The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, July 20, 1854, Image 3

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    Guano applied to "the poorest old plain in that
State at the rate of 300 pounds, iter_acie 11411
p r oduce a good wheat crop.- It to mare easy
and more profitable to'grow NTeal.'illl Abode
Wand than it is talllinois. r i 1 .
Tlie 'Wile per complains of severe dronth.
We hope the late 'rains have changed q that.
• • a— , ::- , ----- --A -:1' . .-11%-t
ACOIDUNT AT `WoosTEn.—At the Fonith•
ii July celebration in Wooster, a InalOmtned
Reerckhati iris tight arm shot off by'-the pre. ,
Mature exPlOsion of a cannon: -It appears
there' was a rica dry between the Wooster
, and
the Mansfield ArtalerY Compatiea,- as to, who
should make the best time,in firing; An' ' the
latter being ahead, the was. less .a .. tion
than should have"beetru., and the Cannon
unfortunately exploded whilst Mr. ReeVesiwa ,
standing, before •it—the ramrod carrying off
his arm. )(Lit. ,was a soldier in the war
with-Mixico.--=-Kassillars News. 1
lar The first railroad in Braid was
open to the public on the 30tH of last
the inaugurating ceremonies lakin g
presence of the Empeior and Einpresa
immense concourse of the leading
g•es of the e mpire..
s ,,he director reem
the occas ion the title Barite' de 'Ma
the chief engineer' the IMperial order
WHEREAS, certain reports are inlitco t
tion as We are informedonjurlo,uStotliii''cjitir
anta-4,P.11,--,Wad‘i,gfl9ll 0 ; 40-4144494--tCf,
the late drawing-of hia property ins:lid town-'
ship. i-r litpri we tbe 'subscribers- n comniittee:
seleeteinitid appolittc:d by the ticket 'holders'
for the supervision 'of.saia diaWing, dc,' l herebyi
i ‘ ss
certify that so far :' - iin we know- or ; live 'aiiy,
reason to believe,, thweonduct of- - nil/ 'DAL
Wade„ throughout \the • whole- burin' ' stns fair, honest and honorable, and that we' saw
nothing in him during the *bole business to,
warrant any reports amaitist hini. A d " - ftir 7 i
Cher, that ire suppeseg.that *e were acting.
in a legitimate -and_lawful liiisitiess.;
_rid' w(1.
did not suppose, that either we' or .M.i i .. ; Wadir
were engaged in On improper \ act,: Or dual
could beconstrued•into such and tha so fat .
,as we know, ,eeer':i thirig Was•Aorni fni. ly 'arid'
honestly; both by, Mr. Wade and-ourOves int*
the selling of the Aickets, in ' : the draWinn• of
o in , ~., 0
theni,-anil the'assprtmOt Ix toe -gifts.
Cteorme McKeniie... 1). - F. Brundagli
John A. \Tourge..e • L. M. Bennett '
'Willard M. Whiting ObOdinh - Baily
Wairen C. Tower - jedutlia Niche
. .
P.R. Tow' cir C.C.': Thayer •
Hugh 'Mead • • E. $ - .Ee:nt -
11urnplirey Marcey J. o.Bullard.
L. M. Hardy J. ti Walker
A. P. Miller • . James C..11ar,.
C. B. Mapes • Ira D. Bell
S. Dimoek Holloway Stev
C. I). Wilson Orville Orville Tiffany
M. C. Stewart • • Ethan 'Lew.ii .
John Baker
rifram Stevens
George Woooard.
The Anniveisary Exercises co i l
quehanun Acallemy - '
Will take place:As follows:
Poniversary Address, by 11. 11. Je
Thurslay Evening, July 20.
l'Aang Gentlemen's hxhitsition; ott
Evening., July 21. - -
Erercises, each evening, to, comme ,
cifiely at 8 o'clock.
The Corner Stone Of the' Court Ho
he laid on Monday next at:2:oclock
It is expected that the ion: David
and the lion, b
and speak on the' occaiion. - •
. Citizens e,gueraity are invited to a
'llie, llontrose -Brass Band *ill be i
: ance.
, • Wlli: H. BOY D; • ) Bui
Montrose, July 18, 1854.
INStlAgtlB3).. •
In Ilerriek, July 5, by . Rev. SrUith, of
Williamson, Wayne Co. N.Y., Mr." Cr. I. Lir4
OS, of Herrick, gusq.•Co. to- MiSili,ectir.?
Tut M., daughter of Win. Stuart Esq I 41 the
former place., • • .• • j
41411 N
In Brooklyn,:July 16, PRUDENCE,
Amos Baily,'agol 85 years and 9 in
Fifty-three ~ y ars ago thTdoevised
father's house in Conn., and with her
setthxl in Brooklyn. Here they t
the wilderness together, and under
forts it blossomed as the rose.l
left'a good home and society, yet
muffed not, but with patience, waited
days'to,come; nor was she disappoi
Soon. they :gathered around them the
of life, and their, hearts Were cheer
grotip .oe'interesting children that bt
to honor their parents. i
• Mrs. Bailrwas no - Ardinary wOmStt. She
possessed a and amiable disposition, 7
She always had a .word of encouragement for
the.faltering, of cheer for thedesporing,'a
cup of water and. s..MOY' sel 'a Iread for the
hungry: She never
,repined, at. -hart fortune.,
, For the list three or four years she had been'
unable to go about, and for more than r a year
she had not been able to move a hatid or foot
but a very little; yet she hiid full pomession',
of her mind. She retained -pdrf+tlyi the
events of early life that had passed before.h.•
Often liaverkileard her relate a, chapter on
the progr'esaing condition . of the eifuntry.,—,-
Shesiverseented to havel-a most lively inter
est tirthe prosperity of the ,religiotat society
of which shearagan honored Member and, to
the lastri(yed.for the'frosperity of Zion.
She had been conscious - other , near ap
proach to death for years, and with pati ' ce
waited the summons,and at last ty eided 'up
her spirit mildly at the closing ". ay. he
died. as she had lived, 'a Universalis, am; '
i s
gone to her rest, the hopes of which,hadauji
ported, her in life, and made ler -resigned 'lin.
death. I4er funeral was attended ea the 17th
by a large 'tmber of - sympathizing friends;
all who kilo* her loved and reapected her
for 'he,orth. She has left -a huliband far
adianCed iU life, to sorrow for_ her departure,
but long Sorrow shall e tnynedinto
joy, as with fret be itiaeriaiued tolthsto the
joys of heaven. - .'
' •- • [Cos.; -'.
la Montrose, inky 9th,:afor a &Oh ilin
of Cong,estina of the brain, *N.H. BEN/AOC,
aged 27 years. ' , -....... l' : ! ' I
- ilialidstrator's Sate.
m(NICE is hereby given, that in phrsuaricel of
VII in order of aile, issued from the Orphan's
Court oTlSusitueltanna Ccitinty the followinids
cribed property late the estate of Nathan Arnold,
dee.. will bo sold upon the premlsis in Griot
Bend township on 7tiesdair the lsth day of A,
next at one o'clock ;P. M. Bounded onthe Noirth
by lands of Elias . Dayton, on' the Eait by be
Buse's' River,in'the, South by kedir Of George
c au a y , s id- ou th eirest by lands of tbe eats tl of
John Bcottfus deeeteed, containing fifty acres ,:or
thereabouts, be the amo wore , or lees, with
s p a iten ancelL About, forty acres improved an on
which there is a dwelling bOuse, bipt rd,
toe. e
TEAMS of - paytnent. made known on e d.i of
1. IttuvEy Ibict. 7
Great Illtsd;July . 17th, 104.-23w4.
la9e, in
, nd an
! rsona
ed on
i a, sand
of the
ns '
Asa Knight Jr
S. Chandler
f , ) 1 E l
i tip, on
Fria a y
. M. •
tend. j
ers.: 1
!rife - of
left' her
shwed sbay i id,,, ,
e hid
be' your
tr better
e lived
§1 *frit
REsotirrioN PRoPosnio
Aiiiendiiiiiitii to the ConotitutiOn
t of tiotOnizionweal*r v ..
sEcitil 14;-Rescosed 0 the' &male. eras ll ot o e
of,of del amtmontseallh pf Penn.
4 ; pitat#a
,iii 'General Asmbly met, That the fel*.
.low ag atneUdinents be4and' the time arse hereby
pro osed to', the Consl tntion of, the COmmon
wea th, under in if Onlance•With-the proitis
° of the tenth article thereof; to witf 1 i•
• SECTIO3 11 The aggregate amount Of debts
hereafter Fontraeted by the Commomvealth slain.
never exceed the sum of five hundred thousand
dollars, exeept in case of war to repel ;invasion,
suppress, insurrection; -or to redeem. this public
,debt of the Commonwealth, and the dioneOlo
liaised shill be applied to the purpose for which
the debt! may be- contracted, or pay sash debts,
and to no other purpose. • ' i ' •,. ;•
SEptiotal 2. To pay the public debt of the Ccitn
mPnwealth, rand, debts which may hereafter ' ; .be
contracted in case of war to repel invasion, spp:
press. insurrectiontad to reticent - the public 'debt,
the Lekislaturckh 11 at' their next sesaion after
thP adoptieri ofihis section into the Coristituthm,
provide by tailor the creation of a sinkingfund,
which Shan abolished till the said ..public
`debts bb wholly paid, to consist of at the ilet
annual income trent the !public wnika and st,oelis
owned by the Common.eallth, or any other funds
arising under ail y reven o law now eiisting, or
that may be bete' tier e nacted, so for as; the samo
maybe required o pay 'Po interest of SaiddShts
semi-annually, an annually to reduce the princi
pal thereorby a imm• not less than five hundred
thouiatid dollars inereatted ye.irlf:by ciampotind
ing at al!rato of not lessthan five per eentumlper
annum 4' , , the said Isinkin fund , shall ,lai ; invested
in the loans of the Cemmonweakth; which shall
be canchiled frolu'fitue to time in a manner to be
provided by•laa;:,no portion -of the sinking fund
shall eoer be applied to the payment of the debt
of-live hundred thousand dollars . : mentioned in
the first sed t ion of this '
article, but the ;said sink
ing fund shill be applied only to the' purposes
he in sped :I 'ed. - ,
scrips 6.„ The credit of theCoiniponwenith
she I riot in ' -tiny way be given or' loaned - to or in
aid-.of any individual, company, corporation or as.
sedation, no shall the .Commonwealth hereafter
'become it joint owner or stoekholder ire - any dan.
pany, association or corpOration . in thi . CiUmnbn-
Wealth erietseWhere,• formed for any purposes.
SEcTins 4. The Commicinweulth shall n'over.
1 assume the debits of any county, city, ho,rough or
township, or •nfiny corporation or association,
unless such dvbts shall have been coMractetto
repo) ,invasion suppress insurrection, or to defend
the State in wr.'•.„
' 1
~ ' 4 I .
Pzlioh; i it no: Municipal Subseriptums.
The'-11 . e 'slltiirel shall never authorize any'
e'nunty, laity, borugh or township , by •ote of its
citizens or!otherWise, lo become a stockholder
in any joint stock company, association ,er corpe
ratin, or to raisti for, or loan ii*credit to,
or inlaid Oran'r „Such company or association,
1 ' • , I - :E. B. CEIASE,
i! Speaker 4 the . House of Represitntatits.
r , ,! M. M'CASLIM
, ~
1 ' .' II Speaker of ih Senate.
ti In Senate, April 8, 1854.
1 , That this resolution pass.. Yeas 22,
nli 6. Extrack from the Journal. ,:i
,I;• .. II T. A. BIAGUIRR, Clerk.
• ,Ittillanse of Representatives, April 21,1854.
*solved. "That this resolution pass! IYeats '7l,
n. 20. lExtra i e, from the journal,l
•I'j - . -.- W 3,1 i
JACR; !Clerk.
• S,ECRETAIIY'S,I3II FFICE,'t , i • ' .
'. Filed , April 29, 1854. • • •
• ' . i . C. A.•B ACK,
- -
• - kSeeretary of the Commonwealth.
PEN - .NSII.VAN/A, SS. -. 1 - '
- I' ••• ii • „ SECRETARY'S OFFICE, "
1 ' I llarrisburg,July 1,,18M4. ;
-•,,,-•\ 1 I dos certify, that the aboye and ifore
1 sE4.. going is a true and correct cop of the
1 ....„-;,..1 .eriginal "Reselution . *dad, v 10 an
amendnient of the Constitution," as the same ro-
Mains:On file in-this office. .1 (
,1 In testimony - Whereof I have hereu;te set my
hand and caused to be affixed the eil'of the
Secrotaly's office the day
,and year above written.
1 . •
.e. t!
t. A..B4ACK,
- S retary of the Common Wealth.
Journal of the senate. -
- ,
"Resolution N 0.4562, entitled 'Res' tion pro:
posing amendments to the Constituti - n of the
1 Commonwealth,' Was read a third time. On the
I question, will the Senate agree to the- rst prop.
Psitio , the yeai andmaye were takea,lagreehly
lite tht Constitution .and .werias folloW/4 via : -
YZA Stems:. liiiiti:lnir, Darlington, Dande, Furgypon,
rowlltrOd, Fria r Fry*: Goodwin, i Ilakinnin. Hamilton, li.
G. Hamlin,'* lir ' -Haird'
o Heiner, Unit, 4alsott, Mc-
Clintock, IdePulant4 Piatt, Quiggle, Stnitei,:Silf r, and Mc-
Carlin, Speak Ar—t 23., • •
... I '
Nays--Measts.letabb; Croswell, fiend:Wai t inser,Sun
kel and Skinner-4.6.1 . i f '
So the question Was determined • ini the affirni•
ative. ', ' '
, . ,
On the iAnestion veil! the Senate agree" to the
seeond proposition.. the yeap and nate were ta-
ken agreeably to the Constit ution, an& were • as
follows, viz: 1 . ' - I
Tivs---. Mews. iinckalea:, Dank, Farguann.i Fonikrod,
ii i
Fry, Goodwin.traldetnaa,B. 0 liamtfn, E. . Hamlin.
fiendiSclo, Mister Hoge, Jamison, Kinzer, cElintook,
MeV* and. Piatt Plice,,,Qulrgle, Kira', Wherry MeEasiln,,
S it ra k Ts—.4 2 eicran 4 • Cribb, Croswell, Darlinitoti, I llani Mon.
ankle and Skinner—& I -
So the question was de terminedla! ttjc atrirm
ativei. I: - k.- .. - - I ,
!Jour:nil of the I:louse of Representative&
il•The question recurrincr on the final FraSsage
of the ItOsolotion, the first proposifior( was
agreed to ila AieWs, wiz : ' ' 1 •:.
Y.naa--IteSra. Abraham, L Adants, Atherton, Ball,ltairtm;
,Bighlun, Boyd; Bash, yerly, :Caldnell, . Calvin,
Carinale, Chamberlin Cook, Crane, 'Cuntruins‘ Daugherty,
Davis, De Tranne, D uniting, - Eckert. Edinger; Eldred, fie
ane,i Foster.' Fry Galteatime, ;Gibbon*. Oftsbke, 0 ril ,
GreliweiKvitti Marnilrem, Dart, Herr.. Hiertand, Ilillirr,
Hippie, Horn, Hummel • Ransacker, Bunter4inett,lstelo•
man, Kilgitre Knight, aurt
Y, (Lehigh) Linn, Itagee,MO
truhiedllandeitield,Wq melt , M'Kee,, 'Miller ,Motiagh an,
'lleetgewierr, Nicore. M er, Ai ore, •Palmer, Parke, ParTII.
lee, , lPassmore, Patterson, Porter, Putney, - lli.wi ins, ' Rob
ert , -Bowe, Sidityle. Scott; Sidle- Simonton, Sim th (iterks,)
Smith, (Crawford,) Steirirt Stoekdele. Strong, Stet:then.,
Wheeler, Wicklein, Weigh t,_Zeigler, Chase, Enetikerl-85.
24a vs—Nobs ' '; • '. ' r 1 q:
3o the.:question lans determined inithe af fi rm.
1 r
1 I
, 1 •
.On . the - question Will the !rouse agreo tti the
second in-oposition,:the yeas and nays were taken
ngreeabli to . the . protisions of the lOt. article of
the-e:onstiththin; and are as follows : ' ,
Feate;..Maisits:Abiabans, tthertin, Ball, sir on,!Beek,
meTerti Mig4m, Boyd; Caldwell, Carlisle,tukrabertain,
C00k,,-Crone; Cummins, Daugherty,. Paris ,, Denali, De
Prainte. Dunining,ltdinger, ElSree. Evans '-Frr.' Galien-'
tine, Gibbany, Gilmore,: Gray, Groom. Gisrt*_Bartillten,
Wiestand, Winer, Hi pple, Ilnuseeker, Hunter 11, trett f latilo•
- man ,IC ilgore, Kolibt, Lamy, cLehlgh,) Lowery; crogii.y
ilinli ig
Magee, Maguire, anderileld, ItTionnell,* It'Kee.
M negban Montgomery', 'Moore, -Moser; .'true,; pahnir,
Parket P.:etpee, Pasemore, Patterson, Porter. Ratirlins,
Roberts, noire, Ballade. Sett, Simonton. Szeilth. Merino
StriitSirCrairfard,) Stoekdale,Wherittsi, Wiekleto, Wright
Cl;esse,Spepiter-!.:71., , , - , L 1 - ;
' Kara—Meters. Adams. lialiteln, Deans 14110 h, BYrelF,
Ze , lkert, Ellis , , Hort, Herr. Horn, Hummel, itrcombee Mill
er POulson,t Putney, Sidle; Stewart; strops, tits:snters,
Zelgler-20.1 ,
. - 1 • .-.
• SG the question was determined in Ithe Oruro-
atw(i. - - ' . '•- ' ' • 1.1
• 13icuuTirtir's.OritcE. 1 .
-- •
Hirrishurg,•July I 154. I '
_ .IS L
P i'NNS i'L VII, N/A, SS, 1 i
' ,
hon ; 1 Edo certify that the above and forego
salt, lug Ise ttue and ebrreet n u t 4 of the
•••• , %.i. ,*- "'Yearrand " NAvir taken on i thbil Remo.
lotion relative td an amarldnient 4:4 \ th conittitu.
tion of the,COnnuonwealth" as the name aOilears
lan the Journals of the tivo- Houses 'of4the . Gets.
era! Asseinbly 4 OF_Aris Commonwealth%lor-lbe
Eton of 4854. - i •-• I d
- 11 ,
) . i. a nd the :
1 tweaking hand aseal of • .4ffiee
tine first tlav of July, jone thousand ei t Jim.
drill arid filiy.four i ! C.N. BLik K;
Soeretnry of the Conintobtaealth.
/ july 13,111354:—.3t0: ' - I 1 E•-.
. .
1 - :i .‘ Clerk 'Wanted,
.', 1 1 . 1 1 ' wail and intelligent young min ,
of about
17 ei 18 years of age wanted as lark in a
I%tore. 'TO tiini%dhipmied to makable:limit* useful,
laelliiire'.the busine*l and well r .
gr i my!. emmilragement 'Who given. — De 'with
me expeilen i xi *MU r e enti d. , I
- - i '''. z. Br
New Milford, Itir‘p3, 1
ALATiGE assortOent of .
Hats; at extrem.l7 low prideig. i
; , •
Gitioott,'JunW 24 1
• '
i ' I
1-7 - :Thteelling-Machines. I ,
.: .-
TE uttdeiligued desire to: call the attention
/,of the Public to the - article of Tnaisnmo
MaCtuasa, manufactured by the well ;Itnewn ea
tabliahment of Wheeler, Melia it Co., Albany,
Ns*, York. • - ' • : -
.1 i •
Tfleffe Machines have been so Icing m Use in
thiaeounty, and so universally approved, 'that we
reef Any effort tit recommen4tion would be vain.
Suffice it to say; that all the - Intprovementi-sug
gested by eiperience and approved by teitt'have
been adopted by the Manufacturers in their Ma- -
chines for the trade of 1854. - Besides - this, all .
',Machines sold by us are warranted to givei good
satistictionor they •may be returned afters fair
tria4 :. '• . i "'
. .
•'• . i
••• ;Trices. ~ •• . . i ; i.
Double Power, • With Combined Thresher and
Winnower; including belts, wrench. ,
.- ei &c.,.: . - , - ,- • :- • 1 $245
Combined Thresher and Winnower,alone, 1 . 125
For Tivo Horse PoWer, Thresher and Sepftmtor
Including Belts, Wrenches. &c.; - - $l6O .
Double .Power alone, including:belt, -' - 120
I Do • • without belt, .. - • '..i 115
Double Thresher and. Separator, aldne, -. 4 O.
Single, or pfie 'torso Power, Thresher and
Separator, ineloding. belts, oil-cans,:and
'I *renches,.complete, - --• , - - 1 28
Sin %le Power, alone, including belt,', H. i ' - 90
Do •.-' •• without belt, : -', I 85
Sin InThresher and Separator, alone, 1 1 - 3?
To the above prices will be added the freight,
of course. To those wishing to
. Rure ttsd we
specially Offer .. eue 4ervieei, 'nssu ring "t hi that;
theytean puichaso no cheaper at th 9 M . iitacto
ry4iiin of us. 1 .- • I
The. attention of Farmers . is par.ticiiht
ed to. those One Horse, Machines; . Thi
'but a. trifle, and then the convenience of.
to attach either-Faed or Straw Cutter, of
Saw, cannot be over-estimated. No Fa'
invist his money to better advantage th.
piirchase of one of those Machines.
For furthee.partiEutars, apply to
R. PEcs, Harford, o
July 18, 1854.-29tf.
GuaidiAn t s' Sale: -
NTuricr. is hereby given, that by. vir tie rif au
IN order from the 'Orphan's COurt of sMolue
hativia county; the Julloyiing .Ileserilpd,i4operty;l
the:, estate of the
. niinor' hibil'4"orlited Beardslehl to tiublia sally ivenduei
pri Vhdrsday; the I'lth' dal' of Angiist telt, at
o'elciek P. w.—Bounded 'Tits follows,. to Wit; On
.thintirttr byl lands ofJolti fiandridit,:. on the
east by landi!iif henry Bedrdsley, do *i':e south
by. rinds of - Albert Dover and Jes.llliller, and on
tho;west by lands 'of John S. Handitek Fred
erick Aldrich, containing 125 acres, 'so* eighth heresimproved, a . .good . two story
. holicte, barn;
orOard, &.c.,thercon. Sale' to be - , heid on the
prquiiscs in New Milford townshiii, and terms of
.payment - known on lay of sale.
• POLLY, and'
• July. 19,1854-29w-1.. Gnartlfans
I Administratrix's NotiCe.
'V I OTICE is hereby given that LettPri Testa
mentary upon the estate of J. F. Reynolds,
deed, hate of Dimbek township, harp been grar.-
ted to, theAubseriber. Al! persons - . ' indebted to
said eptate are hereby requested. to make intim
didte PayMent and thope having eltdihs-- upon
said estate to present them ditty itttestOd for, set
dement• L A. REYNOLDS, Adm'rx.
,pimock, July 19, 1853_39x•6# -
CASHWOOL nt for , •
• • J. H. SITTI.OIN . S.
Summersville, July 15, 1554. • •
• •
Flour y110111'1:1.
& D. SAYRE have received
• superfine Western .Flour ivhich
for sale by the sack of bbl.
,June. 27, 1854.
t4ORSE Rakes,juit received and for sale by
S. H. & D. SAYRE.
June 27, 1854
CHAIN Pump Chains and fftinaS, fot solo by
S. H. &D. SAYRE.
; •
TITAYING Tools of all tuile low
by. • ; S. H. &D. •
blontrOse, June 27, 1854. .
Great Excitement
UT - the fact that W. B. Deans"hati taken and
I/ is still-taking some verybeautiful 'and life
like DAGUERREOTYPES, never was a secret
ar ho desire to make it one now:
Ire has just purchased a splendid assortment
of Gold Lecket.s, Pius, Keys, &r.c., and in his se
lection of the laiest patterns of -plain :end fancy
styles of cases, he trusts there is nothing lack
knows not what he can say, or "what ho
need to say more than has already been said, to
induce you to borne to his Gallery, and bring
your friends with you. You have all etperienc
ed something of the satisfaction afforded in gaz
ing on the faithful picture of an absent friend;
and some yOu have known the sad pleasure
derived from possessing
,the likeness of some
l'oved one who has been laid beneath the church
yard mound, and felt that
4 No price could take from you
• A memento so cheriihed,.
, • For how sacred the shadoW . •
. Since the substance has perished.
But you, perchance have friends still ' with you
whose pictures you hive not secured. If so,
make it the business of to-day, to-niitow may
be' to late. :Improve the ,opportunity While it is
yours—While the roses of health blocim on the
cheek, ere yet the mildew of disease shall blight
and blanch your treasure, and death rob you of
bothit and its image.l Pictures taken id clear or
cloudy weather. Prices, from 75.ct5..14515,00.
- :Odd Fellow's Hall, Mont r ose; May PS, 1854._
OF all kinds, Eggs, Dried Apples, SAP, tit .
ter, &c., wanted in exchange for qoods -at:
caih prices. by • D. R. L. & co.
- New Goods r-
TUST received a' second stoat of . Sy'ing . and
ell Slimmer . Goods, and for -sale on Aim usual
Montrose. June 1, 1854. • . ! •
P. S. I Hope, our neighbors won't fSnit
wifhthe.lbove modest advertisement. ,
• Baking Powders. r
' ND 'Washing Soap- Pozacrs, great labor::'
saving articles, for sale by
• 3. LYONS .6c. SON. •
tionlr,:iise,. May 24, 1854
New Jewelry and Silver Ware.
TUkrarrived at Torrell's, a new sup Ply pf la.
tJ dice' 4od gentlemens' Gold Breast Pini, and
ladies Gold Ear Drops; comprising itgood assort
m4nt of desirable styles--aiso Gold Finger ri ms,
Carnelian Rings,. ladies* Gold Cliain4 gentle.
mens' Gold Fob snd.lrest Chair* Watch
Rtivs, Gold Pens, and Gold Pens with ektension
Cafes and Pencils—Silver Spoons, silver Butter
and Fruit Knives, silver Thimbles, Pencils, epee:
taeles, &c. Call and see; at the variety item of
M ontrose, June 29, 1854. • '
1 - Medical" Card.
tray an-
Dnouneew fo the public, that be his located
bimaeltin Brooklyn, where ho will. bi happy to .
Whit upon ail who may be afflicted stikti digease,
either ettivrile or acute. Office at S. :Grove's,
where he may be consulted at all time when not
otherwise professionally engngod, . Ail business
entrusted to his care wilt receive proMpt atten
tioh. ' • . • i .
Brooklyn, Juno 4, 111354.-;-231n3
- WHEAT and So Flour, At
'Rite. r,
iiitW Tot of summer fiats, and letoth - fOr
111. :llama:nor wear, just received and for sate
ptilmtp by _ i D. R. L. di. Co. .
A l bgola
A 8"
Paid for,WWL, by
D. R.
I. Co.
...m .1 ........ 1. • •• ••••••=1.1.11•1151:11•OMMOINEN
Administratrix'- Notice. -
M QTICE is hereby given tbat letters testa
inentiry upon the estate of William,
stock, dee'd, late el' the Borough or, Montrose,
havelbcon kraoted to the subscriber. All per
indebted to said estate,are hereby rehuest,
ed.te'makei immediate paymenc 'and' the* hay.
ing':otaints upon said estate to *Omit thetti duly
attested forLsettlement.
Moritnisci, July 12, 1854.-20w6 •
`ittegister's. No wcci.
*I3LIC Notice is hereby given to all
concerned in'the following estates, to
sate of Timothy D. Shay,: deed, Bet
SI ay; Adwinjstrator. _ • .
• .state Zenas Carpenter, deceased, E
DittiMick, - /Adan'r.
e;late Of Horace Carpenter, dec'd, A. f
ky'and Emanuel Carpenter, Mem
'state Of James Watson;des:d,3eremiat
sor inati David Watson, Ex'ra
.state of Wm. Baker, jr., diVd, Ira 'N
A tn'r. 1-
siete Or Jasper Loomis, deed, Sam
a coals, one of the Executors. - a
tante ¢f Thomas Burdick, (teed, Aver ,
di 14,Adar.
Estate of Amy Babcock, deit,'d, S. A. 11
a IL.' Ex'ra..*
T .t the accountants have settled their achounts'
in the Register's Office in aa,d for the cou'Uty of
S squelianna i and that the 'sen i le Will be ptesent
e the Jud ges of the 04hans' Court ff said
it anty, Moptrose, on Wednesday the 23d day
e ittigust next, for confirmation rind alloiance.
t .J. T. LANODON, Re ter.
BiTister's office; Montroie, July 12, '54-28w4
tost is
a'l over
4.1 Wood
i'rwer can
atr ,in the
r Take Heed.
AiOSE who are indebted to the late
& Smith, will most nesured
t iti lieiri.own interest by calling and
lie undersigned without!: delay.
11roeldin, July 12, 1854-28w3.
:' . it.ri . .Siorge Union-InOurance
. 'pee, A thens, Bradford ,County, I'
r. , . !
'. ',•. - 4 ' CAPITAL 200,000,,
S ' cv-it i 1;; BY. BOMA' AND MORTGAGES 07
• d -.. .: ' , EsTait. ,‘
- NUR;ES against loss by }'iii , ., lioused
- .atul other buildings, Goods, Wares, : 1
a :andise; on as' favorable. terms . B 3 any
I sOutign. Lasses promptly adjusted a
i i
;- I.
iiiit: Romeo Willistoti,Franeis Tyler,. pep. A,
kiting, -. 4.11` . . D. Myer, C. N. , Shipp:at!, .G. F.
-1: alles,liii J. E. Canfield, Athens :. Hob. , John
•i'Oorte,iTowatuln: Gen. Bradley Wake:ban, La.
e Aware 'r(36i): M. Hollenback, WilkesbalTe ; Ali
act 31flert,laporte, 13a. : ; - 1 . .
1 ''! I:. . OFFICERS, i
• . t •
410011'0race Williston, Pies.; C. F. elks, jr.
N')qp, Pro's. and Treas.. J:E. Canfield , sgey.
4ddros, G. A. Gijlard, ty3;nl,using, ftradford
Pn.-28:n3. • •, 1 - • I
~1.:. Notice to an. C o ncerne d.;
,1 - 17 r otes and accounts may hefou i ll at -the
I. stpto . of. J. Dicke-int:ol Jr., (my former
)114e-otibusiness) until tho Isth . of • .11 ly, after
iduch tmie-theie remaining unpaid, will he One /
I:.flu tIM hands of a proper Officer for c llectioa,
iwordito the wise is su(licletit.
1! - - 1
~i , I. S. LITM,
. cuiV ilford,July 3, 185 —2Bwi / '
I Notice. .. /,' ;.
~ ._ HZ snliseribtr
,wishiug to dispose
cleaner, a six
-hdrse Threshing Machine with sett
tilgood, running order, would notify, th t e public
hat lie:jwill.sell it. theap at - priynte sale,land will
Vail for the pay, until the machine hnsi time to
12671 Nand will take it ,in grain. Any
iShing to purchase, mdy learn' the parti Wats by
ialling nt the stibseribenOn I.Dimnek. .
!•'•\l i•,, - - - 1 Wm. 13: KER. .
bimOck July 12, 1852fitf.
.. • A
...._.4 . tr.
i ! Fill! assortment ,of Tin , sheet Iro end Cop.
ill parr Ware, of my • own man faethre,.. and
.of heavy plate, fur isle by
ir: j it tIICKER.3I4.N, Jr.
iSotai Wilford; July-111,404. • I- .. "
full assortment of Ild . rdware, C penter's
and Joiners' Tools, Pump chain and fix ures. •
Sash and Blinds of the best quality, for sale
Ailiiinp. f,•i
;80rt4.1 . 1. Id Salt, by Bp tsgrrel)-
it lot of
they otter
,lt, by the barrel f)r Other
at the lowest.pticeli, Grocerie4 cheaper
than the cheapest at iDICK.ERMAN'S.
it§;ewq Milford, July- 0, 104. •
DERFUMERY—A new !supply jus. nrrive
liiilonirose, July 12, 1854.
~. .
'Groeeries---Wholeiale &- : etail. ,
1$ . 1
gnat variety, cousiderithle quantie , , suPeri.
ILOr quality. and cheap for 'cash, or 'to ichauge
fOrinost kinds of merchantable produce on good
takiiis. ' - His stock of Sugars , Teas, Tob cco, Spi.
~ ,'- i i; &c:., - being so numerous , he deems it my nec.
iskiry to sar. that almost anything ill' he . Gro.
e'er) , liura used by families, can be found o on inqui.
T y and; consequently -enumaratiou is cpasidered
surierflOus. In particular he would ask hn exam.
ihation of his 6d Sugar, 2s. TobaCc.o, and .18 - Tea.
A deduition worth saving Made to thossi who bud
inliarge' quantities.
• I:: , , 'I. N. BULLARD.
lidonirose, Pa., Ju l y 12, 454.
TO the . Citi;ens o f! Susquehanna
;., ,
County. . 'q
WICkIIAM & BENNETT would respectftilly call the
11/ 'ati t antlon of all persons in Susquehanna County
and yielnity to their. large and. Well selected stock of Dry
Goodsaint Carpets which consist or all the fashipriable and
seaoonable Goods now in vogue, Goods /tufted irth for rhe
grave and the gay. and in fact allot the differt styles of
goods which can be called for or thought of. We nrede
„,..,ni,d,,0,,,, be strukrsabi, and ':; if you will b 7
So kind as
tO favor ;is with a call we will make our word good. Our
stock of rete Goods consists impart of -
~ 1- •
Black, llroeads, Plaid, Stripe, lhangeable,tad Lining,
Pleand Plain Wool Delaines, Fig. and Plain CPitou . do.L,
Silks, kletinos, Thlbets, Alpaccas, Parnmatta,M. de nage;
Wald Linieys,Colored sack Flannels, Callcoesid c. &c. I
;SHAW IlAir4Z) f whir+ we hive an endless variety?
Cashmersi Shawls frmn,Bl to 850, Bay State Long and
S;quare 4., rig. and Plain Thibet, &c. &c.‘ ' - '
•, , ..*ll I Cre f;esodos—Plain, Plaid and Stripe Jaconet
_tiding, Birds Eye and Russia' Diaper, frish L nen , Table
Olen, Linen, Cotton, Worsted and Emboserd Spreads,
Lawn.. Bitten Cambric, Linen Cambric ILI 'a, French -
**eked Collars and Coder Ildk'a. 'Muslin. Dra et,. Linen
and; Cotton Sheeting and Shirting, Bleach nd Brown,
Jiteritiard : Diaper, &c. •&c.-
4 - illeti lei ' Ilepart mem, -- , Cripsisls of Illae and Fan
eyLitoadolothe. Cassimeres, Vlach and Pancyl Satinetta,
Sheep's Grey, Eentuelty Jean, iCashmerettslatln Wor
sted and Filk Vesting., Black and Col•lldrc's, SiteinSlocks,
Neck Tics, Etc Flannels, White, Red, Blue4Yellow and
stripe, Gents Cashmere rs
,I rappe, Drawers , .&e. -
'; Our rt.:o.k of Glove and i Utbsllery complete
enshrating Ladles, Mims nd Geits Gloves, Isle thread
iCashnserel. r)issimere, 'Fleece Lined, Chamois !fled ,Bea
vet; Xid ,Llt trek skin, &n. ike • j
!Lisilies,*fimers and Gents Cotton Ifose. an • ,14 hone,
White,ll6wh, Mixed, Mack and. Made Colo . Alpaca*,
Wohlen, cashmere. Merino and Silk do., and very other
.S.Yle of seasonable Hosiery.'; ,
Alto. set endless 'variety of other styles of G ralsanch AII
Darnasicshoth Cotton' and 1V0.)1... S'ilics and (atop Vet
*lS; Conuterpanes. Moreens,Cambrics. Tuil! cans, C.M.
fbetars, Epee and Morse 'l3lankets.i Napkins, Ti hags, Mar
inerastripe Oil Curtanis, Carpet pagoc&c. . . ”
Ciarpitting—Brurrelx, Three'. Ply. InTrq sin both
irota an 4 COtton,Cot ton do., Cotton ant Wool sair Car
•petifig,Delimeet, Oil Clothe. Rush Carpeting Rut s. • -
~ Our steet,of Dry Goods is now complete, od if you
w mild Inca to tee a good assortment or Goodand New
Orsons yrft will-tall at Wickham ik Betinett'si T arly Oppo- .
sitsthe • • ~ 1 . 1 .
• i Bingiutiutort, N. Y., jnly 11, 1k15 , 1-4n44 f , •
1 jf!l .DRY GOODS. j •
. .0
irsre eubscrlber resPectlally %invite the ,atteation of
`-those wishing to purchase, Ciieap for tlih; to his
NE FALL and WINTER STOOK,- which foriestent
tidy be may safely Pay is
an 4n the Empire state among Which martie ound
tifeSery nalityand style, prices ranging front to Sl4.
199 pieces Paremetta and Masses from ls.l, ,peryard.
Preach Sterinoes of every grade, and color, emarklbly
ethane. •
ff 10,000 yards of De Woes aspl Persian (A hs from 90
toes. Prints and 0 Inghsms in cpdiess quantity.
1 ..1.1.000 yards hlencliciCand 'tables( bed P eathigiand
Shirtingif, from 6c to I
i 1000r.yartis White. Red and re ' Dow Flans ft, from 1s
Wool en 0 onds of every itlnd for montudboys.•
1 000 , :yard • Silk. lirocadr, Platd, and Plain Bieck, rpm
theloweiti grade to the most superior quality.' teas "frier
things otiosity deaerlptlon • f'
5 .
Alargp stock from Auction, very cheap. Trisiiks and
, Tratelittig Bsge, eitenstle akauttment noeuttantly on
164 i'wln be spared on the o,art.of- the sobseritmorto
M erit'wenittnesece of the patronage widish the pull° has
bltNeAstititilt Cniperuasly.aeonrdeo hint. 'and ft Iwb i& he
geruinasitiesse lind hearty Ittanite;
.; ;W. N. WILSON,
r Pori's& of Court & Water it s.tTompkins B, oels i
erglyoppositethe.Ameriean'fotel, Binghamt Of. lt.
ditty , . 3
& Co.'.
ALI by the barrel, of hi less
Hi aite' 7 t' '"h 1854.
- '
Cheap Spriy..: •' '. •
:F li,
NVE.ari , tlf ne . - Pi
wait S 11U ,
ces that will tit fa& 0 , 16
lowest:I: I /suit •' he COSSt
Oar ' Atilt tof $ •
et/imposing vsey beautiful .
fashions.' I Bare 'ge
Ginghains,Like. .i;• ' '
. ,
, i_ H ..
, ..
rlprini ( aid, s i ,
' ,f ill now receiving; his usual.
of Spfring GeSxis; which - will -ber
large:and attractive, including a
ent ' l of. Ladies Dress Goods, in
erage Delaues, Lawns, Poplins,
ow :&c. &c. Mantillas, Silk
w iand 'tench Lace Bonnets,
Flows , Parasols, &c. &c.;
large vari tv of other Fancy and
inerading 'Cloths, Cas.simeres,
, Wall Pper, , Carpetihg, Gra'
Mid ; % are, Iron and Nails,
Pints, Cooking and. Parlor
il a
, nd stone , Ploughs &c, &c., all
0 sold on t rms to suit the closest
• •
iper, Bp '
11. supplies
tiitir ilk ril. w e
a4so s,
Shaarlmi 8i k St
a, and
hio GI
kill hi
Bonhet• !L
Staple Gv
Boots and
Stoves:, 01
of which
buyers fo
New M
.CIL. ble
1L larg
rm of
y con
G 00r) v 6,
ti • PiiinO
Prime Poirtoriil
ugarit,. at vcr
Gibs s oti; Ap
fe MILL N PARK retain 411eir - grateful
acknowHomairrimimblic for past fa-'
vors, and invite a4entio to the very large stock
of Spring anditSuMmer ti-o9ds they are now re
ceiving, and •ortir for sale / at very loin prices.
addition louSual aorttnent of staple Dry
Goods, droce'pes, a r e, Crockery, Paiats,
and Oilsl&e.';'ther-arre prepared to exhibit a large
assortau f ait of; •
of every desciPtiin, Figured, Plaid - and_ Plain,
Bonnet*,Shawls, Ribbons, Gloves, 1-hisiett
Ladies.dndisse.S idmes of all kind4—also a
' StOck . of .1 "
large, t,
}Canal;' eves, Tweeds, leans, - Summer_
Clo / ths ' • Vest4igii, flats and' •Caps, Boota. and
/me,s&c. '&4
They! respietfully solicit an'early call from
ose ullo wish Ito purchase Goon Goons AT
Lowy Pitices.;l • .
; .031ILLAN & PARK
wille4 May 2, 145.1. - •
I, Stores
Lid bier
I d paid.
' I I a mi-I'or Sale..
rpilElsubs4M-tirs will act as agents for buying
_L and sellieg Real Estate i —Parms, Houses,
and lots—loc/tted in S t sq'a. county, Pa., or in
Brooem Couuty,N. Y., te nd also Virginia' Land
Warrants. MI who wi h to offl4 their-property
for tialecan give, ami ute diseription of their
farms Or Lots as full ws: No of: acres ; how
mark!, iMprovtid, and h w watered; buildings;
Orchar , grafted! or co nmon fruit; ; other fruit
trees; low far kotn G at Bend, and the near.
1 1
est - Point of 'he P. L • W. R. R.end N. Y, &
E. R. ~R pri e and twills of payment. :.-
l h
111"1.All orivish to BUY or SELL Real Es.
tate, will rec. Iva prompt attentionly 'calling on
or add . ssin either of s at, - .Great Bend, Sus.
quehan abo my Pa.
tar Con eyince fr
prevni sfr of eharg
Of& on tania street,
of S. A Chaie, 14tely oil
ter. 1
Bend, 0044th
Ar , G 901) itiriply of 1
/14 d 4. sndica)f Skin-
Shops, just
FUME cliecipeit Mol
ceries tb be foun
of this oonn4 , at •
i t
. •
G °°6
IL and
notice 14,
• E havofrec.' eired -1
,trernOly low
Rettdy Miro Clothing.
Al VERY]detiirable tack at very tow pike&
. - SAY RE.
_ WOOl
AT the ola stand, o 1
Cash 4:4 Wool !I
Carding .
A G. : Reynold as latial;
deliver 7 of ttio 'w"..
Brooklyn, June 4, . 1 4. 24tf. •
A A VERY lark° at,
9oods . u.ejust
Surrimersvillei April
-- k 4
lAN; and after' Mond
=V/ Vassenger,,Trant
at 04, A. Mt.
Arrive at Great Ben
Connecting with tit
and West on the It
' ' Return, wi),l !have
of the pay farniess tr
Dunkirk, and; arrive , ut
The :Freight' Acoom
enger Cur attached, wil
ing it
Ret6rning, will dep.,
w. wt., and arrire'at
Stages will bd in w
senger Train's at Scra i ti
to Carbondale, - eittattn
phie via the Reading
intermediate plathts.
' • Tthi trains we coon
froth Now . Yerk and
I?.' 17,:5presi
(krauts (rows Aloiajt-6,
at POOkirk` 10.42, P. M
A. 10 Si ightsEititeiti .
A. it., rdeparti a 8, p.
Dunkirk .12 12, P. rd.,
train No; 1, bouild we
• Those -Wishing to
Night Express, Huth e
train west, on the No
out Accommodation
'ton 5t, 1 1.25 r. u 4 Th
Day Express sillier
blot! Passenger Train
D. ,
Sup't Office, Scranton,
Juno 20, 100.
Are •
S , WLS„ Maul'll ,
'stew supply boll
!ma Xlll bo sold cheap'
LI !S S*
°M.lPt.flf Tr . l . TingF9l:Ske4
t' at prfaeat taw pleas,
t Ridie of
6itosoit, June 114, 18 t •
I- mauler
• .
furP4 4 1 04. -,-*JIO, 4.
tr - -thbod , 4ol:
fir.„oho “o i
Ito yer.
Allen of all the latest
ulain, Lawns,Challist
H. & D, SAYRE.
d credit.
r approv
at the, st
of\ new and ,seasonti
re of 1
frOESS oods. t -
4orenient at low pripes, also a
It good Prints at 6 ` l-4 cts. per
i • -
11. BURROWS & i
E. Bonleti. - i l
Find ;Bonn t Ribbons,s clto,ko'as-
Iftt low p ri ft. 4
- S:`
D. nt 6,87
tedlCoffe t.
. )f. low prie
li I
ri.l 28, 18.54.
Lt. 54,87 1:2 per 100 lte!...
M . 8645 per 109 , 1111:
t-2 per-100 lb s.,
Powderedirand :tat
• ":"
BURROWS' 't;o. «
m Great Dead to the
,; in.the house
cupied by rsl I. Carpen-
de Leather. alsio Upper
together with Bootaatal
for sale hi
es, Teas and other Gro
in this or any other town
Sugar at 5 1-2 . eta. per
equally low at -
and or furnished'at short
good assortment at ex
, ces.
.0: &D. SAYRE.
k of Spring and Summer
ing received at -
150854. '
am.; • MriEgp
wannadc W. R. it:
y, May Bth, 1854, thei
will depart from Scrsinton
at 11.40, A".
day express trains East
de , E. R. R.
reat Bend 'on the arrival
tins from New York and
Scranton at 4.10,
jnOdation Train, with pass.
1 depart front Scranton at
'rent Bond at 6, r. M.
• 1 rt from Great Bend at '7,
nton; 11.40, e. Br. • ,
r iling on the arrival of P . 4.5.
ton, to convey passengers
, , Wilkes. Barre, Philadul
: R., Easton, and all other
t with arrive mid depart
;unkirk, ns follows:-
at Ne'w York 7.32, r. N.;
. Sarno , -trainM. arrives
; departs • from do at. 7.25.,
,rrives - at New York 10.01,.
I,`. s . Same train arrival-at
eparta at 3,30; -ur Mail
t, arrives at Dunkirk :'6.08
• ' :
A ail. thernaelieti of, .the
at and west, or theldeil
York. & Erie, will.take
rain which .leaveilkiran.
o wishing to-go 110 tht,
t or west,; will LAO -thb
Iwhich dopartist 9.10;
I • wI°TEREIti,BI4,4..
ETU r-lkitriCk,
Leave . Mobtiotni darbrAguniayi'emeire4 at i; 11.1
reaching Xtritwoo 'tine i LI3. take e„M T*811111.44
ears,both, East and, ; Wept, O a g the lump t most
feastr "to, Ago 100'
wood* , Diafriltuirt. , Window Saab Tuft: l l:Tor:l4h
and Br u shes.- Alto.
patezlmedlcinet,illiettileals.Olotts•wartiT,extdmitTs Tea"
kee Notiont,Cotifectlonery Toi let artleles„'"giAll all articles
tisuilly kept in kny establlshnieitt4f Alen on
band a hake assortment of , _ tt i ,
. - ~
800.ft.9:4- S,TATIQN.g
Papernanglngs; &a. ar.C. t ableh belsprepa ed to silt on
at reasonsbleterms py'sny 'Rare in the eels ry.
DO CT/ JAMES - 6.01. F N. „, •
Also keeps in rains room . a gesitval sae mesa oftlie
stow it 1r Mitnteinaineaserntly seleetett i -pr *red landau
nerintended by himsell,fos blj owliatoonsooAstlonand shit
benefit otthe'publie., • •
.llnildsia,Pains--- Physician*, School Tettenirattedee4
~,aniatera, Physician, ' a...,..... .. l anera.ltedee,i
all clapaaraud,rirnfedalono wlrldng act:pure - its are I wilted
to call and aea for tliemielves. t
. 1 'M ' L . Scott '' •
i l
,1 onld Intonn'lbr,former patitmat 'at he bail _i4
,connection %yid) his othetbusineis a - fu I anaortinenf
'f Banta and ShOei some of wtdcb'ha an warran
and sell as reasonable ail can be Bong :Ist any. otipt
or plaCe:in the country. —1 . -, , . ;
.i... ~ 1
. .i
Direct!) , o, er•Tpiat MeNtaileys pt or oo , t-- 0 '
I 1 ..• the 4.-B:iLidernille.: •
aridt 7th, IRSL—Itt
A NEW aupplyjriat received: - Iso,BINN'S
March 1, 185-1.. ..- .- ' . „GEO.! LLER,.:, .•
- ' NEW:GOODS I- :. :- ' .'; I. '
At 'tho ' Uptionvillif !Ex tuitigo;
THE 811bscribei . .her . eby 'lnform ,fili'frl'erills
. (cornprisin,g the. public general, y) - that' he iii
noW rePlentshing his - stock of Gokids,f rind hi ';(11-•
fering, superior inducements for them to purchase
of him, thereby keeping their 'eapital, as -well as
doing their , trading at home, amo g' hls stock
may. be 'forind a. g,eneral assot truetitf Dry (lood4 i
Groceries, Crockery , liardware, ; aints, Oils,
Dyes, Boots and Shoes t iliits and aps, wall' arid
windowpaper, Clothiog,`,•Trunks; Y a nkee notions,.
i l l
&c., all - of which he will be 'hippy to . -exchange :'
for any kinds of fantker's produce a the- highest
prices, cash, or good - credit. ' ✓ 1 •
-Also he wants all who have accounts of over
1 six months standing to eat] and settle them on or
before t he first of Feb . 1854, and a 1 whe intend
to pay rit grain' :4 reivested:',to bringit alongas
soon Vs' convenient. , -.1. L, tE r lt' RINfAN.
WANTED to hire a good IllaCkstuith, 'one
who understands all branches of 'the' trade, n e ed
can come well recommended for sobriety and )01.
ditstry can obtain fair wages by calling' on the
subscriber soon, at. Upsonville, Pa.'.
Jan. 2, 1854.. - • ! \ '
. \
- 100 Dollars - Lost. • N'
TT was not stolen, tieither was.,l dropped to \
Ithe.road, yet irrevocably lost it any : gentle -1
man who purchases' slop-shop clo hing, instead,
of selecting his cloth of an honeit dealer and get
ting ,his clothes made up by an honest Tailor.—
Instead of lo;ing - that amount, any gentlroan an
saveSloo in two years time by crefully sole,
tin.; his cloths, and employing su h a Tailor as
`JoO Groves to cut and make the ltp, and say
nothing of•the comfort of having ' eat' fits. - -
are posted up at my shop; and ye y neat styles
they aro: Call and see. - a • -
Cutting done as usual . for • ady pay, and
warranted .
. 'P * *Remeraber, my sbopis in , he basement
corner of SearleVllotel, ' abont I rty feet in n
Northwest course from the ;.:ibert: -pole. :
Montroge, May 5; . 1&54.-19.3 , i - ,
For Sul4ptchanfta C
D. LATHitpFIL Co. wool i l s . beg fesivo 'to
' return thanhs to their frien for their,liO.
al , patronag,e for !the .last yenr and 'hope they.
ill continue their favors, which we hope to tner.
by strict attention
,W business; and low.prices.
' e have the most approved patteins of i'crvEs
Vet brought into "this market, am§pg which ma.
e found •
/ . .
ATLAS, . •
. 8241
era too numerous to mention. • _
We also haie, on hand a large: , assortment Of
Tin Ware of a heavy qua ity v expr y for bome
trade, Cistern , and Well Prams of a . l . descriptions,
lead Pipe of all sizes, reels for chain- pumps, &e.
he. Job work done with neatnesi and despatch:
All kinds of preduce t.lken; or 'approved credit
given. Giv us - a call if' you please. Shop on
Main street, directly opposite the pent. Offiee. -
1 : - '1 • IC. D. LATHROP,
L.& W. •
; Cash paid rut Fars by
NEW 000±111..
Bentle_y 8 Read
Ar RE now receiviug,-a _large and desirable
IL, stock of , : .
which they willing laid =Ana to display to
their eustomere, and the public generally. Thep
'have been bought for CASH - , and will bessold as
cheap as the cheapest, for the "Ready," Country
produce, or approved credit. Our time •.being
(idly occupied in opening, and selling' goods, we
Walt be under the necessity of referring our cus
toinVis, to the idvertiseritents'of oar - neighbors,
for a 'Siam el •the articles - which we keep on
haad, and with which we i n tend to keep coastal*
lysupplied. Give us a call and you will! not
regretit.- • -• _
i‘tontmse, April 25, 1854.
HAViriZt dOTT,.
ANTE just received .their iiecond Stock of
Spring and Smuttier Wods this • season.—r
.They are,now prepared to show ali who tnay fa:
vor thetiwith a call• I . -
'puss Goons ' of all the different auth as
MI Plaid , and Changable Silks and Mantillas,
Crapo and Silk Shawls,. Lawns, taniges'i De
Alga, Do Lains,,Challis, white Goods i browtland
bleached shee tings , and shillings, in lact Ovary.
thing in this line. SUMMER STnris, a...very:large
stock which we carer very low, all grades of cot
ton goods in , this branch, and.brOwn and yellow
Cts32tts.—We invite nttention-tu our
stock of . Black, Brown, Greet:4-'ond Mulberry'
Biontii;loths, , also Brk, 4lnd Paney Casaluicres,
Tweeds, Kentucky Jean s, &c., &c. '
Ladies call and ixarnine out stock of summer
Shawls. WO-hive ; annkti beautifui.liatternit at .
favorable prices. I. -
Bonnets and. Donnetl , Ribbon. a
. god assort.
*ant, flpaletr , 'aloyes of all, kin 4 :ala? par. ;
- mats, very iiiortnient tdirct rktik—kit
Otaii: Umbra,' "Trivellinit
.Cloth tu:d ; M rraeoo GAitegig4 -;attit'LeAgter!
Buskins; alio'COL Gaiters,' it- , .4. :tieli - orin ,
k inds.whiutiwe,offer i Ootru v4 rate".
'Crockery - and CliaArWimie, rinidAanilia and
'Fluid, wood Pails an& titan-?kaacitia bedcorda,die..
at: a very smelladvasearraiaw Mhttin .. Salt kr*
**arida varietrof:Gooda too t
meats n. , -We invite MO
isloh buy goads Ph°4 3 ° C *ll -1 14 .0 0, x 4. 44*
sock. r.—
June 1i.180.1. .1 •
_________ , r -
To Cheese Makers.
Ike and Bell " illtopes Pruett, 7selfeictitric
4 4 1 1 r 4rsditt all r i qrti l li p li tt%
1 0 i -en
madrees irk' Pialtr'
rtiter' ot Cheers-,
;10yellience,inuMaill1W At , , 4 1 " 11 101
to* is sek ;ll* . .,-0 11 , 1 .1P ir 1111 !" -""
11-61-1141 0 0y . l t e l;'-a p prib ase :
ightp.o. Ante . •-•
/iit tn'gie II g M , kkEr - at — ira — , r k i . =
s il tiar44*!oe4 l # l6
t . p re - oritirete- n
o f g m 'subscriber, I,ol l ,,,lip p ignie G lari,
County, Pa. ; .
~ 1.. .
. ' Hoottoge, June 20, V154-IVI
, • J .
cam' ' J.. ilfZikgVaig , *(o* .411141 1 0. 40 4' Of
'.. Spring and.Alatnitit: 6 o**,-..„. ...*0* -411011 -•
k r.
aerating a lag liat.'af intitl ' „fir44ll.lolligaitto
'prices, 1 wnithifiaelity: say: ~ -04-olgii#k.. .r*4lol
and examine' lay ; G00d5... , ... ;„.1 - .- .1-; j. , ; - r, 4
Montrose, Ilay-i9.0, 1854. l i - ..
Fanriotie- Store.
ixTE, finto
V V partnelihTfld — the mereMlSltilatiiite‘st
Montrose, taketbiit method
and the public, tbat'iie have iftWit'ollti
. 4111411:
sorttnent of Dry Goods antt GrOettiol, 41._11110 1 ,;oht
stand of Milts &Sherimn,wheritiit*WhitiloP•
py to wait upon all !homey 'avor 12* with it call..
OueGoods are it// new andr have tittiiiil4oited
with great care and we flattor"antsit*lhrit we
can suit the most particular.-1 . ,• •
W. 614
We invitee!! to call and34l6 . .,iniiitr4 , --
,Our motto is, " ReOf roy,:iforairalliTd
uteadfostfriendrihii).l A2.0. - wAitußi; -
i t .
May 21,185.1. I
'VHF, SUI t baeriber cantina& to cony on Mt
Tailoring business 3n all. its - branches, at
the stand lately_oicapied b* Lines & Reynolds
over Ilawleyls & Mott'satore,, ahem be trill au
,tend to all mils, in his.prOtessiu' n, in a prpuipt
and satisfactory mauler. 7 =
Montrose, - April 15, 1854 f—tr. -
,F , p Frech.
TOOL Lnng,Sbawls at $4,25. - -
I'V Gibson Nov :1.- U. BURROWS
I.)REAST-piNg.- 7 14ampnd t liaisaieand other
Bre iitiety , : style
pattern, tilt" tlay.received bit -
Aonni) 7 .
-Binghamton;April 18; -`
- '
- Nw-tt,Odd
TNIANIOND PplOrEWßlNG.+3.44loineil". of thi,
JJ fittest eviiirthileititilkm - hhir inarket; 'also
Ruby, Waif; R6old,ctogkO,Seit, cher"dii raid
and Stone Ripilit'ill . l - lualitiki; bi: ' '''' - . 's,
- ' .." . • ". '' r 1 :," - A. I I.IIVANS: -
VAR RlNGS,==tiiiii`e . „*.:iby . Rjr4 tin'eral
ttenu i
Jet? GA . kn ,44t4!.e.1 4 4.1a 4 PaiRV 11 .
all prices, 14 „ ' ': ' ANS.
A NEW; ASSORTMENt.,„or Gold Slerc
1/11. Buttons, Studs,'Armleta, Ofia.Pa. &r,.: by,
••- • '
A. 3. EVAN
1 • 1 '--- :--- ---,
/ - 1
OLD . CHAINS, Vest, I," : Nil '.iiiia
.la Guard Chains, all, weights attd'
R., 1
.... —•
..XTAPRIN RlNGS.=—Soinb of the rielsest. pikt
torns ever offered' liithia taititi. -- ficetiid
this day bp" , r A: 3. EVANS. •
1 Q ILVERSGEP LAbLES,Pieiod'froit halves
I 0 by .' . • -'- - A. 4: EVANS.
TPANS of all qualitieerfrom 4s-to 38, plainlig
-12 Lured and mourning slyleibi:
• •J
• • - EVANS •
4„,TAIR Brushei, some if the,.bent gnat* et. : `
li or brought to this market,
• - ' A. I. EVOIS.
1711 NS Extract, warra nted genuine by
-I—a • \ A.")..EVANEL',
OLD AyATCHF.S.- • ••the - itdmeribcfr Irmi-
UF just received another airppty of Gold-watch
es,.which togothor witblia-former: stock . , timing
bis assortment &mph:ie.'.
IC,LATED NVAILE, 1 •41 1 . large and beamtiftd as
'loam ent of.T4rier:i i platiA,Pakallrutkets,
; Castors, v and Camlinstieks, ~sopre ehtlielv "'new
patterns, by "..` A LEVAN&
Bingitaniton. hfsieh ao,
"I'm with you Mice. again .mY friends:
No wary my timbitem rclauq
ArOU will Scar me at My emidenee on Monta
• 1. site ; two doOri south from : Seib \ Mitchel's
.Esq., happy at any time 10 wait 'Jan. iouilocial4
or profemiunallyi the - latter eiipeeittllK. - Thos«
who prefer to Ravi their work done afileWetssi.: ,
dence whether-living in town of otil,4lif pleut
give me notice accordingly, sad :• I ani.,,atybor
service. Persona Ot - 41 ffistanci' dabbing
'Teetkzan be,accommodated at my ,bottse,fre.:
of exi'M se, while the. wokk. is being done. Ast,
wish to,be busy I shall Still adhere -to My old
plan of,charging accordiag to the, Clretunstamls
of my patrons. • There is much , coniplaiat
the high prices of Dentis try and of my.priced
although I have been in Jibe habit or deducting
trent 15 to -25 Per ceutJ from the first. NoN!..
friends I will-make you offer,--if pm who,
need work will cothe right along atid lave it
done and ao keep me busy, ; I will .work for you
for half price , awl' do it well toe: - The *On
*Cline to charge 'sot, higlr
from•dread . of the Itaitf..Mi the - idri, you hold
and forge' Its ta . lose 'Mach time for 'Want of
Come, on then aad you is
; a chance,for atgaina at
;. C. DA1 11 91 1, 1 Sa'fieckli Dentilt• -
IMentrem„April 19, 1954., ~ t
rated Oren.
*ght, and oth
SteS7res I Stervek II 1. Shaven f 1 !
subieriber wishes to calltboattenthoOf
I. hia'friends and `the f abric told. viiirlarger
assortment 'of ,• , a''_ - 1 '..: , " :
' -1 - , ' STOVES;, - 1 ~ ..' - ..., -,,
at his new: Store Room r in,--Ledersiille, next "to ,
L . S. L ea b e i n e o sto r o, atmLowithe Great Bend
DPP* I ; Usilea ,in additiOn ; to lids, former. large
varietyl of COSiOng and flitOPAlAT,ts.p.l ll 4-11Kir
Patterns, some et which' 'at-4 , „.- - _ ..,: i -' -;: - i :: z . ..
: sc. Mehom.. 1 peadir.B4 m 4,t iiii ,i,.
- /Itatern tro;; . . ilfolutteik,'': , -r • '::? V ;
kll t.
Slack Warriory Oriefl* : :•. • ,:i t . '', '-:•-•,- , -
- -' T EggiSLOVe;' „ `-. , - , , ;4 .- ,-,.:
Which together wit hiiil'ornief' atiiii,:imili be
perhaps tho,most eitensito and varied isseitMent
'of Well selected Stoves in the Conaty.'"..-r - '
. *e* Clinton Sieves welt ibrnished at low prices.
Fir .Aitirticles in his line kept on hand and
mad e to order AS usual, and orders received at his
old stand in Great Bond.{
.1 JOHN COLS1:11*.
todersville & Great Bend Not;)1384. "",
itttors.—A clitare Yttitty ot Llimor u fair la . . eta
. P 1 271 it e 4 li e t ttl ' lvia tnt nul — It tit .. ' -•• , ••Vioilastßowl's • tt.:
Rasta, litidgls, rep, And 'tail Pletts.—alimi !Let . **nor.
Fla tes. IlLfe J. tetaronethi; Hatiana;Tantag Yalu, I La
UM l!cooklt, PlititOinsla, Ate. at 1 TVit)! 4 'At.
• • 4 c„, r i : : - . ,
-I w l
ADZES that mire "tot stypiletthe ~, .. re*
la , with new Bonnets this can afford -te
bar them bow. "We areitdeiidngi hirge'spi
and a great variety of stylea, for bulleannd WWl+
es, which wo Afar. at one Air/Plat . " t*: 'ring
Prices.' Ribbon% f:liov el* and olbef"" /timings'.
proportionably cheap :_`' [' ' ''. '-. - -
- . IP WS leta `I
EeonofY FOOd.-
1310 E, Sugar and Motawiiii,' orb - chewy/sodomy
be,ased - ..bpth profitably, Isidploaaaatly to
ensidirttbio exlet.itrwa4
we are raOolyitig-11 larstoi; WOO* nit. 4 -4ti*
of good quality at 11,81 1 . 2 per 100
Now °dem, Su 'goir. v ati o s4,ll74..l-2_ per 1100
Good`New Oneida Mobilise% at 4P 3 ,
: • 1
• .._ -trizinutx****xx
G•bso •
n, ono 24,1864,'• " 0
auk 147114 'liar*, cum,
ter bus. - SackiehrisiliM
**BE )04014v. ;
tio**i SAtE b.C.' •
M. S. WILSO.I•Of RAupwilL
,V.otittosey Nay 117,