ages. to the grave of It is, ,jtulee4, of no consequence to im,.. the enfrairchised, wheiher his body be reverenced or itiSlionoi ed, but to the' living, wllio feet tknt•our tat &miles, made in .the tinagn-of .our created as fit temples for the, indwelling • of immortal souls ; and rwerved-ifor a glorious resurrection, it seemS..c.very.. ad i 'Plat his rk: mutiris shotik be suffered to decay in*obscurt ty: ,Edgar Poe . bad' his faiths an& his rte; tiles... Let the former be forgotten - , •and the latter•be commemorated.. 'Let no human be big-yenture to pass judgment upon. his deeds . (Tone in - thebody, for that office belongs to In higher towe l, but let us rather considetrli; temptations,lgreater as his poWers were great er, and . so draw a gentle veil over his frailties, and 'rei‘eieneo him for the noble 'thoughts ,1 which lie reiirded." • -----•-...-e.-------- A Proclamation. • TREASUITY DEPARIIIENT, ITAIIRIBIIIMG, t . - Monday, Sept. 41k, 1854. To his Excellency , WiLLIA.II BI(41.Elt, Gouer-, . nor of llw Commonicticatii of .Penn's Sift: As required by the tontilt section of the act entitled "An Act to create a. sinking Fond, and to provide for the gradual mid cer tain extinguishment of the debt of,the Com mon Wealth, approved the 10th -day.of Af il, 1844, the undersigned, commissioners of said, Etinking Fund, hereby certify that.the arnonnt i of the debt4f the Commonwealth .held by Ws .is asfollo to-wit: . • . ' T. i 'ration! certificates of stock • - • .., - leans • urehased - .from the ~ - ' Mit dav of Deeember ; lBsl; .: - . • • .• to the first tiny of Septem- • --• . . bet, 1854, the sum of, five , '• • . hundred and eleven thous -"and onelnindied -- tnid fifty , - '. • • nine adilars and thirty-one. • •. . cents, as perstatenient A- • , 1 hereto nr.nexed. - .•- . 2 '- $.51 . 1 , ,153 31 U. Relief I notes? - issues :of variL. . . oUS banks with their sever- . al denominations, the sum . . ~. of "one hundred 'and fifty . - -•.\ five. thousand, 4 - T,ltt hun- . , - . dred and two dollars; as per • statement B. hereto annex ,- : . -.' ed, cancelled agreeably to • . . . the provisions of the .98th ' ..- . Section of the act of April, . • 19, 1.853,mp to March Ist, - - •'I 1854. I-- ~- - - . - - ' 155,802 00' 111. Receipts into the Treasury, ''' since the . Ist March; 1834, . • '• \a ppl i cable to Sinking Fund, , • : tea. thO cancellation of re- ; -.. . lief issues 8236;988 84. Of., •,.• . this • there was applied' by resolution of June 'lSt,' _..„ I . -•- ; 1854,1f0r the cancellation of relief issues then in the , ~: . i . • Treastv, the sum of - - 108,210 00 Balance k.this •sum due the '': • . . . Si aking,Fund,ancl set apart 31 •• by resolution of. September _ '. ist, 154, for:cancellation .. ' I of relief issues, - . - • - : -- 128,648 84 I . . C. A. 131.A.CK, ' 'E. BA.-W. 5, , . • • JOS. -.3AILY, . ' Commis Toners of Sinking Fund. ' • NO W i llierefore, as required by the said act ofUssernblY, .I do. issue this procla -nuition,•declaring the payment, extinguish ment and final discharge of. titre hundr&l and eleven thousand, one. hundred and , fifty-nine dollars andl, thirty-one cents -of theprineipal of the etebt of this Commonwealth; and 11-tve 'directed 'thO certificates representing the same to be cancelled. And further, that tmaer act of 19th April, 1.853, the sum:of two .hundred and sixty-four thousand oneltunared al for ty-two-dellars of relief issues of the Common wealth-, Lade been eancelleit and degtroyed, and also that there is the suni of one hundred and twenty-eight thousand six hundred and forty-eighildollars and :eighty-four cents re maining in the 'Treasury- dice 'the Sinking' Fund, to be applied to the cancellation of re -I)erissu., So soon, as they shall. be received. into the Treasury. . .. . . 0 . ,..VC,1i under my hand and the-- great . Seal of Ahe.•C•otnmonwealth, the seventh' day .of SepteiWer,` A. It, 1854, and - of the (Joni , ''. mouwealth the seventy-ninth.. : •- ~; BY Tan tiCP:EItSOII. • ,' ' • Secretary of. the Commonwealth. September 7, 1854. • Frain the SuNcittehannaßegisier. • Ali lilt the Eau:lily Some tiine since an /Vet of -as-semblywasi :pissed, for the laying out of ,a • road from Diraocl:, Corners to the - Ladllawanna ' and Western Bailroad, near the - Tunkhannca station, which road' was subsequently laid out. Last winter, at the instance ,of Some body, a bill was passed, authorizing a re-view of theiald road, and if deemed best, to chanfte • its location so as to terminate at lop-Bot tom, instead of Tanklumnock Station. Who kid the getting up`of the project We do not , know, but that the lon. Speaker had the 1 appointment of the viewers is too evident to admit of a doubt. The road, as finally laid by the viewers is about . eight 'Miles long ; and had Men - -of experience and judgmen living near the, line of, the road; been i , ap pointed, the cost would have been from fif4 teen to tWenty-five j dollars. But in that case` the fruitslof the enterprise would have beer ' all lost. Lis great men, have peculiar way§ l of doing things, this road Was to bean exZep-i Lion to the, general, rule: E. 'Shafer, the ftk,i ther-in-lair of the Hon. .spe.aker, was one of the view • A. J. Davis, - al lawyer at ISusquetranna' Depot, - some,, thirtyir miles fro M the road, a former student of t 4 ex-Speaker, arid, a man of all Work in and around arfaiiiity, was another; and .a sox of,Shafer's soniesvhcre in 'his teens; ,constitui ted the - third man. To' these was adde 0. S. Beebe Es 9., who was no doubt indebtt, ed for bislappomtment to the fact that dick.. was no surveyor in the funzily. Thus manned, the examination of the road 'was made in duo forni, and the followin rendered, presented for pay went: 1 saafer 4 6 days Davis;2 20 days Shakes boy, -Map, 65,00 50,0 p 17.00 Total, ' - $207;00 Isn't that modesst.F Two hundred and seri-, dollari for la3fing out an ordinary road eight miles long twenty-six dollars pei mile:', :. We tool. upon the-whole thing as lit; tle han a deliberate swindle. In the, there-was no necessity for the Actl. people interested bad desired a road froth Mamma, .COrpera liopbottoni Stationi theY bad I but to present their petition an( 'Court. Would .have sent competent per r who would hive laid the road at's essiloh. girt of the.. present expense. And then, -to Seltht members of his oWn fainily, a too dollars and fifty cents a day,, when cont... rtep.t t i 4N would, hare been glad of the api. poiaperitat one dollar a day, is an excess, of modesty, over the left ; that is rarely, seen. ThisitTaUsaction sheers the honeity of the Ex.s,,,rx* L eyi.joe.toded opposition, to special , , • „ygeidstAotimor whether the bill has ye ' ,l3ext -pita; ',not the commissioners, -gitardianS of tate i r - ouuty funds, should, refu paimenti.till the i matter - is prOpOrly deter mined; t ut it already paid, we trust that the tax-Pave4 B : will look a; the matter, and tipply the proi r_remedy, • ontrost Vemotrat. LARGE; T CIRCIIT:4I - 19N 110.11111Eilt PEMI'A. B. B. 01-lA4 !: DAY, Eorroits. i'l,l:ontrose, Thui lap, Sept. 1, 1454. prinool . ic.. *tatt .sliini*ittions. l'' ror Goverpo - i; l' i WILLI AM BIGLER, ~.. 1 OF CLE .FIELI.)• COtriTY. i .' - , For Judge of Supreme Court, JEREMIAH'S. BLACK, OF SOMOIJET COVNNt. For Cattai l COmrnlssioner, REMO S. Marrs OF FAKE COt;k:TY. pout Min. ti FOR RRIIRSbr.:4IATIVRS, I i iVILL/A3* J. TURRELIL I CII.IIILE4 J. LATHROP. FOIL SHERIFF, 1 171. J. 111113IF4RD, of Thovoson. 5 5 __ CI• . FOR _PROTHONTARIri, , F. M. WILL ,1131 g, o .Montrose. FOIL ItEGlltlt AND REtORDER; 1174..G1.41DD , E71, Frindsillle FOR TyirmassioNta, i JASPER STARLET, of Clioconnt. LL I L. FOjt Al7)l 2 l'oß, 0. S. BEEBE, of jessup. FOn CORONER, ' BENJAZITIN! DIX; of Jackson.. 'MEETING Op 'XIIE COL'Apr COM • ' ~ querum . of t 4 Democratic Clouuty Com e° met in Montrose Wednesday evening,' -! - Otli inst., to tiil;e into consideration the drawal of F. 1-?, dlellisteiyasia candidate - tegiter and IteCortl4.= •: l - fter full consideration! it %fits! determined the committee ! Shoidd recommend, as 1 , • did. three yearsLago in !the lease of the ! 1 t n atiiin of Mr.' 1 , 14er. for District Attor .l i - • Ley, a suitable than for AIM silport: of the. peinocratie party Et ‘ 3t.ilkgis.ter a 0 Recorder, there being . no tim 'td , call together a Con vention, at this late.) diiy - in the canvass. -.... It appeared evid.ent to the Cothmittee, that justice to tie peo . Ple!d,enimideil *thatthe can didate should be noininiti4 fromwestern , the 1 itowns \ hips ; indeed; Ale: Convention clearly / indicated that, l.,ylilie!nominatioli of Mr. 1.1017 lister in thatloCillity.l The r Cominitteo there forel recommend--'the; election off'BENJ - AMIN • !-- 1 , . , . • , ,Gt.ronmc, Esq.,;.o' Hriendsville,'' who • stood I - :next in number-ofl'ivo(A.' to Mr. 'Hollister in the qouvention; and ir hoSe• nom, nation 'th'ey :believe Vitii4acitery to the people !of tbeX\yest; partieullirlf. ' ! I .. 'l'he Committo4hafre:''acted'solely with! a viewlto the inferets'i,f,the Deinocra>.,rof the county,?nd Most earnestly appeal to the Dem , 'aeraltic voters of the 4.4tiinty to rally together, forgetting past (hi:Teich:9o and . personal feel ings and-preferences, in cirder".that we may properly. rebirte this atterfipt to sacrifice the democratic .:party 'by intrig,ue with the Whigs. Mr. Gliddefi stands ri_r*Won - all . - pre;•-.ent is sues,' - the ,. with Democracy, and the : Commit ! tee trust he will, in this liewiliar. crisis, .re.- ceive.thkull denfocraticl6te.': . ' • 1•: .1' ',!C.14. - GERF., Chairman. I mitti the. with mid! that the) deel • , • l• • We piTe Betrated. wee Were gplng to' press last evening we were called on i Mr. Hollister with a card, which we_ publisii-in• ancther, column, , With draWing; his name from the ticket and an nonuctOg himself as a stpmp candidate for Sheriff. • - This news will :mantle the cheek of every DeMoci-ht with intligi,mti on. After hvink extended the c‘fidence to him which the . Dernocrac.y of thiS , county did, makin,gl him their candidate, it is base treachery for him 1 • lc toi repay it la this manner,—wittam,in g - hii namelfrom the ticket vken he knew the] Con vention 'could not ,be tissembled to supply the place,— J and leaguing ~ in a `corrupt c9ntbina don with the Whigs to break down - thl very ticket. of which he wits part. Such an in stance of political bh...4iner , s-- such downi.right treachery to the part% and his, friend 4 such duplity,'lwe never be'fpie have seen. . Had hebean diksatisfi4d with the'tof the ticket and simplY withdrawn from th canvass'', that trottld have beenilionorahle, b t \ be fkutis no ri such fault, andti,t l erefore , to le, re 'the ticket by au airmitemeitt, with the Willi ;.s; to 'strike down hiS colleaktes on\ ft,—tolsell out for a , price—t 4 betray die democratic, party which „had nurshd hintinto consequen 2e. for thr, con sideratioh of the Whig Tote,,fot Sheriffs is a treachery that We could not hav: believed . , Mr. Hollister capable of. ; He has shown, by thil7nC4 that he Is, as a 'Politieian, rotten at heari, and utterly unworthy either the least co-fidence or resi)eet: It tee s to u$ .now, 'I . that neither Whigs ofT)enioc is willltouch him. How can,the Whin',,s en orse thesene made, who ' has thus shown ;tha he will ' be tray the very friends -lilt° Inv made him \all lie is in the world, and at almOment, too, whet; lie t'apposCs, lie can d'or , them tit .most'' harm. , Anything, but a coda'-h mrted tinito,r ! lint it isl well :the demoorat pa 4 _have Mound hits out thusearly. N w,Deniherats up and at liin. 1 6. Show to, the orld that you ,are liOn&t, , and know how to ebuke tire vile • i • :I treason of ore whom you 1:1v . rearmed into life'with genCions hand,:and ho hailrepaid you is Ardold tepaid•'‘Vasltin on forgiving lii thrt . . command of Westg int ! 'We say, i . 4 up and at Inth. No man rver .merited a sound Ahreihing from your' it nds soi richly. 1 . as hh. , iinst loOk nt i 4 !ear rtg the ticket when he knew the party cohl i l : not hi -an other. cAms!erition, thhi i,%iring;lthe flea-kr The Whir - ca \ ndidate; and re giving - fro i m the 1,1'14,' asithe i price of his thtir sup port for Sherittl 4 treason sh eorrnpt, mark ed with every; thin,'m c a&ravatin.r.l '7 ungrui.rous' e '. '''? cold; selfish, selfish, ilislionorable, and disbone*t, we ' , • 'venture can net be found' . in the 'politie4 , the.past century. Who would think of pla , 4, • • . . cin,suel;# man in a ' , responsible offi ice l; —after he has sho\vn that lie cannotbe tinst- L 'eclffor any 11) tiora le -purpose, but that he' will . be!,ray flail prybest - friends he, has had, ; and the rery'onesi who have. given him aft he' lead to - betrai-. • . We say. 14 has shown himself to•be a man: of ho principle, honor• or- politiCal 'honesty, and therefoutterlr unfit-to be elevated to`' " •. any office .04 trust 4:lr profit, • Let . the lainest : citizens of the colii4 see tthis,—and -ail ministera r&ike. that `shall be, a terror to tr • aitors in fiifure. Death to theTaator I •We have 54.11 a good many Democrats frofn 1 the towrishioi It his forenoon, and .we hear but Q n expression referenee to Ilellister'e withdrawal.: -• All agree thatit is the groSsest breach of eourte-. sy and cenflaenco,—the -meanest game of an un-' • scrupulous rdiA Unprincfpted politician, ever heard! of,L,:.and. that he has shown hiuiself undeservitia • the least confidence or respect from any honora- ; 1 blii man. 'loe is not beat the worst of any', man that ever run; in this county we shalt wonder., .• .Itlr. id li>t [ ~IL~iP~. sq'a Co; 14r. Itoßillies withdrawal, and bargain !with! tt4i Whir, rl.lthisjate day, evidently for the pur.! pose of defeating the whole ticket f imposed 'upon! the 'Standinal ComMittee, the. only body that ! - con/d be convened, the most prompt netien.:- , - ,Theyinceordingly coed, in justice to . the "Party, and ail cenceocd, do tio other than nominate-31r. Glidden, who was next highest in the Conven tiOnlo Holl)ater. Eerybody can see the im. ! portanee'of j uttihc this candidate in the West! part of the eliurity, which has been overlooked, past years, andwhO:feel.their claims paramonnt.! Mr. Glidatin is well ,competent-('or the is ,a popular titan in 'the west, and will do inore! tOebtilie renegade at. the polls; than any Other man inihat, section of the county. Notv,i DemoeratS ! I 4 t us drop. all personal feel ingS / , paSt animosit es, and unite to show the men who; ,have thus triad to sell us out, body, a9d sue tol the Whigs, that they have waked up the "Wrong P4sengers."ii Lit us teach. traitors, that'! they shall find a ttaitor's'doom,—that when they t,eiupt to,bargainand sell the rights and flanchi.! seh of freemen, they shall receive the. reward' of infamy which!they have thus deserved. IL;IFOlZ1), the Democratic; Candidate f6r Sheriff, is known to the orthis county as a man of the striete..4 titv andof t lite lnost unblemished ! - ..tharadter. ' llis is 'mati . most sernyulousli honest, !hits , tlWays ueennu intlinehing Dzinoerat .Ittt: conamanditi the respe4 and con4ideueeOtall parties, sect 4 and creels. lie is poor in this , world's goods, bai:ingstarted nnaided in the wOrld, and gained bishread sblely by bonest! toil. . In bis own locality of the county, nlll parties cash other in giving a most zeal Ons support. Stieb is 'our eandi date- f.ot - S.ll4rilT; and, opposed to hint,. is the 1 , • trcacb erouenegade,—betaer of friends' tO:the enentV, the violator of all ..t.ontideuee! respec4lF, P. llot.i.isTErz.. Choo . ,e. yeibej, , teen thek honest, men of Susquehanina,---i: choose bet their[ on the. same -Ininciple that our fajOiers of the devolution w o uld l u ivel chosen bet4ieen WaShingtOn die 'patriot and ..Arnold thel,traitor Choo,,e between an hon..; est, consist4ht and worthy 'nal), and a truck-: ling Jerna:Ogue, who has sold 'his party •to the'Whigli,in the verY: moment. when '..they. were bon(' eonfidenk.e.; Tor Prothopolary. A • ' bolt , kirs, .fusionists, and Whigs,, havel Uptight intO the fief?, S. B. :Wells•• of bun-i datf.. 'He i the:sam man that 'the •de • .1 crats'sent to the Le a lg ature. five years ago; ;04 who conducted himself in such a mantr, there that h'c dare not run the second timek aceordance'iVith . theUsa ,, e for fear of ;being - defeated. 4 , t,ilce that time be has generally been connected l ;with all the Whig :and ,bolter scheMes foHdestroyintr the democratic party *that have t,ben oot up. He is just that kind . , • c , Ofia, manthat makes a goal Whig WA and a Very fit companion bn the ticket .nittli the immortal Hot:Limn • Mir. Williams is a" man of the best cliarac ter and qn4lifications. It is an office i more difilcult,thiu any other to fill, and till three years ago it had 'been - regarded as essential to the inter 4 of the peoplethata man Should, 1.) - O kept in', tiro terms. : Aside. from Lacing had the office One term, not - the least tiOn _can raised to Mr. Williams. I, And this ohjection, should not influence anybodY a4 - .thotiglit were a different office,--reqUir r ing less skill:and experience to perfoi-in itl duties. - 1 1 3 . r. William's has made a goOd oft}- cer, is a• - ‘l4..ferving man in every respect, and will run Mr. Wells, the companion of the traitor 'llti;llister--into -the ground !_ Bring .thiem'Out gentlemen, our ticket can heat 40;: , 000 such :;tiandidatt..:-- 18 , r ,b ltinS, on . y e brave" We _ say to-our oreauiren;in other sections of 4 the "State, lie ofigood circa_and roll up your old majorities. Tile North, mow as-ever, will dolor •duty and., more too.!,1 Susquehanna .county will . bice BiOLEn THREE II.UNDEED larger' niajciriiyit than it 'dill in ' . 51, and it did'nt do badly then is Our De,rnbciats are zealous, determined, and? • LI akwork. iThey are'neitber to be sold, to thet, Whigs, treaded to the Abolitionists, or bound', out to the Know Nothings. They ,kand . • thbir arnaii i i and eager for the contest.' • •, • • • , • will not. falter. Let every county in the State- ; • glve as giod account of herself as this, and: • BLccsa, vfill be elected 1,4 20,000 majority.,--i From gurtiounding cotinties we hear the saiiu \ IL. • i! -good word, Every day dtivelops the low re , , - gaits 'of lOur •adversaries still plainer, • and!, Lranb into activity the energisofOuf friend „ hi resist I,them. Don't lie alarmed abbut thri N'Ortb." ..gliemever vet.haS faltered, anci - till timeiclir her to falter.4Ow. . , /Tickets : Tickets :": - 'The thiets for this county will be printed and ready for distribution nest SaturdaYj r 24 Tile candidates are requested_ to , call and get them for t theiidiffeient localitio. We can= nOt assmile the responsibility of iiistributin€: . • them ouiielves. !. ', . Be Atuievoked. 1 r 11`hosellsrlio have not • been assessei I should n i ot put it off a sinale day.' They must I b‘ e. 1 ,t • I s.l4cessed ten days 'before the olection or they r - . cinnot v l ote. • ' ' . L', For Sheriff:. 44 The Prospect , --I - - - - ' - ---7-,---:---1---- ; --------, 1 . tteitrocrats Ifew',4 'Ever we rEstr sittee ratembet• and , .. --. 'ties, the sole nita and purposei • ;, d .I.l;ve been the saine,— , n eternr . tt;.. the cried and litirposes of t! - i `aid the most earttest - etfott . ! bfreak it dOwn. :Tiosaccoinpliel' tilever stooti:up, to lany line ,ot • policy-or 011160 e but have - es i:eager - baud, and . Othered to,y‘ ; don, howe'yer coutemptibk,- 1 lot-blooded and. d i estrti eti re of .welfare of,soeietv-»—o f do , ;.nis howeVer clan -•• • • gerous to republicanism, only, hat they might succeed enlisti ,t he' , pOpuh, r prejudice un der their banner. In ancient 'days, When th • spit our; country, was invaded by at foreigni [fr, , ,when.bur towils and: citie4.bhtZed 111 the! lurid darkness of inid-ninlit (it. fathers 'Mere bleeding upon th'e fi lof strife, and the oceans waV,e, in 'dtifence of , the I.lglits and hon 4ir of our. nommoni country, there m'cre . not , - • 'Ntanting men. whoSe sympathies, by reason of L•i neeuniaq.gain; were activelyi engagol with'. the invader; And then, this same prirty held itheir Ilartkerd Co . nVention,4nd bargained in our that th'ey ; might thus g'ain strength in their tatitieal intrigues.— l'assing offer intermediate spice, u a later day, they iieit3 wrain in the ft it against their , country, whose standard finallf•glowed with the victoritover ike 71IontezMnas;-4AII for the sani they.mi4t gain to their • . entbraCeslallwhil dept,ecateilthat War I.; ....malt wno deprecaL,....„ from any pause.. !At one tinnikilarnied at the apparent Eiirength and power nf the ..;:fasonic Order, Wefind this same' party deprecating, With the VengeancC of Heavenall oat -bound ass ilociationS; as destructive t ': the country's good. And all . this, that th/sy Might gain, flout blindness, paision -and .pr4j iidi ce,lpOl i tical tidliereats to;their party. Air ia the iicene is thaivred, and there, arises iir (Mr rui4t. aii Or a 4 er,, oath-beund-to disregard the nnyStacred doirstitutiOniil ri.dits of our eitkens—tin C/rder i • ;ilia conclaves in the daikii4S of aria-aright, and conspi4s to strike down tine fundamental' principles Of the government, and we find these.. saute ineir;and this same partY;i which became :.(o awe-stricken at a secret cOmbin+ion - for . 46cial purP"Jses, now slipporting for t 4 highest . lice, - in tliO ecannionweal th, 'one of the ~4orn . I ix • tidliereuts'Of that traitor band And 1 why?- 4,. ',,,,imply. to ';gain votes: - Simply t0 . p1:14 flieni 7 .ielvesin Politiealpower and - '., places', 'jGoOti I , • 1/ 1 2:1VeilS 1: !Wilat i ll speetacle l ' A . a ..reat party .1 , Of freemen'so lost to all manliness and princi ple,—sor4kless to CollF.6iticgides andl 30 eager .. for power, it's to Cenibi ne wi tli anything that has. i . yy ,—i ' rw esiivoking, in this land inf religious tol i.rttion and freedom, all of religious prejudice, . till of s.ec_tarian bigotry,-. 7 -prostitutibg the .sa t:red name and principles of,ithe religion,. of the Cross i to their hateful null corrupt politi- Cal,—all to gain v4.ites. IS there a , Man in whose bosom pulsates the - 114 art -of a L i i . . .. . patriot,—whosei lioliesramit i tion , is , linked with his .&mutr'y's desiii:c - Itul-. who' would • • 1 preserve her greatness and glOry as n heritage 4.6 - after me:lc:rations, whose icibeek !will not a, i i • ri ms.on With-re Solute l '.eteratinationl to strike . . . • i : 1 iigainst these bare-facelliconsOraeles-f—". strike ' till the laSt armed foe ir4l*liP in &fence of 'the doctrines. Of his fathers-time rigl i tts which they secured him with their blood, and I scal ed by thelmost solemn constutionril gitaran Mies ?. . • • i I , : . . . •'i I I 1 In cortiradistinction to this. party,! how ;stands th d - pe:nocraci--e.liat part.;.' Whidli has !existed since the. government' seas Ifounded :. ;True to its ancient faith, shoulderUrshoulder !in defence of the doctrines ofthe constitution, iand its repliblivan fathets, dc:ipiSin... 4 J all these A , • - I Lt and tkekless tricks .of the demagogue, 'courting no faction and deal t , lino• the rights , • of all, it stands at the helm Of the (country's ;safety and combats its foes Whit open front. ;.It stands upon principle, not paslion,—up :on the principles on which [the glvernment Was founded, and has flouritied ever since it i • t ~ L ' had existanee ' land stretcliel'O.uta manly . arm , I in thier defence. It panders 14t to tiieless i pasSionS 4 the rabble and the inoli,.-it bends not to tlici excited prejudicel4,warrin , . seeta ;4 ! ; • • 1 ° rtes, it eniln aces not the low instincts of fle- . tion,,--it Caresst- not the midnight! conspira tors* agaitr--.teivii, religious ,4id constitutional , rights,--lint over and above - I:pi these,it reach i• es out its g = iant arm of proteo on a nddefence," pointing to -the:stripes had tars •as t the her aldry of their Ini..ion - , and.- Lling_ . .tlie patri otic heart to rally in their, i eferiee.', . We assiat what cannot be eontradicted, for the history of the .country ilias . reCorded it, that not one qiihe doctrine of tlq mongrel .Whig Pally, ':have' ever - been• adopted by the country as' a line of gotruitiental policy. Never haVc they, succeeded int _proeuring an endorsement, from the Anielliean: people Of a single article from all the ireeds -they have advocated. , 2rot .one ! . The Demo'cratic par- - ty has ever borne the ark to 'Atitich was coin mitted the and . ' a 4064310 destiny of the , - AineriCaOlatibn. - Its principles lie at tie foundation of all that has 4d prosperity and greatness about the AmeriOn. name. .True„ it has sonsetirnes fallen by 'the . :satite .unholy conspiracies and corrupt baigains,vhich are arrayed . against it now, ,but-it Las ' fallen . to rise still higher„—stilLstroter. . It never has been, it never can be, prisstrated, till the American people - shall entilely forget • the . Past r -:-shall bec6me 'entirelY regardless' of the prineipleslof . their government. and the perpe tuity of.iti - institutions. Then only will it be' prostrated by the fell - purpbses Of_ political power and personal ambition. ' •* . ' Iti is to time now to: forsake the Dem ocratic party, and the one ''rho does so ivill, live to repent the day 811(1;111c . deed. It has ,:' passed ,through worse k : conflicts, and more fiery triali in the past, aril come: up with out . , darriage. It cannot bever:thrown, and the .inati , i who counsels it, counsels de struction to liras& and his adherents.— 1 Tall:_ of a . fuSing,"—of nithe i ny downtime deem- - ociatic.'party inte'one mass with the Whigs! They may as well talk oflelting : the moun tains till they shall run dc, tilt and fill up the values. it cannot be dons._ They can never lye unites.. Every Princlide, 'every instinct .., .. that . everi.dwelt in the heat of n Democrat is ..I against it ; It cannot be done save by a com-vi plete ieviilution in the o'rgitnie nature amen, ' ,in all their '.. . -- Lahitsi of t4ught, associations,. , • predilections, in.stincts and In flow. :are. . ly thi trn 311 poll : !Of -tbei Whigs !flied oppo4on !ie Penioattiky, to:. divide Itfal i. • - -- tliis tlieyjiave b (roveremental ‘r grasped, with .hatever of fax:- f ism .however the peace hilt] • Let Democrats stand fitstl4 their Old- ark - • of safety,--out of it th . ey will till:' , victiritia the Lion in the . wny..:: :The' it party can never bc jarOstrated its•oitlicSite it runs off aft'er strant,et itlnay fall, andinot till then,' ; Resist the approaches cif the 'cow min foe; when he would:appeal to your ,prej udices or feelings. Trust ltitn.iiever, - for once, Iloilo and voti . nre sold to the , Our reauers are aware that - the paky call ing itself the'' Prep Democracy," inetr Con vention list spring and nominated. Mr. Pot of Chester county for Governior. Two weeks ago 1 few , retitlemen--feW for-tire eit)zens of narrisburg 'were not awitreof their Tir6ence till they saw ,it in the Phil'a.papers, by tele- . graph—mainly Whigs, met :at Harrisburg ;. . procured a l letter of withdraival from Mr. POrrs, and passed , lteiol ut ions - pledging the free soil Democrats - of the State to vote for POLLOOK.;. • : , This is thOlast and Goldest stroke towards amalgamation, and political sale that :ire have heard of l'hinV of itotte nibunkit.. whole party, professing to be t)gether. 'and acting only from•the iMpulse . of]a coin, mot Principle, -standing silently and seeing .theirinfittence, votes, i organization and . all, bargained and sold in the market of Politieal gtmesters.. What will those "then think of . this-arrangenient3 . Will they support_ and . ratify it at the Will :they consent that party whichi has tievr; been;,disdn guished fOi - anythinT 4 but its j faitl.kness 'to any principle iChas ever ad vOcated, chase them , at a price. -Zvi 'tisl; if . ti l ley will consent to'be sold-by a few: iyucklina dema gogue for the hop,' of office Or. monument ?. We look upon this movi.•! in just . this, Mr. Pol.t.cciii wants to be elected tiOve- nor, and to Maki hiwelf. sure of :that i `willing to' pledge hitusdf to, anything and everybody.. T 1 he leaders in-the Movemime; 4'or -ri%; • would like oflice and place, whiCh. Nt;- - LOCK can aflo i rkl.,te give;', proided they can give him in, return suet thousand votes that Otherwise would be east. for Mr. POTTS 4 Nov any arrangement may be easily consul mulled jwhich - has two anxious parties. Put will the rank and tide of theparty•tits sold and tra- '.(led off, lie barteredl in that pray .$ Will t.lav • • ',submit that their. earesfrights as freemen; I be-eonie: the .. l commodity .of traffic to ;place ainbiti; l ins men at the . publie Tre4sury ? I T We 'believe tint? We belieNl.e the kno l wledge . of tins scheme will itrOnse feeling s. feeling indig : 1; nant, tli,tti its, perpetrators will he orerwhelm ; cd with Shaine. and .diso-rnee.' We ;believe Ocil) on est inen'of the party pla l e their rebuke . upiin ,it, by 1 1., , ))ing Ifo the polls: v'o ting. for M•Ii1.1.1.1 31IGLEIlt - 4 . . - 11 ore Darsie. This ggutK:11):111 is the Whig candi lie h a s :teen fled with the legislative history v;thia for thel)ast.sixteen or, ..ercittee' The imist of that period he has been a input her Of the .Senate,—Las • be - etrilie presiding 'officer of that body, and onee'fo'ra short time, ez-nificio Goyemor ,of the State-. He is a man_ of great integrity, , exikii:ince, and of rather i fine, as well !as useful talents. I,',ut lie- was 1 born in Scotland; and hence is: obnoifoustO the " KnoW .N'L4llings." - What do ; .Nli.r.i'or,-1 Lek, And tln \\ hi in' this emergency ?--. Why, to ge.tlthe Know Nothin , ' , - r - 4., they ft... , .t.‘e .!:1r..D..,,n.5.fn, a man itver% - ‘YaY \lr. Pcit. tocK's stipt:rtOr in . talents :ind experie nee In g 1 the-affairs of the overnment, to deefine his • . - I, '- place on the in order i that 04- may strike ' bargain with that oitth-henna order, . . .. _ by Which Mi. POLLCiPK"sll4l , lla ' ve tne i lvote or the Know Nothings for ' t - io - ertior, find the. .NatiVe candidate for Canal Commissibner - in 1i . , return shall lmve.the whig vote to-help him' into' office I : Mr. Dmtsrn las aCe . r.lingly written a letter of declination: . and i placed if in the hands''-,of Mr. Committee, the Ciipitytim of theWhigl!State Committee, and he,lear- nig 'to publish_ it -least public - indignation . shouldbe, aroused thereby, is now .tni veiling the State with :Mr. Pou.ooß, exhibiting the , letter to the faithful, and Making 4irange tnenfor ' printing the. tickets accordingly. . - ; . . • Can th wiliest Whig freemen Ofthis Corn-- inonwealt 1 . be . made to endorse such Political. -' • i sWindlingl? ,llave they lost all manline& - 4 1 , all' houor,all political morality I. Have they no patriotism, ne.l . oYe of country, no honest, de sire to sus!tain consistency , fidelity _ it'd fair ness in polities ? We believe they have, and . : . . that - when thpy Collleto'unde - rstand the depth of moral and: political degradation o which they .have! been plunged by their corrupt and designingileaders,they will 'repudiate them Iby thousand 4 . r They wilbretuke - that power 1 which ,disfranchises • such .of their.veteran, I statesmenasA;EonuE Dansti, and place . the - , ban of reprobation, upon their conduct. - . . 1 • By refe.renee to another column; iti will be.. Seen tip( the conference nornirtatid:. both . "Members in this County-the W.yommg Con ferees brincrin ,, for and Mr. Lathrop. of Dili''- c• ode. • • This,.on tbe part t',f 'Wyoming, is but an . net of simpleijustice. • Always, whild•she and this count!y fOrmed the•Distriet, she j had one of the mein+, although the fraction of pop ulationoVerthe number required, for one hr this couniv ttyis\laiver than, her whole vete, - thus making itt perfectly • fair that We should have had, lboth -a . portion of the time: •And - now, when she Inis-& Senator, to think-of Igiving her one of the members too, is cutting it• rather ioo fat :`• At the Iconference, last. year it watt well un— derstood that this'cOitnty 'would ch i tin' both . this year,[and • Wyonting; has .therefore but fulfilled an article of good faith, iu ;promptly casting hcr ;.;ote for Our Men. Arid it is an not tOo'whielt we trust our 'friends . there will hare no d 4 anie'to regret. By 'shOwing _that !she recognizes the common .claimsi . of equity_ a i ntl° fairness, she will atiaelOter sist4r stisque 7 -banna toiler in future by hpoks-of .We understand now who are our friends :mkt' county-, and they g i :be re - . ,membered. ' • -• nr The ;tirifis of Iron: TitekAsji. , B4sTos i • died zit NaZingtou last week. tit dra wat of Potts, Itepceentative Conference. .• f'reesri+n of 1 11 ':Futisylyaiiiia, ! ; 'llE4i• vOto east for Jai. blow aainst coustitution, l ,l 0 , T which o , lla.raoees to all mien the: right' • . r' . 11 - • G . whip . A . ttaig God ;according, to the dletatefl 1.6 f conseien..:e 1; • • • ! ntill tniganiza • . reference to an .e tract; which we II make iti \ itnothar column from, the Proolalllll - i'ieeretary BLACK, our tax (payers see that, including the cancellation of relief notes.; and mop , 4 on hand for the purpost.4,ll nearly ONE , DO'LLMtS of the ' debt of Pennsyli-ania has been Wiped out`' this year wider, the administratiOn ; of Wsti Thittk of thi - before pasting a cote to change 'that administration I _.-1 Democrats Read the address of the State Central Corn-1 mitten On our first page. lioteCtuiss it now 11 Fortify ) . :ourselves with the Bets and the ar;. SIZE ~, . ‘"'l W re hear it said ,by the opposition{ that Id. Muintord' is 'a ~"ebraska man. It isl mr infainous 110Sellootb Mr: 'Minnferd hal always been a cOnsisteut oppeSer 4 the repeal l l of tale Milsonri Compromise. IDetnocmts,[ bad rimes lia,re; betrayed you,-7-have dmlcai . 4'selt you to your commonF:enernyitli Ele4ion is close at hand. ' Go for 'work now: and show them that You arefree men,and cannot be sold. , .„ ,40,t , " The proeeedings a thetctinpera nee , `meeting •ar, - linrfor University, and , address; we hnve not - room ior oh the inside ~of paps this iveek:' They, i. ill'.ippear ,on the Ars& pagei nfi xtw ,eek I. t . 1 . , : • - I ; 1 -- _._ '._ .._ _,_ • s, . . ..number Of adyertiseMent are Imal Voidably crowded Out. We trust otirralver,! . . . . ~ tism,± patron, will bear . With' 114 uutil.afteri Elei:tion, wbeu we sball be . able to make .4. I lost time. • : , , ' f Lr last Ireek;s Register was: an, .article. app ~ parently fortified by flets. and figures, - repro; that several private citizens of the county bad , conspired. together for the pur.{. Pose . . of perpetrating a swindle upon ,tll l county, Treasury. We publish. the artele. itf • another column, that our readers - May judgl. of itiOntracter. ' We , shall give the piddle the simple: fat of the .case, witholding' comment, for, re: on -that OniNsf the parties this assailed' has, ralt read} caused the Editor, to be' arrested and: held,to,.bail for his appearance at Court tO subAantiate hisinfamons libel; and becau4 die. other parties will undoubtedly do7 i tb4 - same in due course o rine. • • I‘. The. winter previous to our, election to th ;Legislature, an Act was,passed laying out a 'State Road from Diruciek Corners, iu thik county, to the Tunkhannotik - Depot in Wydr ming county. It Was,arly to make State Road, because Of its location in .tw,h counties. The purpose of the Road: so far a Ire are'informA was . to the southern : part of the 'country, the penefits of the„ Rail Road by- . an easy and commodious route. 4 3lessrs. 'Walker and Btush .of Dimoek, and riatt of Wyoming, Isere spring viewers. They proceeded in the spring to lay Out the Road, and returiied the folloWini Billlfor expenses to the co . iint Treasurer.. Expenses. for laying . eut'the!Road, - sl73' Gross amottitt, of damages, 384,4 lati.) for lenti -CTILAIUI- IMEE S 557,5 ' List winter we received' Petitions, in the Legislature; signed by, hundreds residing .. i11; that:section of the' county, pr.iyin ,-, : for .a 4 view of the route, -that: should shorten the distnnce, .making it terminate : at flop Bottoit station instead ;of .Tunkhanoll, thereby great ly lessening the- expense of (Spelling the Road an.l diminislting*the damages:which the Wttl kervieW 'had' returned for the county to , pay: There being no remonstrances, We procured the paksage of the Bill, appointing:O. S. Bee .F.Midev :Shafer, J., -Davis; two t!'" whom are surveyor4and fr6uently ed by the Court cit - Stich bilsiness, to review the route as prayed . for by ihe petitioners. - FroM that time to the prestFilt, we had .paid no iniAer attention to the t l thitter, having no kind of interest in it, • ntut the" survey being. completed before We:arrii•ed lame. By reference to the .papers .is -filed in the office,, w find that the Beebe survey occupied some 20,daY- 7 .three days, ive believe; longer than that of lfr.Walker,-J, - -4hat in addition 'the re-location of Alie Road, over iniiles in length, and graded at not over four degrees, making it.nearly.i,a.s' difficult - to lay out as a Rail, Road.. track, they were obliged : 4 to••re-survey theh Walker ronte, making their. work nearly double his. They returned to the office a Bill, incindiag amitan anti -chainnian . of $07,50, mid Saved. - *to the county the payment - of the follow.i ‘ ng damages alloWed gr. Walker.. 1 • Esters di Nichols,. ' ;" $5O •! J. Waterman, • 50 • P. Wolsey, • - 5'2 B. Park. . 114; . . . , $2t301 Total, • - .\l4;ingl $266,00. which was saved to t t he ciin i nty from the Walker surVey,, ,by the vie . iv,-besides avoiding' some. miles of. read which had beUn located thrennit heart t beql.anti and sw.tutips, opened which wojild have t uAhened the public with an l ex- Ise'of thdusandS of:doll'ars ;above witati l 'it cost now.These- - We believe are the faWs pen Wit . . It.' instead- of a great " public' swindln" li t , v ing been perpetrated, tk C county has actual ly been. saved . More :than -thee w e review- cost. 1 l )ur readers'will .notie4'first that the ii‘i .r gives its figures and.;:then foots them Fup nearly double their true ainolint,---kist as f HJ • • ,ugh his readers were so ignorauttliiit t ie% could not add a, columni.' of four i tignres in . „. - • . . lerikh and --detect his fillsOliood. . Nest . ; he ,c, piiks•down "Sharer's boy oii receiving _s4l7. .Tliis is , false , for Shafer's' l?o,y;7 waS never! on t. 14 Road, mid never recei-ed, i n any' inariOer, on ,Single penny'. Nest, he iiiit.s ilia. , to , Mr. sli t ,' f e e s s neount, for the Map. This, wejii..- ii,,,,,i w as done by the connUissioner's'clelic. oi i .s!lafd had riothingtO de with it - ii.xl, helputs the lengtk[of . the - road at 'eight' naitek wiien its length is betwcim l i ten' and clei.eri - 'iii l, . ~, ties, to be ,;'T . '*lo4. at .not over•four ilegreili 1 To "lie Public. he casci, by ivtich - our: xeaders will 1 across the_most hilly part: of the ceunty.—: _ ... _. .Next -he says:th,,CoUrt Could have lappointed • ' - -- yie*eis at one eighth t i lie epenseiHnnd Yet_ iliii4nan calls.Lirwelta larryer! If he 'knew 'as much' of . lai , as he' , does of - telling false hoods," hewould ! Ifd l t ysi kriowii that the c,(1.44, hal no More Illriii ictioti over .11 . 'State Itoad : Ithault:-bas : over . the '..lini.,cror- Napoleon!, Next,lte 'COTIiPIai IN of the price per. - day.-- I iii. 4 that neitlier.the viewers nor ourself ire I resP(nsible in•anym'anner, .for It. !was . fixed ' i t by tli!Old'ket, whieli tvas passed 'llefore ie lleve r i salt' the. Legislatare, :or expee r ted. to ge there. :. An attaek ' so ,malignant, false , and gratuitbini r,ait_' . scarcely_ he i.CouCeiied-_ and printed in ,the san4e 'space; -And . Nyl,..l(yelte authdrto angwer :at the pro'per, tribunal, re garding hiin as Unworthy-of any 'Yfiiii . ther n . flee from ms.. - - t, °E. B. C: 41.40. .• Democraitic : •,-Reprebentative Coll. . . : lereuve. • 1 The Representative confereei eb64en- by the. Demociatie conventions of the counties of SUM. quehanna, Wyoming and ISullivun, riet, ea: house oil. 'J. Laharroi . in Laceysilie, :day, the 13th ins;., for the purphse of placinifin' nomidation twri persbns for_ metobori ;bribe: Legislature,. ts he shpported by the-.Democratic,' party of this Die ! triet at the ensuing 'election... The conference ll'irganized bkapKihrtug it 0; LI-T 714 Of.Sh q iinchanna . crinntY,'.chthiriari." wit A 31EYLEitT,' Of 'Sfilililin i • and.'•D.,;k. YanzliGTox, of Virioming, were appointed Se is. taries. .• The following Persons_ presented Oredentials, and wi!re admitted to seats in•the conference . ; . .Szi§quehanna—R.. Little, ~1 . 1.05 i Jatheson, Daniel Brewster, TitnOthy Boyle. ¢.. „ l'en7/2 Ostprhont,a.. ton,.D. Scott Stark. ; • - i • Sullivan—Michael )fey lent, Lewis 'Caner: The conference then .proceeded.-to nominate candidates for Itopiesentativasr • .1 . • -• • - Michael 31eylert nominated :Win. J: Totreil, o f sasrpiehanna. I j ., • Lewis;Zancr nominated James Deegan, of Sul livan, ' • V. I). A. Yarington nothintitetl Henry Love,. of t Wyoiningi, ' • " 1 • . ,• • Tho's.Psterhout nominated Charles: I -La throp, of Sisqnehanna.; • , •'. • • - On moti o n of D. Scott Stark,the naive of.lien ry Lave, of Wyoming; tvas.ivithdrawri.• " • - The conference thenlproceedidl.o.iote. Messrs. - Little, Jatheson,:Brewster,!BOYlo,o terhout, yarington,,Stark, A - nted for -•, • • -•- Whereupon Wm.; J. Turrell of Susquehanns was:declared duly nominated. ,- - - At this stage of the.proceedinn*, Messis. May lert and Zaner, of Sullivan,: itne.3lri Boyle -of Sospiehanna; withdrew from-the .eonference,, . On moll on. the eonferenee. preeepded,,t9 foi another candidate tor Representative. - • :Messrs.. Little, ster,t Yarimzton and Slam, 6, voted fol , , C. 3-.::Lathrop. Whereupon Charles J. Lathrop; of l Susquehan- F - na was 'declared nominated, The following resolution was of.)ffek:6l:W ; Mr. Little and adopted: Res6lred, That the - . withdrawalol.l4. Sullivan ' and 'MC'. of the SuSquehanna, confm*es—af ter the nomination of Wm. - .1.-TUrrell,ftrid &fore any-vote was taken: uti ; on- James Deightvitn&the other gentleman named-;-:exciteti•_oUr .surprise; after which, of course, we could "cop_ eitier the name of Mr. Deegan-,no longei before ns. On -motion the conference adjourrieit.:7`. (Signed.) - ;R. B. Lirtligjireil. D. A. )(ARINGTON,. SeCtetary: f i Why Hr. Deegan was .not, lioiniita • . tfd; and the ,4 Kno*73fotliisigu ' . Evs, DEmocukr :;---Lest somel . portiou. of Our..fellOW-citizens might regard "the result. in . 1 • i . our Conference,e to ' : have been produced 'by unworthy _andiSec tarian prejudice,' I. thenght proper to state some of . its real causes... No ! . shade-of suOr prejudice existed.- .1 :" ... .. ' The three Wyoming Conferees:for .retisons _ connected Avitikheir ow ncounty politics,rand I Avitn Which we have nothing. Odo„ were in= t o flexibly intent up n Mr. Deegan's - deifit.— Wyoroit i rg bad no . iriated a R / epiagOatative;, with no Bope, however, of carrying him thro' the-Conferenee,--for she, alreadyiliaiing the Servitor, could not expect us to.yield, par sit.• perior right to'that ()thee, to any but Sulli van.' . They thought proper therefore to with draw :their caudidate from the 1 Conference, and tnominate Mr. Lathroß....Upori - this„.the . Sullivan, -witli erre bt .our Conferees, with ; drew -,.. - 4eArc any tote wits:taken, for either Dee•ran or - Lathrop: This, of com-se, ,- left m _ ~,„''l* . r but .. no attelnatilie to . azree uport-Mess,rs. Ttir , , • 411 : and Lathrop; the only nominees before, • its. We W4c entitled to.the tWO,-ISullivau mid Wyorriiivr, would not -agree,:, the latter' • '-. • tendered us the candidate,—and;Sulliv,an re• -:: tirealroin' t4e field, letiving - uslabichoied but -- to accept that offer. - •I - : • By ads, i is not meant that if ;Sullivan and Wyeming hiid each insisted ttpnn fhe - man; - - i, _ . , , we should cvla hap hal - S . , decided :for the for-. 'tier. We ttnnot knowi what - !-wOnld- •bavo , .been the result,, in.-thiit• Caie. .ilidssibly ,ire should theni .also, have urged our own claims; - . and driven hem into aril union, Lin ; order to an adverse nomination.. , - ' •.' - - . 1 • , - I Motives if _priOence, • - •stronglyrl impelled- us ` to.this resu t.. - It seemed nranifeit thak. Dee -1• • - gati could rot be elected, eVen - if plaeed upon 1 1 ,_ the Ticket. I Wyoming, (with the ex4eptioin. the I of a small Piction,), would .bave struck Ine ' 1 - h . down, at the polls, —and here; a Variety- of causes Would , contribute to his defeat.. - . We, mi ll Speak - of but one,—premising, that - with it, We have no syinpallty.,;..4or,wenbi we retreat from the Tice of stiehOPPosition; merel . iy. The candidate,hewevet• iihOuld ' be- nu trammeled with other Itindrane,;,-Lshe9ild be clearfor Abe race, itr all other i•es - pects ;- and ' then if he fell, it would be - tolre e again, With ehtiracteristielpeotligacy, the Whig, (not the masses among them,) :appropriate ev ery prejudice,l interest l ,l and faction, reg:olas of its moral character,' Oat promises to hreni Ole organism, and distlurb ,they action -ei the .: - party .of ,Principles Mid - Pred,rt, •• Ileticee,. their zealous eo-operation .with i.t 'secret; order; that gathers . Up, in in,;:stery,_ and a(mid eight, • its political 'power to strike down the Cabo - lie mid. Voreigner, in , the la4tl - 4 Ins adoption. -- If there is nay Meg touching-in. the early - memories_ and str iggleS;' of °lir bountr3',- ativtititig beautiful inlliei.:laier..-growth 'and.. power r it is the Otierons devotion that led the Fireiguer tOMir shores;: in the 'hour . elf 4,1 1 ,r *ea knes - s ,and -peril.; 410 41' th - after proint,se -. of e s lual brotherhood that• 'attracted . the- op *ssolabo-rer_or Oie . o/Aworldi to expend its 'glad energies, uid de - yeloPe It 4 :ezinaticipatekl powers, - in enriching and„ticantifying the iti , le.... In the-day of RetiieApridool;e:ißorg4 4 ci I iien, waigreater than .a kin gt i",...-11a fiat" eitizip - ship imports .4igher_ Itlontif,—for its ~.. compraenslve impaftWity merges the fleet deuts;of birtlyand:peculiitritiesof l'aithr+ b-. literates every distinction of: rich and poor, of strong and_ weak, of leanied - and unlearned, of titled and tintitled,—and pledges , to the de .. - , f•• • • • . - feuee.of-eveiy - riAtt 4 Natton lam., .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers