The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, November 02, 1854, Image 4

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    4 I nutrist gitmtcrat
res ROIMT CritCULATION IS 40 litilEß retrea-.1
E.. B. Cll c AB.4* ti;in-ts.
IttoltrOle , s rillivodaYOUrr. li6-1•1
:TOR Dssiodiiii.
fay newt , is Free.
14* heart ii-free tui the summer wind
:That floats o'er hill and dale
No ears to shadow o'er its strings
'No deep-toned grief to tell ;
•No aching void, no: bitter thoug,ht,
No sorrow deep and wild,. c , -
No crushing weight . of anguish . dark
:..ant free and glad and wild,
This world is bright=listull of •
theheart eould'ask, =• ' •
Then why 'should we still /drive to throw.
•.• O'er it a sombre mask ? - -
Why wear a look of sullen grief, • .
Why mourn o'er joy that's Bed.
Twill not bring back our cherished hope*,
'Twill 'not ieiiritbe dead..
Then why heind fief heart shall no'cr
Bow to •an earthly shrine,
Pd not: for and all its bliss • •
Barter,this peace of mind;
For well.! know thit loie is fraught
iVith many a bitter tear, • •
.With troubled achinVs of the heart
• With deep though secret fear.
Therefore I'll laugh while ethers weep,
• And scorn all source of Woe ?
In •conscious freedom smile at thosb .
Who wish" love's spell" to know.
FoF I cannot trust mg, wayward heart
In other hands than Caine;
T would surely break restraining bands
And , seek its own free dim
Herrick, July 17,1851.•
The Seeies Revealed.
Why was Aaron Burr—the grandson - or
President Ed wards—the child of ma nx prayers'
and of an eminently Christian ancestry, se
destitute Of moral principle, so profligate;
and debased that his name is-left'to posterity
recorded upon the roll of -infamy. This has
been & question involved. in mystery. The
Christian public have not known how to solve
it. The following statement r found in the
Americanlifessenger for Oct. reveals the true:
cause, and' speaks volumes to the heart& of_
parents and guardians. The little child was--
early bereaved of parental care, and through'
sympathy and mistaken .kindimss " suffered
to grow up" without discipline or rastraint.
The consequences of this neglect in this sin::
gle instance as they _ are --traded on . and on
through time and beyond' it, who, can com=.
pate. -
Will not those who have the care - of ail
drew put this extract in' some' conspichouS
place, and read, and re-read it prayerfully
when in doubt how to treat-the faults of their
children that involve a manifest breach of
moral principle.
—The eldest son of President Edwards, con=i
gptulating a friend on having a fine filthily
of sons, said to him withl-much earnestness,
" Remember, there is but one mode of Canal
ly government. I have brought lip and edu
cated fourteen boys, two, of whom' I brought,
or rather suffered to grow up, ,without the
'rod. One otthese was my - youngest brother;
and the other Aaron Burr, my sister's only
son," both of whom had lost their', p a rents in
their childhood: "and from both my obser 7
vation and experience, I tell you, sir, inaple , .
sugar , government'will never answer.. Be ;
ware how you let the first act ofd.ioedience
in your little boys go unnoticed_ and, unless
evidence of repentance be manifest, unpunish ,
1 . all the se ons I ever heard,- long or
short, - this has been among the most useful;
so far as this world is concerned. It . is a
solemn lesson,
to be prayerfully pondered *by,
all parents and guardians. The - IBible lays
downfour great rules, involving the fotir
great elements, 'of the suce:essful relic our
training of children—prayer, ensti-uction; ex- 1
ample and-restraint. And it is doubted if
solitary case can be .found where all these;
have been united, where the Child has not
followed in the footsteps of the pious parent;
while on the other hand, if but only one Of
the four has been neglected, it may have beep,
the ruin of the child."
Remember, Christian parent, ;it is not',
enough to pray_ for, or even with J . Tour chil
dren, if you do not also instruct them if your
own example contradicts your teaching .' ; _ and;
in vain: ill be the prayer, the' instruction, the
example, if like Eli, when your 'children do-I,
wrong,..yon "restrain them not." But let;
all be
-found faithful to your duty, and you
may trust in God that he will ' fulfiil his'
promises, and that your children E will grow
tip to serve him, and to bless you for your
fidelity to their highest interests."
• r , Days Withotat Nights. •
Dr.: Baird, in a lecture recently, gave,some
interesting facts. There is nothing that
strikei . a stranger more, forcibly, if he visits
Sweden- at the season ofthe year -when the
days any the longest, thau.the al:ence of, the
night. -Dr. Baird, had . no conception of it
before his arrival. lie arrived atiStoe" khohn,
from Gottenburgh, 400 miles distant, in the
morning,. and in the afternoon Went to see
some:friends-41nd not taken note of time--
and returned about midnight; itWits as light
as it is here half an hour before sundown.
You could see distinctly.. But all Was quiet
in the streets; it seetned'as if the , inhabitants
were gone away, or dead. No signs oflife-- r
stores ' -
The nun goes down at StockhOlin a little
liefore ten o'clock. There is,a ireat illumi
nation all night, as the sun passes around the
earth towards the north pole, and the refrac
tion of its rays is such that you lean see to
readvat midniglit. Dr. Baird read a Jetter
in the ((west near Stockholm 4 midnight
Without, artificial light. - There is a mountain
at the Bothnia, where on the r 2 ist of, June,
. the sun does not go down at allj Travellers
go there to see it. A steamboat goes up from
Stockholm for the purpose of carrying those
who are curious to ,witness - the phenomenon.
'trcurs,only . one night. The , sun goes
down to the hostion, ybu can see: the 'whole
-face Of it, and in five minutes it bbegins, to
Atithe North Cape, latitude 7; clegreLK,
the son does not set in several days. In June
it would be about 25 degrees aboveilie hor
icon,- at midnight. The way the people
know it is midnight, they see the sun -rise.
The changes in thee high latitudes, from
lIUMMerto winter, are so great that we can
hi:* Do Conception of theta at all. In the
wiater?iithe the sun disappears, and it not
isen forSreekl, Mien - it comes and. 'shows
its face. A : ouds it remains ten, - fifteen
or twenty mand. , then dascende, and
inally, itdoes -sot sa , -4-t all, but makes almost
a circle . reind thebeslait. Dr. Baird "mus
said bc 4 TfileY nilt.naged 'fu rd to bind
persons; and wlint they conilderod' a day.
He could not say, but supped 'they: vrorit-
ec1'14,0 40 housVAnd twelve huuns would' be
t'onsidered'.a!rill's work.- .
• Binh( .4,0 Intim* take; their accustomed
rest at i lthe nsutl , hotirs. The Poctor did not
know liow they learnt - tithe '
but 'they 'lied;
awl Wiint to rest whether the sun g,oes.Alown
cornet.; The hini take to the roost slink
se%en 111. 1 1 and- loay:ithela until the
sun iiicitisingt and the peo
ple get into the habit of rising late too.
The first usornirig
.)airy awoke in Stock-
Isnlm;,he w surprised ; to find the sun shining
into his auoin. tle;lok0 at his watch, arid
found it Was - Only : Lth4e 1; o'clock ; the next
time he awoke it wits the o'clock but there
was wi person u in the siStet . • The Swedes' in
the eitleA ae not iveg,industrious, owing,
proba ly, t4.thirchpiAtp.
.. . :
• •: i ' j . ' illoUte.
, If Vira - Wei , to!tellta tjumber Of our . friends
that t hey a l . n't
. k-now: 04t a houte" is, they
would gro
.t . scimewhat lndignant-perhaps,
use .ha rd _vreints. . And rvet-it-'maybe remar
ked that tWintanber .0( . permins who . know
whatA home s, geniine! .by - experience, is
surprtsingly feW. - Pne§ritan to good 'circnm
-stanCeS will tell its Oaf he has a fine house
cf - hiS Owit,,it which fiery coinfort And con
venience_ are prVided.j, lie has a wife, and
children, there, also, and they give . life to the
place. 1 Vervi-true i! hot. does lie prefer that
'home thus fu'rnished atidAltus' enlivened, to
every Other place in thit'world I Does he sigh
wlinett:the hour.of,leasing comes, and smile
when lie is pertnittCd - to' return ?- Does he
love to sit by the cheerrid . fire' And fondle the
chi ld red, entering iiito*ll Itheirlittle disputes
with a curious interest I :Does lie take par
tieultr note of the bird in the Cage, and the
. 1
cat n ear- the fine llf net ! , he haS no . home, in
the ,deiireSt sens 6 of! Abet . dearest 'of words.
If his'rnilid is 4.itogether absorbed in the dus
ty, .waYs - of. buis- ness—if lie . hurries . from the
liouseln the in:tinting, and is loth 'to return
at night--,if, Whilelhe is:at liome„lie contin think offtlie journal and ledger,. and
- ; -
repulses the adtance,, • of the . prattling chil
,he.lias 44 home ; he only ilaS a place
where lie ledgei and . takes his -meals. . '
A h liliappy iii: lie who. knows and .appreci.:
aces the' full bliss of home ; whose hart is
warmed and Ininianited by ita cheerful ;wilt
etid'es, and whii'feol. how superior in-piirity of
pleasure are all its enjoymen.ts, to the turmoil
4etightsj of out-door life.—thrice liapPy . is
1 such a linen. Ile has discovered the only
l'aradiSe thii world can new afford; It is
.only .stiell a man who can have . ade l e p and
sincere pity for the-unfortunate breatuires who
are homeless. Ile regards them as Wing cut
oil' from the. best influences of the earth,
exposkid to- the antion of the darker wiveti of
life. lie &ids .keettly for .him ' Who ;has no
flresitlao dear ones to welcome hint. with
smiles, andprattle over. the little history of
the day—no, tongue to soothe When heavy
Cares have - tionbled the mind and , ' 'rendered
the:ll4 . rt sore ;.tind the Syinpathy of- IStich a
man is !not slow to kiwertiOw in acts of benev
olence.' A good h'me is the source of the
fotintain of cliaritylin the heart. . .
