_ol'lol WhicloJetnal4s' :of.;
~• - • .
try- official terirrinhalt readily - and - Clieisrful-.1
ly co-opemiel with the G e neral Assembly'. 50
all proper measures, to, ndmancc the public
• weal"; and i 'airtititlyli - iVolle upon Osir.labors,'l
and, the labors of those who .may follow us iii.J
our public. - ydeati on, the ki n.dly care an 4, keep.'
ing of thatGreat ati7d Heiiificent - Being, who
‘lioldithe•destinies of nations as Well 14. of
inclivid*ilSt; : .iis - •it Were in the halloiti - 'of Ida
iland,'::'stid`.*lgii>ut s•bosi continued . : sinile
tbeee'taiifin:ti,oli,er national or iti - diiidna/
--- •-.1‘ , :h.,.... - .t..... ; . :
prosfentr. -- i - .;t,,, - i - 0 4 ... -
71 4404 1 4,,.
ilarit*- 4 r, 4.7, -. 4*t. - .. los-
/tenth '4'ai-Vo*Ackt.4l.*:%,,
- 13 . Vibin'-'l6*##%-",-44.:,-,11)..6.
K~ ~
. Latest flews. i
' l r - Mr. Sot: LE lhas resigned the Missi l n to
!Spain, and drift* C. BEpILESEIDGE of Ken-,
tucky has been appointed to succeed hits.
it ELI K. SLIFER,'• Know-Nothing, wad last
I lr fonday elected State Treasurer of reihisyl
rvithia' by a. vo te of 59 to 39. 1 I
-. , I
ison has been nominate& by the Legislature
I i
I- l e.= u- 4 :- . -Senator. Ile is a i teolier, ad of
iicourse objectionable to ;the Know-Notl inv..
{ l ,llonday hist the following printed eircul r was
1 1 1 1-circulated in the llotisei- -,
I To. the ifern6er - 3 of .4.11 v American O es _ in
1 the House pf ReFfeseitatives :—:i i
i; .."
41 1 members of the
House, of Representa
tives aho belielre in the freedom of' debate,
olio refuse to :auction a•high Ilianded.courso
1 , of political action, mid who are, opposed to
1 the election of, lion. Henry Nilson:to the .
United:Statei..S.eliat'e, are requested" to meet.
iin caucus, in the Green ;Roma, on Monday,
the 14th iust., ininWidiatply after the tidjoura
-1 ment of th 4 liduse. I 1 - -
1 Iti complianee with the above call, labour
"one hundred inembees 4-the lienseyrj nt in
to the Green Rooof the State house valet,'
after' a brief diScuSsion; it was yoted in.ini
mously to pastpoue, 'if possible,
,;die election
of the United States Senator for on week
-from to-rinwrow, and' t*pres..qed into iifi elec.
I don to-morrow to rete.for the lion. I.A.lexan-
Her Lt. Bulloil; Of Vi - oreter, for Se4sitor, in
opposition to Mr. Wilson. I ' 1
1 There has bef ,l n no choice foi , l'ator in
I Missonrii, Th Cote stood, Don pla n 58,
Pierce 5,5, Benfon 39. • : l i t
• The e., i I
!ri3 - I)6pe,' _ out 31e
readers ,will .generally read
`with care the]; st anninitMessage 'a Giver
or BtGt.F.a, n wliii:h we !pitlAli to-iiay. Asa
complete staterilent of the aifairs of the toni-
-, --
1 .- •
monv;eattl, it; 'manly iital held stj' , le ' will
command the admiration a, as well as in
struct the tender.
-He the .liet,..-. , aie with a reference to'
hirrisel and MS connection with the; people,
-which is so toutillinglY elognent and beautiful
that none - can :lead It and not feel ,thsti.a truly
great and goal ivaia is rei.iringfroM the Exec
utive Chair. wlsile-the ohAnicter of hiSsuce6-
or and hikadministratiiiishi all tincekain+-
Thus has a-cereitinty been changed for antin
certainty=a change in iyhich the, the -pee ible ,
of the.,State ma . * ;dose thus! • and ' enti gain
nothing,- for thJ most sanguine cannot hope
for a belts udininistiftrinn ihan the one jst
'ended. 1 '''. 1' : ; 1 1 ::
' :Now that the lAciteruent. •of the election,
• . F h o u r
and the fanat i cism of tisr or have passed
away, we are ellnvincetitthat the inasss 'of
the.people look; u.pon thhi retirenient of GliV
ernor BIGLER with somdthinf' , gloom likeand
.on '
spprelienie. i r .lle., has blamed them faithful
; - I 's, and their - cOnfideneelin' Jai integity can-.
r not suddenly 1./ transfe rred to hivsucesaor.—
i Bettis hope fertile teSt I ' i
f - —-1 ----4.-...-...- ---
Eireitlaratitiallls ildrithe Jar y Box.
`'At the last session °gate ' Coati' in Wayne
I ,
county, Judge P otter ("blip(' the qrand du
'ry that. any .(4ret _political combination 1
against the rights ;of; a 1 tilos: of our citizens, I
:. 'be indicted as a tonsltliracy: : The 1
.-;test issue of the NnOn--Nothing, Organ of
. , 1 to l4fo'd ale.,,,tioticed ; the S I C barge, • and boasted '
' - IV* 1319,1:E 41 . ; 71,,that 4.,44.U.lnta i jority 4,14 e Jitt-Y,wAle Know
-' - .I s Nothingsl.,:Suwli* aid-this hoist mess i'
`, Villy it tiseatit+mit thhi hat-e Vets -the. Airy
' 'BO% •' ' ' t-- 4. ' t=:-Pont at ' ,, s o‘ lil
i , tinder - the.r , &laws,
..,ott?- a i . , /, tt - -1 ,
disregard Simi! r ii.iiiii. 41
„iircuS - to f•crsun,
otherfron * tillisii' - ' t 4 444 iiv. , It,
I,` Woo 1-gitntartat
TRs LArtpEST•cincin,
R-MAgE.dt AtyiN'tlAy
ilgutrosSithitrodar t Sati!l• 111116,
' . Ft MOVAti
Democrat" ; Office Removed
To the Weat side of Public Avenue, North
of Searr's Hotel.andnext door , tti Ethridg&s
Store - 0T stairs. ,
- • Blanks ! 131amk,e:: Blanksi:2
1 •1•e on hand ' a SPlendid assortment of
Blank it, MortmarH ,
es Bonds, Notes; And
0 .
other Blanks, "ust printed, which we oker
fot sale on iesao %Me' ferkm.- Those in ; want
will find it to the i r vintage, to call at out
1 ,
office. on West side - P - tahlie Avenue, North of
Searle's liot4next . dpo' r t 'the Post Office.
tr. set, ~,iO. Nonuts of ,Ne Ilatnishire,
died at Washington last week.
Hon. J. V igssou,'Anerican Min . ' ter to
France, died , in Paris iecently with apopl v.
rlt Is anid . .-thai• the Know-Noihingt
have changed 1 the interrogatory "hare you
seen Sam," to ..he Aveii you seen
• 1
The Publication of the--. Standing 'Slow,
the Know-Nothing Organ in Ifuntingdon
county, this State, has; been snspended for
want, of bupPort.
could rnea4noPringglse, itrai it should arouse'
the people 'to a sense of their insecurity while
the order Aists.
ru Bear* county we , notice that Judge
• Wiligtlll39 charged - the Greed Ju
tea likeljrnport iith Judge : Porter. We
hope the people are beieg aroused to ilikdan-
Ors sge')
,hhreatert their:ll4ol;w
In our Paper to-day we copy from the
Richmond 13 1 74, with the comments of the
Del:noon:del Union, shoa - ing that the'Whig
cad ors aims through the ; instrumentality of
the Know-Nothings to se4uce• enough Dem
°chits into their party - to give them the pow
er, and then to revive their old policy and
principles. i Til l ey thus hope by deception
to foist upon the people principles which they
have ever condemned. .
- As corroborative of this 'we notice that the
North ...imericcin, of Philadelphia, is' already
out in favoriof another United Statei Bank,
and the Buffalo Expreii,t_another Whig,
Know-Nothing paper; seconds the motion,
and adds that as a measure of relief in the
present hard times, another Bankrupt Law,
ought to h4aSsed:
• ow awfully cheated are those - Democrats !
who, t awe been sedaced into this Order, - andi
how qui ' -ly i will the honest mass of them
tease the Oder and thus show their in
tegrity tit the orld.
• • •
Nor Extracts. ,
, "5.:-
Our Knox i i 'Nothin . .eighbor, ' the:Repub
/Ica t, is • yofond of copy' from the Wash
ington kiwi Nothing Orga . for the purpose
of showing ihat the principles f the Order
are, that we "desirejn addition to 4 extracts
whiCh we .published. from that pal e ',last
week, to calVattentkin to s "few more isfst;ke
same sort." :Speaking of theKnowNisthings,
of the Northl . the Editor says :•
"Have no these politicians heard from the
Northwest, from the North, and front the
East f . Do they not know that in Nen-York
the "AillCrictin party" is,Compose.d, •of sound
conservatiie 41ementientirely 'I DO they. not
knont , ..that the" hard." and the "silver greys".
compose the American 'party in that State?
Do they notlnow that in Massachu'seits,'the
'nig:, the - pemocrats,. and the Freisoi,ers,
each'ran a candidate for governor, and that
the "American party' took up an inclepen
dint eonserraiiec Union man for goVernor ;
and elected` him by a vote far execeding`all
the -votes cast' for the three other parties ?
Do they not know that the American party
in the-:` Old Bay State" ii-- a pure: national
party'?" -
- Certain it 4as the Organ claims, that the
Order in NeW, York is composed of pro-Sla
very men. we know that in the election for
GOveritor in that State last fall every exertion
was used by- the Order to defeat CLAnic ; the
Anti-Nebraska candidtite, and elect Ullman
a pro-slavery . ',: , Fillutore Whig; and . we also
know Oat to New York now, this' same
'Know 'Nothing Order are pursuing :kir. Sew
ard like tigeni; intent upon his defeat • for re
election. And we also know that the Order
has debauched theFree•Soilera of Old MaM
achni,etts, till,lin'eddition to • defeating their
candidate for 'Governor, it has capped the
climax of its monument of infamy" by electing
a Kidnapper ier. Mayor of Boston!. '•, . '{
Again we copy from the. Organ: - 1
"It. is tttle, Ofr;dWS/ 1, 1 1 P. - 1 4 .0.4 . " 4—X— —i.
Nothings are a Nis-toss'. PARTY, and will 1
nog enter into the Seward ervsade against sla-
I !
• , 4
% large_ number of the ,IL.'nuserntic t.: itizen
•It is true, also sit* trrr, that tke.l.ani .' i- i • ' ' ' •
Susquehannit:COunty met at th Cent
slarery ntorenten in
• Neta
. }"ork has . bern °f 3 - el I
checked br thd lat demonstrations. ; - Huse Mt Tuesday evening, Jan: leth,lpursu
Hottest citizen. of Susquehanna' county !, ant to - .•' j •
look at the alsfive xtract from the _Organ,the lllcn. Geo. Fuller was chosen President ati
acknewledgekprass of the Know
.Nothing , Geo. A. Carpenter .of..Hzirford, lleni, Johlt
be‘ yle•of New 'Milford, Wm. B. - Ilandyi . ck o
Order,-and established at:Washington try the I
Order as its central light,—look at 1 these ex- 1 Springville; F. M. :Williams,
~Esq., ofi Mont
tracts, rejoicing
_that the anti-slim9y - Mere- I robe, Wm. C. Wait!, Esq., Of New ,ilford.
meet has been: checked by Know Nothing Otis Ross Esq.; of Middletown, Danielinal i
progress, and then tell us if 1
von .I,ell ev .'n The rohnson and Latham Gardner of Bridgew -
of Clifford, Alanson Lung' of Rush; Thom I
J -
ROildiegn to `thisplace v can be honest; when
it Pretends to ilireet the free soil Sentitnent of ter, chosen ViCe Presidents. - i•
this County; and at- the same time devotes "S. B. Chase,-Esq., - of Great:Bend,- A.V. D -
two or three columns per Week to. the defence 1 via, F -9i of SuSottehanna Depot and 4ans
Know Nothings? , - When they copy from Meilillan of Springi - ille c •Steretar t i
es. I
this .Washington Organ for their readers, 1 IThe 'Petting was-opened ;bra few ; 41 PPr
they are very •treftil not to copy; that which priate retaarksifrom•the President: • •
relates to slavery. - Why, if the issue of ,
On motion of I. Reckhon,Esq., a C4rnmi -
tee ofnine persons were appointed to draft.
Very is the only one they care about an' they
pretend, do thay - not at least;- •• ay) the Resolittions and an addrest ; expreasivelN the
• ar taz
Sense of the meeting. •-Ilie- Cliainnips 111-
evidence which is even day accumulating
I-ser* ;---Isancirtecl-;
that; Know Nothingism aims at its prostration 1 neunced the fallowing
hew, John Blinding, Benjinin oid4a, , D.
In the North;4-why we ask do they, so care
keep this ievidenee from .the publieeye, ?1 O. Turrell, C. -- -M. Gore, Daniel •MeMilinn, C.
There is but one explanation, lel this-singular IJ. Curtis: 11. A. Williiims,,d K R'Chas
conduct, and that is, that they w i s h t 4 m i s _ 1 The Committee having tetW, IL B. xittle,
lendt, the publid mind, and draw ..f ree\ w i i ers e I 111.,. and C. L Ward, wero i z elipeetivelyealll
into the meshes of the Order; that the L may 1
i for and'each addressed tlis meeting -iti an
be tirade to abjure their principlei by i s hor- 1 ahle, fearless and happy msouer. After'fthich
rid 4-atha. -They aim at building up a domi- I
the Committee on ltesol4ns and 41diels
neat party for Some purpose, though
!'reorted as follows: - '1
be done at the expense -of principles:j Wei
[ submit to any.' ;. candid mind, that if the pre
tensions of that paper were honest in.! refer
ence:to the question of freedom, when i't sees
this.seeret ps,Werpmstrating the: men 'cot* the
North who hnfre been faithful in resisting sin-
Very aggression,—and when it sees its lead
ing presses rejOicing in what they believe to
be the certain 'overthrow of Northern . .senti- -
Menu, they. Would raise the alaim,—Would
' warn the•peopfe of the danger. But no; nll
this is carefully kept from the: eye of; their
I readers, while,through column after cOltunis
lof their paper, they sound . hosannas io the
trinmphal.otareh of-know Nethingism,Which
.74 bearing down asgoes, the very ritinci
1, - )ies which tbeyprofess to -adore! .We sub;
apt to you, holiest citizens, is there not seme
thing wrong, here! •
rt, Michigan,
e them, say
•y have be
ante of the
at. of the
These pa
, at we, have
Again we will -cop y from the Know Noti
ing Organ
"The independent State ticket•of the X now
Nothings in New Vail, and the results of thel
election from this wovement, have seriously
ditmaged the 4stimates of the Seward - cosh-I
tion f w
or, future' r, otierations. la -fact , we con-!
qer the Ne 1. orl Know Nothing - move-1
ment as " settling the, hash" for W. IL tiew-I
ard.rojceted northernreati-s/quergeO4/-1
ition crusade against the South. oversho4-1
owed - 641 Ike 'hostile aUitudi of the, Knob&
.ffolhings, Thei hold the Wand qfpow,r-i
We Lam heard a great d eal iu thiacountry.
about the foriaadaa f3fa northern party on the
istine'cirslaver4, and at kit, November - Court
- • .• •
iCirat,Aleclarezi to • be for Med "by "fusion," and
the ,R. 94.440.4 sva.; : estalllLbed as its org
Tlit gm ooirse- hes•Lpflt tril..m in of • er
• Old Lanes Again.
.tiortlien' i aintes;and it is to this-party wh oh
the list sentence in the above extrafalludes
to as t an "anti-slavery coalition:" i But this
KI/I:4Nothing Organ claims mai rejoiCes
that this party haa been overshadowed,t t at
is, matte powerless, and crushed" out, by he
Know Nothings ; which the RepuOicalii e=
tends and eilitaltal- Did averincansiste cv
1 , 1
rear A more appalling. front 1 . ~.
I - Bat we have morestreets. The - followl i ng
isfrom the Pioneer, Tarnow .Nothing paper
just started in the western part of this State-:
"The4rnerican party, hold tire ! power! in
New York,llassaehiusetiir, Pennsylvania, and
Other States, having swept everything befOre
them, sue killed anti-Nebratlitssnr Fuld Abo
litionism alone dead: ! 1
1 R ea d e the AbOTO extract, freemen; of Sas,
quehanna, and then tell us upon! ){ our con
. I .1
soences, what you think of a paper which
rei ,
takes the professions of the RepuNicani'
reference to the slavery question, and -not e i
ly embraces and defends Know Noihingisni, -
bat studiously keeps the real designs of the
Order from the public. Iv it honest
But we'have another extrhet on this point,
which comes from the •Harrisburg I Her+,
odited by a friend of Mr. Pottoes, ; and an
applicant for office - from his Admin!stratiOn.
It will be recollected that Mr. Sollefs of Mn
:- [
ryland, in Congress week before last,: rejoiced
that Know Nothingistn hsd hung the Auti - -
Nebraska sentiment of the North as high as
nituan. The Iferald says:
." We agree with Mr. Sottv.ns, thht so ar
from interfering with State rights, asi'cliarged
by Mr. Kturr,.the Know Nothings"; are. for
'preserving_ strictly, the rights of he; Stag, '
and the union of the Statei. The j look np
on Southern, and Nerihern fanatic* in the
slime imfaVerable •light, and would . pla''ee
them side by side, an . " d hang thetn'hi , ll as
i °
Hainan ': • • 1 i
I . on this eitrut the Ilarrhburg Union o apt
I . :" remarks :;-- . - i ; •
J" 'e copy the apoVe precious adnimission
frOin t Herald, and commend itto the free-
SOilers o Ids State, as an indei showing
pretty clearlynto whose binds the ICaders of
Know-Nothingi tit are about, to:all Who
Would have thou& t three months ado, that
time editors of the, ahl would b - qut ntit-•
king sweet' fites . to si• . ? . Who{ would
I * ,
have thought the tnild,• eek, sttgocoated,
religious lambs Of the Hera would be wil
ling to lay down with,. the: ro zh, Uncouth,
and snarling lion of slat•ery,
_lt . g, however
even so. . Poor anti-Nebraskaism,\ltvv IoW.
hive you fallen; when you are no lon, 4 t 4.3-
c,Otruiied, even by the most strenuot*. a ri..)- .
cates p you had in this State? What 4 shit e
it is tb forsake a cense:With so little iTretni)-
1 1 . t .
IToi'give nationality .. to litiow-Nothinoistii,
, i t•
all discussion on the slavery - question mint
cease. This the South -demand, 'and We
merely make :the. above extract frnm the
Herald to show how wilting some peciple are
to forsake principle for power. We I should
nti,t, be surprised to see. our , -neighbor's in a
few months, advocating Nehraskaism: rith as
much zeal as they . a feWmOnths ago uppOscd
it! "Sam "-demands it, i
nd , what he demand: ,,
"Stephen" has not, heart eanugh to reMst.." 1 .
Reflect upon. thcse things, fellow- , .litizen.
avid then act: ,We tell you that , the toldeSt
game.of-deception, and fraud k now . being
played to rob you of your prineiples Will
ydu not show to the world that you ean and
: -
will maintain them I • - 1
.. 4 .,,T.WiIESS.
IV the Clime - flit of m*;qu , si Cebiaelitr.
A Courention of the Democratic Party of
This County takes the liberty of addressing
you.upori the subject of political affairs, be-,
cause, the present is deemed, a time of great
moment t 4 the - country. . 1 • :,
1 After - Or:. last. Presidential 'election.. the.
Whig party declared its intention to diSor
grinize, as sons announced by their own -or
your.. • Its leading men became convinced
that there was no use in ritterripting to over
throw the policy .which the
,Democracy'_ had
.establislied,o i n which the government shoirld,
be, adininistered in future.; and,, if not aFso. -
Intely•convinced of the wisdem of Democrat
ic, measures, they were forced to give
an unwillingisupPort.. The' Tariff, the Stib
Treasury, and the slavery; qution, -had '.,,a1l
become settlld in the policy . of
. the country,
and settled in the manner 'which had. b l eed
determined by the wisest , - statesmen 'of the
country: The Villig • party, our opponent,
bad thereforii no hope offuture succeikEuPon
its old platform of opixrsition to 'those meas
ures,—,its leaders seemed disposed to giveltrp
the contest, and left its honest masses with
out rudder or 'compass, - On -the wide sea: of
political adv4nture„ • • • i
Neanwhilo the Administration of President
PIERCE wasgivingTe7 generalsatisfaction to
the rna , scs of, the people. Ttie country teas
at Perice"abniad Hand at borne. Labor Was
productive, 4,:olurrieree flouri:shing, 'the giw-T
eminent trarnpril,and its subjects happy, To
. , i
I - Resoled, That preeeit crisis is One tit
/- "1' all human appearances a Jong period of re
the most important in the OlitiCal dayslikely
• e lf I pose from' fierce politic:al agitation. was
our country,—a time, w.het. II good men re'ri: : I to f dlOw. . Rut - thi; repose 'was broken, and
required, by the exigeneeS ;political events, 1 ever y d a y is . n ow creeeleping reasons for 'COIL
tO arouse ai..ti ity in - d e f e 'n ee c r
those early and wise teach Gs . whiehl, have - • i
tinned alarm ritul alTrebelisiOn ! ,
come down to ns from thdi Ostrious &tilers. The wanton and', unnecessary repeal of the
of the Republic. - ' ' • . r _ I, .lissoltri Coiriproinise by• COngresi, •unsettled
Resolved, That the . Dri. ;:atic party h fife prOlound ;peace of thenation . , Orind aoliin
0 1
f_riVC'D to the country obit- 'i is gloridus' iii' precipitated upon the country tire fierce, arid
its history, and wise and he ficent iti iisgo4 * a
ngry contentions Which will ever arise from
ernmental policy,--thin all those 'well-settled 1
doctrines-upon .Iv hich the -,i overtime -i iit . h t i /the agitation! of the - question of ArneriCan
been administered till the resent b ot h! ) 1 3:% . 1 e I Slavery. Ilk: spint of the North, with*,
been at some period '6ppe, i by the lopPci- 1 distinction' ofparty,‘wa" s aroused." That 4111 ' 6-
IDnt- 5 of our 'Party and'ita p ticiP l o: l3 9ir• 1 !. tion,So 'with evil eonsequenees,.'to
Resolved, That naerfsthe ave.thus tiliotrti .
themselves wrongin all pas time "ou es ,•- i ' .
, ~, th r....eueet Ali! , perpetuity of the een.....fieratly:
question of national import tre; give a l Ne 9 r) - i . had be. en puts-at . rest, .as was, fondly hoped•
guarantee to the' people the :they are m
triglit forever.; mid; indignant that their peace and
, .
now or ever wills be• i i: 1 . best - intereSts should thus .be trifled
,tvitli, the
.. il .
. ; ,
- i Resolved,. Tint though re . ave heeti- Parr' maserfthe'.North
o were. preparing to strike
tinily defeated, we are not diSMayed or dis . • i
cOurigedi The
. principles o the DeMdcraii6.l
party are those' uponone'final blow,--a blow that .iliould torfelt.
.. u hi. i the R e t u hli4., I their serr anti-that, they were not , above their
Were based, and; they will .iy as lo g - a's 1 ma„,ters,—and that they could not be.: 14r- ,
Freedom shall wiinister tit' P altar 9f' our }mitted to spOre with their happiness, their4e,
common country.,- 'We {i:refore
anew with each other t6liittl in their d4fenc
Sustain the °vomit:ale - hj
c °verian curitir andAb rights. rights Tim blot' Wai .4%114;
but ft-fell with - anuncu ' itain alai for- ' ! rest: sons
beliy as we do . that Ali :, goo . d
li- i,
~ . ri W I Sustainslthen
,7-.•t4i43 of which we will proceed to enumerate.! "-- - -I .
tit e peopl e i v in 'lrif,,„ty' disc ornate v e iween" As soon its General Ptencewrii nominated
a 'patty of 'princtlesotnd ii
.rty ithigll TO foi tltc= Preside,ney, he. was . aisailed by 'lds
n 6 principles for the public
y, and 'Whieh prirtisan foes!.as having been instrumental :in
re ot t x ti: . e b rint e ro o l lis in t) t i e ra ll e ifi ts, eit l t il f,
t ' e n a te „:i n t li iii t i t d l i i i e tu t il a . „'. eta - eing upon the.‘oo:stitil4n,.oi his .State a
1.. .2 1 / provision intOlerant to the - Catholio-•religiqn.
'and eieeutrid under.' 'an "-eilt : :of sder
m en ,-whO ad voca t e G etw A t ; 1 ;ot r i o ti punt 1 This was felli?weil rip by - General Scorr, his . -
lore the
ciples, shrink not front' ,II:re .mg lli , -; he; :oppone' ut, Willi tine:lardy atterripta, to Alit er
es t
their. deeds from the world. ',
' people,''noi ' sect d rkness tot 'hide - ti t - - - ' t•, . •
1 .„ in portion o • iir people intohis suppo t.-
i ''''....-Pr i ‘ -' e traverseAtherintry, made puhlidspe
~ -.
" - Risofied, That slavery. it. an instil.tition
entirely local in its thatmeter,—that itAan lir es and;svrotepu lie letters,- in all of OH Ai
. I gally'eu.t in no i•tilte or t.2 . ritory of this Mien I he made thejniott fiat:et-leo' appeals to ‘‘.file:
, •
Democratic ConiarSpnYenqcon•
dill 'estati,lished thereby the sovereignty of
state law, 7 --that the general government
'should in no wise lend i 4 -countenance-or
- lippprt to extos . ion or' purpetuity* the
institution 'and resist.inny . -:; such
usi. of the i•olyens,of Cho generit ion:lament
aslanfferoWitisurloatiolis nd thig,rant ahnies.
:I?esolvt*.Thatibe proyjsions cif the • act
- nf . CongNe- establishing the .. Teriiteries . of
Knitsas!an4 . Nebraska, which struck - down
the so called 'Missouri Comproinise; is aiiput
rage against Northern-sentiment and North
ern feeling:---a 'measure nn-called for .
and unjustifiable by . any. principle of justice
or, good faith. -
Resolved, That the repeal of the Mi4souri
ComptomiSo was hot a measure of the • Dem
oeratie party,but is one whiuk a huge ma
jority,ot reik of the detnocracy of
,the North
its very incipiency, as 7 antogohistie
not only to; their oft declared principles in
their primary.. assemblies, but also to the
great NatiOnal platform Ini I down 'at. lalti
antra -in -18;52.
Resolvedi That amid tb s . torm • and cent''-
, sion of the political elements which -prevail,
we will still keep . our eye upon the star de- -
mocracy by %%hid! 'our country has beetigui
ded through perils and dangers In•the nice of
progress Unequalled; until she has arrived, to
the glorionS and ienviable position she now.
occupies among the nations of the earth.
Resolved;. That the great principles of re
ligious liberty and toleration—the right of
man lb worship 'God according , to' the, die
tatesof their consciencies,* [were' fundardental
• ideas in tlai foundation of the .government
strongly; and Sacredly entrenched, in the
conititution of the country, and thatiwe look,
upon All attempts tO drag this'question of re
ligious toleration into the political arena as
subversive ef the constitution, repugnant to
the principles of Republicanism,: and likely
to embkoil the country in all 'the horrors
'religions persecution and strife.
Resolved,! That we'have; seen with , alarm
the n'rowth.Of a secret combination for pat
ieal purposes, commonly called Know-Noth
ings It cannot now be denied and indeed
it is boldlyfaVowed by their leading presses,
and by 64 members in and out ofCongress,
that they a4in inaddition to all other wrongs;
to prostrate the free, and *only sentiments
of the North' on the staljoft of slavery 4ten
sht. • We believe this,. Order subversive Of
thoc great. 'principles of 'civil and - religious
liberty which to ke our happy country' the
home of fre4 mere , free Speech, and free !dis
cm;.sion, and' we 'therefore etill upon all patri
ots to join •tis in 'arresting its dangerous pro
gress; before it shall have sapped the founda
tions of our ',republican institutions; L.
Resared,i That if any change in out untu
raliintion laws is' needed as.this Order alredg
es, that it is a matter which, like
. other clues.
Lions arising in a - republican government,
should be fairly discussed before the - people.
in .order that they net. infeligently ; and that
it affords noljustifiable pretext whatever: for
the organization of secret rolitic s nl
which all hikory admonishes'us,are the most
potent engitteS for the distrtiction of the :lib
erties of it . free people. •
Resolred That we are in' favor of an edo
nomicalAlMinistratiow of the government, a
tariff for re4nite only, and so adjusted in its
details that its burdens shall fall- lightly tipon
the - laboring mnsses . the country;---that
we are in faYor of the 1 - Tomstend Bill, which
is essentinlN a democratic ineasure,—a gille
rni and efficient system of Common Scluiols,
that shalryinr , edneaticn Within thereachof
the poorest child in theTommonWeidth,'
which sballf spread intelligence and virtue
everywheie among our - people, 'and 'rear a.
solid fovnda{ion. oil which the future glory
sad prosperity ofthe government may rest.
. - . • . . . .. _. ..
rich Irish broue, and - the Sweet dernian ao
cent" for support. But he . was beaten, and n$
was!alleged, nearly the whole vote which he
• I
strove thits earnesti I y. to procure, wasgiVenio
.Lis opponent. - This seemed Wintbia le hii
. .
partizans to somethi This
like a jeelint'or 'ir e :
venge ;and when they 'found.thettaseleesovei...:
. . - i
thrown, and no longer hopedlo rise akain by
virtue - of-.those Aistinc l tive political principles
whiCh they had - recoiled from lissuty CLAY .
as their distinctive leader;' some of the less.
- I
scrupulous.of those partizans devisedlanother
schinie, but which -Undot,ibtedly had its ori
gin in the preceding, canvass. That scheme
;was no more nor l ess thin) On attempt orn
to corn
iallilie intlamedl - 1
prejudims of Ameriean
;citizens by birth ; against those ivho; Are. 'our.
itizensby ndoption,lund then: to• direct) the
cruel eriergies of sueb - a combination, by oaths
of see'recy, ngninst those atiOpted citizens, re
,of consequences or results.i .
Fos:some time this ' - combination. was 'con
., • ,
fined in its operations to our large cities, and ,
did' not, seem likely -6 enter largely into the
politics of the country; but
,the repeal of the
Mis - soiiri • Compromise, startled the rues.' ses of
the people, and iweaket4 'the ties by - which
they . were held Ito their old organizations,
leavin - , fr thorn in a mood to cnibraee any, or-
. :.
ganiiation, which seemed likely to afford,
them an opportunity, to visit coddemnitioni
upon those who were, answerable for thus•dis . 4
tubing the peace, and breaking the political',
faith of the country, • Southern politicians
became alarmed at the combination of nor
men-which was being formed to
the grievance of the -I.4issouri repeal; and their
attention-Was employed to devise 'some means
by which that organization could be scat
tered. , They found,a; ready and potent agent
in this secret scheme against our adopted cit-A
inns, and at once, as, by 'magic, that question
was thwn in upon the masses of the North,
for the purpose of diatracting'attention. from
'the Sl. very issue, and, breaking the force : 4
. 1.0
its organizations.
" HoW' well this scheme has succeeded, is
too painfully evident in the elections. Not a
sine e. l o) -• has been held dr
has been held that is . not clainied
by thelSouth, and V the Know-Nothing Or
der, asitheir peculiar r victory, thus almost en
tirely •hidingi from vier any expression by
the masses of the North, on the question of
the extension; of Slavery into . the territories of
Kansas 'and Nebraska. - It is- true thitt they
elected Mr. - Pollock in this State who ,coni
rnitteci himself against. the Missouri • repeal,
but it is also true that at• the
. same same-time they.
struck down.. Mr. Darsie who
W as just' as
strongly coMmitted tigainst it as Mr. Pollopll,
and elected Mr. Mottl for Canal Commission
er,• who was well knoWn to be in favor of that
repeal ; and. it is also itrue that they defeated
several- candidates fori Congress who had been
tried and' found fnitlifitl to the . North - and
elected others' who would suit their purposes
better: The present session of Congress; too,
bas shown that but little fidth can - be placed
in age they haveeldeted who were . suppOsed
to be true uorthern*men, as some of them,
like Banks. of Musachusetts, have already
proved recreant to the cause of- freedom,
on the floor of Congress, and in the face of
the country w.ii,..utp:sw.“.. to ease . fsivea . them howness
and. they now do not , hesitate to lIVOW their
intentions: Their leading presses all overtire
country, and their public men in -- and out of
Congreh, noiv 'declare their) purpose to pros
trate entirely that: sentiment of the North
which is l;etile to the :spread of slavery be
yond its prese - ntlitnit,'ilid to' accomplish iti
, they are pursuing; those public "tnen and
press of the North, who haire 4:ipposedsouth
ern Aggression.. Wh t ever a. man has dared
to.stand up like BE,Nlox,•or Szvrartri, and re ,
list southern agraedizetrent at the. expense of
therNOrth; every means:has been;:tiSed to de;
feat 'his
.they hi . ye
already defeated, dielatier. they: are hotly
pursuing'and probably, twill defeat,' -7North
ern presses are struck - at from-their secret;;
Lodge-Rooms, and their Menibera'req' uired to.
use every effort intheir power to accomplish
their ruin, olt..o.4pliiti of excommunication if
they refuse to Compip:-
- Them is another feature of this Order which
we will.not discuss, b at-simply I point out.
disierninglnaal : can. see that. the most
calamifousconsequoneee.mitst follow to-this
country, by provoking political discord among
the various yeligietie : lsects. Religious * faith
is a matter betWeeniibitt and his. Creator:and
when that faith is Made the subject of politi,
cat persecution : it is easy to see that- Relig
ion itself will become , corrnpted:' and demor
alized, while the bitter animosities, the terri
ble and Woody per;eeutions which,. in past,
. ages have desolated.;he
. nations cif - ti,.. 1)14
world, must'and will xs revived here, te.des
elate and finally, overthrow the .Liberties of
this Republic. Let 4heed the,warning ioice
lof history on this point, and bewiSe!
1 ' •Passing..over the !doctrinal points of. the .
, .
; Order,. which we have no time to discuss, bat
1 Wth l errni
Which ilt suggest elves 'to all thinking .
men, we purpose to stly a few words in refer
ence to its secrecy.. 4 ; Washington, the Great,
and the Good, in his 'farewell, addrus to his
- I • :
countrymen, . warned 'therm moss ' - solemly
tigainst secret social' , ofany kmd. The rea- -
son he assigned was; .that they too ofteit-be
came potent engines in the hands of badmen,
for political
.purposeS4 Rut, 4 f-here , ::k.a . -secret
I society, professedly fob' political pitrposa, hi
ding its actions front 1 the people by - awtltl
I oaths t '.'lifttlrWlisit!force 'does the - warning
i of Washington come up from the. tomb:at .
1 this time ! - And shall his admonitions pass
unheeded I Arc the ears of diet American
people deaf to the admonitions of ''t.lie Fath—
er of his country ;" and their. hcarts cold to
the inpulsfes o -a sublime patriotisin like his i ?
No, it c• no . be. „The American peopk
have bnt to reflect, arid they will see •that.
their' only safety froini i the plots - -,of trill tom,
. and. the designs of the venal,' is n free, dii.:
cussion. They . cannot permit men . whom
they plaeo - to rule - over them; AO - olve a' poli ti
4, cal allegiance to an oatli.bopd power; which,
1 for aught they know is in Its: Seeret
I Conclave's, in what Manner it may -best Oyer-,
I throw' the libertie4 ofibia , Republiet ttnd like
I the Jacobinsrof 'Prance, pittee:" . a'ltOliest)eiiNti
!:upon the,hreedy . ' throne of-our nation's•rain l
We have no doubt that many honest men,
both Democrats and Whigs, have been se
duced into this Order, thinking that , they •
mightip Son 0: way , serve their ,principles ; -
but wllir, - Wheit the Order comes to throw off
the disinisei- which it assumed -.gain
strength iu . .ita infrkncy, as it is now . doing,
wilt vane Out from-it. We should be sorry
to believe that, they could - so far stultify then .
selves to abandon , - the -great
freedom, and of civil and religious liberty,
which it is evidentihey, most do under the
lead of this - slavish and intolerent Order.
. .
If there be anything in our naturalization
liws, ; or,in the - infloi* 4.eignert - to this
country which needs correction, there can be
no - iit , ect of such' d Order to d6-11;-"TaitiCe
proclaimed before the Deople r •--let it be dis . _
cussed in our elections, by
,the- prowl Mg kry
our public men, and then all !met' - Awe's*
may exist maf be corrected in the. sphit of
Justiee and Repuhlicanisin: Trtab is held.
It delights in discussion. Erioris
and Guilt and Tienson hide ttierriselvos from
the face of a just and free peoplel , They de--
light in oaths of secrecy and -in midnight
darkness! • ' ' •
W 1 ask you fellow, citizens, to reflect so
berly upon these things, and thew let your
patriotic impul' '
will .will not . be thisled. Twice bas
France been - free in modern' History, and,
each time, the enact potent engine in the
hands of the bad Men who enslaved her was
her secret political "'Clubs." , La the peoplo
demand tlpit in their hands shall be kept !hi'
political destiny 'of this nation. Let. them
say , to thos e unprincipled, politioions . wl4o plot
itirs•ames of deoeption and fraud in iecreti
,that their days are numbered, and tbOt - daii
designs understood.. Let us, - as• - woilitinitte .
high privileges 9(Americaii,,eitiens,.*tiaake
one determined effort to 'rescue" cue
ples,'and to inaintainlth'em-in the.
.taderof the
world. * * • '
The Democratie party is not - dead, tont
the c.qmtrarV is new gaining .'sirengtlr:every
day. The only two parties now' -existing'. ore
-the Detriocracy and the, Know - Nothings:--..
Let people oboes° between • them •on ': the
ground and merin of pinciples. Those- - 4o
think men shmild ibe peis_ecuted oriaccoput k of
their religion, who think slavery -Feferible
to freedom, who believe the people hare 'O' a
righto the privilege - ofdisOussing..the merits
and p° neipies of men who seek to. be eleVa,
ted to power, but that-they , oiallijailltemidt
by horrid oaths to vote for ose.wlie are de the segret Lod of an . oath;
bound Order ; those who - believe thus will go
with our opponents:. lint those- whebeliest
that the grAt principles of
.freedom, - and 'of'.
civil and•religious- liberty are -valuable, dust;
they should be preserCed;--that amanshoakl ,
only seek • povre e r and place for `the goat he.`
may he able to render his country,- - -_,,that tie °
cret societies; for pplitical purposes .are dap.
Serous to,the liberties of the country,—such
will array - themse . l ives with the Detncteracy,.
and in the end - will triumph,' and rescue the
government government, from those who would prostrate
, .
its most. sacred _guarantees. °
We call upon our patriotic fellow oitizens•-.
to ',anat. ! . mok,togettlet, tilst,•*tboie things
soberly, and see whither thing are tending.:
Organize in your ;several District's' and - See
what catif)e . done to avert . the danger s which.
are in:o4lrig.' .Th - ose invaluable - rights, for
which our &then -yob, are viorth preserving..
They cost. years - of saerifice 'and rivers or
blood,---they *are Worth 'one - terribie" - Straggle .
to maintam. -- ; - - ' •
• The Resolutious antrAddress were adoPted ,
unanimotisii. .. The ' Conveution then proceed
ed to 'elect :Delegates to the next-Denideratid
State Cotivetitioti.l:4o*Lithiep 'was. duly '
elected Reliriiientative,
.astii,lilas:iU •ReekhOw
Senatorial elegat*a. - ' -„,::',... -: •
On moti 0 it ivas iietaiett;That-the dela
gatesbare4ower to AabSittlite. '* - ' :.' `
Resolved, That the proceedings - of t h i s” Meeting, together. 'rith the Resolutions Mid'
Address be published in tall the Democratic
paperi in this Congressional and Representa
tive District.
Mr. Rankin, Esql, of Providence,
being in attenditee, was loudly eaPid,
which he responded in A . true Dectioerigic
style,--able and eloquent!in ,his remari4 be
was enthusiastic* cheered. - After Which.
the meeting adjourned. . '
GEO. FULtEit,:i i k:
5.13.. CwAsE, A. 3. Ray's, rid ‘1).
LAN, Secretaries. -•-
dansllingtint . i/ortm,
WAsnmOvos-, Jan. fa, 183,1 - ..1
Since my last, KnoW-Istotbingitunias teen -
the order Of the day. Several speeehal. ave
been'maile pro and con, the °kit retteriabfe
Of which, ryas that'of Mr. 01.4illienf _
delphia.' Dir. °handler hai tnissi . 4 rePuta
on for ability and - public
service,. second to Man. in 'Pennsylvania of.
the. Whigparty. Hi is an Anterican by
birth; blood arid - eVerythirg - bat lie be:
longs to the - clatbolic,qhurch,an4..liencewes.
defeated lastfall for ie-election
„Nothings. What a 'ooMmentary upon the
pretensions _ofthat'Order,:that
,flty llogi
prosciibe men on acc,chtrit'Of ,thett., tcligieß 4
they act„,n0:42,1c4,
faith a test, of capability; cor oface-t-that they.
do not, in fact situ at a , uniorrof Oh, ne& and .
S ‘ tntest De they suppose they can thus illlr
,pose upon the intelligence or; th kk,4‘%;tnericiPt-
PecT e ' • • .
But the. last; and Most brimillitihg:exhibi:.
tion of Know• Nothing. plianey .to 4; Seutherit.
_dictation was the veto 'On. the Iloitteitead Dill
,in the
.31ouse last, Wednesday, It Inttl be i ret
Inetubero4 that thi's same meastire;passed the
House 'tut Spring .hy a large majortty, and
was swamped with aimentimaatiiii theeSetrefet
where it Davll4)4 nitin
brought the meabti're before the House, and
now defeatvtl bY the votes of 'the:same gek:
fiernen whams it, few.M°ool*.aaati
_Southern nm, generally ?ppcised the
Ilomestead Bill with grgitt yieleOcti,,!veattsei
tts,thei alleged,loVould'
fair opport uaity tetn
tories, by, throwing them tifsm 40 ; 140'7.0 11 04. - '
, tio4 of that etais otitottlient pleo;:wkovir lb •