.yin;. and iiiiwided ~ that . it should - . 16 . , tod to a vot6 of tb4 people slid Qitactj : . a law afteran atiiinvtive vote.e: Th i utc.tli - as defiatcd. one, Thum. his .last by , , the Iv I li. i .ok, towing vote.. ,s—Messrs, :Atherton, Ilartoa, Dauglitery;;De FratiVe, Evans tine, Gray,' Hart, •llicatand i ' .v, (Tioga,), Mona gap, Mont iv, Moore,' .Parinl4, Passinori , .'Patterson r-,_llawlins, Roberts, Scott, Zegkr, and Speaker - —Mk:; . srs. Adanis .lieyi.T. W,i 2 , 11,41V0 t e; Idwell; Carlisle, - Chamberlin; Crane ; ...Cummins, • Davis, I?.dinger, tor, GrOOrn;-(; , viii.l err; it tit klineljittri ; Hunter, Hurtt,, Tacknian. tJolinson, t, (Lelii*).Linn Magee,- M a ,. iLlandeqfieldi_ Miller, Palmer, Punkoti, (Berts,)Smith, •f, )7 ,l,)Stewart, Stoekdale, Str,M . o%,'Stru- Vhecler, Wieklin and AVilsOit-.-67,. , ‘rutiniingthe, abOve'vOtp,• and 'con it with• vete -on -,Triday thf f I bill, it will be seen thait, nearlv ev4.v tl;.eradietil . prAibitiotilsts votid ancti7i,t t)stitute, and ‘t,liat had- i'h4 , joined, their .o .the, moJerate. Inen, instead of :th'e, a -Of prOhil,ition, a fair hill•would have - Tlte reSpou.4ibility„of the de ' prohibition; therefore, reSts : with its led iiienda, aa,l confirms, ip the letter haveSo.,:rf* asserted - in - . Our paper, potitician ) sYwho haw now got- eon this subject, do not mead to I:l.:4the the to .keep it open *fo4l halitical s. They brought into the vhielt -they 'kuetv . 11otl4pasS, that in& then voted against every fair meas • could hay . e.passed, had they, voted • .1 like honest' men: -. . e: after One-have we . -- Nvarned l iour houL - - , nperance men against trusting the ...4e dried politidal tricksters, -and for - do.'• have been denounced as in t*e.interest - What will be thought note Orr , Ni •tvi:. C, V.k.kksr ion ; I : 7 ecke liuigt ro, Moser, quepti yurpo. a la • g so the 'an enemy honest masses of temperance menl,— , - ler - not now sec; hou they 'Nave been d and cheat , ld.? Will this ?lot tenc.ll lesson orcriirmitti:o:!.miSieraliiti r politis, egatles to seize upon- this great . ( 4 1.1e5 7 moral reform and pltnigti it into the I of political, iseffshrieSs.?; -Will not the. luencY of three exclu . siVe temperance I ntatives l who voted -fle'ai---fs, ' t i.lett''qub- - -- - '- call them to a ,•tniet account:for their .t. t What :answer have the:V-.10 rive. . . ling with- the ent:9llv awl. defeattrig 'a d proper bill cif subinission'tO„ the peo , hev can render no . excu - se, but 4 mis- . one, of 'wishing to 'malie 1 - itili ti cal ca iii he comini•cauvass, - .On . this itilielstiort. aclitd (pi r,st full explanation of this matter bi wo-liope c.OrnL• r-. • . • 1-,,z.2 nit TllllTida . V Ucs not r•i - ord rule one of our R. , ?prcs:Nit at i ves„ r: Ivait t• confine ICo his Ana of to 'the. - with to *- -- -1 „ ,as 1)' Lealtl 1 u ay. • I ;Gus. rem se ! -'rite 2%ebras4.4l:t 41112... tas to : e ve:tnbers Of our paper past we have by thle. con' tc'',Prct. ) 4t to our reatictrs some ; ca n t .' th o se - consisteltlY with a Jus ) t seine of I . • tone 4 !We could . not Iguve • t e I:00v, named Bill ‘-- - Our .have the;"tic!, elndidlY stri trit ,o amid anythinry .anatiel zeal, for kw c. nnnt . COll,2,eit - o' that any. -measure is ever t•i'Lo.lf (1 by Is.u,..lt,;advocrteY. 6r iitju'red - • bY suc:ll lion. - e , uretve ex ;:rt:ne ar..71 inteini . t2rate n - Lanner With' whi e ll re apt to apirroacli the . 4.lisens. , ,lon ref I.iyery 1.1. as ;lone _ve:ry rnu,4ll to. the best interests ofthe ~.3;21- , .'..51 ,0 tt this, •:,t,diliOnest rnotii,es the philant hropistr, of resent .day, lit seriously 'retarded be of honest, earnest.,' and.sineere e fort !:!aruelioration of mankind: stronr , I/OW a days to throw evt..r.v, ; t ent of moral reform into the whirlpool and miz it up with party,or intli success,; that the world is.really cheat-. erebY of, at_least, rlte .half 'the !troll out by a- beneficent Proldence for `,l i rk! Si '.l or. a c, l, r I 1.1 I " 1{ C IL have.oinade the .. above remarks, lii - 2eatise 'v v tiotWied; the past few Weeks, that - maci'nery ha alrekidv ,Ven ;set at t - t t.• a"nd'..acijuire strength • _the. icons -.which. the -Nelir,ska 3;11 hacc up in the ei.i.uittry. • Alreadvhave - polk zis of carious shades giid. sl iiik,—pref-3- >ubtful eliaijneter, and organization's of . Ifni object., shown a dispoilti?,.wt. ,- ) leap . 42g - into . the—contest, strikinfi policy or .interestmight seenito dictate; ye must confess howdeeplylweliave been pained and disgusted, at 9itriessittl the, irPrit wh'.;h some have Manifested,' :be thni. ,: . have - 80111'6:and the, jon to, hav e wouhr meit fri.Tm old politip.. assoqi: anq possibl:lc_lstretigthe a thetleby parties i site partg:::--ye have been Pained, for ks much like''a AiTOsition to' riot,. and r personal 'ambition at the expense of iqfortune of the . c.onutry. .. too . like. mourn,eii.gfor jr.iy at the'fathem. fu, t. "Itlll l l I .. . cilave end-eavored. to look _ati this r i ue - ;- oolly, and, i'e declare with 'lie utmost _.it -V, that, so far i the -praticdl eire;:t of repeal of the - Alir,Thiiri Conlpromise i. Z..,On ''llielo in itliapplicatien to the . territory of l i -, ..1 , r F slca, it'e tar). see- but .little . catt§e f6ri , r: rilli , :lisieti ozi the pail of the OPposi...tri ,. of.. 'O. ry 'extension. .Nr..sinitit, - Mt. lEverptt, card and Mr. - Chase„ all of;villitni..liye 1 i said all that could : be said . again . q 'it . , stronespee , ches agtriv4nhe.Bill,--wPo ,liev e all. concur in - thii,-:-thitt natural sut.-sical greog . rafillyhave plied ahn0.... , t !, 'non ii4thle : ikstacfes in - 'Ole •Wa v q,f tlie .auction of nef.,fro slavery into Ltlat , tern- 1 Frotn all ve - have _ been able to learn his Point, We 'hay, become very:Nl - ell-sat- . that suck is . i the ease. Indeed; many of S rkutigprn men; and fiouthern prosses, pp- 7 thee N...l.iraska Bill oil this ground.-, i 'Y (111 ,1i-te no a r dvantage kr, "-th - e peculiar t i i tu ti,ii' ‘ . 1.1 ,,, ,, , 50uth.' hi ' ' the pasi:age - ,. of ill, b• -~,,h;. , t- offers Ahern bUt "a-Tbub jlight its ' ,.,1 ',"•---.lie right, Or. Carrying es. into territory as urifittiA to the profiti working of . .la.v.-,, , as is m a 'it ie : br , ,Ne , W 7 np.shire,—ar,cl oily glviu g t.itc , irlliat, right he very.reinOte coutritifyii that the inbah , is of/the territory f.liall:: , 1 , :(.1i1 e that it 1 I by'slave. Theyean - voyy .4 - 114. ,1 .r,t1y:, ee I tbo-repeal of :this ColoprorniS(.. tiso:k•fore adually 'benefit theni nothing . ~"Nchile th‘tv a - everything tc4lose. They 'earl see that , 1):-...al will open the .svhole • Slaireiv -',itai , • 1 . .. n: -Tilt a...manner t\liat,it can lievr:T L:e '-''• -;tt1..! , , in ant- 6...1.1 r Way ,titan the.. fore L,;;11i. The'y J'uli'e teed,' denial:fling a • , - , nt. to nta.nd 1 .. ..,. the.CfrmprO . - , itt,t 1!I . . ii i•_;i,!,,.,: a ndthev .e.iiii. I'." .4' tilt it • thq,i - bn the' ' firA.'t6 violate .ihen4:.tiloy:,:thOeby make a 1 , preeltdent which. will be followe4. by the most. d.'itermined - etfort the; -,Country:bas everseen, to silt aside'the s ful2,iti've 4avel:llv, anti.alsoto exclide Sla very: by p'ositiye lawf, from all ter- ritoi..belonging to the general I gi-ivernmenL• Such Are the arginnents u.s,d by thd-Bgti.. more Clippe.r,-,...N ew Orleans BuitetiA;And nu- . mnerous - otber•prt::Sses in the'Somilli which take gro ti l yi agfliilSt. tite - 13111. •Ttte ' yi let ma • see. that .- „..161, e r aly n o thifi g • !but ami eiripty triumph i wilibe g,ained-tor'. Slavery 'e . kt!insion by, VIM - el pris4ge of till's bill, - ,tlicy. , run ei.mra. hanrd of: 1 , to:V; m lied / . ~ ! i \_ .• :, . 1.; . , .• ~ ~ .. Ime . 'grOund 4f opposition' th.n to the Bill 1 In tale forth, is‘r. - mt,. 4roperly,'. l that by its d • sr ! , I ,:.ys g ..,_.;:ziavt,ry • ' .sill: be ,et,teit'lled'm MA we '„ have no • doubt. that very pranit- minds are it'':iiistly dee.eived :On this pomnyfor therm. are not 'wanting then to . icreatq tillit.- .iinpriou i , I by' Overheated zeal Mid denunOiation. ' The 1 pas,Agie of the Bill lenves • Om territory liable l'iiiimie,,Une slave; 'should the:, people sl..m decide,.;; I,,b'ut :1) yimo Means creates :Slave timitory ; And [,. wile4 . e natural barrier• to shiVeily -exi.3 t . suelm i AS ißoil, climate, .or . 11;'oduetio4-; .of Course I thi,se will cogrol the' quO i estiit NV 6ther it I . isinill .1. , e Slave Or f.imai., lletilly, ,Ithenl, the imu , .. - 1 l'in; diatepi.aclieat toffe..4t,' of the. kassAge z of the 1 lTillmas biu, little' todo with.thim true ground 1 1 of Opposition 'to it. - ,Itr is th i ppri.?24qpic.invoiy- !' L4Aliti its r(Theal, ni.,.w}tleh _then:ll:lust rally if if they would. stiind. rlt isl the disregard of I tlul theist solemn', eciiiminiets of Cinifederaey,— ' ~ . a-m,i !general •(.I,Asirhal ~ Wi.mll • snid; the, want. of I aufne.ces,qty,.and ariyilentand from the peo ple,for:,:.such. a teaSUrt i m tliat, leads honest mini:IS:AO oppose. trhe Bill.. 'lt ii to be depre- Ctited, tool . -beeaule it,disturbs £ ImappY quiet I in whielm . -the - country! was .repOSinfi', and ,ex.-• 1 poses the 'Union to all ruck. dam4mrs to• be lip ' ptelmended from aineimt angry MihdAmrotracted' centlieit, arising t out of ilie..cinly, question : I rtilmielm 'has ever serion9y 'threatenetl the per- 1 I p - imtuitv of the :!roverinnent. :: : '-' • ' ; This seems L to us .the,..properkslw . of tia I I question. \\To . cannOt see that ! ill-tempered tielniAM.lmas• anything . to dt with it, and ie theref4e ileprec.fitO in the strongest . man -1 tikmr allAtiiliation' with. any :suchkentiment (-a -; action., The leaders Of such have:their own !.pulp ses to accompliilm,-ritheir , iowtin political .sehem es to work. out.': :They ..feima.on popular ! excite neat.. and. a.gitation—theA . breath is : Ithrown. frinu • t Ile.irnurlq vapors ',,,0f an ilk-sar i red an'd- mistakenimliiianthrophy,. Already are they :it their I work. =and close in hand' i ivith.thein'are our friiituis of the Whig party, f ready of eourse,• -andwe do not blatue•timem i for it,:--to, „j.nakeL political , capital 10 - them— , T. /I 1 selves-front time flistraetionS of the, Detnoc \ ra- 1 i i cy on this .question:. I\N - it 'can - .See -no reAsomi why, Deirkwrats. should ilmtlYe tlalmr own party i , for the• emulbrac,M of new :friends, certain to !' I findthem%elves deluded and cltented in ihm I ' end. \\*lm Io M have ille , for t4t eOinpany..! AV.cm.'profel , :to F••tand Nlyitim that great party of ;;- : our it 0b.4. t - ) whii.l the country Imasallay....' i' ; . , , , ; looks: in 1110 p . t.st defenceigr' i'n the lour of i 1 .. , - „_. pen, .I.:ll,l•.uari.i.UeSS,--, \ 4 : bat . „ ti: { rty; lrllo. l / 1 t.:,:i.74- I ' mires of rroyernment pOlicyltarelm..conie tWii , - ! I ted in or - q.t . . 'tie which binds the couutrN to 1 the cm; of, progr,:-ss, the shrine of freedom And I the ady.ineing cOluintxof miation,mil prosperity I I [ aimdl happiness.'' '' • I. . 1 I ' i • Il' _'' .-.- ---,H....i-4.-4.,--4,n ''. !• ' • 1 , . TERRI LE CAICASTOOPiiit.I .° 1 . : ' l'- '!' -. ---1 ' '• . ! ..5,1e a i'li i ' Toiler E . ep- lr -• i= a,-- i .- 1i Six.. tf;, ia 'lives lo st. ,\'l 11 u ovo c - , liarflm i'. 15 . 54. At about 2 . t iclock this nfteritoomm the new i ! denim boirlimr in Messrs: Fales,k f' - ;-rav's carfac- tory :expldkled, , ii.,m , ..troyin.r . ti) !_i black , Ammillis 1m m4'io:p and :ei.gine roomm4 and badly simai:eringi th\:, I,nai)yo ni , !luikin,,,- ae . (1 - ‘-er :3 01._'P ‘ ):•_•r5..,11.-. • ;,i.,-rei i t -_ , n ini i f n. til l l ivy. more, p , an one /Am- 1 .dyed ':••_ , 1 irrliont were immt trit"part.R,f the Nillid- ~ ! I I .The explosion wa inostjemlif ,- breakin , . the iiipber; of the builiiin?,,pweirfiii Machine- I - 7, mil es',erything abOut the prl;Mises in pie- 1 reeA, Pr,:p l tra'sti'hg-the•Walls of thel ,\ lAmmildintr• for ' .1. hum.'iredf-o• in lemeih. !ill '.the glt:ss in 1 1. 4 /..• i.-. 1 ~, , .1 i the nmin!bnilding waqlmroken, nnd• lie rootd and ..4 . a11s fell in.a bugi.- Inti:ss oier the . 4.mrl:-- I I , men- t•lpplc)yed 7 .1)11rVIPJ - . 1 - 1 - ciii beneath its 1 inlet ,5. -1 . : \ ' -:" • l• i : - . . , - I : InnzediMe' efforts-Were mimalel)v . the 0.... - K!r• - •• ' , , • i aprks who were uninjured.? Aidcid h iii,, iii,- ;:in;:.mmi, viliqp.retle instantly eidled : out,:and . the 1 entizen, rim erowded.On= large mangers .to th 1 e.sp t, to re!sette thOle lmttieatlm the ruins. , f , ' , The ..,itivor superintend.edthe extrication of , : J the:bl.l., ies and the ruins were tklnoved `.with 1 all posimmblediTateh. ;1 • - - 1 .'Nimicm'pers'ons Were killed instl'intly, and sev i, 1 l en died-simOtitl . - after.. Mammy others were tent ;ly injured...',. I • !; . . . ~., i Mr.. Skinni.ri WaS -eOnversm mei ; (in' nsinCE;r: with Mr. Camp., one of the w - drkinen, when `the explosiOn took plate.; Mr (74,inp was kil -1 Irl 7 • l nnd. Mr.\ Skinner 'i.mad his - mist; broken, in 1 two :places and his bead ,lons :141I'y cbt. . I The.immediate cause of the, ' eX PI OSH C? n may .1, t I . :ever be known,'! 1:1),ei broiler i wca..ila new 'one, .I , jof"fifty horse ipower,'lmtmilt 'IA 1;e?14?-st mate . vials and with the greet test caim i , , ..',: " r lt has been I conjectured that the Water-'..wtis . 4uffered to ! Moot toorioW. - i l',l , , -:. • 1 Theseene'•was a most hdari,.t i meimdine;.oiie., ~ • • 1 ~, '1 wheal, tile intelligence ;wasPeatjevoi tliOlgh 1 , the!eity, and : wives anal .eltildiediflztrne. rush I irin , to the spot' to inntiim after - Ow fate :af I . s, , , , -,. ,; t . • ihusbands and parents. .L , .1 ;.,'i -1 . Such was the exeiteinent. prOdifted hr the ! accident that tai seho'Ol in thii;So'ith liisti-iet 1 i ill which, man- of the : workrue4 dlvelt, had to . 1 he dismissed; as thi. - m seholrus cot id , ' pot be '; . , - ..i . „ 1 IF o . f Itrolle . cl,. . **:- .111 Theytemns at the facto 4 .; :!Nr'e e hOrribly rnukilated, and in.somiinstanOs the bodies I could he recognized. :! The cif ;,mii'imcer's, arm I ,Wall: found.Yit some distance Crain his body.. *Th e frappe:its - weie - ! all - overhauled by five, I o'clock, 4nc. - 1 . -all the' bi3Oies-weri, extrieated.L -1 Many *who ;Wer6 but *Eight] -,-. i n:iti r .i.l Went a..- 1, way to their homes and arc * not •' duffed in ; l the abov« - 3 account—whil \ e 'otheirs vere token 1. away by friends.•so that it ItaAbeen ini -1 possibi e ,aS 'yet i ' to, asc'Eirtain the p4ecise. 'OM.: i{ her whO were wound 4. • Ther:e. ii gOOd rea -1 son. ltdm - exer.to suppose tht the number ex !' ceeds 'fifty. -•- '• • . ..i 1 I, I • j; A. Corivii.lr's - Jury smS r rn til on ed . •sliortly lift r.' s r 'M be 'disaster • .e.mceurred, :.'m consistin,g lof . .M.ssis.: I ,mines Goodwin, jr.matlion 'GOOdis'in, A. S. I Beckwitim.:CheSter Adiiins, Clpirld 31: bleach!!l. 'John R. Tra,cy,l,:i,l. ko' N st; A.IN.ICItirk - ,i Dr. G. S. 'lro . treo,.. H. golcomb4i.ll;rti,. S. ~51111 , man. and-Ma50n..Gr0 1 ,....4, who_ ji?•oceeded to an wcarni nati , 4 l of the hth.ti , l. , in *hie), dtit'stliev i - • .• ' .-,- -:" i• I .ii w- , re• }?ngnfz.ell. until mght,when they adpurn .l pri :if I )r: •t at 1:1 '.l ' 'k k. 311, to MOiTOW at the ofileej .of kessr4 Fali;e L . gray,. when the,.. will pr!'.,eet , d Co inquire' inio: the entire. of the'. exploskin.. 1 1 , :1 , - 1. - - I ..h - ft is e4i..iili4 l / 2 1 that .the loss to thebtiihr);l , err. ~1 . , ~ , , ' .-and" maehi n will . be from .es l .lp,OpO, to' 1 ;30;-• 60.0, Ixtside.i.i:thq loss .Of business i vdtibi. the 1 building is .bein!!! repai4;ed, - '', 1 - ',. , 1 . XL , s - A-rs. Fate's FI , - - Gra t, wi I I elim tiiene e to re pair their ..n4inufactotil and put eYerythingin k order witho l / 2 if lOSs of titrfe. --' ' \I • . . ~ . For,ei gni N drar Ine#ltabie. , • tiATEgT. , The Athiiatie; from 4iverpo4), iirrived: off the.ifoolc tit rk:ight, sayslle Tri6uhe of the i mt.; - wlsereishe weilt ashofp rondi tea. at Ift , ,t, aecountt.:biiagiil seven gay: 4itts I.lltollifpcnr.e frore Frojn , tinreh". abp RuniaLs A! , tTir mirret p tltoir 'forces .cf -titrt . . K4lnfat,- - 4trt !have not yet . opeuell thetaege.,-- - - NOr has . ,c.vm, l e.r ru..iika undertaken any . l move - meta, Upt4t7 f.lorchakoft's . fink. or i : e:ar,,..:Th..t. al tied :fleet',4 *re in theßosphorus..send7ng out a fi.TW '' , ,:iin, - .1.:i :is, they way be wituted to eon voy. Titrlrlihivesklels,ott the Enxine. A .:Brit-' ish N : arJ . - - ,.teatn,r, With; :a Turkish. 11.. ice on 1.:(3:tr;l, , :i§:aill:10 Laye gene ashoreneurSevag . .topol and;to i diave been. taken by - tlifillussiane but the flieteeips do , nbtful. The ~, . .hipinents of trctopAl.from Englan.d-.are going flfrward vOy aeti§Jli-;.th.: e.s . pe4ition is Co eonrist , of . 20,000 III(1.1. Lord Potlan (I)Foteri i known ,inlinilltarY, lYe .tut,ler .the - name of Loo Fitz rm: S.',Jnop:.:i..) y..ho is t(.i ootntnand it ;baring Irei'ased - tol, go with a h.s.; . fore. , . 7'4 Eng in-4i' p6opie';fi e e . n tll usiJnitie for the T.-at J.. `iSi t , . i „ CO r .rij..4(3lNap o leou'i i)toi ioslls to \ ne.f. i r,otiate. NViiih' tlIsr:I . l•ri.p.:v , als, kid the terms lot' fli, , letter ,-.i n ; \Ouch .they - ,!% ver,'2.; communieat eel. LOrd Jolkti .-lussEll -has a , ,-.. 1 b red in.Parlaineut that, di:3 il3titit4l Gov,(..,rinent ar`e' perree9y ar-ree . (L. ilt . s,Poz , .sible that thing in:ty reirunn for.soule I.in e in the pre§ent undecided - state, iin1e, , ,5.(,)01),1 l'asint .should at laAt . fall upon the llii , 3,3uit rear and talze - 13uulrscM by a wiry fit . 1461 - i lf. For if -we an , to \volt ilm , .the 1 - 6ssiaitis'l.o!eapture Kalafat before waif i&de r . . , . i:lared ht4weett Russia and-the allies. ations fcirnially resumed, we shall 11 1 t-ultit'-ateltapeuee. That : place can tit taken iiv ia regular Sie: ,, ..„' Wltith eani ileheive;.i in la hurry. :lea while Sir ti lirapie fon4itlable fleet is g ttting.rea4 ter the• - 0111 le .with - the •tir.st opening Spriu. )'S' wre that fleet. fights the will hear,'Of j earnest work. And hideet war really e!ouiC;s; there .Will be: enough even-wile:l.e.! . ' • ' • .1 ' i ' * 4•••••••• -'*-.•••••4111.. 1 :1' .. " . " ... - , . 1 . ' Jim:llllmnd A. to,slatut t . -,. i - neSointion Considered.] ..., V , ~,•,; ‘i . c . .. •I lac:. Ile'iolution of Ma. FO . :4TEIZ, elred a 1 few day's: ago. wns lakt.'ll Up. It is :4 ful - ' "-- ' • . • •. ' 1 AVltercia 1 Note.: ,)f the hanks of. w Lewiston • atirl Susgittpleinna County to eonsilli - ,table a tnluttt Itue!ltvin'c in the State .Treasury, whielt notes *ere \ taken by that tlepartnient, • ti . 'the \ i.i . O•sonal i . edonunenclation of g - eutleittell i i eon it'eete(bwit!) sao llanks, and whose let ets of .I.!e-ollinte,ll;:littiOn are on file in- said ibTart lia en t:: 1 7 ,11 ' 4:i1e'rot . o; i lireoti+oi..; by the Se ate gad lictusr , I R:i 1 re,TenNlit;/.,si,=nf the (!unanmetrcaltit'qf iPcik i.,#/tlati ii.t,: ' ii r • i! 6 7 4ikTitl- ...1.4'.4'e11i UM hi rt, That ale .‘, , teliti!i' ( , :iteral an(lStf.te.. Tre:tsruer be, :1;1;1 I . 4..y•are bilteby antlhorkea and rek i nii•ed toy\ la ploy eolliasel;nna proc:eed to e 4.11.11,. 1;y suit at laqorotherwise, the .tunourtt 4 ':::,iii no' es ftont Allc_‘ rwrs . ,;re> wlio nut ,- have :ender .,',ll.tilcili-i41.‘:,-. liabl.: in . .tliel''.: pi;.c.s. - ..utal i,tates, fjp..i.ll,;ir ?.,...111euttion,by reason of sLid.leiter.ol - 1)f , p...!,',..0111111e1id.{:i1,ii. - . ! , the xc u,j.tiuu v% .up c on : of" . (Nin.lEttx in tli , ..Lehairi rt.:T."1:1.01 to. 1.14.4 tI so wiravut atattlitlLD ICAO' mibv...:Tl 10:finely], in w0n.1,4,;( • Ift•fi , yLich toi' - , , I: 1 . 1. . i M. M Iro:ni tuoi - e.l - i'intlier to amend, F. 4 .1 - rlng . .t4..l . p:ue. of the ~ i rks County *hid, .AV: 0' OgrCt.il to. - Ma,.. C4A,7.1: moved :.9 nuien , Vl.:: - 1.:T.. -1 ,01.-Iitlo• tinit tn . ,.. 11111 11.t . 11 not 1., H coin miu . o.l. utiltf, - -. . 111 , 41.1.,, .; , 14:1 , 1)nui L! , Jllli,e , 1 tAtip , IOVIL . .1 1. tiiy l Ft . 1 . - .. .. ti'...., :1114 - 4 , 41t0 :tc '.ugally li:lbk.: wh:tli wr.F. agtt , .:d tisi ~.• . .. . -, . :1 . .r,i...,1141;. 1 --iovttiov. - ...,1 fi.:i - ..L.er -',-- <-, - , 14•,c1, 1 ,- “ :,..Y. If' a ~ : ':t- i va, s .:- . , tha t•if t:i... (-, - )iins!ll . PlTlpluy ei ishlat ti , Ct. re.,,.... , 1v,:•T :ink - 111 11 , ”; to tha i Coin . •. . . . 111 1- .11.1 \V , .'.. 1 . 4 1 , 1. e \* ,:•-:1311.il(). toci•ive. ativ cola .'Ti2 ..:2? ,:.:,::- 1'.. , ...-:r .=. , :; i .:..., 3 ~1..i1 i, ~.. di',l- ir " 4, Tti1..•1t , ". i r. - ' • 1 '. ..MR.ii s- A.ii 1ii , 4',' , 1 i., I,4Zr-the r,..... , .. - ) 1:1.,i , ):: to 04 Con - Lp'fit.tr.c , tyr: :lite ,itliii.ary for ;itr,•:',.or le:siilli:iintitili; w:fieta 1 , ..: i-; vit.ll,:rasvii. i , ,')I14.1. r , .. , .ioitiigi them Hai- , 4.41: - I T , ile: col'iyin:ll rk..., , olittiork :ind tl:^ . 1L8r1,n...- 1 apf,:lidinii'.4L3 .41-er , !.. c i i , ( -. 1.,....4..d - a t l enl4 ll l by 1'.. 1 ,••1'i1 . . '1 - r1: - :, ii AUT. : 1 / 4 10N.I.f;1:20:". ()....%Nl'.. I-, - • I 1..,141:11Y, 1..1.3..1. JO:IN:MN - '.Morifv..:. - Cii... - :I , I7.r:L'FN: I,„ „ , --- ~,• ' - 1 ,1 , 1...Aur.)" .1.).q . 4 . %• , '.,‘...v: on./ U" 4: 4 : .4 . ... . ! i ?) '7 . ;'.• -, " - ' ... • - 'C'•••• , e.. - :-.;:repre , yttatative•s: • I • w - 141ite , :n undet,ate. those •••,-Ito ht.tvei!ltreLo•;ore. )•. - Tres":.•nted- ‘..!e can' 11.•qrutir siay, atom nto-Qr titne . this;r:;etu,'torial and Rep‘reeutatirc; Dls -1110; l:Owen More :thly Qur . setiator, lia-.• - thus far m«} than 1 . 411161 t ItigheAt exiieetation4 of biA inOst «&A&e t.ds enel , retie.• inditstriouS extraor,Tutirr tiuquess cap' t ie t t.u. , : r erep pri.: s 4l; k - r:te the best. ititeresl , f his tuol m,. a pure, Em} ]%m ;:.•;,:nator: career .011 . en:414:0,0o himself at 1 those he reprsents, i•;raker Chase b% his i)st leLti§lative couirse . 10.'shown hirusell be an aitle and k - •lBottent 1-41;reieittatis . -e. • lir' election! to the - exidte•l p l psition he oceupies, best- eci - - dehee (t . Lite e, - ...titnaki!A wt whic£ . e.~ alarm tsrepr4*.utatives of the !Air.l - 5 2 0e• -, ••tn has , - airt?tdv aetittifed . , , ertoable tiptitation as a.sound, 11:is intczr. buiiriess aequ inflaenee seQoni.l to npnr_ , In th .lresuelt a Ilepreseutative the p?ople %yell Le proud.— Try, Dein. NoTier. - - f: Will lie a ine.:qing of the SwA. tadie;e4 A. , -ss , ..q:iation, at. Hartford, Pa., on .sakurday March llth, 18 . 51. - Rev. Lyman Rik•hards,ilrt, mill addrees.the race d !) , I.- • -11Vf:. i'lnler of the Ex.Coniiaittee.i . • • - - Tn ,Tar2l; - _i•ntt on ttrn h 3 iust, by R. 'culver, 'N'Cia.t. , .m.K..Bi.Asnta., of 'Jwll.on, arid RELLOGG,, of Wayne Ce,untv. Pa. ; • • - 81-414ewafer, on the I•9th'inst.,lln.W3i. SICFELT''ItI the' 94th of bis I!:. .. -. CALL No. 1. ..,. . VEPtwo months Ware elalArmi bince our firm I,.•Li! yaSilissiAvecl, and yet but a small,fraclion of -what ,iii t!tie.wd linb been paid.• Those . .we owe aro eallinO• apon us for their pay, and: is right tiniy siii4ii have it. NVill not our numerous 'frbliads trio; are indef,ted to ua heed this•Callond . ~ rater-6'or. necessities ! • • • • ,AW Keoliect, payments may ho made either • tci . I.l.nerN P.i'ir at this office, to MASA. CHASE Esq. at . '!iia 4;llirci ;in Flarford Vfilarge, or to S. B. CrtitsE 'at his Oflie lin - the village of Great Bend. • - 11: • - : .:...• -. . S. B. &E. B. Chase. ikoutroiio•3larcli 9, 1851: • . . • Dr.. Merit H. C.lTail..j DIiUgGIST and CHEMIST,- and Dialer. - in ; - - Dfit;Cs, Medieines.,Chetnicals, Dye Striffs; faints, Oils, Patty,. Window Glass, C4inphine, .Pezflitnery, Yankee Piolotis,.&e., &e. Pa.--10tf. • 1. HENRY S.KNAPP, ' 1! OF NONTROSF : With ItoNvo, I Woodruff, & Carter, NTHO,EsALE Guoct Rs. r.nd :etT3115.10,1 Y. ,Alk.E.ethi-NTs, No. ii3.WasltY.ngtop Street', bOwe - c.n (;ortlutili and 'pey,Streets, New. York. ',March 4, 14%4=-10tf. BOOTS Sr. - 81.10 ES - • atigu4liies and :.ftex. also a rood asso:frnentof Rub . 1 1 ,1÷ vci..lieeS, and Bufkins, call and we du suit - you in atoi prit'cr. I L- cc.w - l VI, • *I ii .- - -' — 10 ,0• • 00 W 4N i ED . .i! ..1. ._- , - 1 , - )lOposAiA,willbereetivedatthet , ononiS. i - ioners•Oilt!e at Monttiose fox tokilik a loan i 01 - Tott 'thousand dollarf, nutlwrized by net : Mit ontrose, Pa Joseph L • . errautturf. _ ES • TlGLLYintdrtns his -hiend s that he IA) is hot, reaeiviht tt pile of choice:goods: tient At, great .Emporiuth: Whic . h . together With 'his old ttock makes hisassottinehtiki!e einnptete;and ,will enable ;him to .actteeksfuilycompOte with his oeizhbore_: ' .Among his stock, tfuty'lm fOund a Load supply of Greceries, Crtieltery., fiard ware,.and":Woodetrtrate, Naito; Fit:l4 Drags and Dyes, Paintstaid Oils, Boots-end Sheen; Ot lumtiot lot} Hats unit Caps e Lsdies Winter..flonnets, mach", ells,. Carpet Bags, Triinksi Reidi'lllide Clothing% Be/cc/tile:yeasty forftervice, and a thersand elks useful articles not necessary here to mention. .Allot iviiias he will sell at the lowest tisririg profit los Cash. Produce , or appiered credit. r sept; 24,1643. • ' Montrose, Feb.'ll; 1854; CASH . IPAID FOR t • A LL. kinds of GRAIN by D. - R. LATHROP & Cox s Valuable Fair* 'for Silo. ,2 THE subscriber offers for sale . his o valuiible. farm 4 in Gihson township, Sasquehanna county, Pa -containing ILI' acres,. situated irt th• Eastern part of Said toWn; half f e . mile from the Tunkhannoek Creek, and 12 1.2 miles from St* quelmana Depot, 012 - the' N. Y.i& E. E,silicad'e; Qn said' farm 'l4 a framed house, ' a r Baths; a, horse shed, corn house a young orchard of over 100 trees, and-is tselF watered.. • - - He offers to sell for 10 per -cent. leas they tfai. real value. - , TEK3IS.-ANTO- thirds of the pitrchaio- mop's" cash direrri, halance secured by moiliago., : 'WILLIA3I.7,AYLOR: Gibson, N0v:,1.23, 186—.-41:7y1 . • Exetentorte Notide. :• -• 1- BITERS Testamentary Wive 'beet granted j to the subscribers -.ork the estate nt' isles Gardner, late 'of,Gibson. township, 4lee'd: , Ali persons indebted,ta Said estate will make imme. 4 .diate payment; and persnua having detnandiwill present then) to the underst,erned„ duly attested for settlement. - ELECTA GARDNER;', 't NOs GAtttgiEß; ' Gibson, Feb: 20 1 :54-Bwo " gxecutnis;•, BUFFALO ROHE& , . A CUOICL•' iot net- zrelrbd, and °gated lin, by 11 : SCOTT, JOHNSTON & 901 . SpringirjOZ.,l6e.C..SdOSs3: • ' r • . . . Buffabl,Robes.•,. , _ . at!llbc so Id lbw by 11 ; strit i nEr. ~"s_etNi AT.I Wird, dot ' ONE ALMANAC CR t ATIS, for every fantail , in §asqtiehatiiia Co.;' at .-•TIJRRELL'B.' •• ' Windoiw'Shades. A Largo_ lot of handsome, palatal:l; etutdisi st 11 low prioi.s. c - Gibson, NOir. t.' 'U. iIURROWS - & CO. . ParfetMery.— y general assortment of-ditherers turnery, ' TiIaRELIAI d • GEO' , FIOILLEIt;- • • ITAS jus t Medved Windt and Winter et6A I of .3fen and Boys'-;; , - • Ready - Madelelotliitri.' Unifirneing Over-coats' of it verieV'et,tiititen Frodk, Sack, and Dress Woolen Under sliiitic and Dratvati—llook-Whlto Sliirts, Fancy do--Colltutittnipa --qoves, -; = A;good asaortinent :or fashionable &ten& WO% niens, MiaSes; Boys. and Children. B9CY74'kik SHOES. India Babbar Boot-1i - 11 1 444. dnls;' • r 2 . spOply of WALL PAP,Elt,citeiaja Pik per, Border, Books Also, TrunkS, Grans, Travelling Ilisgs,Ve . eker. el, Codfish, Sugar, taai,Cotrno, tStegitnd variety of Fenny ' • . - His meat° is Iti . 01" rAxand CRIE PRICE-.411 1 1i11 or Produce ,_ tar, : Stige oppasite'Sigarl's „Hatch, , *mama, Oct. 4,..1.863. I , SALT: - T3.Y the bushel': tie , barrel, Oir I_l, sale at the: ,store of subeerlberi • .7. -."..GM..TU141,211. . • DISSOT 4 IMON. howl &en that the C e . i ll e r` banktoforceelating-between tee sob. fieribest *lde:the:arra, and style of, Onawrx 4fir. Mtu„sr, t unit Atalk - ,4ay.` 4 4llssolvett-,4% ontnat consent.„ ,:„ „ _ The boobs of tho'firin will be in tba...biands of Geo. L'eorwin the first of - April farnattle % Geo.:L. COMM WM. E; siitilllo* , • Loderexille, Feb ' 28, 1 8 .6 1 0 , - ( 4lit: i t , • r• BULLARD':