.- : 1 . '".l- ..,•!•,..-,.. ' , ..,r. -.., , 1 ..111t11:-.37att ,cet.-itior: .wo - rritErs PENN'A. =ll k - -ALY.W . DAY;E*hk‘9. OttA ilteiti ro ~1117arcitr16,1185- 1 . mrhlll , - 3. S. nIBBARD. - ' or worldly - Wealth: . 2 : : .ather ; olden story : : , eart is ell:wed-in stealth, ed to its- inmost cote. o strength, and ebeer.;nd health,' at, thotkei wean and.pior,-- unning craft' or,straltit X. 1.4.341 More -gust more. ' li di) not. wish Or. seek to The miser's h, Not while be opt , . - Nor strive by To heap up bright; Tess in silken r shpon,. • - • • t would forgettne soon; • from thorn . -to - ; night, • . - ,e sultry boatel'. boon ; • ,•• . cannot harq my right, .1 cheerful tune. - • Though not .>y Or smartly I covet not th Of those the For . l can toil • Nor heed tl And though I My. heart It matters no * Still greed) They'll Fuld 'v Whiin:thjati Their hollow The .grave • What peacerf. If unto Mi. to me thatinen ' jstrive.fOr gain ,and!gol,l; - ' • ••.• . vas fal,or all in vain, ~ has nade them weak:and old; ` friends stirround them'when - • awns deep, and dark, and' cold : ~henrts, when_ racked With pain, mon pledged add 'Sold ? . .. oi tho_vvidoW'el 'fear, - ' eared for orphan'eloy, '• . nd stretched far •or neat, •'. itifftirer's burOied . sigh ; . themAall have a care ? or hearts all blailki and dry? hipm t and -doubt:, and fear, . e-sink down to - dio. y, , 'They heeded tl TheiY never Mir helping lit To stay the Then, lho.fori Who - cares They ; live in - And All - • - -• • • firth, and sfriv'e to shcral heart_to all around,.. luting marts abound. rhedrt find .eorilial glow* tul then, tyhen . o7er- found, pfirkling cheer shall flow, , ivn neither gold nor. . gito„ una •41 I'll Ike for w An honest And pleasure' In warmth With truthi My life with.s . Although F • . . Mire th * lifearsp*PerS Spheres !,,, • .. . . .. .. The followin, report from a tneeting of ‘ 4 the circle, of love" . fit New . York, will doubtless be read -with grea' hiterest . : - '._ : ; • .' ' . The circle net in the library of Judge Ed 7 -1. 1 monds.ent—Dr. Dexter; - Oov, Tall-,- niadge, - Mr' :a d. Mrs. S .I ) re , , and Horace!' Greedy. '• The otes of the revelat ions, and im- Pre.ioni. of t e l last meeting *ere read-,Sand! corrected by tl - q spirits.,...._, 'After an interesting, bu t somewhat desul: tory,. Conversation, was introduced 'by Mr: Greeley, on the subject of journalizing in the spirit 'worlds -tile 12 and' of Dr:Dexter became visibly moved; rd. .obeying its. magnetic - in fluence, it `trot as follows : - .., In then., e .4. those illustrious benefac•-• 'tors of the di man face, Grittenberg, and Faust, Whose i fluences, even from the high est spheres, are shedding transcendent glory around von. ' • I , greet -\ you . to • ni gh t- my friendslf • .. .thi i . , , . Judge Edin . i i nds erriired..what position editors and pttnters occupied in the other worN . , Dr. Franklin immediately: wrote :---. ".Man is fore!ver progressive. - Those • Whe ..have . done good on earth, are rewarded With the opportunityl of continuing their acts of •beneficence,thryughout eternity. : The Press is the Archimedean lever, which first 'moved humanity fromjits inertia , .,.and 7 gave vitality. and power to. all the elements of p.rogress. It is like the su ' in the heavenskiving- light, and , heat . and life ,to nature. Why. _then sliinters • bejfewarded,. hen they have shuffeled . off their Mortal col 1" Here Mr. Gr light;'.enquired occupation, ts - on, _ _ . eley,' manifesting-evident de lu - hat_ his ow p position - and he in Ailivheres? The -ter obeying the spiritual in 'hand - of Dr. De• fluence, wrote: \ "Man is lib a sower, Horace; and -he it con.,Ttiititly scattering the seeds of good and i i... evil, and wliats ter be sows It springs 111 with a prodigi us ine.reaSe. When you ge _ to -. the land of Spirits, vou there behold al the acts of you, life, which are the - seeds co have.so*n, - ready for the Harvest. - Amon your wheat .11orace.-you will perceive a eon siderable quantity of cheat and cockle; • and that you.NVilluiveto pluck up stalk bystal 1 1 Until you . : have cleaned your field for the sick . le and . the garer; ancirL.then, :Horace, you will take Your place in the array of Philosol . Oters ; and . pr 'tied upward and . onward." . Jlorace, fain ed.. MTS.'S.' held- a bottle b o il hartshorn to Ins nose, and Ire revived.• ,Judg . Edmonds reitlarked soothingly; thatin tin • _life by repentf.nce, and goal Ni:orks be .migh .' expurgatellie Triune of Most ,of the meri rieious sentiments and . false philosophy • had sullied it in the past; but on the othe , hand, Bennet wonld- have a hard, johof it in 'the other wOrldith his Herald 1 1 1 The linen mentS'of Mr. Greeley's inexpressive counte nance recovered their wonted 'equanimity.. The hand mo red on : • :' , '-. . " My friend the.dudge L is :correct . abo t :.Bennet. Mr. Greeley is a. reformer, and made some mistakes; those that were uni - tuitional will be. forgiven, and those that pr' Ceeded from - e.vil passions; or • .-corrupt sen - ments, mast he atoned for. ,You wish to kno ' if we have nw . spapers in 'the spheres., \ e haVe ; -but th y are.so subliinated and refin4 that I can hardly describe them to your co t L i prehension: I t As you receive your news .fro ~ confederatl. states, and foreign nations, soo we from." pl anets aims and adamantine splier s. c n 'Your news is printed and disseminated ;• so 's ours: But among the..sPheres there areTno delinquent Subscrrbeis. .NO spirit on 'Ea is ever permitted- to read the journals -of t e the skies, wh4 has - ever cheated a pbor print r out otitis just due4l... That is' considered here .as one of the unpardonable, - sins. The spirits of those 'Men Who havedefrauded printers i - li . habit a vast onotouous plaitionrrounded y unsightly :and impassable Mountains; - a d there they - remain for centuries, craving to .. know,wliat it going . on in the bright Acorn., beyond -. thei.l eO reach; and without . finding A kindly spiiit mpassionate enough to gratify their longin - - 1 went ()nee among them, • advanced Spi 'is'are in the habit of doing instruct She . nitent ; but I fohndiu .iny ha no yearnings of compassion for theirsituatid i If One. Of the ever gets-out .of that ' dreat reahnot is.b - begging the printer. that ._ . has-cheated to intercede for his forgivene .. • Sotnetituesth sis done. Curiosity Often takps . thespirits of • itors a4d printers to strange' • out of the w y places ; and when they see their'old sim dated friends suffering .to get 1 out oPthe lA t ttd of Ignorance, they will one ' rinda7While, loet ono of them. over the moun tain, perhapsto : make the: others.- feel . the worse I One f these undeveloped:spirits kaid • -to me, "0, ).r. Franklin, if- ever you visit - Earth, tell al, the friends that .I ever loved there to subs'eribe for 'good . neWspaPers,, and paylor- . then in advance ; and thus' they will obtain Passports, to the Land of Knowledge, through whit they can make their. Wayupward and onward t the celestial regions of the bles ,e..O. When h said his, his dull eyes lighted up with gt . . ..' ei entirely newto them ;and taking-him , r. the .hand,.-.laoie With -Mai over . the .barren. ni Mital:ps;iand placed 'him' under . • the _care of t oSe.spi' riti Who' teach the -Alpha- I . bet of Pror ~ion. And tlire was joyarnotig . 1 ~ , ' "Bat the I - 046181'4er - ',that' titeatafsnne ''' .my frieuds,llit Isigettinglatej; and as /.. ,was, alwas an a4Vdeate..Pr retiring 041 tin bed NVililSt 1 . was on Eartl4 I ' 011 aiaintaia' the *isdoni of . the babit..,. Good aight.r . i ' • ' ' After.Dr. - Franklin had left the eirk.lo,,l ?gr. Greeley wiated i,4 i. - 4 ; the manuscript for pab-, Hallo - a in tho,Tiybuaci.H.. k ...tu,t:crov.Tallnuidge thought it wouid. be better to send: it; to some :Western localit...V. aUirsui,rgestetlWis.',Or lowa. Afer•r , oonsillerik I le debate'..upon . At fici' ; subject; it. tea s voted toe sent to Pennsylya:Ulaixs - a t,;. .greaf F centraLs It:6, and '.to. the .:PittStOtrgh ..ifo . rniv_ Post,, as a •WOrthymeiliut&ifor;•;giv 7 ing to the worhl'a re:Velatiork sin iniri4itant_to all who. client - or Pationise the• Press:: 1 Hieli : Oceue: - , i- •, 'A ' ' 1.4.-- , • , ' , J. . _. . l r;t. R,ather il l rich , iece ?iii M the wny Of a ar tiage. occurred at thel American house in. I limcsn, o' the V 'Rh i ..- '. . couple weie al4- . , lolls to as. ucne.the ' sponsiiiiities of niatri inonial 1 i fe, -and- accordinik* started;for .." Cretna," of Dodge County.. 07Priii,•ailthey stopPed a; the American, and. nalitig:itheir. 'wants known, to one of the proprietOrs,- were„ furniihed s with p Justice of the Pe to per— form the ceremony. ' J:ust RS-hey . wereabont to be made ; One, up drove a to d, of prornising young Met hcadedbvitt 110 . broken .yMitb, , who loudly priiclaiin.e'd the in° *tanley of the, intended bride: .It seems thir4 ha 4 been', an engagement hiftween her and tri t e diSaprSAfit: ed. ventli,. to the effect . thnt a siiiiihq-, cerrno ny 'should 'be Perfornmsil for . t/eit' 'Sent ,lie.ne ft imii the succeeding day..;. eir arrival Was timely, being just as the an:, u s couple !ware ill about to pronounce that mi s t riotis ilittle .3'es, .Alhich should.forever m‘ake thein 'one,- .. There, S,-oodlthe --almost 'groom trembling like .a ofhipped kitten.- The bride - exhibited' cenaid e.. . blefirmiless and self , pOisesSiolp,. 'lsiaddenly ,1 found herself taken forcible possession 'ofby the iinfortumite lover,; and forced 'to'llisten to riithcAt ail aidniatedlectlire . .upon lier,Jituplici ty. The candidate' for matninopial hbnors thinking , himself unable tomaintainlas rights againSt so manv, belook.- himself to 'one of the . proyrietors, lola the story. of hts A t , iTengs,l. and -begged that his fair one might, b restored to him..! ..' lhazvas assured . that •Shl l . .should of course be . allowed 'to do as she_ Ose in the mat kr,iipon which she took her place liy the' side 4 her favorite, and tlielmot..efas finally tied E by Esquire Meri, in', spite' o -the 'argu ment hat " She bid greed' to mares; - hirii:".L.— After the ceremony friend 'lifer, lefti, it seems withOtkreceiiingr thi:needftil,4,ut the giociin, thoughtful !youth. as he was, deposited:. two' dollaniin She bar s for. him, after having .Stud ' died. the Remised 7 '.! , tPtutes, SessioL' . 4aivs, &c., for,..ahimt half . and hone, for the :purpose; as he' said of .seing "juthoir much it was nee .eessari, to. pay -to furike the thing;; perfectly safe.-- 71 BearTr Dam Rep. -, 1 - -, / . - i . . EXIMI •• • . . - 1 -No 71Cothei. . .. i , ' "She has •nO Mother !" What a volume of sorrow u 1 truth ,is 'coinprised •in that sitigle_ utterance—no mother.. ' We Oust gO far down the.lt'rd, rough, paths of life; and 'become in ured' :f'care - and sorrow i.in their Sternest . forum,hefore iwe ; can tale home flu e owfi . ex, peri'U e the', 'dread realiff—no ',nother— . with' at- a Stritggle.aUd,a,tor. - 44 when it 1 ) 1 is Saldi of a frail yontig girl; just paSsing'from childhood toward' the life of . nreinati, hen- rad is th tory summed up-in that on-short sen-•' t nce . l Who now shall'adininistei the need f-I co n i se.l 7 - 7 --Who•now shall check!theway- ' lard - aticics, 'Who now . shall bear :With • I t e erioisa,nd fail lags of the motherless (I.tugh-: AIL ter.. ::.. -. .: -' ~ ~'1 ,: • - , •`: ii .,; - • Deril gently_with the child. Let riot - the cup olf her sorrow .k &et-filled by the harsh riess of: roar unsvinpathizing .- - cokines.S.:, Is she h•4ealess of-lien : Is she - forgetful i'ef dulfr ? . Is she . Carels.s in, her movements? IRemember ; olr,rentemberi) ;she has :no : iitoth -lei ! Wbeuler . y.min . 4. companion,.- are.: gay j . 1 and 4fyous, does she sit.sorrowing '!,- Does she ., pass *lilt ,a 11Inguid•Istep apd a doWneast.eye,' when.lvou would fain Witt i...ss:the gt!ishing l lnd , overflowing 'Viz - itless of yo i tith ; -? Chide her I not—lfor she motherless.: and the' great sOr • • is 1 , ~ 1 raw lomeS. down:upon her:soul lilip-an !men -1 bus • I Can you gain ; her confidenc'e, can , you win her love ?. Come \ the:lMo the!inotherles.s . I-With Ole boon, of your-tenderest ,care, anal by mempry of your oWn, mother, _already, perhaps passtil,awas-:---by the fulness of yoUr own. re- . meMber her Sorrow-4y the possibility that vourjowia child - m.y , '' yet be motherless,-con tribu;te,,,So Tar as kou rny, ; to reliete the! sor row and repair ttelsm, Of that fair; frail c' hild, who is written plotherleasi. - • ~1 " • .. " FRAN.KLT.i." - TtE NEWSPAPtIt.-410W..loneseine the fire side iWhere there is nonewspaper l'i-Ask the manlwho 'has had a family newspaper to read duri'ig the long Wintei - evenings ; who has ac cast Med fo• entertain; his. wife, while she busi herself 's\itlkilip.{ household dtitie4,with the' tirringlnews, the Useful- essons, and the wit* , sayings of the-newspaper—ask him its vale. Let him-be "deprived of it fora few weeks, and ask him t 6 put an estimge,, on it. No,ino,,he W greatest esteem! it one of hgreatest' treahur/ and value itl accordingly. !,- , 4 Y Icee gentleman, conveying a:British geutlema around to view-the defer tit ob tjectiof ttraetion in the city'. of Boston, broiighth in to Bunkei 'Hill. They stood looking a the splended !haft, -when the Tan -1 keesaid,--- J• i•• : • : "iThis is the place whete, Wari!en fell." • "Fib," )iepliedl the Englishman,; evidently notiposted• up inl oeal historieartnattets, did it hurt,hurt,hiM timid 1 J. .I . The native looliedat him with .the 'expres siord.of fourteen 4thiordulr „in his' coon n_ an •e- ' • , t .. ~ " -e utt him," x - elaimi'ad he, "he wa;kill d, sir T.l-' , ...... "Ah, he wasebl".said The stranger, still eyeing 1114 monument; and computing its height in hts - ,9wn'-mind, layer by layet-, well 1 should'thiuk he would haTe been ~ to. fall so far' • - 1 . • -_ ; • • • 1• _. _ . _ he iciest coninnbrum of the seasoa is the (following:-hat y it the difference be twe'iin an attempted homicide and a cincin nitiho,o4 butchery ? One is assault with tentltoi bill,,tmd the other is a 14 with intent to slit. .1 1 _ *At ItliO last session of thei NeT!'\ York' Legislature, the following annonne'rrient of the arriv9l . of his eolleagne 'was,- pada' by a I . member. Nr. Speaker--MY ktd*ks: come, and .dink be (it:gilt to. be achrodre.' 01:Tnocit4rny..=- 7 -A. western , writer thinks thatlif the properi ivl4 of 'spelling is thovh:;and. t r io, is `heau,", 'the i pioper Avay he thinks of spellitig 'potatoes , p.pouliteigh.: tea. •i , "jenny," said a landla4 i the other , morn ing. to her " help," . was thre any fire in the kitehen last night while you were :?sitting "up? , . II ' 1 1 " • es,mann ' "- said Jenny, "the're i was a spar - there when I went 'down, ; land ' I- soon I , fann'ed there a Estee." Toe landlady looked sttsptclowily at Benny huthe inn en girl, Weiition-scrubbing and lium'Oing "Xnti Darlinf." . • 4.4. , 14r Tire 4 e jutenile scion ung Anteri. , ,ca,oking his- ten or fifteen cigars every ruor' ing, trresistablv retail+ eof the cat erpi ar,iwbich ' coitsurns isev al times its In owniWeight of lt:aves in a , ~, . , _ . . . „.. Crockery and L House Furnimhing l~t l - , T i H. DEPEU is now prepared to invite the tfi •- public gezierallY to examine his varied and extensive assortment of goods;] vtilell (as an ex.. eltisive dealeir) he is'enabled to offer very low. ' Craw:—LCOnsistinir df Gold I Band, Decorota and - Plairi, Diener and- Tex. Setts, Fruit ,Baskets, ' Stost Cuttra.—Ftllll Dinner and Tea Setts, Prititee., and Plain EMbessed: in Setts,. or by the single piece, also, a ,I ttriety of beautiful styles of Toilet Ware. , i 1 . . : i Loottnto Gt.settr. "..-411fahogany, Gilt \and Or. nainentallrnmed 0 iSileS from 6 1-4 'Fis:lo $75 also, 'Marble Slabs' lidßracelets. PLASS Wins:—. lit and dressed Goblets, De. canters,: Tumble rs, Pham'pgs, Bowls 'on foot, Cor'd Butters, Glo , Candlesticks, &e. &c. "HouszEnErno 114.!stiwknn.--Tablettnd Peek. et Cutlery, Spodns, Ten Trays', Scales, Saddrons, , Emmeled Kettles, :.Hat Racks,' Refrigerators, ' 'Water Cdolers, lee Cream Freezers, &e. WOODEN AND:ittlll,Ol,E WARE.—PrOpellOrSl Cabs, Wagons, Roe:lig HOrS,Os, Cradles, Ceder Pails, Tubs,'loes,tptinders, Baskets, Rocking, High and Stool Chain; &e. F WINDOW SIIADES-COrTiCS. Class end Oilt Pins and Heads, Bandit LoOP and Tzissels, also Stain-Pools iu'Variety 1 : JArrAsEn W.Ani,'..--:(Poilettiett, consisting of Foot Tubs, Slop Jar and Water Pail, Cash Box ,es and 'all c:rticies Mutinfactured in the line..' BurrAstk isniAnexxiisn WAni„—Coliee.and •Te'-'. Urns, Eag COddlers, Castors, Chafing Dish es' Aetans, Pitehers;.Candristielts, &c. Lam; am Lakrzizxs.—ln every variety, style, price Anti rynAli_ t tvi : ~, ' , . • TON'S AND V.ria..*' lARflCLES.—consisting, of China;Glass, Woodi Tin, V411110,-, !roe, Paper- Illnehe;Tena Coita, Pariar and Atabater Pins, al so Fancy Baskets. l '.. ; - Plated AN''are.--!--,Table- , and , Teaspoons, Table Dessert and Oyster Porks,. Dessert knives, Soup and Sane° Ladlei, Casten, Sniifters and Trays, 'Pea add Coille St',ts; : f' - Bird Cages, Table:add Floor Mats, Brushes of every descriptionl in' faet \ alMost every article in the line of home furnishing,both useful and orna mental, may be f'uund at this extensivestablislic mcnt. • - I 1 . . '- . _1 JAMES IL DE PEU. of the American Hotel. md. Bth ]Bs . s. 4 • 4d00r9 east, Binghamton, J 'WARBLE HANEWAPTO : Y. - Till E ulersigned: beg to . annonnee to the citi. ' 1 zens o Susquehanna CoPuty, that they have_ established a Shop in Xreelerrii bpilding,lon Alain 'street, Montrose, where they will keep on hand a supply of Fo e reign and Arnerieau Marble,and man nfacipre the same into !Monuments, Tombs, Head Stonl.s, Pier and Centre Table Tops, &c. i lI3T The public will find it to their ititerest to give tut a ial! before going alsewhere, with\ their orders ! „811IPPEY & DE LONG. Meintrose, Aug. 44, 1853.34wtf Australia, California, Or any place on . idi Globe, cannot present greater tpduretrenis; than KEELER .4 STPDDAR/Y S BOOT AND - SHOE STORE. AATHICII is nbtv :filled with a new- and exten- Vi sive assortment of !articles' in their line, embrpeing a general: variety of new and elegant styles of Ladies and Gentli.men's wear, among whit i are Ladierj French, Silk. Lasting and Pre uille aiters, Kid and tnarrieled Polkas, Kid Pat 'ent' eather andl hinnzed Jenny Linds, Buskins and Ties ; gentlemetea% French and Philadelphia oak..lanned calf skiii ; 'and kip Boots, Congress and butte Gaiters, Monterey'and Washington Boots, .toile Slips, Mcirocco,! calf. and Cowhide Bro gans &c. Boysi kip, calf and cowhide Boots and t ia Brog ns; kit kinds of Misses and Children's wear. Also, a general assortment of Findings, which can oe. :is pftt of Nati, poen._ aparuhlast. llnnrrarian nails, tacks, thread was.-IBnstles, shoe bindmg. awls, rasps, sandstones, shoe knives, &e. :Also, oak and hemlock tanned calf upper and soleleath er, Morocco skips find linings. et , Work made to orcier'and repairing neatly dcne. KKEELER& STODDARD. ! Montrose, Jun i e 10853. ' ' 'ICSII4,I(Eit.,IOO: COUNTY STOVE AND TIN WARE DEPOT. •L. WEBSTE It 4. U. would respedfully . A inform the iieople Al this county and the people in general, that they have 'opened an estab lishment of the itboe kind lin:Montrose, at the old Stand of Sayrel s and Webster, . one door north .or the Demlcrat olßce,wherei they intend to hand a lar.:te ;libsortnient, of Stores Tin, Copper: Brass and slree Iron SVarei, all of which they will Bell as cheap a 014;3 , 0E1.1m bought in this or any other county... Amcing;Our steices may be found (he' following besides others t;ro numerous to mention: •N. Y. 4- Erie airkight, for wood. • Moderri Troy ! • !, or coal, 1", 44 ' 44 44 c • . . Bay State, i u . • " 66 . !•-• -1 Pores! n, elevated Oren. Mohair*, t! I Mao, Parlor, Office and shop Stoves, Culver's Pat ent Hot-air Furnacla for beating Public Hiti!dings, stores', Hotels.t l etc. Siord Trimming, Pipe, Zinc; sheet Lead', Lead . pipe, Well and Cistern Pumps; 'Chain Pumps, tt Chnins udtGe b 'arin , r. ' , • kindi of Custo Custom Workdoue on short no ttice and most reasonable trine. Our motto is small profits, ready pay, and quick 'returns. kinds of •Produqe at ken iu exchange for Wares. If you don't beli‘ve tit, call and see. • t A. L. WEBSTER & CO. • Montrose Sep t .' NEVfil GOOIVS. . gTh ,UR assortmeat•how comprises almost every kJ article wanted, •niad lwe fear some' that are not scanted, which ice will sell at cost and some articles at leis than! cost on that same account:. I U. BURROWS & Co. Gibson Oct. 26, 1853 ; ,. , .•SiS. LOrG • 'HIW- LS' all oo qai.m a? dbeat u patterns,at extre4viyimvpr. . BURROWS. • Gibson, Oct, 26. 1 • 1 • Ikffato - llobes. • • Large lot:of the choice whole Robes a a very small advance ran the cost. Gibson, Nov. L;! IT BURROWS & Co. . ' The . Aitist's Greeting. - Friends, , ratrons '42741 L'ierybody, another mile stone has been reached OD the journey of life— another degree has been marked on. the scale or time-another link; has been severed from the chain of thie future-4-inother page has been writ ten in the great !volume of the past—and again we witness the bright 'opening of a New Year: And at its early klawn we meet you, -. And with a" happy new year" gret you. And now, as you - review the year just eparted, and dwell upon its joys and sorrows—i s privi leges . enjoyed, and its duties neglect d; per -1 chance,aome of you have beglected to I call ,ori the Artist ,andeeieure one of those "Faithful Shadows" , ', \ 1 Which light and art, with magical spell, _By worl4ing together, can catch so well But you may yetredeem the past. As you lay yOur plansifor the adTanciti j g year, let this occupy an early :m i d prortrinet place on the programme of your future intentions. „I ' - Would you leave a Mail i ng irnpresson behind. you.? Come to the,Daguerrean pottery ! Would yoU "see y'ourseli'es as others see your Come to the Dagirrreah _Gallery, Would you make an approprtate yi,reont to, a cherished friend? Come to the Picture ;Rooms! And 'beside all this, would you, encOntage 'art, and make glad the heart of the Artist? I _ Then let it appear by.. Promising here, _I That during the year Fifty Four, You Will, °tie add all,lbe Bare to call 1 At' Odd Fell Owe na11,7 Second Floor. . 1 W. B. DEANS. Montrose, Jan; 2, 1854, I I Fill 4 French. - 7 ' lITOOL Long Shawls at 84,25. . IVI Gibson, Nov'. 1. U, BURROWS & Co. ; . . Acimuitstater's Notice. NTOTICE is hereby given that Letters Testa.: .t mentdry ulien the estate of J. T. Bailey, late of thuMony toivaship,.dee'd, have been grap . . ted to tge inbserlber All persons indebted to said estate are bereby requested to make hume.: diate payment, and:those bave claims• upon said ivstate to present' theta` duly attested for settle ment 0.1: LEWIS, Admir. Thomson, 'Feb. 2O 1854-8 n 6. • Stoves: Stoves oyes... .64 MHE Sere arid' Yeßossi Leaf" reminds us that old, fait approach orthe keett Frosts of Oldl Grey Wlnter;,:Wheb! One of, thesci unsur *sable and highly sapprmied Stoves. from the most extensive llllatiutactinies in the Union,' iiiressrs i ,'ShetiPackard,'.l4orne indispensable to every family. %N . ,e ivoul d teepee tfull v announeo to thel l citizens ,of , '!Ousqu'el4;nna arid adjoining counties that we likvit just received and are , re ceiving the largert said best,*sortment of Stoves ever introduced Inti:rer.asteip Pennsylvanii, which' will beiold'at the kery loW4t cad figure. To those virtui tire . it %isn't of Stoves they will find it to their ihterest ....call and examine our, variety before Purchasing elicwhert4 They comprise in • partias follows: t United States, it• 01 . entaliTurlor, Eastern Queen'.r . ; 0., • Verteiier4 do Firel Clipper r Fancy 'J o Nentanal A 774r4i E. o.`• lrving, do Morning Star, Couage, "do - Fariaers' ThOlabove Ste, ve'sare 't'ea \ ci, µell kncW,n to re quire /ay minute :description, being the most :popular and appivredS;Olie'ln market. ;All who rnay. favor us with,:veall \vitt be shown through Anr assortment *aim°. "Recollect the number"--Ltroit's far fattied. One Price Store." ilarford, 1853.-'-35 , • ' - iCAR - IP,,Eililr.F.ll4llloTkili. ' , 1 r. . n (Fetp.sErtt.Y. l, 0 1 raiI:EAT Dr.STE, Psi. P . '" t 4 411 U i i ' s . ~ rrii7 subscribbrOntvingjrented this weTh known_ .1_ ho 4 use`; ancl re-fitted and ).e.furnishedia . good style, is now' propirid .to. receive and• entertain girest,4. This house is delightfully - situated on the barks of the Sniquehinna river, on the line of thelNew York 4rirl Erie„tand. the Delawtare, Lackaeannaand . ,W4terug4ilroads; overlooking a most beautiful sihrtion 14 '.eountry, ..arid is Thu panorma ofseeperyjineqiralded anywhere. . . As a. SummErt RisORT l Or the business man seeking quid and( freedom from the, Iroise and din orjeity life, aniVfor . ladies and gendemen in pursuit of plensurb amid 04 rural scenery of the. country, this lodation eanrroi be equalled. here the wary traveller s secnru from the confusion . ineldettt to the eontinual arrival and deParthre of trains; which, eSpt.cially in4he night time is a very great annovapeb•to thOie stopping at houses very near the !Sew; - . . . ifisLltoems are 'now, pleh.s.ant and well furnish ed; hi Table With ill the tielicaeies Which both eountily and `city rrairkets..niTord ; and i K , , p a ins will b 'spared to Mike hiali'onsr3 a pleasanthome to all is gnests. .li . • ,?i . 7:v.- GUESTS will be.e,oheeyed to anAtifro; the ears, - at any hour . a4i, or night, in a good Omnibus free, o ) _tcharge. . f- Ur A LarEuyi iTAIIE is attached to the House.. - . 1 . ! ,I .. C:kRPE'STER t Bend, Junk; 27th; 053-261 f. i • Bryant ; Honk Great Bend Depot, • 'l' Pa. -1 • 'Till Snow and 'spat:tons building, situated but JL few feet frnin the INpot at Greac Bend, is now opened and ftlinisho In a siiitable:style for . a Public House, tiMI will be kept opim ;at all hours' (both day_and night, for the reception of travellers; and especially fo). the or of pastmerer:i.traV.e)linl.7 on the N. Y. & Erie S. L. & Railroads;lb,eing,at the junction of these two reads, and-tile Most eohvenient. point to btep in and take refreshMetits and be off with - the first train, as . well as the'tnostje'envenient hoitse to ae eomModate the phblie, it is i NEW CLEAN and WII9I,ESOME With r4oms• enough to accom modate ALL, beink fitted nit With new ii . orniture to corespond, and tables i:alwaysset, with. wAn3t MEALS and Ifpxttrips furni=hed at a Moments Warnmr , i nir - Passengerslesiriii4 rest and sleep, can, by calling here, a_i-41i1 theinconvenienceof taking find )in inti,;hs. well as do.,r tin&uneertainty cif returning to the depot at the srrivat or departUT4'of the trains ; as a Porter Will belnrwaiting to conduct th4m with their ,s baggage to th i tilryantllonoe, "just across, the wiy," and: collect them -backlagain ),flthout fee cr. r'eward, taking . special eati to Wakio them if desired at any hour of the night. ;-1 - . The loCatii,n of the BrY4fit House, iwith the natural scenery ablint it -'eOnbine to- make it a very desirahlo•Seit3lEß RESORT Tot business men and others int . l.the 443: who magi Wish to "cast la- ep.rti" for few :days• to recruit. in the country. • . • • .. . A Large, aiul .oiiimodious . ffrill • • . is,attoehed to this buildhn.for the eoprenierice of plitasure PARitiii, who may always ifirid croi,(l accommodations l JlOre, without regard to nuinbers -with warm - stableslor theif teams, and relialde tiLilp to Wait upon them- i ' 3 - .' ' • i - , 1 i -W' For further •parti:rulars inquire . .. 4t the Bryant Ilou4e t4tlitt inolirietor. .1 I . A4DISON BRYANT. • Feb 1853-71fii • . • , , invalids `of Psnnsylvania, ~ , , Ardour attention iti , urgentiv invited to ;a :ca re ful _L and ea ndigpernsal of something thittJuis just been introduced into your rich and time honored .tat'.l t t , Pu rernacher's Ilidro El&:tric Voltaic"- Chains. 1 I I A ;new and . noyel mode', of 'I pplying a powerful remedial agent, so Fonstrutited as to be +-oru under the gartnents, veit•to the skin producing ; a constant uninterrupted cukrept of Electro Magnetism, effect ing immediate relief from the most acute pain, and also a permanent cure of all Nervous Diseases. It seldom has failed to ferniell almost instant :relief, f und a fillet, perntarient curs, by being used aecord ing tbdirections,ltoithe following disease's.—Rheu matism, Gout, , Striatica, •Paralysis, Painful and Swelled Joints, IsleProlgia if the face,. Diseases of I the Spine, Deafness and ,Ithhiness, Uteiine Pains, Palpitation of the fleart; Periodioal Headache; St. Vitae Dance, G4neral ,Debility, Pains of 'the Chest, flys erica, Dyspepiia, all diseases that. 'arc caused by a; deficient aitionnt efliqrvous Fluid are greatly relieved, if not Perunnently cored by :imply wear ing the chains a few hours i.ach day. : • Be it understood that ht is not claimed that it cure's all diseasee, but onlol lose fot which it is rec ommended; and rnoreovetA-e boldly claim and de fy that'no medsoinal agent 'of anylind h asperform ed so MANY cure's durini,the last year : „ Of those dise'ases just 'smiled as ':' • I ' Pulrer`miicher's Pectric Clnn. And to prove this•assertion, we defy any person to produce so many well authenticated Certificates of scientific Physiiiiaps and iitt`.elligent patit4its as may he found in a painulilet ofl6 pages, to be had (gra tis) of the agent in this tokti. The Electric Chains were first introduced in. Prince in 1850,'.aud after being, subjected to the' matt, thorough and rigid trial; by the first med;cel menin-. Paris, they were found to pinssess strarate and mr ;le lions power[ for reliev ingpain, whereveo' applied, raid by their infinence wore introduced into the hiispitals of thiit city, and also secured letferii patetf by the French Govern ment. They are now inrcidueed into almost every Hospital in Englafid. Geintatly, Austria, Belgium, and , patented inithisse ecuatries, where :they have become . the most. ,I -• i ,'. -,/ Popular curative iikent in the lfr, odd. ' ; They werefiist"introitrAed into the U. States a bout one year since,,atil li-ent throgghl the same trial as in. Europe .and verb at once introduced in to every Hospital In N.Y44rk, where they are now in dilly use, effecting tveh more wonderful cures than had ever befere been lawarded the:in. They are higlilytecomniended by Prof. Valeatine Mott, Van Buren, Nit, iind others, who have published their views of their, pen/in:and value in several of the medical jounsils intbil eity.and aid also in the daily practice of :recoinniendink .their inse to pa tients. A full account of their opinion tay also bo found in every pamphlet , end sent to Ali address of every person in 04 Statel.by applying; (post paid), to ABEL TU RR& LL, Asent, Mont ror., Pa. The Chains can be seat by mall, with full descriptions for use. 'Price of . Cbtrintiii3 and-86. I Physicians Fria politely;invitedlo calliand exam ine ,their construatioi, add pronounce' upon their merits. Ores Koko to tivat.rris, no person need fear that they till} not atomplislt just what it is clairned they' cin 40. N. B. One C.hairt will list for years and lose none •of its electric power by net, and can be applied to either adult or child. , .I , ABEL Turtatit,,AgenOtontrose, Pa. Jim. STEINEILii, Generajl,,Agent,- 568, Broadway, NeW York. ii ' '--, 1 ; - I 651- • Carpets and 011 AVINP ohltirged tidd refitted our extensive H Crockerf abd Home FurniShin, Store, ex-- pressly for thO blisinewe have, added a new feature,in dePiiirttnenti3. • The second ',floor is devoted to Carpets, Oil Cloths and Loelti:ng MAO es, in which-we offer a good assortm en t 'at prick which cannot fail to please, and to vhleh wo invite your pitstieular at tention. - ii a J. H. - DE VUE. Binghamton QctlBs/1 20 7 • 1 THE -MAR ' IAGE S ATE Illall ilappioe . od are Monk, or Aliorry Ord Inekorsa, oftpisol_f! f ' • MOST.. STARTLING CONSIDERATIIII4 I • . Reftettons for. the Thoughtfut 1, - Stiango irk ; at . countless human ,beibga exist land l in • drag tthrou h life as do the beasts of the lel ,or the IMsects f the earth, evinci a g - . no more tho ght •or reflection than though the noble faiultieS of d were Mot vouchsafed to them. I -; •' Many suelvare husbands and fathers, upon w Om am dependent the health, the well•being, and - Hai • happiness or a confiding and affectionate 'wife, wit' • perhaps a family of children. • .I i j' . , • ~... uow OFTEN IT lIAPTENS THAI' TUE 'Mrs LING S 0031 tlearroylif , \ .... Jo .tii.v.t pitiable eenidtion as not A , en Tor one•da:v feel !he happy and exhilematig l infleence incif .to thoenjoyment of health.:, ! I Slit) may not be an invalid confined to her or then to her, room*; - as her pride, (ambition' Imo* induce and nerve .her to take perS charge of her household; even when her health not admit of it ; but she is nevertheleSs pereep sinking frod day to day, and alwiys :filing. • - • 'Thus; day after day, and =nth' after month spire, Her health daily sinks, till fteally even • hop e of recovery no longer remains. ti lnd thus T HE BLOOMING. BR IDE But a few years ago in the ILIA Af heilth youth, and buoyancy of spirits, rapidly, and of, ready inexplicably, becomes a feeble, sickly . bilitited wife, with frame emaciated, nerves stning, spirits depressed, countenance bearin : impress of sufferang, s and an utter physical' mentalp . restration. - 1 . , ii I ... hiametinies this deplora b le change may and 'visa front organic or coustituti,onal causes. oftener, by far oftener, to gross ar d inexcu 1 ignorance :of the simplest and jplamest - rid health as 'connected with the miming, ' statel violation bf which entails disease, , suffering nals&y, not only to the wife, but bften : I I • , •• I Ilefeditary Complaints ion 14 Childter _• t ' I w"I.NTO THE TIJIRD AND FOE:ETU ! pENERATiOpi," Transmitting CONSU3IPIIION, SCROIFItLA, IIIYPOCIIONIYRIA, INSANITY,' GOUT, KING'S EVIL,, and other tilscasesl as . , .. *. ,• . , a - , - ; • DREADFUL IN HER ITFANIE. • ' • , from thb Parents.l I And mest•• • this continue l• Shall la, e ho Wi a in all that concerns the cattle of our S ods, ourh4r ses, our sheep, our -cows, our oxen, the ' nature and character of thb soil we possess, tlie texture and quality of bur gooda and merchandise 4 but in all that: concerns durselves as human beings, with human functions land passions, subject ' . ,to great .der4rige taunt, 'involving our future peace and happin ss— in all that concerns the health and ;welfare' o the wife• of our nffections, and the moth'er of our dill dreu ; in all that concerns tho Mental and physical .well bejng of those children, We:should be im- - mersed. In the darkest and' most • . i 1 i 1 ' , ! ' BENJOHTED IOtsIOFIANCT, :: • ' ..ciS' CULPABLE AS INEXCUSABLE! liow .1 g.,,, shall this ignoranee!prei,ail so proclne. tivez of i ts! bitter fruits 1. Ilow long !shall the [wife . And' mother be ignorant of the. naturei character and :auses of the various wouiVand•csexaal complaints, embittering' her days by suffering—Suffering often prolonged to years, eventuating in a cemplication of , disewes utterly -and. hopelessly I incurable 1 It:ball we ‘for • ever close our eyes to the results of ph ski.: logical science by • which we May I.arrivent an understanding of ourselves as men and women, subject to serious life-long enduring diseasesi and perpetuating them to our children. t LET EVERY WIFE AND HUSBAND PO PH! No husband: or - toile 1*(1 be igrierant of whai tor - tarns them most to know to I nave the ir calth and happiness. That knowledge is kroutais • is a altars work entitled . *. ;‘ i • , ' . • • THE MARRIED WOMAN,'S P R IVATE .MEDICAL C I 0:11PANI N, , ~. BY pL A. M. MAXltlegAlf, -. ~. PROFESSOR OF DISEASES- .OF !WOMEN. 1 ' One ilunetrecith Edition. 19md.,. pp. 260.! Petit 60 Cents • , ..lox VISE PAPER, EXTRA FINDING, $1 00.] i " ',First published in 1347; and ktis not 1 . • .SURPRISINO OR WONDERFUL Considering that -EVERY IF' E ltl ALE A , *whether IIIARRIED OR NOT, ban II era acquire a full knowledge of the is - Cure, character and causes of be • • • symptoms, and that steariy. i ' . - HALE A I MILLION fiCkPIEiS should have.been sold. - It is impracticable tf con coy fully the various subjects -treated of, a they aro of a nature strictly intinded fOr the married, •or those contemplating-marriage. ' • • 1 UPWARDS - OF ONE 'HUNDRED T lOU.. • i , SAND COPIES , . . . Have been SENT fIY MAIL' . wittiin - lhe t, few months. - . . . • I • . ...,.6 , • CAUTION.TO THE PUBLIC... • 1 . ' .BE NOT pEFILIt/DF.`,D i ' i. I ' 1!.9" no book unless Dr. A. .1%1: '#%lauricetiti, 129 Lille ty Street. N. Y., is en the title page, and the eritr in She Cldrk's Offize on the back of the title . p4ge ; and buy only of resioetablei and heriornble.. y l r • _ dial, 3, or send by mail, and addiesx to Dr. 'A.. NI: Mauriceau, as there arc spurious and surr4titiotts infririgeinenix of Copyright. • ; , - i . , . isrir Upon receipt of One Dollar] "TIM MAPI - ' EqED WOMAN'S .PRIVATE. MEDICAL , CONI., PANIONn ti sent (mailed frer) to tiny part of the ti_pit'od States, the Canadas and British piovincex. 411 Letters must be post-paid, and addrested to pr. A. M: MAURICEAU, Box 1224, eit-York City.l Publishing Office No. I.29lLiber4 , Street, tew:York. ! . ' . 1; 'o ii.if.t , BY—T. B. - Peterson!, Ithilo,: Mrs. Crnihia Williams, hoih..sdale: Minch &. Crup, 11;:rislfurg; J. S. North, Leban , o ; N. De\Vitt. Mill rd ; J.N Ensniinger.Manlicitn Spangler& Bro,l Lmeaster; II W Smith, Hunting,lon ;'S • McDonald, Unilontown-; J.. 11 Muni, New Berlin; 11' A Lintz; Reading;. R. P Croat ) ", Brownsville; Wentz !& Stark, Carliondale ; Eldred & Wriaht, IViliarnspOrt ; S. l'oek, i Wilkeiba'rrti ; G. W. -Eari,e, i Waynesboro! ; Potter . & 'M e Nan, Belle. fffi?te; G Moil!, Warren; - Robetit Crnky, Men.. cer ; ; .i S. Lc. , s4er, Hanover; R. P. C4mtnings,Som.. erset ; ftios'CoNperthait,-Pliilad i J. B. Gunni. son, Erie; S. B. LaulTer, - Green,Lnrg ; B. Hall, Pitt-to :E. S. Durban, Franklin ;'Dr S-D Scott; , Becil'or :. E. Hilland; Indiana ~.. J .1 Mellally, Mil terd!: J. W. Kidney. BroWnsyille ;1G- M MeQet tys,:Autler'; J. S., Niekson,.ChambersVprg ; F D SaWer,lNorristown ; E 'Benner. StimneytOwn ; i; MiOliell.Pittsburtr? G %V Gettyis, Butler; Sos Swdrtz. Blow:146r . ; ; P S.Deeliert & Co.Cham . . • berOur g. . 2m6 . . . •; t I FITS !PITS I .'l PITS V. ! -. . i I s _ TIIEVEGETABLE 7 aXTIIACT; EPILEPTIC PILL. i Foritlir cure of Fits,- Spastits ,Ckarnps, a nd all . • Ne.r - c• us and Constitutional ;Diseases; . . ~ PEn SON who are laboring under this distressing malady/ Will.find the VEG ET 11.11. E EPILEPTIC! PILLS Co ile , the nnly remedy ever 'discovered for ,euting Epilensi, or Falliiuf Fits'. Thf!FP pills posses a specific action onithe . neoolis eye tern ;' an altbou4ll they are, prep red especisify for the• porposeof curing Fits, they wil the f undjof especial benefit /,. for all persona afflicted with wee neri•e., or whose ncr roua sys em has been prostrated 'or shatteredfrom any camiewlitterer7 'ln chronic complainfs,or diseases' of long ncnniiiun: • sweerinduced by 'nerendsriessi they are exceed innhi.beneficial. Pace, B 3 per box, or two .Lotes for SS'. Persons tut of the clty.ienelosi,ng a remittance , will have the Pills sent them tO•ough the mall, free of posture. For sale yt? i EVE S. I ILONE, No* IGS lialtimore slreet. Itaitizuore, Md.,;to whom iurders from all parts of ;the Union onwst ~"1 • be apressed.post pai 4 . . ' • 1 k r eit.EW % ON'*A. ' Infalli le .Remedy /Or all liitlamitu!rycamplaials. A il F. .TAI ly: a . ad sure Antidote for tO following difeas -11. .es—All Fevers arid Inilainations, to which the sys,- tern is subject. Rheumatism; Lanni back; Piles, Diaz-rives, Bystintery, Ileadaehe, Toothsche, Peversores, Biles, Cuts, Spralhas. Bruises, Burns and. scalds. ! . linitistiwison 9 is litinte !termed r, for •Curing Rini . Bones, 'sriavins, sweeny, • poll , Fyil.- Cuts; splint.; Galli, Fistilla, scratches, LamenCsr, spring Balt. Bruises, Mange, Intlamnintinia 'of the }lugs, , and all Pevers to whiela llnnes are subject., f A lrefsta—Abel Tureen, Montrose-15.:Bailey; Lerays irille7-Cyrus Avery, Wyalusing—L, 11. Woodruff, Dimocit A; .3: „SI& •Tworid, flush. • .1 1 • •• . - Odt.ll,lsr4 . 1 ~. 11.ENII IMPORTATIO*. : • • 1 •;T US ' received another Importation of those t..) sp endid Pia Jeweled Detached Leer and Holiz nth! 'Watches wall' seconds and hard en itmelle Dials . ..deuble bottomed - 4i open cases,all of hi .11 are- warranted and received direct from Switz Hand'. ' .The few sObjoitied pricei will at ! one° p tint out to the priblic i whdre and ;how an 1 enorm ms percentage can! be savo. • 1. -.• . Doti le bottom 1.3 Jeweled Leiter Watches es abOVe in elegant silver •eases frdm $l0.• • Same 'moyements in glinting cases frerrt $ll Honi. zontabDouble botioined 4. hole -Jeweled !open race arid seconds from $8,75, - the same move ment in elegant hunting cases with sunk rsecnndi frotn $9,50. All of which have Nard enamme,hled Ditilti. - Gold Diamond pointed Fens with pencil anti silver extension holders,lma4azine 'far leads &c. from $l,OO. - Gold Dihninnd pointed pen blaidetS from 50c. '.lC.Welry &e. &e.etpiallY cheap, A, ;good assortment of es:Celle 't. second . hand , Watches, eminent .naakers,.in firs ittigoingcon dition,lwill be Fold decidedly lo' % for cash. Best 1 French Lunett Wateh 'Cryseals, 19c: Watch re p airin'a as nsie,..T. . • tai. B. , Watch Chains and Keys grati.4 to pup ! clingers. - ' 1 . .. ! 1 1 W: fro,urs of business froml7 A. M;16.7 P. M.! J. A. till`tiGLET9N, Watch maker ad Importer. Au. 16, 1853-Ictr. , .. New York Fir e - .3 ' Insuranc Co.li , ': ..1 - • Quice, .Walt Street; I- e . , . '''' eALITAISi (In Cis li. _ Ara i Approved Seeurlt lea) '. , . . $ . .. 1 •-0 0 0 i'•.. ' . -1 . • - . .., , , .0 t .• ~, I - ' Insures against trls qr . . Damage by . fire.. , ' mitt • • ECTOIt'S.A '4l:Pit:bbins,:3l3 lipoid iiittl : ee' t ; Peter (3. Baker, 1 Spruce titreet ; Girard ,Baticker,r;llB Broath tu iay;.Tboat Andrerobt!, 118" Cedar street; Ea:4nel gutith -Maid, 3;7 , 'W.e4. seitet; Albert L. Cenkliu,',Blo Gleenwleh street ; Vanes A.llltosby, 113 Broadway; Cliatlss Lent, Ft lugsbittlge, N. Y.; Liam bert,C...llall, Cbiceio, Alt.; I Smith tiobble; - Wm: tW.?Leland, NOw York; Valet, 'IC Roach, 138 Salta.- street ; Etastes 8. Bell. ier. West i 'and• Laiglit etteets •, Jubn 'lr,*2 Nen:7B Wati-estreet ;' I): ;Nan Wart,llBitroadway ; Horatio N. Gallup, cot. Wert :arid Harrow - streets; l'et., r 11. VOilt er cot. Girosvoort and .Weit; Itrulfen }toss,. Jr;., 49' P.ifith Avenue,* Stephet Criortwell, Camden, N . • J.; "tibia drat leigh; Philadelphia; better D. lirlttan, .49 Water, streei 'l,3B,uiltel Sitsetair,T - ribuue Bella lags; Samuel B. $l4, C f•tOlsait. Ohio I - ' •' :• : !. • '' , ROYAL CLIANUERLINi Pres: CIIAJtILE.S L: CI, ARK 4, eee'y. . • • ;. . . ' 'ChM:LES . I.4l3itow,q;'Ageriti. • .!, Montrose, Sept. 0, 185 . • \. ii and psi ibly I and f PPl da- un- the ' and ' CI; DR.3,t,S. ice. •• Pr,yaria fro _ of the Ox,.eftr_r directiohn of Hare!' Liehig,lhe'great.PhysiDlog. jell Chemist, by : i II.OI4IIITON, Pa.r 1r lay fe- Thla is truly Nature's 6Wri ll.einedy for an psi. ,y, Stomach; No art of man Can equal curative powers. It commas no Alebliol, 111ttim Acids ; or Nauseous Dsugs. - It is extremely agreeable to the taste,. and may be taken by the most fcchle patients whocannut eat a Water crack er without acute distr .s 4. Beware of Drugged Imita tions. Pepsin isnot a . reg. • ' . , ' . , ... me- Call, on -_the age t hod get a Descriptive circular, gratis. giving a-. large ar:Mnt of •Selenlific evidence, from Liebig's Animal Chem! tgy; Dr. Combs's Physlologrof Digestion ,• Dr. Pereira. Intl Food and Diet;. Dr. John W. Draper, af New York liriivnrsity; Vrof.Dunglbron's.Phis iolour Pref. Silliman, f_.',Yrile College; Dr. Carminter's Phislology; ace., tnget.l er with reperts of curesfrom all' Parts,of the. United Slat •s . ! . - xi- OBSERVE THIS !-t . -Every boitle"of the genuine PEPSIN bearstht writte 'signature of J.S.IIOUGfITON, M.'D.' • sole PrOprietor 'lilladelphia, Pa. Copyright and, Yra•le Mark Pecan . ..l... r f•--Sold by all Ortrigisis and DeaferS in Medicines.— Prier; gt per bottle. t t • 'irj••• Few sale by A BEI. TURRET Ti, Druggist; MOntrose Pa.,arnoleszle and retail ?igent. f .• P 7/ • 31 , ./ ... . _horses Com u upon S u y p. of Yellow, ' - - D ock Ro ,t,' . . T HIS 1s a pa;-,414,, , ,i.,.. 5 / 6 .17,, mpaund, scientifically from the hi,. t Roots and Herbs of. the Mate riot Mellen , and has gained an unrivalled reputation or the-following*. trivets, viia i. Regulating and Strengthening tluiliiver wail Digestive 9rgans, awl- Clennsinig the iStom.' ach awl llowele,.and thns crisisto alli t llillious Diaries, 'liver Complaints, firspepsia, Indige.st on, Costiveness, Piles, Iliiadrielie, Fever , and Ague, J'inntlice, .1 1, 1anscri, 'Loss of Appetite, dot., land causing, th ; fo'od to notirish. ouil support every part; .Purifying the Blood and tins curing sill liumorso:lauttincous EreptiOns Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas. Saab% Head, Canker Pimples on the face, Bletchei r filecri,lTnsuors, Mercurial Disease, Can cers, &0.. . ,4 :" , Reg • • . ulattner gle Secretory. 13rgans,!. i .. ~ .0 . and by enabling .them„ 'perform their proper functions preventing and ouriiiit4itiany painful and dargertius dis eases; Strey4.l,Tedilv4ati , quirtin4 the Verrous SyliLi m, thus allayingz.Nervous ,Irritilinw, and curing all disears of the NerveA, us_ Hysteria, Neutaigia,„ Cramps &c. It is. unrii:4//t4 in the cure. of all Female Corn s . IV atS. . . i • - _ 'as Weakness, general !debility, Irregularity, Obstr c tions.' Swelling otthe ilti•et., Limbs;- Joints, &e;, cauVed by weakness; also, Lung Nind Throat Complaints,' as Colds, CoW,ths, Astlaini,!Coniumpfiou, &e.,also,..Dropsy. .. ' I - . . - • - i , Haiing made u.e o; k , li4 Compound Syrup ia . f Yellow Dock 'tont, prepared bY' Al:Morse & Co.; either °nisei 'Tea, or in our faMillea, and flitding it to be a very Partitary " :and effectual preparation, we do .most cheerfully recent iitel:l,l it to the public ap it very valuable medicine. •, • • E. Bourne, Esq., Cashier National Rank, Providence, R. 1..-,, A _ W. Spencer.(l4 ES Cashier Lime Rock Rank de de do, Rev William Phillips Rev J It Richmond, C, S. Jones. editor Providen , e Gen.: Advt., V' Field. M. W. GM. ((``pro's Fisher, M E li P* James Hutchinson, G:S Dea..4V I Rate., 7.1q . 1t nerij C 0 0 ,1,81141 one hundred others of the Most ro - poetahte families of Providence. • 1 ' This certifies, that 1 •have for a nunioet or ~,-...., i 5..., acquainted with.tlib embPosition and mode ofmanufacture of Slorses Compound Syrup !of Yellow Dock RoOt. I have , also been :iglu:dote. OR modus operandi in disease, and can say that inn eApects it is admirably raleulated ,t °remedy that class ;Diseai , s for which it,Wait designed. It iseseceially valtiab 1 in 1 indf.gestionand al its attend -ant sympl oms,it exeit s. to healthy. action the !LireT. re moves Torpor, and in it ity of this Organ. and stimn- I , fates health , actionin illi ',•• system. AS a Dipurator or purifier Of the Blood it hits superior. \ i DAVID lI.OLNIES,II.D Po • rvidence, R. T. Jai 145 13-. P - reoared by C. llhrs9.- & Co. NO. 446 Broadway,N. Y. and sold by pruggir.ta and others throughout this and other count rir.. =^ l Soldin Nlontrosel)y 4, 13 .914 I To the Citizens of Susquehanna - , county. ),1T1CH11.17.1 & nEF:sirrT would respectfully call the attention of lOC persons in Susquehanna County Vicinity to their large and well fACCted !tea of Dry, 11001/R and 17:trpet.4 10011 consist of uIl the fothionable . arid seesonible Goode uvula vogue, GooclA tufted both for the' 'grave and the goy. on4in fact all of the different Ptyies of goods which can be ccille4 for or n : tut:lit of. are de-, termitic/ not he un Oiiold, and if you Will be co kind twt to favor us with a call e will make our Word good. Out stock' of Goo la e.Migistliin part of Block. Broenae, Plai,L...Stripe. Changeable, and Lining; Fig. iru M d oho Wool Driaintrs. Fig. and Plain Cotton do., Silks. 3terinnv„ Thibet.4„ l 4.pareljr. Paramatta,M. de nage, Plaid Lioscys.Colorcd 14 ek "Flannels, Csßanes; ,Sc. &e. • Sll I Wl.7l—Of whiefi ore have- an _endless variety, Cashmere Shawls fronl I'=to ss o l,‘Bay State Long and Square do., Fig. and Philn Thibet, &c. &c. %Virile E . i.noris,--iiilain, Plaid ind Stripe Ift6OLlCst; Ilislins,*Dirds Eye amtllussia Dialr , r, Irish Linen, Table Linen, Linen,- CottonA, !Worsted, and Embostetl Spreads, Swiss 'ant India ,Ikefk. Sfitsbns,. Victoria and Bishops Lawns, Linen cainkife. L.nen Cambric lidk's, French Worked Collars anal trittcr'lltlk!s. - llnslin Drai)ery. „Lined and Cotton Sheeting and §hirtirig, Bleach and Brown, Jacquard Diaper...kc.u. " - - . Gen'lts 'Ol. [Sari' lent— , Consists of Black and 'Fan cy Broadcloths. Cass! eves. Black and Fancy,. Satinetti, Sheep's, Grey. Kentu ky Wan, Cashmeretti4 Satin, Mt , sted and Silk. Vesting:. Ma ck anti CoLlldit's, Satin Stocks; Ei. Neck Ties, &a Flaotiet., White, Bed, Blue; Yellow and stripe, {lents Cashmere 1V rappers, Drawers, &e. &eX Our s t ock of GloVieve 111 l anal owierple complete embrar i ntt-Ladies, MisLts and Herta Gloves, Lisle thread Caahm re, . 4 1aysimereilleace Lined; Chamois Lined,Bea var, K Buck,id. skin, p. ace. . I:4,dies, Missesandll3an . ti, Cotton hose, and X Hose, White, Brown, Mixed,j2llack anc Made Colors, Alpacaa, Wooic4, Cashmere, l'iltliino . arid Silk do., and every other style'or seasonable Hoe 'ergs. I Also, nn endless 'ea Oty of other styles of floods such as Damasks bit.th Cotton and Wool, S'ilks - S l l4 Cotton Xcl'' rats, Counterpanes; M .reens,Ciimhrica 'Tui11.;,::..7 8 , Colt ii foiters,Ru‘e and Hors Blankets, Nanking, Ttekings, Scar-Scar- -inerostripe,MlCurtal '6, Carpet hags, tko.. 1 Ctirpetisitz-s-Bru eels, Three Ply. Ingraham both Wool and Cotton, Cott h. d 0.,. tlotton and.WOol stall' Cat rieting,Dru:t4et, CBI Cl thy, Ruth Carpeting Httgs. • - , Our stock of Dry Dilials is now . eomphsta,r and if you would like to lee a god assottment - of Goodt!artl tisw ponus you will call at ..Wickhand Jr. Ilenttett's nearly oppo ffice. 7 ' ite the Post-office. 'I ' 1 , I Binghamton, pi. 'E., N0v,8,,1.R53—n44 • - Fresh err SII., 4- D. SA'S • ty'oiNtraiG. Ladies Kid Glove. made Clothing, col!) Berge, Ousbrnere, if elkeaper than t Montrme,-Nciv.B, DoeterYourself :i'\. • THE POCKET iEESCULAPIIIS Or,Eeery one his own Physicia4 • I RE FIFTIETH Edition, contaimng • 1 04)iundred Engravings, showing Diseases lend Malformations of the : Un- \ • • • man sYstein in every shape and' forin.‘, To which is added a Treaties on the bisiases of Female's, being of the lOgliest tance to married , peOle, or those dotemplating mar riage. 13y .• • Willicvn Young, AL . • Let no father be ashamed to Kerkira a, copy of. th.e.diesculapios te his child. It may save- him (rowan early grate. „Let no youngrman of woi Man enter into the l secret Obligations Of -married life Wi thou t reading pls . Pocket A esonla pins. Let no One.suffering from a hacknied cough, Pain in the • Side; restless •rights, nervoui feelings, and the • whole train of Dyspeptic sensations, and given .tip by their physicisin4 be another moment' without con sulting the AESCHLAPIUS.. Havethe married,. or those about to b e: married any impediment, read. this truly useful brikili„ as it has ben the means -of saving thousends c 4: unfortunate cr °tures from the very jaws of deathi' (IT Any persontending fwenti Are cents en closed iu a totter; iil receive ono •Oopy .of this __ Work by mail. or five copies will be Leant for One Dollar. • Addresi(post paid.) , DR. WW.YOUNA - • No . l5.; 1 . Spruce StelPhiladelphis. Man% Bth, 1854:—I0yl. . - MAABLE SHOP: L rr,IIE undersigned have established a shop in 1 the lasemeni - of = Mr. Sayrel Store, in , ,Alon trose, where they iwill at all times keep oni hand FOINION and Domir dc.Martat.E. "an manufacture the same into - 41forineuts, Tomb-stones, Table tope: St,e., &c. . - { I V' The patronage of the public, is respectfully solicited. , • r CONGDON & BEVIER Montrose, Aug: 5,1853—ir. ' A PLATEID Fort just reed, by. • Jia if= AI EL TURRELL. '!) - al of New GOods. 1 . „ iftE are just receiving a rade .. s, among which rtay ba;fpund Only 23. 6d. per pair,.Ready red carpet. Yarn, De Lames, De krench, .4'nglish and Saxony 'e cheapest for Realy Pay.- 1853. . \ . gpoone, heavy mock 7 . 3. EVANS, . THE 11,11,01.TEB,OSEELIOCk . PCIILISIH EVERY' 'MUM AYIIIOIIIXO B : t 1464141 .411t4T,i t . EDITORS ANDPROPIBIETOIIiL , . TER All 1 ~5 0, 'cash in advatiae; 82,1 Oilf .not paidWi in six months; and $2,50 , , at the mid of the year., wo paper discontinued until arrsin. ges are paid,- sxeept itt the option of the Pub; *hers. Al e nmunications connoted with Old office, office, to insur attention, must be directed (pest paid) to 041 s 454 DA.i, Montrose, Snsquelianni 1 - • . . . -, • . County, Pa I ..- • . One 'square l att.mi of Advertising. • I or less) 3 . insertions, 1,/,04:!‘ -equent insertion, .. . . • 0,26 three months, . • 140; I six outhe, -•. • • ••.,• , 4,14 rds, four; lines or less, . . 3,00 rtisenients, not over . 4 squares, 7,00 onOiyear, .a . . . • . . 30,00 dvertisers' win' be, restricted to the which they are engaged. En& so One nconre One Bquar= Businens Yearly ndv One holm ''featly business in 408. WORK. - publishers buying added to their - Job torhils a large and' supellor-asugt- Type, are now,'prepared to execute n a manner unsurpassed, in thii,see. try, dud on the most ressonable.teitus: -of everidescription kept constantly printed to• Order- • VU` Th: Printing in !meat of Jo Job. Wolk . (ion of cou Blue • on sand or ittss Pirtrtffg. • I P. A.! LOCKE, 'l-- ,Washisninn.blo Tailor=-Shop in She fear di A. Baldwin's liainpas Shop, up stairs. •1 JOHN. GROVES; - I L'. B. SPROUT - 9 , ' 7 M v & ania tureof Roues COMIIII/D CAR. Montrose, 1 WAGE S • ruNGS, ‘iontrose, P a. . 1 ' m. IV-. SMITH & C 4. I• and Chair Bfanufactarm, 'foot Mita • I ontrose, Pa. . • Cabbie • Street; 1 ]FORGE FLAMER ' .I • 1 Dealer i Books, Ready. Made, CloXhing,Hnia and Cap . Beets and Shoes, &e. Store °pig,. site Sea es Hotel, Montrose, Pa. -. ! r. C. C.: EDWARDS 9 ;-1 n and, Surgeon, liarford, Pa. Office Eaton teStore,„ Physici 2 doors -Dr: IL SMITH • • -- ' 1• i A 'Dentist, Mobtroge, Pa., w ill be at ; Hotel, Mundays and . TuesOays of each I - I: •• - . 15y1: • • . .. _ Sttrgeo .Searle's week. . 1 4' 01111. -' '-` 'a. - .i.IILILA.N 64k PA.IIK, . . •beale . in Dry Goods, Groet4les,ilardwnie, Croe)Eery, Bdots and Shoes, &c:, Springville, ; Pa. 1 . W PARTNERSHIP. ; ntley & L. F. Fitch will attent sines entrusted to their care; under e and style Pf "liktrnry & L B. S. B to all b l the na LITTLE & CHASE, es at Law—Office formerly oe l etr , Little ;&iStreeter, llontrose, Sufretim. Conntyi Pe. • LITTLk.] [EZRA lA. ...Lark :, Attoru Pied by hanna RALPH 8.1 ONGDON :dc 11EVIFJ1 f , i' - .: • in Marbl e• Mon ume n ts, Table s, Tomb. - &e. Corner of Court' and &Amigo , opposite Broome County,Bank, Bing. ,N. Y.- , , - 1 - s d. D. LATHROP de Co. . •I Dealer in Stai - es and 3frinnfactureri of N Copp Tin, amPSdeet-Iron !Ware. ' Shop 4 E west.si e Main Street, oppositd Democrat Of- • flee, M •ntroSe, Pa. ' • • - . .1 -. ... ... .T. . - C. P. LA lIROP.I : • : [S. -A. ; Woopßtipr. Deale Stones Sireet hanlto : - E. B. MOCINET,' ' Rep . al er Of Clads, Jewelry,"Musieal !nem ments; and Guns, Sz.e., &e. Electra 'eating of Spoon. ,•Watehesi 'Jewelry, &e., dear to•order. He ha an appointment for Sealer of "Weights and M asures. . !shop op 'Main Street, first, door below the Prick Corner, Montrose,,Pi. Montt 1 se•TailOrinj:Establisllment. Lines - iSic Reynolds, rastiiondbl e Tailors, over. . R. Hawley'S Store,one' does below Hatch 's Hotel, ready at al:times to pietist. {, 'the.pp, lic and minister to the tastes and vim r• foitiig those who want clothes., Latest filb. ions rOgulatly received, and oldoneS observed when iequested. •I j .. AIL TURJ{ELL , MosTuoss, Pi - . ', Beale in_Drugs,Medieines, Chemicals,Painti" , . Oils,Lpyeauffs, Groceries, . Dry Goods, H4rd ' ware,Stone.ivare.Glass.v,;,are,Cumphene,Balit ing Fl i ( t d, LiMp Oils, CandleVarnishes,Win• dew- lass, , Funci and Tolleti-Articks, NO& mery, •Jewelry, Spoons. Spectaclei, Musics' instru entS, Trusses, Medical 'lnstruments, 7 Liguots, Mirrors, Stationeri f `Brtisties, - ShOss, . Yunkeb Notions, &c. Physicians Presiair tions.carefully eompounded. 1- 1, , - I RANKLES' FRASER, _ ey and counsellor ataawo Ailtor MosTßosE, atknd faithfully to all tv§inein Ito him in the- county of Anignehanna.. arming. and, writing of Air Mode win be ty, and charge modeati?- -also attend to the p•PlecP ti " °fakir " of heir widows an(' he'"? ' ,against; the ~,11311" government for Boom ; Pons: rea • • - si , • • found at hours at the office.formerbe .y L T.• Xietiardo, Esq.,north ofthe Court • • • " 490 W IL tedl Coure done nea He wit soldiers, ted Scat : stone, IA • Mu} b occupied House.r , COMER, • ri stoves Tin, Cop*. end Sheet ron tdoaer o s vine ; near timat tf Dr rt. ity ale, M. C. TYLER, • Intere,sted..With L L litint - ,] IMPORTER" AND DEALER' *Harawsse `and Cut e lery, Carriage Trimmings,' Springs, die. 1` No. 2}5 Pearl Slreel,:N. Y. Where }is Mercantile friends, in this and Oher Countle:s are kindly invited, and earnestly solicit. ed, to call and purchase. . 116tf. ges —_ .__ Jnd;le a.. .lopL ..,tom n the• Lackawanna and Western Rail istance 20 miles.. Leave Carbondale is nin,g, - and\ connect with the ears, giiing Returning; .leave on the arriVal of 'the n 'from the' G rent Bend., The °eldest , ect and chedriest ;mite from Great Bend. hndale. Passengers by this line always Carbondale earlier in the evening than . er route. `, , -, eceipted in Carbon \ dale at, .he. ire of cabers, Main street, \feW bloekellielP* 'a Hotel. . GROW & BROTHERS. at, 1842.-tf. • - Station road. the' mu North. mail tra most di to Carl). tint into any oth Fare the Sub Brous° I , wed Upper Leiihesi—A 1[044 alls" 4 "‘ t kind, constantly on hand. - BENTLEY \ la BEAD. IN WANTED Bushela , of Rye, and 20,000 blish da lJ of Oath, for'whieh the highest pc. (paid in Cash by SUTPHI&. ersville, 9, IPO4I. \ I • Sole of the be o i.• I wiPbe Sum . New • 69644,•, ~ V.BII is now recsiNing his Fell stock. o f oodi; Please call , and elan:lines a! t h6l . 0144u:tap for cul l . I ron -Sept 'l4 VMS: " • will be Mon
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers