The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, January 04, 1855, Image 3
dreaded purpose. The " Know-Nothin n ." through its brief, and. inglorious career, wi,4 i '.be, and now is, a National Party, guided by 1 \ the South ; and trusted too, as the great aly I , of their peculiar Institution. How well they have -succeeded, is shown; y the fact, that many Free-soilem have ac.-', • with the Slave-power, in building -up' thfs: chosen ally. 4. .i ' To come to our own county,—what tifar e. 'and deception was practiced, in f using n tii only Whig . and Democrat,—but Free-soi ~,1 and _Know-Nothing t How true it is th t • ;the Democrat never acts with the- Whigt s . , 'without being duped I Those wh o did se l l under au anti Nebraska impulse, just begi • . I i to discover that they have becn.vheatea nt the support Of Slavery. ,The election of Pol l ' lock, anyLe _elevation of the secret-Order, I was the precise work of the South ; and all 'Ole unnatural liThig ranting about the Mini e'iouri line, was only done to seduce honest' Democrats from their principles, and the4.' party-power. A few' leaders of this .furiort lave trusted their hopes Of Office with th4i n ew party; they will stay in it,—but the plewill return to the ancient fold, never mor‘i t o be seduced by outside perA j, ,dy. I '.,'The National Era, for a time, was mad+, to believe that Pollock's eleetion would be ' , '' . t „64 tiftimph of Anti-Nebraska sentiment in Penn's. But its last number-holds .rer , different, language. m g : "The Know-Nothing, by its crooked policy, showed an utter want of principle on' . the Slavery question; for example, bf. elect-i ing in Penn's, the pro-Nebraska, Adminks candidate for Canal Commissioner, e. - • . " =ere are : your An ti-N.brisk 4 . l vietories• in Massachusetis.,• New York and Nennsylvania I How much are they worth ? o man can answer—for the , results are , mix ed arid vitiated,' and time alone- can . show' how much of the Anti-Slavery. sentiment ea tered into them." . "'They will not "go it blind," for . men and, • Means selected and prepared by a sworn few, midnight assemblage. They have a right to' know and 'scrutinize both, before they/vote. Without that, every presumption is against them. Can anything be good that covers - -self in darkness? hid truth ever shrond it self in mystery Is it , not .her God-given 7Aaracteristic, to seek the broadest light,— a l tr to' invite the keenest scrutiny ?. She.asks, first, .examination,--;then, acceptance; and ik what a divine Consciousness and. energy she imparts to her blest votaries - la conc'usion, fellow citiiens, ler us not', and retain the characteristic fact, that the Whig politicians:here ; to a:man, fell into - the suppork of Know-Nothingism, from its . 1- • vers. first allpearatice among us. Their Press also swam upon the, same current. Why this unanimity in 'error ? It is because, by all their habits, education, associations, instincts, • ! arid sympathies; they run into every move- . merit the Party of the People; and tending to their own power. Without sorting, or thinking ;. their aristocratic impul sesnaturally_ array them, as one man, on . the side of the -rich. :ngaiwit :the poor, = of, thy „strong against the.secerk, : ---of Banke;• of mo .arpoiv, and every form of associated capital ,-- hg i iinst the interests of indieldullabor, in all its sad struggle with the. oppressions of wealth and speculation. They care not for the peo -7 • theysympathizeinathiz s e not with oppressed hu m anitv". They will .associate =with Know: : it tingl• .to 'degrade the Foreigner,—they w6uld hold slaves,, if the law would permit it, uything; everything- which goes to create, Is , . and .make wide what they regard` to be .the I pnecper distinctions between' learned wealth ~t unlearned and menial toil ! le is the • ddlusion e:',4 these men, to believe such dis- S li tinctions natural and right ; and their:whole 1$ is One ceaselessiabor to realize that iv, society. , It is hardly necessary to add that tht ., Parts- and influence we have 'delcribed, ca tinotliVe. in, this: country,--and that the of little weak, and unnatural fusion in . this Co?nty, cannot last as long as the operators 1,1, Akereengaged in makinr , it. - •• , Pursuant to call, a meeting convened at tic& Carpenter's Hotel in Great Bend, Sat xrditv, Dec. 30, 1854, a very large number r;lcitizens were in attendance, .and the con- t tension was organized-by the appointment tee N. I . ". Waller,- Esq., _President ; Doct. Jas. Griffin, John -.McKinney, Lewis S. lienheim and Amass T. Trowbridge, Esqrs., Vice Pre.i- ! • 1 dtntlr, and T. D. Estabrook, Alanson B. Whit- ney and N. Dußois Secretaries. The object of the meeting - was briefly st!t ted by 11,. T. Stephens, Esq., - as king to ex- I - press their feelings and views upon the sub- I j.lct Of tile prosecution lately commenced .by i R:4M Corns against the N. Y. dot -E. R. R. 1 6. °'n l l) 4 n 3 y, for passing bank bills of less de- nemnation than five dollars. On motion of i li)e , ',•!peakr,- the following committee was ap pointed to draft resolutions for theconsidera tionlaf -the. meeting. R. T.. Stepheni, Esq.i .1 . 4 ? 1 ' Reckhow,'Esq., David Thomas, Benonilt Tiel l tell, Joseph Dußois, •Wm. Green, Thos. --lays, 'i Geo. Baldwin, D. L Taylor, Doct. Y. 4,ilman, Chas. Chamberlin and Addison biminiek. The following preamble and res , outx . ns were reported-by the committee : Irineaeas We learn with regret that pro-1 ceedings \have lately been commenced by 111 7 tAx Currie., of Great Bend, Susq. Co,, Pa., 1 '''' , ' , in'st. the N. Y. ti E. R. R. or putting I C 0.,. , in circulation foreign,Bank Bills of a less. de- notn*ation than five dollars. And, whereas , b ;se are well twine that the agent, Conduc- l -: 'and Paymasters sni. , • s la b -- sirs of the N. Y. sk E. R. R. j- - . ' -L" Odle - " . ''kaaPizty, acting undo instr uc ti ons o f 1 HE -sOsc r rif,4 having solJ his farm, will ex the Uotnp*n . y. did observe the law {proltit,it- 1 -I Pee to Public sale ot his reikidePeo ie . it'',"' the ingiliXlVf small bills,) until it was to: I Br4ktvn, on Tuesday the 16th day of Jtimok!..Y, tally r ded by the community and it I the tollowinepronerty, viz: 3 'Cows, 1 yoke of 'bad become - ice 'lle to do bnsi • nv , s with- l i - b w ,,,,', r i k i. l . ° l l27 m °X u e re n i I pair of two year old steirs.well !.colt, 30 sheep a qirmtity of hay, ''''t iiiitking use of email • bills for change.-- i _roans ' an d por;t oe i, 5 s to c ks b i ees,l 1 ox eart:l nd that, , we as citizens -of Great Bend and ! one hfsrae wagon, 2 cutters, 1 harness, a variety siein . ity deem it indispensable to the pawner. 1 of titUre. rming tools, and a quantity of ilionsehotil ; ':al intere s t of thisconety (particularly at the (furns . . . ,Pretent time) that the circulating medium be I tkaws.-- ll sums under 85:cash down, over 1111 Testutined: And, Whereas, we look upon 1 65 six liont lerelfit with interest and approved **ldly. silt) toi cornnt= at 9 o'clock A. M. tilt pent prosecution as-an effort to extort 1 73, Eley from the• said Railroad Company, and i Bi. ooki •, • - aosw /1 4 , wHITNEY. 3 rt. 1 , , 1855.-Iw2,* Lot for the purpose of . enforcing.,a just law, 1 ---+-- -th , P ' fist !t cooviotion 'of right. Therefpre, i . L-... ~ 'lc It v.. ' - iwk 0 • 'n n yolved, That we look not only ivith'feel- l ual meeting' of the itoekhoiden s in the a p bf regret but of indination upon en 1 A 1..., Great Rend and Cocheaton turnpike "reed .t that is thus calculated to prejudice, net , comPariy, witl :be Weld the Lusk .House, in Great 'Paly ihe interest o f t h e -R . R . Co. b „, , L . hi _ i Beml, on the', second Vediteliday of January, '0,14, 1 - _, . ' "'" " 4 " -. 1855, at 9 o'clock 4. m.. it)rithe election of (Xi ',...,, interests,..•?'-rn„,,ni of es • - ° '. l. 14 . 71 " / "'" 7m1 ; 77 .. 78 1 ergs Ike.' i , NENRY nRINKER, Etrr't , 'nt R e i Ilsr• 1 ,:' ' . ''' ( ir - -- eil ~, P.-VI. 7... , 11 -filA.,i' - .1 • We extract the f.ollow ILesolo d , That ?we' view the application !of the ••srulill uote - law' to this locality situated - as , we are upon the hue of the State of ‘li. Y., as impolitic, and oppressive, and that the same.liaS been rendered nugatory, by thecom. rnim consent " of this: Jadiolecommunity, (in. eluding . the plaintiff of record. in this suit„) and by the acts of - Judges, Jurors, Attorneys, and oilier officers i:,f our county, and county officers. i i . Besot:id, That vie hereby request Mr. CM , tisithe plaintiffin Said suit, end all other per sotk interested therein, to discontinue the 1 prcisecutitin thereof before the next ;term Of our court r . 1 - Vesolved, That Unless said suit is discon tin ned according to the above request, We will hold, .no intercourse. either socially or otherwise, with Mri Cqrtis, or any other per son, or persons connected therewith, either as At(orngs or otherwise; and that we will hold them responsible ferittheir' acts as Cain was for ihis. :Resolved, That we tender to the'N. Y. & E. R. R. Co.i our symPathy and support in de:- fending themselves ;against this gross outrage upon the m rights and our interests. J After reading the above resolutions, Mr: Curtis being present, was Called upon - to make l any; remarks, or offer nor - .excuse that lie thought proper. lie tePlied. that he bad no I escre to niake to the Meeting, but that be . i had; reasons 'r.atisfactorY to Mins& for his 7 ~.1 conduct, but they might not be to any one ielsetof the assembl7 The meeting was then 1 addres.sed .by Doct.: JRS. Griffin, it. - T. Ste -1 phens, Esq., T 1 1). EStabrook and Geo. Bald- . mil l , . 1 1 ' 1 1 1 . 1 On motion t ab , ve resolutions were.adop ted it n.animou al . On motion Resolved, that the proceedings f t h is meeting be published . in the t contity p pe.l in the Binghamton pa 4 pers l and some f th i , Nev York journals. 1 ' • NI E. Wane P4si dent, - and Duct. JaS. .' i , Griffin, John M Kinney, Lewis S. Lenheim and Auras T., owbridge, Vice' Presidents: T. D. Estabro dt A. B. Whitney, N. Du' Bois, 'Seererair ' ie.,. , , tom" Mr: and'Mrs. lienr:y A. Riley tender their grateful, ackni)wlddgment.X to the tnany , EiW friends whO oreti thtku with , the ir presence' gild geuerons (ifferihgs 1,0. the .afternoon Ara Thursday,December: 20th ; ever; prayiug that the bfessitig of the God cif g race' may be the experienced recompetise of their liberality. ; , . Agkiettliunit Society. • ! The annitil .meeting rf the §ttil'a county AgrieUltuiPlSociety, will he held on Tues.. &Ay . ereiiing, Jan. I g3, i. 1855, at' the CoUrti House, at which ti* 'an el'ectiou of - officers', for the ensuing yeati - Will be held. : -A general 'attendance is 7q,f, ... 1 e-Ci CARMALT,'Pres. ' 1 ! , \ \V t. H. .T.Essu r,St. 'C'Ni. - . . i . !. VIikvit: 114 :180•L . . .. In.l.kii x, Saila:l) I)ii.e. ries 31, by ~ A 'O. i Marren,. Ir. .lo'lrs . floali jr., of - Lathrop, and Miss ELCEN MAi . rsoN l ,, otlL4;nox. ': ' _ At thel:nionlLll, West Ha,rfoid, on Sun da}-, Dec. 31, the!sarne, Mr. GE,O. M. AlD dmicn of RiehmOnd,l nn4l Miss- I.IARRIET• J. IyAc-lloesux of I.cet. ie In tlronviile,l.Jari. 1855, by Jos. 1.. E; -q.:l Mr.. i EltrAs NORVIROP, 1-4 - tn Witntlt, Loth of Liber:ty TON%-n -i 1 1%, At alt,!.. R.: 1111Viir H 1 P11: 4- iN in .T.01.142r.5% I nek) V.111'5.7.*1Y' P. -'l'Blll,llT !Rev. J. 13. McCreary, or. 11ENRY ACKL"?..sOzL:, and Miqs EMES.i.Nk.; ii. ''l.. t, - ( 1.1 11 .1-7 : - - 4 r iii i.)011 1 1; 1 of :. .ti , tiwl on I . i 1 I; ° 3 - I C t o l ra7 by the ~ 1 ' toe„ M -r. DAwni l'. ik...7'sn, arid INliF.s JL:,:.:.C11. 461 J. Ikeleimisfs, both cif Gat Bowl Pa. 1 ' 1, • . '•; • i At 11. A..Williains; ITOtel, in (Milord ' Dee. • ' • ,3tli, by thii Rev. Win. Slit•lp, Mr. DAvni K. 'nn ii Kit; .0f Mt. PI e a i,:o t . %‘''-; tyncit: .?":, Pa., and Mi; , ..s ADALI:4:E S. XVIII. tANIS.,.. of .13rooklyu, lusAi'a Co., Pa. ' - . - I In thirford, I.) 1 / 4 , 4-261.1.1,- by .11e, Sibley, . - .4'1 Mr. Juurs •%V litx . En and. Miss M.tair '‘'"ASIIEteItNE, all nfJ4sup, I'a. .; '-; •‘ Ia Como, the 1 - ftilt ult nsi. S. Palmer.; Mr. leAA'. BALDWIti7, Of Au ra. Miss LerisAi A. Hrd . Kcol-, of he - former place. '• • • le.ssup; on the fikstirist..lby Rci,r. 11. A. Acot - sirs liissrir. of Litchfield Conn.. ndMiss. SC..tN.ITELE:N, 'Youngest 41tighter I John Robertson,. Of the :former plate. , • •- • • In liridgwater Dee. -28th.i by the . , Iter. )hn F. Deans Mr,Titostss • Binghamton-N 1. late. of Toronto CL W. lid Miss. •Earnesi NEW.VAN Pf the former late. • • I LIST OF LETINERS Rte . Maining u s Pas Post Office 'at Montrose, 1 I Jan. 1, 1855* • • , 1 B;01 & Tingley, W 1 Lenlx Hew Brown. Orange .; • Nail, A. • ; 14-fiWn, Wm. G. 1 Robertson. M.! ; Benedict. Hear; I , Rowley, Wm..; 11i41111+11;, 1; 31iss Jane 1 - IL:4-1 330 nd, Wn. S. ; I'lilirnirk, Wm. 11. • I Rutter, S. T. ini•etz, Joseph %V. Roberts. Miss Amelia Diugherty,'Daeiti, Resseguie, Mrs.' S. j"" -- Eggleston, Mrs. E. A. Sherman, S. H.-2 ;Fii4k;Geo. A. ; Shannon,. Putt ; Ffiwler, Frank D. Stone, Thomas, ;W. 04een, -Johr, F. Smith; John. W.! Priodell, - Fresleriek , Simmons, George 2 thilbrook Thompson, Rev.• D. 114 (brook; Sarah Thompson, J. &' Co. 11411ey, Enron ! ; Vosburgh, Mrs. C. Haward,; J. C. ,Wnlier.Gustav 11-2 Lr is , sc B. Wit on. Aaron, lerso l is , calling for any, of the * abon'o! letters wi please say advertised. •• ' t I .A. N. BULLARD, P. i I. zrriv GOODS '.. 4 RRIVII+G s k-ery week at 1 .' . : A. LATHROP & Co.'s an. $ , 1855. IWinter Shawls and Dolanea Selling cfrat great: bargains. Call at: . 1 ' ' • ,_ A. LATHROP di Co's 45000 Dozen Socks wanted :it' , 1 . &LATHROP &Cole Graini Grain, Grain! OF all /dada atid at the high est Oriees, r bonglit . ..1 A. LATHROP df. Co. WINE GIREJEK- SLAVE Bacrkwite, Flora Liebe and the Dan- • cing • THE abbve celebrated StatneA, together with 15 Statuettes in bronze, and :4•everul liundred mag: nifieeni Oil Paintings, faro) the collection of Pri zes to be distributed among the Of the Cosmopolitan Art Association at tt.c, first annual distribution, in January ntst. • . . The Cosmopolitan Art-and Literary Associa tion, organized for, the encouragement and Geo eral diffitsion of Literature and tha Fine Arts, on a new and original plan. - The Committee of management have the pleas.. me of announcing thlt the first annual distribu tion will take place .on the 30th of January next, on. which occasion -there will be distributed or allotted to memberaseveral . hundred Works of Art, among which is the 'original and 'world-ro ,nowned Statue of the Greek Slave, by Hiram Powers. costing over $5000! together with the beautiful statues of Venus, Bacchabte. - Flora, and the Dancing Girl; and -15 Statuetts in Bronze, imported from. Paris ; also, a large collection of Oil Paintings, comprising some 4,f• tiro beat productions of celebrated American and Foreign Artists. • , • Manfor-the•Current rear. The - payment of 84 constitutes any one e member "of this Association, and entitles him to the Knickerbocker Magazine for one year, and also a ti c ket in the distribution,of the Statuary and Paintings which are to be allotted to mein bera in,Januarv. Persons titking,five memberships are entitled to fire of the Magazines one yo. r,',and to ;ix tickets in the distribution. Persons, on becoming members, can have their Magazine commence with any month they choose, and 'rely on its being mailed to them promptly on the first of every month, direct from N. York. The net' proceeds derived from the sale of memberships are. devoted to the purchase of Works of Art for the ensuing year. Books open to receive names at the Eastern office, New-York. or Western office, .4anduskv. . 'the Gallery of Art is located 'itt.Sandtisky. (the"- Western ofilee.of the Assoeistbin.) where superb Granite Buildings have been erected (or it, and in whose spacious saloons the splendid collection of statuary and Paintings is exhibited. The.Advo7ntages Securcd . . by becoming n member of this Association are -Ist- All persons receive the full value of their Atbstriptions at the..slarl, in the sliape 'of sterling Singlzine Literature.. • 2d. Each member is contributing toward pur= clinging choke 'Works of Art, which are t be distributed among themselves, and are at the s:une time encouraging the Artists . of the coun try, disbursing thunsandii of dollars through its pgency. • _ Persons remitting funds for numb( rship,should mark letter'. " Registered," and state the month with which they Wish their f ma7azines to coin menre,*nnd also Their post effire address - in fil, , in tbe'reeeipt of which, a evrtitieate Ad . membership, together wish the magazine desired, will be fur. warded . to any iyat of tito country. `,Those who porch iso magazines at Bookstores, will, observe lhat by joining this A.sociation, they 'receive the Magazine and Free !Ticket in thy annual, 'distribution., nll at the same price they now pay for The Magazine idone. ifilustrateri Catalogues of the - whole 'collection sent.nn applicntion, free of charge. Offict , ' of the. Association. at the Knick erbocker -Macr.aine office, 348,Broadway, :mil at N 0.166 Water st.. Sandb - sk - y. Ohio. Ad dress, (at either offi s :e„) for membership. C. L. DERBY, Actuary C. A. S. L. A. Watches and Jewelry. Pei • r subscriber s return -1-IP.- • _L ed from New-York with r..:lllk. the liergest.varietv of Watch. • es,Jewelry, Platjd _rare, and other articles in his Hifi', that' c has ever bven' offercd to the citizens of Bingltanit4. -, ri and vicinity. Consisting of a very heavy .1 stock of Gold Hunting Slo.deron 14.ver.-Entrlish l'ateut I,cv(4, Enameled arid Anchor ;Watches; .Silver Arteliz)r - sod Lepine do.; in plain and fluorine , " cases, G•iifi Vest foh and Guard chiiitis, Silserr do. d 0.., Gobi . Seals. Kern, SA;iil(•ll,l 3 endiS.Tilitilb/C-.4, Lad:Cti, Ear" ring : Firigeif Wog' s, Druastpins.Crosses.lSpeefa kl6s,&c, Ip,lver c„ko. , Vi e , Fruit and Hotter ;Kokes, Si', I.nd lc Fork. Cops, Card 'Cities, and NArkin Rrri!!!4,'Coral Brags, Shell KniVes.nriti • ticissOrl, Plated:Castors. Le,aftc und•Cird eariillestickg, Sootier:. Indyrays, Spoons, Kuit'es and Fork,t,'Clycks of every de.eription, a very la - rge stock of pen, Bair ar, ; ,l Tooth bruslie.. flack, dresintz. sidu and pocket Comh, fine tooth and lndla 11.11!.he a do.. porte .110n.dis. &;".c. abevc havirig then pdrelia..ed-at the present deprv.sed ,tate of the market; enableiw tho undersigned to • tiffer them to his eibitorners ht loa• prices, and to which he would lespectfully invite the attention of all persons wishing to ; obtain any .artick in his line.; ALFRED 3. ENTANS - N... 2, Odd Fizllcevot 11a11, 113nghainton, Nov. 26, 1834. MIST LOOK HERB' .. - Books and Stationery. . LARGE and well selected stuck of Miscel. lanvins Books. School Books, and Gilt. Books for Elie 1101!idly:4 7 . and, Toy - Books. At large stock of Stationery--Black and Red Inks,. Buff colered Commercial Note Parer. Marble. -fivani fur Crayon drawings, &e., &e. For sale low 11. A. N. BULLARD.. i Post Office: Montrosi , . Dec. 13th, 1854. trIGGINS & Kellogg's celebrated Diaries for. .1%.! 1885; for - sale at the Post Office. Montrose., Dec. 13,•.1854. - up tNN'S!.Tostice,.and a Business man's Legal (;nide, for Nile at the Poet Office. 31iiterows, - Dec.1 . 3th,.101. - T. 4 .ORENZO Dotes - complete work for sale at .Ihe Post Office. • Dec. 13, 1884- Viratelreis, Jewelry, Silv:er'Sptione. G OLD and Silver Patent LeVer,Anebor and tepint 'Watches, jtitt,reeeived' and for sale by ' BENTLEY & READ: CHEAP BOOKS • Extraordinary inducements to the resoling Public. :pat* et the foilowin fleaworts 'kW testi= free of oirrectiipt of the price acne:ed. T(e Abduction, - h'ials.and Adrentvres of Payneta Mande( ille, . VP,ifeof Augustus 11. Mandeville. of Baltimore", who was 'I skiku from'her husband at Bogota. New Granada, by a 1 bead of Spentstt Rotri'ers, and by Own( detained in their ukkintain fastnesses for thirteen months. there haling : it",:ule throuzh the moat terrible acenes that the imagination i ran Acture; tho whole, forming the most truly wonderful i ' 12.110 . elven! ac:nal OtteOrrettret ever yet placed, before the : tear! ng:communlty. Written by her Ilusbend. Price 12, 1 / 2 ' i tient . i : , AT billintr and Startling . ;Fork ! - the authentic! .1, , l. i • i Con fes-‘it•ft ,;(William Masterson, . The Cruel Murderer Of his Father and Mother 1 Togeth- er with a eomplete sleet:not of hi. various Robberies and Mtirdent, includlng thit of Mr. Manning, of Buffalo; N. Y., and, the human! Mks Rum a Martin. Added to which Is the history of the Molt fiendish Murderer. and expert Rare ear and Pickpocket, Thomas Little, the isocomplicoof Mae tenion• f Price 123 i .eent , — . i ' • .1 . The Beautiful J e w es s , Rachel Mtinelnia. 1 . tier lamentable ComeOtlon whit •he :dark and eventful career of Chas. litruard,otherwiee called "Print( Char/es," by Greccuel..ppard. the late termination `of whose &dwelt- tines tri,: Madrid. neat the Pekoe of the Queen,' bait created so Muth coretnent, and such Intense interest In the Ameri can press. - ti L t Thousands throughout the United flatus are familiar 1 mrltlirpot,firms of the eareer of" Prfnee Mantes: . but this:, IFarretive sets cuttitaidatnooterrhie wkesteestreenespetidl. 1' Ildercinneetion with the riehund beautiful Jewel". Rae i !chid, Mendes*, who!ouly a year ago mlngl: (.1 in the fist fir I c_lete Of New York. LAfter relating Ms edventores In the 1 Po Wed states. this laarretirt• condnet I as to Mad lid . to theti Wit Court of sidan•if riesling the secrets of the Life of Q eth Isabella. Prier 15 tents. 'turtling l Diselo;urex ! Mys/i r jr; Solced; or the 1 '- 1 History if Esther Lisingstore. Audi ark career of ;Missy Baldwin. By awed& L.IPP III : This Natrative not Duly, pictures the rfropillir, career of litith:v T r iviogooD end the crimes of flenry Baldwin, but the !meats in width they were aci (vs in tha Mammoth Cart. arteries(' by the arretebsd Daldwitt(in a bot.l,trutb. dal. but ishem hint style. And the Mettler of Iglas .Annis ffatt4. in Cbarle.tnn. eh, the Nitht of her Marrises, to in 4, 61 ,t piteir, tprrthly explained. l'ice 10 vent*. ritelifiara Rerertgre ! or ilie Lately Quakr•ss. C4therme .. 1 1fuldleron. . , . Thy filillful Gamester in Disguise. I Her giwilsr co tter with the startling developments in the life . of Doi lenneJnein(n,.• Tice lifankic Priest." Pricsedgj,‘nentsd, ITER'ilft—The ebayc five Thrillinx and int. resting Vol; nes m will be sent to any address In the United f..tetee And (letadas 'free ot`Postti.e. on the reemirt of Ad ants. rod. Masters Brothers, emnitting two dollen. the abate live Irtolte, will be ten t Vil . Persons, free of Postage ;or of the receint. of five dollare they will be sent to fifteen Pet • that. ': Lireer Clats'itt the vatneOroportlon. - ( All Lettets must, be addremed to RARCLAY•Ar. k 0 , V) Ann FI ratt, Ns tr 'I e'ry i "' • ,—' " Al 113, ~,,,:,, r,-,,, err •7 0 .rj , ;• i:,* T7:l , r ~ , --1 :4,7_13 I - Sherjg's Silos. 541.0 at sundrY *its Woad out of th• Court of COMMOD Picas of sttAquehannueoutity.ant to me Ul7 mat e d, I owl aaposo-to p,ubtic talc at taro' Court' Ho use in Montrose, ott34tur47lstl3tb day of January next; at 1 o'clnek , All that certain plea or parcel of land situate i lying and being in diet townstiip of Clifford, Sua fr p,h unria coun ts, haupded and described as foi lows, to wit.: Be ic inaleg at the northeast corner of. Geo. Brownell jr ' a lan6, thence 'southwest to the middle of Lot's creek he calte l „ thence down , th t i 'said creek the several courses thereof to the, tniddle of another e.kek emnmonly th 4 northeast branch of the l'unkhannock', thethm own said creek to ?Iva- lipid ,a m o. Brrowool jr ' , land, thence north tidily degrees with hoed. to the place of' beginning, .ontaining twenty' 'acres be the same more or less, with the appuri tenances, I framed Huge, 1 Sma!l shed, some fruit trees and mostly improved. - • Taken in execution at the gait of Chas.llogatt vs. Nelson Philips. • - ALSO—:AII that ceisain pt3ee or :parcel of land, or vinage lot. sit Gate. lying and being the Borongh of Susqvihanna Depot, Sustra t. Co. bounded and describelil as follow'', to. wit: 0 the north bj , the publie highway', on the east b j land of F. Pickering, op the south by land c•f D L Kimber, and on tlle' r weat by land'of Jas. Bell said lot being 56 feet ,front, and running back, 104 feet, together Wiih, the appurtenances, 1 two' story framed dwelling house, and all Impreved. Taken in execution, by virtueof two writs otl Ven. Ex., at the suit of C. S. Bennett - vs. Na thaniel ' I - \l4Bo—All that I.4tai- ihitt 'cc•Lain tient or- parcel of t p land situate in the . •tosinship Of Bridgewater it'l l ' the county oflusqtialainna an d state of Penn-il a yt ea nia, and butted, bounded !and . described 141, 1 follows, to wit: Beglntiing at a post and stoneart in the west lino of Abraham Xennard's lot, thei ,southeast corner ofVot surTeyed for John Dar.l row, bow owned by blenezer thince i by said lot south - deg east 83 and. 7-10 perchiii ei to a post and stades; thence by another lot surveyed foi the said John Darrow, south 871' deg. west 100. perches ton post and stories, tho northwest corner of sail Darrows last inentionedil lot, thence by unsold rand north 3 deg:. west 8311 and 710 perches to a post rind istoneit, thence by! said William's lot north 87 deg. east 100 perch es to the beginning, nontaining 48 acres and . 139 !, pereheir and allowance&e., together with the hereditaments and apptirtenances; &c. TalriM in execution 4 the suit of C. L. Ward, Assigni...e of M. Jf. Waijace vs.! Wm. Dairow. ALSO—AII that ee'rtain piece or parcel of land- situate lying and being in the township of Liberty. Susrfir county,kbotinded and described as follows, to Wit On the north 'and - east by lands (if Joseph E. Wehster,.on- the south by. land of ] Joseph Bailey. Mtd west by laud 'orion athan Ross, containg 60, acres More or less, to; zether with the appurttinancer4, about ttvo acres . improved. _ Taken in execution at the Suit of 41in FL Green is. Geo. Chapman. ALSO—AII that eertain piece or parcel of land sittutte lying and hieing in the township . cif _Auburn': Susquehanna county, bounded and de scribed 'as follows,' to wit:On the north by lands of Samuel Saruckhammfir, on the ca-t by lands_ in possaission of Ezra KCnnedv,l on the south by lands in possession of Philip SWackharnmer and Harry Carter. and on tbe west bp: land An pos session Of Harry Carter John Brown, eon-, taming about 300 acrem more Or less, together with the appurtenances; I framed house and barn. I log house, Seine fruit trees and about 200 acres irnProved., • Also, 4ne othernieee or- parcel of land sittiale in Aubarn township, bounded rind deAcribed $.l foliows,ilo wit: Oa the Korth by Lands of him Shoemaker, eistlivl lands'of Patrick Galvin. s 0.11 . 4 lanai of ;Ezra Kennedy.and west by.lands; of .Ssmue! Seipckhanmer. containing 90 acres; !more or less, with the appurtenances, a house and barn, a linialllorcliarci• and about 40 acres improved. Taken' in execution atithe suit of A. - Lathrop rs.:l)..mief and' FredericklSwackammer. . Althat certain piece or p:ircel of land. sitaate lying sod b i ing in the township of Susquehanna euunty, bounded and de: scribed a s fotloirs. to wit: on th north by land of Atru.s ttnd Simeon Barnes, east by the Bel-• ;mint and Oquago turn . pi4c, and it n the south and ore t h-iands (; - f Sinreand-Amos Baracs, eon .taintia I !acre of lam:, itv;re •or !wag together with the !appurtenances, 'brie fr.tmed house 9 1,1 barn ;old tinprovid. ' Tak(n' \ in the snit' ; of h.. 1. I.yont, and Brother v.% Ir t I,ViThms.. . . •• ALSO: I —AII - that: - ci•rtt,in. piece or . parcel. of land 'situate in- the township (Et' Jackson and bounded hnd drac erined w follo;, to wit : at a post and storios eorner on the line of a lotiti p,, session of TrutiLta Perryotlivnee . south 45 iie;?.. I'4clics to h' pet, ther7 . 6 ~sl:6 45 PeZ. west .. --cirches part by lot for merly surveyed ter \ i,. B. Wh.Niton to a ratlines corner, t.lOwe north! 15 tittg. west 104 a birch noar the creek, thence north 45 dog. east =perches to the place Of kie,ginnitig, contain. itw 85 acies or thcreabortts, be the samemoreor less, with.lho appnrtetinnces, one small house and one - 1e,7 stable and abbut - 20 acres improved. Taken i n execution at the sutt of l C. S. Ben nett vs. %) , .'na. M. Bowen. F. P. fiat:LISTER, Sheriff. Montrolie..Dee..l9', 185.1 —slw3 • • In the Orphan's Court.: Audil i or's Tdistributio of the assets in the hands of Ira'Niehol. , Adrreret thi4state of IVut. Baker jr. deed, will be aptmrtionied muon,g the proper claimants by the unde'rsigtied auditor, at hi 4 c.frice in 'Montrose, on Priday the 12th at 1 o'clock P. 3r.- •.! _ N. NEWTIIN, Auditor. nulrove, Dec. 21.185-1111W4, - To the Hon. the judgesof the Court of Quar ter Sessions of the Peace in and for Sus i ifahanna County: rill-1E petition of I. N. Bullard of the Borough of Montrose in said count }, respectfully represents, that he is provided with suitable con venience to keep n Grocery in the Borough aforesaid_ ; and that it is hii intention to apply to the next Court of Quarter Sessions to be holden in and for said county on the fourth Monday of January next, fora license to keep a Grocery, and to sell strong beer, ale :or other malt liquors, according to"tho Act of Assembly of 14th April A. D. 1851. iL N. - BULLARD. Montrose, Dec. 27. 18544-52w4r • To, the lion. the Judges the Our: of Quar.- ter Sessions of the Peace in and for, Sus , quchannoc County , T"8 petition-of Francis R. Drake of the Bor ough of *nsquehstina Depot is said county respectfully represents, that:he is provided with suitable. convenience to keep a Grocery • in the Borough aforesaid; and that it is his .intention to apply to tho next Court - of Qmirtrr t i Sessions - to be holden in and for said county on the fourth Monday of January next, for a lieertse to keep a Grocery ; and to sell strong - freer, ale 'or other malt liquors, according to the Art of Assembly of 14th April A. D. 180. FRANCIS ILIDRAKE. Susquehanna Depot, Dec. 2b, 1854-63w4 To the lion. theludges of the Coirt of Qmtv ter Sessions of the Peaed - in and for Sae quehanna County: i r 111 HE peti lion of Jas. GolWatei of the Borough JL. of Suaq's DepOt in Laid.county,respectfully represents, that he 14 provided with Suitable con. venieneo to ktep Grocery, in t r ite Borough aforesaid; and that it is his iltentiO to apply to the next Court of Quarto, Seesjima to be holden io and for said county on the third Monday of Janokry, for a license to keep a Grocery, and to bell btrong beer, ale or other mnitl liquors, ae eflrding to the Act of 'Assembly of 141 h April, A. D. 1851. JAB. OUTWATEIL Sosqnebinna Devi; Dec. du, 1854 7 51w4 I. Flour & Salt_ Q ALT•by the !fled or sirtgle?bbl.fl tali at the 0 figiPbottOksitittititt. - Also flour iu quart, bbl. sacks at, $175 per met. • BELL & TDiGLEY. lioilottoul, Pet. 12,1854. .T. IC. Parsons, Witettsati tar , Remit. /3441 ER in Cabinet Ware,' Beres, Bedsteads, 'Pohies, 'Stands, Chairs, 4.!..e. N). 9 Washington street, !‘ Bia,-,, , baniten, N. Y . . . %V A I• !. :./. tl trinorr Ur F;:tr..t M t ,i I I - LATHROF-S STORE East - side of Ptiblie Avenue, Two doors from 'Per& Corner , , '(THERE we shall be glad t o ate all - our rid TY . custoniera.and be happy to wait on all • hose who will give us a Oil, feeling conEdcat that from our large stock And extensive agart. • meat of goods We can suit ali thou who' slia Call end examine them. t I. P. W. RILEY, and C.t. LATHROP, with. A. LATHROP. . Iklontros,., Dee. 12, 113154. SEBASTOPOL ALMOST TAKEN! cirtat rash fur. .Russiz.—lron, Stoves, 2'in ii'w c, do WOODRUFF gr. ELDRED - haring 8,41;Otill+ ted themselves togaher for the puipose . of carrying on tho Store andt Tin.wnro busitters In nll itu various tor:inches; would respectfully cull the attention of the trading public to their ESTABLISIIMINV • Whkh may easily :fnunit—it being' in close proximity to new Cout 11.1use—,thelquatil weat corner - thereof. • Out building h - not as commodious as We intend having in the Spring. If our pations will bear wit, h us until that time, ao flatter, ourselVes that otir es^ablishment will not be surpassed by - aciy in the ,county. We have the most approved pattorts of STOVES ever brought' into this market, among which may be fouhd .3 Star clf the West - (1 7 .1.;rati d Oren,) Cu/tiva - for (Elevated Oven,) Onragon, Nate . World, Globe, Atlatr, and TAree State:, All Air. Tight, end i•arieut other patterns ton numerous to mention. ' TINWARE ofall kindes kept constantly on hand for household use. Jibbing done to order and in the best manner." , 1 Tin-ware car fully proved before leaving the I They respectfully ttolicit ihe atronage of all who wish to purchase anything in their line. as suring them that more can be saved by examin ing their stock berire purchasing elsewhere, S. A. WOODRUFF. o . G. B. ELDRED. Montrose, Dee. 12, 1841. ABEL TURRELL ILTAS_ just - received from New York, a full as- JLJL.,.sortment of • NEW GOODS. comprising it, first rate -variety of • Drugs, ,Chtinicals," Paints, Oils, -Dye-sta" Faniily GroccriesitlfaterialL . • for Lights, Aniiical In strurn~nts;. Yankee • Notions, Jeto lry, Perfumer.., and all sorts of • Fancy G0'0,..1 s, Which will be soil extremel, low for cash. Daring recently sustained; a loss by fire of at least five thousand dollars, 4bove insurance and goods saved, I fari?y I hive . Strlng claims forthe 1 patronage of my friends . andt.he publie-general. 1 ly. I ask no man 'to give to me, neither do I ask or expect.additional progts In conAequence.of, said loss. lull{ sell goods is low, iinot 'tower than they can be.bought elstiwhere in-this Town or county. All I ask is that; patronage from the k public which will enable roe with industry to slowly and grallually replace the toss sustained, loss .bctng the hard earnings pid fife of orations toil. • Store at the lower end of the burned district, how Maio Street ; a feiv rods Wow the corners. AIML TURRELL 1 Montroe, Dec. 14, 18 1, Window Sash: . . , 't - Q •11. &D. SAVRE,havin . g been 'appointed !).)• agents for in. eztensii4 Sash, Blind end !Door Menufaelory aro prepared to furnish any iartielevin this line at less rates than' they have ` lusually Levu sOl.-" - '. i i 11.• e. 14. : . . • . .. . ISIIAVING city:Am—nn hiticie which ,every ut, t u sh:Jutti try, for 14144011)... . • - S. kI. - & D. SAYRE. Ready-made Clothing., A VERY desirable dock 14t very !ow. priees. • • s. ty, st. D. SAYRE. i Montrose. Mg,. 14. 15,14. Wagon Making. Blacksinithing and Carriage Ironing. eStabikbed himself ' Mit •Yek fJor Corners, prepared to do the above .f u tsines nn shOrt notier: ird the Most realonable - terms. lie (tatter, himself that 'Litt) the help now io his employ:rhe.will be able io give entire satisfsetion lu Oil who mav favor him with their custom mock; 1854.-48 t / - v" N. B. M lost kinds of !umber a nd all kinds RE country produce taken in payment. . , Do the Min. Ms Judges n,Cthel Court 4 - Quarter of the. Peace in anti fur Susgutlitz;zna County: i. ! 7%11E petition of Zilyi G.Sprin - g of the Borough A_ of Susq'a Depot in said county, respectfully represents, that he is proyidediwith suitable eon yopionee to kJep a Grose r,l in thi, Borough 'aforesaid; and that it is his intention!to applvito the nest Court of Quarter Se4sions tp bo hoiden in and for said county on the OH Monday of Jau. next, for a license to keep # Grocery, and to sell strong, beer, ale or other Malt liquors, secor. ding to the Act of Assembly of 14th April A. D. 1 /i. 51. ZIBA Stoloobanna Depot, Dem 13, 1854. 7 50 tv4 NOTICE.; • j ------7 QEA LED proposals will b ei received by the I,p Corn tnit.ioners of Susq'nOonnty at. ilto - Corn. rnissioners' otEee in' Montrose,; until. the - 9th of Jin'y next, at 2 o'clock P. 31., Or rebuilding the- Bridge ficross the Wyalusing %leek, Hear H. J. Champions in Enxh-township. tI . I I .... !The plans, drawings, and spfrificattpits for the mid work. may be iseen and examined. at the Com'rs office. , i'- A. WILLIAMS, . . . A. CARPENTER, , Corr'ii .1 , J. •W.. SMITH.) lAttest—Vt'n. A. Cxessxrair, Clerk. liontioso, Dee. 11, 1854-sbw4 1 1 i • . Register's Notice. 'DUBUC Notico is hereby giien to all persons .1.1 concerned in the followiniEstatets, to wit: Estate of Sheffield Matteson 2d, dec'd, Tru min Perry, Adin`r. • Eslate of Henry Benson, dec`d,jr. Aloncda Ben tsen, Adiu'rx. Eitate of Nathan , Arnold . , deed, Harvey Hair and Chas. Chamberlin, Adair!". That the accountants have Settled their ac i cants in the Register's office in mid for the Counr ty of Susquehanrut, and that the same- oril I be presented to the Judges of the cirphan's Court of saki C4unty, on Wednesday the 17th day of January next for eonfirmation avid allowance. • J. W. CHAPMAN, Regiater• Register's.Oifiee, 3fonirone; • Dec. .19,1864...-4tur4 .Audita's Notice• rrIFIX undersigned, having beet, appointed by theOrphana` Curt of Elniquehanna Coun ty, 4n Auditor to bear. ezteptions: to the account filed in Abe (*tate of Jae. WatsoP, deed, will at. tend In the duties-of his said.appolatment, at his Montrose,'-en. die 12th day. of fantiary next, at 1 o'clock P. If. FL FRAZIR. . Ilentrosie, Iles, 12, 1854.-510. I - Auditor's NotiO. riNiE undersitned burying 'bens, appointed an JL [Auditor to distribute - the fund in tbdhande of the Assignees of Otto. 0. Pridc4 will attend to the duties of the said appointmesit at his office in Alentme, on Friday Ow ilith day of Jandtr next,iat.l o'clock P.: M.,Att; *lrish . lime and place s all parsons - Mil' present their chums er be dig: barred from coming in dpon the siddlnd ' A. CHANtI3FOFLU A N, 'Minton Montrose, Dee. 19, 1854041w4 1 - ANow. Cutter, and a two boreeiplemturc Car iiagd.for sato, cheap, by 1 ! . A. TURRELL Ifilttnr.y. Der. 27. TKO —s2if i . . , 1 • I NEW YORK ADvinrrisENENT — s Yisscn r Ea & SCiris,t's General Advertising I - Rouse; Appleto'n's .Building, 346. - ? end 348 Brnecchcay' • • Straw and Beaver Bonnets, Rib. • bons, Flown 's. and Feathers, , I' 011 CAsll.. i • - ; • THE 4xt.,,, zic trela cre in the coney Market the present season, bas yieldedi , to U 3 in. erertsild facilities is :ho Purchase of aso erb - stock of writ kw a n 3.2 s 4,1:3 vo.trttrrst, ?Mr= ?LOWERS; annects and rz.-*lnatta, nnegitalled in this city; and which. we are enabled to offer et. 'unpreee dearly IoW prices for caul. • To tiur stock of Pax's, Fr:Aram:a and, Borint RmaoNs, we wood espccialiy. call,the,rstkuton of CAN OMR% as we are assured that A mere desirable assortment was never before ~f l4 - , d i n this city. , "HOMER & KII;TCHUM, Nos. &land CO Johh-st.. eor. William•st., N. Y. 43mt • ' • 60 Wedding Carat, With Plate, 8 ... EAUTIFULLY ENGRAVED fur $3. ,Fifty Visiting Cards and Plate, $2. -- Silver Door` Plates, from $3 to $lO. Wr4filtio Envelopes, Note Paper, Business' CSrdS. Notary:, Sod ty, Commercial and Private Peals engraved. nd prOmptly forwarded to peoties sending are :t -utu*. to . • :A. DEMAREST. Genera a- graver. 182 Broadway, N.A . . 7 -4 • 3m3 . "9- - - S. & C. Fischer, Piano-Forte Man ufactory • • ‘ 7' - , .. . . AND WARE ROOM, Nos_ 243. 2 , 0,247.41nd , 249 Welit . - T wenty-eight atr,474:. betWevn. 9th and - 10th Arent:ea. New . York.. 'Piano,' with the lEolian..and, 'all Alto best atOdstrtt improver dents, made of the best materials, under.. our / own supervision; a . written•gusrantee given with! every Piano. J. di,. C. V. being practical - ther,l and manufacturing very largely, can turnbat the best Pianos, on lower terms than can. be furnish- - ; ed any where, end it is decidedly the best•Plaee I to buy for cash. Those desiring a goody 'Planiki I and one that wilt stand and wear well,•-ctm't do better than to call on J.-&. C. Fischer. it3M3, ' 1 1. Stoves- and Ranges. * . r • ° i - • , - - sr Rol.F.sALs AND RETAIL. . - •' • - ' HE SUBSCRIBERS have on hand the fin.ll : 1 , .I. est assortment of Air-tight Cook and Par. i I for Stoves that can be found in the City. Stbeett I of all deseriptions, styleti and designs, for burn.'-' , 1 ing Wood or Coal, which we wwill warrant in ev. iery way. Persons In want Of 'a, fine. Stove, for /beauty and durability, will 46 , 0-elf - to call ht the METROPOLITAN STOVE- WAREHOUSE,I I HOPKINS & DUFF, proprietors, No. 935 Wa' !' 1 tcr-htroct, New York. • - 13m3 • 1 • . • .. . . i I , GOUPIL & 00.. . . ~ ..i . . , i - . Sellers & Artists'-Colerme.n, : Print . *O f . 366 nroadsvar.lstess•-Tork.. 1 " LIVIIOLtSALE PRINT SELLERS., publish. ' -era, printers; and Manufacturing Ati4ts, 1 i Colormen, Paris, London, Berlin, and No: 366 I I Broadway, New. York. Catalogues sent by Mail. The usual diseoant - to the trade andlnatitutions ' - • ' Picture Framts furnished . . the Holida ys • . Gold Watches for the Holidays! , TrOGETHER withs rich . assortmerit of DIA. _ Ji.: MONDS, and all kinds ol Fine Jewelry t. - Gold Watches, from $2O to 8300. Plated 'Cake. Baskets; from $5 to $25. - 1 Double Plated Tea-Sets. from $l2 to - S.SP. Silver 3fid Silver-Kited Ware, and other a4i. I vies in the line. nt equ tily low prieea. • 1. M' Favor 'as with A call before' parchasing 1 elsewhere. - WILMARTII & BENTON. 60w6, '313 Broadway, Now York. Y virtue of an . order of sale. issued faom 'the .1.1 Orphans Court - of Sesquebmina county. will bo sold'at.publio vendue,.un the premises in the township of Franklin, on • - Saturaay, Jaattary G, 1335,- at . 1 o'clock / 1 . following described two pieces 'or. pnlyels of land, late the estate Or/Clark R,Simons,det!d, situnto in Fninklin tqinship aforesaid, and I, , unded :is follows: Weginning at, a post the solithwc,t conier litteof and of tot No: 137 on Jason Toary'S map of re-stirveyof. Henry Drink:': re's Snake creel: tract: thence by rot No. I'dC :aril of Stephen . 11. Crane, north, one hundred and twenty4wo. perches th the horthcast.eorner of the dart mentioned land: thence by 'the south line or lot 133. hor.Of Sylvester Smith or Thus. B. Smith, easi, slxtY,ff.e porches and six-tan:as of a perch tola post. the . northwest corner of John. S. Ilandricli's . end: thence -by- the last mentioned land .senth,lime liundredrand.twenty two pchil(-h to a 414,-.(t r 6Pfle't by file 'north line Of lot No. 141, land of paid flandrick, nest s:xly fire perches : and of a perch Vi the place of beginning: coat aining•fifty acres of land, - and being the West half of lot 137, r 41140 all that other pieco .or p.ire.4l of land =esthete as Dforesaid, and bounded ami described asfollows: Beginning at a point in the middle of the road leading from IL-.11. to Mr. Green's; Ocoee by lied of John S. ll:mdrick; north two and one-half degrees tast k thirty-eight pnrches• to a . post and stones: thence by - land of iiie said Clark R. Simon; befere . des,ribed north - eighty. seven and one-hilt' degrees nest twelTo and a . half perches to a stake' and stones':. thence by land,of,said Llandrickoinuth two and n deg west, thirtv.nine perches to a" point in the mid. dle. of said road: thence along the middle of the' same north 88 degrees:east,. twelve and a. half perchers to'._ the place of beginning,. d'Outaining three acres of land. . , • TERMS' made known on day Of sale . HENRY - cpANE \ Atinfr. -Great . Peati, Dec. t 2, 1854-60w4. C. C. 31ILIAS -TAKE.rotice that I have applied to the Court • of Common Pleas of Stisquehanna county, for the benefit of the Insolvent Laws of this CommontVealth. And that, they have appointed Monday the 15th day of -.Amoy pox t i at tcp o'clock A. M.. at the Court-110st, in Montrose ; as the time and place to hear the and my credit ors 'AI ICH At L M'GOVERN:' Dec. 18; 185.1-4iw3 Landholders Take Notice; HE Morris Claims, (late Robert!. Morrk T nanrier of tho War of the RevelutiotOwil be sued out Occupants and opeOr ran have Confirmatory, Quit and . Feel Titles,. by early application to JOHN Moss. Sole Grantee, No. 50 Wainut street, WALINI Eq., No 2 Vol k Building, J. L !lust:Loa), EsQ.,.No. 4 SzirMOM street, * .VttArneys at •Latr, Philad., Pa. Auditor's Notice. - r VIJE undersigned, having been - appointed by JL the Orphans' Court of Sustquehanna eoun k, an Auditor to distribute the . asseta in the lan& of S. A. Nowton 'and L' . 'Woe . ititfr. ex ecutors &e., of Amy Babcock, deceased; will o. tend to the duties of his said,. aPpointment, at his , °Ace:in Montrose.'on Saturdayi the sixth day of January next, at I o'cietek P. .at -:isitich time and place, all persons having'etaims ,against the estate.of said ducedent,tvill present themorite for. ever barred from coming in upon said fund. • ' H. Hi - FRAZIER, -Anditor, Montrose, Dcr... 12. 1554.- -501x4. W.:B. beans--.41a - gucrieotypiat, At Odd Feilotei'Jlall,. TAKES Pictures of everything that tell; ktep still. , Or Chiidreil rail! no: bp' 4jton b oles' biret betwAll the hours of I.Q limn o'dock; on a clear da.:.IV • - 1- . - : •'! '.. ' . NEW strocK.. !. • ' • - Of Cases; Frames, LoCkets, ate., just t urckasid. Montrose, Nov. 23, 1854. . . • Now Goods HWEBB is nos, mom-jog ; hisSall 8 goods. They haring been bought -trams!) , low, will be sold at the lowest price for ready pay. • - - Montrose, Sept. 12, 1854. DJSSOIIIIIMo%. ' The busiiisse ea -partnership .herstofore l ei t o gimmuLthe,“o* . p . ors, this day dissoir od by !PUPA GEO. FULLER, W.‘ll. FULLER. Doc aa, 18.54---59w3, . , A NEW a block F k s of Winter Stfawisi just reaty. by - • ;DITTTI 4 HE'f4IPSTEAD. Administrator's Sate. To my 4 Creditors BY acarAt LETTERwPATEN't !The HiiirCinaifen,, or, Waterproof, Consumptive! Cork Soies; . manufattured ,ifarsVurt, Bractrey . C 0.,, 44 Market St., Manekeitter: • in. clod Witraktiai:e, IC4 'Croat •Stent; °Almeida Landes England. ganellen ' Eatabllatmenta, Aba Siren /911 Bassi* Orcet.Ns7. Task, 3. qr. liZtiydrousigva L 4 a ninth:it dilper:7, fils *t e a. hag thefts CMS act* or sallike and -therefor. a pte er from many Lang diseases, withow: any doctor whatever. The ilyerurrigen. is in the form of a 1011, , era aura Instdetbo hoot or - shoe. . Ste meditated ohmic. trr le a goiretful antislo'4-to disease. For geatlerven it w.a4 be. Mond- mpecablielsetto..ani ' ,letatt2y. to wear In the golden or ,*mitt wsathe?, as. the foot cannot beirotori ird iC the'llytzettmima Is labbit• ed: - Ladles may wear the lightest or shoed In the roost bleteraeat weather - with InatoadltY Ira* Cm' sunlytton io prevalent among - the youth of our country, may• be Omitted by their general sbsition. They entire ly svparseds peer•skars, ss the latter canal, the Met to penurtro In a dm,' unhealthy - manner; vide hetddts, aW • ant Mingerona dna to .padrortana in loy...ildether. ladle robbers.. IMBe the letter'esOre the feet to mmeer ir.'reznar.l large, the 11yd:orogen Witt a ; mete thin slim or • cork sogated; eettliariritaatd dont not illersase ths el sent the boot; or cruse thajtoot to appear . untidy. 'to OXlatins they ere extremely Teloalre e sa they may, roars.* Intertlst with Mao:tang healthy ef• Teets. : Their • naPeasele se, slight arktof tessee nerd men tion; *pies. tote who .pstrontte theta will hind their ;tarty skter!: WI insehdisoNtikal a frreby. - Ai th e a/decamp:a Is, com:mt , kacern ft. sale is :nerearius to an annott fatted% e- tent- Las: Isar In tero 9 6, Ilitnethertte, Sitminsfasan, r,testipool eleagoe,„ Bubiln; tat!: Antsrosp.masocatip t a d S e tip o i t e Isles retched .1,7=46 0 pairs of Cork! Roles. This )ear - the cur:the:mill tar stupaSsthal... - - d.k theldonity their *dot apish. nide lea pre- . Inane. e for CoSes, Colds, Didathltis, Asthma; and Hoer Site, pr. pair, Cents.„ • 1.3.:1it5• dn. do. .10 do. • ,r , • Boys' on 4 Krum do:' . • • Ir• • 411 k. & Tle:7 ULU— *I anowante to Jokbots ap4 Whoiesalirts_ ad that any I:otereiceapvt may toakoaa fl oe proCt 'On ithitir - side, ate ins otitis that Taal Itai,:eptitzy rtoro i astalf TTertets:a,*lll; to- • : - - 1 • • "' t Co. • - - Staatt,2tont Yolk. • , ' - ''tV - TICE CHESS' ::.• ~, :••• 'Sir .4:14 Coupwc, L,. .D ' • the eminent Medical Practitioner : has le a valuable L , „ h is Legacy,' to - Me - tocrrld tn - t G eat ?reties:. . - ativc of Csinsuowtion and unfailing cure Ar Putmunary. Diseases,':withoni the sae - If Medicine, - -- - six,A., C., Bart, Invented and advised. the cc of the - Chest. Protector, .- Medicated Fur. e• ' • , T-o all' persons °fall ages alai conditions, as a torten aid s* shiAd against those fearful diaeasea, Consnorptiolt. elitts,, ; gsthma, Coughs, Colds, and other etteCtioltf ou lh e e nzta tuti t :: it . bleb arile .. frors , the e:p , Caed state of true eh t, ' accordin,g • tojashiers,.and themoutintud assigns of z. .. he - Protector" Is simply a chemicutlr- proparrit for ,r fined with silk and :padded, which, fureottidad from-the 1 neck corset •the chest,' In act arameattle a manner that, once warn. it becerne-e a necessity and a comfort— - _ "The Protectori," aithough but taconite Introdlread 1 into America le meting rapid progress thronih_this United- I State 4, the Canadas; South America. and theWert lathes. j I t has fora low time been a staple article In England and on th, continent of Europe,:Oho it has grown' iv • many oburitrles bt the position of a rt lirticie of drcs. To d'ernonstrate there facts enquire; of any - Nnillth real dent in your eleinity,orhis knowledgoOf the benefielal es foots of :wearing the protector, without recourse to doctor. lug of any kind.. The coat of wearing these articles lc a. mere trifle, and oncerill.last some. years. ;So one who ',slue!' t 1.. braid; of Eitoielf or his family will be without lib, at. 'The' 'Hospitals in tliis cOuntty art srot_. 'shake race connendina them. hut rapidly introducing them. - lint. court, Bradley .t Co.. ofLontion,and Mancheater,.tngland, Irv, itii;inally }ontrusted with the'mainfrietarts of the Protectors, by the latuento.l•Dr. Cooper. and =dm to menaraeture • uccortlii G to his oliehal Instructions,' and I, therefore recommend these Oho 'wrath' wear the !' Pea -1 teems," to pre to their beins.ftenulne. •... , Remember thatdtda la a staple article,' and no Putettt Idedleine. 1 . - . RETAIL tir.rcig. - . • • °ones gize, each. • Ladies' tin . , 1,00. do. Boys' & Mingo do . . .;I 75 do. '11A11,C01:11T, BRADLEY, & Co. • ;I` - A nu St.llnd 102- varsan SI. New -York. - U. S. Principal Warehonae. 102 Wood St.i.Cheapslde,Loadon, 3 Lsollratto:7, 44 Market St , Manelsr'tter; England. . 11. D. 'e• Co.- areestablishlne Depots fdr the rale of the Proteetor in all parts of-A.meriel. physicians. Surgeons, Dm :mists. Clothiers, bry Good* Merchants,. 'letters and 3111linere, also Ocuilernen's 'Furnishing Storo - KroPati . are en.rusted , with the wholesale'-.and 'hens, and to whom-most liberal 'tends arP offered for their enterprift. and - ft IpiPTJdiaOriaollllll:ity:' , 7peLS to' them lot see and protltaide bu.inrss. • , • 11..t e RCOURT,IlltAD1tEY. & Co. Arn St ~.Neet-"Terk, tT. S. Noie and More N i ew Goods. IIBt.:IIRITT is now receiving ne.vcand flail 1:1'; supplies of Goods for than Winter trade, including a new and elegantassOrtmentof rreneh :Ilariiaoes. Merino antil Caslin:ere Plaid 4. Plaid Fancy and Plain De Lanes, Putetnettus, ,BrOehe Square and Long Shawls„::ill ' , if -new and beet and will be . sotii r.t 25 - per cent. leas than last ryqars prices. Also, a -teW. as,ortruent of. Ric:: Ribbans; rail Benuets, Silk Velvet, for :.nd Ricil:Plii• \ Eind Velvet Dress u gen..ll:tl aiisoettuentof oth er hail e auti.faacy'Cloods, Ostini, which hay. iiag lo.en - ln)light: tinder ,11-io- 1 mown t pressure of rue castrularket, :celd eerrrisporiding • 1. reduced prives. • dew Milford. •.1.; I - • New Goods. • • FlZ:ESLiarri-al of NAM' G 9 Citl.s ' we offer very cheap: Wu have), otock of Staple and Fancy Dey : Goods,lw . st.ll VERV,CIII:4i% 0111 and exaniine. RgNDY MADE etpTHIN(7% We arC no‘v prepared-to . u)1 according to, tho ;Lai esfsfylo: IVe lia . ve a ;:irgc stock which . .are will st•lr acre'esaroine'beforo .purcha;iti.r."- Also, a large - stock l 4bloths, Cas sirriierOs, Jc•ans, Twerds,-45c.,i, in fact otif stock in thi4 is complete. : • Wei:invite the attention, of . c.i.stt puttett.t.tEtt% to-our-Latock, All l;inda of produeo taken eiclUingo for Gisods 'at ea:6ll prices, lIAWL4Y et.)10717. Montrose. Nor. 22,1854. • - NOTIVE - • r 11:1E ,sobscriber Putt - hawed 'the entire. J.. interest of the old and 'WWI lincniS 'Grist called Se taraer'S n *tiere' to hi's old eustonieriond , all,oertiernedAlltatite. i. has gtvi* iE a „thoroegit rep:Aril*: audit; iwoosr: ;; , 10ingjirsirate work ; and uniler;tho-clistge.:44l : Levers .I.l`omikins (whoss - repmistiOsswiluitir errt. , iond to none-int Ole eenant,y4,2l:ld with plenty of water - with, "ue are fait - ore& at all times. "we trust: that •Cre y reatirereitir , game of public. patronage. • Dec .Staf,3llAS. . ttlplSia4l.4ow4' i srsQuElimmt couN T T, ss., Auditor's Notice. THE undersig ned having &en - appointed t t _ the. Orphan s Goad , of said County-, - att Aut distribute to assets in the bands of A. 1 , G. Bailey and Emanuel Carpentor,Adm' 'stratum' lof llorace Carpenter, dee'd, will attend tan du- I ies ,o hitt appointment,at hii office in ntreau'otr i Saturday the sixth-day of January flefts. at -3 o'clock 'p.m, at which time and place, allpetiona having claims against said estate willpreaimt !;them or be forever barred horn atimingirt,upon, [ said fund:. • ' ' Ffi:4NKLE 4 I_ FRASER ( Atiditer. . MontroPe, Dee. 1% .185.1.-51.44.• • • XENYA#OODB._ Bentley It Beta A atnoli-receirin4fria-tboir dew ItitiWing on . A the . west side Pnblic Avemut, two door* above Searleit Hots/ s 4 larel anddetirable soittnent of • • • . • AND WINTE R Their steel la almost entiiely N*W..l • slved bat'a. trifle, comparatively *Pedant& #' 4ll M ilie late deatroetlve fire, said coandsea th eir au - uni virilty'of Dry. Goods, - Groc.OesyCronliely, Hardware, - Drup, -, Medlcfnos, stuff* Boots, Bboes;Ciocks, Yankeeuntiona , dze. We-trust that oar old ceefoinersOstidr public generally,: will`gire its a eidt* at, oat join. ktmtion, as wo are Aelormined ..tec supply lb* . wants on as favorable 3erena,ae oast Itittakt b M ontrose; " • s:' 1: • ont rose; Nov: D, 1844,: rt New entCnpuGHT a( likws y_ e •, r t i 0 - iold apeorglybs.e ppaoM, -., • ~. • ..;.,:;:;; : r.;.; • 'l7-1117WPVILII"4‘ Gibstm,?!es.' , ll; 183 AW;ETtra estiltells4eAVVetiOn kj mot Ltd 4 pvpjii:o6o44l..elt4lll44lPll been . enabled to - A b e ' theta' f(ete` Oet: - - 13)tv06.: - Dre G . AGRPAT variety of beiutiful styles and al. most as chea!ia,s'oottid desired; Oef , l l, ' • ~:l'.'r ~