... I f,i,e-..-• •;,.....,._,1„.....;_,.,......,_,....." ~... gifilt,lst-,ventoont. wit,. ..,....„.....,::1,..„,......,......;,......... ~.:„.. ci!Lertoe i ts. fotrutiii =OE= As. 4 1 9 102 4 Y 1 :81 ?"" s: iikli A l l;l l Pn e 6,101' 111laiatiioie; The Lo isvil Jourrialtiays:--" We defYsny „tasteful loVer.o ~. poetry-te reads lbs; following lines, witheut claitning-+ 'How beautifilr : ' 'my soul ! thy . : red image koeps, ' 'My midnightdreams are all'Ottime ; . •,, For nature , then in lileitisleeps, , . - ' v= , ' And silence broods o'er land an t iii;: - 1" '-' - ''Oh in that sti ll,' mysterioni hour, - ' • . . - How ell, jr m waking dreams ',start, o ' Ilio find thee nt a fancy '.flower,: -'- '-, - .1' , Thou cheslied Idelorisy heart.. 1 ~-.. Thou Nast '` ;:_ eh thought and dreati "t)rtnitte-- 'Have I i n; t'one thought of thiliil :- "_, . • 1 '• ' ' llorever thin ,my dream lirill'be," j - ' %Vhater in ybe my fortunes hert';' - ' ~./ ask not lov , I claim from thee,' , : , ' Only one boon, agentloeaf; , Illay blessedvisions from above , :,.. . Play 6rlgh ly 'round thy happy ` hint, f And maYthe beams of peace and,love - ..- Ne'erlfonirthy glowing soutiepart, Farewell 1 . m' dreams are still with thee, . „ Host thou ona tender thought ~ef keel -i • - My joys like ummer birdi may fly, ',' My hopes like summer.blooms,'depiut . . But there's -orie flower that cannot die Thy holy memory in my heart; No fidew4 thione flower's cup nlay . 611;-: ~. No suhligh tolts leaves be given. But it will live and flourish still, • As-deathless as a thing of heaven.. My so 4 greOs thine, masked,. unsought,- Hest thou for me one gentle thought!: • 'Farewell l farewell! my far-off friend! Between ne broad, blue rivers flow, And forests %Vero and plains extend,• • - And MounTins in the sunlight g low; - The wind th at breathes upon thy brow • Is not tho vvind that breathes - on mine, - The starbeamii shining on j ,thee now Are not thee , beams that-oriniq'shino f • But memory' spell is with Meyet-- •Cans't then the holy part .forget: , • The bitter tea l rs that thou and I ' ' - May shed,,v4hene'er by anguish bowed," Exhaled into the noontide sky, .. - May me;l3l, , zind mingle in the cloud; . And thug, my Imuch.belorafriend, though Far, far apart Must live and move, Oar'souls, when Gud shall set them free, -- - Can ininglelin the world of tore. +, e ,This were an cstacy to me— - - Say—imuld it be a joy to thee ! ' New HaVeo, coml. / I \ " The three Callers. PefoßK ealleth fondly to a fair boy straying 'Mid golden meadows rich with elover dew; She calls—but he still thought- of nought save playing, And's° slie am Whilst he, still Deems notlthat les and wares him an adieu! erry with is flowery store • orn, sweet morn! returns no NOON COI7h I --. • ing, Heeds not the - fond, One young fair at the boy, to manhood 'gro - . 1 1 time—he sees but' one swee de, in bower of jasmine glo% - And all his lo So Noon aimoti And man forge NIGHT tappeth With tliti thin By which a gray O'er pleasures Night callsl him ; Si lent and dark ing heart With bliss is warm; • ~ seeks the western shore, that Noon returns no more. ntly at a easement gleareing, .fi ,fire-light,iliek'rinly, faint and fowl.; [haired man is sadly dreaiping gone, as ali life's pleasures go; her, and he leaves his door lc and he re 'Ms no more.' • ' farriter .1: ..,giep.tOititt How TO PL.FINT CUOUNIBERS,MELONS, Aid) SQU.S.SRES,I TO AVOID DESTRUCTION: BY DAIR. I —4s . the ost of seed is trifling, says 9.le' American Agriculturist, we . havefor the past ! few.years always succeeded in getting:, g4:611 vines by the following process : Instead of planting,* few seeds in hills at the distance they would ultimately be -required to grow -we have put in! a hitge quantity over the whole ground : so ihat at first .we have, had hundred plants where only one was needed. Sonietimes we ve lad a plant: dome up lon, every -twoinch over the whole bed: .1 As fast as th expanding leafes of the vines interfere with ach other, we ct off the week;; er ones`with a air of shears, so as not to dist., turli the roots of those remaining. The ! ha- - tugs- .are always, materially aimisteill in, the thining process, but we hive never failedl to find twice or thrice 'the needed mambo' , of plantsentirelyontouched. When beyomt the reach of danger from insects, all 'the: sneaker plants are removed ; and a solitars vine lefthere I nd there has been enough tol, .1 `cover the %rho e ground. 1 -Thee24ll" ' !Ira wiat.ll ea t l ldtu ta ch nce be i te, 1 by 'umiak, the vines i each other, -n if two of three .are Ile i together in the same hill, since the Too have more rm to grow , and they find greater amot t of' nourishment when than I 4, isolated. -Th fruit will also be more soli* and 'of / better uali V. ' 1! o • It should a obe remembered that air ?mil light are i else tial to the growth and manri-1 ty of the I fruit ; rand itis better to &sessional cut out a•thi ty plant, than - that the groun be too d4nsel covered:, Just 'vines enong 1 to thittli co er the ground, will pro4uc better thin double this number. ' ! I 4. so -- -c • heating l the Printer I ;.4011:1 . 211 1 1 who would cheat tbe printer irbuldt steal a meeting house and rob a church yard. If he had a soul, ten thousand of its,' - size would haVe more 'room in a mosquito'i i eye than a building in the Pacificoe,eani r He ortgbt to be ;winked at by blind peOple and kicked across logs by ,cripples.---Ann 1 . Harbor:,'fr'oltertne. i Amenl l ! Buel] a being would steal the mol lass out of a, sick- nigger's ginger cake take' from a drunken mans mouth his last chew] of tobacCo, 4alk .at night through the4Tain, to depriiie a blind sheep of its fodder;, travel fifty miles oti ' a fasting stomach to cheat a dying woman out of her -coffin, and steal wai, out of a' dad hog's ears. Such a i mafil ought to pe tied to a sheep's tail and hinted' to death.--Florenoe Inquirer: " i Exactly so ; and that isn't all. - - He Would ! break's sum yors level to get out the alcai' . hol, and his le's - watchfor the mock jewels; bid against widow at her dead , husband'ii' • auction, Iste the shoe strings before . daylight; t and ;rob l'a ' sad zobbler of his ato/..-„r ent .: prance Ba • . '' Yes, thousands of such souls as -that man's, would rattle in a mustard seed, dance contra dances .o'"u te point of a wasp sting, - or 'march abreast tiro gh the eyeof a cambric needle.' 4 solar ucroseope would fail to discover them and w en found they would not fill the amalketicra y in creation.--Hudson Post that ;Lint all: Such a fellow lame gooses nest of the last egg from „a blind kitten, for there that the would tot. 'do. - -up to . a ,brootn stick and scol br manta, and then his be ruide into buttons to, be .breeches of convicts.—/nM?", Yek - .end . ',would rob a steal a 'Atli 'is nothing : l. , should bet' ded to death bones should woiti on the Thiit'i -it 'tact``. itad tha a t a . . ucli, ' :A,. . , FLIC' -EP_littAb. r . , - . . % scoundrel Ivnuld-steil the CI hes from; his r s itu 4 AD ELVITA.MitidCAL 511truS W.-Established 20 tnother's)s: oh 'it- cold night v nil . take I hii rlilossgo y Dr. KlNKELMocirser of Third a pso n . fsmer,i.coffin. to ' hide .0 5 , 4 Lh . . 011,: A intin sts_ , .:bils,_wt.irs Spruce amillae, Philadelphia, r A . - ',lvo.' hirs: are *ponied that lir. ICISKI2LIN confines likeihfri)lllo/t to - hare, the: 'tear i ‘ rly killiiiratlice tar a parMealar brairetrct medicine, which ea i . " -'T - I gogethleuudirlded attention. Ile cautions rho wirihrtuwwle and net . allo*ed tbs*tali—Siziarday az. I =he abuse or Mercury; ' thousands are annually 1- 5 5 , '-r- , i :- L.- - 'CI ' , 1"5.5 - 1 - arisedi►at elite! ltecentaffectioas aro promptly Awo ie 43,,43.0*4_10 t.mere i g o tr o pa - sitistsisned..i 1 .., • • ivelifte.iii ';' thi'proloigno4olliamisellingae it i ' " - , we' Iy 1r ra ef.Experse it ew in the treatment '5. ' 5 5 , --4,0 fa sof &Imams hitherto negl!!!?il "ndimperfeetly un• 4:f ~ q .... , , his . , 1-deom. -' HeTshauld i3 --- 4;l;ninally Ova l s ; . -4).; toilet' whereffiiiperpetluat pun i,shment Wouldhe, to read the tiewipaper riibs pete:#ato4' la riiii irplente.il—S' ! uiday , nsea. . ,I, : , i! . .. , ~ i ~ 'W - -..1, 7 , I ' 01 not attempt. to:. add a . syllebl 1 e, to this vategery oc,Meani things, as *we ,Are not the wort,lS la our •ocabillary,'but :, 're i , freely endorse itkiwkale.- . Our friend Mills, howerer, Who can alWns Pat the finishing i Ftouch to any story or evression, i i 3 says : 'that' , th an would 'l34e li tr of the family_Bible , t i o boil up hisfirfindincither for soap ' grease. .'j-- West 4*.ettri/4 (Pe) :4 1 .rpiess. ~, . ' : 1 i . 1 ' Don't 'talk:about such fellow's sob 's 1 They hare 1 1104 . ' itOrding to:, the , philbsoPhy of some people, at the 'very instant one , person dies, another is born;and the soul crf the one. passes itito the body. of the other. .When such beingsias above.described are thorn, no-: body co:10 bare icor! GiVe us, if Y'Pa please, ordinary robbe,- thi4res . and _cut throats for companions ;'bu 'from such ,4onsumate scoun drels as titer:, 'good- Lord; deli Ter tis.'-- Ws; - tertewn ''ltro i tticte, . I ' . ' Hold on Brothers, we are 'estoaished at your talk abent men and souls of 814 things; they are some of :_Satan's: (Cubs balk° loose from . his .s',titikie, Maje s ty's 'dominion's and are not, aceonntable things among earth's in 4 , ei t t aL habitaitts; tmthing is,toiti'mean for thetn,_they would feed .Und' glut,- theinseivei upon the dead lxidiea`, of their departed --- friends. Xedmha Tr ibune. _ : ' I , - • , , ~.. To the aboye - we hiird ,nothing furl-her tol say, for' there , ',s nothing too mean for 'them 1 to do. ' Th jr' would steal the. oats Nom a blind hc+se and sell them for shoe pegs, pinch the Eagle'f iyrti a half dollar for the, S.4ke of - the feathers,land visit slaughter house s _land' gather 4P, the; hoofs of dead animals' to' Make soup of ii !If there \ arc any such in this country send thCm.tocus, We will spare a half dollar to buy a hempcOrd fo'hang themsel v es With. —Welsbciro AdvertEini,. , • i ' ' , -- -,- -, - lii 4Washington. . For a number of years, Washington was the sonl of America, and by his superwrovis dom andil weightlof character, he:absolutely governed) thirteenl'professedly united, but ac tually diunited, S,t4tes. In this Momentous situatien,l while he carried in his hand the fate of rncre than !three millions of peoPle, he, displtt l i yed l i the aseimishing' resources of hi& mighty ntrnd. At nne and , 'the ; same time he attend to a multiplicitY of great and 1 interesting objectsn, While' he directed the meVement. of all the American forces ai very i'ffereni and very ' distant, points ; he kept n -atchful !eye- - 14ier the motinne, and actions f te.British.army; and all the nut tr.lr ncenvresief! their ':most - , skilful ' and ; famous generals. '' in the Midst a all these 'eightyand selr l ai i ngly , nrerwhel m e.nr ig a ing . cares, and conern, lei, stood aldvice to all , 1 and 'recli i ving - asst , ' in none.' There was not Mati - in. t capable a loek- VIRGINIA. li t .., not man .. ing furl e , or dire u., than himself.! And he et !us retie admiratiori and attonislitn nt; that .t failed'in a sinr , le It instance ,o executii lost .complicated and important :den concerted . the plan of lislOdgin4 v from Beston, and es ute his 1 lle°,' formed :the' scheme flsurpriAq ;. , , _ turing tbe: Hes sians at Trenton al2 , all rooli. ,them , ' by surprise. ; Ile e' , •concealed; Rind carried into secuti .., .. complicated and deeidesiffn f conquering- the whole 3ritish army at ; Yo ktocr it .n. By - , such , masterly strCke of generalship, he stands a rival of a Cyrus nd a Hannibal, in those very 4iiali ties that ha e . rendered- their names immortal.— , Thong there aria,fhave been men . ,in . lAmeri- I ea, wh y talents igere tal to Washi display they never l had an opportunity to display : them. And thoughl there may arise ;wrong us men hereaftek whose talents may equal to Wa. ington's yet they I.Will. never; have, t j a such a oppertunity to display theni., Wash-I r'ngton, therefere, ;Must nccessarily liel the grey , man that `;this .quarter of ',the .globe ever di or ever will produce. It is the gen insl an not the soil of a country, thatirenders it I,llus rious. It is ,the agent', in great revo lutions and" not great revolutions in al nation, that re der it famous .. The mighty ! revoin le tions i Persia, in Greece , in Rotrel, had Icing since T.' ii Jost in oblivion, had i they not boil; ItitTaefied to the mortal names Of Orrus of Aleatider, and the Cmsars. So thevirtus, the, talents, and ; the mighty deeds; of ; ;Wash intonitwjg do' f rnore to lender the Arne4leans fathoue in the annals of histol7, than `all the fruits' Of hie linikhty exertions. If we mean to stand iligh ttrilong the nnatione. of the earth, we 1414 perpetuate the memory Of the found er of Ottr nation. ' . t / .1 M i j infsp..—We hold thatlegislat!on'should maie t nntawftil forparties to marry l ynl4 theyi 'nlproduce from a competent physician, k ce ificate that theY are in perfee and sound; health , Midi are 'not affiyted with any disease; that his been tiansmittnd! to their! !through' ancestry,' 4 w hich they can transinie to off.; spriOg4. of their "own. 114 restriction would' undoubtedly bemore severely felt by the ex-!: isting * - .)pulation of ;our country; than one would fat first suppose ;1 bi4t the result, in one or twP,generations, would; be the plait mag ffificeUtand important' that - the 1 wdrld his 1.):1 t ever seett, l find we should grow u a nation of people stalwart in fiiiind and -igbrobs in heal i such as has_not been existe tsince ihe days\ thepatriarchi. ' Aimie.p yo ing men and w men would not every year fa ling like 1, 1 dkad 1 yea in the, blast—te rav of con suMptiOnthat stealthy destroye of life, tak ing neatly i bne quarter of i the pl as i c lation of I t pur ci would :be aged; di of the best ses would nb 'longer int . :, - the blood of inn, ent children, and posteri L `to all fu ture a ' 'l_ciuld - bless tikelorigin. tors of so wise a d. beneficent law. ' N. Y. Atlas. . „ f Moiiisal—Round the idea of • e's mother the mind - Of a man clings iwith foidlaffection. lis the first deep thought s ..ped .upon our infant harts, when. soft and ca pable of receiving l the most profound imp i , -:, i ons,. and all the, after feelings of the world ar more or less li ght I, in that comparison. do ' not know ithat i even in our old age we 'do not look, hack to that feeling as 'the -weetest we hay a through life. Our passi.. an our wilfultiesslmay lead us'far from' t • e object of Our filial lave ; we learn [even , . - pain her heartja op her ;wishes, t violate her • commands ; we May become wild headstrong, a 17se nd angry a her counseli or 0P..-:tiati,; hut' - when !death haS stilled her. monitory' i,oice,: and nothing but, calin memory .1 remains to recapitulate- her \virtues land I good, deeds, affection like a floweri beaten to the ground by a past; storm, raises !up her head and smiles,' among het tearsi 1 Round" that idea, as we . !have said, the mind clings with fond affection ; and even" when !the earli e r, period 1 of our! loss; forces me',nit° be silent, fancy ; takes the plsce'of ou dead parent ;Frith a garland of graces ? an bduties t , and . 1 , virtues, rit. we dOubt not that She p0.45t..-. ant's. —Jamt.s. , 1 .. 1 1 . \ , hasisabledlie r KAN liELlN,(Aornoir or • woad on S a tgr- Pass.enWasson,)to prove that nine tenths of she causes of nenbus debility,locat rind constitutional week g.l nertit, enlist and physical su ff ering, are triceable to un tainha3l ta,fohning theAnost secret yet deadly and fatal Orin Oda:nestle misery andpreinaturemartallty. - ,' 'Take Pnetic War Notice—Thereis an evilhibit sometlinesludialmrd in b e y boys, in aptitude, often growing ;4 wit them to matibpod,and which, if not reformed, In due t is e , not only begen serious obstacles to matrimonial happinllbbbeecs,bizigives rise to limier; of protracted.lnsidieus, and derastating affections. - Yew of those who give way to this pCrnicionts practice are aware of the consequences, I nntlithey Ilndthe neribusaystem Ihattered, feel strange 1 and u naccountable feline, and *ague fears in th e mind.; . • The Unfortunate Lb affected and feeble, to unable telahorWith neenstorn d vigor, Or . apply his mind to study4his 'tents tardy and weak, is dull, irresolute, and e age* la :his sport with tenet' igy than usual. If he emancipate Woolf before th practice has done Its 1,,. .• worst , tid enter mattispony. his marriage le unfguittul.and 1 Wenn tells him thatlida is caused by . his early follies. There . econriderolions which shetadatooken 11Na:ten:Ian qf thosgsimilittl, situated . " iquirrititte reguins the . fulfilment otaineralconcff tions in orderithat it tier be really the cause of mutual happiness. Crania this veil which coven the origin of do. Mystic reetchildnees be raised, and Its true source in every Masan diackned--in how many ;could It, be traced to Phys- - kaidislinstilicialorts raid their attetulant disappointments! Apply them while It Is ysai time; in order to have your no. strung and rela xed e organization reduced , revivified and strengthened.. . , I It En 111[11F4111-41e - who places himself under Dr. KIN ITLI N't3treetromit may religiously.. confide in his hon or as pzitleosan, and rely upon the aasuranee, that the secret . of pr. ". Pat Pint. will never be disclosed. young man—let nofalse modesty deter you from mak ing, your easekerswn tol ene - who,from education anti reaper:. tnbillty,canedrialnly , litefriend you: Too teeny think' they will renewal the , secret in their own beads, and onto, themselves. .Alas! how often Is this a fatal delusion,and bow many a promising young man, ntoa might have been an ornament to' society • has faded from the ear th.ll • ' • - • ' Strictures of the tirpthra are rapidly removed-by the application of a nevrtherapeutical agent, used only by Dr. h%l Weakness arid constitutional debility, promptly enred,tind lull vigor] restored. '• • . `,Mut r ' Its -- -1 Idn Can hart . (by - stating their' , oilut a*: [flint- _ casie caplicitly, together wllh all t heir syttiptoms, per let.. ter lenclosin.s A remittlinte) Dr.; K'sr. medicine, appropriA•- ted accordingly. i • Forwarded to any partof the United States, and packed srcure curloslTY. • - • , - READ 1!---,YOnth and Manhood... At VigoioutLiji. or a Prentatur Death, Kinkelin on Self - presereistion--.001.Y 25 CeMl. It is iSt work,emiriently required, as a means of roform; ing.th l vices of the age in which we live.• Also, • • t NATURE'S GUIDE. . With rides for l the Preihsnation or Li f e ;J o st fro m the Press A letter with a remittal s or 25 cents, or the value in post itempe, addressed toZ-Dr. KINK RUN, Philadelphia, Pa. will secure a copy of either of the aboto books by .retain Of Mali; or 12tcopies will be sent free of postage for sl.• r i ltooksellers, Canyessers,"Pravelling Agents, Ice , supplied wholeiale at the publisher's prices, which admit • lof a large profit. Cfr All Leiters moil be po4t-'poid.' -13y1• • \ • 1 • ..' 2' \ Anstritlia - California Or any on the Globe; cannot present greater • ' intlucenents. than .IKEELER 4- STODDARD' S HOOT AND SHOE STORE. WEI Ibtil is noW filled !with a new and exten-' sine essortnient of ‘ articlis in theii,line, embraCing a 4 gerieral- variety of new and elegant styles of Ladies and 1 Gentlemen's wear, among, which are Ladies French, Silk Lasting and Pre-' 'nine Gaiters; Kid and Enameled. Polkas, Kid Pat ent leather and pronzed. Jenny Linds, - : Basking and Ties; gentlerrieu s French and Philadelphia oak-tanned.ealf skin and tip Boots, congress and bnitton Gaiters. Monterey and Washington Boots, toilet SNOB, iMor4cco, cal r. and 'Cowhide \ Bro gans, 41 - c. Boys,kip, calf and cowhide Bootqand . Brogans; all,kindi of 'Misses and Children's Wear. Also. a general assortment' of Findings, which con sist kid: part Ur lasts, pegs, sparables. Hungarian threii.sl, wax, Bustles, shoe binding, awls, raaps,;sandatones, shoe knives, &c. Also, oak and hemlock tanned calf, npper and soleleath er, Morocco 'akina and linings. ' Work mad.' , Warder and repairing neatly done. [KEELER S. STO DD4R D. • Montrose, June 11.1853. SUSW..IOIANNA .fOENTY wrovz - iimi TIN WARE DEPOT. L. WEBS ER. if CO. would respectfully 'LI.. 'inform ;the people of this county and the people f n general; that ,they have opened an estab lishment of tlte , at olie kind in Montrose, at the old stand df Sayre aid Webster, one door north of „the,Defrturat aide, where they intend to keep on hand a, lage assiwkruent'of stoves Tin; Cop p er, Brass and sheet lion Wares, all of which they will sell as I:heap as they can be bought iu this or any other c:iiaity. Arpong our stoves may be found the followiUg besides ethers too numerous to mention; IN. Y.'4- Erie, air-tiglit, for wood. .. 'Modern 7,roy, " " or coal. Keystone state ", 44 Vuicaa 1 • ", • " 14 fl Bay !Stale? Ai oro! Queen, elevated Oren. Mohawk, I ‘‘ • • Also,_parloriPlEo and shop Stoves, Culver's Pat ent Hot-air Pura:oes for heating Public Buildings, stores, , Hotele. etc. Stoie Trimming, Pipe, Ziuc, sheet tead, 'Lead.iPipe,, Well and Cistern Pumps, Chain himpS,Chiins and Gearing. kinds oil Custom Work done-on short no lice an most reasonable terms. Our-motto is small profits; ready pay,[ and quick returns. kirto oft Produce at ken in exchange tor blared. if yon dqu't believe it, call and see. A. L: WEBSTER & CO. Montrose Sept. g 5, 1853. ' • ' r/ANC One third cheaper than White Lead, andfreefram . I all poisonous qualities. • TeltEw tirtsEY ZINC CDHPANT having greatly enlarged their Works, andimrroved the quality of their products, are prepiti44.l to execute orders for their . Superi or Paints. Dty aniC,ground in oil, in assorted packages of from 25 to 500, pounds ; also, lry In barrels, of 200 pounds each. Their White Zint,i Which is sold dry or ground In oil, is warranted pure andi unsurpassed for body and uniform whitener!. • - A mOthod &preparation hu recently: been discovered, which enables the Company to warrant their,paintato keep fresh and tort In Abe keys for any reasonable time. In thti relipeertheir paints will be - superior to my other in the Market. t Their brown Zinc taint; which Is sold at a low prlce,and can only be Made frpm the Zinc oresfrom New Jersey. is now well known forilts proteetive qualities when applied. - to ironior other metallic surfices. Their stone, color= Paint porstles all the properties of the Drown, and Is of, an.arredabl col- fur painting Cot s, pepoti, gut-buildings, BridgeS, Dealers supplied On liberal terms by their Agents, f • I. SITENCII RICIIARDS. Wholesale - Paint Dealers and ~lamorters, N. . G i arnei.aflldth 4. Market Si,., Philadelpha. I As mO.- . Valuable Farm foe Sale. E subscriber off4s for sale his valuable, fiirm Gibson township, Susquehanna county, Pa: ejontaining 157 acres, situated in the Eastern patt of taid town, half of a mile from the TunkhannocliCieek, - and'l2 1.2 miles from Sus. quehanna tlepot, on the Isl. Y. & E. Railroad. - On said 'farm :IS a framed house, 3 Barns, . a horsc!shedi corn , :house, a young orchard of over 100 frees, and-it: Well watered. " " - He; offers to WI for 10 per s cent. less than the real value.; • Tiusts.—' 7 Tlivci thirds of the purchase money cnslr down; aridiaalance secured by niorteare. i WILLIAM TAYLOR. Gibson;' ; i; ;,; Carpets, Carpets, Carpets. ; Mat louder:lined Ims now on hand re.sily for his Cns. .1. eopers,♦.werycextenslye ss.sortmen t of Cariets, Druhets, Oil' Cloths, Rugs, Mat . tilys, Tinclpto Sh&lsay Stair Rods, de. •:1 which .he rah offer to the Ladies of Montrose and`vielnity, at priers lowert i hatt over. • Idgrala ffarpee . - from2s. to Its. per yard: ' • 0.• Ste C4et, ~" Is. to 6T. , Telysi-Tsfesitri " 121 - upwards. Brim o dst -, 9,.. Aubtmsan, j I. 1" - Ts. " And other: GOodS atproportionstoly low - priees Do sot fail to call before purchasing elsewhere, at "QUICK Lahti £550 SPILLS. 1.,80,1111" Salty motto. , Remember 11* nimbi:lll e and cut this out and put it:in sour pocket4w6k. • • • i' Pno ; “Somettlinro coupe done as well • I- otbere.” HE enbetrlber hating rented the Chair T lifanufactory of A. W. Greenwood,i a Harford, a Prepared to manufact sire i• ALI: FINDS OF CM ikS, • at reduced pr ic es, of good materials, and in a su perior style (q . Workmanship. I keep constantly on hind, orWillManufacture to order, Boston ROck (imirred style,) all kinds of Pandy and .IVindsor Chairs, .11Fr'Seals ..Setteei, cfc. &c. * tri . l Alt work Warranted o give satisfaction for five years.' • ' Merphantable Prodoce will he taken in es change for' wo:ki, but NO CREDIT ! . I JAMES JOHNSTON. 1114:ford, Dec 4°, 1c.53 ly I - •1 • - Neves i hives Stoes!: x , . 41[ 4-i t E Sere tin& TelloW reminds nds ub hat the fast approneb of the keen Frost's of Old Prey Winter, when one of these unaur. passable and highly, approved Stoves 'from - the most eitensive Hanufnetones in the 'Union, Messrs. Shear & Pnekard; become indispensable to every family. Wewould respectfully announqii to the citizens cif Susqnehanna. and adjoining countieslttuat we bnve just received nod are rd. ceivilig the largest *Odle's!, assortment of Stoves ever introduced intOastern Pennsylvania, which will be sold at tha very lowest cash kure.. To those who are in Want of, Stoves they will find it to their interest to nail and examine our variqy before purchnsineeisewhere. They comprise m part as United States, - Orient Eastern veneti a n, do Fire Clipper Ei 0., I Fancy do . National Ain.Tight O. Irving do Aforntng Star, L , L , Cottage, do Farmers' Air-Ti ght, tic., 4 • Tho Stoked are too well known to re quire any minute 'doseription, being the merit popular and apprOved Stove in market. All whb . may fruit us with a, call ;will be shown' through our `assortment with pleasure. "Recollect the number Es far famed "One Price Stem?' Harford, Pa., Sept., 1853.-35 (FORMERLY " LUSE LIOUSE;')GREAT BEND, Pa 4 !ftuE sitbscriber ! iluivingiented this well known house, and re-fitted and re-furnished in good style, is bow prepared to. receive and entertain guests. irrhis house is delightfully sheeted on the bank's of the Suaquehanna river, oli the line ;of the . Ntiw York , and Erie, and the -Delsware ,i - Lackawanna and Wistern ailroads; Overlooking a Inost beautiful section I . of country, and is the panorraiof Scenery uneqnalled anywhere. - I As -A sustaisn R.Esonf .tor the business man seeklokquiet and.. freedcim from the' noisearid diit of city life, and'for !idles and gentlemen in piirsuit of pleasure amid the rural scenery of the country; this location cannot be equalled. Here the wears' traveller is secure from the confusion incident - to the continual iarrival and departure . Of trains,which, especially in the night time is ;a very great annoy ante to tbose stopping tit houses very near the Depoi. His ROOMS are new, pleasant and well furnish ed; his l'able with nit the delicacies which both country and' city Markets atiOrd ; and no pains will be sPared to make his house a pleasant home to all his g,nists. 1, WOuEsrs ccinveyed to and froth the cars, at any hour dair or night, inn good Omnibus free of charge.. . or A LTVERY'.., STABLY. is attached to the House. • • • ' , Bryant House' Great Bend Depot, pa. , , TM new and spacious bui:din,g, situated but a few feet from the Depot at Great' Bend, now opened and futtisbCd in tv suitable style for aPublie Bonse, and will be kept open at all hours, (lioth 'day unit night,) for the, reception of travellere; and esMl.Ciallylor the accommodation of passengers trarcilling on the N. Y. dr. Erie & L & W.;Railroads i being at the junction of these two reedit, and the Most convenient point to step in andlake refreshmenWand bo off with the first train, is well as the most convenient house to ae comtnodate the public, it Is NEW 'CLEAN and WHOLESOMEI with rooms enough to - accoml tnodate att., being fitted :up with new fnmiture to correspond, and 4tbles:! always set, with 'wanit MEJUS, and 'natures futnikhed at a moments warning Panengers;deairing rest and sleep, can, by calling here, avoid the inconvenience of taking an omnibus to find in inn, as well 'as the at and uncertainty of i;eturning ,to the depot at the arrival or, departureia the trains ; as a porter will be in waiting to conduct them with their bs E r g s r ,; ? to the Bryant llou4„ "just across the way," and conduct them back sigain' without fee or reward, taking, special care to Wake them if desired at any hour:of the night. ,The location of the Bryant House, with the natural sCenery aboht it combine to make it a very desirable SUMMER RESORT for busine# men and 'others in !the city who may wish' to "cast off 'care" for a few;dnys to • recruit in the country: n A Large arch; Cammndioui Hall is: attached to this i:uilditig, for the convenience of pleas u re PAariti, who may 'always find good aecoaimodations heirs, without regard to numbers with, warm stables for their "teams, and; reliable help to Wait upon. them . far For furtheri particulars inquire at thb Bryant House of thit proprietor. our attention is 'urgently invited to, a careful Y and candid tiernsai of something that has juit been introduced intii:your 'rich and tithe, honored State. •i - Puke-mocker's Hick° Electric Voltaic Chains.: A -• neW, and novel tnodu:cif.applying a ,powerflif retnedial . agent, so constructed as to be!wort under the garments, next to the Skin producing a constant uninterrupted entreat, of •Ellectro Magnetism,effect ing iinmediatelrelief from the most acute pain, and alsda permanent cute of all Nerfous Diseases. ft seldom has failed to ifarnish almost instant relief, and'a final, permanejit cute, by being Used accord ing to directions, to the following diseases.—Rheu matism, !Gent; Sciatica, Paralysis, Painful and Swelled Joints. Neuralgia of the face, iDiseases Of the Spinet, Deafness and Diininess, Uterine Paint), Palpitation of the Mart, Periodical Headache, Si. Vitui Dance, Generdi Debility, Pains of the .Chesty Hysterice, Dyspepsia, all Aseasei that! are caused hp 4j deficient amount of Nervous Fluid ate greatly relieved,if not perddinently cured by simply west ing the chains a few4touta each day. .1 • , Be. it understood that it is not clamed that it cures all:diseases, but only those fot which it is red. eminended ; and moreover we boldly claim and dei fy that tio medicinal Ova of any kind hasperforni ed so MANY cures during the last year, of thole diseasesjust named its' iPidrerma4e . est' Electric Chdtn. And to prove this asii - erticin, we defy any person to Produce so many well authenticated Certificates Of scientific Physiciane!and intelligent patients a, may be found in e pamphlet of 36 pages, to belied (gra lis)ot the agent iu this town. The ElA.tric Chains Were, first introduced in France in ISM), and after being subjected to the mist thorough antbigid trial, • by the first medical Men in Paris, they, were found to p ossess strange an i d marvellous power /for . roliev- ; ngpain; wherever , applied, and by their influefice were introduced into the-hospitals of that city.. aid alsd secured letters patent by the French Govern 'meet. They.are nth!' introduced into almost every Hospital in England;, Germany, Austrit Belgium, and patented in choir) countries, wherelthey bare bechme the most - Porgar Curecire Agent in. the World. They: werefirst introduced into the U. States a bout one year sincei'! and , went through the satire trial asin Europe, and Were at,ouce introduced it. to eve: Y•Hospital ittN: York, where they ere nom in daily use, effecting even more wonderful corps than had ever before been awarded them ; Th 4 'lre highly recommended by Prof. Valentine Mott, •Vait Boren, Post and others, who have published [their views of their power and. value in' several of the-medical journal, irithat city; and are also in the daily practice of recommending their use to ph tients. A full account Of their opinion may also be found in every pamPhlet, and sent to the address-of every pinion in the; State by 'applying (post paid) ;to ABBL TCRREI,L, Agent, Montrose, Pa. - The Chains can be sently Mail, with full descriptions fOr: 1218 ; Price of Chain', $3 and $6. Physicians are politely invited to call and exam.' ine their, construction, and pronouns* upon their merits. °Pit womb io!lstv.suds, no person need fear that they *Mica 'accomplish juit'what it is claiined they can do. N. EL One Chaiti wittiest for years and lose mine of its electric power by use, and can be apPlied'ito either adult or crld- 1 • ; Astr.Tuaan. , Agedt, Montrose, Pa- Jos. Sretsteari General Agent, 568, Broadway, Nelw York. ; 1 OYI• • If. GILLItS PIZ; 111 Bowery, New•Tork CARPENTER'S HOTEL. N. V. CARPENTER. Great Rena, Juni3; l 27tii, 1853-260: ADDISON BRYANT. .• Feb. 1853-7tf. Inivalids. of Pipnnsylvania, • 'NEW GOOD. • , 1 OUR assortmeanow comprises almost every article wanted, rind we fear some that -- ariniit wanted, which Iwo will sell at cost And ,some articles at :leas' than- cost on 'that Gahm -.account. 1 U. BURROWS & 'Gibson Oct. 281 1853. Buiitalo Robes. A Large lot'ot thrn choke whole Robei at LI-a vefv await advance on tho emst. Chinon ; Nuv. 4 U BURROWS 64. Co. L___ r: • l' ~ . THE , MARRIAGE STATE'.' , 1 ! Me g Ustfurtaese wad, iiak f, h, or, •Nters-if wed ; 1 tfeinattel, alined U MOST STARTUNO CONSIDERATIONS I , ~ , • t , . Reflections fot the-Thoughtful. ' 1,, , , 1 Strange that countleu human beings exist and jdrag ; through lifo as ita the ;beasts Of the field, or the insects of ttio earth, evitiping u 4 more thought r or reflection than though the poblo ficuitiea of mind :were not vouchsafed to, them.; I' l i Many such are husbands and fatbure,lnpon whom Ure dependent the health, tti well-being, and the happiness of a confidin and ffectlonato wife, with parh-ps a flintily of children. ; 1 c , , UOW OFTEN IT HAFP NS THAT TOE ' I WIFE LINGERS IrRON TEARTO YEAR r , 4 in that, pitiitble condition as t oven f ono day to feel the happy and exbilcrat og inflect:me Incident to the enjoyment of health. • , \ ; . She may, not be an invalid Confined to her bed , Or even to her room ;'as hcr; pride, ambition and energy trance and nerve her' to ;take persona/ harge of her household, even when her health will Dot admit of it; but she is nevertheless perceptibly sinking from day to day, and always ailing. ! This dayafter day, and,month after month trio ipire.l lierihealtli daily sinks', till finally oven the 'bops 6f recovery no longer remains. ;And thus i 1 3 THE BLOOM 0 BRIDE, i i 1 ' ' 1 , But • a tow years ago In the flush al health and -youth, and buoyancy of spirit . r apidly,-and appa rently inexplicably, becomes a feeble, sickly, da %Whited wife, with frame cmitelated, nerves un 'strung, spirits depressed, Countenance bearing the :impress of suffering, and I us' .after physical and lingual prostration. • ; ; . . So etimes this - deplorable change may and Jou 'arise from %Organic or constitutional causes. Hut i: lotto r, byi far oftener, to gross and inexcusable ' lignomtme of the simplest and plainest rules of Await as connected with ;the Marriage state, the Iviola ion of which entails d ease, suffering and guise ~n ot only to the Wif-L, b ~ t often I ereditary Complaints a n the Children J. UNTO, TILE ThIRD AND IFO CTII tFEI , IEE.ATION," :t'ransmitti'ng CONSU3IFTION, SCROFULA. s NYPOCIIONDRIA, INSANITY. GOUT, 3 KING'S • EVIL,,, atthd other diseases, 1 I as Is ' : • DREADFUL ,INH RITANCE ; from the Pa eats: , 1 And must -gas vontinue i ,1 ...bail wo be wino in , ,all that concerns the cattlelof Our fields, our horses, i lour beep, our cows, ;our oxen, the nature and :char eter of the soil we possess, the _texture and iquali y of our goods and mcrchapilse ; but in all that i leoncrs ourselves as human oings, with humati ;ifunct ons and passions, subjca to great derange .tdcnt involving our future 'peace and happiness— Ifin al that eoqcerns the health and; welfare el the ' !wifef our•affections, antithel mother of our chil dren In all , that concerns ;the mental and physical well being of thoso children,' we should bo ha sl) 'pier din the darkest and most! ; i B NIGHTED 10110RANCE r 1 I las 1 CULPABLE AS INE CUSABLE ! Ho, long shall this ignorance prevail so produc tive Of its bitter fruits ; 1 \ How long :shall the. wife and t ther bc ignorant of the 9 tune, character and muse ,3 f the various womb an skxual complaints 'embi cring • her days by stifle ng—suffering often i t. prolo ged to years, eventuating u &complication of "theeis utterly and h:opelosel incurable I Shall we f r ever close our eyes to t results of physic"- logi I science by which' we ay, arrive at an hudeutanding of ourselves men and women, 'abject to serious life-long en ring diseases, an d jperpetnating thelto•our child . LET inn WIFE AND SAND PONDER! etpr i • 1 , N husband or wife nerd ti ignorant ..of what 'cone theta most fo know r muse Oar health Muleajo'iness. That 'mottled eis consumed is a ;dile A: entitled r I . TIIErBIARRIED l 'i'elitysN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL ;!COMPANION, BY DR. A. M. Si.tURICE.AU, raorrason OF DISEASESO OF WOMEN. • 'felmirerlik Edition., ` pr e° , rp,1950., Price 60 Culls. 'CON FINE PAPER. EXTRA BINDING, $1 00.1 First published in tel. 11; (and it Is not ; I , SURPRISING OR WONOERFLIC.. Iderlng that EVERY FE MA L 19, tether ,lIIARIIIED OR,INOT. can here equate a ;all knowledge of the Ara. • tare. character and mimes of -her 1 complaints, with the Various 1 arviptaras, tout that nearly' RALF A mlLLlcoir coo3Es iboura nave tOttlll BUM II IS nnintotteania to eon ,rey fully the various subjects ,treated of, as they Oro off[ a nature strictly intended for the married. to' thole contemplating,maniagel. • IUPVIZROS OF ONE uustonED‘ TIIOI7. , 1 SAND cOPIO,s Hasa en SENT BY MA/I. 'Within the last tow toont,las. , ' 1 ' 1 I. THE E i 0 171'10N TO ICE i PUI3LIO. , As i \IIE NOT r,irß../tf l DED • . I Bay, no hdok unless Dr. A.- M. Maurieeau, 129 gberty Street, N. Y., is on the ;title page, and the tat in the Clerk's Office on, the back of the title page Iv and boy only of respectable 'and honorable deal4i, or send by , mail, and address to Dr. A. 14) Mamiceau, as there are sporioos and surreptitious Infringements . of copyright. I = l _ *B Upon +receipt of, One Do "THE MAR. RIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE I DICAL COM. Amply , is sent (mulled frre)l o any p art of a le Tail States, the, Canadas , and ,B dust,. Provinces. All Letters must be post-paid ; I I and addressed to Dr. A. M. NIAURICEAU, Bo 1224, New. York Bolt City. Publishing Office No. 129 Liberti Street, tfew•York. ' , , I 40P. ALE nr—T. B. Pete ll raon, Phi!ad,; Aril. Cynthia Williams, Honesdale VI Blanch & I Urup, Harrisburg; I'. S. Noeth, Lebrlnon; N z DeWitt, Milford"; J N'Ensminger,Manheith ; Spangler & Brtj, itmcaster; II W Smitll, liuutingdon ; S MePon.4ld, Uniontown ; J M Baulk!, New Berlin; H\ A Lantz. It-ending; RP Croker v ilrownsville;, We l ntz & Stack, Carbondale; Eldred & Wright, Wilikunsport; S. nick, witkeibarre; G: %V. Ea le, Waynesboro ';; Potter & Ikicllan, Belle fon e; IG 3ferill, Warren; Robert Croky, Mer cer; & Leader, Hanover; R. li' . Curnming,rs,Som: erset; The.; Coatpertliait, Philiul; I. B. Gunni. so' Erie; S. B. Latiffer, Grensbnr,r , ; B;Hall, PR ston; E. S. Durban, Franklin i Dr 5 - D Scott, Be ford; E. Ililland;lndiana; 4 J McNally, Mil ford; JL W. Kidney. Brownsville; G M MeGet tys, /toiler; J. S. Niekson, Climbersburg ; F D Sewer,',Norristoivn ; E Benner l i Shmneytown •, H Mitchell, Pittsburg? G %V Geikis, Butler; Jos Swprti i Bloomsburg; P S Dechert & Co. Cham ber=bnl g. !I ' 2m6 7 1 it t k ! 1 I,FITS !FITS!,! FITS.!! ! ITapVEGET:ABLE EXTRACT, RRILEPTIC PILL'. For of Fits, Spasms 1, - Clr2utps, and all i XerCous and * Constitutifoigl, Diseases. - DERSIN who are laboring under the ffistressing malady J. *ill, nd the VEGET 141. E EPIL E PTIC PILLS to be the only emedy :ever discovered forcuring Epilepsy, or Fatting Fits. ' .., These Pills possess a .sppcifle a etiotl , oit the nerwisnesys steni,4 atid,althouxli they are' prepar cC especially for, the parpositifenrin; Fite, they willbe fotlnd of especial benefit, for 'All persona afflicted with weak Up:rye...or whnsener- 1 , vonirsystem has been piostrated oil iitittteredfronr any till:4C whatever. In chronic complaints, or diseases of long standink, itupwrilduced by nereortsn siii, they oz.:exceed: inxl7 beneficial. , ' ~. ' Pries 183 per bps , weir° boxes fn t 5. Perions raja the . ityl,lencloslnx a remittanee, wlil l hare the Mt sent their through the ' mall.' free of postage, . For male yb sEvi eJ ItANcil, ,?co• 108 Baltimorr street, Baltimore, Md., to Whom' orders ' front all parts of the Union, matt be addrresed.pnsi p.al 4 . ' 1 l'. , __, ERESII XIIIi.POATATION. TU received another I'mp l orta3ion of those eij splendid Full' Jeweled Detached Lever and Horizhntal Watches with secrids and hard en -24110 Dials.' double bottori►el In open cases,all of which are Warranted and received direct from SWitzerland. The few subjoined prices will at on ci mint out to thel,publie where and how an , , • , punt. ous per ventage can, , be saved. 1 Do ble bottom 13 leweled34ever Watches as abov , 'in elegant silver cases frokslo. Same movetnents in - Hunting eases froth 812. Hod. zonta 'Double bottoined 4 holes Jeweled open face arid secofids from 88,75,J the same move ment xp elegant huntingcases mirth sunk seconds fret"9,so. All of which havhard enammelled Dials Gold Diamond pointed Pens With pencil and silver extension holders, magazine, for leads ite: from $l,OO. Gbld Diemen(' pointed pen bladea, from 59c. Jewelry tee. &C. equally cheap. A igood , assortment of ezeolrent second hand Watches, eminent makers, in Oat rate going con. dition,iwill be sold decidedly !Orlin.. cash. Best Frineh Lunett Watch Crystals', i9c. Watch re. pairi jz as -usti.a. ;‘,.,' NI B. Watch 'Chains and Keys.gratis to Pur chime '. 11' '. • Hours of business froth 7 A..k. to 7 P. ' ' • 4 ~ • , .1. A. STGLETON, — i H .` ~ - Watch maker, and. Importer. , * /keg. 10, 113,53-16tt - f t . J ! Flue Frezicht. TUT:001. Lcoig.StoOvis aV84.25. I Gibson' Nov.U BURROWS & Co. ;TAILORING. - T t', l % ll u o b ri a n e , :,t t e iu r ,ii - i t le o s n a tt i n n u t e til! h o s , rra r zei - , , e n s, o, ti o t thi, stand lately occupied by . Lines & Reynolds over ;Hawley's & Bfott'a store, ' i vhere ho rill at. tend Ito all calls in :his profession, in a prompt and Satisfactory manner: ' - • P 4, REYNOLDS. Alontroe, Sprit 15, 1854.--11'4' fi 11 I Neuf . York Fire Insurance Co. o . ffice, 9 Wall Street. \- AitirriL, Oash lad ApprOred SetarilleS) O • Iniures against Loss cte . or Dama ire , 1/..:l3lebblus, 113 growl' stre4; Peter C. Baker, 1 spruce street; Oirard Nazicker, 11$ Brouldwai; Thomas Andrewa,l3o" Cedar street; Samuel' Eduth Ilaya, s'3 Wert Street; Albert L. Catskills, 810 0 reenwicb streat ;James Crosby, 113 Broadway ; flhartes Le n t, Kingshrldge, N. Y.;_ Lambert C. Hal t Chica g o. I Smith Hobble; Wra. W. Leland; New York; Pater Notch, 139 Bajtk street; Fouts S. Bell, ear. West aid Welt eireeta,i;lohn L. been, TS Water street ; Yeti Wart,llBUroadway ; floritio N. Gallop, cor. Wert and Barrow streets; Peter H. Poster. 'Or. ansvoort sod Wet; Iteuben Noss; ?r., 45 Eighth Avenue litepher. Cromwell; Camden; N. J;• AIM* Wailleigh, Philadelphia; Dexterlt, rlt tau , 49. Wei er street; Samuel Sloclalr,Tribtsua Bu lid.- op; Sautueitt:Zhawy,Clerclatid, Ohio ROYAL OILAMBEIILI N ,!Pres 0 ['ARLES'L CLA 0, Setey. CU4RLES Ll3Rourxdigeqt. Monirose,Sept.6, NEVI YORK \ ADVERTISEMENT; :From th4,Nezokpaper tldrerlising Agelitqf S. .11:r. PETTENGILL 4. CO.I 122 Nassa*St.,.Nl-York, 4. 10 Slate . . The Cheat Piano ana Music F.stabliehment.'. HORACE INITATERS, • - ~ 333 BIROA41117.& - Y 9 NEW Y0,11.,H. TIE best sAd most Improved Pianos and .Melodeons.— '1 4 .. Gi 'AVIS? &, Co.'s World's Fair ' Premlinn Pianos, With orwitbout the iltileanould with iron frames and cir cular scales. lba merit of these Instruments IS too well known Icineediftwther commendation. Cilbert's BOadoir Pianos, an elegant instrument forsioall rooms. q ltiailet & Cutuston's Planoi, of thew:4d; established firm of Ilallat & Co. Mr. W. biting EC! e agent. for all the above Phineis, eau offer them lowtir than any other house: Morton. Waters' Piano", manufactured expressly 'fir hita, having _ great power of tone Rad elasticity of touch.. MS" Broidway.: Is the largest depot forMastect Instrument,' in this country, affording an opportunity thr selections not to titi'had else- where. 13eoothl•hand Pjlilo4 at greet .bargalqi. Prides from $6O to WS. Every:instrument fully war anted or the rooneyrefUnded. • • . - MELODEONS. • GoQman d Balthei4 Patent Organ Melodeons,. It - • . , ithywo 'sages of keys-a sweet and powerfal litstru me at. Price from ST. to $2OO. S. U. 'dc U. Wl \ Smith's celebrated Melpdeons,Martin's uoilvalleddultars.Brown's Harps, Plutiuss. Violias,•ltrass h'struments. Zoe., ac•— Dealers supplied wttb Pianos and Melodeons et factory prices. 12 4 per cent discount to Clergymen. I I 11.: , This list comprises the products of the great Mestere of both t he Ameeicau and European contluents,and is recely- I g . ronst ant additions_ hy.an ex•eniire publication of the . choice and popiuler pieces of the day. -Dealers in Uncle, and Teachers of Seminaries *shine to purchase any inutile published: or Make arrangements far couth veil supplies of Mr. Waters' newissoes. will find it to their interest to forward their ordert. Mosicsent toany part of the :Union or Canada'', Postage free.; ' • HORACE, wArnits. 14m3. • - I - SHOP. HE nudaraimied have es;ahhah ed. a' sh PI. ~.....A . ..._ i lik. _._ _..qp ru ;ore opposite Searle sTiotel i , entio - Se Pa 1. the basement of Mr. Sayr 'aStorOn non. . 4 i;) . tree.; where-they will at all times keep (on hand I - Dr - . C.: C.. Eli i liVit. DS, 1. . FOR raw( and nonfarm MAam.c., and manufacture riniriiciaii and Surt.r..On,, Harr rd, Pa. I Office the same into Mottutnents, Tomb-atonal, Table. , 2 doors below Enton's - Store: --. ' - 1. tops, &c., &o.: s . , I 11.7 . The patronage of the public tsres i pect folly solicited. ' GONG-DON & 13PVIER Montrose Auz.25,1853—tf: , ' ~ f To the Citizens of , Susquehanna • . I ! Cennty. , at BENNETT would ,respectftilly, call the ‘.l' • attention of all miming in Susquehanna County and Vicinity to their largo and well selected stock of Dry Goods and Garpetawhich consist of all the fashionable and seasonable Goods now in *Noe, - Goods, suited Oath for The grave and 'the hay.'and in fact all of the different styles of goodi which can be called for or thought of. IWe rede termined not to;be undersold, and if you wilt' be so kind as to tatur us with a. call we wilLmate our Word good. Our stock of — Dresa Goods. consists in part or . Black; Brocade, Plaid, Stripe, Changeable, and Lining, Fig.and Plain Wool Detainee; Fig. and Plain 'Cotton do., Afpnecae. Pitriimatta,lil. de Bate,. Plaid Linseys,Colored rack Flannels, Calicoes &a. N UAW 1.44,—0f which- we hare an endless variety- Cashmere Shoals from $7 to $5O, Bay State, Long and Square. do., Fig. and Plain Tidbit, he. &e. Whilst! , Goods—P(3ln, Plaid and Stripe Jaconet Martins, Birdsßye and lldssia Diaper, Irish ,Linen, Table Linea,:, LinetiOffotton, Worsted, and Embossed Spreads, Swiss and India Book Muslims, Victoria and Bishops Lawns. , Linen , Cambric, •Lrtien Cambric flak's, French Worked Collar's and Under ' lldk's. Muslin Drapery. Linen and - Carton Sheeting and Ehirflusg, Meath. and Brown, Jes,loara Diaper, ac.. &e., ; • Gents-Department--Cansisis of Black and Fan cy Broadcloths, Cassimetes; Black and' Fancy; Satinetts, Sbeep'a EentnickY, Jean, Cashmeietts,'Satin, Wor sted and 91k Vesting/I, Black and Col. Satin Stocks, Neck Ties, Flannels. White , lied, • Bin ei, ll Y allow and stripe, Gents Cashmere Wrappers, Drawers, &e. &e. Our stock\ of Gloves,' rind Illowiery is complete , embraclngLadies, Misscrland Owe - G loves, ,Lisie thread Cashmere; Csjsimere, Fleece Lined, Chamois ILined.Bea ter, Kid, Buck skin, &a. dce. • ,• Ladies 31.11454.4 and Cants Cotton Hose. arid Troia, Black one , Made 'colors, Alpacca, • Woolen, Cishmere. Merino and Sill; do., and ;every other style ofseasociabie Hosiery. Also, an endliss variety (profiler Styles of Goodesuch as Damasksboth I ,Critton and 'Wool;,. Silks • and :Cotton Vet vets, Couirt.rmaes. MOreens,Cambrics ' Tuili jeans, Com tarter+, Rose and Horse Mardi ess. Nank ing, TiCkings, Mar iners s tripe, Gil Curt ains. carper Bags, fte. - • ° _Cortietink—Brussels; Three Ply. Ingraham, both Wool and Cottbn;Cotton do., Cotton and Wool stall Cars peting,Drugged, Oil Cloths; Rash Carpeting :Bugs. Our stock of. Dry Goods is now complete, land if.yon would like to lee a good ;assortment of Goods and 'New Goons you wilt call at Wickham & Bennett's, nearly oppo site the Post.othee. I • .Binghamton,N. V., N0v.8,1453—n44 • Doctof Yourself : 1 . - THE *POCKET BESCULAPIITS:; 1 Or,. Ep.ei.y . 071C:his oioit Physipian. . THE FIFTIETH Edition,leontaining: . --,--- :One htindred L:agr,vingS; showing Air tseases and Malformation's of the Ulu • , msn• system: in every shape ;and, form,' To . which its, added. a lireaties on the • DiSeases of Females, being of thell!ighestimper-J tance to married people, or those cotempkting mar. riage.... By • • • Triniant - j:YouV, If, V.l • Let no father be ashamed_to 'present' a copy of the Aesculdpius to bie child. It may) save him from an early grave. Let no young men or wo men enter into the secret obligations ofmarriedlifei without reading the. Pocket Aesculapine. Let no' one suffsring_from a hackuied cough, pain in the, Side, restless nights, nervous feelings,_and • the' whole train of Dyspeptic eeneatique,•and given up : by their phyeician, be another mcfnent without con.: inking the AESCULA.PIUS. Have the married, or those about to be married any impedithent, read, this trulpusefut book,;as it has been the means of savicg.thouriantls of unfortunate creaturisfrom the very jaws of, death. • lii' Any person sending twenty fire leepte en closed in a letter, will receive, one copy of this ' work by mail , or five•copies will be sent for One ‘Dollar. Address (Post paid.) • ! • ' DR. WM. YOUNG. • • i • 752 Spruce St. Philadelphia ! Nitre)] Bth, 185.4-oyl. 11.[C. BENNETT & CO. .. Importers fr n' d Jobbers of Foreigq, an d - Do 7 mestia .I?ii Goods. I A • • -,.1 DEY STREET, SEW TORT, -I , W94jLinvite the attention of merchants in usl ) nehanna and adjoining Counties to tK4istoek Whiff] will be.found large and desira ble ut all Seasomi of the year, consisting in part of Cloths, Ca.s.sinieres and Vestingm Jeans and Tweeds, with all the' best and well known styles of fast colored printi. Also, Dress Goods, White and Linen Goods, &e. &c. • • • Also, Brocbe - long and square , shawl's' Cash mere and Silk Shawis, together with Hosiery and Fancy Goods. Prompt attention Paid to , orders. CARBONDALE , STAGE'S. TAM Suberiberi; are running a Daily line of Stage/ ,between Carbondale and Hopbottom Station on ;the Lackawanna and Western. Rail road. Distaiiiiilltrinitett.. Leave Carbiandalein the morning and connect with the ears going North. Returning leave on the arr ival , of' the mail train fro th _ 0;0 - Great Bend, The neareg most direct and cheitpest route from Great Bend to Carbondale.. Passengers by this lint', always get into Carbondale tattier in the evening than . an'y other Oute. . Pare rec Opted in Carbondale at the ,Storp.of the Subscribers, Win street, a few bloelisbelew Bronson's !Intel. GROW BROTIIpAS; Auzust,ilBl2.—tf. ' PURDOICS DIGEST. - • A NEW aupplv just received. Also, 31NN'S Ili JUSTICE atud" CONSTABLE'S GUIDE.. *arch I; ISM. GEO..FUP,EII.• Just Received, . supply o 1 Goods, which will EU° , sold cheap for, Cash. , • ABLUTUTtIII. • t s roulruie; April 'l7, 185 L ' • TLIE MONTROSE gouvi - T. 1 YU OLIBUED SYKRY THLIPDA lieffßtlso' lIN efailmie 4k h . , & Zi t 1: - EDIT O / 18t4 " tE nTIMS. L ! ° irriftrors- 7 11 1 545, 'Paili il not paidWithittaix inthithil• d of the year. 'oe are paid; Where. AL of to inst paid) to Cus.. CountYPi, R , , 44 1, Onesquare I lions, I) - $l,O , Etti:h sub: . .•. ' 0,25. One eqtiara • ••• [./2,50 , , One equare ___- . • - •''• 4 ,.1••4,00 Bottineft Cards: fotir \ iinee orestii: : , „i•.• 3 .-743,06 . Yearly advertisements, aol over , 4 atintrreieW4oo ,One eolUtna one year ,"`• .: • •S .1 'i. •..;'• ••••iiio,oo Yeatly.,A4v4rtisers mit. #,,,rest!icted, CI, the businces in which they areceugaged. • . - •r '.,.. • i.. ',JOB, Wint*;c' Vir The - Publish* having added ' 6. t heir Printing ninterials large And ,pirprior - 4sort. ,went of Job Type, are now prOpar to ;simeate Job. Work in a manner , thist rpasSed c i ei• n this see_ tion of country, and on the moat reasons t o terms! : Blanks dr every description,kept constantly on florid or printed, to orderd, '. l gi:, - .l : . *..'_; : gili. - tritoti:\\: 7 4 , ~.u....0, -... rafihionable Tailor —Sh p undeittAle a jii)tel, l l.4ll . lin Street, Montrose, Pa. 1 BRYANT 80 ,Gr4at Bead Depot, ; - Pa: . ANT, Iroprietor. 1•. \ L. B. SPROU ' • • itlartufacturer of. Sra trr t d Aft. ELtGE SPKINGS, Illor4ros‘, Pa - wm; u Co: -1 Cabinet and Chair Man fact..",ir rs i footiltrain Stivet., ontrose; Pa: '1 . I - t". & u, IlDealers in Books ! Ready-31a a Clothing,liats and. Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c. -svite Si ' 4 1 ' Dr. IL SNIT : Surgeon Dentist, Montrose Pa„ will! b e , at Searle's Rotel, MondayS and Tuesdays_ Of each week. I I /5.0 BlieltllLLAßl P Dealeri iri.Dry Goads, Gr. Crockery, Boots and Shoes, . . - . LITTLE . ' cli r tSE,_ Attorni' es at Law:- r Offic formerly oce l . pied by' Little & StT,eeter, bii iltxose, Susque hanna County, Pa., I II 4 , 9 • RALPH B; LITTLE.] • CONGDON dei*BEIVI!ERL, i Dealers in Marble Motiarnenla,Tablesi Tomb- Stones, &c. Cornet' el. Comt and . liebanie Streets, opposite Broome Co , my Bank, Not . „. hawton, Y. C: D. LATHROP • - Dealers in Stoves and, I fanufaeturers of Copper, Tin, and Sdeet-Iron Ware:.; 6,4 west side Main Street, Opposite ,Demckrat 01 five,Montrose, Pa. ' I -- I • C. D.l.eximor.] - [S. A. WOODRUFF; f • f E. B. moiiNiqi., • • 41 .i . , I Repairer cif. Clocks, Jewelry; Musical merits, and Gann&e., &e. !retro plating of Spoons, Watches, Jewelry, & :, done . to order.. He has an appointment' for S ales of Weights aild MOasures; Sh.' on i ails Street, first door below the Brick timer,' Montrose; Pa. ' - ABEL TURRELL, ) 3 • StitOSE, l PA: • • Dealer in Drugs,Medicines, shemicals,ranats, Oils, Dye-stuffs, Groceries; Day Goodi, Bard: ware, Stone-ware, GlasS-ware,parophene,Burn ing Fluid,'Lamp Oils, Candreis,Varnisliei,Wiri. dow Glass, Fancy -and' Toilet! Articles; Perfu mery, Jewelry, Spoons, Spe4icles -Musical "Instruments, Trusses; Media In:triinsents, Liquors, Mirrors, Stationery, ?rushes,i Shoes, Yankee Notions, &e. Physsciani Prescrip tions*' carefully compounded. .1 1 j . . • FRANKL . I N( FREW= " - • ' Attorney.and cowmen r at Law, . • MONTROS, PA., - ' 1 " ' i r I . INT t l e L d L to a t h t i e m nd i nfatihtleduclotttoyall of bsuussitenses4Linutrous, • Couveyaticing and , writing of a I kinds, will be, done neatly, and charge Moderat ~ 1 I - He will also attend to the prosecation;ofelairos if soldiers, their widows and heirs, against the UM. ted States government, for Bounty !Aid, Pen. slims, &c.: • - 0 1 1 i May be found at all hours at the office formerly occupied to'y J. T. Richards, Esq.lortth Of the Court House. I - - r 149 yl . ! *JOHN COLSTEN . , : i. i t • DEALER is Stoves, Tjn,,Oi , pper, and' Sheet_ Iron, Ware, todersville, near Great pen4Depot.—Gif 1 • 1 • Th • 1 - . • • • I- - ; . Interested - with 14. - Hunt,. ._ • ,„ IMPORTEIVAND DEALER iill.ntiorpWare a nd LAlL lery, Carriage Triptnings, Springs, &O. - . • No. 215. Pearl I t 3triet, N Y. Where his Mercantile friends, iq this and other Countlesare kindly invited, and Caries/4 solicit ed to call; and purchase. ' e - cd r • e6tf. HENRY S. RN • OF MONTIMSE, PA.I With :Rowe, Woodruffi & Carter, WHO,LESALE Gnocens nod CortissioN ' AfißcliANTs, No. 173 IN:+hington Street, between portland and bei Streats, Newi , York. March IS, 1854-10tf. ;" - ,• I . Medical Card.) TARS. I E. Patrick, Jr. G. Etimock hate 1 this day fcirmed o-partnershfp,l-for airier* efficient and successful prosecution of the differ= eat branehes of their profession:. All All bu`siness entrusted to thein, wilt be atten ded to with prompinetis and fidelity. • I ,Their office will be the -one lately occupied, h • Dr. Ditndek. I , 1 1 E. PATRICK, Jr.• ' 1 - G. 4. DIMOCK , Montr6se, March 22, 1854. .1 Dr. Merit H. C. Vail. TARUG nod epsusz,. and, Dealer, is .Du.uus,3l - edicisehetnicala, D . 11) Stsffs, PuintS, 'Oils - Ntty; Window Gtasa, . camphiss Fluid, Per fumery, Yankee! - Solo sake., :•Lodersville, Pa.-101f.. - • I • ` A; J. DAVIS ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR th . LAW—SaStalk" htinon Depot, Pa. Office ore S. Store. • 116,1 • Gioceri - 1 , & ... • . 1 es , --Wholesal Retail. TNlgreat variety,. considerable uantity, saperr j or quality, and cheap for; cash, or to exbbsago. :for mo st kinds or merchantable oduce,l on good ter s, His sttipk of Sugars, Te a, Tobacco, SPI'.. 4 its, ;Ste., belnz so iirtmeroue,tho.de' ms Wanly sec. essorY (o% l l lll )*._that -almost• can rig in ii he Gro- 1 : c erylline rigid by families, can .4. VW Upon MO. 1 1 and consequently enumeration is Onsidired superiliMus. in particular he vmuld ask luersin ination of Ilia Gil Sugar, 2s. Tobacco, and , 4s . Teo." A deduction ' worth saving Made t:O those do buy in largetpiantilles, MOntrose, Pa Miherai Fire Pico A VARIETY- of colors, ant 11, in nuirket, - for nide, by 'T. . ABN I Montrose,. April 27,185 A,; 7j.vaTeei;li,t;i:o, it .8 740;* t i•end 4 iptilil764.. of tti ty th e ireete4t(iloon. SE,. .. I ,ADDI3OIII BRY- - .:48y1 I E=l BULIA Rig I • 'i% , 1. N 1,4, ?shit e.ben} qualitY EMI I -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers