The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, September 28, 1854, Image 3

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    iw. it is with the leaders of th
this campaign: Thei.commi
culation of fillsehoodsi.and tit
thev began. • ~
' The democratic party is
.One ,
It-advoCates equality of,politicall ~
r e ligious tolerance-- - --freedom of !SpeeSiand,
the mws, and in fact every :other principle.
which, emanating from our eonstitution,..coni t
tributes so largely to the 'prosperity o'o4
country. The representatives of our party;
who occupy official statious, cannot if 'their
would violate tlese finidamental truths' • 1111
masses of the rople, uuderstanding lveill thq .
great . American truths which: gave , birth z 0 t i
us as a nation,. will not cOuntennucei the,
slightest encroachatent upon Ithe ri g htslguari
anteed to them by the
,constitution-, alai' iff
one of these oflicia Is should n i . ke. - 91 , 3 atteMpt.!
he i s a C one e opposed by an. indignant Itect4
plc. A party which predicat s itself inkin ar
ridiculous and absurd ism,, e. ists but. fOr a!
season, and the pity whife.p vteiiditig .0 iti
established upon great fund mental trnthq.
yet endOrses that ism for poli ical - effeel, - :!canf,'
not expect xpular•f:iyor. It is the c,antrac-1
tion of a' disease, which, tittle. speedily c lite.' 1
„j us t e nd in politicaldeath. .IThedentociltticll
party, desiring no other str4ngth . or. pO j iver
than'that which is derived frchn the ,Conscitu
tion, has .gone on in the derel opt . mientOf4the
varied resources of the conatr —the adoPtilm
of a wise and liberal policy_ttlwards the. Poo-.'
Jae of other"countries, until w have r iattained
the,.high position we now Occlupy in the ocale
of nations. • i
I - .
So fat then as the polio* of
_._,S4, 'is'.
ront'knieki, GOv. Iliottit Os Proved hiniself a i
worthy representative of our! party stud' : its.
: principles.: He has by his :a4s &intimlidok
li p
himself to the sutfrages.of allirateful 'leo; le;
. and that he . will be re-eleeteA oil the SA. and
Tuesday of Oetober , next, is l nio longer' aim -
• , ter of tiouht. The sober second thought o
• the people is fast wiping out the itnpre4ion
which falsehood at first created, i
.tz, - We clip the follOwMg front Ole
ton Dernoerat. It shows Iniw. little i rciia!
can be placed in the statements. of
five,-soil editors. Our neighbois of the ..J+
nal made a- great 'parade I:n4 '74k
theme Sullivan resolutions, hsb
passed_ by Anti-Nebraska .Peuzarcuts.
f course did not bCli6ie the' sfory7.beel
Ave knew no 1) , :mocro . 1 i) , port .
dilate of the speckledl , a'rty, -Janiesi
lock:. .
"The-whig papers are pallishing a se,
tif resolutions, 'opposing Go% I.kigler ' beeal
of hi s yiosition on .the ..Nelra.ka - qUesti}
-which, they asset were passed 4 ''A '...hl
ocratic meeting in ...s., \
Sul 4. nntr. - 1
truth of the matter. is this:. the meeting t
called as an, auti-Nebraska tue.Aing, to i
compOsed of men of all parties ; brit shoal
after it was organized the Deniocrats be . 4
to smell a rat—they found that it -was
,tt - 4
ilig out a regular Oily inertin) , ipste:l4 . 1
anti-Nebraska—and eonsewteng rtearly f
ert—Demoerat left the' ground. i _llftei` tat
had left,' then the Whigs passed th 4 re-golntio
which are. now published as havi4g been :nit
ted 'at a Democratic meetina :7 1 ..t .r 1
Religious Nizotifee l , . 1 1
, •
The appointment of „.V. 0. Wa'rren atelc4, '
',e ideferri
until tlke,
,„ :.••
Additional Preminnos
01 the S un'a Agricet It aiid 'NO(44'6',
\ Ist. For largest string of.workink (J,,en
one township, 35,00 and a Banner. I
2d. For the next larg•est string.; B:nrier.
A public sale will take place on the 'day of
,Exhibition. All persons having Cattle and sO)
for sale are requested to have them - ent l erejj
. Buyers arc invited to attend•and pnrehL. l
' , I
, .
In jaelcson, on Tlnirsclav,..2l'st .
l'ulve.r, Eq., Mr. Josii)Nl7.ll.l'.i.tms -C I 3ti
-.I A. LEWIS, all of Neiv Milford. •
. this D'orough; Sept:
.tig,A 41 years
Everything works to a Charm.
_ _
• • t ( COTT, JOHNSON S. Co.' are now Teivingil
47, a new stock of Fall Good 4, and are rfadY lio
wait upon the people to anything !they lyish, iri 1
the line of Dry, p00d5,.. - Clathin g ,,-.Grfwerie
, Hardware, Crockery, Fish, Salt, Iron; Boots and
Shoes, &c. ti , ,c. We will surely suit 01 tha
call and see us at onr.,:atoro in Springville.
SCOTT, JOHNSTON 4, co: i, 1
Springville, Sept. :27, 1854. ....I • ' : • . : I
Nutice to Tatisengere. .
D.S.SENGERS traveling North ..on. the Del
I_ ware, Lackawanna & Western Rail Roa
to GreUt Bend. - can hare •tWenty-six.!titinutes fi
Dinner at the ". BRYANT litit - se : before the N t
Aitrk Express goes East; aka -onOiours •!i -
before the Dunkirk Express.train goes West o
the N. Y. & Erie Railroa d until . further notice
N. B. Thy Cincinnati .Expres4 !train gO i ln;
East; stops at Great Bend. Learinititne is 71
A. .11. A. BRYANT '
• ,
Propriet6r of" Bryant Honw.! 4 ." ,
Great:Bend .Depot,Sept . .-26, - 185 1 1-2: "I•
'Auditor's Notice- ' 1 ,
. 9 IIE undersigned having been appointed rll
I- Auditor, to distribute the fund in the hands
or the Sheriff • f,,f Susquehanna county, itriNirl i g,
- from the sale of real estate of John Chandir,
_ wit) attend to the dutitis of •said..appointmen t
11 ; ct
ins olliee - in Mon:i•oSe, on Saturday the foii h
d..4y of - Novenuer nctxt at 1 o'clock, in' the ,:aft l r.
noon, at which time and place all persons inter
ested will present their . claims' or be 6barr Q
from coming in upon said fUnd. . . .
- • FRANK.LIN PRASEit., Auditor.
Sept. , 2ti, 1 85,4-39 w 4 ' ' , - .
Auditor's Notice
T •
idE undersigned havin4 . been appointed iu
Auditor, to distribute the fund in the hart
of the Sieritr of Susquehanna .etrurity, arisi g
from the - sale Of real estate of Melissa Al..Wa
will attend to the duties of•said•appointraent, at
his office in Montrose, on - Saturday the tweay
cight day of o,;tober newt, at 1 o'clock in the f.
ternoon, at which time and place, all persons n
terested will present their claims, or be fore% er
debarred from coming in upon said fund: .1
FRANI • iLIN, 'FRASER, Audit r.
• Sept. . 26, 1 . 8 54 3 w 4 . . .
. - Orphare.ire °art Sale. '-11 _
1) v virfuo- of an order. of -the Orphan's - ' '.olirt
..) of Susquehanna County will be expoS All t")
public tsale;tin Wednesday the. first day oil I.
veruber next, at 1 .o'clock - iP.• 31: to the; highl
and best, bidder, all the rig* title and interest of
Sheffield Matteson - 24, dee.eased, in the foiri ' li
si r
described piece ur parcel of land, situate' id i . h
township of Jae.kson, in the Countilaforel. id,-
Containing about sixty-six- aerest—,bounded on the North-east by land. of Orrin Matteson; .11.'
B enson an d H. Benson jr., South A l lands! or.;
merly of R. Miller ; Southwest by lands- of 14V.1
Larabee, and Nathaniel French, and Nortlest,
by land of Stmuel Bryant, (excepting a- qtnalli
piee, e surveyed therefrom by .1. Boyle fur ROlil
ler for.a..mill-seal.) -
~. ,
~,I ,
Sale to be Made: on =the premises. TOrms
made linOwn on !the day of sale. .' •
TatmAs Pettey, Administrator:
Jackson, Sept. 25;1851. • . 39w5,
d the Independent I'tikt4 --- ' 1 'of 1,10.1
quehauua County. - il
• •I .
Attle .to gent solicitation of nurnerona f4nds
of all liot hied parties I Offer myself as an' I,lde
pondetit Anti-Nebraska candidate for thc.otliCe of
County Commissioner of Susquehannit Co - unty. -
JOSITII W. Warn. .1
iestip, Supt: J 3, -1851.. -1 - I
. .
. .
. . .- • 1 1- I ;-.
R - flttoritß.
Whig imrty in
1 - )y.1114 eir
ey en 4 as
Amendments to the Constitution
- of
Commonwealth i
„ ECTIOX,I. o esilre4 by the.SOiste an d ' ipuse l
of keproxeivatirof: the CoMmonwealth of P:tiniz,l
sylronia.ilUeniTol'4ssembly met, That the ifOl-i
lowing ainentithenta be and' the same are hetebyi
proposed , t the . Col*titution of the' Oomnion:1
health, under and in• accordance with the prcivis
ionS of the tenth artii:le therepf, to wit: • i
. EPTION 1. ‘,The aggregate amount of debts
hereafter the Commonwealth shall
never exceed the suin'of live , hundred thousand
dollars, except in case of war tO repel invasion, '
suppreSS insurrectidn,or to .relleem the public
debt Of the eOmmonwe4lo, and the money so
raised shall be applied to - the purpose for 'which
the debt nay be contracted, or .pa} l such ;Jetta,'
and to no other purphie. ' \- . •i ' !
1 .
! SECTION 2. TO pay-the pnblie.debt of the COM
inonwealth,and 'debts 'which may •hereafter!, be
contracted in case of war to repel invasion,. sup-'
press insurrection and to redeem the public 014, 1
ihe Legislature shall at their next session after
he adotitiort.of this section into the Constitution,
!rovide by law for the .creation of a sinking (Mitt
•hich shall not be abolialted till, the , said public
ebts be wholly paid, toi consist of all the net
nnnal income from! the public Works and stoat;
awned by the Commonwealth, or any other funds
. rising under any. revenno law now eXistingi or
.that may! b :hereafter enacted, so far . as the same
(nay be te dlred to' the interest of Said denteo' hay emi.annua iv, and annually to.r+tiuce the pritiei
pal thereof ti . y.a surd not less than fivfi hunched
- ‘
thousand dollars, increased yearly by compound ,
mg at a - rate; of not !less than five per eentum tier
4nnum; the4;aid sinking fund shall to in% ested
n the loans ;of the Commonwealth, - which '!shttll
;e cancelled from time (clime in a manner to [be
rovided by law: nOt Ortion of the sinking fund:
hall ever be applied to the - paynient of the,thibt
Of five hundred thousand 'dollar's mentionaln
the first section-of this article, Wt. the said sink
ing fund,shall be applied only to the pure odes
herein sp:lrifiell.
!',SEcriox 3. The Credit of the Commonwealth
shall in any way be givem or loaned to or in
aid of any,indivichial. cornOtty, corporat ion or as
;)cibtion„ nor ,shall the Commonwealth hereafter
hecOme a joint owner or stockholder in any com.''
pony, assochition or'corporation in Oils Common-
Wealth or elsewhere,. fornied for any purposes.:: •
1...- SE1:i10:i 4 • The ,cominonwealth •shall never
:assume the .eats of any county, city, borough or
( 1
township, or of any corppration or association,
I unless such debts, shall have been contracted to
repel invasion,sOpprfig§Osurreetion, or to defend
1 the State iw war.. -- ;" - i . . ! • . i
Illi i
• 43n
rnorostrON 2, TO BE XI.
• Prphibiting Municipal Subs c riptions.
The Lekisla.ture' shall never authorize . aill3;
epudty, city, Borough or township. :by cote of its
citizens pr otherwise,- to: become a stockholder
in. any joint zitack company, - association or corpo
ration, or tn 'raise money IPr,;Or loan its credit to,
or in aid of :rny such comp:lnv:or association.. ;
= E. B. CHASE, •1. •
- . .
Speaker 4 : the house of Representatites.i
- M. 31'CASLIN,
I '
Speaker of the Senate.l
In Senate, April .28, 1854..',.
Resolved, That this resolution. pass. Yeas 22,
naysl6,. Extract from the Journal.
'• T. A. 3IAGUIRE, Clerk 4
InMonse of Representatives, April ,21, 1844.
Resolved. 'That tlrisvresolution pass. Yeas '7l,
nays:=2o.. Extract from the journal.
) , . W 31.. JACK, Clerk.
tiled April 29, 4,854. 1 .
1. ' C. A. BLACK,
• I Secretary of the :Commonwealth.'
pE:V.vs rr, VA N/A, SS.
i:I -!, liarrisburk; J ly I, 185.1 i
* 11 i ) •
( ----•••••• )
.. d certify that the above, and fore-
SEAL . zoi i ng is a tru4 and correct copy pf the
( --...-,- 3 original "Resolution relative to an
:mend lent of the Constitution," as the same re-
Mains: n file in . thia otliCe. _ . , .
In• stiniony whercorj have ,hereunto set my
hand and caused to be l affixed the scal ; of* the .
Sixtet.ary's oifice the- day and year above written.
' i • . ' ' l\ C. A. BLACK*,
Secretary of the Commonwealth
lipurnal of•:the . Senate \ -
"Resolution No. 562,'entitled '".Resolution pro s
posingamendments to the - Constitution of the
Comnionwealth,' was read
,a third time. On the
question, will the Sendte Agree to the first proli
ositioti, the 3ieas and nays were taken'," agreell
•to the; Constitution, and were as follows; viz :
Ye. c---megs-rs. IkickaleW, Darlington, Dards Furguson,
FoulkrOd, Frick. Fry, Goodwin, Gildsman. lean3ilton, 11.
D. llandin. F., IV Hamlin, II eifiter, 'Doge,. JarniSon, 3f 6.
Clintock, 111eFarland,.Piiitt, Quiggle, Sager, Slifer, and Me-
Caldin isSpeak er- 7 •::... ' . •
NA vs—Messrs. Ctabb, Creswell, Hendricks, Kinter,ltur(=
kel. and Skinner:—.4.
So'the question Was deternthaed in the affircaL
in`the question will the Senate agree to the
second . Proposition. the yeas and pays were td
ken agreeably to the Constitution, and were as.
follow's, viz: : I. • •
Brickalex, 'Darsie, Furgusori, Foulkrosi,
IFry, G Ontlerin, lialdemar.,ll. D. Hamlin, E. - W. liamalin,
neartekz, Ilrirter , , Hoge; Jamison, Kinzer, McClintock;
McFarland. Piatt Price, Quiggles :Alter, Wherry, McCaslin.
NATl—mess*. Crab)); Creswell, Darlington,
Runkle and Skinruir•-•6• j•
So Ithe ques l firm was determined in the affirm,
ative.! • 111 1 - I . • V
•I• L •
Journal fthe House of Itepreseneztives. .
7he question recurring do the final passage,
of I the Res. lo t ion, - the first -pr6Position was
agreed tri -as follOws, viz:, •
Yeas—Messrs. Abraham, Adams, Atherion, Rail, Barton,
Ri)er, lli c b m, Boyd , 1111-15 h. llyerly, Caldwell, Calvin t
Chr vnbprlin Cook, Crane, Cummins, Daugherty,
'Dniis...De France. Dunning, Eckert, Edinger,.E dud; Ev•
anis, Fester, -Pry Gallentlne, Gilthotr)\, Gilmore, Gray,
Grenlni (win, Hamilton. Hart, 'Herr.. Illettand,
Ilipple4.llorn i Durninel, II nostleter, - nnter, ifurtt. Jack-
Kilgore, Knight • l•wurY, (Lehigh) Linn, Magi.e.Ma•
Man derteld,M'Corin ell,' %Mee, Miller ;151enitiliitzi,
IMonr Oen ery. - .M (Are, Moser, M use. Palmer. Prirke, Pa rm•
lee, Pasrranre, - Partersou, Porter, Pnincy, Rawlins; 'Rob:
erts, Rowe, Sallair , , Scott, Sidle. Simonton, Smith (Berke,)
Smith, iCrawford .).$ tewart Stoekdile. Strong, Struthers,
Wheeler, AVieklein ;,. Zeigler, Chase, Speaker-45.
So the queStion was determined in the of
ative. i - • i' . ,
On the queStiim will the: House agree to the
sewn r proposi6n, the yeas and nays were taken
agree:l,ly to thelprovision of the, lOth article of
,t;he e ,itituti (.!. n.! and area., follows:
YEA :%iIf 4 ATR. Abraham, lt)wrton. Ball; Harlon. Reck l
Dq ell ) iliPzilam , Biqa, eghlwal Carlisle, Chamberlain,
.Cook, rune, Cumming, LA 1 2h:erty, Maris, Leman. He
France 'Dunning, F,dlnper, E • dre 4 , Evans Fry, Gallen
tine, G bbon3 l —Gilitiore, Grasj , Groom. Owin, Hamilton,
[Herta d, Hillier. 11A , ple. liungecker, Hun ter, Hurtt-Jack.
min. ibtore;licoght.lanryt. (Lehigh,' Lowrey. elingaj
Linn. latlee.; Ildtigltdr, . alanderfichL M'Connell, Allier,
Mona,g an. Montt:tom. ', Moore, Mawr, Muse, Palmer.
Parfet.. Parinlee,, P•pisa ore. Pat t CTIA , ) , I, Porter. Rawlins,
Robert . Rowe, Sallade Scott, Simone (Berke,)pn , Smith, (Berke,)
Flak Crawford,/ Sti,e, date, Wheeler, Wickfein, Wright
Chase p. aker— -
Ni . Messrs; Adams. Baldwin, Beans Hugh, Byerly,
Ellis, Hart,liferr, norm Hummel. M:Combs, Mill
er. Po on, rutnej, Sidle, Stewart, Strong, Struthers,
lehtler 2 1 1.
. . So he question was deterro , lned in.the affirm
ative:. - i . - •
l• '•1 Harrisburg, July 1, 1854. ' j
i'S YL V.4NiA, 88.
1 do Certify that the above and foremo:
ing, is:a true and correit copy of the,
"YEAsnand" ZCAYS" taken on the" ReSoi
relative to att• auk' bdment e .of the Constitu.:,
tithe Comtncinwealtli" as the; same appears
IJOurnals of tbe two Houses of 4he Gen.;
ssemble; cif - -this . Commonwealth for the
i of '1854,
Ness my hand and the seal of said office
t dav of July, one thousand eight 'hun
ld fifiy-four, - . C. A. BLACK,
Secretiry of the Cdmmonweßltb.
,13, 1854.-3m.r ;
Ition o
on the
, •
red a .1
1 1 •
1 • • •
.- . ,: • 1 New Pall G oods. ' , -.
rri I l i t f latarr would invite the attention of his friends
Ale TO th e pnhlie, to his -new and splendid' stock of
ru 1 1 a 'Winter Shawls. of tirOol, cashmere ,Droche ite.i
hem $ o,Blt ; ,Ladies Prow Goode; including Plain and
riniry• I elanety De Sages, Par.:ileum. itreineh 'Methane,.
. 5111 t.',. online, 'Gingham, &e. fax- Rieb it 11).bons and
Boonet ; of new Styles, which in cotinection with ,a large ,
pißflor,On t of Staple and fancy Dry Goods, Groeeriet
'Crocker' , Hardware, Iron; Stoees, - Baffalo Robe*, Carpet.';',
Jag. Olt, and Shoes. hats and Caps Painted Windoii
Shades all Paper, Oils aritlPaltits.4l4%. will be , sold on
the mos favorable terms and reduced ' Mice*, for sock
proditeetw approyedleredit. '
IN. • 1 8 - Salt by the bbl. Or Load. -
I. tirerltdilfordye.' 2%,ept 1654.. \ ' ' :`4 •
. ; ?
. , 1 1,1
clopltzlf snd.•fackerrt, ttlac,-Syrup, Molasses aria
ritmirs in plena, for sale by-
eptl: xi ) J. LYONS* SON:
\ [ '
• More New GOOdii
A I'M now arriving, good, fds.bintiable' and che4; con
.rl., Fisting In part of Alpacas, Thlher & Coburgh cloths
Cashmeres, De Bosco, De Laines, ecc ' , I
.. •
J.' LYONS k t SON.
84. 28.
ItititS. ALLEN'S HATRAESTOSER. a new pup i plyjast.
, .
,Lll l
received by - . . J. LYONS Zej SON.
'.f . • - :. • •
QUAWLS AND SILO E5 . ,;5 great Qariet:i at ntir Attire.
. ! . " LYONS - Se:3ON
. . .
.New Line' of Mail Stages:
, • . , I.
Aturicq: will leave Kir k wood , paeving thro . ne', Coy.;
;bet' vvill e,Liberty, .4e., crier) , morning aftetithearr
iral'oftbe Nitt i llfrains of ears,both.Ease and West reach.
ingMontros at I,P. M. , , ' .
... .
1 - ET ll lIN IN G !, -
1 ~,,
te.i,„eMo ros4ditilyOunanys excep . ted) at 2 P M.!
re4hing Iflrbweedin time to talcs ' th e Mall Trains (3'
CaVg.both Ert and Went, being t he , neareet and molt
fearible rout to reach the Yew Turk and Erie Railtoad.
Th l lv line interseetsa trj-weekly lina,fOr DimoelifiPritig.
Title, Tunkbannock, Wyoming, I.o4.Wklkasbarrq, which
traits Montrose al. 7 A M every Monday,,Wedneeday , and
Friday. Alenialine'o Eriendsville - ,Lerayeville, &fp. Good
Teatneand eemlortableearriages : are provided, Old the
Proprietorawilleparo no 'paint to aecommodatet lie Pub.;
lie. i • W K. HATCII I ,
1.5e1.12,1354. - ~ - •MORGAN it wrST.
. _ .
, ..
To f lu. Independent !,Voters of the Counties of
, gusqueltanna i Wyoming and . Sullitian: •
The solicitatiOne of many friciali; in the§3ever
-al counties of elk Representative Pistt l icti have
induced me to offer myself as an ] independent,
Anti-Nebraska candidate for the office of Rep' te
sentative. . 111 NRV E. 8111PNUIN
_. .
tilporte, Sept. ;!,0, 1854.. , ,
,y. ,
Fall & Winter Stock., c i .
8 ,17 . F i, a l r L ero
sr.. vi• r t e l e l e N ii T ly it ou ( r . usual , v. W .trit , hit e .h f
we invitt: the attention of our customers, acrd the
pUblic generally. . - 13ENT2.r.V &RI AX .
'4fontrose, Sept 27, - 4854. • ; -
• i :. ,:
.. . •
• Grand Consolidation
Of the two larpist and most popular .4"4tres-
L:'stablishments in the world :. Uri? well
' kirown ..Vatioiral Circus ancl!ilip
podronte, Philai(elphia, and: Lent's dew
:eork Circus! foiming two distincte.rhibi=
11- q7l- : s
Mended together, and. Loth . gliren an ler one Inirnense
Paridion for a Single Prlea of adnibudon—reports if Infe
rior companies to, the contrary, notwithstanding, nese
conrolidated companies will ail:odr at
Montrose, on ThUrsdayj, October 12114-
. r
•, Doors at 2 and 7 olclock P. M. Perform:Mhos will'
commence Hatt an hour after'opening. •- Admission 03 eta.,
No half prier. rme - Themily Legitimate Circus now tray-.
efflux. in Wristern New York, comprising 200 men and hors'
l 'o p! - . and requiring 30 carriages and baggage vans, for fps
emveyance of this truly Collossal E'tah ishment the ne
plus ultra /land Car, drawn by ten beautiful cream! color
ed Bores, cOnttinitim - 14 select Musicians. and led by the
r ,ei c ht ii t e d g. V. W. post, itsq.,, will precede the Gra b ED
trve-1.0 each town , . which will take place at /0 o i e ock in
the morning of t he - day of Exhibiti on , - ~ • ;
The great English Clown,, Linton, has been added to
this epneern, Who will appear in conjunction with tIM cel
ebrated Itill i Worrell. , !
yheigreat resources obtained by e, bitting these two
txterisiveand well known Troupes, will allow or a 'fiegree
of brilliancy being produced in their Entertainments nu
jiaralteled in this country. and unsurpassed in any:other:
A great variety of Performances new in this countiy, and
• ecullar to Grit ekabllshnient, will be foundcomprised in
Ow bills, and it is confidently believed that theiNovel
tirVnt, and Exciting representations of' the Double
Tio e. will form a fen t nee, in the amnsenients inAtierica,
Whirl ill be remembered with gratification for years to
come: . .
yho Itr; ht Array of Talent attached to the tottsallitated
Establishmr t includes a great number of the mot dis
tinguished n toes In the Equestrian Profession, !Mott of
triton: arc as w : known In F.urnpe as upon this side ' f the.
Atlantic. Atnn prominent of the Equestrian
Stars.ltre - Mrertie Minna. the great Prussian Equestrienne,
m e ditie Eloise,the youthful, fearless, and fa•Cinatlng ri
der, Mariles Angeline. Sophie,lreva, and, Jenny ti . Wor--
eel). the vs ry best clown of, the age: !Dram W. Franklin.
W. Kindle,-11. Stevens, Master Willie and nnmeros oth
ers, aliknoWn to fame, and unequale4 d
-in , their respectivedepariment K. For a full des e llption of the MaZnifie.'llt en
ter/ailments to be given, the reader is referred to the de
scriptive bills M. the prittripalhot els. as it would he im
po-sible to tire_ n adequate Idea 'of their vast extent and
•ariett In the limits of a newspaper advertissment.!l '
Ear afternoon's Exhibition will terminate with the ex
timely timetable French EqUestrian Eurlesque, entitled
Le .700heY: while at night, the per•ortnance wilt eorichnle
iiiith the treat Legendary, Dippodromatic Spectacle /of 'St.
fitorgli and the Dragon, products with all-he orient:ll3in
sic, Superb Dreasea. Appointments and Machinery etiaploy
nil at the National Arnpithestre, In Phibuile•lphla, when it'
hwd ati unprecedented fun.' .The piece abound,' in ti rand
Combats, Terrible.Eneounters, and Startling Incidents
ooncliding with the Grand Processions in farm of the rets-
Cite of the Princess, arisl the triumph - of the Christian
Knight. For further particulars see large and small bills
a't Meets. ,
c ,. .ophis Company will also exhibit at flinxhamtPitt the
9th. rlreat Bend the lnth. Samitehanna the 11th. Ifirford
the 13th, Mt... Pleasant the 14th, and Honesdale the tritlicif
Octobdr. .1. W. B A aca Ea, P.. 1. 11.4W•cs. agents Tori. we- .
else's National Circu•• R. P. JosEs,l. 11. Hawas, itic,•ents
for L. Lents 9ew York Circus.
To 'the independent, Freemed of
Susquehanna County.
Fellow-citizens, you are all well aware tliat I
was nominated by the late.Pemocratic Conven
tion of this county for the. office of,Registeti and
Reeoider ; but upon- reflection and serions:kon
sidertition d have come to the deliberate
sion that (.cannot conscientiously be a..candtdate
Of A Convention which has given • no exprilsion
(f opitlion on
.what I look upon. as the great and
only isue at the preseut•time.; and having re-
Ceived numerous letters requiring of me as aeon=
dition of support, that I should make pletifiges
Which :I cannot conscientiously do, I hereby - ttith 7
draw '11). name from We canvass as a candidate
for the office of "Register and Recorder ;".i and
upon ;the solicitation of numerous:Detnocratic
friends, Idiereby offer inyself attan Independent,
Anti-Nebraska candidate lot: the office of Slierifr
qf ,
SuSquehantia County. • . •
. F. V. .HOLPSTER. ,
Middletown, Sept. )8, 1854.
TN pursuance of au, of the .General Assembly
.1.. 'of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled
- 4ct relating to the' Elections_ of the Cormilon--
wealth," approved the :seconde dav A. D.
one thOusand eight huMited and'thirtY-nine, G.
B.' ELIOR ED, High Sheriff of the Connty
_of Sus
quellahria, in said Commonwealth do I.hereby igive •
noticel to the, electors of the county. aferecaid that a
General Election *ill he held in_ said comity on the
second Tuesday of October uext, (it being the 110th.
day of said mouth) at Which, time Slate and'Coun
ty officers-are to be elected as followitto wit : I
• Outi'person to fill the office of Goslernor or the
I Commolav:ealth of Peunsylvania. •
Once person to fill the office of Canal,Commiti ion
er of the board of Pennsylvania., i
person for Judge of the SupreMe Coati of
the Cdmniouwealth of Peunsylvbnia. j'' • •
;, One persciu to 611 the office of Member of ¶.on
gress for the District composed of the counties of
StuaquOauun,. Bradford and Tioge. I .
T s wei persons to fill the office. of Members of the
House. of Representatives of the Comm:a:meat:lh of
Penuvirivania, for the District composed - of the co un
tics•sf / Susquehanna; INp:oiling and Sullivan..
Onel person to fill - the office •of Sheriff foe
county of Susquehanna. 7.
On t person to fill the office of Prothonotary, J l
to Jerkof Court Of Quartet. Seitaioas of the co
of Sushueliauua.
One person to fill the office of Register4R
et and Cleat of the Orphans Coutt of the-coun
.Sesqueftenna.. • . 1
;ono person to fill the office of County'Gom
eibiter cof the - county of Susquehanna'. -
JOuei person to fill the office of Auditot of
cli s onty of Saacjachapui.
One person to fill, the office: iif 'Coroner to county of Susnitehanna. 1 '
• )I also hereby make known and give not 4
the places of holding the Genertid Election !;
_eeveral Wards, Boroughs. andi - Townehips
- the county of Susquehanna, ire is follows, tor
, The Election for idle District ;composed ci)
township of Apolacon, will he held at the boil
Joseph Beebe_ in said township,
;The Election toy the District composed
townitiip of A rat; will be held .at the . rs
Muse near I e Presbyterian Church, ; i
loWiiktlip. ; . .
;The Electio for the -District composed
township of A burn will be, held at the bat
G'eorge Haverl ', iwi•ald township. I .'
;The Electio i for' the District coniposed 1
toWnship of Br dgewiter, will be held•ai the
Ilnuse, in the orough of Alciairose.
iThe Election fOr the District 'composed
township of Brooklin," will be held at - the
fotMerly occupied by O. A. 'Eldridge in said
ship. '
The Election fax the District composed q
township of Checonirt, will be held at the rl i
Muse, near the hotiess of Robert Griffin, in
township. • i • . i - •
r The Election "forthe .Pistrict composed
township of Clifford Will be held at the hems
1 • i .
mrty occupied by Arthur Smith, in the Boro
Dtindaff. ; ' "",' . , •
The Election for the District composed
80 - rough of Dundaff„ will be held •at the I)
Ildtel, in said Borough:, '
' The Election for , the Aistrict composed
tottrnship of Dimock, will beheld at the Ho
John •Baker, l in said township. , ; 1
• The' Election* for the District composed. , 1
toWnsfdp of Forest I - ,ike, held nt the
lattly occupied by Preserved Hinds, in said
Ship. • , ,
The Election for 'the Distribt composed I
township of Franklin; will be held at the [ite
Rufus. Tuttle, in raid ;township
• The Election for the . District compose d i
Borough of Friendsville, will be held in the'
House iwasid llormigh. '. . • - I
• •The Election for:the District composed
township of Great Ilend, will be held at the
of Alfred . Allen, in skid towns h ip. - t.7r : - i
The Election for the Districts composed
township of Gibson; if be herd at the hon
septa Washburn, in, said township. , il
The Election for the. District colinitosed
township of Harford; will be held at tie ho
Netball W. Waldron: in saieLtownship. 1
The Election for the District -cotuposed
township of flarmotiV, will be held at the
lately occupied by FVA: Ward, in said to n
The Election for 'i the, District compo d
township Of Herrick; Will be held at the ho s
8. 1
late Warren Dimock; itteinid toWnship.. I
The Election for 'the 'District= Composed
township of Jackson; will be held at the , . i
Nathaniel Ili 11, in said. township.
The Election for the District composed
township of Jessup, ,Will be held • at the hot
Daniel Hoff, in said. lowuship•- ' -1 •
The Election for the District composed . 1
township of Lenox, will be held at the h.!
Groiv& Brothers, inisaid townsh l P• T.
• 'The Election 'fur the District composed
township•of Liberty; •Will be held, at the I
Ilonse near the residence of Isaac Comet.
said' township.
' The Election .for the District composed
township of Lathrop; will be, held at the,h •
Ells/la:Lord, in raid township. '. - • 1
Tile Election for the District ; compesed
township of Middletown, will be held at th
of Joseph Ross, in said township. . ' 1
The Election for the District'composed
Borough-of Montrose, will-be held at lb'.
- ,
Houie in said Borough. l' 1
The Election for the 'District composed
township of New Milford, will be held at t
latery occupied by Joseph 0:-Pine, in sai
ship.: , . , ~.
, ,
The Election for the District compose
township of Oakland, will be held at the
IL Nicol, in the borough of Susquehanna'
The Election Air"the District cotnposid
towinehip of Rush, will be held at the house
ly occupied by N: J. Sherwood, in' said tow
The Election for . the , litistitiet composed
township of Springville, will be - held at the
Spencer Ilickox, in Said .t9wnship. .
''The .Election for the , District compos e
township of Silver Like, will be - held at thl
now occupied by Robe rt llcGeiigle,in sai
slap.% , , ,
the Election for. the District composes
BoroltgkorSusquehauna Depot. will be hel
house of Elliot Bpusoa, now occupied by R
in said BOrough-
The Electicn for the'District compose Lot the
township of Thomsen , will be held at the- use of
Jonaik Blanding,,in Said township. i. n
..1 Also make , knoWn and give notice as and
hy the 13th section of the aforesaid act um di
rected, ~ that every person except Justic s, l pf the
pence, who shall hold any Office orsappo ntrnent
of pratit or trust under the United State ;I or of
this State, or of any city or' incorPorated!strict,
. cl cl
whether a commissioned of fi cer or °the l•ise, a,
subordinateffi ocer cir agent, who is, or s - air be,
employed under the legislativejudiciary or - , ex.
ecut4e department of this State or Unite States;
or any city or incorporated district; and a sO, that
ever. member of Congress, and of the State' Le,, l, -
islatere,:and of the Select or eointhon cou ncil _ of
any e i ity, or commissioners of any inco orated
district, is by law ineapable of holding r lexer- '
4 7
rising at the same time, the of fi ce or appo ntment
of Judge, Inspector,; or Clerk of any eleeitid i n of
this Commonwealth', and .that no Inspebtor or
Judge or other otliCer of any such election, Ishall
be eligible to any effiee-then to be voted for."
. And by- the same fact- of - Assembly it is I also
made" the duty of every Mayor, Sheriff, peputy,
Sheriff, Alderman, Justice of the Peace, Ponsta-'
bl , e ot• Deputy Conitable, of. every city, leonnty,
township or district 'within-this Commonwealth,.
i `whenever called upon by an officeref an election,
or by .
.three qualified electors thereof, to clear
window or avenue to any window of thel:dae of
Geneial Election which shall be obstrufted in
such a way as to prevent. voters froth appreati mg the same; and it shill be,theduty of the tes ect
ive Constable of such ward, district or twnship
within this Commonwealth, to be present in Per
son or by deputy, it the place of holding such
Elections, in such ward, district, or township for
the plirpose of preaching the - peace ati afore
said. ; I 1 •
, Alio that in the 4th section of the net .iofiAs
sembly -entitled ".An act relating
,to exebutions
and for other purpo,4es," approved April 1&h,
_lB4o„it is enacted that the' aforesiad 13th 'sec
tion, ''., shall not be e l onstrued as 'to prevent ilany
militia officer or borough officer from serying as
Judgii, Inspector, or• Clerk at any generallorape
cial Election in thin :Commonwealth." i II '
Pursuant to the provisions contained fin 1 i the
76th section of thelactaforesaid, the Judges: of
the- -Aforesaid district shall respectively
~• ke.
charge. of the certificate or return of the 4 lee ion
of their respective distrias,and ‘ produe them:sine
meeting of one Judge fro th each district 1 aflthe
Ceurti House in the Borough of -Montrose ? on
the third day after the day of eleetion,' being, the
present year on Friday the 13th day of Oc t fiber
next, there to do and 'perform the duties required
by law of said judge:s.. Also that where a Judge
-by sickness or unaVoidable accident is `aquae to
attend said meeting of Judges, then theiceaifi,
.eate or return afore Said shull be taken chitrO of
by one of the Inspectors or Clerks of the 4 lettion
of said district, who shalt do and performithedu
ties required orsaidlude,te unable to attend.l.
Aisis. that in the 8 Ist.section of said ithlt it is
enacted that " wheh .two or more counties Shall
camp4se a district fer the choice: of a monber or
memiiers of the Senate of this Cominonui.altb or
of the, House of Representative 4 of the 'United
Staled or of this
_Coinmonwealth; the Ju gem of
the election in . each county, having met a afore- •
said, "the Clerks shall make out a fair stiteinent
of all the votes whidh shall have been ;Awn at
such election withicOhe county, 'for everYl person
voted:Tor as such a member - or inembcra v.-Itich
shall lie signed by'said Judges and atteted by
the Clerks; and one of the said Judie, shall
take charge of such certificate and shall produce
the same at a meeting of one JOdge from each
county' at such place in inch district, as islormay
be appointed by laW, for the purpese,which meet
ing shall be held ow the sev.enth : day . aft,it elec
tion. 1 . 'I : ; - l. ,
The return Judges of-the RePreseotatiVe'bis
triet Composeid, of the counties of Susquehanna,
Wyoining and Sullivan, will meet at the? Court
House in the Boroigh of Montrose in thel, coun
ty of Susquehanna on Tuesday the Seventeenth
day or October nex4 to perform those duties! en
joined by has upon the said 7udges. I t
It, is-also directed, that the meeting 'cif n re
turn ledges for the l l3th . Congressional district
to make out the returns for-member of Congress. -
shall be at the Court House, in the Borough of
Towanda on the itli day after the election ? ' which
will bi. on the' 17th day of October. • 1-. ' '
Alai), thatin the 131 St section of saidact, 4 ' is
enacted that "every general 'and, spathe l etection
d ti
glacs opened between Eight and Ten in , the
1 .1
1 .
forenoon, and shall continue Without Interruption
or adjournment, tintil'Set!en o'clock is the eve.
Ping tvlie6 the polls shall be Closed." - : 5 ' r
-A N 4cl fear the Suppreirston of thei 411anufacItife
-ontf Sale of Intaxicating Liquoirs 'as . 'a Bee
e r Te .
~ . 1
• NV lEREASi All laws to be efficient'shohld
bevel he approbation and sanetion.of the Pe
Arad Whereas, It is . represented that a. Jame
pumbtr, if not a majority, of the citizens of 't'tutslu
Comicittiwealth, are deeplyimpressed -with the
necesSity of the Passage of a Prohibitory Liqtier
i '
A ' Whereas, It is impossible to obtains per
tain;.,,lndieation of popular; sentiment relating •
theretr, by Means of petitions and remonstrance:'
Therefete, . • , •if
P. Be' it enacted by the Senate and Ifonselof
Repre entatires of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl.
rano:slid General Asse-ezbly met, and it is heiw
by enacted by authority of the Same, That the
.qual l ified 'voters of this Commonwealth are bete
by authorized' at the, places for holding the gen
erallelections in their respectivewards, boroughs
'aria tewoships, - 'on the second Tuesday of - Ocr '
ber next, to vote for and 'against' a law, whi 1 ;
shall :'nntirely, prohibit' by proper and eonsfith
,iionall egulations and penalties , the nuinufactuip
arid sue of-intoxicatino. liquors, except for me t
it:r .
ca!, aiment : al, - meaanicttl, and artistieal put
poses.ll ; , . , . ' '.l
I''.)-. That the officers authorizeirby lawlo hold
electiehs in each ward, borough and township cif
this :Commonwealth; are hereby directed and re
quired lat the place fixed by law,t,, in the several
districts, for the . holding of the 'general elections '
in 'said distrleti, on the second-Thesdayl of Octo
ber next when they shall fie* organized as tin
electioh board, to receive froth each qualified vo:
ter o'r their . said districts, a tieltet written or print.'
ed oh the outside, "Prohibitory', Liquor Lave;".'
and ilthlickets in favor of the'proposed law Shall
contain! on the inside th'e words "For a Prohibit
tory 41.9n0r,"- and those Pppoited to the law
shell contain.on the inside the 'w•ords "Against
the Prohibitory Liquor Law,!" Which votes shall
be counted and returned to the court house of
:the counties or city, in' whichL the said electimi
shall' be held, on the followini, Friday by the re;
'torn Judges, who hall east it i i Ind certify all the .
- votes Pollcd,in said county o city, to the office
-of thti Secretary of the Comintowealth at liar:
riisb4g, directed 'and transmit Ed, in the same
i ii
,manner as the votes for ()over or are required
to bU
. transtiritted, and said 'Se rotary shall "pd_
r it
,the ttold Friday of January' he. t'ensuing,. co r m;
.mulii -ate the said returns to ,ili Legislature, le
'be opened and counted in the- acne mapper as
the votes for Oovernor are op‘ ed and counted,
and ehosidereif as the prayer rif he voters of this
,Comirionwealth relative to a ''''r hibitory Liquor'
I '
.aw.. 4
3.1, That all .the election le • Of the State pre4.
scribing the hours 'of openiu l gl and closing the
'pollss r -the reception of Votesi the punishment of
• illegal voting, the defraying thelexpenses of publ
Ilicatierr, and holding of the! general election 4
and return of the Sallie; and all other mat' rs in'
cident thereto, be and the saine are declar a ar.
'plicablii to-the election above' lauthOrizel . - ''
y 4. That it shall be the -duty of the Sheriffs of
the several counties oaf •this ;Comnionwealth to
irisert a,copy of this act in the, proclamation for
the general election held on ,the second Tuesday
Of October next.
E. )3.1 CHASE, Speaker of the House of Repre.
sentativps. ' I •! I
wit :
I the.
.1' the
of the
use of
of the
k„ in
M. MTASLIN, Speaker of 'the Senate.
APPROVED—The twenty-eighth day. of April,
one thousand eight hundred 'and fifty-four.
i 1. 1
Given under my Hand, at, t iy office, in the
Borough of Montrose, this 13 day if Septemi
ber Anno-Domini 1854, and inj the year of the
Commonwealth the seventyeitthth.
G.'B. HE,HRED Sheriff:
~ • i
of the
e house
I of the
!owe of
of the
New Gocith3
; having - been bought ex;
J. WEBB is H now ; cciving his Fall
. 1 Goods. .They
tremely !ow,. will be hold Lowest
. price for
ready pay. , '. 1
t Montrose, Sept. 0;1 . 854. .1 t
f i of the
a at the
.1 Nicol,
Auditor's N, iice•
THE' iundersigned, auditerr lappointed by the
Orphan's , Coda to distribige the moneyln
the handi the administrators of the estate of
tsaek Thayre, deceased,: atuunal the proper erect;
iters, will attend to the same at otrice.pii Sat;
urday the 14th • day. of 'October ext at 10 o'clock
A. M. ,Those'.interested are riiaified to appear
and present their claims. 4 -
, . N. NEWTON, Auditor.
,Montr4e, Sept. . 7, 1854. •
- . 1,1 ' Fall ; Goods.
T AM now receiving .341111 supply of goods for
the;fall-trade which will be Kidd at the-lowest
possible prices., Call and see.
. - • 3. 1 - I.' SUTYLIIN.
Summersvillo Sept. 15, 185-1: •
To:. the 'Republican F eemen of
• • SUsquehannaqoUnty. . ,
A LLOW CITIZENS- 1 ai;cordance with'
1.2 the intdot l ion'l_annonncH some weeks ago,
I voluntarily offer myself as :an Itlependent can
4idate for the.oce•of RGISiER ' RECORDER at!
the, ensuing General EleCtinn, rod respectfully:,
solicit thel support of all Who may deem me ,
wirthy and well qualified for the station; for
w ich I can only pleclg,e, my hone -t•exertions to - ,
de erne the confidence'lleposCd in me by my fidel—
ity and integrity. If honored wit a majority 'of :
your fred slain-ages I shall feat . Pr ,ud to Registeri
your with (in this respect) and happy to Record)
all your [good] deeds for the ense'ng threiyears.
' - 1 •i . • , JANES:W. '
Montro- :,'Sept...l2, 1851..1 lIAPMAN.
.New GoOs.
A - Good eisortinent-±to arrive this week, at
1 - 1 low.kiees.• Call and examitie.
• ' ' "i - •MAWLEI & MOTT.
• Montrose,Sept. 12, )854. • -
TORE New Goods just reeeiyed at dip Far.
merit"; ftore, such as ;Lamps, Gingham*,
Prints of - voriceuistyles, De forage}, &e., &c.
• ; ' , WARREN eziTHAYER. ,
:Montrose; July 26, 1854. • "_
• . • • • !
• New - . Goods .:at , the' Re l ady . Pay
•-' - . • H . - Store., , •
GA. IV. IL:FULLER here now r e their FallSkock
.' of GoodS, whieh they are prepared 6 sell, *whereto
fore, on the'moit reasonable terms for ready pay. ' . •
The additlmis•made to our fcirtner pnettasen, give: ns
now, 'a large and well assorted stock of oods; favorably
adapted to'the wants of the people of thi vicinity.
Our stork Islcomprised of Dry Goods, it oks and Station.
ery,Ready Made Clothing,ilits and Colts. Boots and ShOes,
a• I arge st oek of Wall Paper 34nd So etlerlng,rankee Notions,
a full Stock orGroeeries.' Flaur, Salt.'4ll., • :
If our friends will call upon ns. we Iv% convince theta
that the ready pay
. syst . ,js the ::most drantageous to
all row-med.] O. &•111. U. F ULLER. ltlontrose,Sept.:2o; 104. • ' 1 - ' •%,. ' -
I • ' , 2, . • ,
To the. Independemt eters of Sots.
onehanna Connty. i
From frequent soliciWtotts of nterous friends
who believe that the people wool prefer toicast
their,votes for candidates - , whose lows on the
great issue-of ttie day Are - toown, I 'hereby oiler
myself as ate Independent.Antl-Ne, rusks •candi
date. foe' the . ' OffiCQ of Prothotiotani of•the Coin-
Every exeition .will be inade to meenre'confid nee,
. • ,
and the conipany rely . upon a• libdral patro age
to repay the heavy expenses, of rebuilding. 1 „
. . •
.P, A. 1 - 10PpNkSupt.
! 1 ,
\.' . +; Shetiff's•Sale . • 1 1
Br virtue of a writ or Ten-. ilt. irsued but of the court
Of Columba Pieta offiarquehimuaCoutity„and to me.
directed, I will expose to public sale at the Housclff Win.
K. Mitch, in Mißitrose, on finturdty Medlin day of Oeto.
tier next. et li o'clock P. M. 14 t' - I. • i• •
Au that certain piece or parcel lif land, a 'Ville Lot,
situate in the, l
Borough of dusqn Minn* Depot, twine.:
henna county,Lwad boon ed - and described as tailor, to
wit : On the worth by th Puhlioitighway or street, On the
else and south by land d• the N. . Brie Itair Road eonz , .'
puny, cad oath* west by laid of ohn Fitzgerald, said el
bng in front : ill feet and ruOning &Lehi*/ feet, and eon- 1 .
tattling !about 7200 feet; of land. more or less, with the ep.
portenanoes, One framed derallinit house one shanty and.
all improved. 1 ,
Taken In - rxecutios at the'eUlt of 4 3.8- IBennede..altalast.'
Michael FruY,' Lit. . ' ' . . • . ` • •
. , I
1 9.8. ZTABRBD, Sheriff.
M ontrOse, Sept. 28, 18,51.‘1111103.* - 1' ' •
t 1
, - lIYGEANA. •
Brought Home to the PlOor of the 111.illiOn
. - ,
AWONDISRPtr, Discoa i ty hour recently been made by
Dr. Curti/8;0e this d e f y. in the treatment o tl teesneti.
tion; Asthma and ill dises of the Lung.; We refer to
" Dr. Corti.' Hygesna, or Inhaling Ilygeint. Vapor and
Syrup."„. With this new method Dr. 11 bar restored many
afflicted ones to perfect liealth ; es an 'evidence Of which he,
halt innumerable certificates. Speaking of the treatment,
II physklaniemsrks :It is evident that inhaling-;-co, natant , .
ly breathing an agreeable, heeling vapor, the 'medicinal
prOperties most come in direct context with the whole of
the arlal cavity of the ludg1"; and thus escape the manrand
varied changes produced upon them when introdueed Info
the stomach; and subjected to the process of (Neaten.—
The Ilygeana is ferrate at all the druggists thionghont-tlie
country. , • - , i•
New York Dutchman o / Jan.
The Inhaler is worn on the breast under the linen with
out the least Inconvenience—Abe heat of the body bent
suMeleht to evaporate the field. • '' I .
Hundreds of CASE* of 'CURES like the following might
be named. One Package of ilygestm has cured me• of the
ASTHMA of six years standlng• . ' i . - .
. " . Jas. F. geetbfrryi P. `M. of DuAooilnon,. Pa. -
I am cured of the ASTHMA of 10 years standing by' V.
Curtis'. Ilygenna. .- • • : • 1
_ .filargaret Easkm, Itrookl; N. Y.
510.1iinl of No. 5 Hammond St.. N. Y., In ured of a-
Y f
revere case:of Bronchetis by-the Ilygeans. . I -
,My sister hes.been cured of a DISTRESSING OUCH of.
several years standing, and - deckled to be incnraible by her
Physicians. She was cured In ONE MONTH by the Hy
genius. • . -
J. H Gavbert,.P. M., Hichisuindi, Me.
Pricithree Dollars a Package,--Sold by CURTIS & PER-
K INS k BOYD & PAUL No. 1 In Chambers St. I N, Y.-4
Packages sent free be express to ; any part of ;he limited
States for Ten Dollars. [ . .
s N. B.—Cures' Hygeana is the- ORIGINAL and ONLY
GENUINE ARTICLE,,aII others 'are bas'e immitations or
vile and INJURlOUCcounterfelts. Shun the as you
-would POISON., l ' 37y1iVisscher & 84Adv'rs.
For: Sus quehanna Count,i.
0 D. LATHROP & Co: would be leave to,
kis return thanks to their friends for iheir lib
eral patronage for the last year and hope t6y
-will continue their favors, which we hope to mer
it by strict attention to business, and loarprices.
We have the most approved, patterns be STOVES
ever brought into this , market, among which may
,bo found , ' ' • - . : I
'STAR OF THE WEST (Elerated l Oren' .)
'CULTIVATOR. ' • " •I "
NEW IVOiap, ' , .
- GLOBE, h :'' 1 • -
ATLAS,- - - '' '• - 1 •
• THREE STATES,aIIAir Tight, and oth
ers too numerous to mention: ' , 1
. We also have on ;hand a large assortment of
Tin Ware of a hcary quality, expressly, for home
:trade, Cistertf and Well Pums of all descriptions,
' lend Pipe of all sizes, reels for chain pumps, &c•
&c. Job work done with neatness and despatch:
All kinds of produce taken,' or approvd credit
given; Give us a call if you please. hop ,on
Main street, directly opposite the Dem. „Office.
. • C. D. LATHROP,
Cash paid ior Fur 3 by . . -L. ;5,t W.
• Stoves for.the People!
PIA subscriber is-,now receiving his Fall and
Winter stock'of Stovefi, which, when com
plete, will be the largest and best selected assort
ment ever offered to the inhabitants of ISusqne
hanna Coanty. . This stock will colisistiof some
twenty different patterns of wood and coal, Cook
ing and Pador, besides any quantity of shr Plate,
and Office stoves. • .
The undersigned flatters himself that 'lbis long
experience in the Stove business, and hts facili
ties for manufacturing his own furniture 4nd Pipe,
enables him to sell, not only Trimmings!&c.,,but
Stoves, Cheaper, than any of his competitorl.H
lie will sell Stove pipe, made of the b4st Eng
lish and American iron, at 8 etB per lb. skid oth-_
er furniture in proportion.
Notwithstanding-the present high price of Iron
apd the consequent advance of castings, . I am •en-
AIM to sell stoves at old prices, and many' kinds
at about two thirds of the price that they.`. have
been sold for in this vicinity„ for instance, Clin
thn Air Tight, Elevated.oven, 'with trimmings of
the best quality at $24. With second quality of
trimmings, such ds are usually kept by merchants,
at $22. 'Other kinds of Stoves, in propertienfor
cash, or short time paper'..- .
Jobbing of all kinds done at my she)). Old
Iron, Copper Ate., taken in exebnnize. t
New Milford, July 27th,.1854. . I
• t •
Administrator's NotieS.
I\TOtICE is hereby given that Letters Testa
-111 limitary upon the estate of JaeOb Lyon,
deed, late of Ilerriek township, have been grac
ted to the subs'eriber. • All persons indebted to
said estate are hereby requested to make .imme
diate payment, and, those having claims upon
said estate to present-them duly attested for set
,GrEo., H. LYONS, Adm'r.
Herrick',. Sept. 6, 18 7 54-6w6, 1
Administr - atrix' Notice.
NOTICE is 'hereby . given
_that letters testa
mentary upon the•estate-of Martin_ Han
nan, dec'd, late of the township of Middletovn,
have bcen to., the *subscriber. All pnr
sons indebted to said estate are hereby request
ed to make immediate payment and those h. r
ing claims upon said estate to present them l d ly
attested for settlement
,ElAxx i tx, Adm'rx
lliddletQwn,.Ang. 26, 1854.--35w6*
Lodersrille Botok & Drug Store. •
rrilifi subscriber you'd_ inform the inhabitants of L.-
1 1. .dersville an d s urroundi ng corm try , that he has greia
ly enlarged and improved his Store,and filled pp with a
„large and complete- assortment,: of Paints, Oils. Dy .
'Woodo,Dye-stuffs, Windt*, Glass; Sash, PuttY,Sarnish
.sad Brushes. Also, ; , 1 ,I
Patent qedici ne r,Clienileals, Glairrivare,Perfrun'eiy, 114.
!tee Notions SI opfectionery.Toi let articles, and all articles
*saltily kept in any establishtnent of the kind.; Also oi
,and a large assortment of,. , . ; 1
' Paperllangings, ,kc. Ice s . ,a bleb hels prepared Ea sell o
as reasonab!eternis as any store in the country.l ,
Also keeps in same room a general assortment of the
-. ißrroicsirr 31a otcrass.csrefully selected, prepared arigiku-'
perintended by hiinself,for his OWIt accommottatloa art a thei
benefit of the public. ' ' '
' Builders.Painters,'Physicians, School Teicheirs,indeedi
all classes and profe.sions stashing to purchase are I nylted ( l
ttca il and see for. themselves.
• lit 1,-..geott4 . I . . 1
. Would inform ) his former. patrohs. that he hies in
cOnnectiop with itisother business a full-assortment
of Boots and
sr Shdes some of which he can warrant
and sell aeasonable as can be bought atarm" ott ,
. .
lay oth
erlttee in the country. • r •
1 •
• • • L. SPDTT. •
Directly overlain licitinney's Store on
the 14.R.,Loderseille.
March 7tb, 1854.—tf.
Pumps! PunipS !!
HE T-IL Williams' greatest Improvement' .of the age. C..
Patent Double Aetipg.B4ll;
Valve, Farce and Lift Pump.;, •An improVement
above all other pumps or machines, furl lifting
and throWing water, combining both a pump and
Fire Engine. This Puinpi patented in - February,.
1854; Is thewhole . of it . metalie, no bolts or'
screws about it to- rust, coniequennibr it will
last a Man's life time. • It can bo used in -every
variety ofform, canTdraw water, frorO any: situa
tion and carry it to any _part lota house, it is
auperior'to:all • other. .pamps: far distilleries: Pa
per Mills, Tanneries, Brick yards, Iron Works
and MinufactUring establishments of all kinds. •
All orders must be addressed to Addison.Dim
mick,.Lodersville, Pa., who has bought .the. sole
right for Susquehanna County.
'Aug. 29, 1854.35tf. : •
Ifickok's 'Unproved ly °viable Cider
aublicriber having obtained an agency for
the above Mills is prepared to furnish those
who may desire, with the best Mill in existence.
The.advantages of this, Mill are, that it can, be op:.
-crated by, hand, borse,water or steam power. Can
be easily: movedby two ne Can be operated
in the orchard, barn, cellar or[ kitchen. Running
it by hand, it . will ~make from • 10 . to 15 . barrels
of cider. per dayeby.stvtat fro 30 to 40.
It will make one fourth more cider, from the
same'quantity• of apples, thk the 'old method
(without the addition of stra wor water.)
YOu'can at all times, hove l cider fresh, clean
and Sweet. .With it,
o yOu 1 .an press your; cur,
rants,' cherries or cheese, gr• to your apples for.
apple butter or pies. . In shot, this Mill is war.
i .
ranted by the Proprietor to, be superior •to any
Portable Mill in the world.ll
Send your orders, or apPly , personally to A.
- Bushnell, Ararat, Sang% county, Pa.
The abet% Milli are ruarieractured solely by
0. W.. Hiekok, Harrisburg,Pa., and' furnished at
the manufactirers priee.. - , A. BUSHNELL.
Ararat, Ang. 30, 1854-356* .: ,
HATS/ ' • ' •
A NEW.atock of Black; and_ Drab Silk and
11. Beaver Hats, of the i !staint style, selling.
'clteap- at :- j : •Battru & HENI'STEAD'S.,
Delaware, twikawanna B.
ON and after 51onday, Ang. 14,1854, the Mail
Passenger Train will leave Scranton at 8.10,
A. M.
Due at Great Bend at -10.3.0, A..11r; • •
Connecting with,the Mail train bound East on .
the N: E: R, R., whielf arrives in New York
at 10.15, P. -M.
Return. will !dive Great Bend od the arrival
of the Buffalo Express bound West, (110 r. sf.)
Which departs front New York at 6, A. st i r—rind
arrives at Scranton at 4.10, IP. M.
The Freight AccoMmodation Train, with paas
enger-car attached, will depart from Serinton at
1.40, P. M., due at Great Bend at 6, r. sr., connect
ing with the Mail 'Train bound West„and -the
Night Express Trains bound , both East andlYest.
Returning, will depart from - Great Bend"at 7,
A. )1., and arrive at Scrantod, 11.30, A. M. •,.•
' Stages will-be in waiting ;on the arrival of Pas..
sec ger Trains at Scranton, to convey passengers
to Jarhondale, Pittston, Wilkes=Barre,
phi . 4 via the Reading R. 11.,1Easton, andall other
int rmediate places.
i• ID. H. DOTTERER, Suet.
't Office, Scranton, .
:Aug. - 10, 1854:. i 250' _ . '
ItATENT MEDICINES!,..-A small' and judi.
ciously selected - assortment, including pr.
Suayne's, Jayne's, and Moon's preparatiohs,
WO,ight's and Phinnoy's Pills, Davis '
and Thies
Pain Killer, &c:, &c.. SMitli 6.', thatritsan.l
Brooklyn, Aug. 22, 1854:1 1 . - I, '-,-• ' 1
1 • - New Goods. .- \ :
, TUST received a second Stock of Spring and
V Sunksher Goods, and for 'side - on the usual
terms.* • • BEN TLEY & READ, ,
• Montrose, Juno 1,1854. ' '
4 1P. S. Hope oui'neighbora won't ; find fault
with the above modest advertisenient.;
Tl ; 1 B p :; .ll itgg r Tetc.
C r .
. CAPITAL 200,000, ..-- - •
, AS T IA T . I I., 77GAGES ' . .
:S r. UR E D
.. B ; SE .tiO !C . DS E ON
ti S n II R o rill
Landings; a ga i nst 1 loss
trl2l N ii i i i ? 11 11 ell;
es, 11 ; 2 Stores er.
eli9ndise, on as fl6r_ordhl(Ut l e_ripS as arlY ‘ . 131611 ar
Ineititution:! L;)ises Piiiii3Pily' adjusted and r o . 4id. -
- 1 i DiRECTORS...- •-. ' '.. : s*. ..
);ion. Rotate WilliStOn,PrariciartYlei, Ge&-A.,"
Perkins,`.l..T. D. Myer, C.; N. Shipman, C.. F.
Welles,•Jr . ,J. E. CanfieldiAthens ; Hon. ;Sohn
Laporte; Towanda-; Gen. Bradlev Wakemadil La
ceyville ; -Geo. M. Hollenback, WilkesbMTe 1•311 :
chael 3lylert, Laporte, Pa. 11 ' •,. ,' i. , '-_ -,
- - .OFFICtRS. ! .'-' .. I
' Hon. I.loraeo-Williston; Tres.; C. F. Well* jr.
Vice Pros. and Trees.; J: }N. 01 . 11661 d, Seey,"
• ' Address, G. A. Gaylardi; Wyalusing, Bray
county, Pa;—'9.BYl* - •t i
1 i
To the ReadiUg Public •
Of Susquehanna 'Counig and . Vieini
THE undersigned is now prepar'ed to gelid t 9
JL order; by mail post-pa4.any Book pubpsh
ed in this on the receipt-of the ptie l e of
the same. All orders Willlineet with prompt at
tention and Books sent, by return - mail.
Address WM.11," LBACFT,
• Worcester Depot, -Boston, Ma
Sept. fi, 1854.-3prn3= •1 1 .
New .
Great EicitOmentlin Yotk.
Pianos anti Ifetoci ns for Cash.
H ORACE I CATER S , the great music - and Plano Torte dealer, 3.% Broadway. New 'fork , prefering to share a
large per cent. with his eget-pmera, rathert-turn pay it to the
.harpers of Wall Street, lo ?allot available mea l its a i enable
tohim stem the present tight tim/dt, Offers hie into as
sortment of elegant and warranted Pianos and eiodeons
et - a large discount from 'factorylpricee, for cash. Ili. as
sortment compris4 Planes from three of the largest and
most Celebrated BOSton. Manufactories; also those of sev
eral of the best New York makers, includingthe beautiful
and much admired ffordie Wet to Planosfromldeown fee.
tory, and,Melodeons oF the best' s Boston. New Teak, and-
Buffalo marks; affording an opportunity for aillectionsuot
to behad elsewhere. Each instrUment *stunted. - Second
had d Pianos at Great Bargains—P arc as nom - $6O toslefl,
Music and s Musical instruments of all kinds. Dealers,
Teachers a d heads of &he Ils'suPplied on the best tern's.
Music sent by mail post mama! add Select Cata-:
logues oft usic and Schedule or Factory prices of Pianos,
Melodeons andutusicel in stris in en ts „forwarded to . any . ad
dress, free of postage,z-39 3tuos.i
-- i -
English Lever Watehesi
rpn E Obscriber takes pleas.
4 1 1- 1 ure 1 in informing ' his
I\4/4 friends %tate
has this Allay
•' - :? . .,I c received,- from Liverpool''Rer
/......; steamer' Europa a large in
• • --_ . - .
gh- .c . • it s -voice of his unrivaled English
LA - --75.- --' .. - Lever. Watches. The prssent
invoice comprises, six; different ittrieties; in
plain and hunting cases, full jewelled and-plain;
also some extra fine movements, which he will
put into gold'eases ofany ! desirable weig h t; or
. • b
pattern. -
No. 2,04 Fellows*Hall,
Binghamton,' July 26, 18,64.. -
• •
- -
Groceries—!Wholesale -& Retail-
IN'great variety, considerable quantity, superi=
quality .'and cheap for, cash'. or to exchange
for most kinds of merchantable produne, ott good
terms.' His stook of StigarS, Teas, Tobateti, , Spi:e.
ces, &C., being is nutnerous,ihe deems it only nee
essary to say, that almost .anything in the Gro.;
eery line used by families, cab be found,nponiuqui.
ry and consequently enumeration is considered
superfluous. liiparticular hei would ask an exam
ination of his 6d Sugar,2s. Tobacco, and 4s Tea.,
A deduction worth saving made to those i nho hay
in. large quantities. t •
•I. N.
Mmrose,-- Pit,...lutY 12 liffls4.
----, .
. ..
•To the Citizens -off Sultaehatula
, ._ ,
r . County, ,1, , . .•
iArl CKELAM lc BENNETT would respectfully candle,
Vv ‘ attention of all . persons in- Stuaquebittort County
and Vicinity to their large and sell selected stock of Dry
.ClOods abet Carpetswhich consist of all the fashionable end'
scesonable Goods now In vogue; Goods suited both for.t he
grave and thegay. and in feet allot the different 'styles of
.g. P *lnch caurbe called for or thought. of. Weareire",
Sc named noS to be undersoht; and I
if you will be so kind as,
'• teror nta with a. call. we will mike our word good. Out
"et k of Dress Goods consists in part .of , ..
a lack,ilirocade, Plaid, Stripe, Changeable,. and" Lining,
19 • . an/ ninPlain Wool Delaines,.Fig /and Plain Cotton - do.;
Si ks,M dna Et, Thibet 5; Alpacear; Parmnatta 4 M.
d .•deltege,
P id Li scys,Colored sack Flannels, nineties, e. ke
EILILIWILO—Of which we have an *endless Talley.
C. hmere, Shawl's from $7 to $5O, Day State, Long rind S . 'tare do., Fig. and Plain Thibet; &c. &c.' _• -
hike Goods—Plain, Plaid and Sttipe Jaeonet •
IM • sling. ;Birds Ere and Russia D ieper ;. Irish Linen, 'Pablo
LI. en, Linen , Cotton; Worsted, land BeabosseilSprreds,
4 iss and India Book Muslins f r Victoria and Bishops*
, . was, Linen Cambric, Linen Cambric Ildit's, .French
itteked Collars and Ruder Ildk's;Nustin Drapery. Linen
.. Cotton Sheeting end `Shirting, Bleach ,and Brown,'
Ja guard Diaper, &e. tic. ' • -, •
1 .nnts Department --C . miss or Week 'and lan.'
missay Broadcloths, Cassimeres 11l end Fancy, Bennetts;
•Bh .ep's Grey, Kentucky lean , Ceshmeretts,Setht, Wor
st d and F•klit Vestings,lllack add CoLEldes, S.atinStoelos;
N , ck Ties, &c Flannels. White; Red, Blue, Yellotrand
at ipe, Gents Cashmere Wrappers, Drawers, &i. &e. - -
int stock Of , Glove* and -)hosiery. is eomplete
e bracing Ladles, Misses and Gee's Gloves ,, Lisle thread.
C hoiere. Cassia:lsere, Fleece Lined, Chazilois Llticd.Verl
ve r iiid,Buck skin,&c. &o. 1 - .
.... •
11 a
its, li e ll ' r O l w iB cf, " 3l i a x n e d d , G li a l n a l c i k c an t : II hose,
ae Colors , a 1 ' V A
Iva n : ::::
W olcn, Cashmere ; Elerhso- and SBk do. ; and ,eve oilier
st Is of seasonable. Hosiery. ' ' -
!so, an endless variety of other styles of Good inch is'
D masksboth Cotton and Word; Silks and Cotton Vei
vr s,Conaterpanes, Moreene,Cambries Tull{ deans, Com-
fo ers,Roee and Horse Blankets , Ir, Saltine, Tacklogrylltai.
ita rs s tripe, °Heart sins . Carpet Bag It; ke• - i
`serpot i ng—ltrossels, Tbrer . Ply. • Inseahain . both
'IV ol and llotton,Cotton do. Xenon •en 3 Wdol stair Car.'
pe irig,Drtlrget r oll Cloths, Rnsh.thtrpeting Ittigs._,
~ ur 'Ureic of Dry Goods ,- is" now t - complete, and, if yotik
w and like: to see a good assortment of Goods aid New
0 OD% yen will call at Wlttantia ac Bennett's nearly wee'
'Beth° Pest-cake. •
•• : inchatatob,,N: Y., duly 12, lltsii," n 4- - - ' •g •
Diti" GOODS.
lIE sttbscriber ecepectfully emits the ,
attention of -
I those•withing to purchase, theop for flash, to his
N' W FALL and WINTER ,STOCK, which for extent ira
zi y and Cheapness, he may safely' say IA AlnturPiiged ill
a.l in Atte Empire state.imonit crbieh may be found
•oftivery ostityand style , prices rattling from, VC .
1100 pieees P rarnetts and Atapaca from le. to 55.. per yasd,
P,iench Ater noes of every grade and : color, remarkably
cluicao. . • ..- ':. 1
0.000 Tattle of De Latnee and' Venial:Lei - WM from 00'
tAs. Prints and Gingham, is utelidex Gulatitl.•• • ' • .
3.000 yards bleached and nnbleached Eiteetirkgsand
Shirtinipp,ttom 6a to le td. • • I - -4. .• ' ' , .
it 000yaras. Whit's, Red And Telltale Flinn/4s, iron, to.
64 to O. .Woolett Goods of 'seer, kind for meu andboys, _
I 000 yardoSilit, Brocade, - 144141 ,4 *nd Plain flack from
the lowestgrade to alto moataupuzlor ituallty: ' Draws Trim
mings ofeecry deseription ..
~, r .
. •
. - • . . .
• I", - i - . PEDLARS' - COCltia. ...
• 04. tante • et.ock from :Auctirtn, very eheSp. - Trunks and
Trarellink Bags, an eitetudve assortment .constanttr on
.hand. .
Ito effort wilt be 'perm.; "Fact ,of the Subscriber to
merips conthits i esker f at, Ihe p titsestsisre which the puhl le ha s
hlthetotnest'gdeeedurly acoordeit him, and for ythlth be
returastoitieeetiest4 hearty" thanke'f
; • , rue WTLB44v, • -•
tlei7iet ist(f.estrt & Water sts., rTompk ins 410ek,
NiartraMilite the 'otssiesicau Hot 4; 811,g411;tosi, tf.
July i ' 3> 1.854. ' ' 5 .- -'•