The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, May 18, 1854, Image 3

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    T 6 Hattie on lirbenallta.
- .
Aright and Day' Sessions f3f the Hou . set-,
. rime., stftnd of the MinOrity-I-Rctier
Strunt, thutial.. ' ' i
l' WASErna l °TON, Saturday, May 13, .1
I An eventful and exciting week has Iel;
some fears doubts. thought--; that i there; xv
'majority in the House for the bill, iesis
livas futile,i while 'others rested in.a false
rity. that majority conid apt be fonn
pass the bill. A few men, however,!wer
termined to avail themselves! of all the .r•
jot a minority, under the nibs of the 111
end stay the final vote untilja fall disco
mold be had, and if possibl a- verdi(it
the people be taken. - Bit when Mr. Old
the Chair) began to limit the speaker, to
the usual time and to exact front them a l p
me tomake no motions tb rise. as a ' con.
istion for ,his giving there the, floor, theft
warm and doubting began to feel the;
-e'' ntering , their souls. Anil when Mr. Ric a
ion moveedc~ close deba on Rriday all i
eision van, shed- It was bad 'enough io 1
e, ;
the bill pass /it any time,lbut, to' be -pits
through Without a full discussion added ii
to i n jury. In a short time it was olden
or once, t ere was a general flmion ota 1
tions of th opposition, each vicing with
other in h olute detennination to Kicur
fall discoion of the question. So
,fin• .
have been able to hold the majority. at
ilia' to pre consummation consumation - a • n
'arbitrary' nd unjust act; . „
hare Many of the best' speethes of the y ' I
are been made duringthis week; and tl
are severargood ones yet to be delivered i
opportunity can be secured. Elve . rybedy I
Surprised at the beanty and onnalitkof
leb Lyon'i,speech, and Mr. Uph of I',Sal
c.c t ,
rdthough he rose to speak at ave ry late:h
after a tedious and exhausting ion, eifeha
&I the= ndivided -attention of the - Hou'Se .'
suckles. ,.
• The nigtt session in the Howe, ascrell
he infamous one in the, Senate, were; oc
Lions for mons for exhibitions of drunkenness arid r
deism. Eflmindson of Va., was particula
noisy, and Mika Walsh's voice, "Tobjert i ”
frequently heard during the night. 1 •
Speakerlßoyd, so far, ,has acted' with gr
fairne-A and, confidence is felt that while
l 's in the Chair, himself,,_ no unjust de:isi
' , sill be male. It' is only feared alff•-slliont
Wan may temporarily occupy the place, as
is, of coursii impossible for any one man
preside over sucha bodrfor thirty o' , for
ours, wit Lout intermission. The ii the
li i i
fing and consistent course to Messrs. ...a, rie
Wheeler, Cron;and a few other DeMbero
has been i strong contrast with _the' vaseil;
on and tr ehery of othe of that rtarty .: „
• DAY.j
,' , • - aturday Morning, May 13118 4
' - 't .1
[ The tel mph will tell- you of the row in
the House, but you can have no idea of i t l e
1 ,
.scene as it occurred. Douglas 'Was in the
House di ting his follOwers, and with the
exception qt a- few houri, was there all the
time duri n . the struggle. They charged
him with c unseling revolution and - violeilie
' n
-order to accomplish' his purpose. I : !is'
aarged that he attempted to tamper ith
he Speaker, and to get him to overndelt 'e
rulm;, but the 'Speaker repelled his -siigg
tient ThMt it is charged that he tried O
get up apl n for overruling ; the SpeelT. ke s
ecisions; w ich_ plan failed! I It is , 'further
barged th t the Nebraska men have alowbd
heir purpose in due time, " toltake !the,
ru es
t into tbeirlown hands, bud take the res -
sibility ."
aid pass-thi a hill any ow.". I I.
1 There islno doubt that Edmu dson ix* ut
forward tol.egin a fight, and t t - Deug as
etas cooni nt of it. He, Edinu dson,liad in'
',the course of the -evening tried to getup n
quarrel wi Wentworth! of Illinois, andralth
Sage of New -York. I Campbell Of. Ohio: w*
making some remarim in reply -to StepherM4
Edmondson armed to the teeth, aad under e,
i teeth„ sad ander the influence efliquor;cii e
• ,
op and dethanded what ,
right - he kad tO ', e
dare his'eclurseof action—that if he, - a P.-
bed'bell, wanted to maketany thither oppsiti ix •
to the bill, he was the Man Sho would lin 't
him-personally. Campbell ihdignantly,re , lz-
Iris interference, is hen Edmundtsou Iheg n;
to u - r u p to d tt , o ? n t hgiesitivtes,gt,
r hi th s
t t
u p l u e rpose ektlik„ ,ti i t h l i i ! L l
Campbell, ;who was.nuartizedArew Vs ' '
behind turn, and defied him to lad h a s , ~i) ( ir
c t s
upon him.l At this j'unctitre an innii - fie
crowd had rushed to the scene, aid Rive '1
persons had got between theltwn, and iinn)e
iately the Sergeant-at-l Anna rished. up l / with
xis mope. I Had Edinundson. laid, the w,eiglit
of a feather upon Campbell the 6snit would
have been deplorable. ',A general fight Would
have ensued, and Heaven knot's With lis•at
intuits. -No man could have Ilisplaye&in re
tierce and cool detennitation than Mr,..ollamii
hell did on' the occasion: - 1-1, II
I This ,contest his shown thelrue meri,.,4 T e
New\York Whigs wer4 all true as teel. 7 -1,
.Vaurice, Peek, Oliver and John Wheekil haie
releceted imperishable glory on time Ilailis 1; fl
.\ew' York. Cutting !was off nearly a ill t e ,
nie. Peckham, a brare andlfue_mani v.
'el and not able to be in the "House Muc li.
enton and Hughes of New-York', stool iiP
obly. '*ddleswarth and Everhart of Pen -
Yfritnia,l Edgerton of Ohio ind Mace °flit] i
taa,'sliox•ed an uttbleticliing front' .'' S 4 d
i d
'Haven. ! P.iChardson's motion :to adiguin ga e
great offence to some ills men,t Sooli i tic
-thies (res at le as Mike - Walsh and Tw, e .
Westbrook and Rowe go With the7tehia*
• en through thick and thin.' :. `f -
• i -
..,.... - —j-,-- ,, ' '
THE 1.k././.8? FauTt 'WASHINGTON. 11
1 WA . SHEINI6TOIC, May 14, 18 4.
Two menses were held last night ' the
nti-Ne iaska membOts--one by the - 'hi
and the ther by the Oemoe, rats. Bothd' -
"bled to remain ,firm andanited. The*, hi
intend issuing amauitesto recOmmenditigithe
Te-election of all Denu'acrata who reinain 44e
to the end. Ile r* the 1/ '
calk •3n . won : o l a
to n Monday morning, of the hi
berti in f or of the Nebraska, bilVis pro lyt
i he
a ‘ zpse. '_ weal caucus - was held last Ight.
i 1 , I
Watli/Acrrox, May 1.3, 1854-:-3 P.M. - 1
The Manse, after an irritated' sessiOn.jof o
ut two hounsi 1
finally ad'
_ourned at about IT
'eloek: - . 1 . J
The Nebraikai i tes are sorely dispoinfitte d.
;The opponents ' of tile bill are uushrliting
d confident ' ' ;;
-' '
; 1_
_ -
.li ,I,
. -
Tire P44)lll.ibi ,ry I:l4iiimir.LoiTiC.':
- A - prohibitory .Liquor - Lawpateisjk . I bat
nehes of our State Legislature, On MOtdaY.
ad .was immediately nt• to the Gevel)°'.*
• t prei - entil, after" t4ege, any paiio.ficia,a
111iug beer , ale, po , -or other malt liAtiorS,
ithout a Ilicense fro s the.Court . q...quarter
:::.ions—the'same . - titirern licences are Ob,
fined. also prohi I'm any 'person ebtaiiti
ng a lie6se .to sell . s ! irituetu• li•ittori.. II • t 1 • .
nark \or - eiherivise, u.• teas pers o na sO altrAltir!_
I , • Ibe retailers off eignoT deinediet:Sle 't
s, area, and Merehand ae, entitled to • '- •rT•r bt "
sal to the 14th eta: • ; and have 1,43,4 L •1 tin:
egulai]y classed by ercantile appraiSem4
All persons - violatin this law are made anb: -
'ea to t 4 penalties . those against tbokeeti
ers•nf..nutfeensea tipling houses.: , e att
I". not apply to the . brewers . of malt' ittUOM,
it t 9. tile..ll,anufacto •,. or - reetifiem ofigpirit, -
onslignors!, for, rhol •: le purp oses, The la -
. .
• ' -
goes into effect immediately on beinfr
\ • •
signed by,. the Govenor. ;
Bevis.—The Boston Post, in an article upon
this subject, pays a -- well Merited tribute to
Gov. Bigler, and says: i -'• ,
,i, , .‘"i 7 e hasie always confessed our esteem for
.the'veto po*er . as it very important .
and sal
•tniy Olement in our forms ofgovernment, aii4
the use Which the, able and popular GOVernOir
of PennsylVaniajms made of it in tis instanOO
is by no means calculated to.weal,: - .4 the re.
siva' which the publie*entertaiti fo this great;
.k, leek and' safeguard. Though this veto tae's*
sage is short and unostentatiOns,:and the idea,
of_ its effect on his . re 7 ehicitiOn probably never
e creel The Gov,einOr's mind as such ini• idea
n Ver. should 'effect an ekeentive oflicei. in the
d cluirgeof his duty, we cannot but lbeliev,e
.t t the, voters will ;find-it tiii additiornri r. 7
8 4for. sustaining GoveinOi lliglerin the coma=
ii i annual contest ; •' -
. .
as a
- ' . Veto 'Message of Oov. Iliglr..
• Governor Bigler last week returned to the
:gislat.M.e, withlds objections, severer hills
i corperating Deposit Banks. He give s his
ason*foit not approVing the bills, in ; the fel
-1 wineMiAsage. The Gevernor very propei 7
I, the loose elmiteis attempted to
. ‘•i i
given to these in4itu i tions, and insists tin
i •
t to apPlicatiOn of the indiidual \ liabilityfea
-1 re OallScOrporatiOns of,that. Oseription.L
- .. - I'
lee- Message is soma:tin Oinciple; and- wpl,l
i et the hearty •doncarre4e of all who 'with
see4the business -of. this Crinon / Weal'tli
placed ;on a permanent and sound basis: . 1
' EXECUTIte . ClIA.S11117:1t 7 -
J 1 - lIA.ItRISDURGi, May 4,-1854.: l!f..
I .
To the'Senatc rind Ho4se of Represeniatimyri
. • Gentleineni The following bills have" beVn
presented for my consideration and approval,
anli: ierewith return-the same without MY
assent, 'to the; Senate,- in which body, tht.y
originated. I . ; - !! ' i:i
Bill 1116.• 15'9entitled ail Act to ineo . rp'o,'
~ ,
rate. the Donegal eposit Bank, to be,lOento
at Um:tett:l, Lancaster Bout ty •,' No. 215, e:iii
titled an. Act to incorpoiate the - Catasauqua
Deixisit Bank, at Catasanqui4 Lehigh
,coun' 7
ty;, - biil No., l 2l3,lltiflea an act to iiicorW 7
rate. the Fannets' Deposit Bank of
county • and bill N0..94j0, 'entitled anlAct to
! ' . I .
incorporate the i Nount .1 Pleasant Savings
Bank. I' - H ‘. - - I I
II The principa;l•ol:bjectiou:!+l . o . the bill s under
• •, _ .
1 10 1 n
-ne bills
consaleration js, that no Itiquate liability is
. - '
imposed upon!the stockholders, ders, for 'the .pre,-
tectien of those, who may te.. creditors; of the
institutions: It, has become ,a settled prine,i:.-
ple, that in
prig ate
wht large pnvate gaina.lare•expected, mid.
the I tuhlic deeply interestt4 in the operations:
of an institution and it ,ability tu Meet itti
,engagements, that; the individuals thus as 4
eiating,.shall . be severally liable, in their pri4
rate estat6; for ' the ! • debts of , such. c4,ipcira•
. . 1 . i : , •
wl: i I 1 , :
. iThii p neiple has been applied, yeti- properly, it is,'lieved, to Bank of Issue, Mal to
t.' e
thean ' itiattufacturingl 4"etnpanics, and`
the puhlic , areicertainly quite 4,s much luter=,,
es!ted , in the safety and solvency of a Pank 4
Deposit, as'. in 1 - these corporlations... Inviting,
deposits by the offer of liberl - terms, the ent
.community surrounding such an institn,
tion' may hccUme ereditork and' espeCiall
those clitssl.ts least able to bear
„a loss; and
hence the propriety of furniShing an efficient;
protection. The application of the principle
is not more salutary upon the pub ic Mind;
,) . 3 - inspiring:ennfidence anditrtist, tan upon ,
the corporatorstheniselvea; land th greater
Vigilance resulting, froni a . ,pil,oper sense of re?
Spensilaty,' Would More than compeniate fdi
this increased !liability. - • . !.. ~ 1•• ' 1.4
Whilst_ . " - h: iks • '
inn, is true that mere Banks of De+
psit, not hating the power Co increase the ag
gegate of paper circulation, are not liable to
tyre objections - generally urged against'an'
cra.- of banking capital; as a basis for paper
Issue* and cannot inflate' prices by an expand=
ed currency, they should! nevertheless be
guarded-by every prOper, Ihnitati6n and TE
striction, for the security Of thepublic. Nor!
Should Such institutions eStablished rati:
dont, and without due regard to actual bu+
ness _wants; but only in sneh localities .:is
manifeitly require them. In, places where a
large amount Of business;is ikansanted; I can
see no well founded ObjeCtionio such an ager!i
C4thus froth the 4. , 1 - & and itaportance of the.-
place, , an institution of the 'kind at Alleritowti
might be eminently proper, find. be of great
benefit to its, liiusiness - inhab?tants—and per.
laps at other, points indica* in the bills be•'..-
fore me; but in this, :as in all other fillowa
hie measures, the utmost diseretion and judz.`4
tnent must be exercised, and the true interest;
and safety,of the public ever, held - in view. .1
Misapprehension seems to have existed as
to the extent of the liabilitY"impased by the,
'general ;Banking taw of 150,. under i which,
the proposed institutions are to be organiz4
It was . certainly stieh erroneous impression
that secured the aPproval uf, the bill to tncor
porate the Citizen's 'llepoSit3ank of Pitts..
,burgh e tr in all other, simtbir cases, the prin ,
ciple of individual liabilitY .! . ,eems to be'rigid-,
ly adhered to.l Even in this case, however,'
there is an express reservation in the pet, of
incorporation that the -Legislature may in n
pose new conditions if neeessary, which, Id ;
some degree, tit least,; supplies the omission of
att ; .ekprfss „i ndi vi dual As there seems, therelere, to be a defect fn the general this particular,' I Opectfully recOnt;',
mend that -it be so amendil as to apply; kg
the-principle of individuallliability to,Depos;4,
,it Banks hereafter incorporated, as well as to
those,already established, inf whose, charters"
the right is reserved to ,
if necessary: , *M. BIGLER. 1 ',
_t4r InTerky County, nois, a womtiti
has, been elected egnstable. i i . ;
, 1
' giXUX) ' - .• I ''
Ito-l.T.tffersen, Ashtabula county;Ohio, on the
27th:tilt, of, Seariet, Fe4.l.ol,aez %mu, Zi 1 :1
daughter of L. 1. add Abby Smith, fernier! of
pridgewater; Susq*a eo, aged 1 I
yetis...and 4 4.tik,
.- . ~ - 1
L ,
Ithrthe 30th ult., at
,Campville, Fi onal Co.,', Ni
1 Y., of Small Pox, ?intim:fit Caisson,' aged
19years. I ''
- -. '' 1 r • 1 ,' • '
- --!• . !
1.04: : ~
Ain meetintof the Appalaehin Valley ; ge
I No.lo,- LCl. l ,of 0.:T., located*, Little %mode l ...*
Pa.-the folloWing preamble iin4 resolutions were
presented by; a committee appointed fur the pur l .,
per, and unaninzeusly, adopted; _ 'l l . -
- Whereas, %Tithe dispensation aim impart
Prevnee, wet t re been deprived 4fi, respect
ed mister who 4N worthy of our confidence nod
;unfeignedretowt; and by , her death We are again-- retz,hldedi that WO too, are "passing airay."i ' I ?,
,Raolwil, That We deeply sympathize with thee,,
friends of the demised in the • hiesulallt asP•ghter:l
iditer; arillrientL, ` I ' ;- ' .., •, I ', ;, !,
' Rertilved, l 4l4 we-tender our heartfelt tfusnits
to those who minis red to the emote of ohs dej
"ceased driving firer i
` ' t illness; '
Reset :Ad,. That e wear the ;usual; badge, o.t:
mourning on pablicl for thirtY days. 1
Resetted,'lllat t loiSeeretarfAtrward a copt,
,erthe above, preamble end reselatiMia fort Publi...
cation lathe `,' , ltepirese Pemoirat",lluod - 0 : Co Rego ,
;Sonthern :Tier, Timils" and aboot i ftt thi,friends et,
:this d l e6mose4 , - i.l • ," ' '
-,, 11 - --' ~.. -
[.: 1 ' : --E. B. Bzutpoot.Elio '
~ .. t
„. JAI?..-11. Tivi l cm, ! Co*.
liowann Kkora...4. 1 .
i- . ''. L . ..; Joutoliza4ottz VV.:C.:Ii" ;
I AS.:r. Lii t, W.llO ,L 1 t ,fl i
1.. '
. •
. • F . - List of Letters,
- ReAlainiiig in. the Post Office ,at
May ;18, 1854. . - ' - -
. k
Allen,Walter Mills, - Henry ;
Backe ,J. H. . . . MeMean ' - Miss Michael
13enjaMin, Milton . . - Mann, David C 4, :
Bennett, Charles - . • Millart, Mrs. - Elnont'
Bodine, Ilezeldah - Nett, William
Blowe•r Benj. - Morrie, Prof. Nathan
Bagly, Miss Lovira- - - - • Morey, Ezekiel
Chamberlin, Wm. McMnnnirs, John .--
Crelisal, Miss Mary, Meithen,.Edward
Coffin, - ;.Thos. G. Mott, Gilbert 1 - •
C‘chrr.n,,Wm., \Widow,o4encup, Mrs. A.. : -
-or; flora _ - O'Brien, Thomas .;
Charuberlin, L. 1... • Perry, Nathan
si k
C.or 'ea, Mrs: Sarah-2 - Robson, Apole s 3.
Day on, Silas . • Rooney; John ! ':
.er, Richard . . Reed,.ldoies
Denius,t3lrs. . Rosencrence,Theresa 31.
Daniell; Miss ElizabetbStuith, John Henry -
Foster bliss E. V. - Slater, JoSe - ph i • .•.
PiAti, 1; C. - - • -Seamans, A. B. : -
• FeSterOliss Sarah Seaiums, Mrs. Mary. -•.
Cosa, Mrs. Betsey. Stewart, Mrs. Charlotte
-Goff William Smith, Mrs. Sarah A.
GraY, Prof. . . Sherman, J. C.
tleneni,. Chancy. . Smith, Mrs. Julia ;.
Gratnl4l.Trnes : 'Sherman, Henry -• ,
Ifni . ,; Thomas , Seibel, Petdr - •••`. , ;
Hartnett, Thomas . •E. &nab, his widow or
Houlard. Govenor her heirs -1• • '
llerls, Thomas Tyler, Roial
: Hamoni Mrs. Sarah • Thayer, Leroy C i \
Ilmeelli John S.-2 Tyler, L.A. -; • ;
Jenkinsl I. S. - • - Whipple, ferdinand
Kin,,Astey, R. F. . Warner, Jacob A.
Leigihtoh, Andrew • Wood, Mrs. E. 1 •
Long, Jhhn. • - Webster,Amos; a soldier
. Lewis, John W. . /f"' of the Revolution or
Litti, Catharine - his heirs.
1 ?..• [ • IVashin(jton, itubbart4 1 -
1 i. ;IA. N. BOLLARD; P. 31.
' . Mentruse, May 17, 1854. . s 1 •
. • Multi shu rg, May,lo, 1844'.
By dui 43d-section of the 4 Act for the regula.
tion and 'continuation of the Common School Sys.
tem,#, liaised May 8, 1854, it is made the duty of
the Supdrintendent of Common Schools, to give
notitie bipnbliention in two' newspapers in each
county for three successive weeks, to the School
Direciori of the several counties, that they are to
mee; in Convention at the Seat of Justice of ;the
proi'er:iounty.on the first Monday of June next,
and seledt tira voce, by a majority of the whole
nttmber 'of Directors present, one person of Liter
any and-Scientific acquirements andi of skill and
experienee in the art of teaching, as County Sn.
perintendent for three. succeeding school years,
The School Directors present in such com-!en
lion I or tit majority of them, - shall at the same
timeifix thicompeniation of the - County Surr•
interidentl, and immediately, after such .election.
the President, and Secretary of the Convention
shall' certify to the Superintendent of pOln11101)
Schdols, at Harri4iiirg, the name, amount of inn
nuallcomPensation allowed, and the Post Office, of the person who may be elected 7i:lun
ty Siiperilitendent, C. A. BLACK, I
Superintendent Cornm i on
May 15, 1854-20w3.
Bank ' Rags, Paper Rags, and Benton Mint'
Oro s," in' exchange for Storle Goods,
1 At Dimock Comois. Pa..
ho subscriber has just received a first fate
assiirtrnent of Goons, consisting of pry
Goi)ds,-bUth Staple and Fancy ; Greceries ; 134iots
and, Shpe...s, every, size And kind; Crockery, plain'
and' (Ina Owe, &c., &c.,.sVhich ho is prepared: to
exchndge, for country Produte - pn as reasonable
term's as any Store in the County. Try me -kith.
PrOduec,!try me iiith CASH, try me most hny:
tray.) .-, • L. N. BACON. •
Iknock Corners, May 17, 18544,-20tr.
PORK FO SALE by the barrel, 4 1. •
I , • L' S. Witsom or.A. Bat.oltria.
.51Anti*e, Mn 1854. . '1
'lain &J'ancy .Poods.
LAgGE j ot inst\i,penetl and selling at, hayi .
± priac from 8 cents op. Ae - Cashmeresi
Ro.l l ,airte!t, Poplins, De Bages, &e., we! are pre
p:ll-NI to 'please all sorts of people. Call and_ex
; . J. LYONS dr, SON.
. Melodeons, •
CoNg-TANTIX OU UAW or Turnirthed arnhort
05)tie by LYONS & I SON.
New- Music.
TJTAVING made arrangements with the great
I publiAhing house of - HORACE, Vtr,ines; we
shallibe in the constant receipt of,Ztlew 3.lusiel as
soon as published, and be enabled to furnish any
thing wanted in that line.,l [
N.}B. , sluiic sent by mail fre of postage.
• LYONS & SON. •
May 17, 1854. •
in New Milford. • i
. .
THE Subsc r iber having leased the store ofithe
'lesisrs. Pratte, formerly .occupied' by I. S.
I.,ittli.;'lntends to locate permanently in NeW 3111-
ford,iandl would take this , opportunity to inform
the lnhabitants, of New Milford; and' licijaeni,
towns,'that he has just returned from New York
wilhu lake and splendid stock of fresh, and 'on.
tire) neic,goods, consisting of Dry Goods of, al
mosttevery conceivable variety, Grocetze' a as low
as the lowest; hardware; crockery,' 'Boots &
Shbes, Hats & paps, Bohnets - of eVery style, &c.
15 , ,c., mhich he offers for sale on the most reafion
able tterms for Cish, country produce, of reliable
i i i
would also say in thi,l connection ;that, he
has a de4 . to the establishment the manufactur
ing O Tin, Sheet Iron, & Poppet in all its varie
ties,' which he is prepared to ex&mte `all jobs
by Ili veit .best of workmen, & on the' most; fa
vorable terms. • , ! .. 4 ,' ,."
. • Dealers supplied atthe lowest ' rt:s.
. Paiticulars in relation to Stovesl4e., at same
futno3 time. . J. DICKERMAN Jr.
N6w Milford,May 16,-1854.-2611. I
11) , BEAST-PlNS.—Diamond, MOsaic and other
I PlßreaSt-pins in every variety of style , and
palbirn, this day received by ,
B i pghamton; April 18, '54. ;
No. 2, add Fellows Hag. ,
T - iiA'MOND FINGER RING M me of the
I P . ; Snest eser brought into this market, also
Ruby, l'earl, Regard, Locket, Seal; Chaste, Plaid
and Stone Rings of all qualities, by -
A.ll. EVAN&
"VAR RINGS.--Some vet y Rich, Emerald`
X.‘ f Jets Garnet, Enarnalcd,.and, other patterns, ,
all prices, J. EVANS.
ANEW, ASSORTMENT of Gold Sleeve,
Bottoms, Studs, Armlets, Snaps, &e. by
CHAINS, Vest, Chatelaine, Fob and
Ur Guard Chains, all w,
ights and . patterroc by
"‘THAPKIN RINGS.--So eof the richest pat
ill 1 terns ever offered in this market,' received
thii day by ' A. 'J. EVANS.
SILVM SOUP LADLES, Pie and friiit knives
'1 2 1" A. J. 'EVANS.
QLIELL,COMBS, a new loOatt received by
1,3 1 - • . A:1. EVANS.
ANS of all qualities from - 4s in 118, plain fig
uredd and mourning styles. by
AIR Brushes', some of the beet: quality
er brought to thiskmarket, _
; A. J. EV.ANS.
y.BINS-xtract, warranted genuine by
GjoLD : WATCHES .- The subscriber has
ust,recuiyisLanother supply ot Gold wateh-'
es, Ithich together with his forme; stock- make,'
-bit User', Lanni, eoniple to. -
•. EV 'ANA,
1_ 1 _• ~
' AVARE.—A LA beaull6ll2-s
-px.ATE- •, Cake Baskets,
i sorteeent 'of • Silver placed'_
titet - - aessi,
Canton; lind C.1,/PdleBticklh .S°IIIBInEVZI4IB.
paterine, ll ' -
lAngiugaten. Mifeh 30 ) 1854- ' • t
WE haie received a good - uilintfeitt at';ex
y; triiToly low prices,
' 44 1P.13AY161,,
, .
e D. LATHROP & Co. would 14g lea've to
retuo thanks to their friends fel-their lib
eraCpatrontige for the last year !and hope they
willcontinue their:favors, which We hope to met%
it by. strict attention to business u and low prices.
Weliave the must approved PatternsEof STOVES
ever; brought into this market,.aMon4 which mar.
found- •;- .. - \
. i4rAR OF THE IVEST (Elerated.Oen)
CULTIVATOR. - u `, I 14
ATLA-S; ; -• I
THREE. STA TES, all Air and oth-.
ere too numerous to Mention.
We also have on hand a large -assortment of
Tip Ware of a . hedrylpinlity, expressly for home`
trade, Cieteit. and Well Pums ()fall descriptions;
le4Pipe of all sizes, reels for chain:pqmps, &c.•
&A. = Job-Work done ; t neatness andldespatch.
Alf kinds of produce taken, or approved credit
given. GiOe us a call if you plCase. !Shep • on.
1114irt strecti'directly opposite the'. Aim . Office.
• ! C. D. LATHROP, •:
tfish paid for Furs by • L. , &W.
NEW 0.00X1S;
M t:.; o ileve or receivin: \ a : largo ' L n7d l deirn.ble
2 - 1 -. ; ; ',SI'RING AND EipM3IEER : GOODS, •
wlli4h they are Willing 'and'anxious to display to
their customers, and 'the public generally. :They
haVe been bought for CASH, andwill be sold as the cheapest, for the "Ready," ,Country
produce, orripproved . ,eredit. Ohr time being
fully.occupied . in opening . and selling goods, we
shali t be raider the necessity of referr ing our cue
toriters, to the advertisements of l our neighbors,
foi a. portion of the articles . which .ve keep on
.hafid, and ti filth which .we; intend td keep constant.
ly*tipplied, Give us a call and 'you will not
regret it. •
M o ntrose; April 2,5, -1
A P 001) su pply i)f Solo Leather also Upper
'All :do. and.CalrSkinjt, fog,other!with Bonts'apd
Stilpci,i, just,receiredi, and for raloAy.i. — • '
CLOVEIt and Timothy seed plso Butter
Firkin') cm\ hand, and for sale cheap. I
A VERV large Mock of Spring tod*unlinerl
.1.1.',G0051is are just being received at" '
Satnrnertiiille April 0 5 1854 I
( 1 :1_00D New Orleans Sugar at 5 it-3 eta. per
; ;lb. and other Goods equally lope at ;
.1. H. SUI'PHIN'S.
r cheapest, Teas . ,and other L;ro.)
ceries to he found in.this or:anil other town
of this county at .
, i
:1 ') fir eli Siirit ug Gotid*:, 1 : 1
Fr : llW. s4scriber is : nnw • reccivirighis; usual
.1; . nApply . i pt Spring and Snnuneri goods, iandi
ofrrs tlieln rot:sale as cheap as the Cl - IEAPEST
I - 'ii 11. J. ‘9,88.
41 . 1nirpee; ; March 15; I'Bsl .
. , i ,
At the_ fteady Pay Store .,
rrillEf undersigned weiuld respectfully announce
JILI .to the public that-they havd, entered into
coluirtnership ittthe alert:innate lisniness lat th
"Head of • navigation," and that . .the bitsiness
witl hereafter be conducted undei the name of
114wley & Atott. Where, may .at ill tittle's lic i,
folind a goof assortment of Good's at prics that
catindt fail to suit. Nevi Goods being rE4ceived.
G. R.', 11AWI;EY,
C. W ,7 r MO ,
Identrose; : APril 4185.4. ~
~ , .
Mr. Aiawley returns thanks f ort e very
liberal patronage of the past year, :tad requesta
it 4iioinuan4e of the saute under the pew (Hsi
pa6°n. , , : -
The Nebraska; Bill Unsettled.
& Co., retnow reoiev
p log from New Yoit l ; a general i ass rtment
of fSitriv and Summer Goads, and 'We c rdially
finite all that like to buy Goodi cheap, to give
us fl - Call, as iour stack is large add we, are wilr .
ling to sell for small Profits. You can fled here
almoit every article wanted; and ;we/ are Williek
to ioMpare Goods and prite with atiy store in
thd county, ;No have taken special pamsito finfil
iliep Goods to plasm the Ladies, - .suet/ as plack ?
Fignied andTancy Silks, Silk Tisslies, Brage.s,
and Borage pelpes,Vlain 'end, fancy awns
Silk, Vrencli:'and domestic' Ginghatits, ligu real
Cu twins and paper curtains, Ladies Colts s, pi
derbandk'fa ;and sleeves, Mantilla's, l'aasol ~
GI Gres,
Straw and randy Bonnets, also trimming
;; i
', ,
• A large stock of Goods fur 'rear and boys, a 4.'
so ?blot', St4el, Nails, horse -Aries and nail l;
Plri .s uglm; Salt;lFisli, Crockery, Orindstoties an
Stone ware, Tin, Stove' Pipe, Glass, Sash, ILeatl -1
er, ilimts, Shoes, 8,:c. - &e. Please I give .' us
cbanee of 'sSowing you our stock, ibefore ye 1
bily. 1
--, : 1 . ", . SCOTT, .JOHNSTON & Co.
Sptinvill4; April 18. 1854. : :. '
1 Dissolution.. 1, I
. .
rritliE co-partnership , heretofore exist' g bci
tween thesubseribers under the, title of : .
Tittany & Smith was terminated ' on thei 14th
Aprib last The Notes and Accoanta of s.ild firrial
are! now in the hands of E. Tiffany; for rsettl4-
meet; • Thoie indebted! will plesse.:take noticii
and act accordingly, l • Enwtre; Tn. asv.
! - i --- . JAMES'. SM., •
i \ .
' • ' ' Brooklyn, 3l,ayi
• i°• r
To thelrublim-.' . A:
TIE undersigned , having purch a sed OM M.
Tifrany his entire interest in the Blerca ..
tkbrisiness, hereby make their bow . ; ta thb topii
chitin* of Brooklyn mad vicinity, and invit thor n .
to and inSpect and purchase one o t the b
tnifst:Complete stock of Goods ever befoe, ffered
in this mark Ct. -:- Believing that people Who buy
Goisls on long tredits.have to pay, a larg,e pe e r
ceritage for ',CREDIT A.TAFE, we:', yrivii.adopted
the. Ready Prii System , of trade, 'akthe system
mistieonduerve to the : public as Wel as Ont. own
intireats. All kinds of Farmer'a roduCe • re
ceii•eil in exchange fo.r Goods, at :the higbeSt
market rates: "Those who desire'to!purehase at
a liurr i figure*lll assuredly find it, fer their ititer.
est. give all ltd a call. ' -J. f*. Sarrn, I i
- 0. G. ,Iltsrmrian.
Brooklyn, 41 . 37' 9, 1854.
100 Dollars ,Lost.l
TT was not, stolen, neither. watt - its dropped pi
..11.;tlie'road, yet irrevocably lost Ronny gentle.
map Who purchases Slop-shop clothing, irusterid
of selecting his cloth of an honest ileuler andget
tiug his clothes made up by an honeSt
Instead of losing that amount, any gentkniatialn
save 8100 in itsro years time by carefully '
tirfg his cloth ,and employing 'such ulrallor as
John Grover; to, cut And make. hem; up, and say
nothing of the, eomfort.of, having delent -
are 'Rested up it my shop, and very neat, etyles,
they are. Call and see. - • ;1
Etr Cuttitqi done as canal for
,ready P 434
war rated to
~,,,,itememkor, my shop is in 'oe;llas:emelt
cornet 4if Scailes Hotel, about folly feet lola
Nottliwest cono from the IlbertY.pole:' I
.1 • • iolls : caorks.
PintrciSe, Nay 5,1854.-19.3 m.
t - Care
ArNix;rs. pIAYER bc;CliAND'AL, havin
associated theinselves in thel practice it)f ,
Aledkine and Aurgery would respectfully invite
all t . ci S#M give I a call that may nee?. their pre-,
felineual 'service. They may bo'found tat the
°Oleo, Tort hall occupied by Deetiir
They will keep on ,hand pure coktintra , Mid
1.1 Iftdieinea. • -
;A:LIA.YERi - It. PI BAIfD 4 7.L i
illentrose, May 8, 184 , • -
F , _
"' 1: Realty Made utotiling•
A `EERY kleoltablo stock at
, •
Cheap Spring and SunimeGoods.
11T E- are now prepared to furnish ose who
-r V ;want Spring and*Sunitner G at prl.
ces that will not fail to compete with the ver7
lowest and suit the closest buyer. I \ •
Our assortment of Dress Goods Id complete
Icompoiing ve:y beatitiful Styles or all'the latest
(fashions. Barege,Barege Lawns,Challis,\
Gingham's, &c. &e. i
S. H.'& D. SAYRE.
, ,
Ak LARGE lot Which enables us ,to sell low
1111_ besides giyingan opportunity to make bet
ter selections.
Ashton Salt, Butter. Firkins, 'Fin Ware' &e.
&c. .-
8.1 - 1: & D. SAY RE. •
; New Siring Goods.
I~." supplies of SPirs fiuw i
receivingoo s O e I h i s
1 . 9 will s t
found Unusually lar,ge and attractive, including*
superior aisertment - uf Ladies Dress .Goods, is
Silks, Berages, Berage Delanos, Lawn,, PoplinS,
Girighamsi &c. 4c. Blantillus, .Silk
.Shawls; Silk Straw stnd . . French Lace BonnetS
Bonnet Ribbons, Flowers, Parasols, &e.
together with a largo variety of other Fancy and
Stapto ; Goods, including Cloths, Cassimeres,
Boots and, Shoes, Wall Paper, - Carpeting,„Gro
cedes, Cr ockery; Hard Ware,. Iron and Nails,
Drugs, Oils, and Paints, Cooking and Parlor
Stoves, _Ohio Grind Stones, Ploughs &C. &V., all
of which will be sold on term's to Suit the etosest
buyers for cash or \approved credit.
New slilrurd , May ; Bth, 1854. ' • "
.: }lst!. I
A i-, Ac.KERAL by the 1-BLI-4 and 112 Barrel,
.1.1 1 1 oi. by the pound, for sale cheap .. l y
1 • BENTLEY & EAD. .
Montrose, May 11,1854., ,
Executors' Notice.
LETTER'S Testatnentars , have been granted
to ; the subscribers on the estate of James
Newman, late
_of ,Great Bend township, dec'd.—
All per4ons indebted to said,' estate will- make
immediate payment; and persons having demands
will present them to the undersigned. duly attes
ted for settlement. S. %V. TRUE 3DEBL., -
THU'S. 11A YS.
Great Bend April 26, .185 t.-17w65'
A g
LARGE assortment d new, and sbasona-it
ble Goods at Ithe store of '
1. _•,„. U. BURROWS & Co.
, • •
Dress . Goods.
A GOOD assortment at! low prices; also a
I#ge lot-ol ghod Prints, at 6 1.4 ets. per
yard. i •
I, U. BURROWS & ca .
- DONNETS and Bonnet gibbons, a
-1..1 sortment at lOW prices.-- '
(100 D New Orleans, at $4,87 1.2 per 100 lb&
kJ - Prime do. - at- $6,25 pur',loo lbs.
Prime Portoricci; at 6,87 1-2 per 100 lbs.
Clarafied Coffee, Powdered,, and Loaf
Sugars, at very low prices. •
- • • - U. BURROWS &CO.
- Gibson, April 28, 1854. "
• .
* lIEWVOODS. -, . . .
- 7t, IC MILIAN, & PARK return their grateful
IY.I acknowledgments to the public for past fa
vors, and ' invite attention to the very large stock
of SpriniT'and.Somm'er Goods they are now re-:
ceiving, - and offer for Sale at very, lord prices, in
addition', to their_ usual assortment Of
/ staple Dry
GOods, Groceries,: Hardware,• Crockery, • Paints,
and Oili &e., thebird,preyated to exhibits large
as'sortment. of - ,-:: i- • : . .
of every deseripgob, 'Figured, Plaid and Plain,
Silks, Bennets,Sliawls; Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery
Ladies and IdigeWslioes of all kinds—also 'a
largo stock rof I
Cloths, .CastaimOroi, Tveßeds, Jeans, Summer
Cloths, • VOstings, Hats ant, Caps, Boots and
Shoes ' ' • • (
• Tii - e - yl respectfully iolMt - an envy call from
those who wish to ,purchase gonD GOODS •A'T
Low PuICES. . ' . '
• '
' McdfILLAN A da PARK. `I
Springville, Bing : 2, 185.1..
Administrator's Sale.
TOTICE is hereby given, that in pursuance of
an;ord..r•of sale, issued from the ,Orphan's
Court of Susquehanna County 0.4 thin vine die
cribed ptoperty late the estate of Nathan Arnold,
.dec.„, will be solid upOn ,tho premises hi Great
"Bend tOvnsliip on Monday the fifth day of June
next at one o'clock RIM. Bounded•on the North
by lands;bf- Figs Dityton, on the East by, the
Cusq'a Biver c on theismith by lands of George
andy, and.%enithe wet by lands'of the estate' of
John S'cotten dCceasca, containing fifty, acres,' or
thereabOutar,•bn the s a me more or less, - with the
pu rtenances. 'About' forty acres improved and on
which there is a . dw4lling house, barn, orchard,
&c. ,
Tana Sof payment Made known on - the day of
sale. • , r CHARLES CHAMBERLI2I, -
!-HARVEY . HALL, Admes.
Greatißend, May 9th, - 1854.-4 9w4. •
- ! ABEL TIVBRELL. • : •
. .
• •
• 1 •
Is ?tow receirivg his of ..,
.-.. . NEFF GOODS • -
C -
v tiSISTING or neirty , „eeerythh4 waniell: In this mar
ket. whieh will be, Foil et prleee that' tannbt fail .to
pleas*. ,The public are Invited to call an examine them,
Montrone, hkay 1,3854.. ;-, .1 . ;•• . ".. .-:,, ..
. . i . , i - •
Druga, Medicines &Chemicals.
A First :eate assortment. - rhyslelans" Stilts nratl!and
/1 'expeditiously put up aCeedueed pikes, and Iles.:
erlp lone' earerally compounded- , Tlie best.gnality of aitt
cies this department *4l be foniad'at the Drug and Variety ,
Store of '; ' ' ,-.' • , - - ;','. I ARVITIJ ISLL,
PA.INTS',.OILS' E tt 4)..Y0=0' F
A NallaitortmentoladolAkeatiptilitltss, • t
• Grarettalifeekgenerai soaarttaent, and the beet the
marketafferde at TURRNLL'a.
• ,
Dry lacsodas—A but choice selection of the
most Mai+ articles of Dry Good*, *bleb:llll'N, , sold 'at
yrites that :All make It fdr the Interest*f flurrhollero to
call at the: store of. - = . ,It.TIIRDZLL.
lla rdlvtrare 4a(l - +Gtitt ry, einbrielng a good as
sortment of those celebrated Waterbury Poeket Knives,
Stuns-Rate, Re ito.; at .. . TylliltELLT4
Drugigests , large'itgotttiant ,
at . - .;TURIUSILL.t
Ca!rpets, Carpet.,_Carpets.
THE unklersig ned has itow on handl ready, for his
1. turner's, a, very extensiveateort:ant ot
CarpeNDruggcts,, • two . , Arat--
tengs,Witidow Shcides, Stqii.Ras,
Whfeh ba!rao offer. to the !Adieu ofidantroaa and Irldtdtrs
at Prices I bwer than Aver.
• ingraln Carpet, • . from 25., to ea.per turd: •
r. , . Stair Carpe t, " la. o
Velvet Tapestry -14 12a. upwards. •
Bruarels ." " 9s. "
A l av a : 2 4 I t, tie ' .
Atid other: looas atprioPortlonattly low" priers Do not
fall tOsnll heforo purelpialng elsewhere, ae "QRtclt clan
can matt. raOrtrs" Is my motto:
Iterneintier the number Lll, and
,^ Ott this out 'and put
ir in yonepoeket-boot. • • ,• .
lama - i s• 111 nOwery,lfew•lfdrlr.
Farms for Salo. ,
THE subscribers will act u tioents•for buying
and selling Real 1 1 rstati,--s*ine. Houses,
and lots4—located in •Sustfa. county, Pe., or in
Broome p o tintY, N. and • alio Virginia 'Land
Warninta. All who wish to offer their property
for saliean give a• minute • ,diseriptioo of, their
farms or „Lots as follows: kb)" or acres; how
many imjroved, end how watered; buildings;
Orchard; grafted or.common -•fritit; other fruit
trees ; hOw far from Great. Bend, and the near.
eat Point •eflho D. L and N. Y,:dot .
8.•5.11., - price erA terms of paymenL- t. • ,
Or, All who wish to turf or Amt. Real En.
tate; will receive prompt attention by, tilling on'
or addressing either' , et - . Grit Bend, 13ii- -
quehanno bounty Pa.
9onmiume from.;, Great Bend.:to" the
premises free,of ebsrpa, • ••
Ojilet.!on Eosin street; la the.nwelling. ;house
of S. B Chase, lately NA:Carpen
Oct. 404 1853.
Now Line qf
Leive Montrose dally,(Snindaye earepte4ll) at 2 P
reaching Kirk,rixod in ttmo to take the Mail Trains o
Cars,both gest and Weit,lbeing the nearest and mos
feasible routito each the New York and Itrie Itallroad.
This line late eetsa tri.neeklyline,tOrDimnekSPidng
vine; TOnthantioe , Wyorning, end Wilkesbarre, wine
leavernontrose it 41 M every Mondayi Wednesday en
Friday. Alen, a line 'it Friersvil le,Leraysville, etc. 04
Teiunsand comfortabreSar loges nre provided, and t
Proprietorsw4lispare nh peinsro aecommotlatetho Pa
eceniher2.l,l3s2 \1 . 'UMW ir.WEST..
. " Pin with you on4n,gairt..mi'.lriends,..- •
- E :Ne more my footsteps roam. 7
YtYLT will' find me Minty 'residence op Menta l
' line, two doors sopth faun Seth Mitchent
'Esq., happy_ at•any time th wait lon you, social'
or professionally, the. latter es ccially. ,l'hosti
who prefer to have thei work d no at theit`resil
donee whether living in town Or Out, will'pleasc
give me notice accordingly, and I amt at-yout i
service. Persons at a11:1644nm. der.iiiag 'Plat
Teeth,, can he neeommodated at my holkse, fre,
,of expense, while the wOrk iia being* done.N As
wish. to be busy I shall 'stilt; adhere ,to m old
plan of charging according to: the:cireinita .4.
'of my patrons., There 1
is much complaint f
'the high prices of Dentistry and of my prices toe
although I have been in the . habit of. dcdtictin
from I ' s to 25 per neut. from the" first.' Nn
friends I will make yOui this offer, — if you wh
need, work will come right,' along, and have i
don and au keep me bvisy; I will work for' you
for half price and do itt Well too; The reason
we have to charge so high is, beentise,- either
from: dread Of the .pain or the 'pay, you . hold back
and force us' to 'lose much • time for want of
work.; Come on then - arittyou,Will find ,there ls
-a chance for bargains at ,ikfontavue. - -- -
• ' „, 1 ' .
C. D: VlRGlL;Surgeon Dentist.
Montrose,: April 19; 054. i !.' - • I ~ .
Loderstille BOoli ilk Drug store.
d , i,ould Inform the Inhabitants o - f Lu.-.
A eriville and sorra undhis country, that hahasgreat
ly enlarked and improrml his Storo, and filled upiwith a
latge and eothplete assortment, of Paints, Oils Dye'
woodi,Dye-stuffs, Window 151lase,' Saab, Putty, Tarnisb .
and llrushes. Aiso, 1
PatenOleditines,Chemicals,Glass-ware,Perfumery, Yan
kee Notions .Confection ery, TO let articles. and all articles
usually kept In any establishment of the kind. Also on
hand a iorxe'assortrnent of
_' •
Paper lhoeings, A.c. ece.,‘ filch hells pm pared to sell on
as reasonab7e terms ai any store in the country.
I .1 DO C 7. JAMES GRI.F.'FIN. •
Also keeps in same r o oms general assortment 'of the
C lioicssr M !mimes ,carefu By selected, prepared and su
perintended by: himself, for his own aecommodationand the
benetlt of the public. , . -
B oilderi„ Painters, Physicians, Sehnol Teachers,in deed
all etesses and profe4sions 'wishing to iiurehase are invited
to call and see for themselves.
M• L.' peott, j •
iiro q ld inform his former patrons plat be has in
connection with his other business' a full, assortment
oil:biota and Shoes.sorne ;ni,which he can, warrant
and sell as reasonable as"
an be bought at any, QM
er pled°, in the country.
, SCOtkT.
Directly orerJohn MeElnnef't St Oft' on
'We R. It.,Lodersvillt.
..Natel 7th, 1454.—tf
DRY GOODS. ' ' -
'TIRE I subscriber respectf u lly -Inuits The attention 6"
1 tho'se wishing to purchase, ,Cheap for Cash, to his-
NEW FALL and WINTER t 4 TOCK, which for tistent va
riety and cheapness, ho may safely say is - upsurpassed by
any in the. Empire state
.arneug which may be found -
. .
ofrrery quality and style, prices ratlgiiig [rim s`oe. to $l4.
100 pieces Parataetta and Mamma from is.' to 5*.„, per yard.
French :Merino:es ofi.every grade-and-color, _remarkably
cheap. 1I
10,000 yar ds of De Laines and Persian Cloths from 9 e
to 4s. •Prints4cad Gingham! in endless quantitY. .
13.000 y ds hl earthed. and unbleached F.heetingsand
Shirtlmis, fropr, 13e tols4d: I' s . '' ' ' ' ,
1000 yards'tWhite. White„ Red ant Yellow' Flannels, from Is
ed to es. Woolen Coeds of every kind for Men andboyh,'
s 1000 yard4ilk. Brocade,/ 'Plaid, and Plain Black from
the Iriwes: grade to the most icuperior quality. Drais Trim
mings of every description ;° 1 . , .-- .
1 . ,
' AlPire stock from Auction, very cheap. Trunks anti
Travelling Bags,, an extensfre. assortments constantly on
hand. j v i
Nontfort will be spired on!the part *of the subscriber to
m*rit a ;contingence of the patronage Thich the public has.
hitherto most generously aegorded him. and for which be
returuisincere and hearty' tl4anks. - - -
~ 1 - ' ! '. W. if. WILSON,
.. ,
i Corner oreourt 4 Water sts.: Tompk i ns Bloek: -- .
'ently opposite the Amerieastaiotel, Bingbainten,N;Y:
lifer. 'ISSS . l I '
"Some thin; cap ,tie doziest; vteU
; • . t; l otheis. ls
MITE outseri er haing rented -Abe Chair
It.nufantibrir, af IV‘G.reenw4A2,in /Warlord,
• L
• I A. 1.1, KINDSI OF -
reduced prices, of ioed inaterials,-andin a su
perior style of atorkmaxiihip t I keep donstantly.
All hand, or Will rnannfaCture to order,
Boston Rockets ; car kiiias
of P'atte
. S , Windsor Chairs;i• - •
Frcti eats, - Setiem?, &c. j
.3.1',A,11,w0rk .warrailted to •givO'satistattlon for
five y ears.; : S
lii i *Merobantable .Produce will be token In eir•
change s far WOrk,butWO CREDIT! •
llntfordiDee.2,lBs34-434 •
At D-'B4liathitep-ec WS ,
FOR. pertienlftrikvii4er,the - Publle'to"rin - i:Otrn
column'. (in 4 not like"; sovie•otAmilitto-illmii.
neighbori advertisement 9 where, will bi •touri .
a list in part -of-zinc.extensive -iassortment: pf
Go q 44 Much w4r9fter at e , thef . veryll4rtest poets.,
• •I‘tasr Ist, 1854.. :I • - 11
, •;.1; ~ /0 1 ;
SPR.INGstyle, Bark sllk,Diabateavet Stinn:
,and Legfiorn, flats, just receited at.
3fOntrotier M4Plst; ts.s4!' L.
• Stostt, i Foley:es!! Storeal ru
THE subscriber wishes te.eall the uttenti‘ of
his friends and the Public: 'to' hid very. large
assertMent , of ' - , ' ~; „..
• ; sToyEs; ,
at hisinew S,tore,lioom-1 ta,lodemville, t next to •
L. S. Lenheinfs Stors, and pear the Great,Bend
Detoot lie haS in addition to hie former large
intlety of Pookilt nod N - doiStuf es ,.ina c y new
• Pattprni,scime - of Which "
' En. liiehota.s; I Prari itranteh; • 1
Nit ,
Atoliern VW" '1
Mohair*, giddsA!.
• !Ilse* Warrior, Orient, , Oak s r.•
I ' " • .trrtr Stove,' i' L •
Which -together'. *lth hi4foitnet , stock' will be'
partial:4'44 mosrestensive andvariOd
of Well seleeted Stoves in, theCounty.',..,.l',. :.
;1 1 •44! Clinton Stows well furnishodAtriow prices.'
Fe, All articiee in hie, linelteriVen bend and .
made; f r o order
,as usu3l, and` orderattcolved at his
loldlstand in Great Bend:,
.1 . 01 - 11CCOLSTE - N.
1-'' tedersVille - & Great Betid Nov . .; 185. tf.'
I , Lig uors.—.& e.hoice 'rarietrof Liquors for essmeiss'
Pt l tEma° , at * -i; - • TURItICII,Va. •
. . zrattsical Inatrtinitestta.--Viblinf, Bowe, /Ming
IRosi4l /Mikes: Raga. , and Tait - Pleeety—aleciteeardeans
, Flutea, Fl&e..Claronettr, Banjhrt,Tuning,Forks, Instian
tbd Iteloics,-Kans' ike, at ' •d TUARELV.2.
~, .. . .4."4 .. .. . . ~-
'I .. ~, ... t . /111.16W . ,400D15,‘ ' ../ I i ,'14 ....k ! ...r
At the ITpsonillie Eiehange '
Tr HE 'subscriber lierebrinforan i his, frieidi
Jt. {coruprising the publieginerilly)lhit he it
I noWlriplerdhing his stock of qoods,tand IS: of.
'. tering superior:inducements for them to pu rebut.
1 of Wm, _thereby ,keeping: Oak eapitsik as, I well ;tut
'doing i their trac4g at -11'._.. ~,r,tolong,hia. stock
may be found a - getetal ; . rtpent of Dry Goods'
(Groceries,Creckery;l:l - lardwiro; - Pairits; 'tills,
;, 13 );ei,, Soots Arta-Shoes, Flats and Caps, wall arid.
%ludo* paper; Clothing,. Trutt* itankei tiotions
IIdto:, all of *high bo.ykur . : , htioiy-ter - teichinige
for, apy•kiods of; ariact s a.• • .. .. ace at the; liight,4 - 1
picas, cashor exi,credi .-.- 1 .,,, . --, ~• - ,
ititoilip WantLail l WhO ‘ 4 o:ftecniinia of Over
elk'n onths staridinklO l Cit I aid 'Setae - thoiii on or ,
I betbre'the that ofreb: -. 1834,‘and alkillielitend
to payibliaTriare requetted te brintrititiOugas
soon .as convenient, I J. L. MERRIMANi
..NITANTED,--to-hhio: si-grast;fitaeksmitk one'
!ivho, understands ail branches cit.the-' , trade,,'. , and
'can atime wlll rscOMIRT I 4.O fa r , 49bti#WOnd :iti.::
':dustricakt obtaii (air w ages by calling on the
;pabicriber,. soon at Tipsopylile, Pa. -. r ''
'l' - , . Stiskrit L. Idiaktuart. -''
ii Stages
Tr ; asurer's Sale,
Of unscatcd - ands in Suaintehatian CO. '
IVOTIGE is , Hereby given that agreea b l y to
1.1 the acts of •. e general, assembly of.tho com
monwealth of i'e , nsyfraaia; directing the mode of
.selling unseated landa for • Taxes, the rollswiag
tracts'and plims:cf tracks of anseated•lande, will
- be sold at public rendow on th% is cond Monday of
June neat at ,Itet Court Hemet in Montrose. for a -
rearages das li snd tha costs .ecru ola each tract
. ole os respectivele the some be pai d before tbs day
of sale—sae to vault:lce , at '0 o'clock in ths
Warrantees ciwatti or sk ' "bays. Atm.
B ' ' ter.
Samuel llogden r -
Charles J. Biddle
3., ono Clinid
As , Dimock •
.kerti Wino
• •
Sam . ' D non .
R. H. Mc "ono' t
W. J. Tor' .11
Soloman Taylor . •
Crawfoid Tii
JAI) Comfort
'James Cornfol
James Mumfoi
Horace Grisuri
Judge Mumfot
Henry Sampsoi
Dwight F. MI
Thos. ilfrrridi
Ithama Mott
Dwight F. MI
S. S. Barrett
Ir s. Ramihot
Seaksta Crislst
Sam' ineatt•
Andre rybol
J. F. De uga
Rob't Jack o,
Andrew T):iro s t
No. 40 4 . ; J. -+ TS..4 l ;;Scuddt.i."; 200
•No. 67 613- 7516. F"
No. 20,35 /Shit&
No. 53 -Wm: Bat
-No; 26:49aWet Co/
J.W. Brackmrk..
S. B. Gurnocy
N 0.27 Joieph.F
Dose's Tiffany Ei
Jacob Taylor •
Elijah Darnain
K. A. Joirifsms
Northaa . lllitche•
Thomas Norris
Wm. Plunket
• do.
G. A. Gray!
.David Post,
Henry Drinker
Jacob Downing •
Wm, Drink!!
James Comfort
James Montfowl
Peter Donn •
Biir virtue of sundry writs Issued -out of the
Court of Common Pleas of 'Susquehanna
County, and to me directed, I will expose-to pub=
tic sale at the dourtMouso in Itiontrose,.en Bat
nrday the 27th day of May, at
. l o'clock P:-M.—
All that certain piece.or parcel iof land situate
lying and being in thelowtaship of Clifford, Saw
quetinnua ConntY, described as folk:way - to wit :•
Beginning in the 'Centre of the highway balding
from Clifford corners to the Weider farm so
called, and immediately at the junction of the
roads and adjoining !ands of Edwatd•Orani,thence
aiong"said road south : 74 deg, west 2.cbstitas and
79 links to or near the centre of the bridge over
• the ditch and joining Wadi ; of the Calerider fatal,
thence along the line of said farm south 10 deg.
west: along the ditch 4 chains and-96 links to a
corneVl:e nee_ north 74 deg. east
~6 .chains - and
201 in to a post, in , the? centre .of- the Clifford
and Ca rbondale turnpike load, thence along . ~ the.
centre of said road north 32 .deg. west 4 eUins .
and 64 links to the place of beginning,cOntaining
2 acres of land, together with the appurtenances,
1 taverihouse, J store house, 2 bares,' 1 black
smith shop and slime _ether small buildings, some
fruit trees, and all improved. . ' .'. i •
:• Taken in execution at the snit oframie! N.
Chittenden and Arnold
Thos. A vs. Alva Finn.
• - ' ALSO - , -, , . ' : ,
- All that certain piece or parcel -of tand,"situale
tying and being in the township of Cliffordrliins
quehanna county; and bounded and described as
1911.0W8, to wit: On the north by,land of Zits;.
8. Burnes, on the eiiit by Jonathan -.Burnes, on
the South by lands in possession of William J.
Weaver, and on the, ticat, l by. land:of .Hello Way
LoWrey, containing abitit 65 acres, together with
the appurtenances, I plank house, 1: framed bans
.. a . nd some fruit trees, and 30'nereet improved.
' Takea in, execution at the suit Of iT., P. .Pidn
,,pej, vs. Jesse 'Rinker.„- ', • • ~:,_ :, -.,
~, ',
. . i ALSO, ” ..t.: ,
All that certain piece or parcel Of lankideMte
lying and het) min tiler-. townahip, Of Ifesh.,l3us..•
quehanna county, bontuled and described ~ as • • fol.:
-lows, to wit: Oa the Korth - aid ''east . fiy-,laid•of 1
,Wm. B. Kirkuff aid John M. F.`:4,-7- ) .Oblbe
south 'by lands of Elishaginney, and on the west
by land lui t w or tottiorli of John Hibbard, eon :
Lining about-Ali - ticker, and ell' foil:tiered. -- • ,
r Taken' in execution at the suit' of 1it•121... Mai.
ford & Sin, ,:sitsignedlo 4.ohn P. Dunmore vs .
David Case. ' , • -, I 1 - -,.. -S, • -,, . ' r
- ... .
All that certain pied et parrel,ofispd,,gituate
lying and being in thtt,i yetoogh or Enequehan;
na Depot, Sus(pwlistrunt mennty:mad..,Stat, of
•Pennsy Ivan la,' b ounded' end' deeedbed *follows
fo wit : Ou the north by street 41:4-Telddowri
'on map of said village), Op the . witst - bi :Tot of
Elea Cregon, oethe sou by land of the. New;
York & E. ft. R. - Cduarktny;•and on:theirevt: by
;rand of-Hugh MeCollunii'llaid let - -beintlfo. feet
.front snit 160 decp,en which are.- 2‘tbee it%
framed stores; one 33 feet front andllo:deeK
the other 20"fokt front-Wad 46 feet-deep also Mae'
.bake house oven, .Ste• - ''• '''' '' '''.' ': ' ' •
.L, Taken in execution at. the suit:et/WOO K.
Brown vs RobertlilfeXune & WM. Smith;
. . ALS9I. I :-.....,::, 1•-,t , f .. , i , • : ~-°
Ail that certain piece -or parcel , otiand.iitsato
lying d being the Borough ofillisquatinne
Dap c ounty ,
.sylvan a, and , known as lot No..lTastheliame la
laid . d waand,designatedeta. l ik. map •of pot of
the vil ago of
,Sasrehanna Depot made by:WIL.-
Went and record 4,,i1l ANL $1140) ~ forileepidhyr
deeds; in the county of Ettaqufkons,:•l44bsed
boob 0 ." 2 4,110 t AtgkeOrtteittille.;abOtttalli.Y•
two relies, more.. or less; together sp
apurte ances, 1, tavern horrse.,(cionntionly, known ,
as the " Kirk ho*, 1: Milan dwelli ng home * f -
he tie; ih..'.i . aiß all impoive4,;-' -. - ' ,_.
..-. - "
Taken in exeOtiolikt thOnit l .tr,Edartird, A.
Smith l vs. 'Gfeclitir t teakh.}' ' .--" '•'•-,
Allhat loPel'iticktitd*d'hitibroig t ate'rees -
ereitakibelikt- la , tlio;trilligi:er tfamtpieluuuM,
abounded on the tor*iltr.cilm liver:llmA Atli: thor
west by, lands of Roljert NiclioliOntitheateet lit ,
lands he 101305,16 We istillittalPiihtors .11 be- '
log loti No. 25 on a plot of saitl - :34lbige, .with s
font story building erected thereota.A.
i Takon In vmouthata.l4oo,..o u lt of ./Efeobtude
Palmer vs. James McWaide. -
____---_ •,.. 7.. i.- • 1
' T--:''. v .:1) , :,;41.'a;ELT*01." 1 131 144.;
flheri 'a oilice:MOii 4'. .1 11'
. May-i, 1854. ' 'f• I , ,: , t ~ : i - -: , ..!t
mi sim,hoeribei-*it ! litii,ta',34o,..' n
...' Tailoring bualaatio kralitit-rtiette% ,
•-thei itand lately gecupled ty, 4rietk'
iner Hawleyit , de Mott% aitaitilibittiAiitill it.
1 ti 0 2
'teed: to all calif! hi, 10 - P7taiskiiV i lka Pirail!
and saustmoyigukten.l.: ,, ; , t 4ktt}kT ' , .,!.1
4,,, ,, c , n.p.Atrivoips. ,
- Montrose. APlii:Vivtligite.s4 , 4-p, ' -,..
201148 pOWe l ril 414:1t6 •aSegale .
• . _
1191 -a -- Hcinik..roylortolikroitaffi, for
ocher fit!..l*teen.;,..oo.oltivirst
Steraini MIN* fi44lleitiow:- - ;"' • - •
Ario.l7. B.4vits, Opurtmii'lol4?stun*.
56 .
Great Bead.
50 -
118 7
330 20
I . 207 • 12,9,
- 19 • 1.66 - -
-43 . .10,14
4 \
/ f , 36 . :1,66
- - .D. R. LATIIROP, Tresiorisr.
Treasurer's Office, March 1854:. - -
I i
, s
'to 4184
4,46 ~