The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, January 04, 1855, Image 4
.41.itOti*tlit!ii' . .04i VIE LARGEST cIRCULLTION XS SORTILERN • B.:CITASE 4 ALVIN DAY, EDrro Montrose, Tliursiday, Jan. 4,- 1855. The nappies!kplat* is Hinge. sr ItEr. am:my nrna. Though others may. seckfar aid wide To gain but a moment of bliss, • 0 Disappointments their footiittpi - nbide; fri a world. Mil of phantoms-as this. But with loved onesthe blessings to shire. - Ahijwho would be longing, to roam,- Wheril taught by the joy is sigd there, That the happiest of plaed is home! The World may, seem brighter without,. ,• With the glitter and tinsel of art; And its friendihips appeamore devout, With the semblance.of truth to the heart: But so sweet are-the pleasures I share, MI I heart feels no yearning to roam, Since nothing on earth ,can compare Withthe bappieseof places ; my home ! -• sorrow e'er ' r darkens In* way— `-, • Tilt the heart wears a burden of grief, ' * And the friends I have trusted betray, In the hour whetfinost needing relief; From . the anguish which tortures the mind, To:my ,own little heaven I'll come, In the smiles of my loved one 'to find, That the happiest of places -is home. ITIONTROSE DEM'OCREE - Coiting-Nottsr 'Almanac for 114188. - • hi ht , • - t+ . • 5 tt„ JANU,ARY 7 8 9 • 14 15 16 21 :222 23 28, 29 30 FEBRGARir 4 5 6 11 12 13 18 19 n 25 20 27 ILeteu, 4 5 6 11 12 13 18 19 (20 25 26 27 1. 2 3 8 9 ' 10 15 16 / 22 -23 24 29 30 .ArraL, - 6 7 13 14 20..21 27 28 JUNE, - 3 4 10 11 17 18 24 25 1 2 8 9 15 '• 22 23 29 30 JULY - - 5 6 12 3 19 20 26 27 AUGUST, SEPiEN,II3Eft, 2 3 9 10 16 17 ° "2B 24 ' '3O OCTOBER, •- " 8 14 15 , 21 22 28 29 'NOVEMBER, 4 5 11 - 12 18 19 , 25 26 DECESIBEA, 2 3 1, 9 10 16 17 23 24 30 - 31 Execution of, Major Andre. The following interesting account of the etecution, of 'Major Andre, Oa. 2J, 1780, as given by an eye witness, has been extracted, from the IlEstorical Collection V: New Jer- i -sey : • " I was at the time an artificer in Col. Jed- I uthan belewin's regiment, a part of which was stationed within a short distant; from the sPot•Where Andre suffered. One at our men, (I believe his name was Armstiong,)-be of the oldest and beat werkmen at his trade in -the regiment, was ielected. to make his Coffin, which he performed and• nt ed black,!; agreeable to the custom in these times. At this time. Andre was confined in what was called a Dutch Chtnich, a small stone building with only one door, and close l,y guarded by six sentinels. When the hour appointed for his execution arrived, which I believe WitlS , 2 o'clock, P. M.,• a guard of three hundred l inen were paraded, at - the place of confieement. A kind of procession was forined, s bv . placing a guard in single file on .each.side: number Of American officers of high rank pn horseback. These *ere followed by a wagon ' eontain ing And 's coffin ; then a large. number, of officers on foot with iAndre in the midst. The proces.yion moved slowly up a "moderate , rising hill, I should think about a forth of "a mile-to the west.. On the top, Was a field I without 'any encloseure. In this was a. very; high gallows,made by setting ,up two poles or ! crotches,' and laying a pole oit,t.he top. The' , wagon th i st cemented the coffin Was dawn 1 directly)tOer the. gallows. In a short nine, i Andres plied into the hind end of the wair- i ow; then.on-the,coffitt-.--took off his hat 114 1 , laid it dOwn--thenpla.c'ed his hand upon his lips audfitalked'ver, uprightly back and forth I . as:far sisl j i thelejugth of his Coffin" Would permit; at the satielime casting Ins eyes upon.. the 1 pole oveklds beakaud 'the whole scenery ".by which he. was; siiirounded,- He was ,dressed ti wluttAshould'eall *complete British uni ferin; his coat Was_of theibrightest scarlet, - , faced 'ori,..trinuned with the -most beautiful green. jiis underolotha or vest and breech es, were bright . buff, very- similar to those a i worn bofficers military in Conneticut . of' e this pi ut day. He had a tong and beauti ful he of - hair ; which, agreeable to 1 ' tbe fash ion,. wit 4 Wound. with" a black'" ribbon, -and hung dein big baek. All eyes were r pop: him; aid it-is,oc•kbelieved that any officer - in the British eitny; Placed -in -his situation would have - appeared better-than :this unfOr tun.ste tuna. - , Not maTty m inutes alter te:topk Vs : oand uriorcth'p eolitt; .- the executioner stepped - into the wagon With a halter in his hind, 'which he, attegiow to put over the head and around , the neck of Andre; 'bit by a .stitidgi....mcit „_ 3 -4 5 0 10• - 11 - 12 .13 17 18 19_, 29 24 25 26 27 31 ' 1 - 2 3 7 8 9 'lO 14 15 16 17 21 22' 23 24 1 2 3 Z. 8 9 . 10 14 15„ 16 17 21 22 23 24 28 29 30 31 5 6 7 12„ 13 14 19*-- 20 21 0 6 1 '.27 28 4 5 11. 42 18 19 -25: 26 10 17 24 31 16 23 30 1 2 8 '9 15 16 22 . 23 29 30 6 ' 13 .14 20 21 27 28 13 20 27 12 19 26 10 17 24 31 3 4 to 11 17 18 24 2 31 16 23 30. 15 ,22 29 7 8 It 15 21 22 28 29 12 19 26 13 20 27 5 .6 12 13 19 20 26" . 27 9 10 16, 17 23 24 .30 31 8 7 13 14 20 21 27 28 9 10 „Jo /7 /3 4 24 30 15 22 29 7 8 . 14. 15 . 21 - 22 28 29 4 5 11 12 18 19 25 26 13 20 27 In front liaa a ire meat of hiS hand; - this 'w,iii , preVentoill, : An- Ale took . oWhirlhandierchief from is peek, unpinned hia ' shirt': - eollar;: and 'deliberately . took - the' ehd of - th 4 halter ' 'ptitlit .. over - his head, andVaeed.the knotdirectlyt under the. right ear, aud dreg it, veri. snugly-to - his neck. Ile then teok - froni his coat .0 ;pocket ' han : 7 kerchief and tied- 4 over his eyes; iThis done, thePfficer that cotnniaraled:(his'Aiine J. have forgotten) stoke in a rather intid !Voice - and ,said that his ern:mit:Mist be tied. - !Andre at puce pulls`!!-,down!l tile' , liandkoichief he had : st- tied 9 4 ,cei his ''l'm and drew .from- his pocket :Ulf:other one,:.and gaveiti to tle exp., i cutioner, and thenlreplaeed his haad erchief. His arias' !were tie l :3trst ' above I the elbows and 'liehind ;his hack, ! The - rope was then made 'fast ' L t.° the . pele.! over - -his! head. - The wagon -was-very suddenly drawd from under the gallois 'elluch With', tile-length of the rope, gave him, i most tremendous swing back and forth.; boj in ; a few Minutes-he hung entirely still, ~ :,.1 , . •. : I 'I, , . ~ -.. . During ttai wholetripsaetion; he appeared Lis , little d. tinted as Hirt John-H.900M is said e t c to hate Was abonti- being burn-' ed .at•the stake; ! but his countenance was rather pille.-7-11e remained hanging ? I should .think freq. twenty;ite thirty 'Mantes.; anddu • ring that 'pine theeharnbeis of tidath veto neverstilleOhan the: Multitude : by .chick he was'sarrotlndO. Ore ers . were given to! cut the repo and tale hinildown withont letting him fall. t, Ptis was 'dyne and his bixly, care:, fully laid the --(wand. • . .''' •- . • ' Sliortlyriafter, •as viiihdmeen, and .spec.nitors w' .10 - 4orne 'for.: P• ward and:'iew tl tut -the crowd was so ollitit, that time beforel I ti t h. th. . - 1 could•get .i n oppt 'hen t was able tondo tliii ,is coat, „esti . ~breehes were taken oft I . nd hish i Ody laid n\tlie offin, coY- I erect by s4trie s Under clothes. , :The lop of the coffin WO not .put•on. I I viewed. the . •corpse. more cnr4iilly.thin ;1 lfad ever done th:it 4 any •ilinittrii• bei ng lbqfote. •H. 1ie . %.1 .,\ , was in very,uei, one side Lin eonsequnee 1 .the manner in .which the lialter'tireW on his neck. His face , 'peared : tql.;§ greatly _swollen and very blae 2 , Much . : rdscinbling a high degree of inortilliation. It iwas iii , tiekil j . ai , _ sit - oak-Mg` :eight to lAiliold,• There was at this tli . me, stand inn; at the, foot' of•tlai coffin,' two yOnng - men of uncometon small i:tatur.;e.l..l `shotild think, not morelltlitur four '.feet high. %"- Their 'dress was the niOst gaudy; that. I ever beheld. , One of tliem.Wid' the elothei justi.tikerilfrom An dte on hi'arm. I took particular pains to leirii . whoithey were; aud was intorined, that' they Aver his servants, sent tip-from - New' 'York to take his clothas,bni ‘ilat-citliertu:;i ness I diquol, learn.;: - „ • .,f.., -I now tiiirn to take a vieui of the execution-. er who w. .s still standing by' oneof the posts of the . ga ows,- • I walked.igh enough to him to ha &laid My)tantitt . n his shoulder, and looke !UM directly in . be face. He.ap- . petired to .1.,e- about tWetity-fie... years, of lige, his beard {if: two or three wtic.4' growth, -and his whole facie covered with what appeared to melo he - Wa i t:king taken from the outside . of a gien,sy . potl A - marefrightful - looking be ing I neve/ belield,;• his whole cotintenance. bespoke hulk, to• be-a; fit instrunient for• the business 4 had been doing: • r. Wishing to see the closing of-thewhole business, I remained , upon the spOt until; scarce twenty persons were left, but the 'c•Offin wax. still beside, the. grave, whi'ch had' . previously : been dit,,,lii i now .returns, in to y.• tent / with My anind deep ly embued ! lth the shocking; scene I 'had t been f a Tenaessee Fro) 1i 13Y SAM .§LrqK. • 1 Well,,we,danced :and . 'hurt-awed withOtit anything 4t particular interest to happ , en • till about . tlirelj O'clock,. When the darndst muss was kicked th) you ever 'did see. Jim Smith sat down 4longside Bet Holden, (the steel trap gal), a,ci j Rat give her a bug, bar fashion,' She took - it very kifid till she seed sam - Hen- . .ry a lookinglon front behind about! a dozen of gals, then . lie.-fell to kicken', and a.holler in', Mid - sereq t chiii ' like all wrath. i Sani he come tip anditold4iin to let Be; 'go. Jim told him to ,- .4'0 tO a far off country .iyhar they give away leimstone and throw in the fire to burn it: S.atit; hit liim striae atWeen the evo,• and after a!feW licks theightin' started. Oh, hush ! It makinntyitnouth water now to think what a beaittiful-irpw We had..' One fellow froM Cadfa Pore knoCked a hole in, the hot - - tom of a fryin" inn,fiver Dan . TOcker's head, and left it bingui"roulid his neck, the handle flying about like; a lang . cuo, and thar it hung. till J-ake.Tii*lnti : eot . witli a Cold chis el next day;!-. , ,O,was his share i'or that night, sure, Anothe elloiir got Inoeked into a meld barrel ; he Was as mealy las _ati Irish - - tater and as liOttSlarboss radish ; when he busted the bOops. and came out he rar red a few! Two fellows fit.Out' of the door,ldown the hill into the_creek, And tberOended it in a quiet way . all alone. ISiljperfect mule from Stock-Creek hit inel-a wipe with . 4 pair of Windin'. blaleg; he made IFincilin.ivedd of theni, and I lit on him. We tifid ithid and tails' for a long time All owir :the Molise; but if the itruth Inuit be told and shame my' kin, he `warped 'nie nice; jiatte save his time, I hollered. The liakin he gave m madeote sorter oneasy and' hostile like . ,;.lt wakened my ,wolf wide awake.: The little-filler came scropkin'it,"-ISt, his fiddle; up over his.!.hbad to keep/tin tune, for fightiti" was Bitten tOferable - lbrisk. ;You. are the one,: thinks 1, 0,4 ! I jist grappled the. dougli-tray and split it tilump oiper his head.! Ile rotted' doWn: right thar, and I . pa.ddlettilis 'tother end leith . one, of the pieces i , While • 1 was!i,a mollifying,4dy. feelings in that way, his gal ,slipped - nic;bellind me aiel'.. fetelicl tne a- rake with - tile hot! hocks. .Ttile Sawyer was " tlinr, and jit an' .sed toiler right off, !rich mighty nice dt . it - ,i:ii‘,4,- ;Jule striped „and, checked ker faCe nice, like: a. partridge net. hung on 'a white fence, ;$ She hollered. fe'r hpr fidler, bin oli,;shaw I 10,-ecinklii't do her a.bit of good; lie 4W a'S ti*P tins); rubbiri first! hislbroken head, and then hialblistered extrethetieS; So when I thought Otile bad . . , ,.iven bei pleuty, I pulled her off, and put her in - good "minor by given' her soft st4vder.' 'Well ' thought at7first in I' hale drint'l'd pe about done, isol I started for the 'el-014 mid,. the . first thing . l saw . : Was.' :more stars?, Wjth my eye %s shut than I everdid with theni open.• 11 Icit)ked :around, .and :,h- was the li4l4.;•fidler's big brother! I"knowed what it mOint; so !wa Itteked borni without n word, that, all -alone; anal do think,,werfit pa ' hour:: All4st - Sinice - *tithe 'fellers Hearin is jolts at the house, and 41ley-cum and dug !us out, for we. had- tit into a' hole where a . : I;,i' pine stump ha.l. burnt ', and there We,Was; . up to oni r 'girths, - a; ite , ;in' away face to face and - no . dedgin' ; • ' 7 . ° - . Ar.VilinOy ihe',klevis are oer me stealing, said the man vho,liad.five due. bills prawn ted t once. T - jar Why aizeyoui {u se and chin always at variance:. Decautii ii;ords constantly pass b..- ticeeti thetn. !,` IM= - - . Air am an-040 Nothing;? said a rje: bor, as 114 13U'rielipipei1ill. }jowl many, dorsi' sobseribins eau say thati. , ire lirotbei .4idi.or "tell -1I y S that- *heti 'he was in Pirion oflbe peace, he was requesta by the - jailor' to give the prisoh n. puff. . }FOREST WINE! - . Tbst...beueit.m.dical Wine and the Voreq Pills, are feet galuiag the go od wlllt. and becoming-the favorite med icine of the {maple, and known asa most elloctUal remedy inthe enta of'. Dpepepide,ilabitnal Ortativeness, Liver ComplOint, Asth ma, Pi:es, Obstinate Ileadache,Billious Disorders, Pim ples Blotches and unhealthy Coke of the Skin. Jana aka,- ggrusaint Fever, Nall Rheunt. Erysipelas, Com \ plaints ineldent 'to . ifemales, Languishing Weakneas, • Night Sweats. NCrepots Disorders; General ill Health and impaired state of the Constitution. than short time has elapsed since these great and good medicines have been made known to the public, yet thou sandshave exPeriented their - good effects. Invalids giVen over by their physiciona as incurable, bare been restored to sound and vigorous health by their, use. These medi elnis are unlike any other. Their twofold properties art' directly on these - orient a thee totnaelf,liver s nd kidneys, which secrete the Bulls; and separate the Impurities from thehiondl. -This Wine and Pills never weaken, but give stivngthand animasicat to both body and mind. . The great amount of , good these snediciaes have donefor the Melt and of have Induced thousands to eommend them to theirtrienda and the nubile. Individuals of the, highest integrity have voluntarily testified to the world in favor athlete extraordinary Virtues. Dr. I. A 4 Stark Ira .' celebrated physician. in a lettej from Princeton, New dertiey..thited Nov- 16, 11619, slecliret that in all his experience he had cover seen any- thlngto eninpOre witlithe Forest Wine and PIM. at the same time relating several cases of constitutional Debility andScrofulons affections which it cured in,an incredible short time." Among the members of the medical Faculty of. New York,asho have witnessed the great remits of the Forest Wine. tend recommended it in numeral:li complaints will befound the names of the.celebrated Dr. M. T. Good man; Dr. L. Chessman, Dr. Chilton, Dr. Wm. Brown, Dr. JIM. tddreano and others. TESTIMONY of 10.Jolutson Burke, ahighly respectable citizen of WsVerly rice, New York : 'Di, G. W Assay .—Dear Fir. I esteem :the Forest Wine as the King of Medicines It has done for me In fire !vete What three physicians failed. to dolls as many years. Tn 1816. I became the victim of the Heart Disease and Ner vous Affeethanewhiebhave been growing on me ever since until I procured your Forest Wine and Pills, although I. had wasted several handreel dollars foe medical attend ant!, Dining the last two years WAS obliged to keep my house nearly all the time. and gave np business in eon-. Fel4crnee of piyill-health. I had lost nearly all hopes of recovery, my pomplaint mss of that class Wader which " n attar* sinks sad life becomes a burthen." Seeing your Foreit Wine 4drectlsed I concluded to give it a trial, and befq7 finishing the third bottle I felt like a different per sOn. nd was Stlieln resume business again. entifely cured by taking five bottles. For the benefit of thaw, afflicted withainallar eimtplaints youare at liberty to publish this, Yours; &c. Wae,rly Place, N. Y. Ge er-71 41 both, ieneral . l iebility,Entacialionorastin 0 ,• . ,:. - , cylek 1 Many are'afllict ad with some one of the aborecomplalnt a wit/relit bAnu'ablete trice it to any particular case, and therefore delXy.the uve of the proper remedy until the die casei become} conetitutioriaL The dlaordere are often charticterizeiby a fellSe of sinidng, or entire: exhaustion after, exirckw. some experience stuirgistateett, laseitnde and at !imam 0 stimuli or flushing of -the countenance pal pitaiotgof the heart,- or 1111.1{- symptoma. • i ---. T e eetelleiat effects vrhieh have ever attended the use liqv of t i e rest i ll,,:ine and pills, in every specleiof delthity, h is co A.. 11 .. . ._.. dis;q: u)kirk, e t bisive irblence of its hippy re-S'ulls in this class id', A' re : rkin6 ' , .• -•.Ver. 4 - , • - 11 iNilan; -- :Frx. !danf love resorted to these medicines si An i Nil (Ales, Jr,, J. E. Cantioid, Athens: Hon. -John iatim, and been speedily cur , d. For lietvons di, or- ' i npOrie ToWALIda : Gvn. Bradley Wahernan . Li. Inn(' Debility the Wine and Pille are Salon actordlng "" ' 1 • e directions nn the label,. ;.. . 1 , tleyVilii? ; Goo.. 31. 11611enbaek, Wilketbarre • Jii r \llle Celdle....—True bianty and loveliness se- Ohael Bylert, Layorte. Pa. l i, , m ad* the highest. rerfeeitos of health, shieli **gain in- j. , , OFFICERS. . . srli r bly to ilousathe PUREST STATE OF TUE RV iOD -e?' ; Jr. %ha arltittelat APpindszes equal that vivid eapressinn of ; 'Jun. Ilurgen WWll:ion, Pres.; C. F. ! %Yellen, J coun 4 enrince4ilich emsnates from health? .What paints Vico Pres. find Treas.: J. E. Canfitdd,Sec'v ' ' can °inner° Sri lb the crimsoned colored id ociil 'casting its ' AA 3 - t brilliant rose tie hue theoszh the .transparent texture of .i ..-toureqs, G.. G..y.lard, Wyaldsing, Bradford the lqtill? IV:tatlcrma ere more captivating than those i.ollitty, Pa.-28y1 * ' otnidure, in er.• Ighest perfection 1. Let Dr. liaises!. - Wine Supply.ihe pl eor an c•runeticks. Th'e use of-this erre:lent Winb in a short time creates pure. rich blond. which enursitor thl'onzh the veins, penetrates the minut est (tea thsi.verge towards the surface of the skin, caus ing!, I unhealthy pimpl..atul blotches to disappear, im partln4 a vivid, rosy color the akin, dud brilliant ex -1 ersison to the tree, I :, - 'TUTS IS NATURAL DR ARTY. •• In ;orroburition of these fot4s, Dr. Daisy has many testitnonlais t. The following Is Trent a lady of the most re spectable:standing; In society, sent to las by her brother, reSttling in Antic?* Street. 4 t, . • - ,_ DR. 0 W.I.OViEY— New rk,July 7,1842. lay sister, from her youth., had beeril\in very ,d'elicatri health; complaining frequently'of weakness of. tire chest, attended-wil d ls a cough. About the age of itigliteen - she be gab to get rach worse. For six months preatious to com mieniing with Tour medicines she had not Iteen\able to get out Of the hottse. Her countrnanee was greatly\rmeciatol yellw and fa ok Iy , Iler face and neck was, covered wit h din abbfinastules, ilea very much sunken, and her i ree -sou hacreishig. Tu tine, eh. , bore Irri7l appenrattee of srtonbecemliar an unhappy victim to consuroption.l this time I Procured fur her some ofyour Forest Wine a d leillsl which the commenced using Recording to the die tious. She gradually improved as she followed tip, the use' of them. Hei first symptoms of recovery was an uncom monly good appetite, her face finally become smooth. and her cheeks rbsv. Her cough left her altogether. She is now Strong add vigorous. and presents the finest example of health I eirtsr witnessed. . ! JO - lIN S.MAXWELL Dr.'G• \nt Dalsry's Gstm.eoated Forest PillS! Mail ufa et i on the same principle as the Forest Wine; ; t ed to which It is an Import ant adjunct. They are roared with , pure %cabin. an important Invention, for ,which Dr. Halsey has received the only patent err? granted on Pills by the fin•ernmcnt of the United State's. . ' IttliTaisey's Forest Wine and 0 urn-coated Forest Pins, tinite in acamedishing the same grew end THE Purificationof the Blood. the Renovation and Restoration of isle Stomach and ;Dowels. • The life principle of man Is the blood, no sooner are those orgnnr4 of the stomach which secrets the Moot, cleansed of morbid matter and restore' , to healthy action by the nee (tithe Fore t rills; and pure rich blond made to Stilt in the urine. by the use of the Forest • Wine. than diseietlberiair to vanish. and - strength and !PT Prty of hotly return: Thiele , theptinciple on which it founded these great medicines. and by which nearly all diseases are sired The Fieret. Wine is put up in larresanars 'bottles, with Dr. : Halsey', name blown In the glass. pais Dollar per lint tie,* alt bnitles for Free Dolbirs, GI coh•con ted Pores t Pills 25 rents per Dog. For Sale by the appoints , ' Agents,. at Wholesale and Retail. General Rep 1,161 Runup street, one door froralludson. New York. . Anbilinted Agents in Montrose; Abel Terrell ;,Grest Rend, Lucien Sent.{ . . . . . - • Styl: change quarterly. . . I I• . . I . . ' ( • ! NEW GOODS! . ' At the " - Crpsonville Exchange. ,, rp, HE inhabitants of UPsonville ' an i 'd vicinity .1.1 are main favored with an exhibition Of in— othr choice selectlon of Fall and Winter-Goods at ttl e old stand of the subacriber. !(Doors open dairy, Sundays excepted, from '7 - o'elook A. 111., . • unhll 9 o'4)a P. M.,) where may he seen, sold ana bought, a good assortment of Dry Goods. Grtceries, ) Crockery, Hardware, Stoneware, Bo' lodenware, Fish, Nails, ! Paints, Oils, Fluid, is & i Shoes, Clothing, School Books, Trunks, Cirpet Big., Yankee Notions &e. &c. &el All Who can and will pay Air what they buy either r' i down , or within a reasonable time thOeafter, are invited to cull. Tho'ae belonging to that othbr class may as 'well go ! Where they can do better._ All kinds of Farmer ' s . Produce, Du ter,4i.d, Eggs., Pork, Poultry, and Cash re -1 ceiy . ed in exchange for GoOds, ! 1 ! _ I. JOSEPH L MERRIMAN. tlps•inville, Oct. 7,- Mil , I I , Australia, California, • I °non itiek.e on the Man:cannot present greater, - inducettentt than . REELER. '..47 4 91)DA RD' S BOOT AND SHOE - STORE. Ur HMO is'now filled with a neW :and eaten eive Fi assortment- of larticles !in their line, embracing it general variety of new and elegant sti)les of I.otdies and Gentlemen's sseitr,' among witich•are L adies French. Lasting and Pre- Dille Gaiters, Kid and Enameled Pel kali. Kid Pat ent_ leathei and - bronzed Jenny Lintis, 'Buskins end Ties; gentlemen's French' and! Philadelphia oaklanuedi calf skin and kip Boots,lCitn7ress uud butt r on Gaitersi . Monterey and. Washington Boots, toilet Sliptt, Morocco, calf. and. Cowhide • Bro gsos c I Boys kip, calf Ind cowhide, • Illota and Bcogaint; all kinds of Misses and,Children's wear. Also, a geni.ral azsortmenrof Findings, which con. shit 'in part of lasts a pegs,spantbles:;" Hungarian nails, tacks; thread, wax, •Bruttlers, shoe binding, a~ls, rasps, sandstones, shoe knivo.• &c. "Also, oak stid hethlocklanned calf upper and soleleath er. Moroico skins and linings. iWork made to order and repairininehtly dime. • KEELEtt & STODDARD— i3lnntrosEtjone 1.1853. , - NOtice to Passengers. r! - DSSENpERS. trnvelling North ion the Dela ware. t Lackawanna. & Western Rail Road . I r in Great 'lend. can have twenty-sic minutes for Dinner at I,he "Bmtawr IlottSt" before the New 11'nrk Express goes East ;_and one hours time '.before theq3unkirk Express train goes West on lie N. Y. 'lit Erie Railroad until farther notice.' 'N. 13. The CineinnatiExpresi train aping lEast, stopi at Great Bend. • Leaving time i 51.59 A. M. I - ProPrie lik to . i B O ß flAtirT r itn ' t House." t 1 Great-Rend Depot, Sept. 26, 1854; 1;-. „ , Stoves, Stoves'. 1- • T"E,ubs'exibers beg leaio to inform the cit. izena of Brooklyn and vicinity .that they ihave just freeeived a lot of SvovES of the various modern patterns and styles; which they offer for Sale they can be purchased elsewhere in the county . . : • . ALSO4-A lot of STOVE PITT and ; Elbows of the different sizes, aj. trutaufacturers twices.. Warcrip—Old..2on, Copper snd Brass la ezi. chaage,for Stoves or ether Goods. ;. . • • & .fIEIIdF'STEAD. Nov, 20, 1854., .7 - -`• - • - , , 11oreatoweis and Steam Engine., - (NNE - end.two Horse Powers for threshing' VI and:other purposesi' and s 'sixteen Horse Power Meow Engine; for sale low at the Engle Foondry.4 Also, Stores, Plows, andelt kinds of CastingsPr Machinery and other purposes. SAYRE, BENTE:EY & PERKINS. ' Ifontr4se, Dec. 1, 1854. . . . .NEW GOODS. ;. , ATC & PARK return Itheir gratful .I.ll' - ackniiwtedgments . to the public, fur past fa vors, and invite- attention to the very large stock of Spring and Summer Goods theyl, are now re ceiving Land offer fur:salci at very /Ow prices. In addition toAleir usual assortment bf 3.410 t r3t: Goods, GrOceries, Hardwire, Pai ts, and Oils &c., they dre prepara to exhibit al rgo assortment! of • LADIES DRESS GOODS • - of every,deseription,` Plaid And Pl Silks. Boniints,Sbzwls, Ribbons. Glovetl, if s .Lnaiiikand' Mimes sloes or all kinds—al largo i§ock of ' . • . I READY bIADE.CLOTHINq, • Cloths, Cas'simores, Tweeds, Joiknsl, - §lam Cloths, 17t4tinp, Hats wait caps;DlO Ribes &e. 4c. _ . , They respectfully Solicit an eirly;!eali • those who wish to purchase Gdpn Goons Low Putcr.s. ; ; ; .3ic.MILLAN &PARK. Spriopille,May .2,1854. Great Exciteinent in No! York!. Pianos and4ll l elotlecms for. Cash.. H 6 RAC/ 1 WATER. le i great 'Musk sad ~Plano Forte dealer, 333 Broadway Wee York, preterit': to share a large per cent. with his en tomers, - rather t.hatlp ay It to the *harpers of WitliStrect, tO raise available Meant Mailable him to stem the present right time*. otrerabla JMUienar U sartmeid of elegant and warranted Pianos mid Melodeon at %dame discount from factory prices, far Mal • ti II as *oilmen tcoutprimes Planer from titres of • be' largest and most Celebrated Boston Manufactories; Slim Giese o 1 sev eral of the ben New York makers, including the beautiful and much admired Hot-aOll. Wet Pianos from blsown tor*. and Melodeons of the best Boston, New York and Buffalo marks; affording an ',sport unity . for selection. not to behid Maas:tare. Path lastrument waranted, Second hand rillOOP at Great litrglitll..•Paletat PIO* POL. $l6O. Musk and Musical. Instruments of all kinds. Dealers, Teachers and beads of Sabo ds sueplictl on the best terms. Haste wit by mall poor paw- earral steleelee4 Cata logues of Maslo and Schedula or factory prime of Pianos, Melodeons aad musical instrumento forwarded to any ad !dress, tree of postro.—ge boot Farmers' Union Insurande Ot t, ,Office, Athins, Bradford County; Penna. CAPITAL 200,000, SECURED BY Bolir MokToAaE _-iLLS ANA, -REAL - - EiTATE. INSURES' n r ,frainst less by Fir.; llnuses.St l ores 1. - and other buildings, Goods, WareS, arid tiler. rhandise, en es favoruble terms .as •tiny sitnilar Institution. 1.04404 promptly adjusted and paid. • DIRECTORS. • .1 .lion. llorace IVilliston, Francis Tyler, Gen. A. 'Perkins, .1. 'l'. D. 'M .C. N. SIC " -v. C. F.' 1003 BMA: Agon s Wanted, tTpo C.mvass for the best and most saleable Books published, • They'sre writtel by the most, popular Authors of the day. including among others, T. S; Arthur; of whose, last great work, . ' Tea Hight; in a Bar Room, . .. 10.000 cnpiel h a te been sold within a month of publication. • , . - ~ . , Til6Se Booksirtt beautifully illusliated, (Ina. ny of them with finely colored plateS) and are printed and hound in the best manner. ~ , - • Agents will find a pleasant and prOtable em. ployinent in their - -circulation. For, particulars address (post paid) I ' t . - J. W. 1311.41.D1EY, Puthlisher,l No:AS:North FOurtliStreet, Philadelph a. 41m3 , .. • , . ! PORK [OR s,u;sl I irIORK.FOR SALE by the barrel, tk)i 1 M. S. win..,os or A. OALDW ii Montrose, May 17, 1854. - i New Goods. !, Good . °aslant—to arrive this weal 11 low priees. Call-and ex.innine. • HAWLEY & MO' Montrofw,.SP pt, - 12, 1854 • Stoves : Siol. - 4.: : Slog e 9:: : rrlIE subscriber Winiieil to call the:atifmtio l n )( JL his friends and the,`Public to his very large assortment of i \ . i 1 TOVLS, 1 at his new Store Itifiom in Lodersville, net to ,L. S. Lenheitu's Store; and tiear, the Great Bend :Depot. Hs has in addition to Isis, fOrmer "large variety of Cooking and Parlor StoVes, mac) new Patterns, some t;f which are—, ,H, '- Sr .vithoiss; Peach Branch,l 4 ire Flfr, Modern Troy, Mohawk, .11p , 'than, Black Warrior, Orient-, :Oak, , - EMT Stove, Which together with hiS former stock will\be perhaps the most extensive, and varied assortimen • of well selected Stoves in the Connty. 1 * * *Clinton Stoves well furnished at low pices. • !Fir All articles in his line kept on-hand and made to order as visual, and orders received at his old stand in Great Bend.- • • JOHN -COLSTN.. • - f. , " l'tn with you once again my friends ; No / nor my footsteps roan ' I - VW w tr.' fir d. me at my residence on at nta t .1_ vue, two doors south from Seth ;Slit hers Esq.,,happy et any time to wait on you, s lalli i. or professionally, the latter especially. 'hose who prefer to have their work done at theirs , resi dence whether living in town or out; will Please give me notice accordingly, and ' I am at ] your sei-vtee. Persons ,at - a distance desiringj Plate. Teeth, canlbe accommodated at try; hous., free Of expense, while the work is being dune.j As 1 Wish to be busy I shall 8til), adheroi to Illy old plan of charging according to the circumstances of my patrons. . There tv much complaint of the high, prices of Dentistry and of my prices too, although I have ,been in the habit of doditcting. from 15 te' 25 per cent. from the first. Now, friends I will make you this offer,44 you who need work -will -come right . atone tied _have it done and so keep me busy, Twill Work fdr you for half price and do, it well toe. Tim reason we haie to charge - 0o'hetiause, ;either from dread:of the pain or, the pay, yOu hold back and force as to lose ; ranch time for Want 'of work. , Citne on titer? and voti.will Orrd there is a cbance for bargains'at Meintaruci. - : - • ' ' C. D. - VlR6lL,Surgeen Dentist. .Montrose, April 19,'1851. ... Lodersville &-Great Bend N0v.,1053.-1 Our Stock.of Stovcis, ' • S, n cumplete&—and we woulditake thisop portuniir to say that we can - show the most beautiful acid -Splendid Patterns of: Parlor and cookin,g , F;toves•to ! be Onnd -in :this county.— Among thdm can be seen the Revoiving Front, and Gothic Parlor, for wood or coal;entirely-new patterns, 'rind decidedly pretty stoves. iPrities from-five to ten dolltiri. • • 1 - OF our Cooking stores, we think' t needr sayY much, only to- remark that wri - are them ntour former prices, and judging fr rti'pidity•of our sales,we - believe thS entirety satisfied wit_tii prices and qua our.• Wares. • • ••• - "We have a " few- left' of the ' , Clint! Tight Elevated' Oven stove,,'' tu:knOwledi all to be the:best cookinfr.stQve rics- Russia and English pipe at old prices,und , rnings And Tin Ware of all- descipOorts, very - iowest.rates. - • '• I. DICKEIUJA New MiWeld, Oct 24,'54. • Everything works to a Charm. COTT, JOHNSON & Co.' are now receiving. 0 a new Stork of Fall Goods, and'are ready ! \ o wait upon the people to - anything they wish in. the line of Dry, Ikeda; Clothing, Groceries, Hardware Crockery. Fisk Salt, Iron, Beets and Shoes, &C. at.r. We will surely Suit all that call and see -us at oar Afire in , Sprinville 'SCOTT,'JOHNSTpN & Co: Springville, Sept, 054.. , . Administrator's ties. vancE is hereby . Oven - thaletiers teat:t ill • metitary upon the estate otWilliarn Gard; ner, deed, late of the tote hip of Bridgewater. have been granted to the subscriber:— All per; sons indebted to . said esOtte are hfreby t.eques. ted to make immediate pnythent- tho,se htiv ing claims upon said estate to preseathem duly atteeted Tor settlemeet. .Wl4. A. WAGNER, • MoutrOse, Nov, 30, 1854.-48w6 • .. - . "Man, 'know Th.: elf. • An. Invaluable h ook for 25 . cent3-," /Jet y fatuity I should ! hare a copy' ! " . „, .. 1I . ~. , , - - 100.1100 C PIES SOLD IN ~...•„• ''•" kar,. t if., LUSE TIIA, A TEA 11.. . -. ',,t neve `,L,0111,,. ~;,,t Tlyrtift•ft...L. , - etlition4 revised and improved, ' .47. , • •,....,,,. just issued.- . , i , ••••,•.... . ..": &erre -."...- Dr. Bunter's Medical Manual. Z. --` i..- ,::,/ 4 .. and hand Book for theaglicted-- - • • fiZE2F /.....• Coatiinilig an outline of the on , e•-.. - --- , •• s., gin, preigress,treatrireni airde are ",././ , : :;•!.' s of - every form of diseeite con .. s.e'lliet If!. ' • ••• . • treated! b y -- piongpcuuu4p.xuat , intercourse, by Pelf aliment by ttexnal eXteSP-, with advice for their prevention, ?mitten In a! familiar style, avoiding ali medical technlealtles, end everythiug that woUld offend the ear of decency; with an . outline of complaint e 0/Meta • to Females, from the result 'et smite twenty yearg enceen• fel practice exclusively devoted th the cure of diseases of a delicate rr private minter. • To which IS added receipts for the Mare of the above dis ease', and a treatise-on the causer', symptoms andtcure of the Fever and Mime • • • 1 t Testiosony-oeth. ProkrioroeDsAtelriceinPono`Dollegf , , Philadelphia-I.DIL.IIUNIAIrSI MEDICAL MANUAL, ' 4The author o this wetek , tlulikc the majority of those who advertise to-cure the diet-ales of It bleb it t-rtios is - 01 i inducts of on of the beet Cdlleges in the United States. It affords me pleasure to recommend him to the tinfort it sate, or to the:victim of in elpractice, as a Puecesspil unit eiperienced peectitioner. in whose bottle and integrity . they may place the greatest confidence. . - .; joa. S. LONGSIIOILE.i'm D From A Woialtra rd. M. D.,of Penn .Unisersilij, Philo- a delphrtelt give. me pleasure to add my testimony to the professional ability of the Author ot the" Ma inch Llilate- VAL.' Nurnerons rases of DiM , 4/4.3 of the Genital Organs, acme of them of long etandlne, base revue under imy no•- tice,ln which Brodkin has been manifest in restiiring to perfeel healtb,lln some mixes where the patient time been considered - beyond medical aid. In the treattnent, of Sem- Mal weakness.! or dlsarrangeth'ent of the' functiOns pro-* dame' by self shave or Excess of moiety, I do riot know I hia•seperior In the proression. I have ;beim acquainted with the tantheir some thirty years. and deem it no more than justice to him as well ae,kinilneve in the unfirounate victim of early !indiscretion, to recommend him ay one in whose profeesional skill and integrity they may safely confide themselves. A LVIIED IVDOLOVitItIBIM. D. " This Is. without exception. the itiost comprehensive and intelligible work onldished on the cress Of disease or which it treats". Avoiding all reeldneal rioldreso= es Itself to the reason of Its readers It I. free from all objectionable matter, end rio. pirent barterer festrilious, .eau object to placing it in thethsnde of Ids gone: ;The Ml thor haedervotedmanit years to the treatment °Me end. one complalnti treated of, and: with too little I+:lth to puff, and too 'title presumption X n impose, he hat s" offend totbe world, It the merely nominal pelexof 25 cent., the fruit of some twenty years' most succeasful pra4tice.",- Herald. . 1 , "No troche r or parent eho • ntil be without the 4tiowledge Impartedlr this invaluable wurk• -It would ;Cave-leers of - paln,mortification and iilirrow;to the youth under their charge "—People's klrocate. , ' 1 t ' A Preshsterlen . elerzytnan in Ohio, writing of "Rain,. - )i ter's)leitieal. Manuel" 53yr- :—'• Thoucd in. npoti thous ode of our yauthi be-evil example aor iniluenite of the, pas lons. have Leen le I - into the habit io !si•lf 1 , 4 1 1'1 lOU, with nt es:tile-hie r!i- sin end reorfal eimse!litereies. noon! c,.... t to b at h n i I t in ti rue:"p l an tli tr a , n, : t i ' w ,, it a n t,th : 0 : 4 1 1 : 1, 11, t ,, 4 1 : 1,: t , 1 i, h1 .,: e . , 1 i ' v .. .. „. • : I r t ,n a i ' ntn r 1 , ,, ,. ; r 0 .::.. Y . t )t.,, . 1 ; h i i ii r h i; ~,,,rw . .. it ' ' .,ilit t r l ,: t o., li r 7 : ii e l i t l i t , .. i i t nu t , r‘ ‘ 4 : k r i 5 ' • ji i , i .:: o i . oi r,i ' i tt, ' ,.: .ip, h ,, .. to l . e r.: l : ti,h,r l e e i oe ul 1 itirfi' (or r.,.... Anvt g Biel min be done etdilhten [ Anil influence a t n . e i l phhr;:imi:;:l:e:sn:tooff'e' humanmhlei / '' .:t ni b :l r e r u:l;:ln " ,:t i eiy: :L e o w 'b r o l e n " til d : d o e c i e:t a h r o . t . s t r man ea* ,r f eeepe my thanks on heh if et' the nelieted, and. he4leve 110• your r s-w - nrker In the good work you are sneetively engatred in." . • 1 One-oily (stro-ear sneelooist? will h- forwarded. free of posture. to nnv part oftiso colt,ltatntvd for . 2A-4pitti. nt six ropier; for 1:11. A Hr...., lent paid) COSDEN & CO., puhu-here. nr Roy llii l'lnitt It.lphin. ; .. ~- , err- Book.pliervoßnovnvlots and Book Agentssupolied on the most Iptetalrerms. • , . 12.4y1 Pennsylvania Your att.intion is oigf•litly inviied to a (:. - arefol and,c4titlid pvrusal of solotth in g trin tfriS been ititroducvd into . ..tour rich end time hotkorett State. •• 1 3 iticcritacrier's•Ilielro Electric v.!;llains. , - 4 A new and novel Modu of applying a lioWerfu remedial ttient,.sii constructed at, td lie 'woiu under the ganneuts, next to the skin producing a 4onst ant unint. rrupti.d current of Electro ‘lagnetislnteff.:m -iug immediate relief the most ;tent e pain, and also a permitnent ettreof all Nervous Diseuses. It s'eldota has failed to - furnish almost lusted[ fillet', and a fittal,permanent cure. by being tised'.aecord-- ingto directions. to the following Aiseatit. s 4- Rheu matism, Cieu , , Sciatica, Paralysis,' Palen! and Swellettinints. Neuralgia of the face. of the SpiaeADeafness and Diininess. itteriiie PalpitatioU of the Heart. Periodioal lleathtelte, St. Vitus Dancie, General Debility, raini of the Chest. HyrterieS, Dyt.`p`epsia; ilisea Ft' 1. that art , caused by-a defieiMit niuottulof Nervous. Fluid are greatly relieved, ififtot 'permanently cured implY wear ing the chains n few hours_each day. , • - 1 . Be it understood that it is not -claimed -that it - cures all di'seascs, but only those fot whiclOt is rec ornmended; and moreover we boldly claiMand de fy that no merliCinal agent of any kind has iverform ed so MNlSlY.cures during the last• year, of those Aiseasesjui , t named as. Pulrerothcher's Electric Chain:! • And to prove this assertion, we d e fy any #ei ron to produce solmany well authenticated Certificates of Scientific [hit sicians aud intelligrnt patients:ls may be found 14 a pamphlet of 3fi pa ,,, es, to be liad (gra tis) <Attie ageutin this town. The ElectriC. Chains were first introduced in France iu 1850. - Mid after being subj4cted to the most thorpugh and by the first medical men iu Paris, thev.wt:,re - found . to possess Strange and rnarvellou.s pd*er. for reliev ing pain, Wherever applied, and by their influence wet e introduced into the hospitalS of that city. and also secured letters patent , by the French .Govern ment. They are. now introduced into alutbst every licispitalin- England. Germany, Austria; Belgium, and patented in those countries,- where they have become the most - • Papalar Curalire Agent in Ihe Wir/d. They Werefirst inkroduced into the ti. Statesii bout one ylearsince, and went through the same litel as in ,iirope, and were at once introduced in toevety qospital in N. York, where .the - yi are now in daily rise, effecting - even more wonderful cures than had ever before been awarded :ilient=. They are highly) recommended by Prof. Valentine Mott, Van Duran, Post and others, who have published their views of their power and value in several of the medical journals in that city, and are also in the daily practice of recommending their rise ! to pa tients. full account of theiropinion May also be found in every pamphlet, and sent to:the addresaof every person in the- State by applying (riost paid) to ! A B ELITU R R ELL. Agent, Montyckse. pa. The Ghaineciiii bq sent by mail. with 'full deicriptions for mai. Price of Chains. g 3 and 86. I Phyiiipiaus are politely invited to call aid exam ine their? constinctlon, and pronounce upon their 'merits!. ;01rxvirono vo lavauns, nil' person need fear that they wilt not aecorpplish , hat - it is claimci they can do:' • ! N. B. yoe Chain will last for yeara andloseaope Onto etectric power by use, and van ibe Applied - ' l ° either adidt or child. . . AssiTuaart.t., Agent, Montrose. , Pa. - Jos. ST;II:46ILT, General Agent, 568, Broadway, New . .6sl. Yoiit. , - . , . , . . Doctor Yourself , : - • THE ;POCKET, RESCITLAVIIISt Or t Awry vitt his- owit Physician. ITTE F.I.F riErii Edition, c'Outainiu s g . One huudred Engravings. showing 7 - 7 - jr Diseases and Malformations of! the Du , 1 man system in every shape nod forth. I To' which is added a- Treaties on the Diseases of Females, being of the bighestimpor. tepee to nnarried people, Of those ethemPlating Mar riage. Ely I , .v - William Young, M. ,D. Let noi father -be ashamed to preeent . copy, of the Aeseulapios to his child.. It may taco him from an •4arly grave. Let no young man of wo man eutiir-into the secret obligations otnitirriedlifte without reading the Pocket Aeiculapinii. Let no one sittl4ing (roma 'huckuied cough .Ptlin in the reitless nights,- nervous. feelings.!- and the 'whole train of Dpopepti . c sensations, and 'given Op by their physician, be another moment withoutcon suiting tlite AP.SCULAPIUS.. Dove the; married, or those about to be.marfed any Impe,klitheilt,read this truly useful book, has been! the means of saying thousand, of un rod uuute Ofeutyr4cfrom the very plata of deailt. - • • 17 Any person ifending twenty fire . 'cents et ! .. - closed in.wietter, will reeeive one ' copy -of this woiltby'rnail, or five copies: will be sent for Quo Dollar. 'Address (poet puid.) . • •• ` I DR. Wll. YOUNG. Vb. 152 Spruce St. Philadelphia. March sth, 1t3.54z-- I Oy 1. less to elling I m tire is are ity of ri Air .red by luse.— Trim et the . , . . = Pqmps! Pumps I! THE - greatest improvement of 7thelage. C. 11, Williams' Patent Double Ating B. Valve, Porce'and Lift Pump. An iindrovement above all other pumps - Or maehines, for lifting and throwing water, combining both tdpump and FiriEngine. -This Pump, patented in rebruary,„ 1854, is the *hole of it metalic, •no bolts or ,tgrews about it to inst.' consequenntl it, will last a Mane* life tiqe... can' be use in every vari t.y of form, can dray ,water from ny sittut.. lion nd Carry 'it to any part of. a 110480, it is supe ioi to/all 'other ' pimps for-distilleries. Pa per ill s , Tannerien, Brick Yard - a, Imp Works and anufactri ri rig establishments of all. kinds. Al orders must be addressed to Adlson Dim tnicii, Lhdersville, Pa., miho'hai boug h the sole right rot'. Sunqielumna County. 1 - • - ' , . Mtg. 29.8 154.--351 f.; 1 1 I . . A.TENT MEDICINES.-4small land it'd'. P eiciusiv selected assortment,. inelpding Dr. Swayno's, 'Jayne* and ' Throop's pre partitions, Wright's and Phinney's Pills, Davis' and Thayr's Pain Killer, dm., &e. Baum & Brooklyn, Aug. 22, 1854. , ; . ICTED - -REA . _AFFLD : 1 'l' l ,ll,E M-Lii - TISOcI 'Dllieilit:" DILILIDEIa v kiIA sttattl:;-1,1. lltn.ii : .:—E,tabil, t e t i lVa i • ./ i .1 . 1: 3o.a r s .ge b 3 Dr. KIVU:LIN .eigl'lW l . ~ir ,:i,ita :.-.. iialou unLisn.ED.EVE4T TIIUP-SDA.I" 1101tItiltirsitt If ' Res, between :Spruce and l'lne. l'lnl.tdelphia. p a . ~ ia ,. . I • - : - 1. 2 vat id. are apprise•l ta.i: De. Ii.i.SKI.:I,LI gontiues - - r. ' elga l b ll4 -- 44' 11)41 kartt - '[ . . . hispractleik to . a Pat tlentar •or.tueli of medicine; witha l i m .. 3 I I'DITO.Rfi 121 D PROPRIETORS. gages his undivi led attention ; if s cAutionsthe•entOrt unAie. I •. 1 . . 4 . - against. t.t:u .ibust- •.:' nierculy ; titoo,..tnis are, annually ' • - - Merettrialized out of tiro Recent a.%(te!iol:l6 11re 1) ioiitilt iy k itextlngultited. - " In thetteatment Vi•, TiVertl)' Vets Ts: trii' 7:: N. not, ri ••liseie ore eines of diseases hlthertonegleet oil a Rd i m p..rftmtly un- ed. dPrhtood,ha,enAbieft;)r Kis ram s.( Arryou qp,..wor:K. on ortfigt.s-Pagssnvtrtosto to prove that nine tenths of •he - causes of itervour detiTit y .Ittenl - and constitutional weak- inee tarsi. cliental anti physietasu:foring, are tr•tr.enble to cer- *dir lain tilbit4.(o , ming the most. 'secret . yet deadly and fatal springs of domestic •Itlyery Intl premature mortality. e,,Sq, . To h e 't.l V II! , 111 al It .'.'li oil igt , --..T betels :to ovilltabit ' -.. • : sornettme.lndalzet in by l'ohtn•le: often growing _,..,, . up with them to whielt .If not :reformed in in g. du e tim e . n u t ..niy t h ,z, t is seriot, olasta.el es t'o ramtrininnial happiness. htit'givest ii.e to a . eel P. o f pentra•-tettin.i•lious, serticibe nod divastating rtileetiOtt., F 0,,, Olt linFe who give way to thlit pernieinus iirnetice are a V 771 re ~ f the. eon •elltebees. unilitlto)' fin.' the osrenns .INtetrt . 11:1t.tere,t..fee1 s trange and umicenuntahlefts•llmrs. and v '..i.e is in thernind2 TitP 1101r0Te Mott tt thus alreeted heeelnelLrerlile.fs 131131316 -e 0 illhflr. With necusto•e ell vigor, or to apply' his mind to. stbdy : its step Is tartly and. weal( .he is dull. irr,s o tot”,' and englgeiTn hiSisp••rt wit it IN, F energy than usual. . . If he eatan lipatc Ithitvelf before the nraetiee has don, its worst. a nti•mt-r matrimony. 'his m'.: ri /V.'e I. n,ed - roittut and , 1 hl.oten'se tells him that this is eant.ed he tlll4 'earl.' totiiesj •Tfirse are loot ilerations whiejt'shoUld uusaken 'fie. , ft e nt;osi of I hat e zionilarly situated - - . vil rriorer , moires the fulfilment of seeeral condi-, LI order that it mai hi. really the rouge 0( 100 , nal ppinesp„ , vonlirtlic ',Pit which rovers %hi origin r•f dn. , he ic‘iretcheilness he mired. and its tree Router in ever* Instance dis^losed—in how tonne could it h•• traee.l to phys. ..4, and their attendant diratmointlyieri!ar APiiii thorn while it Is ye. thne„innrder,to titer y •ur on. strong and Waved orgnn , sntion rehrseed. revivified and strengthened.. . . . .!, .• 't, • : 'Twit ilrr—iir • who nlarea illm4elf littler Dr. KlNKELlN.'Streatutent mayreliginusly confide In his hon. Or ns a g litleinan; and rely u min the . ..•=nranee.4ha . 4., I be seeretrof D IC'. r. patients will never he disclosed, Young mon—let ha false nt o•legt y, deter t on from otak- Inc'm ton to one eho.from ml oration and restive tability.en n certalaly befrfr.A.l you. Too many thin% t heyismlt eoneeal the svm‘vetrin their own hearts. and cure themselves. how often i thi s a taloa deluttion.and hoW,many . nerunising yOntig . mau.who might have been an ornament to society hag fadi.4l from the earth . , . ' Strictures of the urethra art; caid.ily r , -.mored by the IPPlichtion of A new therno entice 1 i..., rt.ed .nly by Dr, IC. We , ttnes. and ,m-titution .1 d,bilify promptly cured, and 0 WI vigor restored. • Vaunt ry I 1111'11 3 i ik: tam have (by statlne their ease oxplicitly. tor.ethi.r wi - li oil tbr irsymptrns, per let-. ter enclosing , a rrmittance) Dr Vs; medicipe t appropria• tedacc - ordinuly., Forwarded to ti r y part \ of the rnired States,and packed sieurefrun DA V (I r:ite CUTIOS !TY . . READ 1 .'.' , , Yo.iitli ,rid Natilltiod,: . A rigoroul Lilo ! er r Pienuiture Death, Kinkelin o'i, ,Slf • ' • Piesermtion- 7 --0n1y::.5 Cent,— . , . . . It is a Wolic'entittehtly required, rt• a means of roforro fog the vices of the agein which we live. Also, . . IiaTDRE'S GUIDE• • .. . • With rulez , for the ProlongutiOn of L?fe,juJtfromne Prel3 A letter with are oittnocerd t.t. or tbo ratu'e h loAt . +tatlyS. o.tdretoed to—!)r L !.; . otelphia,,' Pa. will eccure a copy r.f ,•it her of-the ,At bonl.'N by retina of nrill; or 124a0es-will ..gin: free ge for ...:;1•L eiLora“en.Tr4v..lling' %gents. ko euppltrd trholv..Kale at the p privet. which, 'a dmi t of a large profit. , 1 ,:n"..411 Letters must be pcst-paid AY.ER'S PILLS, . „ A S i'. w :triti ,riiilgulaNly- itrieceAsful / et" it „,.. ...., . I re..l , Nly•for ti, cure oi, .111 I;ili: • .4,..„. , 1 - - - - ions: , 1i,e.,••••—(„10,tiv..-ties , -, 7:11,11,:e., --- ,c, ,, ' 41_ 0, ii „Li] re. Denley.itiP•uttionma, - fee - • r..v..r . ir:".11, Itutilor: , ..•`: err ousiier., il e____ - . , - , hi ita:6l.l, .1 'fit, , 1111:t:itlii,s.l.tai.theehe. • ~.... • ~.,,, ei.i.itt ,It 11l- qr.... , ” 7 i i..e. 11.,e1t, :im.l - • .". gemer , ....... ,, lim,.' .„ Feimti.• LlO.trirl , i Tit ,:. ilt:,c ..: - . 10 .. 1 . .101e...1. v, tv ft- v :ire kt.,,li?,:LFini, i , in l•- • 01 a, • Pul 7, - :Ise". Vi,•th.nne v: pot more or 1. - 1-, , requited. lihi:O111 , 11 :•-i-Lio - •c al.! sulTeApir m;r:iir be provniii,wl. if it '9:l: . ..IT..itt u..• I. li teti e . were move (forty llSrll. NO lior,oll l - I) -1ei..1 o• 1/ - lrillio lt' ranee habit a. 1 ....13 ore ,- iii, ; 1.i.ii•1.-- it fl`l.-r:e , pirio, ; no ofi,iii for . i!, tfliiii!i might wire bi,en avoided li, the liip..T . .nd jiilliei , ,o••• ili.i• oi :1 ,:ooil•petrt;". tire. T , i.•+ '•",, , lit: , trot . of .'014 , . F,...verl,h .% niptom-, iiii4 WI .iii u.iiii.rai.g . tatiqi 11, 'll.ll, - tend to TworatllO or tiro ;luta? the a rep -iiitti.,l iii I . ortii . t 'lt;.: 4 .: -1 e!'m"r. ~l iieb lona thelie..l.- - rs ill twee the 1r.t. , 1 11 , Ifee Wri,..l hi.• , ':,tiiil;t• ph,- ii, is 411 the firti import:we. ' to ill.. 'oulilie !width, an 1 i Wit 1911 it I , bet il pi . . feet , . i Ili tit , :tollstklutiiide , hill,tn.snnet,-th .I demrind Ail -it •14r , 111,1 ii7 * Stt . vii . t it...-. tfy rhy , .l..initi.., 1 . ... f. ., or. a NI . 1 .3 ti011i.!.. hr Ai.... f1i....a1' . r ll't.s 41 1 - iiisilillir, r'llr i ' -li'l'l' I,l ti , rtin hiIOWTI of -. :*ro - mmlirtle.. Care litre lieu-i'. l l. rltli Lc! .'till Tionri 11 - --1- llii.s 001 .iiii?...taiiiintiA 11 -- Itoo-0i,.; nt •11 , -11 r v ,li oil 10, i Tilill ~time ell Ll'llel er l‘S to f.:•:•,•.; ibr.ii pt, , ,, ..t' ti 1 1 1.,*1 , A.,,• , -, ti.• .., -., ,-,,.i.,• 1,1 in ~%, 0 , th, -el . ' 1t...,. . s• p,-. t ILip.. t;tl,•;iri r “: 4 -3 iron. end Stntr . e1:.1, 104 jrt ir "10,... Setiarr,r.f the s 51-1, th- (forr:":1 , of I:lrdrr-ilt .11, 61\1.',1•1ir.. 311)11 0 .1. , Pll , ll. to 1 . 1117- lall IZ4I 111 0 11(i,. 1 f ret.n: Lt..; 1) , . J 1. 0 )0',, \••wrLr't. , rt . L. :krt:, r,t ant..: t', r -4 "-hnet A 1 1 ,1., P. 1 - I!.kiet or- -t,ono:ri ri 1191 , •1. ottirr.. TA! ...1111.1-fis trim l‘Wr nricit.n,!e •-•:•1: t •:n , tit,' ovlg.tii.ll,.• rl etninftht•Vßh. t6I•1 , ,111 Cell 1 . ;•••••••f•el , . t I..ntr ittre-•t l •_ , nr7on :•n•l',••• tidy. sr' [••r••‘ , i • , '•t- pit` , e •Tir-e. ••••••nph•te whiell the rre , ent •••...••• e:tn rifTord Tlier :••••• C•• •,;• ••11••1.--.1 410 , o •1, ii , 'Ile1:1•01Ve; , Intl of the..n•• • rir t only •••• ••••••••.lth• rem.. ri•••••. • , z , ,r;tet ed hY;••1...1n1e,1 er••• , ••••• 'reL .4.•te mirity • .end ,onilmtell to e•-ih,q• ;,•'61.••11• • •.. ,•••••••.as to '••=nr•• die 1 , •• , e ri•=••)t.. TICo• I , tr'n ilpll.l ill the . (TI ire ! , 1•1 h./:.h. ,•••• 111 , -1 sonro eilleient • rerne.i• thin 1110, 1,411.-00 ... o'o Ai" , I-hr ••ely orekee".•• r••••• ols l•• • e•••• • •eeilr ••hri••••=. 1 1 .1 1111. ov! , I mode (tirninef•rition• evert , hnnlenell "'PI/ more er 14 , •••: , • t ,, ir)•‘lll .114 , 1111 i'• Mk. vlieh 11.111 P only that.34•ll••=kreit for the env , fl‘e elTect flt present. All the del ..h.•;•/••;.h.1.4 !if ;••••• to• etch matnnee einv•loyell ore left ejir ! •ti s -,• yi L t l i o n only.belet7 •kititied. 11•••nre '= •telf-er the rffeets FNpttld proro'n, ,Rey mere ••••1,•••1 to, purely J .: l w and the s urer . more; pow•Trul an'itinti• to diocese than :Inv nth r mTfiel•ne • 4.o•rn to the world . • A.% it if 6 . f.1 , 1f1111y exifoainna t gat an r inclteine %bngl)* tat en tooter the eon.on.l of an nttentlinz, -owl in boo-0111d tint property jndne or re mrdy •rithont, itsf . f.ronori%i t ion hare olafeJ the 11,rnrtl'o reornnin., by RiFirit ho'h r.lT'Peetora!,,n.l aro mole to Mire rrhon. boar of Praetitioner. in the rnittol Fate. And Itriti.h A Prorinee.. If bounce- t bore -honl4l bonny one trl.4 h 1 not reeeive.l th , oe, 01 , 7 Will be oronlptly ferwattl etlihr mail t o hie natlrf.S.f. PrAi the,P,tent that are OlTerea. liOrr few wtirthl be trt , ..en if 'to enmne.ition 'rn- known! Their 1;1'4. e0m.1%t% In flyar my% ors. T hare tip tos.:..teriee • Thy!, , mpe.hion of my prep/roiling told (meat to' a'l aro! ail who , re ~ .:noct ;01 , to Jul-:e on the ...object freeirnekrnovleAze their conviction, ofithelr intritt-ie met, It.! The Cherry Tvrtoral nrrnoonci'd by sedentinr to he i vrtorlerrni medirine ber-re it. elr-rta acre Mani emin nt Physicians brat declared at same thine r 4 and even more .eordblently.: and- are yr iilin; \ to ear fry. that their anrie , retiong were more than r^pri zed • t hrir noon trial. Thevoner , t , . by tlyir nroverful influence on the internal visirrrn:l.l miry flu. b4awl .in.lrtinittlar ' e it into bealty rke. ti mz-rernova the ob....notion• of tip. tr . ma eh. ilnwe.l2. lir. er.'nrOnther. organs of the body. r eqt ming their iri.-.rnitir 110 , tolienith. sod by wberer .r they , e.v,ia;i antic derangements as are the firs origin or diFetoe. • Otntrar WinPnel then are pleasant to tate. -did be • n; purely vegetable, no harnt_etAn For minute direction:a. itee , :w epperon the ,130x,'. Frreare4 I . wv MSO. AT ER. •Prirtical and Annlyrical. Cbtanivt ' Lnwrß, Mu. Pricy '25 mita per Box. Five Box es' PI- :41. • , ; 1 :OLD UT A. Turret!. Monfrote; B. F.. h. n mann,: norora . Church & Phinn• y. 'Daridall; L. &Mt, GrOA MAW : ' all' Drn;tisto nn•l Dealer! is M, dieine every= when; Sept 13-17m40 • • • - • • • H. C. .BP.NN.ETT• &Va.. • Dnporters and Jobbers of - Foreign and DO ] •• mestic Dry Goode: 91 DETi STREET, NEW YOREV , TOUI.D ins ite the t n i t,. Countiesr t of ,ni en ts in their stork which %% 4 11 be fout.dlarge. and desira:. ble at all seti.46 . lis uj tlie - yettr, elinsisting in part of Cloths, Cassimeies and Vestitigs -.Jeans AO Tweeds, with all the best and ,well known styles . of fast eoln,red prints. Also, Dress GoodS, White and Linen Goods, Also, BrOche • tone and sqiurre mere and Silk Showis,togetlier with 4ooeyyri.nd Pitney Goods. '• • • - !Prompt attention paid to 'orders. ' • 4y1 7 1 rh;inrie. TIME CHANGED, Delawiire, Lackawanna & W. R. IL F-A 'ARItAIkTiAVEN't ON and afto Thnrsday, - Nov:".f3. 1854; the Pa3senger Trail will leave Scranton 4412 31. '1 , Duoi-CGriat Bend itt:2.:3o, P. M. • Connecting with the;lllay,',.7.ExPreas ;Train's On thii N. y.:St E. 'R. R., lioth east and eVeSt.— I Passengera takittg.this train will arrive: in New: York at 820 r. at, and in Dunkirk at 11.. Return, will teave.Oreat Bend on the arrival of the Outralo E;tpreiei . lheund West, (3.20 .P.. 10 which deliarts from New York at arrives atScranton at 5.50, P. el: The Freight Aecointnodatiou Train, with paa.s enger -car. attached, will depart . from ',Scranton at. 1.50, P. 51., due at Great Bend at 6, r, m.,conneet=. in; with the Mail Train bound West; -and _Alio, Nhtht Expreis Tiiins•bound both Eabt and NI.Te4. - Returning, 'WIII - depart front .Great. Bend at 620 A. - at. and'afTive ht b'eranton, - 11.00, • Stages will . be in waiting on the arrival . * Pie. senor Thins at'Stifaittiiii, convey :passengers to.Carboridale;Titlatun,.Wilkes:Barr e , phia riahe . Rending R..R.,'Eatoti; and all other interinediate•places.- • D. 11: sup% Office, SCranterid Nov. 18, 1854. :f'2stf - Drugs & Medicines. • A F RESH stock of Genuine Druga and 31e,1-itines, itines, Patent Medielhes; P;Lints,Oibi, Dye Staffs,,ate. 4te, tot by Dee. 14, 1854; BENTLEY & READ. uhn have te.tifieil yErims..:4 1 :lA' cash in nth not paiOlititin six months ;attds2;Wattt, ol'theygar.. •-NO palieftliutontinuedlantilat g are paid, itxcept at the': 6pildn of tfig fishers. All`communicationseomteetedwi toin:4ute attentilin;tniist be directeo paid) to CitASE & DAY, Moritose,,Sgisqui onty; . • " ' Itatvs of Advertising. • .• One m ( l 3 :re 0 2 lines or le's) 3 insertions, $l,OO ' Each 'snhsegoent irmkrtion, • . 0;25 One stria re three months, • A !: 2,50. One sgolre l six. months : , .... 4.00 Bui,iness Cards; four lines or irr N , 3,00 Yearly adverti.ements, not over'4agog,*,s, 7,00 Ono column one yr, . • . . . 80,00 Veal& advertisers *ill_, be - restrirleA . to the bnqiness in-whiCh they are engaged ;and,are con side mi I ns wishing to rMtinne advertising dnieiri they abst! give special - dire : dime for-a discontiii. uance of the, same: , ' ,son This publishers having ridded tefileji Jett Printing materials a large: andjuivilor. asso r i. ment of.jobb Type, are now prepared to,execto. s , Job Wnrk in a manner unsurpassed in this eec. lion of countryiand on the most reaßonabk terms. 1111anics:of every doscrifittou kept eobstiiitly on liana tir prjnfeq to prdir,l. • ( .fiiiiiit,iS-P-iftip. . • • BRYANTHOUSE, • • . . Great Bend Depot , Pa. ' ADDISON BST, ANT, Proprietor. .• - - . • HU RRO WS, *SPROUT & CO., Man tifactui4rs of Simotrfscarstann CA it RIAG.E Sr H gbesAlle. Lycoming Ce.,Pa Spring may be had of M. S.Wiltion, Montrose .• : ° W. spurn- CabineLand Chair' 'anufsett,ireis v foot Street, Montrose, Pa. .." ~• .. • Dr. C. C. EDWARDS, Pitysiciart and Sorgeon,l - larfiird, Pa. Of 2_doors below Eaton's, Store.. SMITH, Surgeon - -Dentist, Montrose. Ps., will ;be at !trlit'.s lintel, Mondays sad Tuesdays of each , week• . • Isyl. ek:PAlth,, Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, 'Hardware., Crockery; Boots and Shoes, &e., Sptin silk. Pa. 'lBvl LITTLE it CHASE; Attorailes at Law—Office formerly • ecru pieil by Little & Streeter, Montrose, Sfirtque-. hanna County, Pa. RAtrn B. Lrrrti.j DAVIf4,, . . :~TTORSEY ASD COUSST;LLOR• AT: LA.W=Stisque.- hanna,, Di..Oot; Pa.. Office - over` S. E. West's Store.: f. ' • - • ..16y1 ' ' CONGDON-at ISEVIEIit: • Dealers in nirbielfonurnents,Tablea,T , m 1; Stones, &Z!, Cortter of • Court.and Eire nnge Streets, .opposite Broome County Bank, Bing. hantton, N. Y. -. lieb TURRELL, , lierazosa, RA. • Denier in Drums,Sleclicines, Chemicals,Pairds, Oils, MC stuffs, Groceries Dry Goods, Hard. • ware, YUnkee Notions, 16f. Phyikdans seriptions carefully. compounded. • , • somv. GROVES, . • ttitsTa ioitable" under Slearle . Hotel, :thOn.Street,,Montrose, • Pa:" . JOHN COLSTEN, DEALER 13 Stove's, Tin, Capper and Sheet Iron Ware, Lodersville, near Great Bend Depot.-6tl . _ Woodruff & Eldred, DEALF.RS rc Srov.Es and MZlTlll.tlC.llrer o f cop per,l4ln, and Sheet.lron Ware. Shia+ near the New Court House, Mdntrose, ' S. A..W2Ourturi.] IG. B. ELDRED. ! A. Lathrop;. . • ,DEALER ip Ready-Made Clothing, Hats and Ciip..,Boots and Shoes Dry Goods, &c. Wtore opposite Sk:arle's Hotel, Blontroie. C. D. LAVIROP, and } w ith J. P. W. Itn-.EY,' Dr. Merit H. C. Vail. IARUGGISt and. CHEMISTV . and Dealer ir. IL/ Dsvcs,3ledieines,Chemicals,-DyeStuffs„ Paints, Oils, Patty,Window Glass, Camp:hire Fluid, Perluatery, Yankee NOioos,dte.,&e. .Lodersville, Pa,—,lotf. . _ _ , PR/Mani ERA- ATTODNET! AND CODNSELLOR AT Law,Honfrose, Pa., will attend faithfully to all business en trusted to. him in the County of Susquehanna. Gonyeyrincing, and Writing of all kinds will be dont neatly, and charge moderate. He will alio'. attend to the prosecution of elairos,ot sel= diem, their widows and heirs, againia the U.S.- government, for Bounty- Land, Pensions, ee.- hiny be foundlit ail hoirs at thfij:iffieo formerly , occupied bi? J-, 1 1": Riehilid; Esq., north Of lb ~Court-Houseltitta-n49 • M. Cc...TYLER * ItteieStiad L. Iftmt, 7T1'1111111401 1 / 2 3:1111a Cut. • jery, enrriage Trimmings. Sprinmdte. , • No.- ti 1 . 6 Peirri Street ! , Y. etv .h is . 3l erca n t to friendi . ' , in, 't hin nod othrr Counties, are kinilly and lainest4tiblicit• ed to wall and purchnwe.,.. ' .7.1; n6tf. TEEiRT I. =APE' • OF MONTItO.3E,'FA. 'Wit* Row(N Woodruff, cartet, 11THOLESSLE Gnmi:lts =and Comyssitss I V Ir‘aletrANTsi: No. 173 Washingtois'Strek between Co rttn nd and Dey4tre'ets, New York Mart+ 8, 1854--10tf. Medic4l , Card. - •- . . • TNRS. E. Patrick, Jr, & .- Z. Ilinufreit harp I this day fOrmed 1 ett-partnership, for a mom efficient : and suicessfut irrosecuitoll of the differ. ent brrinches,of their profession,' - . ' Ail, business - entrusterito them; WiWteatte* ded to withAiromptness'and "firlelity. Their, office inaj• •ho found over LaiheO Store, East side Puirlic Avenue...l.r PATRICK, Jr.{ • - 4 - G. '2. pniocK. Montrose,-March /2, 1854. ' - _ • W Singleton , Carl now' be.found at his new . stand -no 0 414 ET() street, 2 dunk west of Scarlet"; ;iota where he e/lhtuafly t•epairta.;With - , dispatch. Ntiatebese` Ctocks,,Gtin, - J ewel 4; and 'OiferY..ileseriPii"D of machinery;:' Wheel 'eutting, - urf and Watcli materials supiilied A. A. & E-Baldwin -, • "'•. iATAY bfi Yquuttieliesetuent of Oetrites , llo 'tol, 3 tiootts west rfOttl• the coiner: Net anti aceOpetplithat are .due us Wi 1 i ' be very . r cepubl.e vll'4'oo-0. •• ~ . 1 i .-. _, • . .A. 4 E. BALtoWIN. Af0ntr0.e.1i0tr:23,.1854.--47tf Silver Spcoone.:., T_ warranted Desert, Sugar' and Palt.l.Sp9onti, , - - warranted !Tra frit , male by ' - BENTLEY IdeAtEAD. • Boats and Shoe's. N unusually - good assortment of ite, bo! make, all fresh-ohd perfect. for iota by . • ' - :BENTLEY & 4:EAD. , . AL.Bertils--A large lot of plabt: and cu l Coral, also Coral Armlets and Niscklaccs , . . ,00,if Bend tam . th the (post baton [EZRA B: tiAsE; [A. lAiHEoT