n — tliy walls andi dwell - within thyepalaces nd now gentlemen, the- festivities !of thi t of ours,ara'about drariing to a clime ;th t r is rapidly tipprOaching when. We inus rn to our chines and our labor. On be f of the.metnbers of the Legislitirre, it per 4, s becomes me well to return our si l ver mks ier - your more 'than cordial hos tali I /, ' ,-as well as the honor yOur invitation eat e de4 to,sils, ' To all these bentsnred we Iri io insensible. And here lei me say, di:Al i t .0 h intereourse 'as this bad' been .inore 1'1: : c1 tutnt in the past Much, .very . much, of s ra l gement between , vonr empirium and re nqte districts of the 'State, Would neve ha% i "iked...But a clearer sun has newer. ' i s'en ill -oil. horizon, and ;when we "Shall , Serierat ah-to his home and mingle with. his .con -ti 'ueney, he will carry with .him. a feelin 1, 1:t will be-diffused' 'about Mini,- Mid: wor -orders in pop sentiment favorable -t 1 o .. people, your •inCrprises, and yoUr inter' s . Again - I di, nic. you, and - agiini,we lin' v. e blessings upon your endeavors . J-. - 1 - , 1 Lusk again here diversified the occas;ion Vtiv fablitatictits. 'etereon's Magcizine; for Maid; is ai eap uMber. The reading "matter is of tie order, and the engravings e,annot be ex- The "Fisherman's Hat" is a rich uction, and the colored fashidn. plates of but attract the attention of the La= Terms, a, year. he N. Y.cfourntd, for Mareii, is ,on our e. It is an fliustrated work of no °Mi l. character, and' centaining a l ehoice I ety of i nteresti reading ins er.' Its ion and iteedle-work department are I orto, anything we have ever seen of the d. Terms,ll;so per annum.' ;idress *P. D. Orris, 75 Nassau St.;!ls.T.. ' rahain,' for March, is- n sgperi9r numlAr; it.is unnoctsSarYleir its to pass any nn- npOn'it. Thisnumber .contains a raitiztf GEo. WASULVGI.92.:, Whiek is cry dioraelperecuted.. Ttirms, 83 a year. ri4ir'Bl/Tonte Gazette, is.also on hand.— Th s magaiine contains some of the best sto- 1 I:ie ever found in magazine. literature.' T.l& 1 Ar i thur's name is sufficient . to give it a wOr d -fde reputation. It contains a nunibdr . di ill stratiOnswhich are,very rich. . Trms; ~i.li a sr.- ' 1 , ddress T. S. Arthur & Co., 107 NV J ahitTA Philadelphia. ' • _ utitcpze's Montlity,fer Itarch, Is a:serf large r • -- interesting periodical. IC ,contains over reading . . hundred of Solid matter, pages - - I re _ the ablest pens in the county . Terms, I I • r auttim. , , . .. . - . ddress G. 2. I': OtiAni 4r, •• Co., 10 Park !cc N. Y., he People's Journal, for March, is an el number, being illukrated with- sixty engravings. It is devoted to Agrieultu and I.lOrticultural suljects; and is, with= I t doubt, one of the, cheapest works pub , r ed. Terms, 50 cts, per volume. j E.. Beach, 86 Sin . F.s,l‘. V. I • . , (('Duringthe .pendency of th Ho e- d'Bill iii Congress week before last; cdr, ~ w offered a substitutefor-the Bill and in (g so made the 'following. reimarks under 1 five minute rule.." '. .• ..... ~ ' - liming the same object in view as the 'Chairman of the committee' [Mr.,. DAwsoc] who reported.the homestead : hill, I offer this sayl,,stit u to; with no disposition toombarass the mdasere, orin any ;way to . retard I'm. grog' I s.. I do' 'it simply for this reason : 1,13 - Le the substitute which I hare offered coy-- all the 'hmendments which 'haye beerr' - . Jpted by the committee, with .some other . Hisions that . are better calculated, in my Igment, to guard the GOverment against • frlud and imposition, as well as protect he . ; set ler. The first point of difference beta- -, 1 , .t h sulstittite and tire original bill is as to i a ir thy kind 'of citizens: who are to 'receive, the' behest of it.' 1.-simply 'propose that_ a man sh.ill'ileclare his intention to become a citi-,, zen of_the- United States before he:Can. , make - anentry Under this bill, .and ' that. he . shall. be . I ome reduralized before lie can receive his' . pa ent nat is all the - restrief,on, so far. as di natiVi e born or naturalized •tizen . is con; reined.. 'Why sh o uld* we make any . other dis.- , , ~ • letion 1 . Why Will you grant•to a man who I mes to rear shores to-day privileges that 'deny to one Who comes to-morrow I-- . at matters it when the 'emigrant lands,' if takes upon himself the burdens : and duties itizenship? Should he not be entitled to its benefits ? -•-- - .0 - . - , .• nother point of difference is; the e original provides, if at any time after filing 'the davit required in the second• Section, and. Ore the expiratiOn of the five years, theset ,. shall have abandoned his:, entry fdi more Wsix months at . any-one time; 'then land shall revert back to the Government. royide that it shall not ' be 'abandoned .at fl, eNcept in case of hostile invasion, or ser ce`hy the occupant. in the Army or Navy the United States in time. of war. Another point of difference which covers th • amendment offered .by my colleague' [Mr. 'B i v ens] is, that - the person applyingfor the Lelietit of this , act is required to prove that th land so entered..is.to be'.made his•Or.her plr ce pfa*le, aiia• the' means ,iii: whole . or' pat of • supperting.a family: - I also require be Ore the patent is issued, that the person o up 'lying shall prove to the satisfaction of tl e rerister of the bind office that lie or she is a cit zen of the United ' States, and 'that' they ha , e not entered into any contract, bargain, • or agreernent, verbal or written, to.dispose Of, th• same-Or any part thereof ;' and that then, -•ea , nch' case, he, she, or they, on payment . .of fiv • dollars .into the Treasury of,- the United S tes, Aar be entitled, to a patent, as iii oth- 1 er cases ;prOvided for by law. - - , I propose - to thes' land Spay. the ex re, se of their transfer and survey. ' While th- settler should not• be required to: pay anv7. th ng fur the land itself, he: should . pay - die ~ .,v !Ilse of survey and cost of transferring the tit e s.. That lia;"been: my position:from the fi :t; and in : my remarks on. this- subject at, th• last•Covess, I'said i -.. ... - .. ' . . To prevent conflicts as to what: portione are . 1 " Woariuted to eaCh individunr s use; it iiirneces , Ty that his claim should be, defined; and - this is .best aos i e by a survey. _ Therefore it is ' rop e that the'settler shoUld par' the Goveratent. the cost of surv ey; f or th„lir,lev 'as conducted hi the land torie,ii the . best and ' most conven.. - ie t mode of laying'off tands." l' .. ' That ' ma kes the sYstxtm self-sustaining. It is therefore; just to all tile interests of the.' c witty- But if you do justice..to the. m& w o cantiot and wish - nottoleiiv e their pres c thiatues fora .settlement under' 'this bill ; It d you do.nO injustice to the settiefor YOU] to -e friam-him nothing but what .be would !I have to pay the Governinent ;• that is, : fortheli imr . v.ev Of his lauds, • • I Proposeto add a newj s rt'on te the hill:--. , • .. ,' 1 - -1 That in all cases Of tfie death of both fatheil n, mr,i,) , . ' . ' . • ,E., leaving on norchild tit, one or ithilin I . 11, takes upon him or herself the'supeivislot and maintenance of ttia younger chlldren, .stichper son shall be consired us the heatl of a family,and entitle to ail the rlghts, privileg:es, and l e.-..etits. provlded by this mit. , Arai another ltdciltional t!,.;etion confining iall • s4les.of the public lands hereafter to ac that settlers'. Mere the hammer fell] 1' , • , Oimosilion to the r Nebiaska HIU. A Mass ineeting - will be held at the City, of Carbondale, on. -Tuesday the . . 28th inst., - at 3 o'cloet P M. Da -id Wilmot has:, argeect to be.pres era and ad ress the meeting. NO delay on 'accountof he 'Weather. . . • . garch - 21, 185,4. • - • TeachO' re, 4.ssociatiou. , The:next ineetlig or the Ssqu'a Co:Teach ers' Association will. be held in Gibson on Friday, March 31, 1854. Ric. t. E . Guild will address the meeting. The subjects proposed for discussiou next session of the association In Gibson will be: 'What Text Books are the; best adapted to common sChoOls ; under their present or gatiizatioul as based upon the 'report of : t h e committee on text books—and shall q.e isold a teachers institute, and .when I - Per order, ttc. 4 gs4utatug, In Brooklyn on the 6th insi.; by the Rer. T. Wilcox,;Mr. VV3I; FMK Of Auburn, and IhesEll. of the former place. In Dimo i ch on !the 20th instl, by Eld. Sturdevant, Mr.' loEt.. Co's*rox and Miss Sorui. LArnaor ;both of pintiock. • RR* In Pirrock on the 20th ult., JOHN tint), in th 59 . th his' age. • T • S -. 4 • 1 reasurers Of unseated loads in Susquehanna Co, monpr. is hereby given that agrceab y to 1 1 11 thefactsef the general usseiribly °lithe oat• monis-EA:oth of Pennsylvania, directing the mode of nnsented limb= fitr , Taxci. the ifollotaing tracts end parts ofitruc s of unseated lends,iwill be sUld at public vendue on the se6ond Monday of Jane next at the,Caurt. House iu gontrnae. for ar rearagest!ue, and tbe costs accrued in clad) tract respectively, iinles4 the same be pit'id before thei day of Sale—sale to f Um - net:ce at•ter o'clodk in' the forenoon Warrantees (renews . or Muer,. Aires.' Taw. gridgetcatcr. , . Samuelflotilen . GO Chu.lee J. Biddle , ; 56 Clifbr 56 54 foapnarl;fibra Asa Di rnock Dimork Perrhi Wells Grient Bend % Sam' Dayton R. 11, Nicknne 1 W. J. Torten- Nadi anfel C Lew Solo=lll : vi ol . . licirford. ' Ace inlrmpny, r Est, • rrt • tord pwold • ford. pson . . 'Merrick. Crivacird If& Corri l. JamelfCor James Mu lyrraceG , Judge Mu qeurySa riccigha..-"P Thos. /IP t.nama' NI Dwight S. S. Itivr s. Lathrop. nn Z e !‘ son • , .4. D. Seuildee, 7 E 4 Eldridge t ehie? !Acton n. tlartoli el Corbitt t • kney Sarni niF J. F. Dep Rob't mad I No. 40 41i No. 67'6r1' IV! No. 26 Se J ..'Bra' I. Galt o. 27 Jo SO ph ratiilrtm Nem iii ford. I s . 46 flO I 149 Hosea 71 , ; I Ifisea Ti Jacob Tu K. A: Joh Norman : Thomas WM. P;il T • do. C:.;A. Gra David Poi l Henry 1) Jacob Do . 1 • I Dr Jarm.ri•Co. C. P.! J4mei, M Pker ' ; son any Est. for • nom Ism' • ilchei I orris ket • Thomson.- 420, - 1410 liso NO . `tiker • ri •, ' " 1;24, zing 't :, . - - Vis ker • .t . , . 630 niort 'i . 207 Ilan :I j 9 nicord -1 - 1 43 , A. IJ, R. 1 I 136 • ' 10 il ATfigop, Tr Treaapifi l 'a Office, March 21, , Iflfi4. . • • Sheriff's Sales: . • 1 BY u:e %liits of Yen. E.* ig sto .the i7Ourt oP,Contmon PlUits Su na Count And to' meAirertiid,l I *ill: j public sal . at the Court Hoktoe r in Stop Sateir4ay the ;si.tr Aay of ApritE: nex Jfelottk P. All tha certain : niece or pare el nflat4d, situate lying and tieing in the township of Dim otk, Sus i quehanna connty,:and State ofl Penn'a,„ bounded W and described as follos; wit': 'Beginning at a tomes poStiand 'sin the north wc;torner hereof; thence. sonth 69 deg. cast, 160 eiihes to a beech saPling ~the north east corner hereof . ; thence smith 212 perche.) to the northnra bounded line of a lot tit land siirveyed to John Robins; thence by the Jilin of saidot west 15q and 3-0 perches to . a post : jthe southwest. corijer hereof: thence north2l perch: ,the plitbe'. of Beginning, eoutiiininn 207 acres and 143 'perches.' more or .less, it being the }tame lot of landivhich William Drinker and othets, clecutoi-s of Henry; Drinker, tie'd, conveyed by deed, ditod.,Nor.'!l 6' A. D. 1612, to Ezekiel I...ithrop, and Ireconitid in deed batik No.l, page, 133 (excepting 90 nacres and 111'nel-el:es, 'whkh Ambrose 041ord' by deed !'dated the lath a 4 of. Aug. a..at. 1846; 'conveyed to Dyer Lathrop,lird recorded ?n Atte& Book No. 18, page 44.) together, with the 'ol)l,4itenant:es, 'two; framed divelling hotises,l,- t!, barn, 1 corn lionse and ortharii, and about 60 acres improved, which said lands find tenements vi,ereedicidemned by a Jury of Itiqu,est, • - I, ;. i ' Taken in exectition'at the stiitof Benjamin S. Bentley vs. Ambijose Gnylerd .fr.l,_ - ' 1 1 ALSO—AII tbat certain piece or, parcel of 'midi situate lyini and heing in ,the ,township, of 'Bridgewater, Su. quehanna county, bounded' and ,destribed as folltiws, to wit: 'Oa the ,north by land pow or tort4rly of Getirg l Clymer on the east - by- rands of Milton Hunter and ,' Reuben .. .. . ‘V - tills, on the smith by lands lof Perrin Wells and'', Jamei Shaw, Ind on. the west by I binds of 'B.' T. Cusp, containing 'about. $7 ttcresi more or lest, together with the appurtentat?ces, 4 frimed lintist, 1 barn, Ji corn' 'tense; .I.i orchard,, and 'thou 50 acres improved. , 'i 1, Taken exerntion at the suit of J. D. I Saisbilry Vs. Roswell Rinititley.' ..- i t „ALS,o—Atil that certain piecti or parcel of ,land situate l y ingland being' inith Bcirough of Susquehanna and ';',Coutity dforesa;d, 'bounded and described as follcvg. 'to wit: 'it/t. the 'floral by lands cif A: and 8; H:BarneS,on tiiii east by Wm. Marsh. smith by. 4- C.Adanis, and' on the west by J. IL Smith, enntaining 26 perches, of land, together with the;apptirtetutneir ..1, framed house and ail Improved 4 ' • 1 ~1 .. ' Also, one uther, lot, situat i n as afpiesidd, Wm ded and described as fottOws,l to: Wii,:' On the north by the Jaekison Turnii , ike i , and on; the east, South, "and west by lands of ;olitt 13.' Scoville, containing about ;one-fourth' c;' an 'sere and all improvecf, which lands and terltniiixt's ivero cola derened:bY a Jutluquest. - . 1 i ' Tgken in P*6444inn, lt.tile suit lof Win. Dayton vs. Itiebard O. iletfietV.' ',' , • • - . i AfISO--:.A.11 thia certain pike or Tamil of land, situate TyltietinO-beint in , the township of , -, i• ',' 1 . .. ,:' , '• '' I f•I .'- - ' ' . . . .. Auburn, County of Susquehanna acid State.of Penn' i, bounded and described as follows, to wit? On Um:north - by land of Luther. 'Seely, on the' ghat b land of Wm. Clinit i on the south brland drßitid•nod Wm. „Jackson, and on the west* byi land :4f Albert Sterling,.ctintaining about 1314 !)eres Moro or kiss, together with the appal-to.; nancei,'2 framed. houses; ono log stable, 2 stnall brChards, and nbout 40 acres improVed., , - i .11 Taken in execution at the : Snit of G. L Sal l ' Wier Cs. Isaac Smitil'and Daniel Smifh., i ALSO—AII thlt certain piece or-. parcel; of hind, iitnate lying: and beingin the township :or Auburn, Susquehanna County,. bounded and 4e,j scribed as follows, to wit: On the north by; land .Or Joseph Mathews, on the. east by NathartStew.4 art; ott the mOnth by Thos. Balrerty, taid on th& west by Michael and -Timothy - Nenl,containini 60 ho es together with the appurtenances, one;; rranie 'house, 3 shanties one saw millrandabouti Oig,lit hero; improved, which lands and tenements; were condemned by aliiry - Of Inquest. Taken in execution at the suit of Turrell & Dinioek t - s: Elilmeilptterfieid. • . 1 AL C SO—All* thacertain piece' of parcel of : litnd,;tiittinte lying and being in the township iit - Aitburti, Susqueh anna County, bounded and de:., iferibed as follows, to wit: On the north by lands. Of Daniel Swackhamm cast er, on the cast land or cif b • rioter - and cite pitoliC highway, on the• 3 seuthlby lands of James Rettenburg itnd on the; West by la ,nciw• occupied by n. N. Seely; con.;:* twining 1 acres • mare or lesS, together with tlid, nnpurten: cos, one fratned house, one corn house_ rid lqg .s le, and about 80 'acres impreved. i iJ i Taken in execution at the suit of Azor La.'. Prop cvs. Philip •Sweekinimmer. 11, ALSO—all that piece or parcel dr land situ:, lite'iying and being in the township of Cliffordi Susq4ehanna connty, and described as reliows; to wit: Beginning in the centre of ihe highwayf , leading from Clifford corners to the . Uatendert firm so called and immediately at the junction of the woods and adjoining lands of Edward Oram, thence More! said mud - south '74 'deg. westtitt tlhaini and 79 links to or neat the centto of the bridg4 ever the ditch, and joining lands of the', talender f irm, thence atom* the line of said farmi 'south, 10 deg west along the ditch 4 chains-and. 06 links to a corner, thence north '74 deg. east hir chains and twenty links to a post in the:cen-, pr orthe Clifford and Carbondale turnpike road,.!, theno along the centre of said road north 321 leg. west 4 chains and 64 links to the place- or beginning, containing two acres of land together; *••!!h the appurtenances, one Ta•.•ernj Honse ; one barn, I t '. - 2e fruit trees arid all improCed.. . * Taken in and at the suit of Samuel '1%4.1 Chitt4nden and Thomas "mold As. Alva Firen. ALSO.,-A,ll those certain pia•es or parcels of land Situate leiti , r and being in the toz , nAip tisquelianna county and - State 01 1 Pennsyllvania;and bounded and described us fol-; . lbws to mit: • Being lots No. I 2 3 4 and 5 of, the resurvey of R. IL Rose's 'Reservation ' (a sit? it called) and .beginning* at a stake and stones.• .theituth east corner of the said "Reservation," do ,lino west Side of the old turnpike road leading; from Montrose to Binghamton thence north 106: perehts along sod turnpike -road 'So a road lend-' .inrrfrOt Richmond Hill so called, to Silver' Cke,ithenee along s rid turnpike .road north, 6; deg. west 58 perches, thence by the said Turn; pike road north 58 deg, east 8 perches; thence 006184 deg. oast 34 perchestilience north,-88 dog. eitst 30 perches, thence north 38 deg. 9 Per-i clhes, thence north 12 deg. east GS perelies,thence: riurth :G4 "deg: - east. 14 perches, thence north 37 Aleg.eas43o perches, thence north 10 deg. wcest 34 perches to.n stake and stones by the side of. the s.dd turnpike road, thencenortb 'if.; deg, west,! 180. perches to a stake and' stones corner, thence] sOuthiSo perches to a maple .tree for fora corner.; thence north 61 deg. - west 335 , pe'relres to a stake stones corner, thence soli 52 deg., ikest-561: . perches-to a stake and stones corner„,., thence south 83 perches to a stake and stones; the south west corner of the said Rjservation,t, thence oast Mono the southiints of the said Nutt:lining • 1C25 Acres more or less!, together. With the appurtenances' G framed hocOes 5 turns one wagion house,. one grainary, one saw milli and'ahout 500 acres improved., .64 • !I ;70 64 ;1,10 64 109' 267 50 5O ),34 7,55 8.05 2,26 12.26 1,26 442 333 455 MO lao 5G 2,E 1 2 100 .64 , Als:n, The-undivided 11-4 Part of a lot of land :tiiljoiqing the above, and diserihed ns follricys BeiTinningat n post in trio north east line of tho l - abovd.lot, thence north •,292 perches ton goat 4 linelof Itolwrt.y. Roses land, thence by the same . ftliest 2 4 35 pcitillos- to n postolienee'sontli 4 percheS' to• a corner of the above, and thence. by sAid north east line' south GI deg. cast 334 perches to beginning. containing in' he wholti 223 acres unimproved. • i 1-ITulten in . o:e.ention at -tho stit,of Cobvers, Tod & Graydon vw. E. W. Rose.lN, 1 - I !ALSO--.8.v virtue of a writ of FLri-41 thai• Cerium villmtfe lot. or Oreel of land situate •ITuroniTh of .Sesqoehanna Susrpo3hatuni Onunfy, z.nd -bounded and' deserihed as follows to the north by hold of Wm. Bunt & ttatisitm tIM cast by the street, on the,south by May , & John O'Brien and.on the west a street leluding, from the " Carr Ilonse" to dnhri .‘ 7 "nn'ough's house, containing GO feet frOnt by 4 2i2-1-2 feet deep, with the apportenanees one Pawed dWellingiandall improved. Taken in execution- at the suit of C. S. Beni. nett Va. A. A. Sanders.: . ' • 107 250 62 201) 400 2.10 103 Ibo 17-,42 t". l 6,kt) 17,42 4,46 4,46 424;6 • 2.24 4,46 ' 3,16 Ll 4 7,60 3,€ , 0 9_, AY '2,46 3€ l . 2,13 2 6, 2 0 9,42 . '9,65 6,27 7,56 7,43 20,60 12,91 • 1.66 10,14 • • 1,66 Asurer. 430 15 11/0 A1;,50,4-I.ly virtue, of a n.rit . of Lcr, Fe. all that certain one story horse situate in the village Of Susqu'ehatina, township of Harmony in said . county on,l Maine st - . lot No. 29 as laid dotvn oa the & E. R. R. town plot of said 'village being . about 'l7 feet in frOnt, on said st. and in, depth about 25 feetand the lot or piece of ground. kind inrtilakO appurtenant' to s'*id 'building, In yonrlßuitivick you cause to be levied as well as Oe4iiin debt Of $211.67 . which Robert I(llnti'i& William Smith merchants and - tailderk doing buSineSs under the firm of Smith 4 5,:, Met. Kline. latety in our Court of Common Pleas flu• the county aforesaid by the consideraticin of 1114 Said court recovered, of the said John Whaling onttlactor and reputed owner to be leviedrof the Said house and lot ot Ground Its also the interest thereon, fronithe 21. st day of Jan, in the year of Our Lvird 1854, and also the sum of $10.26 cents. for; the costs which accrued thereon, according to the, form and effect of an act of Assembly of the cocianionWealth of Pennsylvania in such case made and . proYided ; and have-you these niorie}l before our Jit'd , res nt Montrose at our County Court of. common Pleas" there to be held on the• thiid;Menday of April next to render unto th‘ Said . 11..tibert IL -McKune and William 'Sm4 inerchants and Builders doing business under the firm of. Smith and llcßunefor their debt inter.:. fists anikeosts.aforesaid. • E Take} in e.xecution at the suit .of Robert H. sleßund and Williuln Smith, therchaiiis and bonder§ doing i business under the•firm,of Smith & . M.ilKl ne, John Whaling; contractorand re: Pitted owner, • ed out of squehan xposo to '.rose, on at, one Montr • Medical Card: • lriRS E. Patrick, Jr. &G., Z. Dithock hav I_lctli s day formed A co.partnershlp. for a more etlichint and successful prosecution of the differ,- imt hianches ();f their'profession. Isiness, entrusted to them, will be atteri- Oed tti Nith pri,mptness and fidelity. , Theirloffice will l i p the one lately occupied hy Dr. Din4xlr. • r • E. PATRICK, Jr. CI: Z. DIMOCK. MOntrose, March 22. 1854. • Akt OTICE is hereby given that r at the capartne 1 Iliship heretofore existing between S. ShaW., and James . Mc Wade as',waggon-qtalceri; in lhe Borough of Susifa Depot, is dissolved; Ana all pCisons are hereby cautioned against givtn any ch:edit to said Mc . Wade in: the name`of aid . S. IL SHAW. ; Sn'An'a Depot. March 1,7,1854-12w3* ; Susquehanna Academy.' 'f "! NEieetion will_be held ot the Hall of we I.Suxquehanne Academy, in NontrOse, on Mondny the third day of ,April next, at one, elAek P. M„ to: elect fourteen Trustees of the in stitution for the year ensuing:, ° GEo. FULLER, Seey. Montrose. March 20,1854-12w2.' i Administrators' Notice. • [ x - roTIOE , Ss' hereby given that Letters Testa. Inantary upon the estate a Jas. W. Truest. deli4iee'd, late of Liberty township have been rand to thesubsexibers. All perions indebted to said - estate are hereby requested' to male inediatepayinent, and those having elainis upon said'` l-itate to present them duly attested Ibrlet . tlem • t. ' HENRY A. TRUESDELL, 1 7 WILLARD TRUESDELL, Adtte. Liberty, Mirth 20, ltis4-32w , 3* • • B: ELDRED, Sheriff. rase: March 22 1854. - PROCLAMATION TxTrIOREAS, the Ife'ri. Davin Witmer, P.rest vy - i4dent Ofltho Couq. of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Deliver), Court of Quarter Ses sions of the Puttee and coact of Cenimou Pleas and o..oh4lnsi grant in the Xllltir..liodivial!Dis trict; oontposedlof the COunties ot - SOsquehanna, Bradtel•d,! and and the bone. Jon Boyt..4ladd D. D. WAnsTrt,'ASs - ciciate J'udges in Susqn4hanna Clatinty, Inifre issued: their precept,' bearing date the 25th•dakt of Jan'y to the year of our Lord oho thousand eight hundred'and. fift ty-font; itnd-telme direeted; for hording a Court of Oyer And Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in the D4rotigh!'of Montrose; County. Of B,osqtte harinajori the third Alono4y of April next, (it be ing the itthAsY,..l.. • • - • Nikke is hetelly'given to the COIi . CMER, JUSTIC 'Apr Tttl PE...4 . 6Etindq.),NsTAnt,Es of. said Count of Suslifelouirts,l, ibat they.. he then and there,; their own itroperpersorts, at 4wo in the ittlitrnooni.Of *(id.:day,• with their Records; InqttigtiOns, and - other remembrances; to. e those thinga*hich to their ofliOes appertain . : to be done. And those • whip are hound by 'reCogidiaitces against the PrisOnars that are or shall be in the Jail of said County of ISusquehanna i are, to he then and There,, to prosecute against them as will be just, 1 • •I. • , , • _ Dated 4t Montrose, the the 14th daY of March; in thkryear.of ohr Lord; One 'thousand eight bun.dred end Ififty-fOur. ..1I WO -I ' • G. B. ELDRED, Sheriff. •, •• i ; Pkoctainitions..! - Siiiquelt.ctn4 County, 81: ' • Alzinn'Snlith,-bi; her next .- - • fricmlA.T. TioWbridgst, - 43, Nov, T.'1853, •.• :. vs. I- . alialto hukT. 1854. Charles C. Otnith. *I • - r 1 'to tzt.s. C. Swill: Whereas; a subpoena in Dirocce 4as issned to Nov.'Term, 1:853, Which w•aa duly returned non est inxenius, snd thereon an alieo s.'ubpoena was isSued in said cause re tarnabic fii Jan.iTertn,lBs4,upon the return of .whi e h . prbof w 4 made to tiro said Court that said Chailes C. Smith could not be found in my ttailiv.o. , , T4ii' dotice therefore to recinire : you to ap. pear btinirc the Judges of said Court un the third Mond:fir bf Apr 4 next, to:abmwer said, complaint, &c. G. B. ELDREtt„ MuntrOse, March 13, IBM. SulNelsannh County, 8.4. - • Margate Ann Iskrrin by !ter 162, Ant. Term next , fluid J. 4. Reynolds. 1853, alias to Jan. vs Term, 1854. Wirt. H. Norris.' To Wit. 11. Notthts: !Vbereas, a, Subpoena •in Divirqo was issued to; August Term; 1853, which *ils dilly, returned; non est inttnics, and thereofy an alias Subpei:na wax issued' in said cause, iceuroable to Jai-Tern 1854, upon the return ft,;(lwhich proof waS made to the - said Court thattlie said Wm. 11. Norris, could not bo found la my pailiwielr, . - • Thiy notice is: therefore tO require, 3;014 to op.* pear Inifo'r . e the :!Judges of said Court ' on • the third MOfiday of April nett, to answer;said cam: plaint &t, G. B. ELDRED, Sheriff: \ 'Montrose, Match 13, 1854'.-1, 1 -` .• , ! Register's Notico4 voTTE is Hereby gien to nil p'prsons eon fill- . er.1,1-oeli in the follow l ing estates; to wit:. . ; Est.lte.:of Gtoirge Starlis, decd, L 6;' -Hamlet, Adrn'r.: ! • : . : Eitateiof Jard Beardsley, deceased, ViTilliam, Peek, Acliu'r, t,a I Est:tteiof B. If. Foot, deceased, Norman Foot, AdMinfs(rator. Estafefof Patt . iiel: Carl, ideceased, James Logan, ! Admintstiator. Thafithe raccOuntants irare settled their Ile , counts . dri the 4egister's t office in and for the County:, of Sits,trehanna, 'and - that the sante_ 1 of ii:ird:exteney - ,. ‘Vi;drlesday the t 19th'LlaSt:of April next, f4r confirmation and al ! lowanec.; . Y. T. LANGDON,Register. itegiriOr's ofncc, Mari lt 13:1854. --- Galardians'i 'Sale. :; L VOtlit'E is lic . reby gii . en that iii,pi.usuance of I. 6i4r 'of sale issuo froth: Via Orphaps' .oust of Snsqrichanna county tlia' undivided three siAlt partfif one half of the following ile scribedi Pieces• Oil p.ireels of land late lite esttite of CllaNs Well 4, deco:vied, situate in tho town of ileriiiik in' said county, will be sold at public sale by:l4ndoe at the public House itif A. Cole man in',4e,Killag,ie of Dundaff on Wednesday the . 13th day of April next ail ene o'eloeki P. N., de ilicribed:4 as - folio:es-41w I first beginninz . :at the corneoi.r, 't' in. tliureliills - lands, thence N. E. 10 2 periites--t.,) a!itake and stones, there, south Nctec..3vik•iil.Bo 6ereltes Tv a stake ,rind s.toriesr, then'erl : 'Wp.4t, 22 rieielies.ta st-.ke, thence',' north vest . 104,-7petches to the f ilace of be.ziiinng, c-pn ) tidaing;4-.6*ri.s snore orlles.s, mostly improved, and orflviiiierNlidre is a drying hour o for a priw deW mill i w. to riviiegJ &e. - Thor]slq•ond pii : cheainning at the north-west coi'nerlef 1an.1.3 ~ r inerfy in possess.* of Chain cY. Wol).)roti . ,thcaee south 32 1-2 den. west along said land 20 penilies to a stAe & stones, thence north g:S... deg. wr'..st seven perches to' 0 , !:e and stones; ;hence 2:3 dft east, 15 lit stake and stikes, thentie North !'72. deg. .e rchcs to thef4ks,Of life road, :. thence sc relies to the Ohre of beginiiin;.f,containing, one acr i e or iherealiaitts withl the apiortenances,i ono fram4 dwelling!louse out liouso - 8::e. , \ , TertH - of's:de ;easy and mode knon on day of sale. 1 JAMA:N H. 141ELPS, j ! ; • -' i - SARAH G. WELLS. e ! 'Guard's 9. ) - .. Duniiiff; Kira? 15, 15.:54-Llln'4.: - - . • ! orphgn s Court Sale. • t xratlcE is hereby given. that in pursuance of 1 ani order of sale issued from the Ophan's Court pr Susquehanna Cnunty, the following des cri bed 'ptoperty. the estate. of William Baker, late of Ararat township, in -,Said" county, deceased: Will 1;:p , at fiddle s.le by vendoe, on Saw-. day thl fight day of April next, at one o'clock P. 111.—sibiate in said township of Ararat, bounded as fulls to wit: Beginning at maple tree the north west carrier hereof, and the north east corne , •or land oCHoracePathaway, thence north 46 degrep east i 54 pprches to a post,:thence south 44 .degreel east 93 7-10 perches to a ,post, thenceitmth 46tetes Feast 94 1-2 perehe4 to a stone comer the co north . 44 degrees west 93 7- 10 perelies to.th4 place . beginning, containing 55 nereszor therei abouts4mostly improvad and on which there:is a framed P c dTelling - house, barn,•or chard, . Sale:to be'hel'd upon the premises,- and teftds made known an the day sale. IRA NICHOLS, Aduir. Feb:. :17, 1554.:i 11 w 4. • cAdmigistrators' Sale• VOTICE is hereby gii-en that in pursuance - of 111' - ltni-order of *ale is 4 ed from the Orphan's Court X.Susquelianna Winty r the fdllnicingdes cribedrOperty, Tate the'estate of Pliny Bireliard, In Diri*k townahip in said county, deceased; will be off4red at Public salcitoy vend ue,kM Saturday the isOny of April nest, at one. o'clock, •Y.,; situate: Nr the tortiship lot" Jessup and eonnty aforesdutbounded on'. the, north 'by lands of Wake. man Hendrick; on the east by lands' Of harte south by landsi'-of A. B. LitthrOp and I. E. Birelard, andon the, ireStily lands of ,Fred erick-I)*ton containing 3, laMies orjhereabouts, with this apparteninees,lmeitly improved, &e.— Sale td In held Upon this premises, and terms made known on the • I. W. E3IItCHARI), : 1 1 '^ 4E. EMCIIARD; 4,l \ nts . 1854.. Ilw3J . • . • • \ ;.Administrators' Notice. THE;,undersi,gt' led having been appointed Ad. Inihistratori to the estate of - John Bard, de. ceased; Of Din/04 town,ihip; request those "in. debted,to said estate to:make ptyrnent :defy, 'add thbge 4ving claims sgaintit said estate, preserit ithem forTaymetit. • ." . 'PrPRIti WELL:s, • , M. SiNtrit.som., Montrose, }faith 13. 1354-11w6. Admrs. 1 , l• lie* Spring Goads. -. • THPI: subperiber is now recoiv:ng his usual supply of Spring nr satilmo r r ofois, land offerw;tlleta for sale as e heap as th(? C ilt A PEST, II .! 1 s J O. J . WEBB. ‘• 1 IgoOttoie, 74arOh 15, 1854. ' . • ..A ps, wslatel .pat i trRR'ET,T, HAFTS: ._ • _ .•__• - VASHIONAELE • Silkrillts, SplibitStyte, last r received' by t_. GEO. FULLER. March 15, 18.54. IxtANTEP-100Chstuut Fence Post% el. V V ther split or*vtred. • A. TU ItRELL. 7 ,' ) ,." - - sill 000 WANTED. - - - ~ , • pitoi,osto . . ,s 4:111 be reeeired at the Commis. sieners:Offiee at MOM - rose fur taking &loan • of Ten thousand - dollare s.uthorlied by act of as. sombly to be borrowed by Cho County of Susque .hanla for the purpose •of buildir)f , ° a new Court House and Public (Anneal forsaidCounty f . until the whole amount of said luau shall Mace been taken. • • 1 , The-Said lain will. Lei taken for -he. the, whole amount or in ;smaller •sinirs, as may suit those wishing to incest money kherein and for. such time as may suit.the lender at the .r.tte of six per centper annum, fi•piwhiell Ceunty . Buudswill be i s su e ll u ti'Mfururity with' ; the net of Asserlibiy. •• . . 1. HANCOCK, - - - .. ". . T . A.AVILLIANIS. Com. . , • ~..' - A. CARPENTER, .-- ' W yy Atlest, m. i t. CilossatAri; Clerk. , . . _ Commissoners Office, Montrose March 8,185',4 riLAVER ',SEED of Oho LARGE- ktnd and Tirriothy seed just received And selling low H. BV -11 4 1 4 7 . • New 3fliford, March tit 1854-101: 4 • • CALL 11To /AVER two Months hm i e elapsed since our Ortil was dissolved, andiyet but ti small fraetiett-, or what is thle as . has.heth paid. Those Ave owe are calling upon us for their 'pay, and is righ i t troy should hare it. Will hot , our numerous_ friends who arc indebted to us heed this call, and relieve our necessities! Rcollect, payments maybe . made .either to ALVIN DAT. at this offic4, to it MASA CHASE Esq. at his °Mee in ligiford.Village, Or to S. B: CHASE at his Office in the rillageLof Great Bend. • Montrose March 9,,p514. HENRY Si' KNAPP, . • OF NIONTROSE,-FA. With... Rowe, & Carter ? Wtl -I ;? E LE R ! T A A:, L... r E s,.? ? o n . o l c . 7 7i ‘va a s n i d lina c t 0 0 St s r s e i e o between Cortland and Ddv Streets, ?dew York. ?larch S, IS3t-101f. r • • • •lloors s...4litlES • • Oi• otlAnaliti6s ItrttlAlzna. alga a stood :mart:m.lA of R nit ber Qver;•hbesi and Liaskias, call and re ecosal s t you in quality and oyicetr. : ' Deeember3il.: ; i —13.,3:AcC0.. A Eresh'tot OF Cassitneres, diner:lms, and other Fancy Dry Goods, just arrived at 'Scotr; lottssros & CO'B. Also, a new and. Lime assortment of Iron., &e. &c., which W,lll be sold 0104) as usual Rir cash or pay down. • Jolittsimt & Co. Springville„)an.• 2,;• 18514. - .- • ,• Loderoville Book Drug Store.- milt Rabic/11)er would 'elm the Inhabitants of' LO .1; derscille arid kurroundini? country, that he haegreat ly enlarged and 'reproved hie Store, mud tilled up with a large and complete assortment, of palate, Oils. Dye woods, Dye-stulhi, Windoiv Glus, Sash, Putty:4 Tarnish and Brushes. Also. • •' • Patent sledicines.ilhemiWii.Olass , Ware,Perfumery, Yan kee Notions :iletifectionery. - Tellet articles. and all articles usually kept in! env establishment of the kind. Also 'on hand a lark e as*Ortment Of BOOKS 4.1 S Tit TIGNERY.' • Paper Iliroging,dte. Zce • , hells prepared to sell on as reasonab7ettrma ss any stnrein the eoutltry. JAJIF.J.S GRIFFIN. • I Moo ::ceps fame room a' general assortment of tilt, Cantccar Itnpicwas . carefully felect:W,'prepared and au pertottnelidiby :hintgelf,f6r his!ernaceqtamodationand the benefit of the Oiblte.. - II undoes. Pain tei.s. PhreinWiti s aft4ndießase . are invited to cannily' IQ(' for. thel:ll.sClTelk. • . • Scott former ••. IVould inform.his former patrons that he has in connection.with hit other tnisiness a (Ott assortment of Boots and Shoes some of which lie can-warrant and sell as reasonable as edit be•bought at illy otti er place hi the country, 1 - • Dire etly orer.jelanllenincey's Store , " i the It. D., Lodersville 7th. 7,454--rAt VFW G*ODS.. 11. SUTP ITN Insites attention to ttai unissaally 0 • lat;e and t.ortplete'assortinent of' • A 4 ,etc Goods fo?: Fall Sales, he ISrjcsr reccifing. In eitaitiort to his Ilene supply of Staple Dry G5”),11.;. Groceries . Tisrdwarc, Stores kc. he wise offers to the Ladies a richlstwth of ; • '-* Fall and :Winter •Dress .Goods,' Satin 4- Tolvo,t Tiontztr, Shracir. : Rll.l•cre: Moron and liolcry. Voils ; Tal.le spi-eais to C:ntli ,, , Sate:stoic, Ladies and ttlit,•-...1n0 Coot x awl t•l.cis !cc:, ~,:c Tothodenclo. tam Lc odors n!largo stock ci !test ,ittality , - • , I- I Ready- Ma* Clothing ; . . h.F . . , Cint, es.'i.inreß. lil-rods an, Jerais,Ve'stings,lTats and Cat-411 - oct. & , -*!.oca, .Ic, • Ili s .tr , cv:•rmbrar , -s n npre Ix tensice and Tarlid as!ort% al , tn - t, than 21 , :ret-of.lre, and Let ' pl. ..pired to holdout ." 1 - : Stili..rior lailucements• .. to P I Virpnr:.',:rerA. , II re.rpc . V. fully s.lielts• nn iisrly call from his friends and nII oth , •rs- dr , iring food knolls that arc 1r ortlf.tt;e prl r 4, um l; eti for them. ' . . • .5 uptrnerivalo SeFt.l2tltlS.ll:4 • • - 2000 1 1:, ', . e ;t e' ... ‘ s l o .u il i m P en a t e e r ;:er a o l fir: t t y ePn a gs l o7,l l t e tt e 4j t u h s; reeelred at . - ' , .1.11. 81.1TPIIINS. • , rii OLE Sr:erne:lel—A lade .assortment of kill Goid Spectacles of II ages. 1 1 ' Silver Napkin-Rings,lF , it Knives, Cups. and Ch;, s, Thirnble.s, Dott6r }naives, &e., _. ' o the Ladie;i—Agate 1 and Cornelian Drcia ' Butnns.`NShefl Pair Pins: a very nice article. T 1 . PLATEDAVARD:--Some very handsome Cas tors; Cake IlastMs, Candqr Sticks, Snuffer's and . TraYs, &c. : 'N_ 1 ': ~ ' LOCICETS-- 1 A 6od etssortment of Double and ISM ,, Ie, bothLGlO•nrid Plated. SILVER PLATED KNIVES—A S - uperior ar ticle made' to miteh Silver. Forks. • - SE - lELIACOMDS—Just received, a new lot of She I Beck Combs. also liory do. • GOLD CHAINS in every varietyalse, Gold Keys and Seals.l : All of the above articles are for sale cHE...r. by t ;FRED J. EVANS. .4 M4rch 1i 1854,--SAPLE GOODS. 1 Wisltlvt,jculirsetienc.g :1 1L an m ad a ci n t ri,i Pittsfield itobtittc Sheetings, Rattittg, Wadding, Wicking., Cotton Yore and Cdrpet! Warp, Canton Flannels, Ken teelfy Jeans" TWeeds, Satinetts & RerseYmeres, Dc ,nines. Alpareas, CeliCees, Groceries of ev. ery description, &e. &e;, nit of which we debire to dispose of during the *sent month, to make ioorn for n flew stock, an,q, Ave invite our ens to'mers, apdlthe ,public Onerally'to give us a call; ~, ' i ! ' BENTLEY & READ. 1- BUSHELS ' 50.: -.: ' . . \ CIF Prime 'CLOVER 4. TI - 510,T11Y. SEED V. just received, and witbe sold rightby i - , . .. • B ! NTLEY & READ. _ I - ' tort( Ba kots. - - 1 - 1 and now wdgen load just Feceived; and now is your time to - buy them. 1 , . . . BENTLEY & READ. A l 'mete supply of Dr. D. Jayne's celebrated 1 . . I , Family Medicmes , ; Just received . Nothing I will Put. n stop to .n cough so effectually as a !bottle- .of Dr. Jayne's Expectorant. We speak rom experience. - 1 B NTLEY dr. READ. . . 1 FLO yil By the BtFrel or Sack, for sale bv I - ' BENTLEY.& READ. ' \ . • . . ;DissolUtion. N - Ranct is herebYlivin that the eo,lpartner. II sliip betetotore.existtng between N. Gran. ger ritid\Z. 41. i - Cooley,- lei thii day dissolved by mutual tOrisent.- The Notes and accounts ore left With N. ranger for 4dleetion, who Will con. tinge buslciescin the Re dy Pay .systorn: • •. \,` . 1 ' . i ss . - -- . . • Z. L. COPLEY R, . . . Rush, March 13, 1 411w3'" , - 1 I NO ,h • . • rpHE regular ininoUl meetio et the "Odd Fel. tows' Jinn Asaorrintiop” ill be. held it their Hall oil tho first Morulay ,prii next td, two o'cloel l P. M.; tor the electionN4 -- eftleets and; other. important busin'esis., • . D. BILEWSTER, nonfthiP. ;ltsrob 8. B. S. E. B. Chase L. SCOTT Ike*?. q - t ••• -- s- es . iis - i 61 ow" . binge cats e d et, N f .. US OtheirlkoP.; I', • I ng 2 subscriber having *vied he JO Manufactory of A. W. Greenwood in Hal a prispared to_maniftfacture - , l . • • , 4 ALL KINDS eIF quAnts. 1 at riodtmed . prioes; of good materials , and in 'parlor style Of. workmanship.: , I keep coniti on hand, or wilr manufacture WI order, - 1 1 : Boston Pickers,.. (inip:cived ftyk,) 01,11:in I of° Fancy and Windsar Chair's, 1 i ' , ":Flag Seals, 'Settees, 1-c. &c.{ -1 ti.:7? Ali 'work warranted to give satisfactip 'fireiyrtarv.i,. ' , . • j 1 ' it.* Alf,rcliantatite Produce will be trikin 1 'ph:tile for Work, but NO QREDIT ! ~.' 'LUTES JOHNSTO ..i853-:-Iy : , '. I Itnrfora:, bee . ' ! H. 0' : ENNETT tik CO. Inzixt . ricri and lobbers of Forrign: and ,piestie Dry Goods. 1 . 4.1 DEY STREET, VEW iti, ir(7 OULD invite the attention dr coercion v y . Sus q uoi l anna and adjoining Pound their .stoek which wall be found large: ,and_ de 1)1i3 ft nit seasons • of the year. consistine in d ilf , qloths, Casilineres 'and Vestings, ; -Jeans,' Twoedi, with..all the best and welt knoivnst of fast colored prints.. 1 ; ' Also, Dress Good; White and` Linen Gtl; Sze. &e. -- ' 'Also 11i-twins long and square Shawls,' , mere n rd; Silt Shawis, together with floaier) • • r Farley Goods. i - Orotapt attention paid to orders.' ' 4 - i / ..- - y1 : ehan 1 •i • STOVES - .A . I'm F AREE , .. i. For,.iiisqueliannit County. (1 _ D. LATHROP Sr. Co. Would beg.lea' k : dl• return .thinks to their friends for the m eral patrotraipi for-the last year and hem will continue their favors; which we hope to it by-Strict attention to businasii, and' low pi W 4 have the must approved Patterns. of Sr ever brought into this market,.amonewhich be found, : - • • 1 i • ". i. - '• , STAR OF .TgE . IVES 27 (Pinata On CULTIVATOR.,. - • ! i " - • . • PARAGO.N, • 1 147.2.1 W WORLD '' 1 ..• ' ''', .4 . . ! 1 -" , • • ' *LOBE, • , , . .-- i • ATLAS, •h . • s' . r! , ~ :.• *- THREE STATES,4II Ai IVght?ana etsltoo numerous to Mention. 1-. . • We also have on hand a .large - assortMe Tiri Ware of a hcary quality; mipressly for 1 1 .. trade,Cistert' anrt Well Porn's Of all descripti lead Pipe of oil sizes, reels 6r.iihein PilmNl Sze,i • Job work done with neatness and des Alllkinds' ofprod lice taken, !or antiroved- 1 givOn., Give us ticall if yon. plcaie. Sho Milli sheet, directly opposite the Dena. Offi . C: D. LATHROI . I ; S. A. WOODRU I I I; & • Culi paid for FtirB by AW GOODS At.the Upsonyille 78 xthang W A .subscri r ber 'hereby 'informs his Pr .1, tcomfitisin2 the ptiblic generally) that 'nog' reOcniAing his stock of goods, and i ferini l t superiorindocements for,them to par of bun, thereby keeping.their capital, es w doing their traaing at home, anion g his map' be found a general assortment of Ty 3; GrOe4ries, Crockery, Hard Ware, Paints,. Dypsj Boots and Shoes, HatS and Caps, ma window paper, Clothing, Trunks, Yankeejt &i.. 1„ All of which hewill be happy to excl for; any kinds of farmer's produce iat ,tll9 cash; or good Credit.), 4110 he wants'all who have accounts.' of'l sixi months' standing'to call and settle them 119t9.1 erifiltltigr c eti son's convenient.' L. MERRISUI WANTED to' hire' a 0(4 Blacksmith whn Understands all branches of the trade ) can come well recommended for sobrintiall dettre can obtain fair wages by calling et subi4riber soon-at Upsony'llle , Pa. , I ' JosErrt L. MErtraat Jan. 2,! 1354. • I • D. R. LathrOp & Co. ARE selling off their stock of Gait& eh llthan ever in order.to make room for Spririg Pnrehase. , Call and see fo'r yoursel Jan. T 6. PLAID De Lanes nly Is Gd. at LATI-IhOP & RAF' State Slaw'. cheapbr than ever at D. R. L. & C SOME Moro of that t'd Sugar left at . ID. R. ts. 4 troie, Jan;l6, 1854. • ' . 1 I .o •- . .. Auction.. r . ilti , SULser . ibe'r will offer' a Public V Uduil _L n Fri d ay.' March'3lst,',l yoke of •o. eU, 3 cows,, . . 3 two years old, a few sheep, plows, rags,. waffons, rakes, pitcliTorks.sCythes..snatlts. iuse, hold furniture, steyes,• bedsteads, emirs, bk.% dz..e., •,tarions articles of farming - utensil; :arid hoitselkO)d furniture too numerous to'mentilOp.,--: Crime' Aid C.- Sale to commence at 9A. si. on t4pretnises. • ' Tints.--all sum. over 85 Oirie mobtbs'oredit with approved security, under 85 cash dOWIn. .. ' i - : . • - forest Lake, iliarc.b 14, .1854-11w2* f• - • 1 . ~ , AdministrittOi'i Notice MOTICE is heretw..grven that Letters Testa /71 mentary upon the estate of Lafayettel-Wil , mayth,,dee'd,:llate of Jackson township, hay been granted to the subscriber. MI persons in eked to;said estate are hereby regriested to ma of mediate payment, and ;having-nay Inims upon said estate, to present them duly tit ested for settletrient. • I. - . JOIIN GUNNISON - , Ad hckson, Feb. 15, 18511.-7w6 ! . Patent Le*sr Watches.' , i 1 :1011 ' rrtHE subscriber tnkes Veas. F. ...1_ tiro in informing i his . ' , --: ~,Alk hien& that he has tlila` day : . , • ~ received direct frorn Liverpool e ' 40 '..1`- anoiher invOico of 'ills ee lebra. et - V.; -4 : , i'L- , English - Lover %V id 1- ted es,. ) V •_-_.:--' - Cased in various style. plain ; and Hunting, Full Jeweled; and warranted per. feet time keepers, ,; ALFRED J. EVE Se , - No. 2, Odd Fellows' Hal . i llinghittnton, Feb. 0, 185 t, , ; Public Vendnc• • AA/ILL be sold , at publte rendue, • SA Vvi the 25th•of March, at the fesidencel subscriber 2•andai hal finite& !forth of Mo (litle to commence at 10 o'clock A.,:st.P ti lo_ Wing property, viz: it firsfrate pair matched horses, 3 cows,. year 01d5, , 1 yearling, 2, shoat4,ll lumber 1 Pair bobs, I double harnesSi T 1 .saddle ti dle, '1 threshing machine, 2 Tinning mills, 1 ink stove, a quantity of hay and household tut°, farming utensils, dr.e. - - " • All stims tinder cash dow $.) six months crWit with good. security • terest. 1 - • . ,L. J. SMI )3riderewate r, 3farch 13,1854-11w2** I ilublio.Vendaid . T"E ,subscriber will'.offer foy sale on 'lfni tl o 23thlof March, iit 13" o'clock the f,ollawing property, namely : ' • Jto o , horso. r turnber wagon, 1 two hoise spring wagon, 3 tivo horse lecoboi- elei g h;. l ter, 1 e0w, 1 2 slteep, 3 hogs, I bay mare, hOrse, I two horse harnes, 1 single ha . lot of 'farmieg ntenails, also a Inanity of held furnitnro.i . ' ,-! - !The . above property will, b 9 sold at t .denee of tlie - shbscriber in Br' g . ewatcr. .1 iTratNe..l-, All stims over S,N KIX arith . Ri with seger, ' ity. ' . lEttimun - BRAN I 1 March " 13,54—=i I w2*' i -. - . 1 " . Flo ction of. Officers ,of Lackawanini, ik si*sq'a. in:lt. Co. Aspecial election of,Preeident, Manua re and other officers of the Lae/commie. a Au& luebania R. R. Company , will.be holden at the fouse.of Wan, NV. BrOWntinnj to the eitY f CAr" bondale. on Bromley the 27th'ilay of Ito b in- , t giant, at one c'ellock= in the afternoon efinud dny . The time for the 'regular unnti3l . electlee_hatleg Visaed without holding the ceom D. N. LATIIIIQP, g 'yl' , 4 : . , Carlomialo, :4tarith 15, 1454.--11,411 Sto k - AT TUE - HEAD of NAVIGATION - A,G. HAWLEY, would • . iespectrally, leform, hia friends and customers, and citizens is this:vicinity 'generally that he is Bow reiteiving .a ve'r'y large and 'desirable STOCK of Camay. Ottons selected with great car t e;, *Maio addition tohis former.utodts makes his Tip-wok. Shectings and Shirtings.- Brown andlied froth :6.1-4e. to 12 1.. Canton, Plano* Domestic. Gin Gams from liki; , A , to 18 3-40. A . - Cloths, Casartneres, Direr Costing: uatinettsf-•' T‘iee4k, Keittie Jeanb, du., . 25 per cent: cheap, ei than ever. . . ' Press ,l , A splendid tot of 'lli•thro;cat wool - Delaines C:l3llMOte3,,Pnratnattas, Crotlisr Coborgo, Peraine t Twills, dm . tviii7 largo lot from 6.1.4 to. 12 =l.2c. - • Cheap mines, • A Goe lasi° soil,' at:lt 1.2 e. as good tparity and pattern as heretofore sold at 20t. - , :• 1 ~./faffaio Robes; • , • 7 1 1 %10 Whore Bkine. . : . zz Crane San Be. Saek 7 or Bushel.• • ' • 'Montrose. Feb. '7; 1854; ' • s in , • to -im part and OFT SOAPby ilto gallov o . y W i lli " TURRELt'S: _ _THE platirio buy inateriuls for , • , • . • Ik TURRELL', 'SETTLE up with • A; TURRELL. - Janutry, 1854. - - . . . More New Goods. llCliltiT le now, remising another*" general atock:of: .I.JI • Fall and Winter , Goods, by which:lda assortment - will Irefully replenikhed in every departmagt and lumen ally inviting, and complete. particularly trj,new otylit of Ladies Diem 045cds, !Lich Plaid and Fancy DeLalnes and Cashinere. Parnmetrae, French Merino, fteltage;• Mohair Lustre, Embroidered Bobes, Silks Bonnets:Rich bonnet';. Ribboni. a large end new assort ment',of Winter Shawls:: Ladles Fur 'Cuffs, Victoria - es 'and Mutts. Ladles Bribbee Boots, Slippers' and v er S h o es, Clocks •of elegant Ind rig stylei, and a ne'w Reg iment of Strop, Parke and Cooking Stovesovith a great veriety of other- Fancy and Staple.' Geode whrch Wi it behold on the most favorable terms,, offering etopechil indriceinent sto crash or Vine tinware.. ' • New Milford, Nov-24;1853. • . - - ! - o to lib: bey, [ . er ica. 1 VES may hew Stoves.., E.I ' Entillt le now receiving anew and fair IletOrt*. . Merit tit ICooklefr Parlor end awn Sleets, far Wood - prVoit, and in eft:inactiou vfth his previone stork will, make - toiled and complete lallortment att. moat pope - ler end implored Meth of 7 ". ' • • - • - . Air Tight; Elevited overi, .Preinium and :Plate Moves.' , t o f one inns, &e. arch. credit 1 on • . Also, trots, Zinc. Etorrii Tubes &e,; trhiFb het - Mall at .the-/owest pticetfor cub •or approv.. • •-4 INES &REYNOLDS have 'reinoved 'their : 1_:;1 Taifotiu eitablishinent to • the' room over neiir the' Franklin Hotel,"7 where they are prepared 'to attend promptly to ail eal l isio their proTession, pledghtrantireisatiefactipti to every reasonable man: Latest Neitv,orit - and Furls Lashio i s just received.. I. • • rifontrose, Sept. 15.; 1853. • AASII PAID tint LL kinhs of GRAIN by . Is . 11. D. LATFIROP-&.Co. Groberies.;--Wholesitle —opgreat-varit4y; . considerable quamisy, eriperi: r quality, alid cheap for cash„Or to exchange for most kinds of merchantable prbduce, on. good term's. stock of Sugars, Teas', Tobacco, Spi ces, &C.,,b - einz so numerons,.he deeme' it only nee. es4aV to say , that almost anything la tbe. Gra . eery line used-bY familips, can be found 'opal) intpri. ry and conselptently"enumeratiop gti supe r_ons. id pat Ocular he would ask an exam. ination of his 64Sugar, 2e. Tobacco, and 98 Tea. A Aatinr.ann Wirth eating mode? to 11191" A'fbo buy largeqndntitis.- • N. BIILLARIY. y2lZontrore, Pa, lonjon or r" --2 ingns • N. one I and d M a the . Vslitni le lra*nt' - for , little. • HE s , absct l j er ; offets. for sale 1-farm in ibson • township, Snignehanns. county, Pa., co taining.ls - 7 situated in . the Eastern part of kid town, hilfOr'a -Mire from the Tunkhanpock; eek, and 12 1.2 mil - de rrom Bus. quehanna Depo ,on the N.Y. &. 4.ltetiread..-, On said farm is a framed house, 3 Barns, a herse shed, cor house, a younk,bichardof over 100 trees, and i •,well watered.. Ile offers to real ialwe. • cash down,.and ';Gibson; Not;. I T ETTERS 1.4 to the su Gardner, late o persons indebte diate payment; present them t for settlement.. bibsrm, 'Feb BU A;ClittiCElotj us 3prlnglle, Dee A.Choice lot, and d 1.3 • or Mitfont, 0Ct.15i4853." 115a+. , a NE ALMANAC GRAT W in Susquehanna Co. at Windimt Oh! ALain , lot of handsome; iotr.prices. Gibson, Nov. I Perfumery.— y g fumery, at , . I GEO" As receive receiv -'ot en and lip: .e • Ready-K & I nhuming Over-cent Frerk, Sack, suld.lln Woolen Under Shit tE 'Shirts., Fahey do( —gloves, &c. Sze. A good assortmen wens, Misses, Boys, SHOES. India Rul a eta. r A new supply of WALT. P r IPER, Curtain Pa per, Border, ifitt. Books and Stationers!. ' Also, Trunks, Guns, Travelling Bagi, Meeker. el. Codfish, Sugar i tea, Coffee, dpeo and'st- variety. orraney *ides: motto is nEArir T r and ottz or Produce:: • - - • • W.Siore.itippiNite Sarle's HOOl, . • Montrose, Oct. 4, 1853. " urday. ,f the 'trose, ©, fol. r two agon, id bri c obit. rani- - • Me IC-.C. TNRUGGIST' and . CHEartaT i and' Dnaler in 1 illedicines, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, . l'aints,Windinit Glass, Camphinn ‘ Peren tht.ry, Yankee - finial's, dx., 44e. LodersvilleiTa.--;110lf. " • t -. Administrators' Sale A- 1 7-11,L 4 sold on'the prernlses of John Bard; deeenmed, is Ditnotk township, on = Toes: day tie 4th day. ofiApril next, Sala to Yom. mence at 9 o'clock .. - • , Cowa, g two : year old . Sloes% 2 ono year Old Steers, g 1100;12 9444 1-ox Cart„ lajEgylWag,on, t ono horse Waron„ . 1. two horae and 1 one horse' Batts Hat. mess, 2 Buffalo Rohea, Plonghs, •Di-404 with it variety. of Fanning : Tool% and. tome -,- Ifotmeliold articles.. : i•• The Stock is all.good and 'Jaskol% -- • 11)43 terms of payment will be, 'under; tire dot Tars tash,over thai six months witkintorear ana good security: Lticarits VirsT44l;) Ad Ng AL S. g 'March, 13, 11154.41*3' • - ' —, , , 1, in•ohrbntestrotice..., - • here y even that the enbeeritier • hae,npplied t the Court of COMMOnPIAst" of Sirstprehanna County for the-benedt efthe solvent leave, Of this ,flommonerealth end the said Coca, 'hare appointed nondey the 17th day of April next fora hearing upon the fade ac:l4lnd in tie petition or appileetiou.. - '3fa' iA, 131;1;-*1 A)ffifi WARTA - • - et] ror 10 per Vent. leas than the 1 , thirds of purdlinie money alance secured by nikwtool 4 ; • WILLIAM TAYLOR. * 23, 185-.-47y1 !elitors' Notice, - .. • .... J estninentary have beep granted, scribers -on the estate of Jalkz- Gibson townshlp; deed ; All to said estate will inali e , t ame , and perannslNavipg Aemaxids will tbo undersiened,i 'duly attested ELEC 'A I , GARDNER* -- ENOS GA:RDSIEI4 - 26, 54-Bw6,- Zxceutors. 16.ettlowi,.by -; 0 EINStON FALO R I t r'etetyea: and SCOTT': ad,'. I rs tBR I ' =ll iS for angry- f may TURRELUS. _,- Alatedi s hade i si' at: _ e-Pcr• lIRRXIIVa: • ig t of Wades— Whito o'ckings • 4 1 1 t om e n ne d ,, sials 440:: liter stock .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers