The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, April 27, 1854, Image 3

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    . ~...
, .. J e •ITTLE MEAnows, April 24, 1854.
• lifEssus. Enrivits•:•Ll , At a 'Meeting, ofitlid;
Apa' lachin Valley Lodge, Na. 10, 1..0. of. G 4
T. held at their Temple, April 20th, 18541:-41
Clairtuan .of Committee' on !reSolutioris ofier4l
ed i.hefollowing preainblii, and ' resOlUtionsil
which on motion were adopted. !1' . •
• • 1 I • .
.. I , Vhereas,-The subject of Temper:Mee it
now being agitated thiongliout our-land!;
~ it
highly becomes - us to exert our • warmest; en 4.
deavors, 'to check the, ."
nionster wrojig,"
which is pouring ,'his -firer.' 4 Litinig Death"
'into our midst, blighting the social and ilior- 1 .
id Prosperity of society the' ligheit . tripnnal
of heaven and of:carth, - demand - that we
ylioultl Make .. an - effort' to eivterminate !the'
"All Destroyer.". - ' ' ,1 ' j. I •
- I,Vhereas,-A drisis 'has now _arrived' whie,hy
• requires' ardent and well dir‘etet - 1 ••_e rtit, to .
impress upon the Minds Of th , people ie ex
;' pedieney and nee t ityof a . egislati l c Pro
hibition of the use of intoxie ting liquors as a
•beveraEe. it .-cliii.jciaillv ii, o you -•friends '-i.
bf Temperance., to use. lox - ----._ , ,..,.. I. • I i 4g.gyb •.:
0 11 s 1 , ....• ..... .. - . . - ‘Ol.-'= O V ''r "
ou ch -prohibition as - a measi.reltor-rm, ia - l. ! •! 1
. ~, • 1 lii trinklin April •VI • W
. , ,•• _, .. ArtREN ~ C OTTi
youngest son of 'Daniell and i'...aiinyl .at-iit,'aged ' '
froi t n the innumerable evils' sultin-froinlol u.
' •l'•• ' 1 ' -•'- • '' e 4 weals. ..and . 18 days. :1 . , '', : ' •
tea ic.• . . ~, - ! ~
liereas,-AVe-would in ite the 'atteiiti .
Au• Overtun,: Bradford Co ' l i dareli!-2d,, 1854•'
.f , mixtrance' Men of Stisq - ehantitt. , C4tio!ti . .
- association .1 , at thoresidenee of her 'daugliterS,,, Mrs,' litEnv;
o_ I he establishment of an
~which the rights and priviltgesloflcommuir Du Mon;, in' the 7601.1 ! -ca - r of lier age. ! ! s 7.
v can be maintained. 'W have no..p . erso . t: ' Elie was.ofie of the 'first' settleri of Silver;
nterest in so. doing, but ha - e dop inten t ' Lalce,,in Susq. C 0..; whibh was then almost an!
their rej
! iit ! Oy Pip( u ikreken wilderness.
!the cause; we see how,
el 01 rirne 'how duet - znoiil'there he I
4 are I n t e mperance an-, , ~ __. . , r husband liq' I- I ' '
e t n s L.( in tie war
I El both are caused bf the i iqiior traffic) .
it-, 0f1 , 0.1.2; which left - her with a lard finnily
1 -WI that'irit - e can ; not ri otirselyes ; .of ..t ',it' up port by own 'exertions. She`'' bore
''''.`rdestroyingelement, it., power ...w1.11ev.5 wiit i'chris.tian''fortitud , alt thel,l il li .
i., ar s ips and
s ...itil
religiousi-- 1 • l. - I ..
1 liberty : - 1 .
1 ,
pious she' was necessarily
subjected too:
"tally render our civil ant
L'• 'With' dies s i N „ • '' ,
U,• l rse rather than a bless t ing, ,
.'' ! 'would call your !attention to
,a qUe'sbu 'as there Was 'none ' AI ' " . 1 • " 1 •
it to all otters aii to 0 133 .}eintl.the Bridgewater church by 't lett ' •
in iat townsaip sie
v ,ews we .
!: t i otCparamoui its 1 .1 „. to or 5.., •er.-
'e lend this' question in. all • odic is, Y, ...ii has since been a member orlseveratchur
: 1. 1 1
inest consideration._ 1
.. . _
~.; ,di .:1 ; of the same faith and order:. .. •
the "tj•
t ' .
'1 " ) Re otred That Imsdugletamined ler name has been' numbered among- '
g the
t 0,...
' ' • - • vin ,-, it to chi ,'
„ ,„.,„ f .., an d, belie , . drio of P-od about fifty years., she Wasi
it' s m ft•Lettgu e r".r. --1 . •A by w hiol to er alt ay blind faithful •!. distinguished ' '
I.'• th 3 most efficient triticip e
' -'''ithat•n i 1.., ..and, for
;' i s n Patte thqinany.ulipplin; 1.101.1, ~ . i . .
~ c . rn- t s perception,ot, strengthc, of mind "and
we, suffered to unpoSe -U, a the I pu.01144, fer -en t piety., I - "'Blessed • 'pre the dead that
E ar , j. f '.
of coinmuniiv; lwe Ivo dl I n
the LO - 0.1," Sc. -•. •! •l: ' •I'
d,. ‘;tioy: the peach. 1 ' '''' hu -c ,
nd • • cf.-operate • wit , . . .AsleeP in Jesus' 0 haw street . •' • '
i , 1. ,-, you.gcntlOnen .to T. ~ „ ; , ~__o .. _ . • i .
th' e Of: attainment of this plauciplei.
~ .
v , ~ 1 f v.t be h t - or iuch -a slumber meet; , .
s wßesolvediThat.we an organization j_i
' - ! . hii' l t a holy'; confidence to sing, -
- for the
sr. toSject • . .
proms4ion of Tempera •i 1 t ea : th bath Lopt hi 4 venonied sting."
.st , lu g h t its legitimate_ interests, would • ear_nei—c
• sAll talc_
the Philanthrop*ic citizens Of
- '' -` - lie itnmediitte ac um upon
c. , • ittv to take l'
~ . 4" Pasreet.. , • mwlien,l 'GI'
. , is sint ic. g i v eil,_Tlt Y.F
..t Atertli., 1,
frit; ds of Temperance;iu thi • county,', ti 'at 'at a
i. s Convention be called tAI 7'
a .. ontrot.e, con
. . . . .
i.isti gof Deligates froin eitchi: town in the
c, - .!u,' , ty,
,for the purpose ofji tokingl- etisive
men urs in instituting the arson., 14ne. -.
. • 1 1 -solred, That ' . a copy hf this IP ez nible
aa3, esolution's be forwarde(tto the '
, .
Peinocrat•aild'Susg: Regster' Ato tree,
for priblie' Lion.
I .. ILKINMALL, \V. C.' T.
l• - ____ 4 •
Southern Cour
. •i,
ei11.LE.,.., , ON, A 011! . 117.
• . The ConVention, atter*. w: rindehate, adop
ted the Grand . Southern Pac fie Railroad pro- -
j.t. It met with opposition front . all the
.: ,
leiviinc men in theConvc_sntilon. ..The. clause
m i t:boiling the corporation o negotifite with
.11.tieo . ,.wa:s stronzlpixts. ; and the reso-'
• hi 'ohs in favor of the'Gad:: en Treaty, ..and
asing a grant of ' alternate :sections of 't.lle .
pu iic /auds for Itailioad • . rpose. eansirrg—
bit er opposition. • The Viiginia Delegntes
wee withdrawn, and the Cotiv - entio. i adjourn
ed Ito. meet ht New Orleans iat the 2d Mondar
in Tanuan - next. . - . :
1 .
. .
._ . • •_
. ' BUTTIALO,. April. i'2.
- ntelli : zenee • has .been re(Tived there of a
terrible.iipt at Saginaw, Mighigau.! 1., ', • .
Li nibto 4 several hundred persons rtenapt
4Nillie re.sene of - solve prisoners froni he -jail.
Ile Sher* . did his utmost tt i toteet) i the, jail
ant keephis prksoners, And - finallrl;illed
i.v 'the mei+. . i, 1.
I ' .
. .
WASiIINIITON, :...pri1..2 . 1 .
c‘ Democratic Convention of .T.Corth Car
' 1i a Met at Raleigh on Th l tsday' ~ and .nom
iai ted Thomas Urage, of ._ orthainpton, for
G t , vi.rr or.. 1 • .l H
TILE GADSD,EN TjtEdiy: 11.4.7£1ED. I i.
W.i.EIING,TO! , i, April 25, 1g54.
\ . 1
The Senate in executive session to-da mt
ificid the Gadsden treaty With amendme ,by
:, 4' lose vote. _ The treaty; as 'ratified,. g yes I,
Mti.xico €410,000,000 ; reduces tie extent of
4 , 4ritory, and abolisln.s the eleventh article of 1 -- 7 - 711 i a '
7.14 treaty of Otmdalupe Hidalgo ; jo i d, res 1 Cheap .S l .pnng and Summer Giiodsi
the Garary and all other
,prilrate claims, but AAtE:are now prepared to furnish those wbo
, :riends rot i n and -uri'tv to t.l. inter- ' I 11 ' r ivlnt Silting
1 p ec, oset.
.lcianic communication acr -. Tehutintepeck T icesthatlwal not fail to, compete with ; _thn very
jAowest,and suit the closest buyer ''. •
Lnder the /Mexican grant of t e siii February, , ( )l i r ',l . :,ri
assortme t ofDress isi , 00, , 0P eie
1653, (Slop) as embraced in the
tr atv. The President will sign it. vl . fashions. 'liaige, Barge D4lain, Lasins, challisi
1 ,
;• 1 Ginghatus, Aze. &.e. . . , I
DENtocnArfc TRIUMPIII—The elcx.ttion ,f 'r : 1 !dr S. 1 - 1. a'-' D.. SAYRE.
' I
ai"r l lY f(-4 ti;.: Democratic . ticket ranging, ,
C('' lik-I gj compoiing'v'erit, beautiful styles of t all file latett
rn nicipal officers in ;the 'city of Trento , •
N.:w Jersey, on Monday last, resulted in
0 erwhOanning: Democratic triumph-j,—tliel
- bettleen 0n.2 and two hundred totes. ;Out. of
eit:res candidates voted fOr in the city prop
e . the 411iigs succeeded in el cting only te6 . 1
I.lli- is certainly an extraor inary reSttl Or
tbl: heretofore - Whig city o Trenton. e
I ii. r inoc'rats also elected six m tubers of ' un
rd.; which, we believe, 'gire.z. , ern a m jority
inthat body. - - 1 ii . 1 1
TIIER2S MAGIC ris7 llzs V
a 'mysterious and .superna
the name Aid genius of Bari
aft that! he touches sc r •em,
TI se Crystal Palace -_Ass4:!ei'
in th e l as t Eta es of 4 !
Pririttim consented- to becorel l i
%- len lo! there was
I , us change in its heaths, aril
,ass once. wore glistened wi
ilospeity. The-, sub:Tiptio
'Edrviv reached 'a sum ei;cl
id will no ileAilit s oon Ma , e. 4
11 e wort: On
.e v.:ouraging,
help on the desired .4 1
eral rannher of thelicketi
1.: accident occurred Friday afternoon N .
t,it: . Erie Railroad:. The mo in g Inai t n
i oun bunkirk wasnpproach' . g. ()eel - C. on lon
t ie 111 :Ivarr.t,river aboutfift • miles the otlifeii
de of Pc. , rt 3ervi s when the locomotive !Jail
t il dlh e rga ln nt. 7. 7 i n t i l en et oi r vfe f rep le sse o h rge c,
toffee. almost tiani;liately. 1 1 4 re were una
-Ile to learn the',: of o f the i accident. Tiii.
'.' -ides the enoineer.---2V: .papreBo.
Conmetictit El
The late elt-Ttion in this .
D . W -X
S, - G • 'O
.. _
.. . .
re — Ti3e New York Wt. iy Trlirune •
•i....,-c.tifty cents per iiite fris ecieli itoation
very 4 4;ttirtibeureni i 4 rt.. -.' '
• ..... • '1°••
I. E.-414e
mai quality
fium. -
to turn-to - go
.tion was )o,
the P.twi4 ,l
..len a miryi
the Palace
th the beams
for tickets
I.!eding 1 , 83,0
- A hundred,
This is big!
who can tio
ult by
I—Ex. I
R.—Another .
-tate 6*. rtzul
BUSKER 1141,..i—The funeral Solemniti• of Jono-'
than •Haringten, the last survivor of the bat 4
tie of Lexingtomwere celebrated on Thttrsday
March 30, and were ..very imposing., TIM,
Ooiemor.' Lieutenant-GoveniOr '
Council, and many members of bo tit] branchea,
lof the legislature of Masaellust.ttq, were present:;
r.ighteen ;Military 'conipanics and sqeral tha-,
some ordtrs Were in the procesSion,land it is;
estimattl,* r that sonic six sthousluid 'strangers',
wer e in the toWm The,CeremoluVwere gener-;
.ally of a maSoniii character the ileceitsk..4 hav
ing been a . mason.
: The Rev. 04orme Ran-.dall, grand m :ter - of the lodgelof e f.Masktelm-!
setts, - predelted the , funeral- sermon. i
in Mimtrose, =April 25, by
ren, -ALDEthr..J. Titus, of
ROSAMIA C.. Itlellithi:3oN of,
I• i •
• .At, his lion:.
R l 4v. , A. 9.
T.4lncix,.to Miss
I• .
: I NEW " , - 0001),& ' ..
RE now receiving their stock of , Goods for
Spritlg and Summer trade, which they of.-;
fer at lorcii prices than ever offer - v(li itr - this mar
ketlbefore. Thankful for the liberal , pattona,g•
, .
filet' harp received,. they will endeavor -by strict
atttrition to boSiness, and, hr many l sew - induce-:
meets, tci inerit;even a larger share of the ,patroiL,
tagge,"of• those Who wish tO huy GOODS CHEAP::
Cat! and ex nine for yOuisidves, and See i if our
gOOds and.prices %rill n 4 hear us out in all we
-have s 4 I ! "!` '. 2 •. 1 ' JI I . I I
oillivery'style.; i Thirty pieces'
.FigUred !Plaid and I
changeable DreSs Silks; some as lore as 75 cents.
Black Silks, - ail: widths a quantities,;lnd good ar;.
tier for $l. Lawns,
.13eragei, DeLanes and ;
Ginghatas, good and cheap. -- Fine White Goods
of every kind ;':,Embroi,leries -and 1.... Ade. 'Goods i
Bonnet Sits and Fringes.' - • ', .
1 - "
! ,• • , N .
of every grade. .! Black, brown, and Broad,
cloths, all or a l Whick,being bought at :bargains, we •
wilt sell very cheap. • 1 • •
.of,every, -style,;e4 ury low. Call and examine
our stock of - these goods, as we eanand will sell`
'then at the veriJoUTSt rices.•.. • t . . •
I!, • - . ' • LINEN DUCK, i-, !
1;• • . .; !. Summer: ••'. •• •
a new arttele for ear. Summer Cloths,,
Tikii/its, iStriPc Shirtings, , Blue ;and Browit
;Drill, Kentuck-V - ' eins, and Tweeds, 1 a complete
I .
a- 18 Piltarlezi-;- "-I - , i I
a large asscirtent, and of styles to, . snit all.--=,
Boots and ShO - 0;, l i 7pper and sole . .l.olther:
. • - :CROC.K.P.4I* 'AND _GLASS l'ffrAttE,. . .
The Most conip eto and extentivo assortment
ever brought into Montrose.. Full sMts of ivhite;
Gianlte and..l3hie Ware' for a very) ittle money
Mirrors of all SiFes and of double lilateglass,
Gail and exaniine onr do - ices bettire you our.,'
Willing •11 1- 0044 cud Tin Ware - kept constant'
ly 012. hand. .[ I -., -
of all 4117 - 4 s. Slgar,‘ 3lolasses; Teas ) &e., at lesi
than I 4in g ,haritt r ez prices . . Ashton: barrel.. and
Table Salt. Flhur by the brrel, sia:ek or pound
CodashiankStatikerel, Pork,
,Firzning Tools of
ever kind, PloiL , Ths Ind Cultivatorsi
• - •
A\o., t
The 'greatest fertilizer in the world, in quanti.
ties to snit, TTE FIEtK
BU • INS d'IND T S. • ';
PrOdnee of all kinds• Zak, -
..ouuce of all kinds
Goods, IA cash lit -ices.
s: ; BONNET&
rAla e ree' good aisoFtment at miVL
V 4renielillow prices:
S. 11. & 11. SAYRg.
WTHS, nrold Cloths, Catisitdere
;;K:Jeans, land,a first rate assortment of Suet
hier ; stuffs. t '
S. 114. D. SAYRE.
' - '' 4 ) WALL PAPER ;
: _. . . t
A •-• LARGEiIet icriell enables. us to sell Ion
:LI,. Vesidei grivtog n ofsportnnity to make bet
ter Weetiotei.: . ' i 1
Aehton Salt; I,tutt Li Firkins, , I ,Titi Ware Fee.
e g . e . A •Li I I - I, 1
I ri - aH. ik. D. SAYRF .1
e i.... , i
._ ~ u ROGERIES 11. '- ''
x-G 11401711 very lot. We will n o t
Hand canifil be undersold.'.' 't• • . - ' •
1 $
4 . iipasEr Am? (koolsEtt.on Ltiw—Susquo
hanna Depot, Pa. f Offieci idver, ps. B. Wextss
Store. - • '; 1; • if3yl
,• •
• Eieentors' Notice. '
- r i ETTERS;;Tstarnentary have !been . gmulted
to the Stihseribers on the estate of lames
'Newman, late of dreat Bend township, -
All persons indehted to said eshlto will make
° immediate paytnent; and persons having demands
will present them to the atidersign, duly' atte4.
tod for settlement; ' S. IV.
- - 1
; • hExecutors.
• ;
Grentl3end, l,
April 26, 1854.—17w6* •
gaiin for •Salei',
CONTAINING 6U acres, of first:Tate I.4nd, SO
ienA unde r good implotemetit with a good
framed house:tnd - !barn, a large orchard of ehoitie
fruit. The faiin' it pleasantly situated on the A
ington and Waterford Turnpike, tWo miles we 4
of the' Railroad. • Teruis of paynient'essy,
immediate po4is'ession given; App Y. to
• '7• JO . LOW/ Jr. •
, ,
Lat4rop,, April nth, 18.54-•-a4w3f, .
RATS. ;•„
FASHIONABLL Silk Hats, Npripg
. ins .l` received by FULLER.'
Naich 15, 1854.
• 1.
Ai -ANTED-4w cistuaut. P66l:*l*
!' Cher ipliCor sawed. A. DUkttitill.
.en in esehange for
S. 11. --.I?..SAI'ItE
1 r NEW GOODS.. !
entley.dc Read - A..
AR . !. now receiving - a large and desirable
'Stock of . • .
, Which `they are willing and anxious to display to
'their customers, and•the publie - generallytj They
have been bought for CASH; and Will,be:sold as
cheap'kts the cheapest, fur the "Ready,""CoOftry
produce, oratiproved .credit. bur , time; being
fully oicapied in opening and selling guods,ittre
shall be underthe'neeessity of referring Our ems
tOmera, to OS adverd.setuents of our neighbOrs,
for - a i?ortion nf, the articles which ,we keept, on
hand, and with which we intend to keep constnnt
ly , Give as a call and. you will not
regret it. • •• ' • I.- j .
- Montrose, April 2508.54 . r -
A 0001) sit pply •soiolLenther; Upper
dp:and-palf Skins, together with BOottinnd .
Slioes;,just received, and ror sale by f
Cl_ VERipd Timot4y seeds, also Butter
rirkins On hand, and forrule cheap. .
i. .\ , ..
Farriers Take Notice. i !
, , .
ril litsubs4riber will pay from 25 to 401(aecor-
A_ ding - to,,kpiality,) in cash, for 215,000; dea'con
Skins.delivered at the Hotel of WM. *hi hatch,
in Montrose before the 15th day of June next.
. ~
i . 1 . G. H. THOMPSON,
. .
',i C. F(X)T. j ' •
• Montrose :April 20, 185417w1 ; *, .l i -
h tha t ‘the met a / 4 ra
NT TT' ?s• hereby glVen
trill t y n n io i 0 n 9 , " •
1 1 4 Ni Artillery . - 0.n... 11 efiisCtp dap
of y
t i
m a y
. iiex4 al.
I 9 o'clock, for unit. -
t BY
Roper, Capt. • '
PECK, Cleik.
• •
ikle*• Milford Day and Boarding
- School.
, •
o:MlslER:term begins the first Wednesday in
ki May. !Tuition; from $1,50 to $5 per guar.
tor, of 10 weeks. Music, drawing - Zz.c. extra.—
Board with !wishing, from. $1,50 tck
week. . • •
. • REV. H. ,OSB ILN.
18, 1851-17w3t-
A yERY large stock of Spring and 'muter
.Cl. Goods. are just being received' at j]
, J. It. SIiTPHIN'S. ,
Surnm'eriville, April 25, 1854.
PG') lyew . Orleana Saar at .51,1-2 Os.iper
lb. add other G oo d s equally low a •
• .. J. H. suyrktlN's'.
1 - 1;IE cheapest 3lolasses, Teas and oth'er Gro-
JL ccrit..o to be found in this or any other town
of this county at ;' i„
, -
JutA Received,J: 1. !-
NEW supply of Goods, which will 10c . 401d
Afor Cash.
- 'i . • , ABEL TURIL
- - Montrbse,-April '47, 18,54.
- - • .
Mirieral Fire Proof Paint
AA VAItIETY of Colors, and the be ttuality
in market; for :We by
31ontroO, April 27, 1854, I. •
~. , i f.
'.The One P r i ce StOre.
..1 : .
coons '141.T Low eructs, AND FOR nEdDlii TAT.
TllE'°i ersig,ned 'having associated thernseives
i Ito ' i et- in (1w itth-cantile business ate flow
iirepared ti o ff er to i the•riublic;a very desirable
stock 'of A ads,reonsistifig in main of : 1 I
'Dr'y Goods; and Ready made Clothing,
Oats, Caps and' traw Goods, I '
i ' BookS and Stationery, . E :
. ' BoOts and Shoes, ' . - 'i •
. .
;- • ; .• •- - Groceries,' - ' , . 1
- y.. '. Yankee Notions, &e. & . ,c.,, • I
'au or which have been-purchased with
caret and'. we are satisfied, cannot fail! to Suit
those, vlio may favor us with a•call. I f
The" Dry Goods , ' department will 'br..,foiind
serf' complete, consisting of all theleadin'tz. stifles'
of• !
Silk, rich brocade, plaid and striped, black dtess
and ilantila Silks, very rich, high lustrer and at
'shop rates. ;1
,I - ,
.; Btripeci'Dehines, :plal4 Barage dn.. satin stripe:
:Clillis,,printed LaWris; Poplins, Deßage, plaid
and' printed Jaconets; in great varieties; which
we 'are bound to sell at a low figure.
Ginghams—a hndsome assortment,7-Prints,
all the
: lea - ding.' styles-, Merrimack; Coehecoes,
Al •
iens, Spragues, 'die. - very .pretty styleS:
", Dress trimmingSf the. desirable styles find
Shades—Black silk:lace, Dress buttons, black,'
'VelVet Ribbons, silk . and worsted Brakls,lin great
: . Yariety. • - ',: 1 . 1
~i: _
WAN. Goods.—Swiss, Jaconet,NansoOk, Cain
ibrit.k, Bishops LAW:O: and - Book 3luslins, Plaid
',Catubria-MuslinS, dotted Swiss Muslinii,coided
it kirtsi, liisli Linen,lCambrick Handkerchiefs, 43.--c.-
&xi, French Needle Work, Swiss and 1 Jaconet
tigingtsatid Inserting., cotton, linen and-thread
lace do. Flouncing, Ladies fashidnable,Chetniset--
de ii, Sleeves, Collars, Bonnets &c., - the latest-iik- ,
'soitment in .Town, and at Very low prieLls • !
Ilarege for rails;, in giti.en, blue and brOwn,
'llle.k lase tails ..¢c . k j
• . ,
' 1 - Ku Glmt.s.—L,tdies and• Gents, Alarge asSort
• .
Mcint. - ot tl e best quality..
. 1 - 1 • 1
i 'Mins, lon and Short, Black,
.Mohair anffiilir.
ilk OloV s, Black,: white and colori.:: Lisle
i i,
'thread, and cot. dij . • -•
. Illosiery . A fine assortment for Ladies, Gents
i • it •u •
4an_ chi! rep. . - :
illibbow,—a fine assortment for Bonnets, alio
;satin and lutcString, in all widths, And eVerfedl
;or?. '.' - .- ; • 1 . ' !
i . ;Domestic Gorx6.--Sheetings, bleached r.iid uh
lileached muslins, Ticking, Cra sh, DiaperS, Table
C,l;wers, and Napkins, and in fact, all the desirable
ittqles in this department.
, • . .
f 'hazels.—Printed Delane,FrAch printed wool,
printed cashmere, Broche, Black silk, 4. - ..;c4 a:' fine
' Ist i oek of them.. - ' I'' i'
„ .
i t . ILadies &vies, of every description, all lox} . PP- I
14s.- Bo ys, Missei, and ; childrens shoes in great]
Iviqiety.' Gents. Boots, coarse and fine. ,
We have a Very fine stock . of Hats and Cam
!Idanada Straws,' Paimleaf, Cur . :aces, ' 3laindaho,
'Bound 'Canton, Leghorn, Cassimere &C„.,: for
'summer wear, which are very-desirable,' and Sel. ,
.••;] ! - I -
.- r -
A good assortment of Ladies Bonnets, Misses
Ithid childrens Flats, Hats, &c. I
1 1 . In this branch of our business, we cannot.fitil
Ito suit. Our stock4of Clothing r isi•ery extensive,
'and well made up, , in late and desirable Styles:
!We would especially invite onr friend 4 desiring
`day thing in this line, to give us' It call. I Gen
flemens furnishing Goods, of every description.
A darg,e stock of 'Wall Paper and - Boidering.'
ißooks, Stationery and Yankee Notions, in great'
Tariety, . ; 1• I -
Groceries. - --Teas, Green and Black, very Choice
and fresh, at low priees.
I Co/Tees.-Superior St. Domingo: and Rio.; 4 1 1.-.
I' t>i'autifnl article of Brown and Whitt] Segal4'
j. CHEAP. Molasses, 1 Spices, Soap, 1 ,.. Candles',
I.Lanip Oil, Fluid, &c. &e: A very superioi :, arti.
7' .•
41c of ca.ventlish Tobacio, at 28 cts. per; lb.;
W.e are in the *store formerly occupied by I.
&Salisbury, and mere recently, by Geo.
iruller, opposite Searle's 1106..1 We would be
terlhappy indeed, to - .see our friends, at the
ONE PRICE sionE,nnd-hope to merit our ,shire of
the public patronafre, ;by goodattention„ au& low
0; • .
, r ...
prices.; .
1 ~1A ' G. & 'W. •It FULLER.
1. Montrose, April 19, 1854
For Sale.
lW wagoro, formerly used for peddling
Candy and Craekers--La ° ood repair with
tops nearly new and to be had cheap. &quire
Mlleoffice of
Montrcise, April )0, 1-664,---15w3,'
Ready Made Clot i hing•
,t VERY &Jambi° stock at v ry tow paces.
SIO I 000 WANT ED. i 1 1
iIIaitOPOSALS will be received at the CPi l inis.
•-, 1 , , iiioners Office at Montrose for takings !Oen
of tea' thoussind dollars authorized by act ofla., s
serehly to be borrowed by the County . of SusqUe.
!mina for the;pprpose of building a nowi. CoPrt
Hoise and Public Offices for said County,' uhtil
the:Whole amount- of said foan tiliall have been
taktini - ', •i- • ' • ~,,. i '
; i 1
Thefsaid loan 4 will •bii taken for the,: wh.) le
amouht, or in smaller sums .as may spit these
wilihihg, to invest mone3i, therein !and fell. ; such
,time as May sOit the lender at the rate of six per
emit per annum, for which County BondwWill'be
issited in confiignity with the act of Assembly.
-: ,; • 7: J, I FANCOCK:„. l
.; ;, •- i
Attest; Wm. A:. Caos.smas, Clerk; ; .
Cornmissoneni, 011iee,
1864 5 , 1: e
"to - ntrose Mureh 8
, - :
New Cou r t House: •i.
PtorosAts will bo. receivedat 'the Cora
inissionekle Office for the erection ofo New .
CouriAlouse in the Borough - of Montrose, Sus.
iqbanna,CountY, until the first 11. onday of, May
next. Those 'wishing -to, make preposition will
:.duress seale4roposali,,to the Ccimmissitmers of
said County, do or before the time aboielmon
tioliel, The Oen . and specifleationiS of said guild.
ingl eau be seen 'at the ommissioners' Office at
any tinie. JAIANCOCK, ) ; ,
Attest—W3t. A. chossacio, Clerk.
Cornlts' Office; slontrose,
March 28' 1854. C nl3
Tathh-Hon. the Judges v: the. Cdurt of Quarter
'Se ions. of the Peace, in and Or the Cpunty Of
StisquehOnna.- • . ; ' ,-
T'm petition; of Geo. H. 'Eggleston. of the
,: Itorough,o(Susquelanna t and-county 'afore.
said, respectfully represents, that he is provided
with i esuitable emivoniences to seep a Grocery in
the btirough of Susquehanna, iconnty aforesaid;
and Oat it is his intention -to pipply tot e next
Cenci. of Quarter Sessions to be holden in• and
for; snid county
. on the third Mondayi o .April
next' a license to keep a grocery, and to sell
strong beer, ale or other malt liqpors, af l ording
to the. act of Assedibly of. the 14th Aprtl,lA. D.
1861.; • , GEO. IL EGGLESTON',
• Susquehanna, I f lareh ilBth, 1854-13‘4.4;
} i: , ,
h. Administrators' Notice'. I
N cr r[cE '..s h4reby given that Letters Testa.
liuontary upon the estate of . ilas. W. Trues.
deil,,ilee'd, late of Liberty township haVe been
gran r.e(l- to the subscribers.' i All parsons indebted
to r i4 l 4 estate are; hereby s -equestixi to make im
roOi laie payment , and the
,O havihg claims upon
saiiiOiltate to present then duly dtteste4 for set
tlepilght. ,
.ill 7 erty, Blare 1 -
ht2o, 185,412w6 5 : i
I "
, . .
, -
• Pak undersigned beg to announce to F,the. citi
-14 'tens of Susquehanna CountyXthat they have
estnUlished a'Sitop: in Keeler's building,'en Main
street; Montiose,*here they will lee on hand a
sub p y of Foreign and Marb e,sn4 man.
lilac byre rn the saeinto Monuments, T mbs,llead
Sten :0, Pieitind Centre Table' TOO, diC.
ci. ~
; The public will W
, find O theiriuterest to give
us it 411 before gowg elsewhere With theirorders
9 l'.. 1 SHIPPEY &.', DE 1470:./VG.
Montrose, Aug. 4-1, 1853-34wtf
, .
• Farms for Sale.
.1 . . 1 .
rrlfE subscribers' will act as affents fUr buying
..1.l laud selling Real state,—Farrns, 'Houses,
and I . :Os—located in Susq'a. county, Pp., ' or in
Breoine County, N. Y., and , also, Yirgiiii Land
War Ants. All who wish. to offer. their;property
for; ale can give a minute discription: of their
farina, or Lots as folloWs: No - !of acres'; how
mgorinproved, and hcAir watered; buildings,;
Oi ard, grafted or pdinFlon fruits other fruit
tree '; how fai-Troin Great 'Bend,; and the' near
est'Point of the D. L. & W. R. R. and N.. 1 Y, & e ll, price ar.d terms of payment. : 1
. All who wish to nur or SELL 'iteal Es.
tate,l . Will receive Prompt attention by 411ing on
or addressing either of us at Great , Ddnd, Sus
quehanna bounty Pa. • \ 11, •
017' Conveyance froM Great', Bend te the
premises free of charge..
04e on main sheet; in the'divelling,
of $ B Chase, lately occupied by; N. V.iCarpen
ter.; •-• ' PETER DECKER,
1 . . 1
Cat Ben
tc , Od 46, 18.53.
-- -1
At the Rea4y:Pay-Store.
1E undersigned world respectfully announce
to the public that they have entered : into a
colphtthership in the mercantile hsninesi at -the
"1104 of Navigation," and that; the huSiness
williliereafter be conducted undei 'the name of
livley.:& Mott. Whicre may •' - at all times be
fonint a good assortment of Goo& nt-priees that
carin4 ful to'suit.l Now Goods being received:
•1 •. G. R;IIAWLEY,
C. W. 31017.
Idptiose, April 0854.
Hawl9' returns thanks for . the'very
libtiral patronage of the past year, and requests
a continuance of the saute under the new dis
TOE Partnership heretofore existing between
the subscribers ief the Tailoring btisiness is
disliolved by mutual consent.,,
: • • •' P. LINES!
tfOritrose, April •
subacriber continnes to cars Y on.the
TTailoring business in all its branblies, at
th 4 stand lately occupied by Lines & Reynolds
oqrllawley's & "Mott's store, Where lie will at
tend ,lo all calls in his professiOn, In 4 prompt
and satisfactory manner. •
kontrose, April: 15, 1854.—tf. ,
•. "
,WALLFT containing several valuable
pars and abbut $12,00 in flank notes was
loi4 nu the 4th init. between Stisq'a Depot and
the house of the Undeisigried. There were two
notes in- the wallet when 'lost The one:given by
S4ePhon 'Jennings; to Martin Linsey or,bearer fcr
$71,68, dated August 14th,1852, duo Juno Ist,
1853 an endorsereent on the same of $lO, Nov. 26,
1853, The otlek given by S. Fi Wiiabt, dated,
Aigust 16th 185:1., for $100; due ; on &nand, en
drirsement of $65,00 Noe:, 26th, 1853; There
were also' several [receipts and other pagers, val.
u4bl only to theowner. I
lAnv person returning said wallet to tho owner
wllljie liberally . rewarded. •
,:,I:lekson, April 7th, 1854.-15W3.
_ Finereneti.
VITiOOL Long:shawls at $445.
t l V Gibson, Nov. 1 . . z U. BURROW &Co
I Oa quali ti es , ViT
r.tid ; beantiftilliatterrji, at
e.itremely low U, BURROWS.-
'Gibson, Oct. 20. i i
Pork, Flciur an 4 salt, * •
A i FEW barrels of ilonr, extra Miehiganbrands
Also Mesa Pork and balt,by , the ;barrel or
;Montrose, Feb, 16, IE3.
I;NEW guiltily just reegived. AI o,;IiINN'S
. I jslirch 1, 1854. 1° 1 GEO. FtIILEFL.
~ . .
VARDEN SREDS—Whoksale aad Retail.
. TIMOTHY SEED, warranted itore—oad
';all sorts of Goods, at .TURRRLL'S.
; ,
To Rent. I .
It a M
: R RY and .a half dwelling house with ;
el, alid barn attached—also:two setts
of rooms or small fanil;ei, or students atten
ding school, all in 31ontroso and in de irablo lo
calitjes, .1 - • I:
I , ., - BEXTLEY & iITCII.
!3iontrose, .114i1 10,.1854.-15w3. ', .
66 Some,things • can bes done as well
- as otherS , •"
THE subscriber havirig tented the ~' Chair
Itlanafactory of A.'W.fireenwoOd,in Harford,
prepared to manufacture, •.
at reduced prices,. of good mtterials, and in sn•
perinr style of workmanship. I keep , constantly
on hand, or will manufacture to order,
Boston Rockers, (interred style,) all kinds
of Fancy and Windsor Chairs, -
• Flag Scats, Settees, c e. &c.
rr-All work warranted- o give satisfaction for
five years: .
MAchantable Produee will Ira taken In ex
change for *myna NO 011 EDIT ! ,
Tinrford, Dec. 2,1853—1 y '
. . EE. C. BENNF,' rr & CO. '
Importers and Jobbers,lf Foreign andDo
- medic - Drill Goods.
. -
• Ak
11 VOZIADuoi
nhltenathaena d ttr d t j l o o i n nin o g f n c w o r u c n h t a i n e ts s ' l i o n
their stock which will be found large and desira
ble-at sll!seasons of the ye'ar, consisting in part
of Cloths,"Cassiraeres . and, Vestings , Jeans and
Tweeds, with . all the best find well known styles
of fast colored prints. l
Also, Dress GoodsilVhlte and Linen Goods,
&e. dt.. ' • l
Also, Ilroche long and square shawls' Cash.
mere and, Silk Shawls, to g ether with Hosiery :Ind
Fancy Goods. . . r,
Prompt attention paid to orders. .
• • ; . i 4yl-1 change.
For Susquehanna• Coitufy. ,
et 11. LATHII.OI 4 , & Co. would beg leave to
ki• return thanks to their friends for their lib
eral patronage for the ' last year and hope they
will continue theirlavors, which we hope to mer.'
A by strict attention to boldness, and low prices.
We have the most approved patterns' of STOvE s .
ever bronght into -this market, among which may
be found_
STAR OF THE IVEST. / (Ekrened Oren.)
'CULTIVATOR: 1 " • - ' "
. PARAGON , ' ' • .
NEW WORLD, . .1_ • . . .
THREE .STATE S, all Air Tight, and oth
ers too numerous to mention. .
We also have 4 on hand large assort ment of
Tin Warp of a heart' quality, expressly for home
trade,.Cistern and Well Pums of all deseriptihns, -
lead Pipe of all sizes reels for 'chain pumps, &el
&c. Job work done with neatness and : despatch.
All kinds of produce take, or approved credit
given. Give us a call if yu prease. Shop l on
Main street, directly oppo si te the Dem. Office.
Cash Paid for Furs by ; L. & W.
At the Upsonville Exchange.
HE isubscriber hereby informs his friends
(coinprising the public generally) that lie is
now repleniShinw his stock of Goods, and is of
fering superior inducements for them to purchase,
°thin], thereby keeping,t4ir capital, as well as
doing their trading at hotne, among his stock
may be found a general assortment of Dry Goods
GrocerieS, , Crockery, Harfiware; Paints, Oils,
Dyes, Bdots and Shoes,' Hats and Caps, will and
window paper, Clothing, Trunks, Yankee notions
Sie., all of which he: will be happy to exchange
for any kinds of farmer's produce at the highest
prices, Cash, or B ond credit. r. -
Also he pant s all who have accounts of over
six months standing to call had settle them on or
before the first of Feb. 1851," and all whe intend
to pay in grain are requesteid to bring it along as
soon as donvenient. L MERRIMAN.
WANTED to hire a good - Blacksmith,. one
who undprstarnis all branches of the trade, and
can coma weßreornmendetl for sobriety and-in
dustry on obtain fair. wageh by calling on the
Subicriber soon at Upsonville, Pa. .
Josira L Mnartraralr.
Jan. 1854.
I • i' . .
. : .
. ,
Stoves ! Stoves 21; Stoiyes: ::
MILE subscriber wishes to call } ho attentionof
- 1.. his friends and the Public to his very large
assortment of
. ' ' STOVES, •
at his new Store Room in i Lod rsville next to
L SI Lebbeirn's Store, '
and hear he '
Great Bend
Depot. lie has in addition Ito hi former large
variety of• Cooking and Parlbr St yes, many new
Patterns some of which .are l — '
St. Noe/zeta ii, ; Peat.% Br/ineh,l F ire Fly, • Malerta Troy, Mohawk, Me , lttltion,
Black. Warrior, Orient, i , Oak, •
Egg Stove, -
Which together with - his foimer stock will 'be
perhaps the most extensive and va *ed assortment
of well selected Stoves' in the Co nty.
*** Clinton Stoves w'.ell furnish dat 19w prices.
r4 3 7' All articles in his litie kept on hand and
tnade to order as usual; and Orders received at his
Old stand in Great. Bend. l. .. -.
; . • ' JOHN
LoderOille & Great:Bend Nor•
Valuable Far*. foi.
TE subscriber oilers fig said
faun in Gibson township,
county, ")a., containing. 157 'acres
Eastern part of said town, half of t
Tunkhannoek Creek, and 12 1.2
quehannn Depot,.on the N.Y. &
On said farm is a framed ho
horse shed, born house, a young
100 trees, and is well 'watered.
He. offers to sell for 10 pilr cc t. less than the
real. balite..
TEK*.—Two thlidi of the p rchase. money
cash down, and balance secired b • mortgage.
gibsoil, Nov., 23, 185—.--47y1
The Nebraika Bill II settled. .
QCOI 4 ,T, JOHNSTON &) Co., are'now reciev-;
0 ing .from NeW, York, a . gcn9ral assortment'
of Sprtig and &Omer GoOds,and lire cordially
invite all that likeito buy Goodsi cheap, to.givei
us a call, as our stack is late and we are wit-.
ling to sell for small profits.. You can find here i
almost every article wantel, and:we are Willing,
to , rompare Goods and prito with any, store in •
the county.. We have takeb.speCial pains to fiad i
nice Cin?is to picase the alias, isueb as Black,
Figured. and fancy . Silks, Silk Tissues, Barages;
and Berage Delanes, Plain and. fancy Lawns,
Silk, French and domestic' Ginghams, Figured
Curtains and paper curtains, Ladies Collars, Un
derhanclkis and sleeves,' Mantillas, Pamsolg,l
G loves, '' , ,Straw and fancy BoAne also:trimmings!
'to match.
A large stock of Goods Tor men and boys, nIJi
so Iron, Steel, Nair, liaise , shoes .nnd.,nails.
Ploughs, Salt, Fish, Crockery, Griodstoneeand!
Stone ware, Tin, Stove PiPe, Glass, Sash, Leath,:
er,Boots,•ShOes; &c..& .1 Please give vs
chance of showing you oilr stock, before you'
buy. I -
Springville, April 18. 18 4.
, New Sprirt : Stock.
.. I"
.` ' r.
*or I
el ..
AM nowi receiving a large
addition to my stock of
• .i,14 Goods, 'consisting of Gold and
1 .
c )
'''• ' Silver Watclies, ar duns',
.0 (. , . t'
, i , .. Breast pins, Finger ri E ngs,G old
it- .i t ,....."
7:./2 1 Z.- -- : C o b o a c in ii s slo iSea L ls ck „K ets ey ,
ir,Penssa n n 4 d
Silver iSpectacles, and Thimbles, Silver ware iti
every variety, Coral Bead. 4- Card. Cities, Shell
Coady Combs, Napkin Hines, 'Mouais, -Fans;
Clocksi Casters, Candlepticks, Cake Baskehs
Spoons, Forks, Butter Knives, and in{' fact ever
article in my line of busigss. The above aril*
Iles have been selected with great cate, nod will
be sold as usual at tligcioc'irest cash prices. Par;
titular attention paid to' Repairing all kinds o r
Watches and Clocks. 1 I
° No. 3, Odd Fellows Hall, .; i
Binghamton, April 19, 't8.54. I 1
•'• NOw Span G00d..1
T IE subscriber, s n receivin g his usual
supply of Spring an Summer goods,- and
coffers thila4 tor sale no c , pas the CHEAPFISIt
-3lontros; Blank 15, Issl. I
• t
1 [ L -. - Treasurer's Sale,
.1 1 Of unseatedlands in SaSqueliaina Co.
1 • ~ t
NOTICE is' hereby - given that,. agreeably. to
!.I.llr the, acts of the generatassembly of the nom.
imonwealth of Pennsylvania, directing the mode of
,selling nineated lands for' TaXes e the following
itracte,and parts of tracks of tinseated fands r •will
.be Fold at public vendum on the' second Monday of
June next at the Court House - in Montrose . for Or-,
•rearAgeidue, abd the toststiecrued in each tract
reppectively, unless the same be paid before the day '
of sele—intle to commence at 1 0 o'clock in the
!forenoon' ;
,vt•arrsoteesownersor numbers, - = Acre!.
- I ,
, , , • Lin etrater,
;Samuel llogden ' j 60
:Charles J. Ehddle [ 56
: • 1 . • ; , ' • ciironi.. [ •
Joanna Clifford • • 4 • , S 6
AsO•pitnock • ' 54
' - 1 '. , ' Di:nark. i -
IPerriti Wells ' ' 'r,, 70
1 1 • , Great Bend.'
SanielMaytott -.' ° "r" 109
in 11. Maims I '.... 267
;W.l. ;Towel! ,_ I - . 50
INath tulle! ,C . Lewis • $7
~ • •
Solomau j laylor_ • 50
1... • , .l i !
claim , or
l a
pins 1
••• i • I
Johit Comfort Est. • - 412
Ihuries Cu fort H•:•. 333
!Jetties 'Mu ford •°., 455
•iHoritce 6' (mold • 100
Judge Mu ford ' ' 100
lleury Sampson i 56
. 171
iDwigi..t .. Mons
iltbinia Mott
'Dwight F. Motet
•,S. S. flarrett.
'Pill s.flansilton
' V I
• 'Sar 7. •
Hiaaao- 1117
AndreW :TybOnt ) l9O
,J. F. - Deintgo 250
Rob't Jackson • I 11 62
•' - '
Andtiw ,
• I Liberty.
'No. 4Q 41 J. D. C. Scudder 200
INo. 67 68'75 76 E. Eldridge; - 400
No. 2035 Jehiel Dayton , 200
'No. 53 Wm. Barton 1 . 100
No. 26 Sewel Corbitt , 100
J. W.ltrackney i 784
S. B. Ourasey • ,I 50
N 0.27. Joseph Patterson i - 190 -
' ' - New Milford.
125 3,16
• .46 1,14
300 7;60
200 3, 6 82
1.30 1 2,46
15 '3B
100 2,13
420 • ' - 26,20
410 9,42
150 9,65
100 6,27
124 ' 7,56
118 7,43
207 . 12,91
. 19. 1.66 .
43: 10,14
36 1,66
'TfIROr, Treasurer.
21, 1854.:
flosea Denton
Hosiai Tiffany Eat.
Jacob Taylor ,
K. Al litinson
Norinan: Mitchel
ThCmas Norris
Win.lPfunket 'Rush,
Wm. Turrell Thomann.
1.1o3 ;
G. A. " •
David Yost .
Henry Drinker -
Jacob Dolning
Wins Drinker
•Jamea Ciimfort
C. P. Tallman
James Rumford
Peter Dunn •
• D. R. L 4
trpaiurievapffice, Ma;c
• IL
STAGEiill,leave Kirkviood, paisiog titronel Cot ,
bettsvil le, Liberty, 4e., every mortitog after the arri•
vat of the Malltraiiip of Cats; both Eau ani•Weet,reich
legMentrose at I P. M. :
tease Sfontioie dally,(Sondlys accepted) et 2 P M.,
reaching' Kirktioodin time too Mail Trains of
Dars4both East and West, Wog the heated and most
feasible roUt eto reach the NeVi York and Erie itallroad. -
a. his li I ntersectsa tri.wcekty lina.for Dimock
Trinthannock, Wyombig, end Wilkesbarre, which
leaverMontrose at 7 A St every Monday, Wednesday and
Friday. Also, a tine° Friendsville,Leraysrille,&e:Good
Teems and comlortableGarrieges are provided, and the
Proprietiarswill spare no pains t o.aecommOdat st he
Decemher24,l3s2 1104 , 0 A N &W EST .
, .
11 BURRITT la now receiving a no* and full* assort
tr tar
d o f i a Ck
connectioni!l Parlor i
th h is .
o r, t e S ir t n o u v
see .stoc k fr Wood
make a Feted, and eomplete assortmenti (Attie moet popu
Jae and improved kinds of • 4,
Air Tight, Elevated Oven, Premium and
'. • ' - Plate' Stotts. 1 ' . -• .
. • - ,
4.1it0, dote Pipes,steel,. Trott Vise. 1 toys Tubes &e.
which buttillsellst the lowittt. Prices for
.eseh or approv
ell:credit. ! •
New Milford, Sept. 29th,.1853 - 1
_..-, •
Groceries- , -Wholesalci & Botta
*H - great,variety, coneiderabls quantity, superi
j ill quality. and cheap for caeh, or to exchange
for most kinds of merchantable produCe, on good
tern's- His Stock of &Nara, Teas, Tobacco, SO.
ces, &c., being so numerous, he deems it only.nee
eisary to say. , that, almOst anything in the Gro
cery line used by familiea, can be found upon inqui:
ry and, consequently enumeration is Considered
superfluous. • in particular he would ask an exam
ination of his fld-Sugar,fi r s. Tobacco, and 44 Tea
Adeduetion worth savi ng made to thifose who bill
e bis'valUnble
, Susquebann&
situated fn the
la mile from the
Iles from Sus.
E. Railroad.
Montrose, Pa
. ,
se, 3 B a r ns,
orchard of over
• .
Lodeirsvill : X°Ok & Drug Store.
TILE subscribet• would inform the inhabitants of to
-I denville arid surrotin dlng,country, that he has great
ly'enlanred and improved his Store, and filled up With a
large ‘ and complete ' assortment; , of Paints , Oils, Dye.
woods-, Dye-stuffs, Window Glass, Saab, Putty, 4 ralnish
and Brushes': Also, • i . , .
' , Stria Medicines, Chemicals, Glass-ware,Perfusuery, *Yan
kee Notlons.Confeetionery il'oi let artieleS. and all articles
usually ;opt , in any *stab! shment of tho kind. Also on
hand a fail e isoortment ofi [I
1 B 0 iilii:s 4* STATIONER Y.
, •i
. Itnpirliangings, &e. dtc., ideh bets prepared tti sell on
mi tettannabl e terms at anyStOre In the eotintry t ' 1
1 ,
Al4O keeps in 'lame room a genetniassortment o the
Clio:Cu? Mammas.carefullyselpeted, prepared a . . IPII
perintended by himself, for hi. own accommodation an. thp
bentlit of the public. I i
.. .1
Itoltdere.Painters Physicist's, &boat l'eaetreni,to red
g egisigoil and prote.slona wiehing to parchuo arela bed
to call and see for tbetnretvea. -
' L Sott, . •
Would inform his foimer patrons that he ha jin
connection with bis other busirtess aMI aseert eni
of Boots and Shoep some of which he can wa
and sell as reasoirible al can be bought at any , ttt.
er'place in the country. . . •
Di r ectly 04er John Itepnney's Store on
the It. R., Loderavitt
Mateb 7th, 14
m ; subscriber respectfully. Intl
-1 those wishing to purchase, Chem
riety'and cheapness, he ntay safely sa3
any in the Einpire stateamong war
OfercrY qualityand style, 'prices ranch
109picees Paratnetta and Mamma how
French, Merinos* of every grails! and
Cheao.!. ! p
10 4 000 yards of Da Lainet and PI
to4s.irrints and Gingham* in - cradle
15.000 yards bleached and - unbi
Shirting!, hope 60 tots 4C, .
t 000 yards Whl4,Re4 and Tells
tid to Os. - Woolen Goods of we'll king
000 yard) Eilk, Brocade, Plaid,
the lowest grade to the molt superior
Ming, of every description; - •
. .
A large stock from 'Anetlon, very
Travelling Bags, an extensive swot
hind. • ' ,
No etrort will be 4
fo etfort... spared Cm ther.rrt
merit a cratluttinee of titer Dikrooage
hitherto most , riene.rourly accorded hi
returns:docent sad heartithanks.'-
Comer Writer ate., T
!feisty opposi e the Amerlian Hotel,
• N0e..1633.
Adtelnietrit '
• ors Notice.
;NOTICE is boreby given that Letters , esta
lr ,mentary upon the eatate • of Theron Bpsch,
deo'd, late of Dirnock iownship have been On
ted to the subscribers. All persons Wedded to
said • °stater are. hereby' requested, to Mate !Mule.
dilate I payment, and those haling claims pen
Said estate to present them duly attested fo set
tlement. .
AtitEßTßiiwr, Adm L
Dimock, April 4, 16,54.-14w6 , •
- 56
I - 200
, 60
Now Line' of Nail Stages
:New Stoves.
N,PrICE f - , - -
To Wholesale Dealers
_iiiia Dealers in liATeksin.
; dize within the - Courify et . Susquehanna. - -
I N pursuance of the Act of jessemblY of ildi .
Comnionwealth, viz:- the Act of the 446 . 414 df
May, 184lientitled ti on . Aet to' provide:lnsane - .
to meet the demands upon the - Treason': . sod for
other purposes'," au Act of the 1 th of ApE11,1845,
entitled "en Act to Increase the !roma*. sod di--, • "
minish the t Lagislativil expense,. the Commit. ,
wealth," an Act passkdthe 22d yof Apr 11,1846.
entitled ciao -Act to ,provide_ for the - redaction of , •
the. State debt," 'sad - an - Act pa d the 10th day'.•
jot 'April 1849, entitled "an Act to create a.-sink• • •
Ang fund. and to provide for the radial• rind ar•
tam extinguishment of the debt l of the Commett.
wealth," the undersigned, Appraiser of 'Macau.
tile Taxes of Susquehanna.Countr. hos'irreparid'
.a list of all Merchants trading within sat eanty,
cud plated each of the aid :Merchants 11 that -
lass which to him seems right and just according
to the provisions of said Act of 4aMmbly s fel:
ows, fix: ' \ - I
I •,,,
___ ; estate) ,14
teskleneer: Proprietors. I I . Clani .111 41 4 K I
Auburn, r John' P. laniberts .. 14 Llq. '4 ~,
ri , d o Waltman & I.ow, 14 • IL, 1 "
roo d k o lyn, i.
E r z .
ro W s ..A i Llo o n t ' s
C 0.,. 1 1 l t i l ;4. ) •,,,
.do • Tiffany & Stnith s i _ .18
_Llft. 4 i '
do .R. T. - . Ashley, -:.;"; 14 1 , 4:h. f s
do . ' - Nelcon TifEsty, 1 -
. 1] - 14 - . . i- - !-_--,.-#:,
do -William Megillen;' '!---- 14 -!' ‘il 4;"..y,'-i - k r - --, '-_ - , - ..- - i ,
i" - - - ,--,- Y.1' . . - .''.'' -
Choconut, "- Francis Quhln, •
_' '!" ' 14 '; ~ ...'...5- -- •;:•"-- - $
Cliffrd, 'John_ 11i;,:.•-.14 - •.! zr -- .''''.- - ',,, ; ., - - :,'
do 711,OndiitiViVinto4 r .'14 ' -"'.-:'. : 4. 2 : -
Dundaff, •, -- (ii - ,CotteC#4`...-,! .-:IS 1
do . B. W0•kf:4.....'.::1- '- :44i; - ,-- ''.-1- - IV; -,•-
do ' E. Phinnei_ ~..C:-.f_.,.;:"..., .:"l4'—_,.,
~ -- ',- t_ .:-: •
• do Churcli-A:Piikilliy :18! :..1.11V: lei;; .
Dimock, L. H. %Rahn", ' 14 -,' 7 : ''•%'..;' 2
Friendstille A. Wickhani.- •- I _- 14. - , ';:tik - -;_-
Gibson - J. Smiley,.':,_ '
I -. .18. -.
do N. E, Kenedy, 1 14 ~..:•_:`. .'•
do - U. Burrows di. Co. , 12; -- , '.- ‘:.'„4 - ,. ,
-- • 'do Asa Howard, - ' 14
____ - -..-„.- .:
Great B I
end' Henry Langley, 'lB ,L14..2; ;-, ' ~
.: do - ' W.;Dayton_ , I •11 , Lk_ ..,
-: do . Joseph Dubois, I, - It' .• '''',
do John Bleßitiney -, , ig :_, -'.. •
'do . Thomas & Whiling 18 . . .._ ."-_:.
- do - LS. Lenbeitu -].- ' 12 - 1 2 15.1 ,
do M. H.C. Vail, - --, 14 LER. ; .
• do James Clark, : _ 14.- ; , - -
do Taylor & Jtine, i '•-• 14 ; ---',.
Harmony, 'S. A. LyOns,„ , •' 13 -,-
do .•D. A. Lyons,: ; 1 1 ,
4 .1.
do': B. R.-Lyons, ' r:` . :.'l2:' :.
' do Brant 4 Chlager, -14 1 .
liarford, lI.T. &.R. H. Eat0n,,,12
10. ' Carlienter.& Sibley, ,14
. 'Johnston & Ve i rY, . `IT ,
.. do S. Sey* . 'our; 1 '... .' 1- -
Herrick, John Miller, - :I - . 14
Lenoir, A. -B. Merril, 'L I. - 14
do E, .R. Orow & Bro. - .' 18
do . Shutts,Eaton.&i_Co. 14 •
.Montrose, . G. R. Howley, . I - 13
do W. L &S 11. Mulford, 12
-... do ' J. Lyons & Son . -43.
do F. B. Chandler, I , 13
~, do IL J. Webb, •'1 ; •13 I - .
do - George Fidler - 1 ' 14
do Isaac L Post & Co. •11
;do' M._S. Wilson.- ' ' -13
do - Bently & Read, 11 Liq
do ' Abel 'Dwell, - -14, Lig:
..1: E.hridge ! . 14 Liq.
do- 1 D. It. Lath rop &Co. - 12
Middletown, =F. P s Hollister,; 14. -
' do : Charles Campbell; 14 -.
New Milford, Wth. C Ward, I, -13
,do- I. S. Wtle, . . 13,
. do' ' H. Barritt, . ' 12 lA.
'do . I. Moss & Bro. ' 13 1- •
, [ •
no - . Hayden &Bro.-1 , 14
do , J. H. Sutphen; . 1 - 12' : '.
Rush, - • HJ. Champion ' , ''
1 4 \-.
do -- - H. Southvvell i *, -. 14
do , N. Granger & Cialey.l4,
do - James Tupper, 1 14 s -
Susq'aDepot,E. Carlisle ) . - 1 , 18
do C. S. -Bennet, l •13 4/.
'.• do S. B. West, • !.. 14 - Lig.
do J. H . Sidth, ' ' _l2 •
' do Thomaslngedrum, 14 •' -
• do W. 11. &1. F. Hub.
bourd, 13- - .
do . A. White & CO. 14 .
do • H. Cohen " 14'- _
do A. J. Seymour, o 14 Lite
do ' Edmond Stark, ' 1.4 - $ Lig. '
do - ' A. B. Edgett, 4 14-
! Silver Lake, R. Chichester & Co. .13
Springville, Dean & White, -. 13 -_.
do .. J. Smith, ,‘ 14 -
do Scott, Johnson oft. Co. 12 - ".
do ' McMillen - &•Park 12' -' n -
do S. S. Grover, - - ' 14 _ '
Jackson, - .1 J.Turner,'. -14 •
Jessup; Depno & Coope - .14 ,
Franklin,- J. L Merriman, 14 -
do S: Fuller, 14 j - - -
41-31 of Groceries,. ear ifouses, if 4
Arburn; ' John Riely, .. .6" 1-
Apiplacon, Harry--'Barney . : -, .8'
do -- ,' Wm. Buffam : - •• 8 , Liq.
Bridgewater, G. N. Allen;
.- 8 • •-.
Dundeff,' Enoch Chambers, . 8 •liii. .
! Friendsvllle John Robbe, - ; 8, ' -
Great Bend, - John Coinstoek a l ' 8 L 14.: -
do Lucien Siott, • i 6! -
_Corwin & Millspangh s .B.. -
dO M. M. Moe, 1 '2, •
- do Daniel 'Evens, -,
. do L. Carpenters i ' 8- '
do - Wm. Smith, - 1 . - .'„_ ...-
.Harmony,, Whitcomb & Norman, 1P.114.
Liberty, A. A. Beeman, - r -- - 8
Montrose, A. Merriman, I '1 ' -
• do H. Bacon, - i' • 8
' dO - F. 11; Foidliam; . 7' - '
de. 1.-N. Bullard, I• . 7
New 'Milford, Mitchell & Harding, '8
Susq'a Depot s tmniel Knapp, ' 7. I.lq. '
do • • 1.-S. Skinner, 8 -14.- .
. do . Wm. Ustick, 8; Lig.
do • Harvey Smith,'; 7''"
-do George. Eggle4on, -
7 i ,
do - James Bell, - ; - 8 - -' --
do ' N. C. &D. W. Norton 7 Lig.
- do ; W.-W. Clark s ' 8 .
do Pert-hie & Son s " ~8 - Lig. :
- do . Susq'a,cipperattie ! i. .)
Association, ; SI I
: 1 . 2 ,
- do Edwarl Ifamott,k ' . -8 . Lig. l•
do = -Frederick Pickering, IF, . .
do ' Bissell & Stone,l. • 6 -tic
And•thii Judges of the Court of Comin•B
Pleas orsaid County, will hold a Ceartof Anise*
at the Court House In Montrose, in and lama
County, on Wednesday the -10th day' -of May
next, at one o'clock. P. M., at 1 which _ ' time Ind
-place any of the Meyebants teftrad, ideearthadli
and classed as afore said, of t itir agetiVit Moire
ney s r . may appear and apPeai froth said mow'
'moot if they think - proper.__l -_ -,-
• - G. W. LEWIS', Mer.:Appralwq.
Diknoelt, March 2*, 1854. 1
1 3,7
1 17,42
."rm with you once • • • Imy ffietAr t
No more my footstep raft."
_fold me at my residence:on iforatak
rue, two doors south from Seth Mite/4er*
Esq., happy at any time to wait on - yolk imeially'
or professionally , the latter espeeially. filtoas
who prefer to have their work dove atibielr.teri•
dente n heftier living in town or out, win - pleas
tive_mo notice accordingly; and I ant e se.your
service.. Perscins at a &shore
_dairies Ride
Teeth, can be accommodated at my. lknese, troy
of expense, while thl - storkis being done. • As I
wish to be bOy I shall atilt adhere to my old
plan of charging aceonling to the cherunstancee
of my, patrons. There it much glimphilet lot
the high prices of Dentistry - and of mpprims•
although I have been in the habit of .ded
from 15 to 25 per;: cent. from the first.?
friends 11411 make you, nit ofrer;—pitluu
need tootle will corde right I deer and have it
done and so keep . Me busy,ll will - *set tot you
for halfiprive and do it well too.
,'no Moon
we have to charge so big*' is *nese; either
from dread of the pain or the pay, yosiboti thle*
and force us to . Tow -mech I Amps fot Watt ,Of
work. 'Come on tiiim and you will find there is
a chance for bargains at Monterne..'
C. , D.,V110114 Surgeon pestle&
Mentroie, April 15, 1854 k - • °
Horsornireti 8 - ititai Nrlll4.
drINB and two Oome Pave/trot tliamithil6"
V other Amtposee, and a isistoon home Frost
Steam Engine fir Pilo tow. 1 . •
Skit. $a vs, 'll4
CC418,433 tali for salii by.. r " --
- ft. iruutts,
Nos Milford, Oct. 1501353, , ~. s '. I
. ' - I •
j . .