Ouradviee to th se Who have no bottles,
such as, W de sc ribed .above, is to get
them a sh soon As possible. they can never be !
contented and substantial citliens i nor thor
oua'hlyliaPpy mea,
..Until they follow this:
coinsel. l- 1 Get homes : Fill them with the ob
jects of' love . andfntlearnient, 4nd seek there
for the pure delightslithichthe world besid es
cannot afford. - i s . -7 . i .
[ Another Rum.XlArder;
. On Satbrday, a man about 10 year's of age
took up his qugrtei at Baker's Tavern on
Salinw-st. His. name he gave 4s Horaceitor
ton, and liis place' of.residence as Preble,
Ohio. 'He appeared , to be a single man, and
came o 1 bui,;•.0,....._ ......i.:...1. lwrtr ..g.C.niht -saver . 11111113
act till Monday, morning, and io took up his
quarters over Sttnd4 with nothing particu
lar to do but to have agoodtitiae. He drank
freely . at the bat through the ifternoon, and
was evidently in lota spree. bout 8 o'clock
he wasin trim for tnischicf, and started off
in 'pursuit of a house of ill-faint At , a quar
ter, past 12 he returned,.knockH at the door
for admission, and I was let hi by the bar
keeper. He had got bewilderiid and stopped
at Briiitnall's,, and the porter -dame with him
to Baker's. 14 apeared to befwounded, and
said that he had becti knocked down and
lost allhis money. .I.le did not carelor the
money,' however; bui'did not like such a d—d
rap as lie got oii theside of his head.' The
bar-keeper wa.slnot apprehensive of anything
serioils, and aft r having bathed the titwouud
in 'whisky he" med:tO be comfortable, spOke
rationally, and 'as apparently more nearly
in Ins right mind than when .he went caiti r —
He went to 'bed about' two o'clock, but be
fore mOrning:got .up and came out of his
room making a strange noise, and soon after
falling . senseless on the floor. '. He lingered
in an insensible.state till about noon on Mon
day when he died. 1 1 - -'
•• The story which be told the bar-keeper on'
his return, was that be; lind.gone over . :the
- Canal and stopped, at, aPlace !which be could
not deScribe. ' where lbe got in ; conversation
with some men Who, appeared- :very friendly, -
and learning that die was a Stranger. one of
thern proposed to Alm lhim.* city. They
accordingly, went (Mt - together and , walked
-for some time, blit Where he did not know.
After a short time n'ian left' , 'him ' and' he .
went.on alorie 'in the same Alrection for a
few initiate.., when the Mari' carne back with
two others Onlea C hier him!:; one of them
'raised a club •and strnek him. 4 blow on the
head which' knocked liiin dowr*; and. he was
'senseless for some titne duritol: which they
•: took his wallet and left. - 'lie ..: • lid'i not know
• how long he- remained on . the; gibuild.. On
comin‘ •to himself he get upend tried to find
his. wl y back again 19 the piiblichbuse,which
the fin lly reached as stated, a ;little after 12
fo l clocii.',syrartise-Ohiciiiiclel; i .
.• , .
..,.................4 4 , ; ____ . ) ,
. .
1 ANornaii, '3L 31vantiiin4-TtiE. Fauns
!bi IsrempEANcE. - 7 -- This' moriong,, about half
f' 1 i• --l
--. Test our o clod:, uo persoi s entered the
liporterliouse of; Jacob Mitchell, . No. 51 An
• 4hony, street, and aftr drinking Manifested a
:disposition to.create a disttirbatiee..• . Mitchell
'and a friend- naPled - Maynard endeavored to
"get them out, but finding heir efforts in "vain
Started for an ',officer. i As they: were going
-but of the dbor,bne br..;the ruffians attenip-
Ott .tO draw .a .piitbl, but i was
. .prevent-
Led by Maynard, who canght his hand. They
then struek.M4fiard, end ran down the street
into ficrest Bi*dway,lpursned by Vachon
acid Mavnord.i•4.. pOlic.e officer,. who was.
near at, Eland, Went tO their assistance.- •,..TkeY
'followed the. 84oundreL
r f .-dowul West Bibad 7
Way; and when •near bnane•street • one of
thent turned and fired
..t, their 'pursuers. The
ball took effeettifi=the •tiend of Mitt . ..hell... Ile
was imtnediately.remeved to the 'Fifth ward
Station house, iiid from- . thenCe, to: the City
l• **Pit•l,.wher4 ; little iiiiipios are entertained
,Of his 'reeovery.[: • The iltint i . after firing ran
.ttp Dunne street and t'in4r-T.ati alley,. where
they eacceededy n ma kini -their escape,.al
iliongh Cloosel,r :pursta4hy the - officer at, the
risk •of hie bwit::life.:lQiiptain Carpenter. - of
the. Fifth traat:.earneatky Meoinnieude . that
all . driaking;isillootisnalibul,d : be clod by the
atthotities;at• tirelve,seliAt. r Ile . eilys..toOst
o l tthase talooti*easfli occur after midnight.
.4-N, Y: Post :-: .. ; ; ~. .. ... .
tar J3etsei II 'wish X *as a fish, ..and you a pail. Dear me , how I'd bite :" -
int - ttls+
• ; •
. .
•. The One Price Store.
~. ,
r:fifiE.Midersigned havingasseciatedthanselv4
1:- togetherin the Mert=ntile business, are now
preparedlo, offer to • the public, a very desirable
stock of teods,,eontisting i n main of
,}. Dry' eods',_and Rcarlrmade Clothing,
It ats,-C
•''' i . -aps and Straw Goods,
~, , ,
, hooks and Stationery,
I ' ` *l - Boots and Shoes, ', 1 "..
• : . a •. : Groceries
• ''
•-• ' - i Yankee "Notions , &c.,
,• • !
all!of which KAYe been purchased
. with great
eite, and we • tire satisfied, cannot fail to suit
who;Mai favor us with a call.
: The Dr.i GOods department will be found
very cortiplete; C onsisting of all the leading atyles
di . :
Silk, rich; Itroc:Aß, plaid and striped, black, 41reii
and Mantils,Silits, very rich, high lustre, and tit
• . . •
cheap raik. .. , .
'Striped Delanes, plaid Mirage do. satin stripe
Challis, PriittecV Lawns, replies, Deßage, ;plaid
and printed' Jactinets,' in great varieties; which .
we are *fad to sell ate loto'fi'g ure.- - .
Glrigltittnit—a . hadsome assortment,—Prints,
all the leading. styles, Merrimack, Cochecoes,
Aliens, Spregues, &e, very pretty styles.
:;Dress tritnmingaof the desirable styles and
shades—Black 'silk Lace, Dress buttenti;black
'velvet Ribbons, silk •and Worsted Braids, i'n great
variety. : i , .... ~ i . :
i IVhiis idoods,Switii,Jaconet,Nansook, Caai
brick, BiSheps Lawn, and Book Muslin:4, Plaid
Cambria( Muslin, dotted Swiss Muslins,corded
skirts,'lrisli Linen, Cambria( Ilandkerehiefis &e.
8-. 4 .e.„Predelf . Needle Work i Swiss and • Jaconet
Edgings,*(l.lnsertiOgs, cotton, linen and thread
lace do. FlOuncing, Ladies fashiortable,Chetniset.-
Ws, SleeVeS, Collars, Bonnets Ate., the largest let-,
sdrttnent iti, Town, and at very' low . prices, ; •
Bare,g,d tor rails, in green, blue , and brown,.
Black lace ;Yells &c. -• ,
Kid dloies.—Ladies and Gents, a large assort -
- • .:
meet, of t he best. quality. •
"Alias, loqg and, short, Black, Mobair,' anti silk.'
Silk Gloves, Black, ,white and ciders. •Lisle
thread, aed,eot. do. . .
110'sieri.J--A fine assortinent . for. Ladies, Gents ,
and.childrett. . . ,
. ,
) Ribbo4s,Hrt fi ne assortment f u r - B o nnets, also,
satin andllu s testring, in all widths, and every cot-'
or.' ii • - i • : i
,Domesiießonds.--Sheetings, bleached and mi.' b leachedj'tnilhlins,
bleachedintislins ' TiChing, Crash, Diapers, 'ably. ,
Cevers, atid yNapkins, and in fact, all the•desirable '
styles in this department.:.
Slicricts.-;;Printed Delane. French printed wool,
printed cashmere, Brodie, Black silk, &e., a I'l4
stock .of them. ..
,Steies, of every description, at low pri
ces. Bo ys; "Misses, and childrens shoes, in great
variety. Gents. Boots, coarsened tine. ' '
We have:a very. fine stock' of Hats 'and CapS,
Canada Straws, Paledeaf, Curaeoa, Marneabti,
Bound Canton,. Leghorn, Cassiinere Sie., l fop
wear, which•are very desirable, and set
ling cheap. li ~ ' . . . ; •
• i A good assortment of Ladies Bonnets, MisseS •
and childrethi Flats, Hats, &e. • , ••
'ln this.:brnncli of our business, we . cannot fail
to suit. Onrstock of Clothing is very extensive;
and well made up, in late and desirable style„
We would especially invite our friends desiring
any thingle:!,this --line, to give us a call. Gent. '
tletuens furnishing Goods, of -every description;
. A large stock of Wall Paper'and Bordering.
. Books, Stdtionery and
-Yankee Notions, in great
variety. i• ;
I Groceries4-LTeas, Green and Black, 'very cho it a
and fresh; at low prices. t,
• Coirees.Stiperior St. Domingo. and Rio. - A
beautiful article of ; Brown and White Sugars;
CHEAP. , 11olasses, Spices, Soap, -Candies,
hampOil,Flttid, &r. &c: A very superior anti;
etc of caven•liSh Tiibieco, :it 28 cts. par lb. .. ;
. ! We are' ri the store fermerly,oceupied by La.
Afire') & Salisbury, and mere recently, by Gen;
IF dune, opposite Searle's hotel. We would .be
very happy imieed, -to' see our rrteeds, A. thii
o. j a PRICE siont, and hope to merit our share of
the public, pStrOnage, by good attention. arul l'f,re ]i
prices. .-1 . : • •
{ ; !.:
, - ; H G. & W. 11. FULLER.
MentroSe;April 19, 1854. - - ..
• Anitralia, California, .;
Or any place on the Globc. s cannot vresrnt realer
induceoents than
WHICJIIis now filled with a new and eiiten.q
sive" assortment. of articles in their linei
einbrscing a 3 general variety of new and elegant
styles of Ladies and . _ Gentlemen's 'wear,: among
Which are 'Ladies French. Silk Lasting and Pre?
uille Gaiters,„ Kid and. Enritn'etect Polkas, Kid Pat 4
ent leather and bronzed Jenny Linde, Buskin@
and The; ,gentlemen's French and • Phi.ladelphi
oak-tanned Calf skin and kip Boots, Congress and
button Canino. Monterey. and Washington Boots,
toilet Slipa,! Morocco, calf. and cowhide Bros
gitns, &c. Rays kip, calf and cowhide 'Boots and
Brogans; hll kind. of Misses and Children's wear:
.Also, t general assortment of Findings, which con.; .
Piet in' part;of lasts, pegs, @parables. thingariati
n'ails,tackS.!titread, wax, Bristles: shoe binding,
abels, raP l e sandstones, shoe kniirs, &c.• !Also,
oitk and henalOck tanned calf upper-and soleleath4
er, Morrtco skins and. linings.
• ' Work made to order and repairing neatly (1.1 n..„
MontroseOune LAPS 3.
• =
HTEL.. 1
Olonat Lt 11 . 0.13giEnGRBAT )3EBB; P.
THE sub Scriber; having rented this well known
house, and re-fitted and re-furhi*hed inlz.ood
4yle, is nr•W:prepared to receive , and ent•rtaill
guest-s. This house is delightfully situated on
the hanks Of the Susquehanna river; on the line;
of the NelvAr.nrk and Erie; and the
L r ackawanna.hnd Western Railroads; everleoking
ui most beautiful section of countr;v e and the
panormoefeenery unequalled anywhere.
• As A at/VMER RESORT for the business mad
seeking quiet and freedom from the noise and
din 'of city life, and for ladies - nnd . gentlemen in:
Pursuit. of pleasure amid the rural scenery Of the
Country, thislocation cannot be equalled.
khe•vreaxy traveller is secure from 'the confusion
ineident to the continual arrival and departure is
trains, whielt, especially in ihe• night time is 4,
very great tinnovanceto those s house*
very near the Depot.
jits.ROOtsare new, pleasant and well furnishi;
ed; his Table with all.thei delicacies which both
country and I•citY markets! afford; and no: paini
will be spared to mako hi house apleasant home
to all his guests.
Gnkirs will, be conveyed to and from tlui,
estrs, at aril hoar day or night, in a good linnibu.4'
free of charge.
I L47' AI e TEET STABLE •is attached to the
Great Bend, June 27th, 1853-261 f: •
Stores! Stoves 11 Stoves:ll
rrklit Sere and Yellow Lear reminds us!
I 1_ that the fast approach of the keen Frosii
of Old G!ey Winter, when one of these onsur4
passable and , highly approved Stoves from thd
Most extensive Manufactories in. the Unionl
Shenr Packard, become indispensablei
to' every family. We would respectfully announed
Co the citizens of Suslaelumna and adjoining
Ounties that we have just received and are. re=
ceiving the lamest and best assortment of StoveS
tsver introdticed into Eastern Pennsylvania,
will be-sohlat the very lowest coif& figure. .T 4
those who 'are in want of Stoves they will find it
tb . their interest to call and examine our Variefk
before purchasing elsewhere. They comprise iti
Part aatillows:—
linked Stales,- Oriental Parieri
1 L'asternl2scen E. 0., Venetian, do i
Fire Clapper E. 0, Fancy do
•j National Air-Tight E. 0. Irving ; do
Morning ,Star, , Cottage. - , do
-1 FarsereE 4.c. 4 ..•
Tbeabpve Stoves are _too well known to eel
quire any :minute description, being the' most
popular and approved Stove in market. All who
way favor:its with stenll will be shown ,throigh
our aiaortmeet with pleasure. "Recollect ths
nkunber"--Errox's far famed "One Price Store."
1 flarford, Pa., Sept., 1853.-35 I
. ..
~ , ,
' ' ..: ; i , AYER'S'PILLS,.i. 1 • '
•• ,
....u. :f • I 'A , I NEW and- shigularly ancenitaful
.•,..7 4-, Ll remedy for t e cure _of ull Bill
' .'-•,..--., .'d- - .' lona diseases—C silvtitessl Indigos
, -•
• ..9,., than, Jaundice. li opsiillheumatism,
- • • ~....".' , -Fevers. gout, ItuirtOra, Nervougnees,"
A ‘ 7: I P r r r d i f ia ls b in ili t t r; l ll a r S e; m t A ;. i l f tre s'i lla e c n ll le n ti n e ti
ge:+_ . pea ___.- • .--I.ltntof. Female Comp laints,l Jr.e.; ate.
A ..'!+•• 'H.,.. Indeed. very few fare the diet -ages In
which a Pule i Otte' Studio/no is not
more or leer , rerjuired, and much ',telefax and I Buffering
might be praftented, If a harmless but effect ual Cathartic -
were more fritely; used. No pergola coin feel well +stile a
coetivehabll.,ol body prevails ; beelike it anon ••geuerates
sctions and often fatal diseases, which might have been
avoided by.the timely and Judicious ate Or :it good-purga
tive. - Tide laalike true of Colds., Feverish symptoms, and
Billions dernbgelnents. - They all tend, to beconie or pro
duce the detp *tilted and fortoldebie dlsteinperserldch load
'the hearses,alfciser the land. Hence a ettlablefa t nily ph , *
lelii of the flat importance to the public,,hettith, ant this
Pill has becir)lerfected with consummate skill to adept that
dement'. Ar, egtensiveltrial of its vlr c itire by PhYsielans,
Professore, stud' Patients , has otiose results Surpeseing
-any thing hitherto known-of any ineicine. • Cares hare
been effectetillieyond belief, were they, not substantiated
br Demons ne 'ouch exalt-ed podtion li on Charaeter as to
forbid the slab - Ohm of U• truth .
• I
Among 1 Ite-;Matil•sonfirent eenflemeu who have timtlfled
In (acne of these P.llg, we mate mentlo s • ' I
Dr. A. Ileyee; Analytical Chemist. o „Boston, and Siete
Assayer of Idassachusetts. whose high , rottissional charac•.
tet is entlorf-ed by the lion. Edward EV,erett„Senator of the
U.S.; RobeSt C.I Winthrop, Ex-Spealcer of the, Douse of
Repregentatilrea; Abbott Lawrence. Dinislet nen. to Eng
land; John-11.:Fitspatrick. Oath Bighbp of-Bolden. Also,
Dr. J R. Cliltion, Practical Chemist, of New Torit Cite,
endorsed Wilton. W. f., Marcy, Seiretlary Of State ; Wm-
B-i ha Astor, t fiehest man In America ; S Leland Zr. Co.,
Protrietors dftbe .11 cit.:lye - Allan lintel and Others.
Del spAcejltiwilt, wt. enull give men) , lunched certificates,
from all parie.where the have ben used. bitt eildence.
even more eonSincing than the experience of eminent tint...
Ile men Is follnd In their effects uponSriel.l I' '- .
-These P Ills. the result of lone Investigation and 'study,
l'are offered to the p labile. as the best e nd inostl complete
width the precept state Of 'medical a. fence can afford.— •
They are enftipOunded not of the drugs themselyee,, But of
the medichnil virtues only of Vegetable rerueileg.extracted
by ehemicaNfrorees in a state of purity. and combined to
gether in stteji ti manner as to insniet e best reauttg This
western of composition for medicines It been found in the
, Cherry Pecteftqland Pills-both, to pro uce I moSe efficient
remedy thett hail hitherto been obtelnelby . any process
The reason le perfel . Vy obvioui. Who eby the; old mode
of ennipositton. eve . medic:inn la burdened with more er
less of actinienioue ,and ihjilltiglll4. qualitier+, by ; tliis coda
...Individual virtusonly tha Cis desired fOr the curative effect
is present. ;All thelnert and tihnoxlffus qualifies of each
substance ertibloyed ere let behind,. f te,eurative virtues
only being r'etajned. Bence it is gel --ev /lent She effects
should proftlis they have prnred mr e purely, remedial,
and the Piffs N Surer, more powerful antidote to disease
than s o y othjinertleino known to the world. I
Agit is fserinentlY expedieLt tont. an'y niedielne Idlnuld he
- taken nnilerdlir.etlnnsol of an etteeiling Thveietin . and as
he eonld notArienperly judge of a reaneily-witifout kneminc
Its eemposi(lptil . I have suptlited the ahenrate' FM mule. by
which both Mg .Pectoral and Pills arcs made to i the whole
body of Preetitinners in the Mated! 'States and British
American Pi.hiinevi. If however there ShFikild be tiny one
e,,, ha s ip.tioiqeired them, they will Ile promptly Alward
ed by mail trilflg st‘hTiell . :.. • , , .1 ,q,
06111 theiPatent Medicines that .are offered:, .how few
would. be tikieni if their composition known', Their
oinp.istelhitheir mys! ery:- I hare sni.terh:s.
The c , mn , iihipn of my tweparations , i• onen to all
men. and are ennapetent to jrehre On tile
. rubjeel
freelyaeknOttliiige their eonrietlons of their intrinsinnter-•
it. The Chtrtyill , etorat woe pronon nt , d.hksel t ific men'
to he a wonflPrfial ti lirhtr lipfore it rffiletie were- known.
Many.evair'Jit Physicians have deelartal the. Faille of
I aril (lien T11 ,, ,f• atilt, :I re', IV Mit] yr th
rertirl'ilnti , 9lor anticipations were tntwe than realized by
titer effects ppon trial,•
.Theyopergtelly 11. It powerful Infltieuce on the internal
rtf.epra to ppriff n 1 4 ,1,4164 and ptirnitlate It Into iheally
tkin—remote the nb.t of the stomach. bowels, liv
er, and othar; elegant: of the 131.1 r resteiring their irregular
Ile:1 , n utheatttj. and by eorrectifut s Nfiereirer they exist,
such derang!tinehts. at pre the first origin of',,lisetise.
- Tieing rugar lM rnppei they tire plensibt to take. and he.
ing purely .7ltetablei no harm ran arito from th ir 11Elf in
any quenttty.
For mitinte direetious, See ii , niver c;rl tlui -
Prepared!'hy :3A 31ES e. AVER. Pate teal knd
Chemist, lAKeII, 31acs Price 23 ci:ntr i t,er Fite Box
es for RI. I •
BALD ; A;',Trtrrell,llontrosi.•; B r. & .:11.
Tiarford. Chiircb & rhinmy. Duitoll; 1. Ernst, tlreat
T 1.11.1. Oruzzlsto, and Dealers in M. di. ineerery•
where. Sept '17 . —:17m.1e I • •
..lriii.te : 4, ,-- -- --
. ,::::.*.4,..1.;,i1-......7-tF.:----1/41,5,........
f lds i
,#-..,... - -6::::.i'.>.4:.74--, 1 --___ _
/40:, I ft-- -rv, r , . -.I 1)
rpm:: Sabseriber,> are
,runnintr a Daily line or
StaoslPetirecti C.; rltoryin I;. arni Dophottom
Station rin thle Lackawanna and ‘Vestern Rail
Distaie 20 Leave Carbrindale ire
the 'nforrting- , and connect with 'the tars. „loing.
North. Riitiirnino, leave on the . airiVal of the
11141 t traiii4ll!) the Great Begirt ,The nearest
most airtiiKiitiri cheapest route 'froth Gr'oat Bend
to CarbonaMe. • Passengers bp this alwayS
got into4.larbondale earlier in ihe evening than
any othet.i ! inte. -
Pare itieqpted in Carbondale
the Sukisitriblers;Main street. a
1 ; 11 - C Mil - LLAN pAhEI reti;
J.ll_ aeknoryleilginents to the
cots, anOitivite attention- to 41,e?
of Spring pith Sir:miler Goods
ceiving, anctioffer for mile. at ter;
addition to 'their nsual ass, r
Good , z, Gto'c'eries, flirdwaro,
and Oils & - .4.4 they aro prepared
.assort m (. 4 h tl (if
of every acti:ription, Fit:arid,
Silk-., flutinets.Slmls.
Ladies Mirl.l.3lisses shoes of ar i l
large stock; of '
' REIDY MAlif;
Cloths,, (;'sitneres, 'Fireed4,
Cloths, Hats and
Shoes &..(FifSie, 1.
They it4ectfally solirit• ari early ehll from
those mti'co‘Okh to purchase. I Gopn Goons AT
LOW %. •
Spring:Ole, May 2;1654. 4
-.2- — 7 .----
Great! ii Nov York!
~ ,
111 n os and
T_T - 011 Cf.' :AYERS, the great ltfu;.ie arid Plano F.. , rte
11 dealer 1133 Irwa.lway, New York/ prcf4rit.t eto share a
largo per cent:with his custmfo•rs. rat ier thinpsy fl . to.thei
sharpers of. Wall Street , to raise araltobte mettle to eatable
him to etettil.he present' ti_tht time?, offers his Immense as
torpuent orelegant.and warranted Pianox . and litelreleone
at a large dhicpunt from factory pricy ; tor' (min. ni, as
eortmeutrMtmirises Pianos from three of the largest .and
ornet CelehrOted Bolton MmnUtactrtritpl; also those of ser•
'era! of the,lret New Yuri : makers, inel uding the beautiful
and mach admire] floraett Wat Ps Pianos from . hisown fat ,
torn, and lifelMlerins of - the beet ItOeton, New York. and
ButTalomaiks . ; affording ap opportunity for selections not
to be , tai ei-ieWhere. . 3.ieltlstrumet4 waranted. Second
hand Pia at Great Barg. ins—Panics ruseruse . eon4qo $1(10.
Itluele anClitttsiell -taste ments ofinll - kinds. Dealent„
Teachers iii , theads of Seh' dm sunpli+d on the best terms.
SW sent
d. 44% Mail post p id: bi en. ral and Select Cato-
logues f muoc and Shed le or facti , ry pri've: of Plano 2,
Melndeona it'll musietl instruments for Warded to any ad
dress, free,ilf.ipostage.-3:113m05. . ... 1 . . , _,.
ImporloiYvad Jobbsrrs • Poi -riot _Do- I
; 1 4 ,
niestir _Dry f'or'k,. I
• •
. • . :11•1•1 DEY STREET, N,C•ty YORK, •
TOUIrD insile the attention, of Morehants in
V V SOHpiollanna and adjpining Counties to
their stoeiltwhieli will be foulid large and desira
ble at ally sea 3of the year, Consisting 'in part
of Clot simeres and Veitin,gs, • Jeans and
Tweeds,"With all the . best and FFcell known styles.
of fast e§l4red 'prints. t
' '
'Also, Miss Goods,"White. arid . Linen Go.od.S:
&e. . . • •
, Also, Tsrpelie long and square slcnwls, Cash
mere and Silk Shawis,tomether with Hosiery and
Fanny (166i15. - •
Promjjt!:attention paid to orLrs..
• Nett' 'ic .. ork Fire insfiktice - Co.
. 3 Olfify. 9 Wall , ' •
c Cash and A 'o l provell Securities)
'Ai Po A n s
3ti • 0 - •
, •
lasb.ipi4gainsii.oits or Mimageby Fire.
Mit!.osoßS.- r i; Q , Stebbiva, 1131,Brond Street;
Peter C. Degbr, 1 spruce Street; Oirard 1. - Sumter; Its
RrondwWl3lOmss Andrews, 136 Cajal. atreet,i Samuel
South 'MAW 3:7 IVe, , t street; Albert 1. Conkliu,StO
Oseeliwiebf James A Crosby, Eta Remidw a y ch i " l eg
Lent, liingelstidge,N.Y.: Laastir/IC. I.llllloThiespe,
I Smith ibbbie; ,Wtu. Leland, New l';91•1‘; Pe:les R.
ROatb,. 1311014 A street; Stainer 5,1; Bell, cot. 'West- and
Leight steieta ;John L. Deen.7B Vateretreet ; D. Van
wartmsitrchialrer ; !tomtit> N. (Wing. ear. Nest nail
Barrow street!; Peter 11. Poster, eer4Giuserrort Dud West;
-Reuben nnsi, Jr.; Jr. 411 Rightio Area e•, Stetiberer crow:wen,
cannten, P 1.1.; - Aitda ivadleieh. Philadelphia: - Dexter tt.
Britten, ep.K'ater;atreet;_Samueisinetair,Tribvneßnild
logs; Senentilll.Sbaw, Cleveland, OW
ROYM. 011A_MBERLIN,"Pri.s.
RRAItLVA - LCLAIIKE;..Bes'y• I\ • 7
Ci4ftLes L. Dnows,
Mnittros‘,li . o.l% 1853.
i - t . MARBLE SHOP... , '
T"' kcideTsigned have elOhliahed a ob i ! * * in
' the ;hiltieement or. Mr.•Bayre's Store,in Mon
trose, wljerii they will at all times keep on hand
FoaexcavAnd DauVirrtc MAIIIILi and'itanufaature
the eaniel into: Monuments, T tob•atanee, Table.
tope, teeloke. '., - i . I.
1. 1 )
11:7.The patronage of it , . pu ilic is reupeetratly
solieitedi 1; • . CONGO N iki BEVIER .
.ijonlreie, Aug . 4 25 , ISs3—t , ,
i: ,
-. l — ": -. -•-• -- i , . , .—" ---
I i `t Nat; Kno*: Tyself,"
Ai /reenttrattit &rip. for. 25 etnic--.. , P,ecry /amity. should
. . i
hurt a copy " -. ..
i . , ~.. ~„.i ;. . ; 100 . 0(51' 061'1E.Q. 'SOLD I:I
t„ v\s, 0.,...` 6;1.1. , t ;',' ri. I.Kr•S:TII.IN ,it I EAR.— A mew
~_fs„;ti, ~- . 'nf'gf,tf...,,,:,,t. edition, -revised and improVedr
'4Ft , ... , , '1,2. .‘,‘',/,, just IsSaed. .
.. -
;Y - Z • ' ‘ / " • Pwritre. 4 ...t. l " • De. Hunter's Medical Minitel
' . e•• • .se t zoei- ..... g ,-- and baud Rook for thearliicted—
wt.- 1.. -
• '''' mks." ... • • Coat Molt ~ an outline of the ori
. ,
...._• - .1 1 ,,,.: ‘,„ .. n, progressArealtuen in do use
i i i ! ,' „, e,-0r;, , ,,,Y.;\:' of every form of (Meese cons
-, '”' "" - 1 traered by. promiscurms sexual
I . ereciurte, by-141f ablite or brsextiiii excess, with adrico
lot their Prevention, wtitten in a famillaraty e, avoiding
al medical techurealtlea, and everything that would offend
tie eir • of decency; with an outline of complaints Incident
t ,Females.'frotaithe reault of some twenty yearn ' 'fueeeet;''
fu r l practice e sel tit sively devoted trithe cure of disci-450t a
delicate er ptivatk, nature. i
,h'o which-is 'added receipts fort he cure of the'above 44 , 7,
igiser.and a trentase undlo , eauees, p.topterns and cure of
the Fei-er and Agile. • :11 . , .
.• ;Testimony of Ms ProAiii]rofo.sAtelric* in Penn, college;
ilia. t api,iu—! , tut. IitINTEWs mEplc.% I. m A NuALi"
--,The author li. Otis edit:, unlike the majority: of those
who Advertise to cure the disco ti etuf,sillich It Treats is a
graduate of one Or he /I, st Colleges in the Uni tedStatei.
It:affords me•pleasure te, recomineml him to the' unfortni
mite"; or to the victim of m alpractice, as a anecessful and
eapmrlenced prietitinnir. In whore honor and integrity
they may place the greillest eotifidesice.
• .11 ,ills. S. LON - GRIMM, M :1)_
From A Trocetisorif. ,11 . D . ,q/: Penn. firlieersiitii Phihk•
d Ipho.-11 givesthe pleasure to aild,nly testimony to the
pfcssional ability oft ile Author MOO . MII Die• 1. MAK
V L.'''. Numerous ease. of Disease of theAlenital Organs,
s 'me of them of long standing., have'emme under my no-
MI eSeiti whirl iihrakill has hren -manilas( in restormg to
p 'feet health, id some rags where the patient has been
erinsidered beyo4,l medial! rid. In the treatment of Ssm-
Wel weakness. or disarrangemeat of the functions pro.
slimed by self abisse ttr EXettsa of 'Emery, I do not know
Ids superior in thr profession. I have been acquainted •
" - w i lth the anther lsoute thirty yetirs. and deem it no more
A !I ,
njustice to him as well as kindness to 'the unfortunate
victim of early litillseretion, to recommend him as °Hitt'
AV I.Fe profes.lonabskill and integrity they inn?. safely
cr nfide themtelv'es. -, :ALFRED WoODWARII Ml.ll' .
••` This is, withimt exception,tho 'most comprehensive
and intelligible work ptiblished on the :lass epliseasei of
w ,irin it treats: .. Avoiding rill technical, addrvis
esliteelf to the re'ason of Its readers. It is tree from 611.
objectionable matter, and no parent' however fastidiois,
can object to plating It Its the hands of his sons. •The Au
thor has devoted many Years to the treatment ofthe:virb.
nun complaints treated of: mid, with too little breath Ito
pieffi and too little prestimpti. in to Impose,he has o ff ered
t. , i the world, al Ow merely nominal price 01'25 cent., t e
'fi,ult of some latent) years'.utost suecexaful practice.'
Erroll!. , i . .
4 ' No teacher gr j
pareni should he without the knOwle ge
Imparted it thiAntalnible work. It would save yearaof .
el pain,mortlficatith aiplmrrow 'to 'the, youth under, Mark
ooge."—Pe'or , e s Adrocule. . .
. , I.A Presbyteriaii etergitnen in Ohio , writing 4if " Helm
t is Modleal tfilfunl" oiar :—;" upon thong
81an of our y o uth. by evil exaniple 'aii.l in fl uence of the
r.i i
P4IIMP, have been le I into the habit of self p.ilitcbia,
a thout r..alisink ths sin' and fearful conseluences upon
t I emseirris and iheir p,eiteeity.. The emAitutions ofthons
'nVarhri are ral.,.imt fantill.%. bare he'll enfeebled , if not.
h tit.itn .34 I they tt 0 nqtkUou the eons. or the core.
A ything that ran .he d P
one P. t. .litehtefl and influence
the public milohes to cheek ,and ultimately to remove Illi .
- ultle•spreml soarce of Montan wreteletainme, would confer
the itientest blei , Aintt next to the rilfglon of Jesus Millet,
on the present And eirn!trz generation. Intemperance (or
tl ense of iiitoxigating .11:itik".) though it lut-elniu thoul
a' els upon thon'sands, is - not a greater scourge to the hu
trsn race . Accept toy Otani:. on behllf of the afflicted,.
mil. believe ttic, your e ,, worker'in the good .work you are
mactively engaged it.." • . • ._
n'6,......,,,v rs..,iirely ettrolonedi wilt be fortOrdttl, free or
ih.tn7,.. to onrirrart rtlllle Milted ;;tat Pr for 2.1 eiinra. or
i' i ll copies tor ~.11:. A dikes,. (prat paid) COSDNN : tit CO.,
Midi-berm or lir( tort. 'Plill ad &villa,
hr,r - D. , ntgetler.. (74114:rtmerat sand Book Agents I.:spoiled
the molt lil+ral [era's.. ' , 2.4.y1
In i valids of Pennslvanill.,.,
' .
Tour diteOtion ii .. trgenily invite-ii to ; - a :careful
1 and candid of soinnthing-that has just'
b •en intrhdujed Mid your rich !mid time .houoted
'State. 1
; . . .
f J airenbtt-itOr's Miro Edtctrie I'4,ltaia Chains:
i A new nod novel'mode of xpplying a . pOwerful
r medial agebt. so c o nstructed as to be worm under
tl a g'itrmesaF t i next to the skin producing. OcouStunt
1n notettupted curretit 'of Electto:llagnetisht,,effect
ii g insinediat i e relief - thorn, the mos t acute pain, and
lL so a permanent cure of all Nervous Diseases. It
's Worn has failed toi famish almost instant relief,
Mid u final, itirniainiiii cure. hy'being used accord
itig, to di reel i'Ons, In the follotving diseases, —Rlieu
'Matisin, Goa', Seiktica, Paialysis, Painful and
:4'01(4 Joinis. Nedrulgin of the face, Diseases of
the Spine. l):eafnesg. and BtinluesS, Uterine Pains,
/f.ilpitation . 4f the
.Ifeart. Periodicot 1,11e3 (Lich e, ;14 1 _
IVTituii Da riee'. Generhl:Debility, - -Paitis of the Chest,
dlystetres, Ilyspep , ia, oil disemies.that are riatised
itiv a defirient 'amount of Nervous Raid are greatly
r,itieved, if riot pernionently cured hy simpl wear
'Mg. - ,
the chains a few hours each:day. •
1 Be it tindrstoo,l2l.hut it is not claimed that - it
[ otitis ail ilisclas.s. bat only those for which it is rec.
l olnutctided; i and moreover we hold:y claim and de
fy that no medicival agent of any kind has pe rform
'elf so MANI' cures during the last year, of titoSe
dreases j osti u a tried as
1- 1' - 4 1 . i i - crintre';h , .. , r . .c Meet)* Ch a in: i , :
!..lid to priiv . l this assertion, tie defy any person to
p of:act-so (natty well authettticatedCertifieutes of
Si,ientific Physicians ;cud inte l higeni patients cs may
l i
14 f..,Mid in 4 Ri.10.1.6144 uf :11ipoino, to be had (gra
,..4) ~, .1,, .. q ;,...:.. ti_;, ~.v.. 1 T 1.... r0i.......:. (71.....”1"
W i lere first int:rodueetfin France ih•l'.:ia. and after
c o ins subjected to the 'most t boiongh and rigid trial,
by the first iti..dicarmen in Paris, they were, found
tu possess str i .inze and marvellon. power for teller
itimpaiii,.wh'rriiver applied, and by their influence
'w l c 7 lc introduced into the hospitals of that.cily. and
ai l s° seCured letters'Patent by the French Govern . -
,„1 , .„,.•-. Th ,..., ar e wit,' ititrodifoe'ti iiito almost every
nospital in F:n . 7.1311(1. Gertnany, , Austria. Belgium,
n id pli te II trd iii thotie COM 11 ( ries %there they have
b dome the most
I'opul.:4- Curtitire Agen/ - in the Nitric/. .. .
, nt 016 ;Store of
few blpckmbvlow
prn Owl I n-:Picini
publiti fop past fa.
`very, large stock
:ttev art' pow re
pr'fres. In
.1 or st4le Dry
to a large
Plaid antl I'lairi,
1 kimi.,4---also
. . .
They Are , ri.first introduced into.the U.•State.e a- 1
bout One year since,[ and went through the same :'
trial as: in E urope, and were at o nce introduced in-
. A . .
to every IlOpital in N. York, where they are now
in daily use,ielFectine even more wonderful 'cures .
than hitd ever before been awarded them. They I
sere highly re'Cornmerided by Pruf. Valentine Mutt,
Van Buren, Post add others, who have published
their views of their power and Value in several of
the medical journals in that city.aud are also in the
daily practicit , of recommending' their use to pa•
i • 1
tients. A Intl account of their opinion may also he
found in every pamphlet, and sent to the address of
'etery person in ihr ;State by applying . (post paid)'
ti Ali ELTOBR E L L . Agent, Iff - int/list.. Pa. The
Chains can he sent by mail; with full descriptions
fir use. Pries. of Chains, 83 and ,86.. -' _ • .
lPhysiciani are politely invited to II and exam
ii e th,eir.cohstrucOrrii, and pronouuc upon their
Merits. '-o.4ei wean .19 INvm.rns. na • p min need
fear that thely will Oh accomplish just 'hat it is
claimed their can dh.
N. 13. Ond Chain will last for years an lose none
Oita electrie pottier liy use, and[Can be applied to
either adult Orchilct. ; , _ . . .
. I A am. Tuahet.t., Agent;Montrose, Pa.
IJos. Sis:iN'tar, General . Agent, SGB, Broadway,
New York. I ! - . Gyl.
Xil , I ..; •
'octor Yourself: , ~.
. Or,. .61c . ery' uv Vs own Ph • pician:
. re , .r 11 1 1.1 r . I:1F- fIETII Edi lien, nontaining.
. ge'- - ....__..5:. A. One hundred Engravings, snowing
Diseases and. 31alfor4iations of 'the Ilu-
[ k !.-;:z.-:: inb,u system in every" shape and finin. :
11a"—...—. - "An , Tb whicN , is alltled .a Treaties on the
iseases of IF.eniales, being of the highest impor
t nce to married pealle ' or those rotemplatingmar.:.
4 .• - .;
tinge'. By I I
Willia hi Yott - tig,;.3f. -D.
• -
[ Let no father be ashamed tri,preseut a copy o f
tote. Aesculapies tahis child. ;It". may save him
.floor an rarity grave. Let no ; young - man or wo-
Man enter into the si‘eret obligations of marriedlife
Without reading thelPor.ket.Acsculapins. Let na
one suffering from al hacknied cough, Pain" in the
Side, restleis nigho, nervous, feelings, and the
Whole train b r Dy*peptic sensations, and given up
by their physician, he another mOment without con.:
salting the ,VESCH LAP' US: I Have the married,:
Or those alunit to be Married any impediment, read
this truly useful book, as it has been the merlin; of
saving thouarinits.orunfortnuate.creaturesfrom the'
very jaws of death. • - ! . . . 1
•f- Any ,i)ersen. sending twenty five cents en-1
closed in a letter, will receive: one'coPY of Ihki e l .
Wot kby mall, or five copies will he aunt for On
'Dollar. ' • Address jpost paid,)
l _ - I • 1 DR. WM. YOLTNa i
I ' No. "152 Spruce St. Philadelphia.
- .
[ Marsh Btb, 1854141. . , ' I
111 \G, ':
Jeans, Fullmer
`Caps, Bpots and
Groceries --- Wholes ale & Retail ,
IN great variety, ; considerable quantity. Attperi l
or qoality. and cheap for qaeli, or to excliatipi
for moat kindsof ni4rchantabre produce, on ,good
'Lows. Ifi stock of Sugars, Team, Tohacco.Spi4
d es , &c., tieing - so minimal, lie deem itpuly nee;
elsicry to say, that Onion' anything in the Groff
eery line used by.Nailier,nan be found aioninquil
and , conrequently eiimne.+4ion . is coaddared
auperflumis? In particular he woulifana exam ;
ination of hip -Tobacco, and 4a 't ‘3.1
A. deduction worth waving made those who buj
ni -large qu/utnies.
1' piontroft, Prt..July 12: 1854.
tr. Y. it Western-Union Teiegraphi.
IfHIS line having recently.. been thoroughly
rePair'ed and moved on to the N. Y.
E. It. R. is no* in full operation„ between
ew York and Buffalo. Panlweting with all We
mph atntiens in the United States and Caned:is.-
hvi.ry exertion will be made'to secure eoplldenee,
d tho company rolv ripon:n liberal patronage.
itu repay tlie trail :e . xpenies! of rebuildipg. I
' ' '' P. A. , HOPKINS4 Sett. •
. -
1 i 1 1
' Dr.:ll'a p'
Thetilisrarery oJU,e FORnST,T;
b ! ,O of the pge. Put up an guar .
TilAiih doc more rood, rid goes:
tutie,tlan Enn bottle. of any
04rranted en cure without any 1.
T e inethod by which all Saris arilia4 and Otheisinillar
me4leinelenre prepares, is by hol mettle: Hoots or • Plante
to Obtain the ea, racts. Their , u edicinal Virtue/ism thus
evaporated and deny' ye!: ,
- I till not to ba wondered at the that t*nhnd even twen
lbetars th we SitrviCP%rillag are sometimes taken with.
out:!?ra l y perceptible benefit. Not, so with , tho - Yorest Wine
ity,fheintrontirn of stwoneterfni appatetna,n per
fect:Wine is prtduced without eating; retaining. tit the
FM 110' time, All the primitive beall, g propertiei of the tare
medicinal plants of which ft is mposed. thne ienderinit
thell'orest Wino the most eiftele medicine the world aver
produCed.nt , ‘fie same thin ethe mat agreeable.!
Veld on v.—This is ta to lily thot hart; usvel Dr.
Fiai Forerf %Vine in' niy few!' th • the:teOst entire
sti . eta. My wife, was badly alfiir, ed irith Nenraigin
dad of the.Spipe and Krdneyi,w td genyrpit Debility. She
. - . .
el speedy relief, and regalne — herhealth by-tho 'use • of
l o orest Wine. '2- • i .- ;
, mmy (tall knowledge of t is excellent Medicine, I
ii dent ly recfflnmend It for the ood .of etheri who may
w lr i e b rln w g i, f ic ro u rn l sl a m il i r t
a ar c. • r e i
ua o tnmpltael
. 1 4 t e iti iim t_ e be i lt h e o st a '
7 ro c etl ar i 7
int dwith'tha above, or any al liar disease, may safety
el units virtues.' f
hoe', %nett 6, IMO.- 1'
,„ . E,,,,,a, mussEy„
Bore. Teatime's' %- rsli enhorit. ;
.D . a W. Ilatser ;—neat filr,, My wildlast,altumn was
retlgired to a inw-stats of Debliit . 441,y fittriilY physician
ndrPed her toltake yur Forest ine.', , Accortlangly I 'great
to Air: Terry's. your gent in till town, and ptoeured a
bottle or it, which re stored her in a very steart•time to,,Per
feet.? hesith. !
'Cahoes, April 13,185 0. . ANitt DONALDSON.
0 • - !
Dtratiftil Cinigh,Dcbilily, nd Loss of ApPetite.
• • •
-DiitAt.sEy':. I- • ' II rupstead,Decl.lB47.
72,A . b a tth e ' of your Forest Wine; and box Of Pills, which I
prafured of? , lii...James Carr, ( yo' agent for t hisiplacat has
done wonders,for me • I had bre' In a state of •tleeline for
mate iban it ytxr, afflicted with's! dreadful, cough, pain iu
theitreast, general debility and use of appellate. I he
mote at'inost, ii skeleton, and had, ern unable De leave tily
roam for more than•two months; my friends told met had
thiWonsumiitlott.aud despaired o tuy !rectivery. l 'I could
' no obtain any relic:front any mi. licitte , l;ltad taken, or my
• pli gratin, until your Wine and I illarrere procured. The
firs &use of gills .brought up f mu my stomach, - much
~pll. ! int and. greenish Matter, aud•n y stools , were; perfeetly
til It. I then commenced taking your Forest Wine three'
times a- day, my appetite began t return Immediately, my
cough left me,and In less than t'e wenks I was almost *ell.
I npw enjoy betterhenith than I .rer did before, having in
crepsed - 25 pounds In seven week ' Your Forest, Wine and
Dills are bight • rained in this rtcliityt, - Matl'l owe my irecov
erg entirely to their virtues. ". ours - reipectfolly, ,
- 4 • • lit'i l lN CAI:DWI/LT..' .
Ktdrseva.i , • •
ted,Derchant of No 3'B
Msevere' ntlec . tion of the
York, March 12, IS".:3:.
• A tfectiowt of th
4r- T. J Gillies. a highly rvspei
Dioadrray, New Yolk; cured of ri
Kidneys by the Forest Wine and 4
Du,. G. W. IIaLSGT rl
Dew Sir. In the summer and'..
ffetf•reecimplaint of the Kiftneyff, -
mutt for business. '1
privet col yo
nlitch cured me in a few weckftti
loylod better health than Utiztve fo,
Frein their efficary In my dun ca...
, lofty m calcine to have done for', I
retimmenfl them aI. he best meth
quninted. - ,Yourr. resacctfully,
771.94 En . —There 'are thii
diArriAo by the Fore t' Wi '
CfltiVl.l3l•Ri , and Indifteidion, are
fittently - azirttng together, and th .
thkeure of all . Thed:orest Wine
',Hey are preeminent in the Pllrt!n
testimony Of Mr. J. N Vermilit
Juty Otb. 1854. 1 .
11a. G. W TT A. I.NEY :—Defir .Sii!
nvitpeositt, by the use of your,Fort
the liberty to °fret yritt my name,l
~ - . _.•
tNI by %I.ur.
hem uftlicre.l
Trd of iny,time
Wiaft and Pith*
I I cheorfally r
,avery at-these
maimay he benefit
many yerrs T hay
tlnt:t nearly one th
eeltent health. an
erifivlneed, the die.
mankind. 1
!sells Gum-
new York, July
the Gum mate. Fisie-t PIIIA ar
th - }1 Forest Wine I theetirg or Di,.
tOn being more a 4 op-hing and eft
liibetter thin an other (Nil. or C ,
tS:ies when this , el se; of niedieines.,
inleffeet. They Ire purely re,
'ha' rs
nke,al. any tire withent iir
frniu bullpm, or iosagreeable ea
I lOs boweli perfectly natural, whir
pcitfeet rce.very and e.m tin nation
orand4 can tc,tify tis the, great. exc.,
'I o thers. The foteftt Wipe -nc
g. are most effeetual in the en
nitt!.. - tbstinate P
healthy -eolorof thr.
Erysipelnfr, Coln pinintx i
ilahgui•hina weliknels.
(triter:el ill health, Awl irnpiired
Ptu Fort*t Wine is put up in 1
11.44 , ev'Fnime blown in tlirgl
tle, or git bottle. , fon'ire Dorn rs.
prr Box. For Sate by t
.IrA;nle!qtle analGeueral • l
nor i~ lnor fr.,rplltulson. New York
Appointed Agents 14:41ealtio,p , e, ,
liucien Serk., • :I
8431 change qtvirterly
- 1)1111LADiA.P111.1 ‘EF.DIC:II.
1 years ago by Dr: KIS IC. N J
sta;. between spruce and Pine. Ph 1
*4. atm .portied. ttkut
42114. re his u 3.110 led xtiontion, 11.1
- 4, , rainet the abuse of illarzurY;
ia lized unt of life ltec en
TlNeerty Year% of V.xl)er
ofi dasi of disoni , CA hitherto 'leg',
E!etitorl,ll:li KINKEE
wictecr V gEsita.v srt.,N.)to proll
Ga Uses of nervous debility . Incal a
Ite!bi:rnental - an and phy=icaleuieriti
tafphaLite,fo , ming the nu, , t secl
Ipiings of lonv.stle oilecry and pre
t lra , •:ortictelstrAntie.
itontrtim esin.lut,re t In Ity
up iwitti them to mnutmod.ttntl
)t1 time, n•tt 4nioupt
hnOtint-st4 but ulVe. rt.! to n
tinttl tleva.ttitin,t arfeetionot.. Few
thit pernitiona practice me nun
67110 they lin.l nervou..y.tenti
un'tountablef. , •ling.... and v7l
Ithe unfortuuate thti. Atteetetl
Inttor with oren4togoetl vine, ni
Ftn:4ly : hi. Fief, Ia tnnly and weak
nn4 enzntze. in hit. sport.lin lent
I!fhoe=nzn ipitehimselfbernrc
worst. said entyr matrimonv. hip ea
iiitt:ente tells hint-that this is emit
Thit e are fern (inn s Wok!:
qt te ximibtriy situated -
t. 71Itarriatn•e re luires the fu/
tiotta. la order that It may be re
dtajiminem t'ould the reit whishl
ftnertie wretchedness be raised., an
i intd - ance dittlnse.t—in how many
nalifieationl. , and their att
1 101 y them while it is'yet tune.
?strong' and-relaxed tlegan=talion
rttLengthertial. • • '‘•
Ii 11.1 till VI IME ti,lre who p
RY:SRELM 7 .streat6nent tnn'yrelitt •
or,ni aOentletnan. and rely upon
vm.t.p of Dr. It's po!ients, win
. Voting man—let no false mode
lug your case ku /ten to one who.!
tability,can certainly befriend yo
. Tim loony think they will con
own hearts. and cure them self
this a fatal delusion andhoW ma
man .who might have been an it
faded from t he' earth .- '
Btriet urea of the urethra • are
apidtration of miaow therapeutic
De. K. Weakness and constitut
cured, and Intl *hoe restored.
if:mismirs - Invalids- -eau
ca lie explii:itly.tozether til:h ill
ter enclosing a remittance) pr if
fed sieenrilingly. i 7 ',. '
Forwarded to any pan of the r.
srrure from DA3IAGr.: or CURIO,
READ !!---Yeinth. a l
A ii7gorout .1.4:11i .or a remlurei
Preset- , lion --0
t 1:4 a, work emluent y require
Dig; the'Ticen of the agtin whichl
7 ,Nll'DitE"3 6
, .
Till, rwlesfor Me Prolour.ation q,
A letter with a ren:itt saner n 473
Twist:4lmpg. addressed tit-i•Pr K
14. will secure a copy of either •
r t itorn of mail; or 12 copies will
for VI: 11 , inksellers, CauraSsers;
stipplind wholesale at the publisi
of; a larze profit.
I,:fr,jl2l.from the Pre.*
benti; !or Mir- Tnltir in
A the; above book a by
ment!!fren postlig•
Trarellbm grnta ; tar ,
er'npri¶es,which admit
Letlersmusl peq-ptiq. 13A*
• Farnieri'lStor;
partnership in the
51,nntrost., take this method
and the pidle, that, we hay,
s4rtment of Dry Goods and
stitnd.of Mills &Shertnnn,
py to *pit upen'all whti ma',
[bur Goods are all new an ;
:vidtlt greet care, and we flat
can nit the most particular
.We invite'itll to call and
Our motto - hi, "Ready
steadfast friendship.",
Montriise,liay 21,1854J1
Stoves VSiores !!
r III: • -
litibwriber wishes
.1 his fr4mdS and the P
mtsortment of
• . - i : . , STOW ,
a t, : bin Tie* • St ore . • li
Room. 1
L; S. ter.theint' . 3 Store, on
. • • *--•`• _He - Inn in n tloitio
vitriety wk..- •.. 4 1 - 3 .;
• -t•,:ry r .
liittternm, sonic o '0;:.7.,.. I
RE .11rieholax.:. .. _ Fends
I',•-..lliateroTray, . Moult ,
Utnek warrior, . - ortrnt.l
Which tivretlitir 'With. i"." 1
-- pp' n rbnpn ige:mo o " i `• i l''''''''i
- o r , A .,611. se i ee te , l . Stovpi.i . n . - . - ,
', n_noratonaroN'en welt '
C t . 4 - Alt nrtriolcs in his
.r isde tO order tts usnal, nil,:
014 stit& In. gent. BOA
A •
! .o ersvtlle & tire-4v
Evr.4i iIiVILSPAY 245.41:14.11.4i :It.
". • -
• : ;
•si P 4) E.!! '
hyv is t4greate3l - blp al.l
Bullies; 4 siagle.botileßl
t luer indhgt (Iva 1
ariapaiilia in'iuAe, and I
rpleit . sana -'•aken
65z. .1 -
TEICI/S-•••e;1.60> Bash in ad vanc es 82,00, if
not paid iyithin sia utottths;_und. 412,tg0a l the end
of the year. No Paper discontinued,nnfil arreurri:
ges ure 1 the 'option of lhe -Pub.
lishers. All cotnmitnicutions connectedie.! iththe•
office, to insure attention, must - bedirectd• (po et
paid) to CHASE ' & DAy,lblotitroae; Suilrehann i
Cuunly, •
:all of 'lap year 1 had a
filth re#gered me quite
Al' Emelt, Wineand pills;
e,, , and I have . since °il
-1 mapy years itreviously.
e. and from what I liner,
lhers .1.1 am Indriced so
1 nee witb which lam ac
t Ti J. G I.l'l ES: '
i saada lured every year_
e and Pills; nyenvieda,
:kiwirea eolnpialntri fre.
eure or_nne hi generally
ludilillr!abore all reme 1 . -
of Sew Vol k City, eluted
• finvingi been eutt4l. of
Ft Wine pal rill', I fake
scellrnt :elmrdiec. For
ith this malady to badly
'at 'peen from.bu*
otro rottprttl Tite to ex
toimitentktllttit. at I nm
metlmt Ire a blesting to
Volzh;il lorest P i !
dostgnest. to aecomparsy
their cotat.ined
etive. They are ,nfinite
! ithlctle., in all
are srsefal;umost charm
istalsleser gripe. may
sere', and lass fa:le:trio;
all instsort for the
of rood health. Then-
I enee of tise.e istit4oh,vp
I.mpanleri I.y she Forel4
of all.thefollowing row;
Vier 17.4 - imlnint, A St
, tapir*. Iliptehe,‘ rind un,
P. AgUY a nd Fever. Salt
°lily to f . ernales.—
Neriong Pi- orth•rs,
Itate,of the Constitution.
~r,;esauaie hottles;wit h
ss. .9ne Pollneper fint
nutn•enitterl Forest Pills
e ALTehts, at
ep - Duane street,
bel Timer' ; Great Bend,
.order °Mini Sc. rnion
adeiphiri. Pa.
'ir. KL eonffnes
qedicine, Which
autipns t he unfor tU :sat v
hou , nulds are annually
affections are womptly
puiit• in the+. teatment
et ed anilimperfeetly nu
. tS.(.tutitott-oi , aWorw
'e tlukt,nine tenth. of. he
3n.1 _einia tit t or. u I
are traceable 'to cer
-et, yet denily. ant foal
!—TtioreiB evilTiabit
often growing
tieh.if ant rerformeil, in
iibitaeleAt o matrimonial
tlinve who give way to
r .of the. eoli'velTlenee.,
Fhattereri. feel vtranige
• in thenlind.
.vomeitee•bla-Is unable
to *may hi++ mint to
ho 14 duff , Irrefolute,.
, Hertz , / t inn usual, •
pr:j eller 113tA done net
inri.+•_Pin tinfruittiamind
tt.l hj hi. «ally follies.
Imont lot' rovers!. condi,
ty the, enure of mut nal
rovers the orizin of do
, its true rot:rife in every
.014 it he. traood to nhyr
ord..? Co 'hare ,yinit un
elrraei•d;. revivified . and
. .
aces . him.cif under Dr.
/onAly Coafide In hie hon. - -
;the asktrarce, that the,
yet be iliklosed.
ty det.yott 'from - mak-,;
1. med'u n cation . and vespee- - ;
6 L
oat the s ecret in , t heir
"s. Alaal how often is
.y a promising young'
r elent, ..a.POciety - has
apidly riznlcieed by the
I ag,ctiri u.ed "only by
onal achility promptly
have thy statirig.their
tlicirsiwaptotos, per .let
's. medicine, appcopria.
iced Etaltes, and packed'
. .
in i d Manhood.
if e, .... , , 5 t,:c.. i t , -nke 4 n Self
on qo .
(as a ntienn of to form
: we liv. r Also; .
having enttred into
' ereantile business at
infinm our filen&
:• just: Opened' an as-
Groeories at the old
'heq , ,We shall be hap.
favOrlns witg
I hao been selented
,er ourselves that we
4xamipe our tocic. ;
; 1-I,lnoOle
Sta% es : :
o calf the st!fmtion ►! .
[ brie to his very large
:S, 1.1
Lotirsvi)l(•,oe.xt to
near; the Great Pena ,
t o 14,form er large.
lorS!Oves, tonvYllw
7 ~ .1. its irty,
' HI - .0- a*P l ' l " l,
ve, '
)rmr, Istock -
And varied 48sortment
urni . .(l ut lout pric'es.
ino'ki•tt nn han4 An d
1. 1 011p 1 4,%5'1%.1k1,
• Rates al- Ativertising.
One square (I:l4inett soilless) 3 insertiOiao6l,oo
Each Aubsegpentizisertion, . • 7 0,25
One square three month's,. . •• . .
One square' six montlus,l . ... ... • 4,00
Ilusimss Cards; four linen or less, •-• 3,00
Yearly :Idvertisements, hot over 4-squaryvs, 7,00
One column one year, .... . .. .il. 30,00
Yearly advertisers be restticted-lo th e which they:ore engaged ;and:pre con.
sidered as wishing to dOitinse tidvertillinjf Pecan.
they shall give special . directionnfor a diseentin.
-uanee of the same. - •
; -,•, •
- • • - JOB
,t 0" The; . pablishers litiring added to,t'he'
Printing materials: a' large -and fujicrioi(asson-
Men t 'of Job . Type; are now prepared ;to lexecnie
Jib Work in a. manner liiniurpassed in:this see.
.lion of country and on the most reasonable ; terms.
.111aliak r s''of ercry description kept, Constantly
on hand or printed - to:iaider.. . .
.',l.iii . #',,-:, L glirq:i.o'.4lis..
rashiouritile, Tai l or: Shop under Searle7s
Hotel, Main Street, Montrose Pa. ' . •
Great Bend Detiett, )1 11 1t. ADDISON Bit.
kir, Proprietor. . -
Aranufacturprso r eorruT .
l•OBIBIll ED chr,...
RIAGE.SPMSOS, JIU*B9 VcominiCo., Pg:
Springs may lie had:of . 31 S.\ ontrpsc:
' Wut. W. WA , II & co. •
Cabinet and Chair . 3 . 4nitfact.irera, fOot, Main
Strert, Montrose, Psi, -
• G. & W. FULLER,.
Dealers in Books, Ready-1110e Clothing, Hes
Mind Cups, Boots and; Shoes, Pry Goo&k, ok e .
Store hpposite Scarp's Hotel ? Montroie, Pa.
, Dr. C. C. CDIVARI)fi;
Pie rsicialtand 'Surgeon, Harford; Pa. Office
2 doors 6etow . Eaton's Store:
Dr.. 11. 1 SMITH,
Surgeon. at
Dentist, Montriz4; . .Ps:, will . he
Searle's Hoe!, and,Tuesday4ol-.oelt
week. .:13y1 .
Dealers in Dry Goods; Giainiqtes, liataiwarE)
• •
$ Crockery, [loots And, Shoes',. Elm., -Springville,
- "
Ea - - I ' 18y1
Attornies at Law—Office formerlypcee:
pied by _Little & Streeter; Montrose, ,
lianna County,
/ I
Dealors'in Marble Monnments:Tables, Tomb-
Stones, dut. Corner of. Cenrt and Exebange
Streets, opposite Bri)etne County Bank, Bing.
lianiton, N. Y. 4 . -
• 1 -- -
. ,
DeabOrs -in Stoves and. Manufzietorers'of
Ct•pper, Tin, and o‘..lteet.lron Ware. Shop
.- west Side Main Street, 'opposite Donecrat,Of
,fiee Montrose, Pi: 1
ABEL: TURltinti • Alowntosr,
Dealer in Drugs;HOcines, chemicals,Paintg,
DYe stuff., Groceries;_ Dry Goods, Hard
ware, Stone- ware.Glass-warc,Camphene,Burn
lug Fluid, Lamp Candles,Varnishes,Witi
dow Glass, Riney and Toilet Articles, Perin-.
finery, •Jewelry, Spoons,' Spectacles, IlluSkal
Instruments, Trusses, Medical Instruments, '
Liquors, Mirrorisi Stationery, Brushes, Stine%
Yankee Notions, •&c. Physicians ' Piesicrjp
tions carefully twmpounded. -
i Alitorney . and Counsellor at tar',
_ MosTkose, P.a., • . '
et' •
W t l e L d L io at ti t
i e m n fu
in the c l o l u y n t t o y a o l I f b c rteine a s e u n a n r a.. 4 r
I Conveyancing and writing - 4)10 kin Ai air be
done neatly, and -charge moderate.
He will also attendto the proseenlion ofcliims tt
sbidiers. their widows and. belt's, against- the-I.llli.
ttd States government, !or Oonnty ,
sione.. BC. - I '
May be fohnd at all htihrs at the offteetirrnerly
onpupied by 3 . T. RiCliards,•Esq.,zioith of the Court
ltenee. - • - 1" 49y1 .
' 1013:147. COLSTEIir t
PEALER Is Stores, Tin, Copter and Sett Iron
Ware, Lddersville", near Great lk.nd.l:,,epot.-,6tf
. Interestedmith,.l. L. Hunt,-
dc: DEALER iniciardware'and Cat
lery, Carriage TriOnings, Springs, e: •
• ' No. 215 Pearl Street, N. ,
Where his Mercantile frieidi; in this and " ether
Counties, are kindly invited, and earnesaysolieit
ed.tO call and :pnrchase, - -- n6tf. .
- • HENRY .S. KNAPP ! •
. • OF- MONTROSE, Pi. 3 .
Witltowe,'Woiidriiff, &Learter,
TBOLESALE' GnocEts And ammisitoN
I.IIEnpnANTS, , ' No. 173 WashingtoirStreet,
between Cortland and Dey streets, New,Ycirk.
-- March 8, 1854-10 A ' ' '
dtiedical Card -
-•- • -
TARS. E. Patrick, Jr. &G. Z. Unlock have
1J this day formed a copartnership, fora more
efficient and successful prosecution 'of the differ
ent branches of their profession. -
Aft business entrustedto them, will be-atten
ded to with promptness and; fidelity.
,ollice will be the' one lately occupied . by
Dr. Din3ecic. _
Montr(±4e, Unrelf 22, 1854. - •
Dr. Bletit, H C. Vail. • •
]JRtJGGIST and CHEMIST; and' Dtaler in
'Dunes; Medicines; _Chemicals, Dye
Paint.; Oils, Patty, Window - gaga, Camphine
Fluid,. - Perfumery, Yanked
Pa.•= - 10tf.; -•
A. j.
Itannn %Tot, Pa, Otti4e..avet . 49. I:--West's
Store', 1 . ..16y1
- ' ' .
- . Iffedicaleaid .
.: . .
--- t‘odrs..TFlA yglt &CRANDALL, haring
' I '..r . ntisoeinted themselves in - the, practice (If
Aletlicitic and Surgery- would respectfully invite .
all to - ! , ive. Them.a eat that. mat noed . their. pre .
fcssional service. ,: They tniiii6 found at the
o tilet!, . formally ottpapitli .by , Doc.ter TliaTer.—
.wh e y *ll,l kopp on, tined pure cOncentratca - ind
jinn:twit:ollie Ileditlnes. '. y... :. ' . • .
.- It. TitAxEit, ; •-. . IL P. CRANDALL.
•'' Montros . e,'lStay, 8; 184, .-1' - ' .
Notice , to• PasseCgere.
DBl NGEltS,:travellingNortte,on the. Dela
]: ware, I t tiekneranna d,. Western Rail Road
l e Great litind. ein hare .twenty-Six minutes for
ner it the " . liti l trait7' I fousi" before the New
York Eiprees goes East; and ono hen's - time
thehero,; he Dunkirk' Express4rai n goes West on
N. 4r.' Erie rtailroad until further lotice.
N R. irk
- —9`:Cin,qinnati Exress , train going
East, stops at Ure; Bend. L eaving time is 7.50
A. M. •
A..BRIANT: „it- • •
'Propriet or of itryant House."
(Irvat At'nd DePt4, l Sept. 16, 1554.'
[EzicA B!'citasE
Is. A. WooDstyy.