t'==l ---- The founders founders of our.. goyeriment . ; Jitt . •botu i - • ..,1 • the rptleral- and the State Constitutions, were careful to guard - against diSqualifications for otlice on account of religious belief; to per-, mit - tm law to touch the rights of conseie4e; and to bring the naturalised and the. nati.re; born Citizen into perfect civil equality. ! - 11 . 41. i . reachllts objects, that secret ,spirit • tramples ! ! upon Ate Most sacred . principlesin our C tt-, stitiitton and laws; and should therefore ble regarded as the enemy of every 'man : i i i t ey : are broken and dishonored in this aggr...sift),:. they will be found-weak when . we in t,njoi - I ' coital to . demand their proteetion. 1 . - it Will create a spirit of resistance and it .... . tilitV '; - , and . all that class of hatreds, that, n other countries, has led to- disorder to 0.3111 . . - discord ' , and- 'war. This misclueviot s coral i ttation, whose. very Mystery is dreadftd, places . the objects of its' attack in. the right; for lit combines them in the defence - of tlltrdeareSt . civil end religions rights, with a sternness lof purpo se, .. which no other danger or-Wrong can , nrouse ; Have' they errors I • Combat - thett i n an iopen field; with manly and 4.gitintate• . ire spons. Truth and patriotism 'nfrer , C . U . - cert their plans in the ' Midnight 1 and " g o • - thence, meanly, stealthily into the day., to ac complish ends, Whose very , suedes. 4 depens u pon seereey and -darkness. Their . hot itti o . ej and gloty is,.that they blaze forth in thelsup- i light,f-Inviting scrutiny, demanding: accept-I WWI. I • . .. H . It is causeof alarm, that a dark, plotting, oath-bound or rk cranism ' — for a objects , political : • I •whose members am unknown,,-creeping un- .seen into the social circle, the' public . assent- 1 bly, the - jury : box,—hid from all, reProof f s,4n only n its viewles:s stroke . of its prostrate vie= tiros, : should 'spread 'so rapidly, and . attract such ' umbers. ',• • ' . - ' Th q mine combination is creeping into our vi ages, and Towns, - preparatory to. 'the electii) A: • Was it well, now, to7give \ theni a .trearki -. their new-born energies to . atrike ? • ' t NoW, fellow-Democrats! what think you u giving up °Ur connty . organism, .and nulo j 1) ties, N'lticlt, 'with wliateVer of human imp i fection, are - yet prkvessive,..refermatory, any potent for good, ..—and fusing (that is tli term,With a party of all, raid yet of no prit . ciple. ; steady only in its grasp after.: pow'. and 1 shtg, any - Means that promise, suece Fuse linto one oil and water, - light and, elm.. . nef ;.s,' -.isier than such antagonisms as these . "o ; would sufferan hundred defeatstfl e r thin stoop to the employment Of orgatuz,l < - secret agencies for succors. Defeats !Th., man Curviziers, who falls in the defence of th right. l gut this power cannot is natural, spasmodic. - It is out of luirmon) with every law of.,Nature and PrOVidenee . ; 7 . whostl. constant and resistless operations wdl • bring i it, out to the light.' . In .this :contliOt, poor tnan is the weaker party, and in tist yield. . 'Yours. &c., A Co:NA:nEF::I .. 1 I !' Democratic Meeting at Sisq'a. D'IN., . 1 ',pt.. ° - i OnSattirday evening Sept- 14th, the Deitt oaratip citizens 'of Susq'a. Depot assembled lilt the Hall of the United States tlotell puHti um to a-brief notice cireulatedtaint* the itf 7 ter noon. The large Hall was nearly Mitt < - Matiyibeing compelled to stand upon th it feet fi r want of seats,=the assemblage being' much larger than was antieipated4 Itobt,' 1.. 3feKune was elited.,presldent lo the Inc:4i ,ing. ILevi S. Page and Gaylord.. Curtis elect-- • ted \ tee Presidents, and A. J."llavis, Seer ta ry.The 1 * i , ; president of the nwtingr then inade some 'very, able remarks *pertaining .to !he cattsetof•Dembettcy, mid tender} -•d his thardis for the repeatiid hopors'cOnferred nnon hipill}V _ , the citizens of 'Susquehanna in .vial ing hfrn too 'act with and for them on occ.asto s like the, • preset t. After . Whichhe introklu ed to the . assemblage .W m.' H. Miller, ..F...5!q4 Of Perry • couitt i y. Mr. Miller in a bold, :able. and' eh -qUentrmanner entertained his ; andience for the space of one hour and - a quartr, with •a. thorough Democratic speech. -'TI e greatteit t intere.4 and attention, prevailed . nring f Iris • remarks; eloSing. with immense-hplaused 1 The committee, consisting Of I.S'athaniel _,„ • - Hill, Gee. Fordyce senior, and II -try Da+, ' through their -Chairman .reported I l lnat ilrek- ' ~ had agreed upon resolutions, and t Ile (011° 0 ,4- ing resolutions beinc , read were unanimoltill . : - adopted.. - --- • • --I • i . .1. --- , 1 . • Resolved, That we as Democrats do twit consider the Nebraska piestiou a 'test O DLL rnocracy ; but believe that. we ma : hon .stlY .1. differ in our opinions of said bill,: and /that the eleetiorkof the Posernor of Our Common wealth has.- - no legitimate ' bearinn, upon the question. .• . -- .- I . 11 s - Resplocd, That baying the highest Confi-' donee in the ability and integrityl of hiS I*x celleney, Hon: W. BIGLER,.43ur nominee for Governor;'that we will use our best ende.' , for his l re-election.• : t - IL 11. Mc'KUNE, Pr Lrvx S. I i AGE, ) ' •I . v 1... T I ' 4 -, I ALORD CrETIS, r Vice Pies ts. y 1'..1'.7.: Davis, Secretary-' 1 111-:Nominatioa of Grow • The - Congressional Conference *hick , ' '4l this i place on .WcditesdaY; 6th inst.,-U _ilnousU ,. nominated lion; G.A. GfitiNV ; -fo electilii to Confrress.- The Tio c°nf i l front failed Ito Appear, either. fro misapprehe - reg4rl to the da . c .- 'probatly because tlie Conterence was a ere form, ocry Convention which has 'inlet i this) Districi of both parties hal:in.. rs I ea to support him. The unanimous 'endorsement of ISir. Grow has 'received at the hands •Of his con stituents, was merited by his 'fidelity is the interests of his - constituents, and bA his i teg rity ht. i r .p. posing. through .eyery sake th Re-, peal ofd the Missouri Compromise, 1) as they' may be, upon the policy of suppirting. l other candidates, -that constituency, areul i nitxl I in the ,'desire and determination to cNpr , •ss their oPposition that,,iniquitouS me4sure, nd Thera - urn of,Mr..Geow is nu dud tabard' which . they can all unite, irrespective at par, ty Coniiderations. 1- .• :• , The rate which Mr. Gaew will iree i xu •-e at • I the. coMing,eleetiou, will be tlu...,true ipex.pf popular; sentiment iu this district.. diis : rieturn for a third term: is. the : r x - .sult . of his t=trlight forward oppasitiotko the passage of tfiie Ne braska hut, o ut, which- coupled .with th . all lityhe clisplat*d . in Congres;' his sitivoCttey p the Ilomescotii,. and tlie eorrecti?eis of; li4 lviitcs genemity:-has rained him tho.oanfiklenb and approbatiOn of his constituents geriCrall 4 s . - - • The . i•erdict which the'Freemeu of tlul I!tit .c ongret- : si oval District 'will - render. lit ,tiie bpLi. lot 'box,! : by sending . back Mr. (_;notr witl4o l unanistkus endorsements of his c(tn. - stiiemts., will no be Without its effect.... 'About it p tligre, it can no: , pariling :. It will a. direct, akk:l, fe pudiatiOn of DOUGLAS' scheme, uncorit i toil c d ,, And Uninfluenced yany other quesfl t .. . It should he the aim of avery Vrceuttin tl isweil that verdict to its utmost ex teut.---LBr*foraj • 1 /.?eporZer: II • i __.... „ ................-1-----: • 11 .i , , Ho* do you Like the PielifeeP \ l ' i i . The following, : extract we _clip from 3Whig docUmetit - which was scattered, briittleast throughout the l'eti'v-1.11 and : breadth lot this: State durin g the 'Presidential eltinpaiikt - of I 1844: l'' . ' '.. '. . .. . .. . . '' TAL L Op„rner OF `3u :IN ES:.'iIIOS F 1 , . _ .• r . 'Nlliat object, is Texas to be annexed For IWe , ITYP cintinglt---Qnothoumnd millions of iinoccupfetl:ncrtll---giad'biside----: Teka'a has nOlatnls ti:l ! ..gite. l I For:tradel w,by can We, not as well tirade' !with 'ndependent, as Annexed texas For titrength All ',mina of ouri territop. can only wreaker! ,as :the lever'ofexce.riT,e length, is sure to break nsputior the-mOntent of prea, 'sure. What then is. the; titotivi3 . of the annex aficinists r it is plain--ritiS 01C..1.17 AVOWED' is TqISTIZENGTIIEN 2 .l'ltE SLAVE STATES—THE SL NV 4,'N'TElll . .stiT." • ow, ne desire I our . - whig iand ! free frieinds to .eirupine the record, and see where'. IJames Pollock stoW wh'en the ivote was taken; • ! ,1, , 0n the lanneXation of Texas I Did he not vote yea? In the- Irtngulin-i3 of this cel ebrated Whig doeuaient,.be voteir "io sfrengtk en the i slaec Mato-,the, shilk interest !"—; And, why didlie do so ; WaS it &Cause he , represented it dettiocratte 'district ; and was fearful lest should not be' re-Clected 1 Cer tainly it was., .11aving thnsdetierted his par: ty • upon: thiS particular occas?on, what evi , 7 deueo have free 'Seders that will not, de-, ceive themwhen e.rpegieht ? *s one at Dcnocratic Union. . 00. - Whig leiulers wcre nev e r required to be ',ore decidedly (16,i:6/e : face , . than at this- Aline. To protestants they prete id that Know- I NothingisniJs.Onlv "intendedl O. Check th power of the cnifailic . church. 1- To the Ger mans, Englitilt,i Welsh,' and Scdtak who have he - vOtea their ticket,* they declare' that their.: oppoSition , to . foreigners ,is Only aimed. agaitit „the Irish: And to' fatholics.,.' these saine.cOnsistent individuals whisper that. itl..is'.only.deOgricd to break down the., " loCo , foto 4 party lj Mai candor 'and lienesty for youl .... . 1 i- IN it Tribe ? .It has been rt!lnkared that .Judge 'Pollock intends'to wait itiall , Within eight or ten days of the election, }} , tlion Ite',l-'ll come '.out and &iv : all , connection with the', .ret, political organization; called KnOw,NOtlifillo, and this( denial will lie printe.d 'in hatid-billl in' the whig papers, and eireadated ammiNte faithful and ,unfaithful it all parts' of the Con - t-- Mot:Weal th.- Ifi Pollock . baS. no . ' con n ecti On with; thisiordkir,!let him say Fio twit... , Tlie or der inafgi.V . Cdtitu the•privilegc l of issuing' a . (110.41 the better_ to carry . Out their planS, but hislivill not do. The democratic party is.ready;:ito4. to prove his nieni4Nhip, and . it;:ilce.s not wish to wait until within a few dav:4. of the. eleetion,.when the effect of the deni;rl Auld - not be, counteracted, by proofs of its falsity: We ask Democratic, editors in pill Barti of .the State to watch this game, and bppriseAheir readers of it. The hardy sonsi,of l'enntylvania wish 4:1 knOW !low,. wh'el.lo4 4is ,possible for a cattdidate for / Gov tinOr, in this great State, to join a secret 1 . - l' r . .-' • t' for , po.ttica .o . attiza ton the paltry purpose Lof gettingvOtes, - more especially when that. order teaches him to regard, its,law as para- Mount to tWConstitution . and Laws of , the State . . SO:4tome j out, Judge, and don't • wait until hear the erection.—Platfprm.- . i t l''''Gint tics, in his speech at Erie, said, "That the Whig pattv'was a bettetanti'Slav ery p l arty wl en out of piatver,: and ,Viheii.. in power more 17)ro-slaveryl t.han. the Democracy' dare:he:l lle was- right,l7and hundreds : of --i•ree.l3oil .rs'lntliat regioa.knew it as. well as 'he did. Th withdrawal. l Of I'oi - rs,. therefore, has left tne.-.:5,4 'nen but o9e, alternative, and that.' Svto vdte for Governer BiGLEn, who' is, at least; lioliost :. enough t& tell the 'people What! his` , pri:nciples are. !The wren wise Melt therefore; why have thought they' Wrre doin , ; a' :e l wise t ' ~ brit .thy, sequel will prove, rwhat' they. thought wisethepeople will'dbeide tO bet foolish. i .-1 - - .. . . . • i ~_. I -, ' .•- iim ii , i....... . 1 - Kne Independent Order of Good . ' t. emplerii. • Thi, Great Bend Lodge, i. 0 of G. T.',10 ' 1.89,. will hOht a-public;.CelebratiOri at Greatend;on I,Ve . afl 1 esday, the "7 tkday'of September, inst.,'at , !lain ist 64 , o'clack A. M. SteakerA from abroad are expected to address theritectin;24, ' - • - !tieighborit* LridgeA and the public generally,. are it:triter] to "atfOad. 1 . • ' . •, , n:; •• fl i .S. B. CHASE, W.C.T. Al gol Be n 4., etit.. -. 29,- 1854: • . ' • • ,),••• -1 • gP, ? ; 1 • atp.•loth, after an , more tnal'ihree;Telrsi MARY EL ER 2i , years and 6-mouths, , . . New Goods at the Ready .Pay 1 - 1 . . , . Stlre• G..1.W. SULIAIt irtsr now received their Fall Stock of Goods,Vrlsich thev a f re preparcd to sell. hereto . k IL 1 tiTlf ,bn the most ressonahltlterms for ready pay.- - f . The additlons made to our. former puretta. , give us now, a large and, well assorted stock of -Octods, favorably 'adaiuskl to the wants of the people of this vicinitl . .e y , . Our ttock Is comprised of Dry Good., Books' II Stathirt •ery,lte dy, Made Oloth , nr,lisit i s and Daps, Boots uttSboes, is largeistoek.a Will Paper a d Dordering.Vank e Notions, "a full st.ock of Groceries, Flour. Salt. dc. i Ifour frien..lSWill calf apo. 134', we will eontince them ' t half the reariyitsty system, is the most silvan tareons to al, 6oneerned. :,1' - , . ,•fG. k W W. Lt. FULLED. Albitrose,E,P4 29,1854. f' . "I . . . To 1 'the depen' ISnl44 , #ttehat .FelloWlcitiiens, you was nornipatlld by the .l tion of this nounty for Retorder.; but upon ie sideration . l have come • Sion that I cannot eonse of ti Convention which 1 - of 4.4)iniot;' ott. what I los, only isgue.lit' ; •. , the prese ceiyed nurneo,n4 letters I•ditionf suiliart that • • which 1 caniqit eongeien draw my• name from the for the ofAce of "Regis uP6n •solieitation o friends,\Liwrehy Offer eandilla , 'usquellantia.COunt4l I .llidtlelown, Sept. I To Ole, Indcpen tti qnenainn • Freaa'criqtk'nt iwho beliiive that; pei Oeir vi,itds for .cdndichtle great insue.of th'e. day a myselfas dn Indepeider i I date for the office of .Pri .y.• Dinicl4 SePti 16, I'- Viesern ; rrillls reGently' . lbeen thoroughly repaired and mostly moved on io the N. V. ; t 11‘4'w . R. It., is ;,aov.- in full operatiOn between i - ark and EuiTalo.fortneeting with air ieie ' Li . raph nizz ions in the United States and -Canadas. Ei - ery ek rtitiri will be xnade to Iliivuretionfidenee, and the emu* y; rely upon a liberal .ptropage to repay the heat 7 expenses of ;rebuilding. , • • P. A. lI(..IPErNS,.Supt. . i: •I , :Sheriff's F.'ale.: ny virtue of .a ,writ of Yea .Ex isst/ed oat cf the Coon -ILA Of CaMmon Pleas all as:inthltnna County. and a me dirCeted:i WWI expose to public itale. at the Hadar of W. K. 'Hatch, tri Montrose, on Saturday the 2111 day. of eta.. bee next. al. 1 o'clock P -41. • ; - _ L 411 that tertian piece or pared .of ptad, a \Tillage 1.01, situate in the Bonnie& of Susquehanna ,Depot. &moue hatnacountY, audtbounded and detletibod as follows. to "tit i On the north by the Public ilighwaY or Street, anther e , st-and mouth by land of the n. T. A. Erie ava Road com pany,4ittl'uu the west by lead of Jou Flitgo ta ik sa id l ot .belo; DO (rant o,lfeet and rattalpg b t ek 1:0 feet. Li,,i,A con. itainfult ahant 7: 1 4) fert afiand.knoriq or Yen, 0 irh74 . ,„.. partenanoriS, ode frametldwelhnE b' ace. coo chant; ink" • • all :Ira moved.' 1 . . . . T.:1‘ , .03, An imam:lon at the snit of .S. Bennett against 1i:1119d-Fron 111. ‘ 1 •Y ' - ~ . • , (1. 4. 4 1 111ED i sbt:riff. Mork:owe, ~ e pt:...cl,l .s.ht-.4. I - ", - 1 ' , - I • . ,- 1 Ines& of LEIGH- rut Freemen of na County. -ire a ll well aware that . I late Detncratic Convert: he office of Register and ,ction and serious con. to ; the deliberate conclu lentionsly- be a candidate fias given no expression k ,upon as the great, and t time ; and hating re- Ireq uiring orme as a con should Wake pledges I iously do, I-hereby-with : canvass .as a candidate r and Recorder;" and • iltriereigs.DemoerJtie 'yself unn.-IndepPnclent; for the efriefi at Sheriff F. P:IIOLLISTER. t 'Voters . of , Sus- Crmituty. -11 lions of numerous friends ' plc would prefer to ewsit I s, whose vkwi on I hi. Luoivn, 1 hereby offer, t Autiebrraika csndi thonotafr,:of the C.oun7 B, IV'ELLS Grand Consolidation . •• , , •Of the two large:st :and most ipopular 14 lies trilan. EscohliShments in the world :-thtiieell knplnn irelch's ILVationaliCircus.and flip -IVdrome, .1P1,;1041elpi1 h,, 4n4 4(14'8 . 4 tr , ew .I prk Circus! forming tWo distinct exhibi ti*s L I ;,, . , ;1 , • - Blended together, and both giver! miler one Immen,ite Payilllon for a Single Pricoof Adnilisinn—repurta of Into-. tier cOhtpatiiee to the contrary. - not ithstaitiling; These onasolidaied companies : will exhibit at • . 1 i • Irwitrcpse,. oil Thursday !October 12th. 1 • Dopis open tii,t 2 and 7 o'clock P. 4. Performance. will . minance hall an hour after opening. Adrni.rsiort 25 eta. • i t No h#lf pike,. fas The only Legitimate Circus nowt. trair riling n Western New York, comprising 200 Men an:l hoe :0i) il, il requiring - 3p carria,„l:es nud baggage vans for the 1 conveyance of this trnly.Cello.sal Estab ishment t e tie phut ultra PlandlCar, drawn by ten heautiftlitaerenin °toe - ett Untses, rant nine 14 select - Musicians, and led 1 c:the celebrated 8. V. V. Post, Esti., will preceac the GratOl Fai -1 trisect' each - to . which will take Once at: It l r o7clk In the npjrning of t e day ef ,Hiltittltioti. 1 1 I Th6 - great 1:137, Isb CIOWn,,• Linton,. hat been Ilid,le.l to this 4Oncern. whit will appear I ri.tonlnuct ion with the eels eb - eatitSl TIM Worrell. i , ..- •-•:: i Thb great resources obtained by loomhitling, these two Extensive and itell known Troupes. isrill allow of a degree of brilliaricy being nroduiril in theit Entertainments tin paralliledin this enuntry:: and uns epassed in arty hther. A eviat variety of : Performance. he in this enuntri:, and peculiar to this *al:ill:Ito ent, will be found coMpriaed it tile hili. t and -it Is enntlaintly believed that the 'Nose! Itrill*tr and Exciting rilAresentatinns of thol Ourible -Troripe. will form a fen tn rt Pei the amusements in Anieriea, whichlwitl be rentesubered with grittlfleation for [years to I , uu.nll-' . •. ' • • -• l • • • 1 i Thell.%ht Array of Talent attached to the control dated' F.tablishment inelttlex I% great number brthe Sunat dis - te11014111.4 name. lit the Equestrian Profe.cion; ! l is ? t o f s'ilire as well knonii in Enrope as Upon this slide :of the 'Atli • ie- Among the most prominent of the liiino.trian Stari.ii • Madlio Minns:, thegreat Prussitth Eiji:est:tonne, 'Maillie El' .e,the youthful. frarles... :: W \ and fiveinating ri der, der Minnie.. ngellne, Sophie, Irene. and Jennyor teillitte v. ry hePt..clown of the age; Hiram ,W. friioklin .• V.itinrade, li. Stec on;;.. Nlilter Willie. and numerous oth- cod, 11 known to f a me il l'im unciinnied in their restiectiie depa!stertents. -For. ficb , llivrirtinn of the, inw., 4 9itie.tnt en tertilinment. to br eon. the :pier is referred tsti the di... : 1,01.4.41 re-hills at th 4printipil hn s. OA it would lie Int i posslble to give in iiilequits• idea It ir viiiii. extent and virii±ty in the limits of a newspaper ad tsement- - ; •Each tiftin•nnon's Exhibition will termini, with the ox tterrtayllaughilite Freneli Ilquestr'in Tholes. e; entitled Le 3or6ey ; while at night. the per`orman re wit..,-, iclude . withlthe great Legendary, liippodromalie Fpintaele - 74a1 St. bleorgeAtisbthe Drigon, lir:Ain-ea with till *lle nil:tit:M l A - is•ic:Sitrberl, Prep.'s. Appnlit fluent o arid Machinery motor: eil itl the National Ampi theatre. in Philadelphia : :: when_-it • had AO Unprecedented run. *The`piere alinuitils In Grand Combat., Terrible Encounters. i nnit Startling incirlent. : lentolitiling with the Grind 'Pros-to:Finn. in farm of !Rte ei-s -elite HS. Lb.! l•riners.. :mil' tho rilumph of the i11:4.11.n tl'Enicirt .- . Per further particulars see large anti small bills ::rat 11 fe;ift. _'• , , l'rjeThi. Compar.y will oleo exhibit at ItinishatritPri, the ntlt limit Bend the Pith. Susquehanna the 11th.; liarronl Lthe Elth, Mt. Plcisint the ,744 t, and linnesilale the Pith of i i . Oetober, J. w. ilAtirkFli. V' ..j. liatystr. 2.,tf.ttfl 'oir. Icel. eh...pi:tub:mai (brew:: it P. Joy nit, L. 11. (JAW ft!, agent a 1:, : for B. Lent's N: te York Circuit. ' i i 1 Fall Goods. - 1. i; rjnnw ree..eivina a fall supply' of grinds for the fall trade which will . be sold at the linvest Jro4ble, prices. Call and see. • • J. H. SUTPHIN. ij Sdaimersville, Sept. 1,5 - , 1854. • i• I. • •• the- Republican 'Freemen of 1, 1 i f Susquehanna County. IL -- *LLOW CITIZENS—In aceordaqel with iutention,l announced some ,weekii . ago, volnntarily offer *set f an Intlep`endent can.. I;:didli e , for die (tic? Of It.c:s:Ett & ItEcouncit at f,thensning General Election, and respeetfully soli It the support of all \ who ma decor 'me Worihy and w6ll qualified for the:Station; for Vcchitili I. cart. only pledge mylionost.e;ertions to lideseAve the confidence reposed in toe by toptidel :ind integrity. If honored with a majority of ,y - ou6"rec suffrages I shall Ebel proud ,to is' ter thiS respect) and happy to; /4ecord !all your[ g ood] ikeds for the ensuing three Years. JA3IES W. CHAPMAN. Alnntrose; Sept: 12, . Lew Good . s. , tGood nssortmerit—o arrive this WeCk, at 1 1 - . V low prices. Call and examine.. HAWLEY , & M[ TT. 31bntrose, Sept. 12, 1854. • • . 1; A tNEW . stnek of flia:k and Dial) Silk and Waver liats,,Of Ow latest style,i si.lting, l'eheat) at 5..:9 ;Tit Afis. . , . 11 . )LADY MADE CIA.OIIING. i:1.) LADY to order on the sivirti.- ;;-..--,-;.--x -13ATEN'r MEDICINI7,IB.—A . 5 , ‘.11(11 jn. ionsls selected assortment, is lulling Dr, ,‘.irt'ainc's, - Jayne's, and l'llirtrofi's ptepardtiotis, Wright's - and Phinney's Pills, Dayis' and Thayt's 'Pain Killer, &c., &e. .S . 3n•rti & kiEursiT:An! Br klyn, Aug. 2 1 '1834. • • , . I'-i • r ' 17( fORE New Goods jist received ,e .the , . Far. !...i.1.1 . :1 mers' Store, such las Lawns,. Giigltams, Priut's of various 5t0i....„ be fiaregt, &c., izAt. • r. , ' - . i WAR.RF.N& TILIII.R. ' . MAntrose,•JOy 21i, 1854. , • ' • I ;' - I . 1 • - 1 4 :111 1 . ieb!ak's Itupr ovegl Portable Cider . • [ I I subscriber ha vin.g.obtained an'age4y for :the abOie Mills is prepared to furnish ihose :who .May desire, with the! best Mill in: existence. advabta , res of. this Mill are, that it can be op. erated . by har7d,,horse,water or ;Stearn \pOwcr. Can :be easily moved by' two men. Can 'be oilemted in 614 orchard, barn, cellar or litcheti.ll.uhning it liyil:and, it:wili make from 10 to h4rrels !of vide', per day, by steaM from 30 to It 4.ifl make one fourth more eider, froth the Emmellitantity of apples; than the old rn&bod ; . (wl,iliPat the aidition of .itr:r.v water.)! 1"! YOfi can at all times, have, cider fresh :Wean "and SWeet: s ' With it, you ',can presS you cur-. Tantsjelierries or cbeese,:, grate your apples for apik Utter or pies. In , short, this :31111 is war. 'ranted lir the Proprietor to' be superior ItO arty Poii4ble Mill in the. world. !! ( . 1-id your Orders, or apply pers. onalls to A. !Bushrlieil, Ararat. Stiti'a Count;;; Pa. !- Zle above Mills are Manuractured solely by p. Harrisburg, Pa., and furnished at the. Miinufactureis ' A. BUSIINELL. iriirat b Aug. 30,1654+15w - 6* 1. 'l,l • • !i PILOC LA :II ATION. - f • II . : Ii GENERAL - ELECTION; I ; . •,, . • , T N pursiknce- of an 'act cif the General !tSsembly , IX Of, the Commoowealth 6f Pennsylvanii, e ntitled I !itl !!„ qct relating to the Elections of :he Coiniinn wealth," approved die second day of 491 y,, ..A. D. one . thousand eight hundred anti thirty-nine,,t G. I. ELDRED, high SheriF of the County br Sus- Inehantur. in said Commonwealth .do herebY, gire notietti, the electoil of the county nfor'eraid that a • ; Gene .1 Election will be held in said county On the 'p'ecoricf Tuesday of Octobe'r next, (it being' the: 10th iitty.dr tiaidmonth) at which time 8t ate and Conn-. 'Ay' ofripOrs a re to be elected as follows, to wit i 1 Ontf Per u to'fill the offir:e of Governor of the • ,Comosonw alth.of Penuivivania. t , ' ' 1 On per n to fit! the oftreof Canal ComMlision lOr of j4ll board of Pennsyl •ania. ic 1 .... 1 , 0_ , 114t , Person for Judiet'of the Supreme, Coart 'of I the tlommonwtsalth of Pennsylvania. i li Cinti person to fill the office (~f Member efi Coll. gress , ,tur the District composed CI I.,the counties of t . . 4 .ustp*ltanikti, Bradford and Tioza. N , :, l' ,i To'r,O pentonti, to-fill the Office of Memberalof the 1 douse ot Representatives Of the Commcinislialth of Peinitiylrania, for the- District Cemposed Of this 'ottu ties sf:SuSquehanna, Wyoining and Sfullivan.-, Orti person to fill the eflice - -of-Sheilfr - lo' the' conitOof Susquehanna. - 1 1 r •• 9 1 0 4 p e r son to - rill the officeaof Prothonotary and CleilCof Court of Quarter,Sessioits of the, Cstunty , Of fintiptehanna.. ; i r. 00 PetlMl to fill the-office of Regteter i & ecord. , er anAClerh . of the OrphatnrCoutt of therotintity of.; - Sustplehanna. • - i , . I I , i , Ono: person to fill the office of County Gontmia. 1 itione4of the County of Suit:plebe:ma 4 Otl , persoo to fill the office of Auditor 0 . 1 the i count of Sutuidellauna. : ' • ' ' -1-• , , One'-person ° t ill! the !Ores .of Corotier of the countyl.of Susquehanne..ll -' , '; ' - .- • 1..a1h0 hereby choke. kneWn and give notice that the plii:Ces.of folding the lOcneral Election in tho - several - Ward(loroughhr and Townships within the.c . ofinty of ithqushamfai are as follows ! to wit: The4Electio for the District Composed. of the township of A oincon, wi l 4 l,be held at the house of Joseph, Beebe. in said toatnthip. ~; - • ; • eil Thelictioin for the pistrzct composed of the -township - of A arat,. will !lb.° held at the .tichnol `House;-near he Yresblithritin Church, .in said township- c - ,. ii !' '• , ' The - , Electirin for the )!strict.eomposed - • or,. the 1 township of A'burn will , i ie held„ ; at the. , house, of Geer.ol Haver y - , in said thwnship. The, Eleeti u for the riiorict .composed of the towtishiP of IlAdgewater,iwill be held at;the Court Ifonsti - j in the Illorough of IMontrose.' 7 . 'Mh 01l le c lion for the. District compot4ll. of the township of grooitly - n, Will be Weld at the..hoase fornierly_oecuPied by P. A. - Eldridge in raid town ship. '. . i ' '1 'llie,Election' for. the .Ill; lie:tilection" for. the .I?isirict cm - posed' ~.. .no township of Choconni, wilt, be held at-the • School linuse4. near the house of Robert: Griffin', in said towitsltip. -.1 , 1 ' • ', 1 'rhe. r .Electidn for the Distrik icoinpOtied of the township of Clifford will belfiefd at the. house for merly itccnpied by ArthuriSinith.in the Borough 'of boudoir. 1 j , The - .Election for the District Composed of the Borough of boudoir, willibq held at thel Doodad' Ilatel,,iii.snid Borough.: ii .• - ' ; l The4ilectinii for. the DiStriet ,comPoieri !of the .. township of Munich - , will bb held at the House: of John linker, b Said township. .! ' : The Election for. the District fcomposCd of the township of Foreit Lake, 'will be Vila. at the house lately occupied by Tresertit;tll Hinds, in stdd -tosiin ship.' .. - •,' . . .The Electien for,the Dlsteint Composed 'of the township of Franklin, wit ber held abbelieusel of Rufus Tuttle, iu said. tow ship' :• . 1 - lection for the iii The Etrict .compOsd_of th'e i i i Borough of Frieudsiiille,i ill be hold in the School Ho Se in.said Borough. - i ; T e Election for '. the 'Strict .composed of the i tons ship of Great fiend, *ill be .'held at the house of Alfotl Allen, in sitid. toltinshiN The Pectinn for the , Dikrict at of the township of Gibson,.n'ill bklie:d at the house of Jo seph Washburn, in Said td,witship: ;-. • • , I . The Election for the District .composed' of the. township of Harfor4will bi, r herd at the house Lot •Istu than W. Waldriln, in eitid township. ' The Election for ; the District ;composed of olio , township of Harmony, wilt bn held' at the house lately oflcupied by P. A. itrard,,iti said town4lo. The Election for : the bistric( composed of the township of Herrick, will be held pt the house.of the lute ‘l'tirrtla Ditnock, in nai l d tnwhship. , '..-T-lie ; election for the District ;composed . of the township of Jacksou, will be held at the house - of '!t-titti niel 111 i 11, in sat. rottishiy. l- . • .. • 1 1 . • ' , t ) The Election for the witriet icomposed of the township of Jessup, n•ill ,tiiit held at the house! of Daniel Hoff, in said townohip.• . 1 .. 1' The I. l ;klction for the Liiiittict :composed of the township (if •Leno.x;.will be held at tlib -- housel of Grow•-&- Brothers, in said township. • ___ ___ L The Election or the Distriet 'composed of the t4witrlllp of , Libe ty, will;; be. held at the -,r3cliool Douse upscale r sidencoLof Isaac Comstock,' in said township. 1 The.E!Nction or the District 'composed of the: townshlp cif L'atl rop. will lie held. at the house! of • • lishn Lord, in s ‘id township. - ' , . •• ' j zike.E.ilection •orf the . )istrict: 'corripbsed of 'tlie townsiii v of ',lliil letoWn, i cill be held. it the hoUse of Joseph .s,i 1- said to cnship. .. . - ~ ' El The ectii 111 .for -:tbe.. District composed of !the ~... Borough - of Motifie, %clll be hell at the . COurt House' in said Idorott'`a*.c 1-, 'The :Election for the'V„stricti composed of ; the.; township of New i Milord ' bti beldp:t the house lately occupied bb. : Joseph' 2.. 1 ' in '',said, Loan, ship. • .--j . .); • •' • • The 'Election for the :: : , istrict ! corn sed- of , the township.of Olikland,..ivi4 : be ,held at the use. of R.•Niciii, in the borough' *lt Snsimehanua. ' ' • The Election for the. District .composed of Citie s township. of MIA. 'will' be; held at the - house ftWiner-- ly oecnpied by_ N. J., She6rootl, iii said town !Ili,. /? The Election for the. District composed f the toivrish . o of Springville, Will belield at the houie of Speueet Hichox, in Rtid . : . :OWllSilip. - The Election foi the • :District; composed of the township of Silver Lake, will be lheld at the !lease now occ . upied by Robert ilicGetikle, in said town- sitip. ...i The Election for the 'I hstrict composed od the Bilirough' of Siisquehan a a Depot. will be held a(the house of . Elliot Benson, now Ocetqiied by . 11. Nicol, in `.said Sforot4l. t j • • ' ,:1 f! the • The Election for, the District j eompoSed o , township of Throniton, w:it be held at the hotise of iro'ilas 4landin g , in said taivoship. ' . alsb make - known nild --- g - iv e!not ice -as in nna by l the yltivseetion of - the i l'Ortsaiti act I aml.di-: ' rected, :" that every' pers"Ori ~ .N.Tept Justices (l i the pwice, *ho•shall-iiiii ati i flive or appointment .! of refit or trust under ifie United Stales, Or of Ois.Shite, or of cult/ city Or iffe`Orporited distOot,- 1 whether:a commil.iioneirofficer or otherw i-ie, a 1 subordihrite °Meer or al.ient . wlio is, or shall i'he, i employed unddr the legisiativeijudiepry or l ex- i eeutive depart ment of this'StaWor United St4es, or' any city or. incorporated district,; and also,,'llia t. I eery Member of C. - mgrds.4,-iniltof the State 14e, z - islattirei and of the sele4 . or coMinon councd of'' any : city, or commlssionqs of 'any incorporilted distriet;!is by laic. incapable of holding or -o,ier- cisinrr at the same time,' he OfUeo appoint:trent of Judc4e, Inspector, or he Of an - c:ceti - e4 . 1 of 1 .i thisC . ' , 3innionWealthor Niat 'no Inspector I or , Jild,ie dr otiva officer of, any such election, shall be eligible to any oftiee alien to-le Voted for - 1' And lisliho same act pf . Assembly it is f aho made -the duty of every. Mayor, Sheriff, Deputy Sheriff, ..illtlertnan.Justierl cif the •leace, ,conSta bje of t)cputy Constable, * lof even city' cotintv, township or"district. within this:!Columonweiqiit, W'henev'er called upon V:ln Ofliter of an election, or be . three qualified ele4tors thbreot,. to cleartaziy wind i,r avenue to atkk;windew ofthe Phie.',' of General , Election which ;shall lie obstructed; in such a way as to prevent ;riders from approach hl; the same; and it . shall be 'the dtity of the resOct ite. Con - Stable of such ward, district or township Within this CoMmonwealth; . to be present in.!Per:. .ion'or ty'depiity, at the :place l ii,f ,hold'..n,g 4ich Elections, in.sueli ward, district or township; for tht-purpose of Preerving_ the, peace as a trre said:" -;; . - - I Also that in the 4th section of the net . ofd.. sembly.iltitled," An act lielating to execute and ior :nther purtioses,' , ,lapprOced April. 10 1840, ibis enacted that tiie aftio...siad 13th tion,44shall,not be eonstided aS, to prevent' any militia_Otlicer or borougyfdlicer froth' seiving as Judge, Inspector, or Clerk i at any general orlsPc7 vial Elebtion in this:CorMiton*Calth.7 -4 I ' Purstfant to the provi4ions . eontained in 'pe 76th section Of the net aforesaid, the Judge.i•of the afe'resaid - 'distriel shall ' respectivelv t'ahe charge q the certificate dr return of the election of their') 'espeetive districts, iintkoduetheto:nt.ae meetingief one Judge fro each district at! the Court House in the Botaingh 'Of Mentrosel {on the third day after the day s .otelection, being'ilte present .year on Friday, the 13t1i day Of October next, th'pre to d 4 and per*?rtn the duties rem.tired by law of. said judges,. Also that where a 31cdge by sickness or unavoidable.accident is unable to, attend said meeting of Judges, - then the cdrtiti.., cate,or return aforesaid shrill be taken charei of; by one 'of the InsPectors oiClerks of the election; of said district, who shairlik. aria perforratlle-du= tiesiregnired of sill.] judge unable to nitend t Also that in the Slit se'ctionklf. said act ft:ls enacted;t.at 4. when twoalf more counties stall compes'il - a district Air thefehoice 'of svmembb or tnemberS of the Senate 'of i ttbisConfrionWealtl . or of the House of. 11.`epresenfiltives Of ;the lluted States dr of thiS CoinitionWealth, the Judges, of the election in each countli, haying:met as aftlre-. said, the 'Clerks shall titakii, out a fair istateink..nt of all the votes which shall . have', been ;givell at such eleCtion within the county; for every perlion v0t.4.-d fair as Snell a membjr -or f members Which :shall he ;signed by said hikes i and 'attested I by. 'the Clerks: ,and ono • orthe shill Judges l , hall take cUrge of such certiq.ate Und'shall.prod'Xie the saute at n . meetina of pne , Judge from e,tcli . coinly,„tit suc hplace - in sueli district; :14 isor may be, ppointed by law for* purpose, which nieet ing shall .be. held on the s/veatit : day aftet elec. - tioth; . ; l ' ' , . , , . . The return Judges of Ole RePresentative‘His triet. coniposed of the counties Of Susimeh . tina, Wyoming . and Sullivan, 41 M e et at the ours Howse Itithe Borough of foutrosein the .ohn ty of 84,S4itettanna on 'rudsdayilie • Sivent, entb 44 : of October next, to pl i ferni those dutie en joinedVy Inw upon the Si ilicirS• . ' I :- . - itiS also directed that Om" meeting of' th ire-; turn intlgres for the 13th pon7;ii•sslonnt, di tract to makelolit the returns feflamieber of Con4rea.s.- shall.bef at tlie.f..lourt. Ilotele..in;the Boron,t I of Towandaon ,the .7th daY after the electiOn, s liteh, wITI be - en the 17t1i day efiPetober.; ' • -,. Alsd,ithat in-tim.6lSt ,scietion of ,said act, it! is enatitedipat'" every gene I and sjreeial elcitien shall 13eo1rcnod between .# Aft *and . Ten it] the ,' .• ii . 1 1 . . , . •,I - i _ , „ forenoon, ',and shall eontinue' . withont interruption . or adjotirriment Until Seven o'clockin the evo, ning when tins : polls shall beelosed." . _ . . . AN Actfor the Suppression of th'Manufacture:. and e. Gale cf Intoxicating LigtOrs- as' a ,Iles-;,., craie ' • H • I : • • : ~ WiIEitEAS, All IaWS to be e , M cie n t should bave the approbation and sanction of the People:; Aid Whe'reasi It. is represented! that a large:{ number, it not . a_triajorify, of the citizens of this! . CoulinonWealth, are .de'eply impressed. With the'; neeetisity ;of the passage of a Prohibitory 'Liquor Law.: 1 ', f : :, And Whereas, It i§ ithposSiblo to obtain a cer-1 twin indiCation of" popular sentiment relating ~, thereto by means of petitiOns and.tomenstranco:i Therefore, - i = - i ~- • -c,. • . : ,: 1 U. : Be I,it enacted by /lie Senate ;and lig-rise of . `Re?esertttfres of the PoMmomeeldfih'rl Peintsyl-: vania in tienertzi. Assembly met, anti it i:: /i'ere; . by enacted by alithority .•.of the . .saMP,.7llllt, the'' qintlitled -Voters of f this COU'lnionw6llll are liere-1 by authorized at the places for bolding the , z gen-1 feral elections In their respective wards, boroughs'i and townships, 'on' the secolid Tuesday Of.Octo. ber next., - to .tutu fur and against la Ji , which shall - entirely prohibit by proper;and ‘lontititu-i., tionnl regulations and penalties, 60 manufacture] and sale. of intoxicating-liquors, exCept formedi , .. cal, bat:mine:An!, mechanical and artistical put.. Doses. , - , . • 12. . Thiiethe.ofneers authorized by lay to hold - ' •nw .!' . , elections in each ward, b orough,andlownship, Of this CormhonWealth, are heray directcdand re quired at the place fi xed bv, law; in - the . Several - ti '' districts; tbr the 'lolling of the general, lections id t.qud di4riets," on the 'second:l'44 M ay' f Octo- ' ,her next, when they Shall.- be ,or ' ras •an 1 election bOard, to receive frmu eitch`qua Wed vo-. ter. of their said districts, a ticket written fi , r print- j ed .on • thej outside, "Prohibitory rLiquer Law:' I • and the tickets in N ' favorof the proosed law shall ieontain on the inside the words " For a 'r.oltibi- tory, LiquOr'Law," and those opposed to ; the law , Shall contain en the insida the words "lAgain - sfi the. prohibitory Liquor Law," which votes shall ,= i be counted and '\ returned to th e court louse of • the counties or city, in which the!Finid election .sh4ll be held; or theftillfrwing Friday b the, re-. turn Judges, who shall ,en.d up"and . certi y all the Votes ptillo in said - county or city', to t e Mike; of the' :......ceretriry of the Counnonwenith 'at Har risburg; directed and transtnitteif in 1 e same. manner aii l the: votes for Governor are i equiredi to be trantanitted, .and said Secrillavy shall on: the 'third 'friday of January next !ensuing, cotn-1, municate the said returnsto the, Legislature, to I be openeitand 'counted lit the stun°. rorinner .as 11 the votes .for Governor are opened and !iriuntedd l ..and : eiinsi4red' as the prayer of t 4 voters of this Commonwealth relative to ,a, Prolubithry : Liquor ,Law. ';: , . . . . 3. That all the election laws okhe State pre-= scribing the hours Of opening and Closing the( polls—the; receptiOn hf votes, the 'punishment ofj illegal voting, th e defraying t h e expenses of pub-t i lieation, and holding of the gteral elections; and return of= the same , aini. all Otier mattetS int eldeut thereto, be and the - same are declared op. ; plieable.ti.i the electiqn above authorized .- - . • ;4. That it ,hall he the duty, athN Sheriffs o f the se% era! counties of this Cotinnonwealth to; insert a copy 'etthis net in the prOclamation fur thi. gilnerat,election held' on the skicondTnesdayl . o f 000lwr next.. • 1 . E. B r glASE;Spenlter of the !louse of Repre-j . 1 SenhtiveA.- . ' • I - , - M. S 'CASLIN, Sinker oT theSennfo. : • A prrrott PL.—The i wen ty.eighth i day of Aiiril'; one thi.iusand eight hundred and fift-four.' ,i . r r NViI:BIGLER. --, Given.nndpi My !land, nt myi office, in Ilui Borough cif Mtintrose, this. 13th (lay )f tYleptenri her Anno Domini 185-Ir.:and in the. year of . thin Commonwealth the . ,?erenty-eitT.h(li. G. B. ELDRED. Sher'll: • . . New .Godds • A .•WE IP is now reec vini , his Fa'll‘ Tie t.:Tlyey having been sing ex tretnely e sold at the lywest price fot renav pr.y. • . • .Ifontrose, ecjit. 12, 1 AUJTIO ITILL 1?e, sold' at public Midi% V - rlf the sulmeriber„ in Frani &tn . the 23,1 f inst., nine . iisi'eloek, A remainiug stock of G6ods,consi4 Dry Goals, GrrirPi•ics, alai; if- C „ Also, the S't,Yre House, Dwelliner'd in lmpletnents, Household FuF Lumber,'and a thousand articles named in in.advertisement: - For see hamlhills,.. ST ILLNIA. Sept. 12, 185-1. - . ---, - - • Auditor's Noti . Notre, ' - '“ 1 . • 1 . . irlIE _undert.itmed, auditor af,pointed by . tbq L . Orphan's .eilust. to distribut+ the. nioney in, the hnnds id _the toltninitrafors iie the eslatti . of Esacli Thayre, cleyeased, among: t! proper ered4 itors, trill atterid to the same at his office on Bei urilay the 1411 i day of October neit. alto o'cloc k A..-M. Those' interested are notified to appea4 and :Fe sent their claims.. • • . 8., . . . N. NEWTON,Auditor. i 'Afinitrose,,Sept. 7, 1854; . • '4'w • . . I - .. . AYER'S PILLS; - - , . - -0 2. ,,,,--, . ..\- ... A NEW and eirtenlarly enecessful: :• - a 1.--, remedy for the ure of all Dills! i ':'l. - . loos diseases—oust ernes. redigne-1 , i - '..1 - ?.: , `e) ' Den, Jaundice. Dro ey i itheennatisluvi. . - - ii.,.--er • Fevers, Gout, liumere,' Sterrett enees, !..-..e, lt, Pains .... lrritebility,infieuuationi,lielitlachej - e ie , in the Dreeet.itii,le, Back, andi je Imee.et.„,e- 'Limbs, Female Comp lainte."&e., dcej. a indeed. very few are the diseased in, which a Peng - sties,: I . 3ledistine fe not? more or It ss' requirea, anittunel t ,sieknilts and 'suffering/ . might he prevented. if a herndess hut effeet nal Cathartici weremore freely used. No person can feed well while a{ costive habit of hotly - prevail!. ; besides le snots. generates: serous and often fatal diseases; whiriit Might have been:: I avoided by the timely and judieleux ace of a gorail.purga; I tire. Tine is alike true of Colds, Fererish• Symptom., .undl Milieu,: derangements. They nil tend to ;become or pro-I dui, the Janes seated one formidable distempers which Medi, - the beat-es all over the land. Venue a resiabirt - amIlY Phve - !: I is is of the fleet importance to.t he. public ;heeith„ an I thisl 1 -Pill has been perfected with c'ensummitte Skill to meet that] demand. Au.sctenslve trial of its,eirtuee by 'Physiciaus,i Profesenrs. and Patiente, bee sliciwn results sarpastingl: any , thing hitherto known of tiny medicine. Cures hare;' been effected beyond belief, ITOrP , they not substantiated!', 'be persons of such exalted Po•itiou' ad character as to forbkl the suepdcion of .tp. teeth ; i , ' Amon:: the Mem eminent gentlemen who bare testified! , in favor of three Pilli.'we may mention': l i ' ' I I Dr. A. Itayee, Anelyt lead tilientiet, of ll' sten, and State!, Assayer of Aleeen chneetts. whose high piOfessionel charae- ! ; ter 1,. endorsed by the lion ::Edward Erere t„Senator of then 17:S4.Ite.bertt.l. Winthrop, -Ex-Speaker_ef. the-110MT of 'itepreseutatires; Abbott Lawrence. Minis 'er Tien: to Erig-s lend; John it. Fits pet rieit. Cat h Bishop of Boston. - A bo,I ' Dr. J , It. Milton, Praetleal 'Chemist, of , New. York (Ste t !, endorsed by lion. W. L. Marcy, Secretary of State ;.- Wrn.i . id. Actor, the richest man. in America; S Leland 'ilk. C o., t Proprietors of the di eta opolitan lletel. and others. - ' 1 - Did space permit we enulgivet many hundred eertifieates I from all parte where-the Pi is have been liked, but cridencel ev e n more ennvineine thanithe exp erienest of eminent telbet; lie men is found in their effects npOn Le At. i These Piller, the result of; long iniestiseetionemil etudy.; are offered to the !labile air the best 'an,.. most complete] which the present elate 'of medical leien ,e..teux afford.—? . They arc cotnpoemiliel not of the drnee themselves, but oft the medicinal eirture only of Vegetable thrtelles,extrattelt hr eltemleal pteaceed in a state of purity, 'and combined • to=n getllt.rin Furl' a mintier as to insure the beet restate in erstem of enuipeeitlen for medleinee has been found in the, . \Cherry' Pectoral mudyill A boil., to penance a more tejleittabi ' remedy time ha-1 hitherto beers obtained by any process. --•e The reason is perfectly obtiocia. 'While by the old made: of eompoeition. every medicine Is' burdened with more tee: less t. , f acrimonious and injutioue quelitiee k by this earbil ' Individual virtue only that Is desired for the curative effeet.l le present. All the inert end olinoxiees tittaliticti of each: substance entbleyed are left behitel. the turatlre virtneid only being it:tato-ed. Bence it is sief-ev liend the effeetot ehonid peeve tee they have proved mere ll , urely reniediail end the Pills it purer. 'more posetrflil- anthiete to disease than any nther medicine enewu to-the world. I As it is fre- 4 'teeny expedient teat any meelleine ehould be' taken under the. counsel of an etteedina . Myth:hin t and al h e mold not properly judge ..f a remedy Withitut kitewitA its eentimeitiou. I hare supplied the aecuate Formula- by which both My Pectoral and Pillir ore mdde to the whohe body of Praltittoners in the 'Cuffed eetktes and „ British!' A taerirau Presetwes. If there ehould be any ens' i who hai not received them, they etill be promptiY ferried - 1 ea lie mall 4 n hie address. ' - ''l,,• . - - ' . i 0f ; nil the Patent Medieinee that are • ITexed, bow fewi would be token if their entupealtion we. latown I Their: . life eonslits in their Mystery. I have no teeter:les , ' I Thee mipesitien sleety preperattone is Iliad open _Di alt men ,an•l all who are competent to Judge. mi' the eubjee4' 'freely ankfionledge Chair ennyletitius of tltr intriutile meet it.' - The eltette rVyctotest wad pretwoune.,:e reel entifie mo i l to be a .woteberfiti Medicine before its effeets were known I Ilatty'entins ut Physicians have declared t e Fame thing re my Pills , an, peen titorit eitufl.leittlY t .stn are wiiiing, tsi 'certify that their stnthelPetinus were te\ere hen realised by, their elfeete up .n trial. . . . They (+perste. by theirpeirerful Inn teen on ; the Internal, e t seev e, t o einify the blood andstimulotef Into hesitY Pe*, tion—renistro art otetruetihnSof the obi eels: howels,tivd err and ether ernand of the body.. reetorin " their Irregnial artidet to health. and. by correelling;e Wit . tr they exist - eneit derametments as are time fleet nrigln; thecae*. 1 g: tieinenvie Wratmed they are'pledeant take, and: het ing purely veget,ble, no hdren can arise brit their use in any quantity. ' . . -. • , vor mionte - , pr. , ,ti0ri...0,..v.r.App,,,r on beeline. - ' s Prenare•l hYSAM Vs Co' A Fdt id, Prertleal and Analytical Chemist, ''Lowell, Masi. Price •2,4 cents per Box. Fireßotte r , . ex fee Ai. •-• • SOLD BY A. Yeirreit. Atentreee ;it: F. i R. TI. kattts! thirfitril; Church & .Pitleury,, ,Dtirtaff; /.... Scott. great" Bend. By all -Drueziste-and. Real.rdiell 31 tielIctillo OvelY 4 where. • - ...ffept.l3—Z - tutie ; - ' / • i . . . . •• - •- • ~ - HyogaNA. • --- : . fli . .. Brhught Home : to the Ciorf.'ot.tie .4filiion.. , k WONDERFUL DiscoverY ,hits reeently:Leen Made by 1 - 1.- Dr. Curtis, ot t this.dly. In the treatment ..of COttituttp-'1 than; Asthma- sad all diseases of the Lung.. We refer 'Di t. Dr. Curtis' Ilytteans, or Inhaling. Itygema , Vapor and: Syrup:" . With this new methOd Dr.:C. has .rastored many I afflicted ones to perfeht health , i as an eildence of which he has innumerable certificates. - c Freaitig of the treatment, a physlci.an remarks :'lt Is evident that inhallatp-olosts tent ly breathing an agreeable, :feeling. vapor, the medicinal ! nroPertia• must tome In direct confect with the - Whote of; the Arial cavity of the lungs, and thus escape the many and 'varied changes produced upon them when introdurrsl into 1 the stomach, and subjectedle the Process of db i li vs ition.— The , e Ifygeana ls..for Sate at all the druggists throe ut the country.... . . ' . '' l -. , • • Nits York'petchetan of, JO. Lt. 'The Inhaler is worann the lirea4l under the linen _.wittl- :I out the least incotivenleneo..the heat of the body beng sufficient to evaporate the fluhl. . . 'i • . • Hundreds of CAS ES of cuntS no the rollowil4c might be named. One Packne,e of Ilygea-4. has cured me or the ASTHMA aria year., standing. i - . I .P. ' . Jas. gei.herry, P. M.,"o"Daneantzair, Pa. I am cored of the ASTHMA o r in years Mondial . by Dr. Curtis' Ilygeana. ! , : . -... I . - : 1 - , • Margaret Easton, Drootlyt,t,.Y. T. \. 51ra. Paul of No: 5 Matornond St. N. Y., was. cured of a torero else of Brom:410U by the liyireana. ' • f 1 51y,sis er has been' cured of a DISTRESSING COUGH of 44 'Tellkfrate Standen;, and decided to be Incurable by her physicians. She was cured in ONE; MONTI( by. the Ily ! genus. 1 N,.. . . . , D J. If Gaubert, P.M., Riehtrianfl . Me. e t i • Pric ree lllnrs-n rackago.— Soil by tIURTIISI ts. PER "t ii,' Sc ß INS O I'D .34\l'Atil. No. 119 Chismbern St. N. ,-4 Package sent fteeh‘kesprers. to stay part of ti Yi ns United States fo Ten Dollar& -,. • N. if 4CUTtife Rygeatm. is the QUOIN - AL and ONLY 0 EMIL I: ARTICLE, all'ethers are base ititmitations or vUe and i INJURIOUS counberfeit s. .1 Shun 'Urea as 4' on A would POISON . . ~ 371,1—Viasther al., dere. • . • STOVES & WAxE For S mquekluunt 'County. )- :CI;X LATHROP. & Go. wc! 144 . 1kag tO • retprn thanks to their file ds tOr 11 eirliti f eral patronage fur the last venr and hOpe they will continue their favors,: *id& *e hope - paper- - it by strict attention to busineSs, and low; prices. tiro hOive, the most approved patterus of provis ever brought into this market,lamotig*htch may be fotihd I. • . - STAR OF THE WESTEkrated Oven:) CULTIVAM'OR: • , 1 ! I `, • PARAGON,. I.:TY :WORLD,r * GLOBE,. _ • ATLA • '• TUB. J E sTATEE;aIt Air Tight, and -nth: ers too numerous to mention; . ' • -We!aW) have .on hand: a large . assortment of Tin.W r ate of a heavy quality, expressly f4r home tradif, Cistery and Well Putns-Of all desOptimis,' lead Pipe of all reels for chain punips, Ac. Job work - don'e with neatness and despatch; All kinds of.produce takV,n, approvecl . credit given.! GiVe us a call if you. please. • Shop. on Jlain Street, directly opposite the Dem. Office.. X.. D. LATHROP, . • -8. A. WOODRUFF.; • Cash paid' for Fuys by L. & W.:• , L Steves for the reople.l ilk subscriber is now receiving his Fall and . „I m . Winter stock of•Stuyes, Which, w4n plete, will be the largest and.best selected assort ment ever offered to the inhabi6nis nf `Siisq6e lianna!Coanty.• This stock will consist [of spine twenty, different patterns !of woixtand entd, Cook int* an Parlor,r besides! any quantity of 'six Plate, and Office stuve.s !• . • • 1' • The Andersigned flatters himself that his lung experience Stove business, and Its' facili ties for manufacturing his own furniture and Pipe,. -enables him to sell, not Only Triiemings&c.; but. Stov4s, Chu/p I:o4th hny - of his competitors........ lIe•w,ill se.II-Stove pipe,- made, of the . hist Eng; .lisli•and American iron, at t3:pts per lb. and ..oth-- er fut)iturc in 'proportion., Notwithstanding the present: high-prico of Iron and the conc•quent advance of castings, I am en-, abled to sell stores at oil prices, :and man4yinds.. at about two thirds of - the Price that they have been sold for in this vicinity, for instance, Clin ton Air .Tight, Elevated' oven,: With trimmings of the best quality at $24. With second qlnality of trim stings, such as are usually kept by merchants, at $22. 'Other kinds of Stoves"; in, propirtion,for cash, or short; tiinepaper.': Jobbing of all kinds done at my sh p. Old Iron, Copper &e., t r akk in •• . - • J. DICK.ER)IiNN, Jr. New!Milford, _2111004 - t the sti)rq §iiturk Atiro •- - . 7 - NT:ojick: is hereby given that LetteA Testa-, lvv mentary upon the estate .of Jae b-I.yoni Alec',!, late Of • Herrick township, have been - ,orar.- 'to the subseriber. - 'persons indebted to sar. state. are hereby re4uested to make imme diate —,vment, and thoge having elahlig upon said o present them duly attested for set tlement. . Gco. Acker.. Herrick, Sepi> . 1854-36:0 • l ing of e,. aps, rd Lot i:Farmi niture,. • Briel4 em - Jot be terms of. sale Administr- ix' Notice:: x - roTicE is IMreliy: gi‘.. 'that letterlli testa 1\- mentary „ upon .the.:est;i 3fartin' :Han nun, deed, late r f the tOtvitship have I) , :en granted to .thtt.suliscribe 111 per idns•indebted to said estate ure hereby * ,egnest fd 'to make immediate p*uot, av 7 "iik elaints upon. said estate tit present thtit:.' attested for settlement. ' • : • mIRIA.ITAmvs, Aduirx. 1• ' • • sfititilelown, Aug. i185,4.=45w0 FULLER. Book 4 'Drug P.ltoTe.r, /it - sututetlber wculd inform the inhabit:anti alto andsattnandinge,tuntry,thatt he hatigreat lyputargea and improved his Store, and filled tip*lth a large and complete ags . nrtutent., ,nf-Palatp, quiz, Dye. woods,Dye-stutTP; IV,nlitur Cameo, Sash, Putty, Varnish stlitrushes. • _ -_ • t I Paten t %le licinee.‘.lh a latvenre,Perfutn ery, Yan kee Nofrona ;Confect', r.ery ,Toiletartieles. anda l ltartieles usually-kept in nay. gtablialtment of the kind.; Also 'on hand a laft. e assortsilent of • , , Paperrtanffinn,!te. - cce.,ahich heir prepared to sell on as reasonableterms aslany state in the country) DO C7'. .4111 ES GRIFFIN :II Also keeps In same room a general o assortment-of the Cnorcasr warms:carefully selected, prepartd and su perintended by hintself,for his-Pernaccommodati nand the benefit or the..publie. . 1 1. • . , nuitders.Painters, PhysiCians, School Teachrsindec,l all classes and prarendonit wishing tOplirthase a e Invited to cailand sector themselves. - M: pcot4, Would inforni his former patrons that he has .in connection with his other bassinet , * a full assortment of Roots and-:Shoes some which fi e can! warrant and Nell as reasonable as can be height at any oth er plaCe in the country.. 1: N • L. COTT,' Directly over John Meititiney'sS.'tore\ on 1 • ' the It: K4odersville.... March 7th, llts4.—tf. T \ - • • Admintstrator'S Sale. xrOTiCE is hereby . lgiVen; that by Virtue of 1,1 an order.of sale, I; i ised from the Orphan's Court of Su-quelianna County the folloWing des. eribed prOperty late the estate: Timhthy D. ;Shay, deed.. will be expOsPd to public Is:0e by vendue, on Saturday the 33, - 1 day of, September neit: Bounded north" by, lands of ThOmas .Howo and John Direhard,•east by lands of Chas. Webster and . Erastioi - Cole, of • AlielShermUn, Matthew Melieebr andiEritstus Cote, and West by lands ofJudiori - Burr,eOntain. ing 154 neres wore or less, Ott u hick thbrs is au' improvement of about 1i 00 nen*, good "house, barn, wagon-house, two orehards,Ate. &c. Sale to be, held upon the premiSes in First Lake township at one.6'eloel: 'l'. 31. ,Terms I of. pay ment,tuadminoWo on - day or sale. • • " BENJI.MINSIIIAY, ;AU;. 1851-35w4 . " I I A . ~ • - .- • . Pumps! Pumps I! •:1 rr INE greatest - improretnent , *of the. go.! .C. / 4 J. IL-Williams'. Patent DOnlyle -- Act 6g Ball, Valve. Force and Lift Pump., .Aa be r remept alyuil) all other. Fumps :or -machines.. fot' lifting and throwing water • cotubiuing bo .a..pnlitpand Fire Engine. Thii i Patap, patcntedirt February, 1454, is the whole of f.x. it....teetzlie, no ;bolts or :=crews about it to 'rust. conseiluertntlyet : will' titan'slast'titan's life One: - h can used a every variety of form, enridraW . water froth.- ettysitua-' that anti carry. it, to any part. el•a_ houite,.it .is superior to All other ..pumpi for distillefics.-Ps. per Mills, Tatincrictillekk - ;bards, iron!: Works Lund Itlannfaeturitig - establisli4irthr of all Ital.' Ali. orders must be addressed to Addbion:Ditn mick, Letleriiill i e, Pa., Who , has bought the sole right . foeSusAuelatuna.CouatV . -- .. I s Aug. 29/1854.-4M: i• . - 1 - - — NOTICE4 .. ' I , IitHEREAS, my wife 31.ygirot Er4lebrenk, ! has - left my ted and hi:mut wi;hopL ennse or!provoention. Now ilierefoTtythis ti) forbid' n 11: persons Troni harboring , or" rrustind 1111 r on my nekoniit, ns4 A 11 pnY DO debts.of her ontract,:, k . i nn4 it less-comp 41nd by iaw.l .; l' . -, ? . -.: :cost:Ati Es o L EantAg . 01:m*ootl, &lit. 4, 13.5:1-6w3 :. ',l 1 • . 'Administratoi'i Notice; BOOKS ,f STA 77(?_VER Y. TIME CHANGED. gaisis . Delaware, Lackawat!.tut I*. W.8:8. FALL AItR I ANG I E MENT Monday; after onday; ?tug. 14,1854, the Mail' kj Passenger Train will leave Scranton att4.lo, Dtie at Great Rend at 10.30, A. M. - . Connecting with , the Mail. train-bound East on' the N. Y. & E. R. IL, which arrives in New York ! . at 10.15, P. M. 4 Return. wit, leaf° Great Bind on the arrivat of, the Buffalo Eicpress bound West, (1.30 SO! which.departa,Tram.New Yoik at -6‘ A.. td.,—atid; arrives at Scranton at 4:10, r.; at. • The Freight Accominodaiten Train: with pass.' eniTer car attached, will depart from Scranton at`' 1.4%; 11. M g due at Great Bead at 6;.r. li g e° ing with the Mail . Train. Vound Weat, a thel Night Express Tpins boned both &stand est: Reterning,'will depart front Great Bend at 7, s. in., and arrive at *Tauten, ,11.30, A. M. Stages will be in waiting en the arrival of Pas . senffer Trains at Scranton. toiconvey passengerni, to Carbondale, Pittston Wilkes-Barre Philadel-.1 phia via the Reading li,. RI., Easton, arida other:, intermediate places. H. DO*TERER, Sop't. Stip't Office, Scranton, . Aug. - 10, 1854. 525th Now Goods TUST received a seceditatoc r or Spring and Sunimer Goods, add .fu ` aale on: the usual BEN Montrose,lene 1, 1854. *r. S. Hope, Aar neighbo with the above:modest adver =EI Farmers' Union I < manes Ce ~,Office, Atlwns , Bradford t _Counly,..Pitin f a. - CAPITAL 2 0,000 sr.CUILE BY BONDS AND ilt SGAGES OB REJIL ESTATE.. . INSURE lo&s - by ira,tiouses,Sto and other buildings, Goo Wares, and Mr cbandis e, on as '.favorable terms ms any shut r ' Institution. Losses . promptiy adjusted and paid. . tilikEvr oxts. 4 ' ' lion liornee CVitlistocl,Fr netsTyier, Geo. A._ Perkins, J.' T. Dellver.. ,F.- Wtilles,...Tr.; J. *E. • Canfield, 'Athens ; . John I.Aporte, T4wanda: Gen. Bradter Wakermit, Lx eeyville : :deo. M. ilpilenbagiOitilkesbarre.; eliael - .slylert;Lvnite, • - F OFFICERS._'. • - • . . . lion. llorace 'Williston, Pres.; C. F. `, : ones, jr. Vire Pres. and Treni_.;l: E..ganfield, See, ' Address, g A. G:Aylii,Fd, Wy.FLlnsing, Bri , Ford - • 2 To the - ROadmg Publio Of Suslueltynna COUIti ,and Vicinito: • riniE.urdersigned is, now kepareii tO send to .l ordor, by nisi! pn.st-paiqany Book publish ed in ttii.s country, on the receipt et the rice-of the same. All order will meet viith protapt at tention and Books sail by'return mail.' Address WM. IL. LEACH; : Worcester DepiA, Boston, 31ass ; :Sept. 6,18,54,36m3 1,. - ' * J. Lyons '& Son -- ' fIE - ALERS in Dry GontlS 4 Hardware; rertirk. erY,Groccriol, B4oks,lNlelodeonic&e. 4 &c. Also carry- on the Book Binding business, Pub lie.Avenue, Montrose, Va. J. taiks. - T. A. LYoms. . , . •To thO • T the : store:of Abel •Turee/1, lgontrnip Pit„ way' 1)6 found, first into *ortrnent: of Drugs, ltedieines, Druggist l / 2 i Glass:irare, Paints,' - Oils, Brindles, Dye=stuffs,-Groceries, Yankee No.. tions, Onie dry Goods, musitai Instrnments :- Strings, .31aterials for • Ligi ts, Pocket. Knives, ,Spoorks,_Jewelry, Perfutnery &c. &c. „ , ' Persons winning any: articles in the aforesaid 'i.,ieliartr4ents, (and also some others not ._natned,) . nie,festeetliiiip invited to . mill - arid examine . be.. fore Ihet.purchase. By so doing:their interesti :nay be:pr,otnoted.: , C - 47 Isilren- you come to Montrose. do not fOr get to cull At: • . - TURItE f LL'S. - - E n g l ish Lcorzr . Witchei• ', ' 1 1 - ,.. - ..•,, : ryinzsG:'6fxriptir takes plests - J 1... Ure 'in , irifortning his , :12 - :- . " frien* that/he has thiSl day • / ';? : , - 4. received [from Liverpool' per' - ' ' ll - ''. ,:''...".` steamer [from a large in-' gt,. -•4 1 9 C - voice of his unrivaled English. 4k kw, ~.. ...,:- . ..t.- -- . - Lever Watches. • The'present invoice comprises six. - different,. *warietier., in: plain and hunting eases, full' jewelled ami, plain,' also some extra tine movetants, which:_he'ooll. - putt intgeld cases of any desirable.: ',A•ei l ght, or p erm . . ~, . ~ -- r• ... - ) ° ALM:ED J. EVANS.. , N0..2, OddTellowa Hall, - Bingharr,ton July 26, 1854. - c" . • -& . • TN gre • variety, , considerable quantity, saperi k or quail • and cheap for bash; or to exchange for most kinds meiebautahle produce, on good. terms. //is stoe f Sugars, Tens, TobaecO,Spi. eel, &c., beiut so uNktrour, he deems it only nee eisarc to-say.' tha* - ilninkt anything in' the Gro. eery fine used by fainilies, .he found uportinqui. .ry and 'consequently tumuli! than ~ i s considered superfluous. -In particular he a- d'ask-an exam ination of his Cd-Silgtir,2s. Tobiec and-r i 4s Tea. A deduction worth saving made to th 'lab° bu y in large quantitiei. I . 1. N. BUWARD. • Vontros 1554. • . To 'the Citizens of i Susquehanna , . County. : '. ', ' R 7 T 'ld respectfully call the [ vraegenillilr;kof B a Persona " l i n Susquehanna County , and Vicinity to their large and , wall selected stock of Dry Goode aturCarp etawhlch consist of all the fashionable and seasonable Goods now in wagon, Goods suited both for the grave and tbegay. and In fact all of thedifferent ,stytes of goods which can be called for or thought of. Ire str,rde termined not ter he undersotd, and if Yon will beim/ 11 pda' to taros us with a. call we will make, our word good. Our stock of Dress Goole conaists in patrnf . • ' - Black, Brocade, Plaid, SisiPc• ( % i banreable, and. Linings Fig.and Plain . Wool Delaines,.Fi.g.and Plain •Cotton do.'. Silks, Merinos,,Thibets, Atpaeras,.Parninatta,M. de Bege t Plaid Idoseys,Colored rock Flannelm,. Galleon, dc. &a. CS II 1. tV 11. S—Of which we hate an Sinatra,' tarteir ashmerem Shawls from 87 to 95(i, Bay State{-Long , sad Square do., Fig. and Plain Thihet. Ike. &e. ' White Goods--Plain, Plaid and Striie doormat Mwdins„ Birds gye and litigate Diaper,• Isiah Lharaa,Tabia Linen, Linen,' Cotton, Worsted, ;and Xmbosse4BPreadas• Swiss and India Book Alualins. , 'Victoria and - IllabePa Lawns, Linen Cambric, Linen Catabrio Ildk'nliteneh Worked Collets and Under Mk's:Muslin Drapery . Linen . and Cotton Sheeting and Shirtier, Eltach and Drown, Jacquard Diaper, &c. Ice. - - . i;essts Ito I/artist ors I.—Consists of Black-and Tan ey Broadeloths, Caasimetes, Black antf.Finer. Kailuclds. Sheep's Grey, Kentucky Jean, Onsbuteretts.Sstlo. Wor sted and ,ilk , Vestings,ltlaek and CoLUdit's, listinStoeks, Neck Ties, fie Flannel*, White, Bed, Blue, Fellow/tad stripe, a rots' Cashmere Wrappers, Drawers, Are. Ike. • Our stock Id' CI I , sves Dud iltoalery le cotnplete embraeingLadies, 'Missal and aerie Gloves. Lisle thread Cashmere, Cossitnere, Fleece Lined, Chamois Idned.llere; rer. Kid ,11nok sklo,,lta. &c. [ Ladles, Miss.* and Gantt Cotton ITose. and . X nose, IVbite.Br6wn, Mixed, Black - one' Made Colors. AlDautas [Woolen /Cashmere, Merino and Silk do., and every other style f seasonable Hosiery, ..} • i - _ Al •o, on endless variety of other rifles orOWsalliati al Da maks both Cotton and Wool,' Silks and Cotton Vat / ry •,,,Counterpanes,Moreens,Gambries, Turn Jean., Casa* forte'W,lto4c and Boss's Blankets, NA . Pkins, Tichings,Xllr in+Sisistripe, Oilgurtains. Carpet Bags; &e. , ' • thsrpet ing—Brussels, Three Ply. Incrallint' both Wq.ol and Cotton, Cotton do- Xot ton, and Wool stair Cary' peting,Deurget,Oit Cloths, Busllfliar.petlng Bugs. • - - Our stock of Dry Goods la now Complete, and If You would like to see a good hasortmcnrof. Goode and Now (loons you Will roll al. Wickham ir f Bennett neatlyoppo site the NS t-OMec. ' ' ' Binghamton, N. Ti July 11, 11184—ati 1 e . . Tn: 'attbacriVer,rosie-etfully heats ;tile attantitilk .4 thoso wishing' to rurebrisey: f?'heriii -; for ("ask; ats, Ids NEW FALL midi WINTER, STOtlft=, which far 'tnitent va , • deli an , t=cht•lptiess. ho Snag safe ly . say la trasarriasef,,by any in the limillro state among which may bo found .: r :- t ..:- . • TWO itigstpxymoi, stimiwitti :,... of every qualltyrintl style4irloas afteginifrona "iiile,,taitli." . 100 pieces l'4,rageittaand Alapso4 floelik- to; 411 , :ga l i rk- _ ' Preach iderlnors of oret? grade ,and ' cador t ribly .._ 1'0,090. yards of De Laines - and PerStatiOltithi Ike!, 9* to is. Prints and Olopilarrie lu endless . quantity., 13.000 firirilk Ideatlied. and "unblaathrit Shea ad Shlrtiags,froni do to Is 4d. -,,- I -•- . - 1009 yards ti'bita;,lled aad Yellow ,Tlairrola-, ' la th;a Oft tees. Woolen Goode of every•kind for yea lisabri r.- ' 1000 yard, Sil k , Droradr. irmld t mad plat r elit or k f r om - the leyeatitede to the ttigiartar leallty: DrtfiS Mtika. rainge • oreverydeacriptiotr,,.. , , ';' ,l:-., -. ;' . • ' - _ -PF4DtOt a i : -.000130. - ,' ' ~ '.- --, .- ' L.-- a,largd . noel; front Auction. very eliordr .. TM111(1 4 Valk Travelling Bags, on extensive'. 1 i asortmord*Vatardly a, hal4._ - i .. ~ • I , lo.emicrt, wilt **reit en "the port' _ of thcstilisniberta. theta a'couttnua of th.i patronareitikiekilit ptt Ileitis hitherto most goneriittiily Aireordect,him, ;and Mar, . 1 0 041' hi' retunisithicOrir anti hearty - thanka: '', - i I =l= f'..., : - . eoruer of Couri E AVa tar ota., Moleskins litorki,7., - ;. . . Nearlyvintioaitettsi4.%Meri 2aullotti l illustratotort,l,:: .--, July 1:4 1554. • 1 , - An. • - -. . , • rir,.. 1 • - Y &. REAM worefAtid &nit iseineint.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers