The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, December 21, 1854, Image 3

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    p a rty must in titatrease, - go: into - -tt itopelt
minority in Loth strtions of the. pion:
I have now given. 0u .. .. my notiOns, in
plain way, , 6l.,lciant, detnociatio.,partY
r en nsylvaiiitt'iS:,catiled,..uppn
'fo`do it "tlii it
.i ia priv state I ttlairs,.and : in.tbi i Le ' ( 14
peril and , ant titrist anifotti tb
that party restored . t..c_L4s
. f4.),knwr
g reatness • and strength, that if tnay:l4
back the . palifty - day of the . Republic:
principles :will live, : the, hearts of m
live forever. :They are inherent in the uut,
of men,, and in the organization. Of s.oeiety
Let them live, thew ? . in the embodiment
that great oi'ganization,foundedand- mat
ed by Jefferson, .kindisoii i , Monroe - and-Ja
son. American history glows--on every p
witli its wonderful achievements.... Let
its glory :depart. You, My tear . ; , t
much in this work... The beineeracy of
Keystone are looking with anlious - hear
Mae they not be disappointe:d.. Place. fl
t ight before the couiftry ankthe . world,
their organization - will
- their stfcCess c errsiti, , The nation iieed
service and will ,reward • the servants.
the democratic party now step forward
enter the, bieach,- 7 -let it . restore peace,:
settle the the gevertituentittion
v a in and' 7 ltittntplinnt - , - prinOiplcs , lifj
sn4 humanity, and' it. will Fuld anothey ON
to . its - victorious career,--will i roar= au diet
monument +to its faine, as solid ;and end j ug
as the rock of time.. s. • 1 •
Trilly roue friend
/jarrisbarg Correstrotthil
• • limuusurgo, Dee. 18, 18
Friend Chase : •
Thinking that perhn . pS
readers would like to . kno‘V what is no,
ing on at the political riabef of the St:
!will give you a brief 'let-tilr on .the
Already our
,town begins.- to preen;
usual aspect of " noise aridcOnfaSiOry
atop to the opening of these..,qun of th..
islature: The Hall,of the Rohs, is un
lag thorotrgh repairs, and evelything
it is being put in ample order, for 'the;
ing of the new era, and the deVelopm ,
those new events whi'eb we are- all aux
lookiii& for
Never before bas'tliere teen a
politicians were so soroly pnizied, .to'
out exactly Where the lan , d will, lie. :
Jation i> yrife of emir:se,. and each., sett le
clusions to suit own Method cif ret..
and „generally - litrers from crervho4v'e'
should not , be surprised if sereral„'da •
. _ I
spent in rain- efforts to nygninie
One thinz is Ctain;"--no Fitly has a 1
it, in that branch, hence it'cnn be or
only br ~.coalition of some hin4
Brent elernenfc. It is .inure prol)Able t
a mioa will take place between the
tinow-Nolhings. on 'the election of i
er, for two relsons,---fir3t benatn.ze. the
generally belOhc , to that cinier, anti
Isteanse there is a more natur.ll aGhlty be
tween them, and beentisn. the I.)embera,6 aev-
er stop to Lind ofespeT.t..nts fir
,•.ess. It is y-ery certain tl ~,,,,,,,,,,,,, ti t the
Speaker will he Knoic-othing g. there should be 4liti Know-lSrpthintr
T:hi- , -,enokt , ;ll to bola the :;:lan,-e of 'power
who in that case might go
.6ver to till" Denis
ocrats and elec't one of that party. • The lat.-
ter event though is not much looked 11. r.
The question of United States- Set/ a l to?
atracts more attention. than mnythink• 'else',
~Fand it is nut a little . sinznicr how man - there
are who feel themselves amply gnalit7i -1 / 4 1 for,
and (lest:n-1n; 14 ,tat called station. I'x-Gov
• Johtstan:„4- - '-e_ nracl, Thad. Stephens aml -
Cameton; are the prominent candidati
6"eever,and one of them will' croubt,, , i l eis /..
. ed. Should General . Cameron, rece
nomination of the Demojrats, I : she
he surpri,ied if he . shbuld be elected ;
the complexion of the tegishiture wo
to be against it. Catneror, well 'uncl
liow to bring order out - orchaos, and
- get votes in a close. -pinch,
,and if
'rightly There - i - s - the ni atm- - id in - this .
'tore. There are sa many who "are r
ble . tO no particular party, that; Witl
•litir,al ihjury; they May Vote for what
please. In tvtich - a • - bOdY.," Simon" il
man to beat. 1 /V, , shill see. - 6. I
o• GoveraorPint. - i.octz's 'friet
in a snarl, and
. everything bids,.fair
awfuriime in disposing of the . spoils.
command.. Ifiltatili. policY *will'i!e
„get/0-rd, no man can cottjrcture, but if
• Succeed . in keeping: together, the disc l
clements isLielbrought him into po
will . ,prove himself a politician of tine) /
sagaeity. He will find himself surri
4r difficuifis the most perfAexin,t-11n, 1
geruvis, Linder s@i -circumstances, Al.
.. stable,elements on w l / 1 0,, to stand, it
wonderful if he does isot, make n. co
_ failure, and find himself. after a 'whib.,
ing . ” where shall I 0 . 0 ?".- - -
Cul. Jacob Ziegler haspurclut4cl - th l
ocratic Union of Geo M.-Dittman ar:
is to be the future, conductor of that -
- He formerly edited the Butler.,*ra .. /4,,
a man of considerableabilitv.- He ha
the Chief Clerk in the State.l - Yepartin
der the pr' sent Administration: . - I ht.
doubt he Will make the . 'Union. a good.
- . :When thesession shall .open you mir
. - -
from tile/again and ;often. •
.\ '
t lA - e'en : lllle Pre'sidentand- the Pi
Sc* or Badger 1144 nia•le. a
. 5
B,ill in iiierea4,:c.f, the F i t,' of tutu .
gress.iln..l!Ju4iitis Of the Sul_ ea
pey4t. Ilislstetisties as t, ti l
liyinii ,i.'ze., Wfre I quite co . (-. 1 .1
chatiii,. , miglit ;.Lll•i,y,1,.,.
of 'l.e e4l I t' T' - 01 .1' z natter
jowl' cionipensation is.thi , ;:•lll-'
, ~ - 1
.Sep:eit.),.r, 1789,• the pay of
cr., ? ngi.i4s . wa - _-;•fixed . at .six dollar
' six ,dui iirs fir ti,very Lweat ;Di
`the act to contintie . in foree Ai',
I• 1 '
3795 i
Nfartil4 ; after which .
• * I-. .r • d 11. -• ii .-- • d . .!.1 '
s.':As !Pt , c sc. ell o .ira ..a), . n 54.14. t t•ir.
!-, every, tiv;entYliiiikii. The latte* ! rate was lint
', ited lOrthe 4th of Mareli, - 1786.1 /011.411e:10th .
i [ .:
li;ftlib lame tini-itli a red'ie•ion It •• ,' 4..•
, ,
. 1
~ .. %•as Pia, to
1 the•rat,h. fixe(.fin. 1:789. 'By tie act of !the
1.19 th of AL-civii, 1816; a chary -, was effot , ted
1 • - L 1 - ! - - . ''. -. • , , •
i fromlaidaill- , ,td - an•annual own ..tisation; the•
I ' :I • ; " :.- i - - •
1 piemiittig Oilivel -of briali-li recei l / 2 ring
• NNi.. 4. ' . 8 - ; 711 ,.1.,;:y; . .. Dee. 16, 1. 5. 1., • 15 . 3,99:01 andl4 . a . li , inenther . .%..1,.5 0, - ;t1i,..•: tiiile
,'' ..! age system - l' , ei i iiiiiiiiiig, as. Left/ e. v The; tin-
Ed . s. _Democrat : ! : 4 1
- ' -
,twave eics . of the s ssii' D t i l - PoPillz.lity of; ttiis meaqtire . se . euied its Hpeal
, i ,
hasipassed, nnl.-though little of- tOurs has on the lqih - Febtuary, 1817,, the' act of r‘lpe" , d
yet been done in Congress,. stiff, the 1:,,, 5t0r „ 1 t, , ,
..k.,lPlaceli 4 ter:thd-ctore of :hat F:CFSi42I. of
: of these two weeks is eat . ; iritlioilt its svniifi..l4(n?greq' ? ... 13) t i a,f, - ttet . .22‘.1 Jimuary,•lglB;
centre': ! The anxiOuslY•hitiked'for l+fess: r ge 'Of itie ..-rati, 1 niAt;'' ,o titierval " *. toe'nft *tablislle4, of
'the President has- ,, one- forth to. the -er;intry,i eight dollarila-iilay and eight. cloliar_s' f;i l ir iv,
- 0 -
!itileslof:,tra'rel bet weeti . l.ll•9 tnein'.!4er.;
• mid I', may safely'.sav ! 'that it has - g en_ Tally - 1-ei_Y -. 2
disappointed the public '7l/OSe ! rolisttetkeelan4 the ea.p)tai, the Tresident.Lpro
wh o expected it to •ivittlini: the .toie of ii.'rdeti 'i r f : inC 6 f. * heniito:, - ll'n,d_ the 'Spelil'er : ( 4 f l'e!
"Y9titi r t An - it:rice," headkng,iinttion% ‘ . 4 ! 1 - 111 ' 16 " ,14 " , e 6 eir'Pg e '; (1 -e ig h t- ti 7llBrA - 7 :14 "Y
like, abonnding in irOit . .o4.jeeiives and'high- liildi'llia 41. 1"- - ' *f -. *•' •
• t -• I •••• r" - - - -
i. 1 , • '
Ir.wreught deelamation, to illir dii.efi
ldrot:.; - bast Tites4ay . ,W.albridge 4, i mv oriz • icd .
!lent fhid!lt Of-the pacificmost toue; ;um -1 Off - it!an'fiblirdlid-eloqiienc specieh on ~14i Tes
nig hu« little, and n-' tiny forth the - 21E41 s- r Yf , ' 011 it 1 9 71 .t03 1 9 - 1 - ii 4 The d - atv- trot* forei.7n :coll.
- , - -
• . . , -.-.-- . '
,-.--. --• ~• , . -...• •:.: ...:.-- '
.!-',.. - -.,i ...ri 1 1'..: '..'.' .'; ''. . . . .: %, . ' ' • -
..• ' - -
aslji.irOvit :titii.s.p:oat
,--.;----,-- --1--.-= -- T 7- - t . - r -- 117 ---- ---- - - —• '
tihe eontitryln rorit , ybitaineas-like'HoMhatic4.!
t. , i: . • . -,
m l anner....., Ityl.eticl i i !its la ait.markaltle fea4.-
. . , ~.,„... 1 1 ..•• _L t .., i, 5..-- - ; .... t , , :-. I
1 turd of t , ; tlte••-ltielage t ;whew •coMpared . with.,
1,6 0 - se n'thielt liiiit'nianated from, the - • !'"White'
ll,' : T . 4..
_, . . .
npouse,i in - p4st Ic4r.s.'. • •
.. 1 . , - i
t • ,
l'l - I - ,'Entl• - antther very larce••ehtss
r.disappoutt •ltti ,puz7 i lecl h) he inct. gi .
t ancitit'er rcispeUti.' compose.4l of.exti‘'l'lle : tuetii
Upon both 'side. 4 , th e . s t a ,,; Orr tiiestion.--4 - 1
'rn io •- se ,lwi lo li a i-e, patied . t.licir political fait, 1
. 1,. e polick :of r ipe:ding the lilissottri 1
!tune to 1
Cornproniso, and ;: l rho: by doing."so have. iiiiii
their 'Pkylitical 'graf.'etl; at home, are most griei..4.l
1 li t , u ,thi
. Edi s ,,, e point,cl 'by the silence of tlt4 '
Nf ewit, on that qttestion. They expeetea '. , 4
c c 6 ,•icier" from, dui l'slessagetheY ,expecled
i t - - - ,
ine:total a nnihil a t i on of all oppoSitiOn,—ri 44
• . t •
pounder dischargct which shotild„ . - sweepevery r 1
thing,before it•alil• place them on t the pinti•-•
• -i , i
e i leof•power,--1-wliMt sloni d lift them froin
out their grnif i es Wilier than Gabrielli Truin i -- 1
Pet wi)i - ever faisetltern,—which ruin sun I
mot - " the Sea," the 'gre:it political ocean--to i
4•' k i'' • ' . • '
'awe hit its de":ld4.whieli Should hiallio
awl valley of dii boni3 :mil
Make : Allen' lives again: . Cruelly.disappointed
tir:c., tks - e'l opr felc,olr,s;—for they' are left alone. ,
in their-in 1
aunt - .lThe•Presiden t sternly refii-:
' ses . tl' honfr . ithetr:i ukith his. company, atria
theirlsorrows. • Thearet'a Sorry set of •fellow4,t 1
and may be .picktid out 6, 7 a strang er , . ib ‘: t'il)
01171.1211,2 S bile:itte anctik•ttle,d melancholy with.dil
sr,. 1 I • ~ •{ • I - ,
reign: , about „titeir se.ats, or Atte measureo i
tie.a:i' _With NY,ltieli,•i,li:er i pace' the Rettinda 1
whistling in a 'Find Of abstract air:— - . 1
.'t-. " ci'jflrd:in ts alnird road tO travel!" •-• I
There is , the Ye: 4 (61...111e '"tAntits,": • too, is ho I ;
• .•i I
,are•di ,, lppointel Ila thisjirespect. They et : -.
i)eetedlii - .:stiOn 4 :, I;,',e biaika ` ,Message, 1 Odell
shotihtl"liglit,thcj nres•nneW,"and brin;:itlicin•
to. the .I•Oict wliem . " t :forhe:cra nee ceases to". he
:c - virtti T ." ••.• That !this "cuts find' coin fort -- iti.
drawingt xlie.-most favorable conclasioits front 1
-its silenee.. Tlie; - t'eoneTti'de.• that it is olven 1
.uf) :1' ":I "had • go" and Interpret silence, to 1
. 1 • •:= c,
me:1 0 a cc:ocent ccat - -Itoslltitic s shotild cease - ..
Sc, they :it tuaklng merry over the bes.t.of : . a.
1.1:11 jolvall aroutid, zitid•oe-enf*.ionally . tltro , W
,tour sly los at tln more cii , Ctunfeited 0 ) )- i
ponents. j'C'tft to.ti:e them writhe. Any one
.Can .-'see thlk there is a .ditTerent.,: - attno.sPlic:ie
about ''' - ( - ::EPitol Oill'l' front what . 'there-. w.-,s
when the iidjourtiment took - phiee 4agt sii:-
liv:.r..•!A.-tigitle tiine.;nnd the elwtiotilF, - litiVe .
, •
softeilo4 tlft: wliole bateli,..----ictolitied the wli ole
,concha, :tin' l'ttinki'taut.,llt, ta c o a less ou on
legisittli ill - Jabot-4 their eciirstit u'ents,.and. ovi:r
the 11:itkl s,,i
"their oi - Astituetinct Which Will
,-, t, itt I
.not i-'•o!'in lk 4
lorgbt,eii. • ; • ,
- List Wtdatia , ,, AlActi of Ltdiami made
pet -
• . t t i - •
a st irk Co .ihi , ttec of the r Yrt . hole "on his
Pi11.." - r•-ltiiiii.g . ;;Stl irk tr:i .from Kansas and Ne
hia4k:f. Tire Lil l its a transcript .of the Nlissotni
I , r;:;hibitioif. Ill'i s ,pecch was a tinost - ancotti-,
f•,:tialili. on il e t.;!.64.3 Nehraslca.inen, who no s
- 1.. , ;- , i t ,• t , ,
verviscronzivt•cwpro..:.ate any auti,..4Ou to the
-•r h• ~- 1, • , • -- ,
a1,,!.!, e ,..-. lic,- •y lsity cte must intye pcae'e, a'A a .
b. , ' ilii ., 011LII: titilt, the' sul.,p e t Mai. dron --.--
--,. ,„,f, •- i,, ••r• , , '••
Tae.:;. ci-ionti •,;.te tp. ttar•:: it mentioned,' especi:o -
Iv s;int 4 e ilrc yet:tilt i:f d li...ana's, C1,:!..60 - 11.. 1 ---
It r*ll:t.. , - il:•:?ill i11 , .1*.071 , z, bill' .the Indinni.lin•
LII• i i • 1 I 1 , i 1: i i t 3
Wa:f. 7.i112..).1)71010/,. i CIO iV. , i., 1-'1...1 ilirp t iie .v.tinin
istlia,iOn winild ctfir mucll . icsi.ia'acj to Mtici-'s
Bill,.tittl...ty were once corr.luel:.,that,its.n.k.i-..
•sa i r.. - Lwoubi
.set.:l4 thc' di IlicultN: i ' . There is lin
eViil.tnt in," eoMmen"lable at;Nie,ty fprt petice .
at head tittartetsi„ Stephen.t of fleOrgi:t,. and
Campbell:l'cl .0,l:io, '
,ha l 4 hri'lli:Mt, set '' i.t - i.)
Tivtir•- , ltlay' lrst, in which the for'mer tried ito
ptf„)ve tinctlNchrizsltta hatlnototti i g to tto w i t h
the northern.elet.:tiouS. It "wry; ;ca itit , !restrttg
debitte, luitt. , in itte end the Geor l ii;,n was tlriy
.en to - tlit.... ivitll-.- . The sultject : turned :on • - the
t, ,•
pot•ser ol Congre:::." under' the Cbir.tituttett i ..o .
. 1. , • - • 1 :• • 1.,.
prOhir4 t ~W.- . ...tiViin UK; tcrri torier. Ca in ;•1,,l l
; - i x
-b-Tria'pl . el of "Stoplicin . si if *ltch . 1 rower exis t - .
ed' in! t11(;'' Q l onstitutiont and 1
,afte a gorvi deal
-,f ' tltld'l ' i r'lie:':(l ,- - -r1;•.1 - , - ,;- 0,;(_•, atie
abut! t
•nt, of
41t vo-
Si 110 I)
a cleet-
Ap;r, lie:'
e red y 1,1113 prpul • .to the -irrotind, w
swered no; lie V{01.11(1 diStirOVe t
the, SOUtil, that 'Congrt.:-.-•
late ' ;' for t the ro?ectzoir• ; of sldver3
torus, .aud therefnre lit, fill pn
sniljeiet. It vr . sa tir lit spot"
. :
tie President-Sentlthe nomi
• Stept6 as Govern it thecif Mur
• •-• ,• if
Utah, to • the. EN nale lit
- .• f
;,- ft i , I
j!,:lce, prry.ll,l i!,ylgs t
. 1.111/
; • .
ail a
t: • .
saints from the Alin
eial'esillis people, :not tie
• ••
itihn, of Skill :till
to 11:4e referhice to
tion. 1
ye the
(.1 ,eeni
1)0W to
out po
do are
for an
at hi;
in the
be can
er g by
unclefl 1
- aan- I
ith ;
vlll be .
huud 15
-------- -- 1 - . - --.1----- -..-- -----,-.------r
1,116,,Apee4b ,Ngs, of..a.ffec. trade chantcter, --1—
uud 1 ,
i• • ,
put the WliiwoNito 44.1 so .nnxii i ? Its to ovoid'
the inising,:of oldiiSiuos u . t thistinie; . to theii. ,
iselL,.:i'lle irgilgd . ... 1 , I
WI , h great ei '...!:', t, ‘ fortified,
.1,) , , stat;i:itiel,`"that tit , .coal i:3 : creSt '4,061
COl/1 try could defy the (.0:n1)i:1;i:ion "Of the.
'irorld is - our own iniirk-et s, Aniltinit. tlierp-i - .
tore'. tile TA ri if xi n tv:ty3 n ted On l'i . - ti; ;till V:, ~,
thatamount fromi did. cousunlers and- plitoinz
it, lii ft gi a tui ty,' . in ,i the 11 andFc of ther• pro] .
, e.
titt44i,: :Ile :110‘.•ei.1 13:.1t frcim theVor,dlerftd•i:
Iyincrea . .;:ing eonstnnption of coal.. in : tint
ttypsrtriwW,s tifwei - a - atiti busineas life, ; irtal,c4
ing'l.ll; - , - g-roat,,st detrt l aiit.l for the arti," no
danger could be 4pprelietlile4l, frimt foreign
coit.petiti?,l4,•bui 'thal.. do • ;lie 'e.otitra'r tliti
I,:iiket %vottlil be Aithulateil the'rebr white. 4
, .
slit.t!it di.le r en 4 l. ,in prieci would still ftirther
:=tiiritilitte'tho consuniption; The stibjeet bi , l4
fitirtii . open, the. ly hole que.iti-,41 . of the ifaritt
befijre the eotititry. ' (Let it, eiltne. - - [P ; k:E.P. •!,
I..t . has -Lech lei'
thii - t.cOi . ers the face ),)1 futurity is wov't•lf
tle.ll - aattof - Nierey," 4N)1: tot to raise that
tfier . cfore; Lk . iplit be
:sbucle, he bro‘v, , titht i faury, hud - arrayed
suiiles• of is . 1 '' •
1 -
ita.tlinet6dutlt nf i rkual lulLtib. 171
lloUtiose Cae3J &by onati'±
xi'clock A. M.
• ..,Physi,iun., ciairfics will be tite subjcet.foi.
!,of all
tli ttee.' , v,tties rende - rs the rnl ject ratk
-4 ft, I:lttendarice rcquesteti.
1 1 .1 ; Douttp.i4,il •
Tlb . ;. friends ofitlati 11er:1)w:is art;
re%lec;_trtiilly invited! to a I)oaatjoi;
P.trty, atjtis residence, on the arta
noon niq Dec. 29;11.
• l•
~ - •,:• .K44,11* - '&4'4,
11l :quik:roso.; On INVedne < :, lay ev(<l.i7ii:z IIL?
13th':inst he Rev{ .I,,steph • Whithat, n - dip.
.11. A nvEl . • GuzconY, it' ].,.wren.;,].,.wren.;,Otsc ! r.) Cit'. . ,
1 . .-.;,'. Y., _and Mi , s Nl.viaz-rT.t. ••C,Lirvin..l”No, of
ThOr.irr•on,.Snsti'v Cpunty. • - ...
~ •1: .
VOn the 2 ",1 of IN - 6<r. by 116-. W. C. AteGi<;,,
Mr.jl:l l -1§1" O. )N
-14s0:i - of 811 , Th:1h:tuna Dv:-
pot,'nntOli, C.irrf , ..ta - .A: Ny. Lx.,•;-7tri< of Frb:
linirlinv•:len. . : - - '• -,. - 1 . • -• '
•V. I • , • t •,, ‘• : A < , l -.. ) ,„ .•....... • , -1 11.....: J., -
. 1 . -
,*)7,"6::0) - •1 - • I R_... :.1 :..i - .4,,, , 31,Lar a ~L,..e.,..• ,• •
_1- 1--- -.-.- - - .:. • ! 3clii fd \ •- 1 . ~.i : r • „ i - 1
•Li Itl i rrr, , r,i, ",...-,.... ns., - : . 41.,,.., .I:011 - 1:!;:.t, Wife' l '-. i "'" - - e 13. ' L ' ! '' - ' Li% ''' 1,1..() I P 4er ' °ris '
',! • ~ .: , ,c4ipeoiltted ilt the •J;.ll,iwin,it,Apd t7 . 9) wit. :
of•I/P: El N . . Loo'lnii,a«trot 45. 1-
i 1 - •• . i •• iI • Fiv4i4,..! of She flij4l .24., (141 - 4, Trti-
Thu oloo•easc , o1 war.. a most worth: - 1•:CtIMUI. i 1 .3 . 1 f I i t.';' ,':‘ ! 113 '. ' '! I •
AS.V:I ne.iLtitt..l.l.e IlOnt could hp oloi 0 kin!' alia q r
: ri::•141: , ;1 ; /.1t::Irr Benson; decd, Ai (, di% • Bea- .
obll - g•lng,., As a liw, tlir 4;114.:, was 1 afee;:tiona:te ! itrn..11 4 4:11 . 1N• .
and exemplary-. i Ala who knew' her rQt-pectit.l 11,1 l'e of N,tiona A:n4 , y,.,..ved, i lificv4 11:414
ed lwr•in life ;ito 1.11:1(1;!:<:1 iwr in death. t• is Ind C'11! , 3• Cti:lmb ,. l . l;n. A:qrs. i. k 1
, o .
, - Tilt, ii T ii,a0 , 11;;I:.11:ti have <• , --t, iti ttunr no
7••''•-••=—F,E. :r. - -"*..'"'"F--. 1 :•.<7.-<.<-•<----; . ' < - "•" . • • • .'• I t •
, • - Th -.
eiiffit: . ill 1 lie-rt . 'g';:•:er ....Z 1 .ifit•l• :tlnn(c IO ; Or Clotltt
'PlO AY GIFTB. • - . • ~ t.
, tn
1(.71 - ii.,n • <, ,iy ,11. 1 ,ns,qt:(-11.tna f, lai,l .t 11.4 the i•-:ono< 10! he
'TIME .;41..) , t.r . A% .11. 1 1.1 rail 11 1 ,...:
or - ; ;;,.,-...7:i-ii 4.< , J,. °. tn . Ali: f1r ; :),,, , s q.,:irt 4if
. j ..... ' hi. ; f, i t •: n fi' 1,. I il• itt. - -:ll:tifeeif'efi•,n 0 ., f ' .i.....:;.ikis (f,%.".a ;It v. ~a NV, 0..::c , 0. - !::i . q , o4i 17th .3 2 1 1 Y of
3:-..r,,ie1ry,..5;;1:v t r.,: ., ,5mr‹ . ,... - ;11. ! :-.,:l rai l f 1;::1 , t 1 , 1 -- '124 ,, t;_'1' , .4 vo.1.11;r:”:441;t1- MA ::,.., ‘tki'.! et!.
:i.);:i. 1 .--', . . ' ": ~, ':. • -J. '.V. (..EI:vI I .M_kN, laegit•ter.
whit lila- 'l , -: ri,,n l I (41 ..r.lng
_for ':,..ile, stl:tal,lt. f),r . : .:Itii:l l, - , !or's 9 , C 1 '.. - •• :"., ::tri.=o, ' k •
1 • i
preit•-nt., at tlie•c,!:ta . : z ft••••:' ) 1.*:,-.ta:.:)::,•:::irl ttA l iO i 1 .. Dr4' . .*:P , 19.1'i.51.----:i! W:1
~,, 1
te iti t.:tiiie• at loii.:o. : - :1):t; vAnii•,; tai: t;o. 11;, , .:),p I • . t'.. - --.--, --L , .-- — ; - 7;.:7 ---"-. - 71 - 7 -
~. I A 1,; , -.11. ,, • - - .7 ...•,-.• ' ' I -'! ' lii.lo !I' '7' '`' -4 'l'llo.l' '
li'D_ll it: :L. i)rc
O. Ai t;ES t. 1 ,1
f, 1111111 i
L• 1 - 1 -• )1_1). !•.:\ I
•.•.,L.,ts •
v. : Ty ii•A
• •
.I •
5 4 7.1 , t` VCIV ri I"
T1:.1),S —PI .1 , 1 (
Go;•1 1.
nc.,,ert 1.,71 , 1 Pi
ter w.r.! Frz!“
kin 11.;f1 , -:. Cnrd
I as coin.
ery bust
-; rig' the (4110.-
fur. if he
131411:ED KNI
ilk p'ati c ti p
l ar s9vervikil-
thile if Ite
i dc,ctritit of
• .
.to. I T 1 - S-A
a.,11(•,:c tS, 11,1
in the teiri- t:1-4 `
to:10.00. by
wer over thei " • •
c :"pect4ylt
ittu lite 3 , 4.9 -
; • - C'
int i on.o f CAK.E. D:1-ket ? ,
, 1•r, s
r on terrft:ory
oines;l . ; tr 101121.1., Peads— IJ.C.
;i?oint.tne4 i • 2 _,
; Sl E • c vp
, 1 to huuian kA•
aPP I ' 3 I/ 1 4e 1 ' 1 1 OLD Thitol+-;
010 ' t INX tvo:2ht.s, .
tii,pute! be- _• • •
Q W:0:;•11
al? +,
- •
mil his
e C-Jurf, iirfl
Clipel;St; &f
( -- :LOLD PENS:—
To‘‘'n . , of a°l
- The_ his•forv
, •
Gi t,o;?gttk-s
-, he act Of i22J
• ril l Ti:, otcee.foion
etllisit of Zr• .
floe of N. Newton i
I:,2triAitts Itin par
Veronon- '• •
'es of tritv::l,
1 the 41[1 of
Moutrnits.. Dc'e,
. 1 11ridhold. , ,rs
ovf, ft,,twit
r:a. , wier thelWpr or tiA. ll,vrritT n n.; t viiii
(otlvrs On; ti-nvi-
Corifirmntnry. Citiit.l(;laim, and Fve bt
r—d.v In
B,ot , (I;int,i , o, Nn. r)r) I, l ,7nlnqt ittrie(l,
Dgj.. Yri,k Biziltjin,2
I. L. EtSEAND. E. .. No. 4 S'ln ,, om 014;1. ,
rneys Pn.
' '
Ts. • tiro. ; StnelholdPrx
gro ,, k Ivn nod I.jvilax rn pike Itpad , • t
tlio Electior for ofeemlwilt 1e
honse fir-,w.&. 11r,,thers IGl4\i•
lingd n Ainndnv the first 44y of Janwry _next
at 10 o'clvek. A. • '
G len tyn'a,Dee
• ;
41, N nunu•rl nw,:ting !he stock hol.loi;m
Benci nilti-Coeheeten turnpike +iz , .(l
enuipany, will be held .the Link linuse, in Ctea:t
Bertd. on the kventui Wwinemlny.of 4nnujint,
1845, a 9 oi:l9ck 'A. M.. Gir thy Plpetirm 4 WU
ctri, &c. I!EN KY DRINKER,
givAt ike4 2 11 . - 1 t— jlsv34
_FREI) J. EV:i\S.
2 (yid ri:llo,,,s'
:i, 01 - 43 IN 6tice• •
•-- . ;
1 riz - vili: u - nt - i - ,•r.i.7,...1. !,•‘•:::,:.... - 1 , , ,,-- . 1,,p0 ,, ,ii ( , .. k1 1.y..
i I
4 , .i.i._'.. •:`,.1- f ),..ill:,-,... !7, ,c.rt 0/„S•;!-Aple:vinq (7 , !:111-
---.---.------------- ,---' ti. .-4t .i,!,t , 1.3 I, - r , •i.copli , , 1,, It it . t,.... e wor i t
( rri" tiN011d. 1 4.1 , —(; , 11 aPti 4 '...1 ,, , I ,I i Ot .....-t• ••• t,( .I-.s. 1.V.1it:f , 11:,'l:li'ltt
r: :.:;41 1 - 'l'..i:i. Iron, * . i.(10:t911 , i, ( 2 4,14.;;,, ii,t:,... I. l ' ..... , 7!: d rinpoilvt el. :4,„ his'
A. J: EttAN:q i
..,i:1::„.in ?1•,:•;rc.....-. 1,;;` PC;gi:i.... C.t.i 7 ‘:lir (la V . IS I
'.- -- '--. - -.----7.-- "r J, l'iiri; r-x• -I . I t.;,•-:' , :t.'.. - ';''. M. i ' •
_:•-:.(: t'.1•1•;• (.;‘, (,1 ... k ...1 : c , ' ' ,i. if .11. 714,1iiEn.
.'! ~ 7 - , •: , 'q •,, si,;.T'it:-:. ,, . 1,..... , ,. 12. P-'3.. --51..v.;. 1 . ' '
, .
!: , ..1 p ,•r,,,, :,..• . . ~, zit__ .._...---,-, .- - ... --, •- -- --. .- -•- - 4 ---
• A. .1 /......,- - :•t ,:• , • ••• A - •.d.-t•-•31- -• `.+1 ,4 -eic
-_-_, - - • .. ; „..2,-, ... -- . ....LI ~,..., - t..lg-,, ..,.... .0 1 . 1 •
it' - ..., - ,L ; ;;- 11:,ttirr; ;;;1.1 - prii.,•,i: r" rri ft: ~,v 4Lrt.;.;::l..ti V:IV'i'•ITI I:f.t.-i . a •
p •lated-nn
iby • AJ. E\ ,t!:--- i'i :_ei 1.41.1:ir..: i ,, ::: , t Ii„ t''.l , r.:ii,l 1$ iff" h...nri s
- ' - •,- - - - -,----.---4 tic- 04':.,;.N_•..., of 0.10, i - lt: l'.-idt.4 is: . i Atet,a to
, bt•tiulot, hvqt. - , - ti, , t,-... - 4 +irrf 4 - 1 - Iv.rfltii?Tr's; nt lin! • , r;tl Vi'i'Uni ,,,, O'a :, I. -,, ‘,.-.11:t
-1.4 ar, llt I.kte '..t
i :I..rnil. .A 1.2, ii) .*.tftl•hir....,:c., c F
n -'l . .inv Li,:‘ t. IJIVI Jay,' (!f• .irm:,r,,t .
ti,.., ~l 1 . .:; :lr . ..p.: ;; , 4 .., t7 ,,, L , ',; ; ' ! i e . k .t,iit 1 r,', , i.e , ( I": 11... i! v. - 1:!...!i lir:. nil. p!3,,...
A. 3. F.,•c-, , ,N,4 !, as:rit6:llllr.i Wi• i , pri i-e-..v. fi)eir /..!::•ijrs. on l i de
',,;.,:-....:4i ',roil: 4:.,:r.;:r LI up.ll t! , e ....'' , 4 '''..
1.1 . :11-V, , H1Elti,r*:
, 75,7, - ..!r• - • , cc., , P,,,. 17% I 93:1.-T,1v..-0 •
-1. J. Ev:.
- : . : •
1 .llly .er:OditOrS.
Iltl siV % - cr p„j ; v t ~):,1
Titll.; 4 -1 f ; % ; .,(7.; ''m , aT. 1 s
; 1:;) Nilpi • •'cn!: LiqL•fir !L.
:1' &e., :d1 .w:,rr.1!,t , (1,:j -. l 7. " 2 ' l !l:'' riv •'i t.-IL • ;r4.;1
;:;k - v hat
r ,r,. 1,1 re t • . 1 • ') CA. 15'h d,:y of;Car•
. .
A *" - ` 1 "• n :"'.
• 4.4,t , 4
1 , , f •Far
ilLd,lDe4t•st 145 . . i, 511.3
fOn' Steo. Doe 13.
A. J. t.v.v7iS'.. •
: • Sin&ktonl, ,
• ; f:tnnti iti's nt7w-ft-41 n ONct
sl.4.t.rt.pp::rtt Gnlci dilo r s 11 , ..F. (Pt Selfl4.lz rt-,k; where:
At i., t wo, a rid rv i n•tiri v.tith
J. EyAN?,.. icv;€l7, (.verb igerfittinn - of
nt:PeaiCr n. Wit. , vt. 1
:LB Conc: c x . , '
i • !
1 • • . .. ; , t •.- . . , . ;
' •
. ,-. -1 'in gi- IP" " , "J , 1 , 1 , 7 -s: r , •tI•• 0 'f:" n 1 , •' 1.
• 23.1.•,r5, t• . i5, - Situfl 1,, .: 1; ',l 1', 1 2-' -- 1 - '' 1. , t . -1",„- , (1 1 - Gua• -
1.4 . ; E ,,, A . 64. 1 ; ;
,tc,-1.c7 , 4i.:! , ..5• .-if flit: .1 - caci: in 1a?-11 7 j? f r S=-
.---- -; ---- ---,---;.1----i •,' - ,litc, 7 lqn:•:l C 0 . ,!• 7 . 1 ty : i
, 4
: .
A iarre 144 of pi:nn an.i - lc' , 4 .1y I 1 111 7 . ; ( . ...:1;1 -,, 11 o:' .1 1 1 , . (. 1 .) itw it..r!of (1.,....130r0uch
1 ' . -, •
ii.l Ai . :nh:t4 nnil NeHdqi's,
.• 1 -. f ; ' l S l t, - ` l l. l D it itOs iicicout , tyi - cstg. , •lfitilv
, i..;,.,.. A „i„ ./. ~; i . .n.pO,i.nts.;llla , . I.t• i . s• pr , *vi,..!(..1 w411:-...rit.41);L• eo n .
. ____________-___;_....Lt_2 ; !4•,,1ia1.a.a , ~ .1 1;.•Q. a Gi,iiverr, in: lii borough
:-, !. r ,,,,,,,.L.;.., —, - "
ii. - -i. • - =
lt , :ns. Si.r.vs, Chnia .IP,.rpk t i, , !.', . "•,• +tA-L . , r , --.0 . 1t 1 , is ii imtt.ll. , toqhtrippply to
:,,I:Qa.rti , r- 9! t' lit holden
.gr. , eciets b% • • - - r . :-.- - . AN .4. 1 I:4. t'i-•„;:t C'oart
1' . - . .:- 1 . i , i11 . 7:i . . , : • .1 P„r , :iitl 64.0.0' on "the litirti'l{Miinday of
1 ,4t r
a lice:l:se lit ! keep 4 u_rociiry nr,d
of ail sites and diffeierii 1 ' 14 ,; z1 4` , fl ll tr . , ,
; ' _ . .. t.: ' vyc ... 1 i 1 114,11!.1.-tialpg 1,,:ii, ter "
other in :Ir i lainotA,ne.
_ ± ._________LLl: l l,l_4 !,.e.rsdi,r;p•ic, kil t - Act or A:I:441111y of 14: h ..) ;nit. A.
1 i IDi WA . 1 1 •3. A -s. o4 . ri i - A,rint.
1 1 'h.kirs of vtiri‘ms patti.ln- F 1; :'!_, .I • 1 - -
. 1 1 .. - t,:›Eilla.•ll.nna. - Derat, D(1... Ilu. - IS:4-biw4
, J, a first ratt , 'artictf.;liy i• - I .
4ickf:t a• 12. 4 10 V:1:!it•
lie be' tut erei ep . r.ni4 i 6
d , .
izi,an_ t!it Lest Tin '.;. lip
I- -
. EvANl'i.
, .. I.
or's Notice.
thE ,
, w tll be nutlituil th e 'i
Friday the
neat of I fi'cluek.
F. R. CROW.:Preii . ..
854 —51w..9.:
, • 1 1 . ~ .
~...., ..4 . ....,.ii,,... i5hQ5riff.4....Ea1e5..,..,.,,„.. t _,,h.,..;,,.:4 ; " m
BT" rytiii or sanity 'leek Impel : 0W er,tbidee et of
-1-. 9 eneoneh I.9e.xe,.ef.Sesluetiancui,CottOyoen to ttte ctl 7, , . , E as t ;
rieteLl.:l Ilia expose is public rate" at elle. ;Cu . t. !Kase : • a
in•Sletaree, en Smuriity the 13th dai. or ',..1 hest ,-,' :-. r i
it..A o',t.-, ; '-..-, -. ', .•1 .1 .. I ,'• .1 `-',• ' Li
Alt'lthsit certain piece or nintel 0f , 1.-sn, s4unte... I,AT / a l
IS'ln'ilitaibeinit in the tow4hip Dr :C 'r Fa,,sus.• ;h •• - : C i A
(144:in119415:011ty, ili01.111(61 t.nd fleseri . , el, fol. r ..,
e trwfrorni
It cWts 1.0 iy i k;:' , ,Begatrtinv: at th . lt northezint err(Cr 01, .•
0: ea. 1 - ii ; ownil..ll- jr' • ntl, , thellee..t! t.l`f
ralfend e;
niid , Pe ritillVis erhek, se ert,ll,ll, ts'oengo • . o‘tli the 2 .. p. 1 , 1
„g m:
. lnentor.g
si.tiii•O•otit :t :o rOn'k• MI co.trs” Ilwf,eo - tct the.. 7. .:,
ii - Krp Al ne it ut,hec v r,lo'.:: emtntnnnly ;. c • lc(1 the
ilellho4l.Lrltto.:li of l!1,1 7'ai:lilattnot:l4, Olt:rate 1
.... T ...
t' ': 2 . OiNasai: : .l , 2k, , ,.k to ; 11,6 5,;:.;•.G, ! 0... Arr m 1 0 1" ir.,i,SEBI L S
tlitaiih;:iit'e in:mit thirty &grecs e 44 s' . id Olo e s
,i , . ~
(4 the • Viaed• of I.,vginning, . caniiiitritii . tletitf l • ...4 1 redi: ,
-• r
4ervslii....lia.4.!atoe ta , .re or kns, ‘1 , 41t :lb , a 'put' ..-1- - !••
ittiat4t.i:i:; I' frame& hi , ust., r sin "i!ht , borne i.. - typti
t‘liiit.4,i;ii,„ ....L.-A nu,stly itniEvred. - ' -'.;; f, - ' . .i • v . l
.. t 4l
'T•44 iir, i, • • ion ' , • • -•- - ir -
; • ~ . .. (4,0! at iLt tut of ..11- c.....ogtin lof eArrvii•
. .. .
*!". ' Xi . 41!h ' *ill i 1)..., " , :
~, i
..: i n ... B ir it s i %
rAL So',-- A 11:ttiat tert!,ht Or - Ihrevl cif .cal{ the lit
1-nd 33 ' ' ' %; . ll:i2'o lot situate 1 Whirr ; Id& twitim in..: ; :-, t '.
tho Ilorongl, ot f3n..quelillnnl DePoli.: q • f-0., .; , riL
o,lrniie:ti . :40 deseribt-si ::;,,' follows, to w it;' 0, 11 i Which itini
' the niimiki 1,) the jnthlic Itighwxy, on !t h east *by, i prOXialiti I
iiiiii ~t)P. P, • i,:kortn•r . , on. t.!!e 'l o t.itil'i:).,i,ll d,'Pr-Tirt west,: Catto, l
I_,..Klintiiir, ina - on the west 111);1:ti - of,nr a4olell - ;-1 en i ere „die,l
,ini,ll,,t.heing :",6 feet front, ini - rtliiii ri7,l:baci: I i t . i ier • ph i i .
.0.1 fiq i r:;: t tn .g ,:ther wi;11 - the - ,nipurtepetie g, 1 two•I we fi atte i. ,
tot-Itrittictl de:.%-lling hou, , ,e, and ~11 in rciv4: • 1 ne i,,b,,. s t i r .
l' i 'l":4;ezilin '4-iceeotion, tie virtue or Leo ter of ! h 2 i. - -a . 6 4 ,ii,
!,,71..0.1F .1 alititti suit .of C:. S. li c enn'ptt't t'e, Nn- 1 -- b ,
. , f . • O'er rqu
I, •i:., I . f:t ' ILL' •
!jialir . l j /,1, , i11„,:. . „ . . i I. . 1 Inn S, 1 ,,,- ri. ,,
i 'A
liiS(..);•--. 1 .111 that • Lurtilin tract or nrcel i on ~„, , ,i ,
. i : •
Bind 4•ll.i.inte, in .the townsi:ip of Pri. - Ig4tvz - 4.0r in I.•'''''''!'" ° L I ,'
Lille Cf , l;)li 16 tif ' S :Ist' :h.! tannl:.iluni „Maio tf lieltp. i : t 4 4" it
[ iltrzihintar,4 l:; tied, b.lancted and (les rib. , d .as 1
I 1'01144,4u wit: DuLcionillf,Eat a post tut] smuts ,
in 'hit- iOst...!tino of Atmanora- Kuno:9l4c •,.iot;'.the'l
i ii
rew.inoontlivolii e , •)rner of n 1.4 'int:revel for (thr` Dar.; i
' • -, .. .
i'v nixie-II 1.,v Ebenezer Willi:a . theneel
; by iolil . ilt flotilh 3 dog cnit 83 Andil- • 0 - vetch- ,i
;..i.e 0.8. p'esti :tali st,,nue ' th'unee b.; lan tifir lot i
i i•nr , :q.:yi , 4l - 1..r ay .A.l John Dorroi l / 4 ,-, - .9111 87
'. l .lcg,•.).v'eit, 100. perehes.,to li.poit, and, st . es, the'
i - ,i4tl:4‘ie:tlt cl , ..rnec 4 - 1 f said 11.,,rrows lat..t entioncd
31.1, Alove , uti.s-10 lan,' Borth 3 ~1,.g 11 , 1-s. 83
'J JJ. Pe hales rt 41,1,4 An 5.0n1, ,, ,,, lore by
j iinid..Wlili.,n, s lot north.B7 deg. oat 1 0 erch
ks - tiilltit I..:*** , :initig-.•.containie , r 48 arrei a 'LI /39 ,
i .per,-lii-4,4trel.ittlow:;.p,!e &e., tog.ettriwi It the, ?
;.hirelliOnetits.atiti appuretnances, &le.
L. ' i
i I Titti,,.4) in! (.. xt.coti.o, at 490 sail ,r;c.
0 krVani,'
.4 . 454: , ; ( ! , ;! Of M. "M. %V :liillkl. • vs. : Win. anion% -.
~11•:c.F — : .l f I filet . - et , rtisin. piece (-,!.. p'.+,-1 of
.113rd''.silbalti lyloz and Lt' rt 7 in theliolvn-hip of
.ILD R -io'v;i's t e,e; 3 .,,•,,, l nty, b.,unded :ut 4de4erils , d.;
I ,lii ird l l.(t' , ', in "wit : (la .the' north 'nn, 'e;ist hy
)11i ti of Joseph •E. ‘Voiirer, on ;l i e oiitti by
,!Litol 4,r,405,,p1, uni!eyi- and!'wesr byi la, , - 1 (t f. Jon
!iat h , t i ~:s.•, opottlir,2 - i)i ai , ,reft toorei.or i-tp, to;
: j -, II!' : 4 iv itb lh,- ,ipntirteneneL..s, ebo r ut wt.! acres
',ininror i• • Vyl.: ',. . " , • -
1 , 1
- 61 V i
'l`4,lkv-in ox'oention 4:t. the • stilt e4-.lttlin H,
1 1 Greenlv.s. Geo. Ct-,:ir ,, ,0,0_.';.., '..-: ',.. '....
.:- - , .1 i - F. P. 1191.115TF41.4
, ,:ii-o.,•;. D,•,.. 19.. 185 l' -5 o
1 '3 ... lf.
MZ-., • LI ' • ~ of,
1 4 - ki - Riil Plgcli Cr^ssi.u.'
111,. ,..P .
i , ^ t: I . '
) I V. i L 9 ,- —ii f' Cars. 1
: !' 6
r rmiT lrin 4,1 . VV.lrren A: Tha vete . . i. +siil . ved,
1 :11_ Nut Co.! Farmers' iSt;:rt.' isrit'. : ' We give
pito' 1 ..-inotir e' aril W.(' :ire:, S!.:liing 1 Glad 4 . nearly
, atf r01...t. God Ted a'. ;`.+7,k,ets., C4,frei a ls.,' and
, • , : ~_ .
1 .ot.hy r . ±..., 1,0,-t.l,: t . ,a the same 1116 : : r e ty•3lade
, .0o; qrforehyoper.thatt vela earl buy elf •vx• tern this
!=.iiie iii . Nee York. Sliii4ing .::itivt - I. at 9 ets..
441 1 4 id ti% en' de-eription , so low f it; will be
` ' l il 41... '
•litirftv.lll; ::.i.0ni.,',...-d. G ood :tiro' ..f la 1311 i at
j . :trio. 0011:all - per yard. thtlrti is ii M: k4attaeh..
1-• ii 1,.i (he 441r . StA,r4r . 4% - lte're the nirtni • lead .sell
j'itheir!firodnee of evrry -4ind - for ':ea#l.; :rail the
'...4.4.K1; fieup!:e of Montrose ran •iind et Ilithing, in
~tide liiqt ..f e:.tablest iv, tlivir iltivaiits.,,, .. Gentle.
..-tifro tind 1...,•11-Gi e s, one aro all, eat) titi 1 - 4 e .ns.--
1.4/tir ':territS are ptsiti.qle rencli. r i y ) (and no
tr,?,sti j . cll.. T 1 INV L "ez.. Co,
• -,-
'l% tort t rro , i.. Pee. '2O. 1854. '
A. La,throp,i,.i.
It.ev.ilv-.11-de Clothing;
and Sbr..s, D r y (74, 0 4
oppor,e iivtd
' l ' l l , l P.! W. ittLhy. ‘!/11
1 t ;.- Flour. & flalt.. l
I,Q MT b. Ow ;. , a. - 1 or $iltgl:.11.)1.)1. I I
:1.1 ligillY.tiOTH Suit i.)n.!
ell ti
ti 11 , .ni . r iu.sittarter :?bl. - Frltki a:
.5.i.21:. i: ; ' ;BELL 111.17
.--liftrtliottom, oet4l
12,1554. i ' Li
=C001..) apiortnleri-c of JEwELki
i .c., It 1 4t. E ll.' itif:g. , . Eir bop!, 13:;.estt .
i's:.itlriips, - 5te.. , &..e. just ri'.(.l6i%ed At i I
',. - BENTLEY, all
' ''.! - 1 1 - • i I
. .
• 1 i'' '' • • Siiver Spoonici i
T4A Tahiti, Dl:sert i Sagiir and
}•• • , ,
,w.aranted nrilz, cor oy
1 ''' • DENTLuI
!? t-! • _•. - J e
.1: Boots andShopal
1 I
utitistthily tro;cKfttotsortrucnt
Irlsk~` ; till fret!, :ilia perfect.; fai
- ----•--
1 i
" 2 1 i i
AI ROY'S- S f 0 R Ea- -:- -r_
!side ,fit P.ablic Ayentio,
o"iicorifriastie., .thiiti;.--: ,
E we shall be glad to see arenr old 1
ornkr.? a44,lku finppy te„„w ic on nti i
iiirgiv,e Pat, - .4.o l l"irOirli. l l!4fiihin .. ti
ur, large, stovk' scui..e.ganai u :.stasur.4l , l
ds• , ww , enn saite ma -theft Veho 1. will .1
.. allnd Mein.' ' .n- 5;-- , 7... 1 , 1 - - -*1
...RILEY, nnd•C: D. 'LATHROP.- ,'.
, vvittl. A:' LATH ROP. , - ' • . , -
.6 1) '.1 4 lq'i'' '''' ' " r•
, 0-• t.... : , - 1 .- _- --,.5 f, , .., L.
top iiL ALMOST:I',
for ALSltia—Jran; Sto
. A rir • •
• 1 1 4 S, """
- .
Int;FF!&,, ELDRED lint ini• reiSerrin:'
thee/lel yes -togrthef for the Ipurpos
01 the Stove awl Tin-ware business 1
;branties. wouhi
.respectfollt 1
*lltian of the trilling poblie to their"!
vet I lre foonitit being in vlose.'
Lo the neW Court
r thereof. Our buildifig is nO nsl
is We intend having in the SBring.'
a'n.l.wil) bear until that time,.
mrselves that our es•ublistunenti will
)aoLed ,hy any iu. the .county. Virk
mai approved patterts of ~STOLf'ES;lit
;lit into this toari;et, :wrong which
f4.Treet (EletjatecZ Oeirt,) - 'Cultieci- , i
Tlevated Oven,j.Parayon, Nem- - •t, -1
Voilil f '6 lobe ': - Ailcie,i and '
.1 - '
.. . ,
• ' Three States, . , - 1- !
fight, nitd various othet . patterns , too.'
to mention. -,.. -. ,. ,i
IRE•ut - 411• kinds kept constantli pp
ionsehold use. . Jobbing done to ordiir
bust t niter - 'All Tin-w.lre'4.arefolls
Da .
' : T. 1
petfitily solicit the . patronage of ttll 1
. '
to putt:l)l,ls° inty.tliing in their lino, a,-.1
in tlint;inorec4n bc.silied by examin elsewhere.
(XJDRI.IFF: - 7 . --C. B. ELDRED.
a rose,Dee. 12, 185-1. -
•._ -
,1 ,. MT
Ail Airit
nil merp4s
• .•
hnrd foti-111 ,
and . iii ilfo
proved. •
- T!!tey .
who wtili
suriniy, tit
'oodtaf & Eldred,.
S'rofts and .Ittni,fLettireis of Cop
, antl.ShetLl ton Ware. Shop nein.
• Cpurt I loa4e,' Nlontront.,
an:UE.IQ [G. I), I:ADRED.
'the N r:
S.A. Wu
• f
• r----- .
,At. reectier.l frOia•New York, a fail . ni
meat -cif ;,.. . . . . .
. . . . .
. . .. . I .
• .t'• I,
"•.Ii ,W GOODS, *..
~ , ~ •
a'nrst. rate variety of . . 1. • 1
. I: •
• . Ifedif.unei, Cli:enticars, l'a•i4l s, 1
;Is,: Dtje-staire, Glass-tra.r!,
antilj Groceriei?, Malirials •i 1 I
6r. Lii/lits,.Aftcsical in , • 1 " :
". -sltuments,. Yankee' . - i'
.. .11rtifiuns, , ./r,y; I
. . .
• : PerfrzYnTry; -', ir -•
. call ail ~..;:).-ts of . 1 i. .
lita ;tell Co' ocl4, 1 - I ; •
- 1 • ii.
• 1 • • • • •
Ibe Br).l.(•xireinell ti Iv to * furi easlf, I;
, ,
ret..e.:„tl‘••sm.:t.:Miti a loss by firi!Of.litt
tiMtmod do.flors, above insurance. and
- cd, I- 2.;,.zy I hsvti strong claims for th e
of atti frivnt.l.l.aMl the : pliblik• f...-Onliral
!to' t !. to give to me, neither
~ (141 I
pct ditio.,:if Lidtt,
~...., i in „ nsvqtzgre ' of
I , I tr".l st;i:, ao , ,d's-ns 19w, if not. luvver
earil 1 !mmlit t-lsetvl4•re in this To n
L 41 r 1 1
• .:11 ' / asp is tam patronage front il/1
L hi e h I:it enable me with. indpstry to
td IviiMally' roplaiz.e the loss sustaitfed,
s I,r.iihi... tlit..liard. 4.'arrtings of v. lifei.of
.. ” • ' ' . ' , !, ;
tOm l'i - kwerand of Site hurried distriet
' , truet,:a few. rods below tite - e(aiii.4a.
~.. . i
t o , omprlmn
, Dr 49
q . .ri IT.
tltst . fiyc
t . 1 }•:j
said hlsy.
Or COUlit
s!fgtt 11, fl
—said I;
anfii ~ttd
I),C, 14. 18.'14
.11 'i>idaw Sash.
I). S. 111111.: having been npflointed
, 11 1"; I3lind• and
rzufart{iry are prep.iretl lo furnish' ilny
th:in ther -
Li • .;„
:2-. ihi: v
0 eel
$ tLI L
NG' CI Vele- whic4
tihuiiFti try, fur o ):.
I • . • - &D. SAYRZ .
.9w:ly-11-lade Clothing,'
'Ex 41:::eirablekstmt !ow kleCi.
'S. 11.. & D. SAYRE. '
AL 1.1
nse.'Dc-e. 1.1. 1854
• 1.
. ,
iv prep . ,.
mp,t to
v.ith the
ter icF•
n Blaoksmithing
and. ilarriago Ironing.
'go:lth of Diutork, four -
,•d to 4 ,- ) kind,: of work .in the :ton.
of 7i'aisin,!s3 . - Khort notieV n::(.1 !the
terwo. llc thilters hirnielf" thtt
help row his ( -. !inpl,or, he will be ?able
i ntiresiiti.fautiari zali who .may fiYin
their 'yustom. . ;
mai county.
v.. 41 of this
nt. tut'
ini• credit-
X 42,
•i. .
. . _
k, N 90,. 23, 1851.4-4Stf. • ; I.
". B. *lst; kind. of ;umber and all I;lnfiSi
y pro , sitn..retthken in painvni. . ,
c• , .llpt ,
M . !! ref the evirt r qtpiripr
n qrr in and f)r.Sits7uffhtz-hha
I;ttitirs.ri of 7,Hf).1 G.Sprinz or the Borott,.(ill
asq'a Dep(it said 'county, respectfitlly
. , 2 , . . . „
i t's, that prOVtiltht WIER StilttlmOttOrl
to a - Gr, - wory, in the Born , #h
: unit 7t11,1t.: it. i= his interition.SO eppl'y to
I Court', Qunrti.r Sessinn4 to.heholif:(:+n
lr said County on the third Monday of „fan.
! I • n I , rouse triketp a groccry,.and to,
hoer, :,k or (ANT mull liquors, nci:4-
he Act of iti.sciubly of 14th April-A I , D.
ICI 07
vt i ai ;rie
tirt. rivx
in'an I ff
ne l .xt, ft
=441 afro
dit)o. to
218A.G. SPRlNG
ohnnywri Depot,
lED iirininsals will he received by fibo
1 thigioners of Sus 'a county nt, the entn
rs,' offie in 3lbntrnse, until the Silt of
t, nt 2 o'clock P. M., for rebnilding i tlio
I erns% tin) tAryaluging; creek, near 11. J.
/ I ns in Rnxii Ott - 11011p.•
tans, drawing,a, and.speciii,thtiong to rthe
k may -: be seen and examined 'at the
'Zee. i
E i f t
s:, d
C Jl.§
—W* . A:. cr.oss.)6N, Clerk.
I ckso, Dec.. 11, 185-I-50w4
E. will be exposed. to rublie gale
'S itorday the' (Itll day 01 December
, he hotke of Major A-a Npieet, in. the
of Irarford, the following. nanyd•kop.
.10 . p , iire of Pistols and . Ilob,tersi 4-1
end B4tao.n thel4lteA and best: t•id
la;11 31:j. Gen..A. Carpenteri:nue-
Snie to 9 o'clnek A. )1.
. ,
il-1A SPICER, Br. Insp.
I st, Br.° lat Dil;.
Ni, , Det...o). 1354.. • • - 50w3
in t.
Sirotdm ,
de e r tSir
~11 4rf.~
(fats and
4(.. •
1: ooke and Stationery,
RGE and well selneti , dstoelrof
elms llorika. School "Brooks., and
tho 'awl Toy flooks.l -A
-.k of statioaurzy—Bl.lek and Red Inks„
red Coaalercial Note'. Paper. Ilarblo
r Crayon draw ins, &,e. For dale
Ifiee, Jlontros©, Dee. 13th, 1534.
! arcs et.:Neu vl e. celebrated Thariesfor
, f55,f0r.4.:1e thig Post °Mao. f
use, rite. 13, 1851.
Jusiiee, and a Ilusindas naait'a Lagal
n ride, roc crate at the Post.
'Ose, Dae. th f . 1854. . °
31ontroi e.
I. i
1 1 :.• Timor.
- 7 ---
... .. • .'
• Ic at t 4
, 1 -.
$ ;75 Pr
e lim is i i. s ... t i
i i l r ,v i g
13 l ioka,
, t
rargri so,
I'NZO paw's eurnpleto •4vorit for sale at
Po;:t Otfiio.- '
I sbFe; Dee. 13, 185.1, • I.
be' best
sap • .
es; Jewelry ,, Silver Spoops.
1 and §ilvi;r. Oltont, Laver, ArNhor. d
.I ne WatOes, just rketved 'and for at e
‘i , BENTLEY & ntA, ..,
,_• .
:.....,J • .4.sl4omtrattr4 SO.c.„•-
Ikllol/C:E . i 1 , 4 1, heteby given that fo - punnin , .0 Of-
IN an artier 4f COnrt.lasutidifiont. theerph , •It
Quirt .of Suagnehanna,scoiuifyi therawill,. be:ex-
poead ta public? sAh,..llNendonlupOn:tist;„ - •
NeAjn,,laekaaiti ti 3 Opaiii sh ittr, ,SA prday Irr
dnYM . I;* l 4 , rer A. k•Xti. nt : l'„lN‘ok I
I haf:cit4 1 42:144' 64:Pill'for:l4a tut
. h. t a, or 1 - -$ fors i.t ta:21 1 7 iqifti itivi` ` 4 5 oifiia --- b - t
tti'euitola:. Ili•iginning at4l-poaf ''' aid' !alai
1 z tile irt 614 ii Jinn Of Irdata - Giiiii(ioldrakland;zl
nattli forte-t' : and a lair jogrfra: , Areal
P perLis•in a past and stoma in.ilie,aonth .
11.cser P(lyne'tt iAnd: the,* hi an L OLltitly.
titki i 1;9 pertist:a ta,a pnat, 'ail : lit:4l'mill th
of innnai IliiiirrfiCYra jarld, tltence a liirq
• lioa intiqi' foriy.tsVo'itrui opo lialf iii:greni
t• olds tatiliiiV 11(ad, 'ttreinio it4hOir iald Ti
whdri it • iii rikeii fnifd giliatit G(Fitiolifilat
M enne' amen the Line ial gaid Griiiiiid's
:, t Ito fp la ea' of liginnino , ,. containing 49:,a0l
r 55 Oerelics,, Lai tie same." Mare or' Irv ' , vri
3 PPurtvrialelL , ; Terms of , E:10 vasy, and
I kutiwn op.::
,tl:e day ne.s:aro: • , ' .
1 i L ! JOHN OUNNI ,
ON iti
1 lat:lia,:m t iNt.ii... 28; 1554.;-4Etkwfr
• •$
I •
, •
THR nnliseiiiter
,Pirors" for toile - h;s
Wtsbrt flaiford; about:4 tnitun front - r t
far: and -one fUtirtft of Iron tef .
tiun on the D.. L. At:. W. B.Lit. &ad - F1T.3% . !e
taio.4kon t-4 4rn and.
Rl4p; pores r,4ticnc.-
le:it-to (1 . 11.4 tkv o uttier.Sl44ibinqy ! : f3.141.,5' hoßyoninin/t tnehinin'y i.Aptt•-•
blalfor ttirhini;. Chliini.,ll,edstun3si . dee., rill' of
rtipcotiftbk..l . ormfb , fort
turilierinformation I Crnwtord Tithe,
' -
nelr the pietniteg, or of lir subm.rt.
J. J. RoPEIt. • •
liarnird, 1 . 83.1.4.-LaWB., •
••r • '
.1 •Wan.ted.
5000 b ash Os . . f t,z, bushels-4 Corn,
1010 bnshols 0 . Rya, 1000 brtil:ets i,rl)ried Ap
ples,looo brishe:a oilluekwheat, 500 bushels of,
Reif nn, and :sny quantity: of Partridges,. flt , the
highest market prieos, in exelinneo tir Goods,by
&mail& 11E,31.1314TEAD.
NEW. stack of Wi n ter-Shawls. j list reedy:
ed aad for s_alo 1,,y; 6 7 - . • - •
' SMITH & IibiPSTEAD. "-
. .
• i . Bpntle•Sr. Bead — • •
A •ItE tW'y •reeviviiiir; trieir new But ding 'en.
thejwo•sf.: , iele :genie, two de~urs
ablire Se. rle's:llottl, inige and desiinVe
sottment tnl • •
. . . .
FALL zk'N . o wili\rEß GOODS:- -• :,,
Their.. •, ..• . .
; Their . . itoelti is alrool=sti entlrel* NEW, haVing
s;.*ed but a trift,.. emnparatively speAkinz t _fr om
th'e latedestro'etivo fire; and • eolunriieA their Ati:
1 01 eariety of Dry Goodi,. Grzieerie, Crockery,_
i lEirdware,
~ Drugs, Medicines, . V:tiritA,.oils, Dg-,
I , :tiiffs, B. lotg, Shnew, CloOim, Yankee notion 4 &e..
&e. WO tru-4 that unroll enstrimer:=, arid . the
i pliblie 0:0 no . r.ti!y, will Lfive u' -3 Call 'at our "new
1 toctithin,a . g we; are cletermine4 to suppty their
1 : wants on' as favorable any of our.neigh
1 . - ,..3.10ntr4t. N0v..30;1.451.. - ~ . : - '
! .-,_,. _____ ',- ._._L_. ; • - _;;_...—_,":._... __L,_.______,
New Goods. :'- - -
! i •
i A 11{.tis.S1-1 Arrival of, Nev Goinis 'ich .we
-.CI_ offer rerkcheap:
,i\Voilave it Avii
large "stack
of•Staille.innti lane' Dry iloodl., :which' we will
~ • . . . ...
ra,:;11 vzarle.uEA:P. Cali anti' examine. - .
1 .., .
i . REAt/V NAM: CLOT}IING.- .. ,
i s' We nrd now nrepare^4 to el ithe nil neenraing.,
. I
ito the la tt:l=.t style. We have a large stunkW . :44:h
I vie win siAl , :i: - ; low: : ,C.,linad exanf. , ne before
1 p;tirelin§in^:' Ala-I,n' laii -, ,, sOk of Cloths, Caw.
si:nereA, Jo-:n4, :4.ltinett;, l'weuti,s; &r.. in fact
I Our stock in tbis 'line is ,eoroptk,:te. - 'We invite
I the - att, , ntion of c.Asu I.sztacitAssi:s to .our stock..
- All kind► of , produee:talz`en in exchange for
Goods at ca,l i rites. - I . -. ,
i .
I !
~ . 1 ' 11A-Wt.l.:k' - & 'MOTT. - : -
i ; .lontrose. - .•ifiv. :11, l'Bs-1.
~. ' LJ___:-_______4_....__________...—..____.l.____4:
Administrator's Sale.
By 011 orchr of sale, issued from the
Orph , m2;' Cfnirt i:f Sustitohanna county.
Will be 4,; vi•ntlao, en the pitmises to
the township cif Franklin, on
&War:iffy, ..Linuar:, , -4, 1355, I u'eivr_•?;;P,..l
'Fite f )1.1w;o:i deser;io;d pieces or part
of Isnd. latolhe estate of Clarkit'SimatiA . ,di:i
iittate in. Franklin township aforesaid;-
uounaer: at a past
4Outhwest. corner hereof and remf- - -.N - nlsra-r i
,fason-Torry'S Map 'of re-sert . .y of Henry Dri
t , r's Snake creek tract thence by lot -No'
land of Stephtn 11. Crane, north, one halt
t•xenty-twa prenek to the northeaSt co?
l,f last menti,,ned tflenee. by the st
line or lot 133, litntl, ()V,Sylesiter Stnitlior T
Smith. cast, sixty;tiie perches and six-te
of a perch to a post, the northwest come
f4/I.n S. Handrick's land; thence
.by the.:
Mentioned land south, ore hun , liedandtwl
tWo ptrehes to a post thenceby the north
"cif lot No. 141; land of said Ilandrick, west s
five perches . and ,ix-ti..nths of :t perch to
place of beginning; coat aininz fifty acres of!'
and being tbewest half of i;it 137.. - Als
That other piece -or ,p.tre c l of land .situlte
ftforesaid, ant bOnnded : andde,icribcd as,follo
Jielginning at ;a:p'oint is the middle of the .
learlin,tr fri)in H. If.. :Bratilev's . to- Mr. Gree
then&. , hv. land "of John S. flandrick, north
and One h tlegroes oast, - thirty-eight- per
to a past and StonN: the'nee . by I:tnd of the
Clark , R. &minas before describe} north - eig ityr
!seven one-it tit' degrees west twelve -a. d!a
halt* perches. to a take. and. stones • thence_
. by
land of said Ilandrick, South two and" kar eg.
thirtv-nine perches to .a point in the id_
file of said rogid: -thence a10n..! the iniddte o the
!ettne,north degrees east, twelve and a all*
perches to' ,the place Of beginning.. vontai
Three acres of land. •
TElpts made !moil:Won-day . of-sale:: • ."
. HENRY CRANE, Adrut: • •••
Great 13-44 Dcc. 1-24•05-1—.50W4.
/ T l l' .
~,sarisur having purchal .the. entire
.• •interest the 0!4 - and` knoWn grist
Still, Called Simmer's Mill ; would ;.ive notice
to his old eastatner3, and all concerned ;
has given it a.thorongh:repairingoind it Vs- now
dning jirstraielwork - ;.and under the charge. of
! o ewis A.lTompkitts (whose reputation as a mill
Or stand 4 second to D4)O in,the county.) .. and
with plenty of w:tet with which - we are favored
lit all tines, trusti that we anty receive our,
share of pubfii;!'pat r onag e . •
oc. ,
UStIeaIANI4A, Corny. Es. - . . • - r
iiiiditor'iliotice... - -- - . 7
. ,
` "EE
' , 3
fleiiiigne; Intring hen upriointed'hy,
7: the, rphitn's C urt of said. Cou.nty, r.n-Au-
AitOr to 4iitriliute the :t s ets. in the ' ; hancla of A.
and Emanuel art)enter, : Administrators
Carpenter, itee'r.o%..ilt attend to th 6 du
, appninttn en% at his office in 'Alnntreaci .
the bixth rt:y of January, next at
;v I.
. M.. at illa plaice and pl:k all .orions
ilium I ag,.tinst Isaid e:itatu will pren . ent"
.0 forever bnrred - 'frinn iiinttirviin npnii
. ,
I .'
FRANKLIN FlLASEltitAnditoi..
tr,, 1 - )ee.'l4., 1 . 0 1.-sntv.i.
. .
-of; Horne
ties of hi.
'n clock 1
;hn% ing, e
ithem nr ,
said f u n
subHriber may bo found -at bits office
tho2eitore lately. occupied by-G. &
r, tvli tire. ho, will bo happy
,to two nil
. •
t nrt-inclabfed to the late firtn-of D
, se,l:t.e. 6. 185,1.
thoe:e the
Attolltl.oll POOP/e fr efr inrortn
" bv,rther uould nuPe'
that t is still right e tip ih Public f Searle 's . liutelMleie
qher t e the
thent rall Ito those wig) Wont
he is pri,►lred to otzn eivit
nod doiatch
sem, w it h "14
nre posted .up af - hia.4hop, from , whi u maY
?select, or any other if,tyh, YOu want. AU work
made up . in hia ilop'ta Warranted' Jo ',give , 'aptiii*
'= - •
ar Lotting, done as usual ' tor pay do it and
warrant to fit. —' •
Tut Oet. 10 1 1864.:--,42.:31unv,
- FSWVit-tl.;
'* % :itlileCrisiairatiVitri t infeAtial -
graver;lsgßroadwar v NiA'..... , 4;ul -I
3:'& `C. rioh.6r: A "
' itthetbet -
WARE ACIO:if,!, Nos. 2 , 13, 445; - 4.417;1110 J
240. `.evrnff.. New eight-itrik, - ' r's4;Weir4_, „
fith ftrytdi l itith ,Aveues;York.! - , Pianos with
the Ali,lony, end • all tlu 'best modern iinpriiiretT
tuents.i rutide of rboteritilsi% Undeirf - Arr3
'overt,nuolz•rviti)on ;_ wrige;D:go 4 o - otee given :
every Piano., J. beinw'practiFUl,toN :
and Innutifoct uting% very tragelh.,. efut it •
best l'ianos, on low er tertrutlhun'iiiiibe'fild
ed ray where,'und kis:decidedly:On} boittlAilik' . i
to buy for cash.
_Tivrto , desiiing.i : tOod'-.PilaitV l -
and one 'that will itand wear di
better than to , curl on J. &. 43its&-'3!
\Slovos and Rangeir.`
, . • wisicir..4th.,,;-Ar-Y:i
I - 1E SUBSCRIBER'S li:tire 'or( Ilan& ihe
.-11-• est -asqgrirnent of Air-tight dook
for Stoves - that car tie fottad ity. StOfell,
of @I tieseripp:qts, fttyle's}atid fieslgtia, .for' bays.%
ing Word 'or Coed, which -we wilt tarrant - is etK
eryPersons irt,tvant, Stove, for
benntv and duratiility.- «ill do set 'to_ eat so , the ,
IJ.OP4.INS 4. DUFF, proprirtori 23 P
ter-street, , .4303; •
:Prnit'Sellets ., &ll:rtists 0
• ett
. No. COG
v v Ors. printerg; no :Mllanutacturinv.kytists4
Colormen, Berlin, anti No; 366;
131:otid way, New York.; - Catallogues sent by.
disronrit tci the tradwand
Pieture .Fianies furl:lo;o.r' - • .
Wat eh esifor tlie• Holidayail
rpo.GE'rfIER. within rieh ass - nrtatent - of DIA::
1‘10&'1):••.;, - anti kittd9- nt Fine Jeweirr,;-;:
IGold WateSeii,filotit $26 , I to -
• . Plated Cake B.biketsi-l'rom $5 ,to $25..
Duhhle Platfd Ten• Set-g. froin,sl2 t0k.850,.
air;cl SflvAr-Plated AY:aro, and ofitiertirti•
elen,in the line rt'egit'ally low pr,iee,s.,. -
Far Or v?.. , ,eitit a lwrout pdrchasitig
ekewilere: Nt - 112.tiART.Ii& BENTON.
50w 313- BrOtidway,
. . ,
.. -
Bra 0
1. 1
f; A.N. of the ,
a'.'littiop . 1 . .
AWOND.Eitr DI: VIE cosery het, reernt ly. been riled* by"
1)r. Cirtti<..6t nil , ci y:iti the treatintnt`orCOPettrOre;
lion, A=tlitna. anti nil , ditsins'es of .the
,Lung.. 'le refie,io
Dr. Cnrtis' y;::rons, or Inballir.. A.iygettri Vapor -Awl
syrup:" With ttlit.nrcr tnethod De . C. host restored iintil.
elill :tett once to perfect Ilea/di : at jilt eviden l 4Arblett hi
hat inn rimer:dile eettidrlit es. Speaking or the treatment,
u ph.l'sirtanrrinarts: t it hferident ttritiabalitruktimt•
. Iy. btrathirg-an errors - We. healing' ropor,r,he pedlar*,
propertica intlst come in tDr_tct iontatt with the seripiVe ttlf
the o:ial cavity of the k:ao;s.. - -na_ I.tol , escspe.dir maby awl -
%%/Ts,,l chd:.--,-e, produced upon t brut -ohm int' od*d :Into
fladst. ,, ,tmell. awl subjlet el. to - thrl pewee/et , r ..iroi k atii.—
Till Ify...:elni is rut 21:e at sit t he drw.rgisttt,rou
behont lb*
. . Ye . te .1 - ork. DaYektris'qf Jas. 14 ,, --'
tilt- Ir.halciiit Kara itu'thal%rari t unties. tlie (Inca with
out tit , feast ineonveuivare—the tirtlt for . tli, body;' , bette
sigtictert tc.Vvr,perate iliir Iluitl. - • ': .
II ultAreds of ftASE.:3 of CIIEES I ika ' the', folltleTtig milghf •
,be berne , i. One l'aelitiP ' 11 I)V- 11 ' 4 . 4*lnrea ut!:or.tba ..4.
t ASTIIMA. of Ax y,t-ar- , rlantling. -..-• ~. . : • ...: •
I'. ' ' : J a r. F. ffee.i.i. erry, P. at gr btesiecrinoon, - At:: -..
I Tam eltrod a thl 4sTit3lA of 10 leois istauditig bk:11*: i .
• : 7 ArtitaFer - Eit'griit'; rtrook/Oi.N. - -,M'• ' ,
Mrs Patti of Nit , .. - 5 3lsmataritlSSSi:l'4 7 :as' tired etc
severe cas , :, A r Dranelietts by - tbiliyrtatia. •. ' '- : ~. . ;
My vista- hav bees ertie,d ail DlSTitn4lltl:ll COUGlit et I
.peerral yearn ptariaiwr. aril decideald be tnctirableby bet,. ,
phpirknv.- Sbc 'lva., eitrrt iii ON'. pIONTII "by--Illie WI ,
, .
J. 11. 0 tinbert, P. .n.„ itiehrsortig: aft. - . . 1
• Pri..e three Thatturi a l'attkaga.--ti,i,olit bv cERTIB k PER. I
K. i:4:8 ,IC`,ltt.ll'l) .4 PAUL ih:o•-• 14_9 ChaFtbarsL,Ss.-- - ,21...T.t..4. 1.
i' l'a,.:kAgep -.sent five b•• xprept. to tinyi put 0.3,; Al!, Visited. *- 1
Staten foe Ten Dollars.. i • • -: - . .. , e _2 - ~. .•• • i
N. ft--C ertis' Llyx.raas
.is the :Ot 10:1N.d.T.i,atid 0:13.Y. i
i G P.NtlyN I.: Ait TICLE, tili ()Vivra arehave Irsishettianit or' I
1 vile% and I NUN:IOUS: cogut•-ereitai. - iStittn ;hem as -iota 1
i would POU,ON , ' - 1 - ri7,yl.--TiSzehlx 4•S.,Aders., • ,!.
e 4,14,
Ln :.
Now and. Choi') ,Goods..
1 .
B CRZGIIT at 19w pressure
i rices and Will be
' sold aordingly by - , • - - ---_-,;,•
- . - • li. BU •ILOWS de Ca.:.-
, .
Gibson, Oct. n 1854..: 1 -:- •, . -, t
ASAIIII.ES end - ventines,l a large- atplort
C ineot,and at. prices lower than are have; ever
been enabled to offer them heretofore.' - 1.. -
04. , t. it. - , l. -U.. B. & eco.J
Press Goods;. •
A '.GII.EAT variety of .bearrtifut styles iirid
aa cheap :la could. bp
, Oct.. 11. ' .U.,
AA GOOD craangty for' dresrit)3l-c6.r,
. drii•Cco.l -
Oct, 11. 1834; " '
• • Shawls,
T J ONG and S u re,i%Vool,: e and,lnkci,
i very hands° e atyleb, . and it extredelrldtir_
• = Oct. 11.
BrOChO.Slia s•
0 E APER than ever ,befortitiporn,
V) ful patterns, and tine,qoali!y_.or:B-,+#tve l lux,.
Shawls,.Lupen's inannfacturet; 4t, $7.
n '
\Oct. • • • ' • - `tYZ't acico;i
Bay Stiato " . 4 4';
ti LIE lariktsizo, finest - and n ow pat e
ems, $;,50 each. i 11.13.4:1Co,
Oct. 11. • "
• - Tarpeti3:,l • ';
t GOOD assortment and handiOrno piano,
very low prices., ' V 11.,/kC9.i
Oet. ' -; : 'l'
. Buffalo Robes;
A LARGE lot olhandtiorneißobett, 31 - part 'of
thoto whole, Inißan dressA and very aufie.:,
riot- colors uti4 quality. :. !
- itUditOr's Notice. - . :,..: -
_., -,
XIIR-undersiOed, haring _been alipeintedc by
the Orphante Coot of Stisquehattliti:_coritt 4 ,
ty. ;in Auditor to distribute" the assets lit tite
hands-of :3.-A. Newton dL A. Netednitri ex. '
eentors,Ao.,, of Amy B,tl :eel:. deeeased,,:eiill:itu,
tend to the tuties of his aid appointment,:aChits
61lice in lifontrese, on Sidtirdal,:titu.,sixtb day*:
January next , at I eeloe t `1 ) ..,,31 - 4 at - .‘Tilichtilia;
and phtee,, all perioni h t
ring ellitni mitist _the
estate of said decedent, - tvi I"prese net tietu.neboli*
ever haired. (iota potniti in itpon'ti4C4ftind.:'..:- , .. -
, • ali 'FRAZIER; Audits:it. - -'
, Montrose. Deg: i 2." 18 41.--58Vi4. :.;,,,.. : 1- : =,'':_''',:
THE pariner,:hfn heretidariii'extitinit betwilit
Warren £3c - V.tiar*itki:.o:44ihill':.dil•'*-
01%-ed ratiittat on sent.. Ail ifeeitintioirtir,
bts.fannd in the' iiundl or R.
keit= and attlieuiCizt"l - -,
= '
3tontnise Die:7
. .
::.--- ..•.-:: ..Turnpiko-Rotioo: .-,--,,,:,.:-.---
irruE,P,ie,iide mi i-Dirriatoi 74 .4ani k l- S t- f iiiiiikk v iiiii:
,:. 1 1:f 4f .t49 , X4111qt ai*fillitui.eini tilePPl l l**4..
.;t - giipaliy,: :iv"; It; juild ..-, their. tOit*'.*:-. - o,optlo*ciiii.
miiio4k, tt!'4 „u o,- '617:: ot.i'Apiaty,44 , ..x.k - ii4_44o:
h'cniii - of ;tool- 5t0.41410-100.01,0r!Tanti#
.teir:.o'iliuik V - 11:' - ''''''"-- -- .:':.'''''. 7- " - . .-:',-, .
7 - i:' • ''-''' ' !--' }W.ttit4t'iifetiiii - liiiiiie' - ' ~, ' -':. ' - 4 " -
-;-.:' : 1 .7- 7 . '':-',"l-; ii ...., ' BENZ': MN F l OatilWfl
:,...6p0<,94,:044 - ,..„4094; , , , : _ 5.-..-..,q:: , „"--J: t * : , ,:-: . :: : - - 7 -- ; - . - !i.
. - ' ' ',:,..:-..q;A1'.'.,,.•-,-,.
Cloths, -
. .~. ~i