rq-orgi:,gitiii,tr o .., THE Lmeca.§r EinettLyteN'T-icatinEßN 4'ENlfed dr ALVIN DAY, :EDITOR',4. Moutrise, Thitirsday, July ST, 183,1.1 In the illeaodw. BY-IMYAR)) TAVOR. • • Hein the ennintr mC.adows, • -_-__kithe Meadows alone, - With:the infinite sky above me Iltfii the tan on his mid-day throne. : Tie smell of the flowering grasses Is sweeter than any rose, _ And a million happy insects, Sing in the ward ter*. The mother lark thatls brooding Feels .tho sap on her wings, And the deeps,of the noon day glitter With swarms of - fairy things. - From the billowy green beneath me To the fathomless blue above,- , The •creatures 'of God aro happy' In the warmth of the summer love . The infinite Idiss of Nature I feel in every Fein; • • Tholight and the life of.Summcr. Blossom in heziet rind brain: But darker' than any shadow By thundElr clouds unfurled, The awful Truth arises, That Death in in the world ! 6And the sky may beam as ever, • And never a cloud he curled, And tho airs be living odors, But Death is in the world. Out of iho_deeps of sunshino . • ' • The invisible bolt is hurled ; . There's Life in the summer meadows -4 But Death 51 in the world! , firt7 . *ib..t :Nt..0114. Reverie of the:Church SeNto " Splendid day, ! We'll have quite. a Out. There's nothing like Sunshine, to an. audience• better. than all the preachers that ever were bore.—Oh •• t my. memorandum book; rd like .to forgoiten it,-and'' if them directions . • been tended:to, most likely I should J ost my place. Let's see. , [Takes out a - orandum and leads :] "By order of Judge R. the woman squints and eats eardomon seeds is not put in the seat in front of him. ' "By order of squire B. the young who ogles his daughter .and wears pants is to be put somewhere on the side of the ebureh.l "By order of the wealthy Miss Pry; Prim the young man whoes clothes' sm cigar i and brandy, shall, be set'behind , "The request of Mr.' A., mechanic, strangers be uot shown into his pewr attended to' if convenient._ , • "Quite o :chapter, anyhoii. But people are beginning to streak it. . There S.'too . young women trailing. • Common • sort of folks, I guess, gentility don't come qulte - so early as this. Have a 4..14 marm.J i --•:She says with a how,. if yOu please, sir.-Na mat ter, politeness is a cheap artiele,. : it don't: cost nothing., So here goes the two women into one of the black wall pews. Rere's two more birds, of the same feather; woollen sha;wls,.Straw bonnets and cotton, gloves; wall pew, second from the door, good enough in all conscience. • ' "Ah there's a bride. Satin velvit, and white lids; fine broadcloth and - .white vest.. Shall I have the pleasure of showing:-..your self and lady some seatsl They Inuit have . some first rate seats, kir they are eVidently, somebody. What, difference . there is iri folks! . "Now there's a dress-maker and a school= Mistress, n6bodies. Back seats, geed enough. Tie young lawyers—somebodies: I mist find a seat in the middle aisle. A rich Avid ow—somebody---middle aisle. A broken down minister, coat rather seedy, cravat rather coarse--nobody—sidd-aisle.. fashionable btiardiug -school girls—some bodies-7-uiddle "aisle,, if possible. Rouged cheeks, but a spiended silk cloak--some body—middle aisle. An apprentice bop decent looking, but a nobody—side aisle. - “Wholl say/ 6 ain't 4.L . judge. of human satrirell Don't 1.. - 1.-now Who a is , the • minute, I see him! • . 4 1Co4'r there'i one of our seedy coated, old "fellows coming. Don't I-set him down as a nobody, and won'the be glad to get . tiny kind of a seat! I'll show folks that I under- stand my business. Have a seat sir? "Confound my ill luck! Just as I. was him putting,into one of the poorest'seats in the house, along exudes Judge R. who spy ing -him, comes up; -and says he, Ah I how dy',9, do, Governor B.! Take a seat with me, sy:oncy wife will rejoice to meet you. Shak . ing - haixls With the seedy coat, he, looked daggers at me, and-I'll pet a foinpence I've ; lost my place. Who'd hare thought the old fellow wii"* an -ex-Governor I • But that comes of looking as meek- as a schoolmaster, and "dressing like a wood-sawyer ? why don't folks, as ought to,.hold up their heads and be somebody f Getting Along. of _ - There are two ways gettingthrough the world. Some men have a knack of 'getting , • along,' while other work their way:—The man who 'gets along' is always devising , . soma, expedient by.which -td shirk the primal -curse'-or rather blessipg---of , labor. -He starts a 'gift lottery: or exhibits a fat hog to • the gazing populace at twelve nd a half, cents - per head. He invents a quack medi cip'e warranted to `cure all the ills that flesh i is heir to,' and gets a minister .to endorse it; ' he advertiies five hundred receipts for ma - king a fortune in less,than no time,' offering them to the gullible public for, the extraprdi • nary price, of one. dollar, postpaid; or he turns politition, and is rewarded with Wcon • solship to the .Fejee Island. ' Ho is always changing .the object of his pursuit, now run t•- ning in one direction, and now another, and r this he calls ' gettingplongr ' )(3865 The mu who ' works his way in the 'World' the busineAs of life with careful ref ce to his tastes and capacities, and: then steadily sticks to it. He bee,omes master of one, string, and draw from , it such . melody as . , sootluN him in the darkest hours. If he does not grow rich he becomes respected and hon. ~.erod. Ills perseverance is counted unto him as, a virtue, and men say. he js- one of, the - old standards. He sticks to. his business, and his business sticks to him. What: it brings him he knows how to -value and en joy,. forliellas earned it. Ile has his ' ups and downs,' but they are only the undulations - 'which carry him steadily over the`•• waves) of Ws ocean. With continued practice comes skill,and that is always in demand.. So ihe . 4 avoiks his way ' upward, and- is known I as a -riling.iniiii. Botha does not go up like a rocket to cpurle,d ( ?wn l i ke it'i:sLick* Ills l'7 griasis gradtial, but..sure, for he ' works ids way, he lays a good foundation for ereryup-_ ward step—developes his powers and t i s l a p = . py in their exercise. Ile is a , truly dey l fitit terttl fir he " w''d4. iti: war," and all.• )pekoe• I. . . . . ,is ye .-hip•in an' inferio t r degree.'.: Ile.; ftilfils. the object - of his being, in accordance' with the laws of the Creator,. fur all things .in.na ture "Iwo* their way." , - ..• • i 4. ' : :, ". . - Tilt.man who"gets . along" naly 4 get rich but his life is . always a .failnre,--.4t mere make-shift. . His - riches .iniivlie admired, but be is seldom 'ilespeeto. • "Mo'st.'•often 'be. does riot attain wealth and - sortie times he 'get a along"-'to' the workhouse.' , 11 who would...not wort for himself. is .14 last . obli 1' ged -t work for others. - : ''. ' g ' Th re is-a knack of "getting 'jilting," but I the tine art of Life consists in `' viorking your way. 'Young *Man, cent:czar:o your', pi,l4-, or. Diffusion is the great evil 'tif ~life.' Be come master' of your. business, and' . you are master of other ineti... .Per lie .wl t to by-- appli ; eatioLand perseverance nequireivflicility and a - . put -e, is.always in deinand, .1i is - bound 10-s4ceed. ~ '- I ! ... ;' i . '• 1 421. lacksio and (10114 lizille , I'll'e. folltiwint, front the Buffalo Conutier-. 0 cialds So: cliaracteristic of Gen. Jackson that wen re sure it- will be read with'; interest by ever y i one : O'a .the accession .of Gen. Jackson; the small clique . of intriguers wli6 chisten4 " Bolton StateSinati," assuming 'to, . - be the Democratic . part:) , of Massachusetts, . had np ;. pointed the. Herat Offices in; that ..State among themselves. To one of their . number - wai.as.signed the Pdleetorship of Salerri. :We war forn.Miller.was proscribed Without hes itation or compunction. ,The selectien made bathe Statesman 'clique was .iteeepted• by .Old l i fickory . with out examination or inquy: ry ; and. Cren. ' Miller's.siicaOssor was nomina ted tO the Senate. -' When the nomination came to be acted; upon, Col. Benton inter posed and asked that it tilightlay.over..- He was s f ire. that . the Eresident Would not in-' tontileally ;remove . the incumbent—there must be some`inistrike'.abont ' it, and desired timepi bring the, facts of the case to his eon sider.i tion. - The request winKompliea with, as a • liiatter bt" course.'. Col. • ; Denton . name- . diatoly - waited upon - Gen. JaCkson, and the interi, iew is ;said, to have been of high-interesti i A-gentleman whOlvas intimate tit the White i Mouse, used; to de'r;crilie it sornewhat 'in the I - - folloWino- D stYle . :, . . . ~ . . ' :"General Jackson, do Sot; know, L sir, who . is col ector at the port of Sittem, .'MasSachti- Setts, sir ?". • ' . "Lcan't think. Of his nanie, Colonel, al thoult Pve'juit sent' it up to the Senate. But leis a goodmaiii-IknoW, and a good Dentoprat; too, for. Green andlnensbaw.both t..4ld:lne so."' . • I • ; - \ , "lint 'sir," rejoined Col.-B4" I beg to in-\ quirelif whether you .know. *ho the ,pesent incninbent, is, sir—the officer whom yen have intent' edto remove,. Or 1 ... ... ' - - "No—l Can't rememberhis, name'-but .1 knowl he is n . 11—,-d PTow England. lfartford Conition Federalist, for Green an w -llensha both - sold me .so.". ..; i "Sir, the present colleeter of the port of Salem . is Gen.'Milleri air;whofought with sb muchl.distinetion.en the northern frontier, in . the i'ar 4ith-.Great Britain, sir.": -- - "Not the brave Colonel, Miller; . who - said - "11l try !" when asked if he could, take that '4l-: 7 ----d British entrenchment at -Didge ; wate •-. . .. -.-. A. ni , • - , . - " Xes, sir," said,Col., Benton, , ' r f he is the .same inan,..sir.". '' • ~1 ' . . ; ,i: • - ." The d--7---- 7 1 he is; :Where'.v. Donelson !" A sharp pull at, the bell -was 'folloWed ' by ' tlprompt appeaanee of a ie . rvant. • - • "Till Col. Donelson I want, to :see him— 'erg's have ain't have Man Laid iother ence 11 of . , , quickl. "' • F , : i - ' MriDorielson' entered. F. , '.--:. F 1 . . " bonelson, I Want 4.hde name of the fellow nominated for.Collrtor :a Salem Withdrawn instaritly. l 13V - the eternal F iheses politicians are .the most. remorseless' scoundrels alive. Writ a letterlo Geit..Miller, and 'tell him he shall hold the office as long as Andrew Jack son liVes. Stay, ll'll*rite l myself—,-the assure -1 ance 'will be mote gratifying .as coming from a brother'seldicr. FF - F , , , - . • , Abtertistintuts, • 1 -:+ tiii ;: t o .. •. To : e üblio. AT tho store, of 4 ',Turd!, Montrose. Psi„ 1 - 1.. ruay be found a,' first rate assortment. of Drug Medicines,f Drigist's Glass-ware, Paints, Oils, *mhos, Dyn.st:s4 Oroceries, Yankee No tions, Some dry.GOodshansical Instrunients and Strings, Materials for; Lights, Pocket Knives, Spoons, JevVelry, Perftimery, &c. &c: 4 -- Per Sons *anting anY articles in tho 'aforesaid departinenbi, (and', also some others not named,) are respectfully invit to call and examine be fore they purchase, yso doing their"interests may be promoted: • When yon co to Montrose,do nSt for . 1:47 get to,call at ~ . , • TLTRRELL'S, to Fresh Arrival. 'MEW GOODS, embracing, nearly every article .1.11 necessary to keep up an \a.ssortment, just reeeived,, and selling fora trifle above cost at tbd t Ready Pay Store of I I 1 , SMITH & HEMPSTEAD.: ' Bidoklyn June 21 11854. •. "Pni.wilh you once again my friends INo nor. toy filotpteps roam • ) • YYOUwill Std meat my residence Oft Monts vac, two deors'sonth from Seth 'Mitchel's Esq., happy at any titneto wait on 'yon, socially or professionallyi the; hatter especially.. Those who prefer to have their work done at their rtAi dence whethering In town or out, will please give Me notice accorcrigly; and I am at yonri genice. Persona at a rris mace desiring Plate; Teeth, can be acCorninodn dat my house, free; of exPense, Aile the fvrerk i ts being done. As 1; wish to be b sy I shall still adhere to .my old. plan of charginiaccoi-ding to the circumstanct4, of my patrons. ' There,. -is conch 'complaint of the high pries of Dentistry and of my prices ton; although I have keen in i the habit of dedricting from' 15 .t.o' 25 per cent, from the first Now friends I will.niake.yett ' this offer,--if you who; need 'work will comes right along"and have it done end so keep me busy, I will work for yon ,(1 for half.pticemnd do it' well too. Tho reaso we have to charge 86 high is because, tithe from dread of the pain or the y; you hold bac and force usto I hise much 'me for want a - work:. , Come on then and you will, raid there I a chance for bargains at )lontarge.,• 1 • C.; D. VI RGIL, Surgeon' Dentist. I If entrose, April ip, 1854. - , UST nput find, Salt' reeeir44, iuld for sale by G; & W. H. FULLER: Silk*, Silks!! • , lITILL the Nadir Fa:l in and look at our exi, tensirc Mid liMuitifal assortment of Dress plaid and Striper', Selling fors *Mall profit at • 1, G. &W. H. FULLER. 1 June 6, 1854. . ' I • ,)i ' , . T RING:. . 1 A 41,0 I.IE subscriber';.continues to 'every on the,- I l'ailoring; binfiness iikall its branelxii, at "stand lately eicitpied by Lines dl. l Reynokla over llawley's ife.-- ott'sore, where he will 4 .tendf to all milit in hhit Profession ; in ft prompt. and satisfactory er r , , „ I - ~' t P. itErfkOLDS. i .: , 4 Montrose, April 5, 1854 7 —tf. • ' • I Zoom)m_ir in Food. • , TS ICE, S, r over and, 51elasses, are cheep and may . IV be used both Profi4bly, and pleasantly to tt eonsii'lerable extent'as substitute. for Flont.—L We :are receiving a large, supply, and offer Rice - of good quality nt, 44,87 4-2 per ; 100 lbs. f Good New Grimm, Sugar. at fr,4,87 1.2 per 100 lba. Good Now Orleans 310 : asses at ,86 per ga !on. . , -1, - • ' zuß4Oviti§ & co.\ Gibt.on, June - 24,1 1 3'41. t I ' ! N - Euills r fit t LisllmENT. ..The One r ic e" Store. - - GOODS AT pi:m.4s, AND FOR DEADY PAY. undetsikned hailing associated themselves Ttogether i the 3ltutanti I e business, are now prepared to Offer to the public, a very desirable stoels. of Goods; consisting in main of Dry ,GoodS, and Ready:made Clothing,, Ifitts,ttaps and Straw Goods, Bohks and; Stationery, Boots and Shees, - it Grticeries, rr Yu kee Nthions4 &c. &c., all of ben phrehased with great care, and We ire satisfied,' cannot fail to suit those, who Mai favor is with a call. The Dry IGeodS. department will be found very Icomplete4eonsisting of all the leading styles of I r •. 1 .• • ; • LADIES DRESS GOODS. Sillttltich brocade, plaid and striped, black, dress and Mantila vcrr rich,-high lustre, and at . cheap rates.. Striped Del:rnes pinta Darage'do.• satin stripe Challis, printed Ltlwns, replins, Deßage, plaid and Printed Jaeonets, in great varieties, which we are bound to sell it a Biro figure. Glughtunsi-it hadionie assertment,—PrintS, all the leading styles, 3lesrimack, - Coeliccoes, Aliens, Spragaps, &c.4•4ery pretty styles. Dtess trimmings--4 the desirable styles and shadbs—Blaelq silk Lace, 'Dress buttons, black velvet Ribbotiai silk and _worsted Braids, in great vcritity. t, It • White GOodi.--Swias,Jaconet,Nansook, Cam brick, Bishops Lawn, I andj Book Muslins, Plaid Cambrick Mulins, dotted Pwins Mutilins,corded. skitts, Irish Lien, Catnbri4k liandkerchiefs,`&c. Ste.,',Prench Needle Work, Swiss and Jacoliet *Edgings, and rusertings, cotton, linen and thread lace do. Fleinicing, Ladiestfashionable,Chemiset tes, Sleeves; Cidlars, -Bonnets &c., the large'st as sortment in iThwn, and at very low prices. Barego ter \ail's, hi green, blue and brown, Black lace-Naas &e. • -. - Kid Gimes:V-41131es and Gents, a largo assort ment., of the test qualitY. . - Mitts, long and short, Black, Mohair, and silk. Silk Glovi.*4 Blacl, white and colois. Lisle t• thread, and cot. . i ' "hosiery.-!=A( fine assortment for Ladies, Gents and Children,. k .j I - - • gibbons c r.--aqine assortment forßennets, also satiii and lutestriud, in all widths, land every col dr.' • ji - i I Dome,ctici Ghods:4ShLeettn,ks, bleached cnd-un bleaChed 'tusling, MO gag, ',Crash, Diapers, Table CoVirs, awl Napkins, arid in, faet, all the desirable stylCs in this department. Shauls.4Ptinted Delano', French printed wool, printed caslimre, 13reche,,Black 'silk, &c., a fine stock of th'Sm.. Ladies Shod's, of .every description, at low pri ces. I Boys; Misses, and childrens \shoes, in great GI Br 00-- el 6- - • t ., variety, _ten Boots; Coarse am.. -J ne. I - lATS,IC S AND STRAW GOODS. We have" a Very fine stock of Hats and Caps, t Canada Str,awf, Palrbleaf, titracoa, Maracabo, Bound, Ca4tion, Leghorn, ICassimere &e., for summeriwar,fwhich are very desirable, and Bel linichcap.).- II 1,. ::ti gond ::assorttnen'kof Ladies Bonnets; Misses and [childrOns . Flats, Hats, &c. -I - .!RiEBDY MADR CLOTHING. ! - In this hrannh of our business, we cannot fail to snit. - i Our stock of Clothing is very extensive. andiwoll,raad4 up, hi Into and desirable styles, -Wel tvoipd; emieciallyl invite lour friends desiring anything in this link, to give its a call. - Gen tlemens fhrnithing goods, of every description. '. A largeCsioik of Wall Paper and .Bordering. - Books, Stationery and Yankee Notions, in great variety.; il il , • Groctiti'o.-4Teas, Green'4ld Black, very hoice andl . fre4h,lat ow ptiees. .- l .• • .1 . Cojrc4:uperioi', St. Doiningo. and Rio. A beailtifat arti4le of ' Brown arid White. Sugars, CHRA,It. .1• Molasse, .Spices, Soap, .Candies, Lamp o,ll,lPliiid, &c.i &c. A very superior arti cle ofOviindilill TobaccO, at 12,8 cts. per lb. _ l7r *in the store formerly occupied by La dthrop &.; Salisbury, and more recently, by Geo. Puller, OPposfte Searle's Hotel. We would be very happy itideed, ko see pur friends, at the rein- rratnis'itr.z, at 4 hope to merit our'slvire of Me Iplibic i ,pati•Cmagei by good attention, and low ' privies*. -I, • 1 1 i 1 - 11 - \ I 1 . i 1 .1 1 , , G. &W. H. FULLER. : Moritroc, April 19, 18511 . . , - ' c • I CaUfornia,. Or all place nn the (ilabe,enpnot present greater i • • indr`tienents lan? KEEf,ER4 ST6PIJARD'S • BOOT. AND SWIM STORE. BICH is now filled with a new and exten `l sive assortment of articles in their line, embracing a General ivariety 'oaf new and elegant styles of Ladles and; Gentlenten's wear, :among which arelaclies French, Silk .Lasting and Pre-, nine Gaitirs, Kid and EnanOed Polkas, Kid Pat ent' leather and bronzed Joni). Lipds, Buskins and Ties ;Iseittlemen'a Freutlh and Philadelphia oak-tanned calf Skin.Aud: kip fitoots, Congress and button Gaiter*, Monterey and Washington Boots, toilet SliPs, MoroccO, calf. and Cowhide Bro. gans, titc.l Boys kip; calf and cowhide Boots and Brogans; fall kindle!' Misses and Children's wear. Aldo, a general assortment of Findings, which con sist, -in. part of lases', pegs, 'parables. Hungarian nails, tackle, thread,: wax, Bristles, -shoe binding, awls, sandstonee, stic4 . knives, &c. Also, oak and hbinlock.tanned calf Imper and sideleath er,ldomano Skins and lininp. Work tirade to order and repairing nea4dene. KEELER & STODDARD:, Montrose, June 1.!1853. ' . : 1 SCSQQEII.%N iAI COIL , Arri STOVE AND TIN WARE DEPOT. EBSTBR 4. GO. would respectfully Clk inforni the-people pf!' this, county and the peOple in general, that they have'opened an estab lishmenlof the ribesie kiud i 4 Montrose, at the old stand of Sayre and 'Webster, onel door north of the Demdcrat office,!where hey intend to keep on hanola larie . assortment‘of iStoves Tin, Copper, Brash and sheet Iron Warerl all of which they will sell as cheap as they can b 4 bought in this or any other c4milty, Among our stoves may be fOund the followiniberndes others too,numerous to mention: N. Y. 4. Elie, air-iight, for wood. Modern 'friv " . or, coal. .keyxione State - 1,1 Vu/cOn Ll' - 14 Ba? - ,,State, ,S 4 tit Forest ed Oren., Mohawk, i • I , " Also, Parlor, Office ilnd shop Stoves, Culver's Pat ent Hot-air Furnaces f?r heating Public Buildings, stores, Hotels. etc. Stove . Trimming, Pipe. Zinc, sheet Lead, Lead Pipe, . Well and Cistern Pumps, Chain Primps. Chains and Gearing. QAIt kinds of Custom rWork done 'on short no lice and most reasonable teems, Our motto is !Mall profits, ready pay, and quick returns. eie.All kinds-of Produce at ken in exchange for Wares. tif yen don't beliore - it, call and see. • j 1 A. LI WEBSTER & CO.' I Montrose Sept. 15, 1653: . I LATEST EUITEMENT.• The; Nebraska Bill' Unsettled. . Q COTT, JOHNSTON & Co., are now reciev .o • lag Ifrom NNW York,t a general assortment of Sprtitg and Safari& Goods, and we cordially. invite all that liketo buk.Goodi -cheap, to give es; a call; as our stock is arge and we are wil ling to sell for' isniall profits. You can find here almost every article wanted, and we are willing to contpare.Goodi and price with -aby store in the county. '. We have taken 'special plums - to had nice Gobb to "please such, as Figured and fancy • Silks. Silk Tissues, Barages, and Betig,o ,Delattes,. Plain, and fancy Lawns, Silk, Fiencli and ,domestic Ginghams, Figured Curtaini and paper curtains, Ladies Collars, Un derhandlefs and i sleeves, Mantillas, Parasols, Gloies,'Straw and fancy Bonnets, also trimmings to match. -1 . A large stock teGoods fur men and boys, al so lion, _Steel, !ails, horse . shoes and nails, Plongbit; Salt, }"i4h, Crockery, Grindstones and Stone ware, Titi,Stove Pipe, GlaSs, Sash, Leath er, Beols,'Shoes,l &c. &e. Please give its a chance of soiltig -y4 our stock, before you buy. • • • . • SCOTT, JOHNSTON & Sarin ille, Aril 18;•-1854. WAIL PAPER. I A LARGE lot which - enables us to se la sell 10.1. .1. , 1., Isesi , ies , riviwTart opportunity to make bet- . ter;:svtectioni. . , Ashton Salt, liutt6 . -Firkins, Tin Ware — &c: ' &e. S. if. & I►. SAYRE Stoves: Stove::: 44 retill, Sere andl V s eflew Lea' remindS its ithat the fast Mppronplof the keen Frios of Old Grey Winter; Wheri!one of these unstir paSsable And highly ripproyerl Stoves from the most extensive ManutUctOries the - Union, Messrs.lShear & become indiSpensa9e to evert family. We ;ivr'itild,respectfullvartnounco to the citizens of Sit'squellanna and adjoining miunties that wo haVo itistireeeiveri and aro te- - ceivitig the - largest and best Itssortinent of Stoves ever intioduced intet.'4Xtertt, Pennsylvania, which will beisold at the vUrii lowest eal4 ,figure... To these who are in wait of Stoves they will tindiit to :theirinterest to Tall:and! examine our variety betbre purchasing elSeWhere.. They comprise in part as follows: • • • . ITnit#: states, 1 •!** r! Oriental Parilk Basiern Queen g (4., •:I - Venetian,. :do; ,Pire :Clipper E. 04 Fancy • - do 3. National Air-Tight 1 f; 4 Irving . doi • .ilfordin i rr, Smr, I . ; Cottage, 'Far-niers' Mr, Tigha' • :1 • itc., 4.c. The 4bovo Stoves :tie tee well known to re. quire any iiiinute dtriptlOn, being the twist popular .and approver Stove; in, market. - MI who may fdor tis with n ;Cali\ Will be shown thicrukh our ss4orttnent with OlcaSUre. "Recollect the. number"—Ercres's fitrlanted "One Price StorO." • 184-35 ' • • icAitpurriogyS• HOTEL. (FORIIERL;Y Lusii;flousr4, )GREAT BEND, P 4. THE tubscribcr, having rented this well known hodse, and rc-fitied and re-furnished; in gobd style, is now prepardCto- ;receive and entertiln! guests.l 'This hour Of delightfully situated. en the-haeks.Of the SuSiinehaitna- river,, on the Imoi of the fiewlYork arid Irioi and the Delaware, Lackatiannit and Westin:it Railroads; overlooking a rnestlbe,antiful scOien dl country, and is the panertria of ; scenery ne;pqmilled anywhere. I . !AS StilitMEH Rtsor.T . ;tor the business man seekinttqumt and, fro4doni from the noise.end din of city pre, l'or ladies and gentlemen; in • pursuit of pleasure amid the rurabseenery of llu; countrk, this location 'cannot lie equalled. 1•10 c the weary traveller is . :Seenre from the confusion incident to the continual a;frival and departure of • trains, t-ltich, espeqially the, night time very glicat nnuoyance to these stopping at houlies very near 4. he Depot.. 1 1 ;1 NITS ltoc;:its are 110, 1 1043:Int and well furniSh ed•;.hiiTahle, with nll-thel Relic:leies which berth cOuntrf and city, markets .afford ;*;.l no pain s will be i spared to mak§ hishouSe ii pleasant hone to all Ws guests. 1 .• ;. IGul..s.rs will bb cent - eyed to and from the cars, at any, hour day pr niuht,ina good Oranihus free oftharge.. • i IW. A LIVERY iSt.tr.tir is nttaehed to the • • • . 1 . 1 1 CARPENTER. Great Bend, ! Juni! ,;),71.11, . !.! , Bryant Ilona rot , tt rb'end :Dcppt, •i, i Pa: , • PINUP new and spacious buildinz, situated but alf feet fromlthe Depot at Great Bend, is 1 rik]sw opened and fiirnisiiedlin a suitable style for a publlc Douse, andliiwill,lbe kept open at, all. hours, :(bA day aildihightl,) for the reception': of travellers; and esi F eiOty t'or the accommodation' of passengers tr.acelling ottE.,thel. Y. & Eri4 & L.& W. Railioad4, being. pt the junctionof these two reads,l and the - most COIN-en - kilt point to ti.tcp in anOakb refresht4nts and be offwith the Ayst train, as well as OM inost,tionvenient-house tOac coMmibdafe the it;s. NEW CLEAN 'mid 'WHOLESOME! !with rooms enough to-neeMn. mate Att., being fitted.iip with new fnrnituro 'to Correspond, amiltaples lalways sei,, with wAnln xttitt..4 , and luinfios furnisbed atl a moments Warning? 1- ••• 1' ' 1 • Passengers 4esiring rest air I sleep; can, by calling here, agai4 theincOnvenience of taking an - omnibus to find tity inn,l as well as the dOay and .uneertainty*o(iejurning to the 'depot at the inTivat: or departure if. thq ,trains ;:as porter will, be in Waiting to cnndnet them with their baggage to' thc.Bryant House'4," "just across the way," :trid cOritl4l. them back again +about foe dr, reward, faking; special care to - wake them lif desired at a;n . y hour of the night. • - . •Thai loeation of the Bryant- liouke,_ with the natural scenery aboOt it ;,combine to • Make!it a Very desirable SC.NIMEIii, RESORT for hnsrncss men nnd others in ;the .City who May wish to "east tiff care"-for 4.1 few 41:15-8 6. recruit in , the „• Country. ; ; • • i ' A Large 12i4 Conzmodinu Hatt I i athletic& to•thii building for the con•Cenii.nee of plellsure PAIITtEp ? who limy 'always find good accouimodations here, without' regafd to nuirdiers with 'Warm stables tor their teams, and relihble help - Lo wait .tipop theni7 • •• . • ; ; T V - For ftirtlicir. particulars inquire at the Br grit House oftlib proprietor' . ' • k . - ADDISON BRYAN T. •Feb. 18.53-70.1 • .1 - Feb. • ;• •1; • Invalids of Ptinn . sylvania, our attentionle:yrgen!ly inviCed -to a careful Y and candid nernsal ofisomethinp, ° tlt.it . ha.4 just been intiodneed intal your 'rich end time 'honored State: Przikernarizer's i f figro lec ric Vallaic Chains . . . . 'A new and novellmodo of applying a poW,erful remedial agent, so C.ohstrtitled as to be worn under the gtirrnents, next to.the Pain producing a conitant unineerrupted current of Etectro 'Alagrietism; effect ing ithmediate relief from the most acute pain; and also rt-, permanent, cure of ail' imbus- DiscaseS. -It seldom has failed. , to furnish -almost instant r'elief, and a; final, perm4rient cure, by,being used aceord ing 04 directions, totho following diseases.—Tiheu matisa, Gout, sdiatica,i I:Paralysis, Painful! and Swelled Joints, Neuralgia, hf the face, Diseases of the Spine., Deafnes and Mildness, 'Uterine pains, Palpitation of the, Heart, Periodic, al Headache, Sit Vitus Dance, Getieral Debility, Pains of theCliest, Hyst: ries, Dyspepsia, all ;diseases that are e4usud by rr eficient amount of Nervous Fluid are greatly relieved, if not permanently cured . by simply wear ing the chains a lei , hours'each day. - Be, it anderstoo that it is not. claimed that it 'Sures all diseases; but only those fot which it ie rec., ommi.nded; and Moreover' we boldly claim and de fy th'at no medicinal agent ;of any kind hasperform ed sci MANY cures during, the last year, of those diserisesjust named as .' ! Pulrero ticker's Elf Chizin. i And to prove this, assertion, we defy any per Son to produce so manyjWell authenticated Certificates of .scientific 'Physicians and intelligent patients as may be found in a paMpblet of3G pages, to be had ',:g,ra tis) 0 the agent in .this town. The Electric Chains were, first introduced in-Franco in ISSO, and; after being subjected to the most thorough and rigid trial, : by the first medical inen in Paris, they were 'found to poisees strauge,iind marvellous power for reliev ing pain, wherever. applied, and by their inflUeute 1 wet 4 introduced into the hOspitels of that ciq, add - also Secured letterS patent by the French Govern ment. They are 3 liew intrOduced into almost 'every Hospital in England. Ger Many, Austrial Belgium, and patented in those countries, where_ they have become the most : 1 :! 1 'j.Popular ciiratire A gent in the Itrurki. „ . They were fi ret.introdueed into the U. States a— bout.kone year sipei, and Went through 'the same trial, asin Europe,and wer e at once introduded in to e ery Hospital N. Y ork, where they. are now daily use, effecting even more wonderful ; cures thatihad ever becnre been awarded them. IThey are highly recommended by Prof,. Valentine Mott, 'Vaa::Buren, Pont and others , who have. puhlished theie;iiisis of tbeir power, and valueln sevdral of the inedicaljournils in that city, and are alsolin the dank practice of .recoMniending their use ,to pa tients.. A' fall account of ,their opinion may also be fotnid in every painphlet, and sent to the addts of eve!y person in the State . by applying (post aid) to ABE4TURIML, Agent,liantrose,Pa.i The Chaps cache sent by mail, with full descriptions ;for.ase. • Price ofiChainsi $3 and $6. - P4sicians areepolitely Invited to call and exam- ine their construction, and - pronounce-upon their . .merits. OsE, uian to 110. ins; no person need featihat - they w jil not accomplish just what. it is claiined they calf Til B. One Chain will fait for Years audios i e none of . , it's electric poWer by woe, and can be applied to eitl4i adult or child.. .iti:sti,Tvaart,c; Agent, MontrOse, .Pa. J's. Srensaavi : Oeuerat Agent, 568, BroUdwaY, Nevi , York. • , I GO. • . • NEW - . .44 . 1 0 OGUS* ; • t:at assortment noW, tomprilses almost every altiete wanted, 'and- we; fear, Bomb that are. not loanted;'idlich - 10 n will sell 4 edst and spine artieleit at' less than cost on that: same 'fteOvant. ' & Co. . • Gibson Oct. 1851'; • i • ~- ~ . 1 . Illiffaio!ltobes. ' • 1, Ai: Lugo lot r:4) f them: ,i4l6lce wluile lbibes nt a very -sigAl advande nn _the cast. - 43ii.odon. Novi . .l. 'IT BURROWS &Co. 1 - ,; . ~ -- • , . ;ItEszt! • usT r teeivetilallotqr. Imp rtat4on. e)sptelido -Derchea I. tiprizonto ‘Vittelica secondi'und ametled Vials, cicUiLle &Moned in open of which hire Warranted lind received di i Switv.erhind. l'he few 111,-übjoined ?Tie! onco poitit out 1.4).1,he where4ind enormouisO me ceOtage can bo 'saved! bofton! 13..10veied Level 4 above in! e)e,gantlbilver !eases from : 4Bl. i moterneiits in lluntinglcuses frem!ttP zontal 11,:•tible bpttomed 4 holes ..lew face and:lecondfl, frprn . 4lj,7.s, the.'uin went in Wegant Iclinting l :lcaFes with sun from 89;h0. which twee hurl ~ Dints; bold Di:lipoid Pointed Per wl and sib+ extension .11olilers,magaxitio Sze. frog Isl,ool . Gold 'Diamond po blades fioni .•50c:1 Jewelry &c. 4r.e.e!ina cissortment of excellent Sec Watcliei, einicreUt makers, in first rate ditiom be sold decidedly low foi c French LtMett afelt Grystals,:l9d. pairing rx usu.: W. 14. B. I . %ratehlChaini and Keys Brat , cliusers.i • . 1 . • 1 Moors or business from 7.A. . ;• . • ; . • ' • j! A. SINGLE • 1 1 j .Wat.cli mater and' In 18.3•'•-- Ifitf. -1 1. I P " Scomet , tOngs call be • done , - i i, ~ stsotiers.” •1. T"Ll..u,,,crif„r , paring rented th . Mapnfactori of A. IV. Greenwobd,in is prepated to m decline . .I, . AN: K NOS; OF 0114,11 q. i at reduced , pric e . of good material), a 7 perior style of orkmal#bip. I kciep ou liandarill naanufacttire.to ordi.r, . 1 Bostini Roac l rs,(i4r. ()rid slylei) - ah in iFa ncif and Windsor, Citairl. Flag 1 3 ea! s, ,‘'e.tiees,. 4-c.;&,cl ' ELT :91-worlc svarranto . to Oyu- slttisr five years: ., r il. . 1 • %. Merchantable Prfaliree will hf - s ta change for work ;b,bt NO, CREDIT!, , 1 , - I . , ,)• IThiVES JOIN 1 ilarfrircl, Dec: 2, 1853 1 y ' • ' . , . . • v i•• , : 1 • ' a Inablo . Form foral f e. . rr il " sii 1) s e ri4c r ;oilers for sale his! vat ulble .. faint 'in .oills - on!1 township,. :Susiqueliannk eouttyl Pu., elkn6iiiiti4 157. - aeres, itOtPrl in thO }aster, patl, of said town, half of a tnilg from the TUnkliftnitbek Creek, aid I'2 1-2 miles fromSris. loch:tub:1 1 Depot, on te IV: Y.•& I+::l+::ltiiilroad. :1 On tititi • farm. is a ained house, •31 Ra'rns,"a' horse ite l ,:3,;corn hops; a young, okeha dof Over 100 trdes; and is well ;vatered.. . lie OliTers to sellforllo.per cone les ' than the l real valn4. • - . : . 1 l'EK,kis:L-LTwo thirds of the Pureha o nton6 , cash d4wn, and lialanci.: secured hynoortfrage. i ' • •,' WILLIAAI I I TYLOrt. .1 Giblon, N0.v 4 ,23, 145—...---47y1 ; AFFLICT ; Eb RE 13,..1!. 1)11II.,4AVELP111.1 10 P.DIPAL IIOUSE4.Es! blished' 20 .I 'yeais ago by Dr..KINKELIN, corner of Th rd . 3t Kilian tits. beck-eon Spruce and l'inei Philadelphia. P . i , In v4l relw are appillised that Dr. KINKEr. N cOnficte4 hi? prn ittice to a. pal ticulitt• branch of me4icin , 'svhich,,en ti, gage!. hi'li ttadivi led attentionnfortunate againet Olio abuSeeif utecury; thoueailds a e annually merentialired‘iut of life. f, Recent atfectlkis a CpromPtly exiing4p.hed. ; . - ,i = Twt•u y irears cif Ilzpurlieneccln t etteatment era c)aa. of,ilGi•al+CNs hitherto neglected anitimi Weedy un. d.rTntooo, hassmableilDr. RINK ELIN:( Art Itoll OF A WORX oNSIII.It•PI3ESO4ItV ILTIO2OtO prove that nine t utha of tlhe causes ' atg.. lIII,LI Ott (!alii;.oe's fin. 8 ets., Surnietleiello .for . to Giagluttna . and La ms lit taus% nay pried, Delains to -eta.; Seytheslso e ts l :, Axes , 100 cis., ;Rakes; ilbeN Sh4vols, Sclrles,Vork% -Mop 114dles,, BrOonis, Tabs, 11, lap* Sash, the; best to . 100 found, Glais ad Nails, sth Y. IL Tea:for dollar; and other gi4s, in great variety, all tiOincr.ebehp for cash.. 1 • " J. LYONS &_ SUN. MontrOse; Juno' )4 4 18.544 . - • • .1 woo waited. THE 4Anbscribeiti will pay the 'highest . mar ket:price foil Wool eitho . in Go!pda or C'nab. . S t MITH & HEMPT- 1 - 1 ?' Brookbin, Ith, 1854. - r - - ! I . ERASER; • 1 . . ounseltor ; at ILs ROSE; PA's ' - -- .Ir I • 1 , fully to alt.business entrus e 'County of - Sitstineiiiina. writing of all 'kinds wilt be .ge mederate. i : ' .! o the prosecution of cl Irps of, and heirs, against t elJni-, ut, for Bounty Land l'en . , " . - • I ...,0 1 I hour atthe office formerly ards,:Esq.,nurth of the Court ' . ' • . - v 39 yI " ,00 45 25t) ''