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'. {/'' ' 1 ,4 41 ,, ,, , . - ~0 I i .., 1 . tel ;ell . r; . . i - ' 1,4 )fr , t ':!.- '- 0 ~ , , . 1 t... ),, / • 4 J 1 , . 4. i . •1 . . f 0 - • . , • '. - ! : 2 ' .' .. . '.',.. ' 4 . .- ' •••'' .4 '.• .: ° • ' 0 -. II 4 .L.-1 :[4_,.. Jr • 7 2 , i ' ...,' ; i • IP : , I ' . - .• .11: 1 4 - . • 1 l . V 4 • L. , " ... , ..;t1. •-- , 1 ./. .', • ''',' ', . .'•.' -,:._ • ~.,...,:,;,,,,, .. ~ ~ :;•`' • 04. , , ~, • P A -,• " - , :i ~ ; i ;it ..:.-:..:. . i ... . .- . -' - i.. ' ''' -i • .• • ... , - ~ .. . 4 0 I .l, ! ~. '4l,:•' • . ;;.•., .. q --/., - zs,. . zei; . - -gi . : •::. ,•-•;.• ; • Ng/ -, !,.. 1 ..... i. .... , ,;11=4,0/ • .-, • . . v? , ) ,.' ' . .44.1 ,1 / 4 ' . 1 . 1; ...,,'..„ . ,/:4•••'•,, ..e....:_v••••- ' . - •Zo• .. . - .! • - ••••"" nt '' - 41. , - ---:-.• • . .'-•' -- 4 i . • • 1 . ' . • - - . . : N. ' ...N....1 , , I . ''' . *tzwAr'". '*.''' • . - ‘ 1 ? - 1 . . • - - . . • . . .. . 1 ~. ~ ! I : . : ; .--1, i l. 1 .. -. • . f • • , •' I .... • • • • • •I i •it , - " ; , „ , . ...,-. . . .- , . ! ' ..1 '', • L.. , 1 ! • 1 * i 1 ' •.. ~.-.;.. .i • • •i ~ . • - 1 - , 1 . i . i . , ; ; , . . ~ . • i . • r • • ..:-.--:-.1 • -..___-_. -L._ .1 - - '- -- •• -- 7.:1" --- ' -- : - .. - i.. - . - .1-- __- _.....1-,- , . • , • • • . . . - i - v.., " • -4-* ' . I..'''' ' -1 : j • A 7TEEKTY TOT'' . i- - , - .. • , - . 1 1 Clint Ran, VroprictOrs. ~elettVottrl. l What I IS 'Year IP What is a year(. iv. but wave' ... On life's dark rolling stream, Which Is so quickly gene that. we. l Account it hut a dream. . 1 'Tis bat a single earnest throb Of Time's old iron heart, . I Which tireless:lnes , . aid strong as when It first with life Ilia iatart. it i 1 i-- - • 1 What is a year! •TiOni It t " 1 Of Time's old brazen wheel ; • Or bat a page upon the book - Which Time must Shortly seal. 1 Tts but a step upon the ,road Which we must trace r o'er, 1 A few more steps and, we , shall walk I Life's weary road no more. .. ,r 1 What is a_ year ? 'Tia but a-bre:All From Time's old nostrils blown, As rushing onward 437 r the' earth; We hear his weary ;moan.. like the bubble on the watt, Or dew upon the lawn— As transient as the mist Of morn Beneath'-the summer's sun. • What is a year! wris-but s - type. Of, bife's oft changing . scene, -I Youth's happy morricomes -gaily on With hills and valleys green Nat Snmmer's prime succeeds the Spiing, Thin Autumn with a tear Then comes. old Winter—di:39i, and xl Must find a level here. - gtistrtiaittints. • FOR TItE, DEMOCE: T HE ' 01177 "T` 71 . 7 . Or the. Artist's Revenge. BY BEN: BEADLET. hundred lights flashed • from. the, wiind owS of a princely mansien. magnificent rooms were fittedtipiiltli all the costly lien- - dor that the elegant. taste:of its wealthy..ftwn . - er could . devise, or his immense resoursesipur chaSe. No gaudy display - of finery, spine tames-seen in the dwelling:s of the middle. " class and always accompanied by an mtonlr ticated taste, was seen litre, all was ,rich vet chaster Marble statues; and beautiful Paint ings gleamed from the' niches in the spaioui 'and lofty apartment.s; . .,4r softolitline ren dered more . shadowy,And sweetly bcqintifil the mellow light 4 the hlazing Chandc .,: • liers. . , A richly dre,.-sedqtrong crowded:the bril I throbbed wildly, and ere Iknew wine I, was , . liant saloons; music soft and sweet as the about, ponred intti , her ear ,voleb-ce e .. 1 .,-;,. Eastern lute, rose in entrancingstrainsifrom '',late - lOve aiiirammrattrar: • tthe did neti T eitt,, the ecat.l7 '.l3 , skruirrentl, and fairy feet ee i hoed :abut running, her delicate fingers through' my its melodious notes in the en t ?lutions of th e . i , hair„she bent nearer and, nearer till ciitr lips nhottithe or guadirlk.; The aristocracy of'''lnet—evith an impulsive Movement I (ilasostd B—, had assembled 'to eelebilate the nine-:,! her. to my breast; and poured my pas - Ft:ion:tie. _ , i ' ), • teenth birthday of the danglAer of its ooblei kisses upon lips, brow and cheek ; she:fgazed owner; and amid the proud, Beautiful` latifes'! fondly into -my fitee as - I asked— z ‘ dearest arrayed in silks and jewels, with sparkline'l Mirabel, V,ill you be mine, mine our dear eves arid snowy bosoms , which graced le as-' i wife!" 'fAs if iii ndder - ,ltad stung licr she , sembley, Mirable Lesliew . as the most - I , : l brelei, sprung. from ntyl eiri-ling arm and 'y.itli a of all. She' was the datightkr! of an Italian 1 haughty gestirre, pnr.n.Ni 'me from llerlide.' 1 -- % I ' cancotrice, whom Mr. Leslie itad marritld for i " Yours: a poo • artist's bride : : what inso her beauty. - -We would not seek to unfold ; lence, Mr. Winsklw;'becatise I stuled :it your the' terrible wrongs that darken the domes- i.l i oot;sli words had, voo the presurnvion te:elP tiC fireside, but Suffice it to sai , the wals . nn.: pose I would bt4Onie your wife i'' , worthy the fond love which. Mr. Leslie hivish- . 1 _Stung to the 'quick, I sprang to 14y feet . ed upon her. _'She died while Miribel. was-'' and stood proudly before' her—l hocii born a too; 1 - i I young to remeM s, beriher feature,' and her, I dreaming - boy, mien I was a man;:vith .a father regarded hii beaniiful child with an I calmness that surprized even myself Tasked, affection akin to idolatry, :Indwell rnig4any i" is this year final answe.r Miss I.Aelie i" ;• parent be proud of Mirabel Leslie, at tbe l time 1 . . She gatherndlier silken robes around 1 ber we speak, as far as personal appearanceskvere 1 haughty - form al if my Nery • toueb were 'Jol t concerned. ' _ i 1 lution - and coldly answerrd. ' I' e •It required no fancy iti say she was I very lnsult m - . 1 nO, more with your degniding . finely ,1 ; she was i rather:tall; Yet fi 1 proposals!" 1.; ! i , - 1 . ii.! . t - proportioned, with a swell:no. ble , t - a. si . orcv . i - Almost - fiercely g.raSping her inn, iand arm and hand, long brown hair - that fell half 1 bending forward till toy lip tonched herlear. 1 ~ . way to her feet in soft, luluriant ringlets; 1 I whispered in - a tone than blanched her rmie deep blue 'eyes, 'resembling the sunny _azure 1 to 'ashy paleness;,"lteveng". and strode awaY. of an Italian sky t a fair sweet face, rosy cheeks" I have 'not seer. her since till this 11011 r, I and 'and full lips. now . ," said he •"the'vott think heron angel r I 1 ~... q could reply I ornce Winslow! jeft We have seen beautiful ' women—th co- .Befureive luptuous forms, and dark languishing ees of the a'-'etublY rooms and iended. his [way Spain—the sprightir, witching, belles of ashy slowly to his lodg,ings: I Hashing T'aris--the delicate vet passi nate I, Ile entered his , reem whih but• a elltnce . i e daughters of-Italy the fair, bright eyed eau- - - served to 'show' wets an arti,st's studio. 1 and ties of old England—every variety of form i i thr i ow in , ,aside his heavy chii,ak, seated hi:n and face, but none , to! rival Mirabel's; true 41f at a stnall mahogany table, and buried we bare seen as symmetrical features but> i his !face iii: his hand's'. 1 it none snob hair as hers. , so long and O. ovry, I , li;c plein-sa , ant ‘intoilon - evidently ocet pied such lips, shades of Ilebe s : one touch from i ibis mind----Ilis thoughts were with the hitter that soft, rosy mouth might fire the bl od of I past, a thousaial half- orgotten scenes arid an anchorite, or tempt a priest to for et his i. memorises of the p-o 4 s , reed up before hint vows. No wonder that, Col. Clark's heart i like visions of reality ,Fondly roved friends,i throbbed wildly as he, `-fool. - her hand in his I Whom the grayssinehad le' g hidden from •to lead her to the dance. . . , sig,lo, stood once more , y his side, and s.ipo.,ke The coldl stern man Who had' bandi the gentle words Of. loir t soothe :tlie tumult names ofEurope's proudest; beauties in care= I within. .4. vision ofgl rious beairty—a sl4. , it . ; ; less scorn, was vanquished by the fascin tions ilreirm ofjhappine.lsr--1 oaths of keen an- I of a girl of nineteen. She turned her lanTaishi rig eves upo him the full renlizaton of Ins most ardent hops and smiled—oh, bow siveetly, she flung back I for an undying 41meHlie praise that genitts, , the wavy curls:that cltistered around h r fair wealth mill ran laho upon his hehutifal.,! brow, and moved like a fairy queen i the and almosit'bre. , : 4l,ing sculptures—all passed , , I, merry. waltz. A thrill Hof delerious hap .)iness like a panorama: , before-his imagination, and shot through his veins as be passed hi,i'arrn the . eonculsiCe b l earing of his .chest, bespoke , around the waist of hislovely 'partner-to sup- keen menial sufi j ering. • port her in the exciting dance; herb th .., Hottrs 'flew skuheeded by,' and the stein \- e, was. on his cheek, her bosom almost to cited I man still sat by 1 the table. The grey light his own in its quick pOiationts, the rapi nii>- of' dawn was keelizi,, ,, through the dose 4 tion made her 1104 reel and it drooped Ilia shutters, .as the ilTt -r gently opened and .a shoulder; and as be supported her froi the frail form glided notlo&sly : in; it was a fair room, we'fancied a smile of triumph 'eluded young girl with, soft lark eyes, a pale deli her lip; as he led hee past, we involun .wily cote;. yet Greci4n pile, an intellectual brow, elciaimed, "Beautiful as an'angel I." a dai±ling transparent complexion through •• Yes and an incarnate fiend at heart l"---- which the blueii•eink,mierf.be traced, and ih If a voice from the grave had spoke we slight fragile (bran. , She advanced hesita could not have been more startled, we 4 t.,urn- tingly ,to,hia site awl laid her small . white ed,.and a face met ours we shall not soon hand 6 1 f - titnifilY, ialf- caressingly on his 4 t farget--a tall maw:with_ dark flashiqi, eyes, head: The prOud man looked up and taking urd a brow that bore itbe nnmistakabi im-, her hind, in 164 sat gating for seine moment reSB of genius, stood before us. aiWtractedly inner face, while' . a faint blush, _ `I see you doubt,mY words, but if yo ;rill lie'tire soft crimson that °lows in the heart follow tri, to die nest doom will 'explain inyl . , Mednina.." - • ~ , Wp into,a.sMall room on the 10ft,1 . . 1 unoccupied by the guests, and .seating. our. selves, 'com'meticed his narration by asking : .1[ ... 0n deein Miss :Leslie as good as she isi, beautiful V' 7 Vkre ;nodded assent and lie con-j, tinued, "It is'iwo 'and a half yeats-sjnce flrsti , 1 trio; Mir:Abe l l Leslie.l'l It was at a party giv-! I. en by Mrs. Carlton; she n-na but a, girl then,l . yet as.you, yeti her . ,novi,,-radient with all tlic! ripened beauiy of *opiunho :1 7 Irwas facina•-, 'ted, enchanted, and bectun encl4ined - to.lter• 1 - Aide as. if by sots© Strong' pelt ;14 atten. float did .notAi:splease•-•her,- nd I.c• -, scorted herri home, bidding 'her gocid at ht 'with a prom-i ise.to Call nett day 77 I caked day after day'r; —weas'andl °yin' months vanished, unheed.:l , ed•in her, presence, , ..• . . .•• ' Llered her madly,- with that disNO•ded all 'things; cry *reason to believe- mvse . .. We sang, played and read We strolled by mobuliiiht. back to_ enjoy the,morning breeze—in _fact Ii Could not licle a \ray t'f;tnn li r, she livid become: i t ' part of tpy.oxistence vvi, Iliug, to prosecute!, ink studies its an artist lad, contemplated Visitina :11(4e, anal tlisre, vith myideal o( . . ,1 beanty_bt:lor t e my 7 4x-4is, and surroundedibY the matChhi,ks prOduction_ ik .Italy's gloriOwi , q • d . master+—serilptors give birth to the , :eoncep: tion.; f • I L t:i t' 1 • dV- I its '"' ' . o .niN ir s wain, au c fiat visionl • -ir ofaniike' 10vOiness in . Marble, but in her it.. .! , • ! - , -- . • charms.l fOrgot ambition, glory---tvprythiii lint lore. f ,4 • • ' . Fora long : time dared net tell the pas= iiin that fia r t' saw. soul - with snub dre - anis of • Is - • 4liss ; but hir lookS and words.hade me holed. ,ilte never ivitlidiew her hand from Inv fond i. 7 res.sure, and wheal. pressed my burning lips Viler blushingeheek shexlid not chide me. One day-iq took a long . walk in the countrY to frather , Wild bowers and inhale its soft Itl iny' breezes . ; we. rambled for hours in the. green; ,grnve, listeni i ne with 'delight - to . the inerry song'of, the:l bright plumaged birds: - plat hid:in the i - litxuriant.. branelie, but at last tit. - . 4.1 of, wreathing ;garlands, acid walking• n the forest, I seated her ,oti : a mossy bank. i.. ?Ind threw•myself at her foet,..- - ENerciie had yrouglit, a rieh.Colorto 1141,r/eheek; and It new Iluskre to the de‘-meltiug" . eyes ; as I !gazed ten,letlyinto her face, - §lle'siniled—tnyf heart i of a.da!tnas.k tvse, tinted her de l ineate cheek. 1 . He drew her tOwatds him and imprinted a , kiss' tirion her fair, pqre forOlead, murmuring le..v ra as she left the room„ll God bit Sweet Lillie May was an had been reared in Wealth an , only child of fond parents, %Nil( ized the frail 'blo. , *l4in comm keeping,. When Lillie was at of thirteen, Mr. May '.died care off in almost broken heartc plunzed from the pinnacle of r nem., tei the depth of 'sorrow liv sake of her.orphan child. Wishing to leai;e I r a compel nt fortnne Lillie, she had gained an ampl stippOrt . by; - I • keeping . a large and firshion r ible boarding 'house,lwhile - she had!bestowedj upon her gifj, ted child no common educatioii. May. • . occupied no ,nuerivnible station among the number who nre styhA the literati. essingca style of singular vizor and , pathor4 minghid witlfa . depth - of discermnent Bare iti had a wiki passion! elsO, and bad 0-4 f loved in returnl oactlier, togetneri 'r rode ou horsey one ot : lter years, st, . won plausPi from thottaanils*.ho hung enr*ttred Over h'er'hrilliant,.a,it 1 inimitable prodn.Otionai who 111.tle suspected h melting pAthk,s, and rlowang iinag.rythat . bi-eathed in every lint .I*(omi . .:its birth itf,t 4 .brain of the - frail Lillie May, t o : 'ltgpr the moAt d i elicat4 eltor&l.of the, hinnat soul incited; ors pOWer. I 'wed - witlera titre beneath h No Beret. spriwzdk4 felt, the magical touch of this genius giftPdlauthoresss , • 4 . '* • ; ; of! Faliii . Fern, wee feel a slimilar i-e, v r ,, ,1. 4 11, .lienifore,. only ; tott6l4 . , I iilitlY, npon-siell pnints las, :'under ' t ..,intistaitees,,tinly be -referre , l... to .. 11 ; 1 slightest vic):lti,sl. of •i)roPilietyl " 1 .. N4.4. In:in:V. years Sinced•rann)i. 1 lip,itg:-..uoitiatter • where-Hu atiltie i - liOnie",nl.ol be more loveW, l no lam' Ilh i ii,y, .11:citi.was: hers. - Aknple wen , ; 1, - 11.1.. kovo, .11tivated intellect, refit slOwls . l and'a fervid. religious spirit; ....exti 1 • I -;.,,_ ,-. ~. street, 3•• e;lrriarre i !MIKA' that. ltultle. whatever could b n,,alit,,a glimpse o • f , ) , T i ni , _ ; on.eartli, imp excited the 1 respee.c • 1' ;•lied , •by a liandsoniCi ' strap.'- • I:rntion (41 . albadmitted to the litipi.y I I IWI. Suddelify a bolt tell. '.Death ean Pied borne we fonna alt I t hasband riti: father was smitten do'v (us' for a parry . ; at Mri. 1 vildovved mother and ludf orphan, I ; I . . inet.‘epted. . .: 1 , We•-elcrt to light the battle of 'lie ~ ,:. 1.., ionable'eroWd haIII assein-•I AuvOrsIIIS sileceded Idverl''ltY: -''' _I , .ri '•,:•:. I nivvC - 9 in. the dismal train, and 'it n •I' i` mti ''' " 1 a -'"'• v• P iti - - I Ni,iit"hitd the afflicted fain:Tv - at their 11 sal Senor Juan Alyorade, I "the inOther;struggled on bs besUslle ani of wealth rind rank-, t hut. tre'a't know how-liar 4 it is fola" • 1 isl Leslie leaniii4on his ; Ait filled her LlOp bin . e .' . ; • I . ltud employinent which w'l 1 ebable W I !omit livt... i lihood even for lierseli;l u [ , ; :or aii'anuivt of children.. The feina e lovely torm swelled wan t ,4,• 1110 ;. n p o . re i : „. ei res. only nineng . re i s; 1 4 ; , c stranger bent his Itpail I'Lpvist {, ; f Whit" .r Welll I 1 IA • ~ , . • piiii , ues an: uncertain ,ea lit) mi , ilit, : 4:tni4ess'ciin at best -earn but Ia- nii ~ • ' ' Idttanee And so - at il , tf after :lii .tor ficb.rosv lips pou, in ensy ; .., .• . , , --!, • -•, • 1 . ' I lino -1 1: -•1 ' the ;Widowed Mother froth Sheer I,d sac erm.v• 4,v00. eclipse', , • ... . '4 - : , took., to her pen ; and atri,ther an. it I ds • - 'l .4 ' nor ' 7 " hi ' s I ; • 2 ; 1 fithr I . vts-aAiled to our litdrary gala V. 4 p , -.-0.- " ELon hair - ~.: • I innsl , l.F• Fern's fir ,, t artici , e, vv-ii Iw . cti L Lln and AS gloss‘:-- 'IS a heren's wine* - i 1 1. .•1, , - l' 1 • .., , - ir, ••• 1 i • •'- 'n - ... , -• ' , , Pilei/Sileti lir dUIV in 1 iaa4..; I t vr, s tinmeak,. L. trie wi, , ....,r a...144.a," . - i -! • . , :• • . far and 1 . .1 -. Each t -• • WrtS :110 C.Mistacr: min, fb 1,%-,A,1, ? Crow a jocp - i i. k. i . e ,. ( 1 . .. , eoplell tar arid wide. . ithdeeding rust wl - th similar fa l vor, ;114 . .i ilt lost. Of dark eye, and tali . !,oniuninclinf, form", ina4el . the; .iiewspai;ers of this, eountri, -ari: many ,liiin' observed and rdillired by all. A . it..,.4„.. I .1140--1. 1 :,... • •::•;4-*--1--, .-- -1 1.- ' l _ ~,L. ...:..i,„.1 c inte ns . J, ivitli Iternreles. ~.?- Rut IWhige - tilt w s thus s e oWl dar k e n e d I l e e 4-04,y o f `, C AJ j. ' .• • . 1 ' tieritililiing: amuseineut aril instrne ionito• the Mirabel gliued pts . • Craig -woman .1• issued ;•• , , she •- • . • • • 1,-- ; ; public", .tvas not reeeiving an at, eqi ate re in- a:lii.wing whispt r &Om diis closed lips as he i ~,,,r j . , I ' t N . Vl4•.lever a wonaa is obl ,t!.;.,, to-go . stroil-e from-the. roc at 1 wita a muttered eurs'e.l. Out into the . i Will la and earn her ; o Vit Illvint:, S'l!nor - Ahorade hardly rrpr-iVe.l trim tlie ; Ote:II:II: to lindergo trial t .and dif •eulties ef I . g de ' l ,of . the hezint i fi i1i ... 01 ,... who wnf too sure- _. i 'vliie.h . a inan perhaps. caii forth no, l ji .. ?;it idea; • ;; . ; •IA delleate,..4ei,itive lady ettunot, Or histanee. ly . ;vpivitiz leer Ape I over him,;but gat: l cil with I ' call at; new:ill:titer • olfice.l to solie t Icinploy-• '. , . . ardent admiration Jp[in her filishecHaec:- ll 6 '!lii;.nt, tir to : *ti . er an artiLle for `sic e i 4ithout . was 'fascinated hy ; .lielr grace andlo l !;reline- s .s;.! heincr• expw4d to anuoyanees whilel toter are enc hant e d by the islkes of wit or merry rep , 1 •• • , . ; painfui, • but,wilicli a man might' I•ltiohserye. 1 • I rtes; that "burst -v situ - joyful trice . the je: refitted Ind . can ill crook the' itnpiiring ... I„ i • ~- I 1 . ,-; - 1 , t .; , --ize and inp}ertinent i. 4. ire of II: ii , .trs on ; msy, nps. 7 op‘tnet . 1. teruptingiy to answer, to- 1!"-", 1 -. . ._, , 1 • ' . . i . . . `;',l . . 'IIPC !can ssietbargain tor ,a, prop e r repkunera his low:. it..teAtions, nth red in 'a rich inusi4l ,t t io,,,, .. c .dl i.r.,i n ,- and I. i i n if : i f . e rft b e, 1 Y0:0, with a sligh f,?reign aceent. - -.. ' ' • Ifouba4 welbas in fair weather. 'A, Olen, it ..; , • ; . • • i that at woman -bould be • The hbur .eaine. u - lien eariitges.; freighted: Ills often ••t•!'stPnet) • I 1 frei • In I Ipniil . h.ss foi . • her . labor 4han a :n atiff i. or his, with beauty and fas,hion rolled away 1 • - 't.itottg-.11 hers, be equally -daluablei a l ,l t it is on the noble mansion ere the,Senor, with count- 11 1 ,•• she: - d ' , 1 - rep ly `:race bid adieu Ito the blushing Mi!rabel.-,-- . . • : - ; li l ii l tation tlint she can cirdinarilf. •,,,g tit; 1 :7 just Net day we saW'him.enler the hotrte of Mr'. 111 - 4,ltliv:(l,int.ibr her productions. i..n..i thus for I : • I li'l I•'' Leslie,.not only ne i st dav, but day 'after I's ''' 1 ;!iniaty anont,is - , the compensation w i i .tn - Ifei;;;-... re+ived for_heqw - rititi,_,7 vasinot at beliOd hint an inntate oh 3liss L.'s . resider,e' e 7 * • I • ' lialkioirimenSuralte with their value FOr :Ira !' till y et was•soon whiTered that they-were en . - 1.,, 1 ..: ',l itch ,:.- :' ' .1 1 : ;.. ~,,iv : , ,s ere! wort i a y I 'll dollar'.ana which gagi,..l,•thid .perliaps for __the s,econo t;mc iin i' w .;: at iM L ave ,. ! co i nman d e S •that s'.u., 1 •.fili'dshe ; her life Maditine. Rumor, who by 'the bi-1 is -IlknoWn Lett* . r lill.w to Sell, them, .i.ll m L t . vn re-. ' ''' I! • dbuti . neVer orcirtrutliful in her as::.ertions, was l eetyk,, teeth of thit anion!' ;,,,and du i ' - - •-•'' I . f •. her in •ca;&" - ; ''' ' ' , , i.riug, tus un,.., ,r c ties f.ii-,,rOut being ri , Ai+-. . . ; : - :I! , • l lsullieient ,to initiutain iertielf and ;:i.liliii.dren One glorious • moonlight evening • glorious • -the - llvotnlfOrtabi.i.. - Rut With ,unvieldirnsr. persever . glittering. month Of February- the brick pa o,- 'iance, and With 'her trust in Cod Unshaken, f 't .- ' [ .. . .i 1 meats of the town; of B-. resounded with Ishekvbrkedion,tintil she tntimphel ;over all 1- r, 1 i the'wheels' of a l'ad'e of-carriages; which h drew 4161-'st i nede.s, eitrith a nrun i p of wide 1 idle • may 1 ' "1 • • ' • ; - 'i.weli- he prohd, and secured an am de 'fortune,. , tin ;with their loftd's Of Wealth and Ike' . au.t ! y, , ,e- 1,.„. 1 , 1 ...,,,i c , a t h e i n 'e rensed i e , i , e . et ; 41 4 i lore . of , I l' i -- ! ore' Mr. Leslie's Mansion. • :i ' i ji tho;erwho.lkneii her. he?.. 'lt 'is, 1 , i .11 WIIS a bridal,lparty-tienor Ju:M : ''vita- I' iik - tedleis tOreinark till she noW lie 4), mauls • ii • ii i • i ;, • • I .3 ' rlinli to writ4r lin this 1--nue '. was today: all, hi.:', 'pride and rant: at the 'jib: tr,,iest,, Fires . , , .: , i '' ,-. V of the beautifill and hau ,, lity' Iklirat,el.;-.- i'''' °l 4'jt v * '',.' 1 ...e , • 1, •: . ; • . I 1 FCei•et - - looked she more lovely now, with 1 .1 ' l ,t) ~x ' l . ..l lip l ' i ng Farm). - t '' ra ' s "llitit.',D"'" even, Iltli • •••trltesV of them, one 'is - stittek ,-,lfith time Ith ; I •o I ' wreath restitp , on her lon.. r , 10:..v i • :".;'•'l ~ t 1 e0ra1.,.. . ` ', t• i ' s - eves?-;:t::ce they elibildt thrt the . Writeil under , -I , i'•,-lets an a.jewels . gleaming- from . I.the rlch . . l ..t a ntlIL her twn powet-s perfectlyi or' rather 1 • - --, ...t , 1 ..,,,- _ • .... ... 1 • • 14 s :. co - ' folds oilier costiv:white.satin dress; the lIr: . 4.nat. -IL. 1 1 . ; 0%I. pc 1.• c.l,s t.4,t, ,-11(. ; 914 1- eer I d a t; r c i l o f „,_ lil i,ii, e 3„, e - fl oate d lik e l n ,„ c ,,,, r tarn; tlitiig! better than . i . ey . . h..te ester bec t r . Though t its - is; un -.uT,l.lonn ) 1 mist :around .her form, not conc . ealiinr,' but ' 1(444 ' ilefk °' i ;- - . , - ! '--- ' 1 . the ease. Mill she doubtleiz oft n, Achieves enhancing her superb beauty. , - • • ,' - .1. , The mosaic tables groaned hefief4 v -h asestll;eoirf: mitt , -,, more ;brilhialit trithripbsitban ipatecit' in 'wei'ght Of rare levties, arranged in : o lt at t ei j r , ;‘N c -c; i r c .d ,it s ne ts: n h e c e i. o s f pr h ob ei ab oN lL O n f, : t r . t e l "t e tii ,e4 2l . lrpri s stii e , . . , niirest- I'lrian marble. • Soft luxuriant -Car. next makes a mistake,."keau.-4.sWieveint i i •, . • I H I S gave back no sound to the footfall, and 1 ic' ErtiAs, .w..,h4t . slie eannoti . sitecessfull,,i ; •}achieVe. fact Mitts been limn-rested thrtrigliout her thei tiTifted ro..sls oi damask o•lowed I like life • 11.bi l I . 1 ; 1 mirrors' in the zorgeous Vas. - spacious -in !literary eateer. , At fist her ;4-tleles were trie it! 'par: t l gkraplis,. and e?ntailiecl gime rally on 7 Iros';-wood frarae . s hitiliiplied into endless pro.; 1-i--•onb clearly pronotindM and adinlrtblv de l.:l'4l;4M. the gems r •- i - o , art,. as curious as ocatiti- ,ve one . o,wor , s •P . .1 full that decked the lofty rooms. ... s : 1 . ; pileit,., or fa4t,'or prineil c sought t'n• be pre ,.' t sente,„l vvis -distinctly statea,.: .nd 4 clearly The stnile..of mirth and joy . was fast: fad)lng, t r . lir or kk; .l nr y t in ',. ereiy . tractive, 01 . ,. te niti. i / - i froth fair and martl . l: faces as the cloek strtick 1 'phrase pt.4ible, (ns lie hoven Worle,.4' up the 1 nine. and the tardy bridegroom carne not:- . 1 the i:11 of a!syrnphony,)•ind then Ltiil article ! . The venerable :lest el-id in so hi e • roles', i to an ini diate but Ortiptic con ! I, 'p :lest, ' - , , 7.' : t c1u..431 1 Wi ricticcontVene seem i stoOd ready with `book in ,hand, to perfOrrn II - -'. tier ass P • . . ~ J etttV and she -truck oti itit'oholder Pie solemn ceremony - that was to consign !the!, patils.• • Itiivity , ' tried a d proved Ore ' reagth 1 idolizid girl to •',a ,stranger's. ,t:arei Esters ! . of libi, -iii tis . '••sit ...to k loftier, fli ' !its and . . ~ is ko., •• c . firlatli was hushed as the doer at has openett.i continued)onger on ter :wiug.i Believed 'of an Senor Alvorat l le with a being •4f . :millet liee44iata: ern.. bar r as s n fi t s, and s i'7 °Hlad e d lelelinetsleanitigitlpon his arm, etitered!thei once morel with . , cionif is: of lift -- slle wrote 1 brillliarit room. - I . ; - with greatereireeuota, - rid eertni 1' 'gave to . ; . . " - A ! . i,lier ithieltis'a Polish wMt some fib :r Orli . IM - Tithout a word he walked with - ]misty! [ er plcice-s`did not poise . 1 - 11,!rIl:20..i . produe-' Ist is to the front' of the altar,• and casting!!,tions sire Models of.sty and o pbsitiOe.- . N. ide his velvet eiMik, placed . - himself befirre 'iliraiit t .s -Fe#r4 Prose , a l ... ._ ~ t.. , !.. , riters of ..(#*rit•42. -.•-•!. 4. 7 t 6 now trembling form of the' brid e elect.-' 1 ;i I . - '•;,, • . , ' - .1 - /Or o f all: mil:40101v sift Itading •his . • dark , eye with a; piercing e q .„ , ._ ic) . ~ i, ..b•- '" ". l' i i . , • 1 e ps i tionte is e mos so. A. IS n her blanched face, he, stripped, offibisl 4 woinan 4 -I.is . like the +rid with", , Bite - Mustaches ':end whiskers,e:and Horace la - .sal without a sta ' ' irk, Winslow stood.t.etore her' Betiding, forriard.; Ile . drY• ! - . t ' 1 11 liii - , . '• - i • 1 .Onf! yorfroni. thi szkun4rin'g dow n 1011041 past niici we, Li Listie, accompa, 'When we rea Invitatioti awaiting which Wei A large and fa_shi bled. in the . mews after our arg a Spanish gentleni movea past with arm:,; A bright li eyes, ler - Proud ani tiiuniph as the nob to.eatelt her- fainte l bright eyes flash, of the fortunate li theirebagns, for th - r - 1 r r O - LEV 0 ll E Livil AT v G - _ s time at , we -were --- r - .. - -- - - - T - r•-; ---- ---- r — t --- , -- 77 , -r - 6it k 6pered in rt . clear; tbolling t 41.15. r :11 - 1 i • 1 3. relfenied, and strode froni i the apart i f .. )t. iNviot rilpieroing shriek,lirabel : lisli,!. fell the tol:;i1OOr, the life-blood issuing in I'P trple 1 • .. a - • • st.l l ,ea r ni, 11 1 ,iin.lter clatnmy h i ps,. 'Oiey ,'0r,..... her frchn tlte; Hoorn in her brid:'l vibe, iii dirt 'wr eath q . • i i r , ,i . - , I testinff upon h marl?le, L) 4 6 r • : a ldiviiiail . 4 agony, ber 'lips' moved iv P. - • i z ' • - • (tint tutt'rtntir, and whiSpe ng; " Furl i". : , I - hard:descried it," she e;irell. ' 1 .. ' .1 . 1 . t. Was, a fearful retaliation - for tb with . thei best and holiest afreotions . of ;- - -.• . 1., ~, 114.1:trq. .1 . Itlnilaitist••sailed fur EttM pa in a 4tv. days wiith. Ili] ie tay ''. as .his brid . ; -and in ' . the tar ..:, i -:- • eqes, pf p4fair and gifte woinan lielfoigo' the te . it4ritos whielt had itearly hli :2 111t411, eN!isteil, . :!, : • 4,. 'i(l ' • i _........_____ - _-....:.........L...L . i_:-...2 , ' 1 I' l ' i - .:The *Ale of Faiikay For . 1 .:: i .- • .i i • IWit.Woillii be ghid to giro Ote. to in ofttlii fitulipress. liirt she prefers , tit ill ni t.t f Innitttaill ltef.incoyaita, ,nil a: pill' ri 4e i etlee ti) ithe oligations i . .4'..conti(isy (wlik :ire' :a, bintlitig in literary las ociftl ife) 14 1 45; tfs I loing• what wou - lc:4 :otherwi eilte equal,igiatilli•ation to . our readers ant to c stilves; , .With res.ard to the . ..persona ltist s you." • Irphap.i She tIbT almost idol tted tol l their' he earn' age la her to the. .1 mother, who arthly hap-pi 4 d only-for thel A.GP,TCII :Do .licks On'the Ohio. ' . 1 STE:141110 1 AT 13LVE WING, October 1, 1854. Which sa &beat is very much' the shape of a Miel‘igan country-made Sausage, and is built With alliinge in : the .middle to go roimdi the sharp; i bends in t.lie river, and is manned; by twe !captains, re* mates, sixteen darkies,i, two SteWard7; , a small - boy, a big :dog, an cipoimii, itw, pair of grey squirrels, one clock and !acreain•e.ol'oied chambermaid ; fog so , .' thick yeti c uldn't TIM a locomotive- through: it withot4, a snew-pheugh; night so 'dark the' c i clerkhitsltwo men on each side of hini with 2 "piteli-pine terclies, to enable - him to see his spectacle, he wears spectacles ;) , pilot so dinnk.the ys have . painted his faCe With charceid an pokeberries, till lie loCks like a rag !carpet i the lasi stages of. dilapidation; and ;lie is,fast asleep,l with 1.16 legs (parch* me;rbut— r leks) tied to the capstan; his whir-;.! ker (nil a •oal-dust and cinders; and the bliiek end o the 'poker in, his month ; boat fast'arourid, with )ier Aitninetricai nose siX feet !deep lin Kentucky. Mudt'ttle . rce! she„ • conti pladcnt lies, waiting for the - Mail - boat._ tci coine'aloiig and 1)1111111er out. PaSsengers (:N . 1 -egantly disi osed in various stage's- of don'ti alceng.-i tt yet ess, and ! the - subscriber, taking advantage f the temporary sobriety' of the 'clerk, and 1 I is consequent aftendance in the after-eabin 6 play pckes with the mates, bii drop 'yowa line. , Tlie silence is.of brief dui. ration, for am interrupted by a grand orti t oriO by ill nigger firemen, muelf . to Any .de'r light an ac' ificationj It. runs somewhat ni fo.11owS: i. i . I, • . , 1 (t ;rand. 'pening chorus.) " A-hoO—a-hoo--- hoctoooo-: i-liooo--a-liooa-liooe---a-liooo‘ -oo!"! • ,• 1 . . w— th . me, a' noble 1 1 !me to 'er 'eh Lbr- hat. 1 . •tr the (The 4n. pas,. , etigeks pre'yented rY-) Coca}-by4 • benns-- G...ey-tiare , . . , • • :.;.aj 7 --I" (leader • qprellestra) ." Dirty 'Litt, massti gq . e whi.,l:Cy bottle in his hat, dis floor 41iil Ii y tiebberget notte-7--- . .- 1 A-664- 1000--:=a-tkoooo-l" (ending in zm hi - dcseriiba Ile howl.) . 1 (PCnsivtt dLirkCy on 1., the coal heap) `°Miti.s . fieriefilly good-bv÷-farewell ; nebber git i . k) !Ore ire paatalotinses from miss - Scretiny—! i t3llO-1-Alt000;, •, •, . • I .. . Extetaporancous voluntary by, an, original. nbiolir Itith 1%0 turkey feathers in his ltat,. z.--.. !and - his halr tied up : with yellow . strings:) 1- acher • ;, the ; the t Table years, .ration., bright Gore cnk I! Wa (Stern, yu i• bach • • - uielwit4out ut 4 sky, or *OA, vmd Tl_TaF t . SCIENCE, iiNI) ':ftOll4:4lTY. utber 24, larm. represOt Iwhero-sutierfluity of .the harmony lie llT( ) Peii . appreciation of he t _ down'Ale riber—:a-hoo-a-o4 1161.)er come Igick—tiabil--1- injuu—Y:i - a-- an a 9-4 I 1 --'l;L:ie.s pn i t—'vnpituns—Atnenn les) " big ones, honey on em—Yl - .• , i •buke by Bader.) "Shut up yoUr leven 'hundred dollarnigget." improvises as follows -.) "'1 Ha` i, matter—get to beblfen bym-by V —go 'it. juts—linenVt hangs out 1.4.! -- Jere, having achieved a' rhyme, Le i f r0u ttut.:,1:....... r :„....),. ~.. 11,. +---- 1.0. 'n him boOts—yaller p,l got art- . Set-hen rtH-.A. 1 -lioo---.A-itoooooo !---0 -!!-1.1.oe Cake dene—.nigger can't JTO LOSS - in tie . parlor plavito• de 1 "ini-a-a-a---Ga—Ga—Ga. Captain 'eres and 'orders the • orchestra o' :Ind so internipt, the-concert.. , [.. or Over on, the Indiana side, prinei nee to be in the inhabitants . 1 oT i . ; on tile .Kentucky side they : t., :tied as 1;!TO:iii. as.they ,'re long;.; 1 ' '43 they are:shaped like a N'orthrtY- . at; long and, lean. I just saw t'-o . rpen theiri'posei On the pavement, e in mortal combat; one rushed at ' F ()1 . , struck; ilu between the eyes, }rom . end, th cud; cart came along, be two halves, cut them into 'tains derg in a jiffy—Tee/74i esra t, ill maity I his is decidedly a rich country ;:the', ductions . .are- 11ORS, 'ragged nigge,rs est , 'horses' in -. 'the 'United States. le livii principally' on. bread *made 1. ttwhiskey ditto; and bog preparedlin . itrbarous Ways. They. give :away . nd sell - celd - 'water.. The . darkies : slaves ; they 'nail horseshoes over S to 'keep away the Whiches,,indtdge 'Jot:or hatS in , the Most . saperlative dilapidatiMi; go barefooted, - and i t, i aperture - n. putts pap falooris." ;feet treat to watch !their entertain- Mances. :At the hotel the anew , tirteen niggers to•each guest,:and as seems to, be poss.cssed of the- peeu-.: hat his - pr4rince. is' to do nothing. tit as many ,flourishes as possible; sion that follows is far from bei ng entertainment. , fever bring! you any thing you swell . an call for Ciiicken, you will probably.lld beef ,and cabbage; if you. want f, they wig assuredly. bring you ,hp ii4ittlp: askifor sweet potatoes,- amid , fried egg,; and send for'corn bread, 're safe to obtain boiled • pork ; •-rin c , ,, for a boot jack, and you'll get :Oland ad whof vOn want to retire for the stead of prOViding you :with a pair • and a candle, the chance are ten e attendant sable angel will give flannel shirt; a shot-gun, a flask, of three boiled egg:-;, and a pair; of ~„.7.irous. The slaves are, as, icay be I 6d, of.varieus colors, !ranging from Is f the.beantiful yello envelopti Of. dice DePa.rtinent, to dna of Abe ink that, ever indites 4-subseripOon • The theory Of" woman's rights;" is real •operattpu among them; the Men I the table, clean up the dishes; do ing, and . spank ,the babies,...W)iile ;aer halves hoe corn, chop wood,'- go , t, and - ." run wid de mnsheen.'' r great fruit in thiS 'country ; apples inkins, infantile pumpkins, not - Very inkins, 'small-sized pumkins, • Just from - blossomhocid, ttrid' ere . they !tinted . that 4 ,golden 'overcoat which Itheir maturer friends . .so- .gloriouS, to Arid punipigiu pies niattufactiared !;ble god of the kitchen ;. pies, -enor ' behold wherein after-they ate ready .voured-you-.might wade . up ~ to your noble con ipound which.. filleth f the . thereof, and inaketh 'the pie savory. tarean: in . fact piescelestial, Whereof n all ages have discoursed eloquently ; t Potat*,' such.- i-w-e-e-t p-44-a -! - .Jiminetty ! big enough to fill a six Ive, yellow as rhubarb, and luscictitS as candy.; - . • - 1 Aura, to the erincipai topic--;-tho dark ,y arc all built. after the same 'model -; :43 a should:ler or niutton, teeth .li:43ite as milk, foot of suitable dimenSions for a rail road Inidge, and Mouth big enough for the depOt ; they haye all; -got .-4X toes on each foot; skull like Mt o :ikpl4nk, yellow eyes, and a nose like a split pear ; i the back extends in- ! wardly filar inches and whale; they he: on, limits, whiskey, corn-bread,swine-beef, hog -mutton and pork; they are notsiekly,princi pal ailments are spineln the back, the dia phragm the.regien of the - stomach, 'and 1 eranitudol the bead ; besideS which they are apt,to be troubled 'with I retina of the eye, tibia - of the kg, mtimps,l , whiskey •bloAstuns, , seven -year's itch, and'"the six-foot 'mea.les.. Should I hear of\ any ,inore • distinguishing CharaCteristics, I Will let 'Von know .soen. Meanwhile I am, Deultorily . yours, • t .„• Q. VILTLANDER' DpTICKS,.I". Itltiwpod ,Paper! • The article lias Come.i. It. is. before tis-=- three qualities of it. One almOSt 00cl - enough for, a newspaper—the other better than most 1 of paper we have had :to put .up with— atni.the third a strong, sm.ooth, even sheet, fit i for promissory notes—nny, fOr love-notes, the least danirerouS of the two. It 'is Made - ofi basswood.. . The genius who got up the lk . ardsley Plaining 'Machine, studied out this nets paper: He niade the pulp in thelitch eaOf his, house in Itlhany,---and made the paper there tot ? , niter sTyrie Primitive fashion, in Which a sieve conspiemay. figured. 1 On one of these aniples f is fltid advertiseapont oft *5O reward: 'llaswoodlhas . fairly entered.in i to the service of Man in the pursuit of stolen! preperty. This handbill indicates :a horse and a wagon 'as the object of the distress of 'the frentlemon• who inAj;?lies the linwood ; tci .aid r. is search of a thief. • It is cif white and . quite: smooth paper. I •; ' • ' . i .iWe understand that the wood is treated by a revolvitio;..cutter, whiCh reduces it to fibre in',no time: • Then.somethitig else-is done tO this fibre which :i - ve don't. understand: 1 A caveat is on tile at Washington, which will inform the envious what this, something is.— Two other things, we are told, of whid t , the most i important is, that Mr. Beardsley can make the pnlp i and Make a .fortnne out of it, b'' selling it at two. Cents AIM pound.' , The 3 other is, that / n edition. of the Albany even-1 ing Journal .whiff soon l'he. printed upon the paper, Mr. Beards ey was List ' week engaged . . in hiiihling machinery for • a paper , tuill,..under" hiS new proceSs.. • The - wilite cedar is said to' yield the finet and stiorigest. paper. There 'italk of -, Settinff that hicirt fOr; bank notes. , : The CottOn...woodl olthe South, and the Cy prt,'.ss, are said to be especially adapted to it, as' also is the. Tatuaract;. Devoutly do we in-; ‘Tie success upon Deardshres ettorti.—Buf . .. firio Denzocracy:; 1 .1 •, . . . . ...____,........-L....,_____..._ ' i Shivery TrimOph in lian.a..i. ~ , . The St. Louis ReiAlilicith of the..;id'. inst. has a despatch dated Weoport,- . Dee. 1, ftli'• hOuneing that. Whit 1e1d,,: the Pro-Slavery ct . !" 01 "---, 1 .-. an .oVerwheltning• majority 0-er all - candidates. - IThe - Txte r a..44.,,„;,,...-- .• Os over this rt.alt very heartily,Mad.atigma tikes the r sopporters of '.,k.tr. Flenniken, the free hibor canilidate as -"Facilionists and Aboli tniftists,' and " Colonists from New Enghind had' the free States." 1, I. . •- _! . if'. Gov. Reeder divided the Territ4v, inte six-- iiien election Districts 1-and give thefolloWing l instructions to the littkg . es.. of Elections: _ - I I ; "The three• - -..Tinlo•e'sl' will provide' for • each ' a II ' poll ballot box' s , with a slit for the insertion of the ticket. Before entering upon their dit kies.ther will make arid subscribe .duplicate - . hopies of the followin, ! oath: • - .• ' "We -,----,. and I ;7 do severally 'swear that we will • perform our duties. as 4fidges of the election }to be held this day, in the----..- - - District •of Ithe-Territory. of 'kart *, to the best of our judgment and ability; 'Apd that We. will keep a true ; correct and :'fitithful record Or list.bf persons who . shall . cote at said election ; 'that ',we Will. poll no ticket for any person I+ l dio is not an • actual bOna fide resident and 6nhabitant of said ter ritory on the day - of election, nnd.we shall not -hOtiestly believe to he 4 qualified voter aceor; ding to the provisions di the ac). of Congress or ganititir said Territory—that we will reject the votes of all and every non-resident whom ie shall belieVe 'has :come into• the territory fir the mere .pnrpoSe: of Voting—that . in. ail, eases' where we are ignorant of the voter's right, we will require -Vgttl.videnee 'thereof %Us his own oath or otherwise--'-and . that we Will Make a : true and faithfUl . return-to the GOvernor oliaid TerritOry of the votes - which .shall lie polled: !' . 1 • .. . - i . • . . ."The,poll will be, op . lierd i for the reception 1 of votes between S m1,.10 .At.M., and will be I liept open' continuously ' until 6P . M ., and! .then closed, unless voters areithenSat the polls 1 Offering to - voto,- and in that:case, as soon as! votes cease to . be 'constantly. offered. The 4 thiges will keep two: :orretondin.r lists! of 1 persons who .shall vote—numbering each I tingle. . - 1 - ! - 1, '. . I , . I I. "When a dispute - . dri.e.S aOcip the skutilifiett : : Lion of a voter, the .: ! Jridg,c- may °minim . the I toter or any other 'Peron under oath, upon.( the subject, and the deUision:sta majority. of the Board will be conclusiv(;:' • • . - . , • -:' Itow these' instructions were ,:obie. rved tic , .the Missouri and Kansas Pro -Slavery • politt- planS,residing—oear the; frontier of skapSas is, 'ihowit b'' such paragraphs as the folio ink, ',Which W clip from the: St. Louis /aid/Ff./m -or. W iitfield'i. election shoWs• that Ateld __ 'on's col oization scheme. was pretty effectu 7 . idly ado ted. Thelriti+lli. mar mays 1 L: - ; .-• ~ 1 - 1 - • • " TIM . T . Arn.- - fliei(ilasgow Timcs,Says that -one hundred persons ' lately left Saline i r. County, 1 Mo 4 for :linnst.t.s..and . were 'in that Territory' in tittle 10,164 after - the election . Of. l • delegate to Concfress - 'I ikelV " li' '• . ' 1 '' .• 1 *. * —.• ' .- * . is tbat the bona fide-settlers of Xan- . havO been voted; doWn. • Beautiful ”pcp , • ;!ular soveregnty" this • :; ; i t - .; • • - 1 Light Aherid!—State Finances . . Marty of the citizens cf Pennsylvania, say he Ilarrislturir Union, its they read; thelol idwing le,ttki!of the :Auditor ;general; will-, we. npprehend, l begin to, look forward :4o "a 1;5;0. time eeti4!ig.' when the Keystone state-shall 'baveliaid otf,lier ptiblicidebt,And statid.fOro As the richest—protidest StatC in Our 'gleriotis ...confetlrhey, ',To such Vi j g §ay,' , •that; to secure., 'this, "n' consummation i;devoutly'to be• wish ed," we must "give a More e4rnest,.beed"-10 .the charaCter of our public servants:;_ the men Ito whom:are entrusted; the inanagetnebt of ,:our puld c Minis; and esliecially'nur.pOblic state thane is. ,If for ;half. the 'number Of ;ears that. our pUhlic debt lifts been - Uterus, aud• ,, rowiug we can have the finances of -0 • r, votame. gninbtr- 52. ,Our state controlled ; and: - inanaged•;" hi:: titi:eh ' - i . nen as Joseph 'Bailey,- we shall:see our:.o 6 d.•_'- t ' ld 'commonwealth °nee - - rnore_. - ,diaiiithmlled,': ,;:.,• relieved from debt, andgoini'fOrtiaril l .iiti: - ~,- 4.!:/r‘ , e'r "of :proSperitY arid gretitnets, - 1 hithertO, ' ..', -.- Unparalleled.- .:- - --- --- -- •-'• ; •.''- '-':. 1 - There is riot only now in theliemetyy• ha . . , 1 million more.than 'there' was- - list year at ' This tine, but the estimates for'tabor,-mafet i. -. ds- and expeitses'on the - patine ' , Worick - ':liiiie-; , - , ,Cen more prOinptly' paid thati,eyeihefOrei:. -• vhen it is remembered 'that ' all, of' , iliatiat ' . --: been done in spite of 'a reduction- 430, per.::. cent;on the tolls up on the public woyk, , tict . . ..•' -- '-a ri ' in the free of,truly hard .finfer,l the stern hein-•:!. ;testy and financial 'ability of:our present gate'. • j hreasureri will - most: cleaili-e . itppOir. - - -;Pe: - -,::_ oboe id' look upon his 'removal 'at - present o'4: , public calamity. r , .' - . '• . . -:- - • • ~,'. ..,. ''' •• . -, • - • • Auditor General's O ffi ce,' ----, -.-- - • 'Harrisburg, Dec. 1:•1 454.- - . - - 1 16 pursuance of the 35th section of the act, 1.. of 30th Mardi, 1811; I havel examined -the': --.. ;public: treasury of Pennsylvanik,..-relatire to.. - I..tlie moneys therein, 'and deposited;irr the:iter-7.' -,,. ;oral hanks, and find a balance of in - - !'two treasurv.ef available funds; of Oriemi kirk'. ,-..• !kwci hand-re - a and forty- thOusand nine , liri-! ':' :dreil awl twenty-eight dbllars seventy:- two , 111...N1P5, .A.uditor '.9enero, ($1,21-0,928\72..) Manly-Sentiments.. George Prentice, the brilliant: but hitter ;- :editor" of the tOtrikrille Journal,. Alaa • lately.; ,! en tert ned by a. number of.. eitizenN. •Whitr4 - ? ',find democrats, at Mernpbis.:, , He rolateil editorial experience in terms c inust, fOre.. ibly strike every one who has konct . through,..'-. the _War ofeditortal par.tis:anship: . 41yrefres h ,, . lag to read "suck magnanimous confessioni of doing wrong, in the:hat of-political eici.t.,.. :- rnent—thely deserve to be duly :pet'tdered..l)T: American jourmilists,• -especially . 1143F,e - , ikho , :,,!: fight the editorial' battles of .politicalparties,,• . Mr. Preutiee said :. - • . " .1., know that, my Whig .friends .l will -..hollr pardon and justify me when' t,l r !stiy, . that,' I. • prize •this' compliment coming_. from "Whiga;-,. - and diNnocrats-alike; far more_ thaal could a . similar one from members of my own ,party • : alcine. ' There was a, time, years ago; when 1,..' - cared little what my politidal opponents :said ;or Ili ettglif.ofne, so_ I -had the 'regard,, Ilto _ support;, and the applause. Of. my._ pallticali:- 'friends. ..But I have long since - ceased. to feel : thus., I - have learned_ to approach _artd,cle-' sire . the good opinion. --of a11.. - geett men. ; .1.,`, haveiNtrpol that carider,: , :and.:trstb, and .' honor, and:honesty, -and' wisdom , and . .. patri 7 ... - % otism, and virtu.ate confined.,to. taa party, My 4lovotion to the party with wloch - i have . . 'acted throughout 'my. lifeis,_untaliering,..l . Mtr: . teaches all true hearts the great lesson,,of polit.-, ... ical liberality. I have published.seme things., NV I deb, although well . ititendedUt.-the time,ll, could Wish. blotted from the memory, - of. ',my. ; . readers' and from my own.-,. '.- - h ~ ~,_ I , • " Ihave , writteri some bitter : things:4)3;4N who have sin away. earth;` #4:, Lm.l._avlto4i , rave_ I could shed -i.r, sorrow; and, regret. Ala When I_ I ciiikilaiti.l through , the t wenty . six.. years of iity - aitoriallife; - . ,:and' .- ilrink. how' twiny ~ I once_' idefioiM . Cedi:AFria': Sfr, : , * -tervvards became Inv personal friends, Oiprnir•-• ed :themselves their . coantry'S, irreads,. and . how Many I once eulogized and ."toile d :19r : . . who liaie, since turned hitideisly, and,. C.0•4*.- . .. lessly against me'; when I -!refect 'lnali - ofeaH - the most ardnousiand devOted political sesiri;. , . i ee.i. have been-forgotten . I,y l ' those.i . o. Whom .. - they'. are rendered; and lioli Qll's .the dee pest'',. , political _injuries are MagnatiirtioriSly7forgivert. : :. by' those to whom - they are dons;--and.- when. I remember, how Many of my political friends . have strive n to 9riish - ire i and kaw. :thatiy . , ~ qcinocrats have- gathered :rirotind.-. : ine.. as , a_ 1 band of . brothers in, the clayt of _my`-. personal , peril, I :-:;11041 . d bel guilty of an Matragao_f.*y, . own coriscience,.and on everyfeeling.strakiin. !pulse of my heart, if I . wer not to . weed. via ~ from nature the partisan: bitternesi that once tiourished there. - I 'am a Whig, ' .hut,....1 - _,, , will':', greet ' every .true-hearted- 'democrat ; as , bay : °brother, and . 1 will ...greet: lig ;false' _hearted. wing as'snch. f ! . •*-. - :, • -. - -- ' . . ~ . . . , ~ _ . .. . flow 19 be nei i iti ii,.. Ii is well said, by cite tilio_had tliciroted.lf ' studied the subject, that the bigheit,ambition. of the ancient Greeks was' to be_, be t ntiful and rich.. We cannot :hel p.' .' in ' s says the Philadelphia Bulletin, that the of Athenians., in this - respect, were 'Oiler: th ii oursetves. Ainch. as, wet boast dent , w nderful intelligence, we have nOtyet c ,. practically, attained to a- Method_ of, lite so _ comprehensive as that pursued, not only: by • philosophers, but, men of fashion shark& town, in Africa and the Poloponesus. They plecied,„ health first, and money-makirig lett * wbg.e . o invert this order. Yet - they . were -P . *rui, . and we Christains. Surely we nin)uldnty " shame" to ourselves. 1 . • ~, _ • In reality, the two principal objectasou,ght by the ancient Greek; health and ' beauty, were but one and the s,rne. ''.For beauty can not exist without health. The Man _wbois constantly •confined - to the . counting -desk; - soon acquires an habitual- stotiP ..., the:One . who devotes his whole; soul .to mOney ralk. 1 ins becomes wrinkled; before his `time. ~. Oft - ~ the contrary, be Who mdu Itt .13 ._ , ' rges" . roPir et 4" excise and recreationots, for example,' Alvin to do farmer iti healthy districtiVeartieirsus,: erect frame to the verge of sevontY, 414 hai -1 ,it ruild)- - clieek 'even when an octOgemuirut..— The 'first: by negleeting the laws of tir e, riot , i only - destroys his - own- .flieelY beanng, l' hut - i transmits a puny form and:,-weatlyeeffitit4"; lion to lii:- Children. .The last. Perpetuates It I race of hardy sons and majestic. daughters:: , r .There is lint ono way , to pmerre thelatudth;- ' and that isto live moderately, isk.e,alitoper " exercise, and be-in the oPerviiir;ott littnakstli: possible.- 'The man who ii stlwaysalltt up-in' a close robin, whether the apartment be ifte: niiiiister's study, a Jawyer's Office, It . pores soi's -. laboratory,, or a ritereltant's.laa-414 store, is defying nature and rutist.,eoener,ei later pay the penalty. - If his ,aitrotiati . _'4:4k re*,, d ors such 'confinement neenisit.l .- dirt . * 4 - , portico of thisyear, he taw:avoid sprewitgliof breaking d4wti of i the - oonstitntion, only b7' taking due exercasedurins the le/uvula:4l of the summer - arid limiter „Montt& T waste of stamina mu,st be rettlered:bY fter Arent and full draughts oraimpiwi*Juii*t t4iteli air, and by - the pumuit!Loribem rfian by travel or other stinilar mean s. Malt who - has felt the rouperitira ethitits of alnonth or two of; ~ r elaxation; knows.: . * his own qxnerienoo IiQW genii; itilinftneocos l 4 t, how it sends' him back to 1 ' 1 ' 11 0t a1a ..... ,- witll a new flow otspirits ;low its almost , .w.A. , ,"ww . •