have exhaled.. •He will not. be ho next year. Martin's he,alkis not m better.--. 1 1 7. Y.-Post. - • zl-T t At a special eleetiOn for a inan in lleaditlg last week, there was "eandiflate'—:-anil he vas beaten, tw by a good-for-nothing K. .• Teaeher's Examknotion I will hold eiarnin:itions as follow's Monday Nov. 24th, 10 A. M., - • . I ." • • OP. • . Tuesday,. Noy 21, 10 A. M. - r-1 . •," .1:: :, "::-•, • ,-.- 6 Pali.. • Fore d :Wednesday, N0v.22,.10 A..M. i F Mi .. riet - - ( " 6P. !kr; ' otl Thursday, Nov. 23, 10 A.. M: •Flive Yriday, NO . T. 24, 10 A . M. - - Urea . •.. - : .. • .Busqu " - ' .6.11. M. Oak la H . .: • .' .-. . art . Saturday, Nov. 25, 2 P; M. :Monday, Nov. ;et; . 0 P.M. '-- Tuesday, Nor. "28, 10 A. M. " 1 ....,G P. M. . . _ 'Wednesday, Nov. 29, 1,-0 A. M. ' -• • " --;-: ' a .6 T. M.. ,1 Frid7w, Dee. 1,. 7 I . '• M.• Clifford dr. I • Saturday; Dec. 2, I' P. M- :Directors will please arrange the pl hOlding the examinations, and he pre well as others interested. • - , - - • • : W. RICHARDSON; 1 narford NOv 7.. • County-E .. !,. : : , I. ÷-----••----;----:--•-L , :-: - -. • "- --, ' '" Teacher's Institute: Notice is hereby given that the Sum'ateounty Teacher's Institute wilt commence its se.lsion at Marford University on Monday the 13th- 4t - Nov., _1854. Profi. Coburn of Towanda. Ogden of * Binghamton, Stoddard of Bethany; and Dr. Cal, , i i - i viti Cutter'of Mass, have engaged to be resent and take charge of the diferent denaron •,nts aril the Institute. Other distinguished teachers :irii expected to'he present. '': • : :. I ,r A lecture will , be debiered each evetling or the reek. Tuition—Males St, 'males free. i: II • : .....___;_„__.....l„,„„ - ......-H—..'---- . -1 - - - Dongttion • Visit. The friends of the Rev. John Ands respectfully - invited to attend a Vomit -it ty,-at the Zion church, on Thursday c the 16th inst. •. Humum) Wasnuintos, S 41Iotil . rose,. Nor. 8, 18.54. . • P2443301VD. • In llarford, 90..30th, by Dexter .' Esq., Mr. .)."linikx.A. Tomil4xs,..of Tin and Miss ALM;RA BdoO . KS, of Great Be: 11184 t. • . In Colo M ay Whiteside Co., sth September la,it,DAvtp-QAkESEI: aged-52 yen*. Ile removed w.'4.h his from Lathrop township in this . county • - months since: A bereaved widow and familkof sons in Illinois, anc,ean •ext, circle of relatives and'friencls 'in this e mourn his Joss. * - . . [C In Stoughton, .Illinois,• on the . 9tl! IGRORGE C., son - Of Timothy and Sally comb, of,Wyozning, Pa., in the-21st ve l his' age Public- Vendue: L be of exf ,t o o se s ti o to sL p .r j.:bl r it:,7 t l i ci .c on s t n i b le . having rented his farm.) on- 'Monday the day of Nov. inst.; at 10 o'clock at., thu.f ing property, : . One pair of 3 years'old* steers, yvell bro • - pair of 2 year olds, I,odd 2.Years Old, 1 ye steer, 3-steer =tires, I one -horse loirther . o 1 two horse lumber sleigh, 1 two horse pl ftleigh,and various olKer articles too numer. Mention. • TERms.—„Aii sums Limier , cash down $5, six- months credit, with intere.q and am security. HYDE CROC • : Bridge‘iater, Nor. 8,.1854-45w3. S. H. Ski.ap and 1714idasses. . 4 : Fiist rate'artiele, lower than ever s 3lontrose, at. D. R. L. & C BY ROYAL LETTERS PATE The • Hydrontagen, or, Waterproof, ~ Consumptipe Cork Soles, :Inanujitetut bi : Harcourt;: Bradley •d:' Co., 44 I :: ,Market St.,- Mitnekester.. • Principal Warehouse,: 'lO2 Wood Street . , -Cher side, London, England. American Establishments:4 Ann Street Anil 102 liassnin etreet,NeW York, - - . 1 1 11E.Ifydromag , en it a Valuable discovers for p r ing the feet from damp Or told, and therefore I Tentative from many Lung iliteSses, m: flout any: n ing schaterer. The Ifydromagen is in the form of a ated worn Inside the boot or shoe: Its medicated .c ter lea powerful an tidote, to disease. • Sur gentlemen it will be found agreeable, wa . and bealthy. to wear in the- coldest or rainiest weat . er, as the foot cannot become wet if the Ilydrozosgen ,hk i Aert ed. Ladies may wear the lightest soled boots or iiore ira, the most,lncleasentweallier with impunity ; while) Con. samption so prevalent among the youth of our co utiy, - may be thwarted by their general adoption. They , the it •ly essp , rsecte over -4/roca, as-the latter cause the •iet to perspire in a very Unhealthy manner; and, besid,i Are 'not design/out; wear to pedestrians ,in icy treatise , 114 e India robberst. While the latter cause the feet• to pp ear is extremely large, the Hin ydroczen, being a trier thin slice of cork prepared, peculiarly placed inside, do .s not increase the size of the boot,•0: cause thofoot to •10f..ear untidy. To Children they are extremely valutae, as ni they tyteniage . ln exercise with comfort %nil buil t y ef fects,l 'Their expense is so slight as to scarce. n eril men don ; besides', those who -patronize ', them will flu their yearly doctor!, NB much diminished thereby. As the ilytiromagen is coming more known its increasing to an almost intredih it extent. Last • y London, Manchester Birmingham, Llr,irpi 3o ; ala i , Leeds, Dublin,- Paris:A nt iverp, Itaiuburg. and Be'rti Palen reached 1:731,4150 pairs of Cork Soles. - Thi. the number will far surpass that. . - Ask tire Faculty their opirdor of - their value as Tentative for Couglas,'Colds, Ilrouchlthe; Asthma, Consumption. ttletfr Size, pr. pair, 35 C ente le . .. Ladies'. do. do. 30. do. .:-. 1 . • '•' " ' linys' and 3iiltlaeS, 2.i. ' do. • •,. . . Tiovica.—From the Ttetall 'Mires we make a Ter, al allowance ',to' Jobbers and 0 - Vholesalers,. Po "tht storekeepermay make a LUC , p rofit ,on their male, they are an articlethat may he kept In any store, any class of goods. . . For terms, apply to .I.I.4IIVOCAT ItILADLF.T &Co . ZS Ann Street - Neer IC Ate. ' . '. TEE CB:EST.-0z Sir'Astley Cooper, Batt, M. .D., the en 'Medical Practitionir,-hae lAft a rat •LegaC gi O the world in Ms.(ireat Pr afire - of Consumption and unfailing_ for Pulmonary Disees(es ,' without th 1 - L" ,of ;Medicine. . . Mt A. C, Dart, locented and advised the nse of -he - ' -• Medicated' Par - Chest. Protelr• - • . ~ . 2n. all persons 0(511 ages and eisnditions, arra eerta n and.] Safe +shield azaiust; those reset - Or diseartes s . Cons ptlon. Brenebitis, AttthMS,Caughs. Colds.' sad other aff tions of the laugs. Whleh.arise from - the expo:Sod 'state :ii'• the ebest,-.occording to/gala's, aid the 'motional eh ear of our elfin-ate. , .. - -0 TIM Proteetor " Is simply a chernicaly Prepir for lined withsibtand padded, which, • suspended fro I the neck, corers the chest, in so azre.ealile a roomer that, Once worn Ot becomes a necersity nni,ti comfort= - "The Protector" although b fit recently trite seed 1 into Asnerles is mikhigespid.progries through the ;nit. - 11 States, the Ce.nadas, South . America, and the West I dies: ltiOnsflira long time been a staple article in Simial and gmabscontineut of Europe, wbilelt has grown in nany countries to the position of an article of drew. , To demonstrate these facts enquiromf. any „trans rest, dent in your eirinity.of his knewledgenf th er twilit al et" recta of wearing the protectem, settle:Mt reconnte t o octur trig of emy,kind. , The cost of wearing these artia is is • s i &ere trial*: and one will lan some years. NO °nip:who Values thehmalth of - blmself or his flintily will be' wbent: them.- Theifospitals In this country are lot al also= onanonding them. , bat rapidly introducing Una, /lilt eit tea*, Bradley It C0...0f London ) and nauebestralErt land, were originally entrusted withabe insuiraetnre of the ?ro ,tect.orevii the , Lamented Dr, Cooper. anu continue to rtlet ate accord's it to his original instructions. and • teefore recommend. those whO tr nista wear the rrpr0. , ,,1 tors," to pee tc their bane gentdne. „ Remember that thiais a, staple , article, and an P ,. .. RETAIL PRICES. ' • • flees Size, . , ti „in cash, Ladieedo. { • • • -,. '' . - 2,60d0. ) 30 31 . 1t nistesido " . , 76 do. . •r ' ' lIASCOMIT, RR . &DVS Y, & Co. .14:" . ; 38 Ann St. 'slid 107 Vassan ort.v • frineipai - Warehotige. 702 Wood Stl.,Ch liew-Y eepirid , S.e.Lo Idasanfactory,4l4,ldarket St, Ildeucliester• E lueund• . R. 8.4 -Co. are establiddrig Depoti for the Pile' ' Proteetoriwall partt of America- ' PhfsbAttot• Su Thlestadete, (golfers, Dry tiortds Steretimrta, Matte Mildirsere."a•lgo Centlemen!s Fornlithirtz Store-Reepi emzusted w;th the wholesale and retail- distribud thsort;nodio whom most liberal terms are offered for enterprise, and *Alden di'l opportunity opens to 'eh rate and profitable trupinefs.. • ~ : • -. I:ZARA/CRT, BRADLEY. & CO. t „ 0 Ann St.,ffert•York, ;I , . . eimy mock. .THE Fall; term of stitntion will .00mi tone° 'NOVettiber dal, tinder the svpervis:t lon of W. 11. 'Artei - . ' . • Tho.sittintion 'of this InStitutiow renders.kt Par; tienlarly' votnniodious fur studotscontuse front a distance. Good board ems - be obtained for fn 0,.. e1 , 45. , t ;,,_ $ 1,50 Week; or, suitable roonia'for thostcrwishi4 to - board themselves. Ditnoek, Novtirol.er, 1854-;-.46w3* • e until terinll► • nly one -• . * . . T -N t N rf,..sday nigift the '7th inst., a SMAI.I; - ALLET. either in or between Ai t 4,ltrose!andOck.' 4 i Said Wallet eontained poor $5 Bank pats, on the. " Bank of • Port Jer; %is?' N. together :with. some specie.- - %%rimer., kill return said Wallet Shall be liberally rewar.; ded:'- JOHN YOUNG. bitnock, atbrop. kubuttt, [JeS. , llp. t: L ake. :leLor- 1, I coatit. r Lke. Beta Alanna, la, and non):. .. iberty. xibson. • . New Go o ds lat the Ready Pay . • • Store.: „ .• • . ~ &w. 11. PiALVA hive 4t ow received their tall Stock G ornootts, -- which they aro prepared to fell, as hereto: 'fore, on the most reasohutdederms for ready pay.: ' . . The additions made to out ; former 'purchases: - give ni now, a huge and well evoorted Mock or Goods, favorably 'adapted to the wants of the pople of this vicin ity. - Our stork is comprlied of Dry Goods, Cooks and Station:: ery.dteady Made Clotitiq,ltits and Caps, flouts and Shoes; a largestoek :Jr Wall Piper awilitordering,Tankeetiotionsi a rail Mock of Groceries, Flotlr, Salt. 4 - 9. , Ifour friends will call upon u 4, *a , will convince thotti . - that the ready puy system, Most adrintatreons to all ebncerned. . •: oi w. IL FULLER. 1 DlOntroee,"S.pt. 20, 1554. MEI omson. EIEM u whir. Lenox. -ABEL TIIREELL t now receiving tutgp and ttesiruble assortmen Hoc l •, • , N Otit)t.);'S , • • ces for ut,, as ;which will be •sold at extremely low pricer fo •Cash. Th.e htuck I.Cotisisie . of a first rule as, •f • .:sortnieut or • j • Drugs . . Iledieinasl. ruitits, pas, Dye:stuffs,. . umist's Olasp-ware!, Liquors, . Fulnilv,Proc.eries, i'4ukee . ,•,_ N - otions,:•ilewelry, - • - ~ Potiket .'Knives, . • - 1 -i 'erfMtery, ' • , 4 1 .k.c'il-e. r . • • . • ' ALSO, - , toll staple articles- of' Dry-got:Os; tvure, $ tone -ilia re, Windetv-Glasi,. ?artlish...e.,Britshee, Musical - strurnents null their Fixtures, . ry thing nectissary for Lights, ; iid,•:_:.'ainialeitei our! Oil Lamps', - ' t...l.ilver'SpoottS, Spectacles, . Gold Piss's, &c. . nearly every thing the market afford, licit armies ‘'illl be freely exhibited to —ho will 'pull wild exsmine. : I • 1 Tho ILvd 0 short, —Ol -every one 'on are .n par- 011iret. KIM= : jllrbvght Ilirme to the,.Door of the' Million. :.!- A 1 WONDER,FICL Discovery Ins recently het n made by rl! Dr. Ctirtis,ht tbi• shy. in the tree tno nt- orCetieump tion,'Arthina and all diseasca' of the-_ Lung We refer fo - D r , Vurtia'llyireana., •or Inhaling 14gettn Vapnr•and Syrup." With this itew method Dr. C. has restored me,py afili•ited ones to perfert health ; as an evidence of which he hakinnumeralde eerDtlent kft..j Speaking of the treatment, a physirianiremeri•E-:, It Is ev dent that inhaling--conetant ly breathing an agreeable, Sealing vapor, theintirtieitail ' properties must tome in ?wet eontiict with the whole of the aria! cavity of the tun s, End thus eseap'e the - many aell' varied ehangesproddred eiroil them when introduced into the stomach, and suli,ject'rf to the process of digestitin.s. The Ilygeana is !bridle at ll the druggists throughout the country. : • . . . . . • i . I tw V"ork Dute.',lnon qf •ran• I I 1, T he Inhaler is worn cp s.he brk.t under. tit. linen with out" the'least incenienience , —thri heat of the lanky being sufscient to tvatior3tii the field.: : . Ilundreds.of OASES of q nuts tike • the, foll Owing might be named.• T ile: l'achlige of Urges -a has cured me of the ASTIISIA of ix years standing. - - Jqs. F. lire , birry, P. M. re' n buratinon, Pa. . i 1I am curedleif the iSTIGNIA of 10)tara standing by. D. , Rurtia' Ifygelanit. . , ~ ....- • I filarrra ref Easion, Brook/yet, N. Y, c . Ira. Panl of Nn. 5 Matnniond St , N. 1., was cured oft' 'fovere rase or Bronchetip by the Hygerina.- . !. .i . , , MY sister feta been eered of a 'DISTRESSING COUGH' of Spveral yearaistandieg.,and deebledtrvhe insurable by her p_hysicians, She was cured In ON 4 'MONTH I.ry the Uys g,eatia. • 1 i " • I ult., J. II Gaubert... . M., itiehavired. Mt. Trice thresiDollars a Package,.-old by CURTIS kPEIt. lONS ?c PAUL No. 1 C4iambets St.. N. Y. Packages P'ei !. fretb• — exprets to oily part of the grat.s for Tett Voilart, IN. 11 --Cuitie. • flyceata is the dt:IGINAL'and ONLi A itTICLE. all others'ari Ease immitationg of tile and IN.IIIItIOUS countoefeits..J.,,Shon them ae - yon 1 461.7.111. POTS( • :.17y1_ - 11sfelit . r St. S., Arir'rs. - 0 ; 1 Luling , ag(111,1 ittsiyeeivd a hew, tot of fjlAavrtk-: IA F all .izOs and varieties! :t Doubl ones o;I' N. good j viaiity :is )ow as $3.. Broelle vori ' , 1 i clhenp. • Before you bur call ilpqn • • . , , s D. R. LATIIROP & Co, - i 1 Nor. 1, 1854.144..1 fl 1 • .i . I Buffalo. Robes • , : , -, I Tll - 01'E SkinS and No r ?at ! D. R. L &Co.'s ! 1 • Nov: 1, .854. '. '-- !: • - ! Wanted: 10 000 Bushels of Dried Ap. p , , &c. • 7 A t •••45,03'do‘zen geodsoelts, fort:which the 'highest. price will he paid by • • - Nev. 1. • D.A. LATHROP & Co. [ T. 4nti led "I'm with yon one(' agaii l ) my friends s i ton no my footstcpsitoatt • 17 - 0, Ur Me at my ttsidence.on.Monta?: twO deOrs south frptn Seth Mitchel'S happy at :thy qime to wait on you; socialli or professionally, the : latter ixpeeially. Thos who.prefer to have their work done :it their resi; denee Whether liVingin towtY:or out, will please . give me notice accordingly;and I am at youk service. - IPesons- at .a distar Lye desiring Plaq . Teeth, can be accommodated at my house, free of expen4e, while the. work is being done. As) wish to be-busy I shall. still adhere to my old plan - of charging, according the eircumstanceit• of my Patrous. There Is much complaint 'Of the high Pricers of Dentistry and of my prices tog,:, although I have Le'n in the habit of .dedueting from 15 to 2b pc.r. cent. from. the first. Now, frignds ; tswilllmakei' yea. this off e r,..-q y ou - wke Herd iYprk i will. come right along and hare it clone and. so keep me busy; I will work for. yob for half pri're do' it well too; The terisoil • , . , w e 'pm*, to .t.ton.rgr.' so- high isi because, from drcead' of the.iiiiin or the you bold back and forte - ti'g - tti loSe. much time' for. Want' of work: - Cotne on then and you will find there is a chance fdr tparxiiiis at. Montiti:ue. Stirgeon Dentist. • - -Montrose, April teet pre- ;odor- ! mole. ;. le is r in cow, I , OUT year ' 1 liber t any 1 al ile , • 012 g • i----;-- ! • i - • • i • Lodersgrille Rook ii; Drug Store. ;.• ~: T"'„ubsErlUer w(drtd inform tb4 rnhabitantp o f 1;4- ler6vii/ty an',l,tirrOunding couptry. , t hat Lc hargreat .lywniatged and4inwrotied hip Eitore.tind filled up with* large and ..tfiinelete aasiirtalea4, at Paintr. Otis. Dye woodr. bye -stags. Winilow alai's. Sir h; Putty, Varnie s k and Pittrhtr. Alro. ' r • , r. . Patrni letiltiner. iliornicala.-Gia.titocare,Perfumery,.Tati ke.Nntionr -'onreetiotoery -Toilet article,. and ail art, ells upruntly kepi. in hne,wetaMishnlent olc the kind. Also oa hand a lark e aLsorizn . ent of -:I ' . , i , BOOKS 4. s Tdt TiONER Y. .• , . 1 .itancr tiangingr.k.,c. 'cc . , tt,hiult bell ,oropored t o.ot a_ o t, as rearonatit terroltur any sore in the Country. r . DOCT.'IJA ,11ES a It • IFFI N. .- • ; meat ruble vent= cure Alf° kiepF in tuna • room a generill assortment oftlie Cti"icEi.r.gr.oteiNEß.earertirly itelect*t, prepared arid veiintbpdedby himself for file own a nr. , ..inito odationand tble ben it of the pablic, • ' Fitniders Painkit, Phy•icinna,FElinol Teac - bers.l Jeri! altelitra. and priire•storif *baling to r pnrchase are i pelted to call and PtefiVr thelilM4re, M. • ' L; Scott ; Woii4d inform his former - pall:One that he hoe:iii connection with his other !initiate:ix a full avvertmegt of Bootie and .4hoes sOrne:ol whiah he can warrant • , . 5- arid Fell nareneonable as can be fidught at any,ottr or piace the country. • . 4 - . L. scow:: niretAly okerJoiin "ileKinnefF Ft ore . • the K,. o.'44:ler:sills. 7t1:14 11;54.4-:.tf. . , , NQW Line of Mail ,Stages .! \ _ . . 1 - - , jrt, 4. ....--- -- N.5.,.._ i :r.- , 1- , ..„-,-_-_.#,,, gIRICWOOD TO BIONTROSE. . . 1 . A. fittaß trill leaire . Rirkoood, passing throne- 0 1 1 vej of. the Valltialas of Carr,kotit 01 " -1 " 1 "-r 1 4 .- 1, - b . ttsitille,,Liberty,..te., every morning."'" got" - 10g)Ioutrist At '1 P.ll. ' ',• •' - ~, .. Wet,r swell . . 1. .. ~ :.;R ETURN .I NO' . - .1 . i .. . . . . , .• . beay.atenirose-daily,tdandays .eseep ted) at 2 P MI -,,,ertOog.ltirkweeol ti: tame to take the -Mali-Trains of tiat4,koth Elst 'and West, being the. nearest ' and moti feasible rout toreaeh the 'Mew York atielbrie Railroad. Tidi tine i "terseetst• tri ! vreekly I I as.forDiateekSPrialf4 eilita'craakharoaoek. W*Otahlit. , `ad Wiltesberve, which lealeelloatroatratleit Illivery Monday. Wednesday an d , prilAr., ••aboisktizte• - o VrieadsvilleXeraysvilie.ka.43o4 Testaitild etratfortabieetrrisges are provided, and tha p ro ort __saallisparatmo :'palosteareoresoodstetbe Pah4. ,tie.F rr . • • - -; t ' - r ' W ii. HATCII, . i • Rip., 2,11114.. • 1, i : .. - MORGAN &WO?. 1 To fibs one. and Are n of krit .for ABEL.TU.ZRELL HYGEANA. NEW. STORE! 1 - And New Goods, selling very 'CI4aA • 111.:1111ARIIIIIINGToN, 1. VOR.IIEttLY 'Of the firm of C. & ilinghninton; would inform the poUple or utqaelaantia: County, that he !ham openild Nl4..Scoro D.;Post's. blml(an ~Atainistteet, Itotlquse, tilieffi he offers ehuietiiissurtment ot• i ! • 1 1 t; . ;-L' 1 1 ! : Dry ;Goods and Yaiikm , Arotions • •• nt pirmes cannot fail to suit. :'-Try usand see. for yginrsolvei. • • • 1 . Mohtrose, - .Nt l . 2; 1854-441t' • ,it. .• ..1.1 : Sheriff's Laic's. By :itttue- . of aunttry writs Ittetel out of , tho pot4t of Cotimon Pleat e../f SUNuthauca polnity.and to tottdt: reeteli; I wilt eleoie to public sale at the . COUrt 11011 M: to NlOOtrotr, on Saturday' the 13th Jay of Novrathat next, at .1 . 0 . 41Oc1: r" 31 .i —I 1 AllAtint cerVon piece or parcel of land isitiiatr ..7,!. i. ... . . al7l - 1.1. [s.. , aate lyingmid l. being in the bor p ough of Susqu .anu ehanna, counts of Suftatplehanna and State of illett'a, bounded and . d.,:aseribed as follows,. to Wit )i i : Be, ginnidg .i.m . the highway leading front • th'e river road to the. LenoX and Harmony turnpike' On the, cortier,of lot nninber 19, thence - north 72 [deg.' west 5,0 feet, thence south 18 deg. west 3 chains and ,56 hundredths of a chnin,theneesoutl 81,1-2 "decvtjast 50 feet; thence" nortli 18 deg,. eat . 3 : chain4and 38-100ths n a chain to the pla`co of beffinifing, containing • .I . square perches Of land, be'thO same more or-} ss, and - in . nignateil .an lot NEC. IB id Addison 'Mckee's mnryt.._ in .1.851 (witblthe reservation df 2 rods' on the north end aslli road) together with the appurtenanccs, one framed' house 'and.l barn, and all improved.l ,Taken in execution hi- the suit of Dabit4 G. Smith vs. JosePhl3, Castle atittJas.McWinde'. - `4SO—The Undivided one:half part offrlllthat -certiainpiece tar. Pal-cella land, situate .lyttig in' the township tat' JeSsuP, conntyand 'State afore said', anal boranded and described iiFi' follnwit, to 1 I wit:. Beginning ai a latini/ock tree the soeast cornet. 'hereof, thence Math 100 perches t ea post , thence 'west 160 perches to a• post, thence, south 100-terehoitol a post and stones, thence [east 1 : i ._ [ IW-perches tai the place of beginning, coolie-fining 1007:4!re s he the saute mitre or less, With tht up ' purtehances,-11framed dwelling lonise, 1 barn ; 1 shop,il. _ shed, seine fruit trees told about 75 acres improve • 1 ' . d. 'H „ - : ' ..1 i - Talc'en in execution at the stilt of Geo; Gmbh agitinkt John r.. Beitholf. . -. ! I f , .. ALSO-Allitliat'eertain piece-or virCelnfiland sittitie in Splitigville" township, •Siispielintina mine ~ 64.1001:m4 de , cribed as follow:4 tai wit: On Ille north liv hand of Asahel 11. - Prichard, on the !Cis' t by land 'of Spencer Iliekox, On the ai,outh by 1 .8 0 o f Joel Brooks and Arad ‘VakeleN and on i 4 west 4 land 'of A-tron Taylor and James Meicham, containing 56-aereS and•ls pere„hit.s of land,ltogether with tile appurtemmees, Ilfritnied hous4, I barm Ii -Orchard and about 45 acre int.: proYed. .. :•'' 1 I • %lien in execution at the suit of .Samitel Bard and:'Flourtas I Nieholson, -.Executors &c.:', of the Will -of Jaril, Bard.sdee'd; vs. Stephen A. rilfaie.. ALSO—AII Itliat.peice or parcel of land situate . lyingland beiMr ie the township of-Jessup, iSus: .quelinnna cotinlY.'boundeo and described. toi I'4: -lows,lto wit:i(;)oi the north by fan& of - l Anstin and: Henry; Sheraan. voi the east. by 'Jas.' Faurot, on' tio', smith . bv land,of Albert Kelsay and Math ete -13t i eK', , o hy, ;Sad' on the axes; by Mathew i Itic, Kelitty, containing, about 50 aqes, more OrileSs. u ith.ibe appurtenances, 1 fratH houSe andibarn ono;'erchard, arid .about 40 acres improved. i . • Taken in exectattion at the suit Of Ileniy-Sher mad noainst Lynian .Sherman. , ; , . ' ALSO:—All.thnt certain tract or parcellofiland sittMte, in the township of flush, in the connty of Susquehanna and State of I'enn'a, -and Ihtflted, hounded and described as follows, tb ulit i Be, I ginning at a liendOck, the corner ofa lot of 'and,. forniiirly conveyed to Titus. Futile...lc, thence 4auth 69 Pl.relleg and 310tIts Of a perch-to' a posplience west ;160 perches 'and 6-10th; of a , perc fro' :I posOl.ence north 72 perches arid 2-10th;lof :r perol to a post, at corner of the said l'Ordick's lot, t.' hence by the same east, IGO perches' and 6-10ths of a, perch' to "the • plaec of beginning,. con Mining 71 acres; to , rether • with the iteredita s menti and appurtenances.- ~ ' . - , 1 1 . t Taken is execution at the suit of: Caltd) !Car-' malt, Assignee of 1te1i ,. ..1.:: IL:Rose nwntist! Job 31.-tierce with sOtice to terra tenants. ALSO,-All that certain piece or parcel Orland or sit ii kr, situate lying and being in titelßor oughlof Susquehainna Depot, Susquehanna croun ty, bdundtsi and deseribeti ni f,41(.iv,.., to twit.. On the north by the strcet, on the _east byiland of jaines Bowen,' on the south by 'land - in ;jai's sessinn of Mieha,d Sullivan, anti on the Wiest by land. how or formerly of the N. la', &' Erie Bail road - onip:Lny,, sited lot containing -in friant 60 feet :[nil running 'back 120• feet, together Iwith the illipurtenances, 1 framed dwelling - !tonne; and ' all iniproved. • ! - ' ' ; * T.:aken in execution at the snit - of a A.' Lyons , & Urb t her against Thos. flurdley. ~ I ' . ; . ALSO—AII" that 'certain one and a half .Ittorv', fralried dwelling tonse, containing ,in front 32 fect: F andin depth:2o feet, and the c tartilageS ap puit'enant thereto, situate in the township of liarOmmy; in the county of. Suscfa, said bitilding being erected on a': certain piece of iand.putlcliased flit Ira Williams ot one Amos Barns;, boundild on . the tihrth by the land of Amos and Simeon!, Etarna,l eant i •,by the Belmont turnpike, soutit'and*wt . by inte.* A and _Simeon Barfts;containingone acre of land.'. ,' , 1 , Taken in execution lay virtue of writs of Lev. Fa: and Fi. Fa, at Ilte,snits •of ,Ehenefzer; Cross and b. A. Lyons & Brother vs. Ira LY il Hanna . . - AI SO--All that certain-lot of land sitia4e in Auburn - township, Susquehanna county, bOu?ided as folows, to wit: - -Beginning at the south[ east eorri4 of a lot' of land,. known on the mop' or . Drielfer's ,3leshnppen tract, as - lot No. 10, be longing to. Dared: Bunnell, thtlnce along thei last line - 41 - said lot and of lot N0.:65-, now b e h i m g i ng to .freph"D Drinker . nortb - 212 perehen tea post the! South west corner orNo. lot 50 firtherly' .; coMned to Nehemiah Lathrop, thence alon "the stall lines of land . last mentioned' and' Of lot I No. ; south 89 d. g. east 1601 perches to a beech sapling the north west vorrier, of a lot behnigin7 to -0 ,ter Lathrop, thence by the westlinesOf said fast, [M lot of Samuel "WoOdward's lot •sendylot No. knout!) 282-perches to ,a fink on the' north line of .a lot of land f arrnerly of iJohn. Bobihson now of and ithence, along said - j last illentioned line west 156 Percheli and 3.10 of 'a pei ) eh to the pace of begiorlimi,,containitt# 207 •aert4 and 43 perches of Land, land being theta:one loth: I. which ; the executors . of the last, iWiIl IA:. of II •roy Winker deed conv6ed, to Ezekiel / thfob dec'd, except 89 acres; or thercabeaks in the_ possession. of. and helon'zing to the plaintiff, - togePter with the appurtenances 2 fraMed bOuses, 2 tilitned -barns and about. 150 acres improved.. Tiiken in at the suit of DVer I.lthrop. Adoilr of the estate of Ezekiel Latkrop vi.lAtn brcPti't Gaylord with notice to terra tenanta.l - •' I -,. ALSO-Alt that certain lot of land situate in the Borough of Montrose, county of'Sustia4ban na,4rseribed as folloWsi Ilegintainge the teen trer of the Etridgewater . Obit WilkeSbarre turn pike , l!road, adjoining 'a lot of land` artnerlv of , 11albbard Avery .conveyed to B. Sayre, ; thence + norlft.l deg. and-20 Min. west - alengisaid . I.t :td 8 perches to a corner, thence east about Trielvhes.. to a Ittake and stamen in Isaie Post'siland,tbence south 8 perches to is corner cf B. SaYre's lot, rind thento by the WIMP !Ilia 7 perches- te the.d4>gin ningi containing 56 perches. more ori less,lteintr the shine fat conveyed, by Wan. Jessup and; wife to We l :said John Groves,. together With , the zap. purtainances, at framed dwelling house, 'framed barn; nut door cellar and all unproved.. -il! Tdken in eiecu'ion at the t.atit . of Alex.ittlet• Allei vs.' John Groves:. I. i • - •ALSO—AII ' that Certain piece or parecl of land`,4r village lot sitnate in tile - Benin toof Sits qatehnima Depot, Sn4quebanna - County, berdnded. and described as follows, to :tilt: On the north by the public bighWayi..on the east by deed of ,Joittikr.Laughlitt,, south by land dz!fltplieo NIA-- 01,111 west by land of ti. Stone, said hit, eon laior t: in f ro nt aliout 30 feet; and in depth about t;fi :,et i ic-c, together with' the - -appurtenaneeiti one threMstory framed4wellikhousc, .he., 'and all. imPrOed; - . ~ .Taken in execution :at the - suit ocflißlwell, 'Wein, & Co. - es. BenjantinTaliner. l--2 - A1.440- . -4.A1l that obitain2atery franted Wilding andid*elling house, and kitt.hen thereto etude. ed, thit mein Vuilding containing iu front en the stree,422 feet and - in depth 36 feet ; the 'MIT . being 119 feet front 20 feet in depth; ittaeliM in the Otst side of the -main building, and the;lot r" piece of, grout don :which the same - Was erect , with[ *, be en Hi laget appurtenant thereto [ - 1. - above deaeribed-bui Ming- and - premises beiiig sit.' ustejb the Borough of Susqu , :hatina . Depiii. Oa ,' , 1 . , • - - . tho earth side b main strect-•ald the lot ; upon whicn:thnsaid isYreeto , being NO.! 37, .on the Plot at the Now. York & grio Ratltoad company's lond of the _village of Susquehanna Depot;stnd bounded North by-the - ricer road, west ,by ithe lot of John Crog,an, icast by kit; of G. Wij Read, and south by Main Street.' • '•; • :Taken Oxe.ution at the still:of E. C. bon nett tit:lJan; B. Scoville.: ; AOSO—AII that certain pietnaNkir parrel'ot land iltnate, lying and being in The township-of Sileof,lrtke,: Susquehanna county, tionixied and liescrilld As lottows, to wit: On the ittrtle by on the.. pigs, by land of .I.ontiln the.snuthby lad of Litert*o Giblin;aini on the crest. by -the old - Ctienting& tunippie mut, containing 100 acres, more or reels, with ihniappurteminces, I frainelf house and barn one orchard, and ab o ut; 7Q acres improved. Talcil in etecutiOn at,the suit of Iliackney. & - Months vs. !sane HoWind. • • AlsO—Ail that certain piece or parcel; of land, Sininte lying andbeing in the township of Clifford,Sasquelinna County, bdunded and :tie ticrihtiti!as follows, to wit Beginning at a sugar mapid tree down _ andleining thehind of 31unsOiti thence South 48 deg. east 8- chains. and '1 66 links• along the road to • Ititison's corner, theno nurth 78. deg. east 13 chains to a post on the - hillithenee south 14 dog. coat. 5; chains to a sinall:loeust tree on the uiiper side: of the .niadt tliencii iforth 7B deg. east 4 chains to a post abOrtilthe road, thence north 5,1 de?. east 6 chlifis,l _to :t Po' tit, thence north 35,,deg. east '7 chains 'and btl to a po st, thence l north 85 deg. east ;111 " chain* el 80 links to a post bF the main brobk, I thence north 80 deg. east' 1 ,drain to a post by sointelti.ech Saplings nearthojirria. and im line, thence north 45 deg.;west t 6 chains' and;Bo, links t.,11 a post and stones,•thento South 61 deg. west 34 Inrinsto the plaCe of beginning„• eon: taining4B and ; :thalf aereit of land, more or less, together with the appurtetiatices,:l house, 1 barn; 1 amid( orchard, and.aboul,.ls acres improved. Taken in execution ntl the suit of Harrison uso of Benj. Ayres vs. Zepron Cobli2d. - -At*.O—BY virtue of a writ ot,' Ven. Ex. issued out of ; the Court of Common Pleas of 'Wyoming count' and to me directell, I will expose to Pob : • lie salt . l.'at the same timeland place— Alt 'AMA certain piece pavel of land situate' in the ' township of Auburn, in Susqueltann4 cotinty. bounded ,on the ii hilt bylands of Nelson Love,. n theyast by lands of Sanosel Vaituorder. South by the 'county line hetween the counties of sustf;ioliiiina and Wyoming and,'on the weat ; by nds!Ot Wm. Cook, containing , aboht - 65 acres with ldje appurtenances, a. big and framed house, and aboat 20. acres iinPrqved• ki Taltiin.ht execution at the suit of dhapan Sthitli - VS; Nelspn certain piece or parcel; or land•ailnate in the Town Ship of Harmony, Sus- C..unty.hunaded as fellows, at a4oint. in the middle gfthe Itehitoni landQlhquago in. Turnpilcej.and A. line of leSsee, I.ane,. land, - thence by same South thirty :five 'deg. E l faist 67 perches to a Ileech, thence, by wed ltd the same, _north. thirty4hren deg., east twentaour perches to a point in the middle of the sta: turnpike, theneeAlon the middle ofthe Saine,;niirtli fifty deg. we:.4 tvventy 'five perches; . thenel fitly-four dog. west twenty three iterelt4l; thence north lifty-t w.o.deg. west thirieen perclieS , to the place of beginning, Containing four :idi'es and One. linadrad and ;four perches Strict ; hicasare more or less, with the appurie hanct* on house and mostly iniprtived: ] 4 • Al• All that other piece ' or parted of land Sit. • .Niftt:4' as above, bounded as .follows On , the non hoinst by -land ofJacUlt and Jonathan Taylor, nn tli(Oiorthwestby land formerly belonging to- Da on the southeast by land ; late of Jacob And Jonathan Taylor, anti on the south west:* the; Belmont and Ogbquago turnpike, ' containing about fifty acres unimproved land: Taken in execution at the suit of David Tay lor, es;;,Phillp Ulrich. ;. G. B. ELDitED, Shenk Montrose, Oct. 24, 1854.-43w3 NEW GOODS AGAIN... rr"v. subseribers take.pleastire in announcing the citizens of Brooldytt and . that they are now opening a very Lirge and tifti!l3 selected stock of , " 7 FALL .4: WINTER 'GOODS, . which.hatie been parehascd (principally). very lo kv.izrid will be sold for a stuall,ndianee. V'eltlvite ' , the attention of the ladies to our 'stockror •:.DILESS .410011315, •. • . . 1 . . 4 wliteli tir Viiiit . ty. orfitYT, quality and ceapnecis, can b:+.:•: . nUrinished by no rkablizslutient in Susgue.. lianna„ county. . . ~ . Wf!iltitve also settle very nice Wintor..Siutwls ! g. , V ! --Itapiiiern several- - .llrocliewltiCh we !can I . an 011 7 sell "cheaper than the Cheapest." ~ lOui4tack of Silks is' also unusually large and l attratttiv.; and as regaiti:s price,, we know . we ! can " - ilJeat the 'Jews." . '• . . Tlie::l;'entlemen are likewise invited to exam- . ine otir,Stock of 4 hick is unusually large' —inclUOing 13roadeloths; Cassimeres, Satinetts, Tweedil, Jeans. Overcoat cloths ; &e., which are' selling,i!very low indeed. brief, we have a very full 'assortment of, GoOtts;r:tple and fancy, ind are determined to . self tbeiti us low as they can be: !Info-based Ibis ide of,,New York. . Tkankfut for the litukal patronage hitherto exten;do to us. we.with emifidentie invite , :our . friends'and the public gencially, in Want of GoOds, to call and examine our t-tock bitfore purchasing. S) FVII &11.8M.PSTEAD.- - Brnoitivn:-Oct. 24. 195-t. ~ • - ° . . . , Our ,Stock of Stov-es, IS OW completed—ankfUe would take thiS op- purtitnitY to say that we can show the most beautiful and splendid patternsr, of Parlor ittuf Cookltig Stoves to. be found in the county,:—,- 7 ' , ! Among, Omni on be seen the Revolving Front, and Pethie - Parlor, foi wood or.eoal, entirely new, pattefiiiii and -d , ,cide.dly pretty stoves.. Prices . 1 from ifirie to ten dollars. • Of uiit Cooking stoves. we. think it needless to 11 say.Mueh, oniy to remark that w.e are selling thetnn't Our former prices, judging from thel rvidit'Y'Uf our:sales, we believe the entirely, Satisfied with the -pricA and quality ofli our Wares. ~Vi.64v0 a." few left" of the '" Clinton Airi! Tight Elevated Oren stove!' aeknoWledged,bvl all in' big thr .hest cooking stove - now in use.— Itu,sia and liaolistCpipe at old prie?s,and Tom intn,o MO Tin Ware 'of all desciptions, atithe very loWest rates J. DICKERMANVr. New Oct. 24. 751. PORK FOR SALE. PORK FOlt itiALE by the Intrro; by . : 11. S.. WitsciN or A. BALDWI nonttnise,. May 17, 1854. ! !Valuable Farb', fok Sale. T"E'substriber offers for ale his valuable fain in Gibson township, Sit•qpielninnx enunti,ilia., containing 157 avres, situated in! the . EastOn! part of said town, half Of a!= lilo - frorn the Tunkhannock Creek, and I 2 i. milf , s front Bun, quehanna Depet,on• the & oMsaid f4rin is a framed house; 3 BarnA, a horsc4iiii`ed, corn house, a young orchard of +yer 100: - tre0;, and is Well watered. - Ike offers to sell for 10 per cent. less than! the • real' val:oe.. I. • TM6O.=-Two thirds nf the :pueehasn money cash down,-and balance vPi`ured bv - mortg.mgo::. , . WI LLIASI TAN LOlt;'. Gib' in. 23, 185-1-170 j.. - English. Lover 'Watches.- • subscriber takes plans. :Aar. - JI. tire informing I his . , 4 ,1111 friends that he . has this !day ':),A • received from 'LiverpoOl per 'I steamer. Europa a large l in . it t •,'. s";0 4 :2- . J1 voice ot his unrivaled English , 'CO ' . Ltier Watches. _ The prtient inVidCe - .Comprises ms different' varictic, in . plain and huntiNi eases, full leyelled and p also: inure extra line.tnovementa,','whielt I ho 'put ;ntekold'eases of .any . .dealruble weigh or pattern,,; 1 '• ' • . ALFRZD.t. EVAN:, ~. No. 2, Odd Fellows Hull, - ..Bidgltamtnn,-July 26. t DiEl2OlRtlOll. TuE. firth ar Thispir Crandall is this thy' tnutuar cohsent. 'The Ncl4's and' A'acou nis-of the Rao - firm tiro in .the a offtii:et. Crandall, who ,t-ii authorized -to • tio: the : THAYER.. - 7 . . • P. CRANDALL.. IrOttose, Oet. 30, 18,51-44w3 • ' .. , . • -., I llegifiter'iNotide• 1 nuBLIC Notien lit hereby given to'All pikersons . 1_ -vonderned'inlthe following Estntea,•tn wit: - Estate 'Of James W.: Hill; deceased, Edwin Hill Adni'r. ' '• '•- ' '.• : - - •' : ! Estate .of Isaac 1 Rynearson, deed,' John Don:d Adm'r. ' - i •r, , • Elizabeth GoOrdiin of -Cliriotiothia Gaige, ' E4tate 'Of John Straudlr. deed A. G. Bailey Adtter. 'i. • Estat,!of Gen: L Latltrop, dee'd, cry. Adin,inistrator. • . :flint ;he neeolintants have settled their ac counts in [the RegiSter's office in and tor the Chu n• tv sus,quelmni ll , and that the- spine will' lie iirTsetited to the Judges;of the tlrphan'sCburt . 4f suii3 mb Coulity, on Wednesday the 32d day OF Ne- \ yeer next for cOntiernation and allowance. ALSO, , . • . • Estate int Calvin - Sointitert, .deed, Richard L. Sutphin, That the •;,,IaCCOTItnt... inni ? settled ,his accounts in the Re gister's in and for the county of Susquelia'ma, an& that thn eaine will be kesetit ed to theiJudges it etirphans'. Court of said county, o n Thursday t oth day of November next for contirmadon an,' llowanee. - 1...A.'0D0N, Register. . Register's Office, Ventre • • • ' Oct. Hi. 1854.—:-42w4 • • • Attolition People= 14 • ' i rubscribi.r would reSpectfu4