MISt 4.tancritt. mitst lrolMnabt 4arryeA CrlASg* moitrotet Atif 11,1104 ,3 :La"- From t h e TINP rII, I V 0130 .. . ' • (Kent:Mee will - mentory ponder • - On the lays ofrold, goneby; 1)) 3 myself,{ Wender , ' _ . thiwedenes)that greet my issma believlttg that - the treasures Which - the paat's dark heavens show, ) Were indeed, sweet; living -pleasures, )Owncd by-tne„ lon2 , Wherelimi verdant tries ows pr youth's hittlif I played, ` _ Catchingsithshine 7 -)not the shadowe, An Opt. tg path atrayed. - ).' . 00 1 0. Were merry hours)4gladn'esi, 0 how swiftly would they n g el i i ) s: • • AlLaitinged byearaer a In Ike kriZegoOgaire).:wt.):::!: • )-4q - Artnme of•tOn EJPIan, ' , Oitod :tyty:tipturfed ; Now mY,l4ttling heart citild fink eiial tho &wen; ' rA itsl 't, _Whiolralottel g iani c. efy gpsw;,' once mere enjoy the honor Icing ago.)k., Cherished forms now gather rein* me 3 , ',4Fortna I loved so dear to-seei )- '-- . 3 , They to bygone years have bound . me, e )' - !-31ttde the past so dear to me, ).- • at in Itionory's hall l' wander, - Ay-her rivers' sothing flow; Loving still to dream, and ponder • O'et bright scenes In long ,To. BMliffill ! IL rt 7 giiVe -c,v Taking . • eat Wtotattit.r.- • • At an-eihibitionOf 'the right kind,' of peo pie for this world,,Nre give place to the follow! ing letter ON 'womaiii'tO her husband Cal: ifornia. It is enough -for a woman to be le& " to. her own resources," - without: being . visited with other, misfortunes She apOeirs.to take it easy—as she .should. " My Dear Ilusband. 7 ,-As it is . some . time since..you left its.fcirtalifernia, I suppose you •ivould,he . glad ite* . liear hoW ye are • getting along in your. absence. •I am ,happy- to ..say , that we are. all enjoyirig.,gookhealth, on. the whole: Just at present, two of the boys- h ave got thisinill pox, Amanda Jane has got the typhuii fever,d3cisey is with - the measles, Sainuel got - hooked by, a. cow he. other •day, - andlittle Peter lies jut chopped o$ seven of the . hatehet: It is Mery h e didn't them all off. • With these tri fling exceptions,,we are.all Well, and :getting along nicely: Yo wedn't be-at all anxious about us. ••• '4- I almost forgotto say thaVoSarni Matilthr eloped last wfiett ; - sith a tin peddler.' -Poor irl ! she's beer i lkivaiting for the last .ten tears . for-a chance, and'l'm --- glad she's iltrirrQ . last. She needn't have taken the- trouble !to elope; though, - for I'm sure I was glad enough . to have her go. - She was a great eater, and I find the . 140 befins don't go off near •se fast now as the did: The way- that Woald . dig intO:pork-and beans was a caution, to thereat -of the • -; • . 1 • The cow took it into her head yetterday to run away,, which - liras verffortunite, Tin re,.for. the barn caught fire la.t night and was. consumed. , I was in hopes . that (he 'house would go too, for s .' it is very indon-, venicut but the 'wind was the wrong way, so it didn't receive much injury. Stores boys Wentrinto•the 'orchard the other night; and stripped all the - fruit trees. I. Ain very_glad of it, for-if they .hadn't-I. presume the-children would have made themselves sick-by eating too much fruit." Give the ,Bops a Chance. Do you know of anybody that wants to hire a biiyl We confess . we never hear this most common of inquiries, without a 'feeling of eadness, and never say no, without a hearty v.lBll that we had something for a boy to do. Poor little fellow; illy:kept, and poorl7slad, turn their anxious fact.s up to ydurs,- . ia. the hope to find n favorable answer," and ' tints-to end a long and painful quest - for the means: to`earn a mouthful` of honest bread. They move onivith drooping hewis to repeaefor, a' thouteug times the inquiry, and to reedit the same responie, in tones of every variety of indifferene. " A boy " is learning ,his *first 'sad lessons; in the coldness of the world; arid the hardness of life. We will not go be-' old_hitu see what aching liettit: there in some poor home, that with mingled hope' and fear has sent.him forth on his thankless mission;-for that that boy himself. should be obliged to go and ask again and be refused; the opportututy t useful,- is sad enough' of itself • I In this fast' age- e -this struggling, crow& ing World, there is little room for the boys ; and there is far too little ,thought' taken of the obligation that mita 41pOil men to make places for them. Tlee materiali of Which men are neglected, and we are too . prone to forget Fliat an element, we. ourselves are In' settling the question, Whether they are to be' goed or bad. We have a plea to , make•_for' the boys. Words of kindness arid eneour-. ae•ement to those who are 'first laufichieg their frail hark upon the voyage of life, are; worth thouganda' of dollars spent in process- es to reform such as ; through' neglect and despair liaie forgotten! their' good'impulie ; ! and suffered themselves to be led into coursesj of transmression. A little word may stimu late a hope that gliuuners on - the verge of ex- l tinction, into a motive strong and unerring to impel its owner - fortratal in the ,riaths of usefulness and honor. 1, , Be kind to the boys‘..•. And to the boys we would say, never des-. pair. If one man does not want lioy, try another., You have-the right 'to 'make 'the, inquiry. The world was made for you, , as well as fer the men, and God has determined ' that you shall have a place, in it. • The hopei of the world are:in the boys—the poor boys e —the insignificant and placeless as yoti feel iourselves,,your . mission is important,. and if - , yet. are worthy, your 'day will surely come. There is. another thing. Go to the . country.; _chances for useful empleyment area numerous And-, various -in the- agricultural districts. Avoid the town, With: its places - of kiw amuse rnen6t, and low dissipation. Determine tobe • men, it4d'heteet Inen, and the time will come When you will be disposed to think even the ltaini - is . yon have sutfered, for, their effeet;i in -developing your energies and &Tina youel character. t The , Home-Atether. . v. Some one writing for the Masonic Mirror has' draWn a clamant& pleture'cl'hOtue, ihild4Oitineroothei? "Ire must drasi'a line, a broad line, between her and frivolous butterfly of fash*,*holtits froni ball to opera and parti,\ idetdastirslith.vohea,! and-followed 11:8•Itraut awholkow-ciaa hettrtlesS as herself. She who, forgitful of iht.hobiltaik assigned her, :neg leets-thOtie' ivhOiharn beet& yen in her duo*, • and leiVei- he_ tor,cafe Idielinf e rs - , e giddy round of ainuse isLA so with QUT 310.111_0 Inetll4.Te b*ingh -. _ be ,u.hei - ea . it' "watms to see he'r, 1 ` ' . ll - i- - Th l el' lit ' ii' lier daily roirtine ) of , pli;asant duties. - nO'vf -114, i,,„a:,,,,,,.ii,,,, ..-slay in:Nl' day, . shaPing Niilii.diving ~,', O' little : „article .for - use 'or o.9tiun9uVoi , piigt,tl4.44f. And f,,,,,,, luPl!)/ 41 1'Pltoed48:** recipients little,,,, of ;Ater 'ritlness 1 :Its4,4b4tlittle faces ' dimples withi•pleasure, and the briight.ty . et- grow still brightinkat man ma - cloaks: them" wi th her own - hat+, in the Witir - tlrestit , t6 hat inade 2 How t tp t much. waikfi#,;*,. 3,#et: :,.,c c oPkfortable they feei if' . , mairima. rirra..o , th -. .ntb. \ b4fore they go i i i . °!PlU; 4 l., -IT ligt l4la i' ` , ,,r , 4-warin t h e rl• •,..” ~ ..... ~.riritsigmrocers hoesoar e :gomforters round theiri necks r'- ' - t,... - .. - ,::' ' i.. - :z'lltere is a peculiar, oluirm about rill . She doo; the . precious mothet. ' They =could not sleep . ,:nay, tOefluit'triatte). , she could, riot if she tailed toy it their • 4.luuntier; and. with liei`o i ive'SOft hands irrange them comfortably before- she slept 1 ~"-Ilei r i, heart thrills with gratitude to her ,Creator, as she looks on those sweet bloonurig tack awl when their prayers are done, ampririti a good night kiss, , on each littlirrisy.latnithi- It maybe , too, a tear Will start for one !Ude, nestling laid in: ,its chill narrow bed, for:Shorn her: atiitOnal 1 .. . : , , (are is no longer rieedd.i It sleek: though! the sleet Mull snow des 'cierid, and the ~icila winter winds \howl areumd its head. . '.:lt ricedli no loriger.her tender loarell '. A mightier arm enfolds itl - It is - at rest! She feels and knowirthat it i s s io rlht.;ar4 bends meekly.- to the hind that thes ft, and turns with a, warmer ' love,' if it be posSible, to - those lit-• tie ones Who.areieft to lo'Fe;-- How, tenderly she,gnarchilliem from duisger, and i-11.4, a strong uitiring loye t she f, watches by their bedside when they preillf . Blessings be °li the gentle hoine;loving,m4ther.—Angels , will look With love upon her rits. Her chibiren shall rise up ,and call hell blessed, • and the memory-of her kindly deeds will 'enfold her as a !ga rment." '!4, 0, Li - ------ - ~ ` ~~a'LN{6~~ 3 . 66 i 9ilas Vormg, bat now I am 014." .... li . hat a' Volume of thoui l eit is awakened by. these:words of; the old poet king ,of 'lsrael, es pecially when; u; we repe:it, them, we find our oWaetperience:Corresponding with his. IWe were Youniiii long time agoond all yoUtlii:s delicious Xreamings, And exquisite hopes,nnd cherislied,allusions have been ears.' We look '6l °tit npori the wOrld.ai'a fair and beautiful 'life garden;whese every . -given shoot AVII. to\: 'bear some fragrant flower Or luscious fru4.- I.IoW we revel!' d in the anticipation of friend ships and loveslthat seemed to beckon iis to their bosom! '''lloi , we rejoiced in the confl-, deuce of achievementi and, triiimPlii 'that 'awaited us in . life I . Itow Webuilt - our cantles in the air with all the :assurance that men ev er felt When building on granite or ndanalint.' But We are getting old; - Gray thairs i l are 'sprinkled- here, and there, Where formerly, 4ax earinglets toyed and dallied with the hr:eeze. Pains;,and weakness of body remin4 us of, de parted buoyancy ;and vigor ; the trieri4l of our youth are vanislicti; the dreams e•ryentli. are over and gone i 1 the , golden haze of I the . pare lias*iven place , to ',cold,, grey, clouds, anN•inir.y - TiviinAsiniman around' the. deeaYing tabernaeles ot. 'flesh. - Ilapft .. i§- - * lenthole who, wbile growing old, have Veen layingnp a treasOre - ..0f sweet and : virtudus Sit uierlasi ' anittetii, look fOrWard, to the el* of .14e, as to lyingoOwn ,t 0 6 calm and peacefid' night's rest, in 4 e)cpecta!tion of a bright landl. glorious morning. ; - ' i -- 1 : ‘ ,- - i r, (. .. • , ~ . . ti ;44 , 4 ; • 1 . '? Goon:—in:c t onpaity; an English lady, half jocularivi of!cotiVie, iittrilinted a very pcilifc 1 readinas :for 'xviO o 'tO the - fair' datir b iters. of 4 , . . , Erin." , - I . 1 - ...t 1. . - , ~ "-Dl - .oieve that. in'ireland,” 'she observed, "it is quite - customary for' a lady, - if she (Mir catches , the eye .of, a rzentltmim earnestly f'., - 'di - - reefed t'of he r .at,the 'dinifer table, •to say,—. •.` Pot, it' s - ot pleaSe. Pionlptitude is the !. or der ath J.] v. , t .. i .. -4- • : i ', 1 ) .. . . . u ive.g,',? re lied` • thellrish lady, not Over plea'sed , ii-ith the insiniation;'‘and determined. to repay !it with interest—"and the rompti- Ode takes another directipn in yolir, country, madani::' . : : * .- •? - 1 "AloW.do`yote ; mean'?" : • , i 9 f‘i Why, when - fin Englisit lady. finds a zen.: tleinan'S eye itpotti• her at .t:he table, 1 --mid . er stand she avertsdier.entin ti,--p enance, attd .titsli ing', say's in her; 'gentled', \ tons You. ipt a 4 papal' "' .'! ' . - 'i- '-• ' • • r''' TPublic. o-- e T the store of Abel Turret!, MOntrose, Pa„ ..LA_ mabe found 'a ~fir 4 arm() • assortment. of firug,s, Medicines, Drugtisrs Glass.ware, Paints, Oils, Brushes, Dye-stuff4Groc.eries, Yankee (No thans, )ieme dry Goods, mh'sical Instruments : l and Strings, Materials for liights, 'Pocket. Knives, Floorks,! , ,Tewelry, PerfametT, Sm. Ste. , ' Persons wanting any :kicks ,in the aferesaid departaients, rand also sertHe btihers not name!,) are respeCtfully invited to and examine, be fore they, purchase; By 4doing their interests may beprometed. . W.Wheti-yori come tip Montrose, do not for get to call at • - 11'>.::TURRELL'S. . • - ~A l with . , ' -," / you once again my friends . No wo...:sniP footsf p rs roata , ' . - ' f. Njoll l'4s ill fir.d . me at iny. , residence ; on alcirna. I rue, twos doors lionthfrom Beth Miteliel'a Esq., huppy at any tithe 4 wait on you, somall3 or.professionally, the I latter especially.. 'Those who prefer to have their WOrn done at their Fwd. dence'whetheilivin„,l* in, tew,n or ont, will.please gi In ve n notice, .sccoidingly;, end I am at your .se o.` ' • Persima \ it a dildance, l desiring Plate Teeth, can be I l accenamodated at my house, free \ol 'Whexpense, ile the' work is being do - no. As I wisktodke intsy ..I shall still adhere pi...My old pinkprehargin& aceofding 'to' the cirEumstances of iny i)ations. * Ther `2, is much' complaint of the high prices of Den batty and of my prices toe, although 'I hdie been n the habit of.' ded ucting from .15 to 25 per c ut,. Ara the- nrat.Now, friendsl I will make you this offer,-=if you !who need work Wilt come right along and have it' done n4a• so keep me busy„: I will Work for' you .for half ; priceand _do it well too. The rea.son, we e have.. t3r,Charge so ,ligh is because; either from dread of tbel pain or the pay, yoa hold back and force us to lose much`; time. for 'want, of work. Conte on then and on- will find there is a chance for bargains at Mentavue., - \ C. D. VIRGIL; Stirgeon Dentist., , . - Ilentrose, April 19; 1854 "-. , Flour- ands att • JUST received and for *de by I- - W.IL FULLER. Economy, r t, ICE, Sugar and ' M - ola ea t e g — i a tia may . , i be used both profitably, and ploasrtntly to a. :kousicler4le extent :as a anhati4elo for Flogr., 'lWe are . 4.oeivingla.largeaupply and offer Rico 10f . good qualityntl.s4,B7 ,„ 00 ibis. Good I!galarPrle.int k liloOr lit $4,8'71 - 0 per 100 lbs. Good-Neir Orl!ans Molasses, 1,86 ets r per gal t ;; 1 • 1 • [. u..nu Rows &CO. _ GlbSOLt 'Juno 0 .'27,1185 ,i • ii 1 I • • I~ .. ~ . ~`~'~~~Y Q~IY~~Y~~. NEWIESTABLEIIMENts Tit One 'ripe . Store' Goois.AT I.OIVVR I CEi, kni FOR READY r riletili4l•Bl,giteA Raitingssactiied_themselves Jtv.` v together% the..)lerctuatil business{ are DOW prepared to offer to the Puyie., a very desirable alOok of Geods, consisting in main of Dry Goods, and; Ready made Clothing, Capsiand Straw Goode, . Books and Stationery, • Boots and Shoes, Groceriel, • Yankee Notioni, S e. &c., • ; all of -whielt have been perchased with great care; and we are s.-itisfied, cannot fail to suit those, who;tnay favor us with Va Tho Dr3i Goods 'deparfment will lbe" found very complete; consisting otall the leading styles of . • LADIES pREBi 'GOODS. - Silk,'rich 'brocade, pl4id and etriped, black, dress and Menthe Silks, very rich, : high lustre, and at cheap rates " I Strip&l'Dclanes, ' plaid "BarNe dn. satin stripe iChallis,'priiited Lawns, POpluts,.Deßage, plaid -0a printe4 l 7aconet-s,`rin great varieticS, which we are tibuttd.to sell rt a iota j fgure. - hadsome fassortmcitt,—Prints, leading' Merrimack, lenchecoes i SPrigues, verp , pietty - styles. '‘ Diess'trtinmingl=44 thoodesimble styles and shridetiL—Bhu:k; Lac silk ei Dress battens, black velvet Rib4psi silk •and worsted Braids in great variety " . • WE Ja`coriet, Nansook, Catn brici, Bishnlie Lawn, and l'Book Musline, Plaid Cambrick, Unsling, dotted SiviSAr tsiusllns, corded frialiLiden, Cattilnick4landlterehicfs, &c. &c.,Tiencli'•NeedlnyViirki Swiss - .and* Jaennet Edgings, and IhSettingsfecition,•linon and . thread lace do.'Fl i nn:king, Wigs ksliicinable ; Chemiset fa, Sle.eves i , Cillars;lOnnets,&c.,:the largest .a.s sorttnent in Ttiwn, ittUf at:4oy le* prices.- Bategal for Oafs, ill' gree3, blue and brown, Black lace VA; &c. i • I Kid . (3/eaci.4-Ladis and; Gents, a large - asert. runt; of the best quality Mitts, long and' shott;-Black, Mohair and silk: Silk Gleyes; Blade,. white and colors. Li,sle Thread, and 'cot do- . Hosier . y.—Alfino assortment for LadieS,• Cents and children. :• • • . Ribbonsi=n! fine assortment for Bonnets, allo satin and !desiring, In all !Widths, and every col- Or. , Do - mos:id, Geotiv—Sheetlnfzft, bleached and un- TickingKrash, Diapers, Table CoVers, and, Ntipkins, and l rct fact, all the desirable styles in this ,departnint. Shauls., r -1-Printed Delanal,Frencliprinted wool; printed'eastimere, Broehe, Black silk, &e., a fine stock of thorn: • 4 Ladies Shoes; of every dbseription, at low .pri- Cos. Boys, Misses, and et Bdrens shoes,•in great : variety. Gents,-Booni, coairse and tine., HATS - CAPS AND .STRAW GOODS. We. havela very find stock of Hats and Caps, Canada .StrawFt, Palmleaf,lCuracoa, Maracabo, Butind Canton; LeghOrn, Cassitnere &e., for summer wear,-which aio very desirable; and sel ling cheap. A b „1" , end assortment' f Ladies Bonnets, Misses and ChildrenS Flats, Hats, &c. • • READY MADE•OLOTHING. In this britinch • of ort bu4iness, we cannot fail to suit. Out stock of 'Clothing is 'very extensive. and Well made up ; in late unct desirable styles, We would 4*i:illy invitd our friends desiring any thing in this. line; o kive us a call. Geri tlernens furnishing GoOds,l9f every description. • •A large stock of Witll P tpertnd Bordering- Books, Stationery and Y4tlice Notions, in great variety: - • roc:cries.—Teas, Green and Black; vary choice and freih, at lOW prices. . • Coirecs.--;•-Stiperior St. Domingo.' and Rio. A heatitiful article of -:Browd and White Sugars, CHEAP. .MOlasses, , Spices, Soap, Candles, Lamp Oil, Fluid, &c..&e.: IA very superior arti cle of cavntidish TobaCco, nt 28 cts.. per lb. We are id the stere fortherly occupied by La throp & Salisbury, and - 1114re recently, *by Geo. Fuller, opposite Bearia's Ili,tel. We would_ be very happy !indeed, td see our friends, at the ONE PRICE sxon,E, and hopeito merit ourslme •of the public -p.ttrnriage, lly*good attention ; and low prices.. • !• q. sow. IL FULLER, osd, April 19,' 1834. • A#stralia, 0 lifornia, Or any piaci.: on 114 Globe,annot present greater inducerzents%thgn 4.. STODDARD'S ROOT AND SHOE STORE. WWHICH is now 00 aiith a new and exten sive assortment Of articles -in their line, embracing ageneral variety,' of new and elegant styles of Ladies and Gent! ! men ' s wear, among k which are Ladies FrenCh. ILasting and Pre: nine Gaiters; Kid and Etta eled Polkas, Kid Pat -nt leather and bronzed .rFnny • Linde; , Buskins and Ties; gentlemen's "French and 'Philadelphia 18,k-tanned calfskin acid kießoots, Congress and .664 in Gaites, Monteley and Washington Boots, toilet Slips,!, Morocco, - cal t 4 and Cowhido Bro gans, &c. Boys kip, calf add q cowhide Boots and Brogan's.; all kinds of Misses 'and Children'S wear. Also, a genet-al assortment of:Findings; which con sist in part of lasts, pegs, *parables: Hungarian nails, tecks,.thread, wax, 'lnsilco, shoe binding, awls, rasps, sandstones, shim, knives; &c. Also, .oak and hemlock tanned calf kipper and soteleath er, Morocco 1, skins and lin - sags.. Work made Le order and repairing neatly &he. \ ~ , KEELER & STODDARD. Montrose, June 1.1853. t - . _ Sp!MIJERANNAI COUNTY . STOVE AND TIN W ARE DEPOT. A L. WELISTER . 4 Cp would 'respectfully LA., inforth the People of !this county and the i people in 'general, that .they ace opened an estab lishment:of - the above kind i Montrose, at the' old stand of Sayre and Webste , One door north of the Demecnit office, where they in't.nd to keep on liand'a large assortrne* of '-,Stores Tin, Copper, Brass auttstieet:lron Wares,iall of which they will sell a's cheaP , as they can be bought in this or any other county: Among oar stoves May be found the following Ireitidee others tlo dumerous to mention: • . N. '';; cf. E-ie; air-ti,,ht, for wood.' • - Mo:krn ;Troy •• " ' ;" • or coal. . . - • Key.tontik. State 't - " • Vulcan , : "A " " .. BaylStUte , i . Ls . ~ . , '''' , - " - Foret ,Queen, elcrateil Orin. • iMeliOek, .' • : '! . Also, Parlor; Office and shop Stoves,. Culver's Pat. cut Hcil-aor Earnaces for heaOng Pdblic Buildings, stoics, Hotels. etc. St3sre Timming, Pipe; Zinc, sheet.Lead,l.,ead Pipe Welli and Cistern Pumps, Chitin Pumps, Chains and Gearing.; ' kinds Of - Coitom Yfork done on short no tile and moil. rensoitabfe tertint.lOur motto is small profits, readi pay, and quack feturns. • ,- 4 * *4,11 kinds of Produce at ken in exchange for Wares: If YOu don't believelt, cal' and see - . . • ; WEBA'TER &.CO. • Montrose : sept.ls, 1853.. 6. ' . , , . I . LATEST EXW.I • I2I O IENT. The Nebraska Bill-Thliettied i ' SCOTT, /01iNSTON & CO., are now reeler , li3g , friairi New- YOrk, a:general aissortment of ,Sprtitir i'mrl St/rimer Goods, and we cordially invlte ulllthat like to"' bny Goods itheap, to give us it call,lai our stock'iis Large and • ive are wit- i ling to sqll'for small profits. ' Yon can find hero almost every article wanted,, and we are willing Vietnpaie Goods and prico with' any - storecia• „thelsounly We have taken special pains to find' AieeTi-ooilsito plesse ,the Lidits, enchant Illack;- Figured inadfancy Silks. Silk Tissises, , Batages,- snd Bera p flAi Didanes, Plain and fancy , Lsivns„, Silk, Fnc reh' and domeitic i Gingliains, Fignred CtOtains 'and paper.cartains p Ladics Collars, n derbatidk'fs and sleeves, , Mantillas; Pares Is, Gloves, Stratv iuxi fancy Bon'atts, also trimmi ffs to match. li , ' i '' A large Stock of Gods for mon mid boys, al to i rf ni t si,,ger, Nails, horse' . shoes' and nails, 1106104 Salt, Mu,- Crockery, Grindstone.s and t.ono ;wk., Trn,StoVe Pipe, Glass, Saih, Leath. 1103Oots;'Sfiges, iS . :,. &e. - Please give us a •ehence Of„iftSbWing 'you onr ,stock, before you li3'." ... ~ 1,... - I , I "' SCO.TT, JOHNSTON & Co, - S,prin (*tine; `Aiiiil 18.18:i I.' . I .., • l' New Gdods • - TT J.i . VEl3l3,finS received his-2d stock of 1.1.• Sp ing and SAitninerCoods, without enu merating it long list Of artiyks, or boasting no to prices, I wimld tuorely say o.my friends" to 'call and examine my Goods. 1 31ontrose r Matt 20 185-t I , -• * . 41 . ?, Stoves .t 1 GL rtlilFi Sere atiii ArellOw - Lear reminds -u :4 th - atlho fist 'approach of the keen. Fr osts of -014.0r0y Wintt When. one of. these, unsur paSsUble and Japproied _,Stovea .from the mosWeitensiie ,11nimfacturies in the Union, SheartSr-,l):tiptard, become indispeutiable to eery fatnilY.'7‘,WouldrespCctfuilyannohnta to 'die eiti:zezia -of Susquehanna -and adjoi = ning counties that We halOi just received and are re ceiving the`,..laigest-:iilid best assortment of Stbves ever introduced intapisteraPennsylvania;'Which will liasol4 at the Ory lowest each-,/figure. To thoseYwho ire in wanf,of Stoves they will figd it to their intereoo kali and examine our variety beforet purchasing 040 Where. They comprise in Putt tiS . United Oriental Failor, E4tern'lliken cif (1, • Venetian, `• Fite' Cl:ppper'F.. O.;H • ; Fancy do •Na!iona4;Air.:TiOr. Irving, *do • Star,• entlage,,. do- Fartne*re.*Air-Ti4e; • 4-c.;,.4.6. „ j. Tha above Stove* are - too :welt knOvn -to re-: •• quire any Minute ctiption, being the Most poinifar.and approve; Stove in Market. All Who may favor us .with mead -will be shown thtliugh our assortment with pleasure, '' "Recollect; the numbe'r"—EATorest;ii, famed "One Price Stl#o.r. • 1 • linOcird,Pa.,.Sept . / 1853.-35 , • 1 .- - CAIRIPIL•csiTtIERIS HOTEL: • (Fololptl. t y LU`4O1 . lipis ",") GREAT BEND, PA. rrEb'4lti • subsvn grented this.weil.knnwn ltdoise, ind're,f4teci and re-furnished in good style, !S no* prepared :to receive and !entertain gueoi,! . This house is: delightfully. situat i tt on the! banks or the SuieAttehanna river, on t . lion of the INe* Yorkandr; trio, and the' I)elawnre, Lickatvantmand -Wo446in overlooking a most.benutiful seCtinii of Country, ..and isithe p:morina of SeeneryMnttilualled anywhere. .As *SinutuEn Itt:OnT I tor the business man seehink.quiet and.. fieedom from the noise and din of City life; and lfuri ladies !and gentlemen in. pursuit of.pleasure atnidthe, rural 'scenery of i the country, this - loeatidti oinnot be equalled. !tore the weary traveller i.44Ucure from the iionrutilon incident, to the continnat arrival and departure of espeehilly in the night tittles •' a very great •annovanCa to. those stopping itt houses very ! • lfis itocms are ni pleasant and well furnish ed;ll;4 Table with all the delicacies. which Voth country and :city marl; ! 'nts afford and .no pains will be( spared to make iiiShouse a pleasant home to all his guests. • . . . :e7Gussrs wilt ho Conveyed to and; from the ears, at . any hour day `4!)r pight, inn nod ;Omnibus free of:charge: - •', l'i ! . - ! '', R - Tt A Livfir.y. :gi-ibt.E is attached to . the Ilouse ' :l' .1 1 . : i • Isi: V..GARPESITEIii. , , . Great Bend, Juno 147111, 1553-2(4f.,i r Bryant nousti 'Okra' sPepql,. sl, • • u. H . Tlli3 new and siiatiOns building, sittlatedlhnt a feW feet froM Depot. at Great Bend, is now of and furnilshed in a suitable style 'fur a Public House, and be kept open atiall hours, both day and !bight) for the reception!of travellers ;and especially for the neeiimmodAtlon . of pas4mgers travailing on the N. - 1' . .•& & L. & w. Railroads, being at the junction of these two re.icis ' and the mOst convenient point to step: in and take refresluncipts and be ofr with the first train, ap Well as the Most convenient house to ite commedate the pnblie., it is NEW - CP::AN : arid W1101 " • • Fire r,e - eill ted in Carbondale at - oi . ° 'Sion , of the SittiststibCrs, Main street; a few lilock.*bol°i' Bronson's diotel. • '-' . AiLlust,l I . '. ',, . _,. •• i Medical Cr; ,' • 1, r‘oers. TIIAVE It t'r...5% AIN DALL, liavfety I, - liisciiiated theti6vi :- in - the 'practice of ' iltedicine tin d ..Surgotir t ? id; respect ruili..inot.' 811 to aivg:tlitliri t il la lav fleet! their` pro; fe:”;ipii4l.,4l.,av /e Y !"•!,.. be. tWun'il at the•l 0 r i ke vvi ci , ~t ) c PiPtr•ir l ik! Doer& Thayer.- 43r(3411Ajmhhaulle{Pqai Okihvoitihta and - olhc e !.-,:!-,- - ~ . , q lt:TN1417!.*:1:.;•-"•4---1,,•-1• ...k.„- •,.,. ~ -' . . 'Siontiose, "Sle , 8, 1854:1 n 'edeAs*.DALT.,.. . . __. ~.. i - . GROW & fl lfiVrEas 41-tf. THE 111INTRO'. • ri.: 2 1 3 1,1Wi l EDEV . FkY ‘7 . 1! -; A Gg46.-Zi EDITORS AND 1, . - i T s TERIIIB ..41, , 50 ' .h , n advance; 82,60 it not paidwithin six moat ;•andis2,so,at the eild of the year.: N o paper d scontiaued until arrears : gds are paid, except at the 'Option of:the Pub. lislierig. All commtinimittons connected with th e office, to inure attentinii, must be directed ,(ITeat paid) to CliAsz &y Da, llll ontroimi:Busquchfl ta County, Pa, Rites of AidivrtiSitig.. Ode 'square (12 lines qr iless) 3 insertion's,. 1 1 11;00 • Each subsequent inse tkin; .. . .10.25 One lignarelhree months, . • 2,50 One sqttorttnix months, . Business (aids; four linesor less; ..13,()0 Yearly, advertisements, not over 4 squarest 1% 0 0 One column One Yeally,:iadvertisersi will' bp ;restricted to th e buSiness in whieb theji.are engaged;•and are:eds. eidered as wishing to continue advertisirtynn% s they shall: give rip ek.i 'Aireitiiki xj.slbtiCdmennife wince of. the same. , ' JOBNVOR .1• • pir The publishers having adr4cii,to,;.,tb„*,lol Printing materials a - large ,and :.surer o, a s,scnt rn ent of Job Type, fire now prepared W execute Job Work in-a• manner onsurpaised ibiei see= "thin of country, and onlhe most reiiitondble tertnl Blanks of every description kept constiritly mi head or:printed to Order.- " litsintsrs Pirtrtivri, . , JOHN. GROVES, Fashionable Tailor ,--- Lih4punderlSe.ole't. Hotel, Hain . Street s Alqntrose' Pa.•• • BRYANT jllOlE t . Great Bend rieliati p !. ADDis9s -,ANT, Proprietor: ! 7L,;,11. SIII.OIIT • , . ii annfa'etitreK oflSr,Rotreii COMDINED A. RIAGE SPRINGS, Montrose, Pa.• : Montrose, • •lain . W. I[?EICIM a. to: I; - Cabiiiet and. Chair Mapufatorers, font Main S'tcee!, 519utroae,Pn. : - I • G. dr. - W. ..U. I'ULLVIt; Dealers in Books; Reli4y-3lade Clothing, -tat t t land Caps, Boots and .Shoes, - Dry Goods,; IStote opposite Searle'B!Hotel, Montrose, Pa. • Dr. 1. - - Physiitian and Surgeon, Burford, Pa. - Office 12 doors below Eaton's Store.. •I, Dr; IL SMITH Sitrgeon • Dentist, Montrose, Pa., will he 'at - wiSearle's Hotel, Mondays and Tuesdays of each reck. J . . , IfIc4.I[LLA- 1 11,16L PAILS, 1 . .•. ~ .licafers in Dry - Goods, , Groceries, liardw l nTer; • • 'Crockery, Boots and_ Shoes; 'Ste., Sprit'l4,ii ' lle Pa: • . ~, .. . ~IBitx,- , . . L.ITTLEA :\ Attaraie..,i at Law—Offiee formerly 9cep. pied : by Little &. Streetr,--31thitroe, Sunite. Chunty, Pa. . Itai B. LITTLE.] [EzE#t - B. ,C CONGDON it .11.DEVIER• ' 1 9 1 Dealers in Marble Monurnent#,Tables, Tomb. -Stones,*e., - Corne"r of .Court and Exebitnge §treets, opposite Broome County Bank, Bjng. lianiton, N. Y.' . - . • • 1 1 - ,C..D. LATHROP. it:. C 0. . - , o ff' Copper, in Stoves. and. • 3lannfaetarep3 of Copper, Tin, and Sheet-Iron Ware. ShoP west side Main Street, opposite Democrat 01F . fiee„Montrose, D:Livrnapo.] • ' E. IL MOONEY, . Repairer of Clocks, Jewelry, Mesita] inatrn r nip n 4, and - Gana, Eleetro plating o l f • Spoons, Wateliea, Jewelry; &e., done to ordeii. 116 has an appointment for. Sealer of Wei i ght and Me.asares, • Shop on Main Street, ,first door below the'llriek Corner,'Mentrose, Pa. A.BIEL TURICELL, DifONTRE, - ilea iikDrugs,Medieincs, CherniealS,PaleK Oils t Dye stuff, Groceries, Dry Goods,- Hard wfirt, Sione-war,GlaSs-Ware,Caraphene,lturn ing FlUid, Lamp Oils, Candles, Vornishes,*in. dew Glass, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Perla , wry, • Jewetry, Spekons, Bpectacles, 314icg `lnstruments,. Trusses, Medical JrAturnents, Liquors, Mirrors,'Stationery,'.Brushes, Shoes, Yankee Notions, &c. *Physicians Pre'serip .' tions . carefully compounded.,' RANI.K.LIN PRASE'S, Alta i r ey and Counsellor at Law, . , - . MONTROSE, PA : ., I t attend faithfully to nil • bisiness en rim o him in the county Of Siisquehan r a.: ne.ing and `writing. of all iiiitile'si f 1 h.• y; and charge moderate.. , , also-attend to the prosecution Of etaitris of teir, widows and,lteirs, ag,ainst the 1. 1 1/i• 8 government, for Bounty .Land, ren• I- - • TiTIL Y Y tea Convey done neat He will soldiers, - t ted Stat( sions, May bei found at all hours at the Office formerly occupied y. J . TA:id/aids, Esq..north oftlie Covt House. . - 490* - , JOHN GOLUB! -'- • • . DEittn IN Stoves; Tin, C.cppet and Sheet rcrn Ware,.Lodersvilie, near Great Bend De po t:1-6V •, M. C. TYLER,. Interpsted with . I. L.• limt . 7 ThlrOl_Eß IND DE4LEp • tp . linraware - A cut. lery, Carriage Trimmings, Springs, - . j ,Nn. 215 -Pearl W. 1, pl. Y. Where. his Mercantile friends, inzthits .and ()Mei Counties, are kindly invited, alideantesay - 'ed .to call and purchase. . • • - n6tf. - • • Apr HENRY,S!' ti • , OF ITYATROSE, rAr- • ' 1 With R0wi3,,,/Woodniff, &Titter, yIrfIOLES.U.E - GnocEns nnd '•etmingsms RpriAris,`No. 173 Washingto'n Street, betvieen 06rtiand and,..DepSirep* New Ycirk. 1854--10tf. - • .1 ' ' Ilroidieat Ca - rd. RS. E. Patrick, Ir. &G. 'Z. - Unlock! hall). • . this day , formed ate-partnership, for on) ,effinient itnanrieccgsfnl iiroseention cif the differ ! ent brinehi* of their professietr:' ' Atl hnsiness entrusted to therrwwill tie:a ten dektei with promptness and fidelity.:. ',Their 011ie° will be the one lately mrspie# by Dr. Dimock. • I I===l ~t. PATRICE, 4 . - - DINPCKI, Moniniie;3lareh 22, Itti: • - 7 " : ''‘ Mont It= 0- Vail- TARIIGGIST -and . Cirnmor, and Llinahl Jr, t. Mediniebs, Chpinicals, , pyn St Puinti, ON, .I . l 4kty; Glal . iNLCalkny Fluid, " PCrfumery, Yankee Lodetsville l'a • ; • ATT6lll , 6llir; AND COUNSEL UM haa t/ 4111:11ot,, a v er S. $. Mit4 • Wore'. j I : Goods- Falling LSIIILLING. Sumpter Calicoes for 8 Cts.,Soiner Chkihs L. for 10'cts , Ginghanis.and Laivni at most, any priee;Dektina 20 cts.',,*ythea,so cts., bo Itskes, - IIoes; Shovels, Sickles; F40: 4 .j ?GP Handles. 11Coonia,: PAN .TUbs, .-Wirfoir sa,A, the best to he•fourl;GlrtsS rind 'Nails,lsth Tealor. one. dollar,' . anii .other ;gootli in great' Varieiy all going cheap for cash) I LYONS et. SON. , Montrose, June 14, 1854. .. • . . 41 (ishin#:.sio° Powdelr,s, great la7,Jort invin.6* articles, Far.ea% ttv . J. L ON 'S 4., SON: Montrose May 0 4 1851 * ' Vie C 7) mowpaNG 3 441eg t HOPRIETORs, [S. i1,...Wr00nr071 ~'~:. ~.