The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, December 21, 1854, Image 4

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    Conducted Ptoai Arse; Page.
venation, was highly impolitie, and must of
necessity, in Spirit, remain a dead letter mpon
the . statute-book. In many parts of the State
sub-corimitteesnre still "acting under author
ity of the Directors. He would have one
school,' instead' of a Toirt4ip, constitute a
school District, whostduties should be those
now iniposed upon Directors. And to render
the, system more complete, would in time
have a Town Supe;rintendentl . elected, and
then' there would balm efficient and ready
linnet communication between the bead of
the departMent and the most remote district
the State. 'He den3lt elaborately and elo.
qiiently upon the, system of Public instruction
and the principles on which itlis btped, dem
°nitrating its intimate connection .'with' the
welfare of our country and the best interests
of hemanity. - '
;-Prof..VV, Rielurrason then made some re-
Marks in nerd to teachers `boarding around.'
He LA man a social being; and should take
pleasure in assodiating with his* fellow-man.
There yearned to be a general aversion in
soma places to boarding around ; but he tho't .
there were many advantages (as well as some
disadvantages) connected with, it, which could .
,ineirer be realised, When boarding at one par
ticular place. "
Pr. Stoddard spoke in high' tents of the ,
Venna.-Schciol Journalond 8.. F. Tewksbu
ry,distribrted several copies among the mem
bers for examination, and made few remarks
setting forth the character, j situation, and
terms of therScbool Journal.
The Institute then took a short recess, du :
ring which time B. F. Tewksbury, agent for
, tbe Pa. School Journal, obtained thirty -ft re
subscribers, being about one-third of the mem
bers of Abe, Institute. •,
' Afternoon session .—Teachers who were
expecting " to teach, and desired it ' were
examined' by Prof's. Richardson and Stod
It being near,the close of the session, Dr.
S. A. Richardson was called upon and said .
he had enjoyed the privilege efattendingsev
eral Institutes, both ill this and New York
State, but never had if. been his: fortune to
meet with oneln which'there was more zeal
and interest manifested by theonembers
- this he was glad to „see ; it Nisi an, omen of
more hearty support for our system -of pub
lic instruction. Ile considered institutes as
a means of : great and lasting; good to the
cominon schools, and he had watched the
progress of their establishmenewith exceeding
gratification. .
• Let teachers go on with the 'good work
they here so nobly begun—let them carry it
forward with strength and energy, and - suc
cess wilt eventually crown their efforts.--Very
soon County Institutes will be established
throughout the State, and then a State Insti
tute will speedily follow. We read that the
children of Israel went np once .a year to
worship 'at Jerusalem. Let 'teachers make .
Institutes their Jerusalem. Leo,ll •ni go once,ar to worship at Jerusaleni;and when , I we,
the children of improvement are all assembled
at the Greet arusalem, 0 ! I JERIJSALRM,
what a time we Will have. 1
'Prof. W. Richardson then invited -all the
members of the . Institute to make him. a call'
at his residence, which invitation was 'accep
ted, rind at the appointed time; the Prof., re
ceived them ; and
°AU went merry as A. marr i age. bell.' ". -
Pleasant-chats snit social smiles abounded
in ° , rich 'profusion, and
"A burst of joy each merry torque declared."'
-Sessioa.---Dr. S. A. 'lliChardson
delivered a lecture on the Lungs, their strut-
tare, the office they ptrfornl in sustaining
life, &c. He remarked that if, parents -real
ize the alarmiti„,cr and' fatal effects, 'which ill
constructed and badly ventilated school Hou
ses have upon the health of their •Chilqren,
they never could be prevaijel lipon to send
them to many of the brews in erbleti they
are kept. Very mach of the headache, the
doziness, and the uneasiness Which scholars
experience, is attributable to the impure) : air
they breathe whickarises from non-ventilation.
—The youth of our land are immense suffer
ers from this cause--years and years of valu-'
able life.are stricken off by diSease which was
generated in badly ventilated; school rooms.
—Let teachers look to this, and see that 'the
little children committed to their care do i not
stiffer when they can adminisier the. remedy.
Let parents look to it that their school Lous
es are properly constructed,. for upon them
rests the responsibility of bequeathing their
children a legacy of more value than wealth,
and more to be prized than all worldly hon
ors—health. 'He once sojourned with'a 'man
who prided himself upon the excellent arrange
ment of his stables. He was invited, to look
at them. He found them all .that men or
beast could desire.„l His horses were in paint
ed stalls, surroundesl by beautiful curtains
and ventilated in the most exCel'ent manner.
They were k - from dust, and the ' free
-mountain air' circulated through the apart
meats, imparting health and Vigor to the no-
ble horse, and in his admiration he was led to tel
exclaim, la merciful - mar! is indeed merciful
to his beasts.' \ They re - turned' to the house ;
the children had returned from school; and
the littleson was prOstrate with disease. The
mother in all her anxiety cal the father, and
asked what should be done.—The father said
his business demanded his presence, and he
could mot attend to it ; she must do Ithe best.
She could ; send the servant for the Physjcian
if she th - ought'proper,--Thus the father who
had such"solicitude for the ,well-being offitis
horse, leaves his tender and '.dependent dependent off
-spring to the mercy of Death's most cruel
and relentless servants: He inquired of the
mother in regard to :the previous health of
her son and she assured hirk that, he' had
never 'been unwell till he comuteaced going
to school. He then Visited,the school house.
and found as he had'anticipated, 'a musty,
unventilated. school room.—He returned to
the mother and told 'her the Cause of her son's'
illness, and assured her that to save her. :son
she• - mist keep him from the school. Al-,
though reluctantly,she riceepts the ad
"- vice. This is but one of the many cases that
daily occur throughout the length , and breadth
of our land.
Be said much ham, ore'of the higkest interest
and value to all, but space will not -permit
us to protract this report farther. He closed
with - a few beautiful and appropriate remarks,
expressing the warmesgratititde for-the kind
uess'shown. him by every metnber Of the In
. stitute, end by all friedds' with whom he had,
been connected since he had • sojourned in
their midst. Those who listened to thii , adr
dries Will not soon forget the deepimpression
made upon the audieace.. -
_tciddard addiessed the Institute,
ging Teachers to go forth and-dolleir 'work
well and faithfully. Ile tendered hiikindest
thataks for the good attention , shawn him 'du
ring Ilia attendance upon thel Institute.' Ins
deepleeling and earnestness plainly told th
hiawhole soul_Was enlisted itt the cause f
Prof. W. Richards° . n said; he must" say. a
;more words to the teachers before the
separated. The most sztosuitie expectation
the friends of the/Institute Lad been 'more
' It has met -with signal and
complete success. He had heard it remarked
that Ae lsol*li - irlost'instr = uMenial in its es-,
tablishnient ; such, however, Was not the ease..
There had b een many efficient laborers . and
co-workers 'engaged in its egtibliebment, tin!
. .
if my tane one, than -, at:other, ~diiierves .. the
iisiecial gratitude of the ;friends Othe cause,
thet 'person - is' B. F.,Tewitsbury, ror!tia has la=
boied with an; eanatittne4 worthy of the cause.
. would say to . the titialihers, remember 'the
,Tetipensibilitiearestieg upon, yea—that pereets
its -tO commit ; the dearest aobjects- of their
tiona,to.yeour care- 7 ;that you Ore to train..
immortahezin. , d, not - •orily fort time,, but
eternity.. See - Oett,' i that yotir work, is
. I and faithfully perftirtied.- - . 1 - '• . 1 '
The venerable Pres. iea then lied • urion;.
d.said, he hiul not intended, (oiling to the
le4ea of thei hour,) tit . throw •liitaself upon
pnleof the Ustitute ; big, when: he
kid aboul him and beheld so 'lnge an ,as ,
bly of the intelligent Tinichent of SusqUe
n'a County he cotild.;but feel a deep inter
in• the odeasiOn
.When he relleeted that
iose tiow asSembled wire in a for years. to
lay the public opinioniolthis c/unty ,upon
estions of ,Vittd limpOrtance to society—
?.t. their infitieneerwaslio give eli t ist and di
lotion to public sentiment, it full. impressed 1
. 1
m with the impOnanee'ofhavin ,if oessible,
t influence least in th i3 right b., ance--that
/ 'should' be given :to promote thoi interests . of''
utation, temperance, 'virtue,and holineas: '
li ni
Oa motion,. a Cothittee •of I three, viz;
nos. B. Bent, RI F.,Bliiley, andlW. Fattrot, -
I 6re appointed to act With . the - secretarV, . in
reparing thelminotes for publiciition and in
'il'utited to preriti a cop` to thol Editori. of
btlicoutuypapent,,.and ; Pentisyl+nia School
turn:if, for Insertion. •
- The . folloviing'resolutionS werethen repor
' dby the Chairman of.the CoMinittee
i anitnously adofated..L . • i
R-4-.)lvetl,.That we, as membent of the.Sus
q whams
b C ounty' Teailera Institute,- have. e
. 0 greatly benatted 'by 'the rxereisei Of
is, its first session; an we earnestly • recco
* e:tid to - all teachers,
in•'' , . this,
.p.) adjoining
c unties,; whaled an intereSt in tpe cause of
~ I ucation, to' meet-with usat our ,next ses
s' 'n, and partiiplite .1a : the stiperfor, advabta- -
ges aleiN,ed from this most valuab)e•nnians of
intpriweinent. ,•.?? •. 1 . I - ,
I 11,Iiolved, That w,e tender our eatnest thanks
td the officers of the Institute, but more par
•tiCularly to the venerable. Pres. Mew. -I l yinan
Bichardson, whose' parental supervision, con
tributed !Materially to the iateresti and, bene
fieial.results of th ! -Institute..,- ---. I - . --
IB.a...atVetl, Thatotir thanks * ant especially
die to the Faculty , of Ilarford_University • for.
their great enerosity and kindnCiis, in pia-,
cieg their - inniixlioui li . uilding tit the ; ser
. .
yi4e of the nstittite. i'• . . i
fßesolVed That to thoge kind-friuds in the
•viiiinity of-the UniVersi6 , , we owe-our thanks
for their generous hospitality, so ,labUndantly
manifested .toward
,nieniben of the Institute.
Illesolted,Tharwe tender our sii ere thanks
toPrOf. 4, F. Stoddard and Dr: * - S A. Rich
ardson forthe valu able' ustructioi they hate . . and ,
so', generouly freely given us
. - illesolied, That we highly „approve Hof.
.Stoddirri's Manner', of leaching lArithnietie,
relying:tip-in plain: : reasOein; conlnion sense,
rather than arbitrary . riles: -1
Aesoliid, That we hate been higly instruc
ted and ientertaiped by ;Dr. S. Al t , Richard
son's course lof •leeturbi. On .the I subject of
- PliysiolOgy ohis important; but! too much .
neglected brandh. of education, being treated
.of hy. the learned Dr. itf a manneri that evin
ced a thorough and, complete maltery of that
prefound and:deepry inOresting seience.
Resolved, That.. we- e rnestly' ieconiinend :
the ; science .of Physicil a y - • as 4 necessary
branch of common ;sell
, i '.ol - educatiOn. , ! •
Resolved, That we ordially I invite all
friends of education thM ghout the ,County
to Innitetwith us in 'carry lig:61101i itstrue in
tent and . spirit, • our ti ble and! beneficent
„school system , of Whiel,i, we ma . vi: i;k3 justly
.. ~. 1
ilinud. : 1 '!, - ' i • '
'Resolved, That Ave re' az. comPete' theabilityi. of.l-f if. Willard di,'
son, our County , Snnevi.Ai—r- 1. ----
• - :lblvecr, That: , f. e believe .the es
inent of Town Institutes a valuable an
in promoting the etinse,(sf education.
IA motion was th en Made that - ye hold an
Institute sontetiine inert! year, :911, the vote
being taken, every ivoiCk . gave - a !hearty
sponse in the affirMitte. 1 1,1! .
We may say Mat diiiing the session of the,
Institute,- PrOf.• W.l Richardson received. an-,
plicatiOn for teachers'lip each .during . the
coming. Ginter, from altio , it every
of the
State, iall 'alb Unting,to o..l
over one hundred.* i
We would at say t un iteexPenses of the
Institute, owin to to 'the 1 - generoisity :of; the
instruct Ors, firer much .1 than 'was expec
ted, being only forty cen • (board, excepted)
for each male he number in at
tendance upon liel l lnstitu
, e. exceeded
l all an";
.ticipations, am . ver one hundred.l
end all seemed : f , ver 0 , !well pleased - with
the exercises.' ' i'' I -'• ' '
'. In cOneluSion 0 WOuld say '
Itol• all the -
friends of. educati 4, ",ihei ball 4 certainlyi.
inoving,"‘arOuse ' l l see . that it inT l isu -the
proper direction. 1 ' 1 II
. •
~, B. F. TEWK.sac v, Aug-, 13. K..pir, E. F.
Barizr-and W. ilottef; 'committee. of Pub.!
• - - ;'
ANIR cuAnDspx, Pr
FKlBliar, Sec'.
KTINT, Treag. •
Qfficen!,• 8.. F.
istiewllo4lll - i
ser lately died in Ixt don
ing will e; "I give and be•
ephew, my.. black coat Aar
[ to toy! niece . the ibinnel.
ar ;iI give and beqUeati
isg4nd-ehildren one bf
rots on the top uf my ward,r
anit bt9ueath to my sis-1
he atpution I have alWaYs,
stone jug at the head of,
isappbintinent of the legit.;
ug,•e will was read, may ea.,
Tliii,thiceased was spoken
atteringi to him ; and hiq
per, *are the brown jug a
rit in pieces' When lo ! ti
itour l ed lout of ,it, and tho
n merit gave way to jdy.H
kamiiae' his or her lefiacce
1 L. * ,
w moat and the little earth;
cl 'equally wellfilled,--the
o 'y Wisbed to nmuse theni
ritanner. i- - - '
le:tying the follow
qucath unto my r
give and bequeatl
waistcoat I now vi
to each of my sit
the little earthen
robe; finally I giv
ter, as a token of
felt for her, the ol
my bed." The d
tees, when thisstr
silo y be imagined.
of by no means
sister in a fit .of;al
.kick, which brdk,
stteam Of guinea ,
general disapp
Each hurried to
and, the flannel
en pots were fol
testator havin - m'
is an _agreeable
cla4 sillf` ersmore from in t.'
lle poor. :It robs them "off'
c.clothiOg—of i shelter—of
Lteost every blesing. THEt
inten)perate r themselves,
friehds, or relatives,or
g*hoi) lis their natural
tic njost deadly enemy ' s
very ipsinct Of self
manly [ principle' withii
t they r.hould combine foi'
To poor; titian should gi4
rohlbit)oli, for in so doing
bis own rwelfari—againl
sspecitii r e I prosperity.—Ps*
L 1 t il :
. 1
THE .rooa. I
temperance the
fire—of food
health—and of
cannot- afford t
or haie intern ,1
neighbors. Th
implacable,! eve
Their interest
i3rration---eve I
them, demandi
its suppression:
his vote Askains
he -votes agai
his present and
kibilionisi 1
1 , 1
these days Ota
goes to bell at
per, wbether h
At best, be feel
I • -
.e9otnie OOMIOOI3 i i
1 a inuan:44knoir when he
ight, if sed of bank pa=
!Pi gtt `,`; brokr or whole:
petty„ well if he is not, at,
; . ii
pg , the recent session of
stare;,; Miss Lucy Stone
the . 'office of Brigi.
Militia 4
Gstsorr,,— i
the Vermont
received seien
flier General of
Tahiti...n.1641.1 Wine 'and Am term; puts, tire
fastgalnlegtheigoodUltierand beemsdng the favtititst wed ,
Mamie of the people, and Minis as a Most Iffsertital remedy
Inthe ante of ' •. 1 • - I'
Dyspepsia, 11001tnalepstivenets. Lien Complaint, 'Asth
ma, rime, Obstinate tiesdaebe.Slllione Disorder*, Pim
, pies Blotches end tinhealthy Cole* of the Skin. Janus
dks, Aga. Mid Fever Salt Atheist Nrystpelas, Com.
R lllll 1 4040 ito mp ales , Lakinishing Weakness.
Might fils itateiNerrest Dleerdert4 fitment ill' Ithalth
aad Impaired date of the (tomtiton. ' . '
Bat short this has alapeed dna these great and good
Medicine, have been made known t the public. yet thou
wade have atperleneed theft good eets. Invands.given
over by their SittysidarlP as ineurab I ;have been teetered
.to olowtd and vigorous health by th r nee. Third teed'.
dais are unlike any other. Their t -fold properties act
directly on these organ, of the stentich,tiver ad kidney;
which secrete the Snide, and separate the Impurities rerun
Owl blood. This Wine and Pills nearer weaken', but give
strength and animation to both body and mind.
The grew *mea=nt of good these needielnee have donefor
the sick and tifilletell have Induced Moorland, to oammerd
them to theii ft:hinds-and the publiei. individuals of the
lortheat integrity have voluntarily tepneed to the world it.
favor of theMextraordlawy virtue* . ' .
• 1 1 i.. I. A- lientill.w.. a belehnted phyriciaia, In a
letter Trom Frinieton, New Jereey.ated Nov. le, ISM,
I tl
deelares that in all his exporienc
e h bad t *Ter seen any
thing to cote are with the Forest I one awl Pills at the
none time relating metal eases oreonstitutional Debility
and Slerotuldne affections which It Mired in au incredible
*bort time.. Among the nsamheie off the medical Faculty
of New York, who have witnessed tile great resultslof the
Forest Wine, lied reeimartsendftl it b be found the acmes of the cele rated Dr. 14 numeniusemnplahats
will N. T. Oilod
man. Dr. L.llheesman.Dr.Vhlltou Dr. ITm. Brown, Dr. -
Marvin. pr. 0 M. Montego and nth rs.
Tii 4 IISIONY of Mr-Johnson Au e, &highly respectable
citizen of Wysiterly Pace, New Yo
Ile. O. W.; Matter.—Dear Slr.l esteem the .Forest
- Wine a . the:King of gone:Dim ' It as done for milts Ave
weeks what !twee physicians fared t t do in is man -, years.
10413. floreame the via int of the Heart Disease and Net ,
irons klfecti fns which have been craning , ~n me ever since
until I pencilled your Forest Winend Pills. although 1
had wasted Sever al hundred dollar . for medical &mewl
&nee. During the last two years )was nbliseil to keep,
mX hotte twarlY. all the time. and gi=ve aphasics," In cow
etiguence of iny-41-h.alth. 1 bad list nearly ski hopes of
TrCovery.mY cOinplalnt marl of that elass ander which
" nature sinks WO liie become* a Worthen." Seeing your
lerest Winelade`ertised I roneluileit to give it a trial, and
before finithing:ihe third bottle I felt like a different - pet
son, an.i WO shirt to Vesuntebn , inese again witirely eared
by, taking tier. !multi. For the habitat of those afflicted
with simileitcoutrabits inn are at libertY to publish this
I • Yours; AC : ; . 1. RINKB, Yil i Place. N T,'... -
. amend Dehility,Enzaciation, sting of boiy,ete.
: .
)tarry are iignated with 'tome one ofthe above complaints
witbout bents able to trace it to anY, particular mink,. and
tharetore delay the use of the proper remedy mall the die.
rate becomes erinatitutlonsl. The disorders are often
rberaetedael by: a sense of einkingi or entire exhaustion
after exerciee. Some experience s. isirgistmeas. lassltnde
and at time* naleuem or flashing if f the countenance pal.
pltation of. the brat; or like symptme.- - .
' The excelleitt'effects which have Yet attended the Use
of the Fore Wile And •Pills, 112 ev ry species of debility.
i f
is Coneineive evidence of its happy results in tide clime of
disorders 1 Ma4llt hive resorted oil these medicines at en
- - satimalunt.andlbeetOpeedity enr. . .-For Nervous di.or
dela and Debility theiWine and Pi sate taken according .
to {the .dlreiSionDon• the label. '
- IN. the: 1 1.101%04.—True hill ty and loveliness ac
company the highest perfe Ilea of health. which i again in-
variably fnitows the PUREST BT/I.IIE OF VIE 111:1POD
What artifigial 'tatiendagre 'equal that vivid expression of
countenanck which emanates from health? What paints
can compasW wills the erlmw nett entered blood casting its
brilliant roses tell ne through the tralispoirent texture of
thr Akio? Whoa icharms are more baptise t ing -than those
o: nature. In heel highest perfectian ? ' Let Dr Ilatary's
Wine sapptyiliehilace of all cosmelicks: ' • The.use of this
excellent Whip in a short time , creates pure, rich blond.
which eittriino through the velns4penetrites the minut
est: fibres that Ter* , toward• the surface of the akin. emus.
ing all unhealthy pimples and blotches to disappear. Im
partin,c a vivid: vi=ii color to the Ain, and brilliant est
i ression tcc:.theeit•s,
In corrolforatinn of these facts.i Dr Hale -v has many
t estimonialk. The following le.frour a lady of.the tort re.
epticlable standing , in swlety, ' , eat; to us by tier' brother,
rei - ding in Pang. re Street:
Dit. 0 W.ll tI. lilf-- _ ' - NeW York. July 7,1540.
My sister; from her youth, had been in very .delicate
health, enninlaining frequ-etly of intakness of the chest,
. attended with a Cough. About the are of eighteen she he.
min to get Much worse. For six mtwha previous to com
mellein with your medicines she h d not been able to get
out of the , bowie, JOT countenanew was mwatly emaciated
yellow andAcklit, 11 er face and xirek was covered with
dleigrettabie pustules, eyes very much sunken, and her
• rough ineveasingi In tine. she bore every appearance of
Soon he:mining ing nihappy witrini to consunantlen. At
this time I Dreg:urea Ow her some eff your Poreitt Wine and
Pills, whirl she Mutimeneed using areordinr to' the di me .
'OAP. Shei gm : instils improved as she followed up the tifte
of them. . lter ern symptoms of recovery was an anen u.
merrily goo.) appetite. her face finally heenme .montli, a L i
ber - cheekii cosy. ',Der cough left tier altogether. "Phi is
ettniv.Dand Yitoro a .. and prevents th. theet example
of-health 'lt.v. witnessed JOHN *.MAXWELL
Dr. G. iir. tolsru's G.trn.exopd Forest Pills!
vianncacture an the tame principle et the Porett Wine.
to alibis it is a iitinetetant adjunct'. They are cooled with
Dnie Ci inn firs it. an important in n. for which Di.
lislsey batirece fed the only- pate t ever granted on Pills
by the nvere. • .et of the'linited Moires
Dr:. Ilabutes,Tnrert Wine - awl elan-coated onrett,Pitit,
unite In ae?mnilshing the tame stet.' end THE puriflcktion
of She Rletod; ilie Renovation and -Restoration'of the
Steittincb and Dowels..
• .
. The life Prinemle of man
_it, the blood. no sooner ere
thele , ...gang of •the t stomach which secrete the hind.!.
. rlennrrd ~rtintil l mar ter and reati)eet to healthy action
by the nte;oft • Forr t PM. andlnisre rich bin ol made
Lola! in li - ke,*, , c i itit.4.144,91 , ;, , ,n i
•‘ „„ n iron
ra ttle
i tor a
p e n lit ei n .. ;in nf e ib tta i n y
~,,,,,.„, . Thu R 010 neineinvo on which ic col-Inca itb
greet InndiiinnCind by which nosily at: intes set ni , o , elik3
c The Forest *hie is pot Illt in lariesonart bottles. with
'Dr, lislsevtsnitiree linwa in the emit • One Dollar per but.
tie.* air tp , ttres (;.e vise Worstre ;rm....cited ToreetTillt
'25 Cents mit. Tinx.'; For Cale by th annntnted %rents. at'
Whnlevaleiend:Petall. elenetal Den t. 161 DUI!» street,
one door fOint tin tarn. 'row Tette', i . s,
Aneninted qv:a:rein Montrose, Abel Terrell; Oreai Bend,
Lwiirra Fe4lt. y '', ••-
31,3•1 changerinarterly. - I . ,
• .: - NEW 'MOODS • • .
' .
T 'ti ,e'`. ' 1 : T pso' nvillei Exchapge. , ,
HElinhaltitants of Upsiinville and vicinity
are niairi favored with n exhibition of en
other chpico selection of Fal :Ind %Vinter Good.:
at 'the old stand of t'ac muhsc -iher. (Doors open.
daily, Stindayl excepted. from 7 o'clock A.—M..
until) 9 ii:clock P. M.,) where may he seen, sold
and boufrhi,. a ;good airssnrt4nt of Dry Goods'.
Groceries, ; Crockery. Hardware. Stoneware,
WOodenware,i Fish, Nails. faints. 0i1,., Fluid.
gtots & : Shops,: Clothig. School 8001i.4,_
Tr,unks.,Carkt4B igs, Yank o.Notin'ns &e. &e.
&e. All w'ho!ian and will pay for what they
bay either dowp. or within a reasonable time
thereafter. are4pvited to cal : Those belonging
Coithat other q1e...4m may as well go where they
pail do better.; I All; kinds n Farmer's •Pribduee,
Butter, Lard: Eggs. Pork. P iultry; and Cash re
celved in exch'ahgefor Got 4.
ict. 7, 1854.
Upsonville,! c
. .
i • Autitralia, Califo r n ia,
Or any pZaFe 04 the Gloht.eannot present aTeater
i _ , : .i inducements; than • ,
WHIC4I4 nciwl filled tt;ith anew and extin. ;
, sive' aasortnteq of " !trticles in their line,.
embracing a general variety of n-w and eiegant
styles of Ladies and Gentltmen's wear, among
which are j e adit4 French. Silk Lasting and Pre
nille Gaiters. Kid and Elded Polkas. Kid Pat..
ant leathei atid -bronz ed rimy Linda,. Buskins
arid . Tiet ;. gentlemen's, French and Philadelphia
oak-tatined calf skirl and kip Boots. Congress and
bit!on Gaiters, ;Idoitterey and . Washington" 1104/91.
toilet Slips. MOroeco. calf; and Cowhide Bro
grins. arc. :Nye kip, calf . and cowhide. Boots and
Brogans; all kinds of Misse#. and Children's wear.
Also. a general assortment af.Findings. which con
shit in part ol lama, pegs, sparables. Hungarian
nails.tacks. thread. n
wax, • ristles, 'shop binding;
awls, rasps,' sandstones, shoe, knives: Ea.. Also,
oak tad hemlock tanned calf tipper and itoleleath•'.
ail. MorOcco skins :and linings. • 1 • 1
[ Work made ; to order and repairing neatly de.n... i
I. . . , ; KEELER & STODDARD. t
ilillontrose, 'tine l. 1 PM, 1 i '
, . 1 I
l ' St°Tres; Stores,: Stoves!!! ,
T" Sere and Yellow Leaf' reminds us'
ill that the fast apprrcrach or the keen Frosts
f Old Grey Winter, When one of these unsur ,
Oessable 'and ! highly approved Stoves 'from the
most extensity Manufactories in the Union;
Messrs. Shear & Packard, l beemne indispensable
t,4 every ramify. We wonl d respectfully announce
tj the citizens of susquehtnnn and adjoining
counties that iwe have -pet received and are re
eeiwinit the 'unrest and bell, assortment of Stoves
ever introduced into Eastern Pennsylvania, which
will be sold at the very lowest cash figure. - To
those whci are in want of Stoves they wilt find a
te their interest to call an# examine our variety
before purehiaing elsewhere. 'They comprise in
pert es folloWs: I
United 'Stairs, Oriental Parlor,
• I Earteri Oxen E. 0., Venetian, do .
Fire Clipper. E. 0., I Fancy do
1-Nati'ma/ .4..1:r-right E. O. Irving do
I Morning Star, 1 Cottage, do
I Farmers' A 1 4-c., 4.e.
. IThe above., Stoves are tbo well kncwn 'to'
quire any, minute descriOirof t beine the tom&
p4pular Apd approved Stove in market. All whit
may - favor is:with u call Will be shown through
our assortment with pleasure. " Reeolleet the
numberEaTon's far famed ;One Price Store.,"
Sartori-. Pit.. Sept.. 1841.-1315
- 117 ; New . ode
ot _
ir ,
WEBB. is no rectiving his Fall
• Gl°4 i They hii•lne• been bought ex.
tramely low, *lll be sold et the lowest price for
ready pay.
Montrow. zapt.
!- 1 NEW GOODS.. :. • 1 !
6 Ai IL LAN. i •
A i r . '
,#l. , PARK return 'their raleli
; arkticiwkidginents to the public fur petit t* i
.yurts, and invite attention to the very lirge IdoCif
'of Spring and Suininer Goods they: are now; 'o r
driving, und oferlor sale at very low prices .11 it)
addition:to`their Osumi assortment-tit sta plot'
Goode, Ornettries,' Hardware Crockery, P:iiri ,
and ON! ato., t rey are prepared to exhibit it iiir
ainiortmhnt2,oll4 , - , 1 1 i
of every; description, Figured, Plaid and 'Flail,
Silks: BOniteteShowls; Riblions, Gipved,'ll4iiiery .
Ladies anClUisses shoes of all kiniie—alito t
largo etOe le of ';,: .
Clutha, Caititiii)eN s, Tweeds, Jeans, surilnicy
Cloths, i Vti.tinge, Hats and Cope, Soutar tl
Shoeit die. dt.c.' - . 1 1
1 They ',respectfully solicit 'an early call from
those s hoe iiih to purchase GOOD GOODS ilk,
LOWi/410E M
S. 1 . 1 ,
, 1
'•i - ! : eNIILLAN & PAULI
, .
SpiingvHilf, May 2, 1854.
'to AO
• '
Great Excitement in New .
~- • , • , ~.. . 1...]
i i ricrizos criid Afilocleons for, carth. !! 1 ' •
11011.1lES WATERS, the tt real Mtnit- Old v P ll6o * e
.I.E dwativ,llE3 11 loadway. 'New York. preterits.: to Pliare a'
1171r0 per pent. with hip eamouterp. nt herdhattp ay It 10 i e
harper of Waal Stele!. to ridge available means to 'nab at
hint Ip at* the '.trout trlnt tiin..A. offershis latmelfle!lo
- elegant And warrant ed,Pianot and Rel,nien 4
itt a lair( dikount - trollll factory prices. tot rain; Oil!
PotdoientromprierW Vann* front three of:the tarsept a .1
damn Celebrate.' IloPton ttannfactorier; aim) those of 4 , •
the bpot N eft Mork nrt4 era. I ocdoding the besot Ifni
aid much mild red Warta-Mit re Pianna front hip nerU fat
tory. And Maioderina.ot the best Amnon: Kew YvarE. 4/1
'B ,1
uffalo niarkP; *El:wiling an opportunity for peteettowo R.I.
to bets.' niaewherr. , Eteh i tatrnotent 'climate,' ittiacorttll
handPiaintfit rireat itarzainx—Pnicas P, no* StifttrilBll9.
,liuste and sittaideall ink roment• of nil lkindp. Dtalito,
Teacherivandheadopf Sebols /moot! d on the beet 01.00.
:guide twit by mail 0 opt paid. Oen; ref land Sriert' !CI
st -
inge or Vilotivatitisch!tlie nr faotory !wipe* or . PAU! 9
MehaleonPasid nia4lPal in•truntrots forwarded to any ad
4resP,frite of pottage.-4S Saioa - ; ~ 1 13"
. • * il.l
Union insurance l'.
Offici,:o i ßradford (fort 1 72 ty,. Penn'' il
Allie r ' .
• . • i •
1 •1 ' 1 PAPIT 41J. 200,000 'il
PECERAD . olf BORDS AND! 310i1TO.iGES I . CEi Rti.4.l.
. ,
I •; 1 ' `'. tE , ESTATE. ' i' ' ;'i 1 .'i•
• 1
_II . • : .1
INSURES figajnat :Ion!s by Fir.'llougett. :Halts
JL wind otter buildings . Good* Watvg; illidiNtr.
clattldine' on wt &vont' l • t • ~ . t .
, , . , ~.t. t erms - tts any f, sonoar
~ 2 . 2 -, , L . 1 ,
Insutur,loqi Lospi.m pnimptle iidjosted :401p:dd.
.; 1. '. tixitEcrotts.l .' 1 A
Hon IfiiNee IVillist i nl, Franyip4Tvler, Geh,;..A,
Perkin 4, J T. kV ; ,Nier. -C. N. Sitipinnn,
Mtelles4 - it., J.E.. Cnntb:til, 'At thin'st • Hon. ,il'llin
ILnporto, TowanOit v Gen. Br.ollet , I,Vitketnan,..63.
env%illo t Geo I ,*„Hollentrtek %Viikesbneye; MI;
eti2el sylert, pporti.. Pa.. .
,1 i 1
' . ' '
' " • 1 I OF IFICER Se 1 ' , - l'
, , 1 11'
lion: Woven Williston. l'res.: C F. Well4B,lr.
'Vic e t Pilot; and tri. en,'', •J. E. Canfitild, Spo'i I 1
, , -
Address; G. !A.l G 4 lard, ‘VynltOpg, 13radfiRrd
erstinly4-Pa.-28Y . 1* I - 1 • .:1,1 •
Invalids of Pennsylvania, ,
your attention i urgent!) itivsted to a eareia , l
f . and candid perusal oepotnething that has jowl
I heen ietroduce ld into dour rich and time honored
;State. • • ,
t,, Pulresn s I 'dm achee ' ' Ele i clric Voltaic Chant..- i l
r. A. new and 6v.• mode of - ipplying a powerful
• remedial agent. pn ontut meted a p to be worn under
thee:smooth., next o the .kin producing actin-taut
moat. rrupied purr nt of Electro llagnetipm, - efr.reir
: ing immediate reit. f fro n t the moat acute pails. and
align or permani-nt r r. • o
of all Nervone Downers. It
seldom has failed r • furni s h alinost instant _relief.
1 mid it final, pertnnr rut cur:. lit heing noted accord.
; hoc to dtrectiopp. t the fulftowing diaettilep.—Rheu
' mutiem. I.lour, i , S intim*. ;P•tralyPiP. Fainhil and
Swelled Jointii Se 'might tithe' face. •DiPeaPer of
the Spin... Deitrnebud Itinittevo.. Uterine Paint'.
Potipitai ion of t ' hel l eant. Peri - 04;0n! Ifeatincho. St.
' Vitoo Dance. gen. til Debility, Pain. of the Cheat.
1-iyetrrieg.bripep.ia. all disrenoet. that are Callred
hy a defirirut it motiiii of Nervrinp are gr•i•atly
relieved. if not pertironentit cured by -imply wear
ing the ehainvi,st few hours each_ day. •
Be it tindertitorall that it is not claimed that it
cnreP all d feral.. P. 4111 milt ' thole.. fro which it•iprec
-ominendetit rend m4oreover'we boldly Mahn and‘de
fy that no ineattgin I.lgent 01" tiny kind haeperform-
Pti ill 'll. %!•IY Cure during; the last yrar, of ,those
rlisettvet jai , ' name no I. It
• ' putr'erin clier's Electric Chain.
.. ~ .. .
. dad to prove this a nortinty. we defy iittjr perttop to
01 - e!.4.! StOves:: Stoics: :.•. i ;;'i l praline,. on' many ell aa.h,eutietited Illertitioniteri of
rri/iN slut' Wishes to gall the pr l, f f . OClentifie-rhi oicini o and atilt...llore... 1 ..........-...,.....,
IWY friends and Ithe Public twill's tit ;, tare , tir moon iii i o.l,oprilet of 36 p seep. to he had . (gra
t - ? tie) 01 the aaeor to I.'s temp. ThelileetrteC•lttati
assortment!, of , l • ~ rt 1 ' t
1 : ' i I ' '-- were firot int rOrlor din France in 11 4 50. told after
..' '. STOVES. ; . il, i.,
'.. 1 be l t_ otobjertell tr. ha ' :ono l thorough and rigid trtalo
nt run firer kltrit•c:lLi!ont tn. 1 -..try'r 4 villern,rfroi ",/I b y the fir.t trkldical Pali?, they. were found
J.s. B. Lrnheitn'A•Stare. 011 d ne:ir the Great B i t.4itlii to p „,,,,,,„ „t„.„l,a, ud in,,,,v,,m o n.p au ;',. c 0 .,. '....tivir.,
1 Detrt. , He haff 11l addition to I.h. t former jag:Eel' ing pain. Wherevoir tipplied. and by their •iieuence
variety pf Cooking alnd'Pnflor Stoyers, mar tt i wet . intradorald til n the haspitalp of that city and
Patterna. siame l .td u'hit - ti 'irP --- ' • A t ;apts....en/ell bitter. patent ,ity . the French r:overn
a: ig i ra r i, o ,,, ,I. ' f er e, Branch, 1 tiro F7y) 1 t no nt ' flies: lire now introdueed into ahresst ev r'
Afoilrn Troy.[ Mohawk,
IPri a l linni , '.' Ilins itmllti IP fjobitlii I:..rstinnv iii t " ii 1 .1. y.
Mac!. warrior, ationt. - Oak, .1, li . P •-.•- . • _ ' " rl4. " Cilin "
i , 1 1 31110 instPulen gr lag fq , enotori7P. where they have
0... Stove. 1
. , , ' h.essine ihe mnft
Which ingether , lwith hia former Pine's . , will ' ler Popillar:(:tt
.. . I
perhapl thg• moat extensive and Y-.redisetttrente t
of well'utterted Bt.) TS in the Crountv. ' • : . I Tl ''Y we '" ' vat
*, l **.ttlinton StOvest well fnrni-heil at lOw prig ..I hunt one N"'s r t' i n"
::417hAll'arti'vliqt in hiss line kept on hand r d trial as , in FlarOpe,
made tit,order :1 ,1 114 and orders i reveired id istl I " " .^lr 14 " 1 : 111
old at and in Grietit Bend. 1 ' 1 . .' I, i t ;:,, , d n ' u l l ,Y au n i 7;;. ii ,"1. 0 1
- , .
i ,t: •'. .. JOTIN COLSTEN' ' we
, 1 I 1 - t yr.. highly ...atonal
Loderarille & Great Bend hot. 1853 — . if. l t .E,,,, Soren: Piatt a
, ,
their view' , errOeir
the medical jopriitt
daily practice lof r
tient,. A Nil, nee
found w in -were, parr
every perpon os . h.
to itiEl.ructrcß
Chitlins eat, h. ; Pen
for nue.
,rrieip of I
PhyPicittiato are p
ire. their ennt 'rye
merits OPIK woi
fear that thoovi wilt
claimed they !eon
N. B. Ono chnii
of it. electric pow.
either'adult at chi
Agra. rnaaitt.i..
Jos N.. Rive's?. (
New Voris i
, . ,
1606. Beek' Agents WantedVil
TO C .ii'vass ;wr the best and 'mad ialkkble
' ' 4 - •.'
.IBooks pu, }shed. They are w ri tte n te y le
most popular: Kothors of. th e . day, itiCl,n(b . Sr.
,others, T.:;,S. Arthur, of whose hiSt !great
work, 1 ; ', i 1 , I
1- Pen ;Nights in a Bar Room I ...I',-
,10,000Cop:ies h.ivi been sold within a inorilhi;,ll
'ruhticailon. • i i - - i, • • . i E ;I:
Th, oio Booksaie beautifully illai , itrated,' - ',(nii•
. . ..
fly (if tbeni witlißmtly colored ptates) ;and d.i.e
printed and botihd' in the best manner . . 1. 11. f
A#erltiCiPliCfi l lifi arplinocint and 'profiniblt, On-.
ployinent...,4i their circulation . for pArtictliata
addreso (p o st 0;0) L - is' • - .::1 Iti •
l• JJ tV.IBRADLEY. s-nblisher. I i
Difi. 48 Ndrifi . Fourth Street, PhiladOpbhi.:
4;14 ''
I i - 1 ' ! ll'
- [ . ! ; - 1 ',. .
'POlitlk i FOR SAILiE.
111111010 C ;S,AII hp thrbarrfl, hy ; ;
- Si Witco!' or 4: BAI:DWiN
51AVi 1854. • • ' • 1
,'New - Goods.)
AA Giind!assoripiept—to arrive !this wet4c.'3
'prices. CAI and ex taiiae. r
3tantro4Co. &pt. It. 1854. !
;.. rii, With yi.o et. :11. 7 .41111 itili trielobi ' 1 ''i
• i ffiLT I . ...' l e . I. 'l '•
.00 :In r.r° , MXlJ , Fotmirps rolt y ,
you. , ,
Nsll. fit d,,, to at my resideneo on Stint ..•
: !. vile; two clillir south from fief!' iNittiMl's
E 544.,, happY ritatiy ime to wait or) . you. siti•ikl 31
1 .1
or professiiinallv4„ the latter, espi-ii•iallY. l';(6.', v.
who pri•ter, to Barr their work do n e at ihelf : TIC LI
dence Wget her, HONg in tots or I at. will 04:t,
give mi.! ni . )tico, and . any nt;ti'' rii
seriirel. Pcniiitts at . a distance desiring, i Piii*4
Te4th,le.l4 he nceornuaudated :it
.Inr liiius. li'l•ti
of cxprnsei„ whil4 the work is beitig done , F ..k4 I
Wibil vi tiVl'buy A suit still adlo4r fo rii).l4lcl
plao o(cktirgin.r.aeCording to! the! circtimstmit
of M
y patsous; ',There is much, , complaint,
theihil.r?i priersi of Dentistry and of my Priel.'f. 'tiro
altliomih: fi haie Lent in the hal4 of dedoctiltg.
front 15 10 25 Or - cent. from tilt first. i.r.Nifisl
,ii i)
,friendi I *ill make you. titis offc4,—ie you.. ,
need work will dome right alon i u- and It4,vi 4
done and An keep me bu s y, I Will work for ti,,
for,:halti:ific im d do it *ell tong This if.:i )0
welticre ,to eharri"f so high is. lo•catise.',44li k r.
' • - ' --,41.,,
frotn trend of this pain or the pay;
and focus to.ltoie min+ • time
Cittne oti:then and you wi
tY chaqe for tiirOninq at Montnvin
- C.D.I4IRGIC, Surt
Motitri*. April 19,1854. . '
'Our Stock of Sto
jj n t rentripteted—and
jpa itlity to•say that are can
beioti al/Hnd' splendid pattern*
Cooking:•StotteCtO be found in
Acriong thent;can be Peen the R.
and Gothic Parlik, for wood or coid
patterns; artd dividedly pretty
froin , five,to ten dollars.
Of MarCoekin4 stoves, we thi
say mach, nrify to. 'remark that . 1 1
thein at our furmrr prices..ind jiii
rapidity of oar sales, we believe
entirely satisfied: with the prices
000 wares, 1 . I
liVe,have a "'few le ft " 'of the
Tight Elevated Oven stove," ad
all to belthe;berit cooking stove
11111,444 and Enell4h pipe at obi pi
mingi!and Tin Ware of all des
very 10 W est
Nei Milfard, Oct. 24. 54.
I • , : •
~ i 1 ,
- Everything works to a Charm
S, . , JOHNSON & Co. at . now rereiv
a new Rim* of FA! Gns.dn, ak i nd are r_i.nd,v
wail . up n. the •rieople to anythin* they wish
the linel jof ; Dry, Goods, Clothlinz , Groceiri
Hardwate. Croclierv. Fish. Salt, Jrnn, BoatS i
ShOes. 4e."&e. • We will surelY snit till i t
call and ' r i,lee na it (tor Litnre in 8 rinaville
I. • :;.! ; ;SCOTT. JOHN TON di Ca
18prinpilli.,Ekpt; 27 -1854. ' .. -1
,i . :
Adtaiiiistrator's Notice.
NTEmeE is Merely given thalt letters t
/111 nuintarY upon the estate of Wiltinto i
net. deic7di late of the township of Bridge •'
have lan the subscriber. All
sons indebted trisaltd estate are,' hereby to
led toimilte immedi3te payment-land those
ingelairini upon asid estate to present them
attested for tettlemont• ' "
; WM. A. -WAGNER, Ad
Moltroiso, AO, tlfS4.--48w6
" - Th ' • •
It Man, now
L udt
Rook ,fi lf Its raals-." fai . tily should
3u0,000 'COPLIN sow Ix
ral TALON A a, s e w
Ithat. freeload sad Istpovir. 4 4
.st Itumed. ' •
Dri itsater's Medical Vassal
and brad asst tor tbraittlataa—
Coatitaloa an wallas' to the' ore.
, td,'Fitpireatopria oar. *ado are,
rim fors of diseami ono.
ier6l ay poonateettone iszsal
biomass' Piave, with advice
It tetabler -ty e, avoiding
rierythlog that mould
nollue of onmplalote meitleat
Sow twenty years gamma
ted to the cute of !Hirano of a
jTo which it adsled r elptv torlthe cure of the above die.
tam. and a treat i s e o the mopes, P3ariptunts and Cure of.
the Fever and A#Se.
y.of iPr , ,
Totimon fitesorseObstetries it Pen* Catlett,
',Mita ielphfu—”pl t . II 1 / 1 ' Ett's 4 MEDICAL 4 aINICAI.."
.o—Theaut hoe o dills w "rk. unlike the_ majority of those
ihowslvertive to :tennis he divest VW of *hi. I. It twat*" Is a
trdilate Drone ot t e beat Cetlexes in the Poltedrteteic.
t n affnrds me pleasure.'o reentnniend him to the union e•
nate, or to the retitn f melptoetic ,a.• a successful and
i t
xporieneed preetilln "hove honor und• integrity
bey may place the gr atert eonlidenTe• -
.1 , t 4;: B. LOVOitlfliti. D
I From A Wiwriteard.l At D ~41 Per , . Utticerstf ‘l
.v. Phan'
ii, riPha. — lit eireeme pitmen:, tr add my testimony to the
professional nbility otlie A ttlbor ot the*. MEDICAL .11•7.1.
1. "' i
i x
A Nnmerere flu .of DlSSwee cattle limits! tirgas.s.
mite ot them of one v 001114.'he%e come under my so
lemn which hi,{ skill es been manifest In reld.M.log to
lierfee health, h? Koziol whe.• the patient his tr•rn
Manehlered beyond me teal aid:,. In the treatment ot 8 am.
anal weakness. 'r •Ilsa ntretornt of the function , pro.
;larva by I‘.ll - ah .• 0t glee,. It vensoy, I do not know
ti I.r.
Is orperiOr i n I,le " p nwsion.l I have. beats acqualnked
th the t uthos aotnr bitty peer , . 'and deem It no more
hat. justice to him as well a. lq.rellne.e to •he unfertunate
'wins clearly IMlleer, lion, toreromwen•l 'him . as nor • in
i r t i pmp penfe‘.l•Mal 41 I end Intigritt they may wifely
,ivnede thetn.eleer. 2 ALF/IND
,WttslDU AHD: X. ll ,
i •• This's. it.thtost e e-ntinn"..the 'total comprehensive
)Ind intelligible 4ork i nbtlahed on the Cleft 01 disease of
Sahli+ ir treats. • Mn '
.ing ell tertmleal term, .it address.
tv itself to 'he reason'
,firs rem lent It la fr-s from all
, bjeetionahle matter, mi no 'petrot however fasthllnue t
ran object to nisi-ine i In the hen+ , of tie snits. 'mi. istr"..
thor hes devoted man yell' • t:a rho treatment of the vial.
inns complaint. treat !. of. onsk.with Soo tittle Isresth to
puff and too little urn unantlne to innrs*. he hee._"ffered
tto the world. a' Oh' m ly •noteluat price Of 25 cent • the
yrult of some tWenr) ears' meet PusweallUl practice '..-•••
I !Herald. . I - .
i s' tin teacher Or pare 't should be without the knowledxe
;Imparted I• r•lSlnval able work It would nave yearn of
ipain.mortierathws en• ultrow tn the youth under thelr
;chive.. "—People'. ,A , mate. I. . .
N A Presh• terion el yrnall,‘ol4hlo 4 writing of " Hutt
:r er's ‘fe•fieni•tf nntivi''' v.iyo :4,...f.lioncinute Open thous
lands ••f our vonth. hr 4
rvil eitarnple an I influence - Arnie.
;pa winos: hive been I 1 into the habit of self Polio ion,
iwithoni r.slistnir rhoi In. end tearful eansepteneest upon
ithem.elere and tte r•de Ateelty.i The eputrtittilioneufthrots•
?anat. who stre -*feint fit n hill.' have been enfeebled. If not
ibrer.ert.lwwn.iln. - :1 the, do natlcnow the eons.• or he cure.
Pinytbirwe that can he •ilone no'ro ••Wolvliten and Inlltuanee
itbe pnl•nomlnd 'y , ll tn. cheek .004 uhlmately to reamer [hie
ilri4e-lreend *notes of human wretrhednese. would 'tooter
the 11 4 1',1"0101.1 Veydrix next to li, r •Ilnion a 3*.u.0 chriPt;
;on the prevent 004..0 sin r corseratiob.. Intemneranee tor
ftbe live of 40 0 . 4 4' 411 mi drinko ',"honch it ha, Antos thona
!ana,i upon ihnik4n44.llll TO ft gre.tor .whrilrte to limbo
;Twin P." A^f.o l . in , thenk'ton bettirif of the •ilfileted.
} helleerime4vour. , ..worksir In the good wet.) , you are f
iMsetlvely entered to " '1", 1
:ncs'ilv rsol'ire'r neelanPAO will he forwardei. free of
ITlo•tmee to ant istrt 0 the Milted States for 2$ wants. oe
Isle eoetea far 'AI; •. a I vet e. (MIA mild) COSD.Iu & rCO-':
tv i
i rtsbli . bent. or .ttos 'I. Ptilialalpitia. .
,I Ism` Roolteenert. tla rowers :.oat Omsk Agents 4:spolied
li on the most diheral is ... • 1 ... . 24y1
Or, Beery
man .s‘
• I'l'ol.l4lli
D.frealwe of, F,
lance to aiarrird
riage. By a
°' • • Let'On father b
t the Aesinlupios
'front an earl:) , ' aro
titan entri alto th•-
. vvithone readilnit ih
one suff-ringfroin
\On, tesilesi it i
whhle tramai I)
by th. it nhyaleirn
poking tlfa
or those abont to
this truly' useful b
salvine thonsiitigiv
very jitwi of Arai
' Any firrson
closed in . a Imtter,
stink by mail; or
Dollar. I. Addre
II find 114
. ii4ii
•• .•
• , r
V, es. '1; 1
Old take this i p.
show thel thi 41
of Paler lii l e
li /
the emintvi ,
, volvine IFIt
11_, entire'if i r •
toves., Pris s
1 ,
n l
111 it needle;4l o
-e are sil l
ilging fro li g e
the puhlie itie
and qutilitil tf
1 ,
'"Clinton[ l
4k,, r
'nowledged liliqr
now in . toid
ERMA. I .4 Jr
rr"E greate4
11 .WiPtam
Valve,foree and I
above 'all talker pit
and ihroirin bra
Fir Engine: Ti
1854. islho? ivh, 1 U
screwr . ahont It
lamt tt,mantailife
variety of fOrm.
Lion andj earn/ it
superiori to itil
per %trine
and Maria:R . 4hr'
All ortierm rani
'nick. liiderivill4
right for Sii+lllo
I Ang. 29. 1,854
4 riapov:qll
tivenvneTs,' Jievn •
Wright'i anti Ph
Pain Killer, &.c.,
Brooklyn„ Au
tire itg . eni in the It'oe/d. '
tit rodoned into the U. Stntes nr
. owl Went through the
nd were at once- sot v.dueetrt
N York. where they. are tom
tor eirep more wimtierlul r•nr...a
heeoio warded them. They
oiled Fit- Prof Ylarffill/.. Mort.
lid others. who hair ! ` pnht shed
power nttfl value in several of
pin I bl 4 I city'. an.l :Ire shot in the:
commending ,their m ee In . pa.
not of their opittion nosy ilsohe
Ithiel. Stift sent to the ;Mitre", of
!gim e he mpplyine *lll , loq wad)
tin; •Vient.litott rose. Pa.. Th.
hr'iriti' with
,fall, , le.eript ions
•hointo.!.l3 NO 96
, litetv.i.pritefttn call and -itam
:nn. sornnenine.• npnn thsir
n •to Tivsttns, nn nproinn no.e.of
•nSt neenmplish . just what it is
0. • i''
veil 1 . lair', for VPIVFX Out loop nom.
by use , end can ho applied to
d • '
%gout. Montemtp. Pa
eneral'Apent, 468. Firnmiwar,
.or Yourself
, n..a4 own Phyldeion:. '
1Frit:111 Edition. etnitaiiiing
hundriql Engravinge: ttlinwitte
and .Nlafforinntion► of the . IN
!tem in ;every ellape •Ittol (anti.
F h is' ntitled a Treatiee on the
lite'• being of the liighrat i m p o r.
I (Tie, at, those cotestiplating-mar.
nt Yoking, It D.
6 1 . , arthislurd. In prl7Ptqll is cop) , of
i b"is his child. It may pave him
e. Let no young , man or vro
-1 ay.eret Oblistatiohe of marrivei life
iv Pocket Aesenlapinv. - Jam no
a hacknivd roue!). Pain in the
i !I. Deprave frelihar. and the.
peptie iteniationsi. and given up
beannthernmineM withouterin,
0, pi .7...4 . tinve ti l t; married.
married an) imp:
. k. as ii hap heen the tnvana . of
f unfortunate creaturerfrom the
1 I
sfndint twenty fire cent* en
retieivr one copy .of this
fiie copier Will be rent for One
it (pert paid.) • •
152 Aprucr St. Philadelphtn.
st Pampa !I,
' l lPrip . MPlit I , f the C
Riti.nt Dont& Acting B ill,
,flPninp.• An improvement
e 1
it pa or machining, for lifting
c , combining i}ottt a pninpand
i Pump. patented in February,
f of It
,metalie. no boils i;r
i rit:gt..L consequenntly it will
'III . P. Ti can be noted in every
t ' draw water from , any sans
t any , part, of a home, it in
h r pottnii‘glor ilintilleries. - Po
ira. Brick Voisin, Iron - Works
f. 7. leAtablighMolltli of all kindii..
t be addregied to Atidintin Dim•
Pii„ who luta botight the Role
mini County. , * ' . •
3.51 f; .
DICINtS.—A small and juin'.
: ted mcrrtrnent, ineludinr fir.
a., .lu4 i; Throop'x preparations.
nney's Pillst. Divia and Thayr'
• . 22.11354. , '
taliwiDitaniA imicm: ilOOSS•s4dlsteldinlndilo
egn by Yr XIII 4Elll4So:torn** °lnlet k Union
eta. between Swim, old Pia*, kbiit+d•tyhil. Pa
'kv*a - 441 . ate apprised teat Ye. ICC:4OII4S muilleali
biaptwethiejo a palatial*, breach of inediciee. which ea
gagrulditaildtvided attention. tie casstiimetbe usisittentate
ndithstt the ahusir of mercury; thottimatie are atinsally
mereutiallited dad oftife Retest adeetionsarit rituality
mithiselsited. •
Teireseter• f 'war* Clam. sniter is thettentillindit
of a eine ofiiitesers Idthertonslylected iisedimperfectiy as
deritood, her reanted dr ILIIIVIILIN.(dWrIlon nit • Woltill
ottSaLl Pianism siontOto prove that nine teethe of , be
ranee. dfnerrouti debility. local and co:4th utlobil wetly ,
nrasoteatel and phy.tealsulfaidnit• are traceable to <mif
f pin habits. ming the'inoil seenst yet 4apity ati k i haat
springs ofddmeitio ebeej and presnature 'Ronan',
. .r es's. - Vst ic .—Tberet*.in eirilhebit -
somitintraio•taleet in by udittple Innen *rowing.
- up with 'bent to manhood. sod got reformed in
doe tints, adt hvtate scrioos lbsteele s i .* mity ; mm o s i
hilco „ n .. hat to ai•ting -4 eoVietea insiniont.
snot devestgine - altections. IsW nt thOte *lke 01 • way to
p-rnlciour Practice ere Osere of the ,Rnn•egt.rroea,
own the) the nervous "Olsn hatter/A feel strange
and it nseminntithle'pelinirs.end valor:fears In *bonded.
The nocnritinat• thus ifieeted sonsnnes "ifehJe. fa new"
tolit•or with occirstn•• ed vigor. or to apply Isis mind to
Sinity his St.ii is tardy and weak he: &ail. ?resolute,
and rang , " 'n hie sp”rt - willi less eneiwy then usual.
if he eft ancipste hi horn** the ontetler his anisette
wrest. s-nd lot 4' itiatrinvine his tit •trlat.e ofrulttat and
hle.snae teirs him that this's Closed tir his early follies.
Th * . d , ere yeti fere inns *Web shaulloweden thediderdion
of nose itriihrl7 slim:it'd
Ilta •el 3 - e•ntilres the fulfilment of several order that, it mar he inane the nth' , Of mutual
hoponwee. ;,; 414'114 tho van which Powers alae origin of do.
et. litt. - ..rmtrlic•lnei.i. he nsisest wan tit. t vnejnal fee in *eery
instance .11s;novers1 -4.11 bosenlanv h. ryey,..l to ph ' s.
lest lia inalificatione .6nd - their attendant disappointments!
Aeoty theirrovidle It is vis. eha. in or4n; `h a y,. yor en.
strizn* and - rolesed orranizatims rehiseed, revivified and
. ,
• nt—fle who pl*nti blMorif - under fir.
KlNlCEL,trittreatincni moyrolirionaly confide In hie hone
or la * , nflorrtaii.A.Pl rely anon the assitoaner. that the
secrets of Dr patient. itilln,l/rt h. deaelesied
Taunt min—let ;nn false titiQesty deter von from ioal".
Ina Sent conotn nen to sets, *hp from 4,4neetion mud easoei.
tability.ean certainly befriend; you
-T•in moor thin thee coneeal the secretin't heir
mow heitrtsc and cure theinselves !Motel how often
this?" fetal telnorion.and how mane '; pentnlodarr young \
!nen'. who'iblirbt have been an oirtramest to society heal
faded fonnf,the earth .
Stricturersof the urethra tepidly r,vreoved be Mei
applileatiott• fa new thseaneritleal "skein: used . .nly . bye
Dr vredk nese and .n -titstionot tebillty primaptlyi
-cured, and 1 . nit vlOoi reatoted
vitir•• A'*”.' I Can here. Om abiding their
eassi%•vpileitly. toroth*? wilt all t heir symptotns, per let
t..r.itieloster a remittance) hr IC's. .medltsine. ippropria
tett accor.Peily
Ye.wa Mini to an, pars of the ratted States. and packed
grew, fr ot. liA'dlAo or CIIIIIIOSITY • ..
RE AD Manhood-
• , . .
.A - Vi groroaot' Life or,o Premature Dratk, ginkeiim on Self :
Prestfrriaion—Onlyzs Cents. •
Idle it work e ntnently re 'aired, air n amine of cobra
log tile irked of the age in wh , rh we lire.'. Also;
1 1 NATURP:' OUIDE : •..
With rule ityor the entre:l i gation of I fe,jratf romthe Preis
•. A 4 , tter ?with a re.e Mance 015 rents, pr the value in
;modem 4d:tressed to—Or- KINK it LIN
Pa: still gowns s copy at either of rite .ah book f by
return M. 1111; or 1211eles will 4ene er p o d,"
for 81* t4okiellers. lieueassers.Trtveliftrg %pmts. he .
supplied whol'esate et the publisher's pricee.whieb 'admit
of a!lee.e•Prolit. ' ,
rp!'"All Getters me's( be nrotr-void,
A NNW:sad singularly auccessful
. remedy for the Mire of all Mil
r • ions . disetases—liostiv,t nese. indigtot
. ; thin; Jaundice. Bropoy., itheMmatisin i
„sr ! Fevers. Gout, flunror,s.. Nervoneuese,
" t e_l Irrltahtlity,lnffammatione,Lleadiche,
Palos tn.the Breast. Rade.- Beek, and
• NMI Maths. Female Complaints. &c.
- very raw sir" the ageism% In
w'och • !Putt itive Medicine ts not
More or Wee riquiied. and much aickneett and suffering
migtit be prevented, if a hero:delta but effectual Gatharti
Vent marefreely, USG*. No person can reel 'welt white a
twelve habit a' body prevail, , ; besides It -*win teUrllltel.
aerinns and often fatal diseases. which might' have been
avoided by the timely and Judicious use et n good "purg•-•
Men . Tel if alike true of voids. Feverish' mnipbomv„. and
Billions derangements. They all tend tn- become or pro
duce the leen seated formidable dimeinttere which load.
the toar•otot over the land 'Hence a Veil .1)1. family phve
ic he of thn fast importune trt the publice u health. an I this
Pill has been perfeceed with connammatetticill to meet ih
demand lAn extensiee trial or its virtue* by Physician'',
, Pmfeesors,. and Patients. has • phown risulte %lupe / mime
envithingsbitherto known nf atiy medicine.. Cure hive
berit effected beyond belief, were they not Substantiated
bi ortsont of such exalted Po Pion 32d• character as to
forlr n d the. outpicion of tenth — .
A ono cbr men eminent gentlemen Irbo•have testified
lit flavor olr these P.lia. we mat tntotlntk : , • .
D'r A lieges. Analytical Chemist. of ft Iston. and State
:Assayer of Malt.4:ll.llU4et II whose biz ) • Pl , re/iPintilti -CIIXTRIS•
tet , la .1)44r.e. , 11 by the lion .. Alward Everett Senator ofthe
11.. .;.RaSert . C Winthrop. Ex•itsleaker of the 'llonse.of
t i
Represen three; Abbott T.Awcenre'l N
lialster Nett to Rag
land; in D. Tititnitclett. Rath Distlitit Of Roston. Also,
Dr 'al It •hti an, Practical rhernist: ',at 'New York City, '
e nd o rsed y 11011 W."l, %Tarry .usyrelry•• or slate: win.
W Astor. The riehest'man In America S. Irland & C 0.,:
•p,eintwet% of the M ett opolltan' lintel.: and others 1 1
- Did s Nies. permit we eonld gill , . many hundred ....TVS:Pates.
troll all °Oils where the Pitts have been need hnt erideneel
ewer mare.nrirlr than the exoltrieneeat waterlog Dub
lie men Ditto:lml in their effect a 111)1 , 112 trial • " - I
These • P
ills- the result of long investiration and study.,
arsVaffered to the puldlit as the best and '' moat complete'
zblekthOnresent *late of medical science ran afford -i
- 1 - ticy are compounded not of the •Irnas themselves. but or
the Wseitinatylit Iles mai. ..t 7.....i..6.41...................,--..-eikearecr
hy chemleal pe...usesain a state nf oarity..and combined to-.
tether In Vneh a marinei as tO Insure the best rest:lto ?hie
sys(ens of composition for medicines has been found it. the
Ohrrey Pal...lmnd 441 0 111 a Nall. VI :nre.trtelt a more eißcient
remedy than had liithurto7neen cibtainel by snit powesti —•
l'hi. reason is rrtectl v nit-fleas. while by '-the o ld mode
of eornomiltion: every medicine it , hardened with more er
lea.' sctimord'uts and iolations inalltii4. by this each •
ir o .+ll.lnal rhino only that is desired for the curative elect
is areaene All the inert and nhlnalnas riTtlitres of each
0 1 10 4"aer earthlared art lett behind. for 'ear...tire virtues
m. 'y
beteg , er•lil.o.l 11 , Ure ;It is ...1t4.11 , 14ent the «Reels
Ph 104 erne, as they have preyed vo. re ;purely rearilial.
an tha.ri l l• a 'twee. more Pnwerfal antbitite tr., disiase
• ti. ao a -y o th 'emodleineAnown to the *MCI • ! 4
4a it to f-egnontly expedient Hat any medicine shout:ohr,
• taller, tooter the counsel Oran attemllng,Physielan.and as
heimmtd not !prop e rty Diderot a eeroloty - Without knastiog
itsimarpopdt ion. T hay. *implied the neenty.te•Factnulat4 by
att.+ both my reetnral arvll Pill, are made to the whole
hops of ! . ramitleners in the ratted States and Deqish
- Allnerieali urneinem if hnwevec there shOUld h.-any:one
who tout tint rerelved them, they wilt be promptliferward
ed by mall to his address '
P f ail be Patent Welitlney that are niftTed. bow;few
would 14, tat - en it 4.- ir rempopitlne qua liranui.! • Their
life eons - Drain their avec ery : T have e a iay.rerhi .'.
of Mr aretet tinny 1%4 e vita"•Ple tinny l! Alild 'anion tgi an
min who rep eo-noetent4 ..
?no isetee t in rhe•pubieet
-freely 10..111.rnwle4re th eie,nnvie les ..r.p. ph. i mi „,4„,i i . i h m ....
it .1 The Cher-v P..eteral era• pronnane d, by stientille melt
to he a wielderfnl M^.11 , 40. fief..,, Its eiteets - were sworn
Mane main. at Physichoos hsve declared the same thing of
mg Pilla.,an.l even. av".re , emififyontly. tool ore wiiline to
ceitify that their antielpationa were mare, then reelsell by
thtitr effeeta *mon f.ial. -; -• - 1
Thity•.o.rrat.- by tb.-srOnavvfal infittentY nn . tbeinterattl
fa nririty 61101, 1 0.1 -Bid stimalot" It into healty;
tf .p—rrananve .h• oftorravratlonv of the .tninach. bowolt.4iv•
vr.lana niet"e"ortraaris of th"bn4r.rrrattorint their. irreitutair
art,- n tobtrailtb, on4;hy• antra-tine, wherryn. they *On.
13/1 lerttutomptits at ar" the. tiro nriein'of ditrararatt•
leinz , tatzir wiattael they are olrratrant to lat.*. • ad ha
nalintr"ir vraitetable. an 'tiara' ran write ftoto 13.4 t nee ix
antra qattettiray. . i
1r mitt or" .11r.ptiona. ate w *prier on-the 'Box
,1144.4 he .1 11ME 4 .1 C. Ai BR. Praetbial and. Analyitiratl
Chtnnirat - lowell. - Maas , 25eeiste-per Box.
_Fire Bor
es 44
-dram ,BY A, +nitre', Itontrore';. B. lei &A. tt ratan,
ttudintral .Allitsrth & Phinn y. itundaff: L. Scott, greet
Broil. -"ay all Oros:slots • an 4 .Baatertin , lt! (Urine tier,"
wh«ro Rcpt ltt..--17avillt
H. C. BENNETT 4i , CO.
Hers and Jobb:Y.! of Foreign and Do:
mestic' Dry GoodsF. .1
I ULD itiAite the attention Ot merchants in
Oustiristianna arid' adjoitiiii Countiei4 to
tick which w;11 he routiit Itir e and &Tim
-101 . pyiqtailmi,of the rear, cons sting in liaet
!tbs. Cassimeres' and Vesting's, le:map:id
1 4101, with all the best arid well known sqles
iit colored piintis. ' t
ills Dress Goods, White and 1 'nen "%We.
u. Brorhe long and taitinare:i
SII:IWbe tS~•rtbrr wit
I • •
mpt :,ttc•ntion paid to ordert}.l
r e:sv Work Fire llRszt
°lice. 9 Wall Strrt4
PITA 1., (Ist ea'sl sad Approlied Siouitiles)
500 oto
I sures regains, toss or Damage by Fire. •
U • . (1. atelabins. 113 Broad ntrest;'
Pete' le. Baker. 1 Apruer otrert ; Girard liancket. 1 18
Broaddra), Thomas Ands ewe . 136 Owlar direet; Samuel
Solith idayd. ET elt etreet ..,8 abet* 1. Cotikll#.lllo
tiaoedarleh•treet Jd met eon/by. 113 Broadway : t
Leht l iNhordbrldge.N N.; Lambert O. (IL*
ilual Witobtite; Wan. W. Deland. Naar Ynrll: Parr le
Roe SS Bank street;_ 844444 48 801. eor. and
Lalabt ' itreets ;Jolla 1 .: Deen.7B Witeretreet Tan
Wart.jllN %roadway ; Horatio N (halloo. eor We, and
Bid.row streets; Peter H. Trigger. enr. Gansiroert anti p'est;
Rinaheta Ross. Jr.. 48 Rtightli 4yanue ~.Frephen
eModeni it Wadleigh Dexter'9.
Reittnu 49 W4ier street.; Samuel Moelair,rtiboar 8.11111.
I nv; g it i cout aa glad,. 014441494 OW4
CL 4, RIC P. froey. •
',. f:11A31,3*1 L. thinwp. Mont.
14notrose.8ept . 8. 1853,'
, .
11EAR1ILE SitO , P.
I, • 1
. ,
rt.": nn4"riknoti have ostabliahrd a .40? ill
its' hnsoniont eitllli. 4ftvroNigtore.iu 1 1 4 nii
liiwia. altprt Iltov will n't all tirrieit kapri nnAland
FicomisOf and 1 1 , titraTtc :11‘ find •rtifittrn*o‘4,
Ste tr
tout. into Vottam•ntts. Tomipsionesi. Tiahlo.
1 P O . -- ~. .' i . 1
- •
ITT Tito iitironagenf i/1•/inhlit i 1... • . n-.
iiltieitiqf .1 - ' CO4,:notki sr. nnyitn:
'I . Vointrarp'. finer VS. 0453—ff. , ' . I 1
- '
- Brun B(lViediaines:
FRESH stock atAlonnint. Drugs
Weef.a. Potent Moetlielnes. Paint*, Oils, -Dye.
toffs; 45r,e, &a. for see by - I • • • !
I Deb. 14;1854. ' BENTLEY & READ. •
{ MONTROSE Daffecriu.
111:1D* "mutt THURSDAY 111)01110
:visas* k 'll4lri:j‘ -
..tiva 0 potorittiersits:
r ' tine, cask - io advance; *Zoo; if
idwiihin six Wombs . ; and fi2,150, the end
!:year.. -No paper dlicuntinnid anti) arrei ls „
paid, thu °pilau of the Pad.
Ali conimunicatiema connected eith tit
to insure attention, most 4. direcivd (Pot.t
c ffi gi t & Dar, Mootrose, Suaqueisan t a
of th e
• States of AdvertJabal. 1 ;
One squire - (13 lines or. (ems) 3 innertiohc!
En •h p.iabriuqUtlit inv4iti4.h. 615
One. quir tthree !Dimino ! , : •-• •• • .1. 2:46
Om- qttarr n. 4.111111., 4 00 .
Beni ens Card*. tent 300
Year v iritiet•tnents, not Witt' 4 plasirta:
On.: olutoots one year, . .. . . . 30,00
Y advertleers IA ill be rentrieted to . ih,
hnsi etik in %Welt the) aterigovtd tanit'api•tc l .
Ail Ans. vyt i o t tn`g tim eenttnue attvertieinotAinin s
they shat itive•opecial ditertions tar a dire:unlit,.
Dan r of the
Er ZIP plihlititien4 111. viatadded to their ma
( Iv
Pimping materials a large
.and, sap:fide avialt.
a w n nr Job Type. ere nn* prvpired tore - meaty
J f .ti i . i rk in - a manner ansurpaua r d in liiia see.
in t
flan ..t rg I vintr .. mut an the mostreaukaabli . tp tu ,,,
lankly of every description ke pt etittetanti,
on'tiond or printed In ',Orr. - - . ~-• ' - :' ,- -c ', -., • -...
,n: A itit - ,4,-,giiiftt. c (4 .
JOlllll GROVES, ,
!atonable Tailor Shop undergearl
del, Main,Street Montrose, Pa. -
• 131tIrkilliT HOUSE,
to Read - Delimit., Pa. Anniso* Bar
T, Pnsprietor., ,
.1111j111.110WIN, BPllOll.llr 41k
Manuffac reimi • ingPROUT I A 4...4M81Nzp C AR
RiAdE *AMOS, tiughowille, Lvv.rming Co., Pa.
• ringx inn,/ he:llA M. 8. Wilown. Mof!troPe.
- Wtp. W. SMITH* CO.'
Calpinei arid Chair linnufagtdrers, foot Muhl
S ri. t. Montrolso: Pa. ' :
1 Dr. c: c.
Ph*delis" and:intgrim, liarford i Pa: .014$
2 1 . mirs belowEignit's Store. ". • " :
- Dr. H. SMITH,' •
Sn eon ' Dentist; Montrose. Ps., , xlll-1 1r , t
*nee% Hotel, Mondays and Toesdaystit enel,
wtek. &. . 15y1
Deotlets in Dry Goods, Groceries Bordworr,
Crocktry, Boots -und Shoes; *.e., ' Sprispille,
• P 4.. • - !81
. • . . . - •
Att'arales at Law—Offire futtnrily' neen
Fijk4 by Little rt. Streeter, Montrose;Sumac.
h4nna County,
ltatlnt B. LITTLE. j
• • 1 . • CONGDON & • BEVIES; : -
Dealers in Marble Moninnents.Tibierc Tomb
S'oneit. Ste. • Corner ot: Court and Farbange
-8 reels, Ilppomitr Broome County Bank, Bing
h noon. N. Y. , ' ''. , , '
Debt' ler in Druga, Medirittea, Ch. adeali.Patatt ,
• Oil*, flt e atuffs,Groceries, Dry Goode; -Hard. are. Gtait.4.wayKtattiphene,Dorn
big Fluid, Lamppile,Ctivdlep.ilarniehea,U in
' 4w Glams. F:.nry and Toilet Article:l. Pena.
. n rrv. Jewelry. Stioorie. Spertaelex. 31 uPiril
Ittotruatenta, "Trtotsel.. Medieat
I.4quiin4, 31irrore. Stationery. Brushes+. Shoes.
Yhttitee Notion*, Ste. • Phybieiniii ,Prierrip
titins t-arelaily yorapoutrded.„
• ... 1
-----i--- ritANKLIN 111.41.5 ER - - -
• J
A‘tOirille.V azad.Conaselleir - al tau ,
i tt Motyriso'sz. P.&,, ' r . •:.
1,•• ILL attend faitblbll3 to all twine-PP entrof.
V ted to hint in, tit?. nOonty of. Sturilorloquia.
- Canv.youctott ono writing Wall iiiode l wilt b
, lonif ono li. and chitty,. moilt•ratte.- . ..„.- , •
H:r will Oro at lendinfh« proorrof ion efelbigno of
soldhtro. their. widnwo and heirs. *Elide* the U - at
ted !states goyernineot: for Bounty_ Lead'. Fr a
!hi l t ale.% -
, ay he tosuld at all _hoar? at the office firitterl
oceipird by .1. T. RiChardo, Esq atorth °like Court
llogse . - ' . . -49
,r 1
DEALER IN -Staves. Tin. C pp.r and Sheet Ire;r•
Wart% L••dersville, neat Great Bend Depot.-6ii
M. C. TYLER; •
Piterested with A r .L. - Hunt,
lalriPlitEß• AND -DEALiR Joinrdnare add Cat.
luiry, Carriage Trimmings. Nprings, Ate. .
No. 1115. Pear I Street. N. Y.
WhLre his MPreantile trier*. in this and otier
Cagntirs,are kindly Invited, and earnestLystitieit
ecl 01 rail and• taireinete.. , it6it
- •
. ~ .
i . HENRY S. Kti " APP
Wir k
Ittnve,"Woodruff, it:Carte'r,
A, .HOLF4ALE .GROCERS and , Coriwuriao
V - NlER6rAilvis, So 111 Wzoirinpon Swat.
betjkeCo,Cortiand and Dey E3lreeis, New York.
-*arch 8, 1854--Iptf. - -
Medical Card.
R.S. E. Patrick ,: Jr. G: - .Pirnork bare
.5 this day formed a eii,partneralop. fora more
etiiiiett and atiereossfal proswrution of the differ
entbranehea of their peofrasion.,- •
All business entriniten to them, wilt :be attea 7
ded to with \ promptnesx and fidelity..
Their office will be the one lady nieltOed b)
Dr Dinwth.
itsbntrilAP: Mareh. 22.1854..
• .
.1 .
......Dr,iderit H C Tali- : '.--- ?.-
DRUGGIST ..ri d . CHEMINS... , :and Waler..: i h
' OR Ems, .3 , lrdicint4.- Chetitlial . s. Pre.Biatrs,
l',4lsts., Oils, .P.ltty. Window Glom's; Ninphi l i t
Fl4id,• ' Peafitniery. yonker Noitsits:&r„•ike; •• .
pld'eniville:Pig.-101f. . --. • . ' -•'•
"howls, Cash.
t and
boon*: Depot. Pa. 'Office oven .
1 ehano4..
I Notice to Passengers,' •
. North nn the -Deis
warp; Lwkswonnai & Western Road
R-,w ireat Bend. e..n hiye twentv-six minutes for
Ili at the " —TatiT Douse before the New
Ylwk ExPresu goes Etut; 'end one hours time
before the Dunkirk Expretui train goes West on
thi N. "Y. &: , Brie Rait i rosd until birth. r notire.
N. B The ' Express train going
44, stops at Grout Beret I.
at is VO
Proprietor of Bryant House."
IG;eit Bend Depot, Sept. 26.1854:
NOTICE.:. _ • -
!1E subse :rs \ being; fwvere Safferers-hr thi
late Fire. have removed with whit little te
niains of their Stork -to the new hoitaticr no the
avenue. opposite W .1. &s, ,m u tratihroeire.
Wihere . they will be happy to gee oil_ their Men&
enstomerit, rind hope in the ronmeof saline
lila days to he able to Eron-tthem with anentimlY
New , Steel of - Gooda.
We Irmo that those o f tinf enntomersi, lan
hv e been tone in one debt will' remeittl:q. as'
Ilia, is a time of spfreinl need with 114 end 0 " .
they.would he done bv. • 1 j
• - - • -BENTLEY & R E A D
Nov..l4th. 1854.
A.".& E.-Baldwin
AIAY he fauna in . hasernent oe_SearliN Ho.
tel. 3 doers - west front the corner. , Net
rind neenimtm that are due us: will be very !ic
rieptable W paid soon;