The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, August 17, 1854, Image 4

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    kliontrze glemetint,
i'lliOutrose, Thursday, Aug. 17 1 16151.
• Steep;
llnw sWeet thd hour, when gentle sleep .eeeni s,
And- from.our viiicut:alutts the busy- ~rld;
When - care, and . pain, and sorrow are forg•ot,.
T, t= stortrl4qnt banner for a moment furled.
It s s ttl►q:hour, that rests the weary brain;
.Seothes the wild pulses with a magic art,
Thitt *lie Soul, oblivion's-waters pours,
And calma the tempest of the throbbing heart.
Ilow -sweet the hour,
And - tbe.ifeei beggar in his slumber feels
3limself a king- and the far wanderer aee.l
Ilis long-lorCd home, and at the altar , kneels.
. • •
Ifew..sweet the hour, to dwellers on the plain,
Or hardier".ienturtps on the surging sea;
Hew sweet! in 'Sleep' the slave for,gets bis chain,
Or happily dreams himself and eountri, free.
how - sweet the hour ! God's tle.sstA gift, to man,
Pe.ite.bringiag .sleep; obscurer of life's pain, .
It makes. us all forget the evil World,
Or dream . perehance 'tis Paradise again. •
Denth of the Young. 'j •: ' .
The following touching_ and \ affectionate
- remarks,
.on - the death of the young;' are
copied from the Memoirs of Dr. Channin_ o o%-
-.They were ' on the - occasion of the
death of his yeungest sou, while Dr.. C. - ivt's
travelling for his health in Europe : • -
. * * laM afflicted imbed. God it, s
visited me with the heaviest loss I can exi -
. rience, save one. My sweet lovely boy !
.- s
_indeed -gone ? and, I am _no more to .. s-le
that smile which, to me and his atother,• w. s
like a Leant &Om leaven !— lle., was ' a
,' ineTt.
gentle creature. • I' can remember his. occa
sional' tries. 'of distress,- - but never . of p -
sion.•-. • * . 1 •*. - * * t ' • .*
- I:
_. I sutler;-hut I have never forgottenthat
my boy belonged to another and better 13.
rent ; and was 'made fora' higher state ' than
this. lAm surd that - he.was equally the care
Of (..;od in death as in life. I cannot: -belie4,e
. that the .necessary Means of eluiMtingjan
immortal spirit are_ confined ,to this 'World.
.I remember that :comforting scripture, ".9f
such is the kingdom of heaven. f • and, my.
hope i, that' my bhild has gone to. liVe under
a more intimate conneTction.than we can con
With Him !who took - little children' in-
tabis arms and blmetl them. Nor do
believe that the relation ef parent and child
i dissolved by death. .Iti the whole prograLs .
• of our future , lteing,'Wesmust always, I think,
look back peculiar interest on the mit4,;
ment when we begun to be, and '
• diStiitgiiiSli with. some peculiar emotion thole
who, uaderPiovidence, brought us into' . 14
' and •who . welcomed and loved and cherished
us in our firsthelplem4netis. i iiith intense and
, unwearied nlTection. Denthais notthat wide
gulf between Us and the departed, which we
are apt to immagine.. ** .* 4 '.
When I think - of my child, of. its: beauty,
and the tendetitess he awakened, of the-spirit
which God Inieathed- - into Itini;- and. which
began to.deVelop itself, I cannot doubt that
be was the care of God in . death • as in' life.
lle was made for God ; had he lived, My chief
y Would have been to direCt him to that
‘luftlite God-7.janci,haS be
.now lliui
from whence he : came I cls . it.not a Most hi
teresting view ,of death that •it'removes, in a
, zreat do - frec, the intermediate provision, the
external means by which God communicateS
benefits,.and thus places us in .a more im
mediate connection %nth . .. Him! - Is; it. not
' . .
the happiness of heaven that - spirits see God
riot only,aa•rellected in 46 works, but face
to face?.. God used oar artps to sustain our
child ; .has ho-not taken hint , to a world where
- .4le•ivill lean more immediately on-his
. own
TheloSs of child is, indeed, one of
greatest which a mortal Can experienee—the
los of such tender-love, of a being possessing
the hoblOt potters which we • had hoped to
• see, unfolding •..-beneath. our, care,
,tO • whoni
we had longed to do more good thin to any
other being and from whom we had anticipa
ted receiving the most consoling and .rejoi
cin•P fr returns of love. Surely the a ff ections
excited by Mel parental relation, bear a resem
blance to thoSe by which God is. 'united to
Iris creatures.; • ; •
A Serpent's Longevity.
' • • Baker in hiS recently publishedadventu
in Ceylon, - . - states, that . on one ociasion,!he
came 'enormous serpent, which/14
. • coiled in his !path. Ile
• was about the:size of a very - small cocoanut,
divided lengthways, and this Was raised ahOut
eighteen inches • above-- the coil: ills' eyes
were fixed upon 'u's; and his; forked tongue
played in and:out of his 'mouth /with a con
tinned bias. • 4iming at his head,: II fired! at
him with a double-barrelled gun,•withiri fOur
paces, - and blew his head to/ pieces. Ile pp- •
. pearled stone dead ;- but upon pulling him by
the tail, to stretch him otit, be wreathed Liar
self in convulsive. coilsyand. lashing. him'selft
• out in full length, mowed down the 14ghl
• grass in all directions/ This obliged me to,'
.stand clear, - ..olliiti ; blows „were terrific, andl
thethickest'part (*his body was as large as!,
a .man's thigh: Cutting some . Sharp' pointed!
stakes, I waited till he seas again quiet, when',
I suddenlypinned his tail to the groand with
my hunting inife,'and •thrusting the pointed
'stake into the hole; I drove it deep into .thy
~ ground with the, butt of my rifle. - The )oa
Made some objection tQ this, and Again co . •1,
I \ii
' menced his former muscular . contortions. I
waited till they were Over; and haring propvided myself with some
-tough rope * (a species
of creeper,) I Once' more approachnd him, and
• pinning his throat . to the ground,; • tied the
• rope. through the incision, nyud the' united exl
ert ions' of myielf• and-three men hauled Mini
out perfectly Straight I then drove !a stake
through . his throat; and pinned. WM ont... He
- was fifteen feet in length ; and required our
united strength to tear off his skin', • which
shone •with a variety
.of passing cOcits.. On
lo'iug his hide he tore away from the',stake& J ;
and although , his head was shivered to atoins,
' and he had lost three feet of his strength of
' neck by the ball' having cut through this pa,4
which seperated in tearing oir the skin, still
he lashed and writhed in frightful conlvulsieti
'wlikch cc,,ntinned until I left him, i bearing as
my trophy his Sealy hide." - -',
Xier A conceited-tuan of the name of Dory
]e4,, having said that 'he wished to lie ealleil
DeOryley,-sotne body at dinner addreed. Lint
tints :--,‘llfr.:.Deoy.ley,. will you 'Lace a de
guipling r.
" How is . your lusband, - -dear :?"..asked
one' lady . ofanothe.F.-
- '!'!' , 011, iiel's in a eery bad state," was the re
- • - -i,„
:'"And-pray, what . kind•of a itsstat he in .
atill**niistt-Ithe - other. . .
• -.--
Somelwdy - has §aid that4lis
to_tell,,.yhere _moderate driukiag !culls mid
druukeu uessiXT,ius,:as it is to OH ,!,I,lou-
O.lke?;s pkg.aud-becotnes'a.ho g ,.- • -1‘•
. . ,
jr4r,Yirfit` in ativeisity, ,
pride, but nut • prosperity: -
perchance it biingetli
- i .
'!- !: Ti to Muidller Of the innocent:
- I
li.swtt.tvitk factories had existed in"lii,
tleati .the
. I.las - a of ll.erOd, that, potentate
*oakhal'e been spared the trouble. of :sendi
ing turned iiielt over:the .notintry.46 murder
the ichildien, and'hik fittnO.iniglit have . come
dbien to these times , '
redolent of-the odor of
sanctity instead of reeking with. infamy..
Ilad he opfrateil in a legal , Manner, as our
Modern poisoners de, Ine . -,oWnl- design Would
have coine..qUite•ttS near SuCCes:s, and Rachel Would 84 certainly hatennitirned her eliildreri,
though WitlMut heaping Curset upon,tlie head -:
or the Tetrarch; - Tbe hills . !or.atortalitY in
this city hire:sent it uniform report . front week
ni week,,',of sixty, per;:eetit...of the .whole.nuni 7
,ter of deaths as occurring among-Very young
-child i it; anilabout,fi ft y percent under .the
age pf (WO years; the, mark ffixed by lierod",
fur fii. slau.diter. It were' preposterous 'CO '
assert tii4t a.i.i..- ex - cci. , Aire infantile mortality . 1
is; natural orinecessitry. It arrises from many ;
different `.ittises all. er at 'some time or other 1
under Intnian cOntrol; and all the „results of
.! • -
igtiorai.e,' , earel essitess,• or willful wickedness
Of the v:irieti.OuseS we propose at present to
I i :
advert to a s ingle ons,H-thO use of poison sold
throngliont-tl4 eity . under the name of milk:
'2l At the 4:4t, (.t• the Tenth avenue there exists
alffreat distillereof itself ' i tol 'bl i •
~ 1 „ , an a era 13 un
sattee, but isol.stronglT intrenched by the
Wealth and' itithience of its proprietors that
alt ehOtts to.bireutkitap have failed. - It has
been', it presented 'hy.:the 'Grand Jury we believe
More tha,once,l but no law has been
: found
strong enough to put a stop to Rl' probably
because of, the Magnitude of. the inns:lnce, as
the man who'robs by 'millions is likely to go
unpunished; while the ragge d pilferer Of a I
dollar getsi.full allowinceiotlitstice... Ilia it I
i,3:aiit in.ith immediate filth and stench that .
his. distillery is most perniCious„ Its ultimate
cet, the substance it prodhees and . sends 1
ail over -tbe ;city' in; the • form of poisoned I
Milk, is a-Curse of miteli more fearful. nature.
We have heretofore described the premises,
th.e stables;- cows, niilk . and other - matters
thereabout : but an ollieial report jugt made
t7; 1 1 ) the llealtli 011ieeehy the Sanitary inspec
tnr,whieh we print . 'in another • coluinit, ,is
Worthy of Attention not so Atwell' for new
filets, as- fel, recalling those 'heretofore) set
firth in Gind.Jury presentments and I'oli'ce
IlePorts. 111fe Inspeetor• found in three rows.
Of stables reachin from Tenth to Eleventh o
. •
wane, more fiftee n hundred cows, eaclir
One tied in; a stall
,but three feet, -wide, 'sur
rOimiled -with filth, panting for air, and near
lY all Of them in adeanced stages of disease.
These cow's 'are fed eXchisively on warm swill,
ittadefe)r the purpose iii the; distillery. The
Inspecti?r says the stench in. which the cows
Hive was so' )potent that.' hisial . 4sistants were
forced . to quit the stables feria. time :in. order
to recover from its sickening effects.. These
pi:Or diseased: Animals • ar(ii inilkt4 -twice a,
day, anal the nasty liquid that come from
them is doetoied . with chalk burnt sugar and
other drags , unfit it has the appearance 'of
- ' — gOod inilk, antfis . then put into wagons labeled
"11N.Testeliester cemity Milk,"" Pure - Country
Milk,";. Land .other : lying devices, and sol d
tfirciurrhout the city. ! Of course, the greater_
! ...! ~., • . -
riortion of -it bees t d the•poorer classes, those
Who through ignorance or inability cannot •
be sure, of, gettingreal milk and put ii with
any white liquid -that may. be offered, ai stieh.
And it' is (roin theSe Chisses•that the
.mrisS of
it inertality -14. returned.' , The cobs. in
these\ stables are- Owned, by a, hundred or
°More, different inen ; -; the ownersof the dis!il- .
lery relieiving feu stable room and Swill; nine.
cents 'pa tiny for each cow. - !
I We take it that Ma
,stionger, : evidence of
the resPeet of our )eople forlaw can: be re-:-
qUirecbthan the simple fact that with.' a full
knowledge ) of the illibee facts they haVe nei
ther-burned „the; dlS,tillery / tior the -Stabls, nor
lira...lied a Single . one .of e fie heartless creatures
etigagc. , i.l in !this I,'l. lesale destruction of
1_., .
cliildrerf. Nwords ofcondemnation) are
, ,
ejlual to the' enormity of their offence. If
tey were tioi distribute through 'the town a
sOlution of priisSit 'acid for Croton 'Water. the
Crime Wonld 16(1 / mine the less\ heinous, than
tie sellini , -of,iuelt reeking corruption ' under
' ll* iall,
the-name of/ i -. Suppose the fifteen hun
dred cOws,tieid- but two quarts each per day ; .
More 04ari `.(090
.iliTrts of the venomous
MixtuiVvrill be sold - weekly: It Would be
gale topalculAte that froth seventy-five to a•
tinti4teillciiilferi are killed every' week by
d m
havingithis "i - re country ruilk":administer-;
ed / to them, trhilt hundreds . Of adults I are.
itillictetl with ewers and scrofulous oimplaints
sprinosno• o fro the same cause.--2V. Y. Trib-.
0 ; 1 ite, • - -
'\• : '
jr*f.:l, yonngster, , on coining home from
Lis ftri4 term 'at - boarding school-, being asked
'what he had been fed on, replied "maltipli
icaiion tables . ' hashed, and' stewed substrae
• 7, •
pon. ; ' •
Aar ".I say Toni,. isn't it lucky that that
felloiys - eyes are cocked,? "Why so ?"=-
",lietanse if they were a .match, Lis red pose
_would sn ely !set then)! on fire." i
"I , with you on*: . again my friends,
. . • IVo - more my feofsteps roam. •,•
YOU oil: find '
me etitay residence on atOnta,,
- ..vne; two doors ifOptli from Seib Mitchel'{
Esq., happy at any tunic to whit en 'you, socially
or prufessiorudiy, the; latter especially. Those
who prefer to hail° their work done at, heir test
science whether living in' town or ou will 'please
give 'me notice' accordingly, and I am 'at your
--service. Perrtis .at, a - distance • d siring 'Mai
Teeth, tan: be scroMmodated at m house, free.
of expense,' while the work is bring done.. As 1 I
wish Ito be r busy I, shall - still- miller to my old
plan of charging according" to the Numitaneek
-of my patrMtS. There .is milt+ omplaint or,
thehigh prices of Dentistry and of y prices too'
although 1, have been in ,
,the habit f deduetiej,
from 15 to 25' . :per cent. from th first. 'Nutri,..
friends I will Make .you this:offer, ' if you who
need work will come`-right along and have it
done and so keep Mr busy, 1 -will -ork for you
for half price and de it: well too. ''he reason
we' have to chhrgetio . high'', is . b •ause, either
from dread of the pain mi the:pay, ou holdback
and force ps to lose:Much ',time r want of
work. , Como . on then and yclu nail find there is
chance for bargains at' Montavue.
. . • ,C. 1). VlitGlLMurgt
' 4 .41 - Mitrose, April" 19,1854.4
sphicriber 'cOntinucs to carry on thu
. frailuritig business in its blanches; at,
the sthnd'oceppied byLLines.& Reynolds
over Itawley!S S. Mutt's store, %here ho-will at
tend to all calls id prat:Eska' in a prompt
add satisfactory manner. I L
Montrose,-April , .
' •
TUST received 4,second stock of Spring and
0 Summer Ctel, and for sale on the usual
terms.* \- - BENTLEY & HEAD.
Montrose, June 11 ,- 1854.
*.P. S. Hope °in neighbers won't find - fatilt
with The above mcidCst advertisement.
. medical Card
DOCT: r'espectfully an
nitunceS to the, public, that ho fiats, located
himself in IBrooklyn,:mhUre to will le happy to
Wait upon ;all wharnay 10 afflicted With' disease;
eithdr chronic or actlte.i Office at p: Grove's,
where he, may be eonsulted. at all times‘when not
otherwise Iprofessionallp engaged. MI ' business
entrusted to his care , reeelve_ er4zept atte4.-
tioni' • •
Brioklyn, 'Juno 47.1344.7-23in3
• -
Price' Store•
" ,+ • . - ;
- GoODS:AT tow I'AICES, AND I.'oll. BEADIrPtY• ' :
THE undelfigned,haviugdsdotiotclithemseiveg
tjgotheria the Mercantile Business„are now
propared to: offer _to ; a l • pudic, a very-desirable
s t oc k of G oo d s , c ,;. i eifsting in main of - •
y G o l4s, and;Ready made Clothing,
: fiats, Capal and Straw Goods, . •
.. . , 1.• ;Books and Stationery,
tdots - nnd Shoes; _, .
- • - 1-1 ' . Groceries, ... ,
- • 1 , - Yankee Notions, - &e. &e.,
all of which : lave been purchased , with great
it:lee; atid we arc . satisfied; cannot fail to suit
those, i ; vlio rosy favor as with a call l .
Tho , Dry Goods - i department will be found
. I
very complete ; consisting of all the leading style
of fi 1 - i l
Silk, 411 brothale, plaid; and striped, black, dress
and:Mantilla Silks, very lustre, and 't
. ry. rich,; 0 hifil.
cheat') rates. ,
i '
.- . _
Striped Delnnes, Plaid Barage do. satin stripe
Challid; printed-Lawns, Poplins, Venn°, plaid
and printed Jiumnets, in great varieties, which
we nreloundlto sell 'at a low.figure.
''Giniliams-4-a ludbiento assortment,—Prin ts,
all the li leadirtg styles, Merrimack, Cochccoes,
Allens;;Spragtties, &d., very pretty 'styles. ~
- Breda trimmings P-the desirable stylvi4Od
slindes4:-131ack silk Lace, Dims. ha ells, black
velvet Ribbon's, silk and worstec . raids, in great
;Variety!, .• i . , , . .
White Goodze.—Eto,ls,i, acionet, Nansook, Cant
brick, BishopS Lawn; and Book MuslinS, Plaid
Cambriiik 111jslifs, dotted Swiss Mnslins,etirded
skirts,jrisli - Linon, Cambric': liandkerchiefs, - &e.
&q., } reach NeedlelWork, Swiss and Jaconet
Edgiio, anitlnsertings, cotton, linen and thread
lace do;: Plouleing, Ladies fashionable,Chemiset
tes, Sleeves, Collars; Bonnets &c., the largest as
sortment in Town, and at very low prices. - h
Barege titr!vails' in - green, blue. and brown;
Black ' 'dee; Vans - &el \ ~
11:14:Cnorei—Lndieg and Gents, a large assort
ment, of the best quality.
..tifittit, long.and slier - 1,111:A, Mohair and silk.
: Silk gloves, Black, white and - colors. Lisle
. , r
tbread,fitnd cot. d 0.... .: ,
ilosiery.—A fine aSsortment for Ladies, Gents
and children,
r • .1 7
Ribbi,' ni,- 7 a fine assortment for Bonnets, Sri
'satin and lutestring, in all widths, and everA
li •
. , - .
Dornt sac Goods.--,Sheeting:s, bleaelie/ and un
bleachdil muslins, TiOing, eramh,Diapers, Table
Covery4 and:Niipkinsiand in,fact, - .all - the desirable
styles in this l department. P-
• Shaißs.-,Trinti,4 Delane, French printed wool,
printetl:eashipere, 'Bri,che 1 /
, Blackrsilk, &e., a tine
stock of than.-
Ladiqs Sh4e:%-o . f every liescription, at: low pri
ces. Boys, Misses, and childrens shoes, in -great
variety 2'. Gents. Bouts - , coarse and line. • , :
We fiave - a very fine'stock of hats .and Capi,
CanadaStrawS, Pabnleaf, Curacoa, Mame:the,
Bound .Canton, Legborn, gas:4lore &e:, for
surnmen . wear, which!are very clesirable, and std....
ling;cht!ap. / ', :
A gebti assortment of Lldi - 6s 'Bonnets, MisseS
-and ellirens / Flats, Hats, &c. .
In this ;branch of Our, We, cannotliiil
to suit.VOur stock Of clothing is very extensive:
and Well made up, in late and desirable.stiles,
We Wank] eiptitially: invite our 'friends desiring
anything in this line, to ,grv'e us a call. Gen
tlemeni, furnishing Goods, of -every tletiriptionj•
:,•:' A.large stock of Wall Paper and Bordering.
Books, Stationery Miti Yankee Notions, in great'
variety' i :
.._ , . . ,
. .
Grocdries.—Teas, Green and Black, very choice
and freih, at low priOs. •
Cofets.—Superio St. Domingo:. and Rio. A.
beauttfdl article of frown and White Sugars,.
CHEAP. Molasses, • Spices, Soap, Candies,
Lamp (111 : , Fluid, &e:&c. A very superior aitt,
de of cay...entrish Tobaczo, at 28 cts. per lb.
• We ake. inAlte store formerly occupied by La
throp dziSali'sburv,.:Mil more recently,
.ty Geo.„
Fuller, OppoSito.Searle's Hotel. We would be
very happy it*.cd, to -see our friends, at the
pNE rnio: wi.or,c; and hope to merit bar sh - are of
the. paLtic patronage,i by good attention, and low
prices. i
• I . :G. & W. 1.1 FULLER.
Montiose,:April 0 1854. - - - - * •
AUstralia; California,
Or any:Pacean the Globe,ranziot present' greater
i!. • . i. inditer.unts
UTIUCIt tilled with a new and extou-
V sive -„ of . articles in their line,
embracing'a general variety of
. new and elegant
styles o f Ladies and Gentlemen's'-'wear, among
which ate Ladies French. Silk Lasting put!
Willa Gaiters ,; l> id aud. Enameled Polkas. Kid rat- .
ent leather and bronzed Jenny !Ands, Buskins
and Tiea; gentlemen's French and Philadelphia
oak-tanked calf skin and kip Boras, Congress aud
button Gaiters, Monterey and Washington Boots,
toilet - Slips ' :Mbrocce, calf. and Cowhide - Bro.
ganS, &C. Boys iiip,calf and cowhide Boots and
!Brogans; alllcinds of Mises and Children's wear.
!Also, a general aisortment of Findings, which con
sist •in part of ( lasts, grebe, sparables. Hungarian
nails, tacks, thread; wax, Bristles, shoe binding,
awls, rasps, 'sandstones, shoe knives, &c. Also,
oak anOemlack tanned calf upper - ant' soleleath
.er, Moracco- 'skins and linings.
Work made to order and repairing neatly dame
Monti:ore, June , 1. 18a3.
w EusTEit &CO would respectfully.
info the people of this 'county and the
A -
pec o e lit general, that they have opened an estab
lishment of the above kind in Montrose, at the old
stand or Sayre and Webster, one door north of
the Deniocrat office, where they intend to keep on
band a loge assortment of Stoves Tin, Copper,
Brass and sheet iron Wares, all of which they 11
sell as cheap as'they can lie bought in this or an •
other county.: Among our 'Stoves may bo found the
following besides others We numerous to mention;
. N. E-ie, air-tight, for wood.
1 AlodetnTruy " ' ur coal.
K4y . slime State . " "•
• 'Jay "
Pores Queen, clercitcd Oren.
A so, Prlor, Office and Atop Stoves, Culver's Pat
elk gut-air Furnaces for heating Public Buildings,
stores, ffoteltl. etc. Stove Trimming, Pipe, Zinc,
slieelLead, Lead Pipe, Well and Cistern Pumps,
Chain lumps! Chains and Gearing. • .
kinds of.custom - Work done on short no
tie° and: mose,reasoUable terms. Oar motto is small
.piofits, ready pay, and quick returns.
kiruls of Produce at ken in exchange for
Ilitares..! If yin don't believe it; call and see.
`Montrose Sept. 15, 1853.
.1 Th e Ncibraska BiLL Unp - ottled: •
ei,_;o•pii, ipririsTuN & Co., are Pow ii4Thv
-- ing from New York, a ,goner;ll assortment
o ' -Bpriag arid Satiz;fier 6004 and we cordially
i eite 41i that like to buy Ho ods cheap, to - give
us it c:4l, as bur clock is larke and we , are wil-,
hi,lll, tO'pell Or sinfill. profits. You can find here
nlinosteyerytarticle wanted, and - we are willing
to com Pare Oroodm and price with any , s tore. in
the eoftaty. We have taken special pain s to find
nice G4ods tn please. the leOles,
,t4ueit'a4 Black,
Figured and 'Taney Silky, Silk Tissties, Ilarages,
and Berago I:lel:Ines, Plain and s ' fancy Lawns,
Silk, FieneW and domestic -Gingliatini, Figured
eurtaidsrand Paper curtains,,tadies Collars, I,lm,
derhandlas and sleeves,!
Mantilla, ParasOl, -
Glovesi Straw - and fancpennets, also trimmings
to inatelt.-..
' A large stock of foods for tnon and boys, al:.
so Iron; Steel, Nails, horse shoes and; nails,
Ploughs, .Sal, Fish, .Crockery, Grindstones and
Stone *are. !Tin, Store Pipe, GlaSs, Sash, Leath.
er, BoOls, Shoes, .&c. dr.,e, . Please give ns• a
chitneinf showing, you our 'istqck, lefore. you
buy. . i - . .
. 1" - . 1 SCOTT, JOHNSTON & Co.
Springvillt, April 18. 1854. •. , '
n Dentist
r New :Goods -
J. Wplß has ieceived Ilia 21 stock of
Sprig; and Bummer Ooods, vrithont,enu
meratifig a tong list of oracles ; or boasting, as to
priceodllwoold merely say to my.frienda to call
and exarniac'.my floods.
Motitioses''Xip2o, 1851
-1, . sto v - 04 5t0ia... , 4:: Stoves::: 1 --
1 .
6.4 mar, &re. and' Yellow Lear reminds • s
r i -!..L that'thn fast approach of the keen FrO ig.
' OO Old Grey .Winter, when _one of the nos r t .
. RtSsahle and!:!highlY approved Sto yes *:" ! ront l e,
most extenslip Manufactories ini tho ! 9i i k n,
Jfessrs. SliesttA Packard, become - indlifien ; to•
to every faintly. We Wottl d respectfq Ily inn Outten'
t.,ii the citizens of Stisquehanna and adjoining
cOnnties that *o have just received antler°if . ..
e6iving,,the largest and best assortment of Sto s
.introdu4od into Jilastern l'ennsylVaitia, Wh(clt
Lwill be sold 4tlthe veiV lowest with; figure. . To
tifose who arcin wane of stoves they will fitillit -
tri• their inter*st to call and 'exatninh otO varigly
beforer4pri I sei purcllasing elsewbCre. They elf,
part as folloivi:— •. !!
• tinited StO.iis, ~, i,' - Ori. I mtal , Parl r
. ,
i,tEasjtern (,1i4.."4771. E. 0., . - Ven4tian;. • dr.
ii.Fint C/ipp4 , l; I. 0., - • *• . Farri!iy -•: d
itNatolutl Alir%Tighll.. 0.
,Irrizo,t, , ,, o
. ;:dfor l 'izing l'tr ! ir., ; . e7„ltiv , 4 do
ilraerners' Air4.-Tight, • (1 . -(' !4:0.!. ... z
„,, 1 ~.-...... ;.. .- , t oo
,evier .. I/
'J.., .....1 . i.-.ves are *.l.l{nrAvn to ii 4-
qUire'eny minute doscri , • n; • being the y " ' t
pdpuldr and 4pproved ' ove in inark(l. Alf w O. ! !
nitiy`fzivor tri; Wit unit will be slidwe ,tl;rou h . !
,irr,freve ,,
otir aSlsortto" ! I wiihi.plettsure. 14e - collect t e
number" * ...,•Ore.s far famed ".one-p ed.Sterti."
ii• ord Pa '• Sept ' 1853 35 • 1
, z.•,‘ •;, .-- . p -
tiousE,")pui...ll.lloll, PA;
subscriber, hating roe ed knool.n
house, and 4e-fitted tintVre-furrti.-dieti 1n godd
stile,ls•now].Peepared: tyroreivo and entertAn
gdests. 'flllS itouse - is deqglitfulli situated 4n
(Id, banks 01'44 Stispfehardia ritier,l on the 'line
ot7.l.lle.New;VOk rind' Erie, !and the lltilawatiN
.I.achawann'a';ind Witstern ItsdiTeads;l civerlookidtf
a IMist be.tutirtil SeetiOn 01 .counn.3 anti i ts t
panortna ofseepery unequalled anyvkiaere.
As As . esl-0, , t1t ItEsyr..r for the linsinessidr,n
se:eking, qui*, and freedom from tlie. noise at d
din of eitylif,e,ituni for ladies and oentletnen Jn
1 If r. •ruralscenery parsuipeasur4.3 amid the seener oft
eohntrx,lllisloeation t"..antiot e
the *nary tra - titlei is 'retire from Alm ed44itm
inilident to the leontinnal arriVal and At:Fit-Uric.
tritins, which*, iispeeially • imam n i ght tither_ is~ci
/ very great :Mpovanee to those stopping at , hotimis
very near tlitiiliepot." • ' 1i
:1115 Ho, a're: new, plea , :ant and Dell fornisE
ea; his Table with all the delicaeleS *hit:h. boil'
eotintry - andl.ity markets afford ;. and ytO pains
will be spared Co make, hiS house aide:is:Mt:l,ol4e
to:lall his gii.Oits. .
_ - _- , 71 -- cerEqs! . will be 'conveyed to rind froth tilt'
cats, at-nnyOrnight;in a . g004 (luntiitei s
free of eh:al:T . l'. - •
A .141rEkir BTM:LE is ht 1.41,01 to ll o
(• Tr
7 , . r E N
Great Bend, June `37th, 1553-3GtG
Bryant 1440 (Rr,Erat :154,aa ..11)eibo
, r pillti nu* and spacious building, situated Ut t
a few fCetTroni• Ihe Depot at. Great Bind, s
ndw opened unit :furnished in a suitable . titylo ff r
i'tddie liotisti,.§incl Will .bu kept., open at a I
licinrs, (both' da:v!anci night,) for the•recelition
'travellers: and especially for the aerorninoilatithi
otipagsiingers travelling on the N. Y.'&' Erie
Li& W. Rallroads, being at the junction-Of thee;
tNio reads, and the tnekt convenient! point to step
inland take zrefreslintetits and lie elfwitti :the ti
train, as well aS the must convenient hone to a
cOinmodate:thesibliti, it is NEW SMENN . nt I
.WHOl,Ehipit . lit. with rooms enough to two!
nindate ALL.; bcirig..fitted . up with new thrnitu
toTeorrespoitdoind tables always set, whit W.>,l: t.
31 tcs and'i ItixuriesJurniqwd .at: a utomen s
warning -
,• 1
t?.`sr' Pasoenkers desiring rest anti . I sieep, el
by calling bervi'avoill the inconvenience of Lak in r
, i
art, otnnibu to find an inn, as . well as . tint dela
and uncertainty, Of retiitning to the 'depot at - th F
srpwat or dt4intlure of trains ;as a porter )vi I
,irj waiting ttieo,nduet them with their tagtra,)
to ,the Bryant lious6, ‘ ju§t across the way,"' an
eofidfici thent back- again" without fee - iorrewar - ',
taking ,special rare to wake them if desired :it
any hour of, the. night. ,
The locatit,n f the Bryant lloti4e, .with ilk
natural scenery abont it • combine -to . Make i it
very desiraltieU,ll:o-111 - 111:SOIL . P-for imsirie. -
nlO and -other,' in th - p city
: who any , t,Visit t)
"c ' ,414 oil care" for a txv days to recruit in t ,
country. . ,: ~
• A Lar,i;e.a m l CominGilioys . 1 11;114 . .
' • "
isiattaehetl to this building for •tho, coni•eriien
of', pleastirel'.irirrEs, - who niay alw.i . ys: 1iUi1.. , . , 0i I
ali . COMMOdatiOn here, without regard t(ll)Unib e s
with warm ttatiles for their teams,..anci;reliab e
liOp to wail, ipOn them-
• 1 ...:,ii Fur, • fut;tlier particulars inquirti at : LI n .
Bryant Flonse , iif the proprietor.
.., .
.; ;,
..: 111)111SON_ 1111.YAN T.
Feb. 1853-11. f. ' •
' ii Lavlilids' of - Pennsylvania.,
‘Tour attention is ,urgently - invited to a :care ;
I_ and cuildid perusal of something thi4,has ju t
`been iutroduhedlinto your rich and timeltonor•d
Slate. :I; I . •
Palrcinach'cr'i Miro Electric Voltaic C hains •
1 A hew 'and novel mode of applying 4 - power il
tfial agentOso constructed as to be worn and r
• the gartneutiiiiiixt to the skin producing aconSta : t
uninterrupto ctirrent of ElectraNlagnetism,etree -
Mg immediate relief from the most acute pain, at d
i also a pernitinetli sure of all. NervOns Diseases. t
" sOldoni has (kited to furnish almost instaht reli • ,
',alit! a !Thal; perManent nura. by being used near: -
PMg to directionai to the, following diseases,— Ri t e •
,rtiatistn, Goat, ,Sciatica,' Paralysis,.. Painful 'al d
&Welled Joints, Netiralgia of 'the face, Diseases :1 ,
die Spine, DeaChess and Blintiess; Uteritle Pain ,
`Palpitation of the Dean, Periodioal headache, S .-
' Vitus Dance.:Glinera h Debility, PainS of the Chest,
Dysteries, Ihipepsia, all - disease F ti. t• are cans d
'bY a deficiea; itinounfnf Nervous Fluid are great y
relieved, if ot,,pprmnnently cured by simply 'wea -
iAg thachrtiaiaifew hoinrkeach day. ' :•
- !Be it undkiistkiod tlit'it is not claied that t
.cures all diseits4, but?mly those fot wh chit is re -
*mended; , unit mere fiver we boldly cli ini and d *
fy that no mPtheinal strut of-any kind hatiperfort -
eli so MANI cpres daring the last year,;', of .the e
diseasesjustiyamcd ati ~ ••• I.
I . Piiiretntach4i.'s Electric Chain ,
l And to,provith s assertion,
we - defy any person o
produce so 144 well ;atitlienticated Certificates .f
shientific Physiejans and intelligent ,pntients as m. y
be found in it itampliletof - 36 pages, to be had (gr -
Os) pi the agentju thisidwa. The Electric Chai a
Were fait Mirk/dined in France in 1550, and aft .r
heing•subje4ed!to the. Most thorough and iigid tri• 1;
by the first thed;cal men id . iParis, they were , fou d
fp possess sttangtvaud : Marve Ilous power, for retie •
ittg pain, where : ter applied, and by their infiueil e
a•leieintrodnediato the hospitals of ihu(city, :lad
also secured:letters patent by the French: Cover t:
anent. They nro now,lntroduped into alittost evety
Itospital in rniliand. Germany, Austria, t tlelgin :1,
and patented in those countries, where they ha !e
bcorne the 11'0. ',__ ', I /
.- •
i Populae Oirarzte Atm!" ert•the World.
They werpfitstAntioduced into the U. iStates, -
bout one_year slitee, and weal through the - sante
trial as itt• Entolfo; and - were at ouco introduced i a
.te every llotfittil in 4 5 f. York, ‘Vherc they are new
lb daily . use,; ePctinfr• Oven utore wonderful Cures
'than had ever 6efor:been awarded tleni. Thiy
lire highly recontineuded by Prof. Yulentliae Mo t,
- Van Buren,VOt and others/who have 'publish d.
i;ir views, of their power autl . .valuo in several f
• tm' medical
,ioffruals iit thakeity, and are also'in t e.
oily i)raetiern • i tif reconnhending their arse to pt
pants. -A ffill 11, 1 econnt- Of their opinion trinv also
• round iu every Igalitplirt, and sent to the address of
I every person iff•Abe applying (imst pay)
to Alll11,1"1.110MLI, Agent „Ifontrose,Pa. P e
ghaius•can Nolitent hY•znail, with full 6f4criptio is
rer . use. Price* Chablis, 83 and 6. $ . • ' • '• , .
I -.. pnysiciani!.e polirelrinvited to call and exarh..
in° their copsque . oon; and • pronounce upon their
merits. Orcp . it'Ortn 7o IsvALtosi no person ne i, d
tear that they I#ill not accomplish just what. it is
Claimed diet • don do. :
N. B. jUne ghttiu . w i liest for years , .:44 lose no a
,of its electrici:paivr by use, and can be 'applied o
either adult or child... / "; • - t . .
! ,
Ac t A. 4 Cilt.'3lontrose, Pa.
~, .
Jos. Svcr!flinr,,( 4 l - eneral Agent, 568, firondw ; ',
New York.); ~,, ~' : - _ . '` cyt.,
i . • .
- .
i l lit 10E
W ;0014%4. .-
. 1
iriUlt, aio.ort!ttent dew ebnipri6 , 11 al ntost eye
11l .irtielsti, W.aelett, and' . we .fear spin& ti t
Ore net.ircttedl.wlticit. we:. wit I 801 av test a 4
tenni) lirtielei itt. •k5 . .4 than cost on that. ea ' 0
4ccrount. F! !I •:• U. BUICROWg &Co.
i Gibson 4426, .1803. , ...
tit-tittles: Rubes. - •
Ali of them_ehniee :Robga pt
4. a yeti satall advance en the emit: '
Nut I. ; U IpJItIIONV34, C 4,4
L 1 roc ele , lt. Best.
Prem.)) 'Arnett Watch Crystalr . Iyotch re
pairing - as
N: - VV:itclt Chnins-and Iseys gralis to put
: Fr' 'tours 'of liusittesis fOto 7.11. M. pi 1 P
• Matell.makei f zind Importer y
:Aug. 10; 1853-11;11.
, canbe itiOne as well
others W.. - •
ibor !raving: rented. the Chair
_:y o A: W. UroilliwOod,in /farford,
is prepared to rnantifiietnre \!
Abb K ON OF pi/AIRS. - -.,.•
atredired priths,, of stood niatedrials, and in a sit-
Aierior ittyle otworitinanthiii. Ji hnep constantly
PO II ,or tvillinnntifacture to .Order,
liostoit lliker.x, all kinds •
Irf Fanny l and Wirashr Chairs, •
Scats, Sc.
1:1" Ali work wirriinted to I„tiyosatisPaption tor.
five year. I
r,' Merchantabii Produce takonin ex
eliangofor work,iit. NO CREIDIT !
DaiTorri, Dee.. ` ?, I -
Va I nalsl'e Farm It ,
rril subscriber idrers for I:.
.1 farm in Cibson • toWlislii
county, Pit:, 1.57 :let(
Eastern part ikf said tiiwn,lialfiti
l'unkli . annoet: Creutc - , :Ind J 2
quchnnna, Depot, op the N. Y-4 )
On said carp] 13 :C
11411 : .Q a y i
100 trees, iitol is t rd i ‘v:ttereikl
11t1 olters to bell for 10 per I f.:
ical %Aut.% I
, ,
Ti:lilN.—Two thirkl3 of tl4 .
cash down, :nut intlintee mcenred
W 1 1 41.!
. . .
(jilison, Nov:, 23 ? 185—.--.170
1)111I.ADI•II.P111.1, %I fildl'.‘ I. ID)!.i:
1 ~ y.a."rs .ilo hy Dr. li INIS I: j,I Nl, , ..iii
Ft , .; tf.'tu.f••o :- , ;•rit".., alit! Vito., t'llii.vl..l
. ' it it ra 1 , ck, aro a 1,11.1,41 that
his prat r•fir-e to a pat Uvular braUdi a
irv.o.s 116:y11'1i ir - '1 ht 'Ana 'mi. ii. , l(faU,
tozahort .the h 51.1.0 .1' mercury; 001'J
mt.iyuriali7f•ll at UI of life . llncvnt air.
rxtitrtuiyhi <I. :
qr i7e, tit 3- yea r% ti c 1.. x per i rill
of a ( .1,.... art110;1., , ,, hithert 0
. 11,g1',..t
(I."rfluo't, has a•U'il.l.• l',)r.. Fil X IM( SI•
ynt .i 4 it 1:P-Piirs5tt v sitoN,) to Uro'fi.• th r
'ra usys of noviou, aaii it y , local alill 1.
'niss.iii•oital anal phyyleal s ti:Tering, WI
'tat In lill'it4,,,ft,nninl - th' , . nio.t so , rreti
spritigf (if ai•,ric 'lli , •?T'y 311 , 1 presir,to
ll'aisci•:irliettlar :Notice-4
's, - "mrtiiitesialtil.:' , l in I,r hoy:s., in so i
up 'with tlit:ln .to tosulion't,on.l yell , I
Atl i; tirar, not i..riiy 13,tris seriutti oh t
lu•lirittess„hut gives :ire to it' oi l '
awl rics•a•statto".; affections, •Feiv alit
thi pornicioui. praetice. are awns. i
. 1111 it th".y had th.f 11. , :yousiiy . ,?t..111: 1 0 4
-an' otow.r.unt,•iblif fetflin:•••:, and s'agit
- If'' , u'lf" , rt 'mat r" Chili a ' frf•'• tea V..,...•
tol.ilo.r %tit!' iiiirtisioiti..4l rigor, 'or •
atnly : hii•steil is t7r4y auol weak, 1! i
an 4 i'n :71;:1::: in: Ilk ,print. Wit 11 . 1eSS :t.ll:t
1 r 1, -,u 1,1"ii , 13...:11i1.11!“'IC twf“ro - kb.'
vorniSt , :. I'4 'lt.'r niatrininnyl hi= Mi.': i 4
bitX•11,:•!. 041. liilll till): t.tik i! , C.11.1 4 4.1t
V, l chi... a 0..."...54 I l' . 1' . :%.: lid a i:.:11' .1 1 ,:1 6,11
.of :".',0,r,...;',2; • " :I'N si!oole.l.
' ' :vliai - t - iit tr.". r'• rilr'•-.. thi• fulfil - 4Y: •
tf,•,,, , ,,, I:1 or I'••• 'I'M. it r.lay i't' roAllyi
11:11114111 , ,..., ,1:; . '1:11 , 1 t!aa Veil which ' cal
• I'.ll . • :1 • k'' .
rut 't', wrro-11 ,, im.•''s '..., . I,' . „up 1,,f
in•l one.' 'll,'l•o" , •'.l—in how mat.,' cOll I
icii'lk , loli:lcAtions ili'l their. attyn , '
I Apillly them whit.' it is . "yel thill.,lU or '
1 1
s'yure; and r,-L-o‘....Lor..;•iinization net a
'. Yt. ril'n•ztlo"ll , ..l. , . . • ":: II
' -tiINI! 0 . .1r.:11!1--If , who Oar!
KINN ELI N'S tri." . ‘tm.•nt Inayr,:li...,li.thi
or i'l a .4.-ast'.•:;l M.. :Intl rtly np:ln 1 1'4
s , ort-ty of br..g.'s. pat loofa will ro:t•••1 4
. . ,
Una" urm_lrt VW rAISV 111 , 1c9 yi
paw. , tne wito,froini
1,4 , 1111.11 , 1 yntt.
Won many iltitt 4 . tat gy' n:11
ftvn eitrti
lint 4 many
harelletm nit oniatl
tto-d fitt s tn t tit .1 I
Buret urea of, the urethra are rap,
api.ii eat ion r.f i new therm!) ent isa! 4
pri..g. Wea kaess and oonst, , tutioii
muted, and i till 'vlgor' resters .1. 1 1 _
Co \rt ti trr 1 I tsVutli ids 1.7.uf ?lace (by stating, their
ease e,xplieltlYi tee:other, wi !It, all t Itior symptoms, por lot
-lei enielosine a t remittan,re) Dr. K'srettieine, appropria
tell accor.lingly. ',,. N: I i
. _i - otward.-4 tl, any part of the i'alt Id State'S, and packed,
sieure trim D AM.% Gf: or C14110: 1 1 . 07.' 1 ~i . .
READ!-',-:--Toutiva* Manhood.
...1117,,,,,,,, s VA, or a .or,..,a , niare DeVb - Ki n kdi n on Sdf.
. 1 Pr.c.errign.on4Thla:::::YOCal.A.
' It to a work eminently relUireq, WI a means of roforrm;
444' t.he Vices of the 'ale in wl'lielt - ;qte',lltiet. Moo,
l •
With rules Jar the Ptplanzutipa.ql.lfejustirtnallte PrexA
iA kttcr with a rem ittancoiof 25 m}nts or •,the tv;ltue in
, post stamps. a , b.lresstpl to—Dr. KIN - ElJN,Philadelphia, -
Pa. will secure a copy of eit I? er of he above .boolt s by,,
return of mail ; ; or 12ropies 'will he' e n t free of postage
Or $1- ltook4el:ers. Canvas.iers, Tr 'jelling, Agonts{ ? at.r .
- s tpplied wholosale at..the publishe hil
r a prices, which tiiit
a large profit. - 1
n'-.1./1 Letters meal be paA:t-p'iii'd. - ' llyl• -
. :
,g• A .-
"Man, Knew , yself. , . .
,• -
An inruluiade Booklet :tr. eentt . ..l... E:c'ery fanta4, shout.?
1 •
, 1 hare aropy )- "
- :lon, , - corns SOLD IN
Ess TIN A 'YEAR. A new
a.litiota ; evised and improved,
tel isstott. , .
Dr. Iluntee's Medical Mongol
lid boil. Wool,: for the afflicted—,
lontaitill 4, an eiu attic of the mi.
41, tivpmpps,tiest mint ante nrc
1 , 1 . 0 „ , .4* every! form of disease con
-'' ' "` - ' tracted I' . - rtil.euew serMal
. ,
lotercourse, by, self abroe or by sexUal etreess.lWith advice
for their preventiiln, written In W familiar ' kyle, avoiding
alf int:die:lA teciinicaltles, rind everyildng that Would offend
he ear of decency; with an oinlitiel'of complaints lheident -;
uktanales, from the result of sonic twenty years' success.
u I practice exelusivrly ticsettal to' be curecOisettees of a .
• elicate rr private nature. -. l, 1
To which is added rileeipts for thelcitre of thatshrive dig
.. ases, and a treatise Wri the ranseit,H tuptones,!'and cure of
the Fever and Ague. l ' : t I
I . 'fesi;inemy al the Pe ofeesdro f o4lciiirs in Pr nu: C011e . :4.
P h, I wirlia• la - + " Dll. 1111:N1.1 - 31.7S,1311:1•10 - A f... M A NU A 1.,"
The author ot this Work, nnlike the majority of those.
"ho iolvertieto cure the ilisease ,slbt which it treat Fit a
irrad mite of (Me of tar, best eolleget. in the 'United States.
~.It affordS rue pleasure to recommend him to (he onfertu
: ate, or to the yield no'of malprnett, as -a MICePAR fill and
* rperienced practitioner, iu a hoio I . honor and , integrity.
bey may. place' the r...rittee . t io cziti o dAn o e N c. eisuoitr.
1 From .1 filpodt - ord, M../)..0f Iticinn. Utiireriily,Phila•
jltrrita.—At giro: me pleasure toridld mr testimony to the
professional ability of the AllthoF t t;l•the. Mr:meat MAill
pst.." lN:umlfrous eases of Disea s e ii i. f
the Genital Organs,
r to- 0! theth of tom:(thin:ling, haie erniii: under my no
title, in which:ll6i skill has been intini fest in reetorlier to
'perfeet health, in softie easel vdicli;.l the patient has been
y..,11P1.1Prp.1 beyond toedieal aiil. !lii
'the treatment of Nem.
Inal weakness , . Or &soma:gement of the functions pro
ueeed 1, ) - ~(Ic4huse or EXCePs ortif.ely, I thir 114 kii,..ii•
his vii)erioe lit the
.prof.ksAlon. - I Intve loan acquainted
Math the
,than justice - to hint alt well a. kilidovss to die unfoituntae
aloin, of.. a fly itizi iFt . ipt ion, to reeOninrima lihp na one in
i wimse prote.o4onal ekill and int+irity the) Amy aafely '
confide the(Jo.elves. ' AldlitlO 'WOODWARD, M. D.
•." Thi4 is, vitipktit oveq: rim'. thl most . comprehensive
. and intelligible wolf; published a ' the elass of disease of
irildt-li ft 'treats. Avobliii,- all teeltitical terms. it address
es itzelf to thi . , re tmli, of its rea,tori. It is free from all.
ad.jeefloualdo matter, and
I.:tin 'iota however factidipu.:,
txt of t...4Api Hz it in the Iviiii li of flis Sons. Thil an
lt.h.n 1.1.(g de vett vans:My yeltrS to the !treatment of the Tart
!oil, ernoplalids' treated of, and, wilt too_ little breath. to
'puff, and too Mai . prceumptio , ‘ t, initol.,;e, he 11:14 OlTPpihj
to the world,', at the merely noutionlipnee of 211 eent?, -the
fruit of some (went) Iyeared.Jlol4 , snecessful practice. " —
' llt r calk.' ,
,! Nia,ttarlliq' or parent should ini without the knowledge
Imparfra is iltisloyatitable work. It woubl save tears of
ipaitionortifiCatlon ankloarrow. to the youth uudgr their
ohaigo;. " -1 , 4'00/43 Adrurote. .- 1
A Prosby 6J : flan! - elereyuitte In Oldo, writ i ng of f i lluna.
ter • F Medical Manual " says :—!`frhowandittpon' thong
ands of our youth. by evil examplo atrl influence 'lir the
! Passions', hare heed led into thoitima - of Reif. poillic 112,
Uith(1111 reilliptiflX the-sin and feaiful. et.msollielliltei il' on
m ;
theselves and their Posterity. ,Th mut ;Mullen's eft* . ;.•
f t
lands who are r3i4u families have een .eufechp.: ied, " it 'not
I ,
Ibrok en doutt,and they do nottcnor the rause -or the cure.
Anything that can be done sn to 'enlighten and Junin:lo4r
'the public:mind - ea to chock ,and Ultimately to remove this
ledde.spreail souref, of human wrt * ciheducas, wont(' Confer
. Cl,,'! greatest blessing neat to the f{ ' Igion of .7PsUp 0111 . 10.
!on the r4 ,, vort and pOirtllitt CertOr t nn. Int emperinee (Or
Lo w useolitittorleatinit :kinks) Ili ugh it has Onto- thous
..sodsilpeti thenstirobt, Is •not a greaker seour•e. 16 I It! Mt
matt race ' Accept rev thanks on! heloalf riethe . alltletad,
and, believe me; your co . wortkeri the good work you are
so 3^tiVI . TV etigrt;tert in.' . '4 . ..E ?-: : ^ ' ' -
0 ne^qpy . (Fp.carety enVeltined) r
vili be .1 1 1rwaided..freo of
pa.(oge, t o anY part.ofthe Unite. lutes. for 25 :arias - , or
iii% cepips (Vigil. Aihire.. (post) paid) COSDEY & CO.i
' Poblillters, or 41.4 194, Philadelphi i.. . • '
, .1,-.4'lllook:zeltersolanvasseN aid nook Agouti ettrudltht
on the ruo;tlib , .:ral terms, ' . ' '- • .'2.1)1
i I -
. i , ... .. f
, , . orks, andfoprovell the Itial it y o theit
products,. are p. 31! pnrea to .A. , ruie orders for their siiperi.
or Paints. Dry acid ground in oil, in assorted pack:4:4oi
troth 2i to 5)) poundS ; aiso,dr ArrbArrels; of 2ini pountil
each. : . . . .
Their White Zin c, which is,so d dry -or yrrOund in 0it..10
warranted pureaul unsurceissed for body and unifo
whitens-is. -
:. : - , . . . .
A method of preparation has recently - teen :1111013V66/4
W hich ellaii:ea the Company to warrant theirpstintstOkee
fresh aivt soft .In the h'e,es for soy sreaiionable time. I
this resper't their painDS walk, superior to any ot Iker in
'the untrlivt.:.. •
• Their brown Zinc Paint, whiehls sold at a,iow price i tin
ran only he made torn the 14n.• ores trout :New 'Jersey. I.
Ili‘Vl well known for itt prot44.tive gialitiei when sipplie
to irounor other toefOlin KtlrOt;4:l4. % —., ' „. , L '
, 1 Their stone color, Paint possesses' all the prop ewes 0
the Crown, and is of :in ;time:aide eol.-r fol.. paintitigl Cot;
ta.ees, Depots4.oot buildin . o, ftridue4,. he., : --: • i 3
Uea rs muNditA eu libera iertni'hy t idi A . zon,. I -
FILF,M.`II 4- ,
Wholesale Paint .I;)ealers and • jrnparierS_,
W. Corner cef 10th 4. Market Sts.,
• I r • H.. I
Now York littittraiice Co: I
• Ogee, 3 Wall '
CAPITA L I (in Cash arid Apprerred
, • . 6 .„,,, - .. ..
. . n
: •;) 0.
.. u. a .11:1 0 U
. , 1
Insures against ,TMss or Damage by Fire,
Diu tArr iultNi.—.l. Q. Stebbins, 113 Drnad .':r ; i re.,;t,
Pcter C. 11:11a:r, 3 eprtact Eirf!et ; Girard Dandier., 118
llrnad.ny; Thomas Andrews, 136 c e dni-.str, , tt ; - rs l n ni d
I , .uth Mayd, !377 tVe , st. 'street ;..A lbert I...Cnnklin, 810,
C reeimiehstrekt ; James A. Crosby,ll3 Broadway _ ; Cl4artet
Lent, liingsbritl3e,bl N. V.; L.Sanbert i. llall, Cltien,roj 111.;
1 Smith llobbIe; Wm. IV, Leland, New York; d'eter It:
Itoneli, 1.3 S Bank street; Staate sS. -"Dell ; cur. Wee anti
Lniglit 'I. i reett , ; JOllll io..l)eivn, TS Water street,: D ran
it'ar4,llBltroadway . ; Ilornti) N. Gallup, eor.' 7 lVelik and
Ilarrt,Wi.:t reet.s;" Peter 114nstei,.enr.tianssmwt am) yesti
Reuben it,tse., Jr., 4t Eighth Arena... , Steplier; CronlteeN,
Camden, N. J.; Albia WailltiA nt t
ladelpldn'; Dec er It;
Brittany. 49 Water street; Nantuel Si ielair,Tribune nil 4 I.
ing.,-; Simnel 11. Shaw, Clef ,dansl. Of. in . . "
s % ' . Itily.ll, CIUMBER.LIN, P ea.
c II Ajcl.P.S L. e..E. A ILK C,lisee'l. .
r i
CITARLI , :s L. IlitowN,. Agetit. - .
Mnntrnie, Sept .14:1853. • i
Sr Sale.
ale his ' valwit'le
Ip, wolueitannp.
situated in the
Ca Wile from the
taiic's'frimn Sus.
T:" • Railroad.
ou:A!, 3 Barns, u
orchard of over
t;nt, less than the
'. 4 4i.0" - e% 1 4.%'' 4 14.0 'illi . )veN' " .
TLE:I.; subseriber,Avishi% to call th'enttemtit 1
his frientl.4 and the' Public to his very "1
as,.ortitte . nt of - ' . • ._
- STOVES, .. .•..;
athisine*Wor , - e; Ruoni in Lodersville, next
L. S. Let* - 's,Store, and near the Great-I1
Depot. Ile las in addition to,: his former h
variety 'of Cooking and' arlor Stoves, limey Al
• PiatvinS, some of whielidre— ',...' . . .
$t No di ata x,- ' Pencii Brunch; I , ire - Fly
' M..iier n Dray, ' /.11:01•airk, ' 2lklrslll4) 0
'lll4ck lVarrior, l
Orient, .
- • ' - FlowStore f '•. • . .
Whichick!ether withids former sloe]; will
perhaps the niust extensive and,variedassortm
of well selected Stoves in the',6-_,untv.
1)y nif irtUatre. •
)1 - TAY
tlpr liuitm.
INKELIN evatine,;
l 3••11cia.; arliieli. Pa
are auanally
•ctiotiti are proluptly
ACC in the treatment
:trot i in jo vi feel ly nu
. AUT1101: Or A W 01I1C
ot nine tenths of iho
onatil ut ion o Ortnik•
4,.• t rar-t'll , le to ell ,
' , 'T &gll,' anj fit al
. ..are niortaliev . -
Tiler.- ii. an r - vill.mbit
it it de, often ,rosin
! ,if ,tiot reformed in
aelea to matrimonial
-,):c ~,fin girt; way t 0
if the eeriequericeit,
it t err il, feel strange
e fraN in titetnind. •
* * * l Clinton Stoyes well furniAed ai low 'prit
:710' . All articles in his lino keitt.on
made to orl3Cr as 1/R11:11, aniForders rcceiretrat
old stand hi Great &nd. -
• . ,
. ,
I.oderstille & Great 'Beni] N0v.,,1853.—if.
.11.iquor.—A ebo!ve va!lety or I.icitiOra for inedi
purpows, at , ' i rimitELL'
mttssii , nll.ltiv.truivieutu.--"Ciolius . ,ttou t ..E t
Itosin,prida.49, PetTF, and Tail Pirrra,--n4o Arrikd
I Plutev, Fill a Claronedtg,, liahjos t l'unini.Forkr, Inc,
tint. looks, Nano Music, &c. at ' .• Tlit1:1:11.'
apply his taiod to
is rrreqoinfe,
.rgy than tij.nal.
.s. ,
. •' . . lIIARISLE-SHOP'. • ,
. • 1
riptit untle.rsignied have establiiiied a sliolz in
1. tlitt basement or Mr. Sayres:...D.ore,in Ttibit.
tros . e, where they wiltatt all times keep on liaid
r9REMN and Doirrs - ricM.titet.t:, and timnurantu r 0
the samie into Aronunients, Tomb-itoues, Table;
tops e, &c. ' .
. :
-11.17 The pairotittf, , e of the pithlic iii rospactrill'y
solicited. ' CONGDON & BEVIER 1l•
Montrose, Aug1,2.1318.53—tf.
rt‘rartice vlonv,
vivLe is UnfruitfuLand
Ivy hii vv.trly
a vivvz!:'evi
I I •nt ..!veral . conii•
cerA the origiir of•le
lit I.e traced to phy<-
er your un-
I racctl, reshiCCd aiitr
under Dr.•
liy c:infi...lelt) iF 11011-
anco--tliat the
Doctor Yowself
lot.C r you from mak
. ; ETU contailtit
/ ; • (ie hundred Pny,raKitigs, I showir
Diseases and ..MatfortnntioVs of the 111
the secret irt•t heir
. how of ten i
r. .
pro . M1S1111:: young
cut to soticty, has
map system in ever} •shripe and foil
-which 'is. added a Vreaties ti
• Vetuales, being of the highest impor
.ante tomairied people, orthose cotemplating mai
riago.i By •.
'aly rethered by the
•e u4ett nitly by
It pnimptly
I -•
•Lr.t! no father be ashanied 'to present a copy
the i.lescitlapitts to his child., It may save hit 1
from an earky grave. Let no young man or ni.l
man enter into the secret obligutiOns,of married li
without reading the Porlet Nesculapins. Let ni'
otte•sttfli.ring from a haeknied cough.; Pain in till
restless nights, •nervous'icelings, and'• th :••
wholeltraiii of 'Dy4peptie sensations,:and given, nl!
by ikiir physician, be another tlionterit:withoutdon
sulthig the AESCULAPIU§. Ilatiethe -marrtert
or these about to be tnarrietlaity ithpeiliment,rea:; .
thisltitilv useful book, as it has
been the Means
. 9
, tholiscnds of unfortunate cr'eaturesfrom tit
very ja!tve . of death.
Any 'personsending twenty jiye • cents en~
closed in 'a letter„wii I. receive',one,copY of, tilt
tvorkhir- mail, or five copies *ill be sent for.Ou i
,AddresS (post paid,) ' ,
' \ • DIL 7 .11:.Y0UN7
r\,: No. 149.,Spruce St; Philadelphia Sttt;‘lB.s4:--11ily I. •
rnirorter.v .- and.robb4s .of Fore i gn and .1)o
2nestic liry Goods. ' • .
.; . 41, DEIc STREET, NEW YORE', H
W s oU u L s, D ociialna
invite the
ad l oin
e n •lttClikS of merchantsk,
int Counties t
theii Stock which will be- found large, and desir ,
blo at all seasons' of the year; .o)n:4464g:in pa'
of qiolisitassiniere - and Vesting; lions .at
TwOds, with all the best and NtNell'l:town stylt,
of fast eolored'priuts. - . - \
Alio, Dress Goods, White and :Linen Good,
&e. &e.: ; I , • :
. .
• Ail so, Broidio long and square stnjwls, Casl
In erp and 'Silk Shawii, together with fl
. osiery a 1 1
Fancy Goods. 1 ~. ' - 1
Vrompt atientitnt paid to orders.' ! . 1
- 1 ,
~: . . ~ - • -4y l—li change.
• • ' ll
I. ' ...••••••*-- -
~, .. ...........• - 40 4 - 7 -,....--, .. . . AP,
; i , ~,,,,,,,--k , m-r
_r - • -
„. • , ...,-.... - pi, ~... , 1 111101 1, :,
- ' • 1.,,, - -.. i -,. .:•-; , .....74 -, :,.
~_ - . : , "• . I
• 1 ,,.,
•,• ~ - ~--; - -:,-;.-.7 -:- -..- ,--- 7' --
.., .
rll.l.E.Stitise'ritie:r,i . are Entitling 4. Daily rine
1: sta g i„dbetWeett C'arbondaleanditopbetto i
Stati'on on..lll6.l,:n:kthytinna and - r\Vestern lla
road.t Dit.inee 20-mile's. I,eavel Carbondale I
the rilornin , and .connect with t i ro c ar, &ruin
North: It.e wiling; leires,,on tho.arrivallof till i
malt train' funs, the (11
..t . llen The ne,arel
thost,#reetiandtheapestl„ronfe crtito Great Ben
to Carbotid;llo..• l'as:,engi!rti liy x tliis•line ittiv.a . i
bet into Cli tA rhondale earlier in the enin , i'll
t 3 , , . y
any tneriroute,• r.
• Faro receripted in Carbondale
.at. li' ” tAlore
the Sub. , ,iirihers . , Main street, a' ft4-hkkekti bele
Brortson'd lietel. 1 ~, 1
GROW & •
- &must', 1842.—tt: . . , . •
: .
_•1: - . • • -
. Medical Card.N' •
in k ocal . s.TtlAYEß qR .
AN irfg .
zissyciated tlivoss4ves in • the pratliev pt
310 i cine'anil Surgery tvohlil respcctlialll invite
all th give them a call that ttltiv hoed the r pr
fts,ibnal !, service. They arty. 1.6 foon.l at tit
occupied by D oc terlitayer.-
Thes will lieep On hand flap voilecnirat,l3.l at
I . lotheopathie 51c:divines. •
* 112. TH.% ljilt s •
• Montrnse, 'gay 8,1851.
Silks, .SilktS!l
Al 6 Luiiva caa iii an ! iiityik .
tqviivo. niuti.4eatitiful assottniont. oi Drettks
so NA, pLiid ana strips , sellitig.ftlr a small Pt ( ' If
at . • . d. FULLER..
s ' S r r I
ore evive •
tdersianed, havipg -en4re iato ,
p in r itio marcautilii,businesii
its tneihoct'to,taform oar frkeOds
iat,we livi+lu4t .opeue!r•iiiihst.
lootis and tiroc:erktiar Hie 614
Sherman'ilatitre we - olutiflutp- 1
ttl whom 4Y 11 svm ,tr# witkw .11,1
ait litir 'and 'hitiq bietViolecied
1134 we that v( 0 1
Porticaltir. .• •
to call and eicarniito our stoey.=-1
Jteloiy'l l ay,llofibrableTrad •
'A. 0. WARREN, •
18$4. •
C I*.A.ix•r
• While lead, andfreefrf
roisanoip .
Y ZINO - _COSIPANY, bnvinit Kr ally
Or, leer// Ow, 111.1. omit I'lvsicirth
11711411 a: .3L. , 1)
itwe 6, 10-1
- 1401 4 TtOSt-D , c14 4 0.G.t)i T
•rviimmixo EVERY.Ttitutttlitrmoitsixd BT''
en4en .6 D4,T f.-
i:l•iirons AND 1111,01"DIETOlts;
cash in.advancef $2,00, if i I
not linid within six tnontbsotntlel,-v the end
of ain tear. , No Paper disc ontintied.
ges ate paid, :except - at - the Optionl of the Pub
lishers. All communicationi conthletcd with the
°lnce, to insure attention, munt'bellireeted (post
paid) to CHASE & Montruse; 18 '111nd - ulna
County, l'a.
• " itiittefii• - •of-Adiertidrg e ••-
Orie, square (12 lines'or. less) l 3 . inettion4, $1.,Q0
Each sab4equept iiits'ertiell
~...'.1..'; -; : 1 ; '4425
One . Square , three monthi'; ---;;'.,, ':-; l ',:','.''. '2;st)
On e sqnare.six ni9ntlis, ..'s . . e.L:'...._;;. •". 4;00.
Bl.b4illtftfi carCti; ' to''urlinei.`oeli;ig, ,. ... - : , : . %09
y, , ,,i1y ;i4i.erti4cril4iits, not eiet r . 4 iruar!.4,... , 7,00
One•eoll mn one - yeir;':* - : ;.
..' l ., :::'. .1 1. ..'.'30,00
' Ykil advertisers vriik'i)e'',:ieStii ed:tiy, the ,
bu,sibess in which they are'ell4a'gred ndFtie eon
sidv redas-wishing to contiill6 a . eitiiing nnless
thcy sliall.give speckt diiettions fdtaflipeentin..
uanee of
- tile same.'
- JOB WORK. - 1 •
. =
.Fir' The publishers baiiit added to their lob
Printing • waterial4l a krge and superioiraelkirt
mont of Job Type, are-now , prepared ttmexeenter
Job-Work in a . nianner, unsurpassed inltis - sec-.
ti on of country: and on the - most reiniontiVe terms..
Bittnit4 of e'tiery - des'eriPtiiiif keg coostOr4
on hand
- or printed ti order.
.. . ..
Fa*di lona]) le Tailor,,Sh nnder
Hotel; Main Street, lijAntrote, P 4- •
, .
Great ROW Depot,
ANT, Proprietor.. r: I
• L. IL SPILOU-r- .
..- - •
I.ll;iiiinfaclnyet Of S rnoutr's COMBINED CAR.
lUAGE INGS, MOD trOSe, Pa. , • .
Win. AV. -sawn" Ix Co." I -
Ca,binet,and Chair Manufactareis, foot Blain
Si.reet,Xontrose, Pa. . - -
Deil Books, Ready3fadegothing, Hats
art d . CAps, Boots and' Shoes, Goods;
Store opposite Searles llotel, , Atrintrote, Pa.'
Physi.ciairand Surgeon, Llarfortl.; PAL Office
Eaton's Store.
• Dr..U. 81.11.11C1f,1.
.I'ilr t zeon Dentist, 'Montrose, PaL, wifl be at
Mondays and•Tueklays of each
week. I -15y1
°. - -
Dealers iu Dry _,Goads,' qroceriO, Hardware.,
• .oronliery, Bouts ancllslmes,-
• ' • .•
it!tornies atiLaw—Otliee fOrtiterly oat'.
'pied by Little & Streeter, Montose 4 ` , -Spstm.
!Anna County, Pa. • i
C. LAIICM1.01" da! Co. '•
De L itters 'in Stoves . and 31anutacturers of
opper, Tin, and. Slieet-Ircin Ware. Shop
est side !Stain Street,. opposite .!Pemocrat Of.
five, Montro.e, Pa
- •
• :
Irscrpairer of Clocks, Jeweliy, *ilea] "I'llo7-
. peas, and - Guns, &c. EleCtroplating of
.Spoons, Watches, 4welry, &c., done. to order.
lie has an appointment for. Sealer o£ :Weights
land. Measures. Shop : on 31alif: Street, first
,door below the Brick Corner, MOntrose Pa.
: 4 11311 , 114.171PRAELL - ,- MosritosE, PA...-
De •elt'i
• - .
in.brtigs,3ledicines Chenicals,raicts,
Oils, Dyestuffs, Grocerks, :Dry ICOods, !laid
'. ware, Stoni , -ware,Gtass-ware,Camphene,Burn
mg 'Fluid, Latin) Oils., Candles, V•hrnislies,Nyin.
, (IkAw. Glass, Fancy: and Toilet Articles, Perri!.
•. tnery, Jo.-elry, Spoons. Speetdefes, Musical
.. - "liitrunient,. Trusses, M-etticall Instruincnts,
Wushes, -Shoes,
Yankee Motions, &c./ Pracrip,
• tions C:irefialy 'eompoun-diA. . .
Attoiney , and Counsellor 'at Law,
• . .
•. .11 , 19sTnosE, : 1 ' :
•• I •
Wted ti) ai h t? m n d i
n fa t i h tl e tfu e l o lLt t o;..all
1 13 , ;;tusiingeseithaerinntran.s
• and writing of all kinds . will, he
done•neatly,l4nd charge:moderate. r f r -
He will alsd attend to the proseentipn ofelaicin. of
soldiers, their' widows and heirs,. against the:Uni
ted • States Wernininti for Bounty
,Land, Pen.
May be fouud. at all hours at tha . - ofttee.formerly
occupied by Ji. T. Richards , Esq.,noOh' of the' Cou'rt
House. . I, ' . 49y •
.•-. '.
DEALER IN Stoves, Tin, Copper - a n d
Ware, Loderaville, near Great Bend Depot.-Gtf
' ER; I '
• •
Interpited with 1.-L.l Hunt, .
Impiner.Eß DE.A4R in Ilarda•ere and Cut,
.1 •
lery, Carriatze Trimniinze, Springs', .
• • 2213. Pearl Street,. N.: Y.
Where his Mereatitife rriends, - in th s and other
Q4)unties;arci,kindly invited, nutted estlyaolieit
ed 'call rind purchase: • , • AMU.
• .
With Rowe ; Woodruff, Catter,.
tiTilOLE§ALE'.(3Bocens and Cotetinsstoe
. ~ !\.,..MEndttAate, No: 173 Waslii "ton Street,
betkypen Co,ittnnd and•Dey
,S4eete, ew.Yark`.
Mareh,B, )85.1-10tf. -" „I
• I .
'al -Lard! .
G. Z. 1i
nartnershi r,
, eutioil 0
'DRS. E,„ilatrielt; Jr. & G.
this dny formed a eo-partnershh
'efficient andl'sheeesscui prweutioli
,ent branehol.ertilliir profession:
Alt beAtess entrusted4o thern,{w .
ded to *NT' liroutpteess•vasi fidelity.
Their olihi . e will 6.1.4 e . one lately roccupied by
• .
Dr. Merit H. C. Vail. •
TAll..uat3Wr ainti CitErtsai, anti Dealer . i
.1 1, Dyo Stpt4
Paints,.:oiisl,' Patty, 'Window . Gila% .Catriphine
FILM', Perfumery, Yankee NoiM*Sti.; die, •
koulersvit!le, Pa.-1 off , . •
' - Goods Falling,
Qllll, ANC:: Calicoes for S'ets.,_Stjminer Cloths
sl , ,_) for 30, etd., GingiFams and I,:twns .!at - most
Ativ prie',,OCilaina JO rts., Scythes! 50 ctiL; Axe
100, etl. 11..3kv5, ifoes, Shovels, Sickles, For
I f.
.Mop \ il i todies, Brooms, .I! * ii,, .11 4 b,, , _ Wi nd() ,
.8,,,,h, o i l. bti.?..t to be fOthla, CliafiS ad Nnils,• sth
if, 11. 'l li::6 for ono dolinr, anti. o ther goods in
gr , N it, vari4,Sr, nil going `elietip for cash, - .
lilgtitrone,\Juno.l4; 1854. .. I
Baking, Potvdots•
V I) Puted4r4 great labor.
- s:ik by
• - j. IxoNs SON
llutitgo, May 2-1 ..47\5. 1 , • .
.:klit - 01t.c.., :: ..g).*i0 . 7*- t .i.,
P G. .& W; Ii;;I'FL
• . coNGDoN & rfEvt i cit, •
!,ifij ers in Merble'3lonuments,Tables,Tomk-'
:ConeA, &e. Corner of Con 4 and Exchange
treets, oppositel.Proorue CeuntY.Bank, Ding.
fntori, N. Y.
\ •
f • L. P
111ontrosel )1. G. Z.
art.:h 22, 1854.
• -. A. J. DAV.i.s.;l
, .
. .
ATTOP.Nti , ' F \ q ue..;
- . .hanna u. put,TA. Utfivv
. overt S. B. West's
Store.. • - 4 l tiyl
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