The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, December 28, 1854, Image 3

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been seei . by everybody. • If any e iiimill.;
mime from the .oe - states in the .us al tva • yi t
they *mild. be • kindly and.. respect idly .11re4
te i;ed ; but,
,ient by secietiv. , ,• thi :U7d,lild .
meet with. ill - ttill
; and opposition. . And ;I
think the.reetiniination of my ;cell ague; ig.
but a fair set-off •tn the crimination: of Ithti •
member from Indiana, and this'is all I. Itavti
to my, cettfitting 'Myself ? a I do, to thetwO
1,-, ;
measures proposed by' he member (tom ; tn.,
&sins, and condemning his remedie ~:•while
app . lauding - his desire to.cure the 'di. ass I.h l S
desire to put lin end to agitation, an restoid .
the Rouse „and . the covintry to th harpy!
state ofttan9nility andfiaternalfeeling which..
prevailed twelve: inonthS ago, and- u ink' has
been so lamentably, and, - I real, so: dtfrublf,
. i • , ,
tar The population of Arkansn,
ing to the returns recently 13,1 d be'
lvslature 'of 'that 'State is 247,112
- icktiovriedgment ,
The undersigned returns his sincert
to those friends_who ,so liberally mah
t h e i r kind T erm} on the 13th inst.
Notice to Builders
'The building Committee of the Pre
= Society of Auburn 4:Corners will
,prepostils on Saturday, Jan. 6, 1855,
o 'clock
I r. M., at die house of D. B
Auburn, for building a church edifice
51000. Each individual in his prop
requeged to state the elm, the mann('
the Materials of . which.he will obligai
self to build the house, for the sum of
, . M. RILEY,
- • • CHAS. FESSEN '
Teachers' Association
There wills be a meeting of the•'n Co.
'l'eo '.Association in Jessup on 8: tu.rdav
the. 43th day of Jan. 185,1, gtt. 10 o'elocli
Some of the friends in Jessup are re . nested
to procure a suitable place where th meet
ing may be he.ld." The public are'e; ruestl .
solicited to attend. . - .
Hampton, (Media' Co. New T u rk, on
WedneAny Dec. 20th,'by Nev. ..Tohn[ Cracc
ford, Mr. 4AmEs P. W. RILEY of Sfontrips,e and
WFORD of the fort* place.
•r/in La I op, Dec:l) e 2sil, Cy Rev.
JAmEs SiErtuNG of.Brooldvn . an;l
-Mis;=. HANNAH M. Brown of Lathrop. •
In Benton, LUZ. CO., PR.. on the 4.9 b - inst..
:.GEORGE M. SiILES, aged 4(3 years, 2n10., and
4 (lays.
nis suffoin . ga Were abort but. intene, last
;lug but little Ov4r a week. Ile 'loved truth,
.arld bated error: Ile worshiped . tr i ot esty,
and .4.letested vice: -Efe is, not -brad ,l--man,
never dies. • _ .OM.
.7ci,the rion:lhe Judges of the ('hurt o"
ter Sessieaus of the Peace in. and jo t
47 III'AaiNUIL County : ' i
T" petition of Francis R:- DraThe of 1 1
ough of Susquehanna Depot in said
respectfully represents, that lie is proved
suitable cormuience to keep a Grocery 1
orough - aforesaid; and that it is his inter
apply to the next Court of Quarter 'Seas'
•be holden iu and, fbr said tounty on the
Monday of :armory next, for a license to
Grocery, and to sell, strong ' . ear, ale o
malt liquors, according to the Act of A
of 14th April A. D. 1851.
_ _ •
Sils(lPellailna. Depot, Dec.. .18 5 4
. • CHANGED: • •
ra l we
etaware, Lackawanna. & W. rt. S.
ON and afte'F'l"tinrsdat, Nov. 23, 18
Mail Passenger Ttain will leave '
at 12 11.
Due at Groat Bend at 1.30, 1 4 . 7,4.
Connecting with.thely EiFiress Tr
the N. Y. & E. R. R., ,'bith east and
Passengers taking this train will. arrive . i
York at 9.30 P. M. and iCi•Dunkirk at 11.
Return. Will leave Great Bend on the
of the Buffalo Express boAd West, (3.2 t
which departs from New . York at 7, A. 'lll
trrivea at Scranton at 5.60, r. b. •
The-Freight Accorjnodation Train.
artgeir — xix attached, MB depart from Scr
1.50, p. sr., due at, Great Bond m., c
hi?, with the Mail Train bound West, a
:14;4 Erpress Trains bound both
Returning, will depart. , from Great I
6.30 A. w. and arrive at Seranton,"ll.oo,
Stages will h - e in waiting on thr arrival'
&eager Trains at Scranton, to convey •
to Carbondale, Pitaton, Wilkes-Barre, P
phis ria.tho Reading R. IL, Easton, ands
intermediate places..
Sop't Office, 'Scranton. j (
Nov. 18, i 854. :Istf
H. Plirsons,
Ware, Sofas, Bed!steada, Tablet!,
No, 9 Washington street,
'Pr Coffin 'Ware:Room up stairs.r—ns,
To Me Hon. the Judges of the Court of Quor
ter Sessions of the Peace in andifor Stir
g ughanno Counts . /, z - .
fr HE prtitiot. Bulfrird of the Borough
.A. atliontroae in said county, res tfully
represerits, tionalwis,prorided with suita le con
venient* to keep a Greeery in the roneh
afore:a:id; and that it ini i
....:, hi s intention to arply ta
ttle next Court of Quarter SeQsiung to be holden
In and for said county on the fourth Mo9day of
January Next, for a...license to keep a Grocery;
and to sell strong beer, - ale or other malt iquors,
according to the Act of Assembly of 14t1 April
A. D.. 19,5 1. ' I, N. BULL : a
Montrose, Dec. '27, 1854-52w4
A .11Stv.lot of‘Gift Books fur New reari.--
The life-of P. T. Barnum and H. Greeley.
also Ten Nighis in a Bar-Room and what. I saw
tfieie;"liy- T..S.,Arthar, a first rate Book for ev
ery lady. Eggilie it the Montrose Poet office...
Montio - se; Dec. 27,1854. • - •
The !nosiness e:o.partnermhip heretofor• , exert.
hag betirein the"sobseribers, thep. dky • Visoiv
ed by tadaid Wit; GEO. FULLER'
Montrave, Deo.- 1.854-52w3 I• '
- ~ .
For. Sale,
. , . 1
itOne-borso,'ilteigh'iniide by H. Clem,
, Wit .usinterl will he sold . ebeOp 4
fot soon; ;'Cin be mei at - Flindle.Liveri.
guarose; Dee:. 27 16.544-(0 wl* .„
A New Cattir, and a two horse pleasuFe Car.
rI tine for gale, cheap, by I .
JaPOrese,Dec. 1834:-=5.1.1f.
' &Thor*, -. Venus; Flora, HebeOnd t Dan
, ~ ~ cing .G,irt? I •
THE above cetebrztted Statues, together with-15
Statuettes% brolvee, and several hundred wag.-
oifieentrOil Paititings, form the collection at pri-
zei to dlitributed au)nug the members of the
Coatuppolitatt Ait.Assoriation at the first nual
dist ritiutitin,lttlittuai-v'melt.
nio Coissuo - pol:itsit-Art.sud Literary AI
ti ara , organizetaVor - the inenuritgemsnt and
oat difeidou of !Aerators and the Fine
'oo a nts 4- usd,,9eti tt al plan. -. .
rid - t.iium ittee Of management/Jaye the
Ot t ; of announteing th:it the Bret annual distribu
tion will take ,place op the 30th of Janunri m.zt,
on 'which occasion there wilt. be distributed; or
allied to Members severslijundred Worloi of
Art, among *bleb is i the original and worl*re-
Downed Statue 6r- the Greek Slave. b.l' Habana
PoWers, costing liver $5000! together with ,the
beautiful titatuee' of Venus, pacchant4, Hobe,
Flora, and the Dancing' Girt' 'and 'l5 Statuette
in Bronze, Imported troatParis; also, a large
. of Oil .Pelpsiags, comprising .some of\
the best proauctiose of celebrated American and
Foreign Artist". • fL-,
- pj l t;ii for the Current. Year.
the PsYment of 04 conatitutea any lone A
t n qu oer of this 4ssociation, and entitles bini ) to
th. Knickerbocker Magiiine for ono yelir, and
also a ticket in the distribution n the .
and Paintings 'which are to be allotted to mein
beis in January. ' i • (
Persons taking five tnemberships aro entitled
to tive - of the 'Magazines one 'year, and tosis
tickets in the distribution.
re the
1 5 9 nions, nil becoming mcinbers, can have their
Magazine coMmence any month they ;•honse,
and rely on its being mailed to them promptly
on 'the first of every :month, direct from N. York.
the net proceeds derived from the sale of
•m'emberships are. devoted to the purchise of
Works of Art for the ensuing year. -
Books open to receive names at the Eastern
Offic'e; New.York', ot,WeStern office, Sandusky:
The Gallery tif 4t is loeated. at SanSky,'
(the Western loffice of the Association;) tvhcre.
suierb Granite Buildings have been erected . for
it. and in whose epaelous saloons rho splendid
collection ofstatearY and 'Paintings is exhibited.
• The Adrantages Secured -
by becoming a . rnember.ot this Association are—,
Ist. All portions receive the full value cif their
subsc'riptionf at the start, iii the shape of sterling
Migazine Lnerature. t
c sting
mist is
r, anti
.1.4. Each inemberjs.con:tributing toward'Per. :
chhaing choie Works of 4rt,. - which are to be
distributed' among --theniaelvea, and. are at .;the
same:time cacegraglog.tho Aitists of the court•
try, diabursi g thottaands of dollars • through its.
agency!. , !• " 1 ''.. • -
t i
Parsbnare itting funds for membership,sh4 uid
mark 'letters ..Registered,l' rind-state;
,the month
with which they wish. their magazines; tO corn.
meriVe, and, Also /heir post riffice uddresi infiaon .
thelreccipt of which, a certcato of membership,
together with the magazine desired,•will ;be for.
warded to airy part of the koyntrk.; ' ! .
;• Th o ft. who, purchase magazines at Boolderes,
will ; observe,- Mat --by joiOing this Association,
they receive the Magazine' and Fr&r Ticket in
Mei:Munn] . diakribution, nit 'at
.they now pay tor the Mag4zine alone. ; I .
. ' Illustrated dutalores Of,the whore collection
-sent on, applic.ition, tree, oficharge.
. -
it lot th e 'Assocation, at the knick: Mrt ; rgazine °Bice, 038 Broadway, V.-I'.,
and at No. 16p Water st., Sandusky. Ohio.; ' Ad
dreari,.(at either office-,) foi l membership, ! !
5:3W3 C. L. - ,DERBY, ACtuary C. A. &L, A.
MBE 61r the atteNtion. of
JL his; frionds,l!6.;tho h
v itAutiful selection of
JGrtlry t '4l.itud - Fantty
Goodk, •'.
whigh he is now offering ! tor sale, suitable; for
iiresents ; at the F.oniing,feslive season, and which
is a . elling:at prices that leannOt fail to .phase
1: 1 i N. 2 pdd Fellows' flail..
41hglignton, Dec. 20, 1854. •
2,r . efq;s 4 . l'(7eiy disc 'otion . --Gold and
t, • Sttvet, Hunting and. Pl,4in, from $B,OO. to
00, at A. J. FA-A,NS
-LD elliiINS. , --30 I 'ciwts. Gold'. Chz4ns,
eonsl;ting of Ctnatelaine, Guhrti, Vest and
of weights nn patterns, by •
I '
: .
, . .
some very rivh,
• d with
in the
• atm to
oils to
keep a
- mbly
Iteautiful aeleetion of Isar
hiclutlin ,, , lall the late patterns". Al:
veyy rich Setts of
~Ear Rind With
i!ti4n * s 161 tuatch, A. J.
Q 11,1571111.
re4ta , S
ble, ,eooiert s
ljer n Vruit:
good L fcuin
very ilest styli
4, th e
1.,0.T,ED KNIVES.—TabIe and :Dessert
KniFesi truth of flip fine6t and
w th artiek;--,
for safest ' A. J. Ev ANs; -
I ' with' one,
• ~
P. At.)
' Baskets, Cast
and Flrays, by
d the
s .nd at
6 . 1441
Steer© Butto
yds; Studh, B
W I.
Thimbles bf
htss,",' by .
Li n~to
f Pas
' elvers
r •tadel.
1 other
Q CiSSOR§. and Pork
Li ;'
' •
PLD PENS - --The
‘_AlTown, et all sizes,
- i
. .
IIS li l ereby '-given to tl
Brirklyn inn& Lenex
e annual Election foi t
hold nt the house ofGr ,
- 'nod ' . xi sfordag the fir
at 10 O 4 clo . ek
G le i ood, Dec. 1854
• ..110T
AA l'c.annual meeting ,
treat Bead and Co
6`l".4"iit!Y, viii . held t!,
1855, at 9 o'cl'Ock%
cierits, 4c.
(ire* Bend, Dec. 20, ll
. .
TolthS. Hon. the Adties
ler Sessions.. of the iP
'quehanna. County
riNHE petition of Jax; 0
11 ot Sulqa Depot in
reptesetits, that tie is proi
venience to keep a Om
aforesaid ; and that it is h
the 'neit-Cilurt' of Quart«-
in and for said county on
Jantiari.ifor license. t
to sell strong bier, ticOr
cording to the Act of Assn
D. 18.51.
Suminehdnnti Depot, Di
Rail Rciad
Look out fo
rrHE firm .of WarreD •
init The FartOere Si
Ace that We. arr
pu,—ic* . notice s, 'e wiling .foods nearly
nt cost,? o , oc. Tea at 25 ets., Coffee ta i ls., :mit
ether Groceries nt the ape rate: Iteay-Stadr
Clothing el:waves:than You ran - buy elsewhere thiii
side of Ile* York. Shilli g Calicoes at; 9 ctsl,
Cloths of every descriiitto so low you !will 4
perfectly astonished. .Goad nice Broadcloth at
two 'dollorii 'per yar d . There-is a Market attach!.
; ...
ed to the ger Stare where the rartnera ,dan sell
their predtine of every ,kid for rash, sind the
good .1;41;t10 ofillontro#e'4an fi nd everything in
the line ofeatables to their adraqtaze. -941 tie.
meninnd .I.4dies, one yid ail, call and see us. 4
Oer; tertett . are positi44 ready pay (arid n 1
trust.) 's 7 `;_ ; ; 'i R. THAYER & CO.
ontrose„ D ee, 20, 1 54. -; 1 i
j of Wm. ihker, , deit'd, will attend to the duties of
A i Goo aisortment of .teICILLEY toisisting I Friday the 1 2th, day of January next at , l o'slock
nil of Esi , , Magi, Forpropi, BriastPina, Fing , J lin the afternoon. I , ' 1
or Ring, 6,it. Ike. just Itieei'ved'at "" ' I I : I - ,N. NEWTON, Atlitqr.
, , i , BEINTLEY 4 READ'.. ':
' ,loutr4c, Dec. 20'. 16,)4. -:)1w4
~ ,
~ , .
A net,
every pattern and price,
A, J. Eviocti.
lain Gold, .figured tour, - Cameo;
&c. 14
- 1 A. J. EVA:VS',.
' ARE.—Silver Table, Detsert,Teit,
gar nriii.sait Spio - ns ; Silver Ta
nd Pinkie Forks': Silver Pie, Rut-
Knives ; Silver Soup Ladles, Nap.
and Caws ? &tt., al4 wprranted as
nd re - engraved gratis in the
le, by I . A. J. ENatisl
assortment". ' of Gold
pro,Una four faces,frOn?
A. J. }WASS.
rs, 6ndlestiekm, Snu
.E.VA 84
- &pips, Chain • Hooks,
celeti, by rev,,,,s;•
all size.% and different
/.4 tirvaripus pstterin,
rat Cite articie i Vy
Watch Chai
iher Keysisi
Knii;,es, a good
''! EVAN S,'
est lot, ever opened .in
nd Oio best quality,
; EvaNs. , .
. .
'e St!fiekholders of the
kond Co. that
lecting officers will he
in d ißrothera in Glen
' t day of January ne,
Auditor's Notice.'
undersigned, having, been appoirted by
the Orphans'!C , ,urt of Susquehanna Conn . -.
ty i 'an - Auditor to le.:r exceptions to the aceount
filed in the estate of Jas. Watson, dett'il, Will at.
L tend to the duties Obis said •appoiritmentf, iat hii
S 4 I t N " .
! Iri 4E '
office in 31ontrese, On Friday, the 12th I day • et
January .next, at 1 9.clock Pl' 31. 1 ,
the stockholders in thP -7 n.-11. FRAZIER.- •
!hecton turnpike roziid 116ntrose.Dec. I" 18.51.z-51w4 . : • . .
L '; , , Lusk House, in:Great .___..i,.. ._-___
,_ - ---1 1 :
kednesciay of Januati . o - Auditor's Notice.' li-- ..
frpr the election ofofh - .1
; F.IOIIE iiiidersignisd having beer: appointed an
TV DRINKER, Sec...Y. ;
.1:: Auditor to distribute the fund in the hands
r'4_,... & 1
" 4 - -' W -* . 1 1 of the Assignees OT 'Geo. G:Pritie, will athi.nd to
-j, theiduties of the Arid 'appointment at lAOffice
in Montrose, 'on Friday. the •19tli day of January
nett, at -1 O'clock p. M., at which iliac and place.
: all persons will pOsprit theirclaitns orie. de.
barred from coming in upon the said fun: - dlli
. i ..k.ICHAMBERLIN, Auditor.
Montrose i ..Dee. 19,.185441 w 4 1 ':'
TO my Creditors. : ; ;
eIpAKE notice tilat I have applied to the C.nirt
IL 'of Coint i non Pleas of Susquehanna - COunty,
fo - r the. benefit of the Insolvent LatVit Of this
Cothinoniveall h. And that they have appointed
Monday., the I tit' day of January next, iat•- ten
o'cleck . A. 31.,, at the'Court.House, in Montrose,
i as the time an place to hear me and myleivdit.
1 qrs.' ..!MICHAEL' M'GOVERN:
i Dec. 18, 18. 4—.0w3 , • - H
E. 04 GROW, Pres.
I Ole court Quai .
ace in and for Suit
. i
i ._ _
ttyater of the oronh.
laid co u it ty,respec t fu I ly
lided with suitable YAM
.ery, in the. Borattib
s. intention to apply tit,
tiebsions to be holden
the third Monday of
keep a Grocery, 'and
other malt liquors, se
mbly of 141 b April, A.-
ic: 2u, 10441w4 i
the Cars.
Thayer is dissolved,
urn lent. We . giip
Dili Goodr.
.. -.—, ,;
Sh nif s,,_a . es. „ , ,
UltY eirtue. of sun ry limits trio ._ out of the Court of
`Common Plena o SuSquehorma 'ourity.stitl to me ,11!
tected, I will expos to public We at toe Court noose
to Montrose ; onSetst ay the 13th ;thy of 4hukry uext.
, it 1 o'clock P.M.— 1 • • , :. 't ' - .
-1 Air thareertaid.ptece or parcel Oflltid ; lsituntif
tying and being 14 the townsk p of Clifford, SuSii
quetianna courity;i bounded ,tad describett as req+
tows, to wit : Begtpning at the nurtheastOrrier nr
-Geo. Brownell jr's land, then motithwest tti..the
'Middle of Lot's tirt.ek nc
so calleil, illetic4,d(iwtt:thi,
/laid creek the stiveral courses thereof Ito thjj
middle of 'another creek eointnonly called thn.
northeast branch bf the . Tunkliannoch - , thenee-
Aown said creek es the said 9,4). - Brrotenel lil .
Land, thence nortlj thirty tl.egNes with said lines
to the place of *beginning, epntsining .twent o V
acres be tbe.satneintorty or less, , e ith the ; appiir",,
tenances, 1 frail imUsP, .1 . kinul i shed; some
fruit trees and in stly impro4d. . !, ... •• :,
i Taken in exZ•edtiezt•at the siiii etChatijingait
TS. Nelson_Philipk —'. , I
ALSO—AII thit certain picco or paieel of
hind, or Nillage lot, situate lying and •biiitig i 4
.Borough of SUsquehanna Depot, Sitscra Col
bitunded and described as follows, to , W'rt : On
:the north . by the uhlic o highway, on the east !bit.
land of F. Pickering,' on the south by land of D.
L. Kimber, and oti the west by, land of.Ja.!4:,'Belti,
Said lot being 50 !feet front,. and
,running lia'eli
. 104 feet, together, with the aPpurtentinces, 1 tw4
story trained dweßing house, and all -improved.
iTaken in execution, by virtue of two writs of
Ten. Ex., at the suit of C. S. Bennett vs.- Na.•
thiiniel Hill. , , .
ALSO--AU that, certain • tract or parcel o
land situate in 14 township of Bridgewater id
the county of sotquehanna and state of Penny
itylvatiia, and bunk', boUnded • and :described a 4
follows, to wit:' Beginning at a polit and intones
in the west line of•Abriliam Kennard's lot, 14
Southeast corner 3f a left surceyetiTor John Dart
row, now owned by Ebenezer ‘VilliatrOohenee
by said' lot south 3 deg east 83 and 7.101 perch:
es to a post and Atones, thence hy, another .lot
Surveyed for the, said John
deg. west 100 perches to a:post and the
northwest corner of said: Darrow last mentioned
let, thence by unsold land north 3 deg: West 83'
And '7-10 perches f.O a post and stones, thence by
said W i illism's lot north 87 deg, ease perch,
es to the begintridg, containingO. "acres stud:l34
Oerchrs and alloWanee &e., trwoher with 14
liereditaments and appurtenanc4- &c. •
Taken iti execution at the suit Waid, l
sissi:ince - of Id. NI. Wallace ys. Wart. 1 / a rrow.l
ALSO—AII that. certain piece or :parcel of
-hind situate lying/and being in the town Ship rf
.siberty, Stisrest einnty, bounded! and delwribed
ris fulloWs-, to Ulti: Oil the Morth sold eaSt by.
Vona. of Joseph E. Webs t et, oil the snetb
hind of Jost l oi Baflcv , and west by laud et-Jon
sisiossrltoss, eontaingi 00-setsoc poke on leSs,
;ether with the ti:ppurteisanees, about two ac Ts
Taken in execution at the" suit •ofliphn
Green vs. Geo: Chapman. , I
ALSO—AII OA certain: piece or 'parcel. pi
land situate. lyingland being in the, t ow it oi p of
Atiburn.:,Stisquehanna county, hooded and 'deg
it:•ribi!iifotiow. to :On the north by lanN
orSanmel Swackbammer,,on the ea-t
_Aq land
in possession of-Ezra Kennedy. on,thesouth by,
lands in possessian of Philip SwaCkhanitner and
Harry Carter, and on the west by land .
session of Harry Carter and. John IlroWn,.-
tit;ning about 3001 acres, more or less,ltOgethrr
%iith the appurte nances, I framed houSe and,
bllrn, I log,hOnse,lSome fruit trees and about 200
acres iinprOved. . . "1
Also, one other Piece or parcel - of land 'situate,
it Auburn township, bounded and "described i, 5 1,1
follows, to wit: On the north by larls.kd . "
Shoemaker, .cast by lands_of . Patrick JTc
qalviti: south liy lands of Ezra ennedy.and Westli
lands - of &untie! -Swacthainmer, enntalmnzi
90. acre more or less, with the appurtenances, al
• hOuse . and barn, a. small orchard and abbut 40'Fi
•aeres improved.
iTak l . cn !ketnition at. the snit of A.l...athrep
VS. Daniel . aml Frederick SWatkammer.l .
i ALSO—AII that. certain piece or parcel efij
lad, situate tyinfi and being in the township of„
•Hartnony; Susquehanna county, bounded and dei
scribed as follows', to wit: On the'nerili by land
at Amos and Sitn6On Barnes„ east by thellell
nti mi. and.Oauazoturnpike, and on the seuth•and
west by lands of Simeon raid Arans..parnes, cone
taming acre of land,- more or less, together ),
with the appurtejminees, one framed Meuse and .
barnand all imp
iTaken in execution at the suit or D. A.l..yoris I
and Brother vs. IFa . , •
ALSO—AII thitt certain piece o r Parcel of
land situate in the town Ship of Jackison and,'
bOunded and e:es.riOed as hollows. j.o wit: Be-,
ginning - at a postland stones- corner• on the. line
ofn lot in 'possession
.of Truinnn - Perry, thence
south 4.5 deg.. easi 105 perches to a pest. thence
south 45 de. , . west -..--perches. part by lidfor
tnerlv stirveyed t.a•Wm. B. Wheaton to a stones
corner, thence north, 45 deg. ; ' west 104 perches to
rt.birch near the cre ek, thence north'-t5 deg. east ,
-4-... perches place of t beginning. vuntnin 7 ..,
iati 85 ore or thereabouts, be the Satne more
ordess, with the appurtenances, one small house
..and one log stablit and abotit 3U acres improved.
Taken in execution at the suit of C. Ben
• -
'nett, vs. Wm. %I, gowen.
, on.tros6, Dec.
• 4 'Register's Notice.
• •
P U P LIC Notice is lie'reby given . to all p e rsons
concerned in the following E;tates, tca wit
j. Estate of Shed - I'6ld Matteson 2d, dee'd, Tru
: map Perry 7 .
I Estate of Henri Benson, dee'd,jr, Almeda Ben.
Estate of Nath.4n Arnold; dee'd; Harvey. Hall
land Chas. Chamberlin, Adm'rs.
That the neemintants have settled their ae-
I counts in .the Regiiter's office hi and for the.Conn
ty :Of SusquehannA. and that the same 'wit I be'
; presented to the - Yodges of the OrPhan'sCenrt of
said County, on . N.'ednesday the 17th - Ay of
January next for confirmation end allowance. •
J. W. CHAP:VAN, 'Register.
• Register's Office, Montrose, .
I Dec. 19, 1854.451 w 4 • -
• ,
.. .
I .
• ..t ~
.91111 E" Morns Chums,
.(late Robert Morris, Fi.
..1. - :. ,naneier of the War - 46 f the Revolutioh,)wil I
be seed out. - Occupants' and others can have.
•-Confirmatory„uit'Ciaits, and Fee TitleS, by,
i l,
i early.applicati n to
1 10 - ns' Moss: Bob3"Grantee, No. 50 Walnut Sireet,
1 Enw. W.s.t.s. Lact., No. 2 York Building, f c '
J I,
•[ i t , __.- 1 i.
4 - 0. A 6.3L513A/111). g... 9., No. 4 Sansom street,
Attorneys at Law, Philad.,l
1 - •••- • - • • - , , 1
; . - , • .'
.1 '.
i*" ' Att.ditor's - Notice. ,
4 • '
fil HE undamped having been ntipeind
i - I.:.•the Orphan's demi of 'Sukfamounty,,
1 ditor to - audit the seepunt of Ira Nichols,
•.- 1., ARO - S STO E. •
Dist , Side: .of üblie ' venue, ._
.! i'l -.Tim doors fro'sii Posits': . ositi , ' r •
,••• i 1 $ .
AtTHERE we shall $e glad to sea o till our old
• 1 1 17 P, customers and be happy o ;W t ait on all
i i biise Who will give ad a. call, f ( ling Lconfident
I thdlAom our large stalk. and e - euxiye assert.
1 reent'nf goods we canicui t all t oil ltvho Will
call and examine them: • • I
.1-:T. W. RILEY, and C. D. I
with A.. LATHROP!
Moetrose, Dec. 12,154. ,I , !
....'. : !
. Great rush for Rusi lL fa—lron.,l
-• i
'AttOODRITFF & 41,Dit. ED
.-1 - 1 c; trd themselves iegethdr . fq
• of I::irryidg on the Stml amt Tin:
in allits v:uiotni lganahes, svoni
Call . the attention ofthaitradiem
a • D
' 14- 1 r r.
:':. 11 SrABLI HAIVI' I
Which may easily be f mul-4it l
.proximity to the noi I. l eurt liou4
1 we,st r , nether thereof. ', par ft,tuil
-cornnodious as we intiad har ing,
If .ht r: patrons will beari - with !its It
we ourselveri thit _our peel
not be surpassed by asY in. thikl
liaiel the most approved patternti.
ovOri brought into this market,'
snayilie found • 1 : L
I '
Are Sy-the West ( Elevated ,00
• Icor; (Elevated Ore k) Perm
.i 1! World; Gloht., Altus;
l i-J:
.. !,.
..274rea#/atex, .
All Air2Tfght,, and ce
ous Uth
nelmeenus to mention. I: ' :
- tribiWARE of al ds hpti
band for household usift,! . Jobbin
and ft h the best trimmere .All erio
prvijd before leiving Clitt whiip; I.
.Th 4 respectfully solicit the - 0
whol wish to purchase anything 41
sating them that mere,can n he 5..4•
in thi - dr stock befoie purchasing I
s.. A.. WOODRUFF.; • G. B:
11lentrose, Dec:A:4,0641 1
H ABEL Ttrß • .
As just received frotr, New ;
JAL sort.tnerit - of
coinprlsin; a first rate Oriel) of
• f
bruas, ifidttanc,C7temicali•t,
1 ail ' Dve-slitirt tila4s i rt
Fazly Groccrte4,,Vat ria
1 /or Lty/tir,,,ifirattoil n
sfrumenfa iiriike
Perfamerv, I ,
and all i aorts. at 1 =
Fancy Gooas, 1
%Hal% will le gold extretnels fon or. ash . -
HO In 4 t reetint's• sustretl a lo;ts 10. 1 tire of at
!l•ast ht•e thousand dill rs, shoes insqrance and
goods sated, i fan-s I have strong climes for the
p strOnsN of3•friends!, and the it uhltc general. I
Is. le il • ro an to en eto rot notthe. do I
s or es,p, et dditiondiprotits in eordi4quence of New Goods.
,mill toss I t ill sell ;roods ns /it ,if it - it lower
4 FRESH.arrival of New Goods Moth we.
th in l thev can e bought elsenldr ire this Town ilk. offer eery cheap. We halo a large• stock
or counts A 1 I ask is that patio ap from the of StaPle and F'sm•s Dry Good, which we will
potilm •NI. hich Svill cnabto me nit industry to sell la I' CHE ty Call and examine. t
slonlv and gr. du %11% replace the Iciss sustained
-t paid loss h tog the hard (armor of a hfe of
, , 1, „ i
!salons twit, , IN e ro non prepared, tu ei one all according
to the! sts le We bare a{large stock which
St ro stthe loner end of the ' strict.
~,nc nil se li rely lost C:111 nna, examine, before
oQ Main Stret , a fen rods helot,
ABEL i,L. pureh ; lies Also, a large suit), of Cloths, Cas
ec 11, 154 suture , Joins, Satinettg, Tuktig, B,c to Eat
___ :k
our stein this lose is complete We 'mate
,w Sag 1 the att ntton of cAsu rt.•sctiAsEtta to our stook.
2 111 irtls of predutc taken in t cell-Inge q'or
4,1 11 iS, D F basing be n Ippointtti
5,..) • agents fa ten,itc S 4 f, .plind and GoodB t' ' t " h P n ' lts
HAIVLEI lt" & 310T11,
Door AI mut loom are! prepared I turn's!' ins 1
Mon rose \es n 2 1854 !
articles in this lino at ess rate s,than dile) las c _
___ - ' 11
usu illy loan sold ' Adniirtistra tor's Sale.
1).,, 14
- 1)1! muse of an order of sale, issued from the
c, I HAVING MIX. 11 --an artule %lien every 1 , . ,
mi P Oid; rl, Court of Susquehanna county,
1,.... man' Should tr), fo. elle by ' ull t e ,gall It politic t endue, 147 the premises to
S. 11 & D SAI RE 1 ,
De '• 1
; the tolnahip of card.tort_ao , 1
I' 4 Sofia ai.i. January 6. 1835, at a Wdock p az ~,
1, 0 . i .
No meees or parse $
.Ebtraurint4443 Glint ipl • 1 . • li b d . 1
t ) •
A N El ; 1 desfr.l,l4. ' stock -t silo lon p m , e a, 1 h e l' l a" m g . emrr' t
of lint! t Ilk the estate of Clerk IR Stmon4.d4 d,
I SHit D 8, % 1 DE situate lin El-misfits ton nshipl aforesild, and
Montro ~ Dec-14, 1851 lionniftil as follons Beginniiir at a post the
-- -- --- 1- C -- 4 - -
Wagon Makin , Blac s ithin
34 -b4 l ° , l, , l o " riT) t rr`v 2 g r Ta ht o r r e r ° :::r d t: r 44 N°
13." ' n
y rif Henry Drink.
•and Carri ge Ironi g el.'s bn tke I reek map
thence by lot No. 136
rrliE subscr;bir h yen: , 1'41611 1 1kt l honsel tan s 1 if Stephen H Crane, north, oue hundteil
a few rids so ith of D mocl, k iti C orners Nind tneints two pi•re•ht. sto the northeast tornr.
;is piepari dt, d 1 s'i h ails of v‘tir in the it) kse of th, Ist mentioned land: theneo by the soath
to ma hi. ir f bISHILb4 , t ,short n '7,. 1 ; d OIL lint a i /lit 133, land, at Ss Irestek Smith or Tho 4
most ri ason thlc terms Ile flatter hi ,elf that . ` B. B S it', cast, tort% lis e perthe and six ten poi
tiltn the help now in 'is =plot, li n l lll Ile able „/ aI cf •It to a posts the n trtl nest corner rof
to tt se, entire sdi tint a), to all sra 1
a'' f"" id n a. Ilan fro It's land toe `cu by Vie last
pun, tsith their custom 1
r le= L ,hied luol mouth one hundred : end ttvi My
C tit rt 4 . tudsouth,
% f.'''''" M.) Irenes to a post thence y the north Ilse
Dinock, N0y.23 1854 -48 t( i at lut Nli, 141, rind of said Han nek, nest pokty
"-•c; 1 ‘ \ 11 Most ki all hinds fir. p ;silica and six tenths of a petal to the
of country produce t, Ipl. e 4 hew mom , captaining fit l ty acres of land,
and h air b ^ the nest half of lot j 37 Also fall,
that *Hier piece or parcel of viand. situate lAA
afire: oil, and !winded and desciibod as follows , I Gibson, Ott. 11, 1854.
Begin Mg at a point in thc. middle of the road 1 Cloths,
leading from 11 II Bradley's 0 Mr. Green's; 1 ,
thence! by land of John 1.4. 11 Ind, lek, north tvt I
merit and at praies lower than n e bays ever
kSANIERES and vesting -",a large assort..
and ono half degrees east, thirty eight perches
to a piia and stones thence by*nd of the said I been enabled to offer them heretofore.l
Clark R.,Sunons before desert north eighty- ( h-t- 11. U. B & Co.
se ten and one-half degrees nee i tneise an 4 11;? Dress Goods.
half r4i t ies to a stake and sto es ,thence b' 1 i GREAT variety of beautiful styles and at
land o id Ilandrick,south !nit! and A hait dog, I /I
~tenet as cheap as could bedewed
west, crty.nine perches to a point in the mid , 1 Oet 11. U. B & Co.
die of Said road . thence along tba middle of the '
same no th 88 degrees east, tsselise and a ball ' Mack Silk.
three ae es of land,
pen, hc ilies u the place of bentlitig, containing l GOOD quantity for dresses at 81 ctn. per
"' 1 i dl y an y. U. &Co
TElttly made known on day l' . sale. i Oet, 11. 1854. v i ii -
NE, Mar t ShairiViii.. i
Grcat Bt ral, 1 i
Dec. 12, 1854-sOn 1 , d Square, ; 111 ONG an Wool, Brodie and SIN,
_I 1 Le
- 1 very handsome styles, and at extremely • loW
NOT'ILCVA. 1 !prices. Ll. B. & Co. 1
rrla-In subseriber haring purchased• the cotra I Oct'l.
r. [
A- well of the old and ell Loosen G st I Broche Shawls.
Mill, tilled Summer's Mill: woo d give not ce t
I 11 ' APERthanb '
E,before hnown, Beant i
C 1 ever
to hi, old customers, and all cone .rired, that lio I i ful patterns, and tine quality of 8.4 BrOelt
has giveri it a-thorough•repairingoand it is n , 1,1,4 Shawls, Lupen's mannfieture, at 97 I
doing hratrate m,s-k , and under 'pie charge tom Oct. ii
LT B & Cil
Lents it. Tompkins (whose reputation as a Im p - I Bay State , Shawls •
er st 1nt1.4 second to none in the :county.) and
nith plOnty of is titer with %huh si), are fits otfd ' rIME largest size, iMeOt qu;Jity, and new pai r
at all tines,we trust that no miy revels e our ' -I
erns, 67,50 each. U. B. 'S Co. I
share of outil t patro,aoe i 1 1 Oct. ll. I
r, 1
, 1- Carpets 1
Summers, Dee 1.1, 1854 .- 50 a 1 II k , 6001) assortment - and handsome psterni
1 1
--'--- -- ---- --- i l i at Net} low prices. U. B& Co
Sucqir sys I. Cot yrs, ss 1 1 Oct. 11.
Auditor's Notice. 1 1 Buffalo /lobes
4. LARGE lot or handbotoc
ndersyrncd blring been ' appointed Lys ke
Rooss, apart of
Ito 111 . a emut of aad Countr, ten A l u- /1 them uliole,lndlin dressed, and very super
istribute the assets in the hand, Id A. riot e n i° ll4 ' l "d quaint (. 7 Ds & Co.
and Emanuel Carpenter, Adnunistratirs I 'Gibson, Oct.ll, 1851
Carpenter, decd,n ill attend to the
, 9,1 ---; ----- ---
appointment, at his office in Montrose on 1,. Auditor's Notice.
the sixth day of JanuMl next, ail ir .,,,
HI, undersigned, having been appointed, by
' M., at whielilime and pl/ce, all pera ,'' th e Orphans' Court o r simuebanuri toun
linms against said estates will presout ts,,art Auditor to distribute the assets in the
hands of S. A. Newton-gild T. A. Woodr uff, ex.
lbe forever barred frorn Coamogin urn
• ectitnrs &e, of Amy Babcock, deceased, will at.
I c
FRANKLIN FRASER, Auditor, tend to the duties of his said appointtnent, at his
ye, Doe 12, 185 i -50w4 In Montrose,
1 office on Saturday, the sixth day of
1 , January nextot 1 o'clock!!'.M.,;at: winch titne
and place, all persons having elaitus ag a inst th e
estate of said decedent,e tit present them,or be for
ever barred from coming in upon said fund.
II. • H. tRAZTER, Auditor.
Montrose, Doc 12. 1854 --50 n 4
-- ~ l- - ` - - -
T"E partnendup heretefore existing between
Warren & Thayer has been this day dia.
solvd by mutual one out All accounts will
be found in the !lands of R. Thayer, jr., for col
lettion and settlement. I
Montrose, Dec. 7,.185.1:-50w3 '
lhtttr',+a~, -
nn c
,t0211)a. the Juri i p
the Peat
C:4 l )anly z
p, T HE petition of Zib:
1; Susq'allepot
t:representa;that he it; p
I;venieuee to keep a t i i
i!afortisaid and that it
ithe :tie*t Court of Qu
4 in stint for !k:tid county o
next; for a license
i:seli!titrong beer, ale or
ding.tti the Act of Aseo
;1831, •
sqmilehanna: Depc
tiALED proposals [will, be ,rece
liy) . .tqtrithisiontrs of Susil'atounty,
pisoioiters' office in Montrose, until
;11;to'3,i ni,xt, at '2 dolock P. 31., rer re
i'Britlie j aeress the Wyalusing creek
slialtepions in Ilthit ,toct:pship.
plans,. iimisinga,. arid speeilitia
'..ssill:tvitrk may ! le seen and exam'
I t!ocrii.4'oilice
A; CRossMAN, Clerl
nfroso, Dee. 11, - 1853-sbw.l
•, PUBLIC SA-LE. -1-
r l
• kutß:r. will be exposed to pu_blic sae
I'on Saturday the 30th day o December
inst.:lttAe hue of Major A•it 51 icti, in the
town•ihtp of liarfurd,:thsvAdloutiug mined prop
rty, fix: pairs of -'Sliktu/s•And i otters, 44,
NI/voids and Belti, to" INTbigtooty • •d. best ,bid. •
tier ftle,:cash only. • 51aj. Gen. A. Ca penter, atm- -
tioneri . Sale to commence at 9 o'c eL A. M.
' ASA SPICER, . 1;0 8 P• •
. • •
fist-Dr: fit Div.
Ilai-kurd, Dec. 4th, 1854. .rHrt..! 4?
;looks and Stationery. .
JORGE "and wkli selected sto .k u} aliscel
liineous Books. School Book and Gitt
19oola for the Hollidays, and Toy .115 - oks. A.
biro ' , stock of Stationerv—Bluelt nn ,It.ed Inks,
Butr.AlOlored Commereiii,lNoto „Pa r. Marble
board fbr Crayon Iliawinv, & . tPoi• sale
tow bY!' A. N. B LIARD.
Post Office, 3toptrose, Dec. 13th', 854.
-7 1OGINS & Kellogg's; celebrate Diaries fur
11.41855, for safe at the Post Office-
Mptltrose, Dec. 13, 1854..
I •
11) NN'S '
Just tee, and Bn , tness-t ta,qs• Legal
1,11;01iide, for saloot;the Post Ofce.t •
514361r05e, Dec. 13th,;4954.
thigN z 0 Dow's complete - work ftir sale at
Post Office. ; •
• ' MOntroSe Dec. 13/4864.
• 'I , : •
tratiihes, Jewelry,4lll*er loons.
1- 1 ,
OLD . and Silver Patent.LeVer, An hot And
I.X Upine 'Watches, just receivod lint : for sale
by .1 ,! ~ , BENTLEY dz. i( - EAD.
ed by
In Au-
ur Salt,
et., the or sit 44 for Lve.a.t-the
116i)i)ottorn 841106. ; t
Alitifibur in quitter sacks 'at $9,15_ poi .
• - BELL 4: Tl' LEY. •
Ckt. 12, iBt.)l.*. a-' •
—•. 1 \
! ,
411 MT
Sktr*, Tin
1 3 vtn' associu =
t r ch• purposo ,
"car Itusiness
1101:5 - to their
'NT' - •
4,i in close
e± he South.
ink lis not as
n .:ttie Spring.
ntil;that time,
ilalOment will
otnity. We
Iliopg which
l ' -
rn)l Calava
'or& Ns it.
. .1
Wterns too
c,oiiitantly on
dcin c c to order
44 carefully
r4n,i3ge of
a. full as•
th Borough
uiiaUle Con
te I . Borough .
n in apply to
to let holden
inlay of'Jan:
'Try, and to
Odra. senor.
A. R.
G.Spring of
said criunt
nvided ivith
rwery, in It
his intnnti
ter Scions
the thiitt.)l
e .
keep It kir
1 other mit
rnlbly of 14t
Dec. 0, 0
ve4 by the
at ,OeGoto..
tike 9th of
utbling the
,lar IL 3.
• inns for the
nell at the
• CJill'rs
• 1 A dministiato is Bale.
~ ICE is hereby given dud, in Outgo*, co of
qn order, of Court tiostred - frem he . Orphan's
Court,of 'Susquehanna county, there l irtllex-
posed Ito 'public sale by vendue.upont the p be
te 1. ,
see inlJacksoultOrnahlp, on Saturday- Ihe 430
l i
day oil December next, at O'clock P. Mi., 11
that certain piece ot parcel of land 1;:te the es
te oil Lafayette Wilmarth, deceased, bonittlid t
, ~
a follows : Beginning at a 'paid and stones in
t e ne'rtk lino of Sedate Griswold's land, *nee
ntrth iforty-two and a half degrees west 05
1 reh to a post and stones *the soulltll49 Of
ste Ptiyn,e ttl
land, thence in an ick.-
ti rn 7 pere
fre , S
to a post and kenos in the ' line
r., • Thiliniillulterfield's land, thence along sad
lire ,r4pth forty.two and one half degreeit t the
o d llarninny toad, thence :drug said road to
u here it titrikeit said Sedate Griswold's laadi arid
II oleo niitig etto line of bald Griswold'e,land to
tl e 'pl', ce!of be:ginning, containhig 40 'tie rei mid
5 periuhris,*belthe same more or Isar, with' the
a puttenances.l Terms of sale easy, and made
k own uprn the day of sale. , 1
' ' • ' .-JOHN GUNNISON, AdinTr.
Jackson, Noi. itii, 1854.--48w5 , . . 1
FOR SALE. ' - - i
8, u 1 o'er ber .offers for sale his plae,9 in
Ar, eat Ilarford, about 4 miles from th e, vil-
Sil (one fourth orn mNo fromaiLley's , a
the D. 1.. & Ar. W.R. R. IL Said place oti.
o.)out 4 wren of land with house, hamlet:id
Onrry two inra e
s is a
other terpo s m ve fi r ch s i ttli e r
ing. . Said shop contains machinery cape
turning Chairs, Bodaimads &c., all of
viii be Told.npon roasodablo terms. ?,For
Ir. ihformation- apply to Crawford Tlttiit,
e Premises, or of.the subscriber. ~
, l
1 .,
. 1 J. J. ROPER..,
ord, Dec. 11, 1854.-50w8. • ~'
• ___,t.
tion o
'era to
fur tti
We t
near t
Wanted. •
buslitils of Oats, 2000; bushels of gorn,
'itsheis_GX,Rl:o, 1000 bushels of
100 busl?els orbular.whent,soo%bushels uf
and any quantity of . Pattviag e e, atei the
't market: prices, in exchange Cur 13 - ots,by
pies, I
'F.W stock of Winter Shawls; ins:re ei e v
(hind Or sale low, be
Bentley & Read
now'recoiting, in their new'Buildink On
h 6 Westlside of Public Avenue; two doors
trearle'sPotel, a large and desirablti
nt •
r stock lie. almost entirely NEW, hating
t,ut a trifle, comparatively speaking, f o rnin
rtestruCtive fire, and ebmpri4es their tts %
iety of Dry Goodi, .Groceries, Crockery,
are, Drogs, - ,lledicines,lPaints,
Bi!ols,Shoef.,:clocks,'Vaaliee , ,notitins ilwy
The !
the lat
it:4l v:
st 1111'4;1
&c, We, trust that our old, -cUstotriers, nod! the
public; generally, will a call at our truir
/ocatt4 has we are detertniried to supply , their
~..4 1y,
wants as fai;ornble term as any of ourneigh.
bors. '; . - • • L •
Montrose. Nov. 30, 1854. 1:
djtoe topl
G. Bailey
'of HoratN
tics of
&tura •
o'clock '
them orl
said futq
übseriber may be found at his efilec
the storelately occupied, by G. &
• where. he will be hatip'y to see ill
are indebted to the late irto of D. R.
-1). It. LIATHROP. , .
se, Dee. 6. 1854. •
T 'l
H. Plxll6
thoAe the
. ,
Attention Peoples!
übscriber would respectfulit* inform
hlic'that ho: is still right Ride up :!,at.
the hasettiout of Searle's! notehwhero;
red to accommodate thoao wiioWapL
ag l with his usual skill and despate9l: l
up at his shop, froM 'x hi
ny other style you wan!
h his shop is warrahted
1 11 41
he is pre.
new do ,
ate poatt
select,. oil
made lug
faeiQp. e. I.
Wog Aane us win:ll:for
to, fit:'. - •
, 0,-1 v.),
lle.uttti l
Ili kw and Beaver Bo Rili
tons, Flowers and. Feathers,
0 At C. 4.14.14116
T • • •
ia -extreme presents In the. Money Market
;the present *talon, has yielded to•
creased facilities in the purchase of ft strperk.steck
of STRAW drIitE.AvEkSONNETS,SREFAiit FLlfirifiS,
Bumps and r4i:rititis, unequalled in ibis' eity,
and which ige.are coati' 4 to ' offer at fitiPrece
dently. low prices for Ca it.
'pp: our stock of M at. P
iATHEits and 8 o at
. RIODON, we wookresp call the attrition
of Cash, as wo assured thatAMOM
desirable assortment w .never before offered in
thin city. • HOU
' Nos. 64 and 66 Jthn4
50 .Weciding Ca
Visiting_ Cards and 11
Plates, from $3 to $10: I
Note Paper, Business
Commercial and Priva
promptly forwarded to .
tatOce !to A. DE
graver, 182 Broadway,
J. dc C.-Elsaher•
A ND WARE wpm' I
.rx.- 249 West. Twent •
I 9th and 10th Avenues,
the .iEolian, and all'di:
Iments, made of the . bes
own siiperviaion ; a writ
every Piano. J. &. C.
and manufacturing Very .
best Pianos, on lower to
ed any whore, and it is d
td buy for cash: Those
and one that will stand
better than to eall'on J.
Stoves and \Ranges.
rritiE SUBSCRIBF;RS have on hand 4e fin
est assortment-of AhE-tight Cook and Par
lor Stoves that can be-found in the City.. Stoves
of all deseripthrm styles and designs, for burn
ing Wood or-Conl; tvlich we will warradt ili ev
ery wAY- Peramis ITl'vv&r , Luf a fine Stove, for
beauty find durability,;vvill do WO+ to call at the
HOPKINS & DUPF,i-tropricktra, No. '235 -Wa
tel r-street,_New ,York."' 43m3;
print Sellers & Artists' Colormen,
Itio: 366 13roa6way, New, York.
ers, printers. and ManUfictorino-Artists,
Coloimen, Paris, 1,314", Berlin, and 366
*Broadway, New York.; Catalogues sent by mail.
the usual (discount to the trade' 'and lostitutions.
Picture Frames furnished.: 43tri3.
Gold Watches for the 'Holidays ':
OOLTLIER with 'a richi t imortment
NlONDS i nfid all kindol. Fine Jewelry !
Gold Watches, from s2`o to $300. -
Plated Cake. Baskets, from $516 $25.
' Double Plated-Tei-Sets, from $l2 to $5O.
Silver and ,Silver 7 Plated Waie.,*apd other anti-
eyes in the at
.ar, Favor as with 4 call before parchWng
elsewhere. , WILU4RTII-& BENTON, -
50n.6 3 13 Broachfay, New York.
,Dropght Mane to the-Door of the Ali:lion,
AWONDERFUL uncove r s ints.rectutly brtil made by
Dr. Curtis, of this illy, in the treatment of Consucups
tion, Asthma and all disease. Lung. We refer to.
" Dr. Curtis' ea nary or Inhaling Ilygraan yapor and
Syrup." With this new method Dr. C. bar restored many
atilict.4 ones to Perfect health ; as an evidence of which be
has innumerable cettifinates.i Speaking of the treatment,
a physician remark s: It iteelilunt thatinhalinr,4econstant-.
ly breathing an agreeable, beating vapor, the medicinal
properties must come in direct contact .wlth the whole of
the axial cavity of the lungs, and thus escape the many and
varied changes prodaced upon them when introduced Into
the stomach, slid subjected to the 'process'of
The 'lyceum is for sale .it all the druggists thronghnnt the
Yew Tork Doieboan of .lan:l4.
wino on thcbrea-t under thilinerr. witli
ont,the 'easy
suelefent to eraporate_the num. •
Tlntelretla of C.4SY, - ; of CUDESIike the, folltiwinr might
hr‘named: 'One;l'aiA;inTe of Ilygea 'a bitsmarell •me of the
ASTHMA of FIX year; Etandingl;.
S. F. Ker‘berry; P. Air. ofDeutognnon. a.
I am eared of the ASTII3I4, of lOyearsatandlng by Dr.
earth' ;Ilygeana
Margaret :Ettstort, Y.
!Uri,. Paul of - No. F - 31 a IDM ond St . 1. Y., was cured era
term cave of BrianChetis by the tlyzeana.
My Miter has beesi eared ota. DISTRESSING COUGH. o
gevetal yeare Etanding. and decided to be Incurable by h+r'
phpicians. She was cured in ONE MONTI, by the Hy-
•: • .1..11 Gaul;ert. P. M.. 12ichmand...ife.
rriee Over Dollars a Vaelcago.—Foltllt CURTIS & pzit.
& BOVD Jc PAUL - No.
,1414Chanibers L. N. Y.-4
Peek:Ter cont ferob. exprere to any part of We
Statea for Ten Dollars. :
S. 11- —(.l cutio' OitlGlNAL'atod
4311:14:13.5f1t ARTICLE, all others arc bage immipstiong or
Tile and INJURIOUS' 'comae/lefts. Shun them ar yoio
trotad rotsoN. & Ater*. I
'New si;td . Cheap Goods-
T)OUGHT at low pr word prieis and w i ltbe
solchwiortlingly by'; . 7 , •
• Tdriipike tido,
Preaide_nt. - Directo and titakllo,dopi,
Of the Loos afid gar ny, turnpike road
Corapany, will lield their nous! 'election on
Monday tha Ist day; Orlaniii4r, next, at., the
honiOotioal Stecnback in Gibson township, - at
ten O'clock A:'1I.- -
By order of the Board.
' . ,
eh you may'
Ali *ark;
give - sativ,
y down, sipt-
,ROVES.! i
voiscurit&Senetes Cleterttl-Adurtifing
Rouse, 4 ppkton's Buitdiug, 346
c.nd 218:arm Owal.
'cot. Willtaurtst., N: Y.
s, With Plate,
RAVED for $3. Fifty
I Imp, 82. Silver Door
Wedding Envelopes.
ards, Notary, Society,
Seals engraved, and
rties sending - A remit
; ARELit General
, . •
ano-Forte Man-
I •Nos. 243. 245, 247, and
t . ,
, .eight street. between:
iew York. Pianos with
• best modern improve
materiabi, Under • our
.r, guarantee given with
1 being practical own,
largely, Can furnish the
ms than can be furnish- .
idedly the best plabe
desiring a good Piano,
I nd wear well; can't do
V. C. Fidcher. 43¢13.•
The irVoiroWlYrn, 'or Wtqfrl oo 9.4
anuarraplive,Cork or,
by Harcourt, Bradley 47- Co,
Market St.,.Manchesler.
Warehousii, 102 Wood iltsellio Citesiiikfr
LOct4vo. ssilsnp Atireriers 11101441idusesto. $8 asq
Iltteetrat 101124!saku ufsge.U4*- Tat, vAS.,
. . _
ir na .
uphingragen to S. valwsisle diase'refy 'for . prattler: .'
1 lug Sharon troM dip dr ', - ,1,1111/1 thereflite it are
vt wetly, from Malay Lass. .
~_ ritiflcosit asps- sfodoe:
irg whailever. The Hydrant '' 'lt 131.1(tfdroVof Irsoler .• '
tad worn Inside the-blot Or .. Itil wisklicsitsd donee
5 ,
tkr Is a powerful antidote to pi. ,• ' , •
.yor gentlemen it will-be- Its d •itrpriiial*, - wpm.' anis
healthy. to wear In the. geld .or ,regilisWwestbsr, se
the foot cannot instoiniretstlft egydrilitellth is _fault'
ed. Ladles may Weir the •.solelloiropi Of Mee* ID .
the most inclement' westbrrieltilinsinneity;: IMP* Cob,
eutuption so prevalent among tiosynith;or -ourcomatry.
!May be thwartedsby theft generstiOkopillon. - Theystotire ,
1 ly 'sap•rsette orer.shoss, as the latter - es/me tbil,f!.et to::
I perspire In a very Unhealthy is stain I" tug, oNlis. ar.-
airs dangerous wear to pet:log*74ns - ih ley weatberOne
inlia rubbers. .While the latter tanse tbe feet to Itippesrri--.
•ee'remely large, Clio Itiiirman , iteitig - a . mere thin;
i slice of cork prepered. yeettliari •Plioest itiilde, 'dee* net:
iticresse the alto of, Ilitrboot. or use.the teat. Xewilltelts -
i untidy. To Cladren they , pro !extremely. rsittab'e, se
i they may mop In'eSeruise, *Purist and Inaltby et .,
fectsl Their expense Is spatial" suite soiree Ser. ,lbeti- '
(ion - beddite, those *ha -Ps 't l / 4 •0 1 0 11. ... 1 . 1 0 - .1 15 11 thtiri
yearly dollar's bill osigehcliminis
_thirgify. „ ,-- -- ,--", •
,An the ifydrommlif comhitt ore kreliwit,...,lts ask Is -
Increasing to an stirtcroilib meet; "Lest_ year Is. •
1 London, tiancbester, B sa A ' Lnerpool 11111441 1 "
I Leeds, Dublin, iParle. Atitwerp. moborg.imoillestfa,our -.
sales reached 1,732,450 pairs ,of Vorit - Soles._- Thleyrar
the number will far parpassibet. IP - • - . 1 - • - -
- Ash the Vapulty their opinicie rebels. velasi. silt pre-,
rev' tscise for CoUgin, Cold*, rociehtlifi, Artkoss, sad. '
' tf•insruuptlon. ; - _ s' . - •
ttion'tSne tir pair Cents. - - '- . s
• ',- Ladles' do: ti 0;,..., -do, _.. .., , . :;
Boys' and3llosisi,. tts 110. -- . .. :.
1 ri oszcz:s-Fromthe Indian Rade* en iiii*l" 110 Mar"
lad allowance to Jobbers , an Wbolittlet,' Chit any -
• storekeeper psi tuake-illosi getatit Cuddled 41it1sti while
they'Ure Ps- 'article thatrillaY, be lc pt; fax111.V.04t3nW 3 355 -
For terms, apply to ~- ' •,••• . • .
t - 11 4, 11 0 ,0 0 nT. 41140Zirrii Ca— . - .
- - 1--: • •- • 33 Assilitteitt,7o4rlmix. ..
„ • ' • Tll3l- GILEST: Jeff -
.—. I
Sir, Astlii Cooper, Bao4 AL .11:014* em i nent
lifeditl Practitioner, hiis left. , a ratriblit ; 1
Legacj to the world in Ala:Great .Prevent- 1
.mire of Co nsumption . .cpul unfailing cur* , •
...for Pittnumary Diaases, icithout. th 4 au
of ifidicire.• - - . - • ~.
, -
Sir A. C., -Bart, invented and advised the use of the, - •',
- ife7ated Fur C-AesiJD'rotector, • -2 . -
. .
Tn all pers.: clan agog acid ionditiena;sas certain Asa
ow, s hi eld Vainest these fearfid -.4lSeaessr,Gtmeontpthels, -
Rroachltis, 4.stbma, Coughs,- Coldstuad other affeetkras
of the Lungs, TAW, arise from the imputed state' at tilto
chest, according to fashion, and - theitoldinUldeitneilMst or
. _ -•-• •• . - . .. ..
onr,elimate. • „ •
II The Protector' , is simply a. ebemiettly ,
prepared far
lined with silk and padded, !filch, - suspended from the
neck, covers the chest, WI:So agreeable a Manner :that,
once worn, it becomes a necessity sad `a totaled. . .
•"the Protector ,” although but rerentry lattoeinted
!Ind America is making vapid proper , Ihrtsielth the Viiiitvii •
States, the Csnadas,SouthAnveries, and the West 1111104. -
1 t hrovror a lotigtirne been a stapler aztlerel n Eneind and'
-nn thy condi:tested' Ihiropet while it has grown_ la amity
countries to the position atm aetiele of dress.' . ' - '
'To demandrate theselkele enquire of any Ruglish teed
dent in your vielalty,of hie knowledge of the beneficial 'ef-,
teeth of wearing the prteeter, without recant- dodger.. ..•
leg of any kind. The o at of wearing these articles its 0
triere tri fl e, and one wi t IASZ•40110) 'years. No one who
valet.' the he a lth nib! self or his family will he witho ut
them. The lir.spitate I this cduntry are not , alome ree.r,
' otnniending them, but rapidly Introducing them. Md.
onnrt, Bradley & C0.:..0 hondoniaud Manebesiter,Ragitwe,
1 1 4.
were OClginaliy entrUS with. the mallifttettlre,or the
Protectors. by thesis= sited Dr. Cooper-end tooth:ran .to
manufacture aecordit gl. to hie original Instroctions,'anil
therefere rotcratmend those why ',paid weer thi -"•Pra
teeters,” to see to ! their being genuine. - -
Remember that this ii a staple amide, and isti Patent
Medicine. . • I • : ..
' 0011e$ Size. ~ - ' - r; .st r w eac h, - •
Lsditerdo. . • - ' .110 - der. -
Days' ..t Mines 40. i --I- TR .do- • -
. _ ,
• , o --,' -, Ann Et. and Versate Xt.
• • ,•
• - r. ' • • New-York IL 8. * -
trinciiial t Varehouse, 102 Wood St4Cheayielde,Londen:
Ilattofatory„ 44 Market 'St., vitiebesser,Eneand; _:, : .•
11. R.¢ Ca. are establishing Deperta p Elte fiileAthw
Protector - in all par:Aar America. -,. feigns, Surgetad,
Prudgists, Clothiers , .Dry Goods Mer it . ..;• Flatten and
Milliners, ills° Gentlmen's .Fetridsking Store.Keepesn. are
erovuetid with. the wholesale and retell diStribution of
them, Ind to whom mostliberal term! are , offered-fierthe4r
enterprise. iota a epteik did upped. multi opens torthrm - ter
safe and profitable business. ._ '
SS Ann St., New-York, M. S:
A`? .
Gulf-334th East and West, being thel nearest and-most :
teitsibleroutetoredebtlre Near-York add gni. Railroad,' •
Thieline interseeted trli•weektylineforßinrooltlinvitte'
ville, Tunkbannock,:-Wyotaing. end qikettrarra.-whieb
leitveellotitrose at 7,A M every Mandl . Weddirdif and
Friday. Ale.; a iitte'o Friendsville,Lerayserille. RC. Gond.
Teitneadil cornfottabliOarriagesare nrovided,and.. the
Propri et oirell lipar e no, paint to aectini modal rttes - P;al,-
.- - W
Sep. 12, 1$ MORGAN
W. B. D
t OW - Fellows' 8414' •
ctufes:ofgrerithine tint '?sift t"gip
ren ill iirg be tilignAileak:lptiet
!wars of 10 and 201 on clOr-
tar Chil
between the
awes, Leekete,&c.; just. penthattid.
Noy. 23, tt.54, - '
Of Cases, F
Moo trosel
were and Steam Engine.
olio 'Hone Towersfor -tlitelibig,
er purposes; 'asd a sisleeo -110
Engine, for salolosrat'llii le
tso; Stores, Plows,*stertill ltkits ` r
Mielinery and other Pli= z...
Sivas, Bro.rizir & .
Dee. I, 18154 i -,• -: - ,
Horse 1 2 ' ,
I NE: wand
rrHOSE itidebtetttoltte - etibacriber tor e
.1.. as Register, Recorder, or Clerk or tire
pbart's Court, are hereby notified' tfutt:they:
confer a favor by eettliug the
• ' • • ' T: 144.NOIXXST,
Mentrciee Dec. 7.1854-
ifforeand. MIS NOWAOO4I. •
I BUtiT T - n 3: receiving.zew in d
1 I: suiilts .a ofgi the Winter
lincluding a new and elegantiomi!tneta4Pri .'-•
Matinees. Merino; and 'Cashmere Adds, P
I Fancy and• Plain De Lanes, .-Pigetnettrag 'Bro . .
I Square and - Long. Shawls, . all ••of new and ,'.._
i• styles, and Will be:siild at 03 pey'eate - liesc , ,
last • years. prices:; . Also, s• new;asiortnyoat . ,
i Rich Ribbons and ,Bonneti,- Wido - Rilk , Vebr:.l
i for Cloaks andrMantillas,. itiek - Sillt 'O4 Veit 1
)Dress Trimmings, - Maheienerid, ~ D itsici,'lntit,...
i ieu ....1 ittla
, „ witif.a - gcnots l -*400 8 4-o°l
• er sthple and fancy G.iods, as usual; which .
ing been_bOught. intdir thnipieseni
the cash niaricet, Will .bo: sold fit ifonsiipntiti .
Ireduced prices. -' - • - . 1. .• . t....
I New 'Milford, - Nov., 27, 18 ' 54:' ' ,
1- Stoves StOvOs. I:
"E surciseribers beg kayo. to itifortit.'the
hens- of Broohlyn. and vieinity:that..they
have lust received a loc. of Siovss of AP varfo
modern patterns and stylets ' 'which :.thp r itroi
xi le as low as they can lmpurchisied,
in the county' ,
ALSO—A . Iot: or i4 , rovE PIPE 4 . 4 ElbOws,ot'
the differeit si;m4.atinniufaetureiii.stridea,
aSTar—Old 'lron. CoPli* - 1 id P r1 4 1, " 11 47 :
charige for Steires or other-Goods . - -;.
Nov. 185$.
Notice' to 'Plitioituktle. • ;
TISPENGERS trniellint North 7 liti the Dele,=
wcare, Lackawanna * Weekwn - AidEßnatf'
to Great Bend, rata have twontrii rnitintialot.
Dinner at this ‘g Dairatre Ilona* tbetforalie -W
York ExPeP geociteat; and ottelgAtra
hetere the Dunkirk. Emmert•ntittliteitallireat 04 '
the N. Y. attriii Railroad until
U, The Cincinnati'. Eipreii,ftiOn 1 4 4 "w
Eat% sti,ipik4'Grnat Bend. Lonah*Rititaal.4s9
' itRYAN ,
T, ,
Proprietor of_g% Orjjantltniine
• •
Great Bead , Dipot, Sept: 118; 1854 . = -
(AOLD Opeotaetee; - of ' all nOto .Convez i -ja
riOßALlteadm—A *hie lot of plain ind'ent'
k.,/ Cora?, aNct, Corsi . Aritletv ord Nickbicei,
by' • EVA'Nf.N.