=:=;l_ '7l' -------- ' '--- ' ° • • • Shoriff's §ales. - : • i .- - • ONIII 11110 i. °NIA 1..:' -1.11 . • virtue of sundry writs iSsmed tt of,tite - . - : •CIRCU-S!! +' D. Court of Common, Pleas of ' Anehiantnt - - : •,, T i ns „,,„: ;m it . 7 ,i, rurynAin " r , i i county, and to me directed, I. wit, e it_ el to- pub... ' r , -- .;..- ..., ' , • 7 ~,.L ~ .. Ull ers ac isanuz au s :Rail, Load 101 r• tic Bali: tit the llouSe of - Wlrt. K.; H telt, in Mon et And .4.wpttitherstre sbt tile troseom Sdairday . fie 19th day - 6f Auipst next, .. ,- --- r : , •,. , Republic. : at I O'clock l'. 37. •- . • I •I - .' • • . , ~ , . All that certain piceo Aar parce 1 o lland, situate 111'D Ll..r. ROSA,. first rirst Clown and Local Jetiter. ,lying and being in the fownship f pori.tst Lake JIM 31Y4R -8 ,, , Mr....L.'s. Ilethertiv. . county of Susquehanna, .x 0 b unded and d e . I .e4ler of the Orehestra,i , . - scribed AS , follows, to wit: Begiimi: g 4: a post Equestrian Director, •. 7 .t.- "Li .whitt,y,, 1 corner hereof, in the centre of the iroad leading Treasurer, - - . 1- ." I'.l.laftmm• from . Thomas Brown's to ChoCoriut I.li6ne'esouth Advertising Agoit, .. . ' . • " . Tiiimaiide.- S deg.. west 24 and 2-10 perks Itotheltleutre of i Propriewrs, • Messrs. Mrce•S & MiCniite.N.' the Milford and Owego - tutni4kti, liener.nortb j This Cein anv Will ltlxitibit . at 'ilk; c„l.l,,i v i ug i GI deg. West 22 and 9.10 perches t? a eorne'y in pi:lett§, on the following dates: i• .• • the centre of said tdinpike,llietute north 12 ane),, BlNGlLimros, Fridty; July 28. 1 - -1-2 perches to a coiner, thence a ei,sterfy e. 7611 ts'i:quitn.kiaA, Saturday; July 29;• : - 23 perches to the Place of intgin inlg, .eontaini4 I - limit:tic - I:, Monday; ', gl. 1, two. two and . one bilf acres more or, listc l i together i DErnsir, Tuesday; August 1:_ ? - . with the appurtenances, r frstmed,d , voiitig liciusl i LODE,ILVILLE, .Wednesday',. Augu4 21' s ome fruit tr ee s and,all itnproved.• ,7 I : ~ . NEW Mir.Fonn,TiturSday, • ,•!. .i 3.. Taken in execution at the.suit "WIC. B. GrilliS. .•- Pacronvvita.4. Fritfav, • • . 4 4. ~ - • vs: Judson fulline,x.. • I I": i• • ScnasroN, -- Saturda3t, t. - ,‘ 1 5 • . ALSO—AU that certain" piece 4r.parcel of laud i THROUGH ROU,TIiS BY STEAM!' s i tuate ,-oofi g sa d b e ing in - the toionsThiii j Of Oak, land, (fitoverly Harmony) Susquehanna.' County; bounded and described aslolli4S; to I Wit: On; the north by land of F. A. Ward,ion the east by the Lenox and .Harmony turni on t to south b y. la n d s o f Samuel -Bryant, _and n the Iweat by, l an d o f Ira Curtis, containing shout 50•: acres ' mar s or less, with the appurtenances, One small house, ond about-10 acres partiallY iniproved. Taken in execution at the suittof Ci Srll3en net vs. Jacob . Vinslyke. - .. • • 1 i.- i ALSO—AII that certain piece iisr parcel of land situate tying and being:in . the • •B/rough;- of Sus. quehanna Depot, county- of. Susquehanna; boon ded and described as follows, th iwit ..I, On It, the' north by the street, • on the east by: land of 'Lewis Petticon the south-byland :of the I% & EAL R. Company; and on the, west Iby Ituid or lot on which the Methodist Episcopal church. : in said village is erected; containing abut 7200 , feet, more or less, together with the appurtenan ces, one 2 story framed dwelling Ilfouse',:atad all improved.. ' . . -• I , •`'- I - -,,, taken in execution at the suit of - Thcinizis land Washington Puniy vs. Adam :, 1 - lOrrier.- _ i ALSO—AII that certain piece ':Or Para! of land situate lying and being in the tow i ziOlip of quai l , Susquehanna county, bounded :itld . described as, ' follows, to wit: on the n hy, ,orth laniii of John •Roushe and L B. Averigfi• on the; east Iby land of John - McCawley, kni the south by land of 1,. B. Averist, and- on the West by l'and'ial-Set It :3 . lakes: • Ice ni.4 -;s-------Smith, containing o.lta . o aciel,ltuorie or less; together with :the appurtenances,'aboOt 15 acres improved.: • \ : 1 I I .i I Taken in execution at the suit of Lolls Tan lmsen to the use bf Isaac L Post &rip.. vs. Williain'Vanhousen. ~ :1 1 , - ..i ALSO—AII that certain piece Or, pareo of LW , • situate in the township-of Harmitny, county of • - Susquehanna, and bounded and deseribt;d. as fol lows, t o • w it : on the, north byl land .z - iiterly owned by L. T.. Bailey and Yoshi's' Stage, deed, On the east by land of S. A. Lyon l ?1, on the south by hind of.S. F. 3lcKune, and, 00, the W.est' by land of Albert C. Moore, and about three foortbs of an acre, -more or .lossl together - With thd appurtenances; I framed hot*, and' all jut s- proved. . ..'l I • • I ~ Taken in execution nt• the siiiflof D yid Ai• Lyon's and Brothel-vs. Stephen D I 1 1‘ 7 111iiiiits. •ALSO--All that three and one-half Sotry frame building, situate in the village iill Susonehaiina' • and county of,Susqichanoa; on , I!'lat ii called , : the River road, south of the Newirork-And Erie Railroad passenger house, iipoisai oz. ofl land Je syribed as follows, to wit: bounded °tithe north • by the Highway, on the cast by -land of; Martin 'Ashley, on the south and west by,lkand oil Robert Nichol, said building cOntaining hit fronetoo said „ • street, 26 feet and in depth 36 feet I I '' -. - • ' Taken in execution at theootit c i Gilber New ell and Harmon K. Newell vs. Mehissa Sl'e. Vadeo ALSO-.--All that two and one-half ster, • wood -•dirafling situate in Borough of SizaqUehanna- Depot, on lot N 9. 4, according to 4 survey of A: .C, Adams' land, made by Addison' McKee, A. D. 1851, and being - on the south sid 3 of. 'the road. - • . leading froth the Car . hOuse I to -'the river road, said building containing in front on said street„ about 25_ tact, and- in depth about 'pi feet", :. Taken-in execution at the suo of Atenczer Cross..vs. James McWato: ••• •• •• I•• . 'i I. ALSO. '.• II- :I . . •1 A ' ' All that certain; piece or parcel of lazuli-abate' ls,koo : and being attic township of Great Bend, --iliusitiehanna County, and State ofillennSylvania, - -11 , .anded and - described as followa'to wit North .... erty . by - land l of Oliver Trowbridge, Easterly by • land of Nathan P, Waller, Silutherly by bin - chi - of Truman Baldwin,- Wm. Wolcott and N, P. Wal- - In.and westerly by lands of the Neiv:Yoriti &Erie' Rail Road company, containin g alisilut seventy-five acres more or less, with thelapp&rteroannes, oho framed house, two 'Bents end - some fruit trees and mostly improved. Also—All that other . piece or pareel 4f land, 'situate in the township arid County afore s aid and . hoanded and described as fellows to wit 4 Begin ing at the North west 'corner of land sold! to th,, Heirs of Charles-Ii: Trowbridge at..a poplar sap . lingand.runs thenec'south .46 1-2; perches, to a stone heap, thence south • three-fourths; cal s' de . gree,ivest 171 perches- to a stone! heap,ll.h mice weet, 461.3 perebeS to a stone! heap, tbonce north three-fourths of Wdegree east . 171 porches ~ to the place tif IsOgining, containing fiffty 'acres More or less, i together with the. appurtenances, One hoase, one Barntad about 15acres improved. •Alao—All that ter piece - ler parcel „of land,, 04, t situate mi aforesaid, bounded •and deseribed ay. follows to wit: Begithror atsi• point on the east side of the Iligliwayiten"feet I in a'aoutknily dir ection from the south-most locust tree, St4nding, opposite the house of .Truman Baldwin,! thence' stung said highway, north . 27 degrees enal..7 rods and eleven and a half feet,thenee north 62 1.2 de • grees east 1-2 rods ton. cornor4henee in Oftie par . Mid With the first described line, 7. rods! -and'll . • 1-2 feet to a comer, thence with ..a line I parallel , with the secomfdescribed 1ine,.12 - thdal to 'they d' of begining„containing, 05 rodti oil land or thero abouts with the appurtenances, one lc:Lined , .dwellinghonse, one Bnrn, Shed and all iMproved. Also—Ali that other piece; Oriole-eel Of land,• situate as aforesaid, bounded aiid.deserib A as fitt, . 7 . IpW.3 to wit: on the north by- land Of , rnnian'r •-• Baldwin, on the east and west by . the Highway, and on the south by • land now or foil erly of' Truman Baldwin, containirr o 4, about sixtyl rods Of land, or thereabouts, With th&appqrterianiei,orle . . Tavern House, one Barn and all iniprova Taken iu execution at the•sizit of hl4mon K. Wells and Jonathan • Christie•'vs. Isaac Griggs and Geo. W. Griggs: ' . ALSO—AII that certain piece or parctl hf land - situate lying and poing in the township - 4 I Brook- lyn, Susquehanna,county, bounded and iieScribed as KowS,:to wit; Ott the north by !Anti of fle'e. I Sterling, on the east by land . of Daniel Itorry, en the south iirlntid iof David ;Yeomans and Jaines Hewitt, and on the west by - David Yert.inan's nod C. Fairchild; containing -about 47 acres, together with the appurtenances, one-house and barn,:zinil mostly improved. .. ' • ...I I. . Taken in execution at the'ai l it of - W illiam M. De Long vs Daniel :Langstaff. ' G. 8.-EItDR P ED; iterl i ff. ~' • - Montrose, July. 2.%185.4.- - 30 . -1 I I- k 1 • .. Pr6clamation. Sasfinehdana Cauniy, ss.. l c . • 'Samuel Wilson, . • .27,•:January Tel v&'. Atias . to'April:Tenn, Pliebe Wilson. To PIrEIM WILSON. W 1 wt, asu Divorce was issued to January Term, 1, was duty returned non est inrentrzs, .41 an alias Subpoena Was issued in said turnable to April Term, 1854, -upon thq which proof was made. to . the said P I said l'hebo Wilson tould not li lOtin Ilailiwiek..• • - This notice Is therefoie.. to riNilire y pear before the Judges of said-Courtoi ~ . Monday of August - next, to answer 41 plaint,. &e. 1 . I - G. B: ELDRED; Montrose, July-28, 1854.--::40w6 Wi.n.dow Sash. IL & SAYRE haviug - b een , 11. agents for an extensive. Sa%l ) ,/ Door rilanacaetory are prepared to, t articles thi's lino at less rates than imally been sold; I. . July 24. ' ~ . I cl HAVING Crt.Elol%:--an article . wl, • man should try, .for sale. by S. if. & D. F.; July 21 Fast Riders, Fast HOrseti,.Fast Travelling not .worn down with ratigule. lilloth Merr and horses fresh; vigorous, and enabled to sok:Aran their iwrformaneeli with nttrehinoresatisfaCtion the p iLlie atd titerniielvirs, in •couSequenee 'tor the easelwith Which the Rhilroad te.insit atturds 'Over the old node. - ' . • CouurrodiOns, beautiful)' fitted up, and Cow. forfahle The 14trietcst Order nciver sally -maintained. g • t, r ; • Thelklind; , Is everiwliero adtirittetii to ho excellent; its selection's of Music are uttich rulcuired.• Who can eqiial .M`Dlleßosa. •Peeriess, pre-eminent, gashing atO ~ r aeeful, sliq is at tho head or , her ptofession.! ' , . . • • Jittit. 34erts The .Clown of the. Republic', ; the 1 Favorite of thy Petyle, - the \Veinier of the; Age . , the )rly great King Cometiiiin; the funniest' ; man alive, and theltest general Equestrian and; Aerohat in n ri . I • • Great Bare back l'Aurdlo Racing, 'Ely: ing Eqnestrianism. • J r . T. lon g , I'rino of Gyiunasties; flare ulean, I Feats, 'first Of great Levers, first in Agility, Grace:lnd-Pos turing. - •.! ; . . -; IL h i thy; and 411asiet Willie. kaster Willie'sJtiVettile-Viets of lEquestilan isni,are recorded to be the.;hest ; eve,r performed by . young an artist, and Winning 1, fur hiin. in New-Y,ork and Philadelpida,iinthusiaStie applause every night. . lotinlitte wad cinglielle, Wifitby'::; two j famous! Ditneittg, and fortning Horses., rode and tiiiined by hiniseKwil astonish ail ido see them; perfornianke is '-ultnost entirely new.;• . i ; 1 ; 1.• . 'W. Odell, The. Equestrian Doti Gi t inni, in his classic dndi beautiful Impersimatio* j• • ;. • In his'•Principal 1 • wonderful ledrried Pony will also be introduce 4 Whitby. . . Second - • Tt,.,)rretlier with a hosti of valuable IPerforinefii and Entcirtainutent. • - Doors 'opon at 2. and 7P. 11.• Pefortnanet to cbtomene{! at 2 1-2 land:l . l-2. No half July 25, 185 1-30wl. .. . • . '. : Stoves ;for th e Peo4lo. .'! . . . • m subscribe! , is, now receiving ,tiS Pall!,and 1, Winter stock.of,Stot•es, whieh,lwllon v!olm• plete,: will be the largest and hest selected as Sort. Anent ever offered to the inhabitants of Strsipe ')lanna Coanty. This stock will eoniist' of,.orne twenty different Patterns of wood and coal, Cook , ing,'and Parlor, besides l any (in - amity 4f . six Plate, and Office stoves. - i t • . - ; The undersigned flatters himself that his long exnerienee in the Stove 'business, and his faeili,j ties for'mann fact tiring liii own furnitti,re and Pipe, 1 -enables him to sell, not only Trimmings &.e. but • Stoves, Civaprr, than any of his rotniietiters.-- , Ile will sell Stf.vo pipe, made of the best ling i lish and Amer:caniron, at S cts per Ib. and oth er furnitui-ii . i . , . i - . . . proportion., . - I: Notwit lista ding the the present high Price ,of iron and the . Conseiuent advance ores tings, I ant en abied.to sell stoves at old prices, and trinny,kinds Ott about two thirds of the Price' that), they liave been sold for in this ',vicinity, for instance, Clin ton Air Tight, with trimmings of - ' Ihe h r quality i e tntil t le• ..h as at •t 2 e l t . tsua '.l / 4 i r l i s l - h kept see n b r y l4 m g e .u r a c i l i a t o s f 'at $22,, Otherkinds of stoves, in proportionfer cash, or short time paper. , i _ Jobbing of all kinds Bore at ,tny ,t;kltop. :Ohl Iron, Copper &C. taken in exelmnge.l, . , . , • ' • - • .: 'J. DICKERNAN, Jr. i • ! • . ,:. . •,:. New; Milto rd, July aith, 1851. 1; -. i ORE New Goods, Just received the' f . ar''. AL veers' Store, sueh; as Lawns; ipingliatO, Prints 0f various styles, Pe Baregre, Bte., &c. ' WARREN & 'MAYER. • -.Montrose, July 26; 1854. • , (; , . ;; , . • ~1 ~ , .Threshin Mac i hin es . 1 rriii, undersigned desire to . j call th_c_.attention 1:, Ottlie,Publib to' the arLele of Tfistsfieq o ; 311.AciiiAs, manufactured by the v:elll.knowti el. tablishthent of Wheeler, Melia; 4 Co., AibanV - 'New Ybrk.; 1 .• '; 11' ' - - 4 • ;1 . TheSe Machines hate been so long in use. i i ` 0 'this county, and-so nniversally.ap \ prosJed, thatut feel 1 :14 effort at recommewAtioo.wenbi boylun. Sutflee it to saY, that all - the ivartivernentS § wk. ~,a-ested' by ei'perieueejand'approved bYI test 1-i'ay.b, ;been adopted by the;3lanufaeturers 'in their )14: en ie. _ n for the. trade la . . - 185-1.; Besides thiS: ap . Machines sold by us "are warranted to : give 061 'satisfaction, or they may be returned (after si `far I? trial. ' • • t ai. .1 , l. l- . - ...1 ;• ; 1 . • 1 • - : Pl',/COS. ; 1 :• • pouble PoWer, with Cbtnbined Thhisher - An Winnower,- including . ..belts, Wrendh- ; j .ca &e., -, ' - ;-- 11 .- - ;-• j; 824, •__ ; 1. Com bined,Th resher End Wi rinower, alone, For Two Horse Power, Thresher andl SepaOto itielading &c., -I - 1 11)outile Pi Aver alone; includinT - l!):11) fl - 1.,h; ' without belt, -1 11 'lnotible‘Thresher and Separator, along. - .4 Sin . 7lc, or One Horse Power, Threstmlr and Separator, including belts, oil-eans, and)l r • wrench l cs,•comPlete, . 1 - • I P4wer, alone; including belt, 1 . 91 1 1 I I pc . l without belt, 1-;., 8 . lginfrle Toresher and i Separator, ' • ts . , , To . the'ab l ove prices Will be added the frol l gh jot course. ..:To those Wishing to p'prehas,vtil • , tpticially Offer our services, aßsuting:i thetni that can parcbase no cheaper-at the Manufgetei. !!-y.Lthan of as. • l t: ) ' i rhe.attention of Farriter is particUlarly led ;to those One Horse . o.lachines. edit is lhaf a trille,Tand then the'convenienee 'of a Pilycir itwattach either Peed ;or Straw Cuttek, or • NyOoid ,Sav; can not be: over.stintated. , tior;irtner'ea' iwe, st hi 'inotacy to better advantage than lyurchai}e c . 4 one of those- Machines. for further particulars, apply to •i. - 1 Px.cx., - Parford, Or , O. G. IIEAR'STEILD;,Bro(4I97 . I. 18 0854.- 7 -2 - I i I 1,. • .4.dnunistrator's Safe. . lx - TPTIC.Eis ereb . .y . that inynt'sunne cif 1/.1 stn*order o„ sale, 'smiled from tilb Orplitt4 leourVof Suiluelinnita [aunty the followin dos;• leribed property hite:the in - State of Nathan Ar ( dee.. *ill soid upon ho pretnis69 • inGet (tend township on Tuesd, y thei.lsth (lay of Apt - tni;t":11 °tie o'clocit P. M. I.l36unded on the North by lands or rains . iLyton, on the East. by.tb o ' Igusira lther, on Ilie; south by lands . of '6‘..4.i4Yr 'in, 1854, 1854.. '4:ti)ena iu ~ 5 4,which !cause rd- return 0f . ourttlmt , d lin wr pauiiv, and, on the Kest by lands of the'estat4 ;r . l' ' Jolin:Scotten deceased; containing fifty sere% o 1 thereaboutS, ho the . 4atite more .br leßif, with lh j lapurtenances. About forty acres itnprovi.dand•o P i which.thotle is a dwelling hOn . se, Lain; ollthirli i TEuius 6 flpaynient made known on e , theAaf d t,, . .• - ~ r. .' • i E 541.2., -• . : ' i CHARLES 1../TAIBLIiLItt, ' p ' ' ' limtvtr ilAt.t4Adtrr 't. i , ippointed ' Great Epnd, July 1;7th,.1854.-29w1. • . ' llind nod:—-- • . _ : . ninisio Amy:, pi • ' 1.-Hord e . I 1 C' gtidy , r 1 . . •. I ' ! e I 'LI" e. I ,, pAKENI up by the .subscriber On liuesday th‘k 1 • , j.- .1804 . a bay -boric; supposed-to be abOutPip i - ~ 1 1 . t . years old; with . one:"whito hind foot! aud,a iitilt Coil, pvery i ;lea, the owner is roluesti.A to prow propeity', .1 i : ,r l pay eltarges and takeit away, Al'llE . ' ' - 1 .•• EDWpitD 13. ficori;:: - , • I.' , Sorinnviile, July la a: J alla-- 30 C31 1 . la to nil : (be third ',aid cola: t3heriff. A uthot it ti RESOLUTION PROPOSI NG, Araenilments to the Constitution • of theVonimonwealth.• • • Secrto~ 1. Resqlved by they Scna.'i Mae*. Cif,keiirdotatires of the Commonweitith,tf Petvt- A:rania in",GencralkAssembly end, 'That the loi- loitving. ntriendtnents he: and the same are herel4 PiPPfizivil4to the Constitution of theTornmen:- wpaltir, under and in noeordanee.wittt the pruri+ ions of the tenth totiele, thereof, to ,wi& rSorosiTtos 1, T) sr. 1411iTietti .I{. . . , . ;51:1,7714' I. The aggregate .amount: of debti4 hOeafter 1 1:anti:tete(' by the Commonwealth :ball never exceed the sum of five' hundred : j housand' dollars, except incase of war to repel invasion, suppressinsnrreetiOn, 'or to redeem the public :debt of the Commonwealth, and the the so 'raised shall be applied to the purpose for which the debt may 'be contracted, or pay -spelt debts, mid te•no!tither purpose. , i . P3r.c:rnis 2. 'l'o tlay the public debt of,the Cont ra' imwealth. and debts which. may her'eafter be coptracted incase 9f War 6 : repel Inv:I:lion, sup press insurrection and to redeem .the ptiblic debt, AN; Legislature slain at- their next' sesSion after thit adoption of this section into the Censtithtion, provide; by law for the. creation of a sinking fund, AN'tlich shtlj not be abolished till the said pithlic lets be-itholly paid, to consist of, nii• the net annual ineome-froin the public works and stocks owned bykthe CoMmonwealth, or any other - funds arising under any- revenue laW now.. existing or, thlt maY:herea ft er enaeted, i4o far as' , the same may be re w ired to pay the interest of Said debts send-a:lnny, tuitarmindly to reduce the princi pal thereof by a sum notfess ,than five. hundred thimsand 'dollars, increased-yearly by cempound ing at a rate of not less than five per centum per annum: the said sinking fund shall' be, invested H in the loaps of the Commonwealth, -which Aall 1 ' be c'ancelled from time to time in a manner to be 1 previded by law: no portion • Of tlic6ginkiag fund shall ever, be' applied to the paymen t of: the debt of five hundred thonsand :dollars' Mentioned in. the first sjzetion of this article, but the said sink ing fund ,shall be applied only to the ' ; :purposes lie ri.M specified.. • .. . ..., . - 1 - t•41 , ,c-rtowa. The crellit of the Commonwealth shill not many way•be.giYen or loaned to or in Aid ofanY individual, company. corporation or as. soqiation,i nor shall the Coinnionwealthereafter -become ajoint owner or stockholder, in` any com pany, 110.8,,W111.1.1011 or corporation in thisponmon we'plyli or: elsewhere, forimid for any purposes. _ ,if:e-riois 4. The Commonwealth j shall never aSsuine the :debts of any county, city, bhrough or todlishiN or of any corporatioh or 1 nsliociation, unless N4ll debts shall have beet{ contraeted , to relict iii vasion, su (Tress - insurrection* on to defend tilki State in. war. ) nytrosiTioN 2, TO 11E i . .Pc(4 . libting :Itnnii•ipai Sithrtipil:)ns.. . , The 4:giSlature shall never authOrize any eminty,..eily, bon Mgh 'or townsbip',.bY rote of its eitliens ill. otherwise,' to become a htoetholder in fly joint : stock cot - Up:my, assoriationkir corpo i . raja'', or Ao raise money for, or loanitS credit to,. or in aid 'of any such etimpanY or . ai‘smilation.• - - .1 1 . it. elussE, .• .: 1:, 81+;kC.r of t i iic iiousc of Repre;sinitatifes. M: WCASLIN, • .i - • `l. - Speaker of the iSenatc, In Senate,April 28, 1854. - Itesolvi d, That, resolution pass. t Yeas 22, . this . nays G. Extract from the Journal. T. A. MAGUIliki Clerk. . In IlouSo Of Representatives, April 21,1854. 4tesoVkld. That this rei - ,olution pass. ;' Yeas 71, oaks 20:. Extract from the journal. 1 1 . ,• WM. JACK; Clerk. SEentiAnY'S OrricE, , -.-; Filedi April 29, 1854. c - - - I • - C. A. BLACK, Secretary of the Comnionwealth. , -PPNNSYLVANitI, S. - ''' - - i. • • - ' , . . • • 1 ~, i . -. • . S'EcurrAny's Or t ricr,-f. ; . - • . -,-Harrisburg, July 1,18,5 A. i . i - , s-^;•-• ) I 1 ,v certify that the above rnd fore. stALI. goiro: - is a true- awl correct 'copy of the 4,-,...).Orig,itutl "Resolution rehttiV,e to an amiliihnen i t , of the Colyttituticio," us I thesame re.: airily - 5 Oa tiie in this office. ; i ,-, - . Iji tesitlino.ny whereof I have !wren* set my hani.land . t.iatised to he nill,xect the ; sqat of the Seeretarf,s; Qffiee the day and year aliovit. written. . C. A. BLACK, . aecretary of the.Corntdnnealth. , . ..i i . 1 ! Journal of' the Senate. , ~. .. • "ißesolation N. 562,entitled ' Resolption pro_ posing, atnentiounts to the ConstitittiOn of the Coiinnonalth: was rend a third tiute.> Oa the question. *ill the Senate agri . e to the first prop. ositjon. the. yeas and nays were taken,i agreebly to the Constitution, and were as follosq, viz.: ‘.:as—liefra. Puckaleir. Da:in:ton, Dargionrgufon, Fon • rod,Trick . „ Pry, Goodu in , Ha kletuan• Hamilton, IL W I rolin. FL IV Ilaralin, II eister. !loge, .lan.rison; Mc /1, • Clini ock, McFarland, Matt, Quiggle, Sager, .`,'lifer, and Me:. easlin. Speakrr-23. • - I Pi 4 TS—Mes4rs. et alb, Cr Fled] , Rends iekr , Klnzer,Kun- . kei and Skinarr—O. - u 4.: ..:go the prestion was determined in the -affirm. ativle: • i . . - . • - ,!i •C. , - qn the roestion will the. Senate igfee to the second proimsition.. were ta. the yeas and:nays i„ . keniaarceablv. to. the Constitution, .and. : were - as ~ . foliews, viz!: . . . • 'l'les—Nlesrris. tut:kale" - , Duple, rurtnien, Yon Avid, yry.poodwin,Unidernar k . D. D. Hamlin, Hamlin.. II endritki,... Jainism:, Kinzer, Ncellatnek, 31 - eParlan4. 2 Pit.tt ]?rice, tgnigi;ler dllfer r Wherry; ..11iCarlin, . , Speaker-22. , •.- : 1 '.Saxe--Verses. Crabh; Creswell, Darlingti)n, Kunkle MO Skinner-6. - ! - Ilia question was determined in the. affirm ativo. • Journa of the House of Representatives. "The question reeurrinrsg-on the fin tl passage of the eS i niution, the ,proposition was atzroed ..s , follows, Ortilratn, Atlarnicdtherton, llall,Rertmi, De:Pt. Illahafit. Floyd, Duals, lryesl3l, Caldwell, Calvin, Carli le, Chaluberlizi Conk, Crane, Can= ins, Daugherty, Davi .De Prance, naming, Eekett,'Dlinger, chi d, Er :ITU,' I Foster . ; fry .thillentine, Gihtynny, Gilmore, 'Gray, brnoln; °win ;Hamilton. Hart . Heir. Iliertanji; Ilipp/r, 'loin, ' Hummel.lJnntoetl cr liantet i liurtttJark 'man,l.Kilgorf..llintrAt. Loury, (LehiAb)l.l, Magee.rltla miirK, Mani ettleld , M . Kmk; ,Mnnauh nn, Mnntentnery, !iloore. ?doter, !!ii use-. Palmer.' Parke, Pdral - lee, Pa romore,l,Patterson. Porter, Putney!, RawJine. Rob crta,dtowr ;Fannie. Scott, Sidle. Simonton, Smith (Herks,) Smith.. (Crawford,) Stewart fit net: e. Strong, FtrntherF, Whelitr, Wiegkin, Wright, Zeigler, ChaFe, ',Speaker-55. 1 4 1,, , ra—Nont • .. . the question was determined in the affirm ., ,• • , Oil the qu'eStion Will Ole House arree, to the secop`dpropOsition, the yeas and nay were taken arzreealtly toi the provisions of the ]oth itrtiele of the Constitution, and areas follows : • • lirAA—Ale•irrr. Abraham, Ithert on, 11Al1. Bailors: Beek, Be; er,: Bigbridi, Boyd, Caldweli, Carliali.!HhAmtierialn, Crane, iCnlniwins, Daugherty ' Beegan.. Frane... Tinunfor. Bdimrer.. Eldre 4 ,• Evans , Erti. tlalfrn tine, Gilmore, - Gray, Groom. GWin, 41amiltert,. ilieeranl, i prio, II unAeeker. II nu tee. littrttahrek mari.i Bniaht, Laury. rt,eida.lo Lowre , (Tiorra.) Linn: Hrtgee, NiAnderfield, 11'41ohnell,. ArKee, 310ehan, Mrintfromery. Moore, litoxer, lituAr, Painter,. Parke. Parnil4e, Prorentirre. Patterson, Porter'. RawlinA, Br.berts.ltowe, Sunnite. Feett, Simonton. Smith: (Iteriat,) fiaritij.(Grawforri,)Stockdale, Wheeler, Wieklein, Chase, p akrti-r-7 1 . - • ' • Adams. Itaidwin, Deana Batts, Ilyerdy, }irk ert, art, Herr; !torn, Hummel, Irerirribr, Vidle, Stewart, Strong, Struthers, , • • Sot the queation'was determined in the affirm atir4. SECRETARY'S OFFICE, Harrisburg, July NO. PJ l'A - N/A, SS.. . ) 1 do certify that the above a4i forego: - Inr in;, is a true and •correc,V copy of the v;tus"and NA - i's " taken on the" Rego. lution relativt,e to an amendment of 'the (*onstitir tion ; of the pornmonwealth" as the same appears on the doernals . of the two 'louses of the • Gen eral. Assemfily, of • this Commonwealth for the Sest4en of 1851. l•' Witness My. hand and the seal •of, aslid office thing_ first day of July, one thousand, eizht hon. dred;and • C. A. BLA(.N. Secretary of the Commenwcalth. Jtily 3, 1;851.-3m. . . 1 -Clerk Wanted. '• !! AivactiFe'and intelligent young, mat Oaf about l 17 or' 18 years of acre wanted as-Clerk in s Stoo. To Ono disposed to make himself useful; acquire thet business. and well reconimended, goOd.enepuragement will be•given. One with semi experience will be preferred. •• • II:11URIIITT. • Now Milrnrd, July• 18, 1854.-29w3.: Hats. AIIARGE assortment fof Silk awl: Angola 11law at extremely low prime. . 1 U, BURROWS & CO. Gibuon, Jima 24, 165 i: Administratrrx Noticie. • ivoTIOE is hereby., giv4t thal le4rs• los-fa /41. tueritary upon the estite of •Willlatu stock, deeld, late of.. the BOrough of blontroNe. 4yo bcert!granted to the qubseriber..i All per sims indebted to said'estatei are hereby: request.. ett to maki) ianedi:tre - , paytitent, and those hay. elairnit upon ssid estatetp present theta duly attested frlr settlettient. 1 ' ; Ass IiAIOAH 1 - IF.NsTocar; Jitint'rx. '.lloutro!re, July 12, 1854.!---26isli • . ~ , 1 '!; - Register's ,Notice: i - i:131.H Nftice is hereby givn to r,ll perw'ms L . coiltioirneit in the followirg estates` to wit: *stftte-4it"riitiothy 11 . . - 14biv, dec'4, penjainin, Shay, AriOnistrator. . • i' • :. - , 'l:state i of- Zenas Car pets Rm., .tleceasp4 Ili ward 1 - liiinmick; i f tdiier. . L - -j:stati_. Of Ijorace Carivn‘er, dew d, Al• - .G. MI-. )0!. and Fliiiatate,l Uorpenter; Addrs. i • . ,-,- ! . t.:state i.)f Jatnes- ‘V . atsolt,!dee . 4;ieFuttialt Wilt sr,nl 4thl Ili vii Watsbn, Exl. . . '. t.',state iif.Wta. Baker, jet, due'd, Ira q .Nielo.ils, Adel'r. 4 1 . . „ . • 4 . . 4.:e `of date Jasper Loomis, deed, Stainuel A. toOmi.si rine of the Executors. . . •• ~ I.'`.stlito. of Thomas Burdick, dec'di ANicry Bur dhik, Atizii•r. . • •--' ' - - I - • ' ! rstato i,f Amy Babeock, dec'd, S. A, Newton and L. lIJ Woodruff', Ea'rs.i .. . 1 . • • \ , 'fiffit the ifecountants live: settled theiriaccounts l hi tlie'Rekister's Office in sad for the 4ottnty of. , . . , Stilquhanna, and that the iame %lilt 14 present ekto the 'judges of the Orphans' t'ourt of said cOunty,. in. ::Motdrose, on. Wednesthiy the 23d day A.CAngust; nest, for confirmation and affirmance. .:. .• . iI• J. T. I.AIiGDON, ithrister. i tegister's office, Montrose,l July 12, 1 ,54-28 w ,•; , .l 1 ' Take Hied. .i rritosF4 who..are indebteil to the lath. firm-of _Ai TilllMy's& Smith, will ;most .assurigily con.. si:ilt their ;.ewn _interest by icalliely, nn4 settling with the H M I id rb i— led witheiit'&.l. . EDWIN TI P . `ANY.' .. !.Drooklin,.July 12, 185t-4-28w3. i . 1 . . !' . Farmers' arni' 0 i s ' Union Insurano Co. dike, .4.then; 13rutlforil C'o,anly, Y'elin'a. f .' . CAPITAL 200,000 , , li\. S':r..:l'.x.v.ED : i3y - Bops Asti 31,4.)RIG.Aujit: vs. HEAT. I. . ESTATIL 1 - . N- . . , SURES against loss I.)3i i }lra, Housts, Stres an d other buildings, 'GaAs,. Wares,/and Mer ehandise, 'in ;is It:lvor:tide trrns :IS any similar . lii.ititut.ion. Losses promptly adjusted Earitl-paiii. •i• - DIRECTORS. - , - ~; • i . lion. ITOnee NVilliston, Francis Tyleq, GeO. A. Perkins, J. 'l'. D. Myer, C. N. - Shiprinin,' C. P. ‘yi.illes, .1e.,-.1. E. Canfield. lAthen - s :. Him; John Laborte, Towanda: (;en. lkaellev Wakilitiart, La: (.:; . %1110 : t714 , 0.•.M. I lollenbai:k; WilkezMirre ; Mi. eit'lW Mvltirt Laporte, I. 5 , .• ...: . 1 , , ' i -•'• ..; t• -_ . OFFICERS. ; -, I ; • - ..i i lon. INrpro NVillibton, Pres.:, C. F. We Iles, jr. Vis,o Pres,iand Treas.:.l. - E; C4iitield, *eel , . • 4. Addressl C. A.- Gi'vlard NVyllusing ••Drailforil eontity, Pn:—::Bal3. •. • I , . 717;-.-----±l-7-'7 . ! • . - NO:tate to al . all .. AtY Nokesandaetimintslmaybe foutul •at the 111. steile .of J. Diel;eriOn. Jr., (m• former place of biiisiiiess) until Om 15th of J ily, after Which titini these remainind unpaid,wil be plae: 4.in the hands.of a properloflicer for:: dleetion. Ali,'erti blithe Wise is stitliOent. ' • • ', l 1 . •1 , , . ' 1. S.. 1,111T1.E... New Mikford, July 3, 185,4-25w2.. 4 ' • . . .. . . ..., .. -,:i Notic e. . I . 1 . 1 lIE 41 scribcr wi4hiuct; toi disposelof a six horse';,Threshing Machine - with rielllcleancr, in good rtihning, order, wotild , notify ttie public that he' will sell it cheap a(priYate sale; and will • 1, • watt for the pay until the machine bassi time to f'a tii it, and will take it in igrAin. - Any person •Wialtinglo purchase, may learn the paro4ltilars by' .callin,, , r atlite subscriberb iri:• Ditnock...4 .., 1 - • ; • . lANZ,BARTII. - - Dimocli July 1"2, 183.1--ilStf.' •-•-- i - 14 : :... New Jewelry awl Silver- Ware. TUST arrived at TurrelFS, a new Suriply of la ei ;dies' dnd. ,zentlegnens' Gold Breast ins,•aird • ~ dd,di - Fs Gold Kir DropS,: co:Uprising, a goo assort niOit of di..sirable styles--aiso Gold•Finkor rings, Catifelian Ring ladies' Oold Chainst gentle- Crida Fob and Vest Chains, •Golil NVa tih Goid Pens, and Gold l Pezis" with - +xtens on Ca:i'es and iPeneils—Silver Spoons, silvt.)r Butte! , afid FruiC silver ThlinbleS, Penick spur. HeteS, Szii,) Call and see, at, the varietvOtore of • • A. TUARELL '.:lld,ntrose. June 29, 1854.1 I • .4 _ , . •1 \. ,-; New Geode ii• . U ST t.ceived, a. secoild "stoek of Si+inr.: riu P 'sutoi , ,er Goods, and- lira sale on the uskia' teitto.* s 'l ' BEN LE] & ITEAD . -1 31(iptro, June li 1854. i. . - f• • - ~ l'l'l'l S. Dliope our.Rei2lll:iors -Ivon'tpn4 fatil with the above modest advertisement. / . • Gropeties?--Wholegakv & Rota' -rN great ' l variety, considetlable :quarttitt, sup ri it quality. and cheap for r. cash, or to sells g for Most kin ds of merchanta ble . producei on g //is stock of Su ar il, Teas', Tobacco, pi es,Acc.;lieing so uumeroui,lhe deems it 'only n c essay to Fay. that almost 'Pnythiugin i