The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, September 21, 1854, Image 4

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    alone awe
gi out,
E.B. CHAS & ALVIN IM.Y, Er•notis,
Montroviefirlinifday, Sept .: 1, 11154
It is refrestlng to read of rain, if we are de
rived of seeing it—and here Is one of the pret
fiesta things iti print :
"Yet there's something very sweet -
• In the sight,
When the &pital currents meet
In the dry atm dusty street, .
And they wrestle with the heat,
• - In their might!
•While they seem to hold a-talk
Witli the stones along the walk,
And remindthem ,of the ride,
• • i ' To • keep cool.' .
. 111arking !logs. I
Some fellow out west indulges in the follow 4
)ng poetical effusion on the subject of hariing
doge appreci.ste his situation, and
. . tendel
him our warmest simpathies:
•i I 0 for t . lodgoin,*l3oll)6 vast wild * •
. Wh barking dogs live not ;•.
0 1 shill go `stark staring mad • ,
If that cur shot. .
. Lalit /light the little .yelping hound
. • One; moment was not stilt,
And'fifty dogs in concert joined
0, On those dogs will kill
gailout cis:ektti,o4,
• -
-,: ,Evorybolly called Rosalie" a beauty. T.
erybody' . was right. ller 'cheeks looked_ Ilk(
, ripe i)eaCh ; her hair waved over as fair
- forehead as ever a zephyr . ..kiskd ; 'her
. pye.
and mouth 4'ere as perfect as eyes and miltith i
could be; no violet was softer or bluer than
:• the one,. no rosebud sweeter than. the oilier.
All colors beaine Rosalie -mid, whatever. she
did was gracefully done.
Yes; every body thought Rosalie wai l
beauty. _ POsalie thought so herself. -Sci She
-took no pains to be good; or amiable, or Oblig•
ing. She never cared. about learaig any
thing; for she s.erid to lieit - lf, I can a4rd
to have my Own way • I can afford- to be . a
dunce if I like; shall be always sought
adruited for tiny pretty - face. '
• - So RosaliP•dmssed assTefully as she and
• flie.drsmakers knew lrow; and, looked lup
to show hCr Ifine eyes, and ilown'to show her
. long eye lashes; and held up her dress, 4nd
hopped overilittle imaginary puddles .to show
her pretty feet:. and smiled to show her
white teeth, land danced to show lair pretty
(oral; and was as brilliant and as btainlesa
as a butterfly.
• Now, I suppose,you think Rosalie was very
liaPpy. Not at all She was. in a perfect
fidget lest She shutild not get the admiva- -
she wanted. She was torturing', lieiSelf .
the while for fear some prettier face should
come along and eclipse hers. If she went to
,-rt party and (every person in . the .room but
One admiredi. her, she would.fret herself sick
bePause that one didn't boy down and wor
ship her.. • ; •
Never haVing. studied or read anything,
Ro'salie could talk_nothing ht tn •
no sellse„ so
. everybody ‘Vhu eonverso with hef 'talked
nonsense, and paid her silly complimenti;
;and made her believe that :allahe- .needed to
make her quite an angel Was a pair of wings;
and then-she would hold,. her : - pretty . little.
• head on one side and simper; and they
.would go away laughing in their sleeve_, and
saying, " what a vain little.fool Rosalie is!"
Now, liosalie's cousin Betty was as lain
. as'a cheStnut.burr, She had not a single:
pretty feature in her faCe. . Nobody lever
hough; of Calling Betty a-. beauty, she
• knew its: she was used to- being overlooked ;
Inr.t she-did not go about whining andi ma
king herself unhappy-about it--notd she;
She put her mind on' something else.•i. She
*studied, and read books"; and • learned a
. great many useful things. So- she.: had a
great deal in her mind to think of, and jwent
singing about as happy as could , be, lwith-
out mindingiwhether anybody noticed I)er or
not. - I . •
So she grew up sweet tempered,
. • generotts and happy. -When she went' into
company, strangers, would say, " what .
. plain little body Betty is'' If 'they 'Foul&
not find• anybody else to talk to theyld go
and speak to her.—Then lletty woiddi look.-
up at them with etie of herluiet smilet and
commence -ta i ltang. She Would say a lgreat
many Very sensible things;, and some queer
, ones; and they would listen and listen; and
by and by would look at 4heir watch- and
'Wonder 'what.l made time try so ; and then. go
~ home, wondering how the* could eve! call
such an - girl as Iletty 'homely'
SO, you s everybody Darned to loge her,
when they fOirnd out what a beautiful •Soul•
she had; arti while Rosalie was fretting her
self sick, because her beanty;was fading, and
her admirers were dropping ' di; one . hy, one,
to flatter prettier ftieet Hwy went quietly
them too. n' her way, - winning hearts, and hteping
The FI . t Feeling of
HoW delightful the first feeling- of winter
eomm on thel mind ! Whata throng of tran
quilizing and affectionate thoughts accompa-._
uy its first bright fires, and the sound, out of
doors, Of its fust chilling minds. Oh, when
the leaves aredriven. in troops through the
- streets, at uii?,•htfall, and thefigures of the
passers-by hurry on, cloaked and 1 stooping
with the cold' is there a pleasanter feeling in
the world than to enter the closed and carpet-,
ed room, With its shaded lamps, .4 :its gen
ial.warmth, and its cheerful faces lubout the
evening table! I hope that i speal, your own
sentiment, dear reader, when I prefer to every
place and ti' e, in the whole calendar of
pleasure, a lwinter evening' at homo--the
"sweet, sweet home" of ebildhood,• withits
unreserved loje and its unchanged and ult,'
measured endearments. 'We' need not love
gaits the less. The lio•lfr and music and
beauty of the dance will `always breed a floa
ting delight in the-brain thatjhas ,not grown
dull to life's finer influences: yet.:•the pleaS
rues of home,ithough serener are deeper, and
-'I am sure that the world may Joe searched
over in vain fora scene - of jOy so even and
untningled. It is a beautiful trait: of I'rovi,-
- sdetie.e that the balance is kept so truly btf
tween our many and different_ . blessings.
were 'a inelanatolything to see the suminer
depart with ita superb beatify, if the heart chic
not freshen aslit +urned in from- its decay tO
brood upon its own treasures. 'The affections
wander underkhe enticement of all the out-.
ward loveliness of nature, and it • is necessary
to unwind the spell, that their rich - kindness
may mot beeoSte visionary. I have a pion
for these simple theories, which I trusiVill
be forgiven. II indulge is them-as iieople
thewings of the, glendover t in
hatna, gauze-Lice and filmy . , but flying high
withal. You may not grow , • but you
will surely ~b row pootieul to.T. ,'‘• them. I
would as leave, be - praised by a, blockhead
be aslcerl the real on.. •
tir This nue calls fur the printer'd.wit:,
-; •
Duties consist itot, of 'mei thing ; but ntarty;•
not ofkretitdeedS, but good once; not of shi
'ring eff0rt...3,1 but these that are . true; There.
's‘ no single'dutY to,perforra,, no 'single path
to be troddenur,days:are full of duties
bern with every; hour and the roads direct
ing to them lie everywhere around. • Where
the poo,fhlind- won cruepeth, and., the snail
bath its crooked. liOnie, our duties May be
-scribed.. • .L •
These duties ho ;
our lire time as shells
along the sea--shore; and we have liut to walk
diligently, and itpop 'often- I —such stooping is
from true pride-ke gather them up io rare .
and curio, uslabundanee. •
.And if we Will,' we
Can reqr a tower With 'those little shells---so
rumen us are ili4-:-that! weuld -shame- the•
',one-Of the - Roman tyrant; Who made a menu
, Ment to his 'folly. That 'tower will be
the meat (hit's , formed from many, of our life,
and its.elnef triumph shall ,result .from the
:heart of. its ,eameit builder-from the con
scimisnss it is worthy. . •
o:these duties, Whose . , t 'acComplishment so
fills the world with. ble.sSingsore sweet and
copious as blossouiS in 'Persia's, clime, if a
,Mind have tanght us by'self-exatninetion
how to ;look fer-thein ' and where! :These due
ties huil• beneath oni feet; and, seem asking to
be phicked, a• if thef.knew their plucking
would fill the atmosphere with a vast, fra,
, tranee that Would endiird for years. • Ocea
~ion is above antl around them-also and few
are, there Who seize' it,,;aud. their happiness,
which, is within ...their grasping.—Dollar
Times. . - •
: 1 The 111106dfigs of Old Age
Thq ,ictierabl 9 Sirth Quincy, Sln., ex-Pres
ident of IlarYard .University, having htien
toasted at the AinMni 'dinner, made an excel
lent speech, from which tiltis an extract
Om every oxasiOn, whether in .public or
private, an (adman was sure 'to he reminded
of his yeakr Why iva i 4 this tOld age did
not simply c4insist it:t length days, fur : as
the Presidentihttd•quoted:--' ~ • .
• - "Wisdom is gray lukircinman, •, -
And' n unspottL4l life is his old age."
If it attse froini sympathy, there was no .
grouhd for tt,'\ ` the`sympathy was absolutely .
thrown away. . So far as his experience reach
. ed,Old ago was the 'happiest period of - life.
And iwhy not Had we not then got rid - of
the nonsense of love, (laughter,) tll folly ;of
ambition, the inumbling,pfenvv, the delusions
Of hope Herepeitttid that. old lage was' the
happiest- portiOn of.lifi,provided that in youth n
and. nianlmod theintlNidual is obedient JO
the laws - of: nature; regulating health and
strength, ; and leads a life of respectability
and usefulness. In order to .be, _happy and
long lived;. 'it .was impertatit that there should
Abe a harmony between the beginning, the
Middle, and the phi . of life, and especially
between the begitunn,,,n , and the end. The
young man should 'cultivhte and - foster' the
qualitiels which he F-C446' to I.)c respectable and.
esteemed in the old, and the old man, On the
other hand, should 'retain, and 'seek to per
petuate the feelingS and vivacity of youth."
The ettresidOt cloSed with . this send
"The bOary.hnir Which *isdow crowns
the yOung: . and tipsiietted life - ,schich is the
crown of mnn- at every point.of his existence."
('Much cheering.)) , . •
d rir A printer'.
,in Cincinnati, has
heir $ ! MOO 'll 7 .llat will a printer do with
.o much ti oney Y ,
,\1 1 ,
UST 'received another. Importation of these,
lendid:Full 'Jeweled' Detached Lever and
orifontal 'Watches; with seconds and hard en
melted Dials. double bottomed in open cases,all
)f which. are warranted . and received direct from
.svitierland. The few sUbjoined prices.,will at
. nee point', out to the ptclilic where and how an
• normous per centage.can be saved. ,• \
Double bottom 13 Jeweled 11.ver Watches as
bore in elegant silVer cases from $lO. Same
ovements in Ilunting•cases from 912. • Iforl 7 ,
ontal Dinble bottomed 4 holes Jeweled open
• oe'and :' seconds 66171'88,75, the same! move.
i a
lent in 'elegant huntingicaSes with *sunk seconds.
t0m,50; All of *htchhave hard ennnimelled
iall GOld Diamond pointed Pens with pencil
-and si vCr extension holders, Magazine for' leads
4c. from $1,00.. Gold Diamond pointed pen
It.lades from 50c. JeWelry 41c. &c. equally cheap.
good',assortment of excellent second hand
Vatches, eminent Makers, in first rate goingcon t .
ition, will be sold decidedly low for cash, Best
reach Lanett Wateh Crystals, 190. 1 IVgterre
, iritig as usu.a.. • i
• .
?N. E. Watch Chains and Keys Ir is to pus.
~, \ I
' . flours of business from 7A i 3Lto 7 P.
• ' - 1 '
. . Watch maker and Importer. •
,• Aug. 10, 1853-'-16tf.
~ r •
~ ,
The - Nebr4ska B ill UnsoSttled.
COTT, JOHSTON. & Co., are noWsrecier
ing`from Ne ! York, a. general assortment
i f Sprtat,f and S iaer Goods, and' we cordially
i i vita, all that like to buy Goods cheap, to give
l irn
s. a 'call, as our stock. is ' targe and . w . e are itvil
lneto sell for small profits._ You can find_ Were
lmost everfarticlel wanted, and we are willing
•to Uompare Goodi and Price with any stOre in
I l helcounty. We hale taken t 4 pee ialpa i ti s t'o find
i c e Goods to. plelse the ! Ladies, such as Black,
g, ured and fancy Silk 4 Silk
.Tissues, Btliages,
1 i 1
nd l3erage - Delane_s, Praha and fancy Lawns,
ilk, French and domestic Gingham, Figured .
(PM:tains pal paper 4urtafns, Ladies Conant' Un.
derhandk'fs and sloeve.L. , ,Mantillaa,, Parasols,
Gloves, Straw and t4dcy Aonnots, also triminings
o!match: - 1 •
i f IA large Stock of Goods for 'Tien and boys, al.
,u; Iron, Steel, Nails, Worse Shoes and nails; TlOtighs, Salt, Fish, ICroekery,t. Grindstones and
StOne ware. Tin, Stove Pipe, dings, Sash, Leah
oir4iToots, Shoes, &c. &i,- Please , give us a
! t:L :. •
uhatce of eSpwing, JoI:l a stock,. before you
tny. r -r -;: t , ,
r I.. ri , . . SCOTTJOHNSTON & Co.
pprinoillle April 1; 8, t8.54.\
up , I-
L I'm with yorici3„ngain my friends '
No 76 , -. inyifootateps r?pnr.
-- TVOU uir., fi td me at my' residence on Monts
-1.1.. rue, two door south frOudi Seth blitchera
sq., happy at any time o wait on you;sociall3
(tr professionally, the latter especially. , Those
who preter i t° hare their 4rork done at their resi
dencewhet.liring in down or out, will please
4e me. tutaccOidingly, and I am - at your
aervice.,Fens at;a distance: desiring Plate
Teeth, can acconiodated at .my, house, free
,ifexpense, while the werk is,being done. As I
Wish to be busy I shall. atilt adhere to my old
Plan of charging according to, the ciretimstandes
011iny r patrous. There is much complaint of
the high pricea of Datatistry - and ,of my prices tee,
although I . have been; in !'the habit of deducting
rem 1 . 5 to 25 per Cent from -the first. Now,
friends .I will'make 'ion ..thiii offer,--..ifyou who
tied work will 000, right along and have it
done sindsci keep me busy, I will work for you
?or half price andl do , it well too. The reason
We have to chargti So . higbis
_because, either
from dr - ead of the luthi or the pay, you boidlaek
and force us to lose' much , time for want of
work. Come 'cm then and you willfind there in
chance for' bargains at Montavne.
•• C. D.IVIRGII.,, Surgeon Dentist.
„Montrose, * Aped 19, 1854. _ , •
, Hatt ,' - ;
.f6'LARGE, assortment of Silk and , Angola
Bata at eat.retnefe low prim.
• 1 , '„ -.. ' tl, BURROWS d CO.
.Gibsoit i Juno : 1, 4, - 185.4; .--' , ' '
\ ~'
New: fiork Fire lusiaco Co. I
Qffite, 9 Wall Street.
. CAPIi AL, (lii Cash and Approved Securitle4Y
- • •
. . .
Inat.tesagainst Lou or Damage by Fire.
DlieLtilPollll.o- I A. Q.StelittlnS; 113 Broad Street;!
Peter C. uskili 1 spruce street.; Girard. Rancher, tui
Rroadwar, Themes Andrews, 130 .Cedar street; Samuel
South Hayti; 111:7 West street; Alferret L. Conkllo,lllo l
13 reettwichstreet ; James A. Crosby, 113 Broadway ; Charles,
Lent, Klugsbrldge, . Y.; Lambert C. Hall, Chleskti,
I Smith Habble; Wm. W. Leland, New York;..Poter R.
Roach,!l39llank street; Flaw 811.-Bell b eor. West audl
'Aright streets ; ; John L. Deen,7B IYaterstrect ; D.' Yen'
Wart,llBßroadway ; Horatio N. Gallup, cos. West andi
Burowstreets; Peter H. Pewter, per. Gansvoort and West;
Reuben Ross, Jr., 48 Ktrhtlt Avenue., Stephen Cromwel l)
Camden, N; J;; Albin Wadleigh, 'Philadelphia; Des ter 11.,
Britten, 49 Water street; Samuel Sinclalw,Tribune
logs; B'anmelS.l3haw,Clevelarl,Oldo I -
C14111,,ES L. BROWS, Agent.
8 antrosi,Blpt.6, 1893.
DE Undersigned have established a shop in
the batiMment of Mr. Sayre's Storo,in Mon.
,tcso, v/here l they will ut all times -keep on_ hand
folium and Dourvrtc. Mstst.a, and manufacture
}he Bahraini° Monuments, Tomb.atoneseTable.
tops, &c., &C. t i
111 IX The.patronage of the pahlic is respectfully
olicited.; i CONGDON & BEVIER
MontroseoAug.2s,lBs3—tf. • i • 1
T"1....pi1e Of
Stages:?between.Carbenkialeand Hopbottom
Station on the Lackawanna+and Western I Rail'
Mad:.: - Distance 2D Miles. - Leave Carbondale in
the triornin4. and eonnCet . with. the' ears going'
North. 'Returning leave an thiarrival of the.'
mail train from th;i• Great Bend. ' The nearest'
most direct and cheapest.route frbm'Great Bend,
to` Carbondale. Passe,ngers, by tltisi line al ways
got into Cai•bondale earlierin the evening than
any other rOute.• ; - • •
. Farereeei . pted in- Carbondale a t -the Stnre of
the-Subscribers, Main street, a few blocks b'eloW
Bronson's Hotel. -' - 1 I- •
'Au;rust t 842 -.1.f. ' •
, ..
, .
- .
. 4 -
CO. . .-
\ : 1 • - ' *.
.1% .
_lmporters 1 ,4 4 - fibers ~ , Foreign.- a:1(1;1)0-
medic Dry Goals. - . •
1 ,
A A TIOULRinyit . e the .teritio2!: of merchaats in
!T : S qnehanna anfr adjoining, Counties 'to
their Stock Which will I:M,font.d large and desira
ble at all Seasons of the year, consisting -in : part
of Cloths, Cas'aimeres and yestin g s Jeans and
'weeds, with all the Wit and well known styles
o . fast coloded prints.! 1.-
Also, Dress Goods, White and Lined Goods,
&e. &..i.t. - .. ,;. •ii ' • ' ! . :
AlsO, Brodhe !ong and. square shawls, Cash
mere and Silt( Shawm,together'with Hosiery and
Fancy] Goods. : ~. .
PrOnapt attention paid to orders.
, .
41 7 1 change.
‘ - 11! • 1
.... ,, ~,
(rortatErmat;"lllJSK ItOUSE,r)GIIEAT BEND, PA.
THsubsnriber, having rented this we:l known
hoese, add re-fitted and re-furnished in good
style, hl MM . ! prepared to receive. and entertain
guests'. This house is delightfully situated 'on
the ba °lithe Susquehanna , river, on the line
of, the New York and: Erie,' and the Delaware;
tackavranna and 'Western -Railroads ; overlooking
a most beautiful section of 'country, and is the
panornia of scenery unequalled anywhere.
As, A StrisisEß REsOni for: the businessman
seekiiog qUiep and freedom from the noise and
din ocity life, and for ladies and gentlemen t in
pnrs i
1 1
t of pleasure amid, the . rural scenery of the
coup ry, thisOocation cannof be equalled. Here
the wieary traveller is soave from tile conftision
incidentto the continual arrival and departure of
trains, Which - , especially in 'ibe night time, is a
very great annoyance to those stopping at houses
very near the Depot. .'
His ftocai4 are now, pleasanten and well furnish
ed; his Table with all the delicacies which both
country and ;eity markets afford; and no pains
will be. spared 'to make his-house a pleasant home
to all Nis g,tists. . . 1
r - GuEiTs will be conveyed to and from the
cars, at any hour day or night, inn good Omnibus
free of chargW3.-'
A LtVEVYSTALE i s attached to the
House. 1 .
Groat Berta, Juno rith, 1853-26tf.
*eat Excitement
BUT the fact that W. B. Deans has taken and
iii.still taking some very beautiful and life
like DAGU4RRLOTYPES, never was a secret
and h&has no desire to'make it one now.
He has just purchased a splendid assortment
of Gold Lockets, Pins, Keys, &c., and in his se
lection: of the latest patterns of plain and fancy
styles of cases, he trusts there is nothing lack
ing. F, •
Helnowe j not what, he can say, or what he
need to say More than has already been smid, to
induceyou to come to his 'Gallery, and bring
your friends you. Yon \ have all experienc
ed something of the satisfaction atiorded in gaz
ing on,the faithful picture of an absent friend;
aisotne oftyou,have known the sad pleasure
denyed from. possessing the likeness of some
loved line who has been laid beneath the'church
yard trfound,',and felt that ,
I No price could take from you '
A Memento so cherished,
;FOE how sacred the Shadow
) Silica the substance his perished.
But yOu, perthance have 'friends still v;ith you
whose Pictuies you have not secured. If so;
make it 00 business of today, to-morrow may
be to ante. 'improve the opportunity while it is
yonrs while th• roses of health bloom on the
cheek, ere yei the mildew of diseaie shall blight
and blanch your treasure, and death rob you of
both itand image. Pictures taken in clear or
clon4 4 weather. Prices, from 75 ets. lo $15,00.
Odd!Pellow's Hall, Montrose. May 24,1854.
istosr: Stoves: Stoves .
LL r
LrtRE . re and Yellow Leaf" reminds' us
thatl; the fast approach of - the keen Frosts
of Old Grey Winter, when one of these unsur
passable amt highly approved Stoves from the
most extemiive Manufactories in' the Union,
Messni. Shear :Packard, become indispensable
to every family. We would reapectfully announce
to the Citizens of
:and adjoining
counties that, we have just received and areire
ceiving the I#.rgest and best assortment of Stoves
ever tatioduued into Eastern Pennsylvania; which
will be sold kit the very lowest cash figure. To=
those who eke in want of Stoves they wilt find it
to their interest to' call and 'examine ouilyariety
beforepnrchitsing elsewhere; They comprise in
part as -
'United States, , • Orfenial Parlor,
1 Eastern Queen E. 0., Venetian, do
Fire Clipper , . E. 0., 'Panty do
National Air-Tight E. O. Irving do
lifoltning Star, Cottage, do
ThelaboveL Stoves are too well knnwn to re-
Tare any "nate description, being the most
frpular lind,iipprovedStove in market. All who
May fiyor us with u call shown through
Our aSsortnient with pleasure. "Recollect the
numbqr —ilivron's far famed" One Price Store."
I Harfoid, Pa., 5ept.,1853.-35
4 f SoSsetiihigs can be done ati well
r as , other i.» •
T HE suhicriber having' rented the Chaii
Manufactory of A., W. Oreenwaail,i n 'llarford,
iii prepared to manufacture ---.
et rodiced prices, of rod materials, sad in a so
perior Style c workmanship. : I keep constantly.
on hand, or Wllltnanufactare to order,
B(4itql Rdicier 8, (intprored styk,) all kinds '
of F : and Windsor Chairs,
• nag Seats, - Settees 4.c. ke.
5 • -
17 Mt Wilirk warranted to giro sat/fraction 'for
five yeists.,' S j
4 , 4 ldernbantable Prodoee will be taken in ez
abangk for iecirk,but NO CREDIT!
liar 1, Dec.l, y
= F•
NSW „ .• i
.The One Price Store: s'..•
•, .. ,
pooDs.:AT Low PRICES, sisrs, reit READY PAY.
;THE underslgned having associAted themselves '
kl.. together In the Mercantile bUsiness, are DOW
'2,prepared to offer to I. the public, A very . desirable
Stink of GoodS, eonsistingin -math of
-f Dry Goods, and• Ready made Clothing, •
i .
t • • liat. Capin - and Straw g oods,
!• . • i•Biloks and Stationery, . •
1 - * I' Ilootinand Shoes, i, • • i - •
•' • •
Groceries, -4 ;
. c
i .
'Ynnkee Notions, &.e.lit.„ ; .
;all of whiCh have been ' purchased with great
'pare, and 'we i are satisfied, - cannot dill to suit
those, who tndy favor us with ailall. I • -."
"rho .Dry .Goods depaitmenhl will be found
',very complete; consisting of all the leading "
. . ... .
`of . . •:,-; _
- ! LAMES DRESS Gl' DS: - . .
Silk, rich bioeade, plaid and striPed, black, - dress
and MantilaStlks,very rich, high lustre, and ut
;Cheap rates. 7.
li l •
i •' Striped Detimes i :plaid' Barag o ,do. satin stripe
~Challits-printe4 L a wns, •Poplins; Deßage, Plaid •
kind printed iiteenet.4, in great Iktrietlea, which
rwe are bound to sell si. a !won't:re. j
'Gingliams- r a: hadsome nasdrtment,—Prints,
I '' a il th e leading styles,! Blerritnok, Coehecoes,
;Aliens, Sptrighes, &e.,Fvery.pretty. styles.'
Dress trirmnings—of the desiiisble-styles and
IShades—Bliwk silk Lice, Dresl4 buttons, (,luck
velvet Ribber*, silk and worsted; Braids, in greet
variety. 7 i .•,• ' i : :• "
inue Goolls.—§wiss,Jaeon4Nansigyli, Cain
' ;brick, Bishi'ipli - Lawn, , and Bak Muslins, Plaid
ttanthrick Misidins, dotted Swis. iMuslins,e6rded
;skirts, Irish Linen, Cambriek IL iidkerthief4, &c.
•!Ste., French Needle' Work, • SW.,iss and Jaconet
Edgings, and : Insertings, cotton,ifinen and thread
;lace do. Flouncing, Ladies fashiebable,Chetniset
les, Sleeves, Collars, Bonnets 4.,,th . e largest as
sort client in' Town, And at•very low prices.
Baregu tor;ails,- in green, .dine. and brown ;
;Black lace !Valls &c. ' 'I I-. •
Kid Gioiesi-:-Ladies and Gent*; a large assort
meet, of this!l best quality„ .1 I • •
Milts, long .and short, Black,
Mohair 'and silk.
Silk Gloves; flack, white and colors. - 'Lisle
thrend, and es 4. dw • . . ,
;5 • j
gnsiery.t--4 fine assortment Or Ladies, Genf;
and children. ! - ,1 I
Rilltwir,l-.:41 fine assortment f4r Borinets, also
satin and late-String, in all widtls4, and ;every 'col
or. '- - I- '; • •- , i • 1 - .
!, Dumrssi f f Goods.—Sheetings,lltenehed and un. - '1
tile - tidied miislins, Ticking, Crash, Diapers, l'able '
Covers, nett Niipkins, and in faet;.all the desirable
fitylen in this department. . - 1
/Shair/s.-I-Fritited Delane. French printed wool,
printed ensienbre, 'Brodie, Black liilk, &c., a line
; Stock of them; - . 'll
„ ,
LadieS SirOO4, of every descririon;at lOW pri
ces. ; Iloysllisses„ and childre s! . shoe4, in great
Variety: Gnts. Boots, coarse anfrfine.• •
NVe,liave:a very fine stock Of flats and Caps;
Canada StriswS, Paheleaf, Cu riilloa,. Matacaho,
• Bound Canton, Leghorn, Cassitnere • &e., for
~ ~1
.stsmnier weisr,.!whiels are very desirable ; and se!-
' ling cheap. - .i : •
' A good assortment of Ladie.nitonnets, Misses
and ehildrens Plats! Itais, &e.
I . •READY 111114)E CLOTHING. \ .
In this branch oft our business,;we cannot fail
to suit. Our 4:to - ek; of Clothier , hi. very'extensive.
and well ma . de up; in late and desirahle. styles;
We would •espiscially invite our Mends desiring
_ -
'Any .thing in this line, to give Os a call. Gen
tiemens furnishing Goods, of ' eVery"Sle:scription.
A large steels of Wall - Paper and Bordering,.
Books, StatiOnery and Yankee NiotonS, in great!
variety: . '' • - • • • • q .i I . . .
Groceries.-;-: cm ; Green-and Black, very choice
and fresh, at lbw prices.. i
-. Goffe es. 4=-Siiperior St. Domingd. milli°. A
beautiful article of Brown and White Sugars,
,CHEAP. Molasses,- Spices, • Soap, Candies,
'Lamp Oil, Fluid,.&c. &c.- A verV'superior nrti
-1 .
tele of cavendish Tobacco, at. :2B ets..
per Ib: '
We are. in tie store fortnerlyl Occupied by La.'
Ithrop &-Salisbisry, and' more reeentivi by Geo.
IFuller, opposite Searles liotel.l IWe would be
Ivery happy indeed, to see our 'friends, at the
OBE Place STORE, and hope to merit our share of
iihe public patrOna,gc, b, , ,i good ateention, and low.
;prices. '• 1 - .•
, . ! G. & W. 11. FULLER.
. . ..
Montrose, April 19; 1854. I ,-'•; • •
, y
;Bryant iff4UNC Great B.nd Depot,
Ills new rind Ispacipus building, !situated but
LL a few feet from the Depot at Great Bend, is
!tiow opened and fdrnished, in a sittable style for
lii Public House, and will be Ppt open at all !
)hours, (both - d4y and night,) for. the reception of
!travellers; ankespcially for the [accommodation
l ef passengers travelling on:
.the . b.i. Y. & .Erie &
IL & W. Railreads,lcing•at the junction of these
!two reads, ankthe most cOnveni4t point to step
in and take refreshments and bef)fl" with thefirst
!train, as well os the inosteenvernent-beuse,toac
,eotonodate the i public,it is NEW CLEAN and
!WHOLESOME! with rooms enongh to aecoim.
'Coodate ALL, being fitted up with 4 hew i!fnritititre
to correspond,a,nd tattles alwaysst - A, with WARM
I4ALS and - luxuries furni.dlidi l at,!•a moments
'Warning . .
-Mr" Passengers desiring rest ladd sleep, can,.
!1?y calling here avoid the inconVebienee - of taking
an omnibus to find an inn, is well as the delay
and ,uncertainty of:returning to lie depot at the
arrival or departure of the trains as a porter will
itie in waiting td conduct them With their baggage
!to the if - gent House, "just across the way," and
conduct them back, again without fee or reward,.
aking special ' Care - to wake. them if desired at
I .oy hour of the'!night. I • . -
I - l The locatieMtif the Bryant House, with Abe
antana - scen.about it combine to make ita
, el
!iery desirale SUMMER.O REStOT for: business
linen and other 4 in the city Who may wish to
I"cast off. care • a few days ,recruit in the
'country: '\'i I i .
A Lale and. Commoditnij Halt
Is attached to this!building for, the convenience I
of pleasure PA4TIE - S, Who may always find good
'accommodations here, without regard tO numbers.'
i l with warm stables for their tenths, and reliable . '
help to wait upon. them I
af — For further particulars: ! inquire. at the
'Bryant House of the proprietor.
• Bryant
I '
1! Feb. 1853-47tf. . • • -
Stdovetij Stoves 22 Stiives
THE subscriber wishe%to call ,the attention° f
i his friendi and the Public lo his very large .
lu&s' ortment of I' • ' 1
at his new St4re Room in Lodersvilfe, next to
L. S. Lenheimts Store, and neal• the Great Bend
Depot. He has in addition to his former large
variety of Cooking and Parlor Stoves,. inaeynew
patterns, some: of which are-4 i • -
' St. N.didas, I Peach Brandi, • ..F ire Ply,
il Modern Troyf Mohawk, :1, Medallion,
Black Warrior, ' Orinit, ' Oak, ,
I'Egg Stove, 1
Which togethOr . ) with his formi4r stock will be
perhaps the mOSt, extensive and varied assortment
,of well tielecte:l Stoves in the County. ; -
*** Clinton Stoves well fornbihed at low prices.
ggr All arta'cls in his linc4ept onlhand and
Made to order ns usual, and orders received at his
, old stand in Great Bend. • 1 • . '
l'- Loderaville Oz. Great Bend NOV'., 1853.—tf...
- Antralia, California,'
or any piace_an the Globe,cminbliireient greater
'inducer:tents liian• • - •
WHICH is now, filled , : with new and exten
sive asiortment of artiCleis in .their line,
'embracing a general variety -et nyw and elegant
styles of Ladies and Gentlenieb's wear, among
which are Ladiei French;
,Silk :Lasting and Pre
nine Gaiters, Kid and Enameled- Polka*, Kid Pat
,ent, leather
..add bronzed Jenny Lindi, Buskins
-and Ties; gentJerrieu's, French ;and Philadelphia
Oak -tanned eatf skin and kip BOots, Cdngress and
button Gaiters. Monterey and; Washington. Soot*,
toilet Slips,:lidoroceo; calf. and` Cowhide Bro
gans, dtc. Hoye kip, calf aadeowhide! Boots and
Brogans; all khulsof Misses and Children's wear.
Also, a general assortment of Finding*, which con.
sist in part of lasts, pegs, 'parables. Hungarian
nails, tacks, ;thread, wit*, Bristles, shoe binding,
awls, rasps, sandstones, *hoe: kni v e s , Also,
oak and hemlock tanned calf upper and soleteath
er, Moroeeo skins and \
'Work mada.lo order and repairingueatly &rte.
itvatrose, ;lane . I. 1 e. 53.
" Man, lino* Thyself."
4n Ihrisluable Book Joe 25 renfi.—" BrerYflo r in sh• 1114
/toren copy I
s.ig s k .Flt•virrfil ij; *.edition, revised and ineproved,
'7O -jostisulued;
-Ur. Hunter's Medicaliranual
• 0 • -"and hand hook farthest icted—
.;',r' -"and
Containing an outline the ori.
• gin, progress,treatment andeure
, , of every form of disease con
-1,4! : I • trneted by promiscuous sexual
intercourse, by self abuse or by sexual execs', with advice
tor their prevention; written in a remitter style, avoiding
'all-medical technicalities, and everything that would offend
the ear of decency; with an outline of complaints Incident
to Females, from the result of aome twenty yearteisnetrits
rui practice r xequi•lvely devoted to the cure of diseases of a
;delicate <r private , nature.
To which le added receipts for the cure of the allove
end a treati'e on the causes, symptoms anti lure of
- to reVer'and
Testimony of She Penfeesoroko6 , detries in Penn :College,
Philadelphia*" DIt.IIUNTER'S
—The author of thisi work, unlike the majority of these
who adaertive to cure the diseases. of Which it treats Is a
irraduate crone of the brit Collegesin the truitetigtates.
lit alhirds me pleasure to recommend blotto the unfortu.
nate, or to the victim of malpractice, as successful and
;experienced practitioner. to whose honor and Integrity
tl itbey akly place the greateVreonfidenee.
. .
From A Woodward, Dl. D.,of Pean..Unireridir, Philw
I delpha.;--It gives me pleasure-fe add my testimouyeto the
profesSional ability tif.the Author of time" filttntctit MAN
rAL.." Numerous rases of Dineicee of the Deultal l Organs,
I Scmw °I them of long standing, have ewe ituderl my no-
Dee, in which his skill has been manifest in restoring to
Iperfeci health, In some cases where.the patient has been
considered beyond medical aid. in the treatment of Sem.
. .
Ina( weakness. or diaarrangeonent of the rune:firms prre
I duced by self abuse or Excess of senery,' I do net. know
Ibis se/wrier in tile ' profession . I have been acquainted
;With the Author l antne thirty years.• and deem it no more
than justlee to him 'as well as kindness to the unfOrt unato
victim of early Indiscretion, to recommend him ai one in
whose professional skill ' and integrity they may sand?.
confide thernseives. •
" This fe, without exception, the most comprehensive
and intelligible work published on the class of &serum'. of
!which it treats. A•Ohling all terlinical terms, it address.
lea itself to th e reason of its readers It is free from all
objectionable matter, and no pareritimerever faStidious,
Iran ()Watt) placir4 it in the hands of his suns. I The au
thor has devoted Many years to the treatment of the sari.
I nut; complaints treated of, and, with too little breath to
puff. and too, little presumption to Impose, ho halt offered
to the world, no the merely nominal price 4'25 cents, the
:fruit of some tweut3 years' Most successful prisetice."—
".•:co teacher or parent should be without the knowle
- imparted in Oils invaluable wok: ,It would savdyear of
I pain,MortineAtion nioil•norrow •to the youth under their
lchaoge."—Ph,pic's 41roceite: .
A Presbyterian ,clergyman in Ohio, writing 01 l "(jun.
lter'sMoltrial Manual" says, :—"Thousands nprom thous
ethic of our youth. by evil example awl innuendo of the
+ passions, have been ded into the habit of self plolitrion,'
latithout realising the sin and fearful' consequences upon
themselves and their posterity. The constitutions of thous-
Ands who are raising fatnillem have been enfeebled, if not
broken dewn.and they do notknow the reuse or the core.
,Anything that ran be done NO to sytlighterf and influence
like public mind hste rlitick,arad ultimately to remove this
!wide -spread sauna or human wretebednesS,' would confer
,the greatest, blessing nes tto thd religion of Jesus , Christ,
on the present and iveninit generation:. Inteinporanee (or
the lose of int Osicitting drinks) though It hat slain thous
ands upon thousateli. is not a greater scourge tn the I/Al
lman earn .Acrept my thanks on behalf of the afflicted,
rend • believe me, putt v.-worker in the good Work you are'
lsoactiyely engaged it.."
0 tirenoy rsoseurel V.:enveloped) will be forwarded, free of.
postage. to any rut i - ofthoi United States for IS cents, or
six copies furs!. Address. (post paid) COSDEhiI & CO,
Puhlis4s. or nos 10n. Philadelphia. - •
E ! , 3s. ipknitsol,•rs, Cahrasaers and nook Agents 'supplied
on the most liberal terms. n-131
L........ - __._ '
. _ • -
1 .. • Invalids. of Pennsylvania,
Iyour :mention k urgently invited to a careful
and candid Reruaul of something that has just
been introduced into' your rich ond time honored
Pulreniachcr's Ilhiro Electric Voltaic Chains:
k A new and novel mode of tpplying - a powerful
Yemedial agent, so constructed as to be worn under
the garments, next to the skin producing adonstant
uninterrupted current of Electro Maguetisnieffect
mg immediate relii4 from the most acute pain, and
Ova a permanent cure of all ,Nervous DiseaSes. It
seldom has failed to- furnish ahnOst instant relief,
rind a final, permahent cure, by being used Pccord- .
ing to directions, to the following ,diseases,]-Rheu
matism, Gout, Seiatica, Paralysis, Painful and
'welled Joints, Neuralgia Of the face, Diseases of
the Spine. Deafness and Iliininess, Uterine Pains,
Palpitation of the. Dean, Periodioal IleadaOhe, St.
Vitus Dance, General Debility,. Pains of the Chest,
Uyeteries, Dyspepsia, all diseaseS that are caused
by a defi eieti t amount of Nervous Fluid are greatly
relieved, if not p.erinnnenily cured by s imply wear
ing the chains a feiv hour* each day. . =
. I lie it nuderstood is not claimed that "it
dures all diseases, but only those foi.which it is Yee
timmended ; anitnioreover we boldly claim and de
fy that no medicinal agent of any kind hasperform
ed so MANY curet; during the last year, of thin
diseases just named as. . I
- Pnlrermircher's Electric Chain.
And to prove this assMioh, we defy any perseu t o
Produce so many well authenticated Certifi cates of
scientific Physicians "and intelligent patients as may
b:o found in a pamphlet of 36 pages, to be had(gra
tts) oh the agent in this town. The ElectriC Chains
Were first introduced in-France in 1850, and after
ing subjected to the most thorough and rigid trial,
h • the first medical men in Paris, they were l fotind
to posSess strange and mvve lions power for reliev
ing pain, wherever applied, and by their influence
Weir introdticed into the hospitals of that city. and
also secured letters patent by the
,French Govern
ment.. They are now introduced into almost every
11ospital in England. Germany, Austria, 13,eigium,
and patented in'those countries , where th.ey have.
b come the most - .
Popular eurntire
,Akent in the World.. -.
They werefirst , introduced into the U. Stitites a.
bilut one year since, and went through ate . _ same.
trial as in Europe, and were at once introditced in
to evet y Hospital lb N. Yaric, where they itre now
in daily use, effecting even more wonderful !cares
than had ever before been awarded them.j "They
are highly reeenamiuded by Prof. Valentine Mott,
Van Buren, Post and others, who have published
th'eir views of tbeirpovier and value in several of
the medical joarnals in that city,ana are alit° in the
daily practice of recommending their use to pa
tie/nts. A full account of their opinion may also be
found in every,pashphlet, and sent to the address of
every person in thi State by applying (p+st paid)
to 10 El. TURRE LL, Agent,Montrose,Pit. The
Chains can be sent by mail, with full descriptions
lot use. Price of Chains, $3 and $6.
Physicians are pillitely invited to call and exam
me,their construction, and pronounce titian their
merits. ONE woan To INVALIDS, no person need
fear that they will not accomplish just what it is
eltiimed they can do.' f. .
N. B. One,Chairi will last for years and lose none
itmelertric power by use, and can : be applied to
either adult or child. ,
Anxt.TusnEw.,- Agent, MontrostliPa. •
STEINERT, General Agent, 568, Broadway,
- New York. - - i 60,
Doctor Yourself:
.t •
Or, Every one hut own PAysicnin.
THEPIFTIETII Edition, containing
.1 One hundred Eugravingsd allowing
.Di'wages and Malformations, of the Hu
! man system in every shape acid form.
To whiell is added a Treaties on the
Diseases of .remales, heing',of the. • highest impor
taboe Lb married people, or those cotemplating mar
!lige, By • ' 1
j oung, H. , D.
• lam Y
Let no father be ashamed to-present a copy, of
the, Aesculapios to his child. It may save him
from an early grave. - Let no yew* mail or wo
man enter into the secret obligations of murriedlife
without reading the Pocket Aesculapius. Let no
one stifil•riug from a hacknied tough, Pain' in - the
Side, restless nights, nervous feelings,: and the
,whole train of Dyspeptic sensations t and given up
by their physician be another moment without con-
Suiting the AESCULAPIUS. Have the married,
or;thote about to he married any impedinlent, read
this truly useful bciok, as it has been the. means of
saving thOussnOs of unfortunate creatureilfrom the
very jaws of death. .
Oa' Any persow sending 'twenty Ste 'cents eh..
closed in itletteT,iwill receive one copy of this
work by mait, orifive copies will be . , mit for One
Dollar. Address (post paid.) I •
• - - I DR. WM. YOUNG,
No. 152 Spruce St. Philadelphia;
March Bth, 1854---1 hy I- '.
Valuable 'Farm for Sale. •
TIIE subscriber offers for sale his valuittli
farm- in Gibson township, Susquehanna
- coiinty, Pa., cont 4 ining 15'7 acres, situated in the
Eastern part of said 'town, half of a mite fromthe
Tunkhannock creek, and 12 1-2 miles from Sus.
quehanna Depot,!on the' N. Y. & Railroad.
n said farm hi a Framed house, 3 ! Barns,
horse shed, corn house, a young orchaM of over
100 trees, and is iwell watered. •
lie offers to sell for 10 per. cent, lesi than the
real value. 5 •
thirds of the purchase money
cash down, and bitlanie secured by mortgage.
Gibson, Nov., 23,185-..-47y1
NEW GOOlilift:
assortmontnow, comprises , ahnost every
i article Wanted, and we feareome that
are riot tnante4, which we l l Will sell at 'coat and
ionic articles at' toss than 'cost on that same
ceount. U. BURROWS &
'Gibson Oct. 28, 1853. 4 - "
Di. .Hak e y's
The distoreey of the #VREST the greatest Mee -
in krf the age. Par, up sit - Wart Bottle 3 a single bottle 0.
wind does more good, and goes further in the atirettfl)l4-
ease r taan fen botges of any Harsapatilta the and:
• warranted& care lithos! any unpkasant or stica.ienile
he method by which a.t Sarsaparillas, and otherilmiler
medidnes ate Preparrdi in by, boiling the -Roots or Plante
to obtaitkthe cared*. Their medicinal sirtues - are that,
principally itraporali and deStroyed.
It I. not tie be won mid at then,tiad ten and even (wen'.
ty bottles of these Sarsaparillas are sometimes taken with!.
out perieptible benefit. Not so with the Forest Winel
Sy the invention of 4 wonderful dietitian apparatue,a per
feet wine is ;produced wllhout heating; retaining. at the
same time, all the. primitive healing properties of the litre
medicinal plants of nhieh it Is composed , thus rendering
the Forest Wino the ;most cadent medicine the world ever
proilticed, at the mane time the snort agreeable. -
Tentissiour w:--Thls is to , certify that .I have used Dr.
Halsey's Forest Wine in my family with the. moms entire
secrets. My wife wan badly afflicted with Neuralgia atten
tions of the Spine-anti Kidneys and general Debility. She
foniaXspeedy relief , and regained her health by the use of
the Forest Wine.
Front my own knawledgo it! this excellent medictt
dros ly o. ..atiwlcdge .. ine, I .
confidently recommend it for the good' of others who may
be suffering from dog lu complalnta. It la the beet. medli•
eine Wilk which- I a -acqinifintett. and t. one who are la r
flictedwith the ahoy' ~or any:dingo! (Unease, may: said/ .
rely oh Its virtues. • j
Gohber, March 6, I
350. • - ' ' i El Q. MIISSEY .
:Vlore "Ireeitl moray Repro' Coheres:
Dr. G IV. Ifacsif :—Dear Sly, ywife lost autumn was
reduced to a low stake of Deblllt y 4 My family physician
adshoill her to tak e Your Forest %Vibe. Accordingly I went'
to illr4Verry's, yourl agent in tide Rant, and procured la
bottle of It, which reistored . her in al verreb ort time to pee
feet Idatith.
CeiNIPF, April 13,11350., . ONALDSON.
• II
Dreadful Cough; Debility;an , BY D
4 Lou if Appetite,"
Do. lALSET: -. 1 lieMpatead, Dec. .1 . ,, 1347. 1
.. ...- —... .. .
A4rottle of your Forest Wine !tarot Pflis„which
procured Of.Mr.Jiunes Cart, (your agent for this place) has .
done Wonders forme I brad been in ketate of decline for
more, CAR ayear, afflicted with a dreadful cough, pain IA
the, breast, general debility and loss of appetite. I
came Almost a skeleton, aud.had been unable to leave my
room (or more than two months; my friends told me I trod
the OntisumptiOn.aud despaired of my recovery. • I entild
not obtain any retie( front any Nue:Air:We had taken, or My
physiiian, until your V e and Pills were procured. The
Lint dose of • Fills byought up from •sny !stomach, morn
phient, and greenish natter; ted my stools:. were perfeetlY
black:, I then commenced taking yotir Forest Wine .three
times day, roy appetite beganto return immediately, MY
Nigh,left me,andin less than two ereskel win almost well.
now *vinybetter health than I ever dkibrfore, having
creased 25 pounds in seven weeks I.Your Yorest Wine and •
Pills are bight,: ealuedln this vicinity, and I owe myrocorl•
ery entirely to their virtues. Yours, respectfully; I
Affeeliona of thefilttneVas
.ffillies. a highly respected Meichant of No. 3 1 tEt
Broadway, New York, cured of a Severe! affection of the
Kidneys by the Forest Wine and Mi. ,1
Da. G. W. HA Laalr— ; New York, March 12,1853. ,
Dear Sir. In the summer and fall of last year I had' L.
severe:complaint of the,Kitineys, which rendered me quite
unfit for business. 1 prtieuv4l your Forret, Wine and Pills
whieh!eured me in a few .weeklatimn, and I„.bare Since en!. ,
joyed better health' than I have foe'many'years previously'
From their ellicaey,in my own ras e, and from what I knovi
your theincine to have done for. olers I am induced tri, (
recommend them Me the
hen medicine, which lam aci
quainied. Yours. respectfully. i .'• •T. 3. GILLIE.S.
Fern pe psia.--There are thousands' cured every year
of thia disease by the Forest Wine ancriPille; Dyspepsia;
Costiveness and•lnoligestion, are kindred complaints, fn.{
quently existing tegetner, and the curssof one is generally
the cure of all. The Forest Wine and Fills above all rerciel ,
dies ar e , preeminent in the cure of Dyspepsia. - !
Testlimrov, of Mr.'J. N Verrone, of New Ynrk city, dated'
;My 9th, 1852.' • •
!Da W llstsaY -:—Dear Sir, Having been cured o f
Dyspepsia by the use of your Forest Wine and I take
tire liberty to offer you my name, bettering many whorknoW
me may be benefittcsl by your excellent remedies- For
many years have been afflicted with this malady so badly
that nearly one third of my time has'been lent from bust]
ness. ITii Forest Wine and Pills have restored me to exl
eellenihealthiancti cheerfroly recommend them, as I am'
convinced the discovery, of these remediet area blessing tern
mankind. . • ;
Neal York, July 9th, 1852. J.N.VERMILE.
Dr. 6 . IV: Haisev's dum.Coated Forest Pills
7 helklum-enated
Pine are designed to aecompan
the Forest Wine in the cure of Disease their combined aci
tion being More searching hnd effective. They are infinite.,
ly.betfer than any.'other P3ll or Carthartic. producing in all
cans *ben this clan of medicines are unfni,amost charm
tug effect. They are-purely vegetable, never gripe, ina,r
b e Lakin at any time without fear of taking cold,hindrancel
front Vl:seinen, or disagreeable effects, mid pas* off.
the becrelle perfectly natural, which is all 'import at for tho
perfect renwery and eontronation of! gcrod health. Thou i
sands ca f edify to the great excellence of these Pine above
sel °ther
The Foreit Wine accompanied by the Forced
Pills, are 'most effectual in the ante of all the following com b
plaint*: ,! .• • •
Dyspepsia. Habitual Costiveness, Liver Coniplaint, Asth
ma, Pilot, Lhstinate Headache, Pimples'llllofehes. and un
healthy color-of the Skin, Jaundice, Ague and Fever, Salt
Rheum, Erysipelas, Complaints incident only to frinater.—
Lpnglitobinis weakneu, Nleht Senate, Nervous Disorders,
Generid 111 Health, and impaired state. Or-the Constitution.
Tbn!Forest,Wine is put up in largewitiare bottles, with
Dr. Halsey's name blown in the gland. One Dollar per bot
tle, orsis bottles fur Five Dollars. GI umenated ForeetTnis
25 cents per Box. For Sale by the' appointed Agents', at
Wholesale and Retail.. General Dep.t, 161 Duane street,:
one door from Hudson. New York. ll
Applatited Agents in Montrose, Abel . l .
si ell; great Bend ,
Lucien Scott.
3.lylchange quarterly..
A.' Years age by Dr. KIN KEUN,corner of Third & Union
sta. between Spruce and Pine, Philadelphia, Pa. I
Invalid. areapprised that Dr . KELIN confines
his practice to a Cat tient*? branch of Medicine, which in t'
gages hie undivided attention.utiontt the unfoitunate
against the abuse of mercury; thousands are annually
mercukialised out of life. - Recent iffeetions aro promptly
To - On:Sy Yearn of Expeglente in thetientment
of a class of diseases hitherto negrectnil and i mperfeetly no.
derstoetl, has enabled Dr. kINKELIN,(A:crn mt. OF a WOK*
ON lig , PRESERVATION') to prole that Mine tenths oft he
carnet of nervons.debil it y, I ors I , and constitutional weak
nese. Mental and physical suffering, are; traceable to cert
tainhabits,forming the most secret yet deadly an,kfata
springs ofdomestic Misery' and Prentathre Mort alit y
' lroka Particular Notice.'--There is an evilhabit:
sometimesindulged in by boys. in solitude, often growing
up with them to manhood,and which.if not reformed In
due tiMe, not only begets serious obstacles to matrimonia
bappldetts,hut gives rise to &series of protracted; in sidionst
and devastating affections. Few of those who give way t
this pernicious practice are aware! of the conseitnences,
until they find the nervous system ihatteied. feel strange,
and unaccountable feedings., and vague fears in themind.
• The;unfortitnate thus affected becomes feeble,is unable,
tolatoir with oecustomed vigor, or Ito apply his mind to
study Ir. his Step is tardy and weak, he iS doll, irresolute
and engages in his sport with less energy . than rt suet.
If he On anel pate himself before the practice has done 14'
worst and enter matrimony. hls mot ri are is 13 nfruitf &Anil
histertse' tells him that this is caused by his early follies.
'This Ore considerations which 'should awaken fheaffenfion
ettl o thoSe similarly situated. .
ffarsiacre requires the fulfilment of several condi.;
tirins,in.order that it may be really the cause of mutual
happluMis. Could the veil which covers the origin of dot
mextie wretchedness be raised oind its true sontee in every
instance dlstdosed—in bow many could it be traced to physi
I eabliSanalitications and their attendant disappointments
Applythem While itis yet time, in order to have your un
-strung and relaxed -organizatioa rebuked, revivified an
ttretigtbened. • : I
.menc: Intr: who places himself under Dr
KlNKlLlN'Streatment'may religiously confide in his bon.
or im a 'gent lemon, and rely upon the stasurance, that Ord
secrets of Dr. K's. patients will never be disclosed. '
Yotng man—let no falsemodesty deter you from makT
. ing-rout caseknown to one whafront education and respect
tabilifyjcaneertainly.befriend You: , .
Toamany think t hey „will conceal - the Secret in their
own hearts, and cure themselves. Alas! how often
this itlatal delusion s and how many a 'promising youn
man,whomightbarsbeenanornament to society hat
faded ;from the earth'. -
Strieturesof the urethra are rapidly- removed by the
application of a new therap out' ra agent, used , only by Dr. IC: \ Weakness'and co ngitutlOna I debility promptly
cured and full vlgor.restored. , • -
CoOrstrw I Ismail ids Can have* , (by stating their
ease eirrilicitly,together with all their Symptoms,
w perte*
ter enclosing remittance) Dr. K's. medicine, appropria.
ted aceoraingly. • ,
Forivarded to any part of the United States, and packed
suture from DAMAO iI or CURIOSITY., • • I
BEAD' !---Youth: and Manhood.l
4 Riotous Life. o r ,a Premature Death, ' JankeZin on Sept,
Presei'vatione , -0n1y,25 Corns: • - '
It itf it work eminently required, AR a mean, of roformi-
Dig the vices of the age in which we live. Also,
• • 'N,ATURZ'S , ' • .
. , . .
With Hiles forlhe Prolongation A.,.,o* . cLife,ju; 3tfronithe Prost
' A letter with a rem ittanee of 25 cents, or the -rabic In
pestitrurips, addressed to—Dr. K INK 14GIN,Philadelphhiri
pa. will secure a copy of either of that above book, by
rriturriof moil; or 12 copies will be Peet 'free of postage
for $1.•! BoOksellers, Carreellere,Treirellhag Agent/h.:lke+
supplied wholesale at the publisher's prices, which‘dmit
of a large profit. . •
0:21.411 Letters moat be posVpoid. : 13y1*
• .
• 7•I C . &.1.1%9T'S • ~[
Oneihi N
rd cheaper ihan While Lead,andfreefratn,
all po isonous qualities. i
Tiswgw JERSEY ZINC COMPANY having greatly
enlarged their works, andimproved thequality of their
prodnets, are prepared to execute orders for their Supei
or Paints. Dry and *round In oil, in assorted packages ' f
'fool 25 to 500 pounds ; also, dry ip barreis r of '2OO pounds
Their White Zine d which is sold dry ground in oil, hr
'warranted pure an unsurpassed for, body and uniform
A Method of preparation has recently been discovered,
which enables the Company to warrant their paints* keep
fresh 'and loft. In the kern. fir any reasonable time. , Irk
this respect their paints will be • super lor to any other,*
the Market. I • ••' • • I
Their brown 'pile Paint, which is sold at a low price,and •
can only be made from the Zinc ores from New Jersey. Is•
now Well known for its protective qualities when applied
to iron or other m,elallie surfaces.
Their stone eoloe Paint possesses all the properties pf
the Brown, and le of an rurrecabie col- r I'er painting Cot- .
tages, Depots, Ont-bulkllngs, Bridget, &e.
1) eaten supplied op liberal terms by their Agents,
'Mks* Paint:'Dealers and hip/eters, ly.
W. Corner elf 11)1k Mar ket .
15 me: ' •
Farmers' Store . Re 'ved.
. 1 1
WE, THi'4undersignel, hating enttred Into,
partnerBhip thomercantile business mit
Montrose, take the method to infoim our frien
and ',the public; that we bay° just opened an a
sort:meat of DO. Goods and Groceries at the of
stand of Mills &Sherman, where we shall ho hap.
p ) ; too wait upon all-who may favor is with a call.
Our Goa. tOe all new and,. have beep selected
w i t h grea t eare.and we flatter ourselves that we ,
can 'suit the most particular.
Ore invite all to call and examine our ateek,-.4
Our. motto is "'Ready Pay, Honorable Trade,anfl
steadfast friendship." A. O. WARREN, 1
Muutiose, bliay : 2l, 1854:
THE i 0,14 . t05E - DEMPflia,
VII40:111 VAT,
TERMI..BI,6t), cash' in advance; 82,00, if
not paid within six months ;and $2,50, at the end
of the year: No paper discontinued untilarreara:
ges are paid, except at °the. option Of the Peb.
fishers. All cotnmunkuttions connected `with the
office, to insure ittentioi, must be directed (post
paid) to Coesi & Der, Montrose, Suiquehaina
County, Pi..
' Haien of Advertkini.
One square: (12 lines or less) 3 • insertions, 31'00
Each subsequent insertion, . . .. .OO
One square six 5
One square three months,
I \
, months, .. . . . . ,00
Business Cards,lour lines or leak, . 3,011
. Yearly advertisements, not over it's uares 1,00
One column one year, 1-
Yeatly -advertisers will •be restricted to
business in .which they are engnfied';, and are cOn...
sidered as wishing to continue advertising tmletse
they shag give special directionsi tali a discontin:
trance of the same.
1W The publishers having added to their. Jot,
Printing materials • a large and suPerioX asaorta
meat of Job Type, are lulu , prepared to 'exieutt
Job Work in a manner unaurpassedi in this sec
tion of country, and on the most reasonable terms ;
Mina t o etery.deaiription kept constantly
Hof on hand or printed to order.
g;iisiniss., Pirti)org,
Fashionable Tall or—Shop nude: Searle's
Hutel,llain,Street, Montt*,
1 -- BRYANT mousy.:
Great Bend Depot, PR. Aii,nisos MIT• 1
ANT, Proprietor.
L • EL 'SPROUT dc Co.,
iTlanufacturers of SPR °Reg COR!BIRED CAR:
RIAGE SPRINGS, Hughesville, Lycoming Co., Pa.
Springs may be had•of M. Si Wilson, Montrose.
Wm. W. SMITH & 10.
CiLbinet and Choir Monufactureis . foot Main
Street, Montrose, Po.
G. & W. H. ruLLEit,'
Dealers in Books, Ready-Made Clhthing, Bala
and Caps, Iloots and Shoes, Dry :Gbods, ke.
Store opposite, Soailo's Hotel, Montrose, PS. •
IPhyalcian and. Surgeon, Llarfor4 , Pa. O ffi ce
2 doori below Eaton a Store. .1
Di!. H. SMITH,„ 'i
- : -
Surgeon Dentist, -. 3l4ntrose, Pa., ! will-be, et
Searle's Hotel, Mondays and Tuesdays or each
week. .: - i • 15yI
• incIII.I I LAIIi
Dealers in Dry Goods, Groeeries t Hardware,
Crockery, BQots land Shoes", dr.c.,
Pa.. • 18y 1.
Attornies at Easy—Office foi4nerly
pied by Little & Streeter, Identreae, Susgee•
hanna County, Pa. • -
RALPH B. LITTLE.} - [Ezi4A B. Cassr.
'eaters in 31arble 'thonuments,Tables, Tomb.
Stones,. &c.- Corner of Court an Exchange
Streets, opposite BroOme County Bank, Bing.
haruton, N, Y.
;- • -
Dealeisln Stoves rind Alannfacturers ?f
Copper, lin, and Sheet-Iron -Ware. '
- west -side Main Street; oppes'ite Democ rat Qf -
-fiee, Montrose, Pa.
C. D.
Repairer of Clocks, Jewelry, Mumesl Instru
ments; and Guns, &c., &c. Eleetro plating - of
Spoons, Watches, Jewelry, &e., done to order.
He has an appointment for Sealer of Weights .
and Measures. Shop on Blain !Street, f irst'
door beL9w the Brick Corner, Mentrose,
Be'aler i 4 Drugs,Medieines, ChesSicals,Piints,
Dre.stutis, - Groceries, Dry Goods, 'Hard
ware, Stoneware, Glass-ware, CaMPhene,Burn
ing Fluid, Lamp Oili, Candles,Varnishes,W in
don Glass, Finey and Toilet° Articlei, Ferro,
miry, Jewelry, Spoons. Spectacles, Musical
Instruments, Tru sses, Me dical . Instruments,
Liquors, Mirrors, gtationery,l3ruihes, Shoes,
Yankee Notions, lite. Physieiruis Prescrip.
tions eartfully compounded.
Attorney and C,Onnsellor. at Law -
' • MONTILitik, 17. n A.,
- IXTILL attend. faithfully to all business entry,.
V V. ted to him in the county of Susquehanna.
Conveyencing and writing (Mall kinds will be
done neatly, and- charge moderite. -
He will also attend fo the prosecution of claims of
soldid,ri,.their widows/and heirs, against the
led States government, lor Bounty Land, Pen.
May be found - at all hours at the ofß4fointerly
occapiedby,J . T. Richards, Esq„north of the Coprt -
L 4951
piAtitt St ,v Tin,topper and Sheet Iriat,
Ware, L4ersville, near Great Bend •Depet.-6tt
Interested with I. L. Hunt,
. liardime and Cut.
lei) Carriage Trimmings, Springs &e.
No. 215 Pearl Street, 'N. Y
Where'his Mercantile friends, in' this and other
Cnunties, are kindly invited, and ear4tesaysolicft
ed 'ko call and purchase. - 1' ''n6tf.
HENRY. S. KN Arr, •
Rowe, Woodruff,- di Carter,
OLESALE GiocEns , and i Commtssios,
MERctorrs, No 173 Washingtrm Street,
between Cortland and Day Streets, New York,
Sfareh 8, 1854-10tf.,r • , 1: •
• I
I . Cterd.
AR"[S. E. Patrick, Jr.' i s G. Z. Dimock hare
1,./ this-day foriued a io-partnersitip, for &more -
,apd successful prosecution of the differ
ent branchos of their.prolessiOn. •
All busing,ss entrusted to them, wilt be stters-•
ded:to with promptness and fidelity.
-Their otliec will be the. One lately. 'occupied by
)r. Ditnock.
ifontrose, March 22, 1854.
Dr. Merit E. C
ITARUGGIST - end Cimino an - Dealer. in
Dnuos„ Medipinea, Chemtialk, Dye Sine,
Paints, Oila, P.itty; Window . Glass, Camphimr
Fluid, Perfumery, Yankee Noietmoke.„ die. • ..
Ludersville, Pa.--10tf.
hanna Depot, Pa. Office over -114. B. "West's
Store. I I 16y1
Medical Catd.
TNocrs. THAYEft & CR4ND I ALL,;havieZ
associated themselves in the practicer . of
Medicine and Surgery would respeetfullY invite
all to give them a call that tnay.need their pro•
ihssional service. IThoy may Ibe found ak.the
office, formally occupied by :Doeter Thayer.-T
They will keep on tiand pure iponcentraW ana
Homeopathic Medicines. '
11l p. clam:um
• Montrois, May 8, 1854. . •
Buffalo Ilobes.
ALarge lot of them choice whole.-Robes at
a vel7 -small advance on iiho conk.
Gibson Nov 1 •I 3 BURROWS. & Co.
, E. PATR,-
"G. Z. MOCK.