'attest _ inkk . "14_A'ty,E5T.ci . tiptriaert0* I2L SiORTHER4I B. CHASE ALVIN - DA.Y, EinrOps. DlUmitrime, 1564. J The Voice of kiltgailla. MIT W. C. tRTANT•. - Thor, ooromi from 'rounder 1164114 • A trepioinz wood.. • %Who' forest leaves are bright. llnd fiat like if okra of tithe To thogrouud. Tt is the autumn" breeze. That. lightly dotting 00. Jost sinks the weedy leas. Just'stirs tho glowing trees. • And is gone. moans by sedgy brook. - - " • And visits with a sigh • . The laetpale flowers that - look, -Flom out theii sunny awik. • . • At the . sky. O'ershoating eliitdria flies The light September wind, And kissing cheeks and eyes, And leaves.their merry tries - • far behmd. And wanders on to make • - - • ' -- That iott uneasy isonnd By distant wood and take,' Whet* distant &outman* break From the ground _ . _ No bowirr wheremaidens dwell Can win a tneatentte stay. . Nor fair entreatlea dell ; . = lie'setreeps the upland.swell. • •-• . - A-tid away' Maarn'et tilos thybotoeleee state. Oh; soft repining wind ?" Thst early seek'st andlate - The restit is tby fate , not oa the mountain's bteast, 'Not ow the,ocean's shore, II all this East and Wert; "The kind that stops to rest ' • Is DO MDM. •FOY u t t er. woode and Springs . No.nroiider thou should'st 'grieve; Fla iU t!tei glorioni things • , • °I •Tinton toteliest with thy wings And must levee ffiporinis gteabing. From the Detroit. Daily Adveitisar. DOestickis Invents a Arittent 3ledt- clue. , NEW, Thaa,. Nov. 6, 1854." • • . 701 Narrow street. Congratulate me—my fortune is made—l am immortalized,land I've done it inyielf, I have - gone into the patent medicine business. My name will be handed down to posterity, as that of a universal benefactor. The hand Which. hereafter .Writes upon the record of Fame the names of Aver, Sands,. Townsend, '• Moffat; Morrison and randreth; must also insnribe,, side by side with these distinguished apieltations,.the no _:less brilliant- , cognomen of- the undying Doesticks. Emulous of the thiathless notoriety which has been acquired by the medicinal worthies'. just Mentioned, I also resolved to achieve a name and a .fortune in the same reputable and honest manner. 136ifght a. gallon of .tar,, acake of. beeswaxH • and a firkin °third and twenty-one hour. I.presented to the world "the fist batch, of, "Doesticgs Patent-Self-.Acting-Four-Horsc Power Balsain," designed to cure all diseas - ekof mind,-body or estate,ito give strength - to the weak, money to the. poor, bread and butter to the, hungry, bootslo the, barefoot, decencv.to blackguards, and common sense,- ' to the . -linow-Nothmos. It acts physically; • morally, mentally.pschologically, physitilog; ically, and geologieslly, rind it is intended to make our sublunary sphere, a blissful para-'. diue, t o , whiehl;leave,n itself will be nothing but a- side-show. 'I have not yet brought it to absolute perfeci tion, but even' now it- acts with immense force, as'you. -will perceive by the accompany; lug w,..timonials and records of my own indi viduid experience. You will observe, that,' • Autr,notresorted to the usual manner of pre _pisnitg4ertificates ; which is, to be certain that intended for eastern - circulation she - Maslen tooorne from some formerly un - haaid•ofPlace in the west, while these sent to the west shall , be dated at. some place forty miles - to The '-east of sunrise. 'But I,seral to you, as representing the western . country ;a . certificate from an Oregon farmer":: " - Dear Sir: The land hitherto composing my farm has been 'so poor that a Seotchman 0014'0...get his living off it, and so stony ttit .k.sd to slice our potatoes and .p them reigways; but hearing of your balsam, I put some on the corner. of a ten -acre lot, surrounded by a rail fence, and in' the morn in,g, I found the rocks, had-entirely. disappear 'ad, a neat stone wall encircled the field, and tharails were split into ovenwood and' piled up symmetrically in my' back yard. Put -half an ounce into the middle -of a huckle berry swamp; in two days-it waatlearecl off, pbutied with coin.and pumpkins, and had a row of peach trees in full'bloom through the middle. As - an evidence' of - ita tremendous -strength, I would ititte that . it dre - wa striking , likeness ,my 'eldest daug,hter--drew my. lounged boy_ out of a, mill pond--drew a - blister all over his stomach—drew a load of potatoes four miles to market, and eventually, aveyr s Prize of nirt4ty-seven dollars in the , stite -lottery. And the effecfnix4i the inhali 'tants hereabouts has been so wonderful, that they have Opened' their eyes to the good of the country, and are determined to vote for aloenion for goveinor_Oo is opposed to frosts is the middle of June,. arid; who will make is positive - law against freshet's,`-hail-storms and the seventftn.vear locusts." - ." - • There, that :sortte - , But give _ one 'afire Vona a member of a senior class in a Western college, who, although - misgitided, neglected and ignorant, is undoubtedly as bon - wikandsincere as lig P.russianized education I will adtait-of. ' I have corrected the orthog- aphy and :revised some grattinulical inaccu- racies; but, besi'dekiittendingio_ these trifles, inserting marks of .punetuation, and . putting the Capitals. in the tightplaces, I metre you I have made no "iteration: - • . SELL 11.1aBoR, Jane 31,'1854. My Deer Doctors (You know attended mid 6ll lee4ures bait a - winter ' 'and once a's; sfntid hi.getting a crooked needle out. Of a. lialei'l.4.; "401 4 4aerstant thei,,theog.And, practice of medicine, and the title, dOctor, is perfectiv legitimate under the. Prussian syttem.) Bylbe laceisiatstusly giired in --this establishment,. 4 lad ;become worn doin so thin gall overcoat Air to cad a thattow-4but l atici4 denUdly hearirs of our a quantity, And i n Obedience to the licinueotik, Ude prineiple,of thisinztitution, took-an mi . laitesimal dose only ; font ; ' Jaya Ltneatar ; naiinn - bindnxi And, eightyttio . Anahee round waif,-r4dla nhOlieleven• c ords of hickO- ' ar std , lo , r) hours and. W;italfl,-andenii bf- oxen - tio - *ilea and' a', in M7/41140Indt- my righthinrkWeg -, anyone 'dOtibta the iiiikeitozen ' are i6IIIO bessen.' h!'`Aholittliti'lreeks l 4Urfilik harktlie aine ;ol lisidoit" l 4o44ll**wdox.exl"ir" * wAigh , oocanctil lines and legs were scattered -orarthOtakr,utdsertaans. ted kithidilairetty equallY distn, . . ed thrtnigh oat the w hole'cPunt4:; Under these ciieum statices my Vei was " deiptiireil of, and.tny eli,y-Matei bad !'bought!; :a pipe, coffin, -and horrowea , wholei shirtalp attend the funeral in ; When the inviacible , :pOwer of your four horse:power balsam (WhiCh 1 happened= to have ux,my vest pocket) - suddenly .brought tog therthe scatter - i pieces:of my body coil ecteil my liMbs front the rural districts; punevidife into my alfattenil frame, and I was restored, nt4jured, i tomy friends with a no sett of double teeth. 1 I have preserved the label whieh enveloped the bottle, and have I sewed it into the scat of my Pantaloona, and I 'no' bid grim death` , defiance, for 'I feel that I ,am henceforth ,unkl I 'able, • Cin d in fac tc. 1.1 am eve now generally ' : denornintitedthe 9reat W stern Aehillre:- I- t i -, , "Yours, entirely; ~ ' Sat HY:" - feel that after this, Mr. Editor, I need give you no more reporti of third 'persons, but Will neVertheless detail some of my own persOnal Experience of 'the tirtiele. II caused' some to be applied to the-WashtennW Bank after its failure, and while the halsain lasted the bank `redeemed its notes with;;speeie. The cork or onof the bottles dropped 'upon the head of a e ildle;ss.-widow, ,in&in six; weelowhe had, a y n e t ag and bloomin g ., liesband, , Adminis ter - some to a hack 'driver in a"glass of gin l and sugar, and that day he swindled - but seV-, en - people, and only gate two of them bad, money in change. Gave a few drops gratis to a podr-woman who was earning a precari ous!subiliterice by making calico shirts with! a c oss4yed.needle; and ; .the next"day she was di oveled to, be heir toia large fortune. The Ku P--!othing c andid a te for Mayor of the city h sent for it-bottle, and it , has entirely cured him of a violent verbar diarthcera. 'Ga e some to an' up, form actor, and that night he said - „," damned" only twenty.;one Is tines. One of the , daily papers got the next [o_ie ., d and in the next edition; but one there wee but feur'editorial f.alselniods, seven inde cePt advertiseinents; and 4 two' columns and a hair of , home Made 'Foreign aorrespondetice: Capsed fi fteea 'drops to; be given to theilow comedian of a Broadway -theatre, and that iii„, the was pe'sitivelY dres;ed" inore like a ,ma than a nionkey--lactually -spoke Isbme I lip - -of the. - author- rniide only three inane attempts At puerile witticisms--only twice el wei t out - of his way to introatiee.some, rest lyl idelicateline ttito his partand for a won der lost so mtich.Of hisielf-conceit 'that for a full half hour , he did not believe himself :the gra-, test come d ian in the world. Gave some -to newtboyd and he manfaetared blit three fire, a couple oft, merders„and one horrible -I'Bll oad accident, in fink neyt thirty minutes. Pu , some on the, outside of the Crystal Pal -1 ace and the same day!' the st4elt went from 22 . p t0,44, - *; Our whole l Empire City is en tire y changed y the Initractilous ,power of " Dtestlck's . Patent; Sell-Actink .Four Horse IPo er Balsani." The gas is lighted on the day ! nights- instead...pi , the moonlight eve niu6s7---thereare no toore highway robberies in the streets, or if thete are, the offenders, wb n arrested,. are instantly , discharged. by I t ,the police magistrate No more building ma ter! ls on. the ,side-walki; no more midnight mu 'ers ;, no more Sunday ?cows; -no more dirt streets.; no More.duels ia 'Hoboken, and lore lies in. the .rieWspapers. Broadway ept and garnished ; the M. P's are civil ; the boys' don't;steal anylmore dog;.-'ln so well content are we now with our that ive feel, 1,4 the Hibernian poet so tifully eixpresses it "0 if there be an Eli - slum .. .m.lh, Ilt is this—it is this."' 0 Not to God S 1 and Pict city bea . ers for tidy balsant o ttee4mpatiied by the will. beiramediately attended to.; oth erwhe not -f - -for *thy partnef . and I have're solyyd,„to. sell, f0.rea..41 only,*ing., as AU _l).r.„ Youpg, who - -appropriately feelingly ,re marks— "IVe take no notes o i a 'time?" I:pliantly yours, , . Dr. Q. R. P. DOESTICKi, P. 8, M.D. • Dogge says li : have piled it up 4rong, and that no, one 1,741 believe what ails . .." that-humbug preposterous. abOut the newspa and the Prepostercm n4nsense concern he- Broadway actor." lam aware that teSe instances my medicine has peiforcried aerti miracle, but the ifacts remain no :me than strange." !- I I ' . I Lore '- . ore andASiticide. . 1 ~ A suicide - d n. melting. touching char acter took place ab'out: a for night ago, in St. Lou l s.., On the - levee in - that city, between Myrtle and Blm streets, ..*As- fotind early in the nimming,lthe body of :i genteely-dressed you g Ivan, about the medium 'height, - -'ln his cket 'Was found !a. letter in French, Whi h told hid sad'Story: • It eras as follows : ' I beseecli the person_ who finds my . body I 'not to make inquiry,-for'the l .aet was mine--1 am : my` own .murderer. My- name is Francois I Henry.iDe LOgnille. 1 was born in Paris on 'the'!it_li clay of '_April, 1828. My family! *ere itt the great 'enterprise of - 1849. . I was ~ • married to a f r:are,spirit, and I . thought my i bar pines would always continue, • 1 left my. I nat ye land With. a small family,-in the month of kayl.and arrived in Ne.w . Orleans the 24th of itly 7 :, 18.541. Bat.nias! after tasting of hap- ... .I ,ss pip for-fifteen . • daY a s,great fatality, over - ,. too - tne: My dear .beloyed rite was attack- . .ed jwi tit ' cholera, and !after tiro hours of great suffering, .she ,iied...S i bCirns :hardly enshroud-. I ed,l*hen lily little bly,_niged.thee gars, died of the same disease." . my 'distress. *as great, but Gods had, left tut- a iTittle girl, thirteen me - ths:olA,.Which give:lnc - strength to resist the iniSfortua.e.that - fod oedurred tome, and ip this little innocent I cOuldsee the likeness . of if.Lielbved .‘Wi and 1 could ask. no more of 'od but. tejlive - ci my - child.' But, ,Grod t was, willing agui la to. a I,ot, - by - taking every- - thilig that. was_left for In . if this World., On th e t . iol.la of October last,lly the misfortune I to -Ouse the eyes . Of.tnY ifeasu —•titiv child. ~ \T\6\ tlayrug nothing' to condcile tae, eit'olred to quit .life iny'self. :Lettiol One -Warn,. me, - fin' life 'lrani a hurthen."- .. ,'' . ' t ElosisttMat IFOittract. t; - -ntlemen, and liAiei too, (wlai‘m I had li .e to 'hay.e forgotten) ' -4 see' - titumpliant improvement stalking ,thrdugh our land; 'al though in it, march its trowsers are torn and Is...,.e.rated by the brambles of ignorance - and 1 discord:* 1 b - ,ee 'heads of &1i ia rising into signi - ficaneel- the yeast of, intelle'etial . a . d .- - veneement, j and brownink in thlir loftiest dest. in "the Istlnl:oetebtikl enlightenment. Tile night of igriorance is past,said Ve May /a w blow o ut 1 the tallow candles Of*opersti.:, I t , a, and waliCin the, full blaze of ay, east ' jPg frim onritalada.the parasols of 4pubt and : prejudice .. lNVe will lay b."' the poPangers of our. ane.estors; - for the world is no compata= ecl bi-ieril.iiioiwellgra.-' T. :. 1- - I. Gentletnen,'*nd I iniglif add; bdieft, , while tea fita rn ,i l iti s ni hin ta as b t i o tan il ts,i g et tll in e h w orld_ i4iit r: o a n na tte th leak e m ei ! , les of cerebral iereogitatier!,..lol raise the ye- i ,(0 , r of inspi ra ti o n till - we. orttain - the chirnoey Ile 4", as f 19 1:etreelat iev t i tt i t ° b ° 4 ' ro 4et ind ar tb h i i 6 eb L q Y u Ge et u it in ict frif pond:erotic'' are to revolve:during-Jim spell Id cold weather, 4ialktfkiriatter, be greased by lithe resolution,44i•iiiiitlikns ataLsepred by the lineblitf,44(ii‘tilifiiilitititablo pe!severaPee• sir 114116 l'Oek eat *fieri‘ii soulozo i itadierin 1046116 es foitkA of reitteitste .111 *.`,,urr,vity-of Liqpnwol), liarraig TeilitHn-j •- • ... 4)3bertistments. NEW 'ESTABIASIMENT. . .. " . t . : I'Lielhui Pride Storci• •• - . ' GOODS IAT ,uw N .PrucEs, AD FOR READY ray'. - ! "'THE UnderAgn.ed ! havlng associat ed.themeel Yes A. - together iii the .‘lercantile business, are Dow prepareitito Offer tO! the public,.n very desirable. stoCk.of Gooda,•ednisting in inain of ' ! ' DryiGoeds, snd.Readyruade Clothing, . !• • I , • 'Oats' Caps and Straw, Goods • 1 • ) . Goods, ' i i . 14 .BOOks and Stationery', . - 1 !. •.1 Beets and Shoes, • ' . • .!, . • i I , . ..Groceries, - ! /- . •! - \ i Yankee Notions, &e.'&c., -. ;'.: • : all of Whicl :havp been purchased with great care, and we lard satisficd,, cannot 'fail to . suit ;those, who !hay favor us with ri call. ;The Dry !Goods departnlent will - be found very complete; consisting ofall the leading styles of :• !_ •• -.-- - H. - • 1 • r LADIES DRESS GOODS: Silk. rich brocade, plaid and!striped, black,. dross and 'HaatilaSilks, very -1 rich,', high lustri, and at • 1 cheap rates.: :. : • ! : - , Striped Delqneii, plaidßarage do. satin stripe 1 Challis; ininted Lawns, :Poplin's, Dane, plaid I and printed' Jacone:s, in great . varieties,- which !we are pound to ell at a low figure. - - " • Cringham,,•=ia.lhadsomo . assortment;—Prints, all the leading, stvle,s; 'Nferrintack, Cochecoes; Alle; s Spragues,!,&e., , very ,Pretty styles. • • . Di Itrirnmings---of the desirable styles .and shadetßlaek silk Lace, Dress buttons, black ,velvet . Ibliona, silk and worsted Braids, in great varieti.! . !- - • •• , - . , . Whize G0044-=-Swiss, bonnet, Nansook, Cane brick,ipdshiqA Ldwn, and Po(ilt-lluslins, Plaid •Cambtlek slnSlin9, dotted Swisi Muslins.corded skirts,illisli Linen, Cambric', Handkerchiefs, &c. &e.,..Ffriinch Neddle WGrk, Swiss and Jaconet Edgings, and' Inserting S, eotton,,linen and thread lace dq.IFIO u q eirig, Ladies - fasbionable,Chetniset-• tes, Sipeveit, Collars, Bonnets &.c., the largest. as.; sortrntmt in Town, and at yi,try low prices. Dariie for vailS. in greeri. blue and brown, a Black heerValls ia...c. \ ' • - ... - .Kid; Old,res.--Ladies and Gents, a large assort-, ment, of the ibekt - quality.: Milo; long and short, Black, Mohair and silk, - Silk Glove;; Black, - whi e and col6rs. Lisle .thread,.and cot. do.. . • \ • trinidryA fine assertm nt for Ladies, Gents and children. . . , Ribinins;-:•-st fine assortment for Bonnets, also . satin and. luteStrlng, in all idthS, and every col ; or. . , • .. i .. , i • Dom6tic Goods.—ShOti os bleached and u ' , rj., i . bleached anislinSi Ticking... rAsti,Diapers, Table Covers,landNapyns,a.nd in act, all the desiralide styles in this department. ' Slizu•ls.+.--Pi-inted Delanc. tench printed woot n printed4aShini444 Broche,B ac's Silk, &c.,-a fine - . stock of. them - , ; - - i , . ~ Ladiek Shoos,: pf every description, at lOW pri- ' ces. Digs. isses,4nd chi! reirsl-shnes,in great vurietv. G M ents. Bouts. eo.i. -e and-fine. _ tikp$CAPS AND SI AW GOODS. .. , • Wo - lOve a very fine stoar of flats and Caps, Canada ;Straws, l'alittleaf, Coration,- Maraeabo, I &mid bai-16ii, Lehorn • ~o . tas•dinere Sac., for. Summer li wcar,, winch are verfr desirable, and sel ling cheliP; .' - 1 .- , t . . . A goS , d assortment of Ladies Bonnets, Misses and childrer4T ints.fiats, 4,. - - . 11 - lI;EADY.MADE CLOTHING. , In this . branch a riurliosibeAsove cannot Pali to suit.'ll Gail ' . stock of Clothing iS very exterisivo. and WO nia4it dp, in toy and de l irable st'yles':, We would Opec4llly invite lotr - friends deterin.r any thiritt in this : line, to grVe u•S a call. Gen tlemen ftirnii.hing Goods, oif every tl,:seriptinti.. A lariTe sthek of Wall Pa }s,.• :ind Bordering. - Irn ß rie lT y li . t, S f tit'tloacry and lanre Isi .. otions,in.g-r . eat _ _- _ , - . . 'Green and. fir.4l),'.at • CorT4s.l—Eitif;drior Bt. Do; arti4lle of Brown ; IfolaSg . es, Spie &c.. ere Tobacco, at ti,re;in 'store f,irm; throp &. 1 galis;Siiiy, and rnor; rtrrtrr, tlirpontte , L.; very.happy. indeed, 'to see' ONE PP4E ST(iltr, and hope t flip pui,lic patroda i cr,,-by goa priets. - 1 • G.& 'Aft;"nt•Frvr, Aprp 19, :1854. t I Aliettalia, Ca. Or anpjpiace anhe.G , lobe,cra inducetzents. . ' f l ikel. ER 4...5 . 1` 100* AND 'SRO IXTHICI.I.O mid filled. vii VT - 4vr. uSsoAmcnt of . - .. . , . ombrampg a M-norat variety , stvles of' 'Ladies. Our, Gentle which 'ere . Ladies, French,. Si ' Willa GeitOrs." Eid, and Eoam eat leOtiel. and: bronzed .1 1 and Ties; gentloinem's . ..Fran Onk-tatinOd calf Skin mid kip button.4aiters. ' 'Ali/Were!' an' toilet Slips. NlorOaco, calf. 1 cans. Srict. Rayli.kip. calf an Brogan's; all kinds of Misses Also. a tdonertil assortment of slat: in !part of 'ogle, pees-. 0 nails, ttt.dks. thread.' wax, , awls. I:Papa, sandaf o Pes. 9-1 " oak On 4 hemloblt.taited calf; 1 cf. Morocco .skids, and unit .Work Madelo'order and re ;.% i i : ! EEELE ~ lipmirpse,Juu 1.1E453 To tho Readbig Public Of ISttsqu46n.7id. Counly aril Vicinity.' 'f" undri.ioned is' non 'prepared to send in, order;bk mill post-pa d, nny.Book 'publish; ed in this country, on the r' ceipt:of the price or the same. All iarders will' et with prinupt at, tention and Books senl by eforn mail. - ' • :: .- , Addrotit A 4 ILLEACtf; -`:,., iill 3: - 'Worcester Di'.. ot, Boston, Mass: Seo,,. 6, 185-11-36m3 1 I. , I t { ()_ 4 1 , 1 1 -jer4if Stiovest Stores! - -, ; • • i , 4ii T lig. Serit and Nell sv!- Le ar ' reminds us. .- - i- that the. fast appr 1 •Ii of the keen Fro;ts - of Olii.Grey Winter, whe . pile of these unsur., , passable - and.' highly appr o -ed Stoves from the most i.extensivet - idanufac irics., in _the :Union'. sressrs. Shear & Packard, time indispensable to every fartijiy; We wouldreipectfully announce to the citizens of SusquehOna and adjoining counties thidute have jut received and are 're - calving the largest' and best aSsortment of Stoves ever iptroduced into Eastern Pennsylvania, which will be sold at the refit' loWest calk- figure. - To thoseiwho arc In want of . tours ! they will find it to thdif , interest to call an-examine my - variety before purchasing elsewh e r e.' They comprise in .. . part ds follows:—i ' Untied States, . 1 Oriental Parltir s. Vastern Queen ..C. 0., :Venetian, do - 7e Clippcti'E. 0., ', , '..Fancy . do . • IYa nal Air. Tight E. • ). . -Piing - _di) . -• ./lcrti " - iNitst, ' 1 - enttage, do - F4rner ' Air -Tight, 4-c., ¢c. , t. .. , hit. above ; toves are tno swell kncwn to. re qiiirettiny Minh description, .being the. most poOnlat and appror .dStorc in market.. All who may favor us with n 411 Will be sttown . throtigh our' lissOrttniint with Pl.sure. - " Rpeolteet the nutnier"—F:Afxott's far famed "One Price Store." itti,ifori. Pa z . t5 ,, nt..185.,.5: -' - ' Few i. i • . At the. `l f tipsonviuc Exc . ', nge. ,, TiHE' inhat4tents or li,p,w,iiie nn. icinity tee aguin favored wilb no. exhibition • SP. other choice nelectiim of r:di nn,. wi nt ,..., G . , at the old' stand of the suhscriber. 'Doers o p,, dailv i , Sundays exeepted. from '7 O'ciow A . 3( . . . until 9.o'elirk P. 11.,) where may ho !Real. avid and. &eight, a good sae() itment: ,of Dry la:!nds. All'oli,(.ries, -. prockery. fiardwnre, idtoneirk,'„ W.o4 , denw m vi. - Pi 4, ,Nnills. Paints, Oils, Fluid, Boats & theei; !. Clol i thing, - Sch(ini Books, Trunks, Girlie! B egg. Yankee Notions &e: &e. &c.' AN wht) - eun and - will . pay for twhnt they buy 'tither down, •or within . a' rraannable" tinm 1 thereafter:nra invited to call. ',Thom! beleirgipg, to that other class may as well ,go here they ran do beam,. . Alt hinds - of .Farmee Produce, 7 6 Bauer Lard ; Eggs. Pork; Pontiry, A d Caili,teii teived in aae bangs for Grinds, ; . 1 -, i .1 !I JOSEPH L.: ,AJERHIMAIC , Hpsoorithi, Oct, 7, 11304. . - • NEW'43OODS. - 11\ PARK return t eir grateful hekriewledgments to the publiu fur past tit vors, andi ipvite attention to tiro k , erx large stack of Spring and Saintlier. Goods they lire now i re ceiving, 4n offo.fur sale at very tom prices. In additien id their usnal'assortment of staple Dry Gioud4, Griiceriek,.Hatidwure, Crockery, • Paints, and Otis .drc., they ar4repared to ekbibit a largo assortment of ', • It :LADIES DRESS GOODS 'of every description, ;Figured, Plaid and Plain, 'rineta,Shawhi, Ribbons. GI4VOY, Hosiery Ladieit and Misses slues of all khads—abio a larie kock i • i AEADY 3IADE CLOTHING, ,Cfassime:res, :Tweeds, Jeans Summer Cloths, _ IV,e4tings„ }tuts and Cap ' s Boots ; and ITh y . 'rispectfullY solicit an ear'y call from tliose!wh/ wish purchs!re Goo GOODS' AT Low Pniqr.s. . - I 11e1IILLAN 1 PARK. May 2 [1854.- I ; t;"; • P •,,t1 4, • • ~ ,: ;.. . ' Great'Excitement in New York! i Ponds and Melodeons for leash. - L , TTOTiACEACATSIO.. tbie'great Music and Plano Vortel 414 &eater, 1 1 3 3 limadwaY.' New York. preferinz to share al large per cent. with hie customers, rather tbanpay it tithe sharpers of WailStkeit. to raise available theamll to cashier hint to:stem:the trceeent tight . times ears hie- imalatlie as sortment arelegan tied warranted . Planneland SlelodtoniOl at a large / es count teal factory priers, tots cash. Pita as 1 i aartrotereo prises lute! from three oft lte largest:, acid I most tjelebrateti Bataan Manufactories; alto those of see : eralmf,thie bk•et Newlork inlaers, f ncludln the besaiti fa and toilet ailtritred ltdraetWat re Moos fence, hisowh fae tell. /int! illislotlserii of tile best Itesten,ffsiew Yorl4, are Butfalp mar);4;aiffortlingtanupportuulty fair aelectioris nn to belted elsewhere;. Eieil Instrument war Med. Sebond-a, hand flianosttat Great Bartains— Paters r ow 660tat1130, 4 I Music: and ilin4ioal Instruments of all ads. Detlets4 Teachers call heads Of Silio , Is a uppli , l on ;the-best terms.,!: 'Alpsie !tent tty mail ;post Pahl. Genrral aid Select tlatai: lotraeanftlic and lchitlele Or factory priees of Planos;.. l Melodeons and nt u dill i h.t ro men to forwarded to en; &d.j.: dress ,tree Of postate. , --V3 Names ..- 1 , ''' E, I I .• . . ' S. . , Farniers' ',Union Insurance CO. 11 • • I °Ace, ... f qtheni .ni.afifoid CounO, Penn'a. .1; ~,- IT. bAPAL 200,000, . I ‘-: ,fi • B- • 4 ' . ,ECL' ED .11i7 OND— .AND AI OnTG2l.dr.S ON ii.EALI 1 i .:' ' I. 4 • '' . E STATE. , 1 s 1 ZSUIti.S ngii'insti less by Fire, !Dates, Stores 4. Mal nt 'tr. kiildinks Goods, Waxes,, andller4; eimptlise,-on as lavera . l;le terms .' , 4 r g .similar Ii stifutiori: I . . , vSst,•! 'promptly adjute4 and ilaid 4 h i I DIRECTORS. H . - i• ii llcin. Hioace VI itiikton, Francis T l yir, Gekb. A. Perkins, 1„ . T. 0,1 Mi'pr. C. N. SlOptnan, C. F,' 11 ,7 ell'eS, Jr., J. 1, Cithfield, Athens 4 Hon. John I.4melle, Towani4a; Gen. 13racitev Wi'akemart 1.14 ceyviile; Gen. 51. Ibillenback, Wilkebarre i 110 chart.llyirt, laip . ort.. Pa. . . I I - 'OFFICERS. 1, - , 1 Ilrin. Horace Wilin,ton,:lirr,..i C. . %Veltes, jri, `Vice ries`i :Ind 'llre4.;.J. E. Canfield, Sce'y.i. Artdrest - f,.G. .1! G s t . i lard, - Wyaltismg, Bradford; ,„ p , unty,Pe.—'2.Bo*Y. - l• • i • I , • ~ . ~, ill• 1 :i I .! --, ~ ' , 4 TIME - - CHANGE . . , g4 7 4C -I ,*=l 1 i .• . - -1 . ' A: llielaw4re,•Ctitclt - Avannalt. W. R. rt.i . , lEA Liil kItIYN.NGEME*T! ' ' r ti 4 , • .: i•. " ' to.. • • •. OtAN and . ntleillinrsday, Sept. 2.1.1853; Oar ; l,Nlaii:PasseNt . ..!r Train will leave Ser.inton'.l at 1(05 A.. 141. ': !i • 'L ' I - f; t- Dtie at,!Gteatjterid at 1.00; 1 , .. 31. j • '. .. Coniteeting-with Ult. Day .Exprtts Train's onl ; ilia N. Y. 'Ail }l.. R.' 111., bath east land.- uei•it.-1 Par:s.'nget!. takiii , ,' this train will arrive in Ntrej )lark; ad 6;31 P.*. aid in Dunkirk zit 11. t . •;I ' i . Re;turn,t will teavri:!Great Bend . (in the afrivatl o tilt. Balt n F. l .:x' . preip4 bound West, (2.15 i f u.)l Wikj,;fr &liar', fhim !New- York .at 'l,. A. st .-A-an IF . , „ I r " ! i! arrivett at ...rs.ratiton at 4.J5, P. -Id. j_ - 1 ' II TtiePrtiL ht 4ecoitimodation triiin. with On. 1 enget earot.:ielii;il. Will depart from Serarittni a 1.1454 r: m t i lue hi (bent Bend at 4j, r. M., coneet - inf.! With it.. Mail train bound ,West, rind . th ! I. Nizlit Eiznirebs Tiriiaii bound both pool and Wes , Lltei t turning, will depart from Great Pend at 7, 1 '....t; tu.f and tarrive at Scranton, 11.35,`i.x, it. - I ISttresivitl ben !v:vaitin. ,. on the ai'T i ri vat of; Pa 1 I F ~. , __ L -. .1,,,., -- . ^ I varnger Trams at perrtmon,.to votive: i t 4 Cartunidale, Pitt ton, it ilkeS:ilaire, •Philpdel.l phia . * ia the Reading K. R., Eastimi andull Othetli 1 , interim:dike pl:4s., l• - 1. I . 1 1 ;I ;• D -11.-DOT T , gR ER, Snp't. I Supt Obee t Scrantpr, : 1 t. I trleit.- o,* 1)3542 . - ; 25tf • 1 ! , •• , I • - ' . 1 dlllolc, very choice ininro. nnd "Rio. *A . find White Sugars; . ..es, §oop, Car:dies, very superior ::rt.j 25,ets. per lb. rly -6,eettpitqi by_L... i • reuenliv,• by Geo. ci. We 'would be lour friends, at thi3 merit ntir Alairia •,,r attention, and 14.,w I i Vtotici,; Lii› P - , , ---___ - . - CIAIHIVOIF!Sr11114 - • - '! . LS- SgNGr ., q fllr . Ilinghointl.44 Du jik4l: of !tlll l IT t ern tratnA, or for Na ...,v lurk and Or . 3.4t.ern tralrfs„.!Will find stagfil4 .at Searles, i i Hro: ;1 • MOtitras0;1 ) (1 which. lenv6 l !aol o'eloa,A i 3!; OtincOing , ‘ , ll 111 the . dily Exprisi Tr4nit i both .) 1, Ea. tOr.d West;i4itliont dctentioh. ,Arse a Atage Will - km - Lint 1:':1!2! P. M. eonnOting with the Mailitraid going !. West, nt Great .Ifend 6 P. M., - and nlgneflx!prerr' lioth- East . and West. . iiilsn I with! the•;3la.il train for . seranton,l Carbondale,!, I Vi l 'ilkest4rreandrftinkhannoek. Returning,there 1.'4(11 )3e a-16,319.0,4 Mentroso Depot ion nirival oti, tbC Moil rutin. f r inio. :.3eranton -at ,;2 1-‘j P. M. on airivat of the 111 r ttil train from G*at • Bend ate P.lM. ' _whith doesi not leave Great Bend 'ontilL. siritial oilday Dipiiwis from both ESst and. West' ; Afs(;,-a st l :ige Will leave • MonfroSe . !for , Friend , illei.on drrival•ltif',trititts from dap F4tpress j'.last i i la- V i P..M., rettirnJiti time for train .!r.k New York,;. evetti moininci'lli 11;1;c1Ock. Also for • !.grays .1 v ile everlellimdayl,4N.edoestine end Friday. I , - - , 1 , . •• 7 ,: i , i •LEON ARD', LE SEAR. a . Montr/se.l 4 4j! ;i„ . - -' .i . ! il • . 1 . 4.4. & p . . R.l.t :TINIE TABLE lAT GOAT' i , -; i .! BEND: . • ' ; . . 1+ ! E t -Mt. .• ) .1• West. I • 1 Day; Ex Td.l - -26, P. 211.. Da} Exp.,.2 02,P. M.,, Sligilt 4* 1-46, 4 A..;:y. • Night do. 1.59 A: 31,fr Maillrtitt, 10.51, A, M. . 31;iirirniti, 6 39, 1 P. ILI:, • i :. IL , FULLER. ifoinia!, i hrnof .preSefil greater' f:77 . i t • ,DD A Rd's-: II STORE. i i ' 1 h a ew Mid ellen- . - •- • rticl e in ithetrime, of n w abd elegant en' vre4r, among k %sting and Pre led olkas. Kid Pat.' I IL' d ' R Ild i nny in f. _41....n5 4 It and Philadelphia Boots. Congress and . Washington &Ml,' and Cowitide Dro. . cowhide 1 Boots and and Childten's wear. Findings. Which con ., araides. Hungarian `•rtstles, shoe binding, knives, 4c. AlsO; upper and soleleath ts• ' - ' 1 airingnezttOdiam &STODUARD Stones::: . i' AL Oao B44li.Agents Wante d, , rihoo•Oinvas4 foi,the best and mcst sateablc;, I„litoci,k's publiillo. - Ther are ,',vritten Lliy'th‘i! nim- l t plp,ular, l iiiiithors of the day, inelndinOr .TTlnni', , °tilers, . r . Ki•Arthnr, of whose last igreat t Worl,, Li i -:. I • .. 1- - t - l!' 1 LlZ i en‘ Arigli,ts in a Bar Room, 11 10,dOcteqviies 1144 been sold within a tinith- -oc litil4featipa. Fl.' k I 1 • I. These!floolikfarelleantifully illustrated,' (ma:; n!,l- of thtint witti firiely •eolored platfs) and ar ' ririteil 4,4 b.iii4.l 7 lx) the best manner, 1 .4ffentri Will' Rnd...# pleasant and•hi r 4fitabla em. loyment )11 thi.ir4.irettlation, -P i m- particula' iddrtss (post paid)' i 'L.': • ' 1 ,___,--., ; - , , i.i ';s W ; BRADLE q l",l?ublisbei, fiLi). , lt i l North Vourth Street, f#hiladelpbia; iltt3j i • ' rLI '' ' • 'roast FOR . SA_CE. .1 - 1 1 NOW.FOICSALE by' the barii.l, by . 1 • tt )11. S . WILSCiN 'Or A.BALDWIN. ._H . , - ! .14:61i, , ,-Vall, Goodo. • .. 1 ,.- . r llTT'iotitifil. invite the at t:enti r c;n 7of his,:frieitil he will 1e, 1, , to his nen and splendid' .st,oek o ,ol and;tlectnere. Long and, Fqnare ehawl , I 16; Lndinsil Penns Goods-, Ineltiding Plain an.. it', too Bleep i par •in-ttais. French illi.rinoe '. ns f ,"ti,iopliiirns &e. &e Rich Iti.bbopa to •w 6 tilr4 'which in e4nneetkin , with is 1 .- 1 A Stiplui l and fancy Pry 00tida,..Groeerii illwitio. Iron. Storm. ltufalO Robes,, 0 4 rPe , irl inieei.ihata and Raps. Painted Window pnwie,r Oils and Paints, 4re4 Will be f ilidd nit rahlii terms and reduced . prices, or ciall; protA * credit. ' , i -I' i 1141 bbL or Load. • i .. ' 'Pr. Jirta•; d'a. 1854. ' ' pi0,.c,,,,,11 .20 Fancy 1 Bilk . Po tit/meta Ot itrAOrtmeot r.eryl, 1 loi..Hooto Obades,lN.l tb , tOnst. to. rotacieer 1 N. B. al - 1 Neir tit • , ;. -. Goods. i . I' • ' : NOw „ . alt ..14w } A G:nd ArAtArtfitent . .--to arrive,this Avdek,' At i l r . , , La. ,Ittw cp. 40111 and examine'. i . 1 it ' 'i '! • BAWL .Y & MOTT 4 ' • 1 tl' )10ntron Wptj112.1854: . . , , 4 • /Ms& hiq trio 1* 24ores 2! St wiultem to ea] the Public I i L Jr . / ;lit ' , ' ' atatortrnent - , •'. ' ,i - 1 1 t f, , . i, , STOVES% • ' J ati hist 'dew ra.p.oorn in.-Lonienwille, nkt, a 1 1 1 1 , 1 S. 4. 7t h e ifo, §p )rr ,- and tear ttut_GreAt Be A. 4tilat„ i fiti' hAlt in addition tO",hitt fortnee t t . : 4...,,,4., i lvtir e infCnbliing and ; Parlor f;!.. tweets , maty now' Vatter soma af A k liirit ittr-- 1 1 -, „ ..1 i d . St kw 1,0 1: Nee/ Brandi, - I Firi Fly, il'. \ , 1 Afa*rn , Mohawk, 1 , , L lifetiailion,f l'i ntotwar ar,'‘, ! 'aorta, ', ~ , Oat; '• l' 1 ' ''* _ I - - ;1 - X:Egt.r*ore. i . ',-. , , -•• • , i 7 nill..:togetit r,: In MA farmer i stork *ill e I ikerhat An intatt 'ex naive and irartedamorttnant of wPl'Olmtattliltove n the Chanty. ' 1 "**.Pliatanstiiir ea wr tirntetked at Inteprieta; II Mr All artlittm in his I keitt Ori 1 / 1 : Ind.s'ti. Om de frt-Arder.aktun.,l. and 0 a receivedreceived at i*- Ala atisnilit.qoatt - Betel. • ' t - : 1 '',- •'- • - ' 1 4 31-1 N TEN', I.o.leravilte; &Great Bend Noir itt -4f Il . --1 , -, • - • ' I - ' • i N N I ~ d• 1/1 .. Man, Ifnllif Thyaelf.--; ... . ... • :. dobirtawablsliook for l 5• ents.4" Berry /amity should., - hint copy i' b i . .- ~ = . . i 1 ., , , ,' - .. :1 : • i - 100,003 C °PIO BOLD' IN . ,",:\7OL' 1,",4i,r0 /,' s, L lksli MAN .A. 'MAIL. .A new 4 Pryorllfft4-,,,;,•• edilloo, reriSed and improved, ...,i 1 N,:,,.. „. .. ~..;.: 1 1 .,., ,2 5. i .; Inn Issued: 'I , ! . -. •• . / -,..•••'•:.', -.. ,svirrc? V.: Sir. Ituuter's Medical Manual = ' seapr„„ti . ;;;F::::' slid hand pint for tbraitlicted— '. ..--- , : # i ActriXe..,-....', ••'''t.',Onisluiilt an outline of the on . .../ ..- ----:,-7 ..„,..",: gin, progrese,treas men! ando ore ,' ;..,, ~..',;\.' of every fords, of, disease con '''''''" ' ' l ' " % '+ triseted by ptomie coons seutual Intercourse, 11. Self sbuee or by sexual iixerse, with advice for their preS entiou. *alms in * fuml4ior style, avoiding - 1 nit Medical teelmicadtieS:and everything that would offend , the. eat of decency; with an oUtline of siomptaints Incident to Fer Mites, from the reSu it wf some tteen t y 'lvor* . success,- 1 fullsgactice t xclus•liely s ilevoted to this (Mite in diseases ern:, dclicate.rt privates:elute. ' . . ... , 1 . • - ""tisz -Td which is added receipts, for the titre of-the above dis.' ease*, *ad a treatise on the Onuses, symptoms and curter the Vero and Ague. • :.•': - - ~, ~ ' • -Teitilnony of tire Profresorof Obstetiiestn,Penn College, Philtolelphirt- 4 '`DIV. 1111N1 Vert MUDrICAI.• 31ANUAI.," •--The author 0,. this work ' Unlike the. inajoritywof those Who advertise to cure the diseases of which It treats la 1 „mad oats of one of the beet!Collegcs In the United:Motes - . It "trends me pleasure to recommend hintto the unfortu nate; or t 6 the victim of aisipructite In 'a successful and espotienesd; practitiouer, In whose tumor and integrity they may place the greatest rOufideneei. , . ./ ~ • 41).5. S. LOSMSI1011.1:, M 1) Frond; iroeseit rd. .31.;.4). qf Penis ,University, Phitas e/p/ta.,-tt gives toe pleas° 4e le add ,my testimony to the Padlissional ability of the Author eithe. kisOICAL Max. ea L.P Ntimerous ease* of pisease Of the...Grans! Organs, acme of Mime of long standing, hate` once under my no tice,ln which his skill ilea been manifest in restoring to . perfeim health, in some cases whet...llse patient , bin been considered beyond median Md. In the treatment. of B.m. • Min Weakness. or disarratigem rut. Of the functions'pro detect! by self abnec or ttxceas of scours.: 1 do not kM , vr his irperfor in the professlan.,!,l 'Libre been acquainted with . the.Author crone thine years. al (lei:colt no more thinjust lee to him as Well sis kindness . o the unfortunate vleslorolearly ifidiscretled,[to recoramend him in one In, whoseiprofessional skill andintegrity they may lonely cOntide themselves. • • !.,A141t1:1) WoODWAItp.M. D. " This's. 'who'd exCeption. the )mist comprehensive and intelligible work i.dliiirjhed ; on this:class of disease oil which it treats. •Avoldingll technical termo,it address'. 1 eaitacif to the reason of It s resident It is free from all , objeetionable matter. sod'o parent ' however fitatidieuits can object to piecing Ude te hands:oil his sons. The ales • thgrhin devoted many yen* to the treatments of the rad. out eomplaints treatedinf. and. with too little breath to rntf4 awd too little prestimptiew to manse; he has offered to the world s at the metoly nominal priee'of 2.5 cent:, the frnia Of some . twenty years! most silec6issful practice."— Herald. - H , ` 1 "\o teacher orparcrit ahMild be without the knowledge Imparted it this inrsinabletwork. Tt viriuld save years of palw,rnortificatten andierroW to tile -youth tinder their' charge, "—People's .4flcocote. k I. A Presbrterisn elerlym an 'in Ohlo, !Writing of " lion. ter's:lollal 'downer; sayi :—"Thoussinds upon thous amid Mo h r youth , by ern example and influence - 'ihr tilt passions,ave been lei into the hab i t of stall' polivelou; .. withoos realizing' the sin st4sl referral. conswittencem Lipari theresistrea andttlett roAttiri it . The,entistitusions efthOns. ands who are inisino famillva have horn enfeebled, if not, hrotsids shmn.and they ; t) neticmiir the raise or the cure., Anyibline that cart . bedene an to enlighten and influence the pohliemind ns to cheek Sind ultimately to remove this wide.-sriSol source of It nits n wretchedness. 'would confer the greatest blessing nextie the rsllgin of Jesus Chreei, on thii present and co-ning..itersition.l 'lntemperance (or the Use of intoxicating drinks) though l it has slaindhoulk ante Upon tl,ott.andv„ le not a reenter 'ftoollree ,to the hu man }ace Accept me thattlo fin behalf of the afflicted.. and, h - pliove rne.yorir W.-worker in the 'oeod work,-you sire sonellcelir enearred tn.!' -- niss:conv i seemed N. eiseebirki) will be forwsrilcd, free of rnotelre- to any pert arise tinged Stators f0r.25,....tita. or liiX ...noire for St . A •Ideors. (post 1:414$ COSDEN & CO:, Pul)i.hers.or no% Viols, I?hiladelphta. I ferl Boa:netters. Vane:min and 'lbibli A n's • lie I 1 ge , %ape ~ ,on lbe mast liberal terms. I i . - 24y1 ;Invalids..Of Pennsylvania, Nrnur attention is! nigOitly ibekred 'to a caret'', _1!: llud. en ndift pel, - "lo n' •pf son'etli 'hal , I'4o.lllst been introduced,inM your ricls 'Md . time honored State. • ' • • . . • , Puleentachet:'s Ilklro',Electric Voltaic. Chains. .4 new und novell mode of l'pplyini, a powerful reniedial--.agent, so constructed, as ito.he -worn under thegurments, next to the skin producing a con-taut uninterrupted curreitttoll ! Electra ‘l ti 'gn e tism„eir,,c). iiii ingmediate - relierfrent the most acute pain, and also a permaitenCetire of all Nereatts -Diseases. It 'seldom has failed- try furnish almost instant refief, .undo fitial,'permanent Cure. by.heing used accord ! in if; directions, to The follosving. tliseases„—ltheu. Im i ii s m, Gout, Sciuticit, ParalySis, Painful slid I Swaged Joints. Neuralgia of the face;. Diieasei of I the Spine. Deafness and Iltin-li t esit. Uterine•Pitins, I Palpitation of the Heart. Perintliont Headache, St. Vii us Hance'. General flehility, Pains of the Chest, I Hysterics. Dyspepe:la,.. all dliteas,,,siliat are caused I by n defirient ainotint Of Nertous Fleid are greatly 1 relieved; if not perthanently enredibY simply weir -1 ing:the Omuta a few henry each 'day. - • I Be it niiderstooo hat. it is ; not I clainted -that it 1 cures all diseus's, hilt only those- fel which it is ree -1 omtnendedt• and moreover welboldly claim and .de., fy that no medicinal 'agent of any kind haaperform et! tro t t M ANY cures during the last" year, of those !kdiserisesjnst named, as 1. • i - ; I • PulrermaCier 4 A Eleci?.ric:Clictin. - 1 A . 1 1 I _la_ to. prove this flees atoll, wu:4efy , as,y• resew, to 1 produce so many well antheaticated.Certiticates of II ach.atific ; Ph)sicians. Anil iu to Iligeari:vilie zits as May 1 1 be found in a unit-10114 of aq phtgra, to be, h adAgra -11 Lis): oi the mg= t In thle Own. r,TheFlectric Chains I t ..........,,Ye..t. introduced kit ;France in 11f..450. and after li being subjected to tie' Most thorough and rigid trial,. Ii by•ttlte first medical meti in Paris, they were- roma 1 ' to-possess strange and; mart's Bons power for reliev ing pain, whereverlapplied,' andhy - their influence II wets introduced into the hospitals Of that city. and II also Smeared letters'pateint by the French Govern -11 I pent: They are howl traduced into - alittart eery 1 11109s - its! in. England. (; rrnany, Austria..Balgium, , ,1 and patented in those - countries, there they Kaye 1? "' b o'ne the most '':. -' 7 • 1 ' ' ' • 1 h . 1 •-• • To r pts/ar Cuttira safest in the World. ' ' l l. They Were first introduced pito .. .the . H. States a- 1 bout one year since* and went through the sanfe 1 I tfialasin Europe; and were of once introduced in: I to every Hospital in N:lYork,lwhere they are now 1 • in daily use, effecting even More wonderful cores' than, had ever before been .aniarde;d them. They artslhighly recommended by'llrof.lValentine Mott, Van /3 . tirets, Post fund oihers4 I whO.have published thelrviews of their poWer and Velem in-several 'of:I the,:tnedinal journals in ,liat ciy,a nd are also in the ~ e, daily practice • of . recommend ng their nee. to pa -1 tientsh ;A• full accOnnt nf thei r opinion. may also be founitin.every Parriphled, and sent, In the address' tit . eveirperson in the State - byl.applying - -(post.paiti) 1 to Afili;;TH R R Fj.L.AgentLMontrose. Pa.. The -Chains pan, be 'tent by Mail. With; full descriptions • for Use.- .Price of Pha,ittr, 4t3lanills6.'. - Physicians re pOlitely inviled to call and:e.iam- I insjthoie . co,n rucl .; ap,' and prontinuce upon their , merits.' ' OSI wonn to ItaVspns, no person need fearr, that the. will not I accomplish, just what it is claimed the can /do; %' - ;• . ' • • • • , .! Ni B; a Chain wi ll last ror yeara and lose none of its electric power by use. and can be appliisd to either adult, Or child. i,• • 1 1 , • Asat.'rurtar.t.t.,Agelit. ltYontrose, Pa.. Jna.'Ssansawr, Heneal yltut,l SO, _Broadway, N.en; York. - ' . .i 2 •-• • •- Gy,l . •••• . , DoetorlYou:rself : TEE POCKETH2FASOU LAPrtIS: Or - Evert, One !his °ion ',Pleysician.i' • lIE Fl ETO F,dition, containing One hu l udred Eugrtivjogr. shOwing j Diseases and Malformations of the Hu man system! in _every ishape and form. - To which- added Treaties on the Diseases of Females, being Of the highest iMpor.. take to married feople,or those ;?otemplating mar 7 riage. 8y,;." ° • • : irOunf, D. . I .Let no father ITlin ashamed ; to tresent a copy of the , . Aesculapius o his clinch ". 4s ;may save , hint from an earlrgrave, I Let tio yOung man' or wok man enter into the sec et obligations of married life without readiug•the POr.ket .tesetilipium. Let no. onelsufrning frum:a h'acknied cough, Pain in the Side. tentless nights. nervous Tpilingp; end the whole train of Dyspeptic meniatitins, and , given up by their physician; hpanother maMent . witlioul.can. suiting the A FISCPLAPIC4. flaye the married. or , thosp about to be married.bnya iinpediment i , read thiti truly useful b'ookoisli lilts been the moans of savitti thonsines , Of nu fort un i att4creat u resfrotn the. very jaws of death. ; Ii Any person spoding ticerify fee cent's' en. clotted - in a letter. , witl !write Otte copy (hie woth by mail, or; five„copiel w a ll be sent for Oita Dollar. Addriis (post pr:10.)i" • • ' )IR.Mrlt. YOUNG, Rio. 15t? SpraCe St:Philadelphia. . -March f3th,:lB:l4—ttlyt. ! • - , " 4 A 3 lllll - pit'PU' Mi‘ps - H, 1 IE greatnst . -Ot the ag,o. • C. T Pstentlaiiible Acting Valve, Force and' Lin. Pito - i(). ;An improvement ebtive alt other pumps .or. niachink for• lifuni And ihri4ing- watcr,'icumbiiiini! both -it Pump - and FirC'Engine. ' ,1 151,1 'patented in Febriiary,' 1854, is the. wilide- it Oct:ilia, no - belts or serewS about it•tn- elnsequenntly it will' last a mnn's:life It Ilan he naed in every .varlety.of.forin, an draw Water troin•-•an: skein. earr,ir - itsto :any: Ott of ils bo it is, superior. to...uN tithei pitm fOr distiller; s. Pa; PerM 111 " 11 1 1141.4.14 " . 4' - i nrd ft; tistl); Works . And 111arintalituring ostabli s i n d„ . . d to th An —. n in :telek, Lod oravilke. Pit.; *II h 1 as bowibt e right for Eintquatiantira , t! as -esug.2B,' •• - Dial; !!! ilio'attqation* l f to: his roes lard's iTENT.MODWINES.A . squill a dj.usii., , . , „ , , , , _ viclusly.seteq., sussqrisnent, _met tnitno.ur. IS ilivne ifol s 4 JaYn,', ttnd.l , hitocip's prvpasatinnsi W.rlibt's AO 4, Ptil nney!B I! Illi , 'Dovife _and TrhaYr i li Pain Biller, 814,4. . 8 n du liEmfl4 iiiktv ita, Ag. 22, 1864. 1 • ' I i -sr ~' t, i. . - AFELICTEtREA,D. , .. ._ . 1101111LiDt1441,4 miinc4l , 14 liquag- i tifitth 2o 4 Year's agn?kty Dr. KINKEL ' earner 0 r_ . . Upton' n sit. hetereetz Spruce and Pine , Philadelphia; Pa. • •• .. - ~- - ittillnittedat are apptieed that Dr. KISICSJASI COUSINS his p racities to a pm denier branch of madlOnst, which en, gogralti4Undlisided'ettentioit. Be cautions the urifurtnnetis against ,the aihnie ! ef mercury). thetteatide ere annually ntereurinlizednut,ofilfe 1 Iteeent affettiOniere promPtly extingulihedi " ' , • • ' -..- t! •-- Talleatig it entries! Experience in 4betleitgieta of a OSA, of diseases hitherto neglected intliMperfeetly on.' derstOod, hasMtabled De. KINKELINALernoa or a Worm on &mei P aces nyertilleMO Provo that ninetentlia. of the ' eausen/if nerving debility, local and cenetli allot:el leek; nes , : mental and phi/deal Slatlerirlig, Art/ it eat t o eee . t alit hettlts,,tnrining the 'meet !secret' yet deadly and fatal springs Of dordestle misery and premature nUntality. • TS, WO 1.0 rtiatil at r Sinelae—Therit la an evithabit, sometintesindnigel in by boys. iti solitude _often growing ' . 121 ,,,,ith th em to menhood,and which.if n t•., reforabed in due time , not t . nly ipmeta sorlousobstaclealto matrimonial happineo.bnt.ttivdatiftlt to a seri es of protreeted.insidions, and devlistating affections.. Few of there WhO give way to. this petztlekts practice are aware' of the, consequences, until thCy, fin the itervonssystem sbattertell feel strange, and tt naccoudtable teeth:go:and vague /eat I In . theraind. - The tnenrtireade. nth as a ff ected becomes f rble.is unable tolabor With beenetemed - vigor, or to as' ly!Mie mind to study': laser:lip is tardy and weak. he Is dull, trresolate,. and engages In his apart with less enerin-then usual.. - If he emanilipate himself before the practice hoe done its ,rsorst. and enter nantriniony. his marriage"' anfruitlnband hlatense tettehim that this Is eaused,hy hitt early follies. These trie^OPTEleT4 ions'ichich should 4tril•en the attention of Mose finsitari( ti unfelt - . . . A ~ • Milli rrl nitn riot Ira the; fulfilment of *literal. condi. t Gene; lit-order that It - I:nay. he regli y. the Canoe of mutual happiness. poirld the veil which covers the origin of do, mestie wreteliedneea he reised.and Its trueleoutce in ISYSI* inetanceditedneed--;in holemany could i t b . traced tOphyse [ I eemi,opialif4eationa and their attendant ; isappointatentel Applythentethile It layetiltrie. In order tee, home yoitriun. etrang *lid relaxed jorganization rebraced, revivified and xtrengthened. ,' i 1 to tin F. 11 IllF4l-elle who places hitaself under Dr. ffINKBLIN'S treatment may religiouen e4ntide in hie hen. ' or as a gentleman, and rely upon the essitratice: that tff secrets kr LtY,' K's. ' patients will neva. be d i soliksed. . • ' • . !Young man—letino false modesty dete'r vont:tom teak ' lox gout caMikwi , iii to one who.from education And vestige. tabilltyican Catalan befidend_you. . r t. , , Ton Main think.,they Will conceal the ...secret : in their own Ilea/tit:7mnd eitre themsel veg..... 'Meal hew -often in thla it fatal deltietnn.and how many .1; peoutielng young ma n , who might have been an ornament! I,o' society has faded from the earth. • • ' - 1 ' . ". ' : '• ' • Strictureslof the urethra are rapidly !removed by the applies len 4( a new therapentical agent,' used' 'only by Dr. K.; Wenknees and estustitational d ebility promptly cured, and lull vigor restored. . 4 :• . Co W.in iEy - 111 irniiit* Can have thy Stating 'their ease expliiiitly, together erPh sit t licireYmp tame, per let ter enclosint: a remittance) Dr. K's. mefficine, appropria ted accpraingn. ~ 1 ' Forwarded to any eirrof the rnitra States, and packed sreurefron TIAMAG el or CURIOSITY. j . . . . :READ P:.--Youth dad-Manhood- '' ±..r ' 'AI. Vigorous t a or a Prento:ur • el Drulh,ilCinkelin on Self . 'Preservation—Only 25 Cents. • , It. Ilia work eirdnentlY roinired,Sts a necans of to/elm, I tag the steep eVtliii age in which.tre live; Also, ~ . 'ri 1 ' 1 NATURE'S GI,TII)B.1 with ejles . ro' r Oe'.,Peolaagatiegif Life,inst from the Press. A let . ter.wlthja remittance n 125 cents, nr the 'Value In past etampeladdrtissed to—Di,,KINK V.. ty.rhilidelphia, Pa. wilt rec . t rttaF. npy of either of the above, books by ' retrunUf Midi ;I or 12 co l Is pies will; 'len free of postage I far Sl',;" lean' eeltere,nattlassers; Tr:sailing Agents, Ave . I' suppliiiJ setintesale at the puhltsber's pikes, which admit I era large prnet.l • -'. '' . :. . ._ 7/ Le tiers m ust be lio.si.-pe,tid. 1 I •Oa I—±- 11 • . I ' ' Wirrat'S PILIA 1 . - . A tali' and singularly suceessf al ' - :-t; *' -... ""'" , . . .C - X.: reined,* for the cure - of nil [lnt -1 ' , 4- -. -7 p , ..., Sous diseases—Coe l tivenese, ;nal-4;m. '•' jk. tien, Jaundice, DrOPey,ltheumatism, I„s it j Fevers, Gout, iluniore; 1 . 4 ervousnieS, .. _ Irritabilltv,lnflarertions,lleadache, 1 . . Ilk---7_„,— r paii.e. re tile Drees '. Side, Rack, and ~...alt!ret) thubs. Fentitle Cot p laints , & e:, a. c . wi ...-. .... e y..... Tile...d, very NW sire the diseaees its elicit a „Ping ;tie . !MseliellUt 1.4 not more or les.i 'requited; Arim/eh sickness and suffering i . s I might lie Presented,. if a handers but effect mat Cathartic t C.., rie a.. a...y.-., I were Mere freely Used. ' No person - eon feel well while a - . ' 1.4.0Ft - ill' htlibit at bely prevails i . heri.l7.s lit 2.044 generates n I' . seriouidandjofte tat iliseasee. which might have be n avoided by the titinly and judicious us Of a goad riu .. 1 ' nee. ..yeis is alike true or Voids. Feveri h symptoms, 'it d 111111inui derangenleists. i Theya II tend to become) or pr . Iduee tile deep seated and formidable disjemorrs which 10 d:, 'the heagoesiall over the land Hence a reti.ble. iamily Pli ,s-.. Ic hrof the first 11,40n/ince to the public health, aril this' ! Pill hal beep . perfected with consummate AIM to.rneet thkit demand. An extensive trial of its 'whines by Pityelehink,l Profeswas. land Patients, 'tine si.own ;reenlist surpassing any thing. hitherto kaolin of any medicine. Cure- Navel been effected beyond lilef, were they not Subetaittinted ~ by persens hf ' , nab evalteil . po- Dion and Character at, t ) forbid the Appleton of u,. truth : 1 .., ' ,. . I AMOII2 /Lie mans eminent gentlemen Who bare teetilied i in favor of flieee. Pills, we ma; mention ...-'.. ': • , ! 1 Dr...lA. nines. Analytical Chemist. ofilt 'sten, and Sidle 1 Momper of 'Ras., Outset's whose high sirnfeseinual eha r ilan; I tin is ernlnreel by lion. E.lwerri Everett.. Senator o the I Lc,,s . innberr G. Winthrop, EX-Speaker of the House of i' leprlesi..ntalivie; 'Abbott Lawrence. Violater Plen. lug. 1' land; j.l.ihrt R. Fitzpatrick. Gish ilishoiw of llertton. A :41, 1 Dr. J !It . (S li t on , Practical Chembd. ,of New York C tr, I enlerbirl ivy lien!-W.1,"; merr.e.Seerpt,iy of-State, wm. I. _II .Aetrjr. tie riehest man in A merita ;IS Leland. 8- fro., preprietnneof the Met; ere - Mum Untel, and others.. .. ~ ' • Pid sp.:eeliertnltte Canl.l give many Minitel] cerlificata, from all ;mire where, the Pills have beeti used but evidence I I even mitre , ten 'daring than the viiperienee - of eminent Link. ! He men is fenn4 In their -effects upon tiiai. _...1%,...4 Pills. the vosult of larlit Investiration nail study, i are offered tattle public arthe best alnd most complete which the present rime of medical science eart,afford.—. ' They are en/fleet:wood net of the den, themselves. but of the medicinal vitt nee only of Vieeetable remeliei.extraeted by enemies) processin agitate at purity; and 'combined to „griller in stieh a manner es to insure the best results This . Si/StrlA of chmensition for Medicines hen been found in the 'Cherry Vector:a And PHIS limit, to erminee a ranre_ efficient remedy; than had hitherto been 'obtalneo hy an y p rneces ...... j The, reaeonle perfectly nbvireart.' While by • the old mode i of conlP"ition. every medicine is..brulen'ed with more or I less or. i , liitoni..u. and injurious qUalittee, by tilt.. each , indiridttel virtue only that is deeired fo'r the 'curative effect in Prellent. j All the Inert and obnoximis qualities of each 1 milistence ambloyerl are left behind, ;lie curative viiinee only being ktranird. ; Bence- it is seleter tient the e ff ects i - sheuld!prove as' they have proved mere' purely remedial.. and the Mk s. surer, more powerful niithinte to disease. than arty oth.rmedieine,linnsen to the Wald. .. . , As file feeditently expedient tent any medicine eliouldhe 1 . . titken7u Puler tile counsel flan nttending Physician. and as i FRANKLIN -, ritima t - , he coati nat. properly Judec of n remedy without knowing Attorney and Counigellor at - I.aw s 'to Arnerweil inn. T have supplied-the aria/ride Fratileitr by i whiehltintlitny Peril - mai and Pills arei made to. the whole 1 M I '• ' '• ' - oNTrCost ~ PA- .”) ' '' '.".. body Of. Practitioners in the United I States . and Britieh ~ Amerida it t!rnvinreii. If however eh+ ehouid 'be An y , on 0 AATILL adtpnd faithfully t o all - basintrx e 42810- ' who bat; ne.t received them, f they will be promptly ferward- V.V . terr-to hint in the county of Soeviebititia. . 'ell ivy:Timil) " bas „ndeireaß. 0 f al! the Patent Medicines that st. ' offered,!Morr few ` •,+'• , Conveyancing rind writing or !Mi . kiudi 'l4lll be he 'tree if the it composition I was.known i Their i. done neist!Y, and - chariel moderate:: c - -: --- z life COri Fist in theirmatery. I have Sot mveteries. Ire wilt also attend to the pioseOutien ofcialietii4l . Thee mineeitien °tun preparations; is laid open to all , s o ld i ers, I,ii.._ widows aUd heirs, agpwat iiielpp!, men And all who are Competent :to judee on the subject freelyaeknowledentheir convictions of their intrinelellirr-.ted States -,government4 loA' . Bounty-- taxiii ;,e.eu• it.' The - Cherry pectoral vas prennucc-d by scientific men atone, i.e. ." . . in be wend medicine ite ;effeets rare known, . May b found ' at nt! home at the'- Offiii formerly ManYemitirrit Physicians, hale decisted the rime thing of i „,,„ ... - - e stir Tillie. and eyen. 'Mere erinfiden tip!, and n're w filing. tri' f'...:Cu pied by J .7'., ^ Richtileds, t sq.,hottA - tit Ili, Cosh rertify.tho,tbeir anticipations Were more than realized hy. i House:. •I: " j I -•.-- - - .-.'49y1-.' their effects upon trial: . - . . Thaseperate by their rovertul infillenee on. the internal • curvet{ to purify the Mood and stimutelt into bratty ac t.' sn—retriove the obstruetienfrof the Stomach. bowels. In:. sr. ended/ter agate of the batty. restoring their irregular eeil.utto health. and by cnrreeting, Wherev..r they exist, such derangements as , are the first origin of disease. .' - Bear mane wranpet they are pleases* to take, end be. - ng pureirreuetable, ri6 harm .can arise from their use In any qbentity.. '. . For:mink:lto directions, see w.appee, on the 80x.... . . Prepared by JAMFS C. AYER. Pletivil and Analytical ebensiit. I.;owell, Masa: Price 2seen a per Dos. FITS Box. et for ;Si. , . . • solo) BY A. Turrell,.llonfrose ; D. V. 'St R. 11.'Paton, Ilatferd. Church & Phinney. D aridatt t. Lt. Sentt,: Great Itteuth . , ilf,all Druggist,' and Deniers in Midi:eine-every.: where; ..'''! Sept 13-..-3lmie i • • - - , . ! . .C. tENSETT & CO. Importirs and . Jobbers. of ioragn and -Do • tnestic D I ry . . . 41 DEY STREgT,,N.W VON, ~„., 1tT . 014.1) in vi to thecitttentionof merchants'in , I V / . Ausquohanna and adjoining Counties to: their.stokk which will be (build large and desira, ble at all seasons of the year,i consistini* in 'Out of Clot Cassiinefes' and yestingii l reatis arid, with'allthe beit and - Well knowzi Ailed of "fast c,olcired prints' ' ' • Also, -Dress*Goods, White and Linen Goods; &c.•"&c.l •• • - Aso, iliroebo • long and snare; shawls, Cash merir- and Silk Shawls, tocretherwith Hosiery - and Fanny Goodit... .1 Prompt attention paid to rders. • t _ • , 4v I-I'vhinge _. ; 5' - I Aleyrliiork ••Fire•liisaraoce Co: . , , ;.. -• ~, • tolicr,' 9 tVatt 'l i tStrete: -,'' • . • • _ , 2 _ -, • IVA rl T AA:, (In Cash and fApproved Securities) . . , . ' .' ''' - I 1 ,',. • 1 0' ' l' - !. : In 1 siires against Loss or panitsgs by. Fire:. D tit ,k' r 911104.—A. Q.4tebielns. 113•Droad Street; Peter 13.Alaket, 1' spruce stieetl; Girard llancker,. 111 Broideai; Thfiman • Xuattose. 134 Ceti's', street; Samuel Scuff' Itlayd, 477 i ‘, 4, e.t street; fail:ten 1. tlonkflu,Blo Uteelieffelpitrettt; ,lames A. elosbvi,ll3 OrnaJwify :Charles Leut; KlaststittOge'„!N -1..; Lattstortt V. Ball, Chicago, Ill.; I ,timith klobble; ' Wm. W. Gelaull,- New, Iturtt; Peter . 8., Iltutelt, lAS ilaUk -- streel ;' Stoat, s,B ell „cot- West ,and lA/Os ' , streets :4 Jelin 1..: It rim. 78 Itl ter stiert ; IS: Vass Wart,lls way ; Heretic. N., Ina _trua. p. car. Wert and. Thvi .. in reou li o wlir ; Petetll. Pcstef, prr. .anav curt ant* Wes tt lleuben-floaa. r..1.4* *Cuthtli -Avenue , Stephen flro*faell, COundon,ls. .1,; Albia IVadleigh: :Philadelphia.; Dotterit, Itrittiou. As wltit.r. street; Samuel Slnoletr,Trlilue Mind- Ings;lBsmuelli• Shaw, OlevelmuLiOblo.. , il ' • - ~ ittiVAL 01IAICIttRIAlt, Pros; citAntrstl, cLA!tlim.fcee'y, :'• .. ,- t•- , .. • . , • Vf•CRAIRLESIpI BROW , Agient: ;:: Min.... . t o rq5e.8c1it.:6.,18.53. • , . • H-• • . ~ , •_I j. _rfitA l uittE u)Avi - , '- . ToT 4 r atiffOiliiinell hive nididdisfied a *bon hi - ittin ' basiomot iof Vr. An y reNi atom ; in . 1 41 iiiii. i troke,.*!leirepths:t willut al.liither keep op hand Poii)eso)l and !poi Firrin Afannt.i. In!Faytnnrilittort the po.riso:intn, 441nuinenpi t -I'on? . *cin,os,:Tablo, ' 11 ' '• I , - • . ILTl i tio Onirannge of thi . pi3itiit. in iikiifiNtinity 'Alle•titi ~, 1 CONOrb0111'& tIEViBit otttr...--.' 4 si is lersLi t r: ,: , , -.,... - $ i ...!.! ~..,-; •• , ! !.- AMPS,--4.04.rere1v, 4 * i,ir qs , Attoinftment of i 4 be l utifirt,phternit luid.7 w t 10 4 phtini` togripti, Gun to Stick, tin_a' - iii,oo - imieleti tiecteiiary t6burOlii therh: '111100,4.14'5..= MOntialie (Yet. ' -18/54. 1E NEJOII - MOTROSNECRa. puntsupy*yEar mu sr xpaszsc, ar VIRUS 44M * Emmons OilintoPlosiroax. not-PSid within six month's; 2; of the - year. -Nolpsier dist, ges t are 'paid, except -at tho,i list rs AU .communicatkOn °from, insoio attention, ir pSicl) to Grust & P.fa, Moo' Covinty, . •lltates Of Attie . • • On_itsquare (1 2 . lines or less)! Fleet' subsequent insertion One square three months, One sqUare.eix months, 'Business Cards, four Jinek orl Yearly ndvertisements, not o • One column ono year s . . . Yearly advertisgra, w in- • business :in which they gime, sidered us wishing to contimi they shall give special, diyee mince of the same. - , JOB WOHJIL ' I Eir The puhlisher,a bayingadAed theft-lob, Printing materials. a 'large, and: r 'aupe'rior *wort: meet' of Job 'Type; are no* .prephr,pd to - fekieati: Joh .Work in a manner unsurOalted =in ttia'see:. f country : and on the meat reasonable tekins. Blanlpt of every r deaeriprinti kept eitottOtly on - hand or.printed to order., • 7 • ,! .Ki i lisio,o.;-=. - P,i,.0 : 0:04. SOMA( Rattri!r" Fashionable TsillOr- , LShop usdeTatiirele's Hot4tl,llstip. Street, itpptiose, ~ ; giti'ANT 1116111 SE, Great Bend Depot, Pa: ADDIsog ANT, Proprietor. BUBBO‘VS, sPitbrit *- co " illaunfactureis of Ornpirr 8 tAiNBINED CAR RIAGE SettINGS; Ilughesvipt, 1$ -coining Co4 : Pa.- Sprin as may be had of M.S. % MiSnywe., Win S3lll i 4 111 dc:Co: Cabinet pal d_C4oTx-ltaniffact4reri e foot aI Street., ig °arose, Pi. 11,1 .*: DeFilers in Books, Ready'4lade Clothing,Bati„ and Caps, Boots and Stifles; - Dry Poo,* >l4. Store opposite Se: riA Masi; kontrnse, Pa: 17 Di. C. C. 11 Pliyideinn an dn e re'on fla - rfoilj rPi.! 055 6 )' t• . • i• 2 doors below Eaton's Store. , , Dr. H. SIIIITIII; : 1,1 „ SurgeonDentikt, Montt4se. Pa.,' — will' -be at Searle's Hotel' , Mondays rind Tuesdisysof each week. ' • • :- - • I 60,- : - 31cJILIELLAN: ar 4 pATI.K . , , --,, Dealers in Dry Goode, rweries, ilnidware, Craekerv, Boots . and Shcie.§, &e, SOiniziille, Pa.:. - , .' ' 1 3851 . . LITTLE it CHASE, I Attornies at - Law---Weelorinerly seen. pied 'by Little &Streeter; 31ontross t Susque. henna Ceilnty, Pa. j r- •- • RALPH. B. LITTLE.] jEzre.a. cormnox & Itr.vmnit;*- . . ~ Dentlei% hi Marble Monuinents:Tables,Tnmb ,s • Stones, &e. - Corner of "court and Earbange I Streets, opposite Broome County Bank, lßing. . • hantton,N. Y. - ' • .! • •• . • • ~ - - C. D. LATuitoP & -Co. Dealers in Stares and- Manufaetarers ,o( epper, Tin, and Sheei•lion_ Ware. Shnp west side Main Street,oPpnsite.DenOcrat Of fice, Montrose, Pa. .1 • - C. D. 1,,Ary.0r.1 Wockbarrr. ABEL TILIKRELL, blorrit OBE, PA.. . Dealer in Drugi, 'Medicines, Chenneals,Paint, Oils, Dyn stuffs, Groceries, Dry. Goods,-Hard- wade, Stone-ware. Glass-wareiCamphene;Burn-- log Fluid; Lamp Oils, Candles,Varnish,esAtrin dow Gl4ss, Fancy and. Toilet, .Artielei; Pc:tu rnery, .tewelrY: Spoons.! SpectaeleS; - Musical Instruments, Trusses;- Medici! . Instrutnenti, Liquors . ; Mirrors, Statioriery f Brushes. Shoes; Yankee Notions, &c. 'Physicians:' Pre*crip. ,tiOns carefully Compounded,. JORN ClASTrat t . DEALER IN doves, Tin, Capper' and Sheet Tree. Ware, Lodersville, neai Greallend - - • M. C. TYLER,. : . Interested with linnt,y" IMPORTER :AND DEstin inqiirdarstre - ' and Cl - lery;garri'age Tritninings, Springs, .No. :21.4 Pettri Street, Ir; 1-Where hii.4erenntile friends, in. this. and ,sthir Counties, ttrn kindly invited, and earwstlystilieit ed to call anii purchase.. : "-• 4161 f.. • RENRY lai'APP; OF MONTROSE, FA. With. Rol*re,'Woiiiirpir, Carte?, beineen Coiltland and_Dei Streets;:, ew :March 8, 18,54-10tf.... - -; ititedi gel DT RS- & Z. - Maack have this day formed a co-partnership, for more efficient' and' i successful prosecution' of the differ ent branch, of their profession: ,', Ail buisiness entrusted to them, will be atten ded to with Promptness and fidelity.. Their offule,will be the one lately occupied by Dr., Dimoek.: G. X.: 14'arelt 24, 1154.- - . . ltontras ~ . Dr.fiforit 110.-Viiii- DRUGGIST. and , thipeisr, and .Dealiv in DRUG'S; Metlieine.s,,Chemicale, Dye Fttpffp, Paints, Oil, l Patty, Window' Glass, Camphine Fl u id, • Porinniery-, Y-nnkee Noinnii,dte.Ae. Lodereville;Pe.---10d, - . '' , ' .= . :1 A. Jr. DAVIS, ATTORNEY . ANO.COUNSRLLOR AT . L0.A . ! , -- S0N11,1 1 4: , Weser Store.l6yl , - Nutice to fassontoroi: T3SBElNGElR4.tr4vPllilig..sorth,,pp Ole Deis , *at+, .4.4ickaaranni. ‘ yreat,era Rau Romil to' Grant Bend,.qafillivo- for 'Dinner nt York'Expit.4'fini.ii':Eai*; andot4,lintirs time 'Afore theftitin4irk-Expriss trairgons<Weat or the N. 1 % ,&: Erie Railroad nritil.futtlier notice: N B. The Cincinnati , Exprnia trairel ite)//1 rialki% SWIM at Great; Bend; VieilSttg limo is 7.bd - „..A.:BRNANt • _ - Grerit Rend Depotc&pf,'2d 11354; r: - Stovest St,oveslit; AUPRITT isettlitit tcceivittvt pew tosloth AA-Pn Ok of 4toFesilpoo,oll ,ll se ,, moot2oPP far Ana kiik4 of life,mluin‘. ikiid'Efovita Oven cookts4 *4_,ta,v,*witlk:r l 4 l 7: Offie_e andSilep end; in petiot, traTiety hod style livhiett,h4 will *n il m e the R o ' 4, 1' 6, 0'4 4 'd prices. Elitwared :!Oven, stoves of new and 'apprevod pittetne'"i4ta..be:sattl Sille to *25. `iteti 'other' hi* In proportion.' Abe `, AWAY*, Zitic, sheetlion, , store TabeitiAte. - r -,- Alltord, 00. 4,1854. e advance; .$ 2 ,00., i.I d 02,50,at the end , tinued until Artesia., ioption of. the Pah; connected with-the st be:direeted'(test, ),roSe;'Senoebnena I 3 inairrtioas, 61,001 ••• • • • 4 0,25 ••• • IP •• 4 240 lees, -. 3,00 er 4 equsires,l' 7,00 •.•••' • • . 80,00 e restricted to- the ,:gaged ;end Breton._ e.advertisiat unless `one.for a disc .fitiasi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers