The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 30, 1854, Image 3

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    v. . re; Patterson and Strong; of Philadel
ve t in th affirmative. •
! °slim Baldwin, Fletcher;_nurti, Ku
Mill .1., Poulson and Wright, toted in
negati,T. •
• I a bill provides for its refetinee to a'
oft e people •on the 2d Tuolday of Oct
E,ilqtapllit - glisptct es.
• • Washington, March 27., :18"
duel is expected between Mr. Cuttit,
York and Mr. .Breckinbiidge,of
. Mr Bissell of Illinois and Mr..
.usiarta are Mr. Cutting'S advisers in
Is rumored that an attempt will,be Made,
pet a Northern Senator from the Senate:
Pettit of Indiana leads the onslanOt ?
e friends of Messrs. Cutting; and
ge apprehend -alai; the severe personal al,
non in .the House .will lead,. to an un- -
nt explanation out of it.. Considerable
emant exists on. the subject: . . •
e Gadsden Treaty was artin before r the
to this afternoOni without definite resni
.ratio King,, of !!Saine, a . Clerk' In e
Office Pepartment, has been 'nominate -
tant Postuiaster General rice Hobble
d. 'a
exci ,
• HARTFORD * .lgarch 13.
. ,
, .
_ A serious accident occurred on the New.,
LOn on. to Willimantic, *hen . . ne:ir 'Noirtir
Wi ham, was thrown front the : . track a.nd.
Amt. ' iti . .embankment,.; turning • over ink its
eou and lodginm.on.a stump, 'which: was
driven through the .top , of the car :.. There .
were sixteen passengers in the car, .fifteen of
whom were more or less injured. - The . .ReV.
Mr. Tidden of Willimantic was A . gOod' deal
hur. •
NSW, March 25.
e steamer Texas-brings dates from Vera
1. of the 22d inst., and 'from the City of
:ico of the lath: Santa Anna left; the i
tal on the 12th, to - take the field, in ,Nr
against the insurgent Gen. Alvarez. ,The
.r is said to-be surrounded in his moult;
QUS retreAty destitute of _money andipro
!sus, and nearlydeserted -by kis adherents.
• xri.cistoz: OF A. LOCOMOTIVE..
: • .. :• LOVISVII:LE, March 24.
locomotive attached to.a freight train
he ,ew-iAlbany_and Salenrilrond, ex
ed this Morning - near Piovi nce,.killing
-- Men, viz: John MorriS, the - engineer,.
mu. Radcliffe, fireman, • and John Merrill,
• nd,on the train.. The bodies wirelhOr
'l,- mutilated. -' ; - '--. • H . - '.. ' -
.; 1114111102X1).•: . . .]
Franklin, on,l'hursdaV the 18th inst:, by
. Merriman, Esq. Mr. WILLA AM W . AiliEry
Miss MARY CitAIK. both of Silver tar;.
.. •
. -
In MondaY, the 20th :inst., in New.:Ybrk
by Rev. Spencer H. Cone, D.
-sett, Esq., of this Borough, to 'Mks H.
• V xtsysnunori, of the former phiee. l
DUD " - • I
b• ' -
's - Frantlinj.en the.. 17th of March, JANE I
LVINA tEIGIITON, aged sixteen years and
• •en months. -
Remark's omitted for want of room.
n Clifford, March the 22d, Acsms, &ugh
.of Adam and Lydia Wells,' aged year
oaths and
. 8 `days.
I - Few Court House. i 'l
ii ROPOSALS will be received at the Com.
I . missioners' Office for,the erection of a New
1 'fi` House in the _Borough of Montrose, Su!
h nna Comity, until the first t.Monday of May
t. Those wishing to make prepositions will
ress sealed proposals to thetommissioners of
County, on or before the time - above men
ed.: The plan add specific:l6°ns of said build=
can be aeon at the CommisSioners' Office at
i time. ' ' J. HANCOCK,
I - - • A WILLIAMS; . Com'is
ttest—Wm. A. CROSSAI'S, Clerk. -
Ors' Office, Montrose, i 1
I • ' : -
I March ,28, 1,854. c ni3 •: ' -
~ .
tke Hon. the Judges- nf . the Cnizst of Quafier
e4sinns of the" . . Peaee, in and fai the County of
. uigue'hanna. .: , : . ..- .
, . 1
HE petition of Goo, IL L'gglestott-,! • of the
Borough of Sasquehanna, and county nfore
ls,.reapectfully represents, : that he is provided
,h anitablo conveniences to,-keep a Grocery in
I,lbiorough of Susquehanna, county afiiresaidlt
that it k his intention to apply to, the next
I ntl of Quarter Sessions to be holden in and
said. county onlthe third Nlonday of April
.for a license to keepi,:i gyncery,and to sel
nig beer, ale or other nyllt. liquors, aCeordinir,
he act. of Asseinbly orthe 141% April, A. D.
.usqtichanna, Msych 28th, 18547-13w4.
D. R. Lathrop &' .Co.
' EEP constititly on hand a fail assortment
, of every kind or goods which they mill
cheap as the 'cheapest
. 1 ,
I D. W' L. & 6.
. ,
Wheat Flour, Fine and Superfine.
• Corn, Meal andStim . p% 1-
VHEAT Bran for sale - 1
vCd. • 11-11 . .. L. it
• .
Extra Seed Wheat, •
"Pektvian Guano.
ARMING TOOLS of every clever'. ion, for
.vale. at D. It. LATHROP If; Co.
.lootroae, Itirtreb 27, 1854.
- Irlite.ritui Of Our Union ! " -
c i ne :
A Elegant; Moral and Refined, iliac:ell
ous Fatily journal, 1 1 1
I °voted to polite literature, wit an h'ut or I
rpse and poetic gems, and original talT, written 1
eipressly for the paper. In polities, and on all'
Itarian questions. It is Strietly•nential; there
fe e making it emphatically- $ paper f c ci. the mil 7
li n, and a welcome the home circle.
It contains the foreign and dourest ' Dea l s of
the day, so condensed as to present the . gnaitest 1
iiinisible amount of intelligence. No iidvertise
14nts are admitted to the-papal ; thus offering
?t inie entire sheet, which - is of ma oth 51ze,`1,43 the
icstruction and. amusement of the general reader.
aa, unrivalled corps of contributors arekengaged, r
and every department is under. the moat firnahed
and perfect system that experianee cite:suggest,
li/ruling an original' paper, the present circulation
if which far exceeds that of any othet weatkly,l
per in-the Union, with the exceptio of Vdea,.''
in's Pictorial: . - . • 1
The Flag is printed on fine white p, per, ilrlth
, and beautiful type, and itaF ' lff.4owit"'
-contains a--.*(Pre
ilathes, being a large weekly paper oleig i en=
-reYal Inert° pages.- - . 1
1 subscriber , aae year ,
„. . 1 $
4 enbsoriber's, ', .4 ~ ~ . - i
, 00 -
8 ..., u• u 1 '
16. " .4 '
• 1
O. . ,
rtecopC of the Fla 1 n 00
Flag or ‘ - aar Unionl- And lone
opy of Gleason's Pictorial . , ilt,on perentrtun, in.,
ariatlvin advance. • '
* * *The Flag tan.-be obtained at ail, of the
sper depots in- the - United ti ts , , and or
pettarriers, at fire centsper single cop . ll.'
Pub!isher and proprietor, corner of Tiettont and
- Broomfield streets, , Boston: i• \ I
' . Wholesale' .4gents. • . i - ' 1 ‘ ,
Ftscs i 151 Nassau, eortter of 13ptu e street..
York; A. Wisrtr. I 161 7 hetnut stet, Phil.
. . .
. ,
- .-
I - •
1 I '
edelphia ; -Siti & 11. TAitt4n, it 1: Bilthnore at.,
Baltunare ; . . BAGS . 4 corner Bth and Syca
thore stree r
tva . A. Rove, 43 Wood
rd Avenn ' Detroit ; .p.I I K. WobmirAno, corner
dth & Cheatutletrect4,Bt.louis; Tnonas Lynn,
,8 Exchange Place; Ne* °dein& '
1 February ,15, 1854. IN i i .
MITE irati , crb.r reapeetftril insita the, attention of
IL those wishing to piarchate', .Cheap for,Voli,, to his
rfr4LL skid- WINTER STOUR, whielqor extent va
riety: and hems, iiaroly say is utsmupaised tky
Ivy in the Empire state among which stay;be found
t •,4 1 , •
ttfesery quality and style, pries: ranging from 50e. to $l4.
Do pieces raraMetta end Mariva from ls. tp 51. per yard.
french MerittOrs of- every `tads, and color, remarkably'
chew... ' r.
10, 1 000 yakdo a De Lahti. and Petslati.4lloths from lc
to 4s Printsubd Qinghamsln enalets tot:Laity.
• 1.5.000 rlNs bleached oh* siabkached Skeeting.and
Shirting., &oolitic to Is 4d. .
1000 yaraitWhite, Red aed Yellow 1 1 111,Mel I, from Is
0d t c Gs.. Worlen ()hods of eery kind for men stlbt'l P.
1000 yardriSila.ltrotadr.,;Pleid. and ti Black from
the lOrett gentle le the most superior quality. press Trim. -
ruing. ofererydescriptlon.
g ,
niit . . .
'me lane from Auctioh, very cheeyr t Trani. s and
ttog s, 1111 ex t await assortment leonstactly on
.- 1 , , . • i . :
' •
Croft will,be toured- on the pArt.of lb. subedit:meta
la contintianee of the patronage, which:the public has
W *eoeroach accorded him. and for whith he
• scinceica'and hearty thanks. . '•'' '' ' •
W. N. WI.LSON, - . •
i . riser of o,OnCt. & Wateicts.. Tompkini Work. ~.. -
.opposite i1k..4. ntericaiillotel, Dlogbaileon,N. Irt
1835. 1 '• . . ,
h the
teen •
'l l l E undersigned beg to announce' to the eiti.
JL - ens ofj3usguehann4 County, thit they have
+tablisheda s Vliop in Kiieler's ‘ buildibg, on Main
ilkeet..Monttose,Wkeve they will keep on hand a
1 6ipp y of Foreign and Ainerican Marble,aud man.
,ufacture the seine into Monuments, Tombs, Head
Stones, Pier anti Centre; Table Tops; Ilte.
Eri" The piablfe will find it to theirinterestteg:ve
pea4all before going ehiewhere wi l th their orders
Mentrose; .4,/,‘4. 44. 11(53--34tivtf • !
Esltto? rale bY,
Ne milforit,Oet,:ls,.lss3#
irßreasurbr . •
unsealed lerll4'fn Susgitekiinna 16.
N)1 . 16 . $ i s herebY..tgiven 'that agreeably to
the acts et the ge4emtotssemblY Of the com
a • eight of Pennsylvania:di auk the mode of
Ifi g mutated I land* gar Taxes. is following
tracks and Partilof tracks of uuseatef ands, will
he riield at piahlicivendusokin the second Moirdny of
Juni! next at the Court Abuse iu Mouirose, forar•
reartges due, and th'e costs accrued in each tract
respectively; ante?* the slime be pa id before the day
of side—saki to bommeice at '0 o'4lock in 'the
forenoon 1 „
Warrantees owners or I nansb_irs. Ae7ls.7 , • Taxes
eel Hoiden • 4
les J. Biddle
Jost !
na Clifford
Di mock
in Wells 70!
• Gre4l- Bend: I
Dayton _ \ 109 2 •. '1,38
MiKtins. i 267- I 1,70
. rumen. • . [Sal 1 64 .
alifiel C. Lewis '• b7t ' 1;10
-nun Ta:Oor so 64
• ' 11a*rd.1 '
lord 71tuis r
at . wish
Conifoitt Era..
‘a Comfort. - ,
i' 4, Muintorii • if
•ce Grisirold " . ~
i t
Mondani • 4 4
' . • ' ' s
7 Sampson . c
1 ht F. Mona
di. Merridith' '. , fi• :
ma 'Mott • •
irht F. *Huss • i', •,.. :•
. Rairptt ,' ,-f , '
. Hantiltnn 1 ' 1 i 5
. _,..: ' • 1
. , • ' baukTop.;
nt'l Masan •-• ;
iffre* Tybout,. l
Depnge ''.
' ..k •
, ' t Jacksou `ii
' ', I.eucoe
reve Tybout, 1 t • 20,
i Libek*. ,
40_41 3.4 Dj C. Stder 214. ~ 17,42,
p 7 -68 75 76 E. Ekir 'ge ' • 400 • 96,80
2035 .I . ehiel•Dayton - 200 17,42,
53, Win:, Bailra t =. ' 100 . • • 4,46-
96 Sayre! Corkitt i;,,.. 100 • • 4,46
. Brackney : t'. ,784 ' 42,86
Gormley 1 f r f ' , . •;50 2.24
7.Joseph Fattersont 100 ' 4,46
. ' -1 /Velarl:Milford, '!f I
a Benson_ I ; -- 125 ' 3,16
a Tiffany Eat. - ,,•i- •',46 . • 1,14
h Taylor = . 300 1,60
j•h. BR , niun !- t - 213 • 3 . 90
i .Johnson 1 ;: • - 149 2,82
o an.Mithel `; - ' 130 :2,46
rh.mai Noiris ' • is 15 . 1 39'
CV ' . Frankel .Rnsli, 100 - - ' 2..13
%V ...). Turiell ,Thoiiton t ' 420 • - 26,f20
' do. 1 i •• •. 410 - 9,49
G. . . Grow. . ; i . , ' 150 . 9,65
DayPd Post •' - 14 `, 100 ' 6.27
Hey Drinker 1 `,...., 'I
124, ,_ :7,56
Jacob Downing ' I I- llB • 7,43
Wdo. Drinker - ''' . 330 - 20,60
1 • 't .2o7 1 0 9i
JartiFs Com(ort. I /
C. . Tailing's -; • r i t ': ilp • :1.66
I•Jatttes gumford,
' Peter. Dims , 4 '. - ' 1 . !16 --•
• - i ,l -1 16. 4
D. R. t:IT/IROPi Treasuier.
IR' - '
.. . , reasureri Office, ititych 21, 1954. - ; .
.Sheriff'S sales.: ,
IV virtue of writs of Vern. -P.z. t issoed. out of 1
1 the Court of Com#ton Pleas of Sunquehan. I
'otiety, and to me drecteil, t i Kill expose to i
lie sale at the Court Mouse, in Montrose, on ,
1.4:11y the 15th day of April (next, at: one'
n ilit ~-=' • i
?en a . ..a .. . • i.w.. •
ISII that certain pieeeLor pareel l of hand, situate
lvinand being in the Own%iiip of Dimock, Sus.
que unna comity, and State of Pr4n'a, .I:monde&
and ileseribkid ns followo, to wit:,Beginning at a
pos and sumps the north West?6ruer hereof,
the ce south 89 deg. en *t, 160 perches to a beech
sapling thel north east corner, e t bereof; tlience
aim Es 212 perches to the northern,Akounded line
of n lot - of lind surveyed to John Robins; thence
by the line:d { )f said lot,*.est 156 and 3.10 perches
to 1 post,the'south wet .corner hereof; : thence
north 212 .perches to [the place , of - beginning,
:containing 201 acres and 143 perches more or
less' i it being the same lot °fiend, which William
Drinker and; others, extkutors of Henry Drinker,
deed, renveyed by deed, dated I:Nov. 16 A. D.
/8 /) • t° —" /I zekiel L'lthr9lN and recorded in
bon No. 1, page 133 i(exceptinl,;! 90 tierce and
111 - perches, which Atinbrose Gaylord by deed
dated the I3th day of Aug. A. D. 1849, convened
to Dyer Lathrop, and recorded in deed Book No. I I
18, page 44.) together vivith the ',appurtenances, I
two framed dwelling houses, 1 ..'barn, 1 ;corn
house and orchard , andiAbout 80 neres improved,
which said lands and !oboe:tents Were condemned
1 a Jury of Ityittest. r .'' i. - ! !
I beTakenl in: execution not the suit of Benjamin S.
Bentley vs.! Ambrose Gnylord Jr. 1 - .
ALSO—AII I that certain, plecti, or plrrel of
Eland, situate lying and - being in the townihip of
Bridgewater, Se.quehattna county bounded and
described as fiillows, to wit: On . the 'north by
land new ni,fellmerly Of George Clymer, on, the Ilitinle l ,of Milton Hunter and Reuben
Went), en the eolith IoY. lands of . Perrin Wells
'and James She*. and On the went, by lands of
B. T. Case,[containing inborn 57 acres more or
!less, togt4her with the appurtenances,
..1 f ramed ,
,house, 11 barn , ; 1 • eons:: house, 11 . orc h ar d and
about 60 netts improved. - _ ',.' , . .
1 1 !Taken l'eieentiott at the suit of/. B. Salsbury
va t ßoswell Kingsley. l• i : ;
ALSOi—AII that certain pieee or parcel of
land situate lying and the Borough of
I Susqaehanna and County aforesaid, - hounded and
.'deseribedes follows, to wit: On the north by
lands of A. and S. H. Barneft,oa theeast bY'WM.
Marsh. south by A. C. Marms end on,the ;west
by J. H. Smith, containing 26 perches or; land,
together with the appurtenimees, 1 framed house
and all improved. i _ [ ••: '
Also, one other Ipt, ititeate as 'itoreiniti, beun
ded and deartiiied stajfollows, 4.4 wit : On the
north . by !the Jackson Turnpike, sad on the enati
south, and ?west . west byl lands of John B. Scoville,
containing about one .fourth of an sere and all
improved, which lintisr4nad tenements were con
demned Ipy a Jury of .fitquest., ',, ,
i s Takenlin :ezer-utinfl it the suit of Wm. Delon
1 IN. fti4td G. Hetfteld.
.AL .All that ;eirtain piece or AMOI of
land, ~ i tuatO lyinf and heing in th."" l "tdP of
\ • 1
na 11,
Al 1
. . .
üburn,Cott Iy n of Susquehanna and Stitt° of
. -
entea; bounded and described Its follows, .41i wit:
I' irthe north by land of Luther Seely; .On the .
, • it!by latidlor Wm. Clink; on the 'Muth liy , land
f - David and Win. Jackson, and on the 'west by
I. nd of Albert Sterling; containing aboift 131.
eres toorniiir . lees, together -with the '-appurte.
danCes, 2 fraMted houses, one- log stable, 2 small
Orlon* and about 40 acres improved,.
Taken in itlec.utlon at the Suit of G. 14 'kiwi:
iShdr vs: !sane. Smith and,llaniel Smith. i' -.-..
!ALSO--All c that certain piece or -p;Aileel of
Ir 4; situate lying and being in the township of
übem, Sesqmehlinna - County, bounded OA de
icribed as folloWs, to wit : On the north by land.
f•joseplillathews, on the east by Nathan Stew.
i d,:
on the south by. Thos. BatTerty,!and jrM the •
smat by Michael and Timothy i Neal, containing
40 'acres together with the appurtenances one
rained house, 3 shanties, one isiw mill and ;bout
eight.acresimproved, which lands anditentracuti
-ere condemned . bye Jury of Inqueet. 1 - •
ITaken in .eiCeution at the stilt of
.Titerell i&
)imOck vs. - Elihue Butterfield,
11 ALSO-All that certain p eco Of-Parcel of
Sail,. haunt': lying and being in the towuShip of
tfburn, Susquehanna County, bounded and do;
scribed as follows, to wit: On the mirth
. 10,Y lands
of paniel Swackhammer, on the east by land of i
Jiimei4 Mite:rand by the public high Way, on the
south by lands of James Rettenburg and on the
teat by land now occupied. by E. N; Seely, con. -
ai h in„,o• 109 acres more .or less, togeflier with the
appurtenances, one framed house, one corn hobs°
Itio lo g stable; and-about 80 acres improlvd. '
1 Taken in execution nt the suit !o '. Azer La
reop vs, Philip Swa tn
ckhamer.• i • . •
! 'ALSO-All that piece or parcel r land Situ
ate: lYinglind being in the township iof Clifford,
Susquehanna county, and described-as Win - Ws,
th wit: Beginning in the centre of the, highwny
leading from tlitrord corners to the - Callender
firm so railed 'and immedintery at thn junCtion of
the woodslind adjoining lands Or Edward Oram,
thence along said mud south '74 de4. wet two
chains and 79 links to or near the ceutro !of the
-bridge over the ditch, and joining
,lands of the
Calender Cann, thence along the' find of said farm
shuth:lo deg west along the ditch .4 ch,,iiii and
Minks to a corner, thence north 74 - de , . east
six; cimius and twenty links to a post in t he cen.
tee, of the Clifford and Carbondale. turnpike road,
thence along' thO 'centre of said rohit north 32
deg : West , 4 !. Chains and 64 linkslto"the placo of:
beginning, Containing two Ocreti Of land tifgetbei
with the appurtenances, one Tayern IIoW, - one
barn, some fruit trees andallinipr4ed. _
. 1 Taken in i execution at the suit or' Saiituel N.-
Cldttenden and Thomas Arnold vs. 'Aka rinn. -
LSO—AII those certain. pieces;Or: pai!eels of
land - situateiYing and being - in thOciwnShip of
Silver - I.tke,, Susquehanna countYind . State of
Pennsylvanh;and bounded and dthieribedins fol.
los to wit: . Beim' lots No. 1 218'4 and 5 of
the resurvey of R.4-I.tose's 'Resqe - ation' (as it
is §alled) and , beginninft.,a . stakeland - ;stones,
the month east corner of the - Mi.l"Reset4ation,":
on the west side of the old turnPilid.road leading
from Montrose to Binghamton then. pith 106
peichi,s along said. turnpike TOO_ td . a rci-.l#,lead
nom Richmond Hip so . ciuo, to .s•ltver.
Lake, thence -along said turnpike 'road north 6 - ',
deg. west 58 perches, thence by tbO sairl . Turn-
Oker road Mirth 58 deg i east 8 perches Olience
sOuth . B4 deg.. east_ 34 perches; thence. north 88
deg. east, 30 perches, thence north 38 - dleg. 9 per
ches, thence nnrth 12deg,. east 68 peichkthence
north 64 deg. east 14 perches, thole() north 31
Org. east 30 !pen:thes, thence - Ittorth .10 deg. -west.
341 perches to a stake and stones by the
,Side - of
thei s.:id, turnpike rovr,thence northl6 deg. west,
180 perches ,to a stake and stones 4ortter,lhence •
.sbUth. 80 perches to a maple tree , for a 'coiner,
tit In -e north 61 deg. west 335 Perclieti to a
stake and stones corner, thence south 52 deg.
wet 564 perches to a stake and .Stones :orner,
- thence soutlt, 88' perches to a stak'e.ancl !stones
the, south west.corner of the said ilteserivation,
thence east along the south lines of the said Res
ervations 796 percher to the place '4.?f beginning.
containing, 1625IaereS more or less, together
with the apPnrienances 6 framed hOttvs 5 b.trns
one .waggon liouti., one grainary, tone saW mill
AO about 500 acres improved. ; i
Also, The; undivided half part of, n
adjOining Chu abOve,Mid described:its follows :
Beginning, ati a post in the north east line of the
above lot, thence
. north 202 perches to nqmst in
a li ne of Robert H.-Rose's land, - thenco illy the
sante west 29.5 perchSs to' a post, : thencp south
401 perches to a corner of the-above andithence
by'said • north east line• south 61 deg: east 335
perches to
,the beginning, - containing in th i ti whole
223 acres unimproved. r
Taken - in ;execution at -the ;suit of_ Chnvers,
'Did & Oraydop vs. E. W. Refo. - i •
ALSO-By virtue . -of a Writ'of ri. Fa fall that
certain village lot or parcel of land '841114 in the
\ Bitiough of Siisquelianna Depot, SiisOehanni
i . coanty, and bounded and .deseribed tts follows to
('wit :---On the north by land of -Wm,. Hunt & N.
Rinsnin - on the east by the. street, on thKsouth
byi---Ntayo & John- O'Brien and thrthe west by
a street leading from the . " Carr litiuse" John
Vtnnoughs house, Containing! 60 - feet front by
n. 21:1-2 feet - deep, with the dppurtenanCes one
framed dwelling and all imprOed. • .- - ! .
, Taken in 'execution at the Suit of P.S. Deli.
nett vs. A. A. Sanders. - i ' • , i t ' _
60 • . $1,52
56 1,42
56 1;06
5.. 1
30, 76
41W 9,34
333 i 7,55
4 5 4 8,05
100 • 2,26
100 2,26
56 1,26
3 ; 92•
1911. 16.16
250 lain
ALSO—By virtue of a writ of .Ler.:Pa. all
that certain one story house situate in thei villag,o
of Susquehanna, township of Harmony in said
county on Maine st. lot No. 0 as laid down on
the N. Y. &tE. R. R. town plot of saiddvillage
being about 17 feet in front; ',n said st 4 and in
depth - 25 feet,:md the lotor piece ofground
and cnrtilogo appurtenant to raid building. In
your Builwiek you cause to be levied astwell as
certain , -debt of_ $211,G7 which Robert H. Mc.
Kime dr, William Smith merchants and Quildere
(Ong business under the firm of Smith'& Mc-
Kline lately in our Court of Com Mon Pleas for
the county aforesaid hi? The consideration of the
said court recovered, of the said John Whaling
contractor and reputed owner to be, levied of the
said house and lot of Ground as also the interest
thereon, froM the 21st dafof Jan., in !helve:lr of
'our Lord 1854, and also the giant of $10,26 cents
for the costs vehich accrued thereon, aecoidingto
the form and effect of an act of Assembly of the
commonwealth 'of Pennsylvabia in such case
made and Provided ; and have you those ;moneys
before our ;Judges nt Montrose at our :county
Court of common Pleas there to be held:on the
thi,rd Monday of April next to render unto the
said Robert H. MeKune and William,Smith
merchant. and Builders doing business under the
firm of. Smith and MeKune for their debt inter
ests and costs aforesaid. I
:Taken in \ execution at thesuit of Robert
NeKuno and William Smith. "merchants and
builders doing business under the:firm of ! Smith
Meitune; va. John Whaling; contractoland re
paled ownee;
G.-B. ELPRED,'Stieriff.
ibiontrosi., Mori) 22. 18.54.
E..Petrick, Jr. sit. G. Z. Dimock - have
-1.-1 this day formed a co-partnership.foris more
eflicient and successful prosecution of they differ
ent biatseheb of their profession. ,
i All business entrusted to them, will be attin
dd to with: promptness and fidelity. 3
Thelr office will be the one lately occupied by
Dr. Dimock. •
. .
:Montrose, March 22. 1854.
- Disisoution.
NOTICE is hereby riven that the co-Fs-winos:-
LI ship heretofore 'doting between S. ft
Shaw. and James - Me%ade as waggon -makers in
;the Bottpugh of Su-ofa Depot,is dissolved; And
all4sersons are hereby Cautioned against giving
slay c , •,it to said Mc Wade in the' name sit said
firm. ' • S.
Suit , a Depot. Ma rehil7. 1854--12w3*
: Aisquehamia Academy.;
A' '
Nl: teetion will be held ut.the Hall of, the
eh:num Academy., io Monts‘", on
Hotslity the third day Of Agril newt, at One o'.
elneit Ed. to elect 'funrteen Trustees of the in.
latitutili for the year ensuing. r '
, cEO. FULLER, Sec'y. ;
ose. Mirth 20,1854,-12w2. •
Administrators' Notice. '-; -- -1
Vn IICE. )s - hereby Oven Oat tiettersl'esta
-1 e l
ntarf upon the iestAte of Jos. W. Trues
ta 'd; late of LibOty township havti been
'valted to the stibsetibera All perilous - indebted
li r
t 4 id estate are hereby requested to mike iIXI.
'al ' iatei payment, and those having elaitne titiott
' enttite to present them duly attested rot *t.
mon I 1
1 -
1 ,i- _ mum:to TRUESDELL, Adines.'
I,ihr r, March 20, 1051-12,01* r 1
HEREAS, the Hon. Daim WILSIOT,Pres
-; 'dent of the Court otOyer and i 'l l eraliner,.
enora Jail DCliverY, Court of Quartet', Sea.
of the Peace And Court u of Common Plias
Prphans' Court ip the Xffith 'Judicial Dis.
*oinpOsed of the,Coundes ot Suaipiebanna,
ord andl Sulliyan;l, stud! the lions.' Jous
nd D. D. Wanst,a, Aisociate Judgi‘s in
antra Comty, have issued their. pi4eePt,
• date the 98th daY of Jan'y in the ( year
I..cord , one tlibusand eight . hundred and fi f.-
and to tneaireet'etl, fer holding a Court
and Terminer and General Jail Delivery,
orougit of SlontrPse, County of Sn6que.
on the thinCalotany of , April next, 6t be.
l'lth day.) t i. 1
• 1
ce is het i eby iiiven to the Cottoszn,
s or Tits PACE, and CEINAtABLEs of said
of Susquell'anns,that they be then and
their own pro pe persims, at two o'clock,
Rernoon of aaid day, with their Reords,
'ons, and other remembrances, to do's those
thieh to their officea appertain to be done.
use who . are bOu'ud by recognizances
the Prisonefs that are or shall bo in the
said County of ISusquehanna,-are to be
I there, to pivsectitg against them as will
lat Montrose, th e the 14th day of March,
ear of our Lord One thousand * eight hun
' fifty-four.; i . ' •
G. B. ELDRED, Sheriff.
sad , r
an 4
So . pq
boa ri
of on
Win ,
ion s =t a
JyBT t
thare, i
Inge *i
thin s
Aild] l.l
JAI of
w (tni
" 1 . ,
ehanna anty, 884 . I
! 1
'midi, by her next
.IT. Trowbridge, ."43, Nov. T. 1853,
vs. •j, - • I alias to Jan.T. 185#.
rtes C. Sini l th.. • i
f i
. ,
IIAB. C. Sutra : • Whereas, ñ subpoena in
iwas issued to Novi:. Term, 1853; which
y returned On est iia 4 taus. and thereon
.Subsaiena Was issued
said cause re
it to Jan. Term; 1854, upon the return ot .
Proof was Made' to. the said court that
Miles C. Smith could not be found In my
.—,ck. I
is • it to ' •
'his notice tl tere o require you to ap.
• before: the Judges-of said, Court on' the third
iday of April next, tota' nsuler said complaint,
1 . . G. B. ELDRED, Sheriff.
, 3fon rose, 31arcli13, , /.854.; • •
-'ij 1 h - ,
li itaguranna 02/710, St ,
Mitr_nrk Ann Notiis by'Ser i 162, Ang. Term
nex friend J. H. Reynolds. 1853, alias tolaii.
L . vs • . tTerin, 1854. 1
. ; Wm. H. Noitis. ' • •
. .
~Trt Wsr. li. Norrims: I, Wh'ereai, a Subpoena
inlDivorce was isstied td.' August Terna,, 1853,
Whit h was duly returned rton est inrentus, and
th'preon. an alias Was issued in said
'ea - use, returnable td Jati.iTerni, 1854, upon the
return of which prof wds Made to the said Court
that [the said Wm. IL \Otis riould not - be found,
I Bailiwick: 4 .
I ., 2 l'his notice. is therefore. lo require 3‘Ou to hp.
Pear:, before the ItiOgeis !of said Court on the
i third - Mondayt . of April next, to answer said corn.
IPhrint, &c. 0;111. ELDRED, Sheriff.'
.;:Storitrose, March, 13,- 185,4-11w6. .
. - '''Registorl3: Noiice•
OTICE isitemby given to all persons COII•
celled in - the::folling estates, to wit:
j. , ..r.state of Georgii Starks, decd, L S.. Haru:et,
Aatifr: • .
'' - ;Ektate of Jared Beardsley, deceased, William
IMek, Adm'r. 1
AiEstate of B. H. Ooot, deeeaheA, Norman root
Aiithinistraor, ,; .1 • • •
,:ißstate of Patiicli Carl, deeehsed, James Log
Ailtninistrator. •
iiT i hat the neeountantk have settled their sc.
ei - iunts in the Registers office in and for the
C*dnty of Susquehanna and that the same will
ho presented to the Jud 'es ofnhe Orphan's' Cour:
County, in• Mont ose, on Wednesday the
Ipth day of April next, or' confnmatiori and at.
J. T. '.ANODON, Register.
. •
Aegister's office, Mireh`l3,lllBs4.
4tardiau i' ale.
'‘!: TOTICE-is hereby - given that hi purseance of
lorder of sate issued the• Orphans'
Court ,of Snsivehanna Comity the undivided.
t free sixth part of tine half of the following de
seribed pieces or • Orcels of hind tate the estate
Of Charles Wells,4eceased, situate in the town
cir Ileirick in said.cOuntv,..will be sold at public
.fo'ile by vendue at .the public House of A. Cole-
Man in the village! of Dundafflon Wedneiday the
i ilth day of April next at .Ane'!o'clock'F'.. 31., de
ukribed as followi—th6 first! beginning 'at the
corner of Wth. Ohtirchills linds, thence N. E.
492 perches to a stake and stones, thence
2,!,deg. west 80 perelies,r-ty !stake and stones,
ihen west 22 a stake, thence - north
west 100 perches,to the-place of begitirkg,-con
twining 46'icres More or less l mostly improved,
i`nd on which there' is a drving house fora pow
dew mill;wa ter ikriviie,ge dye •
The second piece beginning at the north-west
onrner of ands formerly in pdisession et Cheat].
cy Woodruff,thenee smith 32 1-2 deg. west along
,hnid land 20 Pendles tol a stake & stones, thence
north 68 deg. west seven perches ton stake and
I :IPlnes, thence 23' deirleast. 15 perches to stake
nod stones, thence North 72 deg. mrst 12 perches
iito the forks of the road, theM:e south 4 perches
Ci the place of beginning, containing one acre or
thereabouts with ;the apurtenances, one franied
dwelling house ont hoUse S.c
Terms oliale easy and made known on day of
JAMAN ti.. ,HELPS,-'
!SARAH G. IVELLS. Guard 8.
Minder, March; 15, • 11354,:1 Iw4. • !
!.:.- -
~ Orphan's toutt.Sale-
NT COTlCEis.hereby 'given that in pursuance of
i an order. of &Ile l issuedi from'the Ophan's
,Court of Susquehanna Count,Y, the following des- '
Bribed property. the estate of William Baker, late
'of Ararat township, in; , said 'county, deceased:
Will be sold at public 'hale by fondue, on Satur.
il ay the eight day`of April nex t, at one o'clock ,P.
I.—situate in said township of Ararat, bounded
as follows t 6 wit:: Beiginning at a maple tree
the north• west eciinerhereof, and_the north east
. of land of Horne Hathaway, thence north
,4:6 degrees east 94 1 . 2 ;perches to a post, t ence
inUth 44 degrees east q 3 7-10, perches to a post,
;thence south 46 4,Pgrees east 94 1.2 perchealto a
stone-corner thenee north 44 degrees west 93 7-
110 - perches to Ihriipluce: of beginning, containing
i 55 acres or khere shouts, mostly improvad and.on
;which there is a'flvme4 dwelling house, barn, or.
Chard, &c. - Sale to be held upon the , premises,
and terms made known; on the dap sale.
• ', 'IRA:NICHOLS, Adm'r. ,
I s ! Feb. 27,•1'854.11w4! •1 -
Admiiiistiators Sale..
.. - varicg is heteby given tbst in pursuance of
4.1 an order of 'sale issued from the
Court of Susquehanna County, the following des
eribed property, Cate the . , estate of Pliny Birchard,
t. Dimork township in said coimti t deceased, will
be offered at public snip by, vendee, on Saturday
the l'st clay of April next, atone o'clock, P. M.
situate in the to chip of Jaissup and county
itforesaid,boimded on the north by lands of. Wake.
hum C. Hendrick; on the east by hinds of Isaac
li Cainpoiouth by lands of AI B. Lathrop and I.
Birr.hard, and on the, west by lands_ of Fred
erick Dayton containing 32 acres or there:o)4 . 4as,
rth the appurtehances, mostly improved, &e.
Bale to be held upon the !premises, and - terms
made .known on the day of sate.'
March, 1,18544 ilwi. .
Admixtis tratora I Notice.
!THE undersigned bating been appointed . Ad.'
nrinietnitore to the estatu of . John #ard,
eeaxed. of Dimotic toutnship;! request those In
debted to said estate make:payment itnitedi.
elely, and those having;elaans eguipt said estate,
present them for payment.
.L ; : •
M. S. WiLsos,
Monfrine,'Maitib 13.1854-11w6.
• • lie , * SPrissi Oroods.
P,T4HE subscriber is ynoa , reeemng his _usual
supply -of Spring and Sumner goOds, and
alters them , rer sale as Cheap a 4 the CHtAPEST.
L •li. WEBtl.
I • •
•-.• Montrose, Mt+
ar 115,', 1864.1 • ' •
R A66 ""ntlat t j SURREL,L'B
F- OHIONABLE Hats,EFirin_g Rtyli,juit
rcceived by , lUD). ULLER, ,
March 15, 1854. r • ,
IiTANTED---106 Chestnut room Pteitiy4.
V V ther split or sawed. r n.rruitittu..
RoPosALs II be received 'at the Cot:luta.
Sioners Pffive at Montrose for Inking% loam,
of Tea thousand dollarr authorised by net of its.
sernbl3% to be borrowed by th'e County of Masque , .
henna ; for th 4 purpose of bailding a new• Court
House and,Publie offices for said Ghat', until
the whole amount of said lean Shall hare' beep
taken. " , . 1 -
The said lonn will be taken for the, whOls
amount or in smaller sums as ,May suit thotio ,
wishing to Wrest Money therein and for suCh,
time is may suit the lender, at the ratetaf Six pr . !
cent per annum, (r which COunty Bonds will be
issued;in conformity with the act of . Assembly. I
A._WILLIAMS. Coma; '
_ •A. CARPrATEft,\
t~Ws6. Canssaran, clerk. I.
mmissoriers Oflicc. ,
,ntrose March 0,1854
bVERISEED of the !LARGE kindatid
timothy'. seed justreceiyid and selling litte
!.; IL BITRItIrr.
Milfotd, March Pith,l..s.l—tOttl
CALL No 1.
• -
DYER two months have eliitee.9l since our firm
was dissolved, and yet but a small fraction
of what is duo us has been paid. 'Those we 0100
are calling upon us for Iheir t pay , and is' rit4t,
they 'should have IL Wilt not our numerous
friends who are indebted .to tis heed this call,and
relieve our nixessities! • '
Reollect, payments May bo made eithe
to Aivis DAY at this office; td AMASA. CHASE EzEt.
at. h i4'office in Hartord Village, or toS. B. Quiz
at his office in thu village of Groat fend.
f • ' - ; . S. B. & . E: B. Chasm.
.Dfantrose Nfarch 9, 18_54. t .1 •
OF )103TUOSEi PA. '
With Rowe 9 Woodruffp etc Carter,
vittiot4sALE Gapcmis and' Coatanssios
y m Encli,trr% No, 173?Washingion ttreig,
between Cortland and Dey .treets,l l Siew 'Fork.
March 8, 1854-10tf. ' •
- H itoors.s4 sitoEw l •
qualittes and sizes. also a Food assortuirnt,ef Bob-
O ber Over /aloes, and Buskins, all sad
y-Si ire ens Suit you
In Quality- ' 1 •
, Deeetnber3d, • *. • P., 4. Cot.
1 r ; A FresVLot •
QR Cassitnerea, Gingharna; and other, Fancy ,
l Dry GroodsOust arrive dAt r • -' 1
• ..ScarrOcntarrom & Co'al, • ,
Alio, a new and large assiortment of lion,Ar.
Sc.,; which will bo sold cheap as urnal (Ur cash
or pay down. Scori, Jomorioa di Co
Springville', Jan. 2, 1851.
Lodersillte Book be Drug StOre:
• _
T" rs
E subscriber would inforni the Itihribitati6s of tgr
"ricrille dndsurrouifding country, that he liasgreart
ty enlarged and improved his Store, and filled up with a
large] and eoriiplete assortrnent;r. of Painte - ,.0115. Dye;
woods,,Dye-stiffs, Window, titlark, - hash, Putty,iVannah
and . Drushes. Alm, • - i • j.•
Patent Medicines. Chemicals, are,Perfumery, Yan
kee Notions.Confeetionery. Toilet articles. and all *niches
usuilly.kept in any establishment of tbe kind. lids, on
banns bale assortment of • L
rsioriltan g ings, &.e. Ste. , w hiet4hel! prepared to sell k)lk
am sitaiiousli!etettue se any store in the enuntry.
. I
• I : DOor. JAMES ;GRIFFIN. !,
, . .:
.kir i heel,'
i in same room S general assortment of this'
C.eloto SIT M MlClNgli.esretully Pl.leettd, prepared amass
periniiided by himself, for his ottlt seemakulogatictaaad Oa
benefit o e public . '
re toi„.4.
. 1— -` 1 . 1
Dui id ers. titers. Physicians ,;School "leashers3 ndSed
all classes and p role... Moos wiebink to parebasse arc Invited
It L: Seott ; . - i'•
to ca land see foi•them ,N rele es 1
i •-... 1 .. • 4
. .- : ; •
Would inform his forme,T patrons that he has, in
eonnection.with his other beeNess a full agr; rtmint
of tibias and Shoes some 'onsthicli , he can ,'erarrant
and hell as reasonable ns canibe'bUlight at any Gin.
or place in the conntry•-•
1: 1 .
~. . I • L.' COTT. •
. * Directly OTCT John I ,4lcsiniey's Store on ; •
. 1 - Mies It. (r ill sß.iLode
Marsh .7th; ICs4.—tf. , '
41 1 4
, . * 1 -
'dio D S 8 .. 1.
. 1 NEW.G
, .
1 It. ,rieTPIIIN Invite' mitten, Von to' the uotatsitiiy
0 • liege and complete assOrtment of , i • 1
i ' • ;
li. New Gpocls for 611 sales., 1 • i• -
- ' .
he is now receiving. In adelitiol3l to his usual a,upply, i
Staple Dry Goods, Groceries,
!Hardware, Ilteires•kei he
alse offers to the Ladles a rich Stuck of - ' 1 1
'i , Fall and Winter , .dress. '.Guod.t,. i
Satha; .1- Velvet. Bonnets, 'fbasis, Itibbens. Gloyel tiled
Hosiery, Veili; Table spreads 36 Clothe, Satchels, Ladies
and ~livers fine Root's and ehoesl..t.e., ike To the a Mille
. , •
men he offers a large stock of best quality h-
Ready Made Clothing , • .; ,'
. ,
Clot It., Cassimeres, Tweeds and jJeanS, Vesting* Hats MK
darS, [toots k.,Shoes, ie.
ill ? stoat embraces a more extensive and vael eda.
went. than heretofore, and ha to prepared to holdout
. 1 Superior ,Inducement ~,
• • ••• I
to ',.1.5/Tporchaters. I 'l' i
I ((respectfully I.oldb. an eirly
,eSfi (mulls frieilds
and all others desiring rood goods that are worth the
price asked for them. . • l ," r
Stiouneresille.,Sept. 12th 1g53.1 i -
: ' • /
, styles ,iina priers, „the
2000 Pieces
s as l s V o a r i t l m P en s t er mter al lffered in this etiintyjnst, ,
received at . i ',.11: U. StITPUINf. i
OLD Speetaelis--A laze 'assorttient of
Ur! Gold Spectacles of a I igei.
Silver Napkin-Rings, Fait Knives, Ceps. end
Chains, Thimbles, Butter, k rkes, &c. .
To the Ladies—Agate land ,Cornelian D 415
Mittens. Shell Hair Pins; a very nice artielei
PLATED WARE--Some veryhandscnno
tors,!Cake Baskets, Candy Sticks,.Snufferi. slnd
Trays, - &e. i i E -
LOCKETSA good assortinent of. Double
and S'At..ele, both Gold 'anal Plated. ;
SILVER PLATED KNIVES-- . A superior 'ffitr
tide made to mitih silver !Forks.
• SHELL COMBS—Just ;received, a new lot of
Shell Back Combs, also [rely do. - 1
GOLD CHAINS in-every variety—also, Geld
Keys and Seals. All of the above articles ire
for sale CHEAP by • ALFRED J: EVAN&
March I, 1864-. STAPLE GOODS.
1 - 1 - TE have just rec i oivea an addition' to sour
V Stock, consisting of' LM. and Attsfiuld
Sheeting s, Batting, W adding, Wicking, Cotten
Yarn and Carpet Warp, Canton Flannels, Ken
tucky Jeans, Tweeds, Satinetts & Kerseymeres,
De Laines, Alpaccas, Clenches, Groceries of ev-•
erg description, &c. &c., nit of which we desire
to dispose of during the present month, to make
room for a new stock, and we invite our via
tOmers, and ,the public generally to' give ne a
esti!. ; ' BEtiTLEY 4 REAR!
f - vr Prime CLOVER di TIMOTpY, SEED,
V just reeeived, and will be sold'eght by 5,
Corn Balkets.
One wdgon load just received,. find rtoo'
.to'buy them. I
A new supply ofDr., M edicine.
I •
Just received. Nothing put step tri
cough so ettectuatly as a bottle of Dr. 'Jayne!
Expectorant. We speak from extrienee. j
• lIENTLE•• lir. gr.Arki
1101 r ;1 —• I
• .
By the Barre! or Sack, for sale by,. - I
• ,
. _Dissolution. ;
NOTICE is hereby even that the' co:partner
-111 . 1 ship heretofore between N. Gniz.
ger and Z. L is Cooley, lt! Is day dissolved: by
rnutdal consent. The Not en and liearintii /ire
left With N. Granger for (+Bettie Who will i ttiti=
tinoWbusineas on the Ready PAY IllYideln.
' • 1, GRANGER,'
tw3* • t
Rush, guilt IS, 1854.
. salts -
THE regilar anneal meeting of thh 14 Odd nl4
1 ;lows Iran Azeielatitte will lbw' held ist
their; od the first Moltday of April' tterAilitt
two 'o'clock P. M., for the : elaction of tdiegtli
end . othar Infikortahtlnsidess. L ' ,
D. BREW S R; ftey/'
Montrose, March 11114-3 • •
90118 pubscribet hating retitled -the Chair
. .A.• Manufactory of A. W.Groon • •qo airrords
proparodiAu manufacture N ;.- -
Nit t s,ly eil4 •
at estiteall, pieta, ntaturialo;, la area..
porior steep of 'waken kg
a oustin,
on hind, or wilt ntausfaclurt to • ontirtr'
4LlPaney and Wirulsorhu
crag Seals* Betters, 4.c
IT Alt: rink warranted to jive sit
* o f Merchastatdo Produce( will be
champ for, arork,but NO CREDIT:
arford; Dee.", 18.5;-1y
8.C.8 r e16.1...
/14,orkrsanft Jo bbe *pf Foriirs rand DO.
'fftrOs , Gocidt. , ',
- 41 OEY Writ ET, SFW TOR; •
NN +P at i , l n i o n fian 'itc us ili s e ctr te 4il i o c i ri nin ° g f toiteantleit:i' In't
their steak wbiek will be found la and desira
ble at all ,seasons'of the year. ionsisling, in part
of Cloths, Clissicasm and Nestings - Jeans and
Tweeds, with all the best and well 0,4- Oillell
' .
of - thst colored prints. :„.' -
Also,llresi Goodi, Milo and Lmen Gonda,'
Also, Broebo long ,and -square shawle!Clish
mere and Silk. Shawii,together with Hosiery and
Fancy Goods., - , ' 1 . -
Prompt attention paid to orders..,.. , . . .
-- 1 . .tylkil change.
For MosqueWu's= Viatinty:
CO.ILATEIROP & Co vrouldli•eg leave to
• return thanks to their Mende or their
eral patronage for the last [ year and hope they
will continue their favors, which vve hope to met%
it by strict - attention to business, en low 'prices.
We, have the Must approved patte of Stovall'
ever brought into this markiktimsong,which may
La found • -
. .
STAR OF THE. WEST (EkOtcci.Qien,)
WORLD, I — I .
THREE STATES, all Air Tgt, oth.
era too numerous to mention. 1 • •
We also have on hand a lam assortment Of
Tin Ware of a heavy quality, expreensly 7 for boils
trade, Cisten.. and Well Pums of allidescriptionsi:
lead Pipe of all sizes, reels fc4 chitititubtl, &c•
dze. Joh work done with neatness d despatch.
All kinds of produce taken; .or apt . rofed credit
giVen. Give wo call if you plena . Shop on
Main street, directly opposite the , pcnt. Office.
1 1.. &
Catbis paid fur Funs - by -
NE,/ GOODS • . 1:- -;
At the Upeonvilkt Exehange.
THE' subscriber hereby: inform k his friends
(comprismg the public g,enerldly) . that 'he is
now replenishing his.s*k of Goods,' and Is 0.
tering superior indaceinents ftir thein - tO purchase
Of him, thereby keeping their capital, as well Si
doing their • trading at home, amo g his stock
may be found* general assortment f Dry Goods'
Groceriis, . Crockery, Hardware, sinta, Oils,
Dyes; Boots and Shoes, Hats And Pops, wall and
window paper, Clothing, Trunks, Ititnkee notions
dre., all of which hey will be happy . to exchange
for any kinds of farmer's produce, at the highest
prices, cash, or good credit. i ,
Also,he wants all who have aCeounta of over
six months Standing to call and settle thorn On or
before the ri.t of Pcb. Isa 4, and 11 who intend
to pay in grain are requested to be git alongas
soon as convenient. J. L Iti RRINIAN..
WANTED to hire a g ood Bl kstnith, one
who understands all branc Bof o. trittle, and
can come well recommended for so riety and - iii.
dustry Can obtain fair wages by calling on .the
subiciiber soon' at Upsonvillei, Pa.'
/ Ia
• • JOAEAT L Eniumli. :.
Jan. L 5, 1854.
D,. Lathrop &.Co.
RE selling - yr their stock of cods cheaper
than ever in order to maker m for their
Spn n' purchase.. Call and see for ourselvei.
Jan. . I ,
e Lanes only Is 6d at • 1
• 'D. R. LATHROP& Co.'s
BAY State Sh Is cheaper thani ever at
/ D. R. L: & Co.'s
SOME uttSre or that Sugar left at
D. R. L. &. Co.'s
'Montrose, Jan.
Patent Lever Wai. , es.
bse. •pleas.
rri su n rto
-` 1 ure m *.fermin , Ins
1114 friends that he h as this , r
received directt Liverpool
another invoiceof his eeletua
- ted Enalish I.Ver Watches,
- Casa in vario usstyles, plain
and Hunting, Full Jes:eled: and warranted Per
fect timekeepers, ALFRED J. EVENS. ._
11 No.:, Odd. Fellows' ijall.
Binghamton, Feb. 14, 1854. _ '
1113011L4tED Fork., Spoiots - tici;,--.
just ree'd,
' I ABEL Tinßam:
,i!ow receiving his Winter
••• NEW •
0N8114112G artlessly everYthluitusal
, ke4,; which Will be sold at priers that'
- pie*. i The public , are Smelted to call aad
Montrose, Jai 5,1854: -_
XedicaneVik Ch 6,
A Tint rate suwatitutit. Plsysiolatte! IBMs stall aid
expeditiously put up at reduced prices, anoiltres•
erip bee carefully eiuspouude& T-he beat. quality Orattb
cies thia'departmeut will be found at the Drug and Variety
Store Of 1 . - .111141 TURIVISLL.
A Vali aimatimipt. sad of beetlingHU
Gfiaso-Ware t ri lt assortosidii
LiquierselL 'ehof,ce m i s ty o 1 . for mmochia
purpelhicat • • VIIRRILL's.
lasi rimester—Tienrie,
,A ox&as,lllls,mrs 111ilqiardi POO* 1 1 79 4 0 4 .
eaurilid•libilif: stott gym wand*, din osiri•
oil of the MailTrahis of Cilil l iiiiiiillllll* 4' - trllifill
1414oitroaiit 1 P. 11: 1
, • . .. - • •
. ,
~.... _
_, Prays XoutiaaollalititS*44ll4.solyopt ).a t 1 P 1114,
resekliNtlUtkWad iit testi rdlato AM' all *OK 'of
Csro i loinhoZast sad West, Wag the a mot -sad sod
MAR& rostesoreseli the New Task avid * Railroad., '
Iv a p as inkplesiiii 10.44.1i1Y OWL* Ohildakiil94
vinit, Taiktmook, Ityolalad t ..oadwu *ollaffa,
Ellidatifisorsi 1 4 11 imorT /17 4 adift4,4li"
46;0,,Ati0,0 Ilse 'l/ lirloiOrlillos .44, re
raid - otaafeitildreorrlito , V ill, -as 1
' ffit ll , t 4 1 1 " 1 1 11 0 101 P 6 M 1110 ,7 . I : , NO!
~ -1 ' lif 11. 1011.
Deeelalrerl.l,l332 -.- ~. *ORO . 111V11514 -,' .
i '• .
121 TIZE NM) biltir(idLUCl*,":'
ge wiwiStwoutti reirpeetfolliuw_
his friends and enstetners, and chisel* ha s
this vicinity generally that he is nolostsbisit 6
Very lit* " destrabh) . BTOCIIf or CideCi
GOODS *elected with great; atze which leaddiiiisa
.to &neer, Stock, makes
alledulgs and
Brown and Bleached bons e Late. to is 1.;,
Canton rime* Domestic' Gisigiut!s-frosn
to 18 Mc. •
Cloths, Cassimeres, Oier Coating, Batiseili r
Tweeds,,ltentucky Jesus, du, ill per seat 'UST ,
er than ever."
Mimes Dress Goods.;
• 4-sTleadid tot of If erhos, all *not
Cashmeres, Paratnattas, WWI Clu*Voliuld.
Persian; &c. Prints, a very larpiios
from 6 1.4 td-13 141 et - I
De/crines, • •
A fins lot to - tell,-et IS 1.2 e. as goad • 44411" .
and patterass beretofarasold at, 10a
Duffel!, • -
t Bale W hole Akins. -
Crani Sall
By Sack- or Bushel. .
Montrose, E.,b. 4,1884; ' I i . •
4 Undo
fpi .;
vs t'"•.\as "
- -‘4l -
' .
• lake Nes*
• •• • • . . ~ ;•,,,„
la BUREIT le atm melding another imolai atelikars-
Al • Fail and Winter 0000 1 lig irbi.4,41114 asssefiasse
.wlll be tally elplenished in every , denattilieat Ind urns.
: any Inviting I aud complete. paitkrnlaily ibt now Mlle ar
Ladles Deese fillosde, Rich Plaid and Pansy Details lad
Caidunere, Paratzettlis, Irate& Ildirtini,. De W I: 311 4 11111. - •
Lame, thistooldired gobaa„Bilks,.Bosinete, - lowa .
gibbons, ait I and new assortment sot; Winter illinal4 ,
Ladies For s, Nieudines aad 4 Nolia; ladies 11= 5 : %.
Boots, Snipe and over Mee", Clocks otiolegeat aadl
styles, and a ea, assortment *finny, Parlor and Cessna( - -
Stores, with 4; least variety of other *lbw sad Illisplis '
-Goode whieh *rill be sold on the omit favorable tame s
olferhistespeelai indtretttrentsto cash or Dose bailees. j
New Milford, N0v.14; 111111 - . 4 r , , • -- .•
'1 littvi Suiven. ~ •
- . _
Tir: svaxtrris now reeetelag a 1144 'WI fall. sMN
11, =eat of cooking Parlor saddle, ittcolles.fetea!
or Coal, awl' la 'eeewectloat with hie" preriolla sae* ;
stake a meleerana eomplete assortmeat of tlre,latoet • ,
lar sad unproved kit's of , .
Air Itylit,` Sly :iota Oven; Prattlers 4#oll
- - 1 ' . Plate Stoves. ' : 1 ,
• Wee, *Wee Pipie,steel, Iron , Me, Ste Pe Taboo**.
witleh beallleell at the lowest 'skeeter sash ea ppre .
ed credit.
New Milforll, leg. 211th, 1111111. . - I
• - .11IENIOVAILs . •
Ii fig taRRYNOLtOB hate tamed disk
11 'l'~pnttng eetablishinent tb the room over 0.
R. Ilawieretttors, beat the " Pratilttie . -111e4ele
where they are prepared ,to attmtd prosiptlY ti ell
eatbia their,proreesiots. pledging , entire eatiefa - eties
to every, reasonable man. Latest
.Newiterk lead
Poris feshione just received.
Itiontmee,!Oept. 15. 1853.
TN B reit.eeriety,,' considerable quittity, laimsel•
I. or quality. and cheap for cash, or 'to excitease
(*toms!. kinirof mercha ntable produce, QS
terms. • HieCtochof Sugars, Teas, IrtibaccoolGpl.
e a ., ace., beiol so ntimerons, herdeeme it intylpea.'
i s eery to say. that almost • inything . in the pis.
eery lias'used by families, can be found upon imp&
ry and : . consequently ennmemtion I. anisiderall
superfluous.; yy In particular be'would ask as 'sham.
ination of bi fad Sugar,*, Tobacco, and {a - Tea . .
A deduction worth saving made to those:she be
•itt latletplaniitles. - - _
; -- • I. N: BULLATEII::. • •
Valiseable Farm for Wei 1 •• ,
sibicriber ,offers for sale his'ealeaid•
1: farm in Gibson township, Basquebiams
County; Pa. :ccintaining 157 acres, situated iat
Eastern part of said town, half of a mile froektbe
Teelthannoik Creek; cod 12 1-2 miles nom pas.
quehanna trepot;on the N.Y. & E. Railroad.
On said farm is a framed llouse, 3 Ilagiri.
boMe shed,
,corn bouse, a young orchard otiorm
'lOO trees, andls Well watered.
.11e Offers towell foi leper cent. less tbait
real value. , 1 - -
I Imisis.—.TWO' thirds of the purchase sita r ist
Leash doWn, 'and balance secured by 'mortgage. -
`..Gibson, Nov.. 23, 185.-.--4.7y1
' • Executors' Notice. . I
][4:TTERS Testamentary haft' been granted
to the subscribers on the 'estate of. 4abus
G et; late of Gibitqn township, deal. 1 All
persons brdebted to said estate will make Immo.
diatipayment ; 'and penult's having demi& Will
.present them to the trodersigne4 duly allotted
.foliettlement. . ELECTA GARDNER,
ibson, reb. SiO t 4thi-fior6 &altars.'
I)F.tit . Melt a C. ValL L
'['DRUGGIST • and Cimmist, and Dealer_ fa
■./ Thu s, Medieit es, elsomiesle v Die
. gfaire r
Paints, Oile,,lPatty, Witurkivir Mass, ,smpkiste.
Fluid, Perfumery, Yailme
- ,!
3 ,two year. old,
2 11 46. 1 . - / 2 ...4en 1 / 2
one home sr Oro,
Ileigh - 9ietteties•
he t 1 18th
vatiety of Farming Tools, and soma =OW
' The Stock is nil good and.dosiniMm
The forms pf,psyment .
lateli; cisover'tat six months Wit with ititetass esd,
good secnrity..' PE/SA WELIA ?
• - 3i. 8. Wmson, -
'March, i301194-ti*t
liewry stotir
ply of
is this mar
cannot 'fail 'Co
easatiair chew.
• - -
Went's Nola*. 3 ,
XTOTICE i . hUrOby 'gift!' that. the .subserbiPr
'lll has' applied 10 the Mini of COMMOD Pleas
of Busqueltatuin . ;Cobutprot the benefit of the la.
, sohrent, laws of thio!tornmonwealth and thei odd
Couit &Ore 'appoin'ted lefoiidarthe rah day - , of
April twit fobs hearing upon the fittieontuinet
ao hii Pelitiol2 ''or ' •
1854-11w3. ARM BAABIL
*Moves tStioires t: Stiniert is
MBE subscriber Wishes, to tall thiattentleselt fi
JL his.friendi *With. Publie tolls vfny
assortment of' - • • .
- IitTaVES; •
at hie neiv Store ROOm. Fb Ltiderseilie,a*
L. S, Lenheim's 'Stdrei and neet th e Greet Milk
Depot. He bas iir Addito# to his &Mali .
varieV r tif Cooking nititor . "Sibirei t lid , #1
Patterns, some of which "‘
Wet itnero, .1 l ie
Afinteng - Info* usta*,
Black Wstriet,- Odes.- kik' I - •
• 1 /kg et* •
Which' together -With his farina's.. 4 l6*k Olt ,
perhaps the molt ***pelvis end Varieditithroll*S
,cof well selected Stoes in the Condi_ •
. 1 •
* * *Clinton litoves well faimisbcd si ft", prima
se, All articles in his line kit bh bail-104::
made to Ooce sensual, aid &dem tucciemi,ailda
old;ii}Glut Beast.
/' • ‘.
.10iiigPOISTE*. A
Lodermille* •1; 1853.-4,
' 1 ' Farmi Bale. ' -j ' :..
PHEitibeAlibtfiltri ! •t•ohotimisliiiii
-4.-. viti2daellitig Reid ' ^ - tee... 6.1114 Mum' -
ona-104-.1. b.cmoli . iiiitlotti ! eaulity, • 11Pa r :: op to •
Broonie totpity l NJ YI: Od. also viiiiii• lac:
wOraillts. - ti , 10 ,1 14 to oar tikeiOrObripity -
for siii) dott' be 4 minute dioriptio ,et ask- ,
fermi 'td Lt) ' i iiiilfoll_cii4:lla of ii;'liott'
many tmprroot, *id b oar yfidirsi We"-
Ortitita, paled ot 'comma Mift; otitottt4.
itiotifft:tuivr fai'froik 'Grist . Itelie *Cilia 141* --
tibia et thiA ,', L itcWat. k. sid vf.-vitc.
o p ,
E., irks 64144 peybiebti A: ° l- `` i ''
" .
lar AU lobo to trot at iiiii,v!ikaatigwr
_tat* , will roesito
.. tit attlattob.V. oigibeint I t
•Or addrogiai aoras 0 - %WI • .1)454.411N
quaiumb foutkty,Pa. - • . • • • ... ' 1 ' - 1
- 11rfCc4Q Y allt z;*Mt ) 11 e4 4 4; ilPf* •
iiromkes . freb-cr ".
-' • ;•[',,
eh "bins iiforlit;' Will. dial's" . :1ibi1,,,-
at Eklifeluiskiithly obeepleftby It-I.lsieiri •''
hit I,; ; ) T_ppisp 1,.
' 1 s'' - 1
Grei,clieftl,7* 4111;" eft
itA s tAIAN
r lir SI:1,111 eh
Sale._ .1
/Imo of Jo bs *it
asintabip,, on Tues.
Bole to;itooi-
.i O-0 1 4 11 gitrjAMALW.
110:. it ;
•• Aji••••