..- - • • ( (Coronae liront , ...Seconcip -Awe.) . ... . Again :; The xel tion of is a master and slave . sometimes chi .. s,t!d Vith the dont : es ; tjc xelatiotts. • Now.,while..it, is . u .questionably 4mong• the 1 powers of nity: - Sta ~ within its ownjhrisdie tionivto,Ainge tliti existing relation ; ofs•husr band . and- wife; - and to establish .ployga;• My, I presume no Person would contend that a polygainous.husband, resident inone of the States, would be entitled to enter the nation•••• al Territory with,his hareni—his property, if ' Yen - pleasesand••there claim inununity.— Clearly, Whn . -hs When . -he asses ethe bountb of. that 1 , local jurisdiction, which sanctions pelyglmy, 1_ . the pe,ctiliar do m :;tic relation would ceasit; and it is precisely the Saute with Slavery. • 1 • Sir, I dismiss these .considerations; .111,ie prohibition of Slaery in the Terri Cory .o.f . Se , braska standS on. onedations of adamant, up held by the early . policy .of the . . Father, by i constant precede t, and time-honored coni-I pact.: It-is now i your power •to overturn' It; you may me, the sacred landmark, 'and , • open the whole v st domain to Slavery. To . ' you is icomntitted ,this high prerogative.--1- - Our fathers, on tit eve of the revolution, set forth in:binning . ,' lards, among their grievan ces, that Geerge7,ll; "in order to__lieep.opon • a:market where Tett:should •be bought and sold, had prostititted: his negative for Snp piessing'every legis lative .attempt, to. prohibit, or, restrain tlis . _• xecrable 'commerce Sir, like the English 'monarch, you:may now pro's .titute your power to this same purpose. But ru . canifcii escape the judgment of the world . nor tI4 doom of.history. . ' . .• In vain 'Sir; yoti will plead, that this 'meas ure preceeds froin the ,North,.• as. has been suggested by tbe Senator front - Kentucky., [Mr. DixoNl• . Eden if these were true - ' it would be no apology. • But; precipitated as this bill has bee l upon. the Senate, at a. mii,j , went of- general alm, and in the absenee of ti 'any controlling xigency, and then .hurried to a Note in advarihe of the public voice,.'. as if fearful of the arrest, - it cannot' be justly called 'the offsprin g of any popular•sentiment.- In - this respect it differs 'widely from the Mis souri proliibitition, which, after solemn debate extending through two 'sessions of •Cmigreis, and ample discision before the People, .was adopted. Certa;ly . there is, as:yet . , no evi dence' -that this: ensure, though supportedby Northern men r proceeds from that - Northern sentiment which' is to be found. strong -and 'fresh in the schools, churches , and homes of l • ' the People, P i aputi. wanes. Ad Aquilonn • • posti, Ocrtateni . quamlcin spirant: And. could - this scheme; be submitted to the • awakened millions whose souls have - been truly ripened . under Northern kies, it would be branded at .. once :with an indignant and undying contleM . nation. - . - But the rice f men, "white slaves of -the ' , North," describe and despised 'by a -south . ern statsrpen, is, not yet extinct.there, sir.,--• • - It is One Of the - melancholy tokoit of the pow er of shivery, under our politicat'system,nna • . especiallv,,,throuh the opperations of the Na: tional dove,runiTent, that it loosens and. de stroys the chara•tet: of Northern men, even at a distance-4like lie black :Magnetic mountain in. the Arabian s ry, under* whose irresistible . atraetion the iron bolts, which' tOgethPr 7 - the strongs..l„mitm...4 ...t 0 GfiitnlY ship, were draWli oat, tie whole-fell apart, and ' be ,......nme a aLtio4ii t w.r.,...... 1 ,..... Those....nrincinte-i. \ which constitute he individual its of the North ern, eharacter, which render it stanch, strong,, and seaworthy, Which U l na it to;zethet . .ns with . •.- ,iron'; are drawn Out, one'lly.. one, likebte,holts ' of the ill fated V:tit: and from the miserable . loosened fragthe is is formed that human an omaly—a4torth rn man. with squilterm prin.ci • pled. Sir_....nb such man can speak for the 1 North. - • 1 • ~ ... , [Here .there w an intetuplionc•i l prolonged applause in the galleries.] - THE PRESIDENT [[fir. i.: - . 1 . Wait. in the . chair.] The chair will lie o ligecl to order the galler esito be -- cleared, if order is nor preserved. 'No applanse will be allowed. SnYrn.u. \ - roii.E's,4' Let them •be cleared now. lilr. SZN:cr.a. - Mr. Prelident, I' proceed ii T ow to cOnsid•d.ions of a' more general char- _ s.cter, to which I ask-yonr best' attention.— . Sir, this bill ispiopo4ed as-a measure of peace. In this way you-, vainly think to l witlidraw the subject Of slavery from National politics.-,.-- This is a mistake. - Peace depends on Mutual - cOnfilence.- 'lt lean never rest secure on bro ken faith and injustice. And sir, permit me I to say frankly, sincerely, and earnestly, that • the subject Of si ; Fivery 'can never'be_withdrawn , - trOm the Natio - al plitics, until we retura -4 . once more to the opginal policy °Four lath >. :ers, at the first organization of the 'Govern in 'ent„ under. AV shington, when the National . t `,'ensign nowherc 'on the National territory s eov ered. a• singlesl ve. ....,1 i filatcry,•N.l4 our father- branded' as -an "evil,"- a "'curse," an" enormity," n "nethri -ons institution,' is condemned at tiv i North 1 by the stlronge t convictions blithe reason and ' the best-sentiments of th 6, heart. It is the on 13'! subject; Within the field of Naflonal .polif ties, which excites any real interest. The old . matters which have divided the minds of men have lost their importance. 'One hy one triev I • ' have disappeared,,leaving the ground to lie I Occupied by al question grailder far. The - Eank,-Sub-Treasury, the Dist,ribution of the - Public Lands ;are each and all-obsolete issues. Even the ; Tariff is not a question on which opposite'politii:,al parties are united in taking opposite side.S. l ' And now, instead of these supersededqn stions, which were filled for ti the most part n *tit the "odor of the dollar, the country is di r ,ctly summoned to considerface to face a cause which is connected with all that is divine in religion, witli all that is no blobn minds,with all that is truly practical ) ;slid constituti ►nal.in • polities. Ijalike the i Other kuestion r q, it is not — tenaporatr or local in its - character. . It belongsto all :times and to all nountriejs. Though long kept in check - 1 it•Jicor, t'y yortr introduction, - confronts the ; people, demanding to be beard. To every . !man in the land it says, with clear, penetra ltin,n- -voice; " Are you for Freedom, or are you . ;for Slavery ?" • And every man in Ate land i noust answer his question when he 'rotes. l Pass -this ill, and it will be in vain that 1 -, you say the 4 lave-ry question' is settled. - Sir, ;,nothing ;can 10, settled which ii not right.-- INothing can be settled, which is adierse to l Freedom. God, nature, and,all the holy sen timents of the - heart, reliudiate any such false seeming settlement. , Now,,sir, mark the clear linaof our duty. And here let me speak 'for those with . whkm, -.; in minority and defeat, I a.tsr proud tei be -ea ': sciciated;thlndependent Democrats; who - espouse that Democracy which is transfigured in the Devi ation . of Independence and 'the injunctions I:Christianity. The testimony which - ye b r against-slavery, as against all , other, wrong is indifferent ways, according - to our. ' IL-, The •• slavery, - which ;exists, . wat under other ,Governments, as in. Russia 'or Turkey, or it 'other States of the -Union,,as in. ' Virginia an - Carolina, we can - oppose only through - the ' :Influeficeiof literature, morals and religion :tWithout iii Any . way invoking the - Politica Tower: or licit proposed to' i aet:_atlor -.7 - . t -lalaiery—w-here-we -ere :parties to it, Ifiketit.:o4Tare responsibli.lfor it,. • emu**, 'thin our . own ,jurisdifidii- -- -raust.ln: • a. , a- , a "notzonly bfall the influence' ' i d literature, 'Morals, and religiou, butdiree - 4. 1v by -every iustilment sof Political Power.-- In the SLltegii il-stietairiad by loci! laws; and. althengli' We may be eOriipelled to share- the ghatue Atichitspre,enee ,inilielp r upon tile fair fame of the'Country, yet it- i receives 1 odii feet - Sanctionrat .ciur•hands. ' t )V . ..e . tre no rei Spo'nsible forAit.' .The wrong isl not, at e , our; own particultir doors:. It 14.61. within! our jurisdiction, - But, slaverveverywhere under Ithe . Coustitu ion of the, enited iStates' eirervl. where Within she-exclusive juriSdi4lon ; :if•tlie National' . (l4ernmelit--everytivliere und' r the ar r ow . at National Flltg, is toun paeular 00,4- Within . ,• i . - . the -4 s7h4e.ofiour . own personal r -pot:- sibslity, exis s :there jn defiailee t erthe kri g i ; ' nal policy ki ':our FatherSt and of the trnelprin-. ciples of thei Constitution. - 1 . i i -- _- i : 1 - r It is a la itptake .to - say, as is dften clia!rf.r . ,ecl; that 'we 'see' to interfere, „Ilirongle . Cofg,ress with Saver in the Sultes, 'or in any way to direct the Wgislation; 9f Congt:es.s upon' • sub: j4ctslnOt wiilinits jhrisdictiont.: Oar tiOliti,;• . , cal aiMs, attivell . astiMr political• duties, are coextensivqvii i our Political 'lwponsibliticii-• ,l i And since We t •the North art'tesponsible for Slavery W4re er t it:eXistsun ,er:•the jurisdie-; tiOn of Con' cress, it Is unpardonable in its not 1 to exert everypowei. we posseSs to enlist Con- t 1 gross agams .1t it. _ 1-. ,.- .' ,t•• • ti .t • '.. such is Isur. 'cause. ' To men (q . .- all . parties .and opiniok who Wislliii - ell t6,ilie Republic,; t and would t . i, reserr - c its oorl.nlime, it appealS4 Alike tot th'e. Conservati i 7e andl the Refonnkir,t l 1 it appals tifor it stands on the • Itruest.ColiscrH't, I ..vat ism nntll the truest. • Reform 4 t In; . skekifig I ',.. i 'ul?:',' .- 'ibt=r!! , 1 . . . 1 the reform lef,c_xisting evils, well seek also the I -t- „. •" , .. 1 • • 1 - i .tt converSation of the ,principles..iif our fathers,;.l ' . ,, - * ,, c/i 1. 1 : 0 copl: ,, The caus . e is not. Sectional ` ; for it sluiply aims o f tlie rir ; co p y . of t Gl.msoti's Piele to - Osta 14'4 under the. National Government :-..1 Zl.t-irtTlic Pictorfal " ,tbosegidat : prineiphis of Juitiee and ; Raman- unity . be Obtained at) its-, which ; are breAdt and • UniVersal as nv i n , :throughout the ec •As well nliglit it be Said that Jefferson, Frank. ;cents P i Fr. B inil t !) lin; and " ' Washington,. tivere;se.'ctional. lt, ',is" I i n 3 b•!shcd f . c not aggressivei; forit t does not seek in ~ any i a ; fi .. r `'9 m . ' way. to) Interfere,' through- ! Congress, , with t i i, Slavery in the States. It is not contrary •to • 1 ~, y ,the Constitntion ; for it recognizes this para..- - Nekv mount latik,tand hit* AdMittiStrationt of the Or GoVernrogitt invokes the spirit of its founders., fi . Sir, it isnot! hostile tO'the quiet'of. the conn try.; for it proposes' the only Course by. which: :irritation! :an be allayed and quiet be perina e• tat ion! neatly-est. blised. .1 •.. .t . • . . • It IS n 4 ; uncommon t 6, hearpersens.declare tha •they .i aseagainst . slavery,; and are willing to unite in any practical 'efforts to make this 'opposition felt.. At-the Sametime, theyphar ..isaically'i visit with. condemnation, with re-' preach Or contempt, - the - earnest- souls who: forrvearst• have striven in - thiS• struggle,- To ,such I 'tiVould say-,--icould..t reach' them noW . witmYh'. voice—if "you are sincere in whzt . Von.. declare ;- if yoilr words I are ;not. merely' lip-service ; if in your, lionits i tYou,tareetitirely willing to join in , r practicalnyl efforts against shivLrv,ithen 'by V ; urlivesi . hy yolir conver.sa i ti'oa, by; your infili+nce,bY your vhtes--disre-, garding " the an: lent forms Oft party strife" —seek to carry the principleS'of - I , reedom in to the I ational Orovernment; wherever its ju risaictiOn is aclimiwledged, and its power - can be felt. t Thus, N ' itlioirt any interference with the ; St.kf.es, which aretbeyotid this jurisdiction mayl you help to , era{ie the blot of Slavery , from our National trbw. ' I • t .-- •' Do this,. and ' you', +ill molt truly promote • the Intrariy tiviiiellit . you so 'much desire.— You, will establish tranquilitythronghant the conntrY., . Then at last, sir, the Slai - ery Ques tion will be settled. - -Banified from its usurp- , ed foothold, tinder . the National Governnient, forc,f , „Ynto the Nationafpolities-makuif , and unmaking‘lativs, mating-and tamakini;Pres ideriti.l Confined to-the States, whereit Was left byi the Constitlition,it will take its place, as • a local institution, if-alas! cOntinti4 it } . ..inst. !HOT which we are; in. no senserespon , '" . sible: ani frail Se which we ieunnot justly {e'.- \ii r sustzt . :ll2ll,l'NtiA :cot. - NT‘.. - . -:.t•trt ; any . politica power. t's, 1 4,. El sal I 1)1, atilfry- 'sr , --. 7 co v E AND TIN : WARE DEPOT. cd.fr4:o l c.l . tir present painfultind iiritating coll.: . t t . L. Nvl3'S . i' Eil 4. iCO wnuid - respectfully I:l;,'CliOtt viith iL Tile i.? . xiitiiit s T aittrt..„(r0:15...".!!! !,)-:::-. i . 1 . _11,.. • ! iliroril the pecp i e ;„,c' this c,,,tht..,. and the Li P 1 North and tweent toe en,::.l- ; ! elimination andt reicriminatioa will 'I, tislinvitif of the ab 6 ve kind in jiontrosel at the, aid , ceat. - tyt: the wishes . .i . the F:0, 11er,;• will bilifai 2 i stand:of Sayire a,O 14 , 0 5 4 ,-r: 9 ,:e dear nort h or i. fie Df. , :bcral on; cp , ,there they intend to keep on lilleih.f.anti this Great...E4l 1,4 1,-.,ft to the kind-ti head a larre'• as. , :;rtinent of SioVes Tin; Copper, ly infinfnees 9f moralS finCrOlgion, -. and tlict;. tnasstaud tiotl:'01 wars, all ofyhieli they will -prevailing laws of social! erdubmv. • ' . sell a , clean as tlpy cati- bebought in this or any m Ila not blind to theiadlierse it . .iii.s... But;! -other cannt.y At tong ou ti ! ,o si i b i : ; - i e n t , „ ai rc, az ., •h to ia f m ou e n n i t l io ti: : thiitslrsee clearly. - Anildsiliall seeming. des fulicA .3; isi;! bst. i ldes • ° l e ' s . • ..+• .. . •N. yr r 4- •,..tie,air-ti.:.;ht, far 2:•;cd. \ . , , courilpme,tits, the great omens art with u t s,.- ; ; , - • . 7 f _ 7; ,- 7 •7 ._ ' ..i,iou Ora 1.:.--ry :. "-.- • " -or coal Art.,-literature ; poetryreligion---everything , . . f , '•• ,i. t ' ' A...rpLonc. ~:,.ve . :41 ' . .14 • 7,t il;hich Elevates man=all , are on our. side.-1 . -. i-ji n } nz i-' I Li . .- • ~ The Plotp - rli 9 . the sterliteng t ine, the • railroad i t • • Ba;.:Ils. ,e,,,l , .•_ .., j the telegraph, the. book, every . human fin- 1 .. • .. FL:7.01142a, c4..“ifc , l Ot cp. provement,: every geiterouk word . anywhere 4; "tt ,1107w , c 1 4.. - . .every true pulsation •of\'evety, heart whit-'li ist! Also ! yd.rlar,; 0...80 . ° ant; sh i o l i S . tores,Clilyer'sPitt gisi e t r o .t r i t iot i: t i t r e jr tin:lce Pu bl ic . s si c , ),.., i, , , E' , 3 r ll r ! : ?g ml.‘ z l not :1 nee:' muscle,. and nothing . else new 'eneo lo•ernent \to the Warfare . wit'h slaLif slieoei.,lr!jaaa,lL-e• ~c .., ,ie -p ie : 'ts. ell :nd.' l 6l:ter ip a P i'urn'ti c s, I O . i tilery: t \' l rfh . i'dj: : 4—,utlqion will Proceed.. ,The de f t! hairi . . imitis. Ulf/171S and. Gea r i n . z .•. Ntice.4 b" . rte' can 'no longer stave it otl.--- 7 r . 3...1, All kinds aft tosto , m Work done on short n o 'lnc tsubie •cres of the• nobtician scarniot es•II t 1 '-''' l'ail-nict• reas'nsbleite!rms• Our m oil cl ' is Eirria d - . ; F ofits,rendy pay and !nick returns, . .. • • capeit. The tricks of the' : office-seeker cane: a , note dodge it.. Wherever an election - oecurifl ,l'Atlitiiii!s o f Prodnee at ken in : exchange for Wares. If von disn'h believe it. call -dit see. .. there * ( this question tivill'aristi. - Wherever:the:o ' It . I A. ti.. Sr EBStrW - t. &co h•olille: together to - speak .of Public- affairs,ther , lit' MO a trosi 5 . .?pt.t35, 1 . 13:, - , :q. , again it will be. ,No political Joshua now 4 with mirae4lous tt .power, can. stop . the Siin in. his f.tpurse through the heavens , ' It is''Ovo ; r i now. rejoicing,. like 'n strong 'lran, to.) mil itsl'race, 1 and will vet send its beatoslintd•l the mos% . istant plantations—aye: sir . ' find ht ~ 1.1 Inelt the-c ins of evert - -. slave. : . ... i ! .11 But it is Istio'mested t tat i in this moveinbnif ~• • .. a - ''there is danger'to . the neon. -In this . sOlieik .tude r cannot' share. • I .lk4ta lorejof conc•or iand 'a jealous partisan' of all things that iiiak i t fer . tpeace, I am always ;glad to exprslmi , attachment to ..the Uniolk;.' but I believe that 1 thiS bond Will be most , truly preserved and ' iurtibenefi' entiv extended,(for I shrinkfrotn tio-expansio I where. Freedom leads the. Wtny.i) by 'firmly lipholdin,, , * those principles off ',Hi ek.'• and tiJristice ii'vhich Were. made its early 1 . corner stones. The true lilanger 'to this tflTri jonj proceeds, not from f any • abandonment 4 the.t‘pectiliar institution" oft the South, but I from thelabandoninent of .the . spirit in which the. UniOu was formed ' • tact from \; any .!W-at fdre, vithin . the limits, of ! the Constitution,uP -I,4laveri., but 'ft:pm warfare, like that Waged ty ! thisV'ery bill iupon Freedom. The Ilnien . isimost precious . ;; but more precious fir are that '"general welfare," "ilOmestictranqililityP. end' those' "b of Liberty," _which • was established - to secure; all which are neiv wantonly endan4ered: Not' that tI . love the 1111 - non less but Freedorntituore, do I now, i ‘ n ' , pleading this great 'eauSe; insist that FOedoin lat p i ta hazards, shall be preserved.. t.f .'. - I The North and the Sonth, sir, -as If fondly trait, anardst all' differeaceS of opiniOn; will. I ever have a hand . and 't a heart for each ,• other ; and; believing in the sure . prevalence of. Almighty Truth, I confidently look forwaid . to the goodtime, when h4th will unitti,ate4r- I ding to the sentiments!of"the'fathers,?and the ltruesPirit of the Constitution, indeclaring' I Freedom and,••not . Slafery national". - . while Slayely and. apt F'reedinn shall be.idet.On4l. -Then-will he.achieved 'ithatrilnion; leofitein plated at •ihe beginning, against Which the storms of faction and the assaults of "fforeitn power-shall beat in vairc as 'upon 04 tßocl4.Of Ages; and LIBERTY; seeking a firin'fbothat.d, will harc a pIaie"WHeR.E9IIC to STAND A2YD,Arp FE , THE.WORLDI , ;i ' Il .. .. ft i ' .•' 1 ' l NAlittl at SHOP. I f '... ' 1 ~ r 11E - -"undertigned ha? e , eatahrished a ; I 'hap, in '' . . - -the;.biteententefilo4i, • Sayre's Siore',lii mot ; frotie,litere they -.atilt %Wall-times , keepion hand , Foll!mica and Dourgrric 116itista, and mautufaeln re .ifiel sante into Monamentio,"romb-stontaiTable tr9Pr4.lo.l.4ki• - . •";, : ! ti . • • :11 , 1 WX.Tiia patronage of the p': blin isresPeattally . 'etdinifed: 1 . -. . . COliG 'ON & BENTIER lifontro ,4ng-25,180 I . .:; :1 2.: l' i L ' . - 1111111iLAT It' • titr ice; *..-I o(ilit rcc'd; by 11. • _ ------- htiticasou's Pictorial Prrkwa ri g-itoorn . , • 1 cc4ripauloui. 1 . 1. . . A . record of tai'ocalth fi , n. anti ustful en art. . , The Object of the p:lper is te,pr,pscut, in the ' Most elegant and evadable. forte, eliveckli liter,- cry melange of ...ttotale eventsd•ef the day. ' Its y.ol mons are devoted fp'originniiles'; sketches and poclos, bY'the best Aniericen hut' ors,l' and,-the cream of the dumeitie and Oreign :rims; the Whole Well spieed with wit and Numor..Each paper ,I is I,cantifullv ilittitr4ed with alimerolts aeeurate engrnv'egn, by eMingnt. artists, of nOtahle objeetn, 'yurren'l events' in all 'parts of ;the ,world, and of l Mbn ''ni d manners, - !altoge.ther malliing,•a paper entirely loriginnrin its design in tills country.— , "Its pages, contain yithrs of every p; palms city in lite. knoWn -world, °flail buildings tit note, in the 'cistern Or•westlrn libtel'spherci,of all the princi peVshlp end stieetniirs of the nary 'rind . merchant IsMilcc r inlith fig(' end - nccurateiPortrails of every ni;tetl elta l racter,ln tlic world, both Mete and fe 'niale... Sitetchtie of beautiful-spenery, taken from ;life, )vill,also - be ivim, with ntimerous specimens ifrontlie . tinimal, :kingdotri, this birds 'of the - air `and the' fish of the nFai . . It is Printed oh fine sat. in-stirilice ' [viper ; 9th new and beautiful type, IlpresentMg in its rinictianical t!'secution, an eke j!gnnt specimen of nrt. It contains fifteen hun, liired . nail sixty;fouriiquare imihes, giving a great Ilainotint l of realin4 batter all illusations—a l !rnamin eth weekly ptper of siXtee. n vier° paffe / s , . I , • ••lEll1$;--Invarinbly in advance. II 1 suliAcrib.er;fOne year, •-• !. - .$3 00 [ 2 stiscribcri, • , -- !•• - 5OO 1 A. 1,: ~: •- I: .' . ! ' . .: 9 00 1 - .I'B l eg " - i . _ .- - : - 16 00 1 I , 1 * * *One copy of the Flag °flour year, and one copy. of Glcason's Pictorial, 'one year, for $l. . 9 1ITlie Pictorl'al,DraWing-Ruoni Companion itney be:obtained et inn of• the periodical depots i 3 - c !I*oll 3l lioUt the country, and off newsmen, - at six . b iOpnts per.singto copy. • 1 ' - .. i 1 iPublished s every SattfrJay, !corner. of Tremont. ;and Broomfield Street s'bk I. r .' I • : •:: F. OLFIA.S(OI, Buston, - lasS. • .: I ' l _, N,t iolesafe Agents: • ' ' __l 8. T i ntvcri.,lsl tia:ssau, corner Of Spruce St., ISlPkv York ; W., &11. T.A - Lan, 11.1 Baltimore Street, ,Daltintorei lA.' C. Itvotty, Corner of ith and SuearMarelstreql4, Cineineetti :J. A. R0v5..13 llloodward Menne, Detroit ; I E. K. j WoonwAnn, 'corner 4th 4:. Olies.nut'strects3 St. Louis ; Tno3l - I.u . Xx, 40 rxeliabge Placei'NeW Orleans. February 15, 18ri1. 1 • §po I; : ' A- J. f ieia fp aiqcli I AARBLVMANIJIPACIroirr.. undersigned beg to afinounee to the chi ! . zen ofSitsgnelianna CoUnty, that they hare establiShed a Shop in Keelerls building, in Main Street, tlif‘y keep ou hand a 7tipply 'oi"Foreign.Old American Marble,and man ! nfacturel tirshmointn Wonnnients, Tombs, Head tones P ICT and clentre Table Tops, &e. Er public will find it Co theirinterest to give us a call) before going elsewhere with their orders & DE LONG. Montrose, Ang. 11;53--44wlf , r I Autitralia f California, Pr any ' l ;i q r4 nn th! Gtohr, cin2not present grecricr \ . • .intincerientsi than . K EE:LE I?, STO DDA RD'S i • Bool' AND SEEOE STOR.E. INTHICII iF now filled With a new and exten sive . 4sortnient of laiticles in their line, embracing a general varietV of.new -and elegant i Styles of Ladies mid Gentlemen's wear, limn" Iwhich.are Ladies .French, .Silk Lasting and Pre. Gaiters, Rid. and Enaineled-Pcilkas, Kid Pal- . eiit leather rind firanzed Jenny Linde, Buskins tancdTies; -getitlemhn's Franck and Philadelphia oak-tanned calfskin and kip Boots, Congaree and Iliatton'Gliite4, Monterey awl Washington Barite, !toilet . Sims cal''. 'and Cowhide • Bra ;gans,,ke. flnys kip, calf and cowhide . Boots antl Brogans; a[l fitindsnf Missesand Children's wear. Also, a general assortment Lf Findhlgs, which 1 56 1 1 4-t ir tafft...4,l 4 fi„,.,:negs,sparables. Hungarian aticts, daps, ,san !tones, shoe knives, &e. trd." oak and hernselt taunadCaif typar and soleleath er, Morocco skinsi and linings. Work made to order antdrepairing, neatly dt.ne ,Til I,IR & STODDARD Montrose, itine . „ • .• • Wl l . vir V 141011%. .OUR assortMentnoW comprises 'almost every. article wabted, - r..ri we fen; Some that are not waided, which ixe will selE at cost and some :11-licks 4t less cost Ali that Mme account. iU. BURR.OWS & Co." Gib•son 0ct.t.).6, 1853. . HAAvi." s; •• • - • • 0 011 "r° i2L EN1 LONG • SHAWLS, all cs, and beautiful patterns, ut riqr:w: 1, - U. BURROWS. . Gib • ;Oct. 2G. . - eaffaio Itobeo. ALarie la-r them choice whole Robes at a very st4ll-ickanee.on • the cost. • • GibsoniNov.l.. thiBUIIROWS & Co.- • The Artist's Greeting. . Friend#, Patrons, and Ercrylibdij, another mile 1 stone has; been reached on 'the journey of life— :mother degree has heen marked on the scale of time—another link has been severed from the chain of Ole future—another page has been writ ten in the great volume of the past—and again we witness the; bright opening of a New Year: • And - at its early dawn *e meet you, • And with.a "itaPpy new year" greet you. `And novila.s pit review the year just departed, and dwell upoi its joys and sorrows—its enjoyed,l and :its duties neglected; per chanee, some of you •haci neglected to call on the Arti4 .andisecure one of those "Faithful Shadows" • . Which lig,lit*l art, with magical spell,. . By weiiking tog,ether, can catch so well ! But you Army yet redeem the past. As you lay your plaits for the advancing year, let this occupy an early and prominent place on the programme of your future, ntentiens. Would you leave a lasting impresson behind you? Come to the Paguerman Gallery,! Would' you "see yourfielvesms others gee"you_`!" Come to the Dagnerrean Gallery. Would you make an_ appropriate present to it cherished k friend ? Come t 4 the Picture', Room's! And beside all' this, u•dtild yeti encourage . art, and make glad the heart of the Artist 1 • Then let it appear by promising here, • ' That dUring the year Fifty Four, Iva will lone Mad All, be saris to call • At "did Fellows' Hall," Second Floor. W. B. DE Albs. Montrose, Jan. 2, . 18;x1. • • F ine Fre eb. - VirCOL•Ling Shiwls at 7 4.25. V V Mithii,Noi'A. 11. t URROWS & Co. ]lidnirmstra' t . xToricE hereliv given Oat - Letters Testa- Mel/Lary' upon the estate of L T. Bail 4; late'efillarm n ny township. dec'd, have been gran ted to' be. subseribei t All persons indebted. to said estate are - hereby-requested to • make itnme liate Payment, and those have claims :upon :said estateito P VIP fit - lbotn.Auly Attok.ed ter settle ment. L: LEWIS, Adair. • TOmson- L P3‘s4—S . ‘% : 6: . •• _ _ Si ~ r •-• ~, . • • - • --- 17.'"" -- 1 -.Oves: SOTO: l• Sitysielk I :t; •.:- • -ct;r11111E S'lle and k' . llov. - Lear reminds tis i JL .thatthe fast aptoaeli of the keen yrosls of Old Grey Vinter,; l / 4 vhen 'one of thertOmSur passible'rind ?highly d . jilliove4 stowl,• kern' the most el o lensik4l -I.lnuffretories in • the. ti. 7, Mon, )ICI3Srs. S i i!e:lo & Pheliari.l, beeinni!; iikdispkinsable to every:1:111111,Y. Wri iiodi 4 t eAppequliv anbounco to . the citize ns of Slisquetit.nnalaml ajpiong counties thati'we havri Just receiiied'add :ire. re ceiving the largeSt and best asksortinent of ;Stoves. ever introduebd ihto 14Stern.flenntlylvanialdeh. will be sold ai , t the vefylowe'st.caih figitee.• To those who arc in' Warn df StOveslhey wil ;find it . 1 ', 'to their ititeOst •to call land, examine our variet y' -before purehrisino-elseuilkere. Tiiey com Tl mise irk Tart as follows :-;7- • i 'i. - ••' . __l• 'if . United Strut's, = ! 1, - Oriental -Pallor, , Eastrn• queen E.',,O;',' ..: Vrnetiall,L do Fire Clipper E. 94, ;; Arvy • 1 - do - /Vaal:Mal Afr-Tig h f4:. O. :: iricirrg ' I di). Morning par,. 1i• r Cotiage,• do " Farmers' Air-Tight,i • - clic' ~ 4.e.! ..'. . . . The 4bosi-Stores'aib too! wet; A - kpc;w7ll to re-- quire ney mh . ritte- delsoiiption; bOng the Jurist popularland siTroyed•Sovein market. AU who Any favor Ili w u"c !with all, will he {shown through our . assortideirt .witir Oleasure. !" Itecolleet the number"—fliToresfrir famed "One Price: Stdre." . Harford; pi.; Septi 1:853.-35 '= • i , I ~. . . • c.,totrEvonrys . uptric , • „„ ,_ , , ,„ „ , ."►• " 0 .. or.mr.ni., ... Liusr,„ ! .ly,,c4E, ~,,,..,ur . .,,T nt:Sn, PA. 1 !• , rirm subscriber, leivibg rented this well knbtvii .1_ hotise, and , re-fitted, arid , re-ful.nisited lin good style, is - noz prepared ;to - receivi and (intertain guests. This'ho'us'iS delightfdlly' situated On the banks'ar.the Susquehanna riSrer; onPthe line ofrtlie . Ne York and Prie,. andi the Dl.laware, Laekavranna ant{ Weatithjtailrodds;.oveiloOkirT adaose,beautiful section Of cottitry, And is the panornia of Stenery tinhualled anywhere. • ' As A. Sti..dAtil R.r.Soyr: 'for thp -blisidessinan seeking qiiia'tind frpOdom frein the noise and?, din of city life, rind. Or . I:taieS and gentlemen in pursuit of Pleasure amid the rural serenely of the' country this !Oration ii;annot be , Eitialled. Ilere the . .eary traveller VS Secure front . the epnftision ' riderit to The continual arrival lind departure of trains, :whitib, especial)). , •in the night Arne is a very great annoyance tia those sOpping :it houses very near the Depot: ;: ' ,1 1 flis ilocils are TiesrYpieasant and welliofurnish;• . . • led ; his Table . eith &lithe delieiteies wh i ch both country - and 'city markets alfortb; ands: o: pains •will be spared to malz . 4 his housta pleas nt,home to all his guests. ; r .. i - • r. :Li277Guisrs.will 4 zonveyedi to and ifrom llw cats, at any hour day k night, itia good OinnibuS free of charge. ' ~ t 1 i ; • ._ -- A.4vinir S IfAntr.- is attacheA' do the , , r • A ; • Route. 3 -.i i I ' 1— . . ] i N. V. CIII:PV.ITER. , Great Bind, Junet47th, 185:4-2:W. I • . . t i 113ryaiit :,111onse , Gre4t Iflfrurat P. — ePotl . 71 ;1 I • • . rr new and sp'skilous situated but _L a feW•feet froM,lhe Depot at Great tend, is now opened and futtilshed in a #uitahle style for a Public nouse, and ;,will be kept °Tien at all hours,. (both day and ilight,) for the reception of travellers and esp4iirlty. for the' r accontmuklation of pas'sem.ters travetlihg-on the •N. Y. & Erie & L & Railroads,i at thefjunetio'n of these , two reads; and the inhst .convenient point. to step I in and Yak/. refresh In4nts-and •be ofrwith the rst. train,its Well ;as the tlnosteonvettient house to.ac.: l comtnodath the puti*it is NEW CLEAN and! l NVIIOLE8031E! blab rooms ehoughloraccom tnodate bein;g. lilted up with new,! Thrniturei to correspOd,and tahles way t set, With watr.li . 'MEALS arid luxurieit furni4mil at :al moments i I warninr , - . „ rt , "•54 - -- 1 3 4sseng,ers - Idesiring rest: and sleep, can,f.l by calling, here, aviio the ineonY'enienc4 of taking;' an onmilMs to find* inn, as Well asLthe:delay! srrn al or deparfeas a' e 5 tiiTT` be in waiting to eonduct then) with - their bar,g,age! to the Bryant lio - htSei,,"juSt ;way," and conduct them baeltivain withoOt Or reward; taking special caul to- wake them tf !desi?ed at any hour of the niliit._ t, • ThL, of trio. Bryant l i iduse,l with the, natural senery abMit'it . comillue to make it a very desirable SWIMER RESORT fir linsines4 men and others ihi the .ci.ty who m.l• w ish to "cast ( ff Care" fur's; few days to rectiult in th 4 country. I • . • • ) A Large aiig • Comm.rgliosii alt • is atiacho to thhi . :,:linilding fur; the 4nvenienee of pleasure PARTIItq, who way - always' find good . necommddations hi4e, without regard to numbeo 'with warn stablesifOrtheir tezitus, and reliable help to wait upon.4em. ..• ! - Lrff'',Eor furtheti partietttar at,the Ilryautjlouse.ofthf proprietor I . • ADDIS9N, BRYANT.k /*et. 1553 1 • • . ...•, • • Invalids of Pennsylvania yoar 4t.tention , .a eareftil and candid priusal of •Sonnlhingithat has jinn been introduced into your rich bnd lithe honored Store. 'Pulcniacher's .tplro Cha i;:. I , A neW and novoll mode applyinii la powerfol rinedial agent, so' ionsl meted as to he' worn under the garrrie.ttF, next to the chin m' l oductiiga constant unit:tempted current of EbsetroiNl agneticru, effec't int; immediate reli4 from the moit a6iie pain; and also a Permanent Ore of all ,Neisousjlliseases. It seldom has failed''.o furnish abhost inretit and a firiel, permanont cure, by used. tif!baril. ing to diiections, Wthe following disdakes;—'llhen matism," Gout,, Soiatica, Paralysis,' Painful' and Swelled Joints; Noicrolgia of the fac.lDiseriFi•is of - the Spide, Deafnecp and Blindifm, Uterine feitis, Palpitation of tke„Heart, Periodloal Headache, '.4t. Vitus Dhnco,Oeiteia, I Dehility,Tains Of the Chest, ysteries, Dyspeisia, ell .diseastes o'l4 are cauled by a deAcient amOinl,t Nervols Fluid are greatly relieved; if . not permanently cubed by s'imply Wear ing the ehains a few haute each''day. ; ; Be itlnuderstodd that it is riot claimed that it cures all diseases; but only those' foi which it iR rec oremended; and hioreOver we Boldly claim and de fy that no medicinhl agent of ariy hiud'husper'forrn od so ',lf ANY„cuf,c43 during the lust year, of 'these disearei just named asi _ FulrerrOchel i r s ElectricChrtin. 1 • And to prove this,assertion, wo ; defy any perio* to produce so manyws ell 'authenticated Gertifict4es of scientific ; Fhpsiciahs and intelligeni patienti to may be found in a paniphleX of 36 pages, to be harl'(gra tip) of the agent ini thia town. The Electric (liming were fist introdticied in France ;In i B5O, and, after being subjected ttNthe Mast thorough and rigid trial, by the :first medical mi , n in ; Parisi theyworel'onod to possess - stfan6andi marve lions jtoa er for reliev ing paih, where* applied, and by their i!ifiaence wcle introduced,pto t'he hespititls of that city: and' also seured ietter!s Patent by the Fratich ahvarn mint. ''TheY are bow l introducidintesalmostlevery Hospithl in Englaild. Germanyi Austria; Be!gittm, and patented in those' edintrieS,, whcire they; hive bepome the most: , Popular Curative Agentiiit th World.:' Thty were firs! introduced into the U: Stetes A bout one year since, and wenti through the: same trial qin Etiropt; and were atonce iiutroduced in % to evil y lioapita! in N. York, where they are now in daily use,' etteeting oven ~rnare wonderful cures than had ever before been awarded 'them.. They. are hikhly, rccorntnettded byProf. Valentine Mott, Van Buren, iPosti . and others,lWho have publiihed their Sieves of to nic power and!} suein several of the medical journals in that.city,audaraaliso in the daily practice of recommendin . their use to pa tients: A full etecount of theif opinien May also be found in every Pamphlet, and iie.nt to the dress of every person itr ‘ the Stato• by ;kapplying (po aid) to Aik:I.TURBELL, Ageat;llllinftioseiPa. - The Chains can be . 'qui by mail,l With full descriptions for uae. Price'nf Chains; Sand $6. Physicians are, politely invited to pall and exam ine, their. construction , andi Pronouhce upon:their •rnerits. Oez Wean 10 Irmaitros, no person need .fear that they Will not . accOmplish !just what: it is, claint / ed they nein do: j i • N-B. Ode Oftain will last. Air years and lose:none of its:efeeftic Paiier by nse,land can be applied to eithe,r adnft Or 01111‘.' MEL TuatEl4., Agent,.l%lOhtrosei Pa. • , Jos. Semi:dui.; General Agent, 568, Broadway, New.York.l - *.; • 60.: -ctknoetsand-oit clot h s: T or AVII4G ellarged and re, fitted oar extensive Cioelcert and House Furniqiin g Sto0; ex- TiresiiifOrlthi buniness, we: have added anew testing) in its _dep.irtmentii. ' ! The secon d is devdted to. Carpeta.Oil Cloths and 14oking wo offer a' good. natortmint at. priaes e.ann))l fail to please, and to' Which we invite tour partiettlarat tention: -- J. H. DE PUB', BlTtlcntoti, 0ct1853: 20,„ 11113 MARRIAGE STATE:: awn trapplarts aid Ileakth, or .iflarry ;and ottiod If I ' MOST ,ISTARTLING CONSIDERATIONS! Reflections `for the Thowrlitfulf a Strange that countless human beings' exist and drag through life as do the beasts of the field, or this insects of the earth, evincing nomore-theuht or reflectien than though the,noble faculties of inuid were not Vouchsafed to them'. Many match are husbands and fathers, upon *lima are dependent the health, the well-being, ,and tthe happin4ss , of a confiding and affectionate wife, tpith perhaps is family of children. • I I now OFTEN IT lIAPEENS THAT THE -; Witte ILINGER3 PEOld YEAS TO YEAR In that pitiable condition as mit even for ono daT to feel the , happy and exhilerating influence Mei en! to the enjoyment of health. t , • She may not be an invalid confined to he} Veil, or even tb her room ; ns her pride, ambition !and energy induce end nerve her to take personal charge oft her household, even when her health not admit of it ; but she is nevertheless percepttbly sinking from day today, and always ailing. Thus; day after day, and month after month tress spire. Ilcr health daily , sinks, till finally cv rn the hope of rfeovcry no longer remains. /ind th s ' THE BLOONLI,NO BHID ; But a few years ago in the flush of hcallit land youth, and bunyaney of spirits, rapidly; and appa rently becomes a feeble, ,sickly; do- bilitatedl wife, nit frame cninciated, nen - bal l un strung, spirits derressed, chuntenance bearing the impress of etiffenug, and ha utter pbysioal :and mental, irrostration. • , Sometimes this leplorable change may anti Pees arise from organie or constitutional causes'. !But oftener, by faro ftener, td gross and inex6uSablo tgnorauce - of the isimplcst jamd -pininesit rules of health tan connected with - the marriage statnj the violation `of white entails disease, suffering and misery, not only tt the wife, but often i Hereditary nplaints upon the Children „, " UNTO THE TEO. AND : i t FOURTH clEsnaAlipti," rratismittlng C Nstuirerrox, statoFCLit. livrocnos ILIA, INSANITY, GOUT, KING'S E 'IL, and other illseaseis,l ,-- as ft ' , i . DREADF L INI-IERITA NoE friin the Parents. I I - 'And must this irontinue 1 Shall we be v.lso in all that: cioneerns the cattle of - our fields, our, ,Itersos, • our sheep, oar cows, our ,oxen. .the nature and character of the soil we possess the texture and quality of our goods and merchandise ; but in alta': concerns ourselves as human beings, with Wtnan functions and passions, subject to great dertoge inor.t. involving our - future - peace and, happiness Inall that concerns the health and welfare, of the, wife of our affections. and the mother of our! chi!. dren ; In all that concerns; the mental and physical well 'being of those children, wo 'should bt im mersed: in the darkest and most • BENIGHTED IGNORANCE, AN CULPABLE AS INEXCUSABLE! • tioW long shall this i,grorrince prevail so reduc tive oft its bitter fruits 1 How long Olen t 6 wife and mother be ignorant of the nature, chani4e'r and:. aauses of the various wonib and sexual complaints, embittering her days by suffcring—suffering !often prolonged to years, eventuating in a complication of Ofsenses utterly and hoptl6,sly incurable I :Shall we for , ever close our eyed to- the resalts . M physics - logical science hy which we may arrive et en. understanding of ourselves es men and woman, stibjeet to serious life-long enduring diseases, and perpetuating them to our altildren.. LET EVERY WIPE AND HUSBAND PONDER! . lusbaryi or trife wad ignorant of trliat concerns Mtn* most to AMMO to secure their health and happiness. That knowledge is containq tat a little work entitled . i • '1•11E RIARUVED WOMAN,'S 'PRIVATE 3IEDICAL. , TON,CMIPAIs -BY PR. A. Mi MAURICEAU; PROFESSOR OF DISEASES OF WOME"N. One Handrail, Edition.lFJno rp. 230. Price SCI, Coals EON FINE /AVER, EXTRA NINHINO , $ I 004 First published in 1047 ; and it is not SURPRISING OR WONDERFUL," Considering that F.:I, • P.R.Y VEN*LE, - Ivhether MARKT Kis OIL NOT. can hero acquire a full knowledge of the htt: • t tnre, character ;and causes of her complaints, With- the various • - shaulcl have been sold. It is impracticable to con coy fully the- various sUbjects treated of, :es, they are of al nature strictly, intended for the Married, or those contemplating marriage. UPWARDS OF osl laysonED s.,t - ND , COPIES • Have been SENT BY mIAIL nithin the last fete f months. • j - • ; CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC - . . I .ifE NOT )iEFR,..IUDED ' lirty no book unless Dr. A. M. Mauriceau, 129 Liberty Street, N. Y., is on the title p.age,itend the . entry in the Clerk's Office on, the back of the title page; and buy only of respectable and. henorOble - dealers, or send by mail, and address,to De. A. M. Manriceatt, as -there arp Epurious and surreptitious II infringements of:copyright. ere upon receipt. of !Ono "Dollar " .1",.11£ MAL - I ,WOMAN'S ,PRIVATE MEDICAL COM PANION" is sent (enei:.l free) to 'any pa.il of , the United -States, the Canidas and British Provinces. • ',AT-Letters must— be Post-paid, and addrhssed to Dr; AL Ml MAURICEAII, Box 1224, - Ns':vr-York Publishing Office. No. .129 Libel ! Street s New-York• ! . . nv---T. IS. Peterryn, Philk;; Cynthia Will:tap, lioites3.l:tle; Blanch 1&. 'Crup, Ilarrilliuri!; 'J. S. Notitit, NibeWitt, J N Sppngleri ; y Smith, IloatintOon ; S,'' .MeDonkhl, Uniontown: J 3t Blunt, NeN\l Berlin; I.aatz,`Rtaclinrr; P Crocker, ; , %Vona . & Stark, CarbOnaale ; Eldred &IWright, INif!itYinsport B.- T;irk,Wilkosbarre, G. W. Earle,. .WayrieAoro' ;i.Polter & fonte G 11,74ren: Robert Crkilty, Mer cer; S. Losiler, 11.1not'gr; IL P. Cummings,Sorn ersot ; Thos Cowpertlinit, ,Pbilad ; .1. D. Gunni son; Erie; S. B. Langer. ,Greensbnr7: V I B. Hall, Pittston; E.' S. Durbah, Franklin ; 1/r .4! • D Scoff, Bedfkircl; E. flillanti, Incli:ina:. J J. W. Kidney. Brownsville: G 1 Md,Get lys, Antler; J.S. Nickson,Chatabersbtirg :T D Sower, Norristown Bonner. Sittnnel;town: H itlitbelt. Pittsburg..? \V Getty, Bittler Jos Swarti, Bloorasburrr:iP Decitert & Chum- . bersbnra. , • H. 2na6 . . ... FITSIFITS t rrrs!!ii! -: . • , • TMENEGLTABLE 3xTrlAcr, EPILEPTIC PILL. For.the cure of Fits,l Spasms - ,Crano,:and all - . IVereOUS and c n.stuutiora Dise.ases. , PEl43' ON who are laboring indertbis distretaing malady v.ill find the VEGETABLE EPILEPTIC PILLS to be the only remedy ever di4overed for curing OpllooSy, or Falling Fits. , - , h , Thi se Pills possess a speelse action on the iyirvoussys-: tem ;'and, althotl.4 they+are prepared especially for the purpose of earing_Fits, thty will be found of esP, vial benefit i. for , all person* afflicted Stith weak nerves; o whose ner vous system fins been plextrated or shatter . dfrom any, cause what ever. In elvonle L'. omplat'ritgor ilisaases along' . standing;'superinclueed -11,nervousness, they 'lure exceed ingly beneficial. j .. • . P . rine, $3 per box, or two boxes for $.5., Peisons tut of .theelty., enclosing a reridttance., will hero 'the Pills sent them through the thrill free .of postage. }or sale yb SETIIS. FIANCE, N6' 1,08 'lnitiator° streeoßaltimore, Md., f o whoni orders frbokall parts of the 14 mien . , must be addressed.post pall 74111MILAIVAir • • InfaPible Remedy 14 all Itylanzitory Clem plaints. A CERTAIN and surelAntidote for titelallovring disens -11. Fevers and ilntintnations; to which the Sys. tem ibsubject. Rheumatism, Lame bnek, Pile ' Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Headache, Tnothaehe, Fevertores Biles, Cuts, Sprains. Bruises, Burns and scalds. - - • < - 31alheWeeptit'm s llttirme' Itetrie'Ar,lifor (Suring Ring' Bones, sparins, 'weeny, 'Poll scratcher;, Lamenen, spring IL. Bruises, Flange. Inflammation Of the Dnor,s, and it:11 Fevers to 'which ilorses ave snbjedt. • gre be I TNrrrll, Montrose— , D.Bsiley. Lerayp. ville+Cyrns A Tery,i'Vyilusinf,•—L. WOo'Lltuff,Dimoelt A.J. 'Sherwood, Rush. i • 1853 • . tin ; "FRESIUMPORTATION. TU,ST•received nhother Imporfitioh of those e.l ,oplendid Full Jeweled Detache,d Lever. and. Horizontal Watche!i with secoadi;atid hard en amelled Dials. double bottonied in Op n cases,all of whiehare warmrited and received direct from I Switzerland. Tho, ift;ur subjoined iprices will ,at once point out to the public vvbere.4d how an enoimmis per centdge can be saved. Double•beitom ip Jeweled Lev . 4r Watches as ahoy° ' in elegant silver c.ases_from gio. Same movements in Hutittng.eases. , froin 812. Hori zontal Double bottomed 4 holes iJeWeled open_ face and ‘secondi from $8,75, the Same move: meet in elegant huntinecakes watt' sunk, seconds from .$9,50. All -Of; which have hard 4nAminell eil Dials. Gold Diamond pointed Tens With pencil and silver extetiAloh holders t magazine for leads &e. from $l,OO. !Gold rDiamond *Anted pen bl Ades - from 'soc; SeWitry - Cheap. A good . asßoilmtint of cad - Client second hand Watches, eminent itnalrers, in first rate, going con dition,will be, sold decidedly lowfor hash. Best French Lunett. 'itch Crystals, 19c: Watch re. pairing as usu.: N. B.' - %Yaw. chn4rs. Chains and. Kays erais to pia f 'business from 7 A. M. to'7 P. t 47 ". Henri 11.;' - : J. A. SINGLETON, !Natal baker. ¢nd Iniporter. 416 V. i ' Aug. 19, 185 New Yoricr;Fire Is skurance Co. i tt Dice, 9 Wall &reel. C A PITA I. ? (Th Ca b and 'Approicd Secuititei • • - • . • I 1 „ • . • . Insures pgainsi Loss or Damage by Fife. - Dill Lew Ints,;: r - A. Q.Etebblns, 113 Broad Street; Peter C. Italor, I ;spruce Street.; Girokd Dineker, [ llB Broadertsy; Thotiuts Atidreus ' 136 Cedar rlreet;.6tuttuel t'oit th dined, 3Tis Wet'street ;. Albert 1. Conkliu,Bl O. ilieenwlel!street; jaitteA A• . Closbs. 113 Itrowliray-; Cltailes Lent, Itingskridge, T.; Lambert 1101,4dItiengo t Ilobbie; It-sp. W. Lollard, Novi York; Peter Roach; U S Itultk :4treet; Stantct S. Belt, eor: West and LAigi:t...gtre.ets Joial 1.. Deets.7B street'; D. Tan Wart,llSar?s ,, lsray.p Rosana N. Gallup, eor. West 'And - Ilarror: street E; Pet ei• 11. Fnster,•lcu. at,Seuort-311th { Vest; Iltuben Ross; Jr., 4•.9.1..tzta1t Menne, 'Stephen Cromwell,orttwk.ri, N.. 1.; AThli Wngelgh.. DextZr B. Ilkittnn, Waterritrer.t . ; Sxrauel Eincliir,Tri4tte i at,pF; Earn uel Clcvelutot(ll,in ; . ' ; .ROYAL 4 atIANIDEALIN, Pres. CIIARLE:S Fr,e4;ly. (" ,, Alll BitoWN'Ar'ent. .f moritroxi;v4l4.43oss3. ff f t Cciapottad Syruyo ➢• • •, • • rruis is . a Pareli Compoind, scientifleally .I,pr epsrf.4 froin tile' best It cot rand Herbs of the Mate rial' Eledica‘ .and halt gained. irtAntrivalled reputation or the rollouing' . 'iteguisting and Strengthening the Liver sod Digestive Organs, and "Cleansing the Stoni.. act/ nod . BOwels, and. thnit ccntxo: all. Billions I/Isaacs, liver Co:v plaints, filyspepsia,.- Indigestion, CristivrneSs, frcadoehr, sever anti Ague ' Janndiec, Nausea, Lessor Appetite, Etc., and .causing - the food..to nourish and-.support every Part. Puilfying.the fined anlthus curing ail_ IrutnorsiCautaneons Eruptions Seroffilns Salt Slienio,Cryslpelasi Scald Bead, Canker Pimples on the face 'Blotches Ciders Tunvirs, Mercurial Disease'!Cali: , pees, Etc. r • • ' RP , Tulatiug the 'Secretory 'Organs and by ctn.:ging theta to Verform 'their proper I preventingand curing many painful and listge canes; Ntrengthenifig , and qu.iering the iYerrous thasallaying. I , Zerirnus Irritation, and eurin of the NerCeS, is Hysteria, Neuralgia,,CramPiti kis unri;alled in., the cure q . all . Femah • ' • -•I, plaints. ' .• • • as Wea'utes's:,: V-arral :debility, Irregularity, t Sellin g otthe Limbs,. Joints, to hi weakness',. also} Lung ',arid Throat Conid Cold?, Oingini, Astimis,-.Conrimptron:' - . . . . . . . Having mode 1.1i , c of the Compound Syroti 4' yellow Pock Itorit, preptuled by C. Morse Zr. Cc., dal r oursel- ; ' ves or in our farai)ies. and finding i t to Ibe is Vert salutary and effectual' prenaration.;we do most cheeirukly recom mend it to thapublic as st . very valuabldmedidine.. . E. Bourne, Lsq.,lCashier'Netionalltank, Ptoindence,R. 1.;, A-. W. Speiicer,l:sq.,,Cashier Lime Rock Itanktd S. o do dto . Rev William Philllpr, • Rev J-B Richmond':Richmond':Cl''Jones. editor PrOvidenre; Gen. Advt., Wm Field. M. W. '0' , .31. Cyrus Fisher, 51 IF:', ll I' s James Hutchinson, GIB Dea.:V J Rates, Hoot Benj Colby, and one hundred othbrs iof the . most ropeetalate camiltes of Providence. • r ;'. -..., .. This certifies that 1 -have for a number of ypars been acquainted with Bib composition and mode ofmanufactnre of Morse"! Compound Syrian of Yellow Dock Rocit. I hays. also been:acquainted with its modus operandi in disease, i arid can say that 'hall re.pecta It is admirablydalculated to remedy.that cl4,ss fnitteasos for whieV it will designed. It IS esobcially v.l.lna Jle in Lothrestionand al.Lts attend-. ant sYmploms,it avcites to healthy 'action tho. Itirrr. re- MOTO; Torpor, siod inactivity of this Organ. a d stitrin .lateiliealthv aetion in all the system : . I AI a.Ds niatur or purifier of the Bldod it hae.no superior.' , • D.A.YID 110L.51 E1;,31-D Ploshlence, It. t. Jan 4 1653.. " I ' 05'"Prep:tred ty'y C. Mnrsek Co. llot 44G 'Bre aftway,N:- Y. and snhl by t)cuggkits and otheis throughout this and other countries. • - ' frr Sold in inutrose by ABEL TUURELIi. . • • (143y1 , • , To the Citizens.- of SusqlLehanna . 1 . Col.rnt, - y..' : • • • VVICKIIAM .4 . BENNEIT would respectfully - call the attention Of all per :ions in IS miquehaina County , and Vicinity to their largo and Well selecteitarck of Dry I Goode and Carpets which consist of all the fashi nhble and •,- seesonable.Goodi now in c4g.le, GnOds, stilted°tiler the grave and the gay. arid in fact all ofi, the ditTere t tiles of! goods which canibe called for or thrtugh4, of. W orede- terrniziei not to 4i , undersold, and ifa,Ou Will b . eta kind as 1., to laror us with it call we will makirOur Mprd oail. Our gtock of Dress 9 norl, consists in part of i... 1 . PA . . • H. d 1.• • • Black, Brocade, Plaid. Stripe. Clitingen • , an Lining,' Fig. and Plain Wnol Delaincs, Fig. and Plain. Chtton - do:,! Silks. Merinos, Thibets.. Alpacear. Paroinatta.M.. tie Dage, Plaid Linseys,Colored .sock Flannels, Callcoes.lF;c.•&c. , - -81-1.4.-W LS-Of which we have, nu endless variety Cashluere Shawl's .froin 67 to ~ S;io, bay State, -Long and, Square do., Fig.mail Plain Thibetr &c. &c. • : ' . :• „: White GurpGs.—Plain, Plaid and 'Stripe. Jaeonet ,Slisjitts, - Birds E g o and Itus,ia Diaper, Irish Linen, Table Linen, Linen, Cotton, Worsted, and Bmbossed Spreads., Swiss' an-I India -Book •Id uslini, 'Victoria and hi:shops Lawns, Linen 'Cambric. ' m Len Cambric lldk",s, French MiLiketl...Cellars l iaridAind er Bilk's. Muslin litrapetv Drown., - ..i,+,. -• •^ , rn...r , And Jacquard Diaper„ Fce. &c. ' Gents 11?partment—ConEis;F otßraele ana r...1i cY,Droadcloths.:Cassiraereg. Black a ii,l ,Fithaj; 'Satinet ti, Sbyei's :Grey, killtuelty 'lean, Cashw.eretts.Satin, Wor.• , stet, and 'iiik Castings. Black and Col-llda'so SallaStbekSi Neck 'Vies, &c t Flannels. W:hite, tied, \ Bine, ',l'Velluviand' stripe,. G eats. Cashmere ‘Vrappers,•Drawer,s. F i ap.i: &a.. Our ste,eic of iGioves anti Hosiery is complete , • embracin's•Laii4s, MISSCF and Oasts 'Gloves. Lisle thmtd Cashmere. Cislimere. Fleece Lined, CLarhola Lined;lieti• 'Ter, lildoDock iF%inSte: ice. ' • '• 'p , Ladies, Misses and ' Gantt. Cotton Dose: and g rfosl ? t White, Brown; • Afised. Bina arm Made Oolots. Alpacett,, Wcialcn,Cashin ire: Merino • and Silk do., and imieryoth4 style of reasonahle Iliiiery. J • .•• I Also, an endle.ss variety , of other styles. ofGmaissuchait Damasks both tonna and , Was!: Silks and 'Cotton Yet, vets, Counterpanes, Moretsis,Cambries. Turn 'cans, Corn'. coders, Rose and Horse Blankets:. Nankin;, Tiekings, Miti- L i ars stripe. Oil:Curtains. Carpet Bag e, ice. • 1 i Carpeting—Ttrui.Fel., Three Ply. Togialtam blittiC Wool and Cott,on.Cotton do., Cotton and Wool stair Carl peting,Druzzet i Oil Cloths. Pinsh•Carpeting dings- - ,lOur stock ofiDry - Goods la nom, complete, I and `if : you would like to Fie a good assottrocrtt or Goods-and Nam Goo DS you willieall at Wickham & Bennett'searly opp site the Poste :flee. , . • ' Itingluimion,.,N. V., N0v.8,1853—n4:1 ' ' I . . , L. _ - • • Doctor .;ourself THE „POCKET - RESCIII4PII7S Elicry on^ 'kis own Pky.iician.. ; THE FIFTIETH EditiOri,: containing ! One hundred .engravings, showing Diteases and Malformations of the Hu man system in every shape !and form. Ta .which is added a Treaties on' the Diseases of Females, being of the .higliest impor tance to marded people, or those cotemplatingmar. Tinge. By I . H r illid,ni Young .M . .D Let no father bk - ashamed sto present's copy of the' l .Aaecultipius to his child. It may save him frcnnan . early grave... Let no young man or we min- enter into the secret obligations of married life without reading the ,Pothet Ai,culapins. Let no onel sufft.rini hickeled coug h , !Pain • in the , restless! nights, nervous feelings, and the whblo train Of Oyspeptie sansatior o, antgiven np by their •physician, be'another Moment without con sulting the A ESCULATIIIS. Have the Married, r or those about to be married any impediment, read this truly useful book, as it has been the menus - 01. saying thonSancis of unfortunate creaturesfrom very jaws of death., ! • • ' • U Any person sending trpsnty fine cents en. Closed in a letter, will . receive.one copy . of this r work, by or fivecopies ! will be, sent for One Dollar.. Address (post paid.) . .; • '• DR: WM. YOUNG, -!- T o. la Spruce St. Thiladelphia. • Mareh 1; • ' Ci7ockeity and -noise , FEtsztitibliing store. : -' : I T 11. DEPEU is now prepared. " to invite the ct • publ* generallii , to exqmine his varied and eitensive-Masortment of.goods which ‘(as di ex. 1 elusive dealear) he's enabled to offer very .. low. Pn.m.—iconsisting of Gold Ban& Decoroted and Plain, Bilinner.r.nd Tea Setts, rruit Baskets &e. .. " .i --, •' : '' ' ' ' '.' , STONE CIIMA: 77 FiII 'Dinner. and: - Tea Setts, Printee, mid Plain Embossed in Setts, or by the .single piede, also,' Tariet)i of beautiful styles of Toilet Ware.' 1 , • li . , I.9incts9; GLAsnEs.--'slahiigany, ''Gilt and Or, mimental framed Glasses from 6 .1.:;4 ctS. - to $l5 ago, Marble Slabs and Briwelets. ' - IGUASS Waar.,—Cut and dressed [-Goblets,De:. I:'' eint(4% Tumblers, Cham"pgs, Bowls on foot, Cer'd Butters, Globe's, CtindlestickS; &e. &c. : .HOUSEKEEEING HAnnwinE.—Table and Pock:` et Cutlery, Spoons, Tea Trays, Scales, Saddrons, tinmeied ;: Kettles, Hat Racki; Refrigerators, 'Water Coplers,lce Cream Freezers, &c. ' 1 WOODEN AND 'MumWinz7.—Propellers; Cabs, Wagons, Rocking Hoiies, dradlci, Ceder Pails, Tubs, 'Moss', Pounders, Baskets, Rocking, iligh and;lBMoi Chairs; &e. . 1 IWIN-noty SitA9ps.—CorTiees. Glass and Gilt 'lrma and,freads: Bands Loop and ',Passels ; 'also Stain. Podls in',Variety. ' *. !-,', - i J'Arymi,ED WARE.,Toilotsett, doisisting !, Of! lleot Tubs, §lbp Jar and •Water Pail; Cush Box: es and all; arthiles manitfactured,ln the - line. IbiTOIA '''.A.st) Anuirrmi W.ltt.-Coffee and Tea Urni, EzCoddlers, Castors, 'Chafing Dish es,.Aetanh; Pi ..hers, Candlesticks, &e. t . LA3ip A' NEF STEBISB.---In Ovary variety, style, prieeand quality ;' ' ' ''-. . -. 17017 ii Alqb *V.AiCir :,ARTfCLES.—blanSbiting of China, Glais,..lWood, 'Tin, Willow, Iron, Papei t llinehe, Tenn Itittn,- - Paiiar - and Alabater Pins, al, lio Faneyißaskets. ' .. ' - -- DPlatediWnfe.—qable and Teasponns, Table, essert and Oyster Forks; Dessert., kniveq.Soup and SaOCeLadleS, Castors, Snuffers and Trays, 'Pea end COMP Setts. , Mid Orieserableind Floor Mais, BrUshell of every deitc7iption, in fact almost ,eViry article in the line of hohn furniishiag,bothnscful and orna, xnentalAxiay be found'at this extensive a establish' 1 ' ' I ' ' . ; i ' .1- ''' JAMES H, DE Ptt -7 ; - '4debre epit' of dui Ametican Hotel. I , Binghamton, June Bth 1851 , . Ot;'llit' • T EtliED*Byr.l4 - murtstutY stonrlNG Br -Milire DitiT O*S AND;PROPRIEI'ORS. • Tr4ais.....sl,so,qnsh in advance ; IMMO, if . not val. within: six months and $2,50, at The end of the ) 1 ges are lisilemi ear. • No .papeediscontinted until arrears. paid, except at the optkon -of the Pub. All cotrouniCations connected with the insure attention, Must be directed (post CHASE & Dar, Montrose, Sttsqueliannak • 1. .Itates. of Advertising. are (12 lines or lesi) 3 insertions,- t i oti) sti !mop 0r,4 insertibu, ... . . 0,25, [, are three months, ...... .. . 2,50 1\ aare six months, . . . 4,00 s Cards, four lines or less, 3,00 advertisements, not over 4 squares, 7,4 !limn one year, . . . . . . :,.'30,06 ly advertiset4-.lkill be- restricted to - th.i. s in which they are etignged: - - f office, paid)it Count One mil Ene Ones - One Yearly One e Yea busine, . ha publishers having added to their lob Print' g: materials- a large and superior assort r , mendf %lob Type, sire now prepared to meas. Job 'rtirk in a miinner msurinu3sed in Ibis: see% Lion o ountry, and on the most reasonable terfnsi RZuGvc of .ev.cry dcser:iytion kept consta.tty on- hand • r printed to . order. l . • 51e55 Pirtttorgf tinctionr sus dlr. System, diseases , 1 • P: 4. LOCKE D ~ .l _ ram . i i , 3 tionable Tailor-Shop iri•tho -re*,of J A. ildwjn's Barnum Shop, up stairs, knstretc .., caused luta, 45 • , Dropry H . JOHN 'GROVES, • T:rs4ionabie Taitor=-Shop under Sea Hoteli . Mriin Street, Montrose, -Pa.; _ BRYANT HOUSE; ; _ • t Bend Depot, Pa. ) 61noisim , Proprietor. """. _ , r L. B: SPROUT, illaracturer of gnotres_C,Ostznan CAit. \RI GB SPILISGS, MOBtrose, Pa.t, , Win. W. Si'IIIITH JIL Co. ! - = Caltiitet and Chair Manufacturers ; foot Main St CeOlontrose . ,Pa - .. .' • • Del, GEORGE FULLER, ' ter in Books,, Ready-Mpae Cipthing,Hati aid Caps Bonts'and Shoes, & e. ;Store oppo -1 si e Searle's Hotel, Montrose, Pa - • I Dr. C - -C -EIDWARDS, 1 vsicik . in and Surgeon, !Tortoni Pa. Office doors below Eaton's Storel, . • - . .. Dr. IL. slurrirs,,„ pi . rgeon Dentist, Montrose' Pa., )111 'loir-at qarle's hotel, Mondays anciTuesdaysof,each m eeir. . . • ; • • . • DicivIILLAN & PARK, I . .. ers in ' ry. Goods - , Groceries, Ilardware.:\. rockery, Boots and ShOes, &c:, Springville, .. ' l a: 1., . .. -, • .. ... , i • 183,1 LAW PARTNERSHIP. ° . S.;Rentley & L.F. Fitch Attend t all business entrusted to their care, tinder t e rime arid style of “ItEtirmY Sr. Frrcß." & ,CHASE, Ai, orates ta . Last—Dffice for Mer y Peet ' itleti by Little r. Strjeter,liontroae,' Snaqui hanna County;Ta. -- • • ' i RAILIII B. LITTLE.]: .. ' [F I ERA B. CHAU.. ' ' - 4DGIVGDON ilia SEVIER, Daters in Marbl e Vorments,Tables, Tom b : to ce, &c. Corner of Court'and Exchange tr6ts,.opposite,Broorne County Bank, Bing. iantiton, N.Y. , ; C. D. ILATIFIKOP';at • Dealers in Stoves and "Manufacturers wupper, Tin, and Sded-fron Ware. Shop est side: Lain Street, opposite Democrat Of ce, • . : C. D. LATHRop.II fp. A. WOODVXI7. E. ROONEY, wirer :dame:kg, JeWelty, Mtisical Ludo. puts, and,Guns, & e., & e. Electra plating of poons; Watches, JeWelry, +Ste., done to order. lie has, an appointmeri s t for Sealer of Weights Mid Measures. Shop on Main ,Street, first door below the Brick Corner, Montrose, Pa. Montrose Tailoring Eslabliskniesdi. Llims Fa. Reynolds, Fashionable Tailors, • .)vcr G: R..1-i.awley's Store one door below Patches Hotel, ready at all times to, please The puhlic and minister to the tastes and con. ilort• of these who Want clothes. West lash. ors regularly received, and old ones Obseiv'ed when requested. - : ABEL TURIIELL, Mostnelse;PA. I eater in progs,Medicines,'Chetnicals, paints, Oils, Dye. stuffs, Groceries, Dry Goods, Hard ware, Stone-ware, Glass-yeare„Camphene,Btan . . ing Fluid, Lamp Oils, Candles,Varnishes,Win dow Glass; Fancy and Toilet Articles, Perfn- , inery, Jewelry, Spoons'. Siiectacles, Musical : Instruments; . Trusses, Medical Instruments, Li9uors, Mirrors, Stationery, -Brushes, Shoet,_ Yankee Notions , &c. Physicians Prescrip-' tions Carefully-compoun4e44 FRANKLIN , FRASER - 9 . norney and Counsellor at:Law , • . -' '- - Morintosi, Va., . -,- ' JLI attend . faithfully to all. busioess erana ted to hitt' ih-thei county' Of Sinwineihanns. Conveyancing and writing of all "kinds'will be d*ne 'lenity, Ind eharge.moderate.'• - ' He wilt also attend to th A prosecutionofelalms d 1 s ldiers, their • widows and heirs,. against- the Uni• , t d States government, for. Bounty .Land.-Tea ri Miry he'fond at all hours at the •Offies formerly o copied by J :T. Richard's; Eutp,uorth of the Court °rise. , . , 7 • ' • • 49y1 11 , JOHN.COLSTEN - 11 EALtl r ,Stones; Tit', Copper and Sheet ,Irel Ware, Lodersville,.near Great BehdDepot—Gif 'TYLER,: , • -• Intereded .Hunt,. MPOETER AND DEALER in Hardware and Cut lery, Carriage Trinnings,'Springs, 4r. No. 218 Pearl Stre e t N.. Y. Where his Mercantile friends, in tide and litho aunties, are kindljr invited, aild earnrstly ,id to call and , purchase. " n6tf. CARIIOND*LIE s'rAins. rrHE Stibscri6rd tire) running a Daily line of _L Stages between Carbondaloand Hopbottoo Station on 'the Lackawanna and Western. Rail. road. Distance'2o mak.' LeaVe Carbondale io the - Morning and connect. with the` ears' gob: North. Returning 16iire on the arrival of the •ntail r traii from the Great. Bend. The nearest , most direct Mid cheapest route from Great Bend to Carbondale. Passengers_by this line always get, into Carbondale earlier in the evening than any - other route. • , Paiv reecipted in - Carbendale tit the Store of e Subscribers; Main strApt; a few blocks below ' troneeree-Hotel. Augunt,lB4l-4f. Solr an . d Tigigice lasiatilsor.,--A good assOrees of thcr best kind, cOastisptixonhancl:- • -BENTLEY &ITO. • • WANTED 5000 tirhetzoroff..wybeandth2B.l),ooh,esitsAi Will be paid Ileatth by: J. H. FtlfTP . o lB • ;) :Sotrp!rtivillp, Jan. ail 854. - ' lie*. - Goods. F• 11 et IG - 000. • , Malta jitilriad exiadrie, as fig illtbe Bald cheiip* for stall;. - • Mintirotra Sipc 1 `4:1853. JOB WOREL CritOW , it. BROTHERS. i , _.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers