The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, July 13, 1854, Image 3

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    others atttibute utuch blame to .4 ; 0 ,per§on;l
having charge of the 'gun,- believing
dent yVitS the result of grOss earele4n
.".Idr. Cargill ,was a young num, vory l .-deyoted
in his calling, and hid fair for future
a nd-Userningss. . • ••• -••• • -• DI
, •1 I
• ,
The Fourth Of July at novford tui,
- versity. '
. 'lndependence was. celeVrated at Ira 'ford :
University" Chapel. Hall. Declaration 9f,iiP l
dependence mid by_ l). B.'lie]] k si n Ll. ap, in . tter,l
`which an•el4uent and appropriat9..Adareslil
was delivered by I. W. .Cargill. , !'An inter
esting speech wag Made by P. Jewel . ; 9f - t.)lirr l,
lirrlnstitute. - ' Meeting 'was: then ladareSiel,l
by Messrs. tlerritson, Bunnell, Nort roP . Anti,[
others. . •After :the speeches,: the ollowiti
. ere ii .
.' ' ' --• 1
toasts w drank i' • : -
~ ._ •.- • •' i 1 •,. , T.! - I
TIFFILNY.".-TO the /TRIM Of OUriStee,, 1 1 ,
-. C AROI LL.--TOSti ,l 4UCht.t lll24 COtinty,: -114 - :4.
blooming hilts and. quiet vales.' , - r-,
GERRISSON.—To streiler,Gr,low aid Cha.sti :.!
Eminent f unoug Pennsylvanie*m9i i t lioneteil
..., IN -- I ' ? Harford Univeiwitt
,I xi rkm.—To th Ine of Humanity , : Al.
p l e d g e my support.
1— II"
6:A. CnAsn.—Liberty ana ,
theTrion:m • ;
On relation the meeting "adjourned: l f4 . ' • '
1,• [1
StiV Vubtiratious:
. . ,
. graham's ,Mizgazine, for Aruly; Cfines . to its
- , .. i - . -.,. -
with UNerinterestings illustrated !'article on
the "'Prose, Poetry and Scenery cift-the cciar
Regions of Penn'a.'T Ileadley'SLifl 4 Wali
ingion is continued, with fine".4ba -cut.,;.
and this. No. contains besides nianWelhwril
.l ...t
- :P• }
ten papers. The "original comic i
the last page axe equal to Punch' •I'i ,•• I',
- The People's Journal,Rublishe hy Alfr!
E.-Beach, No. 86 Nassau St., New: I.brie ;:it
the low price of*l a.year, is an i l nteresting
. 1,.
publication, and worthy of public 'ittrona.i4e.
It is•an Agrieultural pork, and CommetTqs
itself to the fn ling community as a valqa-,
ble and very useful book. .
_. • . 1 : 1! : '
••1 • '
The Knitkerbocker, for July, baS . Li i its usu 1 -
il . , ': , l
interesting miscellany ; -,the -procluc,ttons- 1 qt..
cultivated minds: are rarely. found ,iitlt :quilt
11;-1 • ',;
regularity a.s - in this excellent .pe liNliCal .—.-
The Editor's Table is
.ivell... filled i r ' . l, , ith pod
things. - A.- , new Volume is just. begitit. .• .
Address; §.- • ilueston; • 139 Na 4.! street,
New York. Price, *3 a year ;. s s tiles,. tiQ.
The Ladle's Pearl, haS again n '4leitshp
• (.11 ,
re:trance ; and contains Many admitlable fea
tures, which coin - mends' it to ge4 u r d fivor,
. t i
especially with the'rladies, '• PO Al 4.1 at
Nashville, Tcmi., at ;.:.1. a•year. ;HI- •
• i •
Later from Europ t.
.The Russinn., 'defeated.—Siege a
' l ,l'he 'siege at. Sitistrill has been'.
Russians defeated- by the Turks"
across the Danube.. The ordei of
i i
a.s fellows: • ,
tiie., , ,e . operations were - poipmened: . on the,
rth May, arid continued .10 tit theJ 15th'of
"tbe attack. And : defense 12!ein :larrieJ.l on
incessantly, and witit‘e q ual'brav e ryl'on
sides.- •
Repeated '.storming. parties directed
,a , rainst the intrenebments —lllilt(>jtndtoll
4" • ------
ter mines' were exploded'
_ „ . ....p_ ~ eaus..l l .
*'both .besiegers and besi ged. : - . -
Massa Ri*lia,Alie bra ye . Turkish' s (lOrni tinder,
'was killed by ..4 E 10 4; after whieh Prilice
l'ashkieWiteli, the Russian toimnailder, was
struck aptHisabled by a-'spent .b:0,1, and will
probably die. '• ' -. ',,- LI I •I I
On the 13th June, a trethendous!aitack w:is
ordered under Generals Gorehakoff a!ri a Scl lij -.
• ders, but after severe, fighting
Were repulsed, -and a Turkish - -4rigaile . elit,
fromShurnia by Omer pa,,hd, sne..e.ekle ' in,
entering the fortresS.' Thus reinfo'reed;'llie'
g. - rarrison'on the 'lsth mail - . I sortie.] A des
:, •''' -.•-; ; . ..
p e rate hand to hand - contest ensued . ,jand I nil:- ,
ed in the'eomplete ili:icomfiture .it• 'lthe Itti.4 7
sians. , - Prince "G'erebakolf --. severely
vvii. 1
r I
wounded. General Sehilders liadqhis legil(4
off, and two other. General* were 'killed. .l 1
. The carnage. among the - Ru4ian TrooPs
was' dreadful, and they retired, finliting, across
the river. Pursuing m . their ad - v
ntage, the. crossedTurks crossed an ar of the...rive gvized . the
Isle of Tiopa, and. bli.4 up . the Tinsslim I Sl'ege
Aso s thereon,: "The Turks then `P•OnTli.t. 'mit
. •ii ..- •
thei ir - •-if f --.
.leit, ins and. erected temporary batterkOu
6211 tgarian bank 'of the - aver, 'Vefore '\ the
north ice of the fortress. •The• tl..usfian tat
.tishions east and west of Siiistriii !iannedialelv
retreated, in good order r across the river and
destroyed their bridges.. -,- 'II .• . •
The Russians, at; were in . 'the
vicinity .of.lialarash, i
awaiting re'rfOrcements,
and orders. ..
Gen. Liprandi ' s diyision and' several de.
tatched corps were truitchirig in, littste frOm
Slating to Join than. -. ' `ll !. •
. This victory was gained. • entl
Turks; the French and English
made their`apj;eairince •.. l j
The siege of gili:stria being hh,
ter the whole plan of.operations
and constnuently mast change
th., allies.. It is-'surmised that li
will order his whole Torte to fall
rely- Isv the •
, - - •
1 ( nut. ' havin
1 t :
ised ' null. al :
t !l l pu i l .l arla, e f
i-f,'4f , :ki i ewltell
lili aOn Jas
i L
Ere this the' Rnssians hare . prO'haillf rclin-, ~
quished all their positions on thei left'lsarik of
the Danube, efeepti ne.- . . the fortso of ili rsova, _
idatscbin and Uscaktllut ; and apprOiensions
of their-advance on the Ball anii l : i's' for .the_
. 1
present at an,_end. - -1 ' 1 •: • ,
- Russian accounts, Tia Bud 'arest,i ad nit,;
that operations against Silistri a are s i ns K,,n4d,;
but say that the siege is not fini Py 1 r i . , , ];el ,
The Russians liare-evacuated•llognrelli and
Sinnibea. - kl •', ''. --•'
. L I
Fire thousand - Turks hare 0 .1 ,
CuPled "Tur-'
tukai, and it was reported' (buil considered'
doubtful) that the Turkish.garriiOnLof Rust;
auk had crossed at Giurgevo)lkilled. - lour
bandied Ritssians, and taken niiei . utis, 1 ' •
Admirals Dundas and Hamel- ti ad issued
a circular on the 7th June 'ann our (-mg ; the
close blockade of the mouths of ( ltte i Danube;
inost of the ileet ; Were cruisix* 07Sevastgpol,
but some six' or eight ships - werq . atl'Varn4lts,-
sisting3rn the conreyance,oftroips.,t l :',',
• Transports With heavy gutis-11:!vng arrived;
it was likely that: fievuetpol'ic 'aid. soon . tie
attacked. • ,-• . 1 -- , -,' - ' : 'l - 1 i ,. i.
Austria . has coukluded a ,t - r•fi-.*.lwitli ', the,
Turks by which 4(4 loOw e . r' 'Av II j'ibC •-thipvn
with the allies. The;Enperor L4fiiiyoi). i ler,
notice that he' will. assist to .100.:oliedi r
euce in 1 - 11ingary, While the AiiAl,rian troop
ram shall be Ira off to the( Dann lif_ - and it i 0
expected England will become . a)arty td the
same arraugemetut. - Thus -the
hope for Ilungary - v.A amid -th:
of those natioms.._ kraue e aurt
be her jailor while J'.ustria . hul"
Czar. . - '
NEW OttLE AN . S, Ttieltty,.) l
„ Getwral "Quitreah 6uri Met,,t's
-gantlers,ou have been reka ,, ,i4;
- Muds undur_ 4 proteit., •- -
The steatnei Mexico left
^ New York.
_ *lre -
"eitincsc 4fik4unz, Notiol?tti
Storts'44d Tteliity
'Los. q; et orie Million of Dollars: .•
:At ten o'clock last,lolo#l4,
fiie.was disC,overed.issuing from 'the c*i bet ter
She" att4clied to the ,National Theatre; in
Chestnut -street below Ninth, opposite.thekli
rard lionse.; I . Mr. Calk don, ,one of the
speeiitl kifiieers, As soon as he clicov.4eid.
fire; riislied - to the fro`nt.• o the Iltetitre
and gavithe' alarin. beggeoll - the
etice if rtlfry, wanted \to save .their lives; o
j e4v . o thefibeatre at Once. One of the actors,
stepped- tit the
. footliL - Thts, and assured them
tha.t . there was -no ' 7 4.latig,-ei. Mr:
knowing ihe imminent, clanger of. the andi
enee,. scizka l 'se \ . vertd persons and fOreil4l2.- eject
.ed' them trinn the Theatre.. '
'lLatidi'eirce . ; :itt.racted by the N•eliantince
of Mr., eitilahan,r in his noble efforts. in. urging
them to 10 - e the
,stricken Anil reshed..teithoors in the wild
est confuiion. N.
few,moinents the P
pftrent.. 164:lames rushed on tite‘s4, *rid
darted 411,14 scene to.. Scelie,'.. exii - iiloO:ngi the
witole interior of:the •building, in thinto.
iliP . .fire sou rt burst out in- all, - direedens
tetidin,g te'.the,',ltineg - k.lltusetiiii on tliesotitl
to the large fatiev. stor es 'on' Clitn i titst.feet
to the east t and the pirard Hotel on thendith..
In . 1111 lan :hoer. after the fire i!,'4t. tiqder
way,. Over! 20;' buildinp were enVelortel iris he
&rues. o'clock moroittgA i t he
Whole siiitare - from''. Eighth to Nitith.Attid
d ie gt t i t it to George streets, with,,the I ettep
tion,.9f thfpe,„Or . fetti houses 'was-. al.kwio' - of
smoking ruins. . I
---tis —7--
,• - ' • . • i ,...
1 If.verybo,dy g oat of tbe theatrii , saft.‘i;
!- The'firepieti.were intinediatelk.;Ati the spot,
tit l)eforertbev,eduld bring their eilortsi find
To rat it 'tit) . bear upon the burning I) i i., r.,,
• 1. 1 illiii
the: tiamei, had spread with great ra l piditNl to
the atilini-ng, p'roperty, and bid •deianee4 to
every exertion :put thy firemen. , .1.1.-:,
Walls e fell l in with a tremendous crash,) and
the flames, shot up with awful grandeur, t , at - -•
tering,the. , sparks : in every direction, Ond.those
£llling. on the roofs of the adjacent buildilios
, 1 , '
soon skt•fir ie to them. , . • • . - •
:The.splendid Girard ! House, 'oecupiedi by.
Messrs. Presslinry & Pilings, also eitigli'pli
•der the cornice, and •Avn.s soonnv i elopt.4 in
flaines.\ . 'The magnitiee:irt chinesel 31u4ittm.
also caught Are, and 'tins tetally eonsitpied
with all its contents.' there were also a 'Ppm
ber, of litiihlitigs . adjoinihg orr G 0343 sheet,
were soon::.l . vropt in flames, and despite': tile
.utruost eilorts of,-the -. firemen and eitl 'ens,
. .
they were - also destroyeii. ' • •
: .f t
i 1 : One , fireinan, While *ending a ladder; fell
'froncthe third story of h \ building,.!and!twas
'ilre'r.dfully:injured abotit the, head.l- Ile': hvas
couveved.-tii : tlie-lIIS pi t4l.f , . '•.•. ,' IP .
1. ' Tli . ; S . ;i7l-'s - w , r , I 1 mrn 'in e - - 4+'l l
L i -
M-14 tbe.rOvrs 'pr builaillits- for two or '!l,llree
squars, were set On &cirri many' place• but
weie, e,.:tiliguishild before the ti awl obtained
much liead :bViv
way, pottring bi elzetA of 'rater
np4n them: -e-- whole lockf, be peen'
Eighth ari'd Ninth and P,heititut - and George
'streets is alinost•a, total: , mass of nuns. ~•
In the Chinese • :Nftiseit'in, - a firtman was
plaving a si•Tle stream 'When an adj&ining
watl MI and knocked liini I down,. eonsidera
-10.- i:ljuritig hiin. Heispro t ng to his feet, and .
4ired Ilti :hose ogain„4lLl Orinneneed i.york
in,.• williSll his : 4 I
ener,, ' . • ''
'; 7 llie ki . ' iraid . 11 - 4isef'afJone tune was C;Onsid
ered a l / 4 - icitim 'to the devouring eleineid and
'lle•lo,,;•;..L -
.1 1 S iris a
1 . ed—,lhe
rii ,
1 1 . •
tic 41 lliier•~us ininates . , r7 ....carne greatly alar
ed, tn,tny.of them their iropeity,
The'. tiam" es, ho•wever i -
. were stihdttetV 14-
4traordittary *Uf tiCyeidl
and this nol,de•struLtt4 wa . O.s
ed: prenti , ie,s,/howeve, werelltrideti A
mater; .
• Shl-t)ht:lrtl e the actor, iierislied, in
that- over the,. Iheafre.-
were ounl in the dressity , teem
'Del. 'l..ackawaniitt 4: W.
; 1
1 . ,
, - 1, tranpdrtakit - in e#ning,s of „I,
oi" the r . 0.1,d now :in! uperjaiun from!
fp Great :Bend, for!the Or , :t five ,
f8.5.3i anti. 1834' c4tnpai!e;as fialloW!
• I
. .. ,
1-854. - , I • i 553..• !
Jan. t12 . ,82.4 CO .t9„.274, .94', 1;
'Feb. . )3,370 2# ' 0. 54 09 1
Mare 4, 47,042: 5t 10,1 \ 53 29
Ap01,1•, '47,.994 14 12,240 49:
Mal', 27,834' S 3
.15,7:4 20 1-
Tota, ..$88,07`5 St ft , 49,94 3 Gl.
' I TheseTstatiFties,i,while they will
POi'ally the initnei,liztte friettds. ' of,
road, are - also 'of p#culiar interest t
inutiltv at large. iTheit the . ronl
strue-;:.. , 11
„to Great pend twin: this,
put in operatiOn, not a per: K in ha(
idea . thal_it wi)aldi,become a payin
,Welre..i.anie it is, j to-day.i It wz4
- ...onted i ed, and'as rioadily bi- its, p!,l
anyfotners, that. it coned n' ot Ni
lie l!fitnotitit of busine.s.then iti.'p
other thin '
.come ahu .. len, until - ll
ticiq now, in progres-.3, was . corn!)
buitness.Of this_seetion of .country:
edits mein impuliefrom. the. .10,
'in turn, its projectors are reapinzi,
•,tlu.ilr enterpt,ise and. public • spiktti,
oot'illi be i .iany evidence wantin , o 1:1
!+, I ti • ,-,
nesls-creang effect, of' railroads in
tivs' w e could point with the nit 1 . 0q,. i a ,, , .. , u
.., • ,. .
.ance to . the In.story of (stir. own,re- ;o1.1„ :it et
ir - i one singular' fact connecied Iri ; h the g i ro rt.
in p.:.1 , ti Lti, I iOn and 1? usin . pf . Sc:la lit OO • n.
the .ralleV, which staridS out, stion,„nly . i;ti don
:,,ir:D',L wi4;lt,'other places which - conld be 11.14 in
ed, and
.that is, that it has far 'exceililtid 'lb
. ,
luckit. F3 . 4 , tiine:!::l - k:cUitions of our- it r et a , .
dent cit y ens. We '.l.lpprise if-the e34ict ltn.
ation of Intrairs here had been foretol(1 fire
iears singe, It would
.have excited , - 01..0 7,1 i7
cule of 4 ,,i:.e,r - , ir luia rer,' and been deno Mire. girt
a stretch a the imagination.l:‘ u!npw
w.ith\ I he'..,past in full View, and tlni tub , ,t„,:tceu ,
rate calenholous, Ift4.(lnpo n pas sncee,,ses,
it, is lnatio , ,•tible to estinuite the ineratse of
-business wren will accompany the advent of.
c o in pli.A, operations.;Sure'ly, ilf the-busi
ness of the I ,ackawl,inita Valley -i4 in..' its ili
,we I i,t..i!xf,eit L great thing,si islets
it. shall IMVegrewtuto-the full st4tttre of the
hiau. ,' 1 •.• . 1 -;
-But AVll ' llti; fire stte'cess of Ral i lroail er
roptiOlit.,,,atneing..lii, ir, "o Wing I tiLa greak,tnea`Avp'oliriillo4 ,eirident ~eatisi , : flpi. p i. is
- et b . 0 . -p4tfo tiii:islunt .of
41 1 / . ''''' . "ein.. f l ' . 1 I ' i li . -it • Intii-s.b . re
14 , 0
,11) . C . 4,. m
I c i f tili:!: pOlicy ' N'iiiiilire - (.14)10 ' 41e11 , i , 1 * i . p the con:
e act Al iIS affai,l4; we', ei4l Nir,-ali: - 1 tl -,gsß
eral,,olls, a . 's ati . kaiiaaty.,ol.+4rveti,, bat so flit',
4s.piirticii lat. aet.f..ltave come tolour '.lltnewl-
Olge,! organ acqtiaititanee with itlre syStetn- of
~ u sitiess ponluect we have, been favorably irrt
'presAed ~uit li 1 its 'pee u Itar. adapted 'aess •••. to the
I - .end ]'rebuses.; The President nn,il,:': si r _ 'c',r o , 4 - 51 '.Y .
in . the - nrran,..tetnf i nt of all . the (let:ails k`...ontien-.
.t.ed. with. the -roa4 "lave been. pee . tqiarlAaril)y
raid inee'es . sfal, and in cam; dg - out. iri:ltti LtUte
practic., with‘.ituatie regularity,, the e6m-,
irlicaled oN t : i. u the. c'enqiatty ISUp4rinteriA
dentl)ol744gn,il. has acqUitted ' llitii , 4,if with
fibundatit eAdit4. - :The . ...ibsenve {t -the least
_, eeide . nt to - th 4 rit..e oijiipi).:l2f4PP4sunge r 4 4
in his .e.rtfr. , !re. ijad Mtn taraqou, . should i... 1511 a
- 'OO-equ.l' !.: . 1450.11,61 . eongratuin, ,with . the.
• larmelyi iutfTeaiild peeuniarr . . Ontoinsation
-I !,, v i lt it h . t.: B l o l 6. h.a i s i gi it.
l a rxt .,,n e t a a, :t re re ill a en t te t t1 .... e . i c7 .1: i ii s-
t . ib tl i
it illi ..l7 e u er l.t .
-. [ l . '"'-' -
. . .. ~
119 i
• ',l4:liStrautious
'pliant] is to
t f o 4-lit the
• - .
;4 0
, tavtnio gtl ven
• , .
sity to,dn'y for
'll' I
• ffritii,litifliFitra•t, July!' 7,• 18
The 4 'llol : , (11,1triell , -. lectured - on
Thu- lend - Tlrunnlay, evenings, against
Qa•the lase occasion the erold was
large and 4'disturbalic4.,6e6ierc \ d: A njob of
min and boys proceededJO . the! old. South
Qlinrch, - :uetl by the Catholics as a plaee of
:Worship, broke open the dOors,ring he bell
and displayed the American ensign from. the
belfry. •
.They Aftersvard -set the church •on
fire, and it was burnt to the• : gioiiiids NO
further deAtruction ocproperiy tooh.
but a inn of.about one hurired'pat'aded the
streets and ceilinghooting until nearly
. •
ing... is l e arrests were made. i . I
Frniar ; July 7,. 4 18p4, .
_. dispatch from St. Catharines this !porn
s'tate.i that the night Express train ?it the.
Great, - Western Railroad, which left the Sus
pension Midge last tight, run Over . a ;horse,
wherett:r the two- emigant -ears. Were ! . iliroWn
offi . the, tack, - killing - , seven pluvertgers and
severely*ounding tett others, sonic (;')f . :Whoni
icill not lecover. NOIIO of dig passengers in
the first class cars were se-erel3,' injtrre4, and
allCthe'eptployees escaped unitnrL 1 -
... PIIIILADELI , IIIA, - Friday, :July 7, 1454.. ,
the tiklitning train 'which lef(l'lii a+lplda
foi.:l3altialOre. at 12;45 I'. M., to-day, m i . a oil
the-track at Broad Creek, Maryland, - killini
Benjamin I. Benson, the- ai}d'Jii
seph Robinetty fireman. No passengerwerO
hurt.; I ~..... •,. I.
. • . 1 -I
Thi .Itiv
'NfiellAel l'4er
. ne4i- ) .!r orks, was
thisafterno-On thirhq }jot, -
huge. was badly siiatterei The\ (iflietit
oceufrred in . another saloon ileigh . .-
borhood, and while a police otlicert, \ Was
deavortil g to the 'riot he wa's-seveiely ai
taCked4 He fired and retreated to 104/
hdth,e. The mob - pOsued him and aetaek 2 4
the house, killed Itoe.,:and beat the i offie4
badly. 1. Thomas Nairn,
.one of thl.
was shcit in the head. He 4id ,, tv—Yothers.
art: in 'custody. -
[ NEW QIii.E . ANS, M , 1 . 3, , : 3. d
' ,lude Campbell on Sattin General
Qui tnntniMr. Thrasher and I lers,.in
bonds for three thousand do itey all
refUsed't to Bide bonds and w in 'the
e&todi; of the United,State. The
case 41 probably be carrid f l beforel the State
Court inn a writ of habeas corpus.._-,
iWelliaye 'received- dates from, ItaVitita to
June -44, saying nothing yeryimportiint had
oecurried there. A :decree, bast: been retbiWi.
ad authorizing the: eoustfuction Of etetnire
defensis on the nest side .Of.thetiq-.
- ICYUn'adYie,e's front)3rou'ifs;lllle datoid Jime
24,gayi there isa•repprt of-great discontent at -
NlatainOros and Tamaulipas on tice9u4t of the
.hrbitrary acts of the Supretne GOyernment.-:--
Many Iwcre. leaving,:the city And citiztins were
tiiing-Ito-the west 6ide'of hiO 'Grande. The
Pag.f4lys " a revolution is inevitable" •
13rattos was visited by a , hurricatte I on the
20th, i cauAng - great -datn44o anal' several
leatit4..,• The light-ship wasl i sunk,4 . nd tl'e
buoy la. Galveston Bar driven ,a‘iay..i:
CONcorin, N. 11. Jilly 5.
i ---
:rho iZebraz. , ka resolutions ivere debated all.
tht. atlernoon in the Ihuse. . ..A. - tnetioh. to sub:
stititt% a series of resolutions committing the
•Whb,! the prineiples . of their . phiquien of
1452 'was defeated. i 7 -
n,i 'fir4 resol tition re i tera ti biz; l ate pri \ tle i -
pies ptonmlgated in1e , 5,0 by the 110T.4 . t.,q1,-...e1ai,,...
ilitr :1 4 ains...t the introdnetdon of Slttrtv . into
free Iferritories, and
. of.; the..ereetian Lt . anV
Tert,ieory without its pi•ohibitioa, IVag put to adori:cd bV Ipt) iollB.
1 - itf second resolUtit;n was passed. i.v a Yo" ! ' e.
of 151
,t 4• 11i. It dlireeated the i:Jpal Of
tile Alf,ss.ouri Comprpmise., .
.1 i.. ' .i
.1.T4, third resolutiOu, npprovl Igl of -the
cow-0 .'of and A oriison in .
•Cong ess in voting affainst the Neoriisica bill,
pa.s.e. by a voteof 1 - 56 to 110. 1 . ; 1 :
1 Thli• fourth, which disapproves of the eon,
durst Of Senaiors 'Willi:tins:and Ilibbard, Ivas
also efirried by a vote of 152 to 117:, •• -
...Sundry member*absenting themselves 61-
, -
untaqi.y, -the house adje.k . ki . rtied at A,...cfe,10ck.. '
• 1 . Datiloting fur Senator's again takes place
t(-tnobro,w at:11 ti cruel,. -'- '1
i .. -.
114 thermoineter to-day Nt. as froth' 98 to
1p0.,[ . - .. - H -: -
the fhti
Ii- :to
H. R.
' 7,Sti 9
„,,To tae Comment School Di . recitiTs
Ft.. r of,SitAtint, - .4tainicia . Ccinilit's t .
I li*v: mailed to the. director's .lof each
tewnidiip a blankleport- to tie filled: np alai
forWafded as soon as cotivenient. I r If any fail
•. to rect.:. v 6 theny iliey will plea'se Alye i me po-f
1 tier. 11 have as 3 - (,..t. received - no, CoMmissi on,
t' and c l Onseiltiently can do. rioihing
".. ham io on my w,ay to Ilarrisburk to at-
Y tend 4 convention of County Sit p4.4i Menden ts,
' . and I 'pope !and exp Oct some plan Ivill be de
. lii , -cd . ;which• will receive ,the sanction- and
e T hearty. 'support lof those. ; int rezi l ted, .hi the
I cause, of which i Will live
4tiirtil.. - - WILLARD..IITeIIkItySON. •
n•ra ti is'
. .
out', RIO
-W:ll , ' 6(11-
,ri ttl lias.,t
i:,/ itifl, a
, I ) °tee r to! - .1.0
f.silay::, rritl;
' has itc,eiv.-
',if i;o:tti, an 4 --;
te fi.ui :of . t/
r. .ill; ti eri
if. tl, b Psi
ou r' icorir
mirford, July- nth, `by- jrm. C.
E'.q., Wm. S: .)6tf Greet
Misti - 4NEANN Grltk.EN; rdiNew
e In
1- I "lend,
- t Rpid.
c ` -.l ' In I:
Y }ropklyn, 'ut `the Hotel of El Itinver, on
'ltuttAav, ,Jolt- 4ili,- by IL 0. Itlile, I ,E , q. Mr.
. - 1 c „
~ , ,
.1,0x , ,5..rn.tx Mniunt., to ..uiss - o.. , LuAlt , 4 1,..uEL.L.5..,1:
(I..iux ;11, bOtli of Le ox. ..J ",:. ' I - ' 1
J •
2 ' 4 , In Imi , li .Junti. 28tb, by Elul. 11. .11. Gray,i
-i 7:r f both IL•rriqk, l3railfora Cot ,
.. , .
, I;y t i lle same, to IZuh, July 2, I *r. S. L.
WELL;;to . Mi,s ' , .'1....m.i. M. • ''PEprt.nti both of
''. Rush. • i - 1
. - - . ii • " ;
' ) 1 , In.r.kni.luff, on the.4tlfinst, byißev., A.. 0.1
'«'Arre 1, Mr. 'Nfinci:s Cis.E,.of Itopliottoin, to!
Miss 210.miA TOxi , tiii.;, of the fornWr plac.O.
L i • ,
In 1 huoch, July .6, Mr. J4IIE
aged ft years.
klMr. ILathrop kVaii one of - our oldest and,
est rtpeeted eitiicns. Ile moved into this'
e0uti..7,1 from -CoOneeileut with his ',father -in,
/802,. Ivhen but',l7 years of ale. 1 Ills fatheq
.iett led o
.. . . . _
n . 1)11noo*, near tha plate. ilere Ithei .
Subjecl Of thi4,notitie lived at theltinie of; 14
death; . fir sequeat
ol subli upon the.s.itne plitee4
~, Lathrop -
, ..
.I mr. ip was - ari industrlott4„ lionesti
!nap, 44. nearly r ruineti °at One tirnei-by Ilnd-ir
in hiq !mine to a frienti for seenritr, yet . 11 - ,
itequiritd some iirbreri, tul' a4v.a , ,ys hail a
eoniforitable honin for Ins family.] . i
-', Few . ineri.Yere more respeeljd,b4. - all who,
lotew,t i hem than; he. His health'has - been:-
feeble nt times for the last few iye:ars,. thug,
Warning him, that his end was Mitt approach 4
ink ; }'fit he did not fear or repine. I Ile con .i .
kersed.lfreely upoif-the subject of i.eligiou s amt
itxpres,k4.l his faith - without reserv l e to all. - • In
his lks.f. slekness rbe...444 .peifeetly:re4igitedi
Ictiowingin vinain ho had trusted.. 1 Ile oftea
•Li 1.1: 144,*iti 'fia4 4Ailjoit to. - thinkl when . he
'was de t ad how-Much better vitas 1041cotaliti. 1,
I.l.iile I*-liiiv.'iliditiil fis . .,tie . .hia ',!livtiil; .1)f
lievingi. and 41trniting In --' the - faith of la
iworld'i tdvatiOn. .. -. lte desired that:pis family
should bear reedrd, - that ' his . faith; - waS-:nol
ietui,a ,b y the.near approach Of death, tO.
13141 '9 * tv livu.i!as Christ, yet to, Ilia%you'll
• ,
i . i. ••. .. - - t' 1 i
.be'. Ills funeral was att{cn4d by h lark
- nit4i6ca}ise, of friends. andftecinaintantes t the
IlitiiiiryitSiiidenee on the. Bth! , lust, am the
cop iniations of the gospel adMinisterea !, • A.
o.,ol7 , arren. '
14dministratrix. Notice.
aptIQE is hereby given tint letters
tientary upon the ektate of William
die'd, late ef ibe,',Boreti . gh of Alo
havoibiep *rooted to thei sabspriber. - A
suns': indebted to said estate and - herebyre
ed; inake.inunediate payiu&n, and tho
in*k:lairus - Upon said estate to present the
attesteu for *et Um wit.
11..tnuit 11E :041w14 All
li(oulroSe, July 12, 1'854.-2sw6 .
'1 11 : 1 \ . Register's Notice.'
14,T.i.liLIC, Notice is - hereby given to all 1
I. ceneetnell In the following- estateajt
. ;444 ef-Tichothr.l.),lShayi doett,...ile
Shif, Administrator. 7 k . ',
. ,•, . : ,
' rt.suixo of 'e..einas Carpekteriiieceased, z l
Diiimillii,AdtiOr; ..
~ •• - ' . A•
llstat e. of Ileraee.:Carpenieridee'd,A,'l
;e)i.iind Etnatifiel Carpenter., AderK, ,
trleit the aceetin . tants. have seto.4theit. al .
ia" 6 Registel's'Offiee in, and re i f the einitity - .0 -
Si*uOlarnia, and' tliat the ',alt . tile will; finifitsenti. ,
ed de the Judges of the 'Orpli.dhs'.Ciecrt... fir ipla
count}; in'bh Wedn'esdar the • 3ifd;ty
t.e-Ltudut vest . , fet e rleitr . riithtiiin anl 41icv . ► 111 1 10.
:0; i - •_•, J. P: VANGTO:, Reg star.
ißegister's 'alike; Mot:fires°, fitly 12; '6i-28.vr-1
-• , Tat a Reed:
g : who nt4'indet:ited to tlio late
- • ..
i T Oyiners'_Union IniuranCe
. I(ttAc .iltAens;' Braclford rounly, P
,1 1 1. -• CAPITAL: 260 000 :
. 4 '
!.. . i . ' ESTATE.
111)'S - 80.11.ES against lOss by tra, liousei
LI add other lulikliags,
.Goodrs Wares, :i
eMintise, oh as flivoralde' lertuz :L.. any
Igiiiti,t.ption. Losses 'prct m 0 INi adj u spd
. ifbin. nor/lee WillisOn,Fraheis Tyler, Geo.A.
Pi;rki'li, 8, J. D. -- Nl!ior . .,ii Cr -N. Shipmr, O. F.
1;8',°11i...5, Jr., J. Canficla, Athens; I lo' ..Jahn
(4ipok - e, To wail ;•Geh. Braillow Wakeilari,-La
tifir.vOlo ;. lefi. 31.. ullenbacki; ‘Viikes re';'Dli.
41liel! Alyiert, L:pia°, .I'a. .
L:. r. . - .• 2, •- 1 • - .':.
.: • .- . , .
'..* - " °FPI EitS. - f- i -
I. 4 1
- ..r.110u. llorace Williston, R.; C. F. : NNl t elles,jr,
.ix.elf're;s. iind Trishs:: J. E. Ciinfnd,l, .S4e'y.
'' , "AtidreAs, G. A. Gaylard, Wyaltrr, Dradford
-,,• . -. , . .s
igutfAy,l'a,-28m3.. -• i
1 I Notice to"all
.NLY NOte's and tray be :fouttti.
store of J. Dieliprwart• Jr., (my, fuftnee
Ob l ee of bosines.s)•untii the )slit; . of,Jdly,.afte•
~ k ikieb tune these retniining4tilli.iiiiNyilit he . pl;te..
in the:lianas of aliroper dffic'er for etdieetion.
kw )rdto theNvise is suffiCii:nt...
4New Milford Sulv.3'
NOtiCO. "1
LID subscribt4 n - iNhiug to -disposc!ok six
Tt. . ...
~ ,horsd Threshing llae.hine with suit- ..cleaner,
1 . 4 good rsuniiing order, would -notify- the public
that:he will sell it cheap at. Private salej and will
ir,ait!for the pa,y until the riiiithirie bas. time' to.
t,iirn: it, and will take it in grain. ~AsOY. person
' w islring to parehaSe, may learn the particulars, by
+7c.:Allii4; at the Subscribkin. in Pimock. i i • .-- .
'l! Dirnoe i r . . k 'July 12, 1 7 8.54.-- - 2btf. Wm;l34KER.
1 1 \
I' . llt - I,Full assortment of Tin. sheet Irorland Cop.
14 - ti per Ware, of my men manufae ure, and.
'inad of Heavy plate,-for Salo by -
'tl. ' • ' - . J..PICKERM:IIN, Jr.
F s ,' 4 ),t 4
ew 'Alilford, July 12, 1,554. , 1 '
14l' •
i, Al full assortment of I-14rdware, Cirpenter's
k.diJ .
4 uoiners'- Took Pump chain and fixltires. •
g 1
-. Sitsh and Blinds of the ba's't gnality . ,l for. side
ieft:P• • ' . '' .
; ii• Pi,rlc Flour Mid Salt, by _'the barrel 1 I I
l'sviSe At the loYt.tst prices. .Croeeries
k haril - the cheapest at .!',I)ICK ERNI
. i
'Nw Milford, July 12, 1g54. - • !
: .._—.......... . .
I i
UMERY--newA supply j 4 arrived
at ' . T unii: ELL'S.
:11.! Montrose; July 12, -1854.• , !
• -
t ocari~s---w
A NI zred i rarely, Ct. imdt.6l.llr iiilanifiv, .iiiit
1.... q: quality. ant; ell!' p for, ett4i, or op exclooge
i fOr 919 E: 1-; in& of mrliaaluible ilri;d1.::1- 111/ !good triliS.• • ii is stork of S.: u 2%trr. Tral4, T011,Ce0.•.:•:pi
+....5, l&c., twin: -o 111.1fTle/Q1115.1 he dPinni-4 Otjiy ii. , ,e.
:(1.,F .' al'oo Ray.-thai ahnost ittlythittsr,, -iii the Cni ro.
ii-pryi I i Ile used by fatuities. can be found ppon;tiq'ul.
:i r it aild - coopegnettily "en unie.rat ion- is: teottsidr'red
ifprreftnous.- In particillar ht lF(Mlrd ' af an a:earn
!'ittailian of his 1;,I Sugar.'29. ,, ni d 4s Tea.
lA:didtictiou 'worth saving rOnde to think who bu d
Ire qua utitiea ? - :- , I .
1. 1 , -! • ' • I. N.- 8U.14.A CiD.
.•> • •
:II- Illontrof•er ra.i July: I% ISS-1. 'I! '
.. , _
011ie Citizens- of Susquehanna.
.1.- 1
. ' County. % .1
f‘A t '',ICKIIANt at llE,iciliTT Wonld reapeettally call the
. Y 1 attention of altrper>onsi in Susqu. banns County
.11 TiCinitV to tip 1r large nn , l .well - .elected .-tor I; of Dry
food . and 'Carpet rwht, , h eons . .eof al r the th.blonable and
et...linable Goggin DO* in .I,4lle.iGrindir :iaite.# both for the
.rant and tbegay. and In 1./et all of -the diqeient atrea of
oode which eau he trall. A Zer or thouebt IC . I lt's as vie
frpalari not to be ull so:4. :lA, ii ~m will pi: • , 0 kiwi as
otayorl3o , with a call we 16)1i:11*k...0.; wor.good. ' Our
liltlieli of Drs.' Goof- enti•:*tith part of , 1
I \a
1,.. (flack, Brocade, Pl.,:d, Ste,pe; t b,,,mr/olde 1 nd Uning,
tfitilnd Plain Wool De'aine,. Fig and Phin ',Cotton do..
'slllts,.)lerinnt. Tinbet. „VT.:. eral. Paretrattat!ld..,ri. "loge,
.IPlanl Lioaeys,Colored . a elr Ftatmela, Calleot e. de. he,
p sit %wi,g—of w.oe'e we have an endleas variety
:eaalthaere .51/dada fron/ ST to 1150, Day .51tatX!„ Long and
, t 4 lnaire d0.,112 and Vlald Tbillpt.' ice &e. i -
•,-; While 1:4110111%—Plnin • 'raw and Stripe Jaeonet
, ,Musllns, Birds Eye and livsala Diaper; Irish ;Liners ,Table
11,i,11 1,,,,i 0/ Linen, Cotton. Wora,ed, and Embli... d ipread4
~, and I t o : , no o k muotrla. Victoria and Diahopn
tawns, hireen Crtm l / 1 4'e. L neW Cambric 114k 1 1. French
',lt'orld..l Collar. and Crider Odle.. 3loalin Drlapery. Lino/
;and ,Cotton Sheeting and Shitting, Lleacl4 and Brown
i,targnard Diaper, &c. hr.
If fit ii is 111,..parittletil—OonSirdn 01 1 11 ark and Fan
ji'l Broadcloths. Ca.aiiierea. Black and Sanry, Satiuetta.
sll , 'lol. Or..y. Kentudr Jean Caehmeret . ...Satin. Wor
.;ited land ilic Vetting.. flack arid Co-lA4IO
{a, Satin..l.ock.,
t i.
;Plea( Tieb, . ice Piauneta. White, it ed, Diu . Yellows/id
liittit , e, Gents .I/ere Wraellera. Drawers &e. Are.
ti (Inr . (*m
took of 4': llot c% unit Illoait.s.) fi complete
titinbraring hadiee, - Mi.... and (Serfs Wore... 1,1.1 e thread`
;(lardnuere. (.Im.sinvore. Fleece Lined, Charno , A Linf.d.lien
lrer, Kid, Burk skin, he. ..t....„ • 1
j 4 Ladle., Itlo..ce and (I..ut. C A
otton Ilose. and l'in.a
*bile, Brown. Mired, heck ape Made (*pas., Alpaeea.
, AVonlen,prodtm.ra. Menu* and 16111, do., a l l every other
4 , tyld ofsea.ouilde Hosiery.
~,‘ Alio, ao eudle.e varirty of other stylen or
' Daman,: both Cotton and Wo",d, ;cargo an,
'Lx. tei Counterpane.. Moreeo..Cimbrlea. Tni
Jortera,..ltoso and flor.e blanketjt. Nankin's. 1
/Jeri stripe, Oil Curtains. Carpet Bala, &d. ;
, gl ii rp i r.g lux—tn. /1 ..4a. Tiler Ply. I'M
:Word and Cotton. Cot r ,, n..,1n.. Cpt (Oa and Wi
:i.etitig,Dru;ret, Oil ch.tire, Itu ,, h 4,ntrperiog it
,-- Orir stork - of Dry Good , . la now complete'
- Would like to ree a tool assordment or Gr. l
aiaibi you will rail , at. Wickham & Uerorett!
'ile/ t he Post office. ~ , ,
-:, 11 , 7 1 / a ntrou, ?.4 Y...Tu'e 12,11.554 —1344
1 •
, ; •
:,. i -
DUI" 60 1 ' )
P. • ; 1:111”4:
TAR sni ) ,..rib,..r rerpe.rt rail+ invillt-thCj
i dhotis wiehttrnr to purellase Cheap fnr
',NEW FALL and- 1441N2er.1.1. STOCK. which 1
.!r: ;
rty and chi; itine , s, he may saltly stty is uti
i .
_err/i' n ihe 'Empire state anion; wilkli way
!•:". -
.1 i TWO ARUN DR D Sll,l -1 1
i-• .
,of i ettery qnsitty sad style, prices rettelt, : t free
)09ideetet PaianDltil and• Aispi es froorls. t
••Frepeb Aterlooee of eterl Trri'lik! owl • coill
`chews. • , •
! 14/4109 Yards afire trt'ineA Stial;Psrsian
to .Is. Priors and Gin..r.hsms iti.:ndiesitgite
1 1 1 0.006 yards bleaelied anti uriblestdie
Sbiitioss, :rpm I P. 4d. 4 , . : i 1
1 r 1i)00 yar 4b , White, Red end. lred'ow lini
ing ti-1 co,. wo o len Good(/' of er.try• kind for !pi
1 , I 1 000 yard. Sdk .Brpecle . , P.lPl.l.ind NJ
; the loweit grede to the 111001 superior quail'. a
. citrr's of vier:) , .Ifortiption ' . 4
; f.... 1 - PEDLARS' 'GO()i - _)S..'
• Alittte stock frona-Auetlon,!, eery cheap
!,Trai•elling Begs, tils extensive' arrurtruvnt
,havii. - 1
* No taut will be spared en thrlart .o! the subseribertg
Ilier'jt a , otitineauce cf the patrens7.e whietil !be ! (!sblie has
hitherto ula.k ixoner..u*lyae , 444.-4 hint. awl fer whitdt he
rettirus A Encore and hearty thanks. • ' I' '
! . ; -1! --- 1V..1i. W LAO tti e . ' ' •
klorner of Court it Wate'r f.i.4... Tallaputil Ittnetc;
Neatly opposite the Court. it
- Jipy 12, 165 i: - •
Prdsh - Jskrrival.
lENV GOODS, eurbracibig pearl
.necessary 1 -10,k.ttep tip an :14
ri‘T'Fived. and i siirlibg for 46) alio
Itinitly Pay . Store of
pro oklyo, •Jlitp;.:;1101,
Cheap a nd Summer Goods.
Vitt aro n owl pre iidreil 4 t / O firtitafithasie
V. want jilprinq r alllsonitagt.iG ~ ..•4045.11146-
ces not fail ioeeohntlitti
lowest-nnd 'stilt the c est btiyerni' •
Our assolttaient of/ press rie'eomplete
compoicin , * ° very lw,a ( tiqiil itvles of all the latest
fashions. Baree,llakege detain, Lawns,Challip,
Ginghains, dze. 4:e. ' '
• I S. IL & D. SAYItE.
I per.
I duly
- " , New Sidlring - Goods '- • : 1
ll:4;yluit - sTrils Dow receiving - - hiss usual
}napplies pf.S,rintr Goods, which wilt be
found•nnustiallylnr,, ant attractive, inclUding a
suit or assortment . f Ladies I)ress Goods, in
Silles,BCrages, Ilera,,, Delanes, Lnwns, Poplins,
Cluillies,, Ginghnms IF &C. &e. Mnntillus, SiJk
Ohawls, 'Silk:Straw and :French I.nee Bilnnetii,
Bonnet Itibbonn, Ffirters, Parnisols, ',Rec. &e,
together with a lnrgii!vntietit of other Fancy and
Staple Goods,' ',ineltiding Cloths, Cas.simeres,
Boots and Shoes, WalllPapei';,- Carpeti ng.Groh ceries, Crockery] U. .
Ware, 'lron And 'Nairn,
Drugs, Oils, and Pairits', 'Cotitting - niul Parley
Stoves. Ohio Giiiiii - Sioiiii, Ploughs ate: &e.; all
of ithichlvilf liosold!o&, terms to shit the closest
buyers for cull Or approyed credit. -- •'• • '••.l , '
Nevrillßrord, May,St ;'1854.' ''' ' -'
t,t min
.',. ItiEW 4:3400DS••: ' ---
A LAll:GE":t;lsin:t;neit or -rieW
.aild senso!ii
.1 - 1. blorObOdgrat the 311,6're'nf ' - '''
''' '•- - -• •,, l' D. - BUAROWS2& CO ?
.'i .1 - - '. .. -- - \?.
Dress Goods: , -- -: --- _ , -
A HOOD-unnortnient at low prices,
11. ,large lot. 41 good o Printg- at, 6.1 . 4.,eta.-Per
yard:, • ' .. . . - .- -hi
• ' • l' - ' 11.-BURROWS'•&" , co.
~ --- , •, -;
• - ~ _ Bo ets. .. -- .
BO.IIINETS nn Pon el, Ril,bonp , a choice as
.lsortinent aitoW, p Ifirs s i --.-, ' , F
' h.'.'..."-- • ' ''.. f . • 1_ ; r : i , , •atililOW SOL t .gil 1 '
Stl!, am . -- -
fIOOD New Orleans; at $1,87 I.2.per 1001bn.
ki - ' Pritne , 1 'a.' , nt $6,11.5 per' 100,11 is. '
Prime PortOrieri. at ; 0,8 ' 1-2 pyr 100 lks,
Also, Ch ratted -,Cipir e ! "-powderea, ant Loaf
su.r.irs, at.;;•ery"fow!lpri•es..
. • i ~-: • 1 . BPROWS &CO:
Gibson, April 28,1 8 - ,
V r I ODSL --.-. ‘1
P. RK return -theii•rateful
Its - to the pubtio forpaiit fa
i. to the very- large stock
•r odds they are now •re
ia e nt - rirgilAtiPirrieca.' In;
...,:sorttnent of stapk Dry .
I rare, Crockery, Paints,
• oared to exhibit alarg,e
irm of,
;id Mer
al paid.
i it
. • ,
ll fC NEW
.01 achnowletlg,ment
voi,4and invite attc=nti
.of Spiing and Sarni-kr
eeivlng,-and offer foil g:
addition to - their - nstal
Goods, Groceries, liar
and Oils &c., they ate
assortment of;
, 1 -
of dery ditscription ? .. F
flonnetsi,Slialtrs, I
Ladies and. Misses
largo stock oil
•Clotb,' Cass - I:mere:s4 .7
Cloths, Vestings, Ina!
hOes &e. &d.
hey, resiqetfully sr
those,mito - wiith to 1 1 '
Lott' PI4CES.
r • 1.•
j. . '. . Fens '
rpHE snisciii)er;l, , wil:
and sellingße,il\
an(ll.4 . 9,:—loeited in. S
•BrOoine'Couiity, Ni. Y.,
I\ W.irrants: Ali wh l o w
\for.isale can dive tit mid
1 ThrillsLols ligi foi
mane it piovtitl, and 1
Orchar grnAc
cti o
4 ir
treo -liow - f:i'y frog G '
e;t!point of tfio D.(l L
E. It. It. Orkin ;'
I4f All Wiho Av4ll
tale. will reeeive Omni
or addressing either either o'
qui4mnna bohnty
premises fre4rof ehargi main s ree l
Of S. IrChag,e,
te#,. • .
or Other
. ebenpqr
'Great Benii, Oct 3t.
AGOOD 'tipplijr of Solo Leather. also Upper
do.'atidiCalfSki4 to#ether with Boots and
Shoes, jnst reoireti, land . for silo by
rt 11111 cht tipeit Alol4sses, ToaS and otheitGro.
.1 cedes to be-found in this or any othoi,town
of this county at.
CAOOI/Nqw Weanp . agar at 5 1-2 eta. per
lb. andlothei-GoOcis equally - low at
. .
- Nelpdeons;
CAONST.ANTLY mil hand or furnished at.!shor
1 4-) ' 1 LYONS & SON.
, r .
. •
• ,• •
WE have rece ived e good aesortpler4 at ex
I 7 tremely low prices.-
it • S. H. & SAYRE.'
• .
. .
• A yERY desi4ble stork at very low . . prieCs.
. r kIkSAYRE.
t'•W ao
• rdin
AT ihe.44l stSnd. 0 .1 1 A. G. Reynold as
CliCash or W*ol on delirer7 of the rolls.
• 11. I A. G. REYNOLDS.
Brno'klyn,l.Tuni 4, 1854:--2.4t1. • -
SpitirtG GOODS.
(VERY! largke-stciek cir Spring and . stannkt
/1 1 Goodslareltist receives:Fat_
• • I . T. H. SUTPHIN'S: . I
• Stimmers+•ill c., 1 April 25, 1864:
.ILao,.:awaftna'4llc. W. B.R.
N and after!'M(inday, May Blb, 18.54,41ie Mail
VflPasseqger!Trniti will depart from Scranton
at 9.10, A. 11. , . • • • ,
Arlrive at !Great; Bend nt 11.40, K. M. •
Crinneetili,g With the day express trains East,'
abd West Otit.ho N. Y. ok . E.% , •
Return.leaveGreat Bend on Ithe:niriv,nl
of the DaY.Express trains from Nov York and
kind ari!ive'ttl, Scranton at 4.19,
The Freight Accou Modition Train, With pass.
enger car.nttactied, w 11-depart from Sqinton
1:25; r. J. aFivog at Great •Band at 6, k. •
deparkfrditi.Grentßend at 7,.
Stages will be hi 'waiting on .the arrival Of Pas-,
•senger Trains at Se".ranton, to convey paiSengori
to(!arbondale, i'ittatiM, Wilkes-Barre, Philadel.
piis!ria thei. Rending lg. It. l 'Eastoti, and all othor
interMadiat4._,phiees. '" '••-' • ‘".
The iraing tv4 connect 'kWh tied" depart
New York! and pa n k irlc; findloVes Y.! ~
7 .';Dtiyf Expresslarrives at: NOW Y, k:7:33p .4itt.;
departs from dd; at 6,1 A: 7: ll4inolihin'arrii,oos
at Dankirk j0:49, ittUfrom do ht
prkNigrft Ex,preSttiarrivis at Neer York 10. g 4 t
A. Mi,'departs " Same train arrives:‘4l,
flunlOrk m4, l departs r. •
-fraidNo..l,ihound w!St;•arrives'at'Dtinkirkiii:O.
T 141513 .Wishing t,
Exprass, .hoth
train west, - ttn the Na
ton nt 1.35 !T,.,rif f -' •TI
Bay Expre's's • tither,
Mail BassengOr,lrain
Supt Otfled St iariton
June 20,-1554.
1 Jr l ,:iTtP.i.inia •
.ck tail', 113 -
h6f Itstalr Cur.
apd, if you
40And tita
''att , tntinn of
Cash, to big
r extent ma-
Wr'pAised. b?
,r found
• LS, - , •
1 500:10 $ll.
-54. per y.fird.
• ferankably
loths from fie
ores, from is
.4 II from
. are IS Trim.
• Trankr and
CODFI mut ly un,
, „ .
Dril§s Goods. •
~tII& 114,#10,Jeti tietirrri
a new . !tupilly. ticlpgitt at prele at , /ow p,elees,
and ‘yil) lmT s4Jl4,clump At the etere . of
• •
Gitivaritto9 :14; " •
'mry at tw.e
inent, just
e, cost at tile
gored, Plaid and Plain,
ibbons, Gloses, Hosibry
of all kinds—also a
e'ecls Jonas, &miner
s and Gaps, loots , add
licit an:early:eell Rom
,rehase GooD Goons AT
• 54. •
or Sale:
act as 'agents for buying
li 3 ,tate,—Farms, -Hotisesi
county, - Pa., or in
i and 'also Virginia Band
'sit to . offer their property
ate diseription', of their'
`ows - : No of acres; . bow
oar watered.; ;
I ronton fruit: other fruit
eat Bend, and the near
' r W. R. R.'and N. Y, -&
ins of - payment. -
o BI:SY or SELL Real Es=
t attention by calling on
i us tit
. Great Bend, Sus-
m iGreat - Bend to ttui
• I .
in, the dwelling, 'house
feetiOrd by N. V. Catpen-
1 • S. B. PHASE.
,tli, 18 1 0. i •
J. 11.--SUTPHIN'S.
avail thetn4elves ar, the
. :Ist and Wiatl 4 tir 'Mail
Yerit Foie, will take'
ti ideh &ran
'hose' 'wr4hing Ai/ go" in the
'leaist'or. west; Will take. the
-which-departs at - 9.10 i:.••nt.
H. DOTTEKEg; Suit:
"2 . 1 5tf " •
- L ' dersvillb Book 41c.:Prillig - Store. ', •
aubserlbei ft
wanld forart.blY inhettltalttlef Lo-.
i. d gripe - aisdsurroundi g country, that -1 1 0 1 1 SOR!'eit ,
I yelstrargedAnd 4 mprovalt Otore, anti filletil .esrs - vit li a=
4'B'l,oW qfttiPlAte $ 4 41 0 . 1 ti • 01- rat** Oil.; D,T•-:
eroodscbjie-atnlre, Winds* r ass, Stin;putt,,,,,yaralth .
and Brushes. Al,s o;: i• -. .4 : 1 - i , .L :. ,-, t, . ..! f : ~:,. I
rateni %calcines. plrendeata. olawaapAPErfamilyi-Tan
lee*timlf Motlfeettsiner/. Tel le t art fele,. and all articles";
nsnalty a e.t . a.'s 'any! establtalantent . ortti. kital:; - : Alto 'Ail
hand atari, e aasortanarlt of , ,;_.. . . . _l.l
' 1 .: , ntioics' 4. STA tid.NEitY., , i.. - : -. • 4 .'
paOrrtingings,*.e. &,e, , aldch bets prediared,toikait 'tn:
iia reaarinittle t ann.* as any !dere In theecoantry::, - 1 -; I, . - 4
1 !L
• • 1.- DOLT fJAIIIIS - of tITIN.' '''' '
Also treeps ,In same room a general assortment, elthe
- 0 ,0 01 9 23 T Mtt MC ll' IFS . t al.Po/ 1 0. 4 21Itte: e di 4Millikellitid en 4
petiotendedai himielf,for ble own secoomodaganskntttia.
benefit of the public.
Bulldera.Palntert, 4 4 1 rOlelenatte0, 4 41'1', •achelti tf.dee 4
anal' . and pr,rfesslons irfildni to purchase are ,larltall
to call and *miter .themselveail- 34 =+? - ' : I - " " •
,'' ' .-. * 111. .L. - adott; ''.- , - .
itiotild inform hit foiitiii Patti*" that hilis hi
connection with his'OttrettMaineini e'filll ,assortineirt
of iiiiotti sad •Shonie aotne'of which he can wiirant
and 'ell aarilasouable•aa an be bought ai any oth
er'prtice in the country.. . . : •
. . 1
Directly overJohn Melittnney's Store on. - -' •
the It. IL.,Loderayille. ' •
I. - - -• ' -
. . .. . - ... -..
Match 7th, 185# —!f
A ;NEW supply;jusilroceivel Also,j3
JUSTICE 964„cpivs . rAtaxs GUIDE. ,
Pefirch 1, 1854. !, !iGEO.:FULLER.
- • , IttW ZOODS , . • .
At. thetriisceitri' d Etch age.
THE subscriber 'hereby, infOrmis his friends
(comprising the pbblie generelly),thrttle
now replenishing his stock' of Goods, and , is. ot-:
feting superior inducements fur them:to pOichase
'of him, thereby . keeping their capital, as .Well ds
dojngl.Wir trading atl home,. among his. stark
:may 'be found a general assortment oftoryGoods
Groceries, Crockery, !Hardware, Paints, Oils,
Dyes, Boots and Shoes, Hat's' and. Caps, wall and
iwindow paper, C,lothing,Trunki, Yankee motions
'Ake., all of which he,will be happy to '--eichfulget.
.0, fin Any kinds of farmer's produce at the 'highest
;prices, eash;.or good
Also he.wants all %Ole have accountri-,a, over
inontbs standing to call 'and settle there or
'before the first of Feb', 1854, and alf whe intend
to pay in grain are requested to brink it along as
oon, a S convenient.
ANTED to hire 'it -knial3laikirmitli,' one
who understands all branches of the - trade, and
can eome well recommended for sobrietY and tin.
duStiy can.obtain fairl wages :by calling] on the
'rbseriber soon at. UpsOriville, Pa.
- Jtist.ra
100DolFats Lost. °
IT was not stolen, *Wier was it dropped in
the road, yet irrevocably- lost to anyf gentle
mati whip purchases [slop-4110p clothing-,; instead
of sleeting his cloth of an honest dealex !and get
ting his clothes made up by an honest Tailor.—
Instead of losing that amount, any gentlatau eun
save 8100 in two vearS time 'by carefullY -selec
tim; his cloths, and employin,g- such a,Tailor as
John Groves-to cut and make, them upind say
nothing of the comfort of havirig-docentifits..
areliested-up at my 'shop, and very neat -styles
thev'arc. Call and see. I ',
CutOtrg done as usual ' for ready' pay, and
warranted - to ;
*4 *Remember , to 'shop is in 'the-basement
corner of Searle's Rotel, about forty , feet in, a
Northwest course' (rpm the Liberty-pole:,
Montrose f iSray 5, 185-1.=1.9=3m.
Ihn. 2, 1854
For Susquehanna . CouioY.
CD. LATHROP & We. 1114 &tie:ire to
. • return,thanks to their / friends:l'ot' Weir lib,.
eral patronage for thet last yeir and hope they
will continue their fnvors;.whielOsehopeao mer r ,
it by strict attention to business, and, low-prices.
We have the must apprOved patterns , pt. ST,ovEs
ever brought into this market, among a - bleb -May
be 'found -- •
STAR OF Tar . WEST (Eleraled Oren.)
'NEW WORLP, - • - '
ATE-As, • •
'I'IIREE STA. I IIES,4II Air *Tighl„and oth..
era too nnmerotis't'oNetttion.
- IWe also have celtalid'a largo ! assortment.cif
IltiAi'arirof -eipreitity for Ylome
trade, Cistert , and Well Films of all descriptions,
Aestd Pine of all eizes, , reels forchaid pumps, &e
-.&e... Job work jingle ; with neatness and despatch.
All kinds of produce taken,-,er approved. credit'
- given. Give us a call if you please. Shop ort
thin street, directly Opposite the - Dem:Office.
; 'Cash paid for Furs by
' • '
.;! -:- --, :-.PitTiII:GOODS;;*
Bontitiy 'itekeiid '-:-:', -;.!:::•...' -
':..A, itr. now. receiving IV large, and , ' desirable
~.' stock of.
'. - ' • • - . .
''•:-•'- SPRING AND o.TstilitElt -GOODS, - - ',..
. .
Which they are Willing and'itnxieus to display to
their cuitorners, , and.the,•Publie generally. - They
haveleen bought for CASH, antfwill be sold as
Cheap as the chew eit;for' the" Ready," Country
Produce, or appro •ed !. credit:. ' Our time - being
(illy. occupied in pening,and selling 'goods, we'
shall bo'nuder th net essity of referring!our eus
tpiners, to the'ady l ertisernentikof,our.-..neighbors, ,
Or a portion of le: argiclea : which we: lieep•on
hand, and with WI ich;nre 'intend to keep constant
ly supplied. !, Give , mi• a Cali. and yotr,, Will not
:regret it. •."' :I • ''•' • i - •"- . .
: j Montrose, April 25 , 1854: ----',. .• • ,
T_TAvE just trceived. their ''Seeond Stock. of
Spr ng ml ' Slimmer _Gpods . this season.—
They are. now, prepared to silo* all who may fa
'vor them with a call: . t
Du css` GOODS cif all the dArent kinds, such, as
'Brk Plaid and 844 and .3fantillas,
t3r,ao land .Silklkt
„ Lawns, rages, De
gage,. Datilhin Challis, Goodsibrovan and
:bkojeaf, amd . shirtingsjin hiet every
thilit isA thinili.Pix ki !arum SprrEs, a very large
sleek whichwo;ulreri,v.ary km,. all grades of cot
too goods in this braneh,and . brown. and. yeirlow
CioruS..--We attgntiOn
,to our
stoei Bina, Brown, Green, and UnAkriy
*Bibideloths, •also Bl'k and
' . i tiseeds, Kentucky JCans,'&'e.,
:•Ladiei call And examine OUP tevichrzolrentrettior
Ohiovls4 .We - -have some =4autiol pitteinse4t
favorable prices. --; s: -
Ilonnets and Bonnet jtitohOr l / 4 a good:itsnert.,
in en t, and pop., of all. kit* Abu ; gar:
asols; a 'very large - AsSortuicnt
e4iap:Vmbrellas,Travellitti,7:ll#444i - or,s
. 4..
4 49 1 gs 41 1 .000.-
clotil and ,Ainiroe'f.p: Gaiters, Patent' Liatber
HOStins 'also Col. V;titers, a- good stock of all
klndi - Natick we Ofrer at our usual
Crockery and Glass Ware, Fluid LaMpis and
Fluid, wood Pails trid itihi,hrooms kedcords,&c.
tirot.erlos,'`a'Onniptefeldhekikitleti Wecwill sell
ittitt very Ashton Salt by the
Sack; and it trarietynt , o464B - lop ntimirclatt to
mention. Me invite the.: attentionA t who buy:gooditebtsti teviitl . l and exatine our
stock. - !t • - ;
:Itiontiose, June I 1804
• .• .12
To Chee„
make and 80
Ch g'
, t 4.,„ r 1
attention int
wag now In, --
ordeniSurf ,
p _
tile'rent'fo icli% r'
Patent Prcaset,
of IN 441443 T
county, Pa. - W
TT • 4. IVY.
meratin g or ou—__Jgou.
prj~wo r niti ttif rtigits - to e
and - - a
ltioqtr'6*, is t ,' l .6, - -ttYg, t ,t •
Fame„ •
run& f . ereinliin . bnibferts at
Montrose, t q, i . inAlt our friend
and theys
pub *erred an as
sOrtment of Dry Gbodintati_Groceries at the old
-stand of MillsliclPhirenah,Vibiii - Shall bo bap.
py to,wait Upon ult.iffitsittaylaypij:us,lttth a call.
Oui GlAftieditieviEdc . l6ountgelecio
with &treat,* AIN-Vatter , °Frac !yes *if, Wu
- • • t •
can the Ino.Sefirt Intr. . -
We inyito all to' opt! atidlexamine.iontatoel4?
Our rnott6VaitiOy7l*BiiiVeTsideelid
(NF L nun
tfolitiittqlfai 4 ,2l,lBs4 -T.
• . -
1 .-
rrinE siitineritief,;6olltities to carry antis
-IL" tollOrink, linsinesnin all'-its branches, ot
the stand hitely occupied by Lines do Rey,noldA
-oi•er Hoialey's dt Mott's store; . vibere he siill. et ,
-tend to 11=enlbs- iv - hiit profession, in a Ootnyt
and sat' factory maunet. i j ,
-::, - P. P.EYNOLDB..
Montt , bin April 15,1 85 .1
:I.=-'-tt ' , -
Fine sfrenelt.'
Gibson, Nov.l "U. BURROWS & co.
DREAST"-PINS.-:,-Diamond, Alosaii: 'and othi r
.11reastpina in Byer variety of style and
P4ttetn, I !" l 7nned ' •
2, Odd Felleive Fla% .
VilAitONt - PINGER TtligGB.—Sotne Tot' the
sl:f lineal et er tironi.ibt "info thin market, 'els.,
Ruby, Pearl, Regard, Locket, Sat, Chaste, Flail
-and Stone Rings of all q4lities, by
1 ; [. A. J. EVANS.
VAR RINGS.—Some Very Rich, Enteritis!,
Jet,.arget,4omaied, and :other patterns,
44 P!*est bY : J;EYANS.
NEW- issoLTAIENT,2 of •...Caddlieete
G4 4 0 . 3c4ing.* 141 sieigtO,And.akt.einkk
NAPKIN RINGSO4otne oftie richest pat
terns ever offered in this market,' reibived
this day by ". - A,J. EVANS. 1
SILVER . soup LADlixs,riowir fruit knives. _
'' , -A. J. EVANS . .
01-IEIL COMBS, .a new lot justreceivedby
- A. J.WANS:
ENAINis of all qualities 'from 4s:to 881 plain fig
.nred and monrninistyles by
T'AIR Brusb6s, some of the best
11 er brought to thisimarket, ~. „
1 - • , A. J. EVANS.
T .üßiNg'Extriet,ivarranted genuine by
..LJ • • • A. L EVANS.
G O LD WAVHES.-"---ithe subSeriber
j,nst received another sbpply Cioldwateb.
es, winch together with; his former Stock' maku'd
his asioi thrill complete. •-1 • '`"
•.- • - A. L EVANS: .
I • .
101)I t ATED WARE. 4 -4A large nontiful
sortnient - Of 'Silfili - ' . ol . ateirl cakt.Baskit ,, ,
Castoi-s . ; ititd,CandrestitikS,.,.soide:' entirely- new
patterhi, A'I:VANS
• Singhatuton. - March 40, 1884: •
" I'm with yen (41'6) 117 in-thy friends:
I No 4. 04. ialy, foOtstips roam :I - -_-
- VOlT'4 . llrfieemeol. My 'residence im mops.
- .1. Vrie", tii.i:diziera sevitlitrini Eeth - liditthers
Esq., happy: at any-time•to i ait-on y,ort, siociall)
or professionally, the ;latter especially: - Thep..
who Prefer-t,haveilater,werk done 4 their rcoi.
- dente whetherAiving iii tavin or ou!,1will-plea... .
'ff al ive me , iletioe aecoraisgly 3 J And. I am id. yoqr
servieo. Persons at - ardisMnce ..
1 .., • 1
Tec;th„ can tl }le accommodated at' ray. l home, jr. •
of expense, while the Work ;is behig done. .. A!. I -
wish fo loi tysy I shall". still adhere Lin my old
plan of eigiguig according; to the el/eon:latent...l
of my 'patrons. There Lis much complaint', •.t ,
the high prices, of Trent :try , and of my prices t 0..„
althoughl haie beirrlif 7 :ttie hablt'of-ledneticw.
from; l 5 to 25 per 'Cent from the first. Now,l_s
friends 1 will ,make yon - this Ofiir,-4if yini n b.. •
rter(l i vrork W ill -/Ptnetlrigh along, end have -it
'done and:so ice,op me,loy4 • I wilLWOrk..for rit
for half priceaud .do it wpll i00....The reres, l 9
we have to :charge . se hih is; tee4ise, 'eitt.:: !
from drearl'Of the , paid ; 1
or t et pdy, yeti hold bar Ic
-and force no'fo :lose rule tiintt. fel: *rot. ~ir
work. Tomo oti-Aliti land ou will flut,there
a chance for birgairra rii. Diontsvne. ~...''.-..,- li
. C. IVVIRG.II.4SurgeoIi - Diatiat.i ,
Iloutroao, April-19, 4864. . -_
Stotrettlitoven! I• • •
mI setWriber wishes to etA.lttbelattentionof
friends,and the P - ttPlie 1.0 %try brio'
"i 'easeetinencil O
, I •
•.' - 'ST, VE§ 4
atlrianew Store Roont h LndersViliefitex! t..
L. S. LenheimliStore; aid near the "Great Bold
Depot. .:He bas , in additiottto, lobvfOrmer,litipp ,
variety of Cooking and PaOor StovelisilbattY btu'
Patterns, someof tvldh are; • - t . _
St. IV, Peach Smith) nYi
Modern ,Ttoy, ltircihatcti; . Medal:tow,
Mack .Warrior, orient, 1 - .Od a
• . .Egg Sto've s
Which together with his Brener stock_ will
perhaps ttni most; ext ensivei and varied aasertnieli
Of well aeleetedStoveb iri the Counkvi
*** Clinton Stoves Well Inrnished at low prietle.
Fir MIL articles in Ida litnt kept Oo hand and
made to order-as usual, and orders reeeited at hi,.
old stand in Great Ilettd. • . •
- 'tom coLsitN.
I\,odersiilte'& Great TleforNekb., -
Lig tt or choft e to tit' Liguori (tor wilier
parioArs, • TUILIISLL'f.
? stliartillilkiitilitlllll43loll l m, nows, Seel ,
Flultott,Ariatteg,Pegt, , ape; Pleet.s,—atora Aectdef
' s,Sif6l. Fortit,','rlustii
1 - I °/ 1 naoks? TUnaLtro-
ADIES ihntiiiooF not suppl ied themselve!‘
with neilrontieta this imedwienn afford t..
buy them aciw. ' Wo are ieceiving a large supple
and greatatariety of o.tylea, fotl dies said
vot.offer ftt, one ilikd tees than_4p . ring
Prices , Ribb , 4l6 F 3 19 voretAnd baler, Aillning , s;
•—• " c'inntgpvis &
7,),GE.,..gge,,,,,.,,,..„,,,,,„. AV.
1.14' bteisatbotißittilitabfy, andileitang to n,
, considernbanteitinivaiiknobetitute • fot Flour..--
.We 4re receiving Alaile suPPly• on* arm Rico
N ot e g w o o od ri g et4Di na 1 05irgiiittr,...0_41.41,0P.,%471,14r, l' ' ''oo‘ 4 11 4 ::
Good New Oil ean i gfAit i ! o f i sjitil a gt',94,:. gal
lon.Pet-' , ' • '' ''': i., - - .
:. f IL linittAntli (X).
Gibson, June 24, 1024: ,
__Wheat Plot?:
SUPERFINE.Wieitt Floor, half sod par.
ter ,thekq for Ole, by
Brooklyk liiikpA 'Mt , -
R srALE.
136111C=rcitiisAui . ;„ br barrel, 14 0,
1 M. S. WILso? or A; atuiivis.
Btouttooes Nay 17 1 180*