The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, April 27, 1854, Image 1

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''f TOpe once, LAW. ttbirt• I.olivillil_l . oarnsili
.Tricli colt bition as . a measure' orarveta.
, 1 i
in the finumerable 'evils resulting froiuk ;
traffic. 1 .
.• , 1 1,. .
I- . •
-, 1
. Trher ',L
,, We wohld invite the' atten t
tempe ance men. of ;Susquehanna. .I,Ouii!
the tablishment of -an . association ' t • .
i• ich e rights . and privileges of vaunt*.
can . maintained. We have no. 14 - ? : rsck.
• terest doing, but have a
. deep Inuit
ii the use; W`e see how intimately ,C,Oini - I
are utemperance and' crime ; howtliiii .
i S•bothiare caused. by the Liquor traffic •„>:','
i 24,1 dint if we cannot rid ourselves of t
power - w
I"4ul'ilek.roying dement,
its twill
, I
:ally ' :ender out civil and religious - libel*
U, ....
~.• .
lose rpther than a ..blessing. ,With till
it i ews ive would call your attentinn te , .a (I n t
i I on paramount to all' others, and to ci .
-• e lendithis,question in all its a.pectsJo y
I • -
,' ra t cOnsideration. - H , ' . • . ..,. 1 ~
c.' ° m Be olved,' -Thathaving etamin6d the' ;4
l a
m a I pe" roject, and ,belidVing it t'
t 1 : ..i uost efficient principle by wlueh to . e
e. l'Atel the many . " 'rippling U.Ousi.,4,' that,
' I. C` , suffcreil•fo unpOse Upon'-the itubliet
•,r•s' , •
t:toy the -peace,.of cammuni6l ' ;. 7 . e ‘l - ; \ •
• • ;,tou gentlemen to co-oppratk With
e pad attainment of this principle. t- . .• !
lit fed,. That we as an orgamiation
1 - ' e j ect for the -promotion of, 't e mper,
' ° o, l : its legitimate interests;
• could earn •
t m cit the 1),
,hiltinthrophic citizens of
.nti-to ke iunnedinte action upon
. 1 'ect. - , - i' • : ,
........ ii '?".... 1 .3 - Olved, '
That . -Wi -.);. Pang l
gt . 117-----1-
... i
• 1 •
From Gleason's. Pictorial'
irnE VWIDOW'SnEir; •
Ora "lit Go s
- • . • • .
. ,
Se. . -ieeltad - Conlinencedin the nee t little:
.. actuary, :which the sinhabitatitsl 'of -Fair-
Mount had Consecrated, to the woi4liip of
God. The minister had Tread the .I) . and
the Scripture les_sofi, ?Ind' the first lines of the :
ipper4g.liyinn, • , The•:eyes of his peoPle were
ifixedfintently upon him, for le was not 'only.
..j.l good. sound, eloquent preacher, but lie was
a tine looking one, too, aud, thus enchained
usual y -not only the attettion
.of -the true,
out the false .Worshippe'. The . house Was
lery 4till—the clear, me lions tone ;of .the
peakr were the only-• .sdinids.that throbbed 'I
Ori:thlalmly golden aii:'which the nildsum,- ;
. 4 ,I , . ,
men ',Sabbath morn had I:breathed Into. that
l'oly ' lace. - The first sellable of the second J i
line as trembling °all' lips, whet a rusile
at th door, and the enti nee• of tw persens,
a lady and a gentleman, zssolved t e charm;
In a second s every ey.. ,. ..tit..ned frOmj th .pid-"
pit to the broad aisle, an watched
.. - iiii More
thanlordinary ea,gerness; lie progr :
... of. the
couple: A most searehi g ordeal '
,'ere the,
übjelc, ted to, and-when t, ick were fairly sea-
A in-the front pew int ediately- before , the.
)ulO, what a nudging t elbows theft ,was,
.0y; and how many mli.pers, toot. In:vain
.sougtit the good, tlm sou d, the eloquent, the.
hant soroureacher to se 1 main the: att4,;n
tion .of his hearers., T ey , had eyes_ i ,and.
thout - rhtS for nobody bu ' Widow .--'• ; 4atid
widow C:: - young MI dashing atten
dant.' . - I 1 • ' t
them hadn't she
more, chat herlheifit
'pried one ;. - that.she
, 411 . adnt e re
or, ride , withd
gentleVien of the
1.-: .
she didiet• feel as ;
anything but mourn
these prtt,-tations,
, at Once, !dressed in
;hunch in broad day
a youngentle
r .
liow she had cheated )
said l a hundred times or 1
• was lin the brae of herli
'would neyerman-y agait
.'fused always to : walk (aril
an*lof the' un apprOpri ate,
.viliAge I lladte , t she •saicil
.i ,--
• .thol she. could ever wear
insT\ And in. spite 'of
had she not come out all
•White,, and walked into. e.
light, leaning oh the ar .
,trutn. - ' : . • i „
, •
es, indeed .sh.e• hail . She wnuld I have
. • -1,
,plead guilty tci all
. those charges, grave ones
.. l as hey were; sandf.the 'lSt two, how. , many
iesses might have heciti •sulipmaned. ,i She
' • wa;actualiv dreSsed in --white. A. .I.*autil
rehe of India mull, tucked to the ivaist, wr
, anlopen corsage; displaing an , elaborately
• .wrou t thfchemisette, drapery sleeves trimmed
'with richest Meehlin.lace,lunderslee' Yes of the
1 •
• same expensive ; mateiial,la white crape shaWl,
a 4 white. lace hat, - with o.ingibudS and tl4w- •
_ers . , white kid gloveS: and light glaiters-stich
_ w 43 the description - eve6'r lady : liad, on- her
tongue's end to repeat. oi , er.a.s• soon as serie
Ivak closed. And 'the gentlemati-he•• was
• dr43sed. in style: He WOlB. white,',.pants of
- th ' latest patem, and a lksdlitevestand a coat
4)f • tin fintsh i 7 and white kids too;.; and don't
•he port a maskive Chain', land didn't ii gaze
l a
• oft qt and tenderly, and 19 , v . in_g . ly; '7n e . fair
cr ature beside him'? ' Ah, . Ves -he•4 l id so,
an there was no . further !room to ' ckubt.---
. IN'idoiv (.). ---had cheated them. ;I.She had
wcn a 'beau,. laid .aside,her mourning, put On
• a 'bridal attire, and was - going. to -, matrie
in church. But % - lio the beau. was,' or whence
he came, was : more difficult to:thlv„e4 , . .. '
.• • rvice proceeded. The
• Choir -sang; and
• th minister and preacht-arrd. the
1 - ple wondered wlfett - . the ceremony Would
take place. .But io their astonishmenOthey.
, lre left to - wonder. F:-•
or when the
, ti n was pronouncod,' widOw C.-- 7 ----4-and 'the;
strirnge gentleman walkcd , ' With the restlnf
:tlie con,, ,, regatiOn- quietly lout of. Church.---•
,When. they reached the 1 pavement, he of
feied his arm very gracefully, and She placed
.114 hand very conti - dinglv - . r !in •tlie heatitiful
soft coat sleeve, and• they paned ou 11'
- • I
• 1 •What a nooning that was in:.Fairmount?
1V hata world .of conjecture.-i, sUrinists, iuqui',
ries and doubts rolled .over:-arid O,V4' rin .the
• -
.1 rains of, not only the gossipOng la4ies, 144
ober, matter-of-fact gen:than' :. - i `-The - like
f such a thine had neVer
centred in the
. ,
annals-of the village, There - a a `i.. nnet l i i r i,-,.
• new under the sun •-,, a h,,i.. h i i hi t( ' a h ea iT
rind nobody 'knew ii. ' Wi I tIONV - t".2,----41. idui
l •
. . • our ears Lurti :that day I
. .A. I; lye wonder
they hadn't dropped 4.4.; 'Sur ly;-• , I. - le) • - mus t
.• have been crisp and •crinvion. --
The _Rev., 4 '.lt.- B. .preached
house - that aft:rnoon, no. con,
though. The Man*. was in
. • him. • Ever Voice was sure the
take 146 - .1 Len; but everybc
. / 1.3.11 y disappo jute] ; "and if to
• . :it railroad speed Left,re, the)
On eltetne ires. • The :lulu]:
I 4 .'",.e Prentlied that day, :au.
; • •
ik•g"•.' ' F •
.•.- i • • '.• -• •
•• i•
;_•• - • - . •
~ . .
Wotil4 harii,beeHtr.,' quite as edifying. But ono ;
subject. engross the village mind—the wid-i
ow's I.)eap, that' was the topie..[ • -:1
It tietUally..Seined, too, as t hough the 1.1•;j
iiy tried to makoall. the talk she could. • Af-•;
ter. tea, arm in arm r with - tbn.strange gentlei,
'roan, ski walked the whole length of the vil4
lage r !And awaykiiits into the c'emeterr, and
'ewit retupted till the mooniwtp high',
". Al. nice looking dre.a, I teas. 4 she•had,l;
:drawled - out ;old! ; ;w grAndina Vir.-',..-=--- . ao she lis;
ten to the . Wido's:- wandentigs. , "1 anr i
glad I - liain't g:Otito wash it, ilrabbled up With;
derr;as it mustlianve been—but "I don't 'spoO:
.she thought Or, eared a word about it, she*
so carried away with hitt. Bt t.I - will (rive:
her a.idece qf o?y, Mind, the r4t time I have'
achauce, se e it' I ' don't.- .Chimt us ~all ja.,
.th. tWay.”- I. ' . , l ilf ' ,
• ut the good old data began ,to Tear that
sh Would nver'have the desired clarice.— , !
Sh hurried Ithrionoli her ivaihing.on Ilitindai.
. ,
And hob et over to the IvidoW's as soon as
' bl 'll over
possible, bnthOdoor was locked, and one
of the 1 11 - eig ibcirS said - Mrs. .—,—arid thd.
gentleman ; verit'oti -in . a carriage, nobody
,_ . very
-new . u bet* early •in ''.' tlie moming s .---i
," Yes, and never got home till nine o'clOclin
the evening ."; i Look, out,'. , WidoW 0.--,---
Your characteriis on the earl )et.
i' -
.1 -
•If she Ituiwilt;: apparently ; she didn't care;
for thelnextlday 'she went' sailing
.ivitli her
beau, and the pelt, day, rambling with friar;
away Off tol the! Mountain; and ,on .tlie nest
forenodn wOrt 'With him in a carriage to the
sAittiOn4housb, and there not only wept as she
parted:from I lii in - ;- but Aatu aliy 1 ji lib racetl and
i4cli al I V
; kissed I him. : t ..
::; • :
4 1Wfmt,la.bitiad . darligl4r' exclaimed
grand Ma 'W. ; '" Well, ifl ever .seed or heard
'the like oult4i '
• •- ' ~ :. . -
Little Nel, '; lie old ladvy4tigest grand,
child, W-ondired to herself if it vas any worse
in broa d datlight than at\ any other tine.We do tleaSt-.1 1. ... I! I
. 1
Theri. wa' a 1-err large attendance that at
ternoon ht t i
e: Weekly meeting; of the sewing
society; I plerytiOily went that could possib,
ly leave henhej i . .And what :i chattering there
was when the hustle, of asseintilrng was over..
There Was;l4ut fine to ''. but that l was :nit : -
sufficient, allengro. ing; the ,widow's beau
r ,
for thelgentleinhri. fist - be her beau, or 4
least, he ought i to be.
1 1- ; . 1 ,
.- - Everybody had • something ,to tell, ' some,
'thing tto.w4fitter about. But Suddenly evert
i l tungpib• tOtigite -was husliblt; a universal
stroke of 'Orli!) pal :sr' seemed to bare fallen
on the (;' , .ro - irjr 'as looking irip, ' they 'perceived
'the very ladv,,abOut,whorn t'he'n were conver.-
1 r
[sing so,ea• .-
:- , er O
ly, standing in W do r.vliy.
"Good afiertiOon, ladies:l s a id tale in. her
I nsuallarge
quiet l‘yay.: "1 ant gladito see so
and lutppy :A gatlicring.,- - - It ip a beautilA
day for our in i-, , feetin-," and th.n l she proCeed 7
ed. to the tal.ile; hel - ped heMelft . to a block of
work; inquired 'for .the 'sellin g` silk, • whicli
•'. ' 'rece ived,she . . • •
, • sat down in the only
vacant cli*, l ' and coinmenced bemrnin , ,a
red • ~ • • - .
very' ling with . a yellow . i ving, -onto A
very givini..•l*l_ , ; which latterhad been bent
-11144:1 nu to :4 square piece of ‘‘llite cloth. and
theiwliole then completed j Was AcsiLtued to
form the . tiientieth part of it ,11:01 spread. Slie,
seethed all 4ngrosssed, with ilielbird's bill, and .
spoke to t*,one. • Everybdar wondered if
she. had.heabl what they were;; saying "when,
~ ~
{she came iii, i• but her placid countenance.
soon reasqired the - most fearful, and every
one longed 'to-commence a •-peri;onal attack.
. Old g,rahlina W.-:-----w4s,tlip first to veli"
ture. title nittant to "do up; the inattt. very
delicately, And iti - io "rouidibOut: a way,'
the lady sliblild . .not suspect l,er of curiosity.
So - slielbegin . by praising MM. Cfs.- . -Ldn.,.
A " Why, it, is really' - a beauti;" said slie.;-;-
."IWhete di 4 - you get,it r ~ i.,
. I buglit, , it,'i Nvas tbe repl y .
" Here ? l , ~,, 1
.. ,
1 , ~ • - • ..„ -
"Nd." 1 •
"Vvilefej then ?" fl.j;
1. "
York ,. last'sprine • •
‘"" 0 you Aid did buf thou , rht ynu
~ you. ,
wasn't never; going to Weir anything bUt
black agai4:." . • •
Every eye ;scrutinized the !lady's face this
time in sea'rcli of a blush, htitiit continued - . As
pale as usual, while she answered :
"I did think and say, sei, (Mce, but Lhave,
finally. changed myinind.l
• ; ,
"You haVe ha! But What made you.
1 •
had good reasons." :Here the hear--
ersAnd lciokers-on i winked 'expressively ;at
each other ; . -
• .
• \" - But (141,:y0u not spoil your beautiful
white dres4 ;Sunday . night, wearing it 'svay
up there'll the burying groutid ?"
' -"I didof :rear it: •
Here wqs;,a amper to the-fold lady.. ;She
had such 14 e , lecture to read on extraS•a
gance., an di she was so Aelerinine.d to dol it
too 'when Unfortunately for hert i eloquent still];
Mrs - lei 1 1 8 dress had I/lineup in her •- • • ;
robe all thl; find shd- had worn an pld
black , • '
After a While the • old 3i4y took a flh' h
start. :$1.4 Would find out fall about that
beat/ beforp,he went home; "flint she woul - 41."
So Ae• lAgan: by saying; "your company
went away this morning, didn't they I" •
`•f was i the - answr, a wee bit;•of
eraphasis**sting 4i the ar j .i.
di(' - i4't sta.) very" long did he?"
"Not . .as long as I wish had,", was ~11e
emphatic answer this' tinic. And how [the
ladies did idok at: each other. It was as good
'as a confe4sion. • •
"Whenidid he come
S •
"Was Non looking for hini r
" I hail been , expecting [him for a fOrt ;
ni‘rht." l - ; ; I
j "Whyd44 . telli if you hatl then 'and you
never told! 61A:either. b ' usiue..4 in
the placer • ,1
1;1, He 1/10." . , . •
• "-What. !Was it ?"' This i%-as:rather more
direct and 'blunt- than grin/An/a had ; mCnnt
to put,AnliSlic forthwith ago oaired by hay
" I didn't. Mean only thought - ,
! t
"01'd hs lief you knew!. .48..ti0t," said . • the
lady, With a charming air lof ilairvette,il he .
came to s:osi me." F
0, l\idiritC ! did your:o6d name go klOwn'
then. B careful what you e‘Sar, next or 'you
will lutveiOhly 'a remnant character; to go; honic withi and remnants g 4. -cheap. •s .
" lie do, Old . - he, and he! didn't' conxi„ for.;
ncithino' else' then,? But rills yOu-glad to see' ,
• •; • ;
him?" .1 . ; • - - •
"I'lntief•J'W•ls• it - WO Olio of the jiappi-;
estoincm nt'spriny
" '•Weli,lwell," - said the old lady, hardly
;knowing ;how • •
fratno. heti next -question,-;- • ••
tO a crow !.hided
the pew heforol
dy 1A again
; •
ofi .11a4 run
ter ,not.
A % 7 / 771 i'LY 3OURNAT.,
ontrost, *lits/
K, well, he's a real good looking nian.iiny-_
*ay." .-• • , • ,k •
P- t .. ‘ I think-so, too, and he's notonly goo -
lOoking, but lie 4 good -hearted.; One of the
best men I ever -iiek." • I •
1 1 J " Yeu,don't yso I But is he rich?"
t l
." • Worth a lin diedt thousand or lso," said
- I
the lady earelesily. - . - -1 -
'will 1 . •
li- " Why, dU tell, if he is. -Why you i. e
liken lady, %ion' you ? But what is his name)?"
I! " Henry Macon.". 1
'• " MaCon! Marion I Why; wasn't
Before you were married r' • .
l• "It voia." - . .• • -
i -171!eniiie•is conection, is
. he I"
Ii "lie is.' . 1 - -
"•Tht tell; if lie is then l• Not a
• -•ope. •I never.did think much Of
" Henry is.not, my cousin."
•:••• "He isn't. Not your cousin I
- Collection is he alien, du tell us!"
""He es my Oungest brother."
i; If ever there w'as rapid progress made
• v , •
44cWiiig. and knitting; by any circle of ladies:
it Was. by, those Composing this 'society for
the next fifteen minutes. Not a Word Was
iltteml, not an t •ye raised. •,11ad tbe latter
been done, • and !the roguish and expressivii
i. r laries which . r ;ast3ed between Ml+. C.-4-4
and the minister,' who unobserved, bad stood
4 silent spectator and curious 'bearer, pert
Baps, Mind: you, we only 'say perh l ops, they
might have gueised More correctly the name;
Characier, • standing • and prOfessicin
_of the
Winow's BE At!, • -
Itlmie. •
God has given unto Man an :Or SO 111 i:
Gately attuned, and 'a; soul so elevated and
fetined, - eapable of experiencing various slim;
tions, that he is able to appreciate, and efif
jOy_to its fullest extent, the inefodies and :diL
Vine accents of Music. We listen with 'de=
light, and hang with rapture upon itlr i e note.S .
Of songs, as the voice of some gifted and
loved one.utters the anthem of praise, lOve
and adoration. ' The heart is stiri;xl to . its
very depths, as, changing the themei, the, liar- -
minions numbers breathe- the joyouS welcdnie.
,tell of Lope s and heaven, or Whisper', in
Plaintive strains, recollections' of the loved
ttnd early lost. But-the smooth and liqUid
InodulationS of the human voice is 'not 'the
bay source of-music, and, melody. ' We leave
the busy haunts of men, the busth,'. ttirmoil
and. strife of active life, and walk with nature
ii:mong her, works. The soul is awake to : , all.
arotind, and wliisperings, sWeet as angels,and
,of g a.l and h., rr y fait upnn Mr 4 e'
Spiritscar. - The rivulet as it Comes front its
Motintai ii,home,dancing along'the lowly vale i ,
dispensing and cheering many heaffs,singS of
.00ntentment, purity and pence.;, The eveoitig
Wind, as it lingers among the Iree-topi, and
Softly breathes upon the blushing &Weis,
Whispers - as a mother to her- sleeping babe,
and we hush _even-the beating of our-hearts,
that we rose tiot:a note of the fain' music.
k The••tt c ri )
f the rain drops, the chirp-
in[r and twittering, of merry - birdsil the dash
,ye the waterratt, the rush of . 'the
nnghty river,the licaven'S artillery,
and the voiLe of the mighty ceean las' its toz.-
liincr and heaving waves break 'uponithe'rockv
Shore,—these all unitil - in one prolonged, 'lev
er ceasing song of praise unto IBM who is
above and over all. Again we- li.4ten—Lku- •
t,tunn has come; the cheerful note . of sumo- .
nier's joys have, fled ; the heart is sad; and as
we catch_ the sound of fallinc:, leaf, and wil-,
ling wind, 'Cis melaneholly breathing
Of some distant harp; telling of departed joys,
and blasted hopes, and calling, "sister . spirit
come away.' In 'communication with(Tod,
and his works, the soul is eriobled, and' Puri
fied, and better fitted for the' .holy
!duties of life; and for an entrance I into-',that
betterland -where we shall sing and praise as
• iangels do ; and our notes* shall rival Cheru
bitu and Seraphim unto Him Who livetlinnd
• -
Ireicrneth forever, even our God.•
The. Last Look.
: Wife Jay dying. \ Sufferings h d wasted
her beauties—but the Wreck of her 'former
chartris,:through the medium of liet Meek and
fiided eyes, were' peering, the lustre of a '!.soul
prepared to go—as through the crevices of
.some ho;uy and crumbling ha ion the .
rays of-nuerering moon. An the earth
, riewdarker and the dashes of the stilleti
laws of death began to reachilecar,she turn
ed hei face to . Mtn who was weepingbeside her
the. object of her first and latest lore land
with one long glance cone 'warning smile one
lingering kiss—departcd intoanotherand bet
ter world._ And be went foal' a inourtier- . --
tint that litst lo9k.ininides in hi 4 duties, and
4ontrols his visions..
A youth left his 'early home . for 'the active
theatre of the world, Standing ‘ n the hill
beyortdr•the brook, he - east hiseye backward
upon' thespictUre.from 'which he w uld 7" soon,
be, sePeratedlorever. There : sto the cot,
~.reen:with the woodbipehis owit andst - had
planted—there were his parents a d his, dar
ling sister looking throng,hniisty leyes after
their departing idol. • lie ga4ed rut: n! mo
ls i
meat—such . scenes are :too ,'tend r -o.i. the
S.t,outest . heartsand castingsilen kisstis . to
,the gionp of beloved ones, • e dashed
down the hill and. returned no-the e. ,i• •
• 'An old man whose hair was and white
like the 'wary frost, was summoned from the
council chamber of the nation to •." enter a
way in which he had never • walk d before: '•
The eage•Sank down within the w lls Which .
had so often reverberated wit-kW, fervid elo
quence, and looking around him murmured,
i i` I ainl content." And his last words,i even
to the Present, upon the boson' of all nien.
Alover bad,lost his idol. 13eneath• 'the
Arysting tree of ealier hours, there went I they
• parting, With . promises strong as,
oaths, with kisses sweet as homey, witl4lears,,
as plentiful as rain, they tore their heart's as:'
-under. The look was ,exchanged, and the'
sadness of parting commenced; The Maiden
dreatns there—often of his uttbroken.coinpitri- 1 1
ionship, i Alas, for her, whershe awake.s frau ,
the delnsive viiion. • - . 1 : • ' Jr
, "Every beOnuing has an cnd.7. Themost
p !
ainful ingredient in the' cup of hinnan ,actiont
is that in quaffing disappointmentis the cup!
I bearer. But even' thisfortuueimuSt have air
end, and the bowl is broken. at the
. fotintain;'
and likind its sorrows have 'and cud.. hike
wise.‘•-• • . ,
~ ! i
. •
rrYou. rarely, if ever, see a ix)fitieian
'with' smooth hair, a great sCholar., with finehair, au artist With red hair, a fop witheoars4
mi.Mste with loog hair, an 'editor
'whose hair is carefully adjusted. 1
a COURtgy nut a; 'Q. ut - san ( 4,ll.crntutg, Aptlt 27, , 185-i
OP costramt =7n-is
Diirerfti in 'the Senate q Pennsyliania,.• March
• .0,1854, upon Resointaans pending against the
Nehtaska-Xansas • •
, , it
3111'SrEAXER wcold have b een piense t
the Senator from• Dauphin had been henni upon
thesoresolutiong, so that my remarks would as.
mane the charaeter of a reply. 11e is resPensib le
for, the introduction of 'the. resolutions and the
consequent debate ; and . Should linie furnished
these, Who Ar l o opposed to them with the grounds
upon Which they are pressed. But the scnator
frem Wyoming only, has , spoken in their favor,
and he rather in explanation of his Course than as
a trticipantin the debate.
ut, 1 will proceed. There is . 'enough of merit,
and strength in the Nebraska bill to permit a
waiver. of 'all advantagei of pcisities, however
conformable to the usages:of discussion.l , :
.-The•question raised by the resolutions is a fa..
one. The same question, in:other forms,
"has often been up, and been the subject ofdebate.
But, although this is so, great misapprehension
eilsts'in the community on the subject. have
no doubt thateventually the judgment of the peo
ple, of this Commonwealth will go, with great
urianimity, in; favor of .the bill assailed by these
reSolations. ;But, at present, there is a neJessary
Work Ito perform in the exposure of falsehood
and correetiori of error.' •
hat your
• I
onsin, I
. r
ut wijat
Stitt, during the last thirty yearsamblie opinion
initldo State has becn,misled, in;the outset, upon
atm oSt every. national sisstestion that has
matterof regret, but it is:trite. The pub
lic' records etas° State prove it. Uponthe tariff
we ii ve more than once, struck . hands with Mas
saehusetts; and after 'tiandering in crinr been
ohliged to retrace our steps. \ In 1846 wefrefuSed
46 . per cent duties on coat and iron , in order th
enntinue our; artnershiP with Lowell and Bos-:.
- ton ;'end lime, the sure vindicator of truth, has
been tequired to convince us that: we Weie fol.
113Witig the lead of selfiSh and blind guide's.. Up
thp:kalk questjon,, we contributed legislative
resolves, and votes in Congress, aid:, of . the
eihneS..poweis and when the bank was crushed
as a tiational,kve etnbiaced it asi Stattinstitg
tiUn•.!' .AVe gsive it countenance Until itstaggered
on into bankruptcy, and the latnentationS of its
vietitnseame to constitute the rcquium over its
(ierrnpted retrains. In 1847, by statute,', we re
f Used. the use of - our jails for purposes under the
natintial . ConStitutions . That cmctment was cop
ied frinn an het of sLissaehtisetts—the Auarter
Where most Of political heresies. originate—and
if yeai only after a patriotic 'struggle ip 1851,
that itsrepeal Was secured: J might go ':on with
ether'illustrations.eStablisingthe fact oflivhich I
have:Spokertf a fact Which has had much to do
With..the secondary position assigned our:St:dein
the Political history of the country. .There has
not Veen, with us, that necessary =pinky in 'the
outset upon' Brent national questiOns; tsi .cnable,
Our State.tolake a place in the Union Commen
senate With her population, resources and geo
graphical position. The, firmness and sagacity
1 14 - -in- , urnirsi promptly a position In great nation
at entergencies, is inntspensablc to the idignity,
hiinnr and influence cif a State in :our republican
. s, • •
Mhy, sir, even initlins'e stormy debate 4 extend
through,yenrs, and terminated by Lilo:passage
of the Compromise measures of 1350, our ',State
Ois:in -an uncertain lif:tiot false'. attitude. Re
sOvi* Were messed by th - e . Legi , litturel'ilipstile in
cisnr.:icter to; the measures of y.djustacnt which
4terword prevailed. - 1 That we- eventually- came
right} was ol‘in:s to the force .of truth, g'raduaily
4f:•seruinate4,and to that patrioti:im and!'scrise of
jus tiee which 'are characteristic of our pee - Tie.
we repeat former errors In the. Case be
k .vhid)
Vh ,
§ir, the sixth section of the Nehrs
tains the following"pt °vision : ! .;,:- •
,‘ That the ligislati.repnrer of he Terrgory shall
Weild to all rig sulyeets of e i gislatiom consist
rni 04. th the-Crutstitution rf the truited Stotes,and
flicprurisivis (f this act; but no law shall be pass.-
Interferiirr with the prim' aridisp e sal glaze soil,
4 : , - ~,, 1 I . .
R c 'l7ii
ci ,' 4 .
l s ection
pd,-czn 1 is terbatini from Ow Utah and New ~ ex
. . . .
-Ten hills of 1850. ' Instead of being new to legis
bitinn, it was adopted by CongreSs in; 1850, and
l:langtioned . by the ecinntry. ; HoW'then in those
With approve the measures of thilt year, complain
Of the bill l'i No new
.principle intfoduced.
, its
~ . . .
Tim people of Nebraska are th, enjoy simply the
Siuith rigitti'of local, legislation, as those of ad
jci‘ ining ,t. rritories. This proviSion was necessary
t defineo he powers of the Territoriall Legisla- -
inre ; and from the 'grant of legislative ;power it
!ordains, it. would ; have been necessary, (if the
ii f ieWs of the abolitionists were to be..conSultedi . )l
4) - Oclucle power over the suebjet of shivery. - In
44 way only eoulff . the confrot of Congress over
4,liSigsub,,ecti or the authority of the Bth section of I
,11101issouli net 0f,1820, , be -prPserved.i . But, if 1
the'sectionillad been so constructed, would it not I
If are '
aye 'introduced tl4 .. slavery .-question into Con.
greis ? Tile bill Would have ':been subject to
'Aulendmeni and discussion; it would have conin
; 'OIIA proviSion on the subject of Slavery,* it n w
t.. :,
'does, only of a different charneter ; and the ant lor
lof the bill eouldlinVe been chnrged,•juSt as .ab
ithrdly as he is no's cithrged, with the jutroduc
' Jaen of tho slavery question, into Conaress. Sir,
i t ifylAntroduction was unavoidable.....Nn sensible
.',miss; ever supposed, that the, subject would .not,
sitiliz.e. : . , ~,. i , .
'!,.: . Such eXPectatiorf would haVe he - en foolish' if 1
it:duipd., Wl:nt. Was content - plated 'after the i
Struggle of 1850; by those in tiWor of the:acts of
that year, was that'ithe basis of*tiOn then estair ,
fished, should be maintained:: Congretis tEen . de.
gidtd in favor of the principle Of non-intervention
'On the question and passed it !ever to the pecTple
,011 the Territories concerned.. ' The general„ gov
rprriment'by that deiision, was 'Sundered from all
connection with the question ' in, the T'erritoricA
llithi,aboutheilig organized. No enactment cm:
, in#ling frOni it could thereaftek,be quOted, =le
i iieping: eV ?excluding the institution of ilavery• in
- Utah or New Mexico. The principle df the N.e..:
'braska bill' was plainly enacted: as a just, and wise
AliSposition of the .!controversi .then cixistink.—_
Dciubtless; iff-Nehrasira and KanSas had then been
-Winfred for 'Territorial governments; the same
thicingement preciiely would illiVl3 been made its
lills for their organization. Does riny one sup
usethat. ,
the statesmen who figured, Intil.e ; dc..
bides of 1850, Would have extended rights . df self
!,ccriverniinent to the people of Mexiith and
ibliah,•andi refused. the same . rights to those of
I.iransas and Nebraika.? Would they haVe dealt
this uneqnally, and therefore Pnjustlyi with the
IpZippla of tuljeining Territories? •-• ~ - '.—
i Sir, the,,TerritorieS of Utah , and Now Mexico,
... 3 as'• organized in 1850, ineludCid portiOns of 'the
'Missouri territory,' covered by , :the Bth section of j
'the Missouri act of 1820, and Of nort4rn Texas, 1
. :ciivered by a: similar provision ;in the ant annexing I
:itbat Oil Union.. Di 1850;;,!'illerefore,j
.:Qoncrress. hot only' decided in 'fliv - erof the-friril
5CE, 17. 4T1, 11 E . ,,' 7 2.4 A Lt
- , i• -
plot of the .Nebraska bill, but applied thaLprinci
pl in exactly ilie.saineiway-4that ts, to territory'
fr m which Congress had previously enacted an
ex lusiOn of the institution, of slavery.. The
pl in fact is, that Congress deelded to !withdraw
al interference
,with the question in the ToTlto
ri s concerned, without" distinguishing' between
. regionasceuired froth Trance; Spain,.Teias and.
Indian tribes. I No matter whence title was de- -
rived, or Whatl legislation had theretofore been
h • by foOign governments or -enr oivn,Popular
lo al authority was substituted for COngresSional
di •tation. 1 The right of those who lay prostrate.
th ! forest,.-tind give tO' civilization another
v ee westward, to'!erihet their; ocal laws, was
vindicated and established. I Congiess • wisely
surrendered a doubtful
. censtittitional -power into
-hands • ennipetOt to its exercise. Wielded by
the general government, it is ii power productive
oil ceaseleas and incalcUlable MrilK Vested in the
hnds of the People of the Territories,;
ly bodged it is
its exercise unattended by nation
ali convtilsionsl. The question ai s t.o the location
of this pOwe4, whether in Congress ',or in the
Territorial legislature.4ebeeted by, and represent
ing-the penpla thereof`,' had to be met. in COM._
• st-uctihg the I . lebraska. bill. - lit was impossible
tol construct - it otherwise than it was constructed,
without tin *indent**, of the principles and
pilovisions of the Territorial 'nets or 1859, and
endersingagain the dtingerons•doctrine 'of Con
-wiessionatinterventior4•The . committee having
the subject in 'charge, Met the question and dec.i.
(led it rightly hied wisely. Holding: that the nets •
oft 1850 were;-h . : just decision; `f in principle and .
siilatance, of 'the question of . stivery in the Ter
rftories—n settlement and "finality" in our na
tional policy upon that, exciting and-!dangerous
subject—theYetoo.d. by; the principleA / mid
visions of, thoSc acts, and gave' a corresponding
ferm to the bill it had! heemut, their duly to re:.
Art.. Sir', the till Subsequently . \ receiieti;.after
hill debate. a two;thirdS vote ot: the Senate, and
ifdeserves the apprOtal 'ef the country. . At, all
events,, no one who 'approves i 7the. compromise
Measures of 1850, and whoSe mind is unclouded
14 'prejudice, can iippuse the Nein:tan bill of
1851. I'he the twe eases is identi
cal, nnd its applhAtien affords no-solid - greumfOf
distitictiou r . .1- : • 7 :
i There fibs been great misrepresentation on this.
subject, and Many hard been inisled.,. • The meas.
tire is not, el l 'en. yet, flioroughly understood.—
We. havei not arrived at that plot which we will
attain, in! thel. natural,...course ; of . things, some
nionths hence: But ought"We not rather, to an
ticipate thnt(tollow;far in the rear of public opin:
inn? - .At!,any rate, we should nut rashly cast the
weight of; thei Cominonwealth ! Mo.-the, scale et
error, 'or Cause her to speak, through these rose
, •-
lutions emLicre may be . disposed hereafter
to r
, etract.. Isn e, sh e .,, . ~
The appeal is tinide to us against the Nebraska
bill, on' the ground that it
. suPercedes andannuls,
the Bth section of -the liss,iiiii act of A 850.—
Who make this appeali? Who are nicht .active
and elamoruuS througtiotit the north,?, - It is well
knot: kno, who; are to lead:and -who aro to be -oar
associates in this critsade beyond thellisSissippi.
Are they notlthe very; men-who have -opposed
and 'repudiated' ecimprouiises,•and spurned the
Counsels of cOneiliationited justice ? The same
men who cried alondii01850 ? when agitation was
cr t nsbe!,iiby . the pa‘sage -of the! measur'es of ad
jiistmentl—The same men Who have always de
notmetd Alm act of 'lB2o,ard decleted .that they
would not regard it, or he lioubd by it! They
now hypocritically adept the so called 'Missouri
- Compromise as the platform Of agitation, and pre
sent theinselVes before-the country as-its chain-.
Pions and defenders..' Can any one '.:doubt that
this is done solely Tor 'purposes Of Mischiel?--
-that they. arejno more sincere than, consistent in
their conduct?
It has \becti abundantly shOivn thatithe act of
1820 was not a compact,agreernent, Ur *.bargain,
'in any just Scinse of those terms. It.',was simply
a legislative let, subjjct, like other acts; to modi
fication or re cal.. NUr has time (riven it t sanc
tion and fore it, did not originally possess. It
had none of he elements of a - • compact at first ;
and experienee -has proved that the vieious, prih
ciple ot . Cimaressiona interference it'contaios,is
the occasion-of continual diSigreemelit, difficulty
and danger.. Besides; the Congress Of 1820 had
not the slightest right to bind the Congress of .
1850, or Con'gress of 1185.1. [ One legislature can,
hot, ordinarily, bind a'succeeding one; -cannot tie
up a question Of legi4lation 'and, remove it from
the field of political Power. That is a farrilliar'
doctrine, reqUiringo argument to establish or
vindicate it.. But thin is . net- all. The \ act of.
1850 has been rePudiated more • than- once by
Congress, aslWell as by the interests . now clam
orous in its upport; 1 - --•
ti n ! .
. has hee, calledi the Missonri nomproinise,
d an iinpressionlas prevailed that it, and it
A.I e, securild the :Tifaission of )lissouri into the.
enio . history i 4, otherwise. :. In 1801,111iisouri )
ed claiming th
e Missouri to . be
admitte. ''s a State:l She had a right to/such
admission ; nd withoUt cavil pn the question'ol
kl;seirsan. of
t i s vh C i e cl e i l.7 in e e 6 l s ud '
\light lof France inlBo3, and slay
at that iiine; and. afterwards.-
'`' 'Lent from - all *parts •of. the
Itants pogsessed:and exereis
\of self government and
nestion from any quar
-.AMA improved with',
-,• the great Vnion'
\ew elements, at,
, And when
ess, id 1821,'
it as free;
laiming .
1 L .
10 •
f ' *
b I.
'th si
t) t.
I ...
• L...
. ...
. •
'y ,‘,.....
' 1
* * l
) • %,..
country, wab
cry existed.ther6,.
It *as open to setil.
Union, and the inhabi
ed - the ordirlary righ
local legislation, without k,
ter. • The.e4untry was setti.
the view to its incorporation
of the StateS,. frOm which 'the,
least, of its Population were dcriv,
the people of Missouri came' to Cont),.
they came niit - as Micas . ' or inferiors, b.,
men and Ajlierican eitizen, rightfully '
.common and eepal ,parti 'illation in . the
tages' therTediiaMtilen. They laid rcomp
numbers, and. a republican constitution. U.
every princiPle• of equity and justice, they were,
entitled to admissiom .. Buttlie:y also caneunder
the sanction. of tho :let of 18-20 ; and - in conform=
ity with its Provisions. If ihat actrWas in VW
nature Of a compact, the obligation to admit
spoil Was ineperativei r But the plain right of the
. case, and litO obligation of Whitt is now.talled the
Missouri coinpromisA, were'disregarded. North 4
ern votes iulthe proportion 'of two to one, went
upon the journal of the House against admission;,
unless MisSouri 'woUld abolish Slavery. ThiS•
was a direct repudialihn of the arrangement of
the previous year, which had left slavery untotteht
ed, except in the unsettled region nest of the pro : •
posed Statef; and . Proie that. the get Of • 1820 was
not esteemed a cidni ackok i binding, - itomprowis
by northern members. • ,
'An objection' urged againstethe•admissioniveas,
that hilt chose in the Alissouri constitution, it's .
legislature tees atithioriZed to pass laws prohibit:
ing, the immigration oT free negroes into the State,
mid it was•npon thateoint that an adjusttneni was had— a compromise c feeted. Ityasprovided that
Missouri should declare that nething ih her eori- . 1
. stitution shauld be cOnStrued to effect the rights
of citizens' Of' other (Slides' tinder the national
constitution. This was'the:Missouri corneromise,
by virtue of which-the State was admittedirsther
than OM - pratious act Lof 1820, - the obligation. of
which hhd been repudiated. It was a .compadt
between Ihf general; government and the State of
Missouri, induced by an ohjection, the unredion.
• nbleness.of judged of by the
that lassiteliusetts Bier. had an net in full fur 4
forbidding the iatroOtietion' of free negroes into •
(that Stac t and tliatiother Aadristern States bike
sle.e.e pass,4l laws o the same description.
. In the
of I'B2l, Mr. 'Clay wits! a/
prominent factor,' arid. his; reputation has beiin
placed in •part, upon the result attained. , BO;
clearly, the provioui act of 1820, (as. regards its
Bth. section % ).ilid not bear, at the time, :the sacred
F character, saughtAobe given:lL It. was,' a
simple, lq, , islative provision fur unsettled territo;
ry, subjpet al,way4 -to" modifie.ation or repeal, and .
effective even to thoadmission of Missouri,-whigh
!--earne in under a subsequent arrangement.. ; The
principle of that • Bth sectifAi• was .applied white]
1 . -- r - ,
Ticias' was adulated, and i-ecalled when New
life leo was Org,anizhed. As matter of fact, it h:is
h no extension, now prm,tically existing, but,
has been removed, as already shown, from a par
two iof the territe to which it 'was - eriginally
Op ied.\ lAti,arn ndatent eitending the line es
tablishedl by it, westward: toward the. Paitifie,'
Watt voted down- •hen* the Oregon bill was pena
lug in 1848. l lt as again rejected when propos.
ed to be applied o the territories, acquired from .
31e ico. lit has een•voted 'down : over and over
a,'„ nin Congre s ; and it I became evident ie
18 0 that! it coul not be, maintained. It became
144.spryl toado ,,, rt. other and better ground
mo '0 consistent ith correct Principles and Jhe
eXperionee of. the country., Cordially approved
by no interest orlparty in the Union, and incapn
or ' '
bleier *nduring Vgical examination 'and 'debite,
it necessarily yielded before; the pressure of agb•
Wien and assault., ; Then it was that we. 14.
sfilistituted for Win legislation ; the principle! Of
territorial 'rights and Congressional non-intervene
ticiii, whieh Iltrust. limy endure---to the end Of
. . .
thellehapter. :-
The deetrine of the Missoeri-aet, is' certainly
itiertlcrotin AS a matter of national policy. It is
bet special pleading; to say, that it has not been,
heretofore, technically, formally, and totally re:.
pieiiled: • The ploiet Of debatelies deeper than the
real+ of e legal huitbte. It strikes behind - the
It4Ul.qtic4stiort Inn statute, to . those foundn
tions of right nn olpediency, upn which - legi4-
,mast rep* , No: party: can be really sal--
itiOd tvith the act of 1820, and the struggle must
lic,twlionithe rent point is Met . in COngress, be- I
t*eri ; the Calhonn doctrine and the Wilin i bt Pin,
Vise. 'An egnal.riglit for the-south in. the terri= .
teries;- tolbelrotected, if necessary, by Cengreft
*anal; legislation, wits the 'doctrine of Mr. Cal
hotm, fortified arid enforcedby powers of reason!
the whit abovej.all men Of
. his generation he'
lie case . This doctrine reaches to all the ter
rit ries,. nd is net geographical line. It involves
tht idea eteongresSienal ptorer, effectively ex,er
idied, ,to ipretecti aed - preserve southern institu
tions, .when earned by emigration into tlip ter:o , l
torsos.' The Wilmet :proviso, with equal disre
gard of the Missbuil line of 36 deg..3o min., is to
build epla. Wallnpeti the . line of the territories,
to ipre:,vent the entrance; of Southern institutions:
CenserVatisth and innovation have arrayed again 4
ea ell Other, and -their Struggle's have shaken _ the
i.Tolverempnt to its very foundations. To'cast the
Missouri line between the -Combatants, is to pre
po'k wl4t is acteetribte - te neither; cannot be cre-.
fended upon principle, and Can never secure a 01.
idipetice. . 71ce ..n.i.t.ta . ke /0 in permitting -(;6 - 1-
I , l4,ess' to 'act, at all;: and hence the Compromise
acts of 1850: are right, andeserving•of support.
pet Congress withhold its - land arid leave the
Whole snbjeet.where it p :el Eill: belong,s—te the
peOple of the territerics concerned, • - " .
-INVliattilittre said will iihow, in some - degree,
'the tree,cirthe Illkinuri net of 1820;
how inelliTiCnt it has.leen!to . prevent agitation ;..
bon. din it has beat contillined or 'rejected, and,
It lift eit is "ealulatcd to inspire ewtrlder..-ite
eed respect. It will be tufty wortlethe cost of a
strugglei' to strike from our national.;policy
,iut-illy and finally the vicious princirile of Cottesees..
;si nal interference tvhich it embodies and ci:rin
ipl lies. I, • ;:. -, ! '
Sir; there; are difficulties in the way of, a fair
idi jeussrma here:of ri subje4 involving tlie .ques'n of slavery.. • Upc,rn every ordinary question.
lofdeb,.6 there are tivo parties,wlfiii_ se interests
rule tffeeted:by- its decision ; and fro ie whose al
i tercatrees•the .trutii• is evolved. :; Won thiaques
tier' there is no, existing interest: 10 the nerth
Ito oppcoe the activaYand : fury of fanatieisue—
r!lil ;supp ating, sound doet : iines we. have but one
!ground-..ipon which to stand. We etn -makeup
li Olds . inibut - pee Nriireetion: We-can • appc'al only
)id; those principtiiS of justice and. right which
ILit do eat always reenlate the conduct of nations
itlad States.. Theoriecees of comity among the'
Sfates dr the Union, and the right of equal paiic-.
!it alien, lby all the §tatcs l in the ad% auto get. to b:,
d lived finm the camp:ton property, however elear •
and justi, do not strike the superficial obserithi.—
,IO apparent self iritcrest exists to urge us for-:
w ard: hale proper lihe!of conduct, or constrains us.
correct opinions And as the indi titude,•
the mais of mankind', carrnet easily,. be protight
tOlregiuld Whatis distant, however
. important, in
the absence of preSerit motive,wo are continentlyiliablu to 'be plubged into diliculty, and to. as
senti .pOsitions which will not endure the Lest of
tzi jai ned tithe.: ' Legislative action-S[I(MM he,baS-- '
4 d epee the principle of utility, .as propounded
co enforced by Jeremiah Bethate: • 80, with
'most, men, it is difficult 'to perceive their eventu
a 'interests; when :ceetrary to g i ome temporary or'
partial view of 'alieestien presented., It requires 1
sludY-and discieliee to.grasp the Wholeinerits.of
al subjeet ; to mice, tt . .,,
t. - lettis irrevelant and trivial •
'Ord accept what is easeetial and true. It iS a the
Mission 'of wise and goed men to Teelarge the,
visioe ef. the -multitudM and cause there to per
4ive their real interests; to disabuse their minds.
of eirod and prejudio;l to Canie- them to reject .
utt 14 fallacious, tlioUgh plausible, •.,a4ctplitut
themselves upon print:4lles of immutable - truth.
.141 en jn the north—inen sagacious, jest and
wiie- 7 —' who, hive heretofore stood by 'the! true
.tirineipfes of the conStitution - and the real:inter--
eM `of !the ;country, have been denounced, reviled
d abirsed. , Opprobrious - terms have been fidap- .
upon them, and wren warty occasions, i they
l nye brim subjecte(LtO fierce enmities and to ult.
, ,ptilaiity.. ''liut, those of them:whose resolu
tions have been "seated in a square and constant
riling," 4vhe have had the courage and magrianitn
t-i to. steed pp for Ap: 'right, •against tenqjorary
isioes--have'evetitually and surely been yin
diatech Time haS tested their position and es
thblished, it. TheY ba've received the reward just-
IY dire to courage, fidelity rind p . atriotis* The
StOrm ntid the tempest which they with Stood,
Ossed eivny,.and were succeeded by a--,0 periOd . of
!the! same rights - of 'Self.govei, AO, .I.lllsth
leiljOy i l.befOro removing thither. - iThe People os
P,etinsylvania have, from the earliest times, had
Ithe i unquestioned right of establishing or probib;
jitin,g among themselves the institatiou of slavery.
They4tertnitted and legalized it ito long as they
t ought proper, and when the time arrived that
it was exrectient atid right to . Crlidicate it, thby
; did se 'without dictation from ai foreign author
; ity. INeither the British erown ' khe Continental
Congress,liithe govii.rnment of the United Suites,-
ever spoke to Pennsylvania in the time of Com
mand upon this 'subject. -We deehied for our
solve 's, as the beat judge of our own interests.and
wnlfiire, and we could have jus(ly spurned any
injunction issued from an. allenteuthority. Ali
the northern gtates l the old thlrteen who pur
tieipated in the gqitlition. and on their
ties to , the power O(foree, enjoj,sid tho memo ex.
el naive jurisdietionover the sameNnestion, This
principle of local control and'tWsiation is
prorinnently stamped, upon - the Iwiitical policy of
the northern. StateS as any of which history. holds
itoluitte 1L thtbttl7
. .
..- , ,
the ' record. 'Pennsylvania, for good',reimOnit;
fo u nded inlulicy and: principle, . ,sibolished, -in :
1780, the histitutiOn of slavery - withinl her bor., - - - .
dens; and she did this in a manner as just f as, it '
was beneficent and, salutary. Not .proroptd. hi. -: -
the blind, incalculating - .spirit of Modern'tibe ition: •
ism,she accomplished 'the , work:gradnall4 Ida '
uner Conditions 'as little - oppressive as;possiblet . ' 7.. •
Upon. individual rightt and existing arrangements,- •,- •
Is there tiny solid objeetion againstextenditig to
thp people of Nebraska tho.isaine -:righta: *Web
We have enjoyed and exercised? : Are repel
pprinciplesbabe varied by,leCation and.geogeaphYs .
-- *-
so that eihatis right - along the venters orthd Soli,
inehMina shall, be corisideredcrithinattiptitt the*: .
prairies of the far - *eat, mid at the base of , ths, : :,,. "
Rocky mountains I . Can gatisachliskiths, Or .Nett?. , . • ' .
York, or AdarYlandi: deny, la 7 their.l - people ' : : Whii . -f. -_--;
have' gone. weattvard,' rights: which have • -!been:. - :, . -.
neither .denied or questioned in thol StriteXm•
fro_-.. :-
which they emigrated! -. i ,-' 1 . ; ,;' •• \ - r-' , ,--: -
.: • , What spirit of evil is this :which nses npin out
midst, and invokes us, to a' work of ontrago„ - itna,, .
wrong! Have the republican citizens orthe,Ter - - '
ritoribs no right.tO complain that thegeeral gift•„ - - - _' .
ernmerit should attempt te - dictate 'the - IniitStii 4 , r, - :
`lions, and deprive them of a- jorisdietiott &St - --
their own concerns which has been,Cnjoyed by the .- .
older States,ef the Union ?- - Theyj have rescued,.- . -
and are itscuing, the regiqu in which thoftrave.:„.. , .-
settled, frOm itsdesertoondition,and-haveminfe;
and ore making if; fit for theliabitation Of eiVilised
,' -
mma. . The foreitshaVe fallen - borers - them ; the - ..:
savage has retired as they
. have • Mivaneed4tlieS. . .
have subjected alike prairie, Mountain, and valley, .
to the - dominion of laborrind indastry,:and...haret , .
swollen 'the wealth and extended the limits.of the
republie. And shall tbey have no, rights. except:. _ ..
such as are doled out to them fromia goienimeist, ' '
hicated_at the city .oc Washington? . Shalltheir . ' .
laws•be framed and inipo.itduponiheni:by repro. •\;
sentatives of - flartford, Boston, an
,Baltimere . 1-•
or. shall they, free from congressional interfereime. , .: 1
---free from the dictation of representativeS they •
' have no voice in - eldetieg—shape their 'own insti; !•
tiitions.und the lawsonder which they are to live I. ''.
However others, May, act, whether alone or imp:-
ported; I stand tip to-day in vindicatiOk of their - •
right to the same powers ofloeallegislatilm which ~
we enjoy; and I trust that the decision of tho•
1 ,1
question ending in Congress may be in strict ac.: , --, '
cord:ince jib - tbis.principle.. If's°, we may ex
a pe cefal and just solution of all 'difficulties
upon the !qiiestiOn of slavery in Cnngiess.:' Thee: • - ,
general government, stripped of all' control over. :. .
the subject, wil lb° . left to perfordits appropriate
constitutional duties; and will no binger-beltmed , - • -
dler with reatte‘ &\
that tiof ftist v pertain to it: .
. -
'This: principle of contiessionall - non.petion is
powerfully recommended-by the • •act . , that it is,. _
- 'strictly - accordarit with the character of our fed;
_eta! goverment. No idea is more firmly rooted . -.
in our national System, or more.,Useftil in itX re. ' .
sults, than that'which leaveS to thl. Stotes the - ex. • :
,elusive regulathd of their internal nffairs:' ~ W ith.,
out this salufary'prinbiple it would beimpossible
that the general governmentsotild lonivtontinuo,
•w i tho u t:a chan,ge,--a mamal change—in our whole ,
system of admipStmtiOn. The'. term "State . :
Rights” is not a mere political;. watch:word; hut
contains in niit a .enning of the higheit, sig,nis-. ..
'ranee. It , iineana limitation-4dd restraint to- the ,
aeneral government it means that there/rere- - ...
al barriers ng:-.inst the encroachments of federal-`
power. .It means that centradization I is: pot. run - ,:::.- i
idea' of government *amongst us. AMI it memasif - ,-f,A
finhlly, that popular, local, and Individeisl , '
hziN•e, real guaranties -rind, a solid - defence... -Vifir?
would resent, in Pennsylvania, to the utniciet,soy, , xf,
encroachment Of 'the . federal government- utsai - ,=..-:, - -
our just and reserved rights. And why shotild:42: .
we, tt,irefore, ansist in extending Cinigressional. : ,:
interference int6lll6 Territories of the .Uniort.— - ' . '.
, The bumble emigrant, who goes out from amongst: . ' 7:
us, our relative; neighbor or. frien&—shonld Carry. •
with him, to his; new 'home in the west; the same:
republican principles, which prevail in-the locality
from which ho !emigrates. iliac is: tie reason I • .
why he, should! forfeit any- of his rights as. au i.
American eitiz4n,.by a removal into 'the .territo.i. ..
ries—The common 'property of the United States:: . ,
Sir, when this . principle of loial power spares:
exactly with-the national interests, in rentioting
the question of, slavery from the field of Con;ges. .. -
sional debate, and secures the peacAnd harmony ..
of the :States in their relation to each . other, that '
man must hr.•..e . bad motives, or mnst.,be greatly
or grossly mistaken, it ho would oppOsO its adopt • -
.. .
lion. - . , . . • .
My argriment has been upon - the sixth section
of the. Nebraska bill, already read, 'establishing
the power of territorial legislation. It is the vital
section, and the debate hinges•upon it. _ -
I now read - from the 14th section:.
( . 1) "That the constitution and all laws of the
United States,ich are not locally inapplicable' s ,
shall have the mule force and effect within the •
said territory. et' Nebraska ris;' 'elsewhere within
the United States: (2.)igxcept the Bth - section of
the act preparatory to the.tulmissionof Dlissouri
into the Union, approved March eixth,.eighteen
hundred and twenty which being . inconsistent
with the principle of non.interventiOn,by Con.
gress, -with slarerY into the States and Territo ,
riesos recognited by the legislation of eighteen
fomilred and fifty (commonly called the°repro.. •
mist measures ' ? ) is-hereby declared • perkily°
and void; (3.)' %It being the true in t and mean.,
ing of this actinot to . legislate- slat - into'iwy _
ctd ,
Territory or State, not-to exclude ,it therefrom,
but to leave tliO people thereof perfectly free to
'form and regulate their domestic institutions in
their own wily; subject only to the Constitution
of the United States: (4.) Prot:ala s :That noth:
ing herein contained shall be construed to revive.
or put in foreelany law or regulationwhich may
have existed pror to the act of sixth March, eight,
een hundred and twenty, either protectiog,estabo
fishing, prohibiting orabolishing slavery." .•• i. -
t regard thiS section as declaratory in its char'.
peter. The *clause asserts The. extension. Of
the constitution andlaws to the Territory. .The
second deelares but the legal effect. of the sixth .
section. alreadi read. with ilieirpasok therefor.. :
The third, to void misconception,
declares the
genera! intenttowitt the act; and for tho SAM. -
reason, the concluding clause declares that no net
prior to 1820 shall be considered revised. '. The
propriety of this section lies in the , fact, that it.
states succinctly and; clearly the seeps, purpeee t
character and effect 'f the act.: It jute the toot
to misrepresentation and gives, upcit• the face of
the bill and to direc . terms, expression. to the . •
principles it Was intended to cedorse.. The p.c..
amble to the .Pending resolutions, asserts that the
hill permits the existenic of slavery in theTetift
tory. It doceinot permit it. It leaves the TOEO;'
tory to decide whether it: shall be ..pormitted !or \
cot. "his is:lthe meaning of: the.. sixth section,
milder indiputable by the ;clear ,terras -Of the
i d
14th. In my!opi Edon, the preamble,is untnie,and
thoßo N iiii.v (10 for it indorse a falsehood. I
The 'Senafor from Wyomin .said.the bill was
"an invasionlof northern sigh ." He 're s!, -
qt.. phr a (hi Aboliti , ;vocabulary:which\
Is it tueant that the
in the Tenitonee.r.
tes wet* equal, and -
n property._ iltnoltr
rights or amitham
:mown .ta_ the=tomiti•
of the States, 4.. a
it one; end this bill
ist, certainly not to
inthe Tarritarieap
the principle 0f,420t
'1 ',
the erritoritikb
)li-interference- 10400 ,: :
iplo of territorial •01P:
4 10 1 are , the big, and
itholifi and its nille4 hate 'it- and'
nonneisit. : Ili _deeply 'injures their businessqf
itutiou. B removing their_ durling subject - from
!MO jurisdiction of Congress, they are deprived
epportuniEftz for keepuq,* the couutry its an ft.