Troatrost gitmt c rt at. 0 • m±._l4, CII4 ! SE Vii . ALViDI DAY, lEptions Montrose, Thiumiday,. The Lou; Ago. Ph I a wonderful stream is the river Time, As it rune through the realms of tears, With a faultless rythm and a musies rhyme, • And a broader sweep, and a.surge au •And blends with the ocean of yea - • How the.winters are drifting . like (la es of snor, And the summers like bads And the year in the shotsf-4o they come and th • On the river's breast, with its ebb and ttivv, ' As it glides in the shadow and-sheen. ,- "Thi3re is a magical isle up the river of Time; - ',Where tho softest of airs are plaYing; There's •a eloudies4 sky and a tritical And.a sonr‘ as sweet as a vesper,ehitne. And the Janes with the roses aro Staying. Amid the name of this" isle is'the ',ring Ago, And we bury 'our treasures there ;1 - There are brows of beauty and bosoms ()fallow—, There are , heaps of dust, but we loved them a 1 . - There are trinkets and trusses of hitir. There are fragments or song+ that nobody sin4s, ; 'And a part of an infant's prayer; .. There's a lute unwept, and • a harp withol t. ' , strings— 'here are broken vows. and pieces of And the garments thaushe used to . wear. There are hands that are waved -when - the fr.l y • -shore • • By the mirage is lifted in Mr; 'Ansi we sometimes hear, through the turbulc - n roar, • • • SWeet voices we hdard in4he days gdne befo - When - the 'wind down the river is fair. , • , I Ohl rentemberei far are be the blessed isle, All the day 'of life Ail night-- j When the eveningcomes with its beautiful smi 0 And our eyes are closing to slumber awhile, . .\ May that" green,tondn of 'soul be ie sight! . - gatOotit *eicitiii:* A Story of the'Circus. 131i'9ILDERT LE FEVRE. Whal, sphere of life is there which . .not .afford its' romance P Certainly - min as our brief and truthful sketch will' at'one demonstrate. I was in 'Louisville, .Ky., somel time, I believe, in 1833;• when the famou circus of Welsh & Man was there, and th show hills covered the walls Alio town fa . anti:neer. Among the, troop Wa4 p, youn. Mau t had latthntiSome years before iin flav re, and eonsequently I was often at the . exhi bitions of the company, an.l sometime'i . . I well remember the regret that lwa.s' ex! .. pre,sse4 by .the acting manager on laecoun 'ofthe siclr.iw.s of one of his, boys a little fO low about twelve years of age, who I,wase to ken ill in the midst of the engagement at this Once,. was 'walking up the main stree of the city as he wqs referring to the, matter 'and said that he could not take the boy 7 . name off the bills for they were all printed ahead and posted too. lie knew not . , what to do. The audience had received his excuse thelast night for, the boy's non-appearance, but lie knew that they would find fault .per-' haps to-night in no measured terms at -the •Voy'S absence. Ha l" said the man, laying his hand on . my arm; 44 look yender—do you not race that • boy tumbling there?" I looked and _sure enough tlierJ; was a small Irish boy, •about a dozen years old, - turning- all sorts of somerseti, walking an h's hands, etc., after the style of the perfprmanec 'he Witnessed the previous evening, at the . circus, where he had managed ,to • et - R.Tt. an entrance, 'probably by creeping under Alit tent walls, for the little fellow was tdo, mise rably clad tai .afford such a treat to I him Self at' the cost of even 12 z cents. "-It is in tbat•boy, sai.Pthe Mating • must bring it out.": - What is in him P' • "Why don't you see 1" • • See whatl".• "The ease with which he turns. th. ersets. It is natural, and a little will perfect him.','s - • Sating this I'went over to the spot where the b - oy Was with the manager,,and I after a few, Moments conursation, we. ollowed him • to his mother's shanty in a neighbor ag street, where a . bargain.Was soon struck,. tin • ger paying, ten dollars " premium ",! for the boy's senices, and promiSing to do „well for. : him. That 'very night,•the boy, after being taught a little of the-fashion anclstyle of the tumbled "'in the place of the sick one,. and drew down the house by . hianatimir se pleness and great agility. • From being. in a half starving condition, with no clothes to' his back, he bad at once sprung into the -re, teeption 'of a salaryat - twelve years of age. ‘. Time passed on—the boy among. his asso ciateS began to see,. the want of education. - Vibe had the good luck te- pursue; by him • . self and toiraptore. He Outstripped all the. company in.featsof ground and lofty ttim- Ming; and became one of the stars.' I-As; the. company went from city to city lie remitted regularly one half' of his earnings .to , his mother,:and.carefully's.ared a portion. of the ether half, which he laid by on iptereat. The poor :Irish boy was . now announced on the balk inlarge letters and held up as n prodigy • of great interest. Quietly laying by a ljpition of everymonth's pay, and realizing 'a handsome sura;lrebpgan to ttotintlis-. property by thensandi ` before the close of three years,' and -fortunitely .ta king.the right course as to his associates and habits he was respected and universally liked _ bY.theuranagement- and . company. ! In the . course of time the. 'company perfornied" at ,Mobile.,-where our •hero. became acquainted . with a htilY of respectability, `and to whom Ire wai.itibaequently married, 'she bringing. •• hitaltt her Own right quite a_ small ,fortune. All this had ixcuredin about . fiefteeu i years of titne, and :I was surprised arid delighted, not .many months since, when on a - visW to the west, to find this little tagged Irish boy . . we had 'seenin 'Louisville, riisw the acenPant aad owner of a fine house on the banks' ef..the Ohieriver. • Of course Ihave called no names lin this little sketch of true life history, but there'aie many who will recognize the original as he= lag still connected, at times," with his early and favorite, calling, in. athichle is yet, far &mid and celebrated. - • Torn Cann A. Pser.a. 7 --A. child be .ginning;. to_lia4, becomes delighted with a newspaper,_liomst_he reads. the ruuna- of things that are very_ familiar, and will make, prOgrrg, accordingly. A - newspaper in one you nr,worth a quarter's schooling to a child and: - father must consider that substan tial lac:hat:don is connected with advance ment "thirmother of a family, being herself one &the heads and having , a more imme diate charge Orthildren should herself be in structed. A. mind 'Occupied becomes forti fied against - the ithsof Ufa, and is braced for an/ elnCrgeneY- — Ohikljalkused by :tid ing or study; are of course :More considerate, and rig/rale:oily pieined. ' • , I - fkLearain; to be an Edltor;l t. ' 1117 C{{Rl• CANTID. r ' = .. . .. • , S4ite tittle s i nce , when - we . IMppined tope , - cupy teMporarily thh editorial' chair ,of a . iv= lei newssper, trey ere seaf,edin the sanctum,. .busili engaged in, looking ovr•st pile-of -iex .changcn, when the t o, Irmo door, ivits -- stiddettly. titre wn'open, 0 rid dn .itepped 4 rough looking filcur,i'Opqrkentthis height, elt.ii in a coarse shirt of Itomespuf.s Ile - cairio in his hand it bundle', a red bittlatia. • fs - this - t4 °Wee' of the Spanicville Galaxy . . . .] tuqutred oar visitor, - • , j. - • Yes",' we !replied, with. sortie Curiosity: as +I to the Motive which prompted his visit.. _, c ,ou' , .. • yare the editor, I' reel4t P. was next ventitredl in air inquiring tone. ' , •; 1 . . . -' You :ireri..lit.' - ,: s' • ....... , - 'Well; you! s'ee;.my na me ii. Engel) Star, buck; and I live:over to-Pfaint'ille.. I've been woritm' or. Deacen I:lig,gittS this sentmer,` hayin', blut I- i'ourid it ,was too'hard work, anti. I reckoned I'd - come to yoh and bee if you couldn't give me a chaneelto edit a little: -- - • Why' skid we, taken somewhat aback at such MI application from shch - n source, 'you know it is qua° 4 difficulOhing 0• learn to . edit a paper. _ lb' short i t requires education . ; jtitigiiiet aedi a - -,variety Of .uther - qualities- I - ,• Oh, as to-tilmt,' replied Air: Starbuck, • I guess I kin siitiify y ou. . I haie attended school hi our'distriet for four - winters,- and kin read 1 w ritcf ali'd cypher like a book: • Thatis very Well, but :sou know one must be able to compose as' well as write.' " .'Oh, CoinOsitions, you Imean. '. Well I have mitten thOn sorne.!',. I. • . .‘ Cold jyoit 'show nie a isp4ciron I' • Yes, I brought ono, on .pqrpose—the the I ', what I - wrote ottlcavin'-Betsy=she's my gild, you' knoW 7 . 7. this - .thorniu,;._ . Should like to hear it. - • .Alr Starbuck palled frOrn his trousers pock et a' crumbled . piece of paper, and, began to read at the top of his voice the l following lines : ' • •• • , When you" -read this ere; • My Bet. y. ! . .Your triocia.Will be gone away; lie couldn't -More in\ Plainvil l 4,etLY.' :My Betsy 'dear,: • . I wa nt, y „n mine this year. .And" ,4 l.!yon_take,up with that, rascal Seth Jones. , For he'S•al rascal and no mistake,. . And 111 certainly break his bones. . My peril is,poor,.my ink is pale; • •My lure fur yoir will never fill; . : iENOCH STAIlpUer, You see,' said . :.\lr. Starbitek, 'I didn't rite the-last littes-I•Sliirkspui, or some. ric' feller did it- - , bnt all the rest i is my - own ritin'. and comPosint.'' 'What do yott think of it • I thirik,' said I" ambighouslv that it. is • equal,to ;iny thing in thatdine I ever heard I thotight you'd say. so, and that's the ad vantage I have over Seth • Jones 7 .-he can't rite iwetyloto •Well old feller, - what do yeti say . now 1 Do yoti.think I could edit - • • • • • • . . !: I am not particularly_ in need of an -azsis-. !ant just 1 , n0w," . said -I, but perhaps Jon might as '7Ol sit down and'try your hand at. writing an editorial.... It Would give me a better idea of your. powers than- , --the very _pathetic verses which yoirliave just recited: Let me sde.. You pigtit Write an article on 'Forney—='l sup osC ,yon are posted up on that siihje6t . . - recik r titt I :trn,"; % . v . :15 the ic.plY. • . • can sit. dorrn :it this table, and : write,- wh;le lam .gone outl. I hare to - make a call on business; . . ! 6 " `That' it, old liciss. Fit do. 'it tall. Yon kin depend on that:. I'lscing his hat on _110! floor,: he leaned over tio Calle, and ei n tailnee, the ,Den.:_in_ went to. We left for a j while, 'gni( Chief business being_ to get sonic place where we eoiilderijc!i• a .hearty and un•- restrninek laugh at the odilv, of. our Would-be asfistant. l , On I ,l :tttruinfx, hatf au hour afterwards, Mr. St:lib - 114 hr.nd,l ' the` following article, with the remark that he',g,newd it woald . do: We had . iriforrnel I him,, . Pre.%ously that it was the c l uStom for ellitor*;to use. the word 1',.,. instr i , CA of I. . '! • 1 ~.. . The article follon's: , ' Tua9 . V.----Turkey'is Auicof i unton good ea ting.- • Itl4 better than Salt fork • and . such kind — of:inetit by a .long. chidld We-like Tut, key bast Whnit's roakedjl i though some.folk4 Idea it.bilo the b.A't, Tatkey is very expeni 1 sive., and that's the reason ,v 1.1- people in gen eral don't have t,ili'rai ..oftter than Thanks -5 !Furkies is a very intereqing animal b • when'theY are aliVe. Betsy and we have of ten diivett theni to water. ! :Nut having- any more to say on this subject?' we will stop.' ~ • " That ked v I,' gravely, ‘bit , voit)iave made a little, mistake in the subject. . I .meant to Late yon write about the country (I')f Turkey. Yea know they ex pect theiell be war there by Nand-by, so it is of ititeres i t, ' 1 'Oh ! that's the idea. is it r said . .Enoch, scratching:his head. r• I kitrier forgot how it's botindeas it sonic date since. I went. to school, but if coal! Oil me that, I'll write. all I kin remember. I t4ay., havn't you .got a - stray jpg4rrify - ?outid heria ' ' • - 'Ott the W - hole 4. said : 1 ,1,' , Mr 'Starbuck, *I don't think there is any need of an assistant just vet. So I went trobble you` to write the article. ..But if there should be a time when I stand in heed °tone, 1..wi1l certainly. 'think of yoe{: . -. ' .\ i, - • : I. wins quite safe, in. promising this. how Could I forgo. hint • . i - •.. . • ' 'Then von:baden't - frot anything f: w me to do I said lhe with an airiof ciiSappointnaent. '"Not jUst 'now: 1_ . I, - , • . ' lir" Starbuek backed oat the office, fire, leaving as .a Copy 'of hisilines reeonied above, . ; for publieatioa. . i - - • .We haVe since heard that he_ has nearly completed s volinie or PoernA,-,which it is his intention'; to ofrer to some publisher. - '.. - .We de inot feel any hesitation in saying that if pt6llsh.el. : lthey Will make a decided impreisiion.i. While we have' among. tis such men as Enirch Starbuek,k we lave no reason to Complain of the dearth 'of native talent. r, and I ie SOM- tutoring BEACTptI. San Diem Herald ptiblishes - the follouiug, :written upon • vounw man *howas accifjOntalty shot: - e ° here lics.the body of Jecins Ihnibriek who was' accidental ly shot on the bank of the paeus riv i er , 1 by a young man I lie wai accidentally shot with one of the large I coles revOlvers with no stopper fokhe cock, Ito test' On it *as :one of the old ;fashioned rkifid braSs mounted and; of such is)the king dom of earen."' - - ' • 7.1 strictly orthodox old gen- Menran jtt Massitehnsetts,- returning home on SundaV, from Motel', began to extol` to his Son th . the sermon. "-I have Imrd, Frank," said he,' " one of the "most! deligirtfhl sermons ever delivered before's ehristutn icteioty. It carried me to the gstes'of heiven," . ".Well I thi4," re . plied' . Ftank, " you had better belie, dodged In, you .Deer get iwuthe sach.ohince." AtirStani s h th 6 provette—Man is tow; Sio-' comes ithd blows 41}tierttstmtut5. NEW EMBUS" 1. ~ The. One Price Stori.. - . - CiODDS AT i LOW rracEs, AND to I 1161DT P. T' HE iitid:r3i,, , rtted havingnssne :tti•dtftentiselveri I , H . tognilltir in ttle Mem:unite 4nsiness, are no%i• ;".peepared tit . itdre.r to the ntiblk;in vi ry desirablel..tstovl; of G4ds, eitnttisting iti Attain of ": .-; Di'y pi,,d,4, and Riqiily inade Clothing, . I . . nits, Caps nod Strnw Goode, • , ,!. • Books anti Stationers, ___ j. Buutrt-and.Shues, .. } ' Groimricti. • , 1 - . i t ankte Niutions, &c. %to g ' • ' ; all of which have born purchased . with great cart., and I : I,oy aro _katisfitl,',.calinot fail •tu i buif; t1146e, wlfu trinyfavor as willi a c:k11-. The Dry' Guods department will be found yeti-. comOett); consisting; °full the lending 4tylei 0 of i i- V • , . , . , . . i - ;LADIES DRESS. GOODS. • ' 1 Silk, rich 'braeati6, - plaid and striped, black, dress and MantilaSilks, very rich, high lustre, and at cheap rateg.; • . tripedllDelans, plaid Mirage do. satin stripe Challis, printed Lawns, Poplins, - Drßage„ plaid . 1 and printd ,Ineone:B, - in great varieties,_ which we giro bough to sell at a larr figure. Oringhilt#4'—a - hadmome as.sorttnent,—Prints; all khe loading style S, l'erritn.lek, . Clichecoesi Ins, Spritizues, &v., very pretty styles. 1 • i Dress trinnings--of the desirable styles' and shades—lllnek . silk Lace, Dress buttons, black' veltlet Ribbons, -silk and worsted Braids, in great,' 1 • variety. ,;- i ' • - . , li'hite i,loods.—wititi.Jaconet,NansOok, Cam? -brie);, Bishops Lawn, and. Book Muslins, Pinitl Catubriek 'iMiislins, dotted Swist Miislitis.cordedi sk4s, Irili Linen ' Cambria Handkerchiefs, &.c. &c.. 1 Fren French i Needte Work, Swi4 and inconet Edginos. and . Insertings, cotton, linen 'and thread lace , di b t. Fplancing, Ladies fasltionatde,qheiniset._ tes,Sleeygs. Collars, Bonnets &v.; the largest tis sort,ne tib . TW on,,und nt very low prices. 131tre e tor tails, in.grecn, blue and brown,; Blank I. ceYnils &c. :.• • - 1 . . 1 li4d s toveq.- -Ladies and Gents, a large assort-1 merit, of f i lle best quality. illittsi loag,, and short, Black, Mohair and silk.; Silit.GlO.Vei;, Black, white and colors. Lisle i threild, a n d eitt. du-i . tioiljty . .'..'=A tine assortment for Ladies, Gents , aniViihildren.! I" , . Ribbilit4 , -' a line l insSortment for Bonnets,:also .satin anit . lntstring, in all widths, and every col or. • 1 i • . . _ Dlinics4 G00d5.. 1 ,-Sheetins.r,s, bleached and un bler4hed in us/ins, Ticking, Crash,Diapers, Table CovOrs. itiuriapkinS, and in fact, all the desirable styli* in this kleptir merit. ' - S4ctints.4Trintei Delano, French printed wool, printed caslinierc,..t roclie.,l3lacti silk, &e., a tine stock of thetn. '.. . • - L ..verr description, at low pri : r and cifildrens shoes, in great (its, coarse and fine._ Ladies Sknits; ces. ; Boys7*.dissesi Ysriety. Chitits. • PATS CAPS -.We have; a -Very t Canada Stritpis, Pit .Iltiurid Canton, Le, sutpdier - wear whiel ling kite:ll2.i : A i4ond laisSortmtint of Lidies . Bunn'ets, 'llitses and elrildren4 Flats,l I lats, &e. Rft'ADY MADE CLOTHING. • Lt this biattelt of oar Misines, ve eannutlitil to :suit. OUr stile kl , of Clothing is very eitenSive. and well made up, lin late, and • desirable styles, We 4, , ,0u1d YOeciail l y invite our friends desirino• any tldna id , this line,•to 'give us a call. Gen tleintins furni4himg Goods,, of every description. A large stOijlt 411 . Well Vapor and Bard'erimt.., .Bohks,Stittitineryand Yankee Notions, in "great GrKeHex t -,l'eas, Green and Black, very choke and fresh, at lOw prices. Cairee.C.-1,-SUperior St: Dontincro..and Rio. 7, h ea t i 4ful a l lude, . Brown and While •Soomtis, j;.li,la Spices, Soap, Candles, Latiiii Oil; &c. &e. I A very superior :Ai. ele ofieaveMliS . ll Tqlteetb, at 23 ets. e or, lb. are in t hy: store •formerly occupied by La throp•:& SaOsibury, and more recently, by Gen. -Fuller, opprisite t•.;earle's We would lj tri,i7py !tottred, to cue our friends, ::2; the ONC an d . hope to morit the pablkg po.onage, , by good 'attention, and low prieeti. , . t ;; • • I t G. St. W. 11. FULLER.; 3fontrnse; April 19.. 18.54. . - - ' - -- sto,k • or tints and Caps, iholeaf, Cnraeon, 31:iraeaho, ghorn, , Caxsimere 'l'or h are very desirable, and sel. 4stralia, California, Or, ttiy plac F 47L the Globe,r.zanot present greater • I lintlarekteritx filar STODDARD'S • .113O(TAND SilpE SWORE. '; o o rl 7 l3.t. ft i l l : t e:d or n it r h t i n s e n a t ;;x i t i e4 : sifte embra:cing a zenerAl varrirt•ti• n..vr and elez a ni stvles i . or I,:idies and Gentleinries • wear. amain!. vahict Ladi . ...s _French. Silk Lasting. and Pre-' nille qnitrrfi. Kid and Enarneled Polka,. Kid Put ent -I+ather inti'd bronzed .I:ennl' Linds. 11ntkins and Tie's; Irrntlemen's 'French:land Ptiladelphia o/A-tanned pat( pkin and . kip Biota. Con2ress and button Gailers, , 31onte'rey and ' l :.VnAin ,, ton Bona,. toiletillipc Morocco, calf. and Conthid.• Bro. zrins.&c. tinljs kip. calf and c o whide and Brogkins ; al! kinds or acid Children's wear. genqal44sartment of Findings. which Con. g i s t r i vtl o tlests, pegs, i•pi;robles. finnonrian'yead. - wax, 11i:s11es, shoe hindiwz, ~,A.18 ; 11 rasv pi• shoe knives. &e. :411.1,1;' oak iip , l 'ock tanned calf upper and poleleath er. NT l ntneno skins - and • lininoL Wdrk rria eln order andrepairinE neat iv eb. . KF:r.r,Ett & STOOL/AD.!). Mont rote Jp:rir 1. 165:1. ' • CAIIIPENTER'S HOTEL. . ! (Foo.3tErtti l Y " LusK HousinGniAT BEND. P. t c r, subscriber, hai:ing rented this we'll known house, - :Ind re-fitted and re-furnished in..f!oq style; is now Prepared to 'receive and entertain guests. This- house is delightfully situated on the hanks orthe Susquehanna river, on the line of th New ) . :' , 4k and Erie,. and . the. Delaware, Lack'avvann i ; and Westeraßai!roadm ; overlooking a mom, bentitifid Section of csinntry. and is the panorma ofigeenerv-nnequalled anywhere. Afi A Snlthlt.ll, itEsiMiT . ifir t lie • business-man seekingqiiii4 and freedom :frltn :the noise :ind din of city life; and - for ladit;i, and aentiemen in pursitit of Pleasure amid the. rit Iscenery of the country, this tneation . cannot; In equalled...: Her the ticary traveller is secure: fee m the confusion incidbiat to the', eontinnal arriva and dep irture of traini4, which, especially in the night time is a very great :innilance tothose s opping, at houSes very;near the Depot. His Rocls are new, pleasarit,and *ell furnish-. 1 0 i his Table 'With all the delichcies which both "cotintry and city, markets affor4 . 4 and nu :piles ..will be spared to make his housb a pfeasant home, 'to nl.l his pletitt.t:T' . . 1 . . . • "X .. GUE;ST/ti will be conveyed to and .from the. ears,at, or night, i/ a OA Omnibus free of charge:' t - : or A h.tvin't• is altached to the Houfse. 1 '.: 1 .. • ; , N. V.. Pt ; pat June 27th, 1853 1 . 1 ; Stoves: Stoves: : Stioves :1 !,-• 1 1 t 4 4 IIE i§e,re,and Yellois%i Lrar reminds bus i: 1. 'that the fast approach cit* the keen Frosts of Old Grey Winter, e t hen one of these unsur. passable and highly approved , toves from the most extensive lAlanufactories in the Union, BIC - stirs. Shear &Packard. bccotib• indispimsable toilet...try. fatnily. We wouldrettp etfullyannounce_ i to the citizens of Siisquehanna anti adjoining 1 colintiett that Welhave i wst received and :Ire re. cetvitig, the lamest and•beat assortment of Sta v es eviTlntrothiced into Eastern Pennitylvania,.which will be soh:Cat 'the verQ lowest cash - figure. To I tho 4 who tire in want of Strives they will, find, i t I 10 their interest to mill, and examine our variety 'I b e ore parctussini elsewhere. They comprise ;in. pa t ;ais foliiiwe:.-,- I • ; •. 1 , tilted itlialc's, [ .I . i Oriental Parlor, 1 Eitsfern otaen E. 0., iVenefian, "elO ' Fire Clipper E. 0.. IFarney ( do _ Nyional ltiC-Ttlghi E. 0. ; Wring do - I Afforniog 186,1 r,- . , 'enuage, do 1 Fartherel A it-right, 4c.. 4c. 1 Tiio above "gtovett are too Well, known to re. qUird any Minute, dewicitinn, ibrinT , the most p u ppi ng . an al approvedlitove in tnasket. Ail Who Maylfavor nu With n ell will he ahoWn thrones' [ our ittaeortniient with nicnansts.' t 4 Ret.olloet the I titimber"....gotton'a far famed " One Price gtore." . - *llford, Ilit.',, 1148.......33 . . , ~ . . . ND STRAW GOODS. ARPENTER; I L • .4...._........_....._._.,. . . ' • - 'AYER'S PILLS, '' 1 l' j ," rilati; How ` Tiiyself." , : , ,„ F. ,„.. 4 ~i uktui, s su „,„, fal . A:kir citatrubit Boat for 'JS; carte.-.t I.:ce,ty - family sboul.l -. . 4,,i,....t -i- rmuely for the cure Of 11 1 , Mil' * I ' ik' ~. hoec?Lt co.v " t t • • .o'. lona diseases—CoStir.rteits, IndiJese I i.•' ' i ' i iilt t • 1 • I • IPO OM 'COrIES SOLD IN ` .....‘ . .it Dan • ' " 1"." ' it.'- 4" , '' ' 'f.I4: 4 •STILAN A Ititn. A new -. ,• • ..... eon: Jillalltilt'e. Dropoy,ttheurna s s •,.., s• . 0 11.2 .4 , 1 ~.! . r,.„- , ditt. an ~L ui int s ire Fevers. Gaut. Untnoes,dlervoUsaese. . ,10,C•1k!.. - • •' „ ..,1,..' ', f 'u•r e vis ed li , a .1 10 ” t lerflabillty,inflattnnatiOnselleadache,l 4.1ri:',1 ,- ;" . /. 4 . ' - ,1 ; 0 01 - amuede , 1 ~ . . ----- Pairs in the Breast. aide. Dock, an ' 4 0 -.ilk'''. .. 4... ` 1 - 111 lba. Female Complaints. tlxo., .V.e.l "f "' s '../ Jr . rte ' Gyr,-„, ""44 :..r" . .: 7 11, it 'i ,.. nTia . t ri it tl i• a lt i nn ersg il t r eqi th e r a u l iff t te a t n ed-s ual ~_••••••-• , ..•• Tr.„ 1 .,,,, 1 , v e ry few are t h e disease. DO -,,, • ••••,-..", elreeArit4i. - ;' ..... Vottralulog am utlitie of the oro. ... 2--- - womb a Puig case Medicine It not' • r s t; .......--1. - ..........- ''..- • • F.z. r .,-,.....,, aliment ands tire. More tir ban requited. and much- sickness ( tad suffering, • ..f 5 v ii .i . i1h . 1 . ,1 4 .1 1, .: . . , .s ' • f eat rfi of direr oe cone ntightAte prevented. if a harmless but effect ual Cathartic I, i t •t• tync'ed Y by pr m r ini scuous t o xual werintorefrerly used. 'No persen•toti Diet well while aI IP eicourro,by ss l s t a use tr by sexual p . iers', with advice tostive habit in body prelails; besides R. soon generates 1 for their pre. extid i. wait ten in a fantidar sty e, avoiding serious and nitro fatal diseases. which might" have been 1 all turdical technieti ftlYs. anti everything that would offend avoided Ivy the timely andiudichura use of a Fecal Purtre••• I thr rite of detamtY; with alb uudit,,. of'coMpleitsta incident tire, ~TiliF iF alike true of colds. Feverish al naptettne, nod 1 tolEirmalcs. front tpte rt-PutX or s. m e tWrnll• years sum PI. Itilliatia deratikithiehle• They all tend to became or pro- • l'ul practice 'rein'a Pfeil Mimed to thn cure of Biseasesot a duce the acate virkted on•I Formidable dir comers whieh mad ' dellr'ste i r privarti ri kture.l ; 't the hearties alt over the land pence n real .bie;etrally phrs. To•_witicli Is adde receipts fi r the entrof the above dis ic blot the first Importers, rs , ih e publi c health , an't AIM', eases: and a treatlke on the ca et, s)csittotho and cure of Pill lens been sietfected With consummite skill to raeetith 'tli thellever and A'gri t e.. t u I demand. An stoma's,. tri a l A nts yi r ri m i by physiefons, I- Te-sthettoy of 114 Pre) feror *tleti in Perm Canw, professors. and. Patients, }i n n. s hown' re sults surpassing 1 Pholielelphia— , . Pin . hillN't' Ilit'S 111,01GAI. MANUAL: * any thing itithigknown of any me-brine . Cure. hare I —The author a this work, unlike thi Majority of those f he n ,. effected heyF nti bailer; were they not substantiated• 1 who ittivertlse to +tee the intense,' '4101.1: it trials Is a b. persons of 'ma h exalted po aeon and character alt to I militate of one of tee brit Colleires int he United Stater• fOrbid thesusidolon of u truth , • ,It affords me litenill re is t.(l.:lltliend bite to the untortoe Among 'he Nita endeent ientletrien who have testified I rate; or. to the vieXim of malpractice. M. a, aueetpi.rai and In rotor pith++ Pills. we mat meld len : ' 1 exP-ricoceti prarfitiontr.ln alp see hOrtor pro, integrity Dr. •A. ltnyir i . (nalytleal Chemist. of II "stem. and State they may place that giratert eonfhleneer . As sayer of ATIVIVICIAUPet.S whose Mgt' profeseinnal ehira e•.e. ,jlllq it. twitlitifiltll s M D Its is endorsed b. the Item. Mlward Everett.Seuator of the , From .4 11 - oo /Morel. Ili Lb .•., of Pent! . jimierrady.lltihs -11. ; Robert' el Winthrop, Ilx•Speaker of the flange of rat/Phu gives me plemeitre to add trey testimony to the 1 r.opre.p.toti,o;;;, Abbott Isliwrenee• litrilmee Plea. 10 tug' Professional ability of the A u the , ' at the"- Manic at. )Li band; baud ; John 11; .. ellitotittlek. Cash ni.hop or 1,,,.... Alen, u A T.,” NumsrLu. eases or Disease of tile Genital Gesso.% Dr, J It . Chit on' ? Pntetieni Chemist. Of dew York City, y acme at them of long standing, have Crire under my not etalorsetihy !Din W. L. Itarev.Secrettiev of State ; Wm. tree. In which his kill has, been manifeit in re.torteg to It Astor: 4 th ,, debest man in America t 8 G-dand Ift Co, Nitres.. health, In tole eases whee e the , patient has b• en , proprieties 01110 Metionetlitan lintel. and others. • e m.„.1 4 1, 5 ,,,,i h e y on p i ediciit aid. .In tiro treatment otB -m- Did spiaa.pirem twe eould give many hundred certilleates, him weakness. a olisarrangirto oat of the functions pro; from all tiarts•wh Pre the Pills have isectrused hut evidence i ductal by F. If oh uile or Exefess of reuelYs I do not know even mope cootie ring than the experience of =Went Dub- his saperior in th . poltea•dots. I hoar :been *remains tel lie men is romp, n, their etTset a up..o trial with the 1 . name F me thirty years. 'and deem it no more These ellix: th • result . of tong the e itigatiori and stud,. . that. justice to hie as welias kindness to .be unfmtuurte ate olisrewl to 'hit; publi's% the best and! most co:notate victim or early indloett.tiow, to recomte;emd him at one in which thatpre4rd etats of medical ;teepee ran abort whose professims) skill and integrity lthey may safely They nreleompoloded no' of the drug', themselves. but of confide thenireirei. A leteliED ,y,,0 DtV Alt D. M..D. the metileinalvidais only ed Vegetablereme iles.extraeted •` This is. w•thodt exception. the shirt comprehensive ,bV ebendeal PrO+e 41 a state or twuritr , and .emnb 4 nPd r°' and intelligible wdrk published en the tilers ol disease of gether In 'suehdt Manner Its to insure the hes!. ectults This Arblelt it treats. Avoiding:nil technical address erstem or immidelition eor medicines has been found ill the ex itseirtn ihr re 4 on otitis readers i lt itt t'eor from all Cheery Peetortiadvl Pills both. to pro Ince a none e ff icient objectionable mat er, and ho parent beperver rastitlimas; temnav thanlskil hitherto been obtained by 'tar process -- can oddest to p tam sir it In She trapdoor, his suns. The Wl' The reason is goitnetly obvious. While by the old mode that hat devoted tinny years to the treatment of the'stal• n r essow d,iti o nf , l ‘e s se m e dicine lit buitlenitil with more sr nits complaints triaged ef.antl. with tors little breath to rem ,preyilmotilort find Jolutiona ',fp:lOW's. by' this *melt puff and too littleipresainirtimi to townie. hehas o ff ered hrulitlawil TirtitiOnnty that is desired, Mr the entailer effect to the world. et. thi merely inneninai price or 25 cent••, the is M-scof f . All:the inert and obnoxious qualities of e•leb fruit of some twcbt) yearr most suceprilful practice.*** snlatanct emblryed nre l ef t hsilitut. the curative virtues I/shim. . .r. I - ..1Y br i4 g rPt i.09.41 • Il e fi ce I t Is a°ll4ellefte- the effects '1 ; No teacher or toren t efinuld bet withfut the knowledge sbould prove tip they bare proved mere purely rem. dial. imparted ie • t'tisilralciablr work , It wiuld save years of and rim' Hu% a`i . ..iirer. more powerful antidote to disease' palnonnrtificatimpandrorrow to the youth omit: . :their thin smv nth rematicine 'mown to the world i chtege “—Peoplej .14rornte. .1 AR it It , f , r , ii”.nt ly oxpeal.nt that env modieine shatil.lbr ',Teeth , . terra n l'clergym4n in Milo - , Writing of " llttre 'tat en nruisr Ott! rousts.' oran atr em lin.: Physician.and as i ter's Mielical timbal" says i—‘•Thousands npon thong be could not properly inside of rt remedy without knowing ands of our whit% by writ lexample and itatenee of the it. e".1111 , 0F1tIntl:f have etteh tir ' i th e accurate Yhrtnuin• by i has.ions, have beim le 1 into the habit of self po'llu ion. which bath my Pietorni and Nita are Made VI ., the whole without realisini Dp n sirs old fearful esnardllenees upon body of Prai.iltioners in th e rotted States nd British thernselvps and tipidr posterley. The eon ctituttous of thoose Ameriero Prosiness. If how ever there should ho a ny one who hat lOC esti:lived them, they will be pronip ly leeward nbnr.:l4,4l,hs.:,th,re.r.anilturnytnilon;r.ithonv,,ewbtehenneaeitLleteb,,lretlll.eigfunro,-t. ed by mail ie. his address. l Arytlilnc that miff be look so to enlighten and influence. nil th- Po44nt Ate-fleine. that- are offered, how few wont., he tat rif if the Ir enmpnpitinn woe k flown I 'Their conrlstaiaflieir mys!ery. 'I have 4o nirFteriCs. Th.e+mnncilPb of my preparations h. laid open to all men.aml all ntrd nee eomortent to jade., on the rt?hjeet freely oeknonirOce their ennyletinno of their intrinxie mer it. The CherrYTertoral was prOnntlilti d liTlacilmtifie men to he a wonrierfttl mr4lrine heforeltA eireeta, were known. Man v . eminin t Phyrietatts h.% r declared the witme thin; of my Pill.. null ronre' confidently, end are willin; to rertify that thrlrantiApations were more than- tenlitied Ly their elieet. utiht, trial. •c ' Ther4spernttqly the i r powerful Intine6.4- An the internal visors t. porn - Y. the 1.!0n4 and rtho Mat a it ,Into-heatty ti , n—remote, tho nbttrtireitips of the atomach, a naoth..r oripni of the body. restoring their irregular to he.nith, and by enereetince, nhereY-r they -exist. a . Sntil Itenir,* . cnriltinl. re the Unt origin of kit'FeaPe ,' Rein: nugar.*rimpei they are pietompt tp trite. be. I..nrely rereksible, no harm elan 'ripe (tom chi* use in nnY nit“rai'Y. . . For minute ilirtetinuP. see IN - artier on the Box. i Premiired by 1,4 MIS C. Al ER. Penetleal and Annlytient ChMtif t Loweiri lnra. PliCv ecnt4tr Box. Five Box es for fit. . . . F 01.1) Br l'ilantrore; D. V. tc It. 11. 'atom,. liarf6rd.'lliurrtil do Pillun.y, DundafT; Scott, Great fiend. r • an.l Dealers in 11. (Brine every %there. Sept 11--ItTtp4c CAItOONDALE . STAGr,S. THE Snlciiiiber.; are runnin a Daily line or 11. Stages 6ittween Girthoiailt;'A 1.14)plitillon) i:.itation nn th 3 4 - Lachakvi ! nna ancl!'WeStern 1 1,rnad. Distal Leave Carbondale in hthe morningititcl connect VvitlOthe ears going ii.`:rort h. Retiirine, - ledive thi• arrival of- the Unt-lil train froin the •Greet Bend. The nenres.t. liMos:t direct o r - Oche:vest route from:Pre:it Bend lit., Calomel ell i P.c4. 7 ienaers bethisAini; always into attliondale c.irlier in the evening, than lanv othei route. . P.i.eq'r,•oolol-1 in Carbonthile nt: the Stare of it he Sutpieri4r/4. :ILtin street f it few 'blocks below iitropso 11 1 6 4 I (.14.1 GROW pRoIIIERS Angtist, • • • • . H . ~ r) T EW, GOODS. - • - • , .-.. A EC MiLLAN &. PARK return Their iratef tit 17i...t. ttAnfioilo..,!titent+ to the public for ita.t tit, 1(tr.4.. and in.:l:tit atsenti•ot to iln very l arg , m i ne k, 1 , 4Sprii ' pt and zSotanter GIIMIS they are now re- :94'z . g. uPo-. , _,,. Ourr for saleat rery : low prices.: ja ;addition ter tltiiiratsantla,..sorttnerit. of staple iiry 1!6 . 0t1 ,, , Groeiiires, liaid wart-, . Crocker.Y. P;iint.t. ; 1 11 1 ...4. .. , ,,t3 .r, I art _to ..-. 1 / 4 .1 ... t a .argy '.' dOl - t:a• i th •• .1 •pr •p• A i'l ihi 1 ' - t 'tissortrnent - ofi.; . \ • t ! . : ! I . LAIJIES• DAESS,GOODSI • ' ' (4 every deseilr lion, _Vizored, l',laid lind Plain, 'elk. lionnot.4'itawlrt; fit bbits. G10r , ‘,4, Hosiery u:Laclie, and Mitlse's shins of all: kitids--alSo a ! I targe stock or ~ . ; . ! S i. - READY MADE CLOTHING,. I Clotbs; Caanteres, TWeetl4, Jeans: Summer c•1 0 tt,,,,, Ve.gitigs, Fiats and . Caps,-Boots and ISltov.s\4s:..e. &e; • ' • . •• . . ' - 1 They resp4•et fully solicit an Indy eall:Troni l4lltose et I-to WO') to purchase Guota.GCX3l33 AT !LOW PRICES;' ;7 . _. : . t. I'l -• MeMILLA-& PARK: 1 Springyille 4 jrny 2, 1E5.1. .i . . 'Great Exoltement in New York! 1 I'l Pianw,tind .34c1o7feonsfikr Casla. .q BRACE \ IViTt.II. the areal Music and pant. Forte denite.l3lJ pa•!way, Neer York. preferilir to rhare a large Trer cent. Vir I t 11 111$ eustumere. rather t ha npay it to the i 4virpere of VrallStreet. to rake; liallahte !loran% to enable' i ilfni to Intrlll 014 . 1 . 44•”t1C CPO( timee.otferahir Itunten re AS ' r.ortrzteut of eleatt - 't and warranted Pianos and Melodeon:. at a ta m e dieeonn form factory ',vet-v. :tor elan. Ilia as aortmenteompri‘i .Planee fr.m three of the largeet and t' Most Celebrated ti4=tha M.lnnfaetoriee; ale° flint , * of rer• 1 1 , era of the best " , ,ey. York in t% ere. inniudiisge the beautiful I. sad in nth .olmireil Horace IVat 1.4 Pianos fiont Wrown f/to 1 tnry. and Melodenivr nt the !wet ftnetnn: New York. and . flotfalo matte; agbrdlntr anooportunityfor meleetione not to be .ol e1..e.i.i... P; telt Ilan:v.10ot waranted second. hand Pomo. , at kl tent Bar:aloe—rate Be .T It,M 0' sabtosl6.l. V %Weir: and itlueleal inetrnatente of all kinds. Deale.e, 1 Yeaeh era and htath of it-hn It soup'' , d on the beet telling, %their. :tent by mall poet plid. CI pro rei and Select Ca'a. blue,. of ‘11244 and vlehe I-le or factory prieee of Pianoe, ' Melodeon,. and tau aielit inetenntents forwarded to any ad ' are's.. free of pititiage.—.333mos. I , H. OP BENNETT & CO. . . . i Importers dpii. Jobbers of • Poreign . and Do- ... .I • : . ...; "nes tic Dry Goods. : - . 1, 1 ',- 4t 4T STR E ET, NEW YO Rii, i- . ' . . - I,- OULD ipyite.thii, attention:of merchants in V V . Susltiel , ia inn and adjoining Counties ini their static' whieh w;11 be -found large 'Lind desirn-i, Ihile :Wall sensinta of the year, con Silting in part , !Of ClothsCiisSlineres and ; Vestii4r,s,lJeans and . t litweeds, with nil the best and well known styles inf fast eolorhd,:p int s. 1 II; Alsn, Dress Goods, i Goods, White ana Linen Goods, &e. Su. : - ii, • * Also, Brnehn; tmere and Siik§ll :Fancy Goodti..'; I. PronpVatyotj • . , , ong and sqnr3i ahowlx,,Cnsh. wig, together with Hosiery 4tni m paid to ordeili. 4y,1-1 change. New iror 'Flee liisuratzee .e,•9 Val[ Strrel. r,nr(asti aati ApprOred Securities) 0, .01 • • ; bisiaes 4,4,41 e i Loss or Dgmoge by Fire ., I - Din rip UN —A. 4..Sttbrlilivb. 1113 Biota SI r rtt; Petri IJaket, T pruct• Airett lionek-erQ• 118 ifirvidirs,; 1110m10 WI ewe. 136 eoliti olretti dainuel •South. Mayd, $lll Vt at street; Albrrti 1. C0uk1112.1510 ' 1 11; i reimich.trefit Ointes A. etoshy,ll3 it t oad wa y : chi kt i es t Len t N . Y.; L atabcri. tn.; gmlth 11(•10311";,• • ivm. LeloiaCtNele, Ynrk; I'elrr ,11,05e11., 136 110,iik , . i‘treet. ; Ataste., Ben. ect. Westiawd iLakatt -1, Dern .76 ,Witt.#!r strert ; D.. Van iwart.llB trtial,voty ; futriwo , N.• Gallad. cot. Wert and !Barrow st reel pt Peter 11. rniter. corp GArisvonn ace West; t Reabe; KO4B. jp4 !48 Kokhith Axenter Stepham Croirti ell, Aibia Ul4tllelich• P 6 1180 4 441 Demerit. iftri t t n ° • 4 ° W.,;" 4 ftrelet ; 'l4unciPlNinola/r,TrllAiiie ;1116'1; 15mmuelt!. ClPyelArd tthin , t• itaY CiIAMOSIILIN iPte%. I CHARLESLi CLARKE. Spey. CuARLF:SI L. Baows,'Agent. IMorttro‘e, t?,ept 1853. I ! _ • I„ 1 Y. tit , N. --- nigui,EBllol”. ' ' ' - irtAIIIS li ,frviE "novloralinil have establiSbed a, shoo )11 I,- rep"; , i IL the , b 4 ii•nieni or Mr. AR vres ftinr" Ma 'r._ &E. It. :t_r_mis.. whPrril+v win I:I all times 1 korp on hood Now Yo 1 '. i irositiox *nil 04 , ,,,,r ric V‘IIIILIS._II4II MAllllritaift,rf ! eTa ith stilt 010 same loin ' , Alonun i o n. 4, Tomb4stodes, Table. E v ; rt , Ov x „ ,tops. a_ i. : 40- P... vat 4 %; , 1 ' and the c 14 I it' - i' The !ttspOage or 1%. Do ur 4. resn.ettolly " i , . p tr. ,N to repay 1, 1 ;solieited. 'i' I; CQNGDONISD REVIEW i 1 MOotrlseiAoir.'ls,l 4l .s3-1(. . 1 , .- , • , . „ tbepublie mind piaci rhregc.and uhimatitly to rernori• thic ri4.errend aotire# of hitron wretelimln.t.te. would minter the veatest tileariiig next to the rellaiiiii of Joao" Clirlet, on the present and e•enint ;rimer:idiot. loternperance tot the lI.P of intoxicaiince drink.) ihrozh It has glide thotig. anda upon thonariii.i. is .nt a ere :, ter eii.,orite to the hut: non rare Xecept. my tha lie tot 'behalf of the afflicted. and: believe me. ytiur r , •-worker in the:good work you are soss'ettrely engnreit iii." ~• , one-nay 't,iiicoriil• enielieled) will bmforwtirderl. free of p , ..tng , .. to ane re it ache linked Statea for, 'LI rents,. or Alt e1.q.1.91 for P.l. ~9144rP, i t.1 (Post rod) . Co.srkst:t Zr. CO., Putitt.lieee;er nelogit. Phihvietphl3.- '' l' . RV" florikeellera4r.anratioira .00d hook Agents sllpplied CM 410 uovit libera l ternlif , ;i . '; ~ I . 24y 1 , --,.......-1--, InValli s of Penniytvamia.: ITour attentini) is iirgi•ntly invited :ti, a .earefui and candid perusal of souleiliiiiii that has just been introduced•into vatir 'rich and time honored . State: i; ' 1 i, • Pttlr`on . richer'OlidroiElectric V)rltrzic Chains, r ..; , i . A nt;woind *JO modu of 3ppiiitigi ei powerful 'remedialaveut,rpo.conr4ructed ar to bel l ?Oro under thegarnieitte; ti et to Akin producing a conAutit udititirropt.ed c reucofjElectro %la ginitiern,effect ' i ngtni nieu rt- s li n ne t .r op: t,. e most.acu, e.piiii, and nisi:a permanent ewe orull Nervous. pisrases. It aeltionthas fildeo to fur t yish almost in' taut relief, and ; tl final,nersdtt aent tire. by bring Used accord. Mg to4trectiOns,l, to the following diseases. Rheu. matism. Gout, .Sciatica, Paralyais, Painful and SwOled Joints.‘Seurulght of the fitee.liDitteases of the-Spine. Dett 'netts. andlltinitptss. Uilerine Paine. Pal:dation oft its Heart. Periodioal lloaditche,St. Vitus Dance. General Debility, Pil,insf the Chest. tivits..ri e s. Dy...ilite.itt. .11 diseaset4lott are tallied l i by a 'thr fi rient alt4outit of Nervons•Floit Are z'r.atlyi ri relieved Jic not tit rirrittept lit cureoy triply wear. mg 1 he•ellaisis -' few lingers each dary. Ile it ntiderst ; dthat! it is not iplairted that . it 1 1 ,0 , en+ all disetist S. but a: lc those fns wirii it ia.rec-1 1 ortimende d; an i rnorent:e r we itnitily Claim and de- fy th ii n n ninth inal:iaent,of any kind hasperform ed so MANY et tea durin g the lastr`yetir s of those ; •( i I dial'aresjustitailed as• 1 ' H ~ .; l'alreripacher'i.• F.lectria' Cha i n. And to prove till; assertiint, we t e y .t 4 person to lo produce so an Wril Alitt it.. o I icated•CertilieutCs of seientifie Ph? stcuins and itttelligillitpatielli . aß III:ty he rottit'd in a p:41ipt,L.,t,4C.:14 1 ,-4,.-t:',.,-,ltt -,:zra ti'e,..-ot the azeitt fiti tl.;s Own. The -Et4l ricCh itii.s were first int reniticed in t'inace ittls l so and after 6.4,i,,....t.j..,, t ,,,i to the ancws: thornoelt and rigid t Oat. by the first nito-hgai men [ter- Paris4hey.'weic found to pni.ttoo, Ara tite and ;nt rVe Ilints power for reliev. itn,T pain, whereyt.r upphi.d. and hy.thetr intfuennel ~,,.,.1 . intro ac ed' into tlislt i o.ipitai s of that city. and itlitisocit red iettr r s patent by the Freneb,novern ,me ot. '[ ' hey urri now inirodilr et' into almost.every il osPita lin Englind. o,4 t inany,. Austria. Belgium, •iiiiii . patented in lose countries, tt - ltere they have twettine the mast', --... 1 Popular qtrafire ;toes! ia Mt; World. " , 1 'Th ey• werefirt4 • introdhced into the U. States a how( one ,:etirsir.e, andi wept through.s the . anie Li . trialp -E sin nron , and wi•-re at °nee. introduced in to.evely Ilospleiq in N. york, where they are 110 W in daily use, 'effe'iting mien more Wonderful cores than hail ever-hatore been awarded' Lltem. They' •are highly reertnintenderllhy Prot. Valentine )li;itt, VaWßoren, Post land others, wloi have !mid:abet) their views nf thOr Nixie!. and cultic in several of the medical jourkials inapt! city, ttnii are also in the daily practice orirecomrhotiding their use to pa tients. A full nii t ..Contit of their opiniowmay also be found i n every piirtphlet.iandpent to the addressor every person in ehe• State hvi tioßlyipg (post paid) to ABEL TiIFt O 3 ,P.IAL. client, Alouttose.Pa. The Gi m i ns e a t) be taint by mi t il. with' full descriptions rot use. ' Price of Chains!.. B:l*nd 86. ~ . Physicians are' l politely iinvited to call and,exam ine their consirdct , on„ a'nd iirnimauce upon their merits. ONE wbjti :to lsvAittia. no person deed fear that they Will not abconiplish ' just what" it is claimed they (-ail do. . 1 N;.' B. One Chain will fast for years and lose.none of itti.eleetrir poWer brute, and can be applied to either addle or Citill. 1 . , A lin: Toast at. V.. A et.ilC, 'Wont init., Pls. ' ' Jos. •'IEINERTI I i General Agent, 568, Broadway, New York. • ,• H ' - fiYi• . . DOOtor Yourself : THE 'POCKET' LiEESCITLAPIUSL • : Or, Ever' one his won' Physician. Irl ETD . Edi i tion, containing Atm. hundred Eneayings: showing 7 " - -) 17 DiAeare and Malfortnntions,of the . Hu. , man aystem la every shape and form. '-`--: 3 2- 1 to which is !added a Treaties on the Disensesof- FeMales. being of the highest impor tance to tnarrwd people; Oriliose;cotemplating mar ridge. ~ By 1- i ' }put 5, Af. D. Let no father " be ashamed to present a copy of the - :Aesculapimi to his . ohild. it may, save him from.sti earty gi•ave. Let no:4,oring man or‘wo-, man enter into the secret - obligations of marriedlife without reading•he•Porliet Aesculapins. .•Let ono Suff-ring fro m u hacitnied.•rough, Pain the - Side, restless nights; nervous feelings. and the whole train of Dy.iiieptic:sensations,nnd given up by their physiciaklie another maroons withaut con. suiting the EStiATL PI . • Have the married. or those about tcl!be married any, ImPediment,iend • thiskuly useful'hook, as t :it has been the means Of . savitie thousanri i i Of unfoitimatecreaturtsfrom the . vetY'jawr of death. - ID" Any per-o.n sending twelity fire cents en. Cloned in a tette,r, wilt, tiiceive one copy of this wotk by Or five .I:pies will be sent for Que Dollar. Addiees (poet paid.) : : •1 i! • I*. DR. Wei. YOUNG; !'No. 152 Spruce St. Philadelphia. . . Ntarch t3th. 1154-10.0 - 4 \ ' Groooiies,-Whelesale &Retail I ' - N .- great sarisv, considfirable ctuautity. soperi or quality. and - cheap for cat+, or to exchange foi most kinds ofmerchantable •produce, on good terms .. His sto'c'k or Sitters, Teas,Tobacco.Spi. tte5.51.13., being so numerous., he deems,ifouly Dec. es tatry to kay. that Almost anything in theT e e ry;line used by ramiliei, can be found ry and coneelltn-ntiv Plistinerntinu is considered snorifloons. It pa rticutit rh.. wou ld as k en o , eem. illation of his 6 . 1 1 8 0gitr. 9. i , - . T!'hn'ce°• -••ti 401 Tel t A deAtlCllOl 11Iff1fp1 salting made to those esrin in barge qu ntit i lis. • • ; I. N. BULLARD. Pitt. July 18. 1854. D . 141 Merl rrf , - torn Vaion Tele grapb,. laYinz ricontly. :been thorootthlv inoverl no to tho N. V. .. inowi in;, opi.railori betwree enfillnlilan.:entinoetinw with gill tole. one le tho' United State* and ,Csinnd•to. tine: Will be trade to L oweiwoonplaiowe, mptioit rely eitronewf exPinrel'nf P A. HOPKINS, Snpt. Dr: ,lf,take r -f 0 FtEST' 7- WrfN E . Thelfiecovery ofthe'FOllEST lirili* ieihegreaterthiess - ;Ng of the arc. Put tip in Quart 114411eii Oi sMitit bottle Or +Midi Jots more Rawl, and•goesfairkeringfie Caret/Dose 4•. than ft% bottles of any ,arsetpcitilfa-itt efee wed , *P trail anted lo care tellhotit any •tbaliferisatsi or iced:ids - to • 7 00 ffietholibi" which a:likareaparillea;anllotheeefsalittr [ medicines lire nrepar del, by boiling the Ithota or plants I l -to Obtain the ex , meta. Their medicinal tlitnee Ire thin -pritiripallyereporated and destroyed. -, ~! , ;. i !.. • 1 • It to not In be wondered at On vighat ten and erect Swell' tY bottles Of these iSarsaparlffea i se eeom ot ie p e taken with out any'peteeptiblebenetit . ' Not en - with. the Forest Witte!• ity the in vef,tit n of e wenderent ch, le j e ki 10r1. ,,,,.. E.. „,„ . ,,,,,.., • 'feet Wine Is produced :without Ittutingi ir,t e i e i ng ; p ah a oaths' time:ell the primitive Itealintepropertli;:44 the ;are misilleittel [dente of Which IS is emnienited,Yhtte rendering i the. Witte the west e fficient medicine the eret t, & ,,,,,,, pr ' Jived:et the 44Irletfino the meetserteetalei. , ' , "I'letee'ottli•vie c —This lee • certify - that I hare used Dr. - Ilatiliy's Peewit - Wine 111 illY f 'fret, . with. ; the most. entire :teeeyes. Illy w`ife Wit. levity nail, ted with .77:eureigis nitre ' dens of the Spine end Kolneys. end gettel'al liability: She I (0.0 .pertly relief, and regained her health by• the - use of the : Wine. '.. ! IFt , nay oven klinleedge of tide excellent triedieine, r eat. , ,randy reeornmentlit for the mod et otberio who may heariffertng (rum +idler romplainte. ,It Os! the best midi. 1 eitte•wi.l% Odd,' ,I ana.setus.nted. and t it& wh o are at (pried with / the above, ur iltty 114111/Ar dise • , Mee eafely*. • ref:Yoe its vllies. , : • ~ ~ , ; , . •., t:.4b0t5,4131 eh 0, 1850. , .E. 'G. ILE'SfiEY. , 11 fir, R.' Ile- f 1 etseircT trams Cleiblieot : • ri'V- a W. 114 1 44 V f —Dear Sir, my wife laitt antsimn,wite redrieed to a !Ow state /ft Debility, My ; remit . * phys ician, ntlyleed her to tale your Foreit %Vibe.. itteitordinftlyl wtmt. to 'h' Terry's . . wifir agent In thia 'town.; and procured a ..b.O.fie oft . 'whirl' restored her in ei very shOrt time to per fect 1 :10-elt -..- , • -,.. • Celmes - 'Aierli 13; 1833, • .11ENRI(DOS'AI.DSON. • 1 1 T ' ,[ I • Dr*•liffal C'intuh - Debility.'ati4 Loa* if . Apprtile. Da. Ifs tsi.r : - Ilempsteed , ; no:1,1847. 1 - Si bottle ofyour Forest. Wine and box of P.ifie, which I: procured iff2dr..1413104 Carr, (your agent for this place; hell doeit Wooden; fur me I had been in n stilt,: of decline r l e titere'hilt 4 year. atflierf;•l wit If a dreadful ;Oottgll,•p11 iii the breast. generet debility end foss or .! appetite ,'f ee mme eini•tsi : a skeleton; and had been nimble to lease my town for nuire then too months; my friends told Me I.had the doneumpani.Stall despaired of my :rrecrery. .1 NOW tint Obtain any relief from any medicine I had taken,:or my phyalcian, until your %Vie e and Pith. were procured.. The firA4ase of Pills brought up from - my stomach, much phltiii And greenish matter, nod env stnnis were perfectly Meek. I t•fti commenced taking your Forest Wine three timeit a day; my epeetite began to return immediately, my e ,,,, t ti, left nt e,and in less than twoSseek's I was ohnost wed. I noiii enjoy better health than I e'er fild before, having in creased 25 pounds in seven weeks ! Your Forted Wine and. Pilleare Mehl veined In this vicinity. and 1 owe my tecet ery eht 'rely to their virtue,. • Yours, respectfully; . - • . ?I.ARTPV OA Lb WDLL. - If *.A.Vreell invite' ilif the! iti Idiot. o is. . 1ffe2.T..1 'Dillies. a highly respected Merchant of N0..3:1 lireedway.'New Ye• :. cured of a eevet.e offo:tiou of the Kidneys by the Forest Wine and Pills. • ..‘ Da-.0. W. Ile tstv— / , i .New York,3larch 12i1833. ' Dear Sir. In the summer and.fall of test year r had - a severe eemplaint of the Kidneys, which . rendered me quite: - unfit, toe business: :: 1 procured your Forest Wine arid Pills, whiehleftred the in a few weeks time, and I.have sines en joyed ifetter health than I have for efanyyeers previously. Profit %heir efficaey in my own case. and from what 1. know yotir seedieineto have done for others. I -am induced to recominend them ae the.bess medicines with:which if am Sc-: wirdrited. Yours. respectfully. t T. d, GlLlJ.ES leeiNtsewela.:—There are tqfnusands• cured every year of tffisitlirienee by the... Forest Wine end Pills; Dyepepsin,, Coativenes: and Indteeetton, are kindred complaints, fre (l not t.te eeteting together. fuel the cure.of ohe is generally sue (lure of all The Forest %Vine - and Pills above all none dies ;ye preeminent In the cure of Dyseepsii. , . . Tertlmeny of 32r. J. N Yermile, of New rink City, dated Juty.oath. 165'2. . • ' De..a. W lietsey .—Dear Sir, flaring been eared -of )yolietisln by the use of yrittr'Perest.Witie atelPflle • I take the liberty to olio you my name, believing aint.rulio know me may be benefitted by cant exeellent ritmedies: For !many Years 1 have been,afilicted with this irinlady,solmilly that:me/fey one th'rd of my time hes been list from !bust nesg The Forest. Wine Pillrhave restored me •to ex eellen theallh. arid I elfeerfnily recommentifthem,* as I am cow:tutted the discovery tirthese remedies are a blessing to' niatititni.. . , • -,r, , •NO York , July oth , 1552, . •J. N. vg3ins, . Dr:: a W. lialsen's (Sam-Coated. rarest - Pills! - - Tlletil tun ratted Pnie-t 'PHIS are designed 'to accempany the Forest lr'ne in the cure of Disease ilielr,combined : ac tion hying. more seniehing and effective. ~They bre infinite ty better than any other Pill or Cluthartic: producing in all caseif len this claps of medleines ere ifserni'dmnsfettarm- : lee 4.11. .t They are purely vegetnfile;never griPe. may he take r At ally time without fear of taking cold, hindrance frorrlb •Iness. or disagreeable effects , nod pass off. leaving the bo els pprfecily netu rah which IF all import tit for the perfect renetvery end eentin untlon !of. good health. Thou een.te,erin testify to the greet excellence of three Pill' above n 'i oilifirs , The Forest %Vine• aeiompenied by the For e st i pills. eite.most e ff ectnai in .the cure of a ll thefollowinicam- I . pt i liritte: . • .. • . . • .. . j. pi field trial tloativenese. Liver C'nfnplaint, Asti:- - iota. Pi ti es. tbstinate 'leader...if e:Pimples. filet deo: and tin htfultifY, ridor nf the Skin. J.dil , liee• %cue and Fever. Salt ltheumi E-y.irodas. flemelninte incident only to fereelesi.— ' harefuishine treakneoa. Vietit Sty-eto. Nervons Ititerdere. Generei 11l Ilealth, and impaired state of the Constitution. 'lle' Forest Wine is put np inilnefteeenare bottlee, with pr. 1 ) 1,,fr,', nnme blew , . in the glass. One•Drillar per bat tle, Or six hot ilex for Five Del:en : GnmenetedForestififie 25 rent?. per ]toe: For Sale by the 'ltptedefred Agents, at' Whii,lee,ale and 'retell. flenerit Pep t, 101 .:Duane street, 'one-door from llndsen. New Y - nrk. ' . • - •• • • . A psedntiet k gent ain Montiose Abel Turrell•„.Great fiend, Luet ion ',Sent t , - iityl change enerterly., . . . 1 ~.;. 1 -AFFLICTE ID 41. DELP:MA 'ortDIC.A.I. .1 1 3f.,1 s ay... by Or KINKEI.I.t , I VI A• h‘giveen ..iprnie and NIA... P i \ - 6 , 161:1k. , .4• sire ap-,mvi...1 twat 1' Aria practice t c O pal Ocular bra I gogrli Ilf:s , t I llvil el attention.. II 1 nguitist 1 the abuse of Mercury ! merall ' ialized out - of life . IttitA I extliktii,h‘ d: . 1 T AT*, tv ie.:ars qv ilw.ta.tmeim . tic. in thetteatment i of a.cgass of liseases hitherto neglected a ndim perfectly up ! derAiJotl, hiti enabled dr KINK:IIAS (Arritolm or .. -- eremlu , J N i“ ,- Llit PRE36.I:VA Tten.)to prove that nine tehills of , he e.muges 4f nervous deLilit y. local and cnustit ut ion al wear,. nesA:tnimtal an. , p!ly.ical au:Tering, are traCeable to eer • rain 4 titits. ((Pining the in ~ t secret yet almiamllk .iina fatal' I . spiii*sofdomestie misery and premnatnre moirality. , 'l',i. 're m'mg em tit•ig tzar Nat ice-- ere Is min evilimbit; societimmiegi4•Dmi-xe Ima be b'iSm'• ift on ie. I often' growing , * up with them to manhood. and • udite not refqrtned in - dee ilmi , , not •mly hetemg serinns nbst. io , metrimnnial happlmiss.hnt gives !lie to a ,l'i yA of p >imatetemt. insidious. 6114 . eviudatiog affeetion.. Few of thote wbu give way fo this lreimicions practice 'ate aware of the 'elceceiuence!, \ . unmikthey • limmd the nervous system' shP t tered...feel . strange aardminaccouat.tde Feelings. and.rigne fearti in'themiud. 'r 6e. unfcrtutotte th os affer(rfibecomneg feebte.l g Unable to latme with oneustrneeti rigor, nr to apple , his mind to st uml.i Ilia step is tardy and weak, he iot 4 UAL Irresetzut c; - -mili r suga•res ileitis sie•rt, with lees energy than usual. Tf he t•ln tcri pato himself helot., the nraet lee his done Its wOrst.aindeot-r matrimony his m 3: riatte isnntruittul and .his4enslt tells ltitu that this is eanstd 'by hiS . itarlylntlics. Then are - ni a; fern tines tr4ich A hoial I: trcikrn the attention of timosisimi/urb situated ' ' '-,0 .t , NI itivi'v , r— r.oluires the fulfilment otarreral- candi lions, in order that it may be really the cause - of mutnal happiness. Could the veil which corers' time origin of 40; mm-stl , wretchemineog he raised, and its trnesiondeeln every Instance m1159.AP.1.--in how many could lt herr:teed to phys }eel itsdnallneations and their attendant mliimripointmentst Am - mpl'y them while it Is vet tine. iit prder tmillare y-mnr n mi ',strung and relaxed organization - rebraced.: revivified and ' tt rengthetmed'. ' I • : '• ..o .., •"fwo:11-41e Who places .itiniself undmir 'Dr. -KT:tffithrmitS treatment may relittinusly confide in Ids hon or aa!mtlg -nt retina's-Bml rely upon the assurance. that,ibe secrgto of Dr. K's patients will n , ret . be disclosed. Fenny: man—let no false modesty aster votm from mak ing von r case kn mwn to ane who.fromn education and regime*. • talmility.ean certainly befriend yon. i T , Ki) many think they Will enneeal the secret in their own ,Imearts. and cure themselves. Alegi how Often is this, * retso deliasionAnd how many . prim:nisi nit young wait ivrho might have been an ornament to society has . fatted Worn the earth. - • • Steriiires.of the urethra are rapidly removed be the' application of a new therati enti cal agent,: used fl a iy-',,by Dr. Kr Weakness and rt. - mn•titutlormal debliily firocnptly tumid:rind mull vigor ' estored. • : II I I ' . yu l e egg wa- - .llsmriglll- 1 .1 Can bare (by stating tireir esseegalieitly. together wi th, al I theiraymptores, per• let tet enclostaz 26 remittance) Dr Vs:medicine, appropria ted sicemirdingir. - . • • Forwarded to ear part of the Ttnitra State/P . , and packed greule fr.m DA3lAOst - or CURIOSITY. 1 tEAD t!---Youth and Manhood rteerotis Life nr a Prentatuiv Death, Kinketin on Self-; 'Preservation—Only:a Cents. ' • It Is a work eminently relalted, as a means or r' log the vices of the ageio which we live. j• Also ' ( ,!• NATURE'S OUIDEI - rulesfor the Pi - olonpttion of I.ffe,iies,tfrom the tress A letter with a ehn Mance of 25 cents, or the l•rttlue In post s tamps. addressed to—nr KIN KELlN.Phlladeltltia, Pa. secure a copy of either of the :above bOoka return of mull; or 12 elides will hi sent free of postage for 64' Ilooksellers,lhuseasseta,Travellibg keents, &c , supplied wholesale at the publisher's price*, which admit of a farce profit, • All Letters must he tost-paid I"arniers' Store Revived; - WE, THE _ undersigned, entered into partnership in the mercantile business at Wattage, take this metlnd'tO irifOrni our triende andi the publit . !; that we hairs just Opened so4ment of Dry Goods and Groceries at the - old stand of 'Mills &Sherman, where we shall be hap py t wait Upon all who may faviTUR witfi a call: _ Ciitr Goods are all it . etonna' havibeea selected - with great care and we flatter' eurielves that we - can 'snit the most partieidar. •1 . • - - invite all to call and examine our stock.—= Quit motto is, b•Readx , Pity,Honor;ibleTriide.and steadfast Criendsliip."i': A.-O.!WARREN, -R. THAYER.' • Montrose, May 21,1854„ , , Stove*! Stoves!! Stoiresll! _ rr,HE.sobseriber wishes to call the attoptiort .1;1 his friends and the Public to his' }lvry large assortment -of \ . , :I' - : ..:........STOVES;.I - '. at hi' new .Store R. in , Ladersyille,.nixt to L. S',l • Le.niteitn'tt Store ea , tind nr . the Grejd:Serui Delin + L - ,-'Hi• !Ina in itd!iitino in '..t is forT/er . Large Stoves - --tut . t o i n f CO . oking and .Parlor Stoves wavy nayi, Patt ....—a t a of whirls are- , ... ' 51 - ichilhist -- - , . 1 . , ' 9,,,,,qi B r a n ch, ;fin*, FN. :/efoletn -Trod, 1 PrElwr'--4,, • ' " ' Ai'daitipni ~ iiittekiWareter- , ' firit'" , --- 7, ~ oak , , 1 En*Ptovel , -..,, ~_ ii4l) together with hi:4: 3 /for or nfeciii . ".)inr,...ii, Polilkwo4 Ole most PXlfneiro rid vorif4.titisartment , of .Wpll ititsitrted-StnVe* i :the 111'0m4y.;...._,T 1. 1 , , . to *Oilman NtOves wo rnrnishistintitswipple'e4 1 priAll articles iyyliis , line op okhip - An m ai. if? filliPrilliilii 11, and orders rec:to,oal::his (a4ittnia in Ginn Bend. ' - 1.1.''1..3 , i • JOIIN 'O - 1413 7 ,14. Groot, Rena Nov:, • , r tifitie i PMlte • 4 THE MeIiTROS DEMOCUT. PUBLISHED E%E:41* . i.110113114Y 1401Cliltig DY 01E488 DA, .EsToits kirikiltorsimirens. VEilLMllii..4l;lso, eat& in edvaiee; , s2,tto, if not paid th i !nougat ;and $2,64ii, a t - the end urthe year. Nolu t per discontinued notilarrears: ges are paid, ~except at the' option "cif - the Pas. Ushers. All coniutnnications cOnneeted with the oilier, to insure attOtion,•naraftw directed (pO4 paid) to (.:11AS:E. & Der, Montrose, Susquehanna' County, Pa. Una Rquit~e (12 Linea oc le's!) 3 insettione,4l,ool,. -Erich' sebsetiiii.lntinsertiOn, . .-.• .. .. •025 'One square three months; . .... . 2,50 Chle linfire xix . tnotit bg, . '4lOl 'llllAm:tut four tinee or less, Yeaviy iidvertft4eniekiteinOt oyer 4 stitutret, '7,00 One eolueavoritleer, , . . . 30,00 Yeslo7, u.dY(qtimere will be - - restricted, to die; buidnems they ore engogt.ll:; ned ,are, skivvy& '!11) eontioue - advertigineutileti. thek.sholi give iTeelet.d . ireetiotis thr luttace-of the settle,l:. ' •••• JOU. WORK. Vr The publishers having - their Job' Printing, materials a large and raperior asso r t.: - ment/Of . .Job Tkpe ' 'are now - _prepared-to "execute Sob Work ip inntiner , unsorpasseil iir this sew lion of country, and: on thit.mostreinsoniblitenaC Blanks . of Cveiy description kept,lionitseitly; on hand or printed :to order ! - - • . • SOHN GROW.I3, fashionable Tailor—Shpp under ' Hotel:Main Stre'et,, , Montrose, Pa, BRYANT 11101;SE, - Great Bend Depot,` ADDISON Airr. Proprietor. ' • • , Bunfow l s, SPROUT ac Co.; Manufacturers of SMOUT's Comm) *Win. 114 Si'UTH di Co, Cabinet and Chair Manplactarers,- foot Street, Montipaii,PA.--. Denies:* in Bonlis,Ready-illade Clothing, Hats and C:ips, 'Banta nnd Shoei, - Goods, Store, opposite note!, Montnrse, Pa. 111 r. i`: - lEDWARIK \Ph pilau ind Surgeon, Hnrford, Pa, • 0114 2 door below Eaton's Store. - • , 0 READ ,:i4IISE---Botablished - 20 ,eurner of ritird c,Union iindeiphia!Pa. ue. g. I ...pi 1,51,111 'col:lnnen eh of vihi6ll en - r..tuci.msthe ano , rtunnte thrittAanali are, itnnually h y t.ll . . lectiows are promptly ilatas'Oli Advertising.; ~*. e silOs.-,.:Pit',4tii4. lUAGE Spiciscg,.l!ughelirltle,Lycoming Co., Ps. Smiogs map be lied of !ff;S.-Witgoo,tiontroso. G. dr. u. FULLER, I - Dr. U. SMITH, Surgebia Dentist, Montrose, Pa., will be at Searle'i Hotel,. Mondays and Tuesdays of each -, week; 15y1 iNc3lll4l6Alt & PARK, • • Dealefrii m'Dry s, • Grocerics, lisrdwari, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Ike., Springville, Pa. I I - • 18y) : • ' I LITTLE & CHASE, Attorities at Law--Offiee ferinerly el**. • pied & Streeter, Montrose, Sagas . tialto County, Pa. • RALPH 3 , LITT,LE4 [Ezn..., B. cool:. , • . ' 'ON4UII4OiN-ili, SIEYIEIit,. ' • Dealer in Wirbte Mortments.Tablei, Tomb t..4on4l &e. , Corner of Court and Exiinirige Stre e ts opposite Broome Colintg Itiut)4list. hAtutd ~ N. Y. • ' - . D. LATHROP &:Co. De ale .• its_ Stoyes and Manufaettirent of Comte . Tin', anti - Sheet-Iron Ware.' Shop west-St e Nlain Streeti- opposite Dini!ierai Of five, Mt ntritse, Pa. C.' D. - I.4rinord - , • As . s' Miisrsixtiliii. . , cale*l.te Dr,w_rs,Medirineti, Chomieals,paints, DO steff4, Groceries,. Dry Ppods,-nird wuro,.otone:ware,lglatoi=vrare,Ctarupberie;ilurn- ing Fksd, Lamp Candles,Virnibliel.§,Wilt 011iiss, Fvtiey and Toilet Arlieles, Perfe. ruery,l Spogns. Spjttacles, . Musical • lilstrrinients, •, Medical - Ingtineneets, • LiquOtri, Virrors,.Stationery,,- Brushes, Mora, - Yankee . Notions, R.c. PhYSlCiiina Preaeiip tinns-carefu(Ly coutpdurided. '-• - PRaKLIN ERASER; _ Attorney - and,Counsetter at Lowo • • . . • ._ 111cerriosr., AvILL - attead laithf . tilly to all busiaers snits* I ted to hut! n the county Sastiothansta• Conveyancing and Writing of Mad* sill hi . done neatly; and cherFe moderate. , • '• He witralso_attend toile firoseca Con ofelairs lb, et soldiers, their widows and heirs;_ against thi 11-si ted States governiiiit4, for Bounty. Lama; Tes- May be found at all ittinrs alas officitforitteriy occupiedby Rich aids. Esq.,nortb of the.Coso House. ' 1, - 9yl'- 3011 - COLS DEALER fN ,StoYeft, Ti a, C:pper 1111212 S 1 Ware, L9deriville, near Great Bet] Di M.\ TYLER, 'lnterests' d with _ I. L. Eu tstrowrEn. A3ll, DEALER 1133d1111530 a 6 lery, Carriage Tritinnings. Springs, &e No. 215 Pearl - Street,- 11 Where his Mercantile friends, in this, atii Counties, nre 'kindly invited, and eariesth cd to call ana purchase. HENRY . OF 111024b201 2 PA'• With - Woo4ruff, &I C W ;1-I gE tnE du ne l `Ts, E -217 E 3 Rs w :a alnit' -cwi on ! ' betw.ecifeOrtland and Dey, Streets v ?wir linich 8, 1854=10d, • ,„ • 'Medical Card. DRS., E. Patrick; Jrl & G.:.7 » Dimock have jJ thii , diy formed ti . Colitrtnership, for a more efficient and successful' prosecution of the :differ.. ent brat :Choi of, their pieforkSiOnt , All business entrusted to them; W•ill be atten ded to with promptnesi and fidelity. ° Their difieo will be the one lately occupied by Dr. Dimeck. • '; ' E. PATRICK, Jr. Cs: Z.' DIMOCK: Montrose, 141titch 22,':18'54. • Dr Meritta C• Vail. TNRUGGIST and gnosis's, and Dealer in ~ IJr DRUGS ' Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Stuff. * Paint, I. 3 .itty, liVlndow Glass, ClittuPhille Fluid, Nrfuniir,Y, Yankee Noioss,Sten&c.' • Lodensville Pa "—IOU I • A. 3. DAvzs, ATTORNEY AND Coussei.t.en Lavv--,.ausq aa 'hanita.Depot, Pa. Mee over -S. B. West's Store: , 16y2 Medical bad. inpirs. YER 41cRANfiALL, hawing 1.../ associated thentiO)Yea in the practice of Niedicino and Surgery wepid- **trolly loci!, ail, to give tSent, that may - need- their .pra. fessional service. They that_ be found et the office, formally - occupied by Dotter Thayer.= TUer {: . cep on mend pure concentrated -and Iforneopathic Medicines. Tityipt. Montritge. May 8.1E04. Notice to assengers. IDSRENGERR travelling North on the vela., , ware, LaAnwannal • & ,Westeta Rail Riled to Great Rand: enln hava tkventv.aix minutes. for Dinnor - nt the " .ilavoirl 1°1134" befere the New "-Yea EittirOtot enea E*'t; and one hours thee herby" theOnnhirii Express - train goee-Weet:tin Erie'Railroad until further - „,-1 4 1. a The Cincinnati Expreee than rant . atoP 4 Wernat Bend .1, - Le:min:time 4.710, A. 1 . -1 BRYANT, rrolrhtter;arwttryant ironer:' Great.Dend Depot, Flit. ^.8,1854, f&A.WobiTtrt, if Iron ot.-6lf ti d Cat- l el stir? l solicit. , r, WOOS Streit, , ark. RiIDW -11-.;