The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, April 13, 1854, Image 4

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    - .
aunty . T .;
Wal 6 00 1 1 4 11141VC .
" 111.-
~,~~~.,`~ .
A IrVirtifttle L E n " iiimtd ,
I ; - ;"i t Et '' Be 01/AS
r , ft
• 114'1; *A • °III - . 4r..
apiker'oolFlN ; .:
u r riktho:egiti r
Ettrulitiiii thiltil
.jti, - : .. .16i,dt 1:,
tirti&ilihig4o .
i; kli tin, .
t. ,.
R e rrlshos the ern;nbs from the pantry, InintingTor
, ! ;i eggtut tle barn, ..
4 :les!‘ipige t3ruips .fet• ,dinneT, spinning :the
\ '
stop -ingliaru, ~ , .:, ~ . ,
t . - . , .
*preading, io Wiiitenmg
,iluea dulrn on the hush
es milettio.
!,, .. „
itanimeki% etre 7 *Ude*, vilherUlhe red.straw
.-betries groVi!f,
Starehingkito 41 xinir Or Sandi", churnitifithe
, -
Rinsing uie pails and stra iner dOwn in the run;-
ninestr m, ;' '!-- '! 1 - ' ' `'
feeding the 4t3 .. .!1 ' 1!1111 turkeys,. _mating the pump:
kill pies' - ---- - , '
itYggintr thi little onti'ti cradle driltino away the
flits' j .; c .... . . ss. ... "'
1 1
_1 ! !!!....,-,.-, ',..... -.. .
11race-tau-very motioit; 'music in every tone,
Beauty of forplandfeature thitisatide might coif.
t. ett6 own. 1. •:_ !':.- ' .1- •
Cheeks tits t rivril spring, tors,. teeth the vihiterit
of phew's, . - 1 . ". - ..'! .*: , .
One of third° couldry-maidenslii•orth a'= twerp
.. ' . of ur4ity gitirt. , ... - '-'. • .
_!!!" • ', I 1
Nuitu Ica Vt. 4 . ' ', ' 1 II: If..:LAtA -...L
ImatiOnt jiikt et thipotp of dry,
lk 113 1 '011'61ft; turning die 430Ws
ifliinr thn Icitifa.inSking . ifie
fist diSb l eailifillnk - gio' &int
st epartment.
.RECTIONB.- , 436 VOy .Cartguliti)
greens thoiotighly ; pick them
.1d outside leaf will detonate a
lle stems' of cabbages across
F. GENEit.kt.
pick and ir,sl
close, for ;:fie
dishful; split
&ice. _ leyhould -
lie Washed., in a pan; : :nt
r l
particlesolia d or dust are verY apt to hang
round i(iiaden' vessels; do; not pour or pump
the, water,4n t em,.but plunge them in ; ibis
a -rood plan to throw into thewater a good
- ha%dful of salt, as that will
-draw out worms
or other itniec.ticwhiali you cannot see I with
ont pulling the Ivegetable to pieces. All greens
should be-boiled by themselves, in plenty, of
water, with a goOd limp of salt
.; the Water,
should bOlt when 6 . 16-- are Put in, and 4 kePt
boiling . they ihouldhe well dOne, or they
are unwlolesorne; a Very.little hit of toda put
into the water, mellows the — greens and i pre-
Serveti• - their color.- • ••- : - • f**
i No:directions can-begiVen:as to thel_exaCt
thne:that,vtgei c able take fOr boiling, as:llinch
depends on their Size and, age.- ,To aseertain
when they i. are' -done 'enough,. Tan - .4., fork
thiough * s ;.if,soft, they are dona; thOy
begin ft* sink lien nearly boiled c - nongh.4
arreerieshould perfectly- strained, and that
immediately w ten they are done. '1 -
• - • : air :op • . 1 '-' .
-I. To Dants: Pirr.vroit.—glifi4a.i been said
and writt6i as to ihe proper way of cookin g
{ V
.this vegettble *any me th ods have' 'been
fried, and it appears:: that sorts of 150•-.
tatoes require different tnodesof tlres.sing therm
In generalhowever,it,will be fouxul beit todress
then} Before bdiling; they Should also he as
nearly of a siz , as possible or the small ones
will break lief re: the Urge ones are done;
they, should be put into cold Water scarCely
enough to rover them, with a good lump of
, salt ; they Should boil Slowly, and when they
begin to crack i thewater should 'be poured
off; till they
i re quite dry and mealy. • On
serving, cover with a'-clean, napkin. . - I
. Cold potato, maylbe cooked up again 'in
'many : ways. They may be mashed' with la
little milk,'buttez,' pepper,. and salt, and teat
in a saucepan' trim turn ont -and set befOre
fire to brown ; bi another way it to cuts them
is slices and boil them on a gridi4on ;•orthey
may be mashed very fineaith butter, pepper,
and salt, and then- made , into balls, dipped
into beaten eg g rolled•inftne :bread crumbs;
and frie d a.met) light'braWn. . They are ex
cellent this way, and form a hhndsome 'dish:
Another pretty mode for a fancy dish is to
parel'ourpotatoes, then cut.them round- as
you, Would pare an apple, and fry them in
- lard - .till brown l all 'alike, drain thein On
-a selve s and sprinkle _a. little, fine salt . over
• • . . 1
To Bort.- G a m e*e Px.i.s. .
—Peas should- be
boiled as soots shelled. :Ptit them
boiling water *th a little salt-r-no 'sod* l as
that will break them. 'Tlie• tilde diet'' 1 0 11
take lilei‘ei:eds'iia ilieirOge; io 'general- about
twenty rairiotes is enoogh. When done; strain
them - tbroith la seive Mul :pirizr them into; a
vegetable dish over a rod luiiirof butter.i
-4 few sprigs, green mint should be boild
and serve d ; pp Inth , the peas...-.
70 ,BOlld BEANS .--After shelling, put them
into boiling water with /V haidful of Salt;
they will tie, eboked hi *tout 'Ulf 'an hour;
:when- the:skins feell tender tltiey are 'Woe
enough; sip' " thetiki:ith
parsley and _.
.t . stalk,and
strip off the and wash
then,inisplent4- of.water, auct leare ' them ; to
:soak, 'top downwards, With a little salt iti the
water; tor an ur oriwci. P t it them into
! plenty
of Boil . g ;eater, ytith a gc . x . xl handful
,i )
cor'itatleaild'it' it of soda, and boil th em , till
40: - fritaTir - feels eid er.: Cabbages,ievirehail
hig,froth,tWety to forty :Minutes, hoearfling
to f.he.w . ;age - li d size. Drain - them,throngba
e ..
Ulander..,e4 tts may be pressed between
two.platea—' '-- F ' • .- s . - '
TA.m.-mdiltrivif.—lii•the town OfNorwich
in this State, lives a' fa.piil; , , consistingl.of. . a
faWer t ain - illie.4 and. tOnr-sons and a.datighter,
wilieli-ior the weight kuid height:of Its-mem
bers:lke bianisider remarkable: The father and
sons average - 4 feet n 1-2 inches, - are well
fdiiiWaiid unkal all inclined to eorpilleticy.'
Thelfather Is I:64 . .pars of age, and weighs 204
lbs. ; \ the motherls 48 years old, and IreiAs
'2Ol- liii.;lhiold'est son is ii, and weighs 248
Ihs:rthe second ,son iS T4,.,ani sv
. ejgllo 2 51
lbs."; thg third son is 40, andiveiglis . 24olb6.;
thic.fourth soli ii2i3, and weighs 22511446 e
aiagliti.v . r-iii 20, and-weigiw29a lbs. : ..son
who died Odle age of-tuv Al s, weighed2oo
its -,1 Ineladiigi *it otO, the arteegate weight;
Is" 1,164
of the family Ilhs.l and t b s. it . ' 4rElge
weight is 2i r 1-2 „IQ We think . is.“.... w i c h
inay safely - Menge the State to produce.,
long ividAt4eavyii.fatailr dike..Spiv/4dd-
R.epublican.l -.. •,:.-- 1 - . - , ,
'' ,l -$ 1 44 1 . wI l }Y. 6 git!ale :Put ; of bedi,,Oll aii
ailitiiipinOt like one Of Mode Melodies I
Doesoiti-gte, it up, my " spected culled
friend?" ~ • = ..... ,--- • '- -,-
Ala-cenree-Illoas.L*Wily." -i, -- - -- -1 -
"Because `ftle.'deklailtiose4biumitier.".. '
u. , lerk-.ltele, miger, if yoir penritilbetes ,
33 4T-440;31, 'ipieesseAout. Xs child; 11l as
youglitai 114 , -- , •rve Itallermigh of dat :10 1
10.01 the talk, f :I Jas."
.cr;r, . utAva `
A fellow
or Ash , sill
mill foia
ho chopped(this hand the
autPing" rs 6 4:l; sent to' ati 14 )
medy for elioppcQ
~ t...., -.-. t-
3.. - iirelitif.
~- --•- - - '' .1 1 i. . .... ; .....
Ur ~ _•1 • 1 A Li t i , T . 4!: - •• 1
,:,;,ii.7 ~.;;, . ..,. :• :I "gl i: •
,b_ lt ßlef.l4 O.Workustplorus*e•clipfroiri
the COlumbus Statesmen.' '.... , .. 1 4.-.. , .:
meti . ,' A qlk, tipar,,iat*iyery, Onreasonnhle
t} .4 e P .
acileP 0 0.:...titi4g. :yid-preach:, uu-,..
i . 0,10,•,.,,,', or, v4uijilU,ii4futot has . be4 :cairn \
and to bacco . p.aell. , i...Eatould: the - purchaser
wish L tel.'. bay, e - beef withontthe honey; ' , the
corn 'Without die •cob of the to without,
=the : stein,- andrihis .Withent - pnyitig an extra
On** the iegulitf ienus,tbo farmer W.onld
d te
very .
,ptciperly. L gard !the .propition Its.'Scinr`- •
akeettg,` . rind. e, : - staielditttm. '100;i-arjr. . I Yet
m.eriville,:iniy ' nd rell.the hone as 'Wed as the
k it
_!iio thin rit all right, (as ia . r truth - it I is)
are - sornedino grundiliug at:treWSpaper Pith...
fishers] . kivloi - i t. of ' newspapers,
Aloe tOr sell: -' ' 'cc.O. without the steni,-rcorn
wilt iet t; tbo.c4b, and. beef without the hone,,
unless l an - extra prices iatid,i.'o4,lhey forum
to put
, a sh a ineirapaPerivithent! idieiqie:
nientsil Plii this. theylotil'ydo:wliat their reaa
enilW.Ml - inattera of ilinsitteia of ;analog:o49S
iltariteleS. I,libereoe when kiltnitil-P*oo4s.
Of us
, `t i ..h#ilitaitertieenteitte . in our piper • •
and C i rOssea wish : thatthey marbe idllta
liett4rotl l itad t r
.' t
ng ! matter ; .autattituted; Me
avoir our pe .ct willingness to second % hia
wishesp4in the paymerivof and e.4ra;prieef."-
To asiO'us io.eicludis' all .akiertfiementa 'trent
. 1.
t t
intr. col inns, ridlret to Sell our paper ;it:pres=
ent, 1 p i.143!a yi Uld ix; his; AS .i ;reasonable ti 10
ask Op
,1 i of On , ,
t ianneis . 4o sell ukibeef withont
bones; : t-file"-Oenta per iipotind 1- while . fery ,
body el l i,e,ii selling both; together at theaanke
price. ,Itileyea. tee. , , • . -,' i.. I. ..._ . .
-,. lit allort thie is tbOlttestiOn—Will you . have kpapi i st alit . . This la the true: - issue; - •:' The
boneta*ell as the beefi - or MAlting; foie pa-
per could no More be( Sustained Iwithent , ail ! .
vertiSen l ienta than - it tattier could raise. .a crop
withetit soil.. 1 With theS(l. fe* thotights;'for a,
tex.t,! . el.Lery one:Of our readerticaninake a son
, slide, semton xid thiika,j4ci. : . ! 1 -- • ''
' .-1 se rmon •••1 : __l .J._........_ 1 ...• .' • , •
, • ,
i i Tv:rabic.
Road what - the Clinton Courant man i says
on this' subject :-;--Babi'sl got the measlci, sec
. oid boy. is droopingi third one down on :trim
dle bed, with dreaded cough is "whooping."
Mercul down lo'zero, weal pile, some,,below,
it; Mau' tries to be a'hero, but feels he .1 can
not go it ! I Wife is bus.)l washing a hod :of
dirty 4 l .:(lnds;"` whilst ever and anon, a. tear
falls silOnt in the suds:.' Husband rocks the
cradle',ll" s/cond " on his lap, ' soothes:. the
"third'!; one with a kiss, and bits the fourths
slap. i . So from' melancholy mains, and start
inn., ircinbled- dreaming, the tune is changed
togroa l uS, 'stifled sobs and Screaming. ; Pa
tience, alt exhausted he roughly- speeds the
rockili, and jolts the little sufferers, with, a
rudeness that is shocking; - Confusion worse
confonded! A neighbor epos the doer; and
with' . ` ice and face astounded, Says, "Italie
yon h 'rd the price of flow r .1"No1" . bus--
ban(' I ndlii-hollaas ; ".what's the latest news" -
"Flail 0 thirteen dollars t tivelve has been . re.
fused."ll A•lscreani lOs Sissys's Voice; some
thing cOrnes' athwart , her.; !In she comes, all
covemd•o'er with blood . vnnd ditty ae r ;—
"Old brindle's gored th ` heifer, broke the.
yearlines !th igh knocked Siisy own and Cut
s tl
her, and Jared a passer-by." Wife sits her
down,des *ring, weitryitf her life.; husband
nothing`-ca ,"rtg; for the quadrupedal . strife.
wonders .whether Job, the man of many sores
when his..wife bade him give up, led such a
life in door. • ' -• " .•
. • Meantirile, the wealthy, 'mother Sits in - her
easy chair, len its rich embroidered. cover;—
mid conifoevery wlLt-(t, and weeders. ,What
,mean--these,peoplethat are paor-;-1-
ting of ) war troubles •:which they think they.
endure { "if they only had her teals—kmw
what shdTundenvent, they'd think. that the
all vials a wrath were an them spent ;"
which •iets its thinking raider, that if rightly
estimated, one half of all; our sorrows, are sad
ly over rated: 'And the moral ()flour rhyme,
thoughLprose-iIY it urns; is never borrow .
trouble,;buitake it as it..comes. ; ''
' il ' 1 , wa,,si 3 t
QuErol nEvonE A PUnarnia CLUB:The
:question be ore ;the meeting is this: If:a fel
ler-- wha~tll a feller—arid his feal-are about
to be par for a tiniii—and they propose to
'exchange deguerreotyk,--and for that' pur
pose ,the feller goes -:with his gal to the daguer
reotypejihoP--and is to pay for, having the
"pictures' tOok"—and Ihe only basj money
enough to pay for one pieture in an Ordinary
case, aad..the other in a : magnificent case—
which Picture A'hould be put Inl:the' magniS:
cent caSe--ihis Own nit mug;:, or hernt--
ykrould-!It be lant in . him to 'put her?-pic
ture in. It he ingl case 11 1 Would it be jinerous
in him Ite- put is pictanviin the ugly ;case,
which She is torkeep ? l, ;That's ,the questio n 'before ,Is e. Meeting. N We, -me open f6r the di t i i ,
cussion. V • !•'. I !. , ! , • ' '
____ i .•
lately lel the ca
asked foi. his • I!
end travelling
ivriCa manOm and
re. "Who are you e said B
my names Wood, arid \ rift the
I 4s : ' ; l3 very 4uiet-,
be, f9t;,Wooti nottcondtic
,- •
I •
0901uc l toi., ' 0
ly, "tint. n't
No man can solve :the mystery of lifei but
;every man of on *Sense caii perfonn its
duties.. i. ' [ . '
tri ltt
'Riches am ' i - sate will dimini4 ; but
those collected by hand little by little', wilt
multiPli. - I i 1 . ~ , 11,
, ,
.7; .. , . . '
' Aslitwd Y has; remarked that domes
tic trou lee, are oftek i connected With disasters
lil ' 611111A:
The W
• - ".
,1, L
ar dis like %Stubble field in which
the greatest g pick, up the 'most of the
golden grains . . - 3: -.- . - ' . ":
„ _Poets are - Meh;. orators are, made
such. .1 . - 1 i.;,., ' l , 'l,
•. • ,
,i,. ,
The world i s e ve r 4n petty'; faults ; ' soon
forgetsiinat. o es. 1 1 i I • I:
Beli i ' .
thebee i world,
mot is,
.. j armor in but
the worst tioitit. 1 i
.4,', 11 I , : •
Come and take me," is the, motto of an
exchange aper. V l ery'goOd.
,The readon why setae people.put pif, airs;
i s beennno ploy have'nothing . else to put-en.
Jobn‘n says tha t ( the greatest magicians
of. the a:gel:ire the papor'makenn ' Theytrans
form •the'beggnearags into sheets for editors
to lie on'. I .. 1 • ' -1,! . 1 1
i I •-{ , --. 1 , ,
Eye seen, ear bath not heard, nei
ther hath it enteiediinto the heart of man, to
eonvincit ' joys that he ihath' litreparol for
those that lil' ve Ilin.
The web-of our life is i min4 , l•3d yarn !,.. Our
vintues would be ponred if 4 , ..mrAiults Whipped
- "em no t ; mm:ii, Our itrimes woidd deipnir if
nog ~ d e,e4io by our virtues. i , . : .'
Oneel4: ' • n ' •.' ' ' '
• .t.-tinie, an Inshailinand a aegra
w P re - "" 1
-lid Ilbilifiria e rincrith each
other, e : huhu... s'a pp i,
~i- , ~.., 4 . eicelaini , - 7 . oil black
' 4 leYi , , 09 ugu ` ' Al.?' 1 , aii, r
i -liSo'll ; Sun 2 , out , , - [l . l
Air vs e man
had I!is
JlitE% ti
- lam;,• Ive,ptir eightKii
Ham 1-I nyy,7 B 4 • d°66 "l
since 4bL 'lona liv next .1
I 1, i
1 i I, i
hooPedo e! 21 4.-
- misaealtoi a Ito
*main meatty
asi ourself. ; yrd
ndlalpre; than ever
dogs: 1 •
i I
.a.READ-- ,
P+yeate ago b 3 Di .: Kl ICKLlN,cOrnernt Thintit. Dasion
sta. between gprirce arid Pine, Philadelphia. Pe. • " '•
lit wattle! mar apPrlsedthat Dr. KINKELIN confines •
. 1 4 1 .1Pritatieu to tl pat tdoidar, Mandrel' meilichre s ''.vMeli
aladivided atter* tine.. lia cations the u okay tunat o
against the thase'Of zierCury; thousands are annually
merenrialized AM, Decent. alfectluo s are ptanptly
irStinguished.' 0 .•
1' gisigis Olt lElrpcirlciace. ihe tteatment
of Belau of Maps bitibertriyaegleeted aadiusperhetly un
liontood, has esiabledDeiKlNKllllN,(Arvuon nr a w mic
ox gai.s;Passeitesttow,) to prove that. nine tenths og !he
maims ofiterrelesdehilliy, local and etknitiiutlenal Weak;
wea l
. tircintal tard phridell Seth-Our, area/notable to cer
tain "biegirrOalgitig Secret-yet deadly and fatal
sptings °filet:Retitle misery and prems tare mortality.
Ttak,si Pant entire Disit le en arrithsbit
sometimes iudnlgad tit by boys,* solitudei• arum growin;
hp with them to marthoeall,and whieh,if nut reformed in
dim time oat clill begets serious obstacles to matrituonial
happiness, bit gives (ilk hi a seal ea of 'protracted, In Wiens,
and dwrastatingalfectietts. ir-gew et' those who give way to
thie 'pernicious practice ar,e aware of the censertnences,
math they And tbenerrpne system shattered, feet-strange
and suaccontitablefeelingsi andvagu_e fears In themiml.
The unfertediate tbuSiEucteti becomes feeble k Unable.
tci fiber with °eta:tato : Med vigor, or to apply his mind to
study o Meet* is tardy", 'and Weak, lie Is AIME, irresolute,
'and engsget In htit iMorli :wit/fleas energy then usual.
If he estanel*iM hinsielf before the practice has done Its
worstVindentelatrlaionY. Ms mat tine is unfruitfuLand
Mesons* kits h! tbbs caused by his early fain es. -
Tam' areroarld 4110 Mt. a:which a hatilarastaken lfieeitemEitna
'hose semilarjYPua:ol.
fillartrialge registrant the fatifilmtmt of several tonal-
Dons, in order that it ntliy 11;•‘ really. the cause of mutual
happiness. . CQuI4 thereilieltieb covers Lim origin of ho
wattle wredebe4nOa h e raised ,and its true *mike in every
InsUmee disele4,l44o. bow many S(Filid it be traced to.t.hyi-
I caldliquallficatiressi and their attendant disaripolnl east
Applythea sidle it IA yr dine, to order to hare your un-'
strain; and relaxed organisation rehraeed, revivified :and
strengthened. 3 1 • -' - , -.
ILEA! 7ipEf —.lle who' places himself under Dr.
RlFlCELlN•gtreatmenr mayreligiously enntlde in his hon..
:or as's gentleman', and *ely,upow the assurance , that the
secrets of Dr. If pitthrtsts will breathe dtseloaed. • -
* Young - tato-404 no false nrudesty deter Yon, froM
ism Your case ksiovin to tine who,from education and respec
-tabillty,ein certainly befriend you. '
• Toomitily think tboyarill topcoat the secret in their
own beasts, and cute thestiSsives. • Aiaal how often. is
this a fatal deluslettiand bow many; a :promising yoing
Man, awhO might:bare *erten 'orwament to Society has
'faded from the earth. 1: •': . •
opheniwthralare rapidly. removed by the
application Of; nil titerripeutlealsagent, used only . by
.Dr. K. Weeklies" said tonstitutional debility pretaptty
*eared, and 1011,viltOr restored. : .
COM defy ilmytall ids ' Oan • base.(by stating their
ease expliritty;logether erl th all their sTmptoins, per let.;
'ter enetosittraretalttatiee) Dr K's. medicine. appropria.
ted accordingly. 1 I', i - 1 _ n
'r • i:. --, ..
Forwarded to any Part of the olled a te*. and paciccd
secure fr3ni DliltAo4 or ettIITOSnY ;
REA.DI--Ilidntitltrtif Manhood.
A ll t mrsirs44/1...0e ss,Prenuai re 174.-ath, tot Soli
- - ,(.. •.. Peeseerait,Oulp 26 Celts.. .
.It Is a Work innbieritli reetnir.... ass meant,:. , o form.
log the ricer; of the aipetn which w., lire. Also • .
.1- .. VITO ith'ii S. till' ti.
117 a . . ... ,
,! '.
s . rislesfee the NolarystgAns of Lb", jusidl.m the Pees s
A letter with a qipttitkoce 0r:25 criti,". or who ve*,- c . ia
poet stazieps,a4dt .itet4o—Di- KINFAI.I.N.P , Iin , ' , I4 , i3,
Pa. wilt eceure a eetly 240111er of she rho% e 1 ~,,, k • by
return at wail; orra2 ee/pies will Or a , .. - oo.cese
for $l.• Dookselle yl.ianyaseers..Treselllint A3rot% A.,e .
supplied Yholesale at the publishers pricre, will 'Sd. ,•• :“.' I,
.11a hrge profit. 1, i
03 - AU,Letters as be noes -p,SiA
if Australia, Car f.'ornia,
Or e:tyipkre o.t •( Cr/ tacte, erue;..o ; p, e:r..i
,-, • i.• . \ il,ithicerie.sitt me ,I
4VEELER. ; it . S-1.0 DOA RD'S, -
BOOT AiIP 61101; STORC •
WIWI/ is aim' :fified sr , ith a nets. cad e stet).
sire assortment . of Articles, in tiitie line,
embracing a general i variety of new and elegaai
styles-of Ladies and: Gentlemen's weer, a,P0112;
which a're Ladle.* fryneb. Silk Lasting and P‘e
nille Gaiters, -Kid and Enameled Polkas, Kid Pat
ent leather tend 1 browsed Jenny LindS, fleshing
and Tie*; . .gentlemea's 'French and Philadelphia
oak-tanbed calf skinland tip Boois, Coa %few. and
button (jailers, . enterey and Wrhlii,igi.o.t Coots,
toilet Slips,_ltio 7 ads,. Call; and • Cowhide Geo
gaps, &e. Boys kip.calf and coaliitie Cools and
Brogans; all kindsof Misses nod Cilildeen'R wetr.
Alio, a general as;ortment of Findinr, I...frich con
sist in part of lasts, peils,. t‘introblep. fle•llariau
nails, tacks, threl:id; l 2 tv..r. - , C,l• ;ilea, }'toe Ui.itliti2,
awls, rasps, sandstones, shoe kuive , :&c. A lzo s
oak and hemlock ,twined calf ',l : o t )e. suit _Melee it:-
' er -Morocco skinii and linins.
Work madeio!order add r e fm it 707, t1e;.•4.1-eLoe.
jr . V'EELtift Sc s'FOODA CO.
Montrofie, Jena 11,1853. , • , '',
' '''
%V k . :B.11.k1,11 weefe 'i - elyectritity
Apt.* larorm the; people 'of Atil . coauty esti. the
Pooplaia ketteroil that they have +/petted- au est. 4
liabnteutof• the *lye kinu io illotti-usii et the;.oie
itind of. Sayre emd . , Websie , ; out, door uo .h
the Denincrat offiCe;.arhe.:e•tltev iateJti
baud a frieze !rtsfittrtineet of : 4 tereh TiJ, Cu ; ipet,
Braes and sheet Tres Wares : Pli Vit t
60 as cheep as they a:4 he boa tit ig this oe
other i Attiring our sierra limy , :r oa ti ,be
following besiess.herh ne•ue. ells to to a t;o1 •
N. Y. 4.!;Eiie i ' oi;•:;i • :IL trofoi'. •
' . illo l derriTro# ." 44 •
- Keystope!Stine ' "
Vulcan' t'.
• 0.
• • • Bay Statt, ..
• - Fo.-est gite4 4 .k devoted-Oren.
da Pad shop Skives, Cnlve 's Pr,-
e 4 for htirtiing
to. Since! TA riming, Pne, Zinc,
Pipe, Weli and, Ptint(n4,
ii. iee Stut
Cus:mti Work clone 03 stio•l no
4cianlile :ems. Our mot; 0 is s•ri..,U
A sod rtniok reterus.
PeutiilCo at ken in exCheugo for
disn't believe it, call end see.
1 414, 1853.
ent . Hot-s.r Fs,
stores, Hots 4
sheet Lead, Lea
Chain Po nms,
ILTAII kinds
tics and most re
profits, , eadypg
Warm 'lf yea
Montrose sap
W OD'S. •
..; • at now comprises almost every
anted, and. we 'tear. some that
,'Which we will sell at. ebSt and
at' less than cosi, on Milt same,
COM assor4
Cr - article irdo
are not wan
some articles
account. '' •
Gibson Oc
Wei, -tend beattliful patterns, at
i 00 Ira:
extremely lmq
Gibson, Oct.
• IT halo 40 - Sobel.
Large lo Of ;Ahem etteico iitole 'lobes at
a very_ thcivance on tbo cost.
Gibson, N. • 1. U BURROWS 'at Co.
.II • h
9 041 ...•
. Thfl Ar a 8 G re eting.- •• '
Friends,Pairetis, and E rerybody, another mile
stone has. beenitleached on the journey' of tire--
another degren bat been marked on the scale of
time--anOtheil link • lids been severed from the
chain of the Intare—another.prgelasbeen writ:
-ten-in the gvolume of tqe past—.;ad a ‘ gain
itness t bright opening of a. New •Ye...r:
' And at 'ft eurlv dawn, we meet yon, • -
And w i t a." liappy new year" greet you.
And now, as yen review the year just dep.xetcd,
and dwell upen Oil,' joys and" bo FPO vcs—its pries:
lenes enjoyeo, end its dutlei neTice.ed; ner
dance, nOtnelog you have neglecieil -to calf on
the Artist a 1 4tenici one of those 3F, :.. ;rut
Shadows" 1 i j - - • _ _
Which light, iltut art, with Magical spell,
wl i
By working ittpgethetyrgia catch So well!
Bat you may yet redeem the past. .As you lay
your. plans for the!advaacing year, let this occupy
an early and p oMment place on the. pf02,,...nwe
of your future intentions.
' Would yo le:Ai° a lasting ' inunes .on behind
you? Come Attie Daguerrern Gayer,'! Watild
you"see - yo - Ves as others you r. Come
to the Dago .hi Gallery. "Would you-snake
an appropna , :present ito a cherished fr'eud ?
,Come to the ictare Rooms! • And beside all
this, would y ancoorage art, and mike glad the
heart of the rtist I "
Tile° le tappear by premis:n2 here,,
That ring the year Fifty Poor,
- - You wil ~ nie.and trig be a - are to c.. , l
, At" I .tirellowat Rail" secoAd Floor. '
! . ‘' W. B. DEANS.
Montrose, ,I. ii. 2, 1854. - • -
. -
i , , •
linnd hate 'est:4)l;4'4l:la shop is
. tin%;Of Mr. Sityre's Store,in Mon.
if *Met all tiMell keep on, hind
osoririe Msett.c, and inanonietare
'ii/Ostuments, Tomlkstones, Tebte
roitageorthe publie. isrespeetrolly
ni.05",11353- - tf, ' -
IL uudi
- the bas
trove. 'where
Fatima and
tbe-aatne lat
top*, &
Er Thep.
riquirett sad offere4 row by
!..irtllkesold low, by • '
tal "
12b • •
cifititELV E
i - •
AL -
Nei MU
1 mf, t c , ,,,isstvies, ! - S t ioVes• l 4 'I - . 1
4C....11E•,5e1v and t il',:ell'ew Lear' fetninds ip
.l .ii . .lt,,ppnreachpf thettleu Frosts
og 014 Gr4) , ..lN;,titeri4whifi .one of, tillsounsur
itatiliia!ll'e awl ilighlysippegyed , Stoves , from the
most c:;tensiyo, in the Union,
litestkrm. Bhimr .i.t. raektild;,=becoriti, indivensable
to cl:ery fawil)l. Wei oul4rek.pectfully,aegonece
t o tie . c iiiZO l , of , floglit•hennit ..and .adjoining
evouties test We have jujit received and aro re
c.ei% ing the lar4es., ardWSt asiortment;of Stoves
evei.l4li.rolinci.dit).o Ilfas.graPennsylvania, which
Will Abe bog nito, . (in- Wiwi. 444 fii. ere. To
those who are in waqi or.,t.oves they will find it
to Oda interesx to call and exatnige our variety
bet ire poielei3log el4who - fe. They eirnprise in
part Iv 3 foilow.ii—
United S,'‘l'v., , , 2. :.: Orienlal Parlor, Qiie IE. iO., . Venelics, do
FP:e Cl. - Tc' i . E. 0;, i, • Ale/ ' do
IVa tonal Ai t- 7'ig in E., a •
Irving do
llA'ordiag, Sir , 7 : C o ttage,. d o i
Farmers' A ir- , 'Pi ; 4i, '., . 4-c., 4.c. I
The above , Stefes'are,tiko well knc.,wn to' YU
quirU any minute ee iptjon,.. being the.most
popular and atinrced Stove in market.' All who
. may Ifavor us ifith u enil'iwili be , shown througi)
our ,assoiirriciit wits plea3ure. "Recollect the
a amber"—..earot's Air faMe4l"One Price Sterej"
' Harared, Pv.i Bept.i 18.5.--:3.5 - 1 'l.
-h. CAMElralltlirlOS 110TElf.."
~ ~
(Foron E T: Lit "i tI
ripllE SUlP,Criht;r, bkringsented thiswell known
1 house, ancf;'atiti re.furnished hi good
ritYlti, is now preparee,l , Lo,irceeive and i entertain
guests. ' This lhoustr; is delightfully situated n
the bank's. of ttie Su.stieetunina river, on the lit e
of the New Ynik an+ •Erifi, , ' gild- th,e)Pelawar ,
Laeliuwandaand NV,eitera ilait roads; overlooking
a mi t iust beautiillf . 4
settten .I,' country, and is the
. kina .
of .
panc scenery unequalled anywhere.. •
AR A Soi.viin RE'iOitiAor. tho bushiehe man
~.eeking. / e'et iind f..eedriiit flow the ; noise ,and.
din•ttf c ty I:rei and fOr:liiiies nod gentlemen in
puii;iiii. of Hienpure'riMid;the rare) ; seee;ery of tbe
eoentry, this 14ent: L ottle'aiiiitt be equ.died. Hero
the weary t - avi.iller iisiiiihre from ; titefeenfuriien.
ineltleitt to , aim enartinual tirel,vartind departure of.
uniny wiish, clip wily ,in the night Anne Isla
s'e,.i g' , `rinn.).v.i 4to t:hose bout
veev l ne:ir the De : tot,!' -
llts Recces ti-e no'
vosanL, ,
cd: hits Tablo4 : ith this; delicacies which both
coiti~ry andoty• bit; ofrord ; and no. pains
• will iho •hpaved ;la Take liotts6 n pleiaant home
to ail bis • ••
1-14' ' 611ES'fi . I'N' 1 ,1 cohveyed to and from thy
ears; at - an v h(lui dar;or 4:1,41t, inn good Oinuihos
reesioteh:;:rgoo ,';,.
Kr A Ltvk,n,y tiit;t is ottatiod. to .tho
Hoos6. 1 i N ! j
tie I
• i N. V. CAR ENTER.
Great- Belie Jintb - -
- 1
, .
Bryant, lipase ;u r e a :. Bend 'iDePpii4
rifilliSmow : I :r4 rippliltiirlielirEing,, • k.
Nitnated . l / bet
I. " a re oifee',l frour!t he : Depot at(lrentßend, is
tlttitil opened and foriiisliztil in "a isuititite style l for'iibl;.Q. 11004, and Ui wli,l. he.' l•ept open at all
hoocl, (Oei.h . Oily imcf.'n'.:44l.) fcir Ahe!reepption of
trayel'e-s - anti. ep',- , e,i..1 1 ..y '4Or Om r eitoreiriodotion
of pivi,ttoo . e.-ts kuveilf.o!..f on the N. 'Y. & Erie &
LS. W. kiQu.! ds, - t,e'll . p . i. the jurction . eif these'
two .reads. anil the ninst -- eooven'ent poiot to tliep
ln•anci rake retresum6iii-s•)Td be off with thefirst
te.thi, .I,' . 5 V. r;1 ;islib'e.iposiA , oliveniejit hem .4e le ve
eonitodole thispotillii, it In • NEW C.IIE-AN and
W.l - IPLESO'.III.I . ' 'wl'h remits enough ;to Ace4in-'
moll i u•te ALL, tieing fil.ted' up with new; forni 'ure
to to '-'eq - poitkiand topes li - niwaYs set, 'l"viiii.w' nAI•
xic . Als., van l'oxuric, fiir.kii.hed • ai. a: mom ate
Warman• ... H,' . , i• .• i
:4r P•f -, `c4'..i.r:',s' detk,irilq rest and steep, ean,
by ealliit:l lie 0; itvoill tlnfonconvenience of taping
en tionol.4l, - lo.finditi ipa as well as 'the delay
ant , ineerio;o; re f urti; : l,l lo the. dePot at the
hrr:Val or ( 1 0 1 ).144re o; thti!•trol ns ; as a porter it-111
;b e 16 w ; ,;;To-, to conquct Abal e with their Baggage
tO the.Pryvi'ttitiiise" jiit across the war,' and
aoudad. them i oak ag.tillwithout fve Or rewaro,•
• taliihg speelili ‘co Wake them if ;desired at
t .
any hour of itie virgia, -:,;'-• - I - -
- '
The - 10cat,441 or,i.tip 11i.:y.-nt llouseii with the
.naiii, seoieh a:imil. it'i'coinbitie to• make it'a
very der_ir.; , JiefSllsl - AIE4 - 'IItESORT for busiriess
,:t”ti o - ittets rir; !.ho 'elly who tnaY,..*isli to
I "e:sZ. olre:t.'el foi.,a , teW-i/Itys to recruit in the
rount7. ' ',. •,•',
ut e . : :' "
A La,r3e - a; . .A,ennottoes liiii.'l. - i
is attaclied ieittils inil'iilnl for the., cnneenieitee
of pleasure 1 ),15ki1u. may .rlways' i find gOod
acvonnnot - lAinns her w4ho.ut regaPdt'iinumileriti
with warn i.ticuli• co, their te _ins, and relible
lie!ir to %I.:it. Opon 'tlinen-,1 ," ' - "; • 'l
'-'-'l'.."''• For rerihee' itzittalars inqui•"re: at the
Briunt.Hood . orthe proprietor. : 1 '•
i`„ •
;- 1 •
o; coal
\ Ve.,.
; ,
Invanda of ROnnoylvan!a,
Vour a titutiou is it,-;ently idviked to' a' carefni
and candid perdsal Of something thet has just
been iritiotiacid into. yonr.'rich oud time hone ed
Vo/iarc Choi, F.
A new anti novel outvote( spolvieg a powerful
remedial agent, eo constructed as be worn under
tbegartnouts, next ugthe l lk.:Lin producing a constent
uninterrupted Current of Electro 3' agnetism,eZet
lug immetliateirelief tromthe mast acute pain, Ilnd •
also, a Permoncitt cute of all Nervous Diseases. 1 It
"Odom has failed to (thrash almost instant relief,
coda final, peintanent Mire, by being owed accord
ing to directimis, tri the following ; diseases.—Rhen
matismY Cone, Sciatica,' 'Paralysis, Painful and
Swelled Joint!, Nenrisigieof the face, Diseases of
the Lpiite, Deafness and,Ciiirluess, Uterine Pains,
Palpitc:tion•ofthe fleert,Oeriodioaltlea'slache,' l St.
Vitus Itance,Olueral Debility, Pains of the Chest,
Hysterics, Dsipttpsiai all diseases that are cadsed
by n deficient amount of Nervons Fluid.are greatly
relieved, if not permanently cured by tinnily wear
ing the'cheinen (awl/oar's each day.
,_' I
.8e it noderitood that It ;; is not claimed that it
cures all diseitees, but only
,those foi svhieh it is ree
onuended; and'moriover boldlyclaim and ride
fylthatme meclicinaligerit ,
of any kindliesperform
ed so.lll ANY cures during , the last year, cif those
cliseeseitjast !Anted its I
PulrEmi4ch:er's , ,Etectric C/tai4.
And to 'prove this aesertion, we defy any isrson to
produce so many well authenticated Certificateq of
scientific - Physicians and, intelligent panellises may
be found in a riampnlet 01 + 36 pszes,,to be had (gra
tis) et the a;euit iu this toren. The Electric Chciins
were filet iutreducedln.Frince in 1850, 1 . and after
being shbjecteil to ihrisne,et thorough and rigid trial;
by the first triedical men Paris, they were,foand
to possess &aim, and mativellous Owen for reliev
ing paih, wherever applied, and hyitheir influeace
were introduced into the hospitals of that city. end
a:so seenred 14ters Patent, by the French Govern
ment. - They are intioduced into almost every
fleapit-ilia &jeer) . I Cerntany, Anstria, Belgium,
and , patented in the countries, where
,they h7ve
become the most .
~, I ,
. '1 ' •
POptlfatiC'er Ageal Lt 14e' World.
,rat' i a odliced i Ito the U. States, a•
bout ode veer space
.11. - dua,h; the same
t , i^i n Eartipe."atiii ws:.e at °ace introduced in-
to evelY Ilosp?tal;'n N. yo. $, where they are now.
tad...llv use, effec i tg oto , is wonderful cures
tb3Cl had eve i befo, ,warded the,in. They
ere recomme al'ed P,of. Vrlen iue Mott,
Val Duroa, rov.: a nil"others, who have published
their views af;i l Piic Power and vein, it several of
rueciicel jcs.Lintl fn and ere also in the
vary procticei of eery 'needing their use to pa-
A full scab tit of their opinion may alsobe
found iheVer:i pen sent to the addles* of
every person .0 the, State iby applying (post paid)
to A Tfl ft Agent, Montrose, Pa.. -The
, ,
can bit sent ,by moil, with full. descriptious
for use. Price'ef Citai^s, l *,3 and $6.
Parec;ans ere poltiely invited to Call and exam
tee their consi , utu on. tqui phwounce 'upon their
merits. Oxi woe :to Ile/a.m., no persou Need
fear dirt thee', ti4lt tot I,4coMplish just what it is
claimed they an
+'t .
N. B. Dee the'. tr . " Io,t for ye s r ail lose none
of its electr:e Pewe
t. ate, and can be eap " d to t
either adult or" chit .
set.Tma.-..etc, - riept 4 to novie . p a .
Jos. S . rauctir-r.
New Y0rk.:,63, Broadway,
. Cagpe inut th is .
11011CAVINO eh'e d and refitted 011.1 extensive
Crock#ry dilopee Panliqhlni2'atore,,4r.
preesly for the by .ioen* wo bavo added' a new
s feotoro in ititle;tp (Feats.", -
The second.ll .'r is tleivted to Carp, Oil
ClOthi and r t ooli 7 I‘Otii'ases, in which we of,
good - assort alert prlees which to
please-a/a 4852; 20, . • -
Bingba nt '9 n ' '
§-* frqd . well fu
111 AGE STATE; .
: 0 -a sr ate a"
itzthiinlan- 6 "4'
vi r---
l', E , - Rellectign, for •the Thoughtful.• • .
.. • •
. i ' 'Strange that couriers human. beings aid kid.
• drag through life as do the beasts of. the! field, or,
... the insects ofl the earth, evincing no bore I thought
•\ . Or reflection' thin though the noble fiteultice of mind
's were not vouchsafed to Mom. ~ , ;• -t I. -
, \'. ' Many such run husbands and fathom Upon irhom
ire dependent , the health, the well-being,Arld the
bitppineas of a confiding and affectionate wwife, with
p l um a, falsity of children. - 4
~ .
Mr; LIXIMERS . tROX 18‘18 1
ITO 178A14
In that pitiable condition as not even for oue day to
raid the happy and exhfferiting latluenceincident
to the enjoyment of health. - j_ - I • ._ ~
- I She marsiot bo an invalid candied to her NA ,
fte oven to her room; as her pride i Ambition and;
. Okra induce and nerve '' her {to take personal
charge 'of her I household, even When her health will
' Mt admit of lit f but she is nevertheless perceptibly
sinking from day to day, and always ailing.-- - 1.
- F- - .'rhos, day after day ? and month after month tran
spire. Her health daily 'sinks, till ilially even the
hope of receiver; no longer remains. Andus •
`hot a -few jiWws ago in \ . ,ilie Muir of heath- and'
. youth, and buoyancy of , spirits,, rapidly, and appa
rently inexplicably, bectomm a'feeble;-sickly, - deo,
- hilitatcd 'lade; with frame 43ataolated,_ rimer nn=
spirits depressed, eotintenaneis beach/ the
: ,.Impress of stiffertng, and an .Utter 4.hysaml and .
„mental prostration: : • \ ; t
' •
_Sometimes this deploroble c harge Mai and /Ka
raise "from ". evade or constitution*. nausea ' But
*toner, by "far oftener, to gross Mud. inexemable •
rgnorance of, I the simple*. and; *Mott ruks•of .
health as- connected with the marriage dal% the
;natation of 'Which entails 'disease, suffering . and ;
misery, not only to the wife; but often ''', • ,• •
s •
r ',
lierulitart Coinplalitt upon thethildren
"lam run:, chiti. n - arm FOIII;11 GENITHAVON," . ;
reansmittltig CONSIMIPTION; iCt i rtlli. 4 l, '
, r 1 KING'S EVIL, and other albsesules, •I '.
. . .
i . _ 1 from the Parents.
I ' ,. And , must ,this continua I , Shall we MI wise in.
• Al that concerns the cattle of our fields, our horses,
our sheep, our, cows, our oxen, the nature and
Ontmeter of the soil we possess' the texture and I
quality of our goods and merchand ise'; butin all that
concerns ourselves as .h u man haings4 with'human ':
. pactions And passions, subject to great derange-
Mont, involving our future peace and 'happihess--.
• in , all that concerns the health And Welfare of the
. Wife of our affections, and' the mother of our chIV
dren ; irr all that concerns the mental and physical
well being of those children, we should I be. far ,
;mooed in the.l Idarkost and mos t
1 •
How twig shall this Ivo/Coco plevail wiprodue•
tiro of its bitter fruits 'I How long Shall the wife
. and mother be Ignorant of the uature,icharacter Ind
, :anies of the ;venous womb and sexual complaints,
embittering her days by suffering—euffering often
itrolonged to yeast eventuating in a complication of
eases utterly and hopelessly incurable I _Shall
'we for over lose our oyes to the results of physio
logical :science 'by which We may 'arrive at an
• understanding of ourselves as men and women,
,abject to serious life-long enduring diseases; and
perpettusting them to our children. ~-
-LETDims/Li .vnyz Az UUIBA J D PONDER!
No dus.sbalOi or wife mot be ignorant of what
concerts' therm Inott fo know to secure their health
'mu/ happiness. That ktunoledge is Contained in a -
' ' little work entitled :. •
.. . : .11 DR : A. M. PdAORICEAU,
raoirrs a or plasm; ' or I ,woson..
One Hundredth Edition. tem., ye. RM.: , Price 50 Cons
• . . rot rim PAPER, EXT RA nustitsi, $1 . 00.] -
, - First blisbed in 11 - 447 ; and 4is not
' Considetin ' that EVERY , I, EiNALE,
• whether ED OR NOT, can hero
• ,acquire a full knowledge of the our. .
-;" Mare, character and cause. of her
complaints,- with the varietal . - --
..,, symptoms, and that nearly
.si *LW A. as it tr. x. its at COPIES . .
''should have been sold. It is impracticable to eon
rey fatly- the; various, subjects treated of, as they
are of a -matins strictly intended kir the married,
;or those contemplating marriage. • i • -
: OPOIAItUII OP ONE laufirmpera THOU.
Rave been SENT BY HAM within the last few
ulohtlisi 1 . 1. .- .1 ,
, Buy no book =less' Dr. A.' M. Mituriceau,' 129
Liberty. Street, N. Y., is on the tido page, and the
, entry m the Clerk's Office on the beck of the title
, pager i' wa
mai1,...1 ......r...4.1.1iL1.5za IliCillitik..
i de:dors, or send and address to Dr. . . ,
Maurieean, as there are spurious and surreptitious
infringements of copyright. . . , • . 1
1 tiOr Upon receipt of One ' Dollar " TEE MAR.'
PARION” is sent Nava free) to any part of the
i Bulled States., the Oanadas and British Provinces.
i Alt Letters must be post-paid, and addressed -to
Dr. A. M. SIALTRICEAII; , Box 1224, New-York
- ; City. Publishing office No, 129 Libarty Street,
New-York., ; . - • ' • -
Foit . SALE l4r—T. B. Peterson; .-Philad,- ' Mrs.
Ciotti - Li Wilii:ttns, Honesdale; Bli i nch & Crup,
Harrisburg; JI, S: North, Lebanon; N. DeWitt,
Milford; J N ,Ensminger,Manheirn t 5P2 1 147,1er &
Bro, Lancaster; H' W Salith, Huntingdon • S
MeDdnald, Uniontown ; J g Baum, New Berlin;
RA 1..41tz, Reading; R P Crocker, Brownsville;
Wenti & Stark, Carbondale ;'Eldred '.Eiclied & Wright,
Williawsport ;I -S: Tuck, Wilkenbarre ; G. W.
t4rle; Wavaesbero' ; Potter & - ble3lan, Belle.
fcpte;• G Merill, -Warren; Robert Croky,. Bier.
ter; S. LesdeiL, Hanover;- IL P. Cnrnrnings,Soln
erset4. Thos C ! cia'p9elhail., Philad ;! J. B. • Gunn':
scin, Erie ; 'ff. B. Lauffer, Greensbnrg ; B. Hall,
Plitston; E. Si Durban, Franklin ;Dr S D Scott ;
Bedford;:. E. Hiliand, Indiana; J it 31cl-tally, Mil.
ford ;',, J. W. Kidney. Brownsvifle ; I 0 141 . .,McGet.-
tyn, Antler . ; II S. Nickson, Chaniborebnig ; F D.
Sewer; Norristown ; .E Benner. Sunineyto.wn ; H
_Mitchell, Pi;t6bnc.,,rr? G , W ,Getts,p, Butler,; Jos
Swartz, Eloonisburg; P S Dicbert & Co. Chant.'
bersbi , rg. - I .. • •
_1 . . Vint .
'.::-.FITS' !FITS!! FITS 111 .•
For ate ewe of f' ii , , Spapns ,Cr;sempi, and all
!Venous and Conxiiitiannet Measei:
EABON who are 'Miming under t.:; is dlitiert lux malady.
roil ni34 the 'EGET 111 LE EPII.EPTIC PILLS to, be
the oisly remedy ver disenrered for caring Epilenit, cir
: ,
Falling Fifa. -
These Jill% poiniess a specific tie:lola on he nervous trot
tein ; Mid; althotirh they are prepaTed enieeisllYlTor, the
pairpo . :leer turf ogpts, they , iril lb c roundOfespeelal betiefil:
foe sill' persons 181k:tad with. west nerihri. or whose tter-
Tons fill tOM has Ibsen prostrated or sliattetridfram eny
wine wha:tever. In chronic complaints,or diseases of lon
stendingoitipininanced by nervousness , thee ard ezceed-,
lnaly beneficiai.
• Price, $.B per bOx, or two 'boxes for 14. Persons evtot
tha eft!, encleAng a remittance, wilt brae the PHIS seat.
them thiouTh the well: free of pastege. For sale yb
BETHEL HANCE, 'No* 108 naltlinoiti !street. Baltimare,
Ida - .. Vs whorn indent from Ail partrc.of Ithe Unicin, must
be iiddreiaril.poie t raPI. ' ;
, .
MAL, v . %
ReMetig /tieall
, Loil Complaints.
-Ak CERTAIN aid sure Antidote for thefollowinvditeas- -
ea'...-4U Fevers And Intlamations to' Thiel"' the syn.
teen is subject, rale am.i sm, Latilebick,Tiles,_Diarrhoea,
Dysentery, 'Reattach e, Toothache, 7.eVetiVr,e3, units, gat , '
Sprtini. Drulre.,Durns and
flaallOwnsi976 Hors e gentwAy, for Curing
pin! Bones, spirit's, 'twee - ay, •Polf: Evil, Cuts, splint,
Or, 4ola, IDC/a eb 1, Lamenci; mina [lnit. Cruises,
ManTe'Anfl.,:zatration of the Dual's, said all Fevers to
rhlc ifoi sea are 'subject. • •• ' . - .
:To -,—AbO•rarrell, Montrose—Di Dailey. Leroy'.
Aveliy,Wy4asing—L. l l.f. Tfoodroff, , Dialook
. dot. 13, 1853' ; • thn , •
!rifeEsn liinaponwAllort.
Tun received another frapoitittion of those
ey splendid Full Jeweled' Detached Levee and
Oprixmtai Watches with r,econds and hard en
atbelled double hotiolned in; open cases,all
Of which arelwarmoted rod received direct from
,Sivitzerland; Tho few g k ubSoined; 'prices will at
Mee point oat to :the pahlic where sod' ' hnw in ,
eriornions per tentage cin be t i.aved. . •
!Double bottom 13 JeweledtLever Watches as
above in efeg:nt silver eases froth $lO.. Sum.
moyements in' Hunting cases froM $l2. Horl
zental Double .bottomed *holes qJeweled open
face abd seconds. from: $3,75, the same move.
went in elcpnt hinitirmea4es - witti sank seconds
from $9,50. 'All p: which h. ye enrmtnel led
Dials., GoldsDiamond.pointed Pons with pencil,
sod silver extension holders, magsetie for leads
&c. froinlsl,oo.eold Diamond ':pointed Pm
bade from .50e.. , :feweliPylecAlte.bqoally cheep.
A goOd'.rssortment of, excellent!, second hand
Watches, eminent en akera, in first iite going con.
Aition; will bo sold decide.dly row for'eash. Best
Fiench Lnnett Watch Crystals,.l9C. Wald
pgirtsg .
.I.N. Watch Chains and keys iratis to par
elisKeto. ' •
: , ...w:lF f irr t ,,,,sluaaa a p" as froth 74. iii. to 7 P.
• ••
4,1,••••••, - - • , i,
' e Co.,
gireet. r
aik " 7 1 7
g .as 4 4pPro!' g ecliritiqs)
JO 1 .0
Insures ndainsi LcOs,or.Pairage j Fires... •
-DIREI:TOILB.4 proad Eircet;
r.ter linker, iac9l,btrce; ; . 0'41441 11/Luckier, 118
DrOadirs);'llsoritSis - tintlres 4 , I.ltlrest"; Ftwucl
13ciath 145yd,' , 3:7 0. 4 .44 t: Strectf Albert L • Conklin, 810
OteenirleLskreet ; JatniolAr. Dre. , 11.P.1, 413 Itroa4rtsj Ohartns
Lein, N 4. learobcrt 11 .. 11 , 41. Chlorin, 111.;
I Smith M.+ titsrld, Nra - York ; Peter
now*, Deuk .trti ; Stuntes S Den, cur. West' aivd
lAttbOtreets;Aibb I ...Dern. 7,4 -NV ROT 'crept ;
Wart, liSt.tro:Adway o•otio 0311up._cer. Wt.c. anti
Digroir streets; res..v_r I...r,rtar r „coi..Gaos.rpertAnt) %Vest;
,11,cuben /testi. 0 L Ai;.,...'45 z44.1i Avviut ; t Crinitreii;
I;it,toitcn, N,J.; Woila4lolphia; Lester D.
BrittstV. Vtateii 44' ; sasswit. 74 r,cla , r,Tribtine
inqs; Sato,4llo,..Alut,l l !i Vieveigilk 44 Obi° • 1
11 4 /YAVMIAIII3vm,LT.A. Pr s.
OLIAIILIS L. Cla ' t. • -
enan4zsi Ba u nwar, Ayen .
Atoqtrese,Sert.',4, 4:' • • . , :
Ne . w .TO
r ,9, 40
I*T. 4'131
V104;,510,14 - sioCke/low
Witoiit;" .-r
-,e rl~u4e t'oelpene' (1,1 ielenthiriiny .
it form *Ott Itelbs-Ot the Mitte
nod on I l inrlralhol I retititatron or
ls-u tiyd Streinithenlng
Higens 3 .o(l_.ol,s4'exlng the Rom
s lyttio elf 11111 one Minxes,
peida, Cdativenep,
r' 'Ague ' JnOninee; Thonant,
tried 0,14 the, feed to tiowtith
ruiltylng,the and thus
ntnue:ons Erekions /300111 Ix, San
1(1 Ife:.(l;,Canker tilkaptes in the
r ' 1
. , j
Irtiu.l` is:a Pisrelit
pr 4irai ; the.'
Aar Medical' and has.4 i i
the tonally O'effeer a,
tlieTaver and Dtvstl v •
acti 'aria .13orrate,:ina
qirer - Voreptiinte; ;DT I
•Pilea,llininiatie, Tee
Janitor _appetite, taci t
and "support carry , p.
curing an Unarara,r;
Rheum, Erlrc.ripataa.
face: Brotobas ' , 2Frieti
'lie . t ecretory Oigans,• :
,• -.
tiir perform their proper functions .
11112ny , painful W ell Adegetens dlr..-
~' i oviefiej ilic ,Ncf . iipts k'zitilm,sl
i .1, Ote.lou, and Euring allillseases
. aria, lfelt;ral;;lai, Cianspelco,
the elete-of all Fel6ale • Coat
i)?•4•lnt.l-..' .... .. . .
u Weakness, general •debilltr, Irre,rularil,y, Obstruc. I
tiona, Swelling. of timilffeet, Mobs, dein ta, j *.e., caused'
by vreaknessi: also, Tiring' and '.'s'btoat . Compliant'', • is
Coldsi.oeuislts, Seth a, Consumption,'&e. t also,' Dropsy
. .
- • 1 ' - 1 .. .. 1 • -
-. ,
Thiving Made tole if the . `aoMPound :sylttp 'of. Yellow \l3ock Itoot, prep.n ed : y C. Movie ' 61. _Cc, either otts,A.
vets, or inlourfraniiimi aud finding it to be &Very Solitary
and effectual prepareion, we de: moat 'cheliatilly ramp.
mend It to the public , 1 S a vcsy valuable medicine. '
M.Dourne, R. 1., Ca!
,ier ?intim:Ha Rank, l'rovidener, U.,
I.; A.IV. Spencer, 1.:51 f . Cahhier Lime !lock Bank do dodo; 1 3
Rev William .Phil - Up ~ Taw: 3:11-Iticlimentl,1 C S Jones..
editor - Provides' e. 0 tp. •Adr t ~ Tl in Yield. 11. W. 01.1.1.
Cyrus Fisher, ill P II! r, lathe.. :11n telitc on , D S DCA., V
4 Bates, Doak Renj Cry, and one, hundred - others Ol,the
most re;pettnbte r. - . • , :; 2 (!f . r,'` ;: : : .!«i•e. ;,• .'
l i t
This cmtiGei shut ' eve: ror ..a number. of. yerrs been
serinainted kith 0*(16 tipo.itlon and mode ofmanufset are
of Id orse l s Conipoundt o .yrep . of Yellote Dock Root. T have
also been aequalnted !with do grottos. oantandi in (I;sease, say tnstit i nli! re.neetsitt is , admirably E./lei:dated
to remedy thAt clint? p'110: , ...err.. riir wil? , 11 it w,ng designed.
It ' iii elMeCiAlly vil ti abi e*l - a lodiqs Pion ail I t s.atteit d-•
ant umpt oms,it eaeline to healthy' action the Liner, re
moves Torpor, and Nactivity' oh hls DJ...v.11,4nd stimu.
totes health. , action iti fill the system. As o:ocpc,.•caor or
purifier of the Blood 101 U no 'tl 6 TiPTIOr. - • ; •
' • •.: I' i \
~p.i, WID 110LIES,M D
Prervidenee, U. I.Ja 4. I .kza.
Irr PleparetTby (114 gorse*. Co. No. 4:6 .Broadway,N.
Y. and sold' by Dr tigglNis and \Whet s throughout 'this and
other countries. ‘ L .
.; ;
-1)4r• Sold in Montrose by
(1Gyl) ;1
pod by cnal)lipg thinri
:preventing And oofl
of the ,Ntrf'at,, syt Uyit
IC is unrivalled
. _
. , ,
"T 9 the Citiz - .3 ..of . 1 . Susquo'ha,nni
- • , ounLy.
.i i i‘ilCKl.lA3l ; iir. BE NETT would respectfally call the
attention at
ar I persons :10 Dusquelia.iim Couut'y
and Vicinity to their 1 raw and' well sele'cied .c ock of Dry
Goo sand Cat pets whi It consist of all :be fesidiniable awl
sees noble Goods nod n v og u e, Goods sultc4lroth for the •
gra e and :he gay. ad ',irl rite, all of, t ic , tiffe,Tia..styinof
v.I r
goo z ijs which can he :railed :or or thou....lit of.") ire.a: eifp.
Sri in e.l not to be IsaPi sold, and i1f.7 00 -1 1 rilf bt"iff WWI ,- -
to favor us with a call}, we v. ii I atokir or r word riotok, Ottr
stock of -Dress Goole Conqiid • • .e, ps it of • •
Illtek, f .Droeule, Piaui, £4l ire . 'Cb.- -,. , .rc .tfe, a ' o , l Lining,,
Fig; ud l'lniu Wool Blia!lies, Fig-'an d P'r ih Cotton `do:,.
;alik,i, Ni t i ti ps,ll,ll,iti ,r , ;accar.iPticdwatta,3l.. de Bsge r
'Plaid Lliwievs,ci,:o, e41....i . -. .•larinels, Calle!) es• 4 . c. Ar.c: \
stilt w I,3—ityr "Ti 4 4, we have an oudle'ts idrietY ,
Cathmeie.FdairlS:l. rdni r,7 0 $5O, Day:State, LOnT aOll
- do., Fig. and !.'',:n T1,1 , ,t. F. e..k.e. , 1.
Mu.slins, Birds Eye ad ;Russia Dialer, It i 5.1,1 Linen ; Table
,I,liititi, Linen ,'Coiton 1 Wo, staid, aid Flaboto•ed oprends,
fiwlas and India Bb k Mastitis, Victoria and Bishops
Lawns, Linen Climbic, .L'nen :Dawbtic mikr,, French
Worked'Collara and der k's, 31nslin Drapery, Linen
and i Cotton Sheei . i&J 1 and 1-:hirting, Bleach and Brown
Jaciruard Diaper, kei ft.e.
Geni4 Departilliteplf —Consil.s or tuck -aril Fort
e* Broadcloths, Cordite... C.., Black sad Fancy ,f §atirietts;
Sheep's Grey. Kentprky. .17an, , nneretts.ff Win .Wot ,
stesdand ilk. Vest i wpd, , D loci; and Col .II d t's, s.. l sitia Flocks,
Neck Ties, ,k,c,. F.ii' . 4elt,'White,,n,cd, Bine, Nelloutalii,
stripe, Genii. Cashmic .e Wrorperl, Di.iwers. he. &a. 6, t
Our:neck; of CI Oasisca. noel lIP 0 , 4 ery iii complete
embracing 1,,1fe r, lii.::- ',,s'and ire' .s. 0 lore., 'Asir thread
Cashmere. (10.sitocre. ' t'1 ,, ,,,e Lint, ' chcmoba Line:Lain
rer,,Kid, Duck r'..ini'..!c.,kc; T .
Ladies; dr.,ses •and if ,n,. C. :on 1 110-e. and. ;4 Hose,
Whit e, Drowo . All:teil,i;Dl..ek ode' 'Made Colors; Alpiires,.
Woolen, Ca 411111 ere. IlDrind Ind./41 1 : .do., and nvel.) , o;her
style of se•ti3Odable flirliery. : . •
Also, an end 1i... , 4 . vAmety of a Itei , ty!es • off:obdr such as
Damasbs-boh Cottinacnil 17 0ril.' Si,iik , i 00 d 1 0 0 t 1 on Vet-
sets,ount c) 'pones, Ilftireans.C...,ntiri...r.i. Tni,Dleaus, C0m
e...5..., 5t,...........t liev-v; Ifirsvrisnl, ' - ft nmils . 'a., T, ckltrs, Mar-.
triers stripe, Oil Curtains. CPI' Pet r.:- , ,5.: , :e. .I -
- Curpetinc—llrinisels. Thy'ee' P'y., 7n , , - iaam both
Wool end Cot ton. Cot tint do., Cot, 17 A a.l ;Viso' still' Cai.
petlwr,Dcwrzet., Oil 01011
.•. Duni (11:pe , ira Dui.. -' ' •
Our stock ofDty - flpe.4.l',is now coin 'ute, and if-you
would like to sec a irooit i , ..i.oiinient of Goods' and New
Goons you still Call 10.1111C:..betu ,k. Bennett's, newly oppo
sitc the Post-office': iII ' • .
Binghamton, N.. yl Ictov ' 8 ' 15:13.-;-• t 1,4 - I • '
? f: . . , .
•...1 • ,
, • -DoeLor Yourself:: 1.• • ~
. . ' Or; Seery ionl. his own Physician.
.- . ririIIEIFIFTIETH Edition, containing
1 1- Otie,imudied Engravings, showing
----- ir Discos* and. Malformations of, the tin
,,man syStem in, every shape, aid form.
. II To which is added a . Treaties on the
Diseases of Families, being, of the highest hurter.
lance to married people, or those cotempliiing mar r .
riaga. By - , -;_:,..;
.. i ' wigatin. Young, Jr. D. I '
' let no father ho ashamed ke, present a copy of
the I.Aesculaphri to , ,his child. It may save - hita
troll an early grave. Let no ybutig man ,or WO,.
maa enter into the Secret obligations of married*
without reading . the Pocket Aesculapitis.l 'Let no
one stiffsring frottia! hacknied cough, Pain in the
Side, - restless tiiibta, nervous feetingi, 1 and the,
wholeyain Of Dpipeptic seusations, and given up
by their phAicitii; be.aktotheirjnotrielit without con
sulting the AESCPLAPIUS. Rave the ',niarried;
or those about to bi Inittried , a
. y • impediment, read
this truly useful book, as it - ha been the Means' of
saving thousanes of aura . ' una t.creaturee froth the
'very jaws of death.. :I . , ,
~. t
11Zr Any' person ,.
Sentling Its nCy fire e vents ea..'
closed - in a letter4will, 'receirsue copy_;. of this:
welt)" by mail, r 'ori hie capies ill be sent for One
Dollar. ' Address ( post paid ) -i - I, -
- ' , 'DR. WM..YOLING
• , . / 4 i O. 132 Spnre,St.Philtuielphia,
Mareh Bth, 18.5 , &.1tty1. ,
pckery tuitiftl Hat.
pebile - generally. to exai
of goods!
ve &akar) he is enabled
Ittsl.--CeinsiStity , of Gel !
Diafie4 aaa Tea Si
I 1
oNz 'Dien(
ee, and Plai d Embossed
fp, piece; also,la variety '6l
r t- ' •
rand Gi.Xsit.r.S.--Biabo_. ny, Gilt land Or-•
ra b m tal trained I easbes fronv 614 eta: to 816
also, Marble Stalls and Br •eerets; .
_,' . -
G ASS WAr.R.-1-Cat and dressed Goblets,De
eanti ri,„ tumbletrs,' Fliatnipga, _Bow 1 5 .on fopt,
Cor' Butters C! Olies, :Ca ndlen,iebis, Sce; A s ze „.„ 1
.H osit . viErrivo ITA.aniV4tat..--Table'addiPocl;...
et - C tlery,lirpoiii, Tea Tiny ;Seitees;Saddrens,,,
Em did 'Ketlieb,' Hat:B.; ti's, Befrimerators,
Watt Coolers, lee Crown. FT 'eze.:s, &c. ~ : .
. ' opts - AND 1 Wir.Onr,, Waing.- - --Pik'Speners,
Cab Wagons, 'Riot:hitt; Horses ,Cradlt;s ',Cedet,
Pail ' tabs, ltioss,yonndets; Baske:s, 'docking, ,
Hi and Stool Chairs; &e, : i •-. ~-,, 1 1 ,
Armour 'Sit,ti*O,-•-•'-iCoklCiaos„ 014ss
.and 'Gilt
Pins and fiendi, Bands LoOp and' Tassels - , els,*
Stai n POola inVaiietyi, ' . ~. ~ „. .I. -
. f c .k i t rJuctti Wattrt.- 7 T, Qiletsett.,, • Co4islio t i: Of.
'Foot Tubs, Slop Ira and yVat j r Pail, C4ll Box
os a d all artielet mina fltetur ain tbeline ' .• ,
B ITANI4 *op. itsr,tririNs ,..t,r,E.— ARE. and
Tea . to 4; - E :I" Cod dI ti is„Castors; Chaff ne ,Disk-:
es, etitns Pirchts Candlesticks, &e. . I, : ..!.
L My AND LAN Eass..-In very vaneilt, style,
price and final; ty:', .- (
' T irs AND, FANCY .AN ' YI6/.. S...—CoPithig of
l r
Chin Gina,s, WOod, Via. :W Paw, !rem rePelk.
Ma e; Tena Cottia, nitiar an 4; A i abater pins; al
so F nti Baskets • .! -
__ . l - . 1 . •..
PI tod,Ware---•Table and_ .raaaPoanN.T.abto
Dessert iltui Oystr Forks, .Assert knives, 899
and mace Ladles CasOrat Pskatfeta and! Ttays,
Teavtad CotreeSl4ts.' 1 ; ',. ;. . ', II .' ' •
Bird Cages, Table and Floor,Mati, BruShes of.
'event deseciP.tionilio. fa t 'almost every artiotoln
the :ne of home fornis int!, both utiernt avid or a,
men I, may be fciund At this ektensive 'establish-
1\ ' r
Furl shiug
p4red to invite the
.ine his vaited.and
which (r i 'sati
to offer very')6* . ..
Band, Dcoroteil
tts, Fruit • Baskets
•-i , .
i. - ati' 1 1 6_ Sette - ,
n Sei i
ta, oi tiy the
beautiful styfes of.
eximsa' 6 , 4tx
e ;P. a
dwi I I
- - "4" Ole e n s ] v:extt. sued, tuatilirre - r a .
!pad; except si,ti, the -option of
j Ail communications conneated. vitt' the
1- 05 insure attelitiol),Mtila•bq #ireeked:(p . er s t
CH ASS PA-I;.;ll6tlifee, 41eYleelleini
Ito:105 ot
are '(l2 . llues.e . r'leise) i-baseitions, sil o°
svbsegpent i ne t . .... 0,25
vale tlireeinotaU, • :-, • ,2,50
nre! iirx. Medi hs, ' . . .
-Es Cr iis; four tines ,
•rAitertisenients,"rin'EoVk.l4.ll4l4l*' Ist/0
lutnn one year, •
odver;i4ett will be restriettalolbe
[ 8 -in Which' Vey -
' "
One aq
One N I
On'e Eq
Nefne i
One e
. ,
- s hots • „,.
! The pub Kriag added to. th ey*
t g ma teri: 8- 'n and'iticititii att.
',Flub T: iiiin .. o.noF. prepred to exe to
orlilin a' miner unsurpassed'iti'ttiiii;ie c.
count!. .and.oathe most reastitrabliterl2s.'
mks. ofeve'r .raescriPtiPl? ePi' coMs4ntlY
' or printed to order...
on .Un
401111111 GROVES,-
oiva:ble Thillloir:=-ShopinderStdirle's
I, Stain Street; Montroee, Ps.
. _ •
Pknd Depqt, -Pat: Apirii*Ny.
Prwietor. • ' • '•
A? Ts
Man A faaur6r of SiizouvicpniaisExt cfa.
RIAGE Srniscs, Zintrose; Pa •
Mi r limfllr.•63llTll-lic Cis. •
Cnibiniet :end Cintir Ditnnaiet.irerti, foot Usk
Street,Montrose, Pa.
. .
Dealer in Books, lescty.Made Clotbing,psis
Oaps, Boeits and S hoes, &C. Store oppo.
site - &-arle'o. Hotel, Montrose, Pn. ''•
pitysician' nod Surgeon, llarford, Pa: Office
• doers llelOw EaLon's Store.'
Sittig on. Dentist, Montrose, Pa' wilt .'le at
„Seaise's 114:itel, Mondays and Tneil 'n ec. 7days of i4elt
XIcII.IILLAIIi' 4L-PAlth+ - -
-rs io Dry . Goods, Groceries, Ihniware,
leery, Bow's And Shoes, die., Ppriogiriiie,
18y1 •
• . wen.
by Littre -& Streeter,. 31onifuse,
a'Countk, Pa •
B,LITTLE.] [Ezra D. CHAS".
Ste ' I
. .
• rs'ifi 31:1 - tbielMoittunptit i Tableis, Tomb
*, ei,. &c.' : Corher of Conti.. litietlteliiisie.
ts, oppostje Broome Cotsiy . Bpli, - Bilig.
tott,'l4 t;' ' ' :-'. '( —T. p— .. •
V.. D. LATHROP & Cb.
eaiVin Stoves and Manufactureta of
Tin, and Siieetifron Ware 4 Shop
side Ma' Street, oPpoaile Deinoc4i Of.
ltip'atrose, Pa. • - • • .• I
. • ;
C. D
• - E. 13. -314MIVET, • , I
'rev .of . C.oc Ls, Jea•eirv, 3.fuslenf• Ins irk . .
,ts,lnnd &c. * Elea.° plaihg of
Jrim, Wsitcbe?; Jeweley, &e., done to
'ins an .tippoitlnte.A for Senler of Weights
Shop - 151:tin Street,. first
below-the Erick 'Corner, ItfontrOse, P.
-Spe i
p e
vw 4
rose Tailoring Establishment.
is.dc 'Reynolds, 'Fashionable 'T a il ors ,
•G. R. Hawley"s Store , one • door below
:he's Ho" el, - ready. at ati‘stimes . to
public end osini.ter to th&tastes.and•com•
of those who want clothes. Latest lash
regularly received, and o‘d oues'ogserved
reqoested. '
s c
Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals,Paints;
Oil Dye- stufti, Groceries, Dry Goods, Hard
,...... re„S Lone- IA are, Gi. , s - .5.w: , ,0 e, camphen e,Etun
tug, Fluid, Lamp Oils, Candles;Varnishes,Wirt
" dolG.lass, Fancy and-Toilet . Articles, Perfu=s,
'liner , Jewelry, Spoons,, Spectables, Musical
nments, Trusses, 'Medico( Instruments,
Lig ons,•
1111rrors, Stationery, Brushes; anvil
Van - eu Notions, &e. - Physicians
iiot!qicareftilly cbruponndel •
= Att tiley padtoansellor at Law,
LL" -- a
tterci li r: ir ;
faithfully to bUsitieli num '
Wed to.him in7,thi °mica'? of Susquehanna. : l
- Conveyancing and -writing of all, kinds . Will' bi
done neatly, and charge moderate.
He wijkalso attend to the prosecution of ela ims of
- -e, their ividowe•and'heirs, against theliti•
ides governmeut, tor County, Land, - rea:
be found at all bobre at the
,office forme
4by 3,.T:Ricbarde; risq•mertb Oit he Court
, .
- ' • ' •. • ~49yt 1
tea Si
8 1011101
JOHN coisTirs _
$ .
nStoves, Tin, Cciiper aid Sheet .Tron
Lod , k Beid Der ',I"
roid. . DiStan ce 20 !miles. - Leave CarbOntiale ir
tke m rang and.: eUnneof Isitb-tbe tors : , goinrf
North :_aetnrning,; leave. on the arrival of the
mail :t in , frotn the Great Bend: The nes*,
MOO ireet.anti ehMpesi route from Giest Bea?
tots ondalo. - Passengers, by , this line Always
get into eitiliondare earlier in, the; that
any cam:route. 1.. " * ' ". • I "
Far ; liettlteci ill ;Ca rhOmitti i at' the Stete of
the S hsciiberk-Xiin Striiet, &few . bioCks bele
Ikon Ws HOttlii. - -, :: -
... -.., ',l- . .. •
GIOW - ti: 'BROTHERS.- -
An uat, 184-2.-IL•tr. ' ;:. ' . -,.; - 1
Porl4 asidt _
' ba trots of Flour; exttalfiehiganbrad'
liwidemit Pork and Salt,by , ,the barrel, '
- -I • • • A:- . IIALDVVIN.
traooaeb. 16. 183.
liViildOW Shades,
tl )
ato ts r which the hi hest Pik'
will b I'd in Cash : a'
l H P T
by .H. SU Pilirf•
Su effersvni, Jan. 2; 1854'
I i
elio'viers it'litigniEngizie.
and two Norse; r i .owPieftir tdraghiag i ,vj
- '' - nosee, mud a Ili i leen hop Powel
► nwl'
, ! 1