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WELcrdi f 3'o t_°Rl,l,t , I, - - T)Eltiit ED \lti ' )01‘ ,1. 1: 4 t,6 ' .1% t': . i' .... : . -... \ . i , , ,•________,........____ - i i , ! i_ , ... , ...- ~ . . ' ,• - .. . 1 . , • e & freprittoi litas s. , t stiert_Votirg. Prize od e on fief Greek Slave - . D e di ca t e d to GiamppoLitan Art and Literary Agociation.of Sandusky, Ohio. - - tir AVWCSTIIS DIIGANNE. . a 0 GREE - 1: ! by more than 3fos - lem fetters thaall'd! , 0 marble prison of a radiant thought, 1 Where life is half recalltd, .'. And beauty dwells, created, not unwrooght, Why haunt** thou my dream*, enrobed in light, And atuiosphered with purity, wherein -. ;Vine own soul is transfigured, And grown . bright, , As 'though en angel trailed away its sin: 0 chastity of Art! Behold! this maiden shape makes solitude- Of all the musty mart , ; Beneath her soul's itnmea.surable woe, . - .Ail vision lies su b d u ed, _.,., And from her veildd eyes the low '''"Of tears, is inward turned upon - her heart. - While on the prisoning fills ' Her eloquent spirit swoons, And from the lustrous brows' eclipse Falls patient glary, as from clouded moons! Severe in vestal grace, yer want And flexile with the delicate glow of yOuth, , She stands, the sweet embodiment of truth,; Her pure thoughts clustering around ,her form, Like seraph garments, wh;ter than the snows :Which the wild sea upthrows. O Geniis - a! thou cans% chain • 1 Not marble only, but the human soul, And melt the heart with soft control, - .1 Mid-wake such reverence in the brain, - -1 That man may be :forgiven, If in the ancient days he dwelt •,• . Idolatrous with sculptured life and knelt • • To Beautylnore than Heaven! , • r..L:>• • Genius is worshipl for its works a dor e The infinite Sonrce of all their gloriouS thought, So blessed Art, like ',Nature is o'erinaught With, such a wondrous store • • Of hallowed influence, that we a ho gaze , Aright on her creations; haply pray and . Go, then, fair-Slave! and in thy' fetters teach What Heaven inspired and Genitis bath' de signed: • . - Be thou Evangel of true Art and preach - The freedom of the Mind! . • Visttilantons. THRILLING FETE. ,reom "THE BANGEI " Among the many wild and imposing exhi bitions of nature, peculiar to the mountain s ous regions of our Northern clime, there is no one perhaps, - of—more - fearful magnificence,. than that which is sometimes presented in the breaking. up of one of our large rivers by i winter flood ; when the ice in " its full s eeerth t enormous thickness, and rock-like` telAitv,,is rent asunder, with)oud. crashing explosions, and hurled up into ragged motto- • tains, and borne onward before the raging torrent with inconceivable.- force and fright ful velocity, spreading devastation along the I ..banki in its course, and siveeping away the strongest fabrics of human power which-stand opposed toita progress, like the feeble weeds that disappear from the, path of a tornado. Such a spectacle, as they reached their pro posed stand, now burst on the view of the ass tonished travellers. , As far . as the eye could ~i reach upwards along the windings of the stream, the whole channel was filled with the lei-eat-oms of ice, driving down towards them with fearful ~rapidity, and tumbling; crashing, grinding, and forcing its way, as-it came, with collisions that shook the surroun ding fOres . t ; and with the din and tumult of an army of chariots rushing.itogether in bat-1 tle. Here, tallltrees on the bank .were beaten down and oveheltried, /or wrenched off at the rocks, and thrown upwards, were whirled along on the top of the rushing• volume, like feathers on the tossing wave. There, the changing mass was seen swelling up into mountain-like elevations. to ,roll onward a while, and then gradually-sinking away, be succeeded by anothtr in another form ; while with resistless front, the whole immense ing body drove steadily on, ploughing and rending its way into the.iv;oketi sheet of ice, before it, which buret,sdivided, and was borne • dowwbene,ath the boiling flood, or hurled up wards into the air,' with a noise sometimes re sembling the sounds of exploding :muskets., and sometimes the crash of falling towers. But the noise of another and similar com motion, in an opposite direction, now attrac ted their attention.. They turned; and their eyes were greeted with,a scene,. which, tho' less startling, from its distance , Set even sur passed in picturesque grandeur,. the one they had just been witne*ing. Through the whole visible reach ortheConneeticut,.a long white, glittering column of ice, with its rigid sad bristling top towering high above the ad jacent banks, was sleeping by and onward, like the serried line of an army advancing :to the charge, while the broad vallev around, even back to the summits of the far-off hilts, was resounding with the deafenink din that rose from the extended line of booming avalanche, with the tumultuous- roar of an approaching tempest. • The attention of the Company, however, was drawn from this magnificent display of the power of the elements, 'by an, object of mose immediate interest to their feelings.- - This was an -open double sleigh ; approachiug the opposite side of the river, towards the lace at which they' had just, crossed over; the manner we have described. The rrooun lain mass-of ice that was still facing its way down the river before them, with . increasing .impetus, was nowwit i bin three hundred yards of the pass, to which tlics . se on the .sleigh were hastening, with the evident design of 'cross- . Aiid though the latter, owing to a point of woodsthat intervened at a nd in the stream a short distance above, could not see the coming ice. yet they seemed aware of its ilingerollB proximity ; for as they now drove down to the edge of the water, they paused, sod's large man, who appeared to have con trol of , the team, rose to his feet., -and With Words that could not be distinguished ih the roaring of the "wind and the noise from the scene above, made an appealing jesture, which was readily understood by , our foot travellers as au inquiry whether"' the team 'would have time to cross before the ice reach. ed the spot. . • I "It is Colonel Carpenter and his comps-, II," said 'Woodburn. He will has , pane. to 'Pare, but enough, I think, if he instantly improves it , teget safely .over ; H elists 61.0 mt horses, and is anxious; to be on' thi of the river. Let him come.'' • ; es cord{tigly, they returned , hiiii encourag ing tuts, which being seen and under stood:by bite, -hC instantly whipped up his ho " •an forcing them on the ice, soon 4- feet his passage in safety, and drove rapid ly d wn the road; leading Blong the northern bait - of the stream to the Connecticni, the obj tof ids speed being lobvionsly to keep ir for, . rd oe, ..the , ley flood, by which-his•preg resS m ight; otherwise be son obstructed. , ". here,!":i;iistimed Woodburn, breaking wr r silence with whicli lie And his compan had been, witnessing the rather hazard • - 'riassag:e of his friends—" there, - the Col. Al over ;Lbut his is the•last sleigh tocros 'ear, tinless it.be drawn by winged. hor is. this It _ ....i l Vel l , winged, Or . niat.Winged,.there is sn ot er, it turns , 'about tto make the atteinptt sai one of the company; pointing across the riv r, whetzt . .a cinema - double sleigh, with sin Wyil eqtdppage, was dashing at full speed do n' th e road towards the stream. . • ?- , It is si hiastile 'craft!" ", Peters and his ga g r 4 . We owe them no favors !" " Let thej enemy 4iike care of ' themselves !" were thC exclamatio)n!that burst from the recentl{•-iu. ceased group} as all eyes were now turned to •thospot. , ; ! O, no 1 4 no exclaimed Woodburn. with looks of thi Most lively concern: . 4 Be they foes or friends, they must n o t be Allo we d to enter Uponi that river. Why, the breaking ice - hasalrtady nearly reached the bend, and unless-it stops there,, that path across Abe stream, wiAtin five minutes will he as track= . less! as the ocean - Bun down to the hank and hail them !". he continued, turning to those ari,mnd him. . "Shall cfe interfere unasked?" said one of them who Iris smarting umier'a sense of for mei 'injuries ;;a-ye and therefore too ; to same; Such a .ma:u as I : eters, that' he May go otu robbing us kir our farms I" "And SaYe , .stich a man as Sheriff Patt e r. Son also, that he May . hang the innocent and; pious Pertiet l" Said another, bitterly. And sake': them all, that they may keep up the collt Which .will .soon hang and rob 'tbe.Whole cif 'As!" ,added the third, in the sane spirit -I j . "0, wro y ngHwickedly- wrong! and if no one Will gol I, must,",e,ried Woodbnrn, as be turned bast liqrom the spot, and making his way' down the hill towards the river With all the . s be, was master.of. -A!few selxinds stifficed to bring him to•the edge of the stream ; When in a voice that rose above ithe wind and waters around he called on, Peters, who Was already urging his reluctant and 'snortine - horses down the op posite Willi:lnto the 4.ater; warned him of the situation of the ice, and begged him, as be valued the tires of 'his.fiien`ds, to desist from attempt. - '" Do you think to frighten - me 1" shouted reteis, who peicebring speaker to be his despised opponent, became. suspicious, as the latter, had feared,lthat the .warning was butt a 'ruse to prevent hini fm4l going on 'that night —"do 3 - Ott think to frighten me back, liar, wheiva heavy team haa!)tist passed safely be- Tore:thy eyes?" • - And, in defiatiee of the, timely cautio bad.reeeiYed, rtn'd the warning sound ,which his senses might liaYe apprised- .1, had lie paused it moment to listen, be ferid lc applied the Whip and plunged manly tt the water, to the middle. ice. But as.rapil -as he drove; the .team had not passed tn than .One-third the distance across, before and all with him beennie fully aware of moving mass and the fearful peril they ha recklessly incurred ; fory`at this critical men't; with awful brunt the mountain w ye of ler ruin, came round' the screening r unt into 'full view, and nottfir yards above th m. A - erv.of alum at:once burst from 'every . . cupant of the menaced Vehicle; and Pet rs., no.less frightened • thanl the, rest, suddenly checked ' the hoines., with' the half-formed de sign:of turning and attempting to regain the•• shore he had just left. But on turning round he beheld to his:dismay, the ice burst upWards fromi its_. winter moorings, along the shore, - leaving between:: , them aid the bank, a dark chaStn.of whirlin g waterst r - over which it were madness to think of repassing. At that in stant;• with a ' deep and startling ,feport, the hroadabeet of lee confining the agitated riv er burst asunder, parted land was afloat in a t hundred. pie.ces - around th be l wildered travel lers. • Another . piercing c • of terror and dis tress,issued•from.tbe devoted sleigh, and Miis Ilaviland, with•an involuntary impulse of the fearful shock, leapt out on the large cake of iue on which the Sleigh•and horses were-rest ing. She seemed instantly to perceive. her error;-but before she. could regain the sleigh, or even be caught_ by the_ extended hands of her frk.nds, the frightened horses made aitid-. den and desperate plunge forward ; and with a speed Ithat couldteither be'cheeked or -een trolled,.daglied onward over. the dissevering mass, reaPitig from piece to piece of their sinkingiSupporr, #nd each in turn falling in, to be drawn•outby his mate, till they reach ed they shore, and: rushed furiously up the . bank; beyond.. thelsweep of the rushing tor rent frOM whielk they had so miraculously es caped.; I 1 • - ' , , 1 • . "0 1 God ,of -heaven hare mere) , on my daughter !", exclaimed Ilaviland,• in a piteous burst el anguish, ',as he 'spring out of the ,sleigh among the -Company, Who, . with I!r -ror-strieken looks, stood on the bank mute ly gazing-on the fast receding form of . the luckhgs.timiden,•thus left behind, to be borne away, in all human probabilitY to speedy de- i struetiori.. -- - - :. ': • - • -• For a'moment no one stirred or 'spoke - a word, but stood amazed, and seemingly par alyzed- at the thought of lie awful situation, Laving no Lope of • her rescue, and expecting every minute to See her crushed or engulplied among ,the ice that wasld.tv tumbling and Leaving 'on eV4ry side around her. But.for timately for het the broad, solid block on which •she alighted, and on.which she contin -tied still to retain' her stand, was, by .the sub- Jnergkl and tiSitig inasses 'beneath, gradially and evett4' ford up to' the, top of - the col umn, with whiCh it was mpving; swifo.-- 4 °Wn the current . k. find tile r:9.44 -etood, like a marble attituen a :..tai, sculptured for; 4 4 , nm. i n i„ e .,..eiroh., her bonnet 'throwp back from heratt - t l 4ed features, Mid her loosened hair streialinVir i/d/ Y ; white one har-' extendedWaS - • doli 4 uitt toward the e iore; and i the Other - ••litted imploringly .ward heaven, sialt 46pplieipon:, for that aid from a•• l *hielt jamirf seareebr hop}' to met friends' below: .• • eq ,,WlT*os4ibiert )ust vOti 4 sal rat th • ••- IP m per unt onvulsi t Iss f~; _ . _ _ , L 'IT r -41. Wsin 7 iTLY fa -- DEitiED 1:0 ; `POT WYO .., L i re, . so ...L. Yfry i Thitta .A.{.7 E cTIENCE, zt.t.\4D ORALIA, . 9 _ ontrose, Vtiut 7 3`; E#lttsban Dorning, , Iff ,1 ?Herten, in the mositotiching accents. otdis , .")s there nO help Man no one save I ?" added the agonized father. "Yes, save her—save her!" exlehtitnetliPe -ter., now eagerly 'addressing the _Man hd - so itkected to despise. "Can't some of yontket on the ice there, and bring off *iye guittea4 to the than who will do it ; yes, tan Quick F run, run, or you'll be' too late," he addefl, turning from one to another, without, offering to start himself. ' ' ThroWing a look of silent scorn upipn his • contemptible, foe,. Woodburn, having, Mien anxiously castin; about him in thought for . somelmeans of rescuing the ill-fated girl frOm her impending doom, now,. tvith the 'airiof one acting only on his own _responsibility, hastiiy 'called - on his companions to follow hint,!and led the way- with rapid . studie s,. down', along the banks of The stream , as near the Main channel,- as the water and readyi.hursting over the batiks into, the road, would . permit . . But although he could easily keep ttbreaSt of, the fair, object of his anxi,ely of whotn lie ocicasionally obtained such ses through the brushwood here'lining the ' bank as to show • him that she still retloo. l her foOting 'on the same block of ice, width he observed 'still 'continued . 't born 4 tzn with the surrounding mass; yet he could tier ceive n waVirof reaching - her—nO earthly . 111C41114 by which she'could be snatched fiom the terrible dOom that seemed so.certainlY. yo awaitibi;q ; for along the whole extent -of ;the moving 'ice, and even many rods in advance of it, he water dammed- up, and forced frOtn the choked channel, was gushing over ;the bittiks.', and sweeping Own by their sides ia a stream that nothing could Withstand. And, to add to the alinost entire hopelessness with which he was compelled to view lier_sitim tion, he 'now Soon began to be admonished that - she' ; was immediately threatened bYld danger font whidh.she.had thus fat beent.so providentially !preserved—that of twin; crtish ed er sWallowtki up at once in' the broken brie. He could perceive, from the increasing'cotn motion of the; ice around her,' that inthdrfo level and unbroken support was growing',o - moment nibre insecure and uncertain t i,— And a's it rose and fell,' or was pitched (fir ward and thrown up aslant in the .ehanfring . vo!time; he -cOuld plainly hear .her ,piteens shrieks, I.and ' , see her flying from 'side Ito side of the . oun g i - n g body, to avoid being . hurled:itito the frozhtful chastits which wid'e c.ontinitaliv Tannin_ to receive her. "List - lost.!!" Le utteied - with . a sigh ; o earthly aid can now avail her. But star stay !" he cootinued,-ns his eye full on one or twi., of .the beanis or string-piecti of. -the 41d bridge still eictending across the river ashOrt distance '4belOw. ." If she reaches that pliee' alive, and I Can but gain the spot. in tinter I m ay yet , 3.31• C: her. O ! 11t -liven help rneto the t;ptvtitinci the: means of rescuiug her frOm this dreadfulr - And Orlin loudly to ; his compani t ,4, whom lie:liarr already ontstrifTed, to ee4o on, be ;now 'set forward, with all possible speed, fOrtbe; place afforded the last ebanCe, , for the prior girl's rescue._ • , - .1 lle -had little : fear of finding the pzqh ading on to the, bridge obstructed bv ter. And it bad: glariced through his mind, as he described this forgotten spot. and saw the remains of !the bridge still - standing, thi l tt the maiden might here be assisted to;eseape on a .plank, or be drawn up by a cord, Or some other implement, to the top Of I4e bridge, :*hich being high above the ordinary level of Ithe water, would not probably be S wept. aw - a y - by: the ice, at, least not till the part on was situated should hate passed 'under it. • There - was an oceupied log-house, standing but a short distance Trott the _place, and the owner, as Wood bu rri :dre4 near, was luckily just making his appearanCC at the door. lie of us ro" re che he ,FO "A rope, a - rope ! 'be ready with a 'rope,l'• shouted Woodburn pointing to the scene of. trouble, as soon as he could make himselfutt l r derstoodi by thel wondering- settler. The nititr after, a hurried glance from ilk, Speaker - to::the indicated scene, and.thence to the bridge, beloW, during . which he seemed to ; comprehend'thenature of the in? / emergency,,.. stantly disappeared within the door. In,-ant mOmentWoodburn came up, and bnrSt into the &inse t Where he found thesettlerandi his wife 'eagerly, running to cut; the roPe - of their bedstead, which had been hastily strict= , :, pest of theA,ed and clothing, and the faster, ings,cnt for the purpose. The .instant the, rope waS,:disengaged, it was seized by the',. young man, -Whof bidding the other to follow,::.' rushed out :of the house, and hounded, for-; ward to the bridge; which they bothrertch4 just as tge unbroken ice was beret beginning to quake and more from the imp' ]se of the .. vast bodyi above, Which, now ; scarcely fifty pa- - I ees distant; was driving down, . w tit deafen g si l in crash them.• - - . ,- ! ''" Thanklteaven.she yet lives, and is neat-,; in' us!" exclaimed Woodburn, as he ran out' on the partially covered beams of the bridge, where lie i could Obtain a clear view of. the channelt t bOv 4., . . "She is there hedged in, thO' • ~ , vi ti yet , riding securely in the midst of that Itii. 7 - i eous jarn, hut, if not drawn up here will - be., the nest-int:anent lost among the spreading. Mass, ait is disgorged into the Connecticut here below" . . , Shall we throw •dOwn an end - of. the rope for her to 'Catch ?" said .the settler, hastening •tci I W(xdbilrn's side. . • . , I dare!•not risk her, trength to hold - on to it; I must go down myself,' said Wood. btLip, hurriedly knotting the two e . nds of the. roo round his. body. Now - stand by .moInY friend. Brarce yourself back firmly on this stritig-piece;; let n)e down, and the•instant I. hive secured her in my arms, draw .use both . , up together," I can let youl.down but to draw You , both up"- - -4replied the' other, hesitating at the; thought offlie .haAardous - atternpt. • "You taunt try it," eagerly interrupted intrepid y6o)g man. "My • friends will be here in ,a•MOIllent; to aid you. There comes, now!" Accordingly„ sliding. .over the a bridge; WOOdburn was gradually- let down ,by the; string and 4 - teady hands of the settler, till be was swinging in th air , on a level with that 'part of the ,approacliing mass on which stood the halt-senseless object of his perilous adven ture. The fbremost of the broken ice was now • - sweeping sWiftly•4,••just beneath his feet Auothier moment, and atm will be there, She evidently sees the preparation: for, her de-- livertinee ; a.faint cry of hqpe escapes bey lips, and herihands -- are extended towards the proffered aid; And: now. riding high on the 1, eoltilimi she is h9rue on nearer and nearer towards those It:lie in-breathy. Silence, !for be approich. • And mow - she . conies-411e its ' (Isere she its caught in the eager grasp of the brave 'youth ; and the next; instant, by the giant effUrt of the strong man above them, they are tetetherklrawn up with- . in rt'fewltet of' the be ding': and tottering bridge. But with ailj hi desperateexertions,. he can tiii.se them no ltigher •, ',and there they hang - sutipended over 0 . 1 dark abyss of whirl ing 'vnteri; that, had, opened -in the . disruptur-. ing in* ibeneatb, the instant, -as if to re-' .cesve theM ; while a mountain billow of -ice, that! must overwhelm them with certain des: truction,itr slung down;t with, an angry roar,' , Within few rode of the 4spot. A groan of despnir.,bttrst from the e.lhaust'ecl- man at .the . rope; and his grasp was_nbout 'to give way. ;.! " Hold on there an instant longer I" cries: ,a loud voice oWthe right, where a tall, musL cuter fortii- was tseen `bomfding.forward to the • "Quick, Colonel Ca 'Tenter l• Quick, for God's sake, quick !" qclairrio the settler, throwing On miguishednvid beseeching glance, over shoulder toward 4 the Other. ' i The: nett instimt the pdwerfiil frame pf the new-i!onier- was bending over the • grasped • i rope ; an d; n ;,another, both preservers .and preserveihvere on the , bridge from which they had barely time .to -escape before it wail swept with 'Crash; and borne ott on the top,of the mighty Itorrent. They were met on the bank the . conipanions of N'Cood burn;-:". 4 - 1 . the friends of rescued iriaidea, who Cani;proiniscuoustyHrining to the-voti wherri loud and long the gushing aechinia r tions iof joy and'gratitude ibat rang wildly up trill eratiee.' A Ta Duling war 4.71 . the evolution, the low I, er conutiesof New Jerseywerei infested by .a set of desperadoes, paA'sing under the name of refugees,, Who, in the absence .of the.whigs in camp, plundered and insalted their defence! less A band of !these men beeam6t partic6 notorious on O'a shores •of Egg Barber river, and that . .section of the conntry, is }.et With legends ofitheir misdeeds. party eglially numerous and even more law= less; fel% a king tirine.devastated the settlements along ;thsi;*tudee ; riser. Our story relates' to this latter. ; • . It Was ak the dose_ ;of al, beautiful dap. oih the'eaily part "of 00obet, that an' - athletie yotingintaa; whose frank- and good humored,, countenance was a pas..spatt% to the actraint-i, ante of strangers, approached clearing. ,:a cleang not: far frotu . the ! present decayed 'village of Dor,l :The honse .was l of but one story,i built of thick heWn . surrounded! scaiity ; :fi'elds, in whiehlthe. stumps of the' original forit trees were yet Visible. . But every thing 'about the 'pike had au air of neatness, which-was increned,.when, pushing open the deer, be entered he large comfurta j...l4/6.,;440 t, :VOW< t 'c" , l Iknn , 1111,Tl l its dr*er,cin which were larrayed in bright rows the, pewter, plates.. tills, foOtsteps had' scarcely scAinded on the goer before a light. figure towards hini,l and the neskin slant eras locked in his arms. -" God bless you, Ilarv," ale Said, as he par— ted the fondly from )ier forehead and stooped. to kiss her fair broW: The girl leeked into his face, and said half inyuiringl ,half postively-4 . Yon have come to stay—base you not. = Do now, give up running •,otir i‘.)oop until things hetionie more ratified. YOu will be captured yet.;" she! continued; ii her lover shook his head, "and the if thrown into those, prison ships at New Itork, Su will net= • er get back.". Notwithstanding the imiloriugimanner in which 6le . Spoke' 7 her tovei - still shook .his head. 1- 1 .1 . I " ...Nan dearest,. your won?arOs :fears alarm you without Cause.: These; ib no danger. The English; shipSliave left the IDelaWare, and I must make the old sloop ;p r ay inn now, for your : sake, .Nitry.". - •- • . • 1. She buried:her face in . . his boson to hide the blu4ies „'it this rallusiota lie ;continued cheerfully : , . •- r ti‘ No* can so u not find me a supper You boast ()flour houAlkeetoing, you - know • and yet venture * we are [almost as good cooks on board. At any rate, wOire a little more hospitable when we .see . a '.isitor who has - conte miles to, meet us, and walked all the way." 1; • : llc said thi's in &playful ty'ne, and the girl immediately Listened to set be supper table. eyeS 'folloWed her grateful movements, and 'they conVerr,e(l together; as lovers only converse, during the half hotly it6vliich the preparations for the meal were going on. At Length the other members of the family came in, and the conversation beCaMe general.. . It wati.yet early,. however, when',the , young man ruse to g 4. The girl 6110 - wed him. out of the door. •I • “ why so soon r Said she. 1 I .•'- .• . ” It is!high,iime, and I haie already over stayed my titrie," he -said. I.l3ut ! 'in a few days I shall be' biek, and it Mity!be,' I will be so successful that there will be nay necessity fur goingfigairi" ,-. .: :.1 - . . "G - 4 grant:it may be so," sbe i said, for- . vently. 1 fill a presentiment of some clan -1 ger impending %aver you.. There. is Hogan, 1 the refugee•--,i • ' . "He w iles tic ill will, • I.:know," ; said the !'lover, " eter since you, preferred reie to him. 1 But be has Icfl l this part of th 4 corintiv, and Pshould never. fear him in afa it s fi.;:tt.' y -- ~, ".But lie Ink alWays stealthy - arid mean ; and would attail you eCtetiyk" .• ' ! ! I! "Oh l but Mere is no fear r it him," gaily said the lover -: ." Believe Me, i shall be back ijo two w‘ks,!riOd then—"l !:l ! • . He preised . ! ! the blushing girl' to . his-bosom I;;"---kissed tier agaidl and again,[ .theri .with a hurried ciribrace tore himself way) When 'he had crossed 'the road and as Jest enter- Ong; the Wriods, ihe!turned and ivaied his hat. The girl"Was:still standing on I.the watch.-- ;fie kissed her hand to him, and,.tlui neat in 4tant he bad vanished from herlsight. :•• • i But for.manY Minutes shelcont)nued t o . gaze on, the spit where he had disaPpeared .and so intent was the reverie • into which .she. ill, that she dia bat notice ther.:ApPri?ach of a: young man Of the neighborhood, whom pep-' :War rutniiii.dechtied to 'be On 4 of .her suit .. • . , : . ors., . ."'i - - :;- : - . l• :. . i "Gad .e..enitig, !Ellen," heisaid.t . " You are late. ot4 berriAo•night.". ... " Alt ! is yeti, James ? ' Go od„ eiening arid she' tra i n ! kly" "extended ! her Aand. ', - "" Will you walk iii ?" : ; _ - b T i . . i " NO, r ' tbMili, , ' 6:1‘1 ..- r hAverw . i ' but: a ;min- " .' • ute to May." There .wai a short silerice„Wheri , he added," Haveiyou• Seen Hogan- lately l---; He hae, come back, I'suppose you know," 1 r ".Ndr---I did.not know it," said Ellen; her i ! heart.beating violently. ' ".I believe he and Briggs . ate great friends, —Hogan swears he will baverevengeon,hitn; though, I do hot know for what. : Do yen r, Ellett read the inan's heart in those-worda.t He was a rejectedisuitoi;and suspecting. her; love. for Tiriggs,•hzid !Visited. her -expressly to:' torture;her by hislintellience. • ' .. I -,"HoW,know ydu this "-she said, affecting; as much c-almness! as pOisible. "Hive 1 youi seen Hogan latelyll",. 1 . " He ;',was about this morning, but has gone down the river'to.his old place. They. say i he•has it dozen men - there, refugees, may be, like himself.. Bye the bye,. have .you seen , Briggs . . to-day 1 Ilheardhe sailed with the! morning." . ! - .Ellen`, turned -pale at this intelligence, for her woman's quick wit perceived at once, by the meaning tone df her, .) , ,,isitor ' that Regan hail' determined tolwaylai her lover, and that her informant, from a feeling of base . revenge, bad cotne.to appri4e her of it after bethought it would be too late for,apy notice of the at tack to' be conveyed to Briggs.. She bad the presence, df mind not to- show !ter agitation, nor-did She undeceive the speaker as .td the time when her loyer sailed. She • adreitly turned the Convers4ticm.,, , - " Won't you Walk id I" she-said; "the nights are getting !:hilly.; ' , Father an, • 4 Moth s's. are yet up, I ! believe.".t! A - "'No, thank ••:yoti," said the .young man, moving off. "I .mint be going. Good bye." Ellen -Watched Mtn with a fluttering heart until he :disappeared: in the darkness, when she burst. into tears!. But: suddenly dashing theta away. with her hand she. entered' the '-house andeautiously approached the door of ' her little room. . ; ';' ' !-:--,.-- ..- • - • The-family , had all retired. •• ;,Taking aspen and ink she wrote, With seine agitation, :Slew 'lams, and placed them where, they, would be •A it :seen t h e ist thing - .i.n . thermoruing.. l• ' •,. " This Will tell them Where I have - gene," i r she said, still Weeping.. "It would not do to '.wake theta or they iwould, not let me go. !But ;how can.l Stay hero, 'wheitaz is in danger ?" She:paused and.ntithed: " Yes ! it is toOate to'oVertake him . at', the wharf, I must go ' L down:the.river and intercept ban ;- God , will !be my pretector." 1 . !• . . - . :. With these words she 'hastened -to attire lbefself in,' her bonnet -and cloak, and then [kneeling down she pnivedfOr a few rrxmients silently, after witichshe rase, wiped - the tears 'from her eves, -and ;set "fer , th ..ittrattended.,.on. iher long and perilous -walk: 'More than once ( slie started as..she , wolind lier \way through !•t)ie 'solitary forest at i the cry,of anight-bird ; and• now end then Mnue tinknoWn noise,-or a 'distant shidew, assannings.uddenly the tip .'pearanee Of a humita.being,,Weeld_causeler: ilifie . knees to totter, but riot t nnig for - a,while , .against a tree and setninotiiiraid, from on kits 1 7 • knots prrivrr , - , ibe t "vilould‘ recover confidence 4* .. . ~ , ~ \ \ and -go 00. i - -i\ \ . , ~ At length she reaOlied the shore of the riv ler; after more- thanlnn lienr's)travel.. She recognized the place at onee, - 'and following 'the bank: soon arrived- 14 a solitary farm ihouSe. All was'Still around, and she did not ;Wake the inhabitants; for they were suspected 'df being unfriendly tp the Whig% so she-mere •_ly unloosed a - boat .Which 'She found laying by the water-side, and' entering it, , waited breathlessly for the appeeminee of.. her lover'S sloop. - • I -'i -. • - 1- A quarter of an hdur - lied passed,. which iieeined an age, and Yet no signs of the vessel ;ere visible. - 1 .. , "Surely it cannot have. passed, , she said I - anxiously. " Yet, the wing .is fair, and the I - 1 tide strong." • •i . - . 1;, - , , I Another interval ehipsedilhich her alarm. magnified into-au honr; and at last - she burst into:tears..., 1 . , • - ' - "He hai pagsed; and I never.shall see him il n. in," she sobbed.! . Oni . l God of mercy S - are his life !" and cinsping her • hand . can ...i v lsively, she looked up to heaven: : I Suddenly a sound met her ear which she Mistookft•i' creeking Ofa Week. ' She started tip in the boat, every feature of , her -face •rtc:- cltant with hoPe,,asidtdoked; eagerly - towards the bendof the riverlsliore.' I3ut .-she. ivns ddomed to disappointmeut. I 'For five min utes she gated in vain: •! I • . ' • "It was on the-iiiiking'ef the wind;". she .. on ly - Mobbed, .-again overeetne with tears. "Oh ! what Shall I'dol•whitt \ can il de I"- she said / . • p"teously, wringing het! hand's': -. I .All at once the apparent sound of -the i l - SI eats traversing their iron guide broke the stillness, at, hitiree she •waS i.not, thistaken Brushing the tears 'hurriedli Trona* her eyes die was able• to discern! the shadowy form of , a sloop rounding the pont:in . the river tibove. - !"It ishitn--L,it is bin" she exelaimed.agis tatedlY ' and, falling on ber• ktiees,..with glad trims,- she returned thnnks ;titti, God. -'Then htirriedly, - andnerveusli . taking the. oars ; - she' itshed off into the-stream, tend nuffere the , a t to drop down with the , tide. As she.ex -1 , ted, the sloop soon Overtodk her. • . . L i t e !", Boat ahoy r' cried 'n well known voice, Clint made her heart leap, as the. stout vessel came singing:dew-1i towards per. `games -don't you knoW.ine l" she articu la ed faintly; all the modesty;; of her nature ,li su denly aroused at perceivin g, now for the ,, fir t time, the apparent! indelicacy of her be te vior. ! • • - . 1 .!" Ellen !" cried' the,viiiee fr om - the ship, in: a tone of surprise, and immediately theives sei was rounded to, and the athletic arms of he i r lover lifted her :on !deck - for overcome with sha'ine, She could .rieitheri standnor look I, . • - r What is the matter, dearest?"' said her loyer,-as he held herin-his- Anns; 4 htis 'anr tbkng liaPpened at hoine I Spick—you don't ktidw bow you alarm of ." !'. ' '', : - -. 'His animus tone reeiered for. Ellen her ifidenee, and she basti ned to tell hfrawhat I had heard. ' I . - • 4 could not," she sail, with her face bid-- iCm his broad Chest, stay at home, and we you to this peril s Father eril ih • -Father! is old, and I 1 . afraid. he cou l d not here in titne-:-.-- 1, God in . 'heaven bless you! HOw can I r repay:you I - 'But I!'taust #iid, some sliel fdr you in the:cabin, -for tne time-is ti, • be ..., .We ,are already in • eight of Hogan's pla e, audit i s too e late, to retreat. Even if we anchor, they will coie r after•us ; hitt,' now t .tha - I-knew their intentidn, there is nothing to Oatir; and our b 4 comae,- therefore ,; i to' di`-Cttrut suspi:eitin 7 goitig On." ' . .- - W -- 1` ' - • j • Ellen. would b ye remonstrated, but it that instant.; them n broke •forth','; and 'a large boat as ke i t) ' puiljit emit inte, the' stream • , , -- -. i . - .!•!' , ,• - :-.. • i , , . , i ,~ i - I' dstance dOwn the riier. S , suffer I herself,i he therefor 4, to be. led into the cabi ed n, where she waited, with a breaihlessi heart,the termination of the contest, ' -I t • Tradition tells.how, in n few words, their leader informed the crew of the approtehing attack, and . of the vigorous 'reeasures taken to defeat it: The sloop's course was retarded as much as possible, while the' woOd, which formed a part of the -.barge, ,'was hastily ar-, 'ranged in piles aroun d the 'quarter-deck as well as forward, So as completely to barricade every side , of the v' I. Fortunately, , there I was a double supp ly f muskets on board, esil i and these were all lo aded and ranged ready for use. In the riltical,hour the hand and the voice of Briggs 4ere every where. 'He felt that not only his life, 'hut whattas dear er than that, depended. on success in the pres ent struggle: • I :I \ I • 1 • 1 For some time the refugees, late contin ued• pulling lazily up the river, as ifl not car ing to excite suspicion, did not`see the move , menteon board the sloop,;' but