\'').ggatttost: : pciniTtrit; rat: c.A.RGEsT cIacULATION / 111 NORTITECN E. 13. CIIASF I tir ALVIN DAY; Etirrouri. Tirontrine, Tkiirsday, Dec. 28. 1864. Liteoa Poetry: The proudest poetry of youtti Is—" Would I were a Man ?"• The golden 'pin that lie between; Youth tike a. dream would span— "ris in its thoutrht, 'tis in its Iteart 'Tis ever on its tongue ; , • But oh! the poetry of age ., Is this;—" When 1 was young !" Thus, in the tnoinnf life, our feet . . Would distant pathways find ; _ The sun still face to face we 'greet, the shadows fall behind! Bat, when the morn of life is 'o'er, - And nature grows leis kind: • Tho lengthening Shadow creeps before— suolirrht falls behind. With many a murmur slow and sad, The srteam of life flOws on ; That whichwe priy.ed not when• we had, Is doubly prized when gone! ° And many a sad and solemn truth . Lies written on Life's page, Betweem thd "Yeetry of Youth"....' • And ".Poetry of Age.". • • gitf.tfrO -.Artitle.s-, Evere . Ws Library. This is one, of the largest private libraries f this country. The proprietor, has recently .riven away many books and yet it contains rvat '7OOO to 8000 volumes. In 'additon he 11...1A 40 cases of pamphlets, containing some -13 - 0-)0 Seperate pamphlets. The library is r.rticulary full 'of • works on the law of,n subject that'llt. Everett known to• very, well versed in. • It is alSo - - quite full in American history and thedepart men t of pe • l'odicitl literature. , Indeed,there is hardly any epic ormatter of huMan learning., on which .lose- speaking shelves have not something. to r. •T. was most interested in the privilege e'7joyed of examining. the letter.. department 1 - ::at embraces the letters addressed toldr. or tt• during , his Tong period in, 'public life, his brief periodin• private life. There are than eighty volumes of those in Manu 7.c...ipt—=all - neatly catalogued alphabetically, so that he can turn to any he pleases in a 11 - lament. What a-personal treasure, such a collection of letters! Thisis the kind of au :tog:mph letters.that are.most valuable. _ And who can tell how valuable the ; addi •tion that may be'made to our American lit ..2rature when in - the process of time; these manuscript treasures shall, under the power the printing press, reach the eves of the at reading public Another departmeti , . . - __.at particularly •interested us was that con :aininglthirty-three volumes of Mr: Evereit's in Manuscript, in ~which pre hidden is rhea of great, interest and value. Mr.'Ever .--:•t has been*A collector of divers curi . 4itie,s, sides thOse in the line of books and itsd ,are manuscripts. His beautiful library4ooin, wilt expressly for his use, is radiant With :':sings of beauty and curiosity—from the collected from the most celebrated hat-. ..3 fields in the world to an ear of brooin corn, the age of 400 years, froth a Peruvian pmb—from the stamped paper that the Brit .:. -11 government forced upon her. American Coloni.s in 1795, to a silken lock of Napole m's.hrtir. We have thus !upon into our se :2l.t of Mr: Everett's shining as a bright iptel . lectiral light among us. ' A scholar .Without an ample.library is like a builder without. tools.--Jour. of . Coma. . '" 'Prom Enropi.6.ltattle of Inker. violin. So simple in its main thread is the storyof -.lie battle of Inkermann, that the official de -patches' and fuller correspondence reach us this week scarcely modify the tale; ')ittrrather, as usual, enabled U 3 to realize the :magnitude of the contest, its' despente oh- Ainacy,,its appalling amount of bloodshed, the imminent-peril of our (allied) soldiprs, rind the heroism which enabled them to en dure, to resist, and to triumph over fearful odds. For a day or two prec'iou'sly to the sth November, the Russians who already pOSC.AS -041 a large force within the prolon"ged fortifi cations, and a large force towards the rear in the neighborhood of Balaklava, had been ob served to rete—ive reinforcements, estimated at 30,000 or 40,000, which, added to Librandi's corps on the Russian left, 35,000 -_ or more, and the garrison, would probably, justify Gen. Canrobert's estimate Of 100,000, in one way and another, arrayed' against 'the allies on :he memorable sth orNovember, . • To augment the weight of the force brought -down to crush the besiegers, the now useless I army of the Danube had been withdrawn from Moldavia, leaving Bessarabia still defen ded by its special army, but not it is supposed, criftrely exhausting., the reinforcements to be brought from the mterioc. . The effort of Mensclikoff to , throw his 4rength into a succession of powerful. -and, if ixissible,;decisive blows, is shown by the advance of Darmenberg's army in the very ;inditest order, augmenting the`numbers about Sebastopol, cwithoitt much regard either to their equipment or .I)rpvision. The aim was to bear .down buccumulated ?reasure—and it was with such n view that the batteress resumed the‘\bombardment of • the Allies-in ther besieged _Camp ; a strong Ante from the garrison moved . out to aet - -with Dannenberg's army, and Liprandi made a feint that might, have been, had -it succeed ed, a penetrating attack towards the 'rear ; . and, as it was, engage the attention of a portion satibel3rilisl h and French forces. Thus the alliesi* L ere to he occupied an around, while gm weak, anintrenched, and unfortifieil pogition towards the valley of the Inkermann, was to be penetrated by'a force of great wei . ght . and momentiOn. It was with the earliest dawn, enveloped in I mist and rain, that the allieshearing. without seeing,-the movement of the enemy, roused themselves to a comprehension of that which they were to expect. They . -were attaci:ed in position, by Hoops ecinvergmg into a narrow' and broktt ravine, or meeting of several ra vines; and here, notwithstanding ail the sok .lidity asaribeed to them in the despatch of the French commander, the English were - repeatedly, driven leck. • At one time the battle consisted in the play of artillery upon the soldiers of either side; at another, i n sharp, cofficts of small arms; but for the most part, of the time ini direct'personal encounteys, *where each side tried, o f the other its weight, muscular ; . strength, nerve and resolve.. The 8,000 En glish whotWernripeatedly brought forward to meet the attack were the, same men, unre lieved,'hrOughout the day. "The; narrowness of the channel through - which 'the battle raged prevented the Russians' ' from using„thei i r numbers at once, but those numbers gate ii_cotumand of-fresh forces 'in sue cemitie -relays. So the conflict continued throughout the day, till afternoon ; the con tending. bodies swayed bnekwardi '.ass i;1 for wards as reinforcements or new , resolution lent the gteater impelns- to either - Side.' The arrival cif -the' French first restored aomethieg like eggremiva, equality to the i i side of the allies; ab' ,at laSt, English t. solid ity " and French" Bantry proved greater than rit.isian fercic ,yitind :numbers. The Ramie . gave "ay ud kited, their imme diate 6 l ject 'unaccoetPlisheili and their' path . stlewed with .deed, principally-of their own. l tr, .in t is, day's bat* the ascertained loss - of the-Et slish wa5.r2.81.1 : that of 'the French 1,7001 d' the An. tan less ,is .guessed at i 15,000 . 1 [5;000. is; carer:. the' inark..l The i proportontite loss. b 'O ffi cers of the Allies is ex cessive.? Supposing the Russian lOiks not to I be over stimated it .ould aboutie'qual that of 1 'Alm Allies in ropor ion to. the grOss numbers] at the iommand of ' , lance Meng,cliikeff. ' -; +-• . ------i-- . ' I . A 13140dy Fjah in Indict Betwveu: " _Two Nregroes. .. i I • Chir. 4;:i tv. has. pro ably - never hen the :the , .1 :act. of .odesperate and savage; pugilism as i 'occurred on Saturday bet wevn two negroes, back °tithe barber shop on MiliU street,' near i the City 'llote4 : . ... 1 The belligerents .were , a noiorium bully, Ifortnetli , from Terre:Haute, who was the ter: ror of t i tle polieite of that place, liaving clean.' ed filet all . out 'on several Ociasions, and • i wheun i dertook.lto ride rough slii4 over our f l city ofitcers last spring, but finally got into 1 the clutches of Jeff," and was compelled to isulitnit after being severely dealt Wiith, indeed,. 1 eriPple .in his left arm for life, Arid the ' other a notorious bully named ! Trines, who 1 has been •empleyed for years on the packets 1 ;is a fi Aiting man:. ) ' , • l• •Bot . lt 'veto athletic, courageous, desperate negroei. They quarrekil about n game of i 1 cards,- -hen joints seized'an axe' and struck. the old nerT6, , vliose name we haVe not learn ! ed,- in tihe forehead-, kneeking,* hole through his:ski 11, half Ote size of the - poll of the axe. The bl At 'however, did net fell the old nel.,tro, • who n tWithinincling his left arm was fasten ;ed in' sling, from= tire Mauling.' lie receive.] .by Jet 0 early in the spring; insisted upon fight •l•itter it set, and'at :it they went in the ba \ ck .".. yard.. : ~ - ; • • , - . . . .._. l'he battle lasted at least half an bOur be= fore t le . pelic arrived:: to 'separate. them.. They vere I,6tll',..liiich - ed . ,. - cin the ground, thectl eaap and 'chests pomaded to jell, their eyes b tlf ;oohed Out of their 'sockets, Jonas' lip ent rely Off,lthe old mans Upper lip also bit almost off,•danglingOn 114 chin. '. Notrthsianding the'disadvantages the old Ire ro labored under/withla hole in his 'Skull which:wOuld whichhave Icillet a white:man, and one- artri in a:sling:le:ha the advantarre . _ c.. . of Jo Fns, and Was giving him !the "best turn ' in ttiC shop," 1.• • : . 4 - II It; vas with great diffieulty they could be •kpartctl;so firmly did' :the Old. man cling' with his legs around : .hiS afitiagonisL They both Iresentedi a pightful appearance as they were ,narched cti to the ''Alayor's .office, grind finally to jail: ' • They are both desnerados`,land the only . ' • 1, • • that they ',regret we hear sxpresmu 1 j . tiot b •tli killed tt, the: affrav: .What a, pity, i such eroism, suCh stretigth such indotaita ble-c urage cOuld not bo ptit."'eo better . use. But :uch i,,s human nature,hum uncultivated State . 7 -I,afayett_Coitrier -.' • • . • A •Pnrupr on licirsgback-"Sis Thou sand Po'lois Lost in . a Gambling ~, - , 0 •:, : ...Rooth.. . l'out ii Oil 1101 Since ave stated that a poor: niciresidiag on Seventh street, in this: ~ aimed .William, li.'Walker, had received into ;epee sof the death of an uncle in the .city battitnere, by which he came into the post inn of jnine thOnsand• dollars, all in casli Mr. N‘alker, iminediattily upon receipt of tl ,s inforniation,.gave up his, situation in lienilerson'S carpenter Shop, and started for the "qonumental City tO receive his fortune. t - '1:11 it his arri.Ol.l l in- altiniorahoi....l. l- tnat the money loy:lich .be : lead fallen heir NN as in cli:a condition that it could not be ob tai 'td fur six.knOntbk. !, si •-- .• . • . .outig Walker - iinxiOus, to get • the money " QI, w ...Sight, " .oill.l'e a . to ; :;take *8,500 fur the the[hole arriOnnt, Mid! finally -did sell his el:1m for *B,OO - p. Q • Vpfjoyed at the • success wb eh had attended ;bun, •he hastened back to this home. l Five Itindrcd - dollars was sex . pen ' dedithe next day after lill-returh in• pur-. 1 , - • , 1 chring new - fiirnatnre,; &c., for his house.._ TI e . old furniture was !S:cat td:WoOdrutf's and disposed of. at :iuctionr .he whole „icing sold fo is.eii such; was its ' inferior I character. l dlkei, witlilis li 'tle:flirriily; rented a house , .cli Longworth str,: t at t3OO a year, and -ex ndeds quite.alan v of; :noney .. ini having it . t. ainted and White,,WaSlied..- Walker,_ feeling 11 • rnself indOeticlent enough to play the ben- pi p tllima, - camineAced.frecinenting the saloons aid reStattriottS onThird Street in - the -day time, and, i i he:tbeatre i • at night... He made ti quaintantes !speedily, and very .liberally t_ eatel tlient to : oysters and other, refr&i ents, and in retunt•liiS new friends! invited i .is t 6 Tiny cards And . , billiards at their - es s! is ease.! •1 1 • ; I .L i • - .- -The new sphere in Which 4 was enjoying iinself se eclipsed lirselter:jtidgment,that e.was soon ; persuaded to visit the gambling • . ms. .At;firSt he won at nearly everygam t e„ -, nt i accumittated - nearly 'p3oo. Night aftitr ight be, continued vi t •iftinff these sinks of in i nity, one !Of ivbich 4 loar'led.on Third i street., util be lcist offer six- thousand dollars of the prtunehe Itad.received, but afew weeks since. Walker. says that when lie had.lost four tbous nd'ilnilars} of ithe money iie would have stop is sped, had he pot ,expected'• to get the sum ' askagainhy .continuing the game. .He has ow, howeVerJ stoprx,l,•.3 - 14 - -has - sought re- • • ress in one of our eonrts of justice. Besides i he. line furnat)ire, clething. &c., he - purchased, e has only 55.700 pf the., 4 18,000 left, but • fomises liereaftertfrdremain at home, and' not`siluander4what is'deft.-bnt resume his dni 'y labor and attondi - elOsely ,to the interests and welfare 'ds 'family.-;—Cincianati,. da- Letle.. AL ~s. mocha!' city, n: , 1 ip • of ,s .i 1. I i . . ' I .1... as itile !test Did. . This;tame - ieliliti,n , ='. doing "as . ~ ,4 spirit-this the nest did"-has ruined thousands. - -. A . Totini. man isliiiviwil by liciou4' rinria parlous to viiit the, , theatre,sor the gambling. "room or other bautitS, of. licentiousness. . 1k becomes dissipated; SPends . hia time, los'es his credit, sfranders'')its property ' and . at last Sinks inta'anitintit4ely 'grave: What ruined him'! ' Sirripir ."do.ing what the rest did." • A father lil'is a finlily, of,sons, He is.weal thy. Other lAildieti in : the samesitnation of. life, do so".and so, are indulged in this thing and that. Ile indulge his Knit' in . the same , way, They ; gro‘ititil, idlers, triflers and fops: The fathei..w i ondeft,' , ,why his children do' not succeed - l letter. He has spent so much money I I , on theirr ucation4 has given them great ad -1 vantages 1 hilt a)as t they are only a source _of vexati 'n and trcinble. ~ Poor man, he is • , 1. !. just payi g Ole penalty of 'doing what the I 'rest did. I.'. lit/. ' -. ', ' i --• The p' r inoth4rS strive hard to bring up 1 her dim , liters gertt4ello.• They : learn what others 4 ~. to . paint i j.o;iiaff . ,..to . play, 6 dancel and ser ral !useful ,matters.. ln` time they marry ; heir hus*ds are Unable. to sup , port their e4travagance, - and they • are soon reduced to povertyl.aad . wreteheauess. The , goodw.ornatt is 4siOnished. "Truly," says' . . 1 s he "I did its.the t yldid." -: Of ei,ne httudred and thirty members, of the C:nadian ,Pigislature, 40 are lawyers: 1 . ;"Tr " Let non:At : prevail against. you, nor iii,A u a , .Vou' 4.1 t• *fent faith" Alibertistments. - •. THE i FORE ST WI_N-E. ti This excellent Medical IVise and thp Forest Tilts, are fart gaining the good will, and beromingthe favor:te med., icineof'the paoplenatt4 kntiwn as a most effectual remedy in the eure . • -I _ , Dysipcpsia,Whitual Caslielmess, Liver Complaint, %%Atli; Obstietate)lea.litehe,•llliliona Disorder+, PiM plea 1110Lettes and unhealthy Celrr of , the Skin. J 31311- - dlas, A4tte and Fever, Silt [thanes. f.rysinehts,.Com plaints incident to• Ten'sties, Languishing Weakness, Night Swelits,liervons Disorders; General ill Health and late aired elite of Old Constitution. . But a short time has elapsed since three great and good medicines have been made known to. t hepub tle, yet thou sabds have experienced their geaktVeffeete. Invalids given over by their physicians as incurable, hail; been restored to 'mind and vigorou.shealth by their . tike. These medl eines are unlike any other. • Their • two-fold properties act directly pn those organs of the Stomach tem° kidneys, • which secrete the fluids, and separate the impurities from the blond. This Wine and PUB iiever,:weaken, but give strength and aniesstion- to both body and mind. The great amount of-good these medicines have Anne for the sick - and afflicted have induc6l thousands to commend them to theit frlettils,and the public. Tiollsidunle of the highest integrity hate voltintarily testified to the world in favor of their extraordioasy virtue+. fil• StlastilieiV; .a celebrated physician. in a letter from PrinCtiton',-Nicer Jersey. dated Nov. 18, 1849, declares that. In all lint, eMporienee he ba l d gever seen any thing to ennipsrawith the Forest • Wine and 'Nile. ut the earns time notating several eS , I es of conititutionalDebility and Scroinhini affections whfch it cured in an incredible short. time. :AmeOg the metulieis of the me dical Faculty "ryes, Yer:4',Who hate witnessed the great results. of the Forest Wine. and ratisminereled it is numerouseoMpletnts will be found the nanles of the celebrated Dr. M. T, man. Di. L.fCheesman.l)r. Chilton, Dri Wm. Drown, Dr. Marvin, Dr. A. V. Moreau° and others.' TI ?TI?IGITY of Mr:Johnson Burke, a:highty respectable citizen of Waverly ['Mee, New York: I De. G. W 11 ALPO .—Dear Sir. I esteem the "Fort-it Wino as Gni-King of fdedleines It has `stone for me In flee weeks willatitliree physicians failed to .10 in as mast years. InlSl5. I became tha victim of the !least Diseasy and Ner vous At/evil:ins whiehhave been growing on Ur* peer sines until I pnuitired your Forest IVine•mail Pills. although.! had wasted oereral hundred dollars for me& reit atten4- Mice. During the last two years I '.ls obliged to keep my hon.,' nl'arly all the time. and gave Op business incon sequence of my likhealth, I had lost nenriy all hopes of iecevery..taly. complaint well; of that elms under -which "nature sinks anti Die be:lames a burl hen." Seeing your Forest Wine itilvertielid I etc:M.oll.l(d tn!elve it a trial and before finishing the third bottle I felt like a iliflerene per . son, aitt was able to resurue bn.i nes ...ken•eatirely toners . .hy (akin? fire beaten. Fee the benefit of those afflicted with similar cortiplahits you are at libeity to publish this. yours. Aid. .J. tVarkly Place, NV. General tfrebility,lmaciation,:ratiog ofbody,rtc. . • . . . Many are afflicted With some one of the above eomplaintS , without being able te tram. it Co any particular cause, and therefore delay the tyke of the praper remedy wail the die. 'ease. heroines constitution tl. Tito disorders are often rintraetedied by asense of sinking, or..entire exhaustion after exercise. Sonic experience sluggiohness, lassitnde and at times paleness or tlashin,:of the countenance pal pitation or, the heart, or like symptoms. . The excellent effects which have ever attended the us, of the Forest Wine and Pills:in everylspecies of deldlity. , is cone! usive evidener edits happy rerdlts In this eines of i disorders.; Many hAve resorfe.l to thi.se medicines as an anima:um. and bet , n speedily 'cured. For. Nervous - ,her ders and Debility the Wine and Pill, Are taken artording to, the directions on the label. , • To Me latillett.—True bettutyl and loveliness no. company the highertlperfe , tion of health. which again 'in variably follows the PUE:EST STATE it TUB tiLooD - What artificial .tppenda,s equal thatvivid expression of countenance which emanates from hetiltb? What paints can compare with the crimsoned colored lil pot! carting its" brilliant roseate hue through the transparent texture of theskin? i What charms are more caotivat ing than the...• ofhature c in her highest, perfeetiorat .; Lid Dr. itatrey's Wine supply the place oral! cosmetielts. The; use of this excellent Wine in a short time creates pure, rich Mond, which e)orsintlhrough the veins, penetrates the minut est fibres that verve towards the surface of the skin, cane log all unhealthy pimples and blotches td thaattpear. im partlug a alai& rosy color to the skirt, arid brilliant ex i ression to the eyes, , ~.,:r i . ' THIS IS NATURAL BEMIT .Y. , . In corr+hrration of these farts ,/6r flits .3. has many testimoniplit. The following IF,flUrn it add); of the me. t ry rpectahle!standiut in soeiety;"sent do Us by her brother; rerlding. ih it ut g. rs Street. i. , i Dlt. fl W. II A ESEY— - 'New lork43nly 7.1819. My sister, from her youth. had ,b, m in very 'th.lrat , health, complaining frequently elf we. klari. of the .'first, attended With a cough. About the "4, of lightetin el.; he-. i Kan to Lei much worse. For six, mots previous to entre. mencing with your ritedieines she bad i not ti.-"n able to get out of th. house. 'Orr eituntenaricearns greatly rm 1 ariated yellow rut sickly. - . Iler face and n 4 k was roVvred;with ! .d,,a,re,,,,..pur,tai,„ eyes eery tu . h sunken. and her cough lalreasing In fine. She bore i erery appearance of soon.ltecoMing an unhappy vic , ipt ti consumption.. At this time "procured for her Someofyinctr Forest-Wine and 1 Pills, which stir rommeneeti using affording to the direc tions. She graduallydmproved a- she followed np the use of them.' tier first symptoms of 1 . ..e , i ,. ery Iv a , a n ntemm moldy gricid oppetiUs. her face finsllr l beentne smooth . and her cheelo:Vosy. tier cough left het a ltogether, . She ~ now strong and vigorous. and pre...nig ti.. finest example of health "ever witn erred -3011 N S..MA X I%TM. Di'. G.!iV. MilSetis Ganz-04M -Po - rest Pills! stannri4i ure 1 on the fame principle no the Forest Wine, },_ to which litis an important adign , t . They are coated with pure Clint . trahir,ap Imre!' an t love lion. for 'which .Pr. Halsey pia received the only patent ever granted on Pills b the tlitternmtnt of 'he United States. ' - Tar. ilaLley'S - Forest Wine an-I flitm-crwied . Forest Pills, unite in O:mlO'4l6G:A he came urea. nil .Tlit Pit r:tlett fell of . the ;Itionit. the Re.nor.ition an ' RertorsCon of the Stomarli 4nd Bowels, . . The 116. 1 ,nrineii.b. 'Of 111311 is the lona. no sooner are s nom o ns or -Mr_ ;Hamner' trnirri' - teererr the Morel, e : e amted,tfinorltld illatter anti reornr i e-1 to 1‘..1..1.,.. -.... rt .., byre Miss, Orthe Foie' t Pills. and pure rich . 1,10,1 made to flow ih the VOW; lie the n ii.e of 04- Forest Win,. than dif , esteliorint , to vanish.:and strength and omen.). of body return. I This it , the Prificinie on which lt frinnlei there great medicine.. and hr which nearli nll diteliFet nre cured The Forest Wine..is pair no in large suciar. , I,eitles, with Dr.llsln.y . -snante blown'in the glass! One liollar per hot tae, or sit bottles for Fire Dol'ars. dunt.erritt.il Forettl.ills. 25 eent'ner Box- Por Site ty tbelaPpointed Agents. at Wholesale and Retard. Oetiertil 11.. p, t. 161 Duane street, 'one door from Mattson. New York. I ' AUPOikttell Agent i in Montrose, .btil Turiell; Greattterad. Lucien Pcmt. ' ' ,: I . 340 change quarterdy, • i --,----- 1 —...— . - ' . . 7,-- NEW GOODS At pho Vpsonvillel Exchahge." !TIT.] inhabitants of Upsonville .and svleinity are nf*ain favored - with an exhibition Of an. other Choiceeselection of Fallljind Winter Goods l at.theiold stand _of the s. - ulose- (DoOrs open daily Sundays . ineented, frotni o'clock A. :Nl,' ttntill 9.0 stock P. 111:,) where, may be s'eeo.l. sold, and biluolit, a good assortment of Dry 0004 S. • G roc riri es, • Crockciry, 11 ara ware, ltontiw.Ui, 'Woodenware. S'isti, Nails, liaint , z. •BootS & Sh es,r Clothirig, School 114ols, Trunks. carpetl3.l7,,is Yankee Notions &e. &e. &e. lAII who On . and will iy for what they buy dither doWn, or within :'a reasonnWe time thereaftei, are invited to call Those tz:l,in;*,ing to th4t other class may ae well go whet they can do better. All kinds orFarinees.l 3 .-ndtice, Match., Lard,-.Eggs. Pork, Pdultry, and Cash re ceiced in, exchange for Gooda,• • JOSEMiL.-31ERRIIAN. Ur i tshnville, Oct. 1, 1854. Australia,_ California, • Or ang place on. the (!lobe, cinnot prey nt greater I • ' inducements, than • KEEL£R'4. s'INIDD.4I? •s: BOOT AND: STO E. \A T is now filled. with a new and eiten • ! sive assortment of articles in their line, embi t acing . a general variety! of new .and elegant styles of 'Ladici , and Gentlemen's Wear, among wind, are Ladies French,. S)lk Lasting aud Pre nille!Gaiters, Kid and Enameled polkas. Kid Pat ent leather and bronzed Jtnny Linde, Buskins and Ties; gentlemen's French and Philadelphia oak-tanned calf skin and kipj Boots. Congress and buttnn Gaiters , ;;MOnterey add Washington Boots, toilejt Slips; Morocco, calf.: and Cowhide Bro-. gani,..s"cr. Boys kip, calf and cowhide Brims and Brogan,s';. all kindiof. Misses and Children's wear. Alsop, a 'getieal aitortment . of Findings , which con sist !in , part or lasts, pegs, ' , parables. lin i ngarian nail ,tacks . thread, wax, Bristles, - shoe binding, awl's, rasps, sindstoneS, gh4 kniVei, Rc. Alio, oakland hein"Odk tanned calf! upper aud scilelcath tr. ltioroeco skins and Work made to order and 4pairingneatlY r dt.tie. i • - 1 .. KEELER & STODDARIS. Montrose, Juno 1.1853 . • Stone!! : Stoves :1 Stoves: : (orrliE aere and YellOw Lear' reminds ms that the fast apprdach of the keen Frosts of - Old Grey' Winter, wheti one of these unsur passable and highly approerl Stoves (ram the most extensive stanufaelories in the• Union, rents. Shear 4.l 3 Ackard. become. to levery family. We would respectfully announce to the citizens- of Susquehanna And :1 - ljaining counties that.we have just reteN•ed and arc re ceiving the largest - and. best assort Went of Stoves ever introduced into Eastern Pennsylvania, which will be sold atthe very lOWest cailt figure. To those who- are in want of Stoves they will find it to:lheir interest to. call and examine our variety L I:4'ore - purch;iSing elsewhere.. They comprise in I . part as follows: • !United Stales, I Oriental Parlor, : cEa'stern queen E. 0., I Venetian, do . ;Fire Ctipnfr E. 0., Faney do INationat kir:Tight E. O. Irving do Morningtar, Cottage„ do Farmers' Air-Tight, 1 , 4. e., dte.! qunto above Stoves are too well kncvrn to re ire any minute description, being the most papular and approved SloVe in market. All who • may' favor di with "tr call Will be shown through cior assortment' with pleasure. " Reeolteet - th e •niumber"—El - krotes far fathed "One, Price Store," - Herford, 1863:--35. . Now Goods - TX WEBB is now receiving his Fall 1.1.• Goods. - They !liming been bonght'ex ternely be sold at the lowest price for r4aely pay. ; - Montrose. - .Sept. )854., . - ;!- WEIF.GOODS- • - Aif QllTT.T..kN l :Szj'AßK : rettrn their -s rhiefol. 1 s t Oinowlo4p.toiiits to the vublic . lor past fa v4.l.3,.an'fl inyiitt. Jo! c4iiion to the 'vi,iy larp. mock of Spring and - Si t riii:er Gooits they ore no r 4 ceiving,,eind Ott. fofgaie :it, irry low priee.: 16 addition' to .clif•fr: it;.6l n—ultilleft of staple Dty Couck,:ol.oeeries„ Itilroware.. Cioelierv, Taints, and 004 &e., tifii air prep.ired to exhibit alargfe assortment, of i. - ' 11. . , . '.. 1; LIOAESI biIESS • GOODS • : of ever''( tieseril)tionl Piaui:Et?, Plaid and Plalti, , Silts. flonnetsohar4s, aithrins: Gloves, HoSiery Ladies: bad ..51ryses #oca • of all kindt)---;also a large Muck of i. lz . • , . I 1 ithApy Ii CLOTHING,. : . Clothe ? : Cassiineres Tweeds, Jeans, Sumnior Clotlis,i; Vic:tings, 4lnts and ;Caps, BOOta and Slsnes*e. &c f'. )1 . 1 . . 1 • . _ They - respt4tfully, Iriolicit an early call from those. !. , i ho w . itdi to, i purchase Goon Gotins AT • Low PiIICK:.4. 1:i ~ . 1 !' • i ! ' - i i. .11 31c3IILLAN & PARK: • SpringvilleMay4, 1854.. .1, , ~ Greg, Exeiteinent ,iu New- York!. rianoi'antt;i3felodeo'ns for Cask, • Tjonii(iE WAti:llS,lihe great Musk aud .Piano Pitt° tle;ilnr, 313 !this Iwtty. New Atrk, preferin2 to share a large per' ent . with hill inners, rather thanpay - it. to the' tharpers of IVallStreetl,l.to raise available means to rumble him to View the (..r., , eLq . :l•olt tiutes. - 01(ete hit immense a as sortmetit of elegant . nd";warranted Pianos aivl at otlar.,re diseouht f fitetory puce,,. for rash:: ilifkas rortmen - r..omprhi:s Piaties from threeof the isr4eit and mop , Celebrated (th=ton. , :-Manufsrterfeil• .also those of sev eral of the best.'Ntw rurtkors, inelud nig the hen utlful and moth admired Ilm7sce Vat re Pianos from hlrown lac • tory. aii!l Mehliteq•ng of i the beet Unstoti, New . V,l4l:;:fitid Buffalo Inn rk2.,: affording an opportilui ty for s7leetion s not to b.•' , {le l,,,, wne - te• ltieh instrument waranto.l.; Seetind hand Pianos at (frost - it amains—Pu ICES rnom MUFf C end btu,. al thrtroments of all• kinds. iDeatets, Ten,'hrre and beads or.geho It att rolled on the best trim s- Music sent by. m4ll p Mit paid. (1 en , ral and Select flit? a loguea .;t• and ..!lOtedele or fontory priers of Pinang, elmle.ins and av;ltsi ! in.truments forwarded IA any if rest , free of pottage t,4-.73 -3mos Farnieis' Union Insurancoeo. ,tratlford C'ortnty, Pcnn'u CAPITAL! 200,000, " SECtIiF.D BY j10! , 4U"._ , : AND LuouT6AtiEs ON' REAL \SURFS j:,oiii.4t loss, by Fir..llousefi. StorCs 1' :mil other Goods,',Warcs, rnd Viler.' Chnndise, on it'R fJi uraiilo terms fIA any'. similar. Instittition. toH,:k Ctljtite'd and Mat Eeroas: • Horace Perkiris, J. I f_7! N. Shipman, F.' WellJs, Jr.; 3.; E:Timfieltf,' Athens: !kill John' I.nporie, Gen.lßradlev Wiketitan, ceyville ; Wit ftetibarre ; chard iMylert,J,lifidi ie. • • : OFFICERS-. II ti. IVlllislori, Pres.:C. F. SVelles, jr. Viet. l'ret., aid E. Canfield, SCe'y. dresS, (11: yl:lra, WyalitAng, Brad ford' .1 - county, Pti.....).5Y1-1 • 1000 Bocal A go n ts Wanted, ~ T(3:4l%*s. rp . ri the. best and mo:t .saleabte A_ Books pitblished. • They are written by the, most.; popal:ir Atithors:' of the day, i"rrelutlimr, among otlferf , T ',. 8. Arthur, of..whuse last great Rork' ,: . ;:. . 1 -. • 1- ~ ! . • ,! Tet('-.Aripilas in a Bar moot, 10,00 . 0 enpie3 lt.itlibeensOld,witiin a mouth of publikation. 1i - j i; • ' • 1..1 TII'AC Bfq!•;.s Are beautifully illustrated. (rria 'ny of them It'ithi.liaely elored p!ates)l and are Printed anti bound in the lest' manner. ; •, , It.tents wOi ftjuf ri . 'plea.si L int and profitable out'- ployfuent initlit. , ii; cheat: ion. For particulars athirtss (Post.paid) ! -. . - !•'.l': W. BRADLEY, Publisher, -.- ' Ni,, „se. o,,t( ? rtli:Fourill Street, Philadelphia. . 4 1 tn 3 ' 1 '7, i': FOR 'SALE. • 13011 K f( - 110 ...;:A LE by the barrel, Ilk 1 11 - ,i S. or A. BALDWIN ISS 1. !-. • r •.. , . '1•! :- gew Goods. - , , t . Griod fhtigrupent—to arrive this: week, at I.IL. low piiireA. , lC.Lll and exsaniine. ' \ ' 1, 4 3 .; 1I .INVI,EY 4;- -MOTT. llOntrosoltpli 12, 1854. I ; ' 1 • i , • . , . _Stookys;: Slot - 00! Nten, - 4- rptiE sitii , iriiit...jr wishes to call lit! ~1... Filpi trititltis n)(11.11elt l'utme'to it ns,o`rtmentp,r h. - t . • 1 ' , ST_OVES, • at ht; new tit, r0.T.11,,,,0t in Lotlers - tile: next to: L. ..4. Lenin ini I: Si er,•. l :qui Ile:. r I it.l Gri , :f t. &Ala . l Dep , 1.. .111 ifttip 4:lnnitlitittn to his eprini.i., t ar. , - ze • I var: •ty of (.4,-,,liiii, t.W ~ :M. - 1 l'a;lor Stoves,: Mary neiv f Pat:.: :-:.Ftl, w hiid] are-- ' erns,...i - • i .• t. .V“.h.114',!i ; Peor'i It..eloch., I- ire Fly, 1.. To Irro •Tfitori : ,114.-wriz, , - MriluilloN,' • • Piack WaYilt;i• - ,! , , il,'„, t , • Oak, • , Which toffe"thor -',wiiit hi- forin-r stoek will he iplaps tioj Miist!e•xteilsk . e and %%died assortment. of %veil s...!: ! ,it,j'il iitht-‘4.. In the rolintr. -' 'kk' rlintorii•tiOves w kii e!! fortiid at low prices. -;;;.' " M..44;e1T.-s-iri his line kept on imnil :41,1 mat e t•T , ori4;ri as ; m0t.11 1 ,, and ordi:n reeeived at his Old stand-ih;(ireiit Bend. . • i 1 i 1 . . I '.i I, i • JOHN COLSTEN. li.orlersOfel&..llreat Bend Nov., 18.51—tf.. . " tui -N-:i.111 );pu.odee r n2::lin my friends` .. , ..) - o_ m , 4 , 1 my foots:eps r., ov 1. - x - r - o[J , %-it'; '44..'4. me at My re-idenco• on it cmt n 7" II vile, 4Wd doors south from Se(it 3litchers El., hapii,y: 4 iiny ; ti me to wait on you, .soeialll or &oft...4s•ltinalls2, - ,the latter e-peeially. Those who prefer id; have their wotk..done at their resi deiee,whethtir jiving in tots ; or out.:;_will idelse gie nie - Mitig , :e accordingly, and ' I 'On at your service. 'Pen-*s - . txt ,a dist;ince •thltiirindq)ate .Tilt.th, caichii.i ateemModOed at my i:house, free , of!expense,;:While the 'work it. beitg done. .As 11 Wish to b '54F . /,I shall stilll adhire. to my .old plim of elja`rOng , -according to theeircumstatres: ormy patiroui=.: There is Much: - complaint' of; 0;6 - high lirlees.of Dentistry and - of ray prieeS toc,l ;ifhough lihtive. been.in the habitOf deduetine I fr un 15 6. .1 - 45 per cent: - fr4n) tli# :first..' , N0v.,',.4 i friends I Will Make you thiS 6flef.,-Lif you who 1 1 • ~ , i n ed wont . Ntill . come, right l'aloni.t Mid hare 'it! done and; keepftp, me' blisj d wilt Work 6i ,-- you '.:l ft& half•firlci and do it i ell too; IThe: reason . we hive `, to 1 cliarge 4o high is %eetiose, either I fr t firnAreatT of the plain or thtk-paNyou hold haelq ; A u l d Turco tl4 tii I,;se Much 1 timef...r ‘t'ant 'nfr u 4 orl; Ciittio' !iin then and ynu frill find there iSi -..4- a l chaticelOrz argams at .11ontavu4"; ' • I . 1 0. 1). VIIIGILI i Surgt.Mn Dentist. i; I . '' , , llontrbse' April 19, 185-1 1 • !.* .•! 1 . .- • l. • • • !OittiStock of Stoves, 1- S now,efinipleted—and we would take this npt, l , portuoity to say-that %ele:tit show the .tnosili beautifill.atid splendid - patteras r: 'of Parlor an (;oohing Sfp‘les to be found in the 'enunty.-4 1 Among the n% in be Leer the RevOlving'Fronti t and-Gothie!:P:irlor, for werailor coati entirely new 14&tufi - nsi 'l4,l34i",;(lvvidOly pretty stoves.: froth-five to tii ‘ n dellars. . ..•; ' 0( at 0,0.,jin.g stoves, we think it needless t say inugh;,Only.to rimark hat we are selling:l ff!:riner prices, and judging froth the rPPidil , Pef, , hu:risales ,. we belies(' the 110%147 at* enti-iely'satised With the prices arid -qOality tai' qur . I;ij.l • i We •hay 4., ft•A , itar. of the "Clinton Atr ioht EleVatiid Oven stove," aektiOwledaed by . Il be pie best cooking stove now in' . pms'eia ond•B i tiglish pipe at Old -prieos,and Trini onnVs riridiTin Ware of ill; desciptions, at tliP %.ery 10'4 . 44 rates. ..- , I 0 - I 3. DICKERIIAN Jr. ..1 Newinifoid, Oct.! 21 - . • • ; t .;1 Everithlixg works to a Charm Qro - Yr.r f J.OHNsON & co. are none; reeeividg kj!A new Mika of P,all Ge'eds . , and ari ready to !wait upenittro people, to aritlilng' they - wish in the; line: • hf I,Hry, Hoods, flOthing,..-Hroeerßs, Ihrdwarei'CrivekerVFish. Salt, 1r0n,.,1300ts mid Sheer., &A.,1.- p' will Itcurely:, suit all• that call pod 4e ns at. i. nn. Store, iniSptintrrille.. ,;;, • ' ',.•! • SCOTT: JOHNSTON & Co Springville!, Sept. ,f 27 1804. • .•,-1' ' 1 , ... ,-. .1 •, . _,L ', likiministrator s Notice. Turto . E , :iis bereleir given that letters testa ' 111 Mentary upon the estate of,William GAIL nei, de,e4i.lalp of the township of BridgewntiT, hate liettO grunted to the sutkerjbei.! AU Or sons indebted to sail] estate are 'hereby requpt . tel to'milie Immedlite payment. and those hav• ing elainiA niten-fia;i estate to;present them dilly' attePtedlorsettlem nt. :. ' I, ', 1. WIN. A. wilcomn, Mb*. , Montrose, Nov. :30, 1854.-48%0 ', . Irp ''' ... - " Man, Know _ anMr callable Book for '2.3 }eves -1 4• . - , hart 43, tkapy '7 • .P:,, ...., ~ s , - i 100.004 COPIES SOLD IN ..'ZI" - Z' s , ' i L ', A) Il' ' , , ' T.V.IS T II - 'AVtIA R. ' A n re* '."..;,it ' i ‘Tri l f , 44l;._,": et!;Ordi , t Tacit and ixOproved, 6VN:Ar '• • r,ol,•fi T ted tliitn i a the county . of Siisquehanna.," Conveyancing and writing of all- kinds . will(be ' done neatly . , and- charge moderate. l v . - He will also attend to the.presecotiou,ofel a int s of Soldiers, their - widows and heirs,* against t 8 Uzi ted States government, for Bnunty Lan , Pew slims, &c. - ,4,-- May be found at all boars at the -office f IL occupied by,J . T..Rictlifides,-Esq.,north oft' House. - •"v shouldbe eian.aud as . at knowir,g 'ormulit. by , D the , whole 'nnit British ti nny one tly tcrward- COLSTEN t AL . V . :,IN Store. 4, Tin, - C:pper art.d Sh% Ware; ii ear Great Bend De ed. how few ..-- - w!il Their' . • DI. C.' TYLER, • , ,-: 4 -- ..: cr.,. OP QIil1:111 Interested -with. I. L. 11 , .. t' --. OV , libieel - Iliron-rEn AND DLAI . .. E.R. in liaraWnre I • drentr . ei 'e , ri n a l ' i i ; e ra m e en t. i levy, Carriage Triinniings, Springs, '&:,.. 0 i.t.to anown._, . No. 215_ Pearl Street, • .4 e . : , • , . . ''' e "' llll 071 Where his )lereantiln fri'ends,'in this an# *tier re wiiling to I ~., .% . a realized. ny 1 4,onnt.es, are kindly invited,.nnd earnestiysolieit ed to- eall.and• purelini3e. . . • ' . 116147. the internal n, henlty bowels.. liv- OF :no:Y . : moss, PA. - . ~• • With Rowe, Woo.driiff,_ & -Carter r -ytTiloi.,EsALp :Gnou;ns ,'ond - Comnnisti3l. y • MritenANTs, No. 1 . '73 Washington Streets between Cortland and Dey Streets, New York: Alareh - 8,1854-101 f. • . . .-- - ± Medical :Card: RS. E. Patrick,' Jr. 4SIL - G.• Z. Dintioc4 hare, this day formed ti co-partner s hip, fora vitae efficient And successful prosecution of thediffer e a /. .branches of their profession..: . • 411 business entfusteti to thOn,..:will; bit alias il qi to with promptness 4nd fidelity. : , '• Their office will be the one. lately ciecniiiia by r..pittoek E. PATRICK; .Ir. '? DIAIOCK. I Montrose, March 32..1.834. Dr. Mekit H .C. o aih DRUGGIST and _CHEMIST, and Dealer in DR yes, Medicines, Chetnieide,Dye Stiffs, Paints, Oils, - .Patty. Window' Glaaa,‘Vamphine Fluid, Perfumery, , Ynnkee Nolone,dte.,&e. Lodersville, Ps.-IQtf. A.L.-DAVIS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAw—Seeque• hanna Dtipot, Pa.. Office over . S. B. West's Store. - 16y1 TO,, Woodruff dc.pdred, • DEALF.RS VC STOVES and :Manufacturers of Cop. per, Tin, and Sheet...lron' :Wire. Shop near 'the New Cougfrioage, Montrose, Pa. • S. A. Wobnnupti [G. B. 4DRin. . A. Lathrop,; - - DEALER in Ready-Made - Clothing, Hate. and , Caps. Boots and Shoes, Dry. Goodoidtg.:- - E Store , opposite Searleie Hotel, Montrote.• C. D. LTtutor,'and with - - . J. P. W. RILEY. [A. LOOM W. Singletem, Can now he found nt.fils new stand: on Owt fie-slreet, 2 dpqrs west of Searle's Hotel. when he effectually repairs with: dispatch. Vsicheis. Clocks, Gun t, Je'welry, and every deierfption of machinery, ; Wheel cutting, Gnu and:it,tch ninterials supplied to the trade.-61 "A, it E. Baldwin H a 0r AY be fouritt - itt tiagemeot, agenroo,'L tel, 3 4§oe.west from the tortier.. l4 °W 2 and.arehuntrio tbsit tire duo Teri 111 " ieptably if pitid soon. 1 • A. & E; MUAVIN. • Montrose,! Nov.. 23, 1854,;-41_tf *- Si'Nei Spoons. A 'ratio, Pasert, Suga , r t aad Salt Spoor war(Unted . runE, [or aate uy' BENTL,Et & • Boas - and Shoe.. AN 'Unusually. good , assortrefr.k,t r of . . 1141 ,2 4 r make, all fresh and perfect, fo DgNTLEY, JOU WORK._ HENRY S- / r z/ rrnorly o Court .et` inn .cot.-6tf