The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 09, 1854, Image 4

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*t r L IPAO .
at. .-__
LATION 2401:11LEV.11
E. B. CH
izt , $
Id out
The sunset'
Ie imaged
All natnro's
Is like th ,
And ea4h se;
O'er seen
S scot Mar
And i iveJ
sweet and holy blush .
in the sleeping streain,
deep, and solemn hush
silence of a dream
ms brooding him a,dove,
to nursing spirits deal*
I . 'tis the hour of love.
o blest irthen were here.
1, , 1
Thy myriad floteers of every hue 1
• •
- Are sinki gto their evening rest, ' : . 1
Each with a tinted drop oftiew, it:
• - Sott folded on its. sleeping, bread,
The birds Within yen . sitent grove" ; • :1.
Are dreaming-that the spring is • near—.
Sweet MarY, 'Lis the hour Of love;
.' ~ 'Andl weioblest if thou were• here. .
i s
On:yon White cloud the night wind-furls .
,:-.'lts Ilini and dewy wing . to . sleep; : :. .•:
Atid"thetiWeet stars look out like pea Is '.. .
.• •.. • ThreUgh the clear ware of 'heaven' blue
. .. 4 , e40; . '- ... ..---, - • • ,
The pale mist 'floats :around, above, • -
. ' Like splits of a nobler' phere—; .
.- _ , -.
: Sweet: Mary h
, 'Lis As hour of, loya, V_- , f
.. , Amt.. I Were blest it. thou were . . . '
_ The pale full, moon in - silent . pri , ~, ' - •.:
,-.- .... O'er,yeri dark wood- is-rism _ now, - .• '
~7Aelletietras.when-by thy ' e • •
I saw itali inin tr Crow on thy , w;, • ,
It lights:the dew drop of the igroie, . ' - , ,
- • ' .As hopes bright smile lifhts beauty's star;
SWeet - Ma y; 'Lis the hoot of 10ve,,• , • • -
Ant I were blest if thou Were here.
Ali !,its 'Muse, a'strange wild thrill
Steals .9 4 er the fibres of my lrame—,; -
- gentle presence seems to fill. , .. . • .
- Mylheart with love, and light, and flame
-. I feel) thy spirit round 'me move, .. • ,• ,
-.- I khow thy soul is hovering tear—
..- Sweet Ma y,•'tis the hoar of love,
Anil I 1 ore blest if thou were here. . • :.
5' 3 tfartment.
- ,
=i• .
:. ---• 'K . • Pillig Potatoes. 1 . 1.
• ;
.A slier dine - backwith .a.
I dined .; 'friend
Upon whose table-I found some extmordinarY
good IriAllietatoes. .They, were '. as fine as
though they had kid.. been , taken from . the
row.. ,Ddsi.rituz to know how he kept them so
fresh and[fidei, heinfiirtned Me that'immedil
ately.after digging he packed his potatoes in
boxes stink in the earth, dnd covered by a
mound and- some Corn fodder to - keep outthe
frdsi,latallaurroundel by'a trench to dralioff
the,waterL Itis - boxesnsuallycontained three.
four or - fife bUshels, with a hole in them four
()rive inches) square, on which he set a board
chithney ,Oii,dining :a.. flue - about an inch
square. I,This.Could be lifted out,' and thiis
made anlopeaing for the hand to . retch in
and take lota the potatoes... '' . Since .adopting
thia:plaril as ,to
. infornied -:me, his - potatut! ,
.kept un+ial y;well,'and,Were always 4 ,fresh
to,talry'ulilik , the _Wilted things kept in 'eel
larS' and tithe plaCes.eiposed to the ait: . ' .
• - 'i.- , . • ,
. , How To D rr STIIIIT BOSOIS.—We
i hDften
• bear ladieS e pressing a desire to know
'what prcicess the gloss on uew line . ns, shirt bo
f, . 1
sn:is, Arc„ is. roduced` and in order*. to grati
fy. them; we nbjoin the' following receipt : '
Take tWo imee-::,of fine 'white gum' arable 1,
• poWder—L, put it in a pitcher and pour on .a 1
• .pint or More of boiling water , (aecording to I
• , ,the,degiee 6. strength' you destr) andUhen 1
:.- having cov ed it, let it:Set'all nrght—in the.'.
\ 1 mornini,po it it out carefully from the dregs
'into a clean bottle. Cork- it, and kcep iti: for
use. Al tab: espoonful of gmn water, etilred
inio a p u tt
.c i f starch made in the usnar. ra4n
i\ ' ner will' trlfve to lawns, either white or printed
' • a. look of newness, when uothing else:can:re-'
storeihm after washing. . ... ' : .
. . • i 1
: .. To -Ascnn-rArs A.rlonsn'is Aon.'-'-Every horse
has six 'pet . abdt-e and below. Before three .
. ears b-°la heds his middle ones--4 . three
• -• 11'd:sheds one more on each side of thece:ntral
teeth -t four lie sheds the two :.corner . and
last - of the fore-teeth: Between - four and-.five
, -
the horse cuts his under tusk at which : time
.1 -,
•motith will bqi - cemplete. 'At. sip 'the i
grooves and hollows will ,14%-in to. fill, up a lit- i
tie. • - e At seven .tihe,. grooves will be . nigh
' 1
. .up,.ei4ept the - cornet teeth, leavincr little . 1
brown repo s in their
. place. At eight the 1
.. whole ' of the hollow/. , and . grooves • are
filled 4p. At nine there iss very.. often seen • a
t i3O
small hill' the outside corner teeth: .the.l
point Pf the tusk is worii off, and part •thati
j . was ccinca -0, begins to fill pp -and becomel
routuling ; the square of the central teeth be-i
i \ . gin told= pear, and the. gams leave ',.themV
...siTiall'and narrow at Olt top. . .. " I, I.
lIEkTE ..—Do you know any-effectnal cure,
.fe;r Ulises in horses! _'.lf not perhaps you may
consider bat follows as. Worth noticing. I
,a, valuable horse, one of a pair, ' whieh
threaten, more thou a year agq, to become
u l i
utterly- • ess i in eon,quetee of . this 0rD 4 1,,,
, plaint. .. t the expiratiOn of the last grasY
Win, I as induced to. try top stalksoreoril
insteado bay', and the: result has been 'that
th6 - ani
lis entirely relieved. Pertnitme to.
add,. ihathare fn . /. yearsheen in the pracl
'lice of .gi leg my horses each an ounce c,..ffute
salt elery 'other day - and hare good reasoni,
for beliovg that theirihealth is greatly pro
. motel. b 3 it.---A/b...Ctat. r ,
. 1
, N 1
To} cr A nyn.s.—A quaker s.preacher in:
New "York, was so sactessfUl in curia;,.tiurnS,
'tliit pany of the lover claSs supposed. her
..ikos.w.l.. lof the power working miracles.' The
' follo*ing lithe receipt for, the medicine :-,-
jakeione .ounce of Beeswax,. four ounces Of
• 'Burgimdy pitch, simmered together in a earth
en v+sel, lint in as much - sweet oil as . wiil
soften Them into - the consistency of salve lawn
1- -:'. - Clx/1. • 1 S, the ligitid when taken from thb
,fire till q ite cool. Keep it from the akin a
. • fighti•bo or jar. When used spread it thiri
• ly ori a c atil t Ind apply it tothe part injured.
- Open-the hurn with a, 13 eeicile.tol let out L the
-; v4te iti l it heals. - ' ' '. . . I
/Or I . dies litho have a dispositiotkto pun
lib' tlieir huishands; should miad Ilia
a little -arm sunshine will melt n` iciel;
rant .q 'ow than' a regular "aoftmeste . q
Kin lies IS more likely to preveut, than 19
‘eret4o n - pulling: - - .
Sentimental chap in Mode Island,,
petition toeongress, at sisnextseS
n appropriation to improve the chan
, ection, so that henceforth the course .
ve inay run smooth.
:2lar The matert of men lime Opin-.
fewer an opinion ortheir - ciisnc - well
reflecte foanAnd'aiion'T
zaan who give.s o,hildien
industly,. provides for 'them - beto r .r
givingthem.s stook of money: •
'agar 17 3 4. - ,EoouslY consider' you 'have-
ceii4,2note you hare done, and
don0: 1 30 1 * - 9vil than you hare suffered, }-du
are in a fair way to contentment a - nd
; , • ° Shtliep
• •
Arc' prepared by taking a fresh sk!nistret.W .
jt (wpol. - side. down) on ajJ• board, tacking
carefully round the edgO, then take ,eqtral
p.arts..ef- fine . salt ',and aliun, powciered rt)td
:thoroUoy.najxedrub. the jkia thpeellra , es
sell r th the 'powder,' leton4. -12 ;i.horirs br
.more ,betiveen.ertehltiMkeetlit tit,of the stin,i
.rur. n i
ibut the • -1 j. •
While on the 'fiubj6ejt ittaisjalibir me i toj
remark ther e arc few fartue . who do not feet
I I-
v sank..
v .- .lling:r en r ,
i largo ar-r )
4 i ansta 'di '
door and 'leaning ith his* ba4 i . against the
door frame, i• When he..h occasion to,lspit,
ins,ead 'of turning bis. hen:and spittingi. out
at 41.0 door, he turned it t 4•4ther, Way; an 1
spit-:upon tire. floor.i . Sue was the Sorde •of
• hahit that. he appe*red not fully to :relish. his
tobacco unless he .spit on ithe;-floni:. • , , '
*•I'lle 'comfort and ' happiiessi- and the affe -;
.tion, too, of. rural life, is n ueli ptomoted .b
sate in. very little things. A friend of ruin *
1 3
wlio, in• the summer seaso , was in ; the 'hal) t
of..l4ttingl . , near his 'window to ! shave, when, fie
was done would throw hik shaving paper into
the yaid. Ile observed his tiffeetionato, and
dutiful daughter was tried with this, and,iwitli
out corriplaming would ti.refullr gather them
„, t . ,
up and : renrot - e' them. I had to'•,much 1} .4
glrit for his daughter to O'er tl4s to obntin
tie, and as it Was , home di tance to the, hitch-.
'en fire, he. felt ilium the pan of tpixtting his
paper back-into the cup, so that'the . servant
•wben-she - broiiglif him h4t,. water the folloiv-*;
Mg, morning or, at, a futur * • time; could throw
,theliape* into ;,1114 fire. This play ; seem 1 a
a small i atteeto!nreiiticni but iit is . Phiefly
- intended to show n wha, verysimill -Matters
a lthciughful:Man may sr i are the !feelings, and
lesseithetoil, anilitrengtben th 4 attaOhnient
of vice and Children. • TL ere is every 14irolia
bilit) that a family of danghtra are obli
tl • li. b . ts'd *. 'g•
” -ed to submit to sloven ) I i , unntheir
t, •
minority, that, . . •, - ,! ~
they will fr ilel tr . acquire; tlict,e
feelings in relation to cle.intiness'iso liedoming
to their. sexl, and so .admired by ijlrrfiiied so
etay:, - wfiktheSe reMarks, therofore,lwonld
rtlgreelfallY ericeiiing,e our farmeiS; eisi. , ciallv
t 4 provide for the comfort and . relief; of their
Wives' and daughters, an 4mplesiiripl'v of goad
4rapeis and mats at, all their outt - dgols and
to .require ' of all the family' to uen*theni befOre
they enter, and 1141 will find, it not !king be-•
f9re the habit : of.'cleaning and" Will
oceoine. so lisedi that; thel-ser-apel3 • Ina ....i.t.::
'I • • , •./ • , •• •
\FIJI be used whether neededor not. 1, .
[ I presume there is no'nuifso 4henp for - the
limner, considering its dirral.iilitY, ag a,' good
lamb 'skin. _ ~._ •'• '_ ~ .- . 1 1 t I
. .!. i -,,,
. . .
. pitiable Recipe 'for pielitit Blue
' 1 .1 ' aad . Geen. L r: • 1 . 1
.' •
[ The foliowi l i n7 we . c lip front .the pouthern
Cultivator. • 7'1 . 7e editor 'fisays : !„. T,,nl:e. 6ue .
bound of poupded-log,wddd ; boil :it'll sUffi
4uantity of water until all •the isubtltnee; is 1
Out of it ;" then take ; abont a half ..a gidiohl pf
the liquor, and Idiisolve one ounce, og4.'prdiiris
rni half an 'nitee' of alum in it ic it 'your
tcarn in the 14rYwned water:one hour '!gttiring
a and ke . it loose. •• ; Take Otit )4::dlr , yam ;
!Inix iliehalf 'a gallon that'e,ontains ate virdi
kris and alurii then put . 'Your •iartl'intolthe
mixture, and boil it for • irr hour 4 ": stirrtnit
i• - • • . o' . a.
land. keeping, t loase all t o Aline, and taking
It out every ihourjo giVe it aiii . after which
II dry it; then_ boil it iu soaiandlwatpt, and. :it
i' is" dono. - - . ' .'. 1 ! w 1 :', l-
1, Thit above i1'i11 , 13,-e. sfx pounds . - .';f coil(
v. , 1 • 1 .. , , 1
yarn an .elegant deep blue: After Ode].) . p
in as touch yarn into the .same. liiptor, - at
boil it.three hours, 'stirring 4 al)Ove, at
. yon.wilV.haVe a good pale blue; 4 . . i, hie - .
bark in lou r liluor,, and. you will, f'o'.ha e
beautifu green. •,'1 .. .. ..! .11
• Rest.A.ssured thereliS no impositiOn.'in I
abOve...i It is i cheap. i: Any person ~'folloiv.incr,
the reeilie,*ill find it proves satisfactory.".-
`Cure for'Cracifil in Ho' r4oolll , cools.
- ; ; I
The, Farm JoUrnar says, our frie)ad Martin
Bell, Esq., of Blair cdtinty, sends us' the follow
ingt, 1.• ' i •
remedy for . lioof Icrack t' 1 1 , [
. • ,
. ! " When the crack opens 114 id makes the
. horse lam9,•take a piepe kot likkht i)tpop [liron,
six or seven' inches long, and; punka' six or
eight holes in it, so ha thre oiifour i'may
come on each side of t emi-aelc, Ad fitlit to
the hoof as near the licit` afi the solid prrt of
the hoof will permit Havethe ct postie foot
held up by an assistant, and fasted' the plate
'to its place in a workmanlike! ma t tner, 1 with
good screws about ihree-sixt4nthof a;i inch
-in length. The holes for the; scr 'as bbuld
be made in the hoof with a kmal sprivring
I „,awL •If properly done'the horse can be eitherridden or worked without lithpino. But to
i' make the caire perfect, a song mint be made
at the top ;of the hoof where-4 the '',ilair 1 tom
m6iccs, which ,may be donee with an ', ! inch
chisel, guarded se as not to Cutdeep. A
little poke root or something' else Is•liott i ld LA
inserted in the Mound to make a (sore and it ,,
is done. I have seen the plate refrain on two
or three mentbs,..and know tromti experience
- thatAt is much preferable to !anylotherl mode
I have ever, seen itried 'where the horse ALAS to
be used:' j' f . I. 1
, , .2
I 1
1 ,
t , ,
11 ' . li re is a be'autifid" sent , .
i_EAUTlit.b.-- e , L \ __nee
frbin the pen of [Coleridge., -Nothin g Can be
more eloquent,, nothing more E trye.:Y 1 -
" Call not thai man wfttched [Who, 1 What
ever else he sufferers, as =to pain iinflicted or,
pleasure denied; .has: a dill& for whom lie
'hopes andion Waom he dos4s. l'o4rty may
I grind hito thit dust, obsciiiity,May cast its
mantle' ver hitrt; his voice may)f.le unheeded
by th . am:Mg:whom he, divellsi and he may
(m in
be unkn wn by,bisneighborf,--eiten pain may
!Tick his oints, and sleep flee fropi his 'Pillow,
but he hs a 'Om with Which Ike. could not
, 1
part from- the ,ii-ealtli defyipg , 401nPlit4iont
for' faimC filling; a World's ear, fot the highest
power, for the siveetest sleep tlatever fell on
. mortal's eye."
, 1 . 1 • Li
i ',_.& , s, i 'V
As the sun in all its splendor Was peeping
over the Meru hills, a Deily Married .man
exclaimed ".The glorypf th, woo d inising r'
iftwife who hapr ned to be 6341 lap at
thatroment, taking the coMp . i*ent to her
seltlinnliered4z What isoul4 you say, my dear,
if I had,my new' silk dreis.On r
/far Modesty is inore
vays esteemed more. ulna) J
' Beauty periAlivs; but' modeeV
l'AeverckeaYs• - ;
. . .. . . . . . .... .... -
- . 5iir.!.1 , 17 , k0 Burns was. on . Drily eonyuted,
in - theeritninal court ufßAtvrn4eosflururtier
in, the trii - demree; for- tilliiicil Peter Milk'i -
4, ! ' O. , 13 1 .., ,' t
• . . .••••••40...11.1a1ip 4.0 i: i Ii - I ..
: it* - Years ipieb more tin in h00k4.1
. ,
Lonattta GtsSa-Es.-313hogany, Gilt -and Or.
nunnatal framed GlassAs from e 1.4 ets. to $ll
also, Marble Slabs and Bracelets. •
GLASS Watti..—Cut and dressed Goblets, De
cankers, Tumblers, Chatuipgs, Bowls on foot,
Cor'd Butters, Globes, Candlesticks, 43.'4. &e.
HousExtErnta ITAUD:SVANE.—TabIa and Pock
et Cutlery, Spoons, Ted-TrayS, Scales, Saddrons,
Emmeled Kettles, Hat .Racks, Refrigerators,
Water Coolersee Cream Freezers, &c.
WOODEN AO •Wii.EOW-W.ANE.—Propellers,
Cabs; Wa,gcut;-Rocking; Horses, Cradles, Ceder_
Pails, 'L'iLbsOlOss, Pounders, Baskets, Rocking,
Illk,h and StootChairs, r&c., . 1 '
Wonew SHADEs. - --CorTices. Glass and Gilt
Pine: and Nona, BandteLoop and Tassels, also.
Stain Pools iu Variety. r-
- JAPPANED 7 NYARE:.;-TOiletEigit, consisting of
Foot Tubs, Slap Jar mud Mrater Pail,
es and all.articles manUfactured in toe, line.
Tea Urns, E 1.7.0 Coddlers, Castors, Chafing Dish
kAetans, Pittihers, Candlesticks, &c.
LAMP AND iiii.NTEStNN:—lti every variety, style,
, 1 .
price and qUality; -
China, Glass', ,Wood, Tin, Willow, Iron, Paper
-Macke, Tend Mtta, Parka and Alabator Pins, al
so Fancy Ba4litits. . 1 . .
Plated Wtu4._ —Table and Teaspoons, Table
• Dessert and pyister Forks, Deittert knives, Soup
and Sauce ladles, Castors, Snuffers and Trays,
.Tea and CoffetiSstts. ',.
Bird Cages, Table and Floor Mats, Brushes of
every descriptiO, in fact almost every article in
the lino of home farnishing both useful and orna.
mental, may bi? found at this extensive establisl
.ment. 3
. ' J4i.".NI.E . S H. DE PEU.
4 doors east of the Anteriviin Hotel.
Binghamton June Bth 1853. - •
1 , ? -
mAirtiipE 31ANEFACTolt •
"1111 E undersigned beg' to announce to i.he - citi
zeus of Susquehanna County, that they have.
established a Shop in Aieeler's buildingin Main
street, Moutrege, where they keep of hand a
supply of Foreign and American Marble,tiu man
ufacture the same into Monuments; Tombs, head
Stones, Pier atid Centre Table Tops', &cL
IFT The poric rind it to their inter4t to give
us a call bore iigoing 'elsewhere with their orders
Montrose, ',:4•4,1855--:-34tvtf .• -• •
Aliitralia, California,
. .
Or v any place, in In Globe,ieannot presen • greater
‘',.: inducekzenis thiin I
. ,
817ilicty now filled ,it h . a new •iii a . ext . en."
.. sire • ' esortnicht of . articles in t eir line,
embracing a g+ticral variety o'finew an elegant
stylasuf Ladies and ' F. Gentletneies wea , among
which are 'Ladies French., Silk Lasting rid Pre
nine Gaiters, Kicl• and Enameled Polkas, Kid Pat
ent loather apd bronzed Jcitinizi Linda, ,lluskins
aud Ties; gentletrieWe Ftenth and Phi, adelphin
oak-tanned calf skin 4nd trip Boets,,con' , ress and
button Gaiters, Monterey aiia•%Vashiti g t n Boots,
tenet!, Slips,
41oroccri, calf. and' Cowh do Bro
ltansii4rd. Bays kiNcalf ' and cowhide oots arid
'l, N a...i t all liindsof, illisi:'es nud Children's wear.
A150, , ,a geuerollassortrinnitofiliudings, w yell con
gist in part dr lasts; pegs, 'parables. tingarian,
nailsjacks, thread, .i.vatc; Bristles, she ' binding,
awls,E rasprOandstuner, shoe knives, c. Also,
oak aiid hemlock taulied calf 'upper and Meath
.erc M;orecco' !Skins and•-liiiings. - : .
Wdrkmada to oider anitrepairinznent
ill t rose, .I,tine- 14853:
siES'!llll7 E;RA SA , VIIVVriI
. .
A L. WplSTii:ll.4. CO. would r.
inforMithe people of this, count
peapVe iu geniiral, thiit. they have °prim.
lishment of the above kind in Montrose;
stand of Sae an& Webster, one doo
the DArnscriit. offieei Where they iul.end.
hand a larg.ii assoqmeutlof Stove's Tin
Brass and Wi:iet Iron Wares, ail of whic
sell as cheat as thy cart be bought iu
other couutyi . Amilingour stoves May b.
following beilides others nurneraus t .
\..71t,; tk • Erie,.afr-tight, (hr tr.
7'741 , -".
lip #t nc Siale "
-" "
la te,.V ' " "
tt .
Forf' Quern, elcrated Oren.' ,
,d moNyrk,
Also, ParlorYoTice and shop Stoves, 0
ent Hot-altdrurnaes foti heating Public
sores, Hot4ls. etc. Stoie Trimming,,
sheet Lead,l4,ead Pipe, and Oistf
Chain` Pamprit .: Chains auk G Aarip g.
rrAii kinds of : Custom oil dope
Lice and 92°4 reasdaabielternie., Our me
profits,ready pay f i'andrinickireturns.
• kinds or 3Prodpco at ken is
Wares.. Ifyon doiet believe. it, call am
' • .
, Montroie•ttept. 15. 18.53.
•-NEW Gelolo.
OUR assortment now comprises .almost every
articla wanted, and we fear some that
are not tra . rited, which we will sell at cost anti
some arlielcs at,' less 'than _cost on Ithat same
account. ) • U. BURROWS & Co.
Gibson 0ct.28,. 1853. •
• • -7,
' 4 . . .1 .
• , ' . l SHAWLS.'
, , .. - ,
1 00 yO . CI!LEN I LONG
. SI4WLS, all
stalities, and healthful patterns, at
extremely roto pries's. , U. BURROWS.;
Gibson, Oct;. 2G. I ' ,: .
Buffalo Robe%
A ,Laroi lot of them choice whole Robes a
a verysmail advance on the cost.
Gibson, Nov. L I U BURROWS .& Co.
•1 The Ar' ti:t's Greeting,
Frrentl4Patrnns, and Ererybody, another mile
stone has!, been.reached on the journey of life—
another degree has heen marked on the scale of
time—an Other link has been severed from the
chain of the futUre—another page has been ivrit.
ten in the; great volnme of the past—and again
wq witnesS theltright opening of a New Year:.'
AnOt iti.early dawn we meet you,
Antlwith, a "happy new year" greet you.
And now; Its. yon review the year_ just departed,
and dwell!upon its -joys and sorrows its privi
leges enjined,? and.. its ditties neglected; per-
Chance,sotne of you have neglected to call on
the Artiit and secure one of those "Faiihful
Shadows!' i
Which light and art, with magical spell,
. By working together, can catch's° well !
.Bat youtreay yet redeem, the past. As you lay
your plena for the advancing year, letthis occupy
an early 4id prominent place on the programme
of your figure intentions,
Would; you'leave a lasting impresson behind
you'? C l ove to the Dagnerrean - Gallery! Would
you " see t -ourselves as others see you r Coma
to the Vaguerrean Gallery. Would you make
an apprOriate. present, to a cherished friend ?
Come tg he Picture Rooms! And beside , all
this, won d yeti eneoyage art, and make glad the
heart of the Artist 'I, ,
, Thettlet it appear by promising here, --
That daring the year Fifty Four '
Yotiiwili, - one and ail, be ciro to call ;.
At "O dd Fellows' Hall," Second Floor.
. I i 1 - W. B. DEANS:
Monttiase; lin. 2, -1854.' .
* • 7 '; 3 . ' 1 • ,
Flue rzleach._
1 (')UTO(0., Loig Oh'Awls nt $4,25.
Vl` _ OReoni Nov. 1. BURROWS .& co
anfl al
, ..,
• .tlf2/131XtS.Uty i .--
-"ieia trod sty
- .A.dmitib3trat?r's Notice.
votpE teieby given that Letters Testa
inleiitaty:upou th e estate of J. T. B ailey,
late or, oiwis on y dec'd, have twin feiarl•
Led to the subscriber. All peraona indebted-to
said °SW° are hereby reqUested to make- imine
pahnenc"and those have claims upon' Said
estate toilpresent them duly- attested 'for settle
meat. I i G. L LEWIS, Adm'r.
se .Furatshing
orepared to invite the
xatnine his Varied and
)da which (as an
(cd to offer very low.
fold Band, Decorated
gietts Fruit Baikets
crier And Tea Setts,
.d in Setts, or by the
of beautiful styles of
I- and the
an estab
, t the old
u keep on
r they will
his or any
(mind the
or coal.'
Iver'S Pet-,
ipe, Zinc;
re Pumps;
on short nfi Y
,tto is !small
change for
& CO;
I ;
•,- : • • ''
i Moves :: atiev°l: :Stoves I: 2, •
-1 •- v. - • • .1
4411141 Sera 130 a Wllow reminds, ua
..I.'. that the tiO, approa+h of the keentrrost
Of Old Grey Winter; when 'Se of theselupsur
passable and hierfyinpitroved Stoves from the
moat; extensive Oinufactot i r6 . in. the ,IT.Nott,
Ite'ssis. Shear &Pritkaid,lmeome indiarfigusabla
to every family, WO.wohld respectfully arinOunee
to pie citizens '4l. ; ;Sikquelranna 'add adjoining
counties that we ! : :have )ust:receii,ed nadhtro re-.
cetving the large 4 Arid hest tissorttnent pi Stoves
ever introduced irlt.Fißititerti;Pennaylvaniii, which
will he sold at t ' veryilowest cash' jigu're. To
Utilise who'are in ;: ant of Stoves they will find it
to 'their interest t 'all and examine our variety
before purchasint,'4icerhere. , They comprise in
part Its follows :-4 7 i_i ~ •
,;; . ._ t
tr n ited si a t e s;t:! I.; '-, l \ :"11 . °Tien raliParior,
• Eastern QUee;i, r. d., i ,l'enetiani. do
Fire Clipper v. 19., • :I Fancy I do
Air-Tier *. O. ' Irring I di)
Morning Sla4i li• .E; t d • - C o,! d o .
. Farmers' Air4l 4 4 Itti, 4e, ‘ ie.l . I
The above Sti t w 'i are toil well. known to re
quire any minutp
eseilyttim,. being the 'most
popular and appihVi.d Stove in market.- tAll who
may favor us wtritt,tl call will be shown through
or assortmentOVlthPlehaure. "Recollect the
jI mber"--ErriWkfailanii3d "Ono Pritie Store."
Illarford, Pa.,•SePt., f,453'-35 - , I
• ..,• .• .. • 1 • .- i
FORMERLY { ` riUs 7 fC ItiIitISIt,")GREAT Bp D, PA.
.1) 1 ' I 1
T itEsultcrt or,.taving rented this won known
pause, and ro-fitted and re-ibraished in good
style, is now prdpared Ad 4eceive And !entertain
gnests: This lOttie is dlig,rhtfully, si . 4uOted on
the banks of thd: . .stestptelutima Aver, nu the line
of the Yorli and r.rl4, and. the Waware,
I.bckawanna until Westirri gaifroads ; overlooking
a most be:Mini Silidlrk. 0 country, and is the
panorma of scenpry'Ancquntled anywhere.
-Au ASCU:4EIi REsout tOr tho;,.business num
seeking quiet atitkifreedom• from - the tioisc . and
diu of city life, ono: foi: ladies: and gentlemen in
pursuit of,Plea.4n4nutid the rural sconery of the -
country, this tOilatlim Cannot )e. equalltli. Here
the weary trave-lleMs Seetire from _the teonfusion
incident to the tt i ontintial ttrH:il and th?Parture of,
trains, which, Ospeiially in d e night Rime is a
very great anwiyatfre Co those steppinfi - at houses
very near the 1.-tt:pi4. t:', :1 , • 1 1 '
'1 hits Itoc . ate ti44.pliinsant and; wtitl- furnish
ed; his Table Witti6lUtli delieacie.s 'Which both
country and, et y markets
afford; and` .no pains
Will be spared to niitkO his house.:i plezisant home
toall his gues6. '''.: i ?..- ' •
, ,
.p - Gruzstsi;*ill bo cimveyed to at l m from the
ears, at any hoUr ditty 4r iiig,ht, jail good Omnibus
free of of charge.ll ':i ~ . .
1 W - ' A I.tvuttYlStAM.E is attached to The
'Joust.. -• . 1 • 1 •`,t 'C . -• ' : -
Great Ben3,l.Juii
Bryant 116rAi4 11,i'llial. Ilezitl f Depot,
I . 1 1 :iWit:.. ';-
1 - .. f
Ting Ti'e . w aild struiioits . bni;dinfx.'•ltttated , but
A few feetifid n the' Depot at Gr at Bend, is
now opened and fni•nished in a suitillile style for
a Publio llous;i, ntid i' will be kePt Open at all
hours, (both diiy and l'eight;) for the rb . Lption, of
travellers ; and: , esOci'jilli• for the acednlinodation
Of passengers 16v011ittgon the N. Yi & Erie &
K. W. Itailt6ml4, being, at the junction of these
wo reads, and l [thelin i Ost convenient point to . step
in and. take refitesl9ntit4 and be Off With the first
train, :is well ati•the tnoSt convenient houz , e to ac-
Ominodate fhb 1114)4: it is-. NEW (11.E.N and .
NV 110LES031 1., IMMO 'robins enough to aecorn:
inodate ALL; 14n fitted up with neW ' furniture
to eorrespond;art&tables always set,? with vv,tnat
MEALS ;and ktixttiiei furtibdte'd at la moments
'Warning. !,; 3 • , • . • • •
E-- Passetwers 44ring - rest and slecp, -- can,
iby here; avoid the inconvenience of
an omnibus tOn'tl an inn, as will el the delay
and uncertainty OtrOurning to 0I e depot at the
srrival or depirtufe
,the trains'; Rain porter will
be in waithigro cOndhet them with their baggage
to the Rryantlionsei,"just ncrois the way; .and
conduct then4aek again without fen or reward,
taking special!.eare ,1:(3 wake them desires.? at
any. hour of the 144. j. ; -
The to e atiriri- ottlm BryantltouSe, 'with the
scenery about •It combine. to make it - a
very desirabl4 WIER RESORT for bu§iness.
men and otittlrS the city who May wish to.
"cast plrearef'l4 . a!ifew - days to' recruit in the
country. -• '
A. /.47;•Tean.1 .t'om nzndiotzs Iran
is attached t 4 thjß bhilding for the conven . • cc
of pleasure Who may alwari fart. g 9 e,d
accommodatipits'ilter, without reg,ardt'O numlieis
with warm stabhis te.tins; land reliable
help to wait itpott tfietn•
For lfpriher!l partictilars inijuire at the
Bryant IPout o(t4 proprietoi%
• • - •
invalids of Pennsy/iania,.
1 our atteutiotOs urgently invited! to a careful
and catitlid . 1)(1;410 of something, that has just
been iutroduOrd lnto,i your rich ond'fitirac Ifonored
State; i; ,;
Pulremachrt'sVihirrt Electric Va . eezic Chains,
...acqrsyttara •
A new aq iodtt of 3pplyiiiz a powerful
remedial agent, so constructed as' to pe worn under.
the garmeati; tier to the skin produning a constant
.uninterrupted ettsretiitbf Electro Matetism,effact
ing immediate relief;from the most a !inte pain, and
also a,permapentlcare, or all Nersoni. Diseases. It.
seldom has f . ailedi to:!farnish almost instant! relief,
and !Offal, otirmenent being used accord
ing to directiOns,jo the following diseases.--Rheu
madam, Gaut, ciittica, Paralysis, Painful . and
Swelled Joirite, Neuralgia of the face, Diseases of
the Spine,lleafness end Bilniness, Uterine Pains,
Palpitation Of the Ilehrt. Periodistal Headache, St.
Vitus Daneti3Oalteritl Debility, Paitis of the Chest,
Hysterics, I}ysii4sibi ell diseases that are caused
by a deficient:am:cunt of Nervous Fluid are greatly
relieved, if.tjoi ricridailently cuted,by simply wear
jug thechaihs a. few hours each day:
Be it nndesto,cid (hat it is not claimed that it
cures all dispak 0, bat, only those foi ‘s•hieli it is rec. : -
othmendedtf an meabover we boldly claim and de
fy that no niediCinal 'agent of any kind hasperform
ed so 111ANY.cifes:41tfring the last year, of those
diseases just named as
Pulr . ermaCher's Electric Chain. • •
/hid to provo this assertion, We defx . any person to
produce so Many will authenticated Certificates of .
/scientific Physidians ; and intelligent ! patients as May
It pa'
belfound in rnplilet of 36 pages,!to be had (gra
ot the agentiin this town. The Electric Chains
were first introdaceit: in France in 1850, and after
being subjeCted to th'o most thoroug,lt and rigid trial,
by the firstfniedical;meu in Paris, they were found
topossess strings bpd marvellous pewer for reliey-'
in pain, whOrever applied, and by! their influence
woe hared:Lt.:mit into the hospitals of that city, and
arso secured letters patent by the French Govern
ment. Tiff y ale hoer introduced into almost every
Hospital in Englet4. Germany, Anstritt, Belgium,
and patentict id these countries, where they have
ladcome thd
Popqar Curtire Agent in the Warld.
!They ware fitstl utroduced into the U. States a
boat one year since', and went thiough the same'
trlarasin gerope,and were at once , introduced in-'
toevery Heapitni i n N. York, whete they are now
in daily usa,!effecting even more tionderful mires
than had ever befo're been awarded them. They
are highly ! ricomminded by Prof. Valentine Mott,
Van Barer), Pcist gad others, who have published.
•theirviowti of their power 'and' vain° in several of
the medical journals in that city, arid are also in the
daily practice Of lecommending . .their use to pa-.
ANlFAcetiont of their opiition may also be.
found in emerylparaphlet, and seat° the address of:
every perien it; the, State by applying (post paid);
to Ali EL Y'UBRELL, Agent; MoOtrpse.Pa. The
Chaim; ca h liesenti by mail; With !full descriptions. ,
fOr urn. friea of.Chaies, 63!end $6..
Physiciani are tiOlitety
• (4. call and exam. ;
irate .their , conitroOtion ) and tronaunce upon their
Merits. ilsE4ottr, lo Incepos,! no person need
rear that therywill not aeconiplish, 'just what It hi
Claimed they 'Can
N. B—Une.Fhalti will last for years and lose non,l
of its electric bowler by use, and can be•appPed to
either adult . or;chitel.
Aratt.-Tv: nattrxiiAgeni., zratiatraao, Pa.
Jos..Bl*lsctr, General Agent, l l: s6B, Broadway
York. • • 6yl.
- - .
• carp and Oil Cloth.s:
AVI NG , 'phlitrged stqd refitted our extensive
Creekebr.a - nd House Furtiishiner tore, exp
pressly , fer the business, we hnve added a now
feature tti its dePiirtments.
The second, floor is" devoted to Carpets. on
Cleths hOd Looli.)tig Glasses, inlwhiell we offer
good assprtm;ept, ,nt prices which cann'ot gait tt/.
please, nod t4:whlait we invite your pnrticular raj.
tentlon. H. 'DE P1;14.
illoghituten, r,icilBs3; 20 : ,
Shipli !Ilapirimesso lid Reitllk of •1,
; tiletases, attend tt
• I
Reflections for - the Thdught
Stran g e that. countless hiaman hhinfli •
drag' through life as 'do the beasts f; th
thf inhects of the earth, evincing no menH
or reflection than thotigh thte noble facultie
were not vouchsafed Co them. , I
Many such aro husbands and fathers, , u el
aril dependent the health, the well-being
'happiness of a confidinvand affectionate
perhaps a \family of children. •
now orrn:i if nArtE?is TUATTII
• a
in ; thrit pitiable condition 4' not. even fiir a
feel the happy and exhilarating -influ4nci
toithe enjoyment of health.'
She may not, be an invalid confined t.
or; even to her room ;. as her pride, tim
energy induco and nerve her. to , take
charge of household, even when 'her
nqt admit of it ; but she is.neverthele.4.s r
suitkiag from day to day, and always ailin
ams, day after day, and inonth afte
Iler health daily sinks, till final
liepe of recovery no longer remains. An.
ntit a few rears ago in .the fiat of
yOuth, and buoyancy of spirits, rapidly,
rattly inexplicably,. becomes a. feeble,
bilitated wife, with, frame ., emaciated,
staling, spirits depressed, douatenanco b
• iihmess_ of suffering, and tan utter iph
Mental -prostration. • I
;Sometimes this deplorable change ma
riti‘d from organic ,or 'con.‘titutionali c
Oftener, by far .oftener, to .gross and i
• Ignorance of the simplest and plata
health as connected with the marriage
vlokition of l i mb - tea, entails
Misery, not only to the wife, but oiled
Giniplainti upon the C
, •
'lt 170 111 T AND : GE.
,r , rnmesnltt wg CONSUMPTION; SC
ICING'S EVlL, • awd other.illa
: •as •
• lions the Parents.
, s
And must this continue ! Shall iwe be wise in
all that concerns the cattle of our. fields, our horses,
-Our. sheep, our cows, our oxen, - the aturo lurid
Character -of thd soil we possess, the exturc I and
quality of our goods and merchandise I b tin anthill
concerns ourselves. as human "beings, ith Minima
.functions and passions, siiNcet to !gra t derange
- ment, involving our future peace and appiness—
in all that concerns the health..aff& welfare of the
Wifo of our affections, and the mother of our chili
#reni• in all that concerns - the mental and physical
well being of -those_ children, do 'should be, im- -
inersed in, the darkest and roost
;.. How long shall this ignorance prevail i
so produc
;tire of its bitter fruits I HoW long shall . the .wife.
• "and mother be ignorant of the nature, character and'
. ".lauses of the various womband seival complaints,
"embittering her days by;suffering-t—suffering often
;prolonged to years, eventuating in d!complication of
idisedses utterly and hopelessly ineurablo I • Shall
l'ere for ever close our eyei to the results of physic,-
"logical science by which We. may arrive .:4 an
1 understanding . of ourselves; aS mem aid women,
!subject to serious life-long :enduring diseases', and
',perpetuating them to our children.', - i
• 1 i; ;,
! • Nu husband or tile nro, be ignorant oli what
concerns atm' most to know to serkre itheir health
an;l happiness". That .kiamOrdge is containqi in a
I little work ttalitird .• ', [ - , , ' li •
. -BY nit. A. Isl. rt AURYCE..-IU, 1
raorrsson. OF DISEASES O' WOILE:4,I
Oat hundredth Edition. lEtitel, pp. 249. Price 50,eehts
• tOti'FINE PAPF.E, ExyaA nmniNCl, $1 00 ./
First published it tar2 4 ; arid it is not
considering that F.: vslt i. Fk;NIA/. IC ,
tivhether DIARILIED pit
k NOT, can herb
acquire a full novyledgfe of thos sia--,
tare, C Mal am as. 5...• vol ...soma or !Orr
. . complatate, ltilth •thq Iranians 1
: • ' Itymptonu, natl i l•thatAearty ,
Should' have been sold. ilt is imiractica ' e to Con
coy fully the various subjects treat ( of, as they
arc of a nature. strictly; intended 'r the Married,
or ,those contemplating Morrie .., 1,
•• i OF 0 w..; - ostmED. 'I'IIOU
.I BAS( ) lo,lPlEiti ,
' 1 !Inv° been 'SENT t ' MAIL Within the last few
1 •
i. mouths.. H . . . - ' ,
1 t it ( .
1 , , -CA ON TO '7'4 PUBLIC.
• • .BE NOT BE 'It.IL'hED
ny no book unless Dr. A. 4,' 129
' ". Liberty Street, N. Y. is n tbezt.itle page, end the
i entry in the Clerk's thrice ,on the ' back of the title
Page ; 'and boy only of r ... eetsble and honorable.
t i
1 dealers, or send by mail, d addrem to' Dr.l A. M.
; • iqatiriecau, as there-are sPurions and surreptitious
" i n fringements of copyright: . .
1 , .
l ' , Upon receipt of On'e Dollar " THE( MAR,
; PANION" Is sent (meiint frr..)•:to any 'part af the
, i • United States, the Canada* and', 'British Piovinces.
1 AU Letters must be. post-paid,l and addressed •to
i lEr. 'A. M. MAURICEAVI, Bok U 124, Now-York
i pity. 'Thalan‘htng of-,:so
,INo. 129 Libertt -Street,
:,New -York . '. /•, - 11 1.. .1
, .
„.„ ~.; ~,1 i . s . 1 ~...
I FOB SALE BY—T. E. reterson,' Poilail,; f irs.
&.y,nthia Williams, I-I.otiedalef : Blanch & Crup,
kirrisburg: J. S.North,l Lehrman ; N. DeWitt,
Milford; J . EnsmingerManheitn ; Spangler &-
Bra, Lineaseer; 1.1 ,W i l §:nit4, Huntingdon; S
McDonald, Uniontown ; .1, M Baum, New Berlin;
II A Lafiti, 11.eading ; R 1. , croker,ll,,i4msi;ill,4 ;
Wentz & Stark, Carboinfale tefEldrt , ill& Wright,
Williamsport; S. Tuck, Wllkei,biu're; G. W.
Earle, .Wavnealniro' ; Potter :&e.fMnti Belle
tante; G Merin, Warren: Rhbert qroky, Mei.
ter; 5. Linder, II inorCr; R. P. Ctitninitigs,Som
raet ; Thos Co:a.perthait.,` Philad ; J. Er Gunni
.icon,:Erie; S. B. Liutibr, ,Gr'eeni:bblig dB. Hall,
pittst-On ;.E. S. Durban, PrAnk:lin ; Drl,S D Scott,
6deord: ; E. ll3lland, Indiana i .1 . J M•lInlly,;11i1-;
!Oil; J. W. Kidney. Brown i sville ; G 1•
MI 11cGet2
yS, Autler ;- J. S. Nicksnin, Chatnher,bu'rg;,P D
S. Norri4town ; E:Benner. Stuntieytrwn ; 1-1 I
~.11itchell. Pittsburg!? G 1Y Gettys, Putler; Jos
Sivartz, BlOomsbur*.. ; P S DeHie:rt 44.0 i. CiLim.
ersburg.• : . . : • , I rn6
' :, . i
. . T. 2
1 FITS ! FITS PITS''.!!.I . .
_ i
[For the cure of Fits, Sinispzs iCria4ips, and all.
N'lrrodn.s and Consiittttii!mal- MsOfises. .
'oEitsoN who arc lalrrint under Shia disqessing malady
.E. will Via the V EGET I,IILE Er hr.priewn.t.s to be
; the only remedy ever discOrered for curls ripileasy, OP
]Falling Fits. i • ' II I' i ~
i These pins possess a specific acilonon tlol nervous:vs"
!item ;, and,tiltlicoiA they sire priliared espi.elly fertile
ipqrpose Of our.lng Fits, tll4. will be found of gspeolatArnetit
ifor ull. persons afflicted with wall. nervesiollwhoie ner
:TOUR system has. been prOtrated z-or shatkereidfrom any -
i cause wliat ever. In *emit, tompti:sints,ordlseitses of !Ong
Lstanditt, Atli), riutlucvd bt,ntrvo4sniss, t hty ' arc exceed
itigdy.heorriei . •
.;• :1'
iPrice,S3 pe 1 )ox, or two boxeirtfor 6.5. - tensor's , tutor,
tl),, encloing a rOnfin'ance , siiil have po l l Pills sent
;,them through the mail. free ofj postage.; For sale yl,
;,SETII 8; lIANCE, IVo• 10$ Baltithore •strett.ataltithor.
Md., to irhom orders from all parts of thi Union, must
be pai, 4 , I- 1 I
- ;
, . •
H -- 11t1.1e.1C,REAV%Olti . %••...
l i nfei !lit le isenzed . lf for Iryt,innitorylCimplainls.
AIC Eit.TAIN aid Antidote for tbefollo•ningdiSeas
..4l.!es, Alt Revers and 'ltittamatinns, to 41110. the sys
tem!tssiihjoetf.ltheumatisrit, Lanketmek, Pifes Diarrhoea,
Dysentery, Ileadaelte,, Tedthaehe,; Re versor , os Iles, Cuts,
Spriini.-Brutsys, Burns and . I I ,
;Aral hclinoren litsran. Iteritnalr, ,Caring
Ring Bones, spnriny, vweeny,- knit tail; (lots, sylint,
Galls, Fistula, seratebes, .Latuenosr., Spring. Balt. Bruises,
Mange.' Inttainmation of Ldngs ; and all Fortins to
ishith llorsekare subject_; • '
It geit ts-t Abe I Turrell, Montio)te—D Bailey. Garay's-
Arery, Wyaltiping—r f : dr. IV nodtuff,Dimock
A. .I..Shertro,f.d, Bosh • •
Ort:l3, 15
T,. .
UST r ceh:ed another Importation•of those
t.)l splen id Full Jeweled inetachlid Lever and
Horizontal Watebes with. secondland hard
m en
aelled Dials. double bottomed in , pen cases,all
of jwhich aYe warranted and received direct from
switzerl9nd. ' The feW subjoined'prices will nt
once .point out to' the public "wheroand how an
enhrmous per centage can be saved; ' • -
• -Double bottom 13 !Jeweled Lever Watches as
nbOve in - elegant: silver ca4cs •-front; 810. .Samo
mfrements in Itunttng cafes, front 812. Hori
zontal noble -bottfimed.4! holes Jeweled open.
:thee and' eeondli frilitn - $8,75, the same move:
invent e cgant ma mg ca CA with 'sunk seconds
' inII t'' '4 •
Ifrom $9,50. : All) of .vhiclillave hard enammelled
Dials. Ghia Diamond polated Peng•with pencil
land silverlextemdon hohleri4,' magazine for_ leads
&e. from! 81,00; ;Gold Diamond 'pointed pen
blades fr m 50e.i,J,eWelry Atte Ste. eqnally cheap.
assortment of eieellent sc.cond hand.
Arlirietlt thakorg,in tirilf, rate going eon.
Ibe wild decidedly low for cash'. Best.
tnett %Vat& CryOtals, 19e. . 1 1 61c1 re
, u5n..../.
Watch Chains and Keys . grat(s to- pure
sours of bilsines from 7A. M to 7P.
. •I . i i A.4IINGLETON,
Watch Maker and Importer.
►, 1 8 .511H1N1, 1 • • 1
~ 1
goof' .
dition; tci
Preach L
pairint/ a
N. B.
Or I
M. •
‘New; lusui uce I ,Co. •
• .offiee, t Wall:Btree .
Arly anCabh sizulApilro. ad Becntitles)
I ! • s .
Insures against Loss or 1 Dana ge by Fire. -
• ,•
tui•Arro ti Q.Stel.l,lna, 13 - BradAtreet;
Peter 0. Baker, f apritce - atreet ; air rd Baneker,
Broadway; Th.:rams. Andtews , 136 C4l r street.; Samuel
!tenth maid, -p771 West . ; street ; 'Allier 1. Conklin, 810
(lieeiterleh street- ; James 4t• 008 1 4,113' row) ; Charles
Lent, Kingabrldgei N . Y.; Lambert Q. all, Chlea e m, 1111
1. Smith' Hobble; Wm. W. Leland, tie York f. Peter U.
!twit, 138 Hank street ; Striates S, 11 11, eor.llYeak. and
Luigi:l, streets ; - '.l.ihn I...7)tien, 78- Wa er street; D. Van
Wart,llS Broadway ; Haman N. Calf p. eor. , Wen a n d
Barrow streets; Peter G navotirt and West;
Reuben Itoss,'Jr., 4.8 Y.tgghtb Avenue , 'Stephen Cromwell,
Camden, N..l.;Alhla WX, lelphia Dexter 11.
Ilrittatt, 49 Wa le: ,street; thimuel Sine air,Tribnue Build.
Ings; Samunt 11. Shaw, Cleveland
R dYAL , (Min
tlontrotte;Sept 1883 •
ry, aged
ul. ;
xtst • rind
field, or
of mina
.11 R. 1012
and the
ife * With
o day to
her bed,
ition and
I midi will
1 reeptibly
LOdersville Etoi)kiez I run Store.
Tut: still scriber ,woulif traforte the l , inhabitant. of eo
tlersville and burroanding tounti ,that ikEllt IMat•
ly enlarged and imprnso his Store, a d filled tip with a
large - and complete asSortnient, of, railit!, 01111, Dye.
woods, Dye•stuffs, Window. Glass,• El , oh, Putty, Varnish
and Brushes. Also.
Patent %leilicirtes, Chentleals.Cllatii-w re,Perftimery, 'Tan
ker Notions . Confectionary I'ollo art' les. and all article*
usually Rept In any estabilohment of, the kind.' Also on
hand a tar} e a.sortmentof, • ,
BOOBS i .§ 7'A TIQ VERY. •
Paper llanglogs, ao. ; which Ited, preptred to sell, on
as reasonahl'e terms asany store in th cotintry.
- D . 0 C'.e. JA:i! ' ES G
Also keeps- In same • icioth arettirtruent of the
(Inn:O6ST NIE Dicitins , carefully selected, nteparetl,and su
perintended by filmset fifor' hit own acumuthodttionand the
benefit of the public. Ir• I.
' Builders-Palates, Physicians, School 'Peachert.indeed
nil classes and profc.filons wishing to iinrehase are Invited
to call and see for theniselrea
ovou_ the
I thus
allh at i , and '
kly, &N
erves un•
using the
sic al ar/
atl Joel
see.. But
i excusable
• rules of
state, the
eriag 1 and
Direqtly over John 3.lclCinney's
1 : ale IC
. •
Great- Cilre for D
.DIt.J. S. 1101.11CIITON!S PEPS I
G csriVE . Fll.lrG'ltst
Preyared from Rlivl.4ET or. the ' Ail
9:t, after directiOns diaron
ical Chemist, by .I. S.IIOIIOIITON,
Pa -
This is truly Natures own Rome.
Stomach. of limn can equal
entitalfis no Alcohol. Bitter Acids,
It IA eatretneli agreeable to the.ta ' Ar
by the most facble.patients w 'loran
er . without nente:di4ress: Bewa
d o ns. pepsln'is not "la Drng.
Irr Call on the a;. , , , e'rit and get
gratis, girin;c'n lorge.ntaonut of s 1
Tdebles. Amnia] Cheini.-try; Dr. C
Digestion: Dr, Pereir,a on Food an
Diaper. 3f New York FoiversDY I P ,
iology • Prof Sillintan', of • Yale Co
Physiology; .togetlier with re.
parts of the Unite,d,States.
PEPSIN bears the written. Signatnr
M. D., sole Preprietar Pbiladelplii
Trade )lack secured.
fr.:T*5U by all - DrrymiAts anal)
Price,.l per bottle'..
PT For sale by A DEL. TI3
Pa.,wnoiesule'and retail Agent.
3lor:ies Co:uoouild Sy
• Pock Ro ,
T""I iv
n- are ege
peel-tater! frniit the hest '
clef 31elica' nutl;has;gai
the following: effect s'
the Liver and Dire
twit and Bowe
firer Comp
Piles, 11 ,
~../COmporincl, scientifically
nots nn Herbs or the Mate
-. 1 an an rolled reputation or
ii . Itcgribtli tg and Strenzthening
Pe Organs, mitt Cleaneinz the 'Atom
, and thus cunt. r all Billions Disases,
ills, Hyspeptia. lii ligestion, Costiveness,
dache,, Fever and. Ad c, jaundice, Nausea,
Appetite, 40-, and couti ; the food to nourish
support every 'part, Putifyi l o; the :Blomd and thus
min; all Humors, Cnntancous h'reptions Scrofula, Salt
Rheum, Drysipelos.;Scahl Head, ranker Pimples on the
face, Blotches, Ulcers,`Tumors, 'Mercurial Disease, Can
cers, .tc. - E -, 'l' i - - • ,
1 i 74
:, - .
and by enobling thcin to :perform
preventing:ld curing many painl
eas•es; Sfrengthe:hingan4 viietirt
thus allaying Nerrcius irritminn
ofqythe Nerves, Os steria, Neu A
Il is unricUll . 4l .gtt the cure
i 4.. . plauitg.l
, .
. .
a; tweakile.v, -gett ;
erni debilityi
Hoop, Swellintv of Ole -.feet, Lim
by weakness; ; 0150,11,U01 and
Colds, llonlis., asthma, C011:411111!)
Having . ma'an i.u4 of the P,oin i peund .yrup of Yellow
Doe"; Root; preigired . by C. Morse, & CO., • Cither 9ursel
sea, br in our fmnifies. - and finding it to he a red salutary'
and :eGedtual pie -natation, aye do most. ehcs-rfully recom-.
men 3 it to the public as a very va uable medicine.
P'lloodn e., Esq., Cashier National Ranh, 'Providence, R•
1.; . .t. W..?.."fpencer, Diet., as Lime. Rock Bank s a odo do,
Rev William Phillips, Rev 3 It Richmond, C S Jones.
editor Providence 'Pen.' Advt., ii:in field. .3I W. G M-.
Cyrus Fisher. 31 , E •ll P „James tutchinson; 0 S. Dea., V.
3 Dates, Do-t flenj Colby. and on. Ittuidied cams Of the
most re•pereable:fanilies of Prevalence. 1 I ' ~ , '
This certifies 'iliac 1 have for a number' of years:been
acquainted with Gdiro mposi tint, and mode pfmanufneture
of Norse's Compound Syrup of Yellow Dock Root. I have
also 'been acluaiutMl with its mOdus (Tyr:ll - ll in disease,
and ran say that inall respectslt is minify/blies-Imitated
to remedy that C 1114! Of Diseaseslor which it was designed..
It: is especially !Tali - table in boUsestionand Rifts attend
ant serum oms,ft ,excites to healthy` action 'the Lirer. re
-mores Torpor. intl inactiiity, of this, Organ. and stimu
lates health , actiotpri ill the - system. As'a Depurator or
purifier of the Illood it has no! superior;
Drovidenee. - 11.1.13,1u 4 113,53. 1 .. 1 f
Prepared by rp. Morse &I Cti. - !No.'pfir Itroadway: , ,N.•
Y. and.seld by Druggists and
,ethers throughout this and
other conntriee..- I- - . I ! I •• -
.:...-?.; Sold in :%lontrose by ;I *- ABEL TURRELL. •
.' , . • (I6y1)-.1' l' 1
, • i
. .
To the ~ Cittens 'Of- Suiquehanna
. , t, • I .
• ', . . CoUlltYir ' / i
WIC . KIIAM & IBENNETTI would respectfully call the
attention of: all persons j In Susquidtanna•County
and Vicinity to their large and well selected stock of Dry ,
Good* and Carpett!which consist of oil the fashionable and '
seesonable Goods now in vivnte, , Goods puked both for the
grave, nd the gay end in fact. ' all of the different styles. of
goods which can be called for orthought of. We are de
teengin rd not to be Undersold, and !flout will be sollrid as
to favor llf , With a !call Ace will rilake our wopl good.' Our
stock it Dress' Gal,. consistA in part of k . 2
• Black, Brocade, laid; 'Stripe, Changeable, : And Lining,
1 ..
Fig. and Plain Wool.Delaines, Fig. and Kaki Cotton. do.,
Silks, Merinos, - Thilicts, Alpaeras, Pat-matte ,31-de Mtge,
Plaid Linseys,Coloied sack Flannels, Calicoes: de. Ike..
. ! S lut wit,s..olr which we, have an endless variety.
achn4,re Shawls ( from ST to :!,$5O, Bay State, Long . and
Square do., Fig. tltl Plain Thibet, Svc. Olk.e. '
While Goo s—Plain, 'Plaid and Stripe. Jaconet
Mastitis, Birds Byevand Russia! Diaper,: Irish Lineni;Table'
Linen' Linen, Cotton, Worsted, and !Embossed Spreads, I {
Swisl - and, India I'llook Mullins, Victoria and Bishops'
Lawn:, ' Linen- Cambric. 1, - nen .Cambeie - Ildk's, French!
Worked Collars' and Under nwx. Muslin Drapery I,!Linen:
and Cotton Sheeting and :Shirting, Bleach and Brown;!
Jacquard Diaper, etc, &e. I ! - i ,
Geltta Illepttrtmictstr- Consis ts of Black and Fan
,ey Broadcloth's, Cassimeres. Black and Fancy. Satlnetts,
Sheep's. Grey. Kentucky Jean, Cashmeretts.Sathr Woe"
FIXJ asd silk Visiings, Mark And CoLllthes, Satinitoeks,
'Neck Ties, Ste !Flannels, White. Bed. Blue, Tellowand
stripe Dents Cashmere Wruppers.,Druwery &e.'&e.
ti• Ou stuck of tlioves. and Hosiery is complete
emhr , ting Ladles, Missrs and Ger ts 'Gloves, Lisle' thread
Cash , ere, Cusairnere,' Fleece Lined,Chainois Litied,dlea-1
. ;
Ter. Kid„ Buck skin. &e. Zce;!,: . ~ t
Ladies, Misses nod 'Goofs !Totten Hose, And X, hose,
Whitii i .Drawn, Miaeil,, Dlack':!Ane Made Colors., Alpacca,.
IVOnten, Cashmere: Merino -and Silk do., and 'every other
stylersestainable Ilesiery. .! i
AIR An °tlle:M l variety of ether styles of Oonds!such as
DitmaAsboth Cotton And Wont., Silks and Cotton Vol!:
vets, flounterpanis, Moreens,Cautbries, Turn /Rats; Com
fortees, Rose and Gorse Illattiots, Nnnkint, 'Pickings, Mar
'nevi litripe, gllClrrtains. Carpet Bagiti &e. t
Ciarptstinsr-4trusSels, Three - Ply. Ingraham, both
Woolland Caton.' (Winn do.; Cotton 5113 Wool stair Car
peting-„Drulget,,oll Cloths:Bash Carpeting Rugs: 1 •
Our Frock d Dry Goods Is now complete, nit If you.
would like; three! a good assortment ;of Goods did Saw
Coons - you will dill at Wickham & Bennett's, neatly oppo-
Site Cite post•offieli. ' . . 1 . .
Binhdintorl, NI. Y., Nov ,5,1853—n44 . . 2 •
. .
. .
' ' Fresh Arrival •of 7114.r5v GoOds..
1 - r
S' : 11.'4. 1.). IS'A,YRE are -just receiving - a •variel
4 ty of Nely Goods, marring wilich may be' found
• Lladiee Kid Gloves Only ils.--,Cd.iper pair, Ready
made ClotldnO, colored carpet Y a ra,flo Lai hes, De,
Berge,':;usluriere, French, DOM and §axony
Mei,inoes,: Arc.; all of.ollioli we will sell aecheap,
if net caper than tho cheapest for, Ready . Pay.
. Aontrosei, Nov . ! ;' .
- I
' Iritmair,Lje-SITOP. • I
TUE unde' f rsigned ltave - lestahlisherta Shop iu
. the' baseinent of IVIr, •SayrO!riStore,in Mon;
trose, Where grey . will y.t all times.,kcep ci l n baud
FoantoN and DOMlrlq littivactt, laud mantifacto re
the sarit .into ltonurrients, TOrab•siones,l Table
tops, &c., t ‘r.c • 7
• . Ll",Tbe putronage"of the public is rospeetffilly
notinited• - CONGDON & BEVIER
Montrose. 4ug.'ls, 1853—tf• , ;
' 1 A FrOsh Lot 1
elr Cassitileres, Gingliams, an& other Fancy-'
ki Ilr'y'Udods, just arrlvio at , i
Scox . r, Joulisiox &T,N.
Also, ane and largo hs ortinent of iron, &c,
&c..., whieh:‘ ill ho sold eh ap as usual for-cash
or pay down.i • ' , SCO, JOHNSTON 4r, Co.
Springyill4, Jan. 2,1,04 .- I
Horse:.iptitrers &..: tram
, Engi ne.,
ONg a nd two Bores r were for thrailang, or
otimr.p T ose', an sixteen florae rower.
Steam Ongatfe for sale low,
Aug.l7. L
• -I
f - -
Sto-ie on
1 • sp -opsi - , a I
- Juice.
rth Stomach of. the
the .great l'hysitileg
-51.-,.0.,, philatlelphis,
y for nn unhealthy
curative poiverv.
or' Nauseous Diugs,
.e, rind inny be taken
. ot•eat A waterernek
Deacriptive circular,
ientific evidence; from
asho'S Physiology of
I Diet; Dr. Johit W.
of.bunglison's Phys
lexe; Dr. Carpenter's
orts otiresfrom all
ottle of the - genuite
.of J. S. 11OUGHTON.
, Pa. Copyright and
l atesti in Medicine
~ Drng,!t!,
-- their 'ironer function?
1:ful and da ,, gryous
1-114 Nercous Sy6tsm,
\and curing all &erases
if all :female Com-
irre^.nlartty, Obstru6-
Os, Jointoi, , /cc.. caused
piroat ;.(341mplaints,
r c:Also, Dropsy
, • fl
- . 3 - Of ' S,L,TILMICINS
S•itni. P ill
y .
Rh . w. E.
runia4llin EYEUY TIIIIRSDA* 11 . 011.2 i DIG DT
• ' MaktbAt4 /M t '
TER I :AS.6IP, .cash in Idvince; $2,00, if
no paid within six months ; and' $2;50, at the end
of to year. NO' paper diseontinned until arrears.
gc are paid, except at • the option of the,Pui.
ushers.. All communications Connected with the
office, to 'insure attention, must he directed (post
paid) to Cm* & DAY, Monteese, Susquehann a
County, Pa. ; -
HMO of Advc*ifisliig.
One square (12 lines or less) 0. insertion's, $l,OO
Each subschnent insertion, 0,25
One sqUare three months, . . ; . ,
2,59 i
One square 4.0 0 -
Business Car s, fourlinei or . 3,00
Yearly thlvertisementioaot over 4 F.qiiares, 7,00
,One 4n(i. yepr,. . . . . 30,00
YeatlY . ad4ertisers, will Ape 'restricted le the
businest in they are engaged.
, •
t - X" Whet publishers liavingadded to, their Jo%
POnting maferials a large - and .superior assort:
meni ot Job ,Type, ate now prepared to execute
Job Work hi t a manner unsurpassed in - this •eec.
tion of count hand'onlhe most reasonable terms.
Bla t uks of every discription kept - constantly
on hand or Order. i.
a i % to -4
p s ittss rectorg.
r tt I
• 1 [ PA. lAktiliE' '
4ic 9
'FashiewplelrailorStiop the feu of
A. Billdtv!n's harness Shoe, up stairs. • •
Fashionable Tailisr- T Shop ulster Searles
Hotel, Mnin,Street, Montioie, '
v i k i t a t B en d Dep o t,
.I!tt. ADDI*3 BAT,
Manufacturer or §Paciirr's Comitrtzo Co.
RIAG I E SPIONGS;Mo trose, Pa. •
sairtn & co; • -
cabi4ei and Chair Manu(act.irers, fo
Street, Montrose, Pa.
Dealer in Books; Read de Clothing, Rats
and:raps Boots arid' oes, &e. .Btore oppo
sitelSearle's Hotel on4ose; Ps.
. .
Dr.,_ll. SMITH, , •
:ttiOon- Dentist, Moottose, .1 1 a., will be at
Smrk's !rote!, :Mondaysind . Tuesdays or each
wefik... • • _ .. • 15y1
Dealers in Dry Goods, 'Groceries; Ilaidwaie;
Gro4kery„Boots and Shins, .&c., Springville,
Pa. '.• . • l• • -
.. ,
, i • - ifiy.
B. S. Rept.ley dig L. F. Fitch will attenk
to all business entrusted to their care, under
the name and stple . gf" PENTLEY serrrpet,"
. •
A nm
oie% at formal); otes•
pie 4 by Little & Streeter, MontTose, Snsgse
ha nn Pa. B. LITTLE.]
1 ' PDNGDO I III di! i BEVIV II:L. r
Dealeri in Marble.Monuments..;r tiledse
St:oneS;"&e. Corner of COnit,*:- — Aml •
Streets, opposite Broorde Countyi on a,
ba!Tuton, N. Y. - ,! : - ..._...._. r - -
____ _." • 4ioni
• 'C. D. LATEILICOr te;t: c ii on,
Deniers in Stoves and Mae -
Copper,. Tin, and Sdetitiron L'vr`
nest side Main Street, apposite fide, wo
fi4. Montrose, Pa. '. 7 . -!-. ~ :,.
C. DA....knotor.l' ' ' -f S. A.wooDErri:
R. IL PlIttliONET, :1 .
Repairev of Clocks, Jt;celry, Musical Instm•
mOttts, uod Guns, &c., du. Electro platingrot
Spoons; Watches, „jewelry, (!ze., done to order.
*H htis an appointineoefor , Sealer of Weighti
acid Measure's. Shop ~on • Mitin Street, firit
40Or below the Brick, - Portter; Montrose, Pa. .
Montrose Tailoring Establishinent.
Lines & ileynolds;, Fashionable Tailors,
over G. R. Hawley's Stare, one &oi , below
Hatche's Hotel, ready at all times tol please
the &Wie and rOinister'tsi the tastes and ece•
fort. - of those who want clothes. Listdst fash•
ions regularly received,' and'old ones observed
when fequested.• I,
ler in Drugs,Medieines, - Chemicals,Painla.
iDyeatuffs, Gioceries, Dry Goods, Hard.
e, Stone.ware, G I as.4.ware, Camphene;Bum
I Fluid, Lamp Oils, Candles, Varnishei,Win•
1 • Glass,. Fancy l and ,:Toilet Articles, Penh
ilry, Jewelry, Spoons, Spectacles, Musical
!triiments; Truises, ! 'Medical Imitruments,
uors, Mirrors, Stationery, Brushes; Shoes,
kee Isliitions, &c. '.Physicians Prescris
s carefully compounded. ; •
Al orney and tounsellot at JAW
- Moynto4g, • _
1, ILL attend faithfully' tio 01l business muss.
V t o ed to him in the connty of Suignehauss.
Conveyancing and writing of all. &indl vriil b•
datt; neatly, and charge moderate.
.• 1 ewillaie attendto the prosecutionof clahas
soldiers, theiS widows and; heirs,' against the Usir
ted. States . government, for 'Bounty. Land, Ftt
slops, &C. .
!...ilfuy be found at all •lionnt it the office formed'
occupied by J. T. Richards, Esq.,north of the'Coot
• • 49yl
DtALER. iir Stovsa, Tin, popper and Sheet Ir 4
Ware, Lodersyille,, near Great Bend Depot.-6:
- '%,. . 11.. C. TYLER,
~ _
Interested X. L. Hunt,
IsyrontEn AND DEALER in Hailware arid , Cet
ery, Cariisge TricurningS,.Springs, &e.
1 ' No, 114 &Air/ Street, N. Y.
Where his Alereantiln frieudOn this no at?
Counties, are kindly invited,- and earnestly solici
edl to call and purchase, ~. „ - , ndtf. li
... , e , UU5k. a 4....... 3 LT
1 11 Star ,eS between Carbondale and linilbette
Satiort n tile Lackawanna and 'Western 1
'rOad. . Distance 30 miles, iaettve Carbondsk!
the Inernink and connect With tbe cars r;
Worth. Reiurning, 'leave. on he arritni- eta,
mail train from .•the Great. Bend. The neaw 4
most direct and. Cheapest , route',•from Great Vea
.t 4 Carbondale.,'Nsaengera by this line :hors
got into' Carbondale earlier in] - the evening O.
. . .
an other roiate. ' ' I '
. _ ~
Faro reeeitited in Carbondale at' the - Stero t
the, Subscribers , Blain sheet ; al few blocks 0 , 1
_. , ' ~
lilA _..
u g unt, 1842.:- - -ii. '.- I ' -
* i koin and Viier.jmatitier.—A p j o d sziaTt°
o ,tho boat kind, togatantly on hand.
' •st . Itrratir.s7.ol°'
NT,i - • . i-, f
w A
p..„,„,,,.. \
- - -BLAliels Gra e , a itd dio,oo busb,e,i
t.i' .000 a onts, for WhiCit-tbr bip.hebt PrV
0 0 11 belaid in Cash by - :I,li. SUTVI IIN ,'
; !liSumniersviile, Jan. 208544.
~_ . "
Nvw, aootim.
. -. . VEIII3 le now . tepeiving h i e Fs" t°
clods. Mei* call and etulne , 4 5 ,
mill be sld cheap-fat coati. . ' .' ,
1 1 ....,ontrcse,:.4ept 14 * : * 1r - 53. .. :
;urcon; ligrford, Pa. Office
.ton's SfO?e,, r
'Emu, B. Orin,