The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, April 13, 1854, Image 3
' . , LOW, .., " • A SVALLFT containing se v era l' Valuable pa? ( XV pers a . PbOUt $l2OO. iit Bank notes was lost ou the h inst. between susq ' a Depot and the house o the un6rsiiified. iv There were twa, notes , in th e allet Whenjost.• I The one given by: IrenJenflingi to Martin Linsey or bearer fcr. '71,00, dated,Auguit 141 h, iBO2, duo June. Ist,' 53, an endcraementei the m 6of $lO, Nov. 26, 1853, The other given by S. ...Wright, dated, August 1815 h 1852, for, $lOO, d e on demand, en ,lorsement Of ' $55,00 Nov; ' 20th, 1853.' There were RIM seteral receipts arid bther'papere, !al. liable only ti) the ocher.. . . i: - I Anfperson returning said wallet to the owner will be liberall'y rewarded. - ' • - GEORGE S. • BRYANT. ;Julien, pit "ith, 1854'.-15w3. , ' • • .'• A_L'''ai 1 1 To Rent. l - • sTORAiId a half ,dwelling house ,with a . gisnree and barn attached:--also two sous rbeinsfor Small or students i•Stten ding Sehtiolj all in lijontrose i and in :desirable IP •- BENTLEY & rtirn. Mint:use,' • • , I • For 841 e. H TWO. wagons, formerly usoci for prating, Candy, and Cracicera4rut good ,ropmr with op nearly no* and to 'bo )kaa _ cheap . - F.inquire the office' of i BENTLEY' di4ITCII. Montrose' April 16, 1884-15w3. - , - 1- - - { Anetion!Sale.. i, .1 - HE s4seribere otter-for sale it publle Ten , 1 ( 46,0 4 their, residence in ; Dimnck, _On Stit. rill urday'the22d i day of April, (sale to coitmenao t 2 o'clock P. a. vs:loy of Stock, a cAlmisting • 1...-Nino Cova,:apaar 0f.4 years , old 'Steers (fine, -, /rell matched end handy), 1 three years eld full blood Devon Bull which has taken the p.eminn .i years in succession in this as ivell as pn New 'York Stat 4 1 Itwe years old Horse Colt,l 1 large . reeding Sow.l I , I f . Tiktes.+Nme months Credit. . 411 motes 'to • raw 'interest with aroveisecurity. I - 1 .11 & C. J. Hoz.minsn., Dimnek, Air11,10.1864-Ibs , 2* . . 1. 1 1, - T/ANC - - On/third cherfper. than White Learl,,andf,reefrinn 1 - -all poisonous qualities; I '• ' IL., eras N'EW; JERSEY / ZINO COMPANY baring greatly 1 enlarged their works, andhnproved the quality of their products, are prepared to execute orders for their Supeti-. ,; r giants. Dry. sad gressid in *kin assorted Package' of from 25 to 500 peasids.; also,dry is barrels, of 200 poundal - . Their White Zine.„ which is dry. 'ar.groaadin oil, t. warranted Pure and untlarizraed for body • and sualform whiteness. . -; • - H 1 A method of preparation heti recently 'been 'discovered which enables the Company to warrant their,paints to keep fresh and sort in the kegs fOr any !reasonable tieue.r fa this reepeet theiri paints will be superior to any other in , the market. Their brown Eric Paint, which is sold at a low priee f and tan only be Made from the Zinc oreafrom New Jersey,, is •aow well Intim' for Its protective qualities when applied *siren or ether metallic surfaces. . • ' ' Their stone eater Paint poseesses all the properties of the Drown, arid it of an agreeable eel r for painting • Cott eager. Depots, Ontkorikfings,Dridlom, &c. • • Dealers 'applied ealiberal terms by their ittentsl;_ I . FRENCIL RICUARDS. • Wholesale Paint Dealers and , .Importer I.h • 1 , W Cornei• of i lOth; fit Market . Sts' Philade l ihi • • is me: I ;1 Latimp ar: Co., li"P'conSantly, - on hand a full assort! Of c'verir kind'of goods which they sell as cheap aS The cheapest. I ' • J GEO. F ULLER, 1. AS) just received his Fall Winter s 1.1 of Men and Boys' iieady;iffade -Clothing, Embracing Over-coats of a variety of .grad Frock, Sack; !and_ press Coats--yests--Pan Woolen :linden. ,Sixtris And Drawers—Fine Shirts, rancyldo—Collars-o%;etalls--Stoeki dre,, ' - A good assortinent of fashiouhbleMens, mr - Miss. - ov and Childrens BOOT Jens, . ,es, oys, . _..ildreL SHOES. I India; Rubber Boots, Shorts ant, debt. r • .I , . 1 1 VAL - r. PiPFR - Anew supply of • , :Cattain per, Border, .&c. Books and Stationery. Also, 'F i nal:s,, Gans, Trivelling Bags, Mae! el, Codfish, Sitgar, tea, Coffee, &c., and a van of Fancy articles. His motto is ICELDF PAT and eiss PRICE 1 .or,Prodoe. L lar , Store, opposite•Senrle's Hotel. Montrose, Oct. 4, 1853. REMOVAL. • . "Stoves:: Stoves:l-Stow - 00 .12 , 711 HE subscriber wishes to call the attention° l 1 his friends and the Public to his' very, lirge .assortmentof ; . . 1 ' ' STOVES, • t it his new Store Room in Lodersville, nett. to L S. Lenheim's Stem, apd'near the Greatend Depot. He has in .atidition to his former ,1 , rge 3 variety of Cookirrg and 'Parlor Stoves, mac) , sw Patterns, some of which are .fli,, Xt. Nie.holas,.l , Psach Eranch, I Tire F7)I 1 Madero Troy, M ohawk, Medallion ) Black Warrior, Orient, ' Oa, I ~ . ._. fig Store . .' I I 1 .... Which together with lnefcrrmer site& wut be perhaps the most extensive and varied assortment of well selected. Stoves in the County. !** Clinton Stoves well finaished at low piiees, Iraf" All =rides in hisrline kept on hand land made 'to order asnsnal, and orders received at his old stand is Grad. Bend. N i f f •- 'I JOHN 'COLSTE . ILodersville & Great Bend NOV., 1853e.4t. Valuable Pavia lei Sale. I! /SHE ' valti bi stibsciiber offers 'for sale Ins- ik . e - fa rts in ' Gibion team:ship, 8128(1°61* cleinatly,Pa, cestainiog 157 acres, situated i ,itlie Pastern part. of said town,balf °fa mile from* Tankhannocir Creek , Sid 12 1-2 milas'frotOis: cuthanni Depot, on the N. Y.& E. Raiird. if On said fare is:a framed house t 3 Bainis,l a horse shed, Corn heise, 'a yoiiit orchardollevier 100 trees, and is well watered. I lie offers to sell for 10 ii ..t ceyt.less thau l the real value. - I ' . . , • . .... - • 1 • . Tcurs.—rwo thirds of the pure.hase tironey -cash ddyn, and balance secured by wort el 1 . . ' WILLIAM TAYLOR. I _Gibson, , Nov.l 0 ••3I 185—• —4771 4 ; - 1 , r - F • - , . .- • • DIM GOODS. - -,'• —' ! I ; . subscriber respectfully Invite the attention o Tl i lkose Wishing to purchase, Cheap for . Cask, Ito his • 4 NEW TALL and WINTER STOCK, uldell for.eztAlri t Tar tlet, and cheapness, Ile may safely say Is wasnrpas by , any In thy Empire state among cad& may lut foun :. I TWO 11,1111141 RED • SHAWLS, • 1 Orrery graalityand Style, priors Marring from 500. to sl4. 100 eleoes Parametts, and Alapaca tr.cun is. to Is. per yard. French Derinoei • iif every . grade, and color, remarkably •• , ‘ theme. .. - Trto ' 10,000 yards of De Woes and - PerdueClo t hs . in Pe 'to lis. 'Prints and Gingham, In MAR", quantity. t . L. • 1 bleached and Unbleached rheetiagsand *birtings, frqm tic lie is 4d. wi __ ' i l l u i 1000 yards Irb fe, Red and Yellow Plannels 1 is 'Oil to dr; Woolen Goods of every lOnd for men andbrlll.l 1 000:yardaStlk; limeade, Ptaid„and Plain Blank from 'the logrolli Made to the most superior quallty...DirksTrlni 'mina artery description. .. - - i- • 1 _ _ ._ _ :_. ._,.....] , • . ' '-.. PEDLARS'; GOODS. .1 - • ; line:l:A*ok from Anetion, very 'cheap. Trunks and If tnivelling Bags, an egtenalie 'assortment constantly tia 'hand. I '• I • .! No aeon mil spared . I be •on tire part of the in .Imatibetlo luelit I coutinuanee•of the patronage which the public bat bitherM Mott generohrly- aeoorded him. and for whichhe Marna shame. and hearty than • 1 I 1 • N. "WILSON; - • I Corner of Court ft Water Ms., Totapkins 1111 I, Nearly opposite the American note, Smelataton, Nov, 1635. • 11 • Administrators' Notice. I NOTICE is hereby given that'Letters rlresb- . 1. 1 41 Datt:Amy upon the estate of Theion Beaeki, deed, latetof Dirnock lownship have been 'gran \ tted t he'subseribens. All persons indebted to , unid estate are• hereby requested. to diate paymeot,.and those having elansupoi3 said estate, to prt.-vmt them duly attested (or set tleMent. ALBERT A. It!xrr . , A A r c CHAR'ptS AVERY. es bimoek, April 4, 1 854.-14w6 • 'l': „ , Tann for Sale riONTAINING 60 acres of - first rate land, 50 .4,1 acres ander good iroptovement, with algoodl framed house and bara„.a largo9,rchard otahoicel frait., The .farm it; pleasantly situated on the Ali. hoot, and Waterford Turnpike., two miles went) .ef the Railroad. Terms of paytbeat eaSy, and immediate possession given. Apply to ~ . 1 '' • ' JOHN LORD Jr. Lathrop, April Atli, 1854=-14w.3* L : 4 1 Sal:. Tx Subscriber offerslo,r,salci i is' farm m Jes MP township Pnsq. Co.,'Pa , contsining 50, -acres, itbOtit'4° ac S under : gOo . improvement,, a-framed house an barn - tbnreonJ and a bearing: Orchard of 70 tree lt Is alioonrenient to a: §chool, Meetings, Mills, ac ;• "A n'one wishing a, !small Tarrp,the 'above will be a desirable property., Tiusts.-oe. hal for the purch4se money, cash down ; sk nd the balance secured, by mortgagp. ... Persons wishing tp-seeretnises can call on J. S. Blaadell, who will go on to the premises with them, and give thetn what information they • desire. ' ,' .:' . i C. CASWELL. • Herrickville, Brad. co ' March 2g, '541-1.1w3* NEW :YORK , RTISEMENT,i ?rem the flews*perkket lising i Agent of S.IIL pErqEVOlLL'itico. 122 Nassau St, No York, 4id Stat. poston) The Great Piano and Esta. lishment. HORACE WATERS, - 333 HBOAILDWAH4 'NEW YORK. . . firstbest and most limi.ived *tail and' ildelodeona•—; .1. T. masa? & C 0. .. Worldia 3' Premium Planos,i with or cholla the Aloleasi, and with 1 n frames and elr- 4 . :1 War cruel. The inerltOrthess Bo4l4:floats I. too:1"A Clown to need farther dourimindetliih. 1 Sillberi'a Boudoir Pianos, an elogaill, instrument filmunall roomer. Mallet &, Cdmston'a Plari4 of the old est - abashed firm of Mallet & Cd. Mr. W. beim; soli agent for:all the above Pillyies, can 'oiler thentlower than ally other Wise, Horace Waleri' Plano+, ininufactlaved; expressly tor him, having peat jpowe r yf ton and elasticity of With. 333 Broadway Is ' thd la gest depot fOrEdidral Instrumentil In this country, afib rag an oppiiitunity foe selectliins not to be had else: Where. Sotombhlind ;Pianos at pipit bargatni. Prices from $6O to $173. I Every instruineist fully warranted or the moneyrefurided. -,, • 1 :, I •''' t ! - 'IVIELODE.:OIS9. • '', • ' ' . .. •, • (icoodman & Baldroin's Pate ni Organ'AModeons, with ;two DAM.a of keys--a switet . iliiid powerful Instri: merit. Price from s73t to $3004 SI D. &IL W. Smith'i celebrated Melodeonsollartln'althrlvalledOultare„Bresin'S H ll4 O ll , VintinU, Tiolida, Brasclaitruments,&,2" &c...-1. Dealers supplied with Pimps id' ii Melodeons atfactori• prices. 125 i per cent discount to Clergymen, ' . , . • , AtI.I3SIC:'• , • . , Thhd Est comprises tile product:2'ooe greet toasters' Of, both the American and European Of the reeeiv, - ins constant addltioni;by pn eeeseire publication of the choice and popular pleees of thiiday. Dealers in 'Kuehl, Arid Teachers of Seminaries wishins to purchase any music published. or make arrangements for eolith tied supplies ofMr. Waters' new lutes, sill find it to their interest‘to f*ward their orders. Musioset4 Soon,' part orate Vision ot Coaadas, postage tree.; rt.ORAO 13 WATERS. d —± I ± • ± ` i - , Trilit*nier',ii Sale, • i• . Co . ;Of tuyerited togas' in Sn'squektunst• . N :: , t)TIC F. is 'hereby giret: that- agreeably -le the acts or the, general assembly of the corn. mcutWealth of Pennsylvania; directing the mode of selling ingested, lands for :TMces, the. following tract* and parts of tracks of `unseated lands, will be sofat public vindorron thitseciin'd Monday Of June ea il t, at. the Courthouse iit MOntross. for ar rears es dne, and the costs, accrued in each trait respeltively, unless the same be paid beton; the day of sale—sale to commence at I 0 o'clock in the rerwrni •i . , ~ warnurteesSimersoe numbers:: : -I." .! . B r id g etealer ' Samuel Elheen' Charles J.! Riddle ~'. '. . ' 1 it - Chforst. I Joanna Clifford ` i Asa "i Denciejt `I- • --q, , - Dirnm44 (Wells j :', 170 Great Bend.' . I ' Sam"! Dayton' ' ,: f. 1 109 R. 11.-Mc Koran "-J ,• :, 267 W. J. Durrell :.i : , . '5O . I Nathaniel C. Levris • . j 87 . 1 ol , rattan Tayloi; ( !' 1: . - 50 !, itl 1 ' //arfotil. , { I rawford 71tus ; ; . . -, ; 30 ' I : ' rty. j'Hormo - John Comfon Esc. , - , , 412 /Mites Comfort ~. ;i ! 333 Jarnee'Murnford ' I ' 455 Ileraea Griswold . `.. j 110 Judge Mnrolent ~ " . ,',," 1 100 Henry Sampson ,- , 56 I I nirritX ' i ) . , : Dwight F. Morse . • f Thos. , Merridith . r! Ithania Mott ! ''' ' .7-'' Dwight FMoiss '} \ • S. S. Ilarrett 1 `Mte.Himilton 'I . I ' •, -, 1 Lalltri4). Sane! Kistian ~ , . Andrew'Tybout, ] - ' • J-F. Depuge ~; Rob't Jackson , - . ' ' !,Lenox. , .. Andrew Tybont " ' • 44 227 '- 1 , Liberty; No. 40 41 J.. 4. D: `C. Scudder 200 N 0.67 6173 7'6 .E . Eldridge - _ Ono No. 203 - Jehiel,Dayton 200 Nos. 53 Wm. Barton . . ' ~ 100 Na. 26 Sewel Corbitt '. i • - 100 7. W: Brackney - ' '; 784 S:B..Gurnseyj ! - , • ! .50 Ti 0.27 Joseph Patterson ' : 100 •1! ' , Ne ro Milfort , flosea.Benson. ' • . 125 Hosea . Tiffany at. 1 . Jacob Taylor .• - ' i Elijah Baranti R.-A. Johnson Nernian Mitchel ', -I ; 'Thomas Norris Win. -Planter . Kush. . \ 100. Wm. J.Torrell s Thomson: 420 do.. ' ' !, - ' " • 410 C. A.Grost ' ' '; -150 David Par I ' ; .1300 Tlemy Drinker - ' ' 124 Jacob Dcrwniisg , , 118 Nut, Drinker! -:-! . " 330 Jagging Comfort i. -., 1 ' 207 ai C. P;Tallm ' r - l9. -Sautes Mumford : " • 1 ' , .43 ' Peter. Dann ' I -. : 36 D. R. LATHROP, Treat ITreasurer'slof6ce, MarCh 21, 1854. D;RL&C bite ngs Vo• rd _ . . . . 1 1 •'-i bffere lie* Gkols , i , 1 ,. atiMilltali ii . noW :l ' receiving . 4 another general gigot of • Ran, and ifinter 000.64 by which his arise4ment llbe tally replenbilied in every departmentand norm ally inviting and complete. particularly - lir news etyle of Latileebress aocae, WWI Plaid and Piney DeLainwo and =eke, Paramettis, French Merino,Delft', MObalr r n e,: ambroMered aohea,,Slataramneta,Richnn et Rfbbens, a large' . and new aseortment of. Winter *irk Ladles tar 'en a, ',Uterine,: and SIM, ladles a bbor. Bl. l3ll PPera 4 O'er Shoe44.Clot4a of elegant a ' new , ilea Pyl , and •ne assortment d ortment OfSbop. radar andeo king S Alves, *gibs t: variety of other Fancy and apt, Goodearbieh win be sold on the most \favorable gime, *Oaring esweelaiskil!seeirietst Ito cub or time huyera 1 . , - , ;New Milford, Tor. 2d, '113 . 53 .. „ - - , , , 1 . 111NIMIIIM . I . - - • herfirs Sales. 1 : . ; . it-virtue- I °f wnts of - Yen . Ex.,issued o I `the Cook of Common Plias Of. SurAlul ••• County, and to me directed, I will expo a h the Court - House-, in Montrose Saturday th e ' 141 day ,of April next, at ercioek P. X— c, ' i Ali' that certain piece or parcel or land, signate I ing'and being in the township of Dimock, Sus in, ehtitina connty, and State of Penig'a, bonded , d described as follows,',.to wit: Bet inning' t a post and' stogies , the north west corner h'• eof, thence south 89 _ deg. east, 160 perches to a evil' 41 sapling the . ortli . east corner i hereof; thedeo south 212 pe, hes to the northern bonndedllline of a lot of iand sitrveyed to John Robins ;, thence ify the line of said lot %Peat 156 and 3-10 pperea toe host, thdeotith west corner hereof; Unince Oorth' 212• plerches to tie place 'of begintiing v Containing 20'7 acres and i 143 perched, more or leas; it beilthe same hit of land which William Drinker and there, execrators of Henry Drinker, dee'd, c on eed :by .deeciii dated N0v.16- .tf, D. 1812, to Ezekiel Uthropi and recorded in deed fhoiok N 0.11., "page 133 (excepting 90 aeiesland 11 perches," whkh Ambrose Gaylord by deed , red the 13th day of Aug. A. D. 1849, eoncOvegi '' Dyer Lathrop, and recorded in deed Rgok•No. 18, page 44.) togethei with' the gippirtiPs*en; two framed dwelling houses, -1 barn, i :1 porn house - and orchard, and about 80 acres improted, Irhich said lands and tenegnents were condemned a Jury of Inquest, I • ' ji L If I hyTaken inieiecution at the suit of Benj.' in S. 1 -Bentley stmk.f Ambrose Gaylord Jr. f, ii s 'ALSO-111 that certain piece or, plicell of land, situate lying and being in the townahigi of Bridgewat#, Susquehanna county,"boundedlsod 'described7 follows, to twit: On the north by land now 'o fortderly of George . Clymer,` on !the past by 1 formerly _ of Milton Hun* and Re_ giben Wells, on the - south by lands of Perrin Welts god limes Phew,' and oni the west by and of B. T. Case, containing - about 57 acres • ittorf or less, together with the ap'Ourtenancee,•l ' footed [house, 1 barn, 1.. coin house, 1 "orchard,ritnd about 50 acres fowroV I ed. I _ • 'i Taken etecution 4 the. suit of 3. B. '-fialtai pry vs. itosst4l Kingsley. ,' ' t' . ALSO All that Certain piece or- pail of land situate lying and rein in the Boroug 'of Susqael l agisk and, Cegnitynforesglid, boundedond -. . . , . . doscritied nilfolloi , s, to wit!: - On. thoncirth by lieds.og4. dJ. Ilarucesbit lite-oust !by. Wm. Mardi; isduth by A. C. -AdSnik:ritiii bn (hit west by , J. ii..-Sinithi,cobtainipv.76. • perchos of-tand; tegetlfer WiOlieliiiarfeluifiees, 1 framed house And 1- - '?Also, - ohc - cr lot, situit -.:is•terres dud,setiited 118;follow ,_ tp wit:-On the notth%viho Inchon Turnpitte;*arid'Ori oast, siouth,littid debt by lands of John B. Scoville, etintaiding'abont one-fourth of ari- acre i nnti all itriproy}ed; oFbich lands and tenements , were, eon, &tuned by a! Jury of Inquest. :; Taken in execution at the huit of Win. Dayton re.Richaid Hetfield. ! • - . . ALSO--All tint pertain !piece or.. parcel of i land, Situate' ying and being in the township ofl Auburn, Coeely , of Susquehanna :mil .S4te of I belle atboinided traid 'described' is follnw - s; to :Wit: On 'the nertb . by iind':of .Lithee, Seely, I.on the ens! by' land !of N iii: Clink, , On 'the southliy land ... clit David .and. W . Jackson, and on the West by Lind Of- Albert tdrling, containing 'about 131 apres)nore. cit. leasktogether 'With the appurte nances, 2- framed ho*ies, one log- stable,4 small. orchards, and nbout 40 acres improved. f • Talton in eieention . at thesult of, G. L. Sivi iiher . I , i2 .. s."lsaiie' Smith and Daniel SMith,l , ALbOAII that certain piece or pareel of land,f ,Isitiiii"tei tying and being in the tniviihip of Auburn, SuaquehannaCtinnty, , :bourded land de scribed as followe.,-to-wit: On the korthihy land of Joseph 3fathoWs on the. east by Natlinn Stew- - art,' on, the south by Thos. Bafferts anal on - the west byldielitiellind , • Timothy Neal, containing 50 -peres,,terther with the. nppnitiLenannes, One fameoffiense, Inhantie.s, one saw mill and about eight ticres improved, which laridi and tenements Were Con'dedmed by a Jury of Inqu'est. l' -: ; Taken 1; :execution at the suit of T,urrell & Dimnek v . Elihue Iletterfield. - 1 A LSQ-eAll , :that, certain :„pieco ~ of parcel of land;, , situnte . !ling tnid"&iing, i ' n • the taw Ship' of Aubtirn, S iSquehanna Cotinty;.btiended and do eeribe'd as: , 'lloWl, to eriti On the, north ylfinds, 1, 4 of Daniel 4;sekhammer, on the cast by -land of James 'toter and by, thelpublic highway, on! the ,south; by lands of James Rette.nber,trabd 'ott the, west by land now r occupied by E. N. Seely, Con taining 109 acres more °Hess, together with the appurtenances, one fruited house, one corn !abuse iind log stable, and about 80 acres improved. .Tskee'in:txectition -at - the suit of Azor La, thria la vs. Ph lip Swackbammer. ~ 1 • , - - ALSO-All thatpiece or parcel of land situ ate, lying and being in the township of (Clifford, Susipealianna county, and described as follews, to .wit: Beginning in the centre of t the highway i feadiret.froni Clifford corners to ,the Calenderi i farm , so called. end immediately at the junction of' the Wench and adjnining lands, of Edward aral3l, , thenee along said reed south 74- deg. west two -- chnins and 79 links to or the centre of the ; bridge over; the ditch, and joining lands of the). celender farm, thence along the line of Said finial' South 1,0 deg west along, the ditch 4 chains and 96, links top corner, thence north 74 deg. rest! six Challis and- twenty links to a post in, the cenj;i ter Of, the Clifford and Carbondale turnpike roak thence along, the centre of said road eorlh 30' 1 / 4 deg.f west A _chains and 64 links to the! place of; -beginning, Containing two-acres of land:together wittt r f the apPurtenances, one. Tnvout House, one, barn. some/reit trees and all improved.! 1 cTskettini execution at the suit. of Samuel N. ;Chittenden!and -Thomas Arnold vs. Alta Finn. 3 '1 ALSO-HAII those certaie pieces Pirdels of land . situate tying:und being - in the township of, Silsier.Like, Susquehanna county and State of Pennsylvanisiand bounded and described as folj lows to.svit:'. Being lots No. 1 2 3 4Lrind 5 of theresurvey of R. H. Rose's 'Reservation' (itait ! is 9111(s:)and beginning at a stake and stones{, the !south cast corner of the said 4' Re.sen-ation,7 on the west sib of.theold turnpike road leading freat,ldontiose to Binghamton thence north 106 perehes.alOng said titenpke, road to aroad lead; mgffom Riehmond Ifi 1 so Called, to, Silver Lake, theneo along• said turnpike road north d ~..: 4 1„. went GS perches. th nco by the said ,'l'ur..-,1 tee road north 58 del. - ,t, ast li peteheS' - tholes .. konth 84 de g . east 34 P' relies; ll'.';-nc: north 88 I deg east3operehes,,the et north 38 deg. 9 per, ches, thence north 12d-,„ eas t 68 p ere t ies ,th ene e north OA deg.. Ms.:. 14 iirches, - thence north 37 deg. east 3,‘) perches, three north 10' deg : vest 34 r i pert'nea r to a' stake ii d stones by the side of P...e slid tqrnpike road, thence north •16 deg. West, 180 perches- ton stake rind stones corner; thence south 80-perches to a maple tree for a corner, thence north 61 deg west 335 perches to p stake andlatenes corner, thence seutl's2 deg. Wiht 564 '': perches to a stake and stones corner, , thence. sint!th flit p05.4.. 7 tV7 CI Ztake aria stones the south ;west corner of the said Reservatiod, thence east along.:the south lines of the said Rea :ervations 'l9B' perches to - the place of beg,inning, containing 1625 acres more or less, together 'with the appurtenances 6 framed houses 5 - barns one waggpn house; one grainary, ono saw mill and about:soo acres improved. . • - Also, The undivided half part of a lot of land ,adjoining the above, and described as follows: ;Beginning at a post in 'the north east line oldie 'elicit.° 104 thence north 202 perches to a post in A - line of Robert H. Rose's land, thence by the same west - 295 perelies to a post, thence south ;,40 perches to a corner of the above and thence ;by said north east line south 61 deg. east 335 'perches to the beginning, containing in thd whole `223 acres unimproved., . • . I - Taken in execution at the, snit of Converts, Tod &. Graydon vs. E. W. Rose. , .i ' AI,SOL.--By virtue of a writ of Fi. Fa.-all that eertaievillage lot or parcel of land situate in the' Borouth !of Susquehanna Depot, Stisquehanda county, and bounded and described aa follows to vht:-:-OA the north by land of Wm. Hunt & N..' Itnium on the east by the •street, on the south by--3filyo dz. John O'Brien and on the west by +t street leading from the “ Carr Holise" to John,: Vannoughs house, containing 60 feet front liy' 212 14 feet deep, with the appurtentinces one framed dwellingand all improved. ! 1 ! Taken' in - exception' at the suit of C. S. Ben nett vs. A. A - Sanders'. - . ' . Acres \ , 1 ,38 i 1,70 1,t4 64 9 r ;4 7,55 8,05 2,26 2,26 106 3.82 i 8,37 )2,39 7,52 2440 2,86 S 0 222 AO 200 64 60 107 C,87 190 16,16 250 111,10 62 - 3,97 17,12 11,42 • 4,46 4,46 42,66 1:24 4,46 46 300 200 149 130 . IS AISG—By virtue 'of a writ of Les. Fa. ail ; that certain: one story house situate in the village of - Susgnehanna, township of Harmony in said. .county on Maine at. lot No. 29 as' laid down on. tht- N. A 7 &. E. R. It. town plot of said village' being about 17 feet in front, on said st.-and in depth about 25 feet,and the lot or piece of ground and - curtihige appurtenant to said bnilding. in your Bailwiek. you cause to be levied 118 well is certain debt of 1211,67 which Robert H. Me.; Kune & Smith merchants and buildein doing business under the firm of SMitli & Me: kuno lately in our Court of Common Pleas for the county aforesaid by the consideration of the Said court recovered, of the said John Whaling Contractor and reputed owner to be levied Ofthe said hens° and lot of Ground as ali? the iotereSt thereon s from the 21st day of Jan:, MA° year of Oar Lord 1854, and also the sum 0810,26 cents for the coats which accrued thereon, according to the fortnand effect of an act of Asseinbly of the commonwealth. of Pennsylvania is i such ease made and provided; and have you these tmineYS before our Judges at Montrose at: our county. court of common Pleas . there to be held on the third Monday Of April /next to render unto the said Rcibert IL MeKrine and William Smith merchants and Builders doing busineis under the Otto'BraitVand- McKune for their debt inter. eats and costs aforesaid. - 1- ! Taken in execution at the suit of; Robert ifeKunii;- and William Smith, Merchants and buildent'doing business under the Orin of Smith. & MeKtine, vs. John Whaling, cOnbietor and re. Outed r:itvner, t I G. B. ELDRED Sheriff lifontrOse, March 22, 1854. , - . ! '1 • 't Medias' Card. • 1)11.8. Patrick ; &G. Z. 'Dimoek ha 'o this day formed vo-partnershici, for a mole efficient and successful proseention cif the differ .ent branches Of their profession. I 'All Lbuiiness entrusted to 'them, will be atten ded to 'with promptness and fidelity. I . DTheir office , will be the one lately occupied r. Diiuoek. • ' I - E. PATRICK, Jr. I - G. Z. DIMOCK. Montrose,,Marelt 22, 18:54. I ' . li, ( • i Administrators' Notice. lc, OTIOE 3s hereby.given,that Letters.Tes*. 4 usentary upon the estate of; Jasi, W. True's.; dell, deed, late of Liberty : towniship have been 'Ousted to the subscribers. All porscsas indebted t 4 said estate are hereby requested. 14 make ith- Mediate, payment, . and those having claims upon said estate to present them duly atteted forma tfemeat: • • ' P, ' ' i 1. ; I HENRY A. TRI.JVAftf.f ,' ' ' is WJbf3ARD TRUESDELT blarrh qn TIOCL TION. ] - [ • ,' 'T LEAS; the !lon. DAvID WailtoTiP,res. , I V l idtnt of the Court of Oyer 'and tterrinet, and Genet'al Jail Deliver' o ;Court of Quarter Ses isious of ttie Peitee and art or Comrizoia T,Pleai .-. and Orphans' Court in t 'XIIIth . - Judiel4 Dis ,triet4tenitibsed of the Counties of Sishaehanna, 'Bradford; !and Sullivan t_ and . the ..Hims. Jens •13e.0/I.Elinid' D. D. WAus4,Associate ladies in Basqueinitina County, have maned their precept, bearing! date the 25th day of Jan'y in:' the year of our 11.:'rd one thousand eight hundred and ilf : ty-fonet ttild to me directed, for hOlding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General JairDelivery, in the Vorim,gli of Montrose, County of Siisqu e - . hanna,int the third Monday of j Aprii next, (it h„e ing-thetlffilf day! j 1 1 . t. ' Nollo,o is iiereb* itiveix to the CoansEn y ... jusrl4s;:rtit ritr.: PEACE; and CONSTAEtEs Of said Couhlyidr;;SustiOehanna :that they be, then and "there, ir, their own proper persona, at tWO e;'elock, in the lift *non of gAid day, with their t,ecords, Inquisitiene, and' other remembrances:4o,de those • things . txlilah ioltheir ofliceS apPertain fo'bo done. :-And Ateiatt. who are hound' by'reeognizanees agamsetli ' Prisoners that are or shall: he in the Jail ot. l- ' id .County ofi Susqirehanns, are t to be then end,i ere; to proseeute•againstth'em as will be jtisq. -t.i ~ - : • ' ' i - Dated 4 Montrose, the the nth dasi:Of !if:Web, ' in the Tear of our Lord one thousand eight hun dred arid fi ity-feur . • " 1 1 li ' 11 wq•G t , .t , - ' ~ : i3. ELDREIN ffierill'. ~ , 1 , 1 Proclamations.. „,8404elianna Cateqim, Alzina Smith, by her next i' 'I T : friend ' , 4:IT. Trowbridge, I. 43; Nov.; F 41853, vs. • f alias to .IaNT 1854. aiarlis C Smith. j ! - 1 . To Cip,s. C. SMITH ;j_ Wheresfy Is sabpaetta in Divorce wits issued to Nov. Term, 1853,1whieh' .., was dttlyiTeturned von est inrentas, and ther.eon an illia,s,Stibpoena was Issued. In said: cense" lea, turnable ,16 Jam Term, 1854, upon the return of whichltroof was madi*:to the said Court that said Charles C. Smith could not be foundiln my Bailiw,ick,.' - 1 , 1! .. I 1 - • 1 Thiii notice is therefore to require you , to ap- Ppar hefdre the Judges bf said Court on the third -Monda'y Of !Ittril next, to answer Said ieompiaint, St.c. 1.! !,!! G. B, ELDREW Sheriff. Illoittrnie, March 13,1854. , 1.. 6• i s t it - r — '; , - • ', 1- Suiniirunnia Count y, se. I:[ • I.g4etA , 1 , Starnn 'Norris by her . 162, Aug. Term. next friend J. 11. Reynolds. 853, o?ia.slto Jan. I 7 : ' I I VS . I Term, l lBs4. • rW " tn 11. Norris. i , ,I ' ..„ ,., - To Wu., H: Ncoanis: i Whereas, a Subpoena in - Divot,* was issued to August Term; 1853, whichiwas duly ret u rned non est inrentits, and .therecip 'fin alias Subpoena was .is4ued !in said cause;!returnable to Jon- Term, 1854 upon '.the return iof., w h ich . proof Was made to the said Court that the ilaid Wm. IL Norris could wit be found in. my ! ;Thitliwick. 1 t-', „ ! ! Thia ti'ptice is therefore to requtre l yon to ap pear be! fe:re the Judges of said COurt on the third Mjaday of April next, to answer said coin plaint,' 54. G. B. ELDRED, Sheriff.- . 31Outrilse, March 131854-11w6. !' ! • • • • .• . , l' Register ' s Notice;, , S lierehyliven to ail persons con. 111 er4ed in the following esialcai to mit: Estat!kof George.Shirka, dec'd, L, S. -Haml e t, Adin't. P • • , i Estiite;orJarid Beardsley, dee9;l.3ed, Will al i n Adtn'r. Esrato:of B. H., Foot,, , lecessed, lioriman Foot, AdatiOiStrator. • • . • tstatq of Patick CaTl, deceased, James Logan, Adtrlibi4rntOr. • That the Leconntants have settled their se. counts 16 the Register's DISCO in and for, the C':',Mity Of 'Susquehanna, and that the-same will be piie: sehted to the Judges of the Orphans' Court or saki ciounty. in Moiarese, on Wednesday the 19th do $# of April next, for confirmation and al. , loan et J. T. LANGDON t Register. Rtlmister's offiee, 51dreh 13, 1854.) ;!: Now Court Hoto .' • . . . . IDROrOSALS will !be- received Pt the Cotn- . I. ;stniSsione;rs' Office for the erection of a New 1 . court House in the Borough of Idontrose; Sus iptchanatt County, until the -first Monday o May nexii. 'Thot,e wishing! to make proposition will :1, r.ddrpsq l sealed propesals to the Coronissio erS of saidiCqtinty, on or before the flute - . above- men tioned.!The plan and specific.ations,Orsaid tiild ing'i;cattibe seen at the Commissitiners' 0 ce at anylinle. J. lIANCOCK, A. WILLIAMS,. ,! Coi j ',.- A. CARPENTER, AtteSt—Wit. - A. Gitessms.s, Clerk. Coui'rst,pffiee, Mentrese, i. . , <;illcli 29, 1834. t c nl3 To'ihe Ilon. the Judges of the Coitit of Q#arter css4ipts of the Peace, in and prifie Cotty of Wuselitelicrnna. . T"' petition' of Geo. it . Egglesten 4f the Brirough of Susquehanna, and 'Oounty afore said, respectfully represents; that tie - is provided with suitable conveniences to keep a Grocory . in the" boteugh of Susqltehanna, county aforesaid . ; and thai it is his intention to apply to th 4 next •Coart2of Quarter Sessions to be holden Ist and for'E said county on the third Monday of 'April tiet,t foi.. a license to keep a grocery, and tf.) sell strong beer, ale or Other malt liqUers, according 'to the act of Assembly of the Mai April, lA. D. - GEO. H. EGGLESTON.. SiisOchanna, March 28th, 18544-13w4.1 - , • . REMOVAL. • L • &REYNOLDS have removed th'eir Tailoriag establishment to thtel room over R. ilaviley's Store, near , the "Franklin hotel,' vrbere they are prepared , to attend PFomptlyto aN cells in filieir profession, pledging entire sa tisfaetion to every reasonable man. Latest NewYoik and Peiis faehions just received. .1 1 donti:ose,Sept."15, 1 ,11353. „ NEW ititRANGEBIEN — T I . r. At the Reedy Pay Store. Milt; undersigned would,respectf4lly announce 1:1 to 'the public that they have 'entered into a collartriership in the nercantile*bsuiness at the "Head , of Navigation," and that ',the ' business wifi t hdreafter be - cOnductekunder .the name of IliVileidt Mott. Where may at all tithes be fond a, good 'assortment of Goods at prices that catOotifail to suit: New Goods tiding redeived. G.R. IiAWLEY, ' • C. W . MOTT. font:Fose, April 1, 8.54. - • . - WMr-Hawley returns thank 4 for the.very liberal ',patronage. of the past, year; And requests a Ontlauance of the 'prime under; the , new dis petiSatten., :; '? • t - ~~ .; —T TH4,subscribers w ill act:as agents for buying 11‘ and selling , Real Estate,—Paima, ,Houses, and loti,-4ocated in Eusq'a. county-, Pa., or in Broome' County, N. Y., and also :Virginia Lind' Wirraels. All who Wish to efter,iheir propel-1y forisale!ean give &Minute diseription of-their farins-,4r Lots -as follows: No. ef acres; how matly litiTroved, and }: how _watered ; buildings; Or4iliard'i . grafted or. common finit; other fruit trees ;Iliew far from Great Bend, and the near est+oint of the D. L.& W. R N. Y, & E.IL IC, price find terms of payment. Efit !All who wish to aux.' or aim. Real Es tate. Will receive priniipt ittention;.by calling on oriddressing either of us at- Great Bend, Sus• quehaiiiia bounty'Pa4 ; conveyance from Great !Bend to flu?' profrll3o free of charge,. . , ()flied. on main street; 4 n the &Welting -house of S. Blehase; lately occupied by N. V. Carpen ter-0. PETER. BECKER'', S. B. CHASE.; All, 1853. • >. - ! Greif Bend, Oct _ Or9cones-=-Wholesale ti goat variety. donaideraw finaolitY , B , o Pairi" pr4,fthey, and ch‘af-A'r to .1.144.inte fo r. ,tuolq, lauds of . jos istpliDielute pr.ace, 114 . t. " * .0f pulpit., Teas, Tobacco. ISFi,t. ` cea is, o 4 b e i s nu enact', he deenio it only . 101 1" s that a roost anything in the, Oro.' cer firisi d.hy food lee, can be found uponliequi. and neequentl enoperationie considered . In par eider he would ask &gamins • _ 1s 6d Sugar j 2a. Tobacco ;; . arid 4p 'Tee. itualgToptioriblsils i .1h worth living made to th w ho iuos4ll firgelitantities. f. - • * ' N:IPULLAi{D.i, 1 • 3 1 .1 t • . ..aMt . S. Farmi for Salo RA. 'L3J6 - 1i1(74_ liatar c a . : na p 4 u lg i tp i lia, A: recce/ea. u' • ••• March 160 854 i '' • lITANTED--it4 Chestnut Pence Post* , ei• ther split or cawed. AIIJRRELL: r• • WAN' . $ lO,OOO AICTED- , ' ' , ....„ .: PROPOSALS wbe received at the IP ommis -1 "sioners Office Ot Blontrose for taking a lean of Ten thoniand dollar? author*ed by net of as sembly to be borrOvied • by the C4ohnty of Susgne; banns for the purpcise - of . build'ng- a new Court llouso , and Public olidee's fur eatd C , '..kiirity,. until the whole amount 9f said loatceliall bay,e. been taken...: 1 1 . I '1 '• - '..= '., —; The said loan ill •be taken ] for • the whole (mount or in' Amalie! some rts twinyta s those wishing to ini•eat to ne'y thgrei4 .tinft for.- enedi time as may suitsthoi lender at the rate of the per tent per annum, for ‘thiett Coun;tyllmidentill be issued in conformity ' with the act of Assittobly t , • • -' J: HANCOCK, — .• - ' ' -, „Co m , , • A. WILLIAMS,' .' „Com, ••• A. CARPENTER, • , Attest, Wm. A. Cne‘siemt,'Cierp. . • Commi,ssoners (Oleo, . i„ l • -, -. • •.- ,• -•: • Montrose , March 0, 1854 f . I: : ._ , ' Cn f th BIND 4 LARGFritiro and Titnotti; ju il st'rec eivegi and . by • • -ITUR!tir'..: • New Atilibrd, Ninich 7th, 1854—,foti, CA.LLNo. ,• OVER two mongis have elapsed sinto.eur finn was dissoiiied, and- yottitil a smelt friction of What is due us 'has beenpaid. • Those:we ewe are endingg upon us ifor their pay, and is , right they-should, have, it: Will 'net Our np`meroui, friends who at indlibtt4l. to Wed-this eidL;arid relieve our necessities! •:- •• • ' ' Atolleet. payinenta inhYbe 'tnado.,Attiiir DAY at this ofriCe, to glauts4.CHISE at his o(ce in.tjartord yillage,Or to 8.11: Oust .at his office in the Vphige of Great Bend.; • • : 1 • • . B. Chase. • Montrose March p, 1854. . _ • 11:ENItY 0E 31lONTItur3E, PL: With !Rowe, - Woodruff -& Carter; THOLESALEI GRocERs and ComnAis V V rdERCIIANTSi No. 173 Wnshifi g toriStreet; between Cortland and 'Dey Streets, New, York. March 8,1854-40 tr. • nobvs & snoEs • • • OP .11 0 .1itles ands :cit. also alood !Mann:tent. of R Db. her Overshoes; Rlll Ihqkins, eall:and we tan suit you Sn quality and prices. Deceml)er3cl. - 8.;3.& . 'A ' , Fresh , -- F Cassimeres,iGioghams, , and Other Fancy k./ . Dry Goods, jist.arrived SCOTT, .3}ISaTON &CO's. Also, new andiiarge assortment of Iron, &c. ttg., which Will boisold cheap ti.w usual for cask or pay down. Scorr, Joinisrolt & Co: Jan.l:l, 1854. • ' • • Lodertivillo . • ok At liking Store.; TIRE ettbscelbeittould Won:, the i n habitee i ti, of 160.. , demille awl a ttrtionnang eonntry,'that tie has gieat -11 and imprOted his Store, and - filled tap wi eh , a large awl ennaple.'d itsaprtatent, of. Paints, Oils, Dye: yowls, Dye-stula, Window. Glass, Saab; Putty, Varnish, - and BraSh^.;,. ,„ • ' - nes: Chemicals, Glias•ware,Perftltnery, Tazi kr.. Notions ,ConteetljnerycToiletartielet.!and all iracles Usually kept in any iistabllahmen t. of the Alko,.on hand a hare assortment of _ p, - • BOOKSA. TATIO_VERY • • Pap er Ilan& gs, A,ej &e., - ahlett bets prepared to sell . on as reasonab;e terms ar any store In the toontry. . DO CT. jAittpS Also keeps hi rime room a general assortment of the CHOICEST DTCIN ss; carefully selected, prepared and set perintended b y hintsclf, for hl own accommodation - and the, benefit of the public. Build ers.rainters.• Physicians, School tea ehe re.l adied all classes and profenellons wishing to purchase are tnirltect to call and see for ttkemrelses. . L. Scott,.. • WoUld inform his former 'patsons -that he hat in connection with his other business argil assortment of Boots and Shoo* rome,of'which he can warratt. and sell as reasonable as'Cart be bought at any . utt er place in the country. . • ' .SCOTT'.' • Dire etlpireer 3‘bn Alcßinney's Store on ' • 1: • 'the it.. R.,Lodersvills. 7tiarefi lib, 1864 Nevt - :GOODS.• JII. 9QCPIIIJT vites attention to.the ustasstalfy largeand eumplite assortment of . 1 New foods" for Fall Sales,' • he isnciw receiving. ;In addition to, his ti,snal ontriply of Staple ;Dry .Goode, Mroceries Ilsrdware, Steve. .ke. he. alse offers to the Ladies a rid:stock of • Fall and Winte r Dress Goods; • Satin 'Velvet Tlntineta, Finw Itibbcna, (doyen and Veils; Tabli spreads & Cloths; S.itchels Laea and Misses fine Boot* and Eboes Toth Ladies lcutlo men hd offers a large rstock of best quality . " • , ' . • - : Read i• Made Clothing, • • Cloths, Ca.ssimeres, Tweeas end Jcans,tcstings,lititsand Caps, Itoots & Shocoote. Ills stock emliracet a more extensiee andearled.tissort• meet than heretofore, and ho is prepared to, holdout Sapci i io lnducckents o CAVlpurehaiert. . _ He respectfully sOlieler as- early'eall. from his ttiends ft and air others desiring ; pod goods tat ate worth the ptiee liked for theni4 'Samisen ville Ee'pti I2th 1833. -: '.:' ', '--' • _ 20.00 IPet es ' Vt'alll,Palver, all stiles /a Pikes, the best lassorttitent trier offered in this Oounty just teteheti at - i . i - J. U. BUTPIIIIIS- .. . . . . LD Spectach3.4—A. lege assortment of Gold Spectkicles of all arres. ' • , - Sillier Napkin-Rings, Fruit Knives,Cups and Chains, Thimble 4, Better -knives, &c ' - To4he Loie4—Agate and Cornelian -Dress I3,uttons. Shell Haii Pins, a very nice article. PLATEDWAREI—Somo very handsome Case tors, Cake Baskets, Candle Sticks, Snuffers :"and TraY4, &c, LM'K.ETS—A good assortment of Double and Single, both_Gold and - Plsted.... -- l' SILVER lATED KNIVES--Ashperibr ar ticlerhads . to match Silier•ForkS. ' • sHgra, COIHIS-Jast•recoived, *new lot Shell? Back Coml . lls. GOLD CHAINS itt every vurletrtalso, Gold Keys and Seals. 'All of the above strtieles are for sale CHEAP by ALFRED J. EVANS:- Mare' h 1, 1854---STAPLE GOODS. W t received an addition to out liEBbt1:1 jus t of L M. And Pittsfield' • Sheetings, Batting, Wadding, Wicking, Cotton 'Vim end Carpet Batting , -Canton Flannelv Ken. tuckfl.leins,fflweeds; Satinetts & Kerseythetes, De Liines, Alpaecasi,Calicoes, Groceries of 'ev. ery descriptions &e. &e., nil of which - we desire to dispose of during the present month,-;to make rootu for a new Stock and we invite our ens tomets, and the public generally - to give ne's call. 1 . • • BENTLEY & READ. 50 BUSH:ELS -, OPrime CLOVER & TIMOTHY SEED lust received, and will bo sold right by 1 BENTLEY & READ. - I Corn' Baskets. On wagon • loiul just received 4 and now is your time to WY, them. • • I BENTLEY : & READ; A net , supply IV Dr. D,. layness celebrated Fa i l yj Medicaiaes, ;: • Just received. Notbiug will 'put n stop tan cough so effectually tts a bottle of:Dr. Jayne's Expectorant., sp eak WAr from experience. - BENTLEY , & READ. • FLoup,` Bythe Barrel Or &lei, for sale by BENTLEY di READ. 2 ---- - MARBILL -- 111ANUFACToRT. - '.= P r IE uudeisignsd beg to announce to the, 00- • JL seas of S usqueh aims County, , that, thqy have!= established a 'Shori t in 'Keeler's, building:4Ni , , Main street, Montrose, wherethey will keep pi handa supply of Poreigri:andAmerican Marblo,ind man-, u facture . theininniint ' "Motinrnents;Tougis, Head„ Stones. riersnd Ceti re Table ToeSAC.., : ; •-! dtrrhi public +ill . nd it titheirrutereSteigivs us wool! before' going Sliaivh ere • 'vitt!, thnittitdorsi . :.... ` - 1 -I SHIPPEY & HSA S ONC;; -- 1 Montrose, Ai1if.'44,'1853-4tivil f '''' i . . . . . Wheal "iota' Pine awl ASajxrfine Corn -DUO.' and.SoPP• WHEAT Drat foie 100 by " Co 11010 SE Salt fo* elite , II nu1tR14% . .„ _ • ""'r"'Wet ISIg• things ` eg, ;ottrittio , ' • ' THE subscriber hiiiieg rented, the ' heir; filttilaufectory (,Iteeniroditoin if rfordi• • - ' s pronged to manufacture, ••••• t :.• ' I ICVlDS"OPPe . HAiltig,'''' kite diced Inidei• Ti a Int-. periOr style oCisrOrkuretuship. • 1 -iteeP' on ignd, or will nainujiriture to - order,; • osten - lackeri, lint•prorecl ti#le,) •" 91' Farley aid; IVindsor Chair's; - • • . • ;;.., I tag ,Sests,,Seliceer,•ift. - itt. Ali .work warranted. t* giveeitistioti 'for . fisoriTars.: , , , . ' t eeMsrchantable Produce' will be token' oar? 'chine for WOrk,tut I' • '• • 1 • 7AIt,E9:7OIINaT lc • lierfOrdi Deli: 2. 1851-,-,;•ly • ; RNE .. ,11. -- C. 8..C 0. ...• .b! °l(er3 aid , Jobiters- -of Foreign . mut , 11,241 11 iii.. l'w li 1 :...nta tic . ,Dry; 4'oods. -,, ,- ',., • -, ~ii, -; 1 - -,41.1K 1r *sTRII.ET,- 4w, Toni •- .' . • -, ' WPULDinVitt.tho:attention, ofniere to in „.,Sanaohanna and; alljoining: connti A:#4 theiisfock wilio %)„1111c lonndjarp,'and. ' Wa, bio'nt 411 seasona orthe year Aonsioting in 'pait of cf&ho t tassinorts "and Itefitingd4 ; lean . and TwOd i sTwitii.oli tha' boot 'an 'well'ltnnwn! tylois of fast'eoloted pinta:- '' H ' . Cd • .Also;OresslGooda;Mi r ldto 'and . Linen ' i . Alen, 'Brodie long Arni square ;shawls' a rsh. were, and Silk .§baFIF, toge.titcn with lloolery . and Fll l O O 4 B . ' ' I ,t - .., ~‘,1.. ~ i, .. r r P . " 16 ,,P t a!te l PtiPn i)aill to 'ordef.d. I • , i, • ' 1 - • - '''. ' dyl 4 -1. Change:t' wrovEs, 4 -Tror WARE ''' ''. I ', i,ißior-lilfpittrehititiota titirty: ;7,'... 1 '` et -D. LATHROP 'B,t, Co: trona:big leave Ito 14,..;A: sett ni thanks 'to. theirßieisis for their. fib. erditp4roilage let --thiF list 'year and . Ithey: wilk coptiono. their .favort l / 2 ,oinh wetope mer it 11 strict intention to business, and „low rifet. We, hiye the most approved patterns . of S pees tol l evet,brioilhi i nto . this market, amOng . whie may be found, : ' 1 .• ' i STAR OF' 'rug, Tv Ortper q ted .9) 0 ULTIVATOR.- "' Ii'ARAGOX' '7': NRIV ,ivoßLtr,' -- - OL_OBE,T -, : ' ' . 1 • . ATLAS, {1 • • , fi' -.- : ' . THREE- STATES,4IAir Tight, ton em:: km numerous to_mestion. We also have on hand a. large , assort= •nt of Tin Ware" or a.lii:ary quality, expressly fa home trade, Cistert. and Well Rums of all descri tions, Lead Pipe of IT Sizes; reeliifeir chain ,pilni e, ke 'du; Job work done with neatness and o:apdi c h. Alttinds of produce taken, or iliiProied - credit given. Give us a call it yira please:. Shop on Slain street, direc - y, r..; I tl)posite the Dem: °Yee: C. D. LATHRO" S. A. WOODRI: L Cam Paid for Furs by , • . . j • ' NEW GOODS. ~: • . At theArpsonville" Excha . - :e. • , THE subscriber hereby] informs his. 'soda . - v (cOmprising the 'public generally), Ai , ,: is nOw,irepleniShiner hia stock 'of Goiids, a))dr is (if feting superior rndocements foitheMyto piirdiase• Of him, thereby keePing tbeir , enpjtili'les% j ell 'as doing their *lift* at hetnS!ra - mong ' hia stock( maybe foiled a general assortment of Dry''Goods Groceries, Crockery,„Wardware, --Paints, Oils, Dies, Boots' and Shots, Hats - and Caps, 'amid window paper, c'',l6thing,, Trunks, Yankee otiose' dee., all of Wbbili he will be happy -Le '.e change for any kjxids of ' farther's produce at the ighest rticest(ash,' or good credit,' • ''. . ; . iAilto he wants all who have,accennti ' t over. ,six months standing to call And Settje the on or before the first of Feb. 18,54 - and all:wit intend -12/3 441 pnyin grain are requested to bring littleness soon as convenient. -I.J. L. 'lligitßl3 AN. WANTED to hire .4 good BlaCkami who understands nll bmnebea of the tra, can Como well recommended for sobriety dimity can obtain fair wages by calling anbiscriber Amon trpsortville, ••• t 1 .• • 2 TusErit'L MERU -Jan, 2, 1854. ' ; ' D.• their .it itE ta se n tO st4 n s l o e f r G oi o i o m da Sprit* puidhaie. Call and senfor yours lan: • BLAID Do-Lanes only is . 6d at • D. R.ILATHROP & BAY State Shawls cheaper than ever ! • - " D. R. L. & `BONE more of that. 6d Sugarleft at • .' D. & • k lontrose, Jan. 16, 1854. , ! I • 'Patent Levbr , WAtehe • 1 1 1 - — 2 .. ' rrfit subsdriber tak s' pleas. 1 ' ir.:-- :i 1 -; :‘..,..114 friends that helms this day / • ,I ,F . reeeiveddirect froinT;Arerpool ;; . I " 1 - (- another invoice'of iiispelebra: •, -,, „.?-.:-' ted- English 'Lever -Watches, - ,caised in Ili:jowl sift , t, plain inctilitatin'g t Full . Jeweled, ;and •:warratt d per. feet timekeepers, - ,• • ALFREDI .E NS., i ,I' ' ,-,. , No, 2,XloddgeileWs' 11: I T "- Bini , liiiiitaiireb. 14,1 184 • ' '' ' - 4. LATED ,Forke, -80eips4e . 6..a h I' just rec'd, by A.J. E AssEs. - 114titEla.:. now receizing Winter sui:7l • NEW :OOODS; ,, ; tIQNSIESTIiiG otoeartyJ,ererythingw iited %..ll het. which *ill be sold la prices :that, enact pleace. The pablie-are Wilted to call and exile littintieseiJan - Drugs,i Medicines • & Choi. First rate assertinenfi+Thltitlaiy' rails Ant ,41% p eqitypuel y • ! put uvna redneed .petees, atid.Pics• eido :Toni carefully compounded- 'Abe beat tined t,y.of Oetibbfdepaktnient will be found 'it tbe'Drug and Variety, filoee of I ABEL Turetiolit;. A LAT , M 0.110%,:4-, DYE STII.0 1 .2: Ai guit tiot;msnt 1414 of beitfitiaileilsiat iCfrocericiwyr-. l l_gen e eral irsortment, and th' bestjthe iipstkeikaffor4s s at • ; • - - •• iTi7BItIILL'S. .. . i ipek Gootla.-1 small,' ; but choice co Itele,etiort of the : it a staple articles of Dry Goods, which will A Sat at in prices that will make it for the Interest of p hastire,to Mils; Um attire:of . . -.c; i , ~, ._ .. A.TO PALL,. n' ... of pin him •, , „ _ .. A. TO ARLI, ..i 'laid...nine : 4, and C title rii, `embracing a iocid is-. Pertment of thole celebrated 1 Waterbury. Peet 1; Kalves, Stune-ware, &c,• & a., at 1 , ' TUR ELL'S. .1 , • ...• ni Druggists' Glass-W at i • ti ; t elnisiOe liiiiptorldiviora for p;arposes, at ' • ' l llllt Mual oral Inetraminis.---Tiolino,l3o I gosipi•BriAlges,•Pepir r and Tail tilecia t —allo-A • rintosirdta, ClaronOftd, Banjos, Tuning FOOlll -' 1431x ftocks,llano Music • it.C. at TUB • i .Iffp we, ry.-zd new inoTilg ditiosact" Gent leth% please ea it • • • .. . Fa'Kier • . *pods', •Y le first rateaseoina t. iiing,ts at the store of • • tpag anti) , all of tho moat, val 11 • I Fine ench. , OOL Long, Shills at VAL 111.110t0% -1 CA .1, 1 , • , F 2 ' , - 44 , - ;, . ~ ~ ' , del, ,t n -hdbl - eirepted) 4.1 I tosveMakii o ea le' goo 7 0 itthe'Abe Mall • seetsl.4 7 reast - and West; heitid the nearest 1 v t r o v a r• route:Kris& the Prer: - Xorkidd 104 Ite. I Hoe 414tetseotas.tdor ly,thte,fok Mad* Alyt t rToohhainock, Wyoming. end Wilkesto .Itiveellontroto at 7A M Ovary , onday, :weft 'Frailty. Also; a 'Watt, lithoid 14,7traymile. TO 4 aod:corotOttablegtµ-tte Am .prAiddr i i, Prop store will vp .' AO p'4lnty o Seco% *iodate Hell - i.• :, -1: - - W,.. K. 71ATa 1)6 ' entbci2d 0.352' '. . MAGA!! 4. i ~. fp • i tni,kuskt rind Pc triers NF eefizctioilhert dierntnfieof TN purulence- of. the Act of Assembly, of. WO AOUlmawkwalliitiris klks-iteto the Olt &ref May : 041', entitled of alt Atli to provide. reveaso to moot,the dmunmads !poi ,itto Treasury,. _antifirr other pirpialar,'! an Act or 66'1611,4)f Apr 141845, entitle4l, 4 , an Act. to 1111e,fttlie .the ievetre And dl= minishlhe Leststative expensiel of ' th e 'COMEIOII- Irealth; " en Act palmed the ,22d day of April,lB46. entitleVi an Act to proyide \ fps the rediction of , the State debt,' and an Ael*ssild the 10tit day _ of April. 1849, entitled-okan Act to crestia inglondeand tit protithrlot thargratioal= Loin extinguisistnitht , of4hit , 4abt,nf o the i wealth," the underiagnetiAPpraiser tits Taxes. of Scusprefiantlayfolitity, preitamo a rtsfof ell Merchants triclinictrithio irdd nitro, anti Riaced ,ettch ,of 'the • said_ 419.rebOists Utah class whiCh tiChitit seenicrieht: arid ,* 4l, e,ai r • to the provisions of slat! Act of Asedrablii as-fol. I . o lils. viz; „.146ii neldaenee. Proprietory_ ~I ' 'l ' el ' l ebikL ” Kill- - Aiburno - ' John ' P. Ltimber& z. f ';114 '':-/Jqi' 4' do , Waltman, & LOW, , . " I 'l4' , ''" . , , ' Brooklyn, . P. W. Allenr ''' j; ":l*'' ''' 'IV do- Ezra S. Refit & eci . 4 - ' l4 '-'1.....' ' -._'; • • do ' - 'Teeny &Ilasitli, - ', ' ' ft'':/.14.', - 4 - do , - R. T. Ashley v i ' ' '•l4 '' - -4 do . . Nehion, McMil l e n , - ... • 14.4„.,.5,, di ' - William . , 1 . 4 :', • , , _do • J . C. Loo, ..... ~ , , t in, .; ~-i- ,- ,‘:; i Oloootioti - Prancisitliiini, : _, .14: , Clifford, - Lobo ~,dr.. N._,Holated, ; ,A.l; - , - .. 1, , ;-.4 '''‘, do -BruidagO & Wint4"l ;.- .4 Dututidi, i .0...C0ne& Co. ... .„.= istr- - ' ',.„4 - do S. B.'Wells; . .- '' ' 14,,,,, ' -4 . do . E:Phinney , 14 ' ''.- do 'l-, Mitch da:Phimisr - - -, as Listr - .4 Dimock, , . I. : Lir IL Woodr u ff,.:-14 . . , .;4,4;:-. ' 4 l' Friendsirille, A. Wickham,_ - .;7';' , ' 14%; J , 4 Gibson, ~,, • ,'J. Smiley. ~.: ... -.. - := ,- ---111; .• ) , ..49 - do N. E. Kenedy, -- ..• 14`! 'r . do ; , , 11. - ButrOwest, Cei. ••• loil',; "1.. -„-A , - do Asa Howard," • ^-: . ',:' , 14' ,,- ' . • • Greet Rend ::. -- Henry Langley, , ~ ::43 'UV' do di ' loseph'Dube* 4 --''' It ' ". dd. ' ' Juba 11.1eRion e eY' - - .13,.,2-e t: ''' : . 4 • ~ d o` . : ,Thinina & Whiting '11:, .' I r ' do LS. Lenheim - 12' Lig.: ' -'--- '-': - -do M. H.C. Vail. - ' k at Lk: . do - ' lakesbide,' ' ", 14 ; i _ do - Taylo & June, - 14 Harmony, S. A. ODIN - 13 -:../ .-do' .. -D. A. yons t . -• ' • lE t- .do lIL I:yak, . ig do • g:ant & Chlager,, V .: . -. : lgfo I. P.-di R. H. totovtiL do t . Carpente r arsib4 a 'l4 " . l - do - Johnston di I . itnryl 13 - , i ' `• do ' • 13. - Seinfouic . 13' `'' • Herrick, ohn Idillii,' • ' ' '';- 'lt' - Lenox, .. A. 8.,.pf rril; :"-- 14 .'• do ER. _ lir* Ord , - 13 ~. - Shutt.. do , Eaton & co: 44 - - Montrose,- yG. IL wley, , 13 ,-• , • do r t. -W. L & S - 41. Mulford, 11 ; , J. Lycks zat. Son, 13 ,4 , ~" -'do ' F. B.Chandler, , l3 , d o. •H. I Webb, - - 13 o do lavoige Filler , , .14 do ' lac L,Tost & Co. 11 1' • '''• do - 14.1.. B. Wilson, * _- .- 13 1 - dd Beady & Read,. -- - 11 .'LI4. do , Abel Turkel] . - 14 'Lig ,- - do ' , ~ , J: Ethridge, , , , .14 .14A. do 'D. R. Lathrop* Co. 12 • • Widdletown, `F. - P. Hollister,. 14 - do Charles Campbell, ' 14 New Milford,' Win. C. Ward, 18' - '' do 'I.S. Little, ' , 13 do IL`Burritt, --7 ' ' 12 Mt do . ' 4.,M0554,116. 13 , no ' Hay_den'& Bre. . 14 - a - do J. H. Sutphen, , ..- ' - 11 . s Rush, H.J. Champion, , 4 , --- do ' 'H. Southwell, - - 14 ‘. . South well, •do '- ' N. Grahger & Cooley, t' .do ' James Tupper, ' 14'= ' Scisq'aDePot,E. Carliale, ' It do _C. S. Bennet,. : ' - IS ilist.. • -,' do -. S. B. West, , • ~ ' 14 . Liq: ' do , .. J. IL Sisitk, 13 -... do ' Thomas; Ingstrum,.. , 14 , do , %V. IL Sr. .IL. F. HO- ,1, "bourd, ' i ' l3 - - .do -. A. NVbite & 4•P0 ,. . .14 - `do - ; H. Cohen ' ' ' *- 14'• do _ ' A:4. Seymour, - 14 -Liq: do. , -Edmend. Stark T ' 14 ' Llq. do -.: A. B. Edgelti " : I 14 1,4 q- Silver-Lake, H. Chielmiter & &0.. la . Springville, • Dean & White s. 1 , 13 ' do - . .I: Smith, 14 do :, Seott, Johnson & Co. 12 do ::McMillen & Park 1 2 do '' S. S.* Grover, - '' 14 Jackson,- J , J. Tinier, - ' 14 Jessup, . Depue & Cooper 14 Franklin, 1. L. Merriman, , - 14 do. S. Fullel, l4 h, ;one e, and and in on the cheaper, or their Wes. !vyetoek IANS. • thismar fall to retbent. ,cals. leatl4n. el TUR bitalcbuil • BLL's. I •, Strings rileato, nstrtio. of fishionableJ. at the ( 11 476t0t • • .Tl 3 etry. La or HELL. ea Nettled's The b est Owe A. Tint boy NO -4 .121 dembm great 7ariety, „ .leltindi t si ...TUR IMIli 2 P M. ilia of day at‘ o. Good I illnd the ha PuU,. MEI . Lis! of groceries, Bear House; dar. Auburn,- ' John Rioly, . ' 8 ' s' , Appolacon, Harry Barney". - • ,8 • • do _- - Wm. BUffum . , .. ._ : -18 , Liq. Bridgewater, G. N. Allen, . iti 1 Dundaff, . -.Enoch Chambers; - 8 tiq. Fliendsvillo John Itobbe, , 8 Great Bend, John COmsteek, - - -, 8 'Lliii, do ' Lucien Scott, ' - • ~ ' 8 • do -Corwir -& - Millsrugh, 8 - do., M. 'AEMoe; - 8' - ' . - : do , '' ' Daniel }Evens; - - . 8 ' do•• .L. Carpen'tar,- ' f - ' te -*- -• • ' Alo. .... Wm. Smith,. -• ii ~ ', Harmony, Whitcondi ,BiNownian,'B. , Ll 4. Liberty, , - A.A.lfeetnan, • - lt. Montrose, 'A. 'Merriman, .- 7 '. do E. Bilie6ll, - • . ''• 8 _..:._do .F, - .ll.ordharni, .. ' - 7 - ' -' do , -1.. N.• Bullard, ' ''•. '; 7 - 44. New. Milford, Mitchell. &-Ihrding; ; 1 ;8 • Susien Wpot, Daniel-gunk); --- : 7: T Ull• ' . •do -, • 1 I EL - 13kinneri - - ' ' -, 8 Ifq. • • do, - Wm".-Ustinki " .B.'l!irp ....: do ..„ •- Harvey Bmitbr.' : '1 :. do , Giorgi Paggle*tnii; -" ',7; 'do ' ' • James Deli - - -it , - " do' -. ' N.: C. - Sip:W. ifork)ii 7 .* - do W. W. Clark, - - 8 do, , Perritie& Bon, - ,i, 8 . 44. ; 'de - - ' 80841'4 Ofilleratnii 1 . .• ' - ... •frooeiatioh; ' ' ' ' ti, .' - do ' • Edward liarimb, - ` B - 'cite: - lite: do Ftedoriek Pickering; ti.• ,do ' , Bissell/It - Stolle, - ....8 'ILA* And the *Judgfes'l4 the, Court . oft co * Pletut'Of said Couniiiwililiold a Mitt.4o , nt the Court Rouse' ui ilonticiiie, lit - iitl County, on Wednesday tha 'lOO itlait. bt 5 4 • • next; at one o'clock lll P. . 'olt;' whteh 'th is : { place any of •• the Mite : Mints; detimix• I,:daiktfimidi i Elp t and classed ir afore nafdi - 'ol o tbnir agent di idiots - *ley, may appeiti and a ' al, bolo Mad atialaaat: went if they think inoperi; --,- - i ' • • March,•, G.W - . 1 •LE,,W1 siii-lippiaailer Dimock, 211t,185 41 .." • . GARDEN SEEDS—W TIMOTHY 'SEED, all !sorts of Goods, at QELLING Goo4sich . eap,_ mi~lie room,! `ijow minty; at '; 'iTURRELL • TVAY imte bilForest Adulinistratoi, THE oadersignedlhaving OftnApoltited M. agatstraars - to - the'eltatsiof.fohn d ceased. of 1:01cnoek io.wiakt I're4iteist fi:4' debted to eijA i talscitilitake_payineht 11b 1,44 Octant 14 or payment. 1•• = ; Poißt k iiruu s w 309- ,:montrkatblffifeb 13, 1354:,%_11153. Aim' Neve Sprlig Gibed& THE a nbaeribet it 'ikenr,' ieeetving aft ; lineal anpplk - of Spring, and.: ennunVaidt,' and 'oats, theca foi imle its titiip oaths 7: 70111140,- Montrose, - Re* - Stave& SUlRRilrris no, illiestilig• dideit" 14( - ANIldiA Ploy and abop - Stersejleireer .Or gen; apt It eolkitticifipw Wttlir Preit4110114:10 ina :Gs troo* ,, segito".,..iwitamsame...* jniptetea Mum. f • ' •? - Ail;TigAt, • Etevated :'.dote One it watt& b -zoiodt*ilisa ievillit -jive* Mces ..bk4blloT-4 • Vl* . 1153 ' . Mesa% and Itett