' picked up.; maker's nlune erbes, of " iege. A ItussinnAtneral was eap,turedt after - fiie battle, nutlet' rather singular circumstances. lie had heard the tiring; and per& tly confi dent that the action must base suited in, our repais.e f eatne 'with a single n ' the heights to congratulate; 4:0 h . Prince lft4ilehittoff uponlhis :victor • intense Surprise he , was .made pri broright in. by Sergeant Trotter, of streaur,Gunrds; - Who was ..on duty .. the Outposts. I : •-: - . Another general officet:was captt red in the redoubt. Ite - was - stretched on tie ground beside his fallen horse; npjDarently end. 4n artilleryman, who had taken la rio ent Onc,y to his coat, was about to. direst the sUpposed body began to m0r4.4 • corpse of it, when the' .and nearly flightened the Man - oir. It vas soon discovered that . .nO . li:irin bash cone to - , the general,.and on. 14:j coat being opened, two stars announced his 0 1 0- 'Thy general's object waS - evideney to lie. quietly until night' , and then make off. " ,1.. . - ,It is confidently repgrted that ll,Onchikoff 'was suffering,severely from illness dhring the battle,4 so much, so - thirt ,he had ti.) he sup poi. rted There are .also reports of 4s having been wonniied—one account sass in the feet, another in lhehands. -. During the ri,etreat he was'in.a Ispitire . formed • by a brigade postd On the road from Kalantii, when thEnglish r / ' and French cavalry broke the squa , and .to -diditibt escape Withent difficulty, wing - his 'safety to the ,swiftnessOfi : his, horse.. The en emy continued during ',the . whole night to make forMilie, and at last threw up entrench- Iments in that,place on !the Belbek. ,It is . :said that during the' combat ,mumber - of Poles helongin,Or - t.O the army passed over to,tlie ante.% .. The Russians expected . no : quarter, having been taught to look .upon the, allies as fiends, who knew.po mercy. It is said that many. ""W(Te killed bythe Zouaves as . they lay on the ground; but thiscan 'hardly - be true to any ;extent. . The fate . of Sir INV. Young, .of the 24., is very melancholy.' lie, was shot. by a y.ounde.d 'Russian . to whom he was about' to ter a Amp of water. The Russian' wounded remaiped on.. the ground for 'severe , days.- 7 7 -About seven hundred.of Otein were p aced to-:, gether in a. vineyard near the river, nd proH visions sent diem by the English C; neral.-H Nothing-More could be done,, and' yen our.. own men were dying fell want of p operat.;(' tention.. A flag of truce was to. be se it to the Ilussiant;eneral, with a rOquest that 1 e would ,send surgeons for the use Of thec.aptu i ed men: It is impossible for any one to See the mel- ,aneliolly sights of the la St few- days without .ft;elings of surprise.aud indignation a the do-1 -ficiencies of our medical system': ' The man- ', mer in which the sick, and wound :been treated is worthy only . the ..sa - .Dahomey. • The sufferkngi_ on board: ,can were bad enough. There•Yere ,dred . wounded, and one hundred and :•cholera patients, and these were attc 'by four surgeons-. The scene i dese terrible. The wounded seized -the s 'by the skirts as. they picked their w the heaps of dying and dead ; but v..peons shook - them c;tr. t may be e: .and perhaps was right, hit the (Aker x;±ee.ive.the prilymipal attention, and tl -sib!r required the aimest undivided a scrf f9ut men ; but some one Must. be wben large bodies of wotinded',men on board a ship with nol one to giv • I 4nrgical assistance, , .or even supply tl essary wants. .• • Nuiiibers arrived at s , cutari with, ing been. touched by ti Strgeonbifiee pierced by Russian. bullets on the. the Alma. Their woarid., were stiff; strength exhausted as were lifte the boats to be carried io',-the'hospita fortunately surgical aid - Tr* :be oh' But all other horrors sink into insign when compared with thestate.of the nate, ~woundedr i mssengera by the C This vessel left the'Crime.a on the mo the 24th. WoOrKled,meti were beind onboard for two days bdfore she . sail; weighed anehotishe carried lowing numbers : 27 Wounded offlo, wounded soldiers, and 104RUssian in all' 553 souls. About) half the w had received surgical. a were placed on board. To supply the wants of .were four medical men,. o! surgeon of the ship—suffi iently,emV looking after the crew, who at,fhis pl_ season are, seldom free 1r 'sicknes ship %vas literally covered with -prostra so as to be almost unmanageable.- cers could not get belowtia find their and the run was madeat hazard. was at sea 12 hours longer through tl chance. •The worse cases were placed tipper deck, which in a day or two be , laass of putridity. The:neglected wounds bred maggots, which crawled ery direction, infecting tb4lbodof •py beings ori'_hoord; The tutrid anim ter caused a stench that the offic crew were nearly overcome, and the is now ill from the etfeCt of the fir misery. Murder .. .. . - - • , Henry King was put-On trial in.th! Oyer and . 'ferminer of New I."Ork, for the , lleged murder of Timothy lleddrnrr, the p soner is charged With having'criiised .flie•Td.,th of . the deceased by fracture ot . the skull, t No. 46 Mulberry street, 'on st' -July last. Itis. ~ said lit prisoner and' his Wife oc upied roomi in the house.- ' a. low talking was beard . . in their room. .Suhsque tly.deceased and 1 1 , prisoner's wife were seen tanding at is,,e hall door in conversation; .when prisoner caine out of his room, having in highland a liatebet or small rixe,with which he struck deceasel three • blows on the head; deceased staggerld - and fell in the yard, and: was übsequeutly - taken, to the Hospital, where he died-sometime-after wards. The action . of prisOner Was,attr`buted 1 to jealousy. - - - • . In his examination before the Co prisoner said he was 3fo yeafio . f•ag e - : h i , (‘"1 am nOt ' guilty of intentionally r. Redding; he came to my house day named, and when I:had '4,et there o'clock, A. M. I fOund . hi . ut; drinking . and smoking along with . my wife in my A difficulty - arose bet-Weeri myself . an which occasioned some words,When II interfered andsaid he Niotdd'take her he then throttled 'tneand shoved rrie ;; I put him out of the room 4ad shut the he again - forced his way into the root rushed tipon Me say i tif.t. It l e would f)re;i 4-,-d neck; I Alen told him he must th e room ; . he. would not,l hut atMeke amain by the throat; I then struck Ithn -. lv in nt-y self-defence; :the deer,..to wa , drunk at the time.' Nfr. SpetuLT aeared o i_Lebalf of 1 ri. on _ er, and the district-attorney; r, ct-attorney; (Mr. Sbepierd,` ) for the prosecution. l , The District Attorney 'opened the giLse.— lie remarked that from the papers ;tie "un certain whether the offense wiii comejunder die definition of murder, but at this s gc Or the proceedings he woal& express no o anion in regard to it. ' • ' ,1 -. 0 1 Ur:Spencer read the examinat;° ll 1 ,... ; , )n5 ' over, before the Coroner' .furv, %%lieu tit .= closed on both tide.s, and. the counsel "K"-'''' ded to sum up. 1 . . Mr. SPencer contended that it w as jilstifia -1I • - - • , , I 7 tle hoinicide. l r-The distriet..Attorney•conteu 7 l 4 alftlint no jnititiention Was shown froiri the Oktente, andlin'the eye of the law it is tntir-1 der.l The Judge in his charge stated the law'',Ai i CO tnurtler and manslaughter. It was for the •,*trY, totipplyi, the facts. ~ . - LI ikiThe jury, after a 'shbrt absence, rettithettal i , lerdict of " Quilt); of manslaughter In the .1 h a e n i t , u n d i rom fourth seven by "Withs statute t t a ws ret, i ;o i m m .p tu yi e s n o d n a tn ti e n t . 1 t se. : years.] • The prisoner wits sentenced tolive years in the State Prison.;' 1 fine wire of prisoner Was in Court, but did not,.while the Jury was in session," sit byliis Side.' • After they !lad - gone Out; at recess, slie ~ took A seat :bi.ide him, anti opened her hunt bk store off:refreshments, of which .they each .- . pitttook ; :tad she - appeared to tnanii't, wild] ititeresV .. n 'regard to him.] . 1• , • I The . , ou t i t; '; after _sentencing-JIM prisoner, leek a ikeeets lto first-Monday in Nevenor, by whip time the twenty days • allowed to the coutisellor Dr,Graltatu to prepare .11 bill ot . exceilitiotis in his - behalf will have expired, aria he.-willlprobably be' brought .up for sea tetice.-LTriPihte; . • • - )1 .. •1 . -..L.4....a........_:___4_,_. •- 1 . stiatinaerp.o, , AM) PRiCOCIOUS . 111 . 201Ttpi0- NV.—A siii , 'ritiar instance of female denrail- I- ,- i ••, been , ty lagirece r titly brought to the notiOeef the police. For the last 18 .months a igirl named Mary:l:Ann QalWay has -been hg the employ : of IMi. Batint, in',-Eighth st. hpoye Arch; Pr n r . „t 3 ohn Kiehl, in - Arch st. bet Ween. Seventh troth Eighth, and during the last ((Mr , Weeksi in the: ry goods establishment of Mr.' Georg'" Fryer,iin ChestnuLstreet below Tenth. • 1 Inirinc , these eighteen Wontlis Mary Aim itiemao hay& had very costly clothing for , • herself, and to have, made numerom presents • dress-Makers:to6 and acquaintances. On .entering - the store of Mr: Fryer,-she preseneed 'his child with; a beatitiful -handkerchief,' the vtdue.ff which is ekitnated at *45; :Air...Fry-. er naturally inquired how•she tame by siiiAi al costly atil2k. She said that her ittotker IMI,I at viry r.,l.,sponsible andllucrative ritual ' . , holt' in i tle ORrard 1.10uk.,,. a t her aunt the sante hind or ja situation in - .iilie St. Nicholas 11 - . Otel,!New Aork, and that'one of them Wed . given her the handkerehief, 1: . : i' y. As - she was,: i a poor' girl, she said, she did' n)t like , a keeplstich a handkerchief. This' explanation was ilreeeived as satisfactory ;at the titn4- But on .Saturday night last Mary . Ann wad deter tell in the act of secret in& some" .i :_-, hue laceS, and the explanation of the affair only indimed "Mri Fryer to have the lady ta ken intecisbidr . • Sinee that•event startling d2velope , ients I z l vebeen Made. , l't .appears orak during. the lasteighte'en 'inetit.k.this yeung lady has been earryinpu , shoplifting byl the Wholes:4 and with a stte cess almost unparalleled by a female. :She l has -taken 1 from the various stores in which she has been employed, patterns, Silk•dresses„, i nierinoes, paces, ...handkerchiefs and other ,g , hods„ anioniiting in •alue to hundreds 'iof tiellars. .ller iplan of aetiou was-to represent to her companion- sales:ivomett that the golds had - been Purtillased, 41,11(1.'1%91e to be sent fen .: ' The . paelkages wereilaid • aside until .bevs - called ,antl I transferred hem 'to the lanisesi of acouainttuiejs" - of - thtf 'young .lady, tci,whdin - she-had madethein presents. G a oods,monnt- - itig inlvaltie' to, from 0,50 to *350, have beoi 1 . r.eovered by the' polic 4 j e, and,- they expeet.to tdeovefr $lO . O 4worth • more. She appears to ; bilve S.eattered her fav i ers in every directiOn, giving array th• - tt which did not beloM , ito I . her witli'a.thoistir4val hand. . But; tins is !net. fall the story. Mary-Aim exercised her ri.,,eihating powers over a ithire hid,' I i years cif age-Ha clerk 'in one of'. i.;:tir - Well known koo:!elry stclres—secured his atllie tinns,-iind lastly. they t i ert -, ,, upon . false repo , - sentations of ;age •to Alderman Thompson, 1, ; in-united inarriaze.- The lad. helono-to R .ie. r . V resi)ectable ',family, l i r Ow cannot bat grk?..o deeply at•such a Connection. . I • 1 ; - TO case is 6n extraordinary one, and excite; he .publie--`atiention,--Ph;ta. .Torth Anteritian. - i ; '• - . . . ~ •: i , ,i'Mrt The, liberties of a . people-'are never More eertainlyi in, the path of destruetiOn'thati when they truk themselvesio . the - 'eti , lani:.e of secrlet societies. Birds:or night - are nette.r birds Of wisdoin i one of them indeed receiv'ed this mime, but, it was from its looks, and not from its moral and intellectual qualitirs.4...- m i ser ,. They are for the !post part birds of prey. 4.--, w ,t. s . .the i .Toe fate of a tlepuhlic is sealed, wheal the oe'd ill i i iis take thel lead of the eagle.-{Josiah "I an d (piney. • Hi t, . - .7 The l .• . -t7---4--------T--. Religious: Notice. ' l e f ° _ rnl *,: s ' ' The Nortl4aStern convocation Of reittr'tjt,‘ het iu' iiiil hold their! next-meeting in St. Andrews' ~ xtants (tpisr - pal) cliureli, Springville. Servitict ;to Vessel ! .1 .. • commence onl Wednesday eve.., Bth inst.; and continuo until Sunday evening. l iH ' TiEWITi" C. 13ILLS'BI - i ' Seify, • endant to vbelieved, To leis oner, and the Cold at one of a great Rtmqi an Higes of he \Mi ce hun sevent: aded toed aP• .tirrreons I av taro , the •peete should' fey - p6IZ- - ttention • in fault are pi': titeni eir nee- Ait. hay itLevfell lope of nd their ',tout of where 'Seance , ularttl- lombo. ningof placed and e 4 ' sotiers, i r e' i re they mm . iffa this mass o e . of whom IS L111,.- on the ame a nnshot in es'- nhap- Jiost receisiedit, New lot of -7 0110w191 (IF all i4zes: And sarieties! Double ones of 1 11.1 Pod quality as low as $3. Broehoi very cheap. Before yon bay_eall• arm t • D. R. LATH ROP & Co, Nov. 1. 18.54 -L-44.1v4 1 mat -1-5 and vtain days' Buffalo Robes, 1 : ! ;THOLE Skin's:lnd:No. 1. at " • 1- ! , . , • D. R. L :dr. Co,:f ,Nov. 1, 1854, . Drifts GoOdsandWinter elothtol 3 ,4 - s 4,oci•ari in qsortmftnt as can be teun4 -1 .:- : - GOOD. CALICOES i I IP—vs thah a.shilling a Ord. , , 1 • Bab Gohds, Bro. Shirtinnffii•kilig and S}rifies, Gloves!, Hosiery, Hats, I::.tis, i !loots and Bhocis; Cr(leltery. Tin-ware, Gtoceries,l at prices that earincit not4be beat, and many other things all o[-whie,h wii., offer as low as. can be, bonuhr. Nth.. i, )8(.4i 1 . - D. R.. 1,:. & Co.; ,S. girap and llialasspi' MAA 'First rate 18i - title, lowcr than eve `' {- - snld in ontrose; at D. R. L, & , , . ~ - Ili iln,A Bushels of. Grain.: Fried 'A'p . 11./s . l/ UV -- plersi-Eges, Butter, &C. • . ? r • LSO • ' . -- ', :1 , A , 150,9 fjoz6 D R,0(1 Socks, for which the highest prlie, wilt he s piiiii I,q- - Nov: 1. :' ' D. R. LATHROP & Cni rover, e said, -Ming n- the at 10 randy I room. I wife, ding part then • oor ; and k rrt . leave . , '•', -i Disesolution. - •.. ''i T HE firth' of i Tliayer & Crandall ,ht this day dissolQ 1# Outwit consent.. 'The Notes arid Accoun(s if the Said firm are in, . the `hands of Duct. Ciand 11, - who is authorized to settle i the same: ;! ' , - 1 . • . R. THA.YER, "1 : . i R.- P. CRANDALL . , Montrose,-Oct. 30,185.4-44wa '.. • School Teachers. THE count Siipe - rintendent for "Stistinclinnutt, *ill be let Ditniteki Corners on Fiiduv, Noy; 3d, et I o click P. M., frill' the - purpiiite of exatit ininz Teacher " The bireetors •wilf be present eiintreet' tilt It Tettelipts, end desire a- genernl httenoanee.; 141 oney. in the Treneery; - • I. . 8. P. BROWN, See'y. m° , , • 1 • : • I me *IA e.- yefy , ' it T .triarter vTo the im..t& Judges of the Co N g-e$ , , Seisions it the Pea l :g.ir,7-••••••• , ' 13 1 41 queimm!a .. . 1 t l i C li ti r.tr olY ~ ~,: ot' of James - Mead of the Borough I 1 ricOdgviiie ifi Itnid.counV, respectfullyi 1 4reqeilt f '. itt 4l •"he Ili lirovkied with 'suitable earl. . i.. n i e oce tO itil kT a .Groelary 4 in the 'Borough alreaeidilatei that it ie'hittiateotion to apple to the next on ri tor-Q.1.11,511Am iiteeelo A i t te he hoidoi, - la and for OW County on the il l i r d u- , . unaoy of N. .Jerhlicr, fdr # licoose to keep a Grneari , add to 1 s l oi ‘ t r on2l,tteer, tile or other tn altliquore:a ti dint! to tee Act of Assembly of 1 4th April A. Ti. i 1861. ~ 1, i: . JAMES . 31EAD. : F. 4— --,9.- 1 1 , 1" 3 / 4 -&,9,4.. A5k55.,....44 6 . 4 i , • • Ibl'anted - . NEW STORE' . - 11 And A r e:a:Goad . „selling Cieap. M. HARRINGTON, _1 C. VORMERLY of, the firm of C. llarririgton ! Si Co., Binghamton, would inform the !people Of suiquehanna Onuity; that he •lian ripened-A NeitiStoro in,ll.Post'S block on llain ?!ItiOtruse i Where he offers stehoiee imSciitraent of • Dry Goods and. Yankee Xotioitsi. • at iirices *Welt '!carnot'fail to snit. • . aT".Tty us and zeir.for yourselves. • • • 111. IiARRINGTON. Ilfontrose, Nov. 2; 18.:1-1•Itt.; • .. SSheriff-'s Sales. '' ' .!• . BYvirtue of sundry writ's [aimed out of thwHourt of Common Pleas of riusquellaouallounty,atol tl?' ma 01. mated, I will .expose to publiesale at toe Court- House iu Houtron, on S.toulay the 18th day of Narelaber uext, at E o'clock' P-IkI:-. • _;. ; P 'All that certain piece or parcel of land . Situate. ivitig and being in.the borough 4 . Susqtitillanna, icannty of Susquehanna rind. State of 1 renn'a, bounded and described as follows,lto - wit: Be 11gitining on the highway lending from the .rive I,lroad to the Lenox and Harmony tornpik,e l . on the corner of lot number 19, thence north i i.". deg. , 140.iit,•50 feet, thence south 18 deg. west 3 chains- 'and 59 hundredths of aehain,thencesoutkB7-1-21 ,deg, east 50 feet,• thence. north 18 deg, haat 31 ichaina and 38-100ths of a chain, to the place .pf t i beginnim,r, epntaining 44. square perches of tand, l die. the 83010 more or less,- and is designated as llotNo. 18 in Addison llckee's l survey..iii 1851 {with the reservation.of .2 rods on the north end its ti road) together with the appurtenances, one ifrain'ed-house add ,1 barn, and all' iiiipro‘lo. il Taken in 'execution at the suit of Didiel G. &URI,. vs. Joseph B. Castle and Jas. McWede. . 1 ALSO—The'undivided ene-balf part ot ill that 1 certain .piece or parcel of land, . situate . I),l , ing in I the.township of lessup,lenunty and : State' afore. l - bounded and described as . follows, to Whiz Beginning at a heiniock tree the south east , , Ferber hereof, thence north 100 perches . tno post, thehte-}vest . l6o perches to a past, thence south pg. perches to a post and stenes l , thence east 160 peaches to the place of beginning, containing 1..100 :Acres be. the same more or lops; wohlthe sp. I" l 4vllojnees , .l Ponied dwelling house, 1 barn, 1 Shutt, l'ished,•soine fruit trees and about 75 acres imProva. , . . , . 1 . Taken in execution at the snit of Geo.,•Grabb I . agilinst 'John C. 'Berthoif. . • • I-: . ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land sant:lto in Springville township, Susqoehanna County, bounded and described as fellovoto wit:_ l OnAlie north by land ofAsahel B. Prichard, on the past by land of Spencer iliettex , on ti*lpstith: byjand of Joel Brooks and 'Arad Wake-iv", and onAhewest by land of A:iron Taylot and Jarmoi., Meacham, containing .56 owes and 15 pe-iclieWof 1 laiill, together with the appurtenanees, 1 ;framed I inise, - 1 barn, 1 orchard_ lid abetit 45 acres ha-- Proved. '1 b • 1 Taken in execution at time suit of Samuel Bard.'. and: Theinas Nicholson, Exeenter' &elf of the Will of John Bard,o.it;e'd, ys. Stephen A.llllyde; 1 ALSO—AII that peke or parcel of land. situate ' lviiPrsnd being in the township ol.Jessur, Sus q uehanna etiunty, bounden desctibed :rot td- IoW.S. to wit: On the north by lands ofl;Austiti and . Henry Sherman, on the e.e.t by Jas. l rFatirot, finale south b land of Albert Kelsey and Math- - ety:3lcKeeby. anti - on the west by, :Slat he,w Me- Ki4by, containing about 50 acres, more [or le4a, , eith the appurtenances, I framed house-and barn• 60 :orchard, and about -to acres improved. Milken .in exeention at the suit of Hen er- ry 'Sh ~ inia affainst -Lyman Sherman. ' I- - •1 . 4 ' LSO -:All that certain tract or parcel of land Sittiate in the township of Rush, in the c;Mnty•ef- Sasquelianna and. State of Penn's, ,andi hutted, bfhinded and des:yrltied as follows. to wit : Be ginningat a hemlock, the corner of alottof land, .fornierly conveyed to Thus: Fordiek;theni:e south 69 . perches and 3 10ths - of a perch to it postolience west - 1 60 . perehes and 6-10ths of a perch to a ficist. thence north 1 . 72 perches and 2.loths of a Onreh to o post, a eerier of the said Fordiek's. lot;Aence by. the 4aine east, 160 perches and 6-10ths of a pereN to the place of •beginning. containire , 71 nerepi..to•rether with the fieredita: • I • . Merits and appurtenances. 1 :Taken in execution at the suit of Caleb Car injaj, Assignee of Robert H. Rose against Job M. Pierce withmotiee to terra tenants...' r i:'LSO—A 11 that certain piece or pa reel of land tut Villageltit, situate lving-anitbeirrin the Bor- Ong?' ,e - Sus-piehanna liefeit, S.isnitchantfa court , t.yo loomded and described as follows, to wit: ' On the north by tho street, on the eri-o.i y land; •ef ,the Bowen, on the south by landiin pas. ) JoLsaion of Michael Sullivan, and on the ;west by land-now ur formerly of the js4 Y, & Erie . Rail-- oad' Company, said lot . containing Jn front 6u feet and running, back 120 feet, tegeth'er with • theiappurtenamis, I framed swelling loose and 11l improved.: ' i • . ,; I Taken in execution at the snit of D. 4. Lyons & Brother against Thos. Hurdley. ' it , . 11ALSO—All that certain one and a . hall . story franical dwellinglhouse, containing in front 32 fed, and in depth 20 feet, - and the eurtiliges ap. pririenant therete,-sittrate in , the. township -of H . :quietly, in thecounty of Slistfa, said 'building la4itig creek-ti on a certain piece of heati.porchased ii,tltra Williams of one Amos Barns, bounded on 'the riortli by . the land of Amosand Simeon 'Barns, edst by the Belmerit turnpike, south and ;West by Aines•and Sinieon Barns, containing one; were of land. - . ! I !Taken in execution by virtue of writs ; J )1 Lev. Fl' it,:aircl Pi. Fa., at the suits 'of Elieneze Cross attd l D. A. Lyons.& Brother vs. Ira Williams. • i•i - ALSO—AII that certain lot of land situate in Auburn township, Susquehanna county, bounded as; 011ows, to wit: Beginning at the month. east termer oFst Jot of land, known on theonap of tliiiiker's - Oleshoppen tract, as . lot No.:ito, be loniingito David Bunnell, thence along - the last lineOpf said lot and of lot No: 65, now belonging to Joseph D Drinker north' 212 . perches tea post thOmuth west ei,rner of lot No. 30 formerly CeriYeyed to Nehemiah Lathrop, thenceniting the Stiutli lines of land last mentioned nol o f lot Ih.'- . 1, south 89deg. east 160 perches to l d beech sapling the north west corner of a lot belonging to Oyer Lartirop„tlience by the west lirie,.?f said last mentioned let of Samuel Woodward's lot rind:of lot No. 5 south 282 perches to ~Post on the 'north line of n.lot of land f omerly of John Rbbinson now of and thence aldag said latCrnentioncd line west 156 perches anti !3-10 of iperch to the place of heg,innintr, containing 207 acres and 43 perches of land, and being the Ipt Of Lind which the executors of the la - Will Of - Henry Drinker decld conYeYed to Ezekiel Ls: . ,1 thrrip dec'd, except 89 acres or thereahouts'in the !possession of and'belen2ing to the plaintiff, th -i ranearns and aout 150 ther with the:apotenances 2 framed, houses, • rid bb acres impicived. -' i Taken in execution at suitthe of Dyer Lathrop, A:PUY of the-estate of Ezekiel Lathrop• TS. Am. brae Gaylord with nntice to terra tenants._ . IALSO,--All that certain lot of land situate in tiii! 'Borough of Montrose, county of Sustpiehan na; described :is folloWs: Beginnintr" at the cen tre Of the Bridgewater and Wilkesbarte turn; , pike road, .adjoining a lot . of • land:fortnerly of Htthbard.Avery, conveyed •to B. Sayre, T ! thence northl dew. and '2O nun. west airing said road 8 .pei t i . fie m to a corner, thenee east about r 7 perches ttiia"stake and stones in Isaac Post's land,thence senth 8 perches to a corner cf B. SaYre'slotond thence by the same abet 7 perches to the 'begin niOg,'containing 56 perelies, mere of 1(44,4 being tht. Mule lot -conveyed by Wm. Jessep\ and wife tniitlie,said John Groves, together with flue - ap. -1 purtimances; a fraMed. dwelling house, framed b3l - n: out door cellar and all improved. i :Taken in exceu.ion .at the buit Of Alettander Alien -vs. John Groves, ' , :1 ALSO ---Ali that certain piece or parcel of I lamt Ot or. village lot situate in . the Borough;Of Sus- Atianna Depot, Susquehanna county, bounds:l and described as follows, to wito 'On .I.lii.n north by the public highway, on' the Pesti by -land of' ,ifi la 0 - baughlin, south by land of Robert Nieh :doled iv.e.st-by rand of A. Stone, said lo t e0n 1e;:.:60,,, in front abOut 30 feet, and-in depthrtbout 2.ll4_ , et,;totrether with the• ( eppitrtenances • "• one three story fratned. dwelling house, &e 'and all '''` t 1 ' - .. .9 ; Taken e in' execution at the suit of S1 :1 11 ll I. r.Vn. & Co. - vs: Benjamin Palmer.] ' I ' 1: we ' 1 ALSO—AII that rennin 2 story fraMed huildini • aril dwelling house,mul kitchen Ilit4e/ollattaeb ed,ltbe 'main building containing iu front '-on the street 22. feet and in depth 36 feet, 'the itilniten being.l 9 feet front 20 feet in depth, 'attach'ed - on I.thei!estateido Of the mainbuilding, and th r n! lot or l • Pwiiette-1 o tl f re gr e o r u rrli d lat l e: " J;p h a t rtn s rl a n ril t a titsretir'et, erected, i t abo''yo described building e and premises being sit uatitlp the Borough of Susquelaiuma Depot - . On --- 7tl - 1- , • --- -- ' '. ' " the, il l erth.iide of main treet andi the Int, npon whieb the said building iis erected,lbeing Nei. 37; OnAh`e plot of the. News t . yorki & !Erie 114iItead eompany's,hhnd of theolllage of-SusqUelnilana Delibt, - and , bounded North ! k yr ihe:riveri, twit, %mkt, RI die_ lot•of JohlGrogrin, east Gy p , ;et of . G. W,: - Read, and 'south by main street.. l , i l i le ' 'l7,aketyin execution at the bilit,or . E. • C.j• n nett: r 4.. John B. ScOville l . , . -, '1 • ',,', I, H ALSO-4AII- that certain piece 'or '' trtivii of land : situate lying-and being in the ,teWrship - of SilOr Lake, Susquehanna cotintY, bounded+ and des4,il.bed as folloWs,'tit .wit :' 0111 the nerth . by lanif of William Davis,lim the east by Nod of .I.unian Allen, on the satith by land of LaWilence Gil4iti, , and, on -the w(o4;by the 4,1 d Ctieriango tUrfinlke iond, contaiehrglooacres, morelorlless, with, the-a4rirtenancris,l,l4l.Auried house and barn one.iereha , and about p'o acres iniprovc,i ''' - . 1-I,:skpnin execution at the snit of BrackhY &. Montfort 4. Isaac Howited. i .., .1 '.' I! - AdA)---I,All that 'et:44lin piece, or pargel of land, iittiate lying and being in the towno4l4:. of Cliltord,iSirsquelianna county,: bounded 04 de scritied as follows, to Wlt :, Beginning at a isilgar matiliOree down and joining the lhnd of. k 4,4--, 3ltnishri, thence south 213 deg. east 8 chums, and 66 ;links along the rohd •to !Munson's ICo'rtie'r, theifee north 78 deg. cod. 13 cliaina ton 040., on I thei hill, thrince south 14 deg. :east, 5 chides ~:'... a 'small (locust tree on thelupPer;sidti of thite ioad, ~, thence north 78 deg. gust 4 chains to..la' post alioi4 the read, thence north 51. deg. east 6 chains , to a rfokt, thence north 5 deg..eaiit, 7,chaiii, and , tt,a north 85,d4t ea 11 .f chaini and 80 links to post by thiimainbripok, .theiteg north 80 deg: eat 1 clinin to a poSt, by some. beech saplings ne. r the brOek and !ziris.old linOthence, north 45 deg'. west'l6 , chains ti,nd 80 linlCilo a post and stones, thelfee south 6,1 Peg. we 4 34 chains 4.0 the: place. Of beginning,' IcOn • tain,ing 48 and a half ac es of rand, more eril j ess, together with the appur enances, I house,li are, 1 - . sniall orchard, and ab 4 ut . 15 :acres iniproted. 1 _ token in execution at the l snit of Harriseri • DbOd to , use of Benj. Mires vs. Zepron CObb 2d. •44LSO—By tirtne , of:h writ of Yen. Ex! issued .outgo( the Court of Cornnien -Pleas (if %V p ining etiunty, and to me direeled, I W il l expose la pub i I ic-tr..iale,*ht. the same. time and. place— !1 .. All! that Certain piecelor parcel of land situate in the township of-?Alfbittn . in', Susqmilthtina cotijity; bounded on the north i by Ihnds of kNtilson Lc ,e . ,ion the east by la ds of Sam it el VanOarder, ,lsonthlw the countv. lin bet Ween c ',the oo Files of IStoiiiieliaunit and Wyeming and on the (4 1 4.4.4 it by „I:inahlof Win. Cook, containing about 6a' heres' I with' the anpurtenances,la logihndi framed (pone, and' about :l0 acresiMpioved.i 1 . i 1 -• Taken in eiecution dt the! suit of Ellihnan 'Smith vs. Nelson Itiati4n. ! ,i 1 '•- • Ar.So—=-All that certhin piece !Hr pa Cell or laoil!4ituate in the ToWnship-pf Hannon ;Sus: quOinoti County, bounded a.. 4 follows,. v 14_, I Be ginning at a point try the! middle Of the B(ilinntt d O and, Turnpike, and, in a line 0f Jissee Wei; land; thence- by :one; South thirty, five • de ! i 1P.4.1 tI 67 perches to a! Bee'ch, • tlit.'6ee by ~ 4 . . land,)f the, same, nort • thirty-tree deg'. g least twenty-four perches to point in the - middle of fi .-the:'shid turnpike. thene( along the middlCho,Tthe wale . ; north fifty deg. west tWenfy-tive. p,,r4ihes thehi,e. - north- fifty-four deg. iwest - , twenty Vireo perilies, thence . north . fifty-t we deg,. west thirteen perishes to Ithe place qt• beginnin7, coat-lining font }tyres find ono hun V drad and four ;[etches striiAl inet(4ltre More orf lessJ with the arkte nataok one honke and mostl4 improved. 440—A1l that other : piece! or parcel fit 'land sitO:ife a.s. above, bounded as followS: Ori- the north-cast liv land Of Jailob and J(Mathan Taylor, on file northwest by land formeriY belongitig to Irall 7 -i:6 ; i 0 4,.4,, o n the gryttlitist by land i tie of ,Jacob and Jonathan-Taylor, ;and lon the s4i.oitli wetf,iby the I,lelniont and Oghotiago turnpike, cotitiOning about fifty :Aires inomproved.i i inii. Taken in,.exeeutiou at the 'suit of David.Tay -10r;.V!,5., Philip Ulrich. • , .. „. ..21 . . . G. . ELDRED, Slier It . 314ntrosi , ;, Oct. 24, 18 4.—:•=43w3 ' ' I i - .__i :f . . • ' !• .- _ i . . NEW 1 S iG111.17 • , , rr i tiE subscribers take phiasure in annenneing 1. lto.the, citizens of Itrutiklyn and , toWrol ad joiiiing,, •that. they aremilw opening ;a very largo anaiiarefully seletked-stiick.,of ..1 tFALL dc. WINTER GOOD:' ' whit! b 'bare: wen Intreh i atied (principally, losOind willbe sold for a stn all advance. . - S.Ve invite the attention of . the 1 ladies !, '!* . . 1 kroke: or ! - .. „ DRESS , i I. dons, 1 . - ti:•1444. f.r varic.ty hf t 3 „.-1i.. ; : pita) ity !al," A eeipitiP.,its. . , crinAie surpassed by no estab 'lishnient in Sitique liarinis county.• . [II . , I . ''',Vl e l hive also some VtirV nice Winter Sbawls —ain,ong t lieu) several .Ifroche-Wlii:h . W t ei can an 4 Will sell "cheaper tit a n tfie ch ' eapcsl-" t '! - ' l .otir stock of SilkS ii also unusually ia i lei and attri t Oiver ,and as regards prices,, we kutwi we t carti 1 &at the Jerrs,” , - • tlie gentlemen •are. likewike ins Red tol!eicate inenbr stock of Cletlis,l.shitils istinusirtllt farg,e -L--including Itroadell,iths Ca'ssimeres., Satirietts, TW.Wrds, Jeans, OvereoatCloths, &c., whiuhl are Selting• very I(.lsv indeed.' , 1 , - • .1 i I T(ti be brief, we have i•Very full nssortMent.of Go4tls, Staple And ganefi and are tletc.rtnitied to selriirem as low as They' can' be purehastA ithis tridir of New York. 1 ' I •• IJ: ! Thankful' for the] liberal 'patronagel hitherto ~.. . I . extended to us,"wei with confidenee invite I our friends and the publu r generally, in .varit of Goods, to call and exartrine mr tocli lwf4lre • purellaSin,g. -i . ' 'S 111:11 & HEimlisTEM). ' lirlooklyn, Oct. 244 184. ! . ' 'l - ' 1 Our Stdci s of Stoves, 41 7: 177 i I- now completedi r and.wq would take tbrir op- Hrtunity to say shat we on show the most beatitifnl and 'splendid !patterns Of . Parlor 1 and Coaking Stoves t(il')e found in the courrty.--. Am t itiig, thee) can bc seen th Revolving front, and:, 'Gothic Parlor, et r Wood kir coil, entirety new Patt:erns, and - deckd sllY pretty stoves. Prices froth five to ten dollarsl 4 E i 1 i ' - 011eur Cooking stove'wd,.think it needleis to sayiniuch, only •to remark that We. are selling thon nt our ; former prices, and judging froin the tvtli,ity of Our sales, we beljeve , the . public i are entirely satisfied. with the prices And -quality of our: Wares. .1 1 ' .i • - 1 - ii t . ,We have la " few left". of the "Clinton; Air, Ti Elevated Oveh stove," acknowledged by all to .be the, best co[ik - ing, stove now in iple.—, 11.it•Hirt and Emrlisb pipe at (11,1 pricesond Trirm minus and Tin Wart oil-all .41esciptions, at i the ,v very , lowest tratcs.' 1 l' •:, • . r 1* IJ. DICKERMAN ( Jr, .. Nett- 'lilford, Oc-W t:!254 /.; . ! • , 1 - ___...___...-±__ : ..1 i , PORK TOR-SALE. 1. T URK I I T URK FOIL SALE by .the barrel, by -,,i t ',' • - i. M. S.WKsers or P. BALI/Ny . 64. Memt rose; May 17 1 ..1854. , i ' Valuable learnt for lr tit; subscriber Offers for saN his valuitble . 4 ljtrtn in Gibson township,l Susqtrehann& county, Pa., containing 1-57 aeres,situated tri the Eattern part of said towh„ bait* of a mile Iretti the Tunkhannock Creek, and - 12 1-2 01.44 front l us.. quOnsiina Depot, on the - , N.Y. & E. RailrOa .: - On said farm is a -framed' hou'Se, 3 Bares, hori.e shed, corn house, la, young orchard of eVer 100.Irees; and is well .Ortered. 1 . '!. 1 1-te idlers to sell for It) per cent. less•tiinn'tti4: realzvalue. : . - • , 'I 1 '.riits.—Tvro thirdsief the pUrelinse mime, eash3down, and balance Secured by mortgage: - • - WILIAANITAYLOR (Willi - in, Nov.. 23, 185 , -----47y1 - !. . English Lever Watches. , -v., rfitte subscriber takes peens. 1 ore in informing t his ' - ,• friembi that he has this [day °• i s i t -'t received final ' I l i vei pool 1 per , f ii v. : siennier Europ a a largti ,c c ~ (7. voi,4 i of his unrivaled English q . --• • - - Leter t %Vatches,, The prtfient inOde. comprises ~ .is ditierent 1 rarieties,i in plairi rind hunting eascs,ifull Jewelled and pain; nisoLs o ui fit extra fin e tnniements, which he, ill put Tatto gold-eases of ahy desirable w eigh or pattSru. . , i l w i 1 ' Af FWD. - s r . --__ J , , • I , ' . 4I.FRED I J. EVANO; ' : J; I No. 2,odd Fellows Hall, r l' - iling'hamton July 26 1 1854. ' " ' Stolon: - ' ;.. IlliflP person who took a Green French 5 eri= A... 1 . - rno Drees Pattern front,the store of the'iiub; j. scritlftr, can have an opportunity of, returnin it privately and no explanation required if d ne suf . :lN:otherwise, expoioru...anci prosecution will feltUti,lus the transaction is understood.' i :* 1 1 , • , IL iBURRITT. • r'l l l Milrord, ed. 13, 1851. •' ' • • . : 1 ' • - _ .„,.. [ . ! ---- =" 1- 7 ----- .":' , •. , r ~ .. •.:r Lt Register's Notice.. . i ,'. . . pUl.lpC.4ti co is •herabi even to All persona 1. concertieti in.the following - Eitate4, to wift. Estate of ;James V. Hill, decenlted, Edwiii Hill Adner. Estate of Jaime Ry2ncartioni. de . 'd,'lolitiflond Alint'r.l. ' • - .- ,-..; - • ' * ~ . •••' ' ..... ' ; i - tlizalieth - Gri ff ith dnardiari - of Chrititiahnit Gaige. 1 -• •t .1 ...:'- .• - '. 1 .'• Eita e of Jilin/ Stroud Jr. devil,. A., G.,Bilei, Adne.r i' I - • , . Est> 'e of Gieo:i L.l,,atlhiop, dee'd, . Charles A. .( ' cr, 4 tdininisti-ator,. • 'i_ •' ' ''; * 1 the tieeeuntanta• • have settled their • tic (.. u intheßegistsl'a office in an'd Tor the Conn ty of Sils4aehanua. and tthat thel sane .will be preseutd. to (he Judgetf of the Orphan's Court 4 I said Cu - linty...jig] t y ednesday the 22d day of N't.eF . vetaberluext fir tonfirnUnion and allowance. I , 4 , . 1 Al e SO, - 1 - I . Estate of delVin Sunitners, decd, Richard Ii: i 8114414 i. Adtriin'Orator.:.: • ' , I '1 : I: i I That tlt. accountant , lies settled his - .account* i in 'the itegistir's otfueln and lei the county of Susquehanna,jand,that the came Will be present' 1 ed to the Jukes of the Orphans' Court. of seiti county, on Th.urztilay ltio 30th day of -Nnvember next foi: con4tuation and allowance. ' ' J. T. :LANGDON, Register.; ft‘;'gisteeti - Otliee;llentrose ' '4 ' •• - 1- 7 Oct. !6, 18 5 -1.-42w4 c ' I r, Attention Peoples! - I' subscriber would resint i ctfully inforth tbe public that he is still right side up ht his shop in the basemeht of Searle's he is prepared to accommodate those wise wart new clothing,'with his' usual skill and despatch. • R ‘THE FAIi. FASHIONS 1" are . posted up'at his , ihoP, from which you may select, or any:othei style you want. All work made up.in his shop Ls warqinted to give :satis faction.. 1 Or Cutting done as usual for pay down, and warranted to'. fit. : • , ' • JOHN GROVES. • Montrose, Ott. 19, 1854.-42-3 mo. 'HAWLEY & MOTT jiist r,eeelved their ciecombStocit 'of :11 Spring and tionna,er Goods this season.,.. 7 They a c now prepared to stiow all who way O ver thOn with a - '• ' • , • Ducis Gocitis of - lathe different kinds, sechns Bl . k: OW and Changable' Silk and Mantillas, Crape !and Silk Shawls, LaWns, Barnes,. De 113,ge, De Lulls. Challis, white Goods, brown aid bleached sheetings and shirtings,Th tact eveiy thing in this fine. S4I3I:IIER STI*SI'72 very lartie, stock . Which We offer 'very low, 411 gradeS.of.g . t. goiias in (his branch, and brOwn add yellOw Linen. 1 . Ci.(krits.—We invite - httention to Our stock of Rlack, • BrOwn, Green, and 3fulbeity Brmul4oths, also and Fancy GasiirneieS, Twerds,'Kentucky Jeans, &c., sc., .: ! Likes caff and examine our Mock of sutinner Shawl 4. has© .some beautiful natternS-ht favorahle pries. • . ,• ,floiMets aii,d - 'Bonnet Ribbon; a good' assOrt ment, llosierV - and Gloves of all, kinds, - also Par asols, a very )arge assortment ihich tce - uill Oil cheap.-(TtnbrtAllas; Travelling Bags, Satchels, &c. Ladies Shoes.: - i Cloth - and ;Morrocco Gaitervi,, Patent Leather Buskitis, oho Col. Gaiters, a ipod stock of all kinds Which we offer at our usual low rates. • Crockery and Glass Ware, fluid- Lamps - and Fluid, woo( pails and tubs, broOins bedeords,fze. Groceries,' tqcomplete stock Which . we will sell at a very small a4vance, also.,4Wtton Salt. by '!.he Sa c k, :Md . a viiriety of- GJods , to l o numerousi,to mention. We invite , the attention of all w ho wish to buy floods cheap to calf and examine Our stock. I -Montrose, June 1,1854. __! • • • To the Readingl, 4 l ublie Of i t, sUsytteltunna County ltnd Vicittit!4 rr ilL undc,Lsigned is now prerinred to semi. to b, tnlit I)Ostpaid, shir Bookpublish ed in Otis country, on the reeeiOt of the price(of •the sante. Alt orders will.meet :with promOt;ot tentiori and , I3ooks stint by _return mail. - Address LEACH, Worcester Depot Boston, Mass, ,Sept. 6, 180.-36tn3 . 7 .1' Great Excitement ! 110!iG TAE, " KNOW- P4'117‘,""." to' our CEZ•PZ BuT the fact that R'". B. D any has taken anti is still taking. some Very enutiful arid life. like DAGUERREOTYPES, n Ver 'was a seret and heihas no tiesire,to•make it one now. • lie has just purchased assortment of Gold Lockets, PinS, Keys, 4•.. c., and in him!se !editor of the; !pick patterns of plain and fancy styles of - cases, ho trusts thotH is nothing lack-.. log. i lie linoWs.not what he cullsay; • or .what he need .t.} say More than has already been said;, to indoceiyou tti come to his Gallery, and bring your fitiends With you. You .have. all experilnc . • ed something ; of the itatistactioa afforded in gitz. ing nn;the tliftlifol picture; of an absent friend; and some of you have known Ithe sad pleasure derived derived from ipossesSing the likeness of 1 . 60;1ne loved tine whO has been laid beneath the church 'yard Mound, and felf,that . • No pril:e could take front I . A niementO, so cherished, or hOw sacreti_the shadow . Since tho substance has periihed.. But yop, perchance have friends still witli*ott whose pictures •you. have •no secured. ifno, make it the, business of to-day,l to-morrow May be to bile : •fnprove . the oPporinnity while your&'4•while; the roses of health, bloom on - the check, ere yet the mildew of•ldisease shall blight and blanch your treasure. and death rob. ou t of both it 'and itS' , ' Picturei taken. in clenrlor ! cloudy ' , weather: ,I ) riees; from 75 cts. to 815,90. 2041 d PelloW's HO, Montrosti. May 24, 1854. . • : . . I New Goods.: i Good astortment--tn nrr!ve this 'week, at ' AL. low pricbs Call and examine: , i ' HAWLEY & MOTT,. lionl.ron,,, sept. 12, 1854: I i , ---- ----- "a • . Evorytiiing worki to a Charmti 7 COTT, JQIINSON & are . now 'receiving a tjew .7.oek of I'a►l Goods, and are read yip wait urfor. 1!,e; people to anything, they -_wisn the -line of Pry, Goods,; Clothing, grocerti)s, IhrilwOre, Crimkery, fish, Salt Iron; Donis' and Shoes ; '&e. 84.- . We will surtly• suit all that call an see tts at oor'Storeiia . Springville --;' j I SCOTT; JOHNSTON &Co spri4gvilletSept. 27, 1851, _Stoves! Stir 21fetill nIBUititITT is now reeeiVing.a new atsoit •.,ment i,f Stoves inebiding the must *poli:u far an4mprnVed kinds of Premiuni, Air-Tight, nnjl Efrlvated Oven Cooking ktives, with Varier, Otliee and Shp stoves; for wood or coal, in sn perior variety; and style whiA He will sell at tbe mii4t,rildueed!Priees. Eleiated Oven stoves 'of Rex and appriived , pniterns . Will be sold - at ek:lo' to *25.i .vid ther kinds in proportion. stove Pipe. Zine. sheet Iron; stove Tubes, ike, Ne wNil to iti, Oct. 4,1854. I I I !' I NerF..GoodE i t • ~ TT. EBB is now receiving him ' They hnving sbeen, bought iix treinelY, low, 3vill be tail(' at the lowest 'price for ready lily. .1 Montrose, Bept. 12; 1854. ' r ' • . . I•• i . AllditOl i S 'Notice. - .- ,i Tl "' undersigned. having been attlininted an . .- `_-An•tiitoirlo disticintte tho'' proceeds of th' sale of ; lien' Estate or Daniel I.angstuff, will st teml to jthe ditties of his . appointment at his i. 1 . - flee in liontinse, on 4aturday, the 18th day. — 1' November Mixt, at 1 ;O'clock,•l/. 1 .. M. At whiih lime and ph e, all persons interested .in ta d rand at `- roll fired to present tluiir - claims or o 1. , 1. forever ilebar,red therefrom. --. • - 't i Wll. It. JESgUP, Auditoi . .l . 31o.nii•oso, Oct. 26, 1854..--.4344.- .1. AdniinistratOr's Notice. - °TICE,' is hereby Wren that Lettere Testis. .11 .fiignteri upon the estate of .Clark ons, decd, !ale or the township'ef Franklin, ha‘o been gr.intedito the subseriber.l MI perionalte debted to said estate ;are hereby regriested' to make inienedinte:payrnent,and those having-delft:at :upon - 814 d estate to present them) to the subserir ber Liitsrsiville, duly attested' for settletnotit. . •i lENRY. CRANE, Adite . nß Loder i arille, Olt: a, tt3sl.—piv6, - • 11120 . AU now reeeivi 4 a fall'itopply.ofsoo4. for the fall trade 4iekWillibelwidlttiteloweat, es 1111 . ad see. . - • : Pcmible 1:41, `received at- ttiet- rat. such,:as} loins; Gingham,, teirles‘^De 8tiregeN.1.&0444 ,, ... WAR.RpI,66,I`I3AYER,, , 1254. t ~_ . --. i -, - ,A _.....4„:44,...._::.______L-,:_._:_ ; .,.___,, 'ci*E§.;=-A - itifatt itn . ,f . futit., d''4gstiriinliiii,ifidlidingrni.."; and Threop's: , prepstitiotia; y's Pills, , Davis',and Thayft . - ;rISIdrrit,& • EIEMITTE.A.D.4?' 2 2, 1 5i: , {; .• : ' ,-.. 7 - • l'' I GPODS. : inville. Exchr fORE Newf.; al. worn' Stoti., Moto of val. - jaw ist Montrcm!e, July. DATtNrwttn einualy Svvitynes, Jaynes,' Wriglifkand Phin Pain Killer, &u., s; :Brooklyn, Aug. . NE At the t• LIE inhabitant J. are apia fay! other choice select' at t e old stand of daily; Sundays exci unttll 9 o'clock andibau g ht, a goof ,Crock Wejodenware, Snits & Trtinks, Carpet 11), dtc.' All svicaa ,ACC' ange. .ot.; Upsomitle and vicinity red 'with an exhibition .of an on 'of Fall . and WinteiDoods `the Subsctiberr (Dadra open red , front 7 o'clock. tvhere may be ist`iem' sold asortment of Dry Gond& 11, 1 Hardware, tittoneware, , ;Paints, 0i114 , - ClUthing, . St.thool Books, 1,, Yankee Notioni dtc. td' kill, pay for what they iv - r . - bt :-N buy either down, Or withi •a - reasons e • time thCreafter, are ins it . tci . coil." •Thime Inienging to that other etaqi ay i t s i welt go. where they can do better. AI lanai of Farmer's Produei, in Butter, Lard, Eggs Por4, Poultry,-and Cash- re. ceived in vcehange for %pods, -' . , lOSEPII L MERRIMAN ,1 Upsonville,,Oeti 7,!18,54.. 1 , 1 L „ Neiv in' BOUGHT al to sold accordin! Cheip Goo 4 pre'ssOre prices antl will be. ly bY H. 1 ,1, ..,• , U. BURROWS & Co. 1854. 1 • 1• • Cloths, , i i , And vest,np, , a large assort 7 ir;e4s lower than we have ever fer diem heretofore. " i "I. I U,B. & Co'. , i . 1 D ess Goodi• 1,. • , GREAT var , ty of,"bautiftil styles and - al. JAL most as ellea% cbdld,bel desired. • ' Oct. 11. 1 1 U. B.- &Co. p lp i •Gibson, Opt. II CIAAMERES! ' tnolt•and at been enabled to o 4 oet. ack Silitt Iv_ for 'dres.te.fi;at6Bl et% per .1 U. B. & Co., GOOD quart /31_ yard. Oct, 11. 1854. Shawls• I. re, Piilehe; and Silk, ie If.tyleet, ntia at eitietuily liiw H • ' Q . . B. &Co: c e: ;S h awls . • , • evprl before] kddvin; Benuti nd fide of .8-4 Broche adptieture, at $7. I I'j f IF. B. & Co. T ONG and 84 1.1 %•ery lianx4q prices. Oct. 11 Br CITEAPER:th. ful patterns, Shawls, Lupen'a Oct. 11- • tat,o7 . Shawls , • . 'zr, finest qw.lity, Lind new pat . - . U.'B. & Cu:''," Bay; ertiE largest I CMS, $7,59 Oct. 11.- 1 t . . GOOD :imam .1 - 1. at very 16v; Oet_ll. . • _ • putdts. - 1.• . , T tment and' lindsoMe - pi terns price& . j U. B. & C 9.! . tdri Ala . Rob es. i of ha 1 ndmome Robes, a part of ,Indiah dress e d,. and very liqpe ality. [.' 1 U. B. & Co. 185-i. . • I . . LARGE l'Ot 11.. them wimilt;, riur colors ankqu: :Gibson, Oct. 11 cur &Salt, iad or aingletd)L for sale - at the Itationi .* arte,r hbl. sacks al $2.50 per •i BELL* TINGLEY. 41354. - 4itore Notice. CI ALT by the 1 Hopbuttom Also flour in b tlopbot tolo. -I ,\TOTICE : s l li t re ..i b j y , given that the undersign ...lL...L.4lm' " • netuted by_ Ibe•.Cuurt to I t. distribute the tun s in the hands 'of the Sheriff', arising from. the . ale 4 the real estate of Alva Finn, late of Climd tolvtiship, Susquehanna Co.. to . and dmongth ereditnia will attend to the'da ties of that appcii tmeet at his oftiee in Montrose fl i on Tuesday the th- day Of November next , .at two o'ehiek P -31, at i - illieh ,titne those interested. will please preset their :eliding or be debarred from coming in upon said; fund. IL F. FITCH,- Auditor.• 9, 18-C , . . •. Montrose. . . , 1000 800 . Age4tsW a n ted; d I[lo Canvass fi , c i r the ; - best and most saleable X Books puhli lierl..!They are written' 4 the most -popular Anthor.4 (if the. day, including among others, T. S. Arilitt, Of .whose last great work, • H .1 . '-- Ten Nitlit.v•in .ti 13(1i.. Room, • • 10,000 copies hay • bt.' cti.sUld Within a'atonth of publication. 1 , . - . . •-' These BoOksarte benatifullv illustrated, (ma.. - ny of them with nely colored , piaies) and are printed and boon in thS best manner. . , Agents will tin la pleasant. and profitable 11- . ployment in thei circulation . Poi piiitrt-itlars address ( t pal ) ; ! ~ 1. .' • . • • . - T . - J. 1 : BRADLEY, Publisher, , - NO. 4 North( FOrirthitreet, Philadelphia: tis -11rui3 i -.. ketiCnivbs. , .1 lendid assortment of thoue ted Waterville Pocket Knives, fitly different styleN just: re. e by A. TURRELL W 2 , , NOTHER A, justly veld) comprising nearly ceived, and for may i i Montrose" Oct. rreceived a large assortment Of .rns (if Fluid, Oil, and. Cain dle Sticks , and all the articjia n thei r , at TURRELL'S, :1 1854.: y AMPS—last I.l.bv l nutiful pat pheno fi l arnps, Ca .necessary to burn Montrose;.Oct. N E ~ Y extensive, an, latest s yles of gel the qua ity, by Mont ese...oet. , 1 Rl'..-4-JiOd re.eeived 4 hirge, , . 'desirable armerttnnt, ,f.. the d JeWelry,ttt low: priee4 for ! , A. TIIRRELL : . 2, 180.47 Nei N HISU#RITT wont . and the public, Broche, Wool and 0 flom S 2 tJ $l6; Lndie Fancy D.itattes, Slik•,, Poplins, (ling !donned' of now Styli.. atikortnient of - Staple Crockery, Hardware, foß,'Hoott and Shoes Sktades,lsli Paper,. 0 thy most exorable. to produce approYete N. H. Stilt by the bb New Milterd, Sept Fall Goode. . , invite:the ,attention of his friends Id his now,and .splendid stook' of hmere ,;, Loin and Square. gbawlf. ' Dress floods, Including Plain and tea, P.ir!LlP:'itas; French lderinotts. aro &c. le.e.. Iti.h Ribbone .and which fn connection with a - largo and fancy .flry. Goods. Grocerire, on, StOves,loffalo; Robes, Carpet. hats .and Caps; Painted Window LA and Paints, Ore., will' be sold on 11E1.4 and. reduced prices, for run, edit.- !' . .. , .or tilid.' 1 ' , -.. . . tri.1864. i • : . , Waitebies &i Jewelry. ri PH E+tdiscritter as just! received a huge lot of 1 • Gor and Silv "i:Vittehes; Etrrings. Breast. pins, Fit ger Rings, Gold r, & hains, Foh Rackets, c. tfc.. to 11,hich he w utd invite the attention- of his friends. 1 ' ' - 'ALFRED .I,EVANS. i l i . v ' NO. Odd Fellows' Halt Singh Unli 4. i OC . 0854: ll QILVER,TIII3 , I 1..7 all P!stii;by GC" SLEEVE • Slid es, Split ri GOl, GEAR .Ch ins of all ES I —A ,foll oveortment of A. J. EVAN N. BUT;rONB, Stn4s,' Scope, I. gli&e t -. inerery tiqriky. Vest' - tittettetaitie, and' Fob eighti,lby. -A.7. EVANS. • 1 Puir Ptunps rp.RE, g reateit nproveloot or the" ago. C. T-11., Piga Dcithic Acting Bail, Wire, Force and'l ill Pnuip,. An improvement above nil other , or imachinii." for- lifting and throing irate , combining both apump - and Fire Engine.- Thi Pumpi patented iu February, 1854, iae • whol . • of; ite. ' • metalic, bolts.or screws a b out- to rust , ..epwqten . ntiv it. will last a man!a•life tr o. "• It can be_- used in , every variety. of form, ca draw water from atiy_.sirua tion and carry ikti any' pan' , of a haufi ` es ; it` la superiorto all ail .r penipls Par , Brick. Vardis4'lron - I . Works and Manbfactitring establialtments - of all kinds., • All orders must e addressed to Aildikbo Dime w i ck, wer„vmq, bought {he solo right, fur Sumach , . • Anil. 2D, 1854. r" sir.: ; =ls= Toitim - mmznmilms FiKetNi*,lo4l4l-ELT:s (* 7 ll Ong o l 1104440fi s tes:14410 - c i na i litoculway, `-• , . . Straw':'and'Befiver 13onnstsi 11.110 T 111024, 'tors suidPeutherOi..:,-; .t - , - lie ikt vitiat.i : , ).,:, ... roilt ..- --. witair - 4 - 414 . ,4 -, : 111 . I e PA`Pr 4 PSVW , „ , .f. .'..49.1 _ the present _seaskin,* yielded to us - fn. c rea4,4 keilitioit,ioll,te t purchise Of a superb stock of iTR A* Rill RtERR9NAtr4ERWACIIIPLOWERS, RIBBONS RTHI4 - Rit ittfqiiirefialk* in thiSl CitY, l • and which-we are 1 1enaltt4 to . :offer at Wit' dently foivicirieei for 'cisie:'" ''''''''-'' '.' - Toon,stockeiPantOißrfnimit ine&x.verm ' Rmaoss, we-Weaki espeeisilly.,nalllthawttention • of Casfe;Buye,na, c ,as c we.are assurW_lNkra more desirable absortinent wasliever:beforceptrtred 'in , - this city.- ' -' I ~'llo,3tElt 6i'KETtlittli, - ..' oi4. 6 1 :nnd 66'.1eheati,iter,Willianr:st., N. yY. N_ '... 43m3' , ,". .. 1 -I'.- , s `''.• ::' :._ ',, • -, - ;•6.-,... - ; ,-,-, ~-,4 „- . 50 Weddi, g ettidii,iui litate, . , B EA.OIIIT 4 LY.EN'GRAVE,D, f ar ":;Fifty-- ,: `Visiting G irds and Plitc;,lii,,gilveiDoor , Plates, front 83'; to' $1'0". ' ''',, Weipiiiik grivekopes, • Note Purim, ' llitsitiess' Car& -- !Netfitt, l 4oo4,- Conunereial and Private, Seals .erigra*Al,. 'end, promptly' ferwarded.to 'parties sending ameinit• taneu to ',• .1 A: DESIAREST,, .General M. , i graver, 182 Broiaay,'N.':V.— r itit3''' , .. J: &`C‘' Fischer, riguo7PortAtigan -1 ufactory : -A NI) WARF t ' , IOO-M;Nos./43;146 1 241;and . IX. 249 West Terentii.eiglic - etreet, --itetalr'seen, - 9th and 10th Aire.nneti,New l'ork: , =Tinnorn-with'. the ,Eoli4n, mid ail the...,bestnioderti improve- . clients, made of the kst, niaterlalii, nag; on? . • own suPeryiSimi i. if Written, iitanifttee given with every Piano.. .1 1 ,- At.t. P.''befirg priateal men, and manufacturing verriargelp, ruin- hind& . the ' best Pianos, on Flower term* than. eart,besfurninh ed any Where, and itisdecidedly:the best• place . to buy (or cash.: Those - desiring nrgood,Tiano, and one that wi I stand. and Wear : We ll, : tgin't dog, better than t(le II on J. &.; C. irieclier. f4ania.- 1 1 • ' Stoves and Ranges..--r . -,..:W11 LESILE AND : HRT4II4.4 -; t.,`; . , TT:t . lisjsporStillitioEfittltV:lntaktidePrienr: i for Stove.ilhat &a be foondin the 'City'. Stoves of all descripii4s, stylps and designs, - te' r born—. •ing Wood.or Cril, winch we will warrant in ev. -cry . way s . , Pers nis to want - of; a fine • Steve; Tor beauty and darabilitY,'will-do.wklllo call at th - 51 111'ROPOLITAN:,.STOVE WAREHOUSE. HOPhINS & 151.1 FF, proprietors, N. 235 :Wa , ter-street; New iTci r k.' ' •- ' 1 -13m3'` HOUSE. GOIIPIL et CO- . . , A - XTilo , LEstx . ratvr , si#l4'lls.Puttlish.: ' , rT. ers, prio rs, and .3lanufacturing A rtists, (:olorinen, PariS, London, Berlin, and No. 35/ Broad Way, New York. Catalogues Sent b,y.mail: The usuat.dile(nat to the' trade.'ind Institutions: m Piture Fraes'fornished.' -' '• . . '' . 43tri3l' '- Farmers Tfilioalrisurance '• Office, Atheo; Bradford:County, Penn'ti. .1' :CAPITAL 200, CECGkEDyfI BOtiDS AND .3101iTGAGE4 02( F • ESTATE. INSUREWn e ,airlit to by Fira, ironies; Stiires _Li and other bnildings, Goods, Wsies," .. and Mer. ehOndise, dirast favorable terms as any 'almilar Institution. • Losses promptly: adjusted at d paid. 1 1DIflECTORS. Hon. I torn cel Williston, Francis Tyler, Geo,. A`. likins, J. T. D. Myer. .G. N. Shiptnan:le. W, dies, Jr., J. E. Canfield, -Athens; John Lqpnrte, Towatda:-,Gen. Bradley Wakeinim, ce : 'Geo. J. Williesbarre Mi chael 31yiert, Laporte, f n - i OFFICERS. s..'"•: • Ilun. Horace) Vi ;listen, Pres.; G. F. Walks, jr. N 94 Pres. and , rens.. J. E. Canfield, Pee.Py:•/ 'iddretia, Cr'Vlard, Wyalusing, BOdtiird county, Pa•-,-26y1* „ • , , TIME CHANGED:. , .. , Delaware, igekawanirtaik • I I: IARRA.NGEMENT (N . N and after.Thort , :day, Sept. '1854,11s Af•al P,.4r;ngor Train tillUtit(n' Scranton at 10.35 A. M. - ' . • Due at... Great Bend at 1.00, v.sr. ' • •-; ''ttnifecting With the Day Express Traiticon, tlia N: Y. & Ej; It.lll.;,.bath east and west e r Palisenkers taking this train wilLarriye in New liit ad iT.304. 1 , 3t. and in Duskirk at 11. _„.. ' Return. will ;leave Great. Bend' On' thearri v al, of the= BuffitloExpress bound West, (2.15 p.,ltt - .)1 which depart; froth New Yorit - dt 7, A. st:,•ttd, arriVes at Seratiton at 4.55, P: M. • - 7 ; The , Aerontrnodation Train, : with *me.; enter ear attached, will depart fnim Scranton at! r. 31, dueint Great Bond at_6, r.N.,eortnect..! ing ;with Alle..llail - Train - .bound West; ,and the; Niubt Express Trains, bound both East and West!: li.eturning,; - Will depart front Great_Be ti li 44, 7,. - A. and arrive, at Scranton, 105; A. Stages will bA In :waiting on' tlic.arrival of Pas senter trains at Scranton, to conver - pastkttigirs carbondale pittstnn, Wilkes.Barre,Pitihuiel ?llia via the It:ending an4allother intdratediate.pice.s. I ; D: H , DOTTERER;I.Supi: •,• • . - t Office, Sera, ntono , • • Sept.; 3D, 1854. - 25tf ' ; , . l Noti too -,, Pass ngers. . oo .- ~.„.3 - .1 ASStNG ORS for Ilirghaintiin,: • Ditnitirk or X the %Vestein,truins; or for - New. ' Yiiik'iiid the &shim trains; will - find' stagei l itlitts(' des Hotel Montrosel t Pa., Which-leave at H o'eklik;A. M. leoitneeting with theday Expreiis - Trld,tty' boih East and West,lwithoutdetentionv iAlow a itige will' leave at:l 1.2 - P: . M. , conne ting with .4.be Ma I train goini- West, at Great gad, 6,1!..M., atulinN e tht Eipreas 6mtt East all Vest. , ANC* with the 'Mail - train for SCrintati` 1 Cari),(tidttlet Wit kesbarre and Tank hannoelrAtetti riling, there wilt boil :stage at Montrose - Depot tim arrival Of , the Mail traiu - froto,'Sgatitoii! nt , It 'i.2 P. M., on arrival' of the Mail train froin GrOat . ..l3erul at 3' P 4 l M:, iltich does not leave Great( liiind'until .arttl'a,- . 1 or,day trpress from isath'East and West. Also, a sthge will leave, Montrodo tor 'Friends vino, on airivat of trains from day Fatpresm^East, at :5 P. 3L, return in• time for train to New a York, every morning at it o'clock. Also •for Leraytts vilic eve - ry Monday, 1V ednesd ay l and Friday: . ",, LEONARD.SEARLE. -.. Atontroae, N. E. R. R.' Tine. tAilit AT Gitol; &Act. • • . • D.ty Fa 0:26; P. .31:' Day :Exp.o".. - 0; Night do. 1.46, A.ll. - Night4o. V.59'4:11. Mail traiii,!:lo-57, - Av M. '''''lltnit!Pritin, 6:30,P. M. • - • STOVES - Aft 'rut WARE, • -For Susquehanna D. LATH & ROP Co. trotdd beg letite" to= C. return thanks to their friends for. tbolilib. eral'patronage for the list. year and hope:they will continuo their favor., whith .we hope to-mer it by strict attention to ,business, •tou pawl %Ye have the must aPPrted patterns ."; Rf.latravgp ever brought inte this rket, among' ho fennd 2". :.. - STAR OP TIIE 4 7 4' , 5t (Eieialett GOO' CI7LTITATOR:' ", #.4l24Go!tri. ' NE M' WORLD, - "- ' THREE STATES. all Air Tight, and -oth. 0N too numerous to mention:- • We also have on 'band a 'large assortritent.Of Tio;Ware-of a hrary quality, ezPressly,for borne trade', Cistert. and Well Punts of alldwicOPtiOl4.- lead Pipo of all sizes, reels for chitin Pittitpay:4W &e:'• '4ob Arork'rlonis wSth neittneas and-denplit* . All .iinciN of produce Asken,''or oppetrAdlrMit Oren. -Give us a call.yoti ,plOsse r ;.."llltetkzmit Alain etree4 directly oppoliite.tiki- Cash Paid for-1 7 :b.r..F - - - .•=t9;*...."1 , •L , "-'• /Mr 000Da.a. p l at B r ,Ari n t ero st imuz- a wimpy:At Ivior usual vtahttcy4-41 GC$P B * Iva.t.tiqAttfili4l2 mUrPßlPAl4l39phartadthe i llEl qPq:; 44 ,14447.,7. iliotrofw-Wri:2ll,#B ' - • ‘,l ' f ~~ 4 i ~ ~ •...