__, . ; Schoo l _ ; . . . - • Conn y iC , nvocition: 1 . • - - .11 • 'l , ! The Convention tnet-purinant -to the • ite.t o f Assemblyßon Monday .It!tit's - , 185 ,'in the basement of the Baptist Chnichli! f !Ik ntroie, 1 I I ) and was ca led 10 1 Order by .I. Wh It Jessup,_ who nomin hid - Wm...l:l\r ell . ll' esident, elect d H . ln -and _upon trriti - Ori - he• was ,e . 11 . :.,, • Wm . ..1.T.' Pessisp! and, G.,1 1 q. ~y,iiilan ' . t,"..eire ; then electedSA`Ps• !• '''''. 1 1 •;- ! t •• ': i : . • The-elnsirinaty Uteri Stated the:O, ject Of t le'. . C o nventiOn!inrit , short address, • after ,whi..h• "the townships *ere called / nd thel. names of the Directors presentlake -- . 1 ~i A Resolutwas then' - fferedlby.• Oliver Lathrop,. thnt Colmnittee . 'be. tiPpointed to report on the compensatio •Of; the County Superintetidentv:' This iv s disused II Messrs. Lathrop, Jessup; .111' nary ,i,44.. !Kent, . and ,w as - 104. :' - • - :4••••.• _,,,, • • 1 Mr. Fitch *Offered:a Res. hat :ttiel ConVien tion.fix the salary o?•the Co nty.Sttpe.Ontend- I ent at six hundrckl dollars hith xtttrramentl -ed' by •S. Y.? Brown -to Tend . ttr ihundred Al.: tars. Thisiatneadment, - - t'... m „ w h o Amended it so „ to read eighti 'h un dr e d dollars,.which stndiuent , was• dis- cusse d by Messrs, titch, Lai g, S. t.. 8r0wn,,7 4-sup.and White; Who at endedi it to file •wast iiii, hundreddollars:- This amendment was. dis euv•ed•by Messrs.'. L. M. - urrell, Lathr J p, Horace. Brciwster, and • H.. woiier. --''c: • •-. 4: ! Read ainen 'led it`to l eight.h •ndred which; * is filliendell - b. -LP..Baker to font lihndred dt'.il lars, and .th, amendMent d 5cu:46.1.144: _B. Luno, I i 2 -I'.l .• - . „ . :. .. I. --. -:I • - I i - . . ..il .. ,-I . 071 motion of.. Mr. Rea'd : Ie - Itesolutiou in re,gardlto fiXing.the!.compe ii satior 4 was poSt- - poned pa tif after ;;• theelecti,. n:of Snperintenld ent..ll, • • .:• -.. • ••••'- i •-• • • l i , • The 1 Con. • their II 4oWe4 t uN> .ti ie . election of County SUperin endetit. - The f4l•\ lowing .genitlemen were, t en noMin te4 * candidates, I for. the office, . viz ;--4-Ge rg T. , Frasier, E. lA. Weston, • - A. 8.1,.!!tin,,117tri. Belcher, Join W.,Walker, rilla Id ltielmrd-I •i sou, Lym anis Richardson, • • nj.•• F•. ‘i Tewt:slihrly,! Gabriel Cox, Oliver Lathro. ‘, S.I ;.Itaniitio'n, Horace Brenster,Satuuel A. NeWt. n, and ,tolni• 1 . F. Deans, i - •.- .• _• 1 1 1 , -, i ••• il 1 ! ..8 'tition was then mad and 'anied Chit the friendsl of • the candid: tes I peserit their claiMS andlqtuilifications:t ' the ; qouventioa., Thereupon Mars. Deans, rewst r ii,, and .11.m 1 ! throp Idecli ied being' •can . idatt" . , -. - Willard ~ .1 • Richaidion 'presented himstA offering ~to ale cept the otfice for $350,, St. Itiri..o% that the ti hie. he could devote to it woul be the ntenths of July. and Ahgust and r the tonthi; : of De:wit her, beside. a •dafor so cad =week: -when itht 1, . i employed in his school. •• • - ‘ ••1 L• • • . .; . • 31ess, rs. Chamberlain slid FramerpreSented tlie , clitims 4f , Geo..T. Frazi ~r , - st4ting that l,ief •bas I.) k een County Supefinte tdetti! In IBr ;)cilf,te.. i you ity for three years, an ; Was), an• old: atid efficient School Teacher, a d! a• than of .!enelr gy . and • strict morality. .• Mr,llHaminond presented Mir. Waler. D M. niiiaisp4k-e-iii favor Of Lyman Itichardsl„,.• -. i'vw,. lreleNer presented himself and was °Bowed Iby-Mr, t). Latluiop,- iti favor ; of .A. \ ! . Luta") . •-.Datif• F l ~c, Bake desiried the election\' fB. Tit Ire‘ll4 , l-4,1:•. ry, and E... 1 Weston pre.: rated Ilitti self, .! I • The Coutiention. then , p . oeee 4411 t0.1.‘4 1 4C with the following result ii on -th,l Prst . e:1.11 : Geo. T. Frafier,' •..•- ,' •• Hili 1 . 17! Y,. X Weston, -." ~ • - • • li l ll • . l7 A: B. Lunn. 1- - •., - - - .. . .1..; I 1 I I 1.4 1 • i .. Wm. BelcUr, . . •• , T• •-•-1 i . . ; , i John l'. Walker, • , ' , .). , - 1 , 2; Will. rd Richardson, -- • ••It, '. 4 3 Lytn, n Richardson, ' •; ' • • ... I : 1 3 B. Pi. Tewk:kbury, : . ;-, •- i H. ' - •,• - 4 3 S. U. Hamilton, - • i- : •!•• !..! i 6 Upon the see, Frixier bad Westo,, BeleVet, W. Walker, rd Rihardson, llann ton, • Cecb. E.. 1. 3clin 11 - 111. S. C. i rpon: the thir , Geo. '. Fraier had - . • - --.' ‘ )-8 John ~. .:‘l'- a lker,' :• ' • i 2 Will - id Rifhardson, - - I 111 1 ' ~'S,7 IVillard IRichardson was the . : .dclar&l.l. elec4d County Superintendent. 1 , • -1 i - The Coni, - entien then 4ed the salary at . 5351) afterimUch '.discuKullm. It was 114 Resofved, That the thankS•of the jConventnor . be tendered to !the Truste4 •of .the baptist Church ferithe used their room-H 'and ettr-•I ther Resoltied., } That the , Proceedings o the Ciinve,ntion be Published in the papers, o the l i County. Whereupon the! Convention ad- joumed., I- i G. C, 4.11.A.N, ).:.c .; L c",4...C. NS., ! W. H. JESSJ . P *- ). 1 1 [ 11 ',l ; I WM. J. TETRELL, Pre& 1 • - '', : -' [ i.... ies. iii..!------- 7 -: •' I ' j'i -Mount 'Vernon. ~ 1 II ;-II;' A repo . has beetssubmitted to the Senate, in favor of e purchase of MountAerpon by, theGover ment,in which it is prOpose I ito t.ablislt there. a National School of Agricid lure. • Evely AmeriCan heart Would rloic, e to see the 4enerated home - Of Washingto Se- cured from! neglect and decay.' We ,cave read sonle ;ate accounts from persons . visiting this Mecca! of the- Republic; in which there are statements showing that dilapidation MO: yartial.ruin h \ re stiongly.oh§ervableabout the aucientlna!usion of the father of hiS Country. Congrep, during the present' session, liaSlhad before it the subject. of , Purchasing Monn't . Yernon,'atni if we .remember right t b,.. 1 6 2 1.. f'-AVal.ol3 . 3tors .were the ;Members frotn.:Vitt , (j.inia . , whq.fook the positiOn 'that tlat St: tel i would not . ipermit the general govert mentto become the purchaser 'of a part of her'doinam, f;,4 a merely patriotic. purpose. • This ohjec 7 !ion, if.ivell founded, •may. be avoidedi by 'adopting the suggestion of ;the Committee, to' wake it the point where shall be esta i blished- . a school of Agriculture. No . i,rnproper Prd- , eedent can ihus be , laid down'whilethe gret object of• Securing the prentlFCS:from neglect; • Will ... be *obtained. We hav' , e no doubt, thit-t it_ .price Considerably beyond Its true value. Mlll, have to lxi.paid. • for the property,- but. the country wtll . be wilting: to I bear-the imposi l tion, ratink than see it - go, info Ate hands; of those *lip , :inay make it pander to mem:elute motives,•VT turning the venerated hotnesfeafi; to ac:Cothit, ala Barnunk. l Mount Vern O n. should belong to the nation which its nOble Avner crentecl.- It was to this retreat he i , re tired when he yielded up the power placed-in \his hauds.jby a grateful and confiding peopl . e.. There it w :s lie o.njOyed -the ;purest domestic,' • d'eAight, - surrounded by - those who were knit to him by the strongest'ties of kindred - atid reverential love, arid th€ - rc,' above till, repoie the mortal remains of the ' Great :Man; -in Ishose-tindying Vaine - the threbbinglea t , t - i of ~ r ational Freedom in all lands is most de ply interested.. We lope the venernted spot niav Lie secured by the Governtnent, , and that no expense - WU' . be spared to•make it, as beauti ful-a!, tird highest aim of CultiVated : aft eau conceive:—. West Cluster kpublie:eln. • , 1 -----!--0-4 0 ..--- 51T.i..7.ii..t Misstox yo SPAIK.-Llt is . rnm. i, red . that P tIIC I.Presidetitlas app4inted llon.George M. Dallas, of this State;,: and llori. Howell -Cobb, of Georgia, special:Envoys to the Cotirt .. of Spain, for the purpOseolassistin g Minister sc - nideseta,: our diffictilties ritti that Oci - s; , ernmen . - • .20 - me tgagraiken to Nelnalla territy Isl•rery large. The St. Louis - Republican says a great number of pe' have' . arriv o i in that leity, on their way to that trr!tory, settle.. The 610.nilloats Were -. taken' up fat as they .arrlred; onfey the erit!g) - 4nts t? .114- I 9 • prisutanur . • f t. Bra E St, by y l . Elijah u k f lovan Mr. i j o 4NYIII;iISE a!i4ll .4117- WIVE" AtAR44 biith ofAnbitrli. • .J.l • • Fors e.; is v. 2;31 , - .by,- 4;0. Iticcier 'l.L.kup of ,Wintzlo,w,sti yds§alit c6,11:1.; to, MAirruli , , ' - Iti Ifpntf,o3ll' 'Oll 41113 Ist, iiist:, by :11eTA. L: .111EACIVilt f f IS. zAkittitAitErJrqssup.; ). - " Ii 13rotil~l3 n, ;Lucie loth, Mr.., Eta (loon ilex; aged ,20,year4.1' '• Mr. GoOdrich'Wai'one of - our, most faitliftil .and promising plans,; men,' bbt .tisx,aredr of tisefulfiess'as cuti short in its dawning, was atlended 'on the Qilt 1)- 'a' large cOneoumlorsym,athizing fliOncls„ I I \ B In Great ui, May 6th; 111 ci t also ECU L.lftrertsan's, di:, died 'Slay 911'0 844 4 also JciutrrE. .thettutraloN, died May 24,th, 464., T4tis in this short spabe. Of 18'days, alt Stith the exception of alit, inOth 7 er have gone orestrj 1 •; I, ij ;John E:Ribliardsoh WAS a Member of!, the :Aletliodiseehureb tor!several Scars lieforel his death] and when he Was Id that he; mast die and Oht soon,-be s.tid, "11'1 dii 4 I shall gb to Heaven," and his last words Were ": Victory T. Vibfkry ll= Qlory III" laud hse, the w-orld. {Nei/ omitted foe wart of room.) -. -• • ~. 1 - To.lJOntneympn BlaCksm .tho .. 1 'ply() good and exprienecci Blacizsibi!hs;;Who X can cone well rectal - in - wadi:d e will fiudsf4ily \ crap oynient., for whio liberal waget. will be paifi, by the bnclersigaed. Apply soon nt the shop of , 1 I, - • j I A. E. 11,A1VLEY. ?lpntrose, June 7, 11,354'.-23w2. 1 , , I ~.• • " Bledicial Card." 'CIIAM 3& - respeilfulltt an . I .1 nourices. to the public, that he has, lochted lilmself!OroOklyn, where he will be! happy to. wait uponifill! who inak• be afflicted with disease, Hther. chrpnic or acute. Office at S. Grove's, t%,',ltere he 'bay' be conshltedritall limed whed not n!he4wiSe !professionally engaged. All bUsiness k.ntrusled to his care will receive . prompt a(ten- Von. , , • „ . prooklyn, June. : 4,1854.-23m3 • • I , by , :, No* G o ods y Telograph!" i i L' ST: to in Tide . . order--from. the . crown e • t• of the; head to the solo on t he fOot,l(iple tad be accommddated at. the RED FLAG STOnE ioUth of the N. Y. &, R. RaiirOad. ' ; i; . - 4lso, Groceries' Proi.isions, Clothing and'Pry •Geodk", Mot and Shtie Findings, LeatheOnd 'Russia Bristles, Hard Soap anti Candles. • ;"-- Quick sales and small profits, readk'pap and fast goleg,.'. We re4peetfully piesent i our ;if'pek for sMd lorexaminatteri. ' - 1.'5 ' -: .. - :1 - . IHENRYI‘IeKINNEY : . - Lodersville, .Tnne:.,• i 5.51.. , ~ . .. . . . N.lii 1000 Coutiel Almanacs and! Nebriiika Bills e'l(pected Noon for! 4th July orators and 01. f fice se •IkerS, and Fire Qrackers in proportfuii, • • - .1-• ' •,. 2w3 - • I•- - • •: 1 • , • t • - ',..• -- • t .. ' ' • Woo 4 Wanted. t • riigiribicriberho;ll pay the . highest twir l- . k'et priee,for'Wool; either in Good . -or Cash. • Oill'ii & 11E3IPSTEAD. Brooklyn Junoll4,lS-54. • • ..! ....• '• • - 111 , • - • .1 tL'l" . by the bakel.jur in less qtnirititieC ! •• & IJENPSTEAP, June : 76, - 1844. I " I . . - • . 1 , :. Public !Veriduo: '.. ! ' ! -. 1 - Tiici: i t , li d e' a it t re p tEr u is ll e i s ‘i i l ni n . l. ,:t ri i n m ek otnewpisrliidi „will the U, be ' 6111 inst., commeneirigi . aLB 'o'clock A. - M.l the , propert v knuwa as . 4 , Wade's Hote./,''cOnsiiting of the Tavern-Ho:10 aitti buildings, and six acres Of land,'' •Also, the contig•uons farm o 1 61 acres and 26 Iperches ; 4510 f Which are Unproved and the residue w,211 tiniberetl.. - ~ • • :- The tern:l6l..of the 'sale will •be, one eiglrth dove,—one eighth in three months 4 and the '.balance on tiqie to'suit the purchaser. Poitses. sion Weill be gtiien atonee. . '' ' .il • Also, a • qmintity of perional properly,—'.hays, •grain, household furniture, and a great variciy of oth'er articles, that ,eandot• be .here Intintionfd.— T.he terms; will be, cash down for all purtiases under $5. ' Bdtween $5. and. $lO, thr4 , e mcifiths. and:over stp,'sia,..mcdntlis credit. , otes to be . , . giren,,on interest, with!properseeurit . •; . ! . 1 • . 3 Areaze WM I TAMSi. 1 . ' I 1 011..iNDO W• 1 LIAMS: ' - r i- . I '•iA. F. WILLI: us, June 3,1854. 3w2. ' - .• - , • i, • .:1-- •*.; .. 'ES TRAY. • 1 . ...; :CAMP, into the incloSure of the Subscriber on M- abiftitchti Ist of June, a 'pal red 'it'nW With,a - mtlf4 herSide„With some white upon it. !-The owncrils . requested; to prove preportyi pay I 1 eliqrgt4 and take them •ilway. - • ' 1 , - - d /call, I r if call, 1 1 „ Fanny,Fein's Soeond Volu me , . , :. . _ i FISELy 11.4'STRATED, ! i! . .. m Apr. ~. p anw , matter, and fnlly• e9unl. if 1 4.. ot„ superior'to hex first. The Life,;', and ', Sayings or.Mrs.-Firting,top; replete With • wit anti iuruor, auell\na will inalre'you' tqaugh and grow' 41' 4 . ThurloW Brown's!CireatTempe.rance Tale,. 4 41innie Herman, (tr the Night and its lifoining, - ”. ' ; a book of thril linr interest. . Tile MOrning Stars of the New Worlk by Helen F.' Prlrker j .and many\ filer new . , popular - rind interesting works, can be rad'by calling ?in r. i ‘ 1 '. W.' D. DEANS' Agent. ; t .. ' Odd Fellow's Hall, .: s l; \ ' . i r ' 3fontrose,'J June 5, 1854'; , c : 1 4w3 1 . 1 .. • • .• • Floul.4llHtil 84 4 t. V JUST reccired,ir.nd for'salehys . • G. tt W. H. .el.LEft. Silks! I , . ILL i+te Ladies ca';l in a n 9 n s d or look ; }t o . tt •AS rr,,s ex :: Silkp, taid. and stripes. Sellinzfor.a small p‘Tflt at ;\ G. &W, H. 171,L1.41., I .tOne-G, 1854. •; I To All whom ivrlpTlCE,is.bereby gi , yen to the inernhers .H} l tl,e ALPIIA Erstt.o.i. SOCIETY, .04 .. flarford! ; That. the SOciety hating obtained a , , Charter and-witdiintr to make, new arianizenleats' in respect to the'Libraryi respectfully announce,' to all hoso 'holding Books, belonging to said So. ciet7, -that: they are • retitiested to .return such books on Or} before. the 40 day of fitly, 1854. 1, fly order of the Society.. 1' June . New goo ds • TUST repel:v.(i a se c odd stixk of Goods, and, tor. sale on terms.* . 1 .- • • BENTLES."& , Montrnaei . June 1, 1:135'4.: • Folio our neighbors .wor4 With the abpvd ,o2odesraoertisernent.. t , , . . D imock caliinetShop- : i ! rpHE underirig,ned having purchased 'the old, ./. Cabirlteritablishment of T. Ileeeh, (bite!). deceased.) initild inform Me public that h& has • it•ul hand, orlOill make to ()Mer i n!, kindlr of hciuse bolct furnituit., ~on the inOst reasonable terins--- The tindersiigneri having ierved his term of op reatieeshirei with Mr.* Brpeb, feels eondent 'tint y s,, attention to 1)1,18411.8s, he will jbe utile to sustairithe'reputation thO shop, has hitherto so ukly , vain4l. ! ' '" ' 'II t • 1 1 I shall be ; appy o, trait upon eustoineri at inny time. -A/quill! 'at home (most.) . 1.1 1 3.Tui,tkind of graia taken in exelimige for!for nittilreim 13(rttns on .hand of mAdo to ordeij : re- Pairing. a rut !varnisbing done on short notice. Persons 14efo'n putehaßing elsewhere will do well I icy-ca11:44 examine tli furniture if 1 ' t i, i t :A. T. BIRC LARD. - Di ock, 4 y 28, 18541-4‘4'22W3 . i DORIC rot SALE bY . b 1, 0' • AL S...WitAux or A. B Atortirod ititly :17, 104. SuPr•RVINg RYE .P I LOOR at '4. • • ,ALnEnT O. NVArict.n Bridgew;kt r, : June "6, i,3514. -23w3. t'ood1:';1 . "' - Tl-10.5E4h0 atiiiidebtOd !olio iiite'llrm of - inoSt - USSithtdly- con . - stiltitheii''Otvtt Jrttprist by widi the undersigned uithout. ! I ••• ' • 2• -\ EDW1N7114 . .4,NY., 185-4. ! -L2,03 • l• Great Eicitellicirtt .- . 4tm f :nic. ; CECIPM7 I. 4'r . 11VIT the fact thatW..l3. - Dcans has_taken•and is~still'tnkln some verv•beatitifoll.zind.life likkbAGUEltßEOTYpES, never waitw•a h secret and he has no deSiic . to tnake,,it ono Ire has just .purchased a splendid assortnicnt of.tiohli e uelicts, Pins,.Kgys,4e.,• ; and in.his Re kdtion-of the lateSt patterns 4:1 styles of ease 2, hi! traits there is nothktig Mek, ing, s • -•_ knoWs not what• ho can;/say,'orj what he neisi to Say more than haY already: been saki,to indUee you \ to poinc to his (;allery, a>jil bring your friends with yen.: • .Yonlave all 'elxoeriene ed sOuiothirig of the eatisfa'ethea haz ing en the'faithfui pietnie of an - absent - I'ocm'; ati4i ot You have known the. sad I nica . Sure deriyc4liout ,poscs.sing , likeness of:sot - no levc4l - ore W.hrt hat he'en bchttlath•• • thd church yard Manna, anti Telt-flint • " ' ' " • , • ~ . No priee'could take from yon , • . A minsi elito so ehetished, " •-1 ; " i . • ;•• For'how sacred the "shadow, :: ' ,• • • • • • Since the substance has perished. Ilutlyon, perehanee, have .frieticis still I;%irith Non Whoiie pietnres yyl,l ' haVe . 'not - " Spilthiti. If so, maki3 it. the basinl.-m6f to.day, toltitorr4w- Luny be: tn late., Improve the oPportnriitii- While it.is, yonrs—Al bile the roses oi f - linalth • 1.40 On' on the cheek, - ert "yet the mildew of &sense Anti "Wight and !Aim I your treasure, and deatlk• r4tril too of both' it an its ina r ,o.: t'ietnres taken ill erear or cloudy w other"., Prices; from 75 ets."fo $)5,00. 'OildTe low's liall, l ,Montrose, "May 24 , 1854. . 1 I - ' New Goods i'• • Dr ... J.l VE , Tins . iecoived Itis . 2d i•cifockof XL • S.Oring, snininer Goods, enn tneristing. A Inn* list of articles, nr hntritintr,ns to prices, nwrelv - say to my friends: to call and o:xatnine mY Cootis. , 7fontrose, M 4.17 20, 185-1. . .1 .4 • • Farinors' Store RovivOct r a c t a - i n n i g i I p e l t) ) t 6 .t .i l j • n e:U ztiol partnership in the m . t: Montrose, takelhis niethozi to inform eta friends and the public, That we have just opened an as gortinent ofDryS;oods and Groceries at. the Old stand. of 'M il It Stigherman, where we shall tic li:~p pv wait tiponinll who may facor u 5; w' l ith a tail. Our tloods are all nr”n and hare ;been s'elected whir great care :and we Ilatler oti*elvesithat the can quit the niot., -part ' , rite • • cl e• .tt L. invite all :to ,eall and examine -00 nnrlm~tto is, “Itearly Pity . ,ll , )nor'al;leTratle,and A.O.,IVARRIN, R. i!fbntrose, :%riy 21,1854. • ..-• '2, . New Goods, New Gott4s: I t 13.1 VING;EVEItY WEEK", :41 throß & C ' s where .may . foLnall win of the lar.!estsas:sortinent of:Goods in the„erouu4ry whidh nft be sold a little cheplier titan. ever.— callanaso:Vainine our goods - arid prieeij, - 4 ' :Isortroent of Sinimil: Sifawts of callt b - -L_ i_ll. pa t .e.rll4 at • • . It. LATHROP Co's. Glto(2}.3tlEti, at pmires . that. 't7r:;:n L . , ,i b bed!, ht . D. Co's. 1 1 4 - IJIII.NI,LILJ TOOLS, of al! kept constaNilyon baud at ' 1 1 , . D. .5.:; _41,13.1N14 st.oe, 131:1 , 1z Silk; Drab, er Straw 171 lind I.,rzlionaliatsjlF4 roceiv' . eci ;1 • - LAT111{01)& f2o'B. 7..kl'ontrtle, :114 - t} •Ist, 18;54..• - HAWLEY & 3 OTT • - JTAVE . just - received . - - their second r.!:ltock of - AL Spring.and SUIT - aner eienSltn.- 111 - RA . are n6wprepared to show aH may fa, vor ihent with a call. \ Darfs's Goons of all theilifferent•kimbal, slid) as Plaid and Changatile Silks and. Mantillas, ana Shawls, Lawns', Bara ! ges, -Di ,llag'e. Do,Lai s. Challis. white Gods, brown and bleached ,sheetings and sitirtingS.in taet every 'thini4,in this line. SummEn Srurrs, a vi•ry hrge stock which we offer v( •ry w.:ill gm of cot ton goods in this branch, :;lid brown and yellow' -Linen. • CLonts.—We invite. attention to I , IIT . ;:toek . of 'Black, Brown. Green, and Sittlberry Bi.oadelotits,. also' BI . :k and Fancy ,- I.`weds, Kentucky Jeans,..&e., &c. •• 4cli&s call and examine our stock of 'summer, Shawls. We have- Some beautiful patterns at, farcirable prices. • ; RonnetS and Bonnet Ribbon, a ,tope assort.. Meth, lioaiery and Gloyes of all kinds,jalso a very large assortment. which 714' irill ref/. Unibreltas:Travellinrr Bags, Satellels, &c. • Lad i es Shoos. Cloth and Morrocco Gaiters, Patent ILeatlier. , Buslansi also Col. Gaiters; a good steel: of all kinds which we otTerlat ourusual low-rates. Crockery and i Glasn Ware, Fluid Lainps and Fluid,- wood Pails and tubs, bronms bedcbrds,&c. - . ,G , ro6!ric., a - complete stock which we;will tell ht;:i very sinall avance, also Ashton Suit by the and a variety of Gods . too numerous to Mojtion.i . We invite the .ntlention .of :all who Wish to. buy goods cheap to caßand examine our 3tontro4e, 'June L-185-1. • . .• • • Auditor's Notice. • ! rflHE•tlnilersi , _!neil, -an afoliter, appointed by 12 the Hon. the Orphan's Court of Susqueh \ an. na 4ounty, to make distribution Of the find now in. said Court, of the estate of Jasper Loomis, late of Said county, clee'cl, will attend , to the duties of Ids 'appointment, at his office in Nfontroici on Sat urdity the 80 day Of July next at 1 o'Cloek in 6001 0 -noo n , at which time and placeallipersons interested in the•said fund are requirMtupresent their claims or he forever debarred from comirig, in npon said fund. FRANKLIN FR En,A:4 .11 ay 30, 1854-22w.t Additor. • , NEW STORE: NEW *GOODS' in New, Milford.- ; • iii subscriber having - leased the store of the Messrs. tiratts, formerly occupied by I. S. inteit'ds to locate permanently in New . (00, and would take this opportunity inform the inlibitants, of New Milford and hdjncent tOWnA. that he has just returned from -Nt!‘y York With a large and splendid stork of fresh, and en: new good s , consisting of Dry - Goi* of al. tno!st everY conceivable variety, Groceries as low as the lowest, nimbi:are, Crockery, Boots &. ShOes, Rats & Capi ' Bonnets of every style,.&c. &c;,. which - he offers for sale on the most reason able termifor Cash, country produce, or reliable credit. ;, - - . . Me would also say in this connection !that he has] added to the establishment the manufaeturs Sheet iron, &Copper in all its varies,, it-hich he is prepared to execute jobs lr} the very best of workincn; &-on the frost fa voriible terms. - aingiarid Om usual IREAD. find fitult at the lowest, pri:..es rartkolars in relation to . Stovea&e, kit some futitro.tinie.. • .1. DICKLR3I.I.N Jr. Nov Milford, May. 16, 185-1.--L•26lf. WANTED - -1 • • Ilapk Rags, Paper Rags, arid " Bentan Mint Drans,7 in exchange fur Store Goads, At Dimook Corners, Pa. • • he. s ubscriber . has just reicived. - a , first; me as.serttnent. of Goons, consisting !bf Dry Loth Staple and Fancy; Groceries; Boots and.Shoes,every'size and Lind; Crockery, plain am! fino *ate, 4 , ,e*4 which ho is prepared to extihangd far countrjr • Produte on as reasonable terins as atiy Store in the County. Try Pii.dueei, try we with CASH, try me most any n at.. E. N. BACON. pim °cif 4.:orners, May 17, 1854--=2ot4 -Ready Made Clothing.. A VERY desitable stock st very low prices. S. 11. S. D. SAYRE. PI LAW*. I • • !' • - .. SALT, • nrci . D. Co . & . • 4lay :4 104. • CQ'e. _ . rt The Orie--Priolic•Sttite: , - SCbobs ITT it"tikami-ma-t*7.. fit b . ra ed having asiOeiritlid theinletve F s yl together In thic3lereintile biiirAess,a're Pkefiated to offer to the'poblic,!a eery dellid.6l.o stitiek Of Goods, co,fisistin'gia'Otiin II' !! 'Dry Gooda; and ,Reittly niaite.,Clothir),g ) r ' ; , !!, r.t. flats, Caps and Stift Goods ! - , . . 'Books and Staticineityi ''. Boots and Shoes; ' _ _ 1 ' GroCeries,; • ' Yankee Notkitis; 1;11 '4r Which - have been pnreliaia ;,wits` gfeitt ear 4; find' we are ,satisned,' eanntit f lit& suit those who may s iltor iis witti a.eull. '• IThe Dry Goods departiment Will ' ho,r4und very complete, consisting ofall the leading slyiesi of ' LADIES DRkSS tlOODS: ' • sOfe, rich brocade, plaid and striped, black, 'Ares* and Mantila Silks, very rich, blgb lustrerj and . aG 0'16.0 rates. , I' o 1- : ) • !Striped Defames, .plaidßarige salt strip° Challis, printed Lawns,- Pablo, :plaid nu 'printed Jaeonets, - hi:great -vttrietie4 which aie`.riee 'bound to sell at two ' ' hadsonto aSsortinent,4Prints; all the leading istyles, - • CoehoeVei, Spra„,mues;&x:. , •xer,Y.ffettY l '§tyr'4' DressAritroning,s--of the dhsirabte t3les sUaii Black. silk*Llee, Diva& buttons, bliek illibbOUS l silk and Avorite4.l3raidth graui v4rioo; : .t, 1.. t. i r While GOOdgSStWiSS, Jaeopet i Nansook; La-vent . ..and. 'YHA( Mnslins., Plaid Gamibrick Muslims, dotted Swiss Muslins,,eorded ;skirts, Irish Linom i Cambrick dianditerchl'efs, sne, ' 'French • Needlo Work,' Swiss aid, jacoad !Ildiling,o 3 and IntierOngA, cotton, linen and thread lieu do.. ll6oneing, Ladies fathionablo,Ghetniset itesi Sleeves, Collars, Bonnets &c., the largest aa lsOrtnlent in Town, and at. veKy• low prices. pare g o l for vails, fn green,; blue atu.V brown, 'Biark 3aee galls &c.. . cilorcs.—Ladies and Gents, a largo assort ment; of the best quality. ;. • 11/itts, long and short, Black ; Mohair and - silk. Black, Whitt; and tutors; flOrid;and-cot. do. _ , 1 3 1 I llisicry.—A. fine assortinct:it- fur LadieS, Gents atittabildren. . Ribboirs,-1 fine assOrtmerit 'for nonntrts, also 24tin!and lutestrio,g, in all w4iths,:and every 01- prj -! • • . hiOnestic Goods.—Sheetings, blenched and tin; bh aahed'mu-lins;Ticking,-Grash, Di a pe rs,''Pab I e etiVeis: and Napkins, and in fact,,,all the desirable Styles in this department. ;• ; . Delane.Fierich printed wool, printed cashmere, Broche, Blttclt• Silk, &e., a fine. -stork of them. „ ; .l. • 1- I . ; Ladies Shoes, of eyery de4cription, atllow pH- Misses, and childrehs-shoes, in ,grerit Yai t iety. Gents. Boots,' coarsla and fi ne; !L:r 14ATS CAPS AN,D s:ritAw GOODS. We have a .very fine stock! or llats• arid Cain, G'abaria Straws, Paluileaf, (~:uracoa, Maraca , 11400 ..Canten, ! Leghorn, Grordmere &c., .for stormier wear, which are very. desirable, 'and • sift ,±• t 1• - , , .11111.; h eap: • . !, ; . A gond. assortment,of Litlies_DonnetS, MirsSes childrens Flats; • Hats; &c. • ; - • ; • !!,-; ! .READY MADE CLOTII.ING.'; n 'this branch of our 1 - noridea.s, we 'cannot fail* tit!Suit: Our stock of GlothiPg-is very extenslye.' -Mid well made in Ilio! add- :desirabto styles; Ytib'woultl'etcpCcially invite bur friends!'desiring; ahy thing in , this line, to alto) us a calf. Grrn dein-tins furnishing. Goods, o every deScription. A-large stock.of Wall Paper and Boitietin44; Bohks, Stationery and Yankee Notions; in great variety. • • 1 - !! Groceries.—Teas, Green and-Black, very ehOice Anii fresh; at low prices. ; - 6tree.f.—Superior St. DoMingo. and tio. ! beautiful ,artiele of Brown and White,. Sugars, GIiEAP. • Molasses, Spiels, Soap, (,Candles, Oil: Fluid, &C.: &c. very superior drti elCri, of cavendish.TobaCeo, at !23 ets. per lib. nre in the store. formerly .occupied by L.l-- tlir!op - A Salisbury, and more recently,Thy. Geo. Fuller, opposite Searle's 1441. IVe vVould• be very happy indeed,_ to seeliour friends, at, the oi.Ft f i ttiCx4sTottr,, and' hope th merit eur'share of tl'e publid patronage, by ,gooll attentions: and low prices. • / • ' ;; • _0! • G. & 'W. H. FUELX.R. A rrintrose April 19; 1854. i • 4• • LAIIGBizTOCK - OF NEW GOODS, I:ECEIVED X 1 THE .STORi •OF 11-J • 4.1-1011 $; .; • .Aa ds:r. 4.• _ . i.:i. • • . . WERE_ bought "cheap ? for: ca.;11," ',rand - for It.l F READY PAY, willl be' sold at is r:Cry Saiiill i profit. .. , !„ •W 4 return.thanks. to a n vieroas public fur` the ipilnyfarGrs'be_stowed,.nn'l We hope b. "good behai,ioi" to merit a,cOntinnance of thp sanie. .• Our stock of Goods c'citriptiscs nearly . evCry thhiglaisuall)' called fur hn u country 'store' and by, l constant addzihms we intendlto keep it aomplc te. , : Vqi invite the attention of Kr.iing,ersa well as fritnds to an examination of; our goridki - , feeling asst rCil that they will, beeothe' satisfi.!d that at 04- sibre at lexst,.thiU,gs'ean!be bougl tl• . ,•,- ' i• - VERY CHEAP FOR A PAY..: . ! . . F.lirther particulars given from n'eek 'to' week.', iiithe•mean time' call and. sce. No tioublO to 411,hw goods. : l• : 1 - • '• - J. LYONS 8.?.. SON. . : - • . !fcintros6, May 5, iss4. i•'• • 1 - . , ! , "LATEST.. • EXCITEME Tho Nebraska Bill Mae Li COTT, 104NSTON& 00., are -inn from 'York, a:general as and Swanter o.ooids, and we;, invite All that like to buy Cs:uods cheap ti!ij a_ call, as our stock' is: Idle and wri;• 4rkg, to sell for small prritits.! You 41rpos every article wanted; and we .at, toicontpare Goods and price witlilarty; 014 county. We havo_takeu,'7special pal nice Upods to plem. Vtit .141 As, sunh jI I,lntre . d and fancy Silks, Tissuesit and Berago Eyancs, Plain hand fancy Silk, French and domestic ingfiamsi Ottrtains and, paper cUrtains,,Ladies 41.eiliandk'Is and sleeves, :Mantillas,;; Oove:t., Straw and fancy Bonnets, al2;o tr' 0111=611. large stock of Goods fog' men and Iron Steel, Nails, hor4: shoes # Phmighs, Salt, Fish, Crockerk, Grin , hit Sono Ware, Tin, Stote , Pipe;iGlass; Sat; o,}3otits,,Shcies, &e. &e. , ylea.se tiliance of showing, - you our stack, bpi SCOTT, JOJINSTON ISpringville, April 18, 1854.' To thO ririm undersigned having ptirclia's Tiffany his entire inter:est in thi iHe'bnidness, hereby make their how th eilizenk of Broo . hlyn-and_ vicinity, and ip tip call ind inspect and Purchaic one of th 'nest chmplete. stock of Good,leverbai hi this parket. 'Believing tliat people Goodson ton; credits have Co pay eilntage for CREDIT AT,ONEi luti• the Beinly Pay System irftrade, Affthg trjost ebndueive to the public as well it interests. All kinds of Farmer's Pico aive.ii in .exchinge for GoOds, at 01 tnarket rates. Those who 4sire - to a low figure will assuredly find it fey 11 ; cast to give us a call. . U. F. SAT:, - U.G. 1.14 Tr! Brodklyn, May 9, 1854.- SPRING GpODS.c A V t ERY large Fteek of pring am) ..iIL.• (11-o°dt iireJast beinrr reeeivqt at SUIT Sutritnersville, April 25,105-1. • 1 • i 1 FISSI .t, 1 1 It TA:CKERAL b y Cho 1-8--1-4 and 1p,,2f Baird, 41.1_ 4r by the pound, for Qt. eholp , l' +.7 ' . h BENTLEY 4 •READ. 1 Moatrose,3lay,ll, 1854. i - T:. -`; , , . , . I f Now Bidoic. , ' . 1 ,:: • • , irTATINn made airiin,qements with the great I" Oublikhing house of lI:IMACE Wt.rras, AO st all bh in the constant recent of Mt as Ei.l'on a 5 published, snit be enftbled tii Id niiihany7 Olin!: Wanted in that line. I , r N. B. Music sent by mail tree of Pos -Igo. ki i 17 , . _ . !LYON!? BON. ~. May. 15 I. - • ' ' ? 1 1 I 1 .. _ • 5 • I , • 1' 1 Chcap.Spritiga,lid.Suirgno Goo pre red to itOint - wlto V V;• want Bpiin,l '.and Sommer 0001 iii it M- eet' ttiat will not fail 10 CO pate: , t4o:very lowe4t and anitilo oktseat 09f assortment of •Prosal p9ods i' eomple(e cOioliosing v4.7y - :beantitui it!?les of: all - haat liarege,bireae'Delaf - A LARGE 10t, whiteh'poubles us to molt low besidesii/ing ad opportunity to make het; ter istilei:Aiorts. • R • 7:4 Ashton Salt, OutterFirkins," Tin ''W.lcret: 10.5. S. H. & D. SAYRE% • Nov Spring' Goof's:" • TT ! . )31.T4NT1; i 9 now .rNeAing his usuiti 11...1. supplies of Spring Goods-, which will ;he fomid utugoollS , lorV and ottraetive, superior nisortment• of LotiiiisliresS Silks, BerogeS, Beroge\ Delanes,•howns, 'Poplins; ebonies, - ;GitirYliamo ete... ,Silk ghOwls, Silk Straw .and French Lade lionnOts, Bonnet Ribbons; Plo*ets, ,Parosobc &e. together with a large. variety of other FOneyamd Staple Grails,{ including Cloths, • eassimerori i Boot.t.ond Shov, 'Wall Paper, Carpeting; Gi•o cerieS, Crock cry,. Hard Wore, -Iron and. Drugs, Oils; rind • Pointii, Cooking Ond Parlor Stoyos..Oulo Gtind Stong, l'loughs &e. 411 of !stile', will be sold oo terms to suit the elostSt. buyers,for cash or 'approvecredit. ' 'Milrord, May Bth; 1854. • NEW 'GOODS. A :LARGE Assortmont of now and Seasoniv nk.: lilt: Goods at the • U. BURROWS & C . • . t- • 'Dress ,• .ri, A IG(,OD aizsortment - at. lowliicoit, ; a .I.l.lfargo 140 good Prints • at 6 1.4 yaril:l U. ) BURROWS & co • Bonnets. .) iON NETS z i nd Bonnet Ribbons, a choke :m -sortment at low prices. U. BURROWS .& CO • • Sugars. , OOD New Orleans, at $1,87 1.2 perloo lbs. k.. 1" Primo do. at $6,25 per 100 Ibs. Prime Portorieo, at 8,87 1-2 per NO Ib4. Also. Clarafied Coffee, Powdered, and %641! Surrars at very "low prices.. -- . 1 7 1 i U. BURRO WS. , & CO. Gibson, WApril 1851. . '• INTEW GOODS: •• MILLAN & PARK- return their grateful 1' Y'acknowli4gtnents to the public for past f 4, vorsi i and invite :attention to the very large stink of Spring and Summer Goods-they are now !re:: cei ving, anal ,offer. fur sale at very low-prices..-!,' fu addition to their usual: hssorttuent,, of staple Ih7 Goods, Groceries, • Hardware, Crockery, Paitits, and -Oils they are prepared to exhibit a Urge assortment of . . •,' '• • LADIES DRESS GOODS of every descril•tion, Figured, Plaid and Plain,, Borinetsi§limyls, Ribbon 3. Glove, hosiery Ladies and ':hisses shoes of all kinds--;alio a liir , te stock of ii • . . 0 11,EAD,Y• MADE CLOTHING, glottis, Cagsinicies, • Tweeds, • Jeams, Suminer _elude!, -Vestiarrs, Hats . and Caps, Boots ,and Shoes ' • They respeUtfully solicit an early call from those • who wish) to purehise GOOD GOODS . ; AT 1,OW: Praccs, 1 • 1. . ! • ; . s • 51e)11 ' A LAN &PARK: . 1114 186 - . ; . . , 1.. SHER I FF ' S SALE. , 1111" virtue of a wilt. of Ten. Ex. issued mit of the Court, of Common Plena of Sus q uelelnna county; and to, one directed; I will expose topub lic sale on the Premises in the: township of clif l'ord; on Friday the 2.3 d da l i of .Inne, nt 1 'o'clock All that 'it diat certain. piece or parcel: of land si tnate lying -and being in the town'ship Of Clifford;,cnun .tv of litifiquAttnna, hounded and' described as follows, to wit': Beginning at a: corner of rand fornierly owned by Ilenr'yMiller, thencort+rth 67 deg. east 77 and 6-10'p6rt.'•hcs, thence north-2 deg. cast 28 perches, thence north 78 deg. 'past 1 12 perches, thence north 9deg. east 18 pprtilies, thence north:767 (1(.0.". west '6 eperPhes„*. thence !north 10 deg, ,east .28 perches, • thence 'north 45 deg.' west 37 ptrches,-thence south 44 1-2 deg. ‘i-e'sl..l.s7 , peretii , s; thence south 43 1-2 deg ! Omit L •l62:perclics, thence north 45 1-2 deg:, east 43 8-1 d perches, and thence.' north 45 deg.' west, 85 8,10 nerches to the plaCe of beginning, contain.; aeres.and 97 perches, more or less, eth ertog With the apifurtenances,)2 framed houses, barn, „ , oneisaw mill, some fruit tees, and about 40 acres improved. • • . Taken in execution at the suit Of George gone against John Chandler. G. B. ELDRED, Sheriff. • Sheriff's- chime', Montrose, •. • Mn' 30, .1854. ' . - • . , • • : • t IL * I A VEL 'TUB ELUL . is nom receiving his' Su men supply of ; _ . 1 El .I,V.EIV: GO DS,; , . • 1 or nearly everything wanted In thisinar- CQNSISTING' !Let, which will he sold at prices that cannot fail to please. Thi l e pnblle are incited to call and esapi no them. Montrosi, May 1, 1834. . ', - , Drugs, - • • Medicines Bc.Ch'emicals. • .A tint tale assortment. Physicians' 111118 neat and .1 - 1. 'expedlion4Y. put up at redured prices, and Pres. crip Jons!ca efunycomponnded. the best quality darn . - cies this Liepartinerit wits be found at the Dm: and Vakiety Paore of i l I ABEL TUltlttllt- J . . sc: racier :sortment leordiully ZEIM are wil ind here Pwling store in 19 to fiad I Black, Baines, Lawn', Figured ars, Un 'arnsois, i.tnTitigs , PA cf. DYJ A Tull I l iFortznen!., End of best (In:title...SF, o f . • t r i c eq.,l ge a eral aisortment, and the bt,4 the market alrerb, at j G 11.4 Dry Q 9. -,- A:smill. but choice Feleetton or the ITlOF6:ptatilq articles of Dry Goods, which will be sold nt priceg that will make It for the •Inter.:!st of purchasers to cell itt the store of I • . - I A. TunnELL. hi4arel~Frnr^ and Cutlery, etntlraciog a geed as: port.qtent.or, thw e e ctebrated Waterbury Pocket gOices, Stone-lare, ?cc. ok.. at . TURKELI'S. '• i • boy% ul nd nails, nes , und ) 1, Leath it us a .. . . , 7- . • , Draggp . stst Cass-Warc.A largo assortmen 11 t, at ! •1 . " .! 1 * ' , . TUUREy4.B. 1 • 11 . , Farms for . Sale. rplIE subscribers will act as agents for baykne, 1 !and ! nellinglll - eal -Estate,—Farms; Houses,! and ;lots-..located in Susq'n. County; .Pa,, or in . ! BroOtne County, N. Y., and also .Yirginia Land ! Waoantsi. All7lio wish to.offyr their proOrty for sale cnn giye a minute di.seription .of their farnis or. Lots ins . follows: No 'of acres; how ninb\r improved, ! and,•how watered; builditgs; !Orchard, grafted or: : - common fruit; -!other fruit. true*; how far,ftom Great Bend, -and the near. est Point bf the P. L:& W. R.' It:and & ILlpriee Sr.d terms , of payment,, whoiwish to nor orj SELIi tate:. will4cceivn prompt attention by • calling on or zuldresSing either of us at Great Bend;t.t.s. quebnn,nal bonny Pa. • • .• . • - W`" , Conveyance - froth ..Great Bend to 1. , the premises liee of ante.. • 011iee iin male iitreet; in the 'dwelling - house of S BI dhas g , lately.oeeupied bv.N. ter. H •I •. • • •,• S. B. CHASE. • . . •-::!Gt . .eat Bend, Oa. Ath, 1853, • • ; • ore )'ou oPfr.' Merean• theood ito them besOind e ofrered vho buy, rgo per . adopted sys ern our own I highest quise at eir iute I r- AA G(91) snOlv of gote - Leal ; her, Man Upper d 4. anti Calf - Shins; together with rteoti, tinti Shoes, )ei l st received., and for sale by - ! •t BENTLEY & REM). Summer r I'4lLeapeir iilnfugses, Teas and other (!;ro ,eoles to be fi - tund in this i)t. any other tbwn of this lequnty at I. 11. SITTPHISP§. Now Orleanl - Sugar tit 5 I-2 et* per li l .).nad other Goods orially low at !i • J. 11. SIPITHINP; i:i ' , rileloclo ns, - ! • 1 'S,/tN1.1..Y on han orlurniAlled nt short 'tide by ' f , -I,I'ONSA:. SON. i ClInN(; W - 1 4301iNtit „ Eliave received a !gaud aasortment‘rd, ex ;tritaely lots pric,es. & D. SAYRt. 4 ~.......„........,.. was> ... N.. lijiio Of Mail St 91: latiftighOto. ni Or ning ifter the, F. 1 1 15 . ail tite7l7MlTraine ordaiv,fioittilita [WESCreieht -I°l*94trP°T.sti.l..? Jive . RET UR , ISHN Leave Montrose dally,(S oniloya ex elied)lat reaching Kirkwatal in claw to take the Mafl %rains or' Gars,b4th Kist, antt Wept, ,being . the neori#t , andighost reuiblii runt e to resteh' the'Newitork and Erie 'ltailioad. :'Thialinti testersectshtkLireeldly nil a . rifle, Y ' nakbanaopk ; Wyoming, atisie t nhith JeaveßlioneroAe_at 7 A M Ovary MondAiy, 'We ne#day - . and frilay.! Ala o; line Geod. Town F and :c oniforaa‘llnt3arrialrea a e p tovidecti!. aria the . Proptietbiawil Wire 'Et 6 pithis aceotainMat ef rizb- Ito ' • , v; • 'T-1; • .Doceralk42.l, : - • 14011041f1t • ' , Loderstiilleillookil4' • 0 e.. inbseritfer would 4itifirria - thAik sbliliVii ;ea deigvllleandbUrtouudiugeountq,thshhessyeat- ly t"h a karki sn(l , complste Assortment, , ot , PaintioLtilsi,pyis sroods;l),yektuthi, Whidtklis 'Ssithy, , 'Vitrigsh ind , • ! Pitent‘ifi di clues, Ch kee Notions Monfeetkiierj. Toilet *tt artleleis k ept, In arm ,pits,blishns,,co4,o thit;k4ntlit 41,1wiJoRk !moil a large sisoiirriebt j l'aticYilangln s ;' • BON'S tt*. hibli.ho is. prenscred, ;15 _on tis,reaspnable tom stspy titre in did , DO CT.' , JAMES Alio 1401)s, in: sap's : , room st gehstal ~llsdrit ' oft die Citnicast 11801CINES.rarefully sel,e6ted, meltstasnd pecintenitml by Ullll4ol', roc his tvisgseCourdiddstihis an d tit's beisefltoftbe public. j Buildeirs,PAtuters e .PhysiCisns Schsol: if!' eh Ist,lnileed all 'classes mind prpte+sionP wishing to.purclntse.rifiie s inviteq tok , aitlind's6ercor th'erctielyes.•, •• . '• - • '`. . • L: Scott' Would infortn 'his foariner;patiotii that 111 t! has in connection:with hisothetliusnierg din/40181A. of Boots and Shoes some at fighicit - he!can t % warrant. , au& sell'as reasonable as can be tiough l Vat i , fly, ells or `Once. in the country. 1 '• • - f • ' ~A.(lorry7 Directly L t ir over John Store on • - the It. R4l;pdo • ; , •.. Dl GOODS. • Tirr.Fru ze=rectraly — ltis:tg :tivi'littent"on_. 0 . (dose withlnt. 2 to - purchase; Cheap - 1 . .* Coil, to big' NEW PALL an.l TVI Pa vn , ieJtfor, extent 111• rloty and elplrine•im, t'ar*!y• - sl-ty iswileipassed by tiuy • Etripire, mate ara*Pg witillAMPY becon3d - • • ~TWO HUATIPiLED, ofereiy lity and P;y1...,..f1 , 1ce4 ranAirgc4istu 150 i, if? 100 pfitce...Parvn:ta hTtA.;:wp:V.A. r•om 1 4 ..jer yard. Freftch ,:ktericpcs 0f.e.e,7 4rade and- color, rirmst:g.abiy cbital. - • .• 0,000 yard. of DoT ::._*ll. , n 4 eriiii-m....'nehst . , c . ..13:0„;; to 4.. Pria 45 1 - :41 Gin-harp. , • ."- I s.oo4,y'ards unly!eachd Shee.i.•,{sand frc't 1 , r' • 1000 yanls Whi Le, .IZed 4;rrr .F:llmn el firm 1a Ad to 0 ip)its of ever ; * kin , ) Tor Oten.on•iboys: 4 00 0 9f -rd. Si'kAirolm!r, PO . 1L;..n.1.!Na10. rapt* from tbow rneti grrvie to Too-t, rpe.g. ererj ft : 7_l'44lyr! • ' • A lime Ftivelt from Auctlon,. very 'cheap. • Trunks and Travelling. Bags, : r.b extensive assovirnent constant:y on hand.. • . . No elfurt. wilt b / d $.‘na,.....13 ril the.".trt the,.eubscribeet . p merit asontiountve of the patronage or'a;ii-.1) the public : has hitherto most geactU u•ly Recorded and for "wliftlr he returns sincere and hearty. tha4s.... • ' • , .11711.St)N, • Corner or Copra Zt Water qtr.. fcratpktos,Btock. Near:y oppo.Cte the Amer: can ush'ami - on, : hr; Y. . • Nov. 1535.- - , , NEW.. GOODS ... j.- . ' *. l - . i • At..: the • Upsomiille • Michange. ‘, 1 1 11, HE ' substilber ' hereliy , informs-.1i4-friendsl - I..(comprisitirthe public generallY).thnt he .lal Ow i•epleeisliirt . g his'stnek of Goods, - nod is of-1 feiin,g s u peri or . tml nen In outs fur them to purchase 1 of Iliin, thereby keeping their capital, as 'w&.ll aal diiirig tlieir .trafiing.nt home, ,nmOng, his stock! Mb)? bee, found a general aS'sortment of Dry G oods; Groecries, Crockery, 'Hardware, I Paints, - Oilso Dyei,-Doots - nnil Bhoes, flats and Caps; wall and! window paper, Clothing, 'franks, ylnkee n i tionsl 3te.,'all of which ho will be happy •to exe angel for any kinds of fariner's produee at the h,ghesti priees, - cash; or good credit. - . . _ I Also he wants all. who Ihare nee nuts of Qver: six Im - friths standing to call and settle them on or before the first of Feb:18.54, nndiall who intend to pay in grain are regtitSted to brinz-it nlontlas soon as convenient. 1 J. L. BIERIPMAN.. • :WANTED to hire ai good. Illacksmith,.,one who: nnderstands all branches of .the trade, and can orne well recommended for sobriety and iii dastrycnn. obtain wages by eniling, orrthe sUbscriber Soon•.: • JoSEilt 3.1 . £ 11111.11A1C. Jan. 2, 1854. • • , - • 1 - , 100 Dollars Lost.. TT, was not stolen, neither Wati it drepped in the road, yet irrevocably lost to . airy gentle man who purchases slop shop elothing,•iristead -of selcting his cloth of 'an honeit dealer and get! ting'lri4 clothes Made up lby an honest Tailor= Instea of losing that amount, any . geranium C:ill save $lOO in two - years tinno by carefully seleial _ting'iris.cloths, and employing such a Tailor as, Joliii 'Groves to cut and.r make them up, - and say nothing otthe comfort of having deeent`fits. THESPRING' FASHIONS are posted tip at my slioir, and very neat stylei they are. Call and see.l • " , 1 . W'"' Cntting done as 'usual for ready pay, and warranted to fit. * * *Rememer, my, shop is in' . the :ba!sentient corner of Searles Hotel,!aboUt forty, ' feet in a NorthweSt course from .the Lilierty.pole. JOIIN GROVES: ' - Montrose, May 5,1854.-19-3 M; i • 1 :.' STOVES & ;TIN WARE , .; .For StlAsizionhantia Ctituity. :* .: 1 - 1 D. LATHROP 4 Co. n'ould beg,:leave to 'flJ • return thanks. to their - friends for theirlih eral . 1 patronage - forl the 1 ;last year and, hope, they will continue their: fai'ors, whivli! we lk&pe. to-mer it by strict attention . to bllsiness, and low prices: We ; have the must :ippoVed patterns of STOVES ever brought into this Market, among which may. 63' f6und --- 1. 't. - • . . . • STAR OP.TH.E . WEST (Ekre fed Oren.): :CULTIVATOR, -• .•' :" PARAGON, .. I . " ...NrEIV IVO4iLD, ! --' • -. • '' GLOBE, ' . ' 1 . ATLAS, .;. ' 7`IIREE -STATE t s . , all Air Tight, And oth.; era too numerous td mention.. _ . _:,.4.. : • Welalso have on . hand a large assortment of Tin Ware of 'a heart' yeality, expreSslv for home trade, Cistert..and -Well Plims oral! descriptions, lead Pipe of all sizes, reels.for chain pumps, &le Sic. Job wor done With . neatness anddespateh. All kinds of p duce . taken, or approved - credit given. Give ft a milli* you please.. Shop on . r Main street ; directly opposite the. Dent: Oflite•.• . . .. C.-D. LATHROP, -'' . • S. A. WOODRUFF,• 1. Cash _ . , paid for Furs 'by , • L. &W. TURIZ E Ll.''S . . . . , * WAVY boom:ma... - . . Bentley. -& Read .11E - now reyeiv . inth a - lai.go , add .destrable /X stock of ' •, ! , t3IIIING AND. SUMMtER - GOODS, , which' they are wilting.Und anions 'to display to their customers, and the puhlie.generally: _'They have been bought for e'ASIT,. and will be sold - n.§ cheap us the c &vest, for l the "Re'ady," .COuntry produce, or aP roved credit.. Our Om' being fntly occupied in opening and selling . gocodls," - wo . Shalt bo under the necemity of referring our cus tomers, to the advertisotnents.ol'Our 'neighbors, hr a porlion of the articles - .which we: keepA:)n hand,\and with which Wu intend to ly supplied. .give us ki call and .you,.Will sttot 1 • regrvt it, i- . I 1 . • . Monfroscc - Aprit 25 1851. .•-':- ' '''' ''' '''..- Modt6al Card. TNOCT!S. THAYER &.CRANDALL, havin'g ,fimsoeinted themselves' in the praCtico- of Medicine and Surgery tvould rospectfitlly invite all to give them a call that pay need their pro fessional service. They may be round ht the race, formally occupied by -Doctor Thayer.—. They will keep on nand puro concentrated .and H omeopathic 3letlicincs. it.TUAYER. i Montrose, May. 8, 1854. Baking Powders. A; NI) IV' skiing Scat Paioder,q, great labor saving articles', for Bala by .I.IYONS4:ZON, 3lontrose", May 24, t 354: • t kik ARS' ,GOODS. LT. CRANDALL. eqsurer 5 e .i- ,-,..., P i ttlnr 1 1,1(44* in: #,loie:Nlti !It 0. .., ~ kri ki* tie'iaiiiy :iiiiil little * aiteeihti, tat ' the iota 44'1,1141_.gtineratrilemblyilof the wet. lximkteeiitikof,l'apesylvaltiee-direetiit the motia.bt selling anseateil latetsier :Ta2o l ). the following • trttOo antt:tiastio,,ef paelto of -.unseated Isisdai will, bei3Otif atiptiblie setataa sit(the eecond'Meedaj or lir- Deaf; a gif‘C i n4l4 o .. l ll l ! Jo -MoOVwe.' fo r t. Or 'ie titsaaue;iisiif Illii ..§bati seexited in. each traet j'espiectiviis;; 4ieeit.ttie sitaibe paid before the day ottatiet-ealt to ' etattiiiiithl .1d 10 o' b lobk ill the 4 trotenbeh 47, ,- 1 . _.. , .. , 1 , -,,.,,----,, , - 11, - -:....-... *iihinte4oOssiloiliiiiiit: - . 1, , I leptii. .. - , iiiste; -, -.: !-...?,...::1,.: 4 I . l,t r id r ivith; ri : •-, • . i . , , . , i ;. 3; „ _.,. Semite! ifoidett :,. 4 -;-....::.r.-:i ; -:.-'-' et. i t Phariesl4.iitd lic. . ~:: :.f.4,.:; 1—.64., .• ciirgra„i.., Joanoti:ctret . ' ;•:.. :i .', .. ! !. ~ 1 , ' ,5 4.._: Asa. Dimeek .r. 1.. . t, ' ,2 ,..... - it , '. -! ' ,,..; 01 1 ET. .3: _I.: ,112 I ... • 1 :I r ei ll iiiiT l Frri ;:•:, .0 ' • , Perris Walle , : ;:, _ ,,., 4 „ :„.; 10., , Sa ' irtA 7 N 1,04 ';i• ~::. 3 ,4 ,1';‘ - li- : : 1.:1 ° .9 -;, ' V., 11. Itlaivtn_qi .: , W. J. Ttir,rell - ! '- -----,`"• r - '' 'o' •'• Nathaniel 0 ..lieleta ~.,:..,.,: . _AO. ‘. Soloman Teiler,.,l, ... ,;aO,- 1 --i-il ; CtawfordlTiiii . ;, I John Comfort it; JameslAiinfoit''• James MAttiftittE • Horace•OtiiiiiMid Judge Iht titi4fOrti) Henry, Sit'sii, imisas . ' i ll - - Dwight kr, Nora Thos.'Nfaitidilh ithama Mcitt'' Du , igh t,ll. Alliitt S! S. Hewett MI s..fianißtott ;.~ / ~ -fj ~ . t.~• 1 Q~Vlr~l:r .F 2 ;:tx a' ~'~.. .. Rfrric,k.: IMIEBE • -.i •S : . ' "Y: i - . ~.-•,;,, v Siditte Sam's Xissim'i -. A ndtew.Tybont J, F. Depttie",' leob't Jaeksoe, Lathrop Lenoi. Andrew T 3 b oil: Liberty I :11. Scud • I.', Etdri#g polytoti. , tont. Litt No. 40-41; J... 4 I No. 6765, 75/6 1 No. 2035Jehiet No. 53 Win., 0 No. 26 Sews, t J. W. Brae.ksiei S. B. Gurnsey' T - N 0.27 Joseph'. , 1 I Hosea Benson, HoSea. Tiffany Jacob l'aylcird, Elijah Bainuin K. A, Jalinion Norman Vitchel Thomas Norilis Wm. Plunke Wm. J. Tarrell, • - .d0.. G. A. Graiv •_l - •• David Post Henry • Jacobi/413M : wm. •Drinket James COMfoit C. P. Tnlhnin • James 511amfOr. Peter- Dann tterron NdU) it Rush. Thorns D. it:L* ffice,- Marc Treftsprer's - DREAST. INS.- . -biaMena, Meanie and othef 1...) BreUst.flins in every 1 variety of style and' pattern;"this day received Jz. , o 1- - ,' • . 1 ALPREti J. ri - A - Ns;„ 1 - :pinghamtori April 18,'.`4: ' . I N -c_.. 2; Odd Fellows, Hall.; ~ -' 1 Ir%IAIION FINGER,RIN*S.i:-.806e ,oltiter I / • finest ei k brought ifitp ~tfiiis- MalitF.tl,-*lBl.l Ruby, Pearl,l, eiriid, Loek - et, Seal, Chaste; Plaid and. Stone Rings of all qubiities, by -, • ' I / I . AIi:EVANS: - VAR RIS S.—Some , vety= Rich,- Emerald, I.la Jet;, Gar et, Enamaled, and other patterns,- all 'price,'Y.. I : 1 AJ J. - EVAN& _ _ I : _ • , l i A , NEW i SSORTMENt, of gold Sleeve', :t1: 'BUM* StnAWArtidetai Se - ape; ltze: by - - _A.! .T. EVANS' C_l OLIKIIAINS, 'Vest; Chatelaine,_ ?ob"dad k_T Guard Chains, all weights and patterns; hi - 1 - . I-' A. J, EVANS. : I\TAPKIN: ' INGST—SOnie of the. iriehest 'pit -1.11 terns ev.r offered in Ithis market, • received this day by -• .1 •A. J.. EVANS: 7, Q !MIER, FY QIIEL,t C. k ) . 1 VANS of a tired _ , UP LAD BS:a,Re (pialitielif" mottiirt s • T_TAllt B JILL - or briiv. LUBINSI' rj,OLD Ajr just ree:! es, a-Mob te t ,,a, bis assca'tinen $ I; - l ATE , • sortmen Custeri, l arjd petterns bt: Pog,i)unito, tome ht - to this tract, vizir ATCHES. ; wed moth • ,the, with cotnplete; ARE:—.; • 'of Silver midlestick IBIT "I'm wit you once main my .friends , ' . - Aro ;ia ro L mi footsteps r oavr. - ' ~ TOIT,w ilk} i,i.d me at: s` residende on Mom- . rale, .4.W . deers so ' h 'from Seth Mitchel Es4j., liappy' , t any Hine to Wait on you, socialkt or professio , 11, the- laiterespecially. Those who preter I s hive their Work done at their rod.; il, donee wheth ' r living in t;';)wn or "out, will please give inclniti e accordingly;: and I am' at .your cervical Pc oils at a distance desiring Plate' Teeth, ein b a c commodated at my house, 'Yeti - of expense, w ile the - work is lieinident: 'As 1 wish 'to be[ bevy I shall still adhefit to 'thy old I v plan of eh t et ng according. to the eire.tmstanees of my pStion There. is march eomPlatht, el the higfilpriee of Dentistry:' and of my ',mei - toei although Ihi . e been tin the habit of deducting from I5!tO 4 .per ceot.l from the first. ~Now, friends l. will mike , yon this offer,--if _you who . need iiiiit * H coiner right along and ha#e it done :Ad so eep ine , buss; I *ill Work foil pit for half Price and. do it well •tee. Tie reason we have i.o barge so _high' is- bee:lulu), -either from dreal o , the , piin'erhbe-pay, yeti hold hick - arid force us: o lose much Aims - .for ; '-want,t?! . work. corn on then and you will filid - there ut al chance;forbargains at Mont:tine, - I- - , I - :'lC.. D.Vißdlta, - Strrgeeri-DOtitiit: pril !9, Mo ntilo I, •! st I FrHE'S hiST' , aSSOTtraeD • ,at -his no : . 1 Patte .. rns, • st l 'itiatern] !Stoveall; Stovesli! b.s , riber wishes to call the attentionot leal3 Cod-the Public to his *erg late to: ~ . STOVES.. . S arojtooin in Ltidersvillt., next. to ~ I qt.'s Wire; and near the Greet Bend • to has IS additien to his fortit9t - - largo Cooking - and Parlor or StOces,,ma new me of Whichtire •-% -: ' ' 1 rip' 1 . t - 'pe44.,ordSch; f 14.1 Pg.. TroYs litakat6k, - - Mtdailiore, arrfor;- °flea, - ' _ OLb, . 1 „ .. Egg Stovo;.", , - _.„.• 1 .„_, ler with hlii former 'steak wtl , Ir i n st Oiler - Silva and railed aSsortment ed Stores in the Cetni(tr I", ~ • _ 1 Stoies Well rtlintsfied at,lSiiiirliei. .rticles in bi 4. line kept on- binCand , - r AS Saual, arid orders received* his tt_ G to JO reat Bend.? • , . . ";'"• .. •.• - 4 , 1 ITN MIA; . tt.Great Bond Nov.itilsStit.: ....A. choke ‘varicti, of Liguori for isidiaila 1 1 ' 1 ; .... . TURVILL's. it ' se stramotttistoltis,llcori Meng ter arid Tolt ; efeces,,abio Aecoirdoose &unm', et' Bitojos i - Teflut Forks, - Toserso' o 3lcule, !to. let , : _:,IIJRIIIfLIAr. Which toeo piirtisiP*l a . , 1 k of welt - cr, 6 e I . ::-.. 4 '0,.C116(0 ' Ap a l .ipade( . olde r 46 .4t c tiati4 . ? r:l:,.l • . - LiitiOlvil , • , Liiiitiorc' ' pl - urpoae,nt - 1 . -- Mnitleill . Rosinißridifr*: I flutes, Otvi4 l ' tlon 8004, : ft ,I _ , 1 NES" GOODS _ Lathrop iir,Co ulam we refer the public ta *tem* mid not Mut- soinfWieri to tbeli ertisea3entil), ;where, wilt..lo tonna of out eXtOitufTe asicirtMent we oft or at'the very Leing trices* :54, • I . 1 611r:114° 1 et•luitin netigthers Ad i st in part Geolls-rh f,bo Y: t:~ .jJ+4 ,31( 70 - , 64 '2, 1 0 • • 64 .• 7 .1,. i , -.•: ..!,/ 4121:,i': , .'.,_-' ,. ,'1 1 ,34'. '333,;? .---":',, , '.. r755S 4: 55,--- '::", :, :: . ) 1303 $ 100; ; ;'-7./ . 2,2 G :1 - 001,,: '' ', -.2,20. --$6l, : ..•1 ~, .A. 26 ~/.., :'• • . , . - •q - v 80i " 222. 200 30 837 20g, 7,52 ttg 11.2 t? 16,87 tc,ie . 1,97 13,54 107 /190 ' '260 Ike s s ee 7,41 4 1 42,E • 1446 200- 400 200 10¢ • - 100 • 784 50 , 100 Ilford: 3,1 q 1,14- 7,6 0 6,80 2.82! 2,46 401 - • 300 _ 200 140 • 132! 100:: - I.lg - '420 126,20 " 4102 9,42 • 15097.65 100 I 627 . , 124 7,26 I- 110', • 1,43 I 130 200 ' 207 • 19 - T. 68 ' I 43 [ • 10,14 Treeisirer. 21,.1854. - 2,Pie - anil itinikiniiezl • 4.. J..P V AN% lotlast received if-. A; 1 ' A. I. EV S. bin - , is to 0 , etti fig: - ilea 1 1. i. Eir . A ' 51.... .... _ . f the best pialiti ova kalif; EVANit ,led genuine 4.V: it. S. EY4Nlir t The staseriber bat' supply of Gold watch. s former stock' : makes - • A. L PANS. large ,and beentifar ne s t ; platen . Cake'llasketai some entirelv neW 'A, ,I. EyAlle;_
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers