cease & Dag, stlett - - From Peters' Tulliglo lITMAItY L. MEA ni Nit ! the eweet and heti • Let no rude recent break the aer lofty rock and tree, and 10% Deep stillness reigns—a- quie .The last sweet bird hath ceaSo • And fl u ttered.down into its peaceful The balmy breeze scarce wakes a fitful Among the 'trees • that shade \the • st breast. \ • • 'l\ • This is the hour for dot& to, luild come The loVed and lost—we feel- their "here—, • • • , • Not as in days gone - by„ - •a transient tint To be.allayed,. perchance; by doubt o . . 1!• No, for within. th,e •spirits"Tapt recesses Each dear one liath a sacred Once as . Alike when joys surround, when Ueda,' To them we turn-a soothing balm 'tot' No parting Pangs disturb that blissful No careless word ean Sever the brig!' That links the heart to them it loves in. • . Where Hopo still WhisPnrs,•ll, Ye . 24 • arain I Ulisttliantons • itevolntionary - Adventit The leadinf , events of the Wi r of id ence arc familiar to every Au hl ierin; ny incident*, Nll of interelt Find' ad i vet iymain to be disclosed. There a yet living who remember the followii - ' TheSinerican authorities f4und ni ficulty in disposing of their prisouers. i - - had no posts regularly fitted fOr the p and they could suggest no better m securing' them,. than to place them 't guard in .a thickly settled part of the e l where the inhabitant were .most del hostile to the English. The . tOva;of -li ter in Pennsylvania, was ono of those 1 iA ' for thiS purpose. The prise ners-wel fined in barracks,. encloged wi;th - a Sbi and - vigilan argil a rded But ;in spite 1 precautions, they often disappeared in accountable manner and nothing was ot them till They had resumed ;their ph the Brititth army. Many"' and vari lin-, - the conjectures, as to the means of In . CA:ie; the 'officers inquired and snvest gt, i v,il 4; til,.! country was explored to no pu a' s ...soldiers shook - their beads, and told . tune-tellers pedlers,, and such Clntractei had : been sent at intervals, and stindrY Itiore credulous could think of nc ! thin supernatural .agency; but %vlictlier m spirit was-the conspiritor, the : mvsterr intl , roken. : . •,- ~ , . :When this became known: to Washin,,ret, . he sent General 11a.7.en to take this 4,-,jlomiH .bk Charge. -This energetic — eflieer, rirtli , es- " hausting all . r. - •:sources, resorted to strait' • etli lie was convinced _ a hundred . that, as the. nearest l itish post .was- more than midred . utiles. \.l -,titn4 I , the prisoners must be aided by Amt.4ansi, but where. the - suspieion should fall, li4 c i f ould • not even conjecture; the reproach of To kil4 being almost unknown in that region. lla\-1. ing been trained to meet 'exigencies c r i tliiii. .kintl; in a distinguished career as col() e iii the British army, Lis plan was `formed at once - , and he communicated it to an o eerof. his own, upon whose talent lie . - relied t 41,4 successful execution. .This was Captai 1 ~el t . whose age and ability fully- justified Elie. il4k4 1i0n... . - 11'. ,I . 'The secret plan concerted between i Km was this. It waS - to -be given out th. t 44 1 . was absent on furlough: or conind. • tl!e p • meantime, was to a.sSume the . dress or. Iriitf ish prisoner,. and; haying providoll n sell .with:informatiOn and 'd story of Ihis . c. )11.%4 was to be thrown into the-.Larry-Where he, might gain the confidence of the 'soldie ~laiid.• join them in a . plan of.escape.l •llos • 1 . 01li, ! Captain - Lee sustai tied- It IS part inay.be in es - tf..4, from the . fact that when he had rdisapp,et,r4(4 and plaeed : himself amongthe- Prisonefs, - ,h , ~. . a;. own officers and soldiers saw him . - ci , cry• J! without the least 'suspicion.- The pitq, , whom I am indebted for most of theSe ta•tic4 ulars was the lutandent .of the prsoner:,nct, • familiar with Lee; but though .:cc.itopelle , tof_ .. 'se e hini with in the discharge ,of his. dutOe'i never penetrated the disguise.. , Well ilt.' FtVltti; for Lee that his disguise was -solconipl 4.— t i Hail his associates - suspected hisl'pur .4 fOl, be oily them, his history wotildlitve be t n -tu 7 bt:44•41 in the proverb, ."dea . d . Men , t.. 1 - no. tales.' - • - 1 - . For many days he remained in .this Lion, .niaking no discoyeries :whatever, thought he perceived, at diffeteut iintes, bf intelligence hetwcen the - prisolier4.att old Woman. who was. allowed torbriln . 4l . for'sale . witilinthe enclosure. She was . lfit to be deaf and half-witted, and was thlf.N.l no object of. suspicion. It was known .1 her son ltdsd-been disgraced• and puit4esj the .American army, but she had nei'pr' trayed any malice on that'account; •altd one dreamed that she could haVe fetal power to do injury if she possessed, th' . 41,, watched her closely; buti `saw .nOtt to confirm his suspicions. iler dWelling about . a mile distant, in a wildlretrehtLw she shared.her Miserable (ptartera v.with! a ; and eat,, the former orwhichinchinted g 4. over her manaion;while-the latter encouk4 .i.nperstition s fears which were-equally •tkl. al in' keeping fiSitent away, . 1 - t . • Quo dark, s.-Wriny*.ttioht in a tumn, lying awake . at roidni._44, - •medi tiug tot'. enterprise he had uneertaken, • hicii Itliq in the beginnin ,-, it had ie(StonUnerided. 1 to his romanticdispositieiti,lad now- i los „,... its. charms. It was .one of .tIA)Se ' teitnpeSts, Which. in our climate sc., often hailg it )ot - t t i . 'the path of the departing year.: Ilis tom, etnions blepti soundly, but the Wind, 'Which :Aookihe building to its foundation and .iltreW h. t .l.:p:. v I, l , lagi..s' of rain against the ;windovi_,' .1(.44..ir ed With the state of his mind, ito .ke p 4i ill wakeful. All at . 0 1 1 w tl.t . e .door wa, g ntly opened, and a ‘ figure MON k•Si SI iii•llti . k . ' ,i 2,, the room. It was : too datic to'obsi,ive:iCs pm ions. mirrowly,.but .he .could see that 'itistotiped towards 'one of the sleeper, who I, trri 44d r rose; nexit, apProached Imu and-1 ,- ...ilied_ bird .oii tI . e bli , )lll , lert. Lee innaolabi ly [Ott: I. e '; . l up; th / l e figure then alk‘wCil a sliiglir l i g.ll; i nti r from a ,da,r.k libterit- 1. , , p , te,., . 0 yer lifrs il i ac" , F. 1.11,1 as he did so, witkpe t t,l ihtpatie.4ti :, y i t f ? t th e - triati- , —ltlit'oornt; :' it I %et , - ,,, :t !IriV.l I . !,; ifrit:! that thi:. waz ilk: optii.;/ - I;‘,uie.y. 1 , . .44.:i1- 4 1.4.—. . , ::' - • : - - I ' . . , Nionemmommomi MINIIIIIMIIIIMMINIIIMIII • . i -) • + . i . . • t. . 1 i - ' ~; ',l • . :,.. .. . . - 1 4 , . . . - i 1 -,,- I . . . " • . ~ ~ . ... , , ..,..z . .t.z:,4",.., 4 , ~ 1 i . .: - . . ,! : , , -''' ' 1 - • '.; " '-'; .......: I 1.;, . . - .1 '. - -,--; .• , . • - . ' i t --Hl\ - • -T-4 - --- .:, f . ~d 2 1• ... ,;-, I_l / ~_l l • r -. ii , , ! ,/,: 1 - 4, ~,,„ , • . . 4 : 1 r_ . ..2....,,. , . 1 ., •it,,--- 1 ~,,„. k\ -4 4 I, •. . . i., . -I , • 44 • 51 - ,•., - •• .. . . . 4 i , , '...il_ .:iIT H . ~1 - . , . . itai , ' ` . i , ', .i : ,-. T 7 . ...? .. ),If . g ). . y 1 * • '' :-P : .:..57'` 4 4 44 -: .. . " ' - • . I.-' - ' 1 ' * ' • , - • i 5 1 1 i ~ - . ' 5 , 4 * ' , • * *.: * - -i 1 il '- : • ' - I. 5 . .. , i .. 1 .-,•A. 1 - '',l t , - ~ : 11. "-- . PP ' ' ' , x 1 , t ... 4 ) . $, • ,41 1 1 • , . , ! ..„. i ~.. 1 51 .. .• ! i •L. ri••• • ••• _ .10 . , . . , • ...,. .. 0 b#. i.. . 1 , ; 1 ( .. 1, 44100 . ~.., ,.. •.• i .....,...,4,,, . , 4 . 0 1 '' 'll ; 0 _ r, ,:i . ~ • _ •_ ,:, ~//',,,,:, .._:' ~' :.'. - L . : 1, (.. ; ;ii .-- ! . ••••••;',,1.4 4 : . •,.. -- 4 ~,i . :.••._ .:4,,,,,,,-,. :.,..-.•_! . • ~.....,....„.....„;„11„ : ..... ~ z......,,,:„.,.. •• • .1. i• . • ozzizi •i. ~,,, ._ •&,.../. ~,,,,„ ! 44, .:!,: ~,,;70 . ,„ 4 ,.. .. .47 i , - . 7- - 'le ~ . I . . ' ''.4''', , /l r' . %j. *:.:., \ ' 2 4'1 , . . 'C. ' . '.. I'. '''" :- ' < 7( . / 0/4 , ... ....' V:' 1 %. ' 11e'7... . ' ''', .1.,.1 ' ; . . " , • ; , . . - 1 .:, • 1 . . - ', ; ....,. - I • • :: , . • • - i , . I .'''' - - I • :; . . • ~. . . . ,•I . : . " ' ', I : i - . - - • . . . . I I ' I, : r f- ' 1 - - l '.. • L' - - f • ::. - ' / : , • ' •: .-, 1 - - :%. :- I ' i • : 1 , .. ' ' : ;..... 1 .. 1 •,"• •'. • .:' •.: ' ''s - • ',i; •• . -• ; . ••,. • .• 1 . rop,tit.tolp ttrp . .c n's ags. our of silenco , ly flow ludo prt its tu. ouild , t;riad. efµl yes iwhisp.l.r, ilake's union, l , Iproence I \ 1 • .n fear, r\,, • . g l ued ipres3hs r ion 1142aen. , I I Intict 11(Tedil ut Int- I . k clamp, 1 , tlioe 1 k ~ tori. cli di - Tlid) rpos.e t ins 1 Effil :•4_le(at iti err. ked i 4 for svli of tfi l e bu,t ur tult file 'gns an frajt 1)W fl if; v, that Tile-unknown whispered4o him place till another Man Whs 'culled that, moment some noiseldistnib& makinia, sign to Lee tofollow, hi lently ent . of the roots, .i ' They; found tbe door 4 the house **red, and 4 stnall,part!of the fence retnoVell, 'Oleic they passed out without,Molestation ti the Sen try had ietirell to 'a .Jiel er•wherellielthch he •ediddgnard his!, - post it out suite iii, ,from the. rain'i but' Lee saw silence his con44tor'S put thetn.elve s'in pi!eparatiolt to silee liini n if he sh6ul happen t 9 address them. Jut With out , e I feuee appeared'. a stooping! fi4ure .{ 1- wrapped; in _a red cloak, nil Supportihg itself with a large stick, milk I Ice. p&cdived at. once' coup} be nb other t Mit the did fruit we- Man. But the Most pro ound sileiicei we's abL served ;- 4 man came out of-a thicket at a lit tle.distanee, audieined t tetn, the twliblo 'par ty ,moved•on under theguidancelof the. old, womah. At firSt, they frequently Istopped to il'sten, licit havity , 1 Bard the • sentinbh; 'en n "all'S W 11" they seemed! reassured, alid mew-. \ f ett, ‘ with more c4fideuceltlian before.{ • '. . They Soon came near o her cottage,lundt'zr an 'oviTt4 a nging liarik i . w lere• a. • 1.,, , tit liOit i was shining olitl from . a ,little, ivirnCow Upon' the: wet in` \ drouping Loughs that hung,icar, it. Theldoeedelve l ,- thein'' graciouslV,.:and - they . cfitered." .. table was spread with some coarse prOvisionti' ion it, and nI large jug,. which one of pie so i 1 was about to seize, when: the nuin .wlio Co acted Nit) withheld him..., 1` No," said- he, " W i ' must first proCeed to business.", Ile then wei to . a rmall elos ,et,•froM-Whieh lie retunrfd• w, Ii ivlia t scented , , ' to haYe! been, originally,-nßible,. (ho' now it was-worn to a mahogany color an, spherical forin.' r 1 4 (hile they were doing ills,. cc had tilli , tq e i xaminethis comPanionSl, 0 ile 0 , -I, o m was: • ihrge,quiet ! lOOking soldier; the.ot., .t. 1.1 U sh( rt, stout main, with-much the -aspect ( .is i villaind: They ;examine4 him In turn; and l Le - ell:id been obliged :former Y to piinish the shorter soldier severely, he feltisome mis giv w ings! when the fellos eye rested upon Lint. i . Tlifeir • conductor' Was a midde-aged, 11AI-sit' lotlin:, - . .., matt,, idiom Lee itad het er . een before. ' 1 • , . As' tie time was to\ be lost, theirt guide .e.x plaine,d'jtki, them in a few !words, that before ' Ile 5401113 suntiertalle his dangerouslenteriirise; he should require of them J.() swear limn the '..ieripiiireS, not to-make the least - atteml",4 .to escape, acid never *to r'ereal the cirilutitstatices 'or ageat..s'.la the proceeding, whaNver might . befall thein. ! The soldiers, lioWevir; ',insisted {,n deferring thistnessure, till they] had'forni ed sonic Slight, acquaintance. with tie contents Of the jug, and expressed their -4.;!iiiinents On the subjeet-ratherbyj action than titords. In' this theyjweri!. jailed by Lee, who by, this time had begun to c(!)ntemplateLthe danger of. his enterpriseon a stay and unpleasant .pOint Of view. - if li . t; were to ,be compel eti l tio , ae- Company ;his. Party to Neiv YeJrk, I is' ili s lgiiis. , • Would a r t 'Once' be detected, and it, as certain that he would be lint)ged as a si i ;yt' IL! had supposed,j , eftdelnithAlutt . liti shoUld have no tlitlietilty-iin ci;etiping at any montpt.; but 1n.,. -saw that Itheir conductor had preared arins'. fur thei4Whieh_ di+ were to tise in taking the life ofititylone wliti'should atten 4 pt to leaVe them—±aild then the Oath._ Ile! 'night possi bly haVe 'released Itinisd i f from tS.Obligatiens, when it becaine-neessary .for•the Mterests, of his country; ibut no honorablelu4 can bear to be' driven to . an emergency, iii . ! , ilia lie rimst viollite!an oath, however reluctantly it wa. taken. -Ile felt. that there waS up retreat ing, wherk m liere,eae..a heavy Shock, as if something falling again S t -the sides. ofthe hotise; their piadticed ear atoneedetedted the alarm ~u n.; aiiditheir conductor, throwingilOn:llithe ne j iehadheld:a. r '0,1,e ''ol(1 Biblei w/ 'll ll ` tits+l impatie . ntl- in his baud, directed tlf,:t party to follow -hitt id . CiOSA.I order, . and iMmediatelv., quitted ; -th •. honse, 'taking with hint his ditri: 1 'lantern: V . They 'tent on With grent•iliSlintJ.ll, 1)1 . 1t,i1Ot Without difficulty. 50inetimes tiniii , footinp . , ivOtild gi %e. way on some sandy batik or giip pery field;!and wlien their path led ' thro'ithe . woods, the wet boughs dashed heaOly intheir• ,feted;. Lee-felt lie Might have. 11 klserted !!! his precious, companions !while they NS'ere in . I.liiS hurry and,-alarm . ; bitt . 6 felt, that; as yet; he • hall 1118&.! no- diScoverws, ' • and I,l"elier • dan gerous 14 situation -Was, he cOuld,not bear to c'knifes.s ;tit it he had riot nerve to ear•l`y liithrg'.. On heWkint, therefore, for two' or three kliirs, and:l as beginning t 0 ,Sink with:fatigue, When the .1) iking . ota dog brought the' party, toy a StaUd.. F Their conductor gave, a low - Whistle, WhiCh -waft: : answered at no,great (list:ince, and a figure ctune forward pin the .darkne,ss, Who ivhispeie4ll to their !guide, and then led the. way up - td - a buildi lig, ! which seianed by ,the shadowy outline, totbe a large stone barn.— , They entered it, and:were severallyl phteed . in . small nooks where tiKiy. could fedi that the , hay was all around.them, except ou the! side of the wall. ShortrY, after sonte- ,rovisiOns were brought to-thenl . with thk - !!sa e silence, and .it waS signified ,t 0 them that th .i,• were to _remain <I/nice:tied thrOugh the . wh If:: of i the, coining day. l , 1- 1 !i , .: ' • !. Threuie; the crevreein the wall., discoyer, l iis the : day hame. on that was attached 'to a small farm-house. . . so near the lionseth4 he could ow. converSaiion which .'n'inS carried on doOr.. rk....i4,;-clear, and i ident from the lorsAlnen -who oe ga:lloped,up tr.; the &Nor, that the' ,Co l farmqt gave, short . • ieplie.s . asjf Unwilling to be taken labor;' but, the otiler inmat4 o %r(re eager in their 'qiiestions, arid,. ant•;_werg, : Lee gatherici that., the which he and - his - .e:Oinpanions h. were as ;IF,: ever. • The rileit niglit,*.b • 'enail' was resurruitt tireir-rnareli ; . and explain( that, a.:4 waS not \ 'them'. in. spifacy and was accidentally aloei churl in their eselilk?; 1.14 should i)recaution7 to keep hint before theril wi potion, tlitmgli . the . .arrangetneut Ic l hlf.leSseig4 the ehanc.4.s in favor cape. He: 01.).trvetl . *from the direct stab that t l liev mum in a a tovvar \ is the iJelaware; but they carat ot'irs( so. Often, that *lie could . not at Iwhat they tu, strip er.l lle endearore4, whut a n y pe jest appeartil; to fix it in'his . .tneniu as tlte darkness would Permit, and .I)etter than, 4..0u1(1 have l , uc a ex watt axing the agiiiatitAg, state in %%Inch * li • .• For ,sevort I*. nights theywwent l nY:ooler,,b.ing delivered 6ver, frottuititau•ti. r 1:1 1 / 4 -: 1.. 1 ! , . _ A lEETLY ,TOMA,NAL-DEVOTED a Oill iontrosel I --T -o Acoei) Ins biajust:it uiood 'si- ... . --- . . O • ' !gather i trout their whispering mersatt c on, 'they w+re, regularly emphoyedOn Occasions ;like fief prqtlt„ and - w'ell Jew:tided by, the :British [for their setvieeS. ' Their clinFloyment .'nls ful!, of danger', and though . they seemed like dlsperatti men,' he - could, observe that they uLiverretuittc4l their precautimi. They :were concealed by day in tarns, l Cellers and. 'mites tftade•for .the purpose, and sindlar re treats . and one day Was passed in a tomb,the , dimensious of which' had been'enlarged and !the iimhifes, if there ha& . been a-nlf; ',banish e d to makit room for theiving. 11.1 e. burying iground i were a favorite retreat; apdton more ;occasions than one they were Obliged to re sort to tiuperititiousalar ns to retOove ham-. ders'up,kii their . path ; ti eir sucCess ti'ully.jus -1 tified the experiment,'-an , unplCasantly. situ was, in the p ospettlflsokm being [,. a ghost-himself,. he coup not a'Ntd latteoftg - I :It the 4.xpedition with nihich ohl rr4l„Young . tied frail . ' the -fancied apparitioUs tinder clouds of night, wishing to meet such enemies', like Ajax, in the face of day. i'- i! t - • • . -Thottgb, the distance to the peleWare was not "Teat, they had now-bcen - tivelve, days on 'tin! trail, and such was the 't igil4ii6i and sit: . k perstmyn prevailing throughout tutt ; eountry, that. th r ‘ht - almost despaired' of ...fleeti,ng their objeet.' r The conductor gpew iMPatient i and !Lees edmpanions, at least one oh them be . 1 ,! teanie flocious. There was, as:we nave said, 1-, -somothi;not unpletisant to him in ththe'glanceS . .. , of this fellow towards 'hini, whielt became more mid:more fierce 'as they- Went on;; but it did nit appear Whether it Were burng to , et rcums;ttauces. or actual snspicion.l I. so . hap pened that,, on the .twelfth night!, Lee! _was 'placed iia . a.barn, \ ullil.. tl:e rest of th e 'tarty Acittla.ll themselves in the celhur i l of a little stone church, Where they could l tidltand act' with nOrt freedom, both because the, solitude of the church was not :often diStUrtedHvcil . .. "th' -. '''l6l.l3th —Mid be.-- . I m him IvlNt . t , he' eaut. " 1 meati,l'! 'Said he, .1 that, wt arc botiortd with the !conipany of Captain !ice, of the rebel army, i TN.! rascal • ' [• once,piniished me, and I never 11°1S - took In had a debt of that kiwi ito pay. ...S;ow.d sf.: all have-my reven e " 1; :: .• :flu Oilietri Lasteiled b.; COipte,Sli l tLeli'dis(nust at bis fetecity, saVine.,--tli:11. if, :ei_he shid,t Girl coinpanibn was iin.Xiii..ficaii Officer,: all they had tt (11V-was to watch Lim chisi:lk They said t ::its, as he had come among them tulip , . vited, be!tnust go with ihem to S`qw-1 - 611., and take the consequences ; but 1 Incantimf,it was. tite4 illterez.t nut to ieetil to Su:*et hint, °them:is:4 he might give in alaritt,l whereas it .was evidl.ntly his intenqn to gyvio)..thiftn till they \vete ready to ettibark tUr Ntiw-York. lire oth4 i)ersisted -in saying ,that ,14.: would have hiseven i ge with his own ;laud, upon which this; Conductor, Orawinz A pistol de clared. tolhim that if he saw the leastitittempt toinjurelCaptain Lee; or any 4oialu4t which would lOd Aim to 'suspect that ;his ';',lisguise . was discklvered, lie ' would- thattnoinetit shoot hint throfigh the hea.d.!: The soldier` put his, hand up tis . knife with an '4nuittotts scowl upon his itonditctOr, but seeing • ihitellie had to do witksOme one Adm-was likely o be as 'r , ood as.ilis word, lie restrained iti4niielf and began tolairange some rubbish ti.'ll s4rve him ifor is led .i Tice ' other soldier followed Lis !example and their snide withdreW, 'docking ! I the door 4ftcr him. i . . . The rick t they 'wenton as usind, bat tle, manner of their conductor ghowo.l that there wastno more danger than before in :fact, eiplaincd.to the party, that they were 'nett not ftLr, from the Delaware, and hoped to reach it bifOre midnight. They 'occaSionally Nara tlielreport l i of a musket, wln i chiseemed to indicate that some movementl waif* fnt in the kaintry, Thus reamed, they quick: cned theiristeps,.and it was not ()llfi t , befurc they saw .gleam of broad .clear litilit befOre. Ilion; sucll as is* reflected from cahni-,, waters t;ven.in,ll3 , darkest night. TheY 'moved up Cu it •with . thep silence; there. _Were various: emotions their breasts; Lee was hoping for an opportunity to escape from fail. tenter prise^ which was !iTowing too seriOns,.!.and the principal objects which were already an swered ; the others were anxitiu r s. seine accident late happened to the iboat c which thot depended for : crossing flto stream.. When they came to the bank there were no traces, of a boat on the waters.!, iTheir con ductor stead still for a moment Jn• dismay; iiit,•recolle'pting himself he said it prifsi ble it might have, heen secured *Ayer down the. stream, and, forgetting every'thing •-ei5C;, he directe&the larger soldier Co FaCcOmpany him; and giving a pistol to the other,heWhis- Pered., 44 It' the yehel officer attiunPiStO betray us, 'shoot - bin if not, you will not,_ for your own sake, Make any noise to shOwFwhere we . aro." In the same instant thev dePitOcd,and .I.A;ewas -left alone with 'the rullian. I' could the barn lie was rhear the ibout \ the it was ir,v, .asionali v. intry 1i r :1 -, ' till kith ( ? 11 libui the house rota their [Klaus by escaii6l I, lle had befOio 'suspected thatl. thet fellow knew - him, and now doubts were e.hanged to tbrtainty ati.once. • Dark as it was, itiseenied aS•it fire thitgred from his eves, now }hat Ite ftilt that revenge was in his power.l :Lee was ai braveasany Officer in the • army, 'I) u, he -%Nlas tmartned, and thou7ll he was stron7, his adversary Was still more poWerful. IWhile l u sfOod, - uncertain what to do, the felroW seem .ed enjoying l the :prospect of ,revenge; as lie hi Oked upon- hint with isteady ,Thougli the officer good apoaraneo untnoyed, the s*eat rolled! in. heavy drops frem lie soon took his resolution, and siiirang - t+.l ott his adv4sary: with the intention wrest ing the pist4l front his hand l', but tilt! Other was upon- his guard, and aimed', with such ptheision, that,. had the pistol been Aharged with a bu11 t :.,4, that, moment would lia}-e been Ira l;nt it . sEleinetl'iltat the eonducjor trusted to Lis weapons.to render thCl . l/ . *3 of tgegi unpetestriT, and 'had. t*refore lothled them only Witfr'powder ; as it was, the lock threw t t ! ec to' the grumpl; bt4 furtutiatelv :14 the4cauw diooil4 the pis , -, I • 1 - • ! CIEEI tip I.A.:e heir C6n titecl with ltake the jttst hour .up onsitlea - his "0:- (1, of the, rec:t lifte ged . tlittir injecture the. uliar .cal:- 'as well ticeeot , d rt, traql7 I 1- ill this TO POETICS, ITEWZ,,WEP b . 1 111 rnit i tl ACulln 7 185 1 . rint p an „ - • 110:111M i bl. it feW Where Lee coutl reach it,. and as , ilis adven4iry stooped, nab was.- d aiVini,. his linife fr6tn,his bosom,' Led, was rib e to give . litilta stunning blow. He immedititely threw liimsd'ftipoi the hssassin', and - 'a longi and ',llloody strit , rnie began ; they we.ef so nearly'l7 . .F `'-'''', . AMU:lied it strength and- nth antagf.,. that nei ther daredinuelench his held for , to - sake of rasping the knife ; tile 'Wood gu IA from 4 tiir mouths, and the combat w mid : Have, ended in favor or the ass ssin when 1i t , •tept; and voices. were bettid advaz sing, and • they formai themselves in the hand ()fa party • iticountryinen,. 'Who Were 'mined fo Abe; ocen, lon,, and We.re scour tfie banks Of the .riv- • 4 > e. '.They, Were forcibly:Om apart Lugo ex-. listed and . breathless, Pint nei her could ,Brake any ;explanation, and they. submitted 'quietly; tolbe disposal of 3leir'cappre.l '• • I It- The 'party of armed , Ountryniti4, tilougli. dice haul; succeeded 'in their attNpt, and, ! • ,- t were sufficiently triumpinint on tlt bee;asiiin,; , .. , ... ! ~! , Were•soretyl perplexed .to: ueleritik le tit - AV t o (ispose - of their prisOners. o After;slmedisetts- , n, one of them se propoa to W, dirt s ;the d e - I .....: , , . , i om an , ciston..updri the wisdom judgit ent of the nearest magistrate:They accort ugly 0 . 9 - ileeded with their prisoners to lit mansion, ;i014.1 called , - .)ii him to rise sand attevi 'to bus j4ess. A Window was bakfly throlaitup,and the justicd put forth his night caked head, • ._. t 1 .i i o at a there wrath tha4 beetim i hiS digni- • L• orderedi them off; nind ;in requi , 11. for their' Cn'llino. hiui.out of be injthe cold generous ly a itled Ithem in the . wa.,rmest p ace which then occurred to his ima3ina•tion. nowever P • i qmstanee was in %mu ; hq was coplioied to - -il'-q-'; and iii soon as the . prir' onens w!„ re brought bi.:fore Min; be Ordered them tor bt taken in .'' ' irons to. the prison at. Philadelphia -.Lee im i L pti)Ved ill 4 iopportunity to take tial . Old - gen= tl:...trnt aside, and told hilt' \who l'-; was and , Wlhy he wids thus disguisea ; the j isti'ee only i'lrelrupte4:, him with the keasiom 1 inquiry,. 611cst dotie :."- )Vhett by had flu d, the nnigistrzitY told hint that" his stor y was very well innule; ; and told in a inanfter ery -'credi bible to his' addresA, and' that he, Mould tonld give W all the. a;,eight hick ..it!scemed ,ItO 'ret i tti re. ~• 1 1. of .1..0 remonstranegs :were itnavailing.- . As soli:as they were fz'orly lodg e d in prig- 11 - • on, Lee pr„Ovailed oil the Inilor Co dory;:, butt. f' Gell..l...hiCohl, illfOrlilipg him of Ihi S condi..., t'ion. The Geti e.rnl received itas htiwg, dress- ftits n. in the tinornii ;,r., and; ilinnedintely sent ~ tjhe of lkisqtiids to the, jail.} That ociee'r could nht , - htlieve'lds eves when he Saw CAptnin Lee. ~ , nis uniforn - i,worn out whip he assuined it,was. Mw hanL , lng . in rags aborit him,.a 4 d ;he had irk been- s'haved fur dfortnight ; • Lle wished; Ory natutilly, to improlai Insappqt,ritnee he- . ittyo preAeuting himself before. 'Orel Secret:try of War 1;. , 1it the orders were • peremptory totj bfiiig hil Ois he was. Thlo, Genera 4 h, ~ , ,I -a ' . 1:(1. full well; his . laughter waShal-dl l yexeeel, ''t by the:report of his, own envoi'; and • , li d hi n d. did he late,ili that:dry.' ' \ . ,„ . s. - tif- th 4; Stole! Central i Coin . . .. 'Wilted. I ! - or PENNkr-, - -A:al : .. • - s-L.-Th e `lrate, ce9tral Corn-- ' v the Demoeratte Conven . s. at Ifarrisbuq, in IklarCh • , cir duty to address '. ;of pOliticial i attains. 't oeraticiparty and .., celyi knOW at 1 1 If haVe, l for ). hing elec ts . changes 4•••tt -e, tar !' ers - r • Address, To Tilt: I )6e, Fe//ow thittee 001 which- ';ts. , etlible It t, have, itholiEr,lit-it aspet l'iteOpi{Olents of the Dt i * ' .•'•.;ff.Detnoer!titic policy (wq kt,, ails moini. , '!it. by What to:cid! ti • iqirposes:e9nnected with thciappro: k tiMi, made itnother Of thoge! suddet ! , °fiat tituci Which have so often lienst.(&. Mthed. the ; is,litie:il character of ili • [ •ir -le, aii,d , ji , ..,-.ati , )lolthe peoph...i They have r• through their wlleh,t list (}(public,. linetrsities. i_tne ] z'lter the other their iiiinciph-shake been , c.'l.?;lidettined!by die public yoice ant abandon i etll by tlietiklves. A Nitf,ional 11cul4,fabout Wlich •theiio.nce dirt:mem:id revolt' ion, is an' 'I . . ; '.., " irt , § , , l et ( n,t i ea „ he tudepep.,!lent Tieastu•v, , Whiell they de ounced so peredy,. - ilo 1,-,,v 0 . '.1:-,ilenied : to be the sarest and le, t nit; e' of keeping mid distursiiii . iNe publicJ entics. rtlior,ltanki•upt Law , is' delivered ver, with o thor full Cthisent, to the itfarnv• it des'erves. Ny i e'hear tt , ..j more from tin:in abort exptinz iri;,- the veto power fro m the / cras s tution.—: *the thun4'rs.of alarm 'ag:iin , ,,-t the Tinexatron o r fllT(Sxas are silent. ~Theirl- e x, i erati'ms of the - ?Oxican War and the barro State,i f Califor niii, are 10. hinger - }leant "Ti •'• tariff_ of 1'142" is erased from the•-•§anners . lid' oMit- ' tO in their speeches, :They *q. m"-! to be - i a4bam z 'exr(t i t certainly : they ought to' be) of t4irpredietions that the country ovould be 'roped anil.the tr,,:tAttry I.4ltkrtipt 14- the tar "itrOf 18-16 I 'Even the Galpliitis o the last a(iininiqration have .retited ,to,' he quiet shftdes of cibscurity, content to Hr' fz e Oath• pltinder iii - silenee, , witlOut defe ding the ~, . , . :tn,cf.:t b ns y Ivineit tt, was acquired. 'illt ini , :rld ',naturally be supposed, relit sueli ti ii owftrkl Oretan. , ,tances di:a these , Avip . ' tid ce:fild their war upli the j): ttrol. the p( O pie; wlOt their t'ormerly - avowirl prinei % . I.l24'li.atid nltiasure.s were A,litts :that dotted,--:- M le!' keepitig the countryi in a domination fot -s) inan,' years, by contending "for , areas-, uhis and vtOws which they' tat•tly: admit toribe eitheit4lse• or hopelei,s,, it would 'seem 111 thitt dissolittioiCwas. the otily thin/ left, for taigas. -1 - Ititi the ttatural enemies • qt . •republi-. ei)!lsm and equality can M.:ver be - die. The • infirested 'anti 'ambitionsi dernag , )gue 'will: utli4Al. quit Ids; trade. Thelt can tiideast• Bret lo4.l•9lliceliby•Stirring'uinstrife a 4,0!,, , ,. T he ~ ,.. , i -ki!tl e , amid tins they seen). ready to do, -as FO'ing evtits abundantly ?verify. • -:' • rilNre . do riot deny that the Masses pf the par ty.,;oppo.,•7edito,us tire.honest, • outidi and true • 110xt e d cinema, who desire nothiu, but that , thWhonor and interests, of their co' MIT may 1)4 - 4 prottu4(l••- and. perpetaated. :I ;is; their siti4re prejudices against tote Dent )(lacy,' or -„-,..1 , , , .. Itiotr long h t obits of olp(klietice to pa •ty tliscip liite whit 11 them wheire .they ; are; but . 'w .conlideidlv trust that the time, 11tas .nti•w• 1 eoine L wit,* they will break •the itrammels which have - !heretofore bound them i • and join the:•Demoet•ittie party •in a-'cOrdial rapport of th'Odaws and the Constitution. lrredomi, to the ,InSt Pre identitl election, th;?orgaiks,i 'orators mind Ilmders ofhe phrty, tW4I eallin W k. itself hig,lltrid- exhausted. their list of party doctrines. Every issue?: had been se,(tled against them. iDliti they ate seldOnt at.. 41 loss toilsome tempi) -aq subto fuge, and' on;•:1Itat octitision'theyvhe,ook themselvts to. a rrt4ilt thgrejiiitable expedient, , Theme, Ozerted' al[ iheir poser awl ittfittende to exc.te•the an gi#,.liatred mid jealousforithe eat oh,es'and i i mitOralize4U, voters against; the Doo i ociatie patty and .im, candidates. . Immetlititely.upOn- ' (:Gil. .11eri:O's tiotoihatio4, they. I(IO . Ooune- i (241)kini as 4 .big-M o l trote4mit, ulti),. 406., , 1 teotth.l p , ..e his powq to prevellt '''' atho- 1 I CULTU ZSEI 7 NC MID I\lo 7 AL Yt. • ITU APD • * lies fri In - having '!heir L itelt rights. pt..reStric- ' tton in the .Const i ttutiOn of New, liampilfire twaiast this sect pf peopk., - was charged, o_n 1 him '..ai a high 0141.01 otienee.'2Certilikiatf;is froni: ( r atholicS MI his Own neighborhood i do- . clariO ! r.that he was la!rstile to them . floOded the entry—and' the sanctity, of the Post vas violate 4 for the purpose of cireula ting ticse documents long with the religious. papeysl read by p(.154.0t . of that .faith. . On,. the otheritand, Gen. ' , 4.4.:4, 'was held up as a Man for . Whom CatholieS, a tore all others, nought to•vOt. If he w'z' L t+ n t a mder of that Lithufeli himself, itL'Was urged that his farnily vert4 i:ilitl that his d 'ughter bad, 'mid; his consent, gone: into; tec, event. Never before was St; bold and sham i eless au effort made to rouse feli , Tions Preju&es for political par poses. i Sensible c Men of all Parties, Sects'nnd. classes:, were.deeplY orended at this uublifsh ! ing,sy44em of endeavoring to carry an '4lec tion hy sectarian appeals. ,• f•:till more humiliatiing than this, if - passible, Was ille flattery beStoWed upon their adopted felloWritizens. l''ioni the aged and distill-. •••ruisheld soldier who We; their candidate; for, PreSitibm c down IV tit most obscure . and in 7 efficient t;i th . 4sPbrik q's and write‘rs,.• all pro fessed 'fa becomind• 'zeal fOr the ri , eltts of for-• . L , _ L . 1 .., , op:tiers. Accordmg t? their statements made then,i .111 persons 'if forpigforeignbirth hail been or were about to be grca l tllyjnisused by theilfe . moktraby--,--aud thl . wore urged, it . xltortedlAnd waited to t :u4 nilite4 but their true . friendS, the INlhigs.ltVeh l the dialect spoken-1 , 37114-, fignellS was I)kriNA Ito as being superior to ' the . vernacular.''angnnge Which 'the native born Jitizen use , The " rich Irish brogue". music to , was music o theirn It/s and the" sweet: ~ : er,- , man accent" was '• ‘object of extraVagant, eulogy [ Thee facts, fe 1 17 ouri riecollection. that Ille same pop this i?ectariani cru cy,losii than two that Sax theth lay,i :rdepted citizens fi cans, have recentli ,es i proscription agaiinst n burnt 1t whatever i rOLti 1 I to be n. close. alliain,‘e b _ olindt asscciationlWhi \ el liwn 1 4. rconsciencei s the newly electidi;Alt9 this . itiketrine of piOscr ,t . ~ ,:!.• . mere - itonticat m.m.k.cw Whigileaders mat be That , 4 is a hearth _ 's : ic:tl itle of religious Pr tbenf4llves do not i:tit doubt.[ Ascertaityid fd otnalib it perfectly fiPp: to':tiep.u.- if thevefm l ~ . .. , . _... , 'woOtagai It flatter fill . chataiions or 14 ft4.lt eitizenr.- t. , It Imo; be ask,4 h I? • cy mebt the issue; thu ' E t - t • .- tb •% 'ri swer, .}.IN .t.s le . , .',.,1(.. and anti-repubbeapldc ) of p(Otlar rights, IV t the.'filee of reason'mil to thoiconseience Oflth . , ling d religious . anlipi se - :lpproved or'eni:lorsd al people in this ii c 1 They - Who-think•sd i l'in short s igh tedi tuletlil. racy 'asked no Itio):e t i Prote4ants,iand niM '0 chang+htheir gronAd, Cominon and Const i ttut citizen; of Ivitateveir e l happi:a to I.)Z . Tlttsh., ' thb, ilkni6cratic par ) i '''• of this_ ,- n. , .n..1, , L.,,0N \Ail no sect or,llts th( (.4,11 3 ,6 Tj fey no. -or cl:ist4, G all; a e t have tv just ii Lts o; and lionor.as lie ccnstitution . eiplo ?f equality m 6untriv native bon fougliticand bled fit wbU:ll.[ no AtMftik from fellow mu . ybr,3 to+, -aone---ibis,l . . moertiOy. From th look ithkwn calmly . 1 b Xle 'of ihose who ecil , principles. \ Ours ii try-r liberty until can only flourish itiA. - permitted to worshtp as they think right.; We nre fully per:Al:idol that the people-of this Suite are true and Will reinain true to the pHiciples of c •ij 'ttal religious liberty, whit 4.lwere estalklilieil . b \ , the .resolution.— -Their Whole history from thetirst settlement(4' this prov.ince down to the vote, at the last Presidential eleetioh, is caleulat4 to inspire every : rplectintx malt. with conlidet in ;their ,rood sti t use.and patriotism.. How nitTli and. why thr principles 1 universal toleration . are' and ought to bc _valued, afidp9t be forced s by t argunipt on thisp int. .The history of the , .world for two cents ries is replete with incl..' dents . demonstratin , the wisdom of this doe-, • ; trine. • - . . . . Religious toleratipitAnay be looked .ups n as the fruitful-patent of the infant colonit and the rights of conseienci and' of,worshili-. Pod. aceordin4 t6-its dictates, inta;V -,, be considered the corner stone of. our tepliblit:taU institutions. The. Multi - in.'s and Catholics of -England and Ilitgat'ets of France tied ft:Ont the persecutions ufint l oterance at horn to the wilds pt . this Wester World', in order i that they 'Might enjoy- that liberty here Which ‘ras.,l=Aq.ekl, them in the land of their .This latid_l4o been the land above. all ot Itor of 61i o d'A m a d political toleration—a toleration of all sects and . creeds so- nitwit in harmony- with our ri'_ipuhlican. institution._ It ;spare that here-and there at the early settle- Mott .of the- coh , nieA, a contrary spirit Was • .. sometimes tunnifestil, - -but it . - ztaditally sub sided and the heaven born pralciplespromAl ga(ed,hy Lor , l'l3altiltstore, in Nfaryland,ltoger WU Hams. in Rhode ibstand, And Willi:ll,n Ptinui in 'i.)4linsvlvariia, have kad their " - ,healthrtil .swa:o r in the - i;olicy thig country, being mrafted in the constitution' of the general gojt-, ernintit, and in lilk" constitutions - of the.sev-;- oral - Siat es. ~Thit once persecuted in" - . New England,"And prettchersArd''DisSi, , nterS_lrotn . 1.1(6 Established Englislil.Church, in' Virginh but Who would darelitow _avOW stnpatlty With su.h . intylerence! - "Who would have had the hardihood. 'now' ' pro-,_ . 'pose ah amendm' the constituttongthe Ustiou or Of any of that - a 'person born - in forei , zn.lamP prolcl.- - sing 1111 . Y par - - It ti(:.i; Ltd i e -ea! i 6 . ‘ with a secret and oath 1 , _lt proposes tc . ) punish ake. ln 'Philadelphia or has bc.ldly declared ption. That this is, a Vre on the part of the conlidently4tflirmed.— I [tempt to make a polit vjudiees, in Which they tticipate, ;no.; one ican 1 ' Acts,, past and preet?nt, : :rent; that these sone d secure totes 'bti it, t. - Catholisf . Mal be the is-of our a pted fellow NN7•11;lil the Demciera s. preent.c.4l AVt.:.all :fricl. :ill the ( theffalse, etrinet , iil thoz ellOnie.s. le power of . thith; by tk - argument appealin Nople, . This: ttriiirt-- Oil ical elements:caintot 11.,bY a free „anil, Ober -4 in this/cottntrY.— ust b - - 1 , , c redulousi,and In IE/62; the. - - Dettioc tad•equal justice, fOr hen the Whigs have we will demand . ] but tido opal, right for.i)ted talons belief they may s ever been the tirit2d y, as it has ever been ernment.- -They - bave :• . 7 of reOple as such.— ttliar rights itt.:My 'tied sought to maintain; the .to bestow distinction d of individual 'Merit. le law—the great tirin 7 i the peophe of ithiss d those offoreign mirth pee, lii . y 114 NVII t , l ull ticular religiOs faith, ha helexclud l ed from the rights, ptivileg,es !nil nranunitiea n of a American citizen ! 'fbitink-s to the spirit of the age and an overrulingiand ever wise. Provi dence, the idea of the i rights ,of conscience has eventually prevailed and been permanent ly established, and peace hie been introduced aindlic , men under the sanction of otir gov ernment, and laws, on subjects whielt had i long led to cruel' and ,ilobtly war. 1 We are not defendi l nm' the- tenettslof any particular sect, but the / rights of all to enjoy their, own peculiar vied ,s without inoltation,, without proscriptionland rierse.eution. • In this lies the safety of all, for the powerful of to-day may be the teak of' to-morrow.= The same' oppressions indr,rue!ties, visited by al dominant religious sect upon their ;weaker brethren of opposite religious views, May, be returned upon, themselves with a ten fold fury in the ebbs and flows il.f party and political fdeling, if such fplestions are to betelerated a all in'political disetissions. The - plaisoned el., mike may be return&l to the lips of those who would ftace otherl, to think thehemlock. Wil feel right sure, that the adversitiel, of the fast in, the history of 'mankind, will not be (t t -t upon the good sense of the Atberican pkple, and that all religious persuasionsmay be permitted to carry tut the pure arid holy niiHon of propagating, the gospel and diffus: in a sound morality iimulig men. ] flJet not then, fen+ citizens, the senled ( untains of religious controversy belopened to deluge with bitter -,. ters this Lapp coun tiv- Letnot then th unmitigated vils of , j 1 religious feuds be s tered broad cst over thi• l land, tu be more ldathesome than the lice and frogs of Egypt. Let `us not be ilivided i'n political matters, by reason of a diversity of sentiment on relig,tous subjects, where no differences can exist in the' eye of the law on such subjeCts, and where all sects aia creeds aie'alike protected.. %Let us live together in amity and lore with, no sectarian biobted or intolerant views ripen sup jects about! which rued never could and never — can think alike; each conceding to the other the right to con sult his owniconscience i3Olatters of religion, beeauqe such voncessiorfsecure his OUJII right to` do likewise. I ' ' Let us avoid tlkicontracted view of human ri& .ts, which denies the privileges of citizens to tit .qc who have been born on foreign soil. how fe • of us, but earl trice ancestors, not , remote, w to first Saw the light of day beyond the blue wa ers of the . ektlantic. And how it grati s upon t • Ainencan ear to hear it iin 'Jounced as has ce'cfittlY been done by the • new Mayor.of Phi • delphia ' that a distinction, maiked and mauifes is toAie made among the people of that city x by, reason of ine quality in intelligetiot true worth, but, by re 1 ason,of the aceiii / int of b th. The adopted citizen "is no longclr to be con 'dered an equal lint' an infeririV He can pa -tit, taxes, en rich byl, his goer his adopted cou try,land, - If need lie , (11 fend her flag, her honor, ier int&- ests, on the field of battle, tut he must ', of en joy tile emoluments of office, must not c`•( cl l . riiqositionq of public !lusts, or even exerc'se the right of suffrage ex'o;pt through prOtract 01 years and much tritadation. lie has i east• his lot among us, made his home in ottiiiiilst,.. i s identified with us in feeling and interest, and by all the ties which the love of country can entwine around the human' heart, but vet according to this modern doctrine,qe• belongs to a proscribed ? degraded caste. ' We have for long, long years invited the oppressed of every clinic to our • sho, ex tended to them the hand of fellowship res ofll.l- ed them theprotection of the bioad shield of our constitution, to secure them iii the irights and immunities of Ainerrean citizens; but . all thislis notv to be changed, a new standard is to be erected, outside of and beyond the con stittnion, and stronger and higher than the fundarnentAl law of the land. The 1 great charter is to be treated ns a dead letter,; so far as it recognizi the eqhnlity before the law of adopted with native born citizens, and a power alien -to the constitution and laws of the land is to be hereafter the rule of action. Itl was assigned as ainong the -reasons of declaring our independence,'and bkaking off our allegiance to the `British crown, that George 'IL had endeavOred to prevent'the population of these. States, that he had ob: strutted the laws for thertaturalization of foreigners, and that het had refused to pass laws to encourage their Migration hither. If such were considered among the reasons sufficient to risk a doubtful] and bloody war, dhow much greater ningnitude are' those now presented for the consideration of alllib e 1 mindiA. men. The offence of Georgeilll. was at least an open one: Ife had refused, to pass . ws to enconrage the emigiation offer-' eigneN. But the new policy is a species Of "deception., nworthy of the American charac- • ter. We lei •e our constitution as it is,. We make no alters ion tin our naturalization laws, , %ye invite on the lith of these guarantees,to,l he seen and read o' nil litii, that they should leave their homes, ren, mice allegiance to their native land, and swear legiance'to our own government, when melt) , 'that the induce-, malts thus held '- out are ire • eunningdevices intended to deceive. For it i not proposed lirthose who adhere to the stage dogma, eFlunCikaed by the new Mayor of P ladelphia, fp change the settled poliey of this D ` tion, by alteriw o r the conditions on which the ople ~. , \ • , receive d or outer countries are to e lnd adopted as citizens, but a much more clang. ous and unjust gr,outul is"assumed. Its prac tical Nl . Ol king:, aro to be retrospective. It pro poses. to take froin citizens the civil rights' vi o hicli they have aireaay acquired under .the e ustitution, by organizing , n power,,to sitt vert that instruinent. It is Au. attempt to set tle a policy not recognized in`nnv law of this cbuniry, that hemafter. no Man Zorn Out of tile cOutt3 a shall hold civil office\under the ,„, • ,, 'ov eminent '-'=- - -no matter that he, 4*- come heie lt ion 111. f ilLh.,of the la - Ws of the binil no matter how :good; his eliameter.; • ho \ ef flctivel hi, abilitteb ;116v thorough ids edisink wan ; or bow numerous his virtues—no 'mat t i how devoted his attaelimenni to, the icon •b tUtiell ; nor how orth4dox his religion'.' "no. flitter though' he has, suffered 'and bhid for 14 s Adopted country. Willisult we tiro to have aa politieal commummr—gwe lima not lioten to, thetr 41dvico nor 'employ dim in , the p1u41 . 10 service: The - standartiref lione , ty and eiipuoitylk to be overloolol—and the oir eonl:Ammo of 144, Aria bfrtbaJone must de oldo'whii,shall fill the oaf ea` of the go,vern- . .. ._ . . . . . , . . n• rut, . • Mere is a Oi4ratichiseinetit:pfilto luUsi.4-. - trxious: eleitieter. • Tlie . .ulielp . nn d . sotlittoit. I; ws w . eri, ptssed limier , the itiluti nistration - of the C : hicsr Adams in t lie height or the itts - ole".ntie ' IctierA aoulittation. But - they were • laws,: Volume 11, ,alanibtr 311. • while here is a similar policy without: the sanction of law, secret in its ope.rationss and tyrannical unjust and cruel, in It& results.' is in effmt, an adminiqration ef the alien law. of . black cockade feileralk,-*ithont courage to place it on the. statute:hoc& Iti spirit, -essence and design are the same The Constitutioin of the United. States, awe therizes Congress to peas uniform lairs of nat tunlization. • It also prOvides that- Congress shall make no lair resm.,ting an establishment of religion or prohibitink the free. exercise -thereof; and that no religions test shall ever he iegired as a qualification fotany cake or public trust under the United States. - The constitution of kennsylvania is eats more emphatic.- It declares thakitil men have a natural and indefiiaiibie right to wining Almighty God .according to the >dichttes 0f.. . their own conscienc,that norman can, of. ' right, be compelled to ntteitkerect,, or sup port any place _of worship, or to maintain hay again`st his conient—that no !suchen authority can, in any case whatever, control or interfere with the rikhts" of conscience.-- that no, preference shal lever be given bylaw, to any religious establishments- or mod of worship—and that no person who acknowl edges the being of a Gr i d and. a future state of rewards and punishments, shall, op account of his religions sentiments, be ,disqualified . , to hold any office or place-of trust or profit un der this Commonwviltli. • - . • Such was the fabric-.Orgp • verum ent elected. by the patriots of the revolution, who' -widers stood what liberty, true liberty, :Mont, and who periled "their By** their fortunes, and their sacred honor," in Its Maintenance. . Are we to do away' with thi r s,riobleleituie of our govmment by indirecJon, and establish a, .test' , not. known to our constitution and laws, hut antagonis tical to - can only, leOd - pOlitteal and feligiotts: intoler tut 'treating .the question as ote . merely of )01 . 1ey,; . mithout regard `to cOnatitntionazight, - as not this liberal featuire of our government thus early commenced, and' 'sanctionadAy' .time, been attended with the happiest naidtti In the developemeat - Of. the iesoureit':and strengthening the arin,lof the . nations Why should. this: liberal policy he, ntioy rudely. Mid harshlY.broken up anditbandonedfor Why - should- we be less generous no* when.. libel* and progressive jdeaa in - all other reakieeta* .warmly eberUed as peienliarly . Ainerietin t We are aware that we may be pointed to the vices and excesses of.an ignorant, and..dest.il tute, population, who .conic. into - our country Lin prepared.in some respects for ,the proper enjoyment of its institutions. : 1 We are free tO admit that .individnals.abnse the .brmings ) cr our overnment,- but this - is true of .nll.--.407 eve as.well as foreign and surely is no rear son for changing the policy Tof- the goveriti ment, for Imposing. new conditionsupon adopted citizens, or fOr punishing ihe . jirst equally with the unjust. . - 1 . • Indeed it is difficult,l - when examining _tins subject to sac who are the most benefitted by am inilus of foreign population. Our -0,111 history would show that much of our prd6- ve r ity and-Japid advance to national grent a .cs, has been accelerated by the talents, en erg; and productive inustry of thase, of for eign ..rth.• The debt f gratitude is at least not all . their,side. ve we forgotten the distinguis ed aid of adopted citizent aridf4r eigners in in revolutionary struggle-al, Have We. forgotten _ to chivalrous • service*: of. La Farette,llontgo .. ery, Delialb, Koscinge r eand others like them br of less renown, horr iled i life and proper in- our'; belAlf, :, .314 in behalf of the cause of 'betty and' mit, publican ideas? Did , r ex, net #s'lE' their ,lives and shed their. blood: -r-that. caws and' .for this .people? . flare not; the • --w labors and., 'toils of the adopted citizens,- have` poured into this country in' al steady and constant stream,made much of 'rur- previous ancalti , vated ands : bloom and blossom. as the -roue? Have they not felled the forest,- subdued _the rude and unbroken soil 4 constructed ourTail 'roads and canals, and largely eitendesroUr_ internal ow:Dim:fee and the bounds of-cujtare and civilization ! Are there not ha , . found - among them as well as among : .' native- born citizens, men of exalted! worth, brilliant lA.', wits, towering',:genins, who --have given Us' their valuable serNices, in all the - useful and' ennobling pursuits and-Professions of life l and from amongwhom the Irani.% of our -girths*. statesmen and orators have been adorned.= .. Is it wise, that all .thesef and such ..aio these', shall bedisfranehinct, proscribed on atiContit of their foreign birth, and persecutedfor their religious ropinions ? have we nothing to lose by such a policy? , .1 .- .* But hew - is this policy to be administered! , How is this . new test toibe applied! and by whom ? ISecretly and Without warning, by secret, midnight political associations, bound together by extra judi'al oaths, todo :that which can be nothing lso . in effect, morally, than conStructive - treal n to the government. They thus attempt' to cfe, under the cloids or. the night; and by secret political Combina tions what they would be nsharned to pro : pose in the light of clay:and before ther world. - Secret 'political . socifties, fellow citizens, however commendable in design at the out start, must soon degenerate into engines of tyranny_ and outrage.' i The Jacobin clubs of the French revolution,: Iheaded by Dintim, `Murat and , itobespierie, made • the nation tremble for iis txistence,%,while France became drunken` horrid crirnes, assassination and -_ ..tird'er.' l'What 'protection eta the ma ss of , ~ I", eeabict citizens have against their secret eon . ils land • insldieus attneks? 'Conspira cies a see-ret combinations against the body po % . c, or the - poli ical righta. of large classes of c*. zens,are ea odiouit in the eye of, the infiralist, , - - conspirieies against 'the pri-,' vide rights oft. , - citizen are - odioul in the eye of the law. ene offence is - pollard and the other penal, Itu, there, is little if any dif ference in the , grade fi criminalitY. Both are founded: in selfislin - and disregard of the rightsiif others. .- We have heard much in . ys gone by Pennsylvania, front large bodi • 'of our, •peci. pie, li', opposition to secret socie i'' ,- °fill pure. Iv 'Clittiblir - and benevolent cha .. er• hav- ' ins: political policy . . mo ; or Inlrpeite ) , li• e n .„....- HoW much more should kind' Qv 'tioti ex tend'-to secret inisoeiational"or pOliti- Oril :purposes aloi*-sodl for _political purpo. ses having for theit\ob*t,the • dis&uichiae atent oil"account of their religiou s' views of a portion of our eitirieric\ . •.(' '- '• ' " - - • - Secret societies Aimed for politie.al 'prrtio- • ses, the greit and good : Washington. warned 119 against in Ida farewell address to - hits Colin: trynien. Haw well lie portrays \ -kheit'Ortiti in - the. following , 'paragraph l -,- \..:, ~ - EMECI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers