Etai=2 p ic I *am- fr ,t. ~ f t t y- zT, :r LIM s ' tint, a tki ll i t PW• l4 P i " Se , itriF)* E. ti.6:wk i 4i- - 4 tsls.l4, ...,liii'ci!:;-;; lijouirose 34‘ • , t elvent;el , l/AANI Tie no AnJ.l4;6w On earth, Are men erose hands are brown 'with:toil, Who hackixlll-nolancestrrit graver, Hoar4 . wn the.. woods'and tilt the coif, .•181111411141f:iditt iprouder . T 4 lrfiititibilokiing ling or warrior's tSete. The orking men j what'..r the tank, To carve lho stone, orybortr the hod, 1%4 46.:* *pp r honest brow, The roy:11 startip*/ soil of God,- , And brighter are the, drops of -sweat, Than diatr,onds 'n a coronet.. God bless the nobl working, men, Who rear' the eiti - es of the plain, W_h_oslizi,hpmines and build the ships, And drive;lo,o.itnatee - ::,Ofilie, - main, God Wee, t4fett' ftir, ihelr ivrairthy hands, Skye Arroeght the glory of nil linds: • 's , - . - - Idleuests and Vice: - 1 - iroUr% Bien , beivare.. of itileues% Accustom '.l.hOiliitlle,habiti,..if refit, darlabor.. Fix the attmftiorn !iron a course of usefulness to your : . selrind others.' -Awaken within:yourself an iiittfent, for the accOmplishment of, a purpose. C'ilitiVati,a habit of patient endurance. Let it be your desire 6 secure the approbation of the prise, and good.. Link yourself to those who are doing gotiviiliii4 ru'llie world, and_ wlicraiinpose the frame work.of societ . y, and let ymir yitotto twe'de tenni nation, activity, and pr*veran Ce. Sit dOivn i . cainly, while you are yoting, and, lOok_ovi the ground; and get a clear view of '+what.pps before you. 'Then ' lay .your ,foundation - and -go to- work. . . Whitt Kate difference between tee 'who begins life in earnest in this manner, and ait, .04th:14h° Ms at all. t_he precious time of preprationi - Thalone starts strong and rig-' orons,infi>the,'grand work Of life; the other commences feebly; aims one stroke here and then lays down hii tools, and, don't know when hewill take hem up again.. The one exertg aii in ilitencc _ hroughout the con - Annuity ip which lie lives, andis - name Is honored and...will be handed down to posterity as, one identi6pl,..ohlLis.fountry's progress" in 'all i• - ihatis,good and g eat; the other is unknown exeurthy.those to whom be is a burden=--he , he it 'Of no toelds a, member of society, or to his:.#,itimil;c':, and when he passes away his name.ivill he forgo,t,ten by all but, ttiose who, ,conneeted..with,hira by the ties - otnatut, will l i pethaps,lorigfeel dat the , recollection of. the'fact,tlint "lie ied . ,as thh fool dieth.” vlt seedis surptvin till t two such beinWs-ean be long to ihre same sl3ecics. ' And yet-lhisis,the• natarat consequeneL of starting in the two different, directions.i We often seesuch wide- . /y different; careers idiveging from alniost the same, poi n't. ' Th 4 - same 'family ' will he nble to rejoice over one son who has realized the ea pectation4 of friends, and . is 'pursiting a&,hon-- orAfe•eareer, aad on the other Laud Will be called-to mourn over another who is bringing his parents to Amine. It ittfue too ' thatevery young man has all thelhatters in his own Bands. Each has the power, to turn his, el frOm the:path' of the foolish and seek fir l true. honor. .We' are mofe and'niore fearfully impressed with the fact that has the power of control over his.teati destiny, except in cases of abso lute ignorance of the way ofimproveinent— Yotfig mangy look i l i about yoit:, Inquire, whar you are doing, what you ought to do:— i. Let if-nOt he said 'plat you are _ -r ' , riwk like plant, to One peculiar spot, T..9ar3ir riiiti? . tion, propagate; and rot." If yon have been dreaming away 'your life, wake up and tale a netv'start. It is not too late. , ; iTou. call , make your mark upon the world. The area stirring times, and though we doltet, with-some, think th world on the higli - iyin i d to,pet: 1 - i adoctionOetc* know that thikis an . ageO * f tvonders, .an of progress, anil l iktr offers. a*6pportunity, for every in.*: wli:O 2 . W.nnts• fo :vc,i*:,, which, had' never beeli offered tefore.. 7 .—/Ld. _nap - Union. . ' ' ' __ .....Work 1 iit.ork t - I have .seen?atid. , ellearl - :of2pEople who th"glivit :beneath_ them to weilt--4semploy thetuselvekindustrioitslv'at some useful labor. Ilermiath , thern io work? : Whv, *ork is the gNatest motto of, life; and liZ3'. Wrn ho . aieo - -. , plislhe' - '-.. yr by , las industry, is the most*, trittiea titkiva , Ve, and is It o most clistin guAmtion-4rn lig biz - vs, 144 And the • i mworho forget's.. lisi duty Ealdinself,hisfellow c readies, find Iti God—who so Or forgets the. great blessings of life as to allowlis epergies to s4gnate -in inactivity and Uselessness; had ,betist itie'''; Tor - sos Holy Writ, " - He that will wet . lAther'sliall' he eat,"`..,` An idler is .a cumbentibt;theroiand ; a weary curse' to himself akwell -a those , around; him.. - ~ , e Beneath-hutin work i Why, what but the toifitiiiiir liistaY (Alai brings for#the improvement that never allows'. Elk toPbelEautentod With . any.sttainment he may ha , * effeOted—What but thisiraisekman aboVe thi'' &Creation, and 'nada - Provldetice; suOpuAls'liiin:Witli - ccanforfs.,)uxuties and re-, fineitien'ts;' - physical, mOrg ' and_ intelteetual blessi„ , :ili glint, ointothe great poet, arat he eat-s4hoiroirereat workingmen. The vocation infinitelir . WlT&riotis than that of IhittfNaritfuntAi anditlit istudteeli life has atoteamde than that of any other insif.l Anktall- , witheu , the prelervaize, Me - atten- , t tion to real ind stty, can never sticceed.= -Hence the number ...,ist tireit(pretensions to, sehe' hwahip; Or those tiho have-not ME strength atiVridilittr . : Vi:t4 - real . schalari, but stop 'halt w#; - * - atiOlye 4 sinatterers-a sltiitne 49 Me prottssiOn; ' ' ` -: 1 BeneathAuman bein g s tckwork ! ' Look i n the akin's-midi(); the r . poet'sgartu . t, -where the genius' of iiiimor _tailorgland§ readifoSeil hi1,...-F.Trk with 1.1 . Lunetacalde aignet, , and tiwn . yo#EF4I-p4r.ifeeindeltsy standing by • ber th hurnatt beings lo- work! —. Why; 1 that rig - thee-Mat a child of mine &mid la - - boll - iegiitiirly'4-the lem - eit; weitil eihpio,v. ilynt,,thanAti.. j tvaste, its time; bddy;,Mindand soul,'ln't6ky'.thienksis and useleatuem. ...". Bet! ter to Wilirlaina.year-thart-toi:ust out in a century._ '''S 'lOl "e 'X 1;I r i. _ :• 1 4.eae:44 11 1 11. heil3gS3o iT4Athl-: • - What w i bllti* his ' led. our :Sields; cleated • our lxdiee i built r houses, •t ri t ilied tt i.tturrap* pitted** ' lcitultivateil ,4 o ll ,. .ixiiiidit' - itini sotatittZVir • :`out . your own - satr A tiOit4 4 .--' saritthiluip — i vp id o 'to it he dittiliis. .' 1 ' 7 5 0 1- is' or i .*! =- , - Sr*Glititerlimatoe*44 tidOlielighis s #lo4oool4.o,,fiik , ,,tls• Livery to MAMA* . 1 1-1-4Ctikey . r i , Livery ma:will:it to tielp lie iteigidier re caarar Esrey an andwomiatirssu_gh ! Eft list malarioxi.4l :cati:' , '';Evellfrialithdhld 4 east WS Ilifik4." " ela ' eat: V svery'sle!sloVid lease tier _husbaud ' she eau._ Eviii, - .. W 1 . 1 : .. ' BOA:Hiles' ii 4 10nM..:-.4.4 t 1 4 1 4, eralyrip. ~ 414§RyletiRmA:44- 4 .0041:1, „ if xp r om , ....e94040)44444,4.,merviii. per,, , ~_ .. rjtii-gi4e can. - .1 , . .. . - .. ' What an rpm's& ! kiratier,-,,trisocia municating 4 0 4fislattlettf - -0444.47 ' M=EI;;EMiE ~ e ~r~ „,. _.. I-- Y he'lrilyingf ' r ThYstutatt Itijust I pion ct4.•thirsolerirtf:sitirds,.' tourlet , size' 14 dePsi i s 4 t if etlY; ' A ,s*Telike.iiiiit of an in=' font , • tonally p*cs iiVei_herOw•ny clieek l • . - thing . is baSY .. iitil,i•cgtilirt,, :execpt - a little. bortt, and, she .looks so gcaiant you Fs 'aiinciq belteve her dying. Qh l,liow c4rnestly yfou 14Teecli the God•oflife to spircyour lov ing arid-1 ely conipanion.' ' PM, tenderly ' ''r • I you press h er to, your heart lik4some tender mother :t mitt' her ' Abetitg ) inrunt ! .Hote l Pass' itait y c l ni , pre4iour lips7to-her` _cold ti to liaw ian ,ttith .thetztrorkAcasir ykilt s ihave -passed with her :Memory Sculls the time whet; with a trainbli ri g•voiee she whispered that 4tur love wiut all- re, turnkid and how true She ris ever been to thatiovit.' r.l.Yoi ts Mcol ip lect him happy rind trusting shi?.loo .loo ked into youti face when you first pronounced the words ”, myl w, ife r You reineinber, - too, 'when you ecrrnit' tirr4 *A ' , ohm - her tender sinile, her' tip l' iiiiied iyes, full Of loVe and symp a thy were upon you l! :How'. wili w minis=. ig!y . ss;. 1 tered 0 all ,Youil wants, an tn herotin cheer ful isl Y-soon lurid° yOu for et the turmoils,of lif e' 1 . 1. , • 1 'I ' r • • .- 0 Nfemlry, be quiet! Arid yet,. there is' a „ sade l ticA pleasure in such thoughts, -for you .knowl that to that confiding creature you' were ever ! kind.., - * , 1 ,_. '...t .; ,' ;-i f' d : - _-,1 • ' , - Bt.f. se,i, - shi..MOvi t iin4 and.- m obs ,as though she *)shed to speak to - sairia , one. '1 how anx iousliy Yoia listen, lest yon loft, a.ri . i.d. "My husband, she 1-exclaims r' x , am still with You and leaning upon ; that, breast .that has ever been a sweet resting place for me.-- Iliit, in,l,t oriowing , one I must kayo you, I seem to be mitre favoied Orin you, i 'or I go to that, bright Imid before yOu'; ,for to part with you itttlais coldiwOrld rind lixle, ,would' be more twin I couldrbear, therefore the Lord, 1 is ifif, tender mercie.4, l ha's bilnininiffial of irmikt .icss es-en here arid has called mofirst—,-, Lovpi. one, weep not forrn ,e - am 'J happy.-- I•) bki rigs joy to the. Soul; .It releases my happy sPirit front its .wcatistune body. , And soon, my husbitrid, tliis:*owl will be eticircled *lilt a wreath bfieVer,fadiag glorms--glo riOus,ctown sparkling.*tli4 l 'enri; land best Of a11,:,' my Savior, who Ilii f iin tin ;the prec ions gift for me, will b their, and eN;ett - brie wele , sine to that c, ity, ,whoselstreets, are paved with gol&-I—where one biiglii•summer always ' reigns---itbes partilik, , serreiv,,pain , and ant-' iety will newt come. Thonidear One, when you see:cohr rind dead4--Wtien these .• limbs once lay, still :and quiet4-wlierirliev lips, that ever gave.back thOitss - ii•olufk:te,_, re fin e to respori4 to yours-even:lt tlio last kiss—weep, riot, fiti know that fam !ha ,I" ask yon _ not l ie 0 . no!!-+.1hink of 1:130, and' forget all my waywarduesS,rind meet rile, oh! meet melon the flowery 1i•...48 of the river of_ life. There we will nevoribb seperated, but will bask in' the sunlight cif' out Itedaemer's countenance forever, rind sti I foreTer. But, hark! what music is that li—it comas still nearer 7 —wbo is' that cnlis iii t 0, 1 i,ee l-'-_ They are coming far m 4 with palms of viefe ry:--they sm il e, they welconierne,l I conie I come l 7 :3'Loved and tru' fa t rOvell ! Bless him' —m34-7 ana sQ sayin gher:lovely spirit takes its flio , _She , fintshei lie). rrayor 9 !whore they enbest, beheard,lbefOke the_ throne 'of God! ; ! '•i P " -1 The ortkelyffe BY 1. The Unpest of 114nrfcark Life. • Tras4lers flllOll • the g.a..4]retlitn charmed with ther hrief respite-frouky crowding cares mid life' ,perPlexing bustiel The pressure from ivithout removed, ihe . fl yield -theta - selves', to 6(1 sitrrotindfitg intitien4;.and enjOya re freslurtg)nterlutle of pci.feCtirree. The arta thy-which settles upart." the' soulil of thase.4 blithlrett of, elle sun, is fad /extreme . perhaps -more Oeeplylio be deplored Dian Oat to whi&h our younz hpd•vigorons stern , l'l"p world is 's posed ;The;' true Nriout lies between, aud points to ratinal and temperate` use of 4' privilig . es and irossessio s. .t. tl i Ile tiself is shortened V . 4, tthis, „ unspari g dri 1,. tnion its energis. - To, crowd the t it, g Ad 'titeii of fears into njetallic ii. - -nof. always gaining ; timelier the wall-out •• frame .sits in yd e- , 1 , ment upon - the-relentle-si / 04, and fetteri,3ti, with rain, 'weakness aUd S - orrow,. , 'Alio . : likasi not leaded for peace with ill aid cravingsH or 1 an immortaf nature, and Areamid of a, torkl' jo come when the,weariv head ;laiglit tepkt undi4Urbed. and the hand's fr44'-themsekel formtilittle while in tiurerikred' idleitisti4- , - . ; Whti•doei -aot prep f ra little calm nixm - thia rush g, river 't ' I i - : : - .1 - • - I t i :-. - 1 w oftea amid e wildest pu7uit ofna ft-.. • bitioa,or gain, ,does net• the imaginatieni gel, fort4nfito green fiells,amishadedigood rt;atio-1 andil'etig for their itt-ancihilizing: infltietce l '; 1 but - Chainctlat; iiiliagi. Bands ; _hare forged, and Willing captrres worn, have - become:part •of the habit-of being, and will.not be ;laid ' aside., , " • ; The ' only ,abiding 4itieiness that Min.:, cap Ossies, comes frem . the - settee of all the soul's 1 real; hieisings. god alone' can difft, perfect: - peao; arid - lie n * aieravithobia Lit' 4roni]lhiin ' whd unsatisfied with earth% highest good seeks froti "GM the incorruptible treasure that the ' grafe Cautiot,..detiain or destrory. Mite of pu rilyt'and jirayer, deelf-renunciation andlgett-- .tle•Chariti4N,Ofehild-like'',lrefiance `upon the lind,tles and-justice - of the Unseen' Ruler 'of ] monad_ Itabit+l-I.4eMuce.lo the life •,; that liesi•beyond the reach of iArtalsvision,lthiSis ' -a life of peace. •,Fortunes frown cannot dark- • en -it; the fury of cont.ndit . ig passiitna!'ea s naot 1 4,1'8.104 and therelainetlung to fear,iinoe ill.: mast end in 'leaven at fast. - . ,-••.' T. ,e -t , , one of the prorp7U44.,a* Of life,'*ri i be the aOaiumttat of that peaee•that 'passeth - all ;und4rstanding, withOul,whith lifes - ixtßst ' c ' 04.1 1 0§ eesi *.l..iicRi 1 4e ili :I?ftid9iito - I *,, 11 4,••1 with discontent., ' -i : . . " I , If all the-youth's - flattririg-2 hikes ; of lame 'atd-,wealth end in il l s'appoitlartenc. if - friiiada - .1 depart . or become eatiaatired i .he tibia; - has sought, imi hest. hg,. eaiViiei„,has vtliiti i ftself an' 'abiding ' rho hallOirs 41 .its jiteeint‘nntl. ; .44 1 it .... with it tlir'igll the 'gates toel'deatlt; ia e•itistnsUppcirt:ed lkore_ the eternal.: .., a.. ~,,.„.1-.4, 1,, , if •-•-•4 .- ...-1--1:; ; .. if.:,:l ~, . ; pr.ifir*rus.---4 sorrow that all thin; limn depay,l44trit: ./141tusut. !I. ' :.—, -ik ",-1 t`r 1 0 - :-, ,WI • 1 ii . n i,.:.t.: ..! , - . i 11,4ni - -:.••voor ;Pensioner on the bounties of an hour. Young.! '';.-- 1 -1 1 `, - . --- 4..., • 1 - t, *"..f. 1 ' ITh4 way-of thivOild,.ie to Aare lali:ieVul -follow: eitkoini..l.L.:3l-411.6.i.,,,,,....s / , _ 1 .:, 1 ' if • --' -.. -1_ . . - j . -.-.- *.]:'-'-^-- , , ore{ f t 18 Ml 4, lie f lpertelatei ytlti Obi the. 4nd that,lii Ile; . ighati....ettikr. .. ' . .......= lv -4.. ...,, t ‘ :;Yodiful raft 4 'lts lik9 r 4 l l ll o s k.Over. . I the la 1 , - a gixxte , 4140.1,4 - • Ir t t et - 4 7140:0f tiiirtn *l4Prititki _i ; f 1 . 414:1 4 Gralfifkir'l' - ' - ';'"if .- ;''" ----- ' . • . • 1, __tl7-1, 144-:4rifli- itYrn ' 7 ? pt if u la s i Th e , o2o teas 1.7 rf 'P le f" Pi ll 4 1 " 44- * In/ .I *W. , 4' t,bohiko veL ..,,, ;%.-: • ;.. 1 . 1 , t ~,. :-, -) 1, 'i...f_, Beauty Is Alp IV 0 , t ., 4 ro, e te *i e . i t, 44 it , palls iitt havito &Est .4hlmii . held i4,, filtnFi:•4-4 4 04 - Atiit 3 4;:*‘lik . :l-470 1 , Tie.Y-'7' ;', . ', '': -. : ,- 1- 1 % . `. ... . ' e:;% :;': , ::4. .;:t. • : ': . . 4r .. 1 - l ar l ta rAtt* a. - ~,, . , t ii - " gi ity:itteiSignat r .101,,titlx.m.. ~lii 001001700 g, 1 1,. .„I - li - peakeeire , Anent stee l trap, Ailipmade -to, take the tlr , or Iby the Feargennt-atkttms. MEM E=ll lA: . . r i P i :- 0: ii 1C TE a ft E A fly ipuix.A.a,pitt - ihiglit&t, 1011SE-Estebllaitral - 2d gear' age by e. KIN EF.l,lNolforner of Tilled ..V.. Unien ltilAtetwasu*Mtile and Dine, l'hitadelphla, Pa. . .. .' ~,Itrisktilledtrelapprised.,that 'Dr. Ii.LNKIL, °outlaws a's rat', tiett 104,44 ticulaebranch of eriedictae, Which en- • i gp hillirithotded attentlog. Ilonatitionitheuolorttinate pgaluit-tlia ;alinse.of tuerenry ; thousands arc .v 1 ; 11 / 1 1 44" 1 tidetcOrialised out2.lifo. it •.)tetent'ageetionartre'Vt9 lll l , llY tritltigniabed. :: i •-, ' -.- , '..- - , TTeph it iroat i et.E.i v otience . 1a the ttrattnont °Coque of Oisopes bitherth neglect ed and IniperiCetly un deditOod, has eflahled Dr. KINK El,lN,(Avrtion or A WOLK Walla, Partiwratiox.)trivrove that nine tenths of the catisep'of neredirel dettlity: local and constitutional weak. negra:astentill end ptyslegl 0 ffuriim, are traceable to Cier- Kitinkabits;fortnittgthe :octet eeeret yet deadly Ida fatal !IMMO Ofticimetrin tuliegy eild pretnature mortality. rakP kin tett in si .Ai g No Oleg -There is an evil haidt. pomettmestridtid.rol' beys, in,solitude, often crowing uttvrith theta •tii rancho dil, a fel which, if tio _reformed, in due tltuo, udt 4tilY be, eta aeriousOFstaeles to matrimonial haPpluesa, but:vices act to o seriereof protracted. Insidious, atiii dewuttatiug uffeetions. 'Few Of those who gire way to this gm.rnieloni ifracticc ere awarli of the -consequences, , notitthey gad Mtn nervoUß system shattered,. feel Strange and Unaccountable feeling*, and Vague fears in themind. • , Thit,unfortniatellus'atiected bectimes feeble. is unable tot abor with otietisionted rigor, or. to apply hie mind to stiodY: his ittel% 30 tardy .and weak. he. Js, dull, irresolute, sad Ogagell Id tits sport with lees - energy thou usual. if he earanelpsto himself before the practice has done its *wOrsta and ontrr 'tnatentony. , hisnia:riaye is u ilfruit Intend lita muse tells him tlit this ti e,tured by - hit early follies. Three are ron.tidcratiensichiell shoull awaken the atten Von re thOse simi:orly situatel 1.. 1 , : ' - ;3lliirrinttri• requires Via fulfilment of several condi - - tiontiOn orderthat W I may . lie really the cause of mat tie! -11 00,nrss. donid the veil which. covets thi-otion or un nratie4retchiksirreFs be titiß rd .aci 4 Its t rue edut ee in . every iststaucti diaeloited-3 C 0 how 4iany could it be traced to'phys itialdisileralitleatione end thrir at ten.tobt diroopcint wilts: Xplay them while it Is yet time, in order to hate' y..ur un strung and relaxed orginigetion retraced, !O f t Med and rtrengtbeatL , . ' , . • l'ig 2i 1 1,1 c: it ilEfk-lje 'who piece* himself tinder 7)r. It INKELIN'S treatment rn' . 4 - religiously torniLle In his hon or. as a. g I:diet:on, an/Lelyupt4 the assurance , that the. areret I of,Dr. it's . en elitill rit4 et. be dfsclOsed. ". ;Youngman -let Up folge.tnntlesty deter eon froth Malt.' lOrt-yonr ease knnwnlo -me :erho.from education and vesper. tabilily,can certainlyi befriend you. • ' 4 • .Tuo many think they Will ettneeal the secret In their own Hearts, 'and 'cute thethselvei., Alas! how often . is t is et fatidelusion' lt Yn and IftrWany - it 1i - idolising young , an, vim might have been ad . ornament to ;society, has sled front the , earth: . ' , • "I : fttrietutes Of thetretbra! are rapidly rena4red by the applicathin of a tie" hOrape•utieall agent; Owl 'ably 1 Dr. K. .Weajpes s ot, 4rivtitutiottal debili!y promptly ettred,istid lull stgot restored. ' ;• • " l, Con nit i'F I , Ili writ Ida Can :trays thy _stating their care explieltl,'y, touciher with all t lull' symptoms, per let ter eittelosing It remltt ancetbr. tirA: medicine, op propria aid aecOriling ; iy. ! r, • i -' • - 'irorwarded tO Iraq iiirt of 0 he rnited Stateti,, and peeked secure tram Oil VAG g . or crraosinr. - - a. - 2E/04 ! , --Youth'.i and .litanhood• A riterbis ZOO orm l'remdfure Dettth, hatiltain on &q.t . ! . . ..,Pecterration-:.-0n1y:25 Cents. : It is a work etninontly ;el tilted , as a menvis of reform- . 4the vices Of the ogeln which we live. - Al so, , l . With rules for the prolei ngatidh of ',Wejnet,,.4:ort the Press 3.A letter-with a renittiarsce of •deents, or ; the wane in post stamps..addriiiseditca;-pr laltiltELlN:i'hiladfdphia, ea. will secure a eiTy ,4 either of the ahnve boot, A by, return of milli or I- ,1•01e0 will be stut free of poste ire for sl' - licioksellerS, eantiiiis ers.Tiie citing Ilitgentr., &c.. kuppiied wholosale let the phh.tisher's pricesorhich admt If a large profit. ! ": • - '• ' . q ~......... ,„ , ~ m a s t. , , i ~,-..4- ..nia ....rti era b e Fish.p3i4..' • - .Austkalia t : Cali f la Or any plai9 on! th Wolle,.cez n ,scnt greater •influcerients trnia oant l n —KEELE R ;STOOD. S i BOOT AND SI101:: S OWL'. is ti'cow • fitted with a newi and eaten assortment: of articles tri their. line, :embracing - it general variety 01 new and elegar‘t :Styles of - L.iidtee aid • Gentletnen's wi•at, among *hint) are Wisp Fren4h. :Silk Lasting and Pre nitre Gaiteri, Kid and .;rtitmeled Polkas, Kid Pat ent leather and bronzed Jenny Linde,. Buskins and Ties; gentlemen's I Feranch and Philadelphia oak-tanned calf skin and kip /pots, Congress and button Gaiters, 'Monterey and Washington Boots, toilet Slips, Morocco, ' -calf. and Cowhide Bro. tans. Src• ' Boys k,ip, calf and cowhide Boots and :Brogans; all kinds of Aliases and Children's wear: Also, a general assortment of Findings, which con sist in part of lasts, pegs,-spitraldes. //nrigarian mails, tacks. thread, Bristles; Woe binding, rasp!, sandstones, shoo knives, &c.' Also, ::oak and hemlock tanned calf upper and soleleath erg Merocno skins and lining!. • Work made to order aud I....raring neatly d,. e.' REELER STODDARD. 211-introso, June i-. 15.53. srsQUEII VOIT:VisV 'STO7E AND - TINWART.' DEPOT: ,L. I VEBSTI;BI 4 . CQ! would respectfully. - , . to; infOrrn the, people.. of this county and the peoplefiu 'genera l, that the'y have opened an estah lishirientof the alma kind in Montrose, at thy, olif. stand ;of Slayee and 14 ,- ,ebter., , one door north of the amitOirat office; wberiathay intend to keep on hand's lat,.te assortment of , Stores Tin, Copper, Brass and sheetlrpn Wares, of which they will sell as cheap as 440 Falkio".hought In this or any Other county. Among our stoVes may-b . f. round the following tag - ides others tic, nnmerous to mention.: • ;\,ZI". 4. E-ie; air-ii,g,iy, for wood.• ,• : illiidern .!'rod . .-" : i " or coal. ' Kkysione &ate ",i . , .". 4t . , . - Valcan • •t 4 • da . B 4 ..SeVL% Ls ; 1 Ai . :LL . Ores( Qacert., elerate s Ll t Oieli. • • , 11,Willtrk, - '- : ~: r ' • • Also,Parlor, Office . ittiA "shOp Stores, Culver's Pat-, 'ent Hot•thrFuruncesjor heating Public Buildings, Stores, Mists. etiv: lt , vi:, Trimmlnc,•Pipe, Zinc,. sheet Lead, LeaC Pir4, Well !a.od Cistirn Pumps, Chain.Pdatß, chain+nd,Geariii7. .. D — All.kinds of; Custom Work (lone on short no tide and most reasonable terro.-.r ur motto is small refits, ready pay; anil quick Let term.-•(r •' . l ip I: *,,,,A,llkiads of ' Prpduce tit ki t.. n in. exchange for Wases.-Ilf•you don'tjynlieve it, ,all and see. . .. A. L. -WEIBSTER & CO. •1- - - Montrose sept. 15, 11853. - . . .., 1 , . ,iNIEINVI GOOD%.' , • i 01711 assortment OW comprises almost every article wanted; .and -Wo fear some that are, not iranterl, why' 'we will sell •at cost and some arficles at ler i a than cost on that same account: • it -- V: pURROWS & Co. Gibsfin Oct.2p, I:853. ; .'SHAWLS. -- Nsvop,LEN .LONG SHAWLS, I. ot) qualiPes, 4 and . f.eautitul. patterns, 'U. 11.1iRROWS 1 !ciT, , .oice R0b631 1 / n,rery 'daVplleel,orithe cos i • . b sßn i No; ~I. UTURROW`f Ttio Artist'.s'iGreetincr: i - 0 FrieUdg Pati•on , i and' E'rerybody another milel stoup „irk been ;reached on.the journey of ti life— Ither de - ,4,iee ta'slhebn marked on scalo 'Of 0.-it - nether linli•.has -been severed ,friim the, chain sit' the future.L.another page has been writ ten in: the gTeat .Volume 'Of the pst=and a,gaie 'we witness the b;:i;ght ckpnipg of a Nev.- Year: And at its'ea t tly davqn vre" meet you`, And with a'thapPy;nelk,pat" greet yen:, And new, a.4'ydn rtview the year justdeparted, and ilitli opodit4 joys and soriow4--its pri%i -lege-3:04ed," mid its :plaqei neglected; ' per. chance,lome. of ydu havCnegfeeted to call on the Aitist'ati d . :sec re ' orie" lOf those "Faithful halOics" -- ..T-i'; ~ vin4oh lightlan :ftiti - IrttltinalTief,l:spell, • „ . - Itrim:irking together, eidn'hich so well f' • - f But yOu, - niay 3 1 ,et resiceutthe past. A.c you lay your liPaus' for the advarfeirti . year, let this occupy an early and piotaineat placon . .,the : programme of your future intention" . ~ . Woul N Would - you lease a Lagting impressni ;Glad, you? ;..Como tb tbe.,Dagtiecrean Galle ry ! Woad you "see yetir4eWes aS others see your'Come , to the Dagnerieint Gallety. Would you make -an appropriate , xptesertt' $9 - 3 •cherislact friend 1 Comelo the pio44e 7trO,Onisl ; Ana - lkside all this, * - otiid - Yppi,_Andmalie,glad the eat-Cottle Arti t! 1 , • . . . by . „ Then - let it a peat prormbinz here - e Thittsdari ~.,', l th Ct ys9r I.'i ft y Vou r, - 1 , you will : onb and 1 ,n11, - te s'are to call • l At "OtldTelloste 1.1a11;'-genrrnd Floor.. L -, - - • Wit:DEANS. ' ' 3iontrose, lan.; 2, ISo4. it I •IP • k3 ; t 4.pappistr 'LOT Acctice. vollow., i f ; lt4reliv that iiaters 'l l . ,stne` mentatyinppn tlte ftitateof . `Bailey, latniMartnony townalttp, deed, have cett gran telftotfiisninteriloer. 'All persons indebted to .naiirestlttio„laipir.egitent,ed to- swam ?lupe slatepsxmO, these kayo Claims upon mid" etitito;tarpmeratltie:in duly 'attested for settle ment. !I .1 a_4,LEyyls, mixer. ~ Thomson; !e , ict, 20 ,1854-Bwk • .flpigtsgo!.__ amOodcbtik.l,4ii!iltshed ii :ab Op in totNs..gayett7e Sore,' n. Aloe. t. Fwe : tber i polka ail pelif keeve. hgt.nd r"..lintprzi.a.s4unx,l and „* .o,tare e same into piitin*tp..An344ll,# 14.4 & 4 7•Ikirp-ii , • grilteliatr ti Pmilkett.S4l4- solicited._ ' colstourr. nEvrE.rt Mintrffe,44.Q.s.lFs3—tt. • , . - -- .. -:. • StVivl . l Sto`yOs :::Stovel, 2! ! .. •• ~ ii Trim iSero.and - i[ilellow Lear. remind- - us . 1 :that tho fast!iiiproael: of thelteen l'rusis of Old, GreY Winter). ti hen one of theie ur,stir- Oassable snll Itighli! . 4rovetl Stoves from the blest, extensii - o - - 51enufrietories 'itiqtbe. Uhien, Messrs. Shear & Pnek4d, become itidispvilliable to every latAtily. We irtiuld tvspeetfully sondur.ect to . the, cittgeni of atiquehr.una and neje niiig counties thht we lrsteljtist reeeive:t and :it re ceiving the iltiraest titid!hest ,asserttnent of S uTes et•er.introtliteed into .If4tern Pennsykt•noia, it hid' will be 8014 ut the vciiil towest caq: jigure.l . To these whence . in want of Stoves the,S, - will flnti: it to their interest to - eillVantl 'examiM: our variety before ithre:bahhiLr elieliilterei . The? ! comptise in part as folthws:- - -- r. !,;. '•_ 1- • ,-• . • United ,Stat4 , e, .-,- i';f ' Oribttill P I;:4sterqjncen C. 0., .-1 7 enittany • Fire Clipper E. 6..,(1 • • Finny• Nntionat Air:Tigla 4;:: P. • frrol4 . .. ff • . Morning, Saar, l -', l ! - Cottire • -e. , l'artnere A ir- 'Pio/it; - - 4-c..1 4c. ,1 e, ' The abo;ie Stareioe tot well turywn 1 quire any 'Minute . dhsitriiition; being, the PnPult'lll l ll aTirff o V 4 4 l tos'e, in market. • Al' may favor its with rtle4ll will be tstii)cvli ti our 'assorttnent( with !pleasure. a Reeolleii number",-4E.tss's t'ar'-famed "iDne'Vriee ~'::. • IlarforkTa., 5ept.,43,-35 . .1 - 1 . • J- • • I if• • CAMPE:Orr i EItiS . IIO4EL . , .„- (Fat ll ~ y ',••• nu itolsEnE4l: vEND„P4 rpm , . suliscriber;liaNing rented this well knoivit i house, and re-fitted and re-farnishcd in' r good Style, is nOw preparbd;; to' receive trod" entertain I guests ,c,' This Itoue; delig , htfuilY situated. On tho batiks Of tf4l Sui --; qUettanna river, on the tint of the Ne;,ii. York aril iF rie, and the , Dehlwari., LackaWanan nn4 overlOoking ; a most biNttztiftil se?,t#t • 91 conntTY, and - is , the pan,ertua s::ener y anywhere. - As - ASlnuarit Ritsnwr for the :,!brisineis - nian.l seeking quiet aid frkdoln from ilthe.nnike and - din of city! life,andi Or ladies anti gt.ntlernen in J pursuit of,pleapure - neiid the rttral.Scenerytof the country, this locatiOn'eannot einalled.j. Here the Weary ;:trnvtiller'is r tsecure from thd colifudon - 1 incident 16 the iconiirtt r tal arrival iftid dcparlnre trains, Which, sreciaPy- in the tdplit • tit, a is nil very grent.:annA,ynaito.t,itose itopnin mat totnscs-:. very near ihe i)cpt, •:t .l.;l - , ills neWi pleasant :mil Well fUrnish-l; ..11; his Tzi,ble Witk.ali the delictieies whie j h Voth; country uttd city ni,arliets nfford ;.;and.:no; pains it will be spared tamake his.houne apleaStint home II to all his guests. ; t„- GUEST. will lai.-conc - eyed and fromilto ; • crrs,at nny lu duper night, Intl : good Oinnibus ;I t .1 free of char,ge. - :t E 47;" Ajavi:ar . i o{ .. ..i.ntr. is - attached, ,t o the, ;House. . 4;, • - • - !" N. V. Great Benk:Juna; 4 ';Lir 1833—'2Gtf. , ...i..... . , . larruut .1110n.skt.lut, rent -Bernd . Pepoi, ..• :.. + . 1 1 a ..... . If;i .. ~ rr lITSneW and sPaOons buildin - fr situated but! 11, a . feW feet front'. he Depot at Great . Bend; is; w op note and furnished-in u-snita s ble ylo for ! a Public flonsi., 4;4i - will ,be : kept open at all ; hours,"(botit day abdinight,) for the reception of l travellers 'i affil esosi . ei f tity fur the !aceommodation: of passongers_trail)llin, on the N. Y. & !Erie &I 1.. - & W. Bailror,s,diethg - at thefithetion Of these two readi„ and the; nii , st 'convenient point to step , in and take retreshiOnts and be bliwith the first' train, as Well as tbeaost conveni,r e t house to ae, comrti - 04, aie - lhe pdbll.. it is NEW CLEAN and Wl101.4S70:11E l 'O4 h rooms etio ! ug h thlaccoin.i modate Air., liein;; Id ted tip with' new flanitnrci, i to correPort-dandS , .ta, les al W:IV:i Ft-t r ,. Will NI-AVM ~=.trls and lr.ctiiiC,SNfuriti , hell ' t at,, a motnenti warninz . '- ._(-4,1 . . , ': • '[ - . ! i',._--t,f P,..aSseng(Ty, itesirinfprest, 1 and sleep, can; by callin;i. herr.' atillit the ineonienienee (lf takinu. an oninibt.s . tn find. tin inn; as Well as the delay and rireekt.amty vt,feturriir!g twi,fie deprit at th... srrival or:departureOf the traink; as a porter will be in wat,ting, to cOfiduct tern With their bagg-agc'- to the,Bryar. tdlohse;," just acrb . i.s the way,' and conduct - them:back aLrain withOt ft.e . of reward, taking-special. cafe :If° .walte 'them it any; ho en of the mght. .. -; ; l• - The, lofeation of Ili°. Bryant Ilduse, with thlt natural..scene . ry abotit ft . combine to 'Make it it ! Yeri desirabloSll.NfMEß RESORT •fOr 'besides:4 met',l antd!others in ,••;the it Who 'may' !wish - ti, "caf.f ofrieare.". for - .lc- few ,days to recruit .in the country.! .''' ~ .0 • I -:. i . • 1! ;1 -I ;.• 1 . A Lar , reatitl Cominectinus Huh - f . 1 , 6 littlebpd ifi this linildiog, foi, I.he eortveniencii cif pleasnre ll,t rt.r.t.e4, who t ay always .find good accpratnOdations-te, with tit; regard to numbers with wain) stabhis'frr thei teltins,, anal reliable help . to. Wait npon L...tern. :• - [,t - • -. • :if' Por ',forthii4 parthiulart inquire. at the Br 'ant [louse of 1.4 . propritori • . iJI . - ~ . AI I§ON BRYANT. eb. )853-70i.i .. ' . . :• - , Xnvalids iO/ Pennsylifratia, .1 0: rour ttentio urgently intfited to i n 'careful nrict candid Itr;rasal someth ;H e Ih 4 l hae jest been ineyeidiced tni#l }'cur rich rind ,tan .honorrd State' f: :31 1 i Pzilrrhlacher'sfßitire Eirctrid Voitaiel Chain. I 1 Ii , A' new and novel frnode of applying a •powerful remedial agent; OLtaionstructedtts to be Isom under the gam) eats," 'teal:fp - the skin producing 1 1 a constant uninterrupted cu}rint of Electro Itl ague,.. nini, tircet ing iturriediate relief, from the most ucutl pain, and alsesi, permanent mitre of \ all Nervims Di eases. It 'seldom has failed to furnish ill:nest insititit' re4f, ;mile final, perniatient cnre, by:being esed,aceoid ing to directionsitethe following disesia4.—Rhen matism; Gout, ''., f Sletie.a, Paralysis, ..Painful and Swelled joints, Niz . i ralgin of the face,' Diseases iof the Spine, Dearbeis and 'Blindness. Uterine Politer Palpitation of theearl.. Perindioal licdcische, St. t 7 Vitus Dance; .lllo a? Debility ,';' rains 'of tbe Cheat,, ilyeterics, DysOps a, all diseases that - ure Canied: by a deficient ainiihnt of Nervans rfi.idnre greatly relieted, if not Fitton - Cully mired by s s iMply weer-. log theichains aifiti'.. Fianna each day.: f . r . 1 • .• , Be ii understei4that if is hot claimed!, that, it ctiresall diseases In only thoie for is hicb it is rec eminerided ; anil :cover weholdlychiimand de fy that; no medling i agent of tiny kind.hasperfotim. ,ed so MANY eitee during tire, last yeir,• of thine diseasgsjust natnt all • I' : 1 -1 . I ' • i Pulteilif ..her's Electric Chain. i ;,„ !I 4 .. 'A l prove s' tin assertion, I* de fyan',rson to 4,.T:,e :, produce so inanY.weit authenticated Ce tmeates of scientiqc Pilrfipiiis and•intelligent patints as rnay be found in a pant; filet of 36 Pages, to he had (gra, tie) ot - the agentinl this town. ..The El e'etrie Chains were qrst introduced in france•in 18501,' and otter ' being subjected, tOltbe most thorough an, et rigid titil, by, theZratrind , i4, menlin Paris, they [were found to posiess strong";nd marvellous powtq , f,r railer. ov ing paln w berevg applied, and by their influence it 'et e introduced r, to the hospitals of :list city, sad also sueured lettq patent by ,the French CoVern- Ment.'; They Stay /9W ,introduced, into 4linost every Ilosplial in ..Elikisted.. Gerrit tiny; 'A tisttio; ,Ilitgrprri, , 1 and patented in hose abantrtes, Where they itieceme the rnita. .. .',. ~ • 1 1 PopUZart.ralire Age(-friVhi IVOR& I,- • . :They,weregrat introdicekintOthe il. State s ti-' bout One, year jiirki 4 e, and 'went throng ',the sitine trial dein Eurlipe and were in Once ititnidubcd in , to evitYllospltal in N.. York where they are now In dentine, soffit, More tirennierftil Cured than had ?ever: by ore been aWarded them. 'Tity• are highly reconi tided by prof. Valentine :M ott,- re Van Bun, E F.,* land otberi, who tiara puldiabed t f ri their views ofithiinr power and 'value' in severed of the, medical jourualet in that cit yoind are also ith the dailyipracticei.sir recommending •theie use to pa tienti. A fin) ei,count of their opinion may Alio be i found in every p rnpithit,'ltnd.rient, tit theaddress of every person ti :' n--State ; l*, applying (post paid) to A DEL TU, EU; 40141; Arogir9ie, Pe. :the 11 Chains can 14 '' nt by mail ~ ''siith_ A descriptions Ail; descriptio for use. Prhte - Chains, $3 and $64 1' ' ' 1,. ' Plissiciani;soi . politaly invited to .call:iuul'eattm itte their "ciiitatinetion e alidl Prionetinett%ti Pon their merns. '. Oxe;*ari--to isrieuns, no I personrieed 'lelan that they; Will trot itcOmplish jut wita it is clairited they;e* do, .• -. . • '• I . Nt B. Orie;Gliain will laA for years,suidlom none of itielectriciPOwer by, use,;and can' he applied to either adult or Child. i •.- I ! • s' Altet. Tuartstl., Agent c lliontrose, Pa. .Jda. BrEntiat Genera Agent, 56k, Broadwiy, geW Yorlc.: t' 1 - • • • 6,14. C[ and 011r - Cl9pll. - 1 1 ; tz j e - • • i T_TANTINO ea r ff refi ted r ner, extena L tv Cri'we'kerx an lipase VornishinteStote, es ritsli•geitighiliineis, hair) - Added per. - fl .feathrelaltji detrttnentr; • '; ieien4oo'r is deioted to 7 C r arpets, Oil Cloths and Lciokinir Olassesda SvhleJi we offer's gOod.astsortao*, skt -twice" which e40.n0 . t ~ .1a please, and to'Which we invite tie Astr• Walla'. J yo. 1f; _ E Ringhaintet4 Out] f 14.5.3: • ' i THE MARRIAGE STATE • ant: ,Erappfness and Wank or mi sfrer y, diekraess, attend IS MOST STARTLING CONSIDEITATIONS Reflectionsor ithe Thoughtful,-, a Strange that countless' human ings exist apti drag through life as do ;the beasts of the fi eld, Isr, the insects, of the earth, evincing 'so more thou Out: i or refiection than though the nebloifaeultics of inttuf were not voinpsitfed to petn. Many such pre husbands and fa th ers , upon whom are depcnclen, the health, the welt-being, and 4:iti happiness of a confiding. and affectionate wife, ulth . perhaps a family of children.' tiotv OF ro'ir iIIAPPENA TUAT TllB VLSI: LINGERS FEDZI YEAR. TO YEAR - In that pitiable condition as not ever for one dal to - feel the happy an t i exhilarating inilucaeo incid to the enjoyment of health. She may not be an mnfineil to her b id; or even toe her room ; its her pride, ambition and energy induce and nerve her to take personal. charge of her household; even when her health nut admit of. it ; but the is nevertheless perceptibly sinking from day to day,and always ailing. ! Thus, 'day after-day, and month'after month trim spies,ller health daily: binks, till finally even }he hope of recovery no lotig4 remains. And thus Ti - IB 'BLOOMING 13P I CIE,; Cut a few years ngo in the flush of health and youth, tind buoyancy of spirits, rapidly, and appa rently inexplicably, hecomes a feeble, si.-kly,ida bilitated teife, with frame eniackatel, nerves tun- strung, spirits deprextecl, countenance bearing itlie impress :of suffering, :abil an utter) physical meiatal prostration. , Sometimes this deplorable chapge may and But arise from organic or bon tlfutional causes: , oftener, by far Oftener, to gross DIM Inexcusable ' ignorance of the simplest and plainest rules Of health as , connected. with the mcrriago state, the violation of which entails disease, suffering, cus,J misery, not only to the wife, but often hereditary Complaints upon. the Childrei • uNro Tut TIIIRD AND ronaTit rransuattlaig CONSV2IPTtO3I. ,A, lIVP6CIIONDRIA, INSANITY. Got , ;F:orws EYll4 l .4ttritl other disease", 04 a - do do do da o re most who tvgh It the tore." DREADFUL ';INF-lERITAN • E I from the Parents: • • kr:a iarrst this continue atilt trtl be iri.4 in all .thatj Concerns the cattle of our fields, our harss, our , thCep, • our„ cows, lour oxen, the nature) pad` character of Lhe ,oil Nye possess, the teituret and quality of our goods and merchandise ; but in allj that concerns; Ourselves na buman beinp,• with hilt= furictiona and Pa..csionsi subject to great dere age involrkng our future peace and happin ss in all that concern.; (hp health and welfare o • the wife of our affections. and the reothei of our chil dren ; in nil that concerns the mental and ..philleal well being of thoea children, we - Should ba im . the darkest und most • 13E.N IGHTED . IGNORANC AS CULPABLk AS INEXCr ,F.A131..E! - . 'IOW i lon .shall this;ignoraneo prevail soiri'e. live of !its bitter. fruits. I slow long shall t hewife Ind imOtherbeignoraut of the nature, character and :awes iif the various womb and sexual eorepliints„ embittering her days ,by suffering'—suffering ften prolonged to years. eve n tuating - in a eomplicati n of diseases. utterly and hopelessly ineurablell 'lid! . we for,ever •elose our Oyes to the results of p yde logical', seienee 'by which re way arrive t :an Understanding . of ourtelres as 'ini , .. n • rind yr Men, subjeeu to serious lifii-long enduring diseake and perpetuating them to eurchildren. 1 , LET , IVERN WIPE ;AND ntrsBANDNN A T O h u.4.btz nti or wife need Le ignorant- o coacerfti . atart• moil to knots to .Tecure their and hair/116s. 77tat lotowleqgc is.contafon li the trtnA: entitled • i WOMAN'• • PRIVATE MEDICAL CO3IPAN I 1 !,. 141! DR. MAURICE:AU, 1 I r ioFES! I O3. OF ;DISEA.SSS OS 'KONEN. One I.Funircdth 1341.1., Fp. 250. Price,So et:ce PAPFIZ,: - EXTRA SINDFNO, $l. 00.1 . ' First publishe s: in 1347 ; and it Is not I . SURPRIAIND OR .WONDERFU Conatderhig, that Evr:nir•run, ‘whether - mAuniku, on NOT, cud acquire a 'fall !knowledge or the :titre, character and cantles of he corttplahitai with the,larloas synwtonii, and that lIALP' A 3.1111.L'10N COPY: , ebould have been 501 d... It is impracticable cep fully the variant subjects treated of, aro of; a nature strictly Intended for the .) or thee coutcireplating marriage. lIP*AIIDS OP ONE HUNDRED • ' t' . SAND COPIES 111 Have been SENT BY 3141,.1L within the 1. mouths. 1 ' CAUTION TO THE-11313 • BE NOT DEVIL:W.OED . 1 , Buy no boOk uoleSs Dr. A. M. Maurice • Libor ‘ ty Street, N. Y., is on the-title page, entry . in the Clerk‘splEce on the back of 14.ers s ... ,, t tins. may of resrcctable and hi dealerh or seta by inait,.and address to Vr Alauricenri,.a.sitberd are -spurious and surr• infringementS of copyright. %tar Upon rec e ipt , of of Oft Dollar'-:" TEE BIRD WOMAN'S iPRI ATE I,4"EDIOA PANION" iiiseht inn:a, fr,.t) to 'any, • trn4ed..States, the Canada--aad Bl'oish I' 1 All • Letters rnust be postpaid, and ad3r4 Dr. A..M. NEADRIOZATI, - Box 1224, N CitY.j- Put:disking C 914 e No. 129 Libert New York ' • '' . • . ; . Tue . ; ,:".%ILT-' BFT B, Peterson, FOIL Mrs. cynti4t; I,lnnesiale; Bianeh _Crop, ! flafri4Mrg; .1. - S.-North, LA:Mon ; N WeWitt,.l Milford ; J N Irtsminger, lauheim ; Spangler& t Bro,. RAneaster; Hi \V.:Smith, . Huntingdon; S MeDOna Id, Uniontoivn-; -J \I.=B tum, New Berlin; II A R P Croe.ker, Bra xnsvillo; IVentz & Stark, Cat:bond:do; IRldred & Wright, I Willininsport ; Wilkebbarre ;. G.. W. Earlei Wayneshori; ; Potter' &. (Ingo; G ‘Varren; Robert Criky, .ller_ Leader, ll,Mover; AA). Ciunrnings,Sora. eriei Thos Co vh~rtluiit, ; J. 4: auna, son, Rrie; S. 13. Likulfer, ,Greensbnr , ;, 13. Ha11,.1 PittstOn :D. S. Durban, Franklin; Dry D.Seott, I Bed rofd;: Indiana.;•.J lord .;!. W. Kidne•st. Brownsville; G bleGet. tys, Maki.; Chatube . rs4rg ; D .Savver, Nsirristowt:4 Benuei,Suinnej•Voivn ;II i 31 itehr!,ll. Pictsburgt G Gettys.,Bdtlitr; Jos Swarti, iltooinsbprk; . P S EreehertA 004.(.7hUm , ..1 bersbnrg . • • •t I ;f2tn6 I • FITS !lII'S I. FITS !1, - -THE V I:E .2 EHELIII TXTRACT, EPILE4 P LL : . For llte cure of Figs, S - pa?ms 'and all • iNertMILS antir)Conssittairotal iiisdases; DELWON who ore latrin; under this distre, log malady eta find the VEGHT VELE. EPILEPTIC FILLS to be the onlyverneily ever ;11seovered for curbig riplieOsy, or Palling Yitd. i Mote Pills pessesS 'Specific artionln the lierrotts sys, tem ; and;ohlioneh they are prepared especially for- the yurpori. of curing Plts;they Witthe found or °stied's! benefit' for pCrsons afflicted with went ,nerves;,, cr whosemets rous Jjrfitrirt bag , been prcAra!ed or aiattecedfroni. any eaule nlisitevir. In cliroalc eomplidots,or dis,easey, of long standing, supeririduced nervous:ix:Ss, thee' afS exceed • innly htnefielal. Price, Z 3 per hoz, nr two boxes ,for $5. P rions.eui of llirety,-onclosin c a renditanee, WEI have t a Pills xent them through the - mall- free Of fmstage.iFor sale yb SE'rp . S. HANCE, Nit ICS Baltimore .streeCillaltinioye, Md., to whom orders train a:1 parts of the klulon,Must -be addressed'.'rnit . fkilP litiriVir ~% 014 9 % • 1 . Infallible Realty!ull ar allinflainitory'Coniplaint:l. A. 0 tIitTAIN aind sive 3,ntlilgte,f4ithepoltLypiid diSCIS, XX. di , r.% ii Fevers 00l Inttjamottotip, . to' a/WO/. tt;e ,rys fink lostflirctlthoulOatisin.- tolootiaek, Pilot, biacrhteti ,-„ cDyseiGntery, llcadarhii,ToptliAche,..reverropes, /111er, c cap, Fprrii. ileuirpc 4 l3uCns ansl gralt4.„l i. ' - • -• MnitherevilionS,s; Itivriat.. )It.Pirt43l fdti Gui-lie Ring Ann cr. r Nairn!, plciitti,*,, •pcin rvii. ettit. xpliati Gal,l7,,,EizOla, rciatclieP ` su Lltenert, rpriultliAltllltokirer, 3t00,t0: login:motto!) ,of Clio ttoge .o z.thl 11 fevers To %lath llorFes.a,re salifect.- . ' A, • 1 14r4tirrs Tr Abt.,1 ttivelly 3Vciuttpte—D. D. iltY,'Lerafe t ii11q...--Cyruf A Tory, Wyttlu. , ,lng—G.l 4. Woc4lruff,,Diatopk: A . J•'Sherccno,l 1111:.1 . , , •.. • :. 0e4.12,18,53, ,•, -1 pm_ r grts II IMPORMAILIO'N. T LIST receired anothor Importatison of thou tl splendid Ful) Ses"veled Detfiched Lever. aid llrlzontni ‘Vato'lies With seconds And hard en.. an elled"bials, doubletettoimed. in oi3ch enecs,all / of [which are warranted and, iee,eiv - ed direct iron' Svoierland. The fmi "subjoined ',ricer w'11 , 1.4t : 0 64 point,. the public;-where nnd, bol im orioimop ter centage can lie saved.i i Donble ottotn 13 Jewele'd IleveriWatek a as above in_ele:iant sliver: cAes from 10. 'ern movements- in fittrithig titres' front 0.. -libri . zontal Double ljottomed 4 holes 1 tvele4:4erv, face and, seconds from 88,15, thelmme Moiel; mentin ejegarst huntingcames , with Otlk stnlids fro ra 7 89,50. , Ali. of which tmve hard ena third led ,Dials. - Gold Diamond ;minted Penn tvith ' nail and ailizer extendbitiholdeis, magazine, for ads &a; from $1,0(1, -.Gold •Diamandsrfointe et' 1 45 bladesTeonx4o4.,l.euieliy,4:44fze.. - ' wififyfflAir A ;good , assartniedt tir 6 ick, ,not , !,ort i , n IVatcheni'eniinelfdk inerii.infirst . telfPing. I ir ? Altien, wlll be aod;deeidedlylv di r cash., . Frinah ,Lonett Watch Crsitale,,lo4, f ;11reJah, u5u,...1 . , , . ... MI!: .I;Vatell Cliiins4 ll aKeys rea4,P l ehisere. , . ; , ~ I . ~ . ...,, ~, , „.. .. , r''limns qbnsiness 'i r rent'l .4.14 E. 1;6; 1 14 ' ' 4 : .-•-, - 11l r:1".:14• pEillN t z ifoN,- 1.;;; NV/kir& intik Qiiu'd linporter. i :tab. 10 ; 11338—VW, - '` • r ' ._r_ I J , C o. New iltrofr rive Iluspotace o i 01:fice, 9 Illyii Sart.. 1 ,; CAtorl'iitk,;(4l Ce3b: awl A i3Ocit ea.Scoltritius) -•, i i. .' c •..$ es i.O , t - INt 0 0 ! 0 0,• r../k . i : . I .1 , _ lasilres;rtgai4sl Loss or iiaina , re.l;yTirci. - DI It ',Err (t.k;ll:iro, 1.10"11rond gtieet ; .Peter Q. 11/ilter, - T spruce 1-41--e6t ;'olrltft ManckBs, /18 Breathvity; TbomnB .Atithcers i 138 Cr,lz: arse/ ; Sateincl South mnpl . 877 i We./ stre,ti: A Ihr rt eolikilti °fee:lv/ft strttt ;In mest A . Croiby, ri3 pr o roway vh a n c , Lou t.linisbrl.l7.l NN. 7.j . L.Milbtrt MOO,' e•bieltgO, III.; h 114/Azt,sz Vaa,,ll . - 14v11/13;4:ziett.York;- ['Wet Ilow:11, -138nk, )4trre t; Si anie Vrrst Jsilm 1.. ltrell. TS Watrr stres D. Vali W.8:1;118 , ./rim17v ; Horatio NI. 1131110; /Vogt - 041(1 Barrow sirestr f - Peter 11. Foster, nni./Irest i - Reubvii Itas i , 43 Steptleui!rgnivielf, flat:idol, .9.. S.; .Vbin nitfoophin•-, peY~er R. Briton, 49 Wm' Ar"/ I ;•samtierTs. ere/4.21+11A. . • ,10 - .O 4 AL Cl/AY:BEI/LIN, ctrATtLy.z. L. f i `f,*y. - thIAI',I.CS; L. Bnows, cent, 15:3.: ,! . . • Mot Coaponitit Syt alp • of Yellow • ... 1 ' !..Pcpc,ii ..1?.031...• . . -rrt'i[lS la A Pler4 'trearfaale E'lantroanii. selentiaeadly I prepared fr••taithe bestltemts and : Herbs of the Mate. rlaf Ile ilea l 'oo4 iiltf•gmaileA" an .unshelled reputation•or the folloirlog effepte, cis . 'Regulating and.Stronathening the Laver and . lllttiletivet truant., and Olean'anm t h,,,, E ton ,. itch, awl diroaelc,iand thus evrtrEm .slt laltions Pisa h I.' esi r nivo:Dpiallttaq noE ysperkilt, Indigestion. Cti r. ec .., •I'iles.l lieatlachs,/ Feuer and Sine ; Jaundice ; Hans; a,, Loss of . Appetit e 4 .i.e:, nnt causing . th.t food . to nourish and ..u.port creep part. Fulifying the Blood and thus curing nil 11.umors,tlautanereas Eruptions Scrofula, Salt rthentneßryeiptia.a. Sealtl.lll.:td; (bother Piruples-ou the fare Illeteht:s tilt:CIE Tumors 3.lereirtfal Disease, Can- Cera. &C. i , . • . • • , c • 1 • i ' 9 • eth n • -•''' • i ... ... '; R0 , 71. , /tlrlo * 1. Le . ecr ry _reran,, •-4. ocelhy:sn•tbling Ihon to perfarm their.proper funetionr prei4tiogar.l cliring idnany Paloful and da.gefit'oE till , ' ease;,.9treagilte,ling int•l quietitit the Xerrotte ..` , ".../s/s in, thuiallaylng Nearous 'lrritation, and curing all diseases of the....Nerres, a..i ily.tteria, 'Neuraigia,,Craraps &If. It isitarirelled in * the cure of,all female iCcm:- . •I • • -• •'• - - -•-•, idetyys. . . . , . , '; as tv,74..abi t ead, - .4eiteral deb:lity, Irregularity, Ohstrue . t ions g• Strellingl.f the Fcet, Limits, Joints, &e:, caused by treat Mess; seta. ton; .an I Throat CoMplattits, as Cold's, t.laufts: - . 4 : ;Oral; Ilmacumption, &e. a ttlio, Dropsy, mci n : g mad,. n:e of the iCinappund Sylnr: of ;Fellow Doe% Stolet, pr.ipdred by C..ftlorse: .o Co., either purse:- tes, or iri our fitinilitil, and Anal:lir:it. to be a srery salutary 11,i0 Cfr(ict tuk.l prptritle.n. tet. do moat •cheotrfully recan t . meullt tattle ptßkile as a very valtiable medicine. l ' '" S. IlOnrue• ts.l, Cashier BLatimittrit a nit, 'Providence, R. 1.; . ..4... IX. P•penect. Etui.,:Cashier Linte Rock Bank ar*do do, Rev ti illlaat •Ekillips, Ree. .1 It ;Richmond, C S :Tones.' 'editor' providen , ie Gun. A.:!vt., Wm Field. M W. 0 ,itl. Cyrus Fisher, It f: 11 P, .1a0“ , Tintthimon. - 11 S. pea.. v .1 rtafrili 1. 4 0.'t 11.63 Colby• arid one littntlred . others -ofthe ' most raipeCiablelfarailleitof;Proridence: ; . I This ‘ gertifits iluit 1 bane' for a 'number of years been 11, q m: t ilted with thl:rotopctsttioniand mode ofmanufacture of Mors,tos Comp /mod St-rapl of YelloW Mr:it Root: IT hare' alto beat legtitibtett• rotitld its mod us operandi In disease, and cad say tuatAnall'respeetE • it is admirably ealeulated forezuoly that class ofiliseas-s for !Melt ,itnas•leeigned. It is'esrieelaily . fel made In; byti..restionerid - al Ite - ti,l tetil ant .Y.epipms,i qet'zites tohealthy :tetton thA Liefr."l.o , - Tnecc:s Torrp:n. 4nl inactivity or this Organ, and stimu late. hialth: (Ler:lca - fin all 114 , . Eystem. As a p r purni aro i purifier Of the Bloc:•1it hai., no. svnerior. ~ ~ .:• ..- I ''' ' ; • DaNd i D lIOLMES . ,i3ID Provide•ree.lll T. Ja tr 4 1 't.53. . . [no- prepared by C. ;klorsl'6r. 'Co. . I .ln. -1:41 - Tirondirpy ,N. y . And , ssl,l by firuggistS and others throughout this and : other countries.: ...a. , . , . , , 1 3!.. -1 "` Sold in NI Cntrose I.y : : -', ABEL` T 0 MULL. • -. (141)• ,„ 1 To 'th . e Ci !' ti - zensl.ox • Susquehanna Corknt. , xAi&i - llv. IhNNE'I'T would rospectrdlly at! the V, atttltiniof all I persi.ons . in !...usquobanna County ,' and Vicinity to their large and we'll selected stock of Dry ' G oohs and Carpista which consist of all the fashionable 'and ,i,s.spymbl e Goods no , in vogsiC, Goods suited both for ate grace hod the gay. allit ir, fact all of the different : sfYs'es'of : goods Which can be called ;for or : thought\ of. )Vc . irre de. tfrat:te-Pnof lo fie nu :crsoll ' and if you wilt dui isalk.ind as to taror us wit Il :-. C!..11 'AVI., I.ill nrake our word goodt ' Our stock of. Dress .t.N)o-lr consiscsin part of - lilaelt,'llressal . e, PlilbJ'. Sail.. Chsvgenf le., and inning,',', Pig. and Plain Wool Detain ss, Fis... and Plain 'Cotto10 : do.. ' Silks,Merissos,"Philsets, A' ,11Cra?. r811.11113jta,31. detllCge; ' Plaid I,lliseys.r.plprtql sr-.1: Flannels, CstIiCOPF..4.C. tte - - S (71 V.5•1.-Of which ewe !lase an endless iiiriety• I Cashmere Slaswis fros.cZ 7 .to. Sfss'l. Lay-State, Long axed, Ss;narsr do., Figi . and Plain Thibet. .s:e ..c. ' V flits! 4;sls. , :i.s—lwlsiU, Paid , au I Stripe Jae : oriet Muslins, Liras It'ye and it stS , ia Dialer. hi kh Linsa,l , Table' Linen, Linen; Cotton, : Ps'orsts - .1, and Embossed Spreads, F- . 1:1Fil an I India Look Mullins, •I'ictorits - and Bishops' Lawns. Linen 1 l'ambric. L 11 - rti c:mbric llak's, French Worlthd Col lirsi and Under 11 , 1 CF. 3lnslla Drapcsx .j.dneti mad Cotton Sliseting a Cid Shirting, : Blersicli anti Btown; • Jacquard Diapir, &c. &.... 4 , Cie iii, lq.,•: ; :) . artriz pia :,- , -Cor.sis!s of-Llack alai Faii cy Broadcicti,sc ; CassimeseS. 'Black ard Fancy, SaCinetts, Sheep's fir' S .. ..'lli.rotue' iJean, Cashms-ro ts. Satin'. Wor sted and ; Fill.' Vas:dugs. Diack ant Col.lids's, Satire lock, Netk Tits. it- , . Fittsuell , s, White, It ed, •Blite, Yetrofiata strive, Gents'tlashmere Syrappers, Drawsis. A. e. &o. tdurstcels.- cl CI lovevc',;;;lri iioGiVii. is coMpicte etr,bracinz l, id i s ss, 1515 . .. 5c ,., o n .d Ge L rs Gloves, Lisle ;airkid Cashmere. c'e...... , ...iin sre.' Fleece Lined, Chamois -1-in sii, Dca." ear. Kid. Ila,•!k' sllii. ice. ..k.s. ' ' Ladles, :liss--ci:s aud Clouts Cotton ..Ilese. and' ,'-i"TIO.F . t!, _ _ 1 12 d; ;dun in► a I, &eta rum , W.htteatrown.lMlxed, Pdae4 101710 ?;ittilA Colors, Aipaces, l Wwleti,Co..ll:-..iere.;Meritit> ttrtd'o...illt - do., and; •.''ery otherl i skyle;of 5C2.5 ' 011 4 ;7,1 e 119;ter7. - - ; . Also, ari endl , ess - t, - ;trietY of ether styles of GocdEsticit ss . Damegltt , tent:on 'and 11%101. Silks. and Vott on Tel , Tete, (..lerant . t.iti , t-teg. M0r. , ..a.. Cambric!, ittilldeani, Cotn...t forter:‘,Ro=o, MO ll'oree Blankets; Noldiitio; Tickin.o4 Mar ; i 1 ,,,, ,,,,t.ii,,,. 04e0rt,44.•. i'arrict Baf:F.', &C. c.,itro , tifilt7.-11ru.s(-.,' 1. Three Ply. Tor,tabotO both ... — . ; 129 nd the t he ditle notable M. 141.tute • • • ISAR. COM. 1 or ths .vinees. .seed to w-York „Street, t r :n.l lt'~ol stag Oar_ polliga..qq.:. cc i, ittt cli,,ilit, tt n.4li 4 .:orpetingilo k t3.. i i . ()or Ftnet nt't)ry Condi; is nnzi coiop!ete. ant cif yea f ..Ornol , llike to iie«. n 5' 9 6,1: agsortrnen 1 - of 13(Jods 3n' , l• Nuar, f-anOrts yno wit( rail at Wickimm :I: It ennett'ai aently 1 °pro;- rite OAl'ost•ntico.. ) 1 Ilingbamton‘ N. 17.-,. Dootor Yourself : THE , E,ESCULAPYIIS : • •(..,;, ../...,r2.1' . 1•Pd...` t ..1 . 04.c'.'‘.. /7/ ?/.••?Ccan. , . i ril /IR .FIF - .111:1111 fldi :ion, confAining '•- .-f•-• , -. _L Oan hitudredtmgravinge, sli.owifig -" TT Diseases Diseasos and 11Iulf rtnatiotiß of the flu = s milt] -stye-lea in (-sire 'shape ..and ._fortn'. 'o,' which is added a Treaties en ;the' Diseases of, !Females,:, be Mg, of . the .highest impop. Lance to married ' pflople; or those cotempiating Mar riage: ..ry. j -.% - - _ ,i, • • IViitift7l2 ' L "- r) ?1i27, - _lll 11. '. • •,-! ' Let an ,f....( .to present a. Ocpy of the Aescillpius to his.child: . IL- may sai,e 'din from'an eally g'rave.', Let 'Mt' yeinng man .`or wa_ . .. man enter ip4o the.ieefet obligations of niartied life _withou t reeilii , g,thettpritet -kescnlapins. 1... e t. no one suftttring fr. K$- irdektiled-eotigh, Pain in the Side;:reSileiss nights ;" nervous feelings, ocild 'the whole irainiof Dyspepricsousay.A , s, and giren,.isp by Adti-sieian, ha another Moment witliOnt con su4ing.thTe AISCC/14NPWS: .flavethei !named. or be. nturried.any ippe'dimebt, read this truly'. tiiertil bilok, as it litts been the means Of savit:ff th.,aoMes of unroll unate. creat . ureafrom the. very . jaASe.OF dcatli: , 1 : . . . . . • . . . . . . Q3'A iy, TeriOa r sending iyenty Jr 4 centi• en-. 'close'd in a etter,-tirill receive One' copy ..Of this wOiltlq inak o'r . fivr 'copies %%14.W - sent - tor One Dol!ar. I.l.ddrcei(pcist paid.) . : '•• . "il - ''- . • ..! - .:' 2- 1 • PR. - WM, YOUNG, -‘, ?,••• cq 152 Spruce St. Phil4detphis: March Bh, IS:3l—fitly!. _ : t - - - .I.;' - . -. 1. - .„ ex . :Acts...ell Audi Mouse Futrukshing . • i . {, T.: -• I.I.4)EPREJ prePired twilit-ilk the tl.-e public generally to examine his varied itid . exteriskii nssortment. olgovids which -'(as an ex elusive:de./lear) he - ii -enablid fir offer very lotir.• Ctillit.4Colugtiting of G i rd ißand, Decoroted: and. Plain, Pinner rind'''Ten7Sett;s; Fruit .Baskets STDNZ diDNA.--Tuli•Vintier, rai& Ten - Setts; Printee, add .Plain-Emhossed lei Sotti,i.''or-hy the single piec i e, also, a variety, of heautiful styies of Toilet - Wurov i —.- , . :i • 1 -. - i i •-11.DoK[10•GLAsIti8.--linhognny,• Gilt and':Or , en Me at„-t1; i!ritned--. Glasses - from ] 6.1-4 ate. to . $75 . alsbolfartileStabs and Bracelets,. ': • ' Gt.ts3 WAttr..—ut and dressed Goblets,tte. canteen- Tuttiblers, chanfpgs, Beivls 'tin. , fiet,' Cor'd Butters, Globes, Candleatietia, &U. &e. ' .. ilousEirErtxu, tialow4E:4,-Table.and Poek. et Cutlery; Spoons, Tea Tmays4Seides, SadArons„ Emile' ed i Kettles,; llat 11.2acks, Refiigektois k. I,Vafer Cooler% lee; etc= Prei.7.4re,.&e„ : - -, Woo-DELI . AND.' WILLow 'W.Ant.—Tropel Cabs, Wag - orav,-Rdekitk floDi4s,eradlei, Paifsi,•TluliN Mhati,'Pounde'rs; flaskets,qt fliOhlaridiSlool t'hoirs, - &ie. .i :•-,• - .. • • . ' -, WI !gnaw Au re fix,---CorTieo.• Glass, nd- Gilt Pius' and tlleadsrri Bands ' I,pop ;And' Tassels; .- alse StAitONio n le;livVdrietyr. , LI - ti-l-,- z ,r -5..!,. i:. :I -.'.. ' JAITANED WAD .—Tollettett; l .onikittittit itof root Tulik, Sfoi.Jar and Wit rilail; ) Bei: - es and 2illlartieles Manufaetur in, thilina:- 'fi firtir,txt*.DAD Attc.Esitht %, AdE. e;fftie Arid :few Ufruti; Eig CoddleteXis‘s,. Chid ug Dish .oo,"Actfitnk Pitelie*CiDdleittfele,.&e,L -- ,' . Li....mi , .iFn tkliiittsi.-LIII o‘ , ery variety; atile; pride gitici fluidity;. i .'..-, • - z . • .7.T1 11! • ••' -.•: Tot 4103.-'' Pi. cy:- Ait i ric4s.:—Oonsihtilig 'of eldint,Gltoli, -Woodirrin',' Willow, Iran;' Paper 11fneheiOnit Cbtli 4 .- pArltti 1 2 ell ,Alabater Pins; hi. 0 - .: - BO Faner Basicets. , , 1 i :. i -- 1 , ~--;•,., d; ' Pliited.Nitrate,-1 , - - Tablic int) treasOcions,, 'Table " ,Demiilt'lilutt.'h!ate'r Perks{ `Doils . Ort . k,DI II OB I 43*P .t; , and' auce! Lad,' ~c. n 4 i cir.trismifrire 'ma Tiork ~, I rettand,o - 66e , tts. ''..'. '. !, :• 1. 4 .;. - - 4.- i . • . : :: " .• Bird Cigetv pj keiat4l , IDD*Matg; Brushes Of - oveiy des'priptlft, its tfhAO tit) mlid.-efeiii -cattalo - in - thd line ef lento furniiitiititt s lititit literal. and 'onto "nceeM 'it iy )4 tolidtt4hitcorensive , eitabliol l ;,,‘i _.'--.1 , ) , •i••=,: 1: , ATAF,g4T. toi-FMI '''.teltlot"-. Ralf theAn4rititmlietil; , . )3in gh:amtoo :. .)--... Bth 1 qO3 I ' , ; ~..- . , 1 i __ ..~rpj'.' Nc . cf =ia!=!ll=l ..140ETR,OSE ULISI~ D ; EVARY THIM6DAY MOO 41 • 61444 - av-.4: • ILTOIRS, AND PILPPg , gr 'R o%...—sl,6o,, , z‘,Aixiatlynneers2:o-4), if ' not I aid 44in sixtnouths; :.n:l,.s-2,40,,5t the end oft: Adr., ,No paper diseontiinied . ttntilirikarn. ges': re paiil,' except et-the option-4 the Pub lishe s All 'eotnieunieaticals eotineettd xith the de . . r I i . OUle , to 4rik i urc attention, must be directed-{post paid to IAI,ASE & DAY,-Mig4roSC, SUS(141:1103114 Cot: ,ty; P:4 , • . ! , ~.. . ... ~. "Lutes of Athertbing. - ; Oni. queral(l2 lines or less) 3 insertittne;4l,o -' 1.1 e ti silloequoit. insertion,, ...... . ... , cos Onp i ggeniel three aktillis,' *. •••;. .. • .. 240 One [l4 . .larcii,lx months, . ~ . • ..... • , .4•00 Ilifsint!ss C.Oils, four lines ,. ot . .les*s, . .:*. , : 100 Yealily advq! , isenierit, not•ort r A squares, 1,00 011,eleolumi one ye: 'r, .J. ' 30;00 I' atly i t i lidvi,rtipers will be restrjeted to*.the • busi,css i wiAlt they nre engaked. ': • : -.— z 1 . . 1 '-• JOll IVOlfelik. s_ . . . . *- " — ThU pa blishera Ikal,inr , added to their Job I t Voltz n iitertals a large' and .sile,r.ior .assort. . t of .I(»'Type,•hre now prepared' 'tp execute ' 'Work i .,,tt a manner nrisnypassed in tiiifs' . !set''- ‘ -- of conittry,rnd °tithe m o st reason:ll,le films. • . . ~ , . IlunkOt of ev e ry dcperirtibit ke pt _constantly: and ockainted to order.. ' .. . , Pni , In .19b tion, ---7-.-- - : .....„_ , 1 1,1t ; 'litt.55:HPittri,olt , ___._ii.,_::::_L___,__L_L_:,- _.....- P. A.. LcicKri. able Tailor—§hop in tho rear.of irrss ritiruesi Shop, up stair's. . Bald '1 •'• 3011 - GROVES, • • •Nhiontible Tzt ro - r—=Shop under Seurfes otel, Mitin Street, Montrase, Pa: '• ' • BRYANT 1101 S• .at Bead Dewitt, Pa. ANKitsott BRY. la, Proprietor; SPII nuXrictar'er of Spßo l , IAG t Sp nn trcisp,l 'Win. W. OLE li &CO.: , •.. • bi tie t and C h air A.fatitactjuiersi : iopt Miin , tret,..3tontiose i Pa....-, 3 • 'GEORGE FULIGERi -, ' Bier in Books; Ittincly:3lncle:Vothiiig,Hztis nd. Caps, Bsints rand IThores; &•e. Store cppc,,; Ite Svarle's,ThAel, Meintros•c, • `Di. 'C. C. 'eIIWARDS; tysjciaii and Surkeir;rl,llarford;Pa.• Office doors berow Elaton'A l gtore. - • • Dr:. H.T11,. . rgeoti Dentist; Montivie,.Pn.;- will - be=at • ea hl e.'s Hotel, ..N.londa - s anA T4esdaysof each reek. , I .15y1. • [ • , • Me:3IEILLA1 1 11 ek PARIQ• -'*".'''" alers in Dry'clAio i' , Geoceties, liaviware, Crockery,,Buots and hoes; &e., Spiingsille; d r Pa. - ',- * ' 18.11 .LAW Bentley & L.I F. Fitch -wi.ll-atterld: !to all - busines entrivted to their care,. under lis.,nanle and style of "Br.xittr & & LITTLF: . . Alt Cairn ies -at .liLa I*-004.e .fo 'lin erlyri. °CC 14. .•pied h} Little & Str.9;eter, Montrose So!rlso. Ipur,a (:rump, P2....1 - . -;-.; -. 1....., , i . B.Atrit B. LiTTLE..] ! - [Eze.), 13..Clksz. .. , CONGDON Ille. IClEVitlit, i t ' . , Dealers in 3larble l'itonumuLts,Tubles, To' b. Stones, &c. , -Corner! a Court tine Excha: ge Streets, opposite BrOotup County Batik, pg.. hauiton,.T . s:;l'.' . 1 • • • ,-, , . Z.a.lll.lilOP iIL; Co.. If' t Deale'ri in St ove%. and, 31;ntifactirers of . Copper, Ala, anctAleet-Iron west side. 'N. vpficm3to . .Re#tocrat Of fice, Ntontrose, Pa, - „ .D. LaTHRor.I . (S. Woornirrr.f E. LI. 3100NEY,, ' , • egairezof Cloelie; Jewelry, 31ttsical Instru.: ments, Itricl Guns, dLe.„ Eleetrcr pinting,of Spoons a ',Watehes Je'weln' 4Ste.,,tiono to order. He has an appointment for Sealer of Weights and Sletistwesi . Shop on Street, first doer beltha the Brick . Corner. 3fontroie, Ph. rtf Establishaiteni. tiftec- ik - Sglernolds; Fashionable Tailors, over 6, "It. Ilawley's StOre,. ono .-croor. below _llatehe's 'hotel, ready at all times to!please ...the public arid minister to the tastes mia com fort of these. whkt want clothes. Late'st ions"regitlarly rove - ivcd, and old ones obierret!' _wit.n requested'. - . ..‘III3EL IPII.II4.IItELL, .IloyrsosE,PA. ` .galterin Drnlfs,Medi-Cines, ChetnicalsiPiints, Oils, Dye . stidi.-1, groceries, Dry Goods, Hard- ware, Stc4ne-ware, glass- ware, Ca mph ene,Burn lArnp Cdrdles,Yarnihhes,Wirk: dow Glass, Fatte. ':ind Toilet Articles, Perfu meiy, Jewelry, Spoons; Spectaelds, )Insield Instxunients, Trusses, • Medical Intritments, Liqnori, Mirrors, Stationery, Dr'ishes, Shoes, Yankeo Nitiens, &e:. Physicians Preserii4 tions caiaully Compact:tiled: . • • ~. , Attoritey and touiiieller:at Lavt - ' •: r j ,t 1 ATlLL' all: tiusiness tiaras. T ted ti! hips till:- county 'QC:Susquebano4 c-:•onwe'yancing and Writiag of all be ,one neatty, And charge moderate. - hie Will a1;76 attend to prosecution ofclairnwit oldVers,theii widows , and heirs, ogs \ inst.: tht.Uzi - ed.. Stata government,filr'l3Quoty Liio; 'rex ,l9l/8, e 7- - • May be robot] at all hours itt - th4s,cluel, fonner,l7 copied Esq.,uQrth of the eapitt 490- i --- ioit7"cotiTEN; • . . DEALER IN SIOVCS : . ;Tin; C Sheet _lron Warp; Liideittvi iielrGreitißend pepot4tti M. C. .Interested with I. L.- Itunt, Lure. TE 'Alin Di4rre in HiiiiwarC‘And Cut. lory;'carringe•Tiinntings. Sprinis, &c. AV &ark Street, N. Y. 'Where his, Netenntilc - fritlids, this. and alit , ' Connties, nre kindly inyited, anct iarnestly 36 licit. ed to Call and ,Onrchns,e. • 1160: `6III*QES.• , ,f •' - ar s 11 1‘;. 5 "' et11181 11 1? - erialitilk;‘: I PRE Subierihero are ;running a.Dsily tine of .1.; -Stages betxveen Carbondale tind Ilopbottors :,Station on the Lackawanna aid Western Roil , road. _ •Distopeo , So miles. Leave Corhpodele iv ' the,Morning and, connect 34-4h:the -rats gOiPt :North.: Returning,. leave. on' the urrivtil :of . the m aiiittnin , from the Great Bend.. 'l'he neatest' , "West direct and cheapest route from _Great Bend Passengers by thisline always: geVinto. Carbondale earlierini the - evening Ali gIW °they route. N. ‘. Fare reeeipteTin Carbondale itt :the Store of ,ihe SubAcriblirs;llainitreihtt r q sak e k is beloe Bronsnie; Ir*t. -)•••• GROW & BROTHERS. Animal Mr —lf - 'A* Opi,c Lear heeti— . geed ono or khe best I..tticl,cou4al?tLy 9440134 "ItENTLEYIAtItrAD. . WANTED.: 7 " ot and :20,000 husbw : 1 : 1,1 1-lorttets, ler whieh the blithe' id cw will :bklii!tittle:Cekh by. .1. IL SUT IN. Seeteeirevilti v len.:Si PHBA • willsl4.-! 4 VA#4 l lil aSkittggiiiii4fii trot itad. rici.oado.'- MKT& 01 1 l ik 6414-0111Si1401 at Ott e sold l iihesp , for o ash. , • Montrose, pt 1 , 1, 1F54. I 71 ' . ;k7011BINEtiClki'. = CHASE,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